HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-05-28, Page 2 xll 111,1-1, , I'' .,­ , I I ! 11 , I , ,:. . . , ` ` ': f . - . '. , Ill . . ­ ' -- , ... ,11­% -, N"', "I K (I , , " Affl_7: , , I "I . , I __­ " . . I I Il" .. -11, " .i I I i'l , W" +9wl ­ , ': I . I'll "It f X, 44 , tor , U , 1* 1. ' ., W I aorth, Ontario, ev- , . ku, I'll I . ''I'll I after- noon by McLean . N ,; l,,' - ... , I I . . I 1 ,k - . 111, : . , X : ,", , S'e.t',',, *,.-'­,. , : ,, 11" , , .., 1 , , ., . . . ... , , . ., .1. ` , I I 11 ", :$1,; .", ,' O, . . 11; , , , . , 1 . . , . .. , * I . --"I"— I T It'.." I , I ,1: ,; , , I - i , Ofp , tio . 4---- mrat",$1.5ga-yearin 0 , !,.P'_:,`, . , 1. 'I [.,.,. .. f6rdgn,.*Z00 a year. Single I `*2 .11'' 2".". I 11 t "' , . , I . lffl , , , ;; ' 1 . . 11 ,. oe $3,41,% . mt , I .., .each. - , .. ­ - i,. `,:_ ­ - ­­­ - Tv_gv, -,vm__v, -. , . . YFW- ,Ir,'.'1 7177",.: " - , I .. , , ._i : . krl . ,. p j, ?'T,'r,*,Al1- ­` I '. ., I 11 'k'11 Y-1,', ;.','.,.'% * ing-r 1. ,,,­- .. .. - . - ..... ---- , l'W." , Z A . W . ,1. I I .,,av,,#rtW ates, on ap cation. " 11 , , pli , , , , , "I , .1 .... R. - - If ,. I .11 . . . ­.­ . ., -1 I ,. U, k, - I k , ,, ? ,44":..,!-" I . . 1, 0, . - ,, , . .. 111' 5 1. . .... I I . . *1 . ; . 141""', I I , __;S,` ','t ,, I ay May 28, 1937. - ;p . I ." I TH, " 1 d 11 .1 ,, '%;,. ,. 11 - iv I '' _,` - , . ­l, ,..t , - ,', . I `12 "' I , ', -'. I I 1:;,"%,"", I I 'Don't Be One Of Those . ' , , ,, : , I . Wlt, ,,! . .& I "..", ,, I . ,., ! ­!,- I . - ,,-,,, ', . "'., .1 The new speed laws for travel. on , 111 - I . Ir'", I ,C,,,c, our Ontario highways went into ef- I ,Ai!_11 - .. lf, .-,`-, - - fect on Monday,, May 24th. Don7t - Jf,#,, .. I ­ I , ,;, , . _ M 151, , be one of those, motorists who think F," I , I k, Ij','_ , - the. new'la*s have no teeth. 114 ,:' -, `, ... ,- ' t7 Ell , , ,, , .. :-, Fifty R ),V.,_.. . _miles an hour on the high-' .. §6.1. .. ­ 1,',';', . ., ,vmys and thirty miles on village. and - ;F,, ­ . . VM 0:" - - t - ' : streets is a pretty _fAir rate of § ,o 0, _:__ - 1 I 'M- , . ,,. P,-- , speed. Don't try to beat it, because ,;, 1 I I . . t , ; I., we are told the new speed laws really . ­ ,,,. en. . :. . bave tbeth. Don't get bitt'. 11 -1 I , We know that the old law which i , " I I.''. N,, I ' - , called for a -speed of thirty-five miles " onie­ ilea 'signs - 7,., ,.---------1W bee -a- d -letter. --1i e. , , -v ays did not mean . 11 I along the high , . J.'O , . ,: . -anything, unless the provincial police 11'. ,, were in siaht, and not often then. 1 - , I , I i ,. V The motorist made his own speed . I I I ,. ., . . laws, and they have been climbing . .:., 'higher all the time. . . 11 11 But the new speed laws are a new 1 - - . .,. . thing altogether, because they -are . I . . 'I', I , going -to be enforced. In fact the ( . provincial police patrol has been told . , .:_ , " I - that fifty'miles an hour is the high , . ,11 I .lest point of speed, not just where it ., :, ,. .. - . is gettini,a starL I "! I 1- . . ,-­- - -- -- . The- Average -motorist has become ::, . .o I - .1 :, Ro accustomed to'going fifty through ; I . - . 1 1-7-, 1 , . . ,:. the' towns and afiything *-he. or she . 1. , I . .. ezuld get. -out of their machines on ­ .. . 11. . . ,the highways, that it won't be ,easy :,­ . for a while,but the lesson will have . I , . . . , . .1 to be learned eventually, so why not . I . . I . ": I . I' '... right now. I I" ... And- don't bla,ine the olice, the , , ,;. , ", I I learn without being made to" learn. " ..' , " - I'll . . .I(r 1 1'-_,- -That kind of an education is goii , . , . ­ ' ", ,., - '_, -to be costly, very costly indOed. It _ " r -might even cost more than 4ney. It " - - lk-1 . I . 0, - Lil- I - ­ -your driving , license, - ',, . might'.cost you 1 ., . * 1. . ,1 ,:: I or even a few days, more or 1,ess, in I . . . I I., ...'' 1, jaiL - I , , , 1, . And don7t blace the police, the I I , "I , - - . i-,_ Highways Department, the Govern I 11. I . .. ment, your local member or anyone . ' , . . . . . , - . else,iff youAo get caught. It is your "'. . -1 I . "'. fault, not theirs. If laws are worth- . I , It - 11 ­ I . making, they are worth being obey . I ; , , .6 eA If they are unworkable., the. ma- ` , , I , jority of people will find that fact 1 . - li'.. out before very long, and a majority . . , 1, 1. . of thought has the power 'to change _ ---I-- . . I % .. . any law to its -liking. ' . 11-:. I -i , In the meantime, thirty miles ai I , , I . r - L......._ I I . hou 'in towns, and fifty on the high I I - ... way-, is the limit.of s _h a pe6d at whic i 11 motorist may legally travel. Don't , , I.- 1 , ,­ be one of those who are already try- ,,, -v . , _1 ing to beat it. . 111111111111111 I 1p I . I 'r I I . , I ' , i:,! . )r- . ', _L I I.. . ` , . 1. N I Ill ` ­.,r 1A `- %" , ,"r,,V ,: ' ,4 1 * J'l ;, L - i .1 , " , ," ;4, -, ,,;,,, 11 1 , :­I, :,.! , , 1 ,," `, i' . I ; 1 Y,11, ,, ', - , , I , \,1 . I f , '11, ,' ' ., 1: . " 1, ; , . ?, , -.1 , r; ,,.J:.1.'11_ -, , , .:, : ," - " r I 'I' :* ,, :: " I ". " .. . 1. , , '. ,. . , I , , . , . '. i "._. . .7 . I I ,.. . . l ­ I—" .. I , 1111.11 1!;.­­ - , ,-, - -.1,3111-MI". 7 - ­­,,,,:-, ., , `­­­ :,: ,, I . .:­ ,, _ , . " : . , "." X 1, . ; ­, I . I `1. , , , ,,: -, tt bN "' " ! trl ,0 yw,004 . . ,,, ., 1, , . ., ., , .'121 "I'LiA, +", ilka. ki I 1, 1, , --,— -71,­'-`r,r 1177- -7'r' --CR` ­­ --IV'--' -1, _,., _­ . . - , ' p --Js - 0 -1t , -- : 71 -1 . _,-, —­ I.. 1,6be jay, Toux_ ., , _ I e ",r, never meant to ig true t1i y , , . be ' I - L. de t - oatb trap- , er, but whether I' lviaeant'or.x lot) th .. I 1. . of . ,at is just ivhat the , . ,are, when ' 64dien make ,# I a y , , " I 9r .rounds of them - during the' long -- 1 '. _1 . , I - summer -evenings. 4 .; . 1 . .-- . I . I . .. * - - I --.-... _1_!,.__ _ - _ .0'. - - __1 - 1.1- ..., I . .1 I . I.... . . I. . .1 . 1, . . The Richest Man in the World I . . . I. I . is ,Dead . I I I 0 John D. Rockefeller,. who amassed i . . .more 'wealth than any other man who ever lived, is dead. . Mr. Rockefeller was what the. American continent calls a self made - man. None of his wealth was in- herited. His " start in 1ife .was a I . humble one, as a4bur dollar -a -week . clerk in a, store. . o From that humble start he made and saved the money which created. the Standard Oil Trust, which' for years controlled three-quarters of the United States output of that .1 commodity. ,,. , . . How much money Mr. Rockefeller 1. ., re _,,.na.. one- has-ever-learm.ed;.- , ally,made I he probably did- not know how,much himself-, but no single, man ever made, .More. . I - I With this great wealth he purchas- \ I ed power and -the respect oY his fe.1-` . low men as well as creature comfbrts I I. and luxuries'. but ,on the latter two - . . his thoughts and indulgence dwelt . I little comparedwith other men who owned but a fraction of his, holding§- . . . But,he had money .enough to grat- . . e. He . wanted,to live to be a hundred years of age I but he died at 97.. h . . .. 'Mr. Rockefeller's name as been -a . legend- lor - --,three. generations and more of -American" life and.it will probably always hold a place in his.- . . . tory. But the -thing that will always I be remembered most about him, will . not, perhaps be his great. wealth, but his great philanthropy. He gave miore . . than half a billion dollars for the wel- 1 fare of his fellow men. - , . . I . . - 11111111111111111 , . , - . , WHAT OvIrBUIER -PAPERS SAY. I . . For Larger Pumpkins I I . . I (Montreal St r), . I The giant gooseberry and prize pumptin will stion, .hd,de their heads in shame, if the new fert- . ilizer just perfected by Dr. Joseph Seltei, ebief xnedical officer of the Hungarian State Railways, does all that is clairned. . I Noticing that certaiii, dyes helped wounds to . lheal quickly, Dr. Seltei &xperi,mented upon plants. The results were astonisiling ' many: species grow- . .dng io five times their normal size and reaching . maturity, far more quickly than usual- , - The name giveno to this- giant-produlcing fertiliz-1 ' . - . I arls. "Photosensin." it is put up in powder form and, is very cheap to produce, so we may soon see it in, general use by farmert and market gar- der prs. "Photosensin" might have come out of. . -Alise­in -Wonderlaud," for while a normal dos6 . makes a vegetablegiiDw into a giant, an overdose - I 0 I . . Danger in Summer P1qpda-p'&,,,,, .1 I _R 11 , !,: The long summer evenings are a]- , . I . 1. l -1 ­Wost here and the children are out . . . 1- I of doors after school and every- even- ., . . .­ -mg. That is the time to' play and , ;2 . . I...- i , , , we like nothing better than to watch ' ,. them at it. . , But the parents should remember, ,..14 , . , ^_ because the children won't, that pub- I , '. V lie streets and travelled highways do ,:, - 1" - , not make the safest playgrounds. . , . . ,,:, - I.". I Those are just the places where 1. I . . . , ;1.71_,____ - - erved but always ,, there is an - un,obs Vl(11,4, . Y p ., ,, , present bystander ready to take a ,'v , . , , part in the play. And when he does, ,:4­ . 41111, :_,, Some little player is not able to play 0, ". "'_,Z, . I . ,0 1 ag, . for a long time, or some little " . 1 1 I - .V, '. "... player, never plays again. The little . i 1 i - " ,, 1, - VLL':'' ,. . ', player has gone --forever. . §Re',', ,, ;1 . 'The pavements are smooth, we , " .. . "I" " ?,,t l . I . I 'P! ,,,, k w,:­ "'. - .should not 1 y,, , ,` ,:-,..­ " I I., lknow. 'And so handy we n I r14-1 I "', .1 Wine the, children for liki g them I,Z ,. 'I, , 11 . I ' . '_ ` 'best, .But that silent onlo6ke_r'likes . ", I . ,,, ,, ., , .. _.. ,", I ­ . , them , hest. too. - ; ,,,, i;' , , , ': lik !'v, , '. '. 11 ' , `; ',,, , , " , ;z 14 1 es to see a. ball gaMe on I 11 '171,, ,;: ',.­ 1 .. . 11 , !, ,,Ve.lil 'liko in . ," ... . , ; , h, W.- ` he, _416 see twb, *6bbh , X , - 1 ... ­ - , I 9 .A 1' ,A' `j'- I f '' . 'W" - ", C'. 1, , I,, " bic I& t,;"'bo ­yele.' Ile fikes to am !! ' , ":: , ,,, , . . * . I ,.-:.."­ , , " ; -( '' 6 I,(" ..", dmh it foller skgtes mi%in : 1k __ " . 11 I . , g with. e.,' 11. ' ;', " 6 th ' . t 11 51, ,tk , d,i Ri-,A , , , d'd0dreu, to I , '' ,l,.,, . , .. _ , . I g, "'), ., . . - , #ft, , ,L ' - . I I I , : i , ., '.1 , , 'i"'Fl, L ... P I , ' LL .".. 1. . I I ' , . , . , "I "'' , Jk , ffi,dfA%fl6At ,' , I . . *.. U - r "I'll, oidodkft ,, 1, , , _All' . K l", I * - . 1 on Horse is Stiff Greates.t Civilizer , . . (Now York Times) . I . . . . . Thirty years after the first .steam trains ran, somewhere .about the year 1830, the ,railroad had revolutionized modern. life. By 1860 the railroad had become as much an accepted Part of the com- mion existence as the horse and,the stage coa.0h were in their day. The movement of passengers , and ifteight. on land was by rail. It is impossible to think of modle rn industrial civilization without -the itron horse. The Whistle' of the tocomotlye has aroused sleeping civilization, everywhere. It is almost thirts-five years sInc.,e the Wright . brothers flew at Kitty Hawk, and .nearly thirty years'since Blelriot flew across, the Channel. The oceame have been traversed by air, the late Wiley, Post twice circled the globe In, less than nine days, men have,11own, over both Poles, and sir - planes have travelled 400 miles an hour. Pas- , sengers and- air mail are now carried from Nevi York to the coast Ist less than twenty ftuTs. . But there are very few travellers compared with the whole volume of passenger traffic, and there is virtually no freight to -speak of. It is the vol- ume of freight that measures the pulseof a mod- ern industrial cl ilizatfon-. The nilracle of the akplane is- lncompari bly Inore hearVatirting and more dazzling than the miracle of the steam lo4olmotive In. Its day, though . that was thrilling enouFli in, Its, generation. The .Potentialities Of the conquest of the air in its ulti- MZte rea&es, would seem, to be Incomparably 'greater. But up to now, for shaer impact on. the e0mmOu life, there -is simply no comparison bp - tween the re,00rd of the ftin,- mad-dne and the I railroad. I . 1 .1,7',.. ­ , . I A61 ,',-,,,':' ­, I I ,'i ; u&_ , _a­k lj_ 11 0 - Qualfty Poultry I (BrOckVille, Meorder) . . - I ' There are still ,Producers and others wh,6 qnos- tion the wisdom of the increased empImAiv . plae- Wvvon the quality of iho articles w1hich ca-adda Wndkg to'dxport markets and who tuluk that tho 16"I'leUtler 61601ilit of ImPredd6h to WhIth ,they ara subpete'l constiAleg luivireltalrifeid interf4reneet on the Vift'6f` the,06VOrnmift . Officialig.- -And rldt it . '! n 0 i"Tp be ldonleA' thAilf. *a *Igh. to h6ld, . .1 . I .", . I ''.., F,9T0 , eafeek'es iW1y'6f,r0odstUff#j Wd JftJ*t b'6 , " , . 4 11, . i , 11 11 I , 141'ie 16007;'Ar . Wfty i6f tfij* ,0%J06& .4 I 1461110 111 , 0 I W. , I , ft s" , , , , - I& , I ,:; 1, l ##' 6* ,,dun 61 lk I I , , ! I " ,1; ,.! . , Ir I - , ""it' " ""' W4:' ' P Z ,V, , , ,, , ,. 1 . " " "M 1, Mw 'I, , it ", 'i %11 3 B _101111 ,,, 11' "*,J . % '' I - ' " ; r" " , 4'1%, , , ', 1, ! ,", ,, ", , , ,, ,f ,l ,.,, i-,,,,,', -. , fi', ,,,,,If;!, iW ,,", ". ,f ;;a,h ,' " I -1 . I I ­ , A , ', , _ '' . : I " 11 W 1 I .Y.T 0;, I ­ 11 . , ll I 1. ( ., :, "'12lf",: *.-;,_, ,,r ,, j.. - 1, l' I : ,, i, 'll"" , 'I'll",17;1 lli "I" ", ,i ,', .4;'k," 11 _1 , ,4. l. , I , , - 'f- ""' '' . I . , , - ... . 1.1; .-I-1, : ". . - .1 I I I 4 , I " ,, ,-_',' , ,,. I ,, , . I 74. 7_1 . 1, I ­ . I- ` 11141 '. ", . , "7 , - . , 1. , , , I I . I - , I , . 11"_, .. __ .9, I . . . , ,,;lflll .1, 11 " 1 11 I _,d', '1% 1 , - '-, , . T I 1WI.I.- I—, "ll , . """ ,:, "". . 0 1, I . - . , 10 1 4 ,."?. ': , " , , l!M, .1114-1l . . , , "'.7111 , -1 ­ , '1 1 , , . .0- 4, - , , '. I "t I . I.r I ,j ,,11 ­, , , !`r"l , I " — TF 7,7`7 I W11 - - , 7 , 3,11` — 7 —7 . 1-7 - . ."W- " "I 7li,, -0., K­ i?l7f 4,, A,.,,, 5rF , ,"Y.R11,.'r,;l',, -, !Q '' . . . ­, "'o-, , . . - I , '._,­;'p P,' ­,kJ,,-r- ,­7-n 11 . I , ­­,"-:.. '7:,"YT. , , ,, , ,;`W : , ­. - ,',", .. - I _ . ., , , 4 #Wwoo* *19= I . . 1. . " . ". ,Y , ". i , ,1; , ,' , - - , *gft , . # ,a&w , AMA 11 DO. , it , "OtOlmliev I I ONO 010 '40 WV., w , .11 l', ,t ,, -li ,W; ,_,,,,- 11N i,,, 1"''. I _ J, " ; wlllv ,1.6`4" f, .,.", ­,,%,, , " , .:" ", . " 'i, ' - "*! 'i`d " "It , ,', ,' ;. , gq­" ""Al"lig" ,­, - I . , I , , 1. ,­ , - . ? '' * , , :, . , . P" S", ` q . -,, " l ". ` `, ,­, ,l ,'.', ',,'-',' !` - -'i-I .""', `*`!, 11­.,­,­,­14 , . , . ,,_,p,, , I ' . " ;' . 4`10,'.' !.mm - _' I , , , , f ,., , ­ .. " -, ,. i" l q , , , , , I . ': , , . ,. , ,, ,,, :, , '. 41 11' I , ll6 .!, `6'­ , ­ , 1 ,I,R*,,-,` " _ 4,, ,",:'ll,­'i, , . . , ,, 14. ` ' i ,4,­-­ . 7 . , _t ". ". . .:! ,l, ) ';'l. q, 1 "" : , .1 , IM14 M) . - O.' ' );_,4 - ' ` :tt_. __ " r q , -" ­,"',,6:": .. 11 1 _ . I I ' - .. I", .V- I k ",",,""I'll, .... , I' 1.1-11. Ill'-, - , ,, ,. ., ... -1--l-11.1-1. "I'll, I ... 4 16'' i p I t 11 I 1. ;p­ ? ...... 4 ." . , .1 ,% 1: 1 , I : IT , , ;­ , "j" '. ".. . , I rf,6. , , I I J'f.. " , " ' I - , ', 11 1, , . I .1 ­ L , - I . - -" """.". .' ,6t ": ;, "" I , ' , , , _ , ,11,11, 4 , i ,­ , , I ",, ,, !", . 11!1' , ' ' ' " 1 1 ' ,4 + " "I )f:""! " I .", , , .,,",­, "'Q :; '1 i, , ".6'2 ,, ;f",j . , , ,­ , . -"* 6" " ap, ';" " ,!, ,, ",F - - - ­ , , ' ' , " J;""4 . '4 ,' 'E Q,w4 ,,, ,,Jl 'i_ ,;) , , , , I.,; &,: . l , . ,, ,­­­ , . ""' fi' ', . ` , i , " .;Ili ),+, :6" '4,',N­'," 6', 4 ,4 r, ;i,i , ", , ` . I . ""' " X ­­ *" ! , " l'' 4 , '' . I k"I '6 , , 6 "` , ';., "" ' "i` """` 14` .6'." "jo ' ; .. 'I 4 I , .1 1, I , 6 , " 4 , 'I , , ".6" 1 -1 , f9 - . - , :11 _ ,. , "I 6 "I .1 ..: ""'6, " , ,, I "I '#6"1`.'1 1W . 1. I" I I l . 'I . 6'. , _, ; 1%t h I F 1. ' , . S, v,., ;,, ' J I . , , I . , ." . ' ': I I., , q , , ,., . ' ' 'A ,6 '.., . " 6" ,,$--"I' i ' ''. I , , , ,,J .11 I , , , , , 6, A , , 6 , ."' 6 . , 16 :l... 66 11 1. 1 Ili,, 11 I I lol, ? :t '1' "'l t , , ". ..." , ", , 1-1 , . 1 1 1. .. , , , ' ,,4", .. , . '. " . . I I I :1 I .1, . I ; ' . . .- "­,. , 1 41 ,6''., I , !" , I , 66 , j . 0 1 , , I , , . . , _ ,!,,w I I-- . PX11 Z ; ;11 ! I " ,_ , 01", , 'I" I , F". . , . '' 1: , *4 I... .0 . . 6 I . . I w.liteb'*pre" 7 -Ps r q . - , .. W `ia - _,:O', 11 , , , I I I . . T)art and - 4; "i.of the a Qr111At1."%,3Af_W AP .1 ; I. ; I , ,v ,,, . . ­, - , .0, - , milso. 6. .. . .a !0 y W more 4 _ 1 P - -!.- ; 4, . - - .,b . I . , , 4 I M . 'TO0400 4.114, , " 014, I.'- Ii _ - —, I I I . . 4th- of May years qgo? ,4 "FY,".iW1_P%'k ____ '. . -7_ ,_ 1± 11. Ill . wout to ver 'aw In 41 , . '., I I . I I ,. I . a k A . bo" Y , UwAro It "Com, a -1. ? ­ - I , M. ." I.--% ow"~ . ­ 411f 1. Appeodix AOasq* , .` I . - , , , . , sinx;, the. eouplet ,tl*t euped, I YOU. EFIX", VIVA, s, 10 100". UT,.-, X . .*Aiplk . . I . , . _.._q -d-- I __ 1, I . I . . I . I . . I I L , A . , 1. I '4 , a hol 0m. now, residing . .L. th '" '4, ­ """ "' " ­ f , 1. I q 0" ' ove, 'us iday, welt' all run I . , 1.1 Kell 0aun, ers, Of, t4e ... sun o , ' ,, , , , . 1. .11 - From The. Hurott- Expositor I , IT I I away? I . . . 04e WoA#Aoil herself wit 1? . (0 , . * . , , h. Upi s#. _,- . the'Ran-1c Q cor=."" at . S.A. VAP , I - '_ May $1, 1912 . I i . ,,I. . A . I.., Tl day'Vlctorla Day, as the 24t of! Jects. .9be Pi4testad- full 4 wi,uth wten Uidement aw, opemtiojl..fo 40, ,m,,,di-- - ' The Mtl* -r 'of IEL Ca , ly rk .AoWn byac - I , . ., wA.- , Idwell, cif X%y,,10, Official acellor of ,tbe,, F,,Xche ., was- . 6'ro , I.. 't of p4 I—, k haii I re is, ,,Cba . _qUer de, ;(dtdg%, aj Galt recently , ;*btl` 0-, , I J-PuMem''W9., 4 1r4r1VW e6oalle lla fteat, i1a. _e . generally regarded as the Wamidedl'%& stiff0r. duty OIL, %, .F,,. V,9- ,his. boina on - Cobourlg ,street on S"40- - ,. I - - il - "' I'll ,,, --*- . . I __ - fivin Aro*ulug recea0y. Th!& child -Jarst- l ,of -Sprlag, and. 41ttlel ­1*er-MPie7A­@ft# , -1--via­ Oi-. Tefinum, Valk , , "Wr.,­ - ---.-- -, " ­­­ .fi - , toliday --- ---- -; ­Vle% ' heer. -By . , - . ". _ . 1 404 two yo,o -fir-,--- __­­ AX), t is oveA­to flie, lady whq,for' 61#egr the % k) clapi #,- - , 1 4 , , ,mr, .$u L , , o elt, lt"d , ot, -into a ,tho ., 114 41 34A , .. , v-4ts d Mi.s. 0. K. samwe'ra, 04L , ,, ' ll , . - post hole. Vdieu talteu out' he'w'F in _q, o 1. gr*Wu UP 410401de Of heri - . , 1 couple of Lweeka. 0 . 4 , , I ore than 6.0 year opup$6d,thei Br . 11 I" 00 logve of,a I . I i uucoAw.0-9";`but witli, "t*ut,wou tish throne 64 - bir y,the, lo. - b , el that Ist - , . apan - -sister N(irfkh, fro To- - 41 . ,., uogg . ir Aigm '. . in hOse Qq% , er k ga tba I - - I "11 _yd.,glds ' . - recoveTed_ . .. I I.. . . I I ,Jand hadc ered t. 11.1 lie., I I r.ou q , .p I . au qypr.-, . . day was. I I . onqu . . ii , On, .what '*so ,to be , I ,., Mr. J0*,JB. Reynolds, of Goderich, juteresting sidelights, on- victorla7s kets. Nellther tlie c ` ,r ujght visit ,to their. home here, 'Ferryl a , , . lrk,44ew -has e h " . son df,Judge T .M. Costello . Purchw0d the British EXOM119 character and lite, ate found in "The agricultural laborers calme , ., ", 'ke I Hjtet - - . .1 Wadow of , Windsor." by Audro' ken, Distild-bilting vwramrm ti I and, Mrs, dDstello, was strie a by .. 4 1 Mr. natry']solaaiu Of Hmsall, to Maurels, who says, . . old women who took beer hiann and appendicitis on.Sunday night and, un- *, . I . having his plaidug w3d1l, repainted, -Victoria was at once the Queen at called down the divine blessing . 'her derwonarii operation on Mqnday, at- - , S " The inspoetlor of sfttions was in Ungland Empress of India, and a at Balmoral was "very touching,"; but ternoon. -The twO.,cldJdre11,_.,qr Judge . . . , Hensal]l'looldng after the interests of simplel, painstaking grand%Wothor,wer- of the hapless, wretches livingAn the and Mrs, Costello -have been atteud-' . - . I the I cOMPABY, and intends making im- rying about the"illnesses of the living, thovels of London she had' Only a Ing school At Toronto, Terry- is r.e- 1 : , . ' ., I provegieuts to the freight slieds. at mindful of. the anniVersariesi of the..yague picture in her Mind. she was covering aikely.-06deriah., Star, : I i I . once and Wds out good hopes ithat a dead. In her' eyes, the kingdoms, of surprised by the advent of the -first I Miss Campbbll I R . etlr1n'g , ., I A 11 new Mation might be built in the neax Europe were simply her famil-y es- .1,a6or, members to Westminster and- - I I I . future. . I fates. Related to the royal houses, of 132vited "them to Windsor to be p,re- After eight. years on the. staff of !-. I ' * . GGderich Oollegiate. Astitatp, -Miss . Mr. NMam Somerville, Seaforth Greece, Rumau a, SwQdeu,_ Dexi nark, sentod - to her.. which, as she -,noted -lin - I . . .. I I . 1. - I - - . X-Innie Qampb ll, B.A., 9"giepcial . - . L , . . _L _ ' . Grand Trunk. agent, issued 100 holiday Norway and -Belgium, she.-hiirdly:dis- her journal', "i atified- - OP*- - " Very _ '. . ' t,.Li , a _ . handI IfiL ili t * . - _ : , L . . I L I L I Aalie Jug _ reoigna, I Itickete. ,h, ii 'connections mulo&" _ ­ -1. I - . .. . swi , I ,-IJ _ -, I , tinguis ed, her porsq , I p _- in U iii. from:schooi work. I I . , , Dr. Keith Fear was onp of the sue 'wiih mona- tion and, -'re 'r & , ,- rcha from the relations. of The virt4es and tastes of the id- Missl3ampbell has given flurty years cesaftil e,= Bri- Great Britain. with foreigv powers. At dle Clus"a, were her Own, andalie- 170- . I . #idates at the recent - , -f faitliful gervi" in Ontario 0011%0- 1 1 - ' " cy with & toue tish Colu , a Council 10118 the age of 8( .4 . . xha w,.Asj still -first and ferre _tO.thp-ad.stocra - - ,h 0 1 . with an avWage of $0, per pent. . foremost a womtau, and the,history of of scora­as. 1he upper claS969Y She ate Iiistitutet%-baving taught atasar­ . I . Messm. Alex. Muir and Frank Muir- her time was fusea"in her mind, with occasionally compared the English no- nia, Niagara Falls, North Bay and. I . , * MY" Sea -forth, have gone to Hespler her own -life. N nien France and', I ng­ bility to that of France on, the eve of Goderiph, as bead,of the commercial .- I I . v7hen they. have,obt.ained work in a land seemedgan, the verge of war over the Revolixtion, and believed- that the 0epUftulent !'Ili each irchool. She is a., . .1 I I . - . ' furnilmm factory. . \ when the love of"pl asure .amongst that class -native of G*derich and. has always , I 11 "., Miss Margaret Cowan=, who bas, re- Queen, happened to be at Mice, shel - ' (Continued ,on Page 6)- had ,her'home beaie, and, presumably- : , cently eomipleted her course at the . . I I . will continue to reslde here. Her re--. 0 11 " . School of Domestic Science, Toronto, E oil - - -_ -_ signa,tion, it is understood, will be - I A . . . --.-I- comt effective I at the -en9aL_;of__1be__cum:__ --______­ f .- I left on-Thur'sday-to.-tak,e--a-position,in- #____JUST__) , WO -4 rent school- year.—Goderich, Star. ­­-.11- . . ter Protessional line. dit, that) chty.. . __ _T .. . One day'last week a horse belong- . 0, _SMILE 0!1 O'. Former Mayor- Passes ' , . ing to Mir. Thomas Anderson, of Ash- . . . _. . I I x4vuerick Thomas Jackson,r one:of' . h eld,, was. tied at a' store. dOor I n Dun- "What are you doing Mistress: "It the master brings Clid-touls oldest and most prominent . - I . . - , Mother: I gannion when it -broke loose from the Marjorie?" ,/ dinner to -night business m0u, Passed away: last Fri- . . . tie post, turned arounid and dashed Child: - "Putting dolly to bed. .I dary, axe you sure you're ready?" ' day noon In the Clinton Public Hos- . . 1. d. . up. the -road with a small. child, in the have . taken off her hair, but. I cannot Cook: "Quite, 'sure, ma'ax . My pital. Although 'not in, the, b6st of " . . buggy. Mr. Anderson caught the t t." I . . L health, Mr. Jackson had continued to ' , . 'horse at the Mall4gh House and pull- ge her teeth ou I ,trunk's packed." - be about his business until Tuesday, I I ed his R'ftfb daughter out of the flee- ' = n __ --' when he was forced to stay` at'home. . - - . 1. . ing bugg3 I . , L . I . On Wednesday be was removed to- I : The Canada Foundry Co., of Toron- ,5 I hospital, suffering from an in-. ? I to, and the London, Foundry,Co. -have *0 The All -Important Question ternal disorder. Tlhe late Mr. Jackson L I i I - ' the contracts for 'SupVying the ma- ... - . . . 0 was born, In Clinton on March 10th, t terial forr the 'addition to the water- * - (By R. J. Deachnian, M.P.) I . I . . 4l 18,60, the son Of the la,te John' 'Jack- I i works system in Exeter. 1. . . . I I . . .. son; and' Lavinia Johns who were i Mrs. Ai qhibald I ate L rspn, of -Wing- I . or .. . _ - I . , . I . I . omnm among the pioneer settlers. in this di -, 1, .. , . I - ham, b!as a ben that Lays eggs seven '. Agriculture faces to -day the great There is the point of view of labor trict, coming &here. from Yorkshif:, . I . 1-1. . . England. He was educated in. Clin-. . . . inches one way andt 7% inches the es ,problem which has ,confronted it as a v(ho1&-4ncIud1ng everyone whol . J ,other. I . in this generation., , it is not a prob- works w1th. hand or brain; then there, ton- , and wag assopiated with his e- Vi n 0 ' father In the shoe business,. The busi- I , I An old and respected resid6ut Of lem in which it walks alone. A d is th'e ew,poi t f those who repre- I I 11 I . Huron passed, aw-ay -at his home in pression iin agriculture carries, with it sent a particular industry. The c?11- Uess. was established, in 1854 and has 1. . Centralia. on the 16th at ,the age of a depression in other industries! con- omist must regard the problem been in the family for over. .eighty" . . . . . " 63 yeare,,' &,the person.of Richard ditions, are uncertain—the-world faces detachment. ' . Wage rates in, cei tain I years —Cliuton Newa-Rec6rd. . . , , . Luker. ,,. , , a testing time. "' industries may rist but the rewardt of Truck Breaks Dog's Tail * -, Mr. T.'i Berry, Of Hensall, bar, pur- I 'labor as a wholemay decline. Stra ' r 4 . : . was, I age The most fo lorn d0g, in, Goderich, . chased, the well known. Clydesdale fairly prosperous. There was a rea- as it may sb6im'; increases in wages— if one may judge,by 'tail wagging, or . i .. . stallion., Wnea Gold, from Mr. Win., nominal wa'ges—frequently mean a de- ,]rack of it, is a Ge:rman, Shepherd d t Berry, Bru&effel-d- . son 'for it—a reason which lies re- 9g: ; 1. corded in a.brief statement Of stat-dis- 401ine in real wages. The worker mutt ow-ned by.Don McKay stellar defense . Messrs. J. G. $tanbury, W. W. Tam tical fact. Prices of farm products not oniy consider the wages, but also rian, 'with, the Cliuton'ODIts, last- year - an and Dr. Kinsman, of Exeter, at- were, relatively'higb,er than the pribes the goods and services which his wag-' The huge ,dog, whose pot name I& . . . J : I -tendedfthb annual meeting of the Sov- Of manufactured goods. This, in, these es wfili 9 Gt aCkI I ,purchase. ,,An increase in real'­Nuis n,ce,,, is n. I Ing in -feeling, . ereign Fruit Co. in London recently. years,,was accompanied by generous wages, unless accompanied by in- but is merely unable. to . wag his tall, 'i . The mushroom season has com- crops. In these circumstances, ex- creased production, generally leads. tol which waa. broken when, a sdx-torL - I I I menced early in, Exeter and -vicinity. change between the -producers of basic' unemployment. There is'grave dan-1 truck ran 'over it as the dog basked I . . .., Mr- N. D. Hurd Picked a number of product§ and, the, producers of m,anu- ger for' -the worker in.a wage -increase in the sun at the dock, The br6rkor& - fine'pink ones recently. I ' . . . . factured goods became mutually pro- which ,raises. the price of the productl means of expression is mending w-ith- I . . Miss Nettie Sproat, ,dia,ughter Of fitabl,. Manufacturing expanded; a- Pt,odueedl. Tfiese statements- mak,out the aid of splinis Clinton News, _ I . I . , Mr. and, Mrw- John. Sproat, Egmand- bor, found employment; the merchant s,ound unusual—let us consider the' Ilecord. I . L Position 'a . I I ville, has. gone to take a I was prosperous --he was the medium facts. The accompanying table shows . .Sword Fish's Weapon I 11. I 1. . Ifetrait -with the Underwood Type- through whicql transactions took the earnings., cost Of living and real In Mr.' W. D. Fai . . A? , . writecl., , b=pany. I . place,. The banker was active be- wages- in, manufacturing industries in, rlq windlow dis.- - i I Thbe Seatorth. Union, Sabbath School cause banks, provide the money which Canada"'froin 1917 to 1935- . I . Playing fishing,tackle -is a sword of a I I ! . sword fish. This sword, which is of excursion from Seaflorth to Goderich. is the lubricant of business; goods In the table. all index numbers are solid bone, was,)ltakery from a two hun- . I . . ' dias, been arranged for Tuesday,, July moved and hope rose in the hearts ba -sed on: 1917 levef - equals 100 --the dred and fifW Pound sword fish at . I . kh. 0 of th transport Worker& --It was, at figures of Index numbers are therefore ' b ' * ' , . least, from the financial standpoint, a percentages of that level. They re- u19 I . I From , The Huron Expositor I happy world. . I , veal the fact that $852 in 1932, with o in . L . I . . I th I I . .4, . I May ;Z7, 1887 1 Yet in the sunshine of progres,s lies the alt .1 I" 0 1 , ered price level, would, give a GoT d i The farmers are taking away the the shadow of discontent. Something higher standard of living than would , jZe . I . salt from the, new salt works at Wing: wen,t. wrong ith the machiflaery. This $1,109 in 1920. Note carefully Uie cord ham as fast as it is inade. wi .Trapped By His Head q I I . ... did not happen by chance. it was fact that the highest real wages, -were Dr. Williams, Mayor of Clinton-, has not merely the collapse of stock 'mar- puld during the period- of depression Norman, Macaulay, Ideal Salt Com- - been appointed salaried police magi- ket prices which caused, in 1929, the from 1931 to - 1935. Nominal wages- pany employee at Goderich, was th&. I f -1 ' . strate for the County of.'au,on-, ., I reversal of the forward, movement,, . the were lower but the worker received victim of a Painful, but not seriouEr- & I .., 'M%e cantata entitled, '"Me Musical breakdown of indUsfry, commerceand the.highest real wages—wages based accident ,while loading' ,freight cars. - Enthusiast," given by the Methodist agriculture. There was a fundamen- on purchasing powet,_during this outside the plant. . He Poked his head' 1 . d . and ' Presbyterian - -0hurch, choirs OIL tal cause. If your. car refuses -to --pieriod when cb,sfi of living- werle at -out of a freight car Just as anotheir- .1 .1. the 24th of--M-aly was quite a success. start, there is, a reason. The train low levels. There is liltle long-time workman, slainnie,d, the steel dooe, I . . Th,e. le5tding parts w4pre taken, by Mrs. does not jump the track merely to consolatJon for any class I the Com- shut.. The vice -like grip rendered hiim- in I I , . I (Dr.) Smith as lWss'lppolita Crochet; g,.,tify a whim. If you -lie sick in munity in high price levels. , momentarily unconscious as; he hung7 Mrs. -Bright, as Miss Estelle Languish; hospital, you may not be at fault but It reveals also the fact- that wages , by his neck, -but -he was released in - I 4 I M. E. McFaul, as Professor Crochet; EoTething sent you there. . are subject to the law ,of supply.'and a matter Of secondm He was unable - - . Mr- JasO'Scott, as Edward Singleton, , We sba ll not nowexpIore the cause . demand and that high real wages, lead to continue work —Zuricffl fferial& I I - and Mr. W. D. Bright as Mr. Chas. of the unhappy conditions-. Libraries to unemployment, while low -wages . Long'Distitilice cill - , . the Esping lover. Miss L. Willson are full of the records f the collapse tend to increase the volume of em- Mother's Day waEr not, fotgotten h3r: . . presided at the piano. A study of the causes would be In-' ployment and, therefore Ine'rease the Dtr. Eugene Tleman, of the Atmyr I I Mr. Jas. Pickard has purchased the tensely interesting but we are, at the total amount paid out in wagest. There Medical Corps, -at HalItAk. Dr. Tiehiamn, . . . stock of Messis. Joseph Kidd & Son., moment, concerned- with something wf re in the period, covered certain ex- telephoned, ,to his motb6r,. Mrs. Eirz'. ' ,, Seaforth, and will carry on that busi- elSle. Our,problem needs no volume ceptional years when this'did not oc- rfqeman, of Dashwood-- I . This dobtor re ness hereafter inadditiob, to his Other for its dippussion.' It is a fay more cur, but the tendency was apparent. cently joined; ltdie Army Xiedical CoiP9 -, business in the Campbell block. I PrEictical question.. It involves not One sbould not carry. this. viewpoint -and he has just recelv'ed- lili commls - - I I . Mr. Frank Murray, of Seaforth, has yesterday but to-morro*. It can be - too' far. &a,l wages 'may rise if' the Sion as Captain . , the first to he award- I .. I opened a now stone quarry on the stated in a few words: - - Intrease Is a result of increased effi- ed in Canada by the nevr sovereign_ i . I farm of Mr. John Thompson on. the "Have the people or the govern- clencP­Increase, too, without a cor- King. -George VI.,_Zui ch IRrsld_ I 4... . ­ , . I . 2nd coneesdon. of McKillop. i . ments of, the world done anything to responding increase In selling price of . ' .. On Tuesday aft )rn oon when the prevent the recurrence of the condi- the products. produced. Henry Ford. . Fell Down Stai - s . l, - Band was playing on Main Street a tions which began in Cahaft in, 1929 has-pboved that. He hai"Idienionstrat- Mrs. 0. B01Yle fell- dol the back - 'ittle lad son of Mr. John Dorsey, and from which we have emerged ed that It is Wssible to increase wag. her apartment i " stairs, which connects, was run over by a pissing buggy. He temporarily,'Perbaps very temporarily, en and -at the same time decrease end her store, on, Saturday mornihg- I . was trampled on and severely cut, but in 1937T, flie selling price of the product. This HOW she could' fall the full l6ngth. oE' I .,r not seriously Injured, I If one may answer his own question, gives a real gain to the worker. But thel stairs and not receive seribus-Ig- Mr. Kipple .Disn;ey, of Goderich Tp., the rnsponse must be an e3np,hatic an Increase in real wages, which does Jury is a mYstelTY. She was biLdry- I . I has a colt which has three bind legs. No. We march with still ,xultant not rise from jin6reased ,production, shaken up but- after resting For VTie,, I One of its front- legs is actually a -mien in the direction In which our brought about while the price of basic week -end was at the'store on M6n,_ . hind leg In shape and formation of course- at. that time wag, so sternly products is 'for below the leyel of daY Wlngham AdIvance-Times. . _, . , '.1 the Mute. . . lt ) , bent. Look carefully to see if 'we can manufactured goods, intensifies de- Graham Greenhouse gold ' ­­ . Work on the Wingliam branch of de - ,t press,ion and throws men, thousands . ect a change, except for the worse Mr. Ernest S. Lewis, Of Bramotonl,l, I i 11 the Canadian Pacific Railway has Thero was hope of peace.in 1930. Th', and tens of thousands of.men,, out of hag purchasedi the greenhouses ad(ff I I . . . 1. been Pushed ' rapidly forward late'ly'- waduess, of the world Was -not Yet re- work, The Prosperity of the factory florist busin,e%s. formerly operated, by * . j . , The company Is, Putting ,up the fences veAled. Neither Hitler nor Musso- worker depends, upon the farm; with- the late J. M. Graham and will -take-- I I . ,as the ' go along so that In about six !ffi! loomed so onin-loualy across ou , Out the Prosperous farmer, citywages ,possession Mond4y, May 24-th" Mr..' o I I 'weeks, the road, will be completed path. England &had .not yet begun to cannot stand permanently ,'Pon high Lewis for the past 15 years, ba , b- and in, running order. I . . -then the la t levels. . een; I . . employed by the Dale, Estat,e ae . The public aldhool building In Clin. country in the world, Nk I to break. The second table shows the price Bramptonj and prior to th at was witir . ,,on having become, in ra s I 0. .7ana, ', our I I I I an, nu c- the Robert Warden 0 " '' I ,. I OmPany, nursery . 1. accon4nodation of all Me children, ack of military preparfduess, was a tured go,ods,, 1926 to 1935 (yeaily av- and shrub growers', South End* om, . they Propose erecting a now wing to joke and we were, prdlid of it—now er1ges), and the figures as they stood Sea, En-glawl. CItlizens, of Winghami . 1. the present building at a co4 of about it zs a cause of alarm. In December, 1936, and March, 1937: are greatly interested in horticulture- ,'l, - $2,000. - I I . W e,fi we look nt the'record of the and wi.1,1, no doubt; welcome Mr- I The channels. of trade were Only .,h The followingfr6m, the London'Free then, beginning to Close.., England, I prices of farm prodnictF§ in, relation to Lewis w ,,:a h ex- - . - a rellatIvely free mar manufactured goods In. the years, 1931 Perience.—Wingiham Advance-Timee- . Press will pmove of interest to- the which had been ho I s i ad, such a wide e I , many friends of IWII,., RonalA.McGilliv- ket since 184T, bought locks for the to 1935, we, see how completely the I my in this eovdan: "Rev. Mes 5rs- gates of commerce In 1981—the Pro- 1-UrCh"Ing Power of the farmers. was Presentled With qIfts . I Goforth and. k00-1111VTak, graduates Of ,ess of keetAng goods Out h ees1troyed by the fall in prices during A Joint , I as develop- inleeting Of the, Mls,sioa - . e .. . Knox College,- delivered s0- M-0116 in ed -since. So long as Englgu d Was a thle period. To:day the Price rela Band, W-M.S. and the Polly Anna Mis- - I . . / St. Andrew's #"S* Orlan 6hurch on, free market. there was, a; safety valve tiOnship Is, restored but unfortunately Sion Circle, of -the United 0hurcii, was -- '_ I I . SundlaY. Mr ClotbAh jibeg to China f4ribe.warld's madness. England, at crqD production, last year was far be- held In, the ounda7 school room. mrg- . and Mr. Mcijfl_vT4y to India. . . I least, *as sane—her 6anit- F C. OsbDr . . - ' . . I y checked l6w'normal and) while the purchasing nle pre§ldled. Misg Doro-1 . Oft, Monday-Vointig'of, twA Week al the madness Of others.. When, t,M POwer of the farmer has,im,proved it thy Illmau, President -of the Ml sioa 0 - dreadful ace 4#t ''haPpened . Circle, gave the alil,to worship; Mrs. I _ pear the valve was closed, the danger was in. Is still very low_ village of G6, W-6. 'whereby. a highly teligille&-vorld commer ,o Which bad The d0etfln-e tlla.t tnerea:sed wa. . ges ROY 00lightly had charge, ,of the de. estelablied and'"WM4040 farmer nalu- talsed the-efafiddrd of living was . re- leads t,D great4 yr Prosperity and brings VOItl0nal period and Mrs.. E. - S. Wil- . led TIWs. R. Gftft; t6d hial Idedth.' He sitrunte6-Ahe reatrictili0bis. lnereaood &bout increased 41stribution. of pur. Son, led In pr,%yer. Tlib guest.spe ak_ I " - was doing hjs`41*04 , t&' $top a. team we beg4ft our descent Into the mael. chas!fig power, Is a half-baked misf. Or, Xft.:(Dr-) Pmtt,',Df LIS -towel, to].(? I from, running - Awtk" taid ., a ars- to ,grobi,.- , conception Promulgated in. t1ife, days many lateresting stories,' frowl "the., i , ' ' have thto" Via- - drbund t1he, Th4 labor Problem has, Intensified. Of the si6ck Market boom for, the study book "Men and. w men proni, I DOM dml - whft:thii; tovoo stici, Itt lq,D du quarrel with labor In the Purpose of Proving that'no p Par Horizo z.,i Mrs., nor Gummow, ,v I 0 11 . LY If , Mi. io&r the ,q ofto c it tak - rice was . the 94`01thd- al"0040,11, fi a6muil0le, eg. It seeks the, Iih tOO 'high for stock which were r re. Valuedl miqwher,-or -*tho W.M.S., wN, I , , '.1'. ,; :',,, _ , ., - I I 1, I . 4 I LL I . 1. ToOvOlMent, of. its own position — a sented little but wind and wator. In. nOW resl&8 I , L g , W . wag", - i '.. ., " rL, 6 " as presen't,04 -- I nbbel't stet. I .1 _ &". t4idteA-,,Iau&bj.e des,fr6 if thelre'ever W"One. cressed wages whioli-reprosM in. With A 100111al stid a bouquet of I " : ., , , I I wofft (%jet r , **` 1 M1,4V6iA&y,`qUestIbn t1he me&lig but -the creased pMdes to the con flowers, Thp, pres,eftiattoli was, made . 1 , .4 , I I " "616dW& ft'd 0-oftot is the vvturai one, the lin. reduction or Profits for the amwvfac. by Marlon 4mte 4nd -Mallorle 111man. . gf4*6L go, 49­;; 11 . . . suluer or , " . I . I Ad"WOW''. to '11 Ili 11 I I'll, , I I . 4 J " U,a_k. 86,li ­ , I ,1 , tit fof 1116 stAndardiN of jife. turer below tbe margib of egfetv-,66., —Uhchts1l Advjj&W . 1. I , M,;,- ..Itl'i', . " I . , - 1 I , -1 ' '. , ' ,, ­ .. I '' '02, 4gre tVV6 "MU of View. , w I , P 46 _ g) 4 —W I I L , I I .1 _ . I:' , , :., _.w I I , ­ (061IN11116d 011, Page 3) I r ww"""d ah , . 1 I . ;e... i " v 11;; , , L` .., %.,; "I , . I . . . , k, I . , !O "'' , F; , , '. ': 1 I 1. . -1 I ' '' '4, ' . ` : , " ,., j.,7_ 11, , .1 pl, z3l, , ,.,,V p " 1 .. ,,,,, ",111V_ , l:!,, I . I . , ., . ".. . . , ., , i ,;;, ,J?1,',, ,11 , ,: , , . 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