HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-06-11, Page 3Var
ecutive Chi
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fit; of the wile jtx t er a i1
Is 3iourn. for tits 1# toss at k
ng�ngeaments ,r Pu.• this
9th of Eune• ' . riedR
W. D. Sanders - R Grain That
'vee now adjour0. t 'MOO Jiuie.3rd at•
10 n'eloek. parr. ►
a. 4.o gem.
The aousel met. 'to.dn9 . t
•witih'hbe Warden in: kite ,chair and au
members present. • The Minutes Of the
previqus day were read and on 'Matto])
of,Reeves Cardiff and Saunders adopt -
.ed as am dei:
- Asst upnnication was received from
Andraw Sheppard, re horse• lost en,
county road. Referred to Gadd, Roads
The 'Warden advised council that
Mr. Johnston batt discussed the. mat
• ter of holding, county sou. rt judge's
criminal court in the judge's quarters
downstairs rather than upset ,Council.
• proceedings and that Judge Costello
had agreed - to bold the case, down-
stairs, thus •causing no inconvenience
to the ,county council.
Mr. Chas. Asquith, of Auburn, ad-
dressed .council _in respect to the late
'Dr. Dunlop find exhibited a pert• sketch
of Dr. Dunlop which was taken from
drawing by Maclise (Alfred Croquis)
in Fraser's Magazine, 1833. He inti -
Mated Ibis willingness to present the
drawing to Huron County. The fol-
ollowing motions were: 'mtmeddateiy pre-
sentetd after the con lusion of Mr.
Asquitrh's remarks;,
Geo. .MeNall , Geo. strong: That
a hearty vote of tth • s be extended!
' by this county co 1 to Mr. Charles
Asquith," of Auburn, for the Pen,
sketched picture of Dr. Dunlop pre-
• sented by him to this county and for
the interest be has taken in the Dun-
unlop tomb, also for the presentation of
historical facts • respecting Dr. Dunlop
that he has given to this council. Car -
R. J. Bowman - R. Turner: That we.
the county council of the County of
Iluron, having had the pleasure of see-
fo ai
4144 S. II
Ind a. pen ` sektch • of Dr ° lop,
W il
Warden of OM For , whiek,bas,been
presented by Mr. Charles . uith to.
the County of #1uron, ' approve Of
sketch and; tender, Mr. Asquith ;
sincere thanks Bone : Ott and sue
'gent that the • Property Committee
have it framed- and hungin a suit-
uitable place' in the Court House. Car-
Mr.' Patterson, County Engineer,
presented a" report, . Te Dunlop phot,
which was. requested 'of him` at the
January 'session. He also made some
brief comments in respect to the
county roads. A'. vote' of thanks' to
-Mr. Patterson, for ids trouble by
Reeves Cardiff and Lovell, wad •dteart-
ily concurred in. ,
Mr. LaithemIte then addressed the
council respecting an offer to give ov-
er a section of his property on which
to build a log cabin.
Mr. H. Edwards, Local Superintend-
ent of the Children's Shelter, then
presented his report, which was
adopted and will be included in the
printed minutes.
Mayor MacEwen, of Goderich, ad-
dressed council briefly and extended
a welcome to the .members of the
council to Goderich during the first
week of August' when an Old Home
Week is to be held. Dr. Gallow ad-
dressed council briefly and seconded,
the invitation ,extended by - Mayor Mac -
• W. D. Sanders - Roland Grain: That
a memorial of some description be se-
cured and placed in the Court House
in .remenrbnance of the late Mr. Lane
who served the County of Huron as
Clerk and later as Treasurer for so
many years. Property Committee.:.
R. E. Terrier -11. Mogridge: That
the Good Roads .Commission, take in-,
to consideration the matter of placing
rel!Rlfb the lip
i tee was 110 . to eouneil n .
niton r. rea
ed clams blau, wtthh
tl 8ve McNalI in ;the c am/Cu*
ly.03100tott as rte,
The -report: of .the Legistative`Conk
mitten was read to council and on,
minion ,ire:read clause, bp' clause. with
M't Huaekioe In the chair antac};ted
with .the following amendments:, Mev-
ed;_ by Reeve Bow_'nian,._seconded -.by
'Reeve, Davidson: That in respectto
the letter from. Wentworth :County
we take no attics as we do not thank
the plan workable, and re the request
of the Bell Telephone Co:' that action
be delayed.
The report of the Warden's Com-
ommittee was • read ,'to • council and on
motion, re -read ,clause by clause and
finally ,adopted as read, Reeve J. H.
Seat being in the chair, with the fol-
lowing amendenemt: Tbat the county
council picnic: be held on July 21st in
Reeve Ai'ohiiiald, representing sur-
on at the annual meeting of the Edu-
cational Association spoke 'in resspect
to, his trip to the committee meeting
and gave much infoemative informa-
tiogn. He felt there• was some change
in the curricelm 'and would stress.
such subjects as agriculture bad been
made. He said that formerly educa-
tion led altogether to the professions,
but rows :two-year courseis propose:.
leading to other vocations which will
provide education for a vast number
in commercial, domestic science and
agriculture and Manual training tours=
es for 'which uew equipment will re-
quire. to be provided. 'He urged the
taking adyan'tage of grants. -
Mawhinney - Huekins: That a mem-
ber of the cqunty council be appoi9nt-
.ed to the Huron Old Age Pensions
and Mothers' Allowances Board. Car-
ried. •
McNal1 - Armstrong: That in fu-
uture any purchases made for this
county be made by the committee re-
sponsible for such ,purchases and that
0, tme
de1ld to
and 1-10-11.�, ..
s weeks aa►y:
blengf31,4: and i .;
130 7413* srino .1
lar .very morning
without it " (Mrs,)
19er 'rschen k; Vial;
4>. Wand t
v .. >
es>* a 4j f'
«A_ ul aoL
4- A!
Phapi an, eczema aire frequentl,.
due to. impurities in: the bleed—trek
tent poison/ which pluggish body or-
gans are taon:expel from the
system. Krusohen Salts help to keep
the body organic functioning •.toning normsilY
and -'healthily, thus preventing the Ac-
cumulation of impurities in the blood.
the different departtents at Toronto
be notified according.., . Carried,
Bryans -. Grain: 'list we ask this.
county' to take oyer, the boundary
road between Turnberry and Howick
Townships fromWroxeter to the Lis-
towel Anvberir Illigharay, a distance of
25 miles. Good lids Committee.
Wills ct Archibald,- That the re-
port of H, T, •Edwat4E of the Chil-
hatdren's Shelter, given;' `this forenoon be,
adopted and printed: in the minutes.
Hucks - Weeteott;That with re-
gard to fire pi?evenlick equipment for
the County Horne, we take no aotiorc
at the present' time!, Carried.
Huek9ns - Turner: ' That the matter
of decorating the Court House build-
ing for the Goderich Old Home Week
celebration be Ieft with -a oommti+ttee
composed of the Clerk, Treasurer,
Caretaker. and Warden. Carried. -
Shaddick ' Davidson: Tbat this
county council take no action in re-
spect to the proposition set forth by
Mr. Delbridge, of Exeter. Carried:.,
Mayor Hlannah, of . Wingham, being
present, addressed council briefly on
request of the Warden.
Bryans - Lovell: That we do now
40rthe ? tloXthe
Resugn,, ' fry m 11.; S. Std
'Muriel. C. � ] cDona d
signed a the _lfii i &loliovl stat.
bowing, accepted a - positio>
market` High Sahgol Mise McDon.,
ald has been on the. staff of•.the, local
school for i ive years as. '• teacher - of
Mathematics.' Miss +McDonaldt during
her sojourn in Wingham, has ,been a
suecessful teacher and en .he'ha)f of
the citizens of thisdistrict,we wish:
her continued success's Wingham Ad-
vance -Times.
Celebrated 70th birthday
Mr. Henry Johnston, :of town, for-
m+erly of Morris Township, celebrat-
ed his 70th birthday on Saturday. Ali
the family were ,home foe the .Occa-
sion: , Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson
and -family; Mr. and Mrs. Bradburn
and ,children; Mr. and Mrs. W. • T.
Brydges and children, also Mr. Bryd-
ges' mother, Mrs. Jerry* Brydges. Mr.
Johnson received congratulations
ftn many friends, some from a die-
tance.—Wfngham Advance -Times.
Purchases Property
Mr. Foster Fowler has purchased
the home he has been -occupying on
Main Street for some time past. This
resid nce was vacant for some time
unticupied by Mr. Fowler and Mr.
D. Carmichael of the former Lorne
Fire Engine Co. was the occupant
previous to • that titre. Walter D.
Perry, of Toronto, was the owner and
resided there for some time.—Mite-hell
adjourn till 10 a un , friday. Carried.
• Friday
The council met 'to -day at 10 a.m.;
with the Warden in the chair and alt
members present. The minutes of the
previous day were readand on mo-
tions of Reeves Cardiff and Livermore
• The following inquiry was read to
council: By Peter W. Scott: Does
Rule 91 in Appendix to Standard
Rules & Regulations of this county
apply to •rail committees • including
Good 'Roads Commision?
The inquiry was replied to by Reeve
Eckert, Warden, who stated that this
rule does not apply when a bylaw,
which takes precedence, is passed by
council, such as the annual bylaws
passed to cover expenditures by the
Good Roads committee, but that the
rule does apply where no special .by-
law is plaoed on the county books.
The report of the Executive Com-
mittee was read.to council and op.. mo-
tions re -read clause by clause with
Reeve Mogridge in the chair and fin-
ally passed with the following amend-
ments: Re motion of Reeve Mawhin-
ney and Laanport: That we give to
the Village of Grand Bend the slim
of $50 to help police the village for
July and August. The yeas and nays
being called for, were recorded as fol-
lows: Yeas — Davidson, Iluckins,
Lamport, Mawhinney, McNeil, Saund-
ers, R. Turner -7 yeas. Nays—Archi-
bald, • Armstrong, Bowman, Bryans,
Cardiff, Feagan, Frayne, G r a i t),
Haacke, Johnson, Keys, Livermore,
Lovell, Mogridge, Scott J. M., Scott
P. W;, Shaddick,•Stewart, W. Tui°ner,
We•stcott, Wilson. ---21 nays. The mo-
tion was therefore lost. The first
clause was accordingly carried.
A supplementary report to,the War-
den's Committee was' read to council
and on motion re -read clause by
clause with Reeve Scott in the chair
and adopted as read. This will be in-
cluded in the printed minutes.
The report of the Advisory Agricul-
tural Council was read to council and
adopted as read and will be included
in the printed minutes.
Following the report of the Agricul-
tural Advisory Committee, Reeve
Haacke, Chairman of the Agricultural
Committee, read a report of the an-
nual convention of the Ontario Agri-
cultural Council, together with cer-
tain resolutions that had been passed
by such council. •Mr. Haacke's report
was a most complete one and his dis•
oourse a most enlightening one in re-
spect to the eouncil'.s proceedings.
The report was followed by a unani-
mous acceptance by the whole coun-
The report of the Property Commit-
tee was read to council and -was tab-
led for further discussionin camera.
Mawhinney - Lamport: That R.
Turner, Clerk, Treasurer, Warden, J.
Huckins, Geo. Feagan and Wilmot
Haacke be a committee to arrange for
the picnic. Carried.
L, E. Cardiff = L. Livermore: That
this council tender Mr. Haacke a
hearty vote of thanks for this splen -
cid report pf the Agricultural Advis-
ory Committee. Carried.
Peter W. Scott - J. H. Scott: That
this county council wishes to express
its apireciation to His Honour Judge
Costello for his courtesy yesterday in
wailing his right to this court room
and occupying his chambers on first
story, thus leaving this court room
for use of ounty council. Carried.
Peter W. Scott - Roland Grain: That
the report of our Clerk presented at
this session be printed in minutes of
this session. Carried.
J. E. Huckins - C. Mamhieney : That
the lower section of flag pole be paint-
ed and could -Ines propeffy adjusted.
L. -E. Cardiff - Geo. C. Feagan: That
this county council meet in camera
before council opens after dinner.
Arnttrong - W. Turner; That Mr.
Pott. Turner,. Goderich, be a Member
of the Huron Old Age Pension and
Mothers' Allowance Board. Tabled.
• W. Haacke - Feegan: That R. J.
Bowman, Reeve of Brussels be ap-
pointed a member of the Old Age
Pension and Mothers' Allowances
Biard. Tabled.'
DDavidaon - Archibald: That ••Mrs.
Tests by car owners
in 14 cities proved
, qests conducted by
-Ross Federal Research Corpi
3 -
95% of the m.otorists who
tested Blue Sunoco against 54
other well known gasolines, in U.S.,
stated that Blue Sunoco improved
the performance of their cars.
Wright, Seaforth
Cornish & Dalrinipk, Bruce
A. C. Brandon, Brucefield
OUR_ home or other buildings
o oPeonafarm o
in fciiin, .may be improved car added fo-
under the Government's IrIcsme•Improve-
meat Plan. The terms are'easy and'
payments may be conveniently
arranged. You do not need _fa be''a
regular customer to secure a loan.
Consult the Manager of .our nearest
Branch and ask for booklet.,
F. R. Redditt, Goderich, be appointed a
member of the Huron Old Age Pen -1
sion and Mothers' Allowances Board
for the current year. Tabled.
' Livermore - McNeil: That. Mrs.
Nelson Trewartha, Clinton; be appoint-
ed a member'ef the Old Ake Pension
and Mothers' Allowaeces Board. Tab-
Johnston - Frayne: That Wm. Mole
be appointed a inember of the Huron
Old Age Pensions and Mothers' Al-
lowanees Board. Tabled.
Council resumed at 2 p.m. and went
into committee of the whole. At 2.30
p.m., .moved by Reeve Cardiff and
Reeve Feagan that council resume ole
en council.
Cardiff - McNeil: That we recom-
mend to' the Commission that Mrs
of Goderich, and wrni. mole, ex-Reevei.
of West Wawanosh,13e appointed tot
membership on the Ilurou Old Age*: ,
Pension and Mothers' Allowances Effe
Motion, carried -
R. Turner - Bryans: That Waver,
Bowman, of Bressels, and Mrs. Nen- •
son Trewarllm, of Clinton; .be averting.
(bout:jinxed on Page 6)
Wet a record of 50 years as a most eatiem-
you can positively depend on
Dr. Chases Ointment
, In a Line -Up
you are Courteous-,
in the Traffic Lines
YOU, like most people_, are courteous when you line up at the
wicket to buy tickets. You stay in your place, do not jostle your
neighbour, you respect his rUghts, and otherwise act towards
him in a courteous manner.
But do you think and act towards your fellow -motorist in this
same kind and courteous manner when you get behind the
wheel of your ear and roll along the highway?
Do you sound your horn when about to overtake him and then
pass at a safe distance?
Do you keep to the right so that others may safely pass you?
Do you hand signal when you are about to stop, start, slow
down or change direction?
Do yon drive at the speed of the traffic you are in so as not to
impede other drivers and cause them to "cot -in"?
When you need to sound your horn do you do so in a friendly
manner or do you give it a frightening blast?
If you have not tried these courteous driving manners,
earnestly suggest that you try Courtesy whest you get behind
the wheel of your car or truck.
To "Try Courtesy" is to add greatly to your own pleasure and
safety in driving as well as to that of your fellow motorists.
The New Spirit
of the Road