HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-05-21, Page 2, I I 11� ! � I , � . . I �. .11 , �:ql '�',V�14%1�1,�.��;, ,'. " ,_�,,��'.!., Pbl . . ,;,q,. . I I llltiqt,�,".�, , W,�,"�.211 ; � . � "�� 0�,,��,' j.,��. T , " , � ; I ��; ;,Pff111"4 , I 'il� 1 ��;� ""A"vT A� !.�'­'­­'.�"T'v . "'. ,� v,�Jjt,, A ,P,,,,�l�'l�,'��,.��',;N��lt"f�it,� , - , � ". "', .�',.) k;,; �� : ,��.",,,�.��;,��1g:i�lli�(,W.,n , , I ..�.,i, ";1T.". I �"f""",I.�l;"�,�,��,�,���T"i'�,',i,��-,,, ,�: I", .. I . I 'I', , '. �,�",. � 1. , :, . � � . 1, � 'yl� �f i, ,.,., ,. ,� , , ," ... ,I . ,� p! .1 � ,� . , .;. I I." ,!, , ; C I , W'1'21,��B� , ,­,��,,�! i�'!",J�p,�­.�.,.,,,, � ��.:­".'', '.�� I "' , �,(A "I"', o'; , 1.1"i i `� , , �,!J,,',�""�!,','. �­ " $ , , � ... )I , ', �, ­ � 1'�'111 . 11� ;I "hN.1.111 -,Fili� �, ,;,�;,��q,��,� �11.1` .; , ,'W�,- , IM _,; N7 "i;1_-,,�,;; ,-V ��;, � ,,i,,:, ". , , 0'. � .. � WV, . 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I 111.1 �;'�'�,l �_ - _____ M_ mkl,�� I ,�l".��mp'lili�ii-,";�.1i.;'A,..,. _i�i;lii­ _­.., -.1 11.1. _. I I - 1111, ... -.....1--l'', - I . -i-11.1 I I ,�.�. -1 :­ 1. wm, ­­�. '1­1­1�1!1­1_1. i'll, .,';;� �, ­1�111­­i, il - I..�.,.�;",�,�"Il'I'l�1,11.�..'�;�il.,�"I --i11-1_-1;----- I -11-1i ,'__....____,, ... ".11 s� 11 .'­­ __ A � - ) '�,'�,,`) '��'Tg?12'4�1 1 , , ,­ ­'. � ...... -,,--'q, ­ t�i.!i.z�!-�. . __1 ill ., , 'p;"ilf'J" `­ ...... ", .. _� - ! ___7'1�­T I I 1.11_'i;i�;; i -, , 6, �7 " 11 il ,A, .� � ��, VV,�11;�?§�'1`6'1" , 11�17�,',.'�,,,;N 11 11 �2 -- ----- _71 7---'—,--, : ,:,� w, �, I ,r ,!in i , ��, -,!�� , , � � 1,�, , ', " I I . I I . � , 1'� 1, , . � � - 1. ,, � 11 I I . , , : � I . � I I . .111,01, 11 11! I . 11*� 11 . . , __r 1_� --' �Mll. _7'1 15 41 . � I 7 . I 77� I . I I - . e I I I � . I I '' �_ __ I , �� 1 , � , . , I I . .� ". I - — . 1—i _�__._ I— � - . I � � I . � ;, � � ­­­�, I I . 1. V 401P.1 W .1 : I - — I . ,� 0 1 0 I ,.�., ,�, I ', , 11 .i ., ­.�­ , - - i ­ -��, ". �, - 4 - .. . , I , , , 11-0 lot'. "Of. - "I , . , :� "', 1 � , I 1115 �� C.. I � I I . , � � ,, . 7T 42 I= I , ", �, " . �ii 11� , I IR1. ` �1­ I , I ", " , � ta, I _i._L_.'.;�;,. . �.- , . . .. . I .— �(,,� "' � ��,- : . .;1 i , a . ­ �� � , I � �. 11 1-1111. b1lb!"".11 I.- 11.1�fl­ -.1o,11:1-,,,._',- ­111�,W.:.,V­1..,-1 11 - ­­,,­�,.,17111 1� I " " - , " " '" I' �. I I I . ,_4 P, ,'Xv� # , P., �". � I 4 I � . I i:,11 � . . 1.�',­V"` , , , � : -, I I " � � : $14 . I 04#10r. . � ,� ', "'.; I . . � - � I .. -i ". ."', " � - ., I I � - .." , - , '' !.. '. I I I . . . � ... ��1.0 , , �;­ � � � I 11 � 11 ,1 _7 '. . , , �, , I I . . -*, � VA , ,, - , , . �.. 11 " I'll � .. .., . r w'eA �, 0 t .1 . .,:.. . &­� ; . I , " , ". . , 0 � . , .. , I 11 � ,.1. I - " � �, 'M ! � . It - 11 --1 11,'', � 0 � -4., � , "a '' % " . �: .. I ,, " I "I . . I I I I -..,., I �! %11`1111�1., 110 - � . � , .. F I , . N - , "�-0"�,��""'�',-1,�,'��'4,'� , , . I I " 6 il, 104TV9. 1 '0 , z - jE� En. :_1 0 . .,.J.,;" - '10 -i I .111, - - " I � I ' AW, I I I �,J " 1 4 ," .��-- - I . . . .4 I'M, ,,, ta , ro. , 7, . I r " F� - ,,,,� ,, A " 11 , 0 I , � , . r',� JF� �, � � 10 "', , ; , I . _g _(dq_�y . % . I , I �,� � ' � , I: I I 0" , . Z a 4 P . .1 " I , , W . , A I 11� � I 1. , , , I .1. 1( __ 11 . � 11m, . I , � 0 "t - . , ,,, 1, . I 11 � I it" 0 1 1 40 ''I ,.� , I M ��iok,w , .1 . ­ � 1. -1 ''... 777 1 . . � . . I'll, � . . � . I I .L. 4 . I m . * i! :1, � I ,��al� 'illi 'the farmer. -,T44, la ud , ­-�g -. '1'r" , '�w . . I I -t WtO ghg-61ng on tho AAds. , . A, One, ��,� � � . k'�� � ,� 11 I ., 0 to, - " 0 1, � .. Apd'i _ 0 , . , " I gi _,, ; y , _ .��o ,_�.,,, � 'k. 111 .1 ,.,, , '01 91 * , � as e7at. , - W 01� ,�, .. 1 �4�_ � seems, to � 14009001M 10 *9" I . . .". . .. � . -1 . : .1 . "'. i .. .1 A 'k I 'p ;, '' AAI Bal . r� . �!­, I .1 V I %, . is tough. So� much ,rain . , , Doyou remember wU64 Wt1Iia='12;-, Surrounded, M IV ght rape, 1. . � 'ea , un, nlmr-,,o,, ov- . � " `iw, , 'Q [%�d . - . ' ' iq a - . , ��� � 11WD . ,or 0 have washed the furrows together. ., . . The � t" "of a* ON4 Crealswell, veil lianown Cauadi,an art- man, of blo culture, by- the'9=03.1phere . .1 J , . 4, .. , , I . , ' - �, -.1 ,, 11 - . . afternoon by Mc.Lea , twenty -Ave, .Wmage. . Ist, resld*4 on lus farm A -'short dis- of a .vm,o,4ts',qoUut- y . or lost A. -,r ,- ft 00% FN , baicli: r � . P, I ,p ­ The field ' i _, hen,ov . . . . . . . ; � ., � I . I . I �, . �1 _V-i ", ,t . . s seem to have, a cement top. . � I , , V mi t, , .ill . ;.� - - - - - tanee west of IftmondvHle? I - luitieriest in IAS special bobby, � ,or pror . 4 . � "'; - ,,,�,, .. . � It is tough going all right. . I I - J. XacTav U. writing,la the Lon, fesstion, but strove continuously to Decoratio I ns, Give To*n Gay Aspect � � � � - � " M.,, � , . ,.�,p, � ',;�;,�,;� 0 I . I—. . . I . is , I . I i.11,-'�­ I . !�. - . �- � 11 4,t ". .1 � , d1ozi Prep Press, recently, re�;alls ome keep abreast with the timesi and in A brightly,ligUrted, Union. Jack flut,­ , �.,% I .. . , � , . �.111,1�1 1pil�l , . , ,,, � A m -d it keepA on faining. It rain- - 5 . , i" &A From The Huron Expositor . �� "'] ,,%�, "... �. I . * 4 ntereg9ting tacta, concerning 'Ito paip t- itouch twith'the leading oxtists In ters prioudly., more t4u ft*O " hundred' . I . . " I ,r q -end, and it rain- - - eir's life. , .1 - Canada at the time . : I feet above the harb�r levef" i4,.Pso,.. , , " , , ip ed all'over the week May 24, 19.12 i ,_404.0, �,# ,n rates, $1.50 a year in . I , . A,i,u'. 1 � i I � 1. . . I I .", ' .. , limp. bV01 1. . , I I " ''I , f gn, $400 a year. Single � - ed hard, which means no wo .Charles, Stowart, of C01home, bas , i1r, 1888, at 4fto age of 66, Wil- The walls In his home were adorn, nightsi,, at the ..tip4cq of the -el wi.` -- � , " , . 1 I I'll, N , r4,1,1 i �, , . r,.''��j �� I'll 1. I , 11 . rk on I I japipaintO fire ranger at Coch- ham .N. Cresswell ivmse�l away. He ed with numerous -sketc,hes, and, pa04 A spotIlghtt, was insta)1e.d by .... .. � 'K...N­0-­iM,­`J, "_,','!,� ten-!� ekeh. the'land. And the land needs work . - . .. - tower, . . , k _ ,5, � Nl,­ ��. "A - �� .. . I - $1y"i � , ,, ,, "! I . Manchester, Eaglan, d, drigis done in oil and water color, '%**'rL= n. on: Monday t0i'lalumillate tho�­ - � 1�1 D , g_,, ,.�4: 1 = . . � twasi )born ,Am o . , tt�� I'll 11 IM . T,11 . � .� I , , -,�,;,���,—,4,ii�,4,..",�,���,__�-�.,-. � ,, , � , - "I -and, a_k � . The 4odlerleb Rural Tqlophone Co. and came to -Canada in the fifties. mggy_q _b ,w sin 'X!, -lag., ,ths, � elepagtoe.a. iti - -'to .... ... L. 1. ' " � , .t. of it. - _ 9_ � r. _i.v*. . _ q - � ,­ . ., m �!Qkt � , _.A ._.,e4 _ 0 ,y_o _0OUtrIbU j,l , - .1 . I , � . . �-1- " - I -1111-.1-1--l. � . --1-____-.. -f--_ _11- --11. 11.1 ­ - . . 0111 4 L, ,,';� , ,� . I ' -- --- -_ha9aga=­iqi�cqd- -erectiug- -new --: 111 6 ... tilace app ectaill Or has house chauge with -other artists. I -dec,orating. Alt.atoUgli , - A �1! . . . ,, I'� It is tough goi ' off the and, too. . . :1]� I I Cpmnati& ]bay. , ! ,04.�,.'­'m­" ,.��"sing rates on application. ng lines Thgy.are -are present construct- was-2on A site in the Hurom tract, Whdle at work In. the stud -Jo he,.,de- tbitj�, Iftag W-'th- A%Ielght'l of� decorating �... � , � � " ni, i",, .:, .... I A ,V­­';"�,...._."4.1 . 0 4 , 11 �� ,,, , . R 1'1�:�"f". ;��_;.__�.L_ -� - .1 A lot of farmers have sold their cat- - ingt a Iiew circuit in- WaWanosh. , about onei Mile 1rom the vlllagF� of manded absolute quidetnessL' The I* In Godierich, ,dtlzoi I le a; `inerbi*,06 ,:,i 4. , , I - I 1� , . I'' , . � Id I � . , , !;,'�, I ".0 � ,� ,� %:�, . i. - . '. . kibig i ��ii, ,I, .1 71b4`4wa,,,bow1er.9 oi ZurldhArave Egraoridville, 100 -the Bayfield of a fly or the� buzz of a bee Would j�_'., 7"-w � �.� 'L � . tle, but the buyers. haven't accepted , , over . have ' responded nobly tQ'iffie, 9ppor­ - - 11 � ,.- - , � .','�.�.� '! , ,. Friday, May 21, 1937. I ' - =' WtUll - 13 On .. I . I � k4�� , , Worg" the following Offl Uver. WbRe he located on a farm, Muse lhdm. to put down brush Immed- t . of 'd , Or ti g f - . ;.� ,.. 4.1 � I . Cora: I lma,* ec, SC 3; � or, Coronat! ­. - , �_�:, ,'' delivery yet And, .perhaps some of' Pre&., F. Hess, Sr.; pres., he was no farmer. fre ntay have been lately and not resume work till the .Ddy.. Many., hou$iogj. are displaying -- , . I � , I . . I I . - . � I. .11 I . , . I � .. . . . - I I . , , slumpe& Dr. MacKinmon-, see, A. F. Hess. . attracTed to the spot owing to the disturber was dlead or eie I . 4' �- .. . ihem -won't.. The market cted - from fldgs anO bautiibtg,"andi flan are fly -W � ... 11, ',,.e " , . I .. I , . I "I','' � .. . 4 �njk, � _4 - '' , Yhe Coronation . Mr. J. Howard, bas been,, awar&d fact that a brother and Mster of his the room. . iiju ht'all -mastbeads, at.the court .3 ,'A , � �� N,S.R',�'.,_ �. . . � . . last week, and hogs have -taken an- the contmet for excavating fhe sewer were settling ont land just across the Visits made by himto this Prpvlzee house, the pois . . i, � � . . toffico; bankalland ni"y . � �,� - 4 1 . I - . . I . '', other drop. on Main St, Exeter, amd Is to be paid road. Furtherimor'o, the place had as- of Quebec, also to the WhIte-Moun- &Ii�41;e bonie� A Alvg on a high,ole­ , * , . I - ... ­­;"" ' - I a -he United States. were set at t4e hum ' ' ' " � " � , . .. nl, I d"". ­*_ . No Coron tion in British history, . $1,800 for -the excavating and $20 for pects of beauty.. William's personal talus, in t � . I.. . . 11,M)" . We have been hearing a lot lately . lighted e 6f �q. L. lZarsionq is brilglit- , . . , 4f' ' ' . 11 '-k four manfliales. intpresb In farm land was limited to infrequ��nt. ly by III% spotlight J�caily � � 1% I .,..'zW elicited the far flung interest ,11'e'llDved,blie scepery in _ ��rf�'.7' ,; . . . - '. P _% �, " vl,,!�, about organized labor; a living . Mr. E. I� Box, who -bas been book- about 10 acres. Some horses, oow:� both places and,ipually.had with hdm. .placed. -on the roof of -the h6tase. Ev- I ��_ . "::, , �: Amon he people of the Empire as . -11 .1 .. ., � ­'�'." .9 .t keeper for Mr. H. Edge, Seafbi for and� s -beep wandered hdther and thi­-a­1wge camefra. , . - . , � . " , . ery, b ,�- "­ � " 0 ',,,'- ­,, ��&:, ,5 _ wage; shorter hours; self . determina- ..Jock oil th@ Square 1%ars - d§r,qr ' ­ , � ,,, I _ - , . , . I . P:-�,�..', *as. evidenced in the, Coronation of some tame, has pur0ased, Mr. Edge�s ,her about the fields, but the cottage, Om One occasion Mr. &�ll VMS UOUS,. Of'�iibme - desoilpti!64. - - Possibly _; , , !01 '. I .- - i . tion, etc., etc. There has been 'a e business and, the warehouses and f3table and garden were uppermost in a'ccom.p4nied to Quebec by 'ff and . ` 'I , , - . � .. L,.�; , F eorge _ g'i&..t'Ae­4ttrab1 ve, , �, I IS, . , Zing - G VI and Queen Eliza- voill devote his time to %bat line of rizj,d. . . eurr the mosiroutIg 1R . " , oal I 11 ;; � 'X"91 ','A'�.' 1. 7.. I regular and sustained din about it. ', � I . Jackvci�'oif Eginondville, and his lit- ' - - , " . . ..17. . 'y`i1;1 "�' , . arpay,,of-'11ags and buntIbg A�,.tjhe'Bielf­ . I I �_ I -,�:,�­� 11 I 'beth *on Wednesday -of last week. business. . UPIP was always at hand in tb(- ,tie som V�lhiile ther�,' ibme sketb" Teie�hone, �dfoo , Cble% �bq'bk siore- ' - I . " �_�: - � I , � I . _ I I . , � . I I � * I - _., . And looking over the labor field, On Weftesday evening a number of Persons of a manservant'and a maid, u'Frq�,made by Jpim 4 ceriaini Wells, n' V` is,-'a"good secohkL ­ 'Tak0d �'. , , ":-_ _.. , .. For - I I . '111 �. " 11 I � I weeks and months before the . . 09ori . � " � �'...,_­. . .. e hours the wages, the working Seaforth busimess and professional &-ryant. , .1 w c - .pro 'all_ " 1. ;�. , , th from hi It'he" " duped-4ii .oil "at " , � �h.6_=ajOrit ' .1 , I .�� 7 � _' hi i ­ i " " one & all, in, .y 'of inprehaints, � '. 1, - - *,vent, the papers were full of it; it ,men gathered in the council- chamber Mr. Cresewell was, aesthetic in, taste was fegwd16d:by,- 'ML as being I I � , I I on the Uq�dre �hAve "dioiie ,themselves' I :� , - conditions we wonder why. If labor' . L,� I 1 ., I I I for the purpose of bidding farewell and devoted much time to wh _ . ." 11 , Pii formed- a part of almost every con- I " -at we Li -s .be6t, pletures.': ,Penhaps--On a `p�r .proud" V.th tbiel Cbrona,tion ,-,Day. � I . . � �, , ��";:, .. had been Working for tRe farmers' ,to ex -May -or McCallum on the eve of will call his, Pat hobby,, painting. vrith it were gheep-Also 6me'jiu. oil, dec�adbna.­G'DderiCh Sqgn9J. " _, - - 11, I . I . . h4s,departure for Saskatoon. I -his Nvh - " ' ' , , , 1 14 -versation, and pictures'of the pre- My, G. Life was pattei,ned by hmm�`ifter ich were .grazing, a his . 1. , �, 4" . I . .'. ­ ' � . I - I ., bo6-.,e,%, who are the weather man and I- . , br?t!�er's k New Shqe�� Firm ', , I I I I , . . i"., � � parations being made for it, were F. Rogers was in the chair and Mr. impressions. of the English geM19man. jfteld. I I 0 ., ... . I- , ";. . I I . k , . I . I I . .. �. , , " � i � � 4 ". ,�,., the markets, for the past numberof Wra. Arment read an address and. pre- ,Oertain kinds of sport had ,strong ,Young �,spirihg artika.whio, came � to 'Me;_'Agnh6*-Z#iy-ass Sh66 -§tores,.,"-- I , . , . . . J I',, I familiar to every person in every Isenited, b1m; with a libi-ary- table and appeal for him., Not infrequently he blm,f6r, assisitinee and advice &Wa" Ltdr., . . . U;_ . . . - I . " �:, ", I I years, at the. wages the weather man I chairs- I . 14irgept retailers of shoesi in Cau-, . 0 � . 1, � I ..i. " � - payt qf the Empire.. . � I was seen, strolling - through ,the fieIdIA � found, him' not -Q41y approac4able, but ada, are,- getting on apac6� with, the re- - - - ,',, , �: 1. . I There have been other C6ro--qa- and the markets have been payinj� Mr. Gordon. Giauld, of Kippen, was and into the woods with dog and gun also unusually kEnd. � one bf 'these d"llatin;L- *of thelptore formerly, 6p- ' � " *11 ' . I � �' . .1 . I -- _ I'd rl,� . . � in the �village of Hensalil 'prior to- his -,,ud, in season, he wee. not averse fio was Robert Ford. Gdgen who, studied enafed, b Mr. W. Hern I - I . ,­.. . the farmers, we could uliderstand I y _,, ia,,,,,,vrepAra-, .,. : ,. . " tions, of course—those of Queen Vic- . � . going to -take charge of a mission hadt ahook and cast a line. . i �� I � �� , I . I . I I . a�rt in London, ,England, and.was, in tion,for the.opening of their branch, � . . . - , �., � .. . :: I toria, of King Edward VII, of King . m .1 field in Saskatcliewan for the sum- Sti:�lltng about the garderis and Can"a, a pupil Of Willizin Cressw,ell. store here. Mr.. Fraink-Tate, for`md�-- . . A . -0 I ,� I ,'' . I I instituti . mer months. . I .. Tong the flowers .,wasi dear to lias AL-.. Xressw6l *m, electe � - , . ;;,," I. 0. and other kindred oils. _ � . .d,,, a, ph�arter. ly inanager of, Agnew-SurTims Stores ' . � . :,�i George V and'Queen. Mary, that elic- Mr. George Turmer, of Brucefield, 7 �ftrt, and! a drive, to Eguipliqville and) member of,the O',S.'A. in 1870 ar;d of- . . I ... . And -with the rest -of th . * - at Dunnville and Sault Ste. Marie. ,.,. " �� ' ' , E��,,�11 - fted Widespread 'interest and un- e general has. purchased a new auto to take the , to Seaforth in an, Bn�lish,,%tyled� phae- ".the R.C.A. in 188b.- ". . . . � I 1has be,&n appointed. manager Of the 11 .. 'A !� , I - ''. I .... 1 �­ - . public out here in the country, We Place Of the one th�lt was burned� ton left impressions, that still linger. In 1905 a . re4uest came .to' -MAs. Ood4nielt bromch.--aodenich Signal. I - . ...."', bounded expression's of loyalty from - ' Mr. Jaknes, O'Neil htw also purchas- Hospitality reigned -in the, home; Cresswell to sell , I . . . . . �� Y.�. . . a favorite picture 4 -1 I I . I .��. . � , I � -their 16yal subjects, .but they were, would have a'. lot more sympathy for eda seven-passeager automobile from and at his board, pres�ded Over by sbee�, painted by her husband, 'the- I Suffers Broken Leg ' I '. 11 I . I . `i��,," � in a way, different, entirely different. them than we have.now. Norman Cook -of Hensiall. Mrs. Cres6well, a lidglily-educated. Engw prospective buyer intending, to have. - ' Robert�.fnirrow �ts !,suffering ex-_ . .-, I - � 1 ]��4.�� . . I . Mr. James Thompson;, of Brucefield, lish ha;dy, were meat and, drink that it Placed "in the National, Art - �Ius- banGivel , y from a broken 169, � the re- . , . � I . � ., ., ". I . I .. In the bygone days of those former . I , " . has just ,completed his course in would satisify any disdr"ImInating epk-. 'eum, Ottaw4, being b ilt"at a cost of Atilt of an accident which, occurred, om. � I 11 � , fi,'�,.� . I I . I 0 -4 pharmacy at Toronto. . - curean.. . I u the ma . street of the vU,Iag'e-, Q,w . 1 14". . - I .1 $1,500',00, because the paiutla� - was - 3.4. I 1 �_, � nts Ahe scenes of the Coronati -1, mine from, leo'nsiderel .to, be worthy of a permaan- , 6,84aY Ovefting . of last we,ek- .. .: - I I I , �; . leve, ) 0117 On, Monday last woi , wao com- Mr. Cresswell's guests W�dn , ' . . � . I ...1. . their services and ceremonies, were . There Is Something'the Mafter rmeaced by the zC.P.A. on a flour stor- near anid far and went away with ent Placethere. The'i3joture, howbV7 Mr. F14,row, stepping out' from . be- , . ,� . 1. 1. . " I 1 . I . I .. , I ,�,', . . familiar only to,a privileged few. To I age building at'the docks at Goderich, much reason for wanting to come a- er;'is now in. Seaforth, in t,be home of Pod a parted, car, faile�d to ,see am ., � : . . . . esswell, nieEes oi .g P - � '�; '' � There is someth ng the matter JO cost between $22,000 and $25,000. gain. approacbin ,ar, driven �y 4. Burns. - , A . �� , '�,.� I i th6'*Misf,,yes Cr E the . I The Sothern Bridge, just west of The greenho ' adjoining the cUt'- artist? -It is said that in ambut . ! - I . 1,�,'_ I the people outside the British Isles the of'Wilion, in time'a was `krj6d1-,,e4 . I I use . . nA, . . . 1. I . I 1.1� I . . with the labor world. Something Fordwicb. on, the Gth concession of tage was of bis proud- possessdon�_ year 188f this kast6ral scene ieceav,� dov��.,� -The CAr- *1ag"brofight'. to aL . . X . � I Fls�, 1�..�. . th�3E 4ppe b I seriously wrong with it. In the Unit- Ho -ick, fell' into the ri'ver on Wed- and- In itonweere plants bot�h tropical ed the higfiest awaid given a _' . : � -ut not dn timig,tto'prev - � .. . I � 1. I , - . - - afp*g� quick st'pp, b �­ - nesday . I . .- P ,Rnt A I 1. ����� I Z-1 . The Kings and the Queens were SYM- "" ed States there are, several ' mmorring last 'week. This will and unusuaL I . : in Canada. , .. I the residil�g Injury. Mr. �Varrow, virlie-. , I , '. 2 �._ I __ ...... I., . I . millions mean avother steel bridge. � I . . I � . , , . . P � -.- - . , . . �, 15 , the age4it here for­Fa*mifex - I o- - �. . . . " ,:�,% . I . - lols ding as you of imexnployed. Yet there are labor The trustees of School Section No. . ___ . ' .. ­ ;... � . . 11 1. .. . .. 'K I - ".. . .% vie , We I ... . �. I 11. .. � ductsi Js wished & spie�dtk 'recoverr, , I . � - , I , . ,a_ I d them. ` ' � .1 . I . . I ,, , . : 1.1; I � Si cross that'Continent, 5, H-ullett, are pmparing for the eree- . .1 MMnUMERP . � . 5�110 by:bis friends' -Brussels Post ". � .111" , . . .. .. I . . I - 1. .. ... . 1. I .. � "Vmc � ,jll I .. As far'as Canada was concerned, I tion- of a new and- up-to-date school . I .0 I . I . . I 1. , ­ ", �� " 1. . � , . / and it is possible that by this time building this sirm er. , .. , . Tennis Club Me'ets 1, . I . I � ' . - A— I Miss Morson, of Seaforth,, contribi �;;'': � f People had, ever seen the Great week there will be added to the I * JUST A- SmtL , � . . . . I , ew, It- 0 �10R ) " 46, 'The first ' ., - - ilext ' � I , meeting of the Mitchell ' ,' ; - ' - ' � 1� .111 I . I . ed, a solo at the aundversary services I " ' , .. ,�, I . , I .1 . . ,, . . . s Club 'for 1927'.was h,W.d in' :1 . I � �,_, - I . .Qlieen. and her son, King Edward.- number 119,000 steel workers. ' ' ­ I-, fhe club Poo , * � . -_ ':'* ' . qwillis' Zhiireh., Clir,ton,'on Sunday. The prisoner was b, * ' - *'for' I TeWler: '. Corr"est this, sentence-- in O Thursday. 'e�renirp; .. . ViN I eing tried "I e I km;i"f . . . They. were names more than person- " The people of Regina are preparing stealing ,4 Pig, and a d �Iffer tw'-` ' " ., , I In -Canada the Dominion of Fin- - conscientious 11t, was M6.th�at oDiilf the ink'." -1 ' when. Upyd- El elected- ia:_�,, - , I I I � , ,,,, 0" -;: ' , � ".. , . I ' -'it.wasn't me that spili the . , I I a] , to erect a Carnegie Library. The witness, to whom the. accused wa� ­Joad!� ' .. � . 11 I I lipinevait - p1reMdeui'.p! the organiza- . I I . .. ' !,'F,5'�!�' King George and Queen Mary. Many ,9 I . ­ ' , last year'& . . � �.�� ties. It was a little different with ance Minister recently pointed out Plane for -this building were preparedi said to have confided, was be'in ex- Juk." tion and *11fred Herbert, 1, i 11 ' . . . . , ,i,,i � . I . I presidelit -was re - . . 11 "'7, i � . . I the crippling -, effect unemployment . by Messrs. Storey and Van Egmiond. amined. The witness" was as,�7d,., to . -. *1 .. I :1 . I fie .1 turned to- that, ot- ' 11". I I , I 'Canadians had had the privilege of The building will cost $53,000. Mr. repeat the exact* words, of, the decus- ' A todr�lst on J2461 Wak to E .e. . Otiler'bificers are: Vi�e­liresl- '�, ' ' I ' - . urope was . .m',,�` relief has had �nd still has on our na- Van E experidniding seasi9kness, for ,tLe�'hr delit,*,Heleri Mvidson;-- secretary, B_ , . I . 01 J'S I - I . !-,, . � � gluond is a son of Mr. W. D. ed. ". �, . I - . 'them when, they toured this -tional finances. .1 � . . K weing . st I 11.11""', Van Ugniond, ,of Seaforti-L Witness -He s, Weng6r; treasurer, -I Clark; - teceivL- - � ' tg;� : leounti;y. ..... ' . aid� -sir, he took the i&me. 0'alliu.9 449, wife to.his bealdqr I vy . 1 , .1. , Mr. Simeou Neely, Seaforth, w�o pig. . , he said in a .weak w;ice . : " I Jemmie, er of fee.§, Dorothy -MeNainf; proper- _. � . 4: - 1. . Yet a few weeks ago, we had a had- beien ill for a yelar,.- Passed awhy I judge -Did the witn . , I ,... , . It was only in the last two or three ess say 'He my Will is in , � Ity and groucids 'commi "I . �! 1, I the Natibrial Bank. Ei- t1tee, G. Casey, . - . - major strike' -at Oshawa and othei t , . S-'P�rkinilon_ A., -C app'-, I . '',," . I r at 'his home on North Main St. on I ook the Pig' or 'I took the pig'? erything is left 6 yoti',:dear. 'My ,ra-' U'. Houitith.; ,touruam�ent C, -'Homuth, - ., � �. ) . _7ears of his reign that King George serious strike' Witness ---Oh, your honor, he said- rious stocks:, y , - ;"", , s in other parts of the s"ni'day last- ' I "on will, find, in. my st6,fe- , and gamess., 11.1 ". � . 1 I �� �, . Mrs. F. H.�,I.arldh left on a,trip to the took it. Your honor's name was deposit box.'?, rvent-1 o6mmatitted, 'A. CaInpbell,, Dorothy Rns- , I . 11 . : I ."� became much more than a name to Dominion. strikes for higher.. pay. Vancou'ver, B.C., to attend the annual not even mentioned. . ly: "And Jenfniie?' Bury m6- the 11 � . ��. . i;,� V L . I � I . . Then he said- fe ton, A. �Davisi J lllsc�x,. convenei ior " � � '111 � US. But in those -years he became a On I - I N1, . . and bdtter working conditions? No. meeting of the Presbyterian Foreign 0 . other side. -'I caft�t stand this. trip 1 lunch e6mmitlee', 'D'. McNai - - I - . 1: I . . 1 rn., Mit . I , , . , ­ I .1 Missrionary Society as -a delegate. "Did y -Qu give your wife that little again., alive or dead." I . . r . cheill- Advocate. ) . ,,. � , , - . . I . �..' '1� .11 . ­ I . , . i:. . � Arery personal, a very human being, . the men were pretty well satisfied . . lecture on econorny you talked about." . .. I 61 I" I I � � , i I 1� , - " , . � I as . 0 . 0 . I A Perilous I.osition. , , I ; I I..-. well as a King. It was his voice - with both. They struck just because I . . .1yes.11 , - I Professior's, Wife: "A i . �'. � o .1 . . . I I I �, I I ­ Xll,�, .. . iover the air, in his yearly br'oadcast� they were told to strike. . From The Huron Expositor "Any resuats?" I I . ,ruck -ran.ov- Wilmer McManuq . suffered - air un- - . ". � I I ,� . -., � . . . "Yes, I've got to give up smoking." er your best hat." � �- Ple4sant� exp,�Aenco -;',q,t' ,the harbor . I ., . , . . . . . I...:! . . . '-, t3nat mad6the change. - " . . Abseut,ininded P,rolfesior: "Was! 'I 'early . Wednesday m6ruing'.. whil(--.. ., . � ". I . . . 0-1-:- . Now the striking spirit has ex- May 20, 1887 .. 0 wearing itVii . . watchin '� � ­ . .1 s�,­ And it was the radio, in large ­ ' I I I - - � � . . : , I g­th6, loading bf the'iteamec._- '�. � ,'�, -al Highways.. I ''. I . I . I . ._. - t�nded to our Provinei . . - . -Suporior, the fell'in,the water-betweers ' �' , ­::� . On Tuesday night a lamp exploded -- - � . , . I I , .. � , measure, that created the intense in- The, men employed in building a'lake . . a I _____11111111111111111MR11111111111 the wharf and the sh! ' ` - I I ,��:, , - - , in one of ,the bed"I'Doms of Dr. Reev�';_ . - . I I I P. Fortunately- . V, - terest in the recent Coronation. By . .. house in CadnW. and set fire to the. 0 � the� water was calm dfid the ship wa',F, 4 , $ � ,. . . shore high'way out of Toroirit . have curtaims- The fire was* discovered by I �, , , � , �,�,. its marvelous powers countless thou- - . ' ' riddl1k quiietly' or he would have beent . I . 0 � ­ . � I . struck and construction has ceased. a person passing an the outsdde. ve Survi' 0 crusted. He was Pulled froin tis pre- -k I , ,'! � . Huron Has Had Three Lines Ha ' ved o carious Po - sitiou by stevedores, who- ' . . . 11 4 .. . sands of British subjects were en- I - But the men have a real grievance . Last, week theL property Owners in ' e First.Railway Built in 46 dropped their trucks and rushed, to his. . * I .i I 11 . i : I Goeerich voted on and, carried. by a 0 County in 1858. � . . . ,.�,. abled to follow the actual 14- this time. Of course they have. Just large majority, bylaws providing the a �Godeiich Stair. - , Cora '9 Five R i1roads Si"c I 0 aid . . . � � . -,, T. * I I , I ,,, , � tion as, clearly and distinctly, by � listen. to it. 'They, are only e - . � I I ...�", '. getting In ans, for establishing watterworks, - . . Town Looked Welif I . '.1 - I - NWNEWMENN� MMM111 � # � . ,�:�, * . 'Sound and,. word picture, perhaps thirty-five cents an hour. What the electric lights and an agricultur,al I I --W. ., tOwn-Presented a gala appear- I ", � � y - park. The anitaunt. of these bylaws The County of Huron. possessed, ad- branch rumining from Orangerville to an . �W:­ - more clearly and distinctly than did , ' te'di 4�th flags, and other- . 4 , 1-1 . are demanding is fifty*cen was sorni * decoratbon.s. , - _; I ts an hour etbing ever $60,000. vautages ,over inland countieg in be- Teeswatet. For some time they had Cor a' Many- of tbe- I ,., A &Pan -of horses belonging to Mr. ingon. the store of Lake'Huron, says to move slowly, but by degrees they mere to went -to great trouble inD. ' .. 0 I I 11; the subjects who were actually at for unskilled labor and seventy cents, D. D. Wdlsmi, Seaforth, ram off wi�h W. 11. Johnston writing recently in prevailed; upon the municipalities to � : 11 ," I ,U,:1 � ­ placing fine displaysin, their windows-- . t�1�171 .... ­ ­ the ceremony, or who viewel the Cor- - an hour for part skilled men. a load Of eggs last Saturday at Mn- a dtaily Paper. 'The county,'always vote them liberal boriuses amid the May,or'I-IXn.n,a -as delightea that the- .4 " � . I - -, 1, .!,. onation procession. . desboro. They made a sii�rj trip . I ; � ��:�, And if they don't get it, these men and noted, for its fertility, grew great road/was completed. eltizenis of WInigham, book. such am. ' , ��.4,., C-01ii0d with ;some farming imple- cropeof wheat and Other produce, and This Plan of,,,securing bonuses from interest In decorating their homes andr. I . . , At other Coronations, too, weeks I claim they will go back on relief Inents at Mr. Brunsdon?%a,hop. orie a market had -to be ton ow sibap en- - I'll .,.".� ' . . ,qA for them. the towns, villages and t n. , places of business for this, importalit.' I,- p ps mo ;ea OcCasion.-Wingliara Advance-T-Imeis.- I * . 1; I " - It".4 ,and� ' erha nths in the - rly where they claim they can live better' box fell off and, 40 dozen eggs were As U�ere wer� no 1rallr6ads, much of abled the promoters to build these . . , I .�:" - . years. involved, du the rains. this grain was, shipped by water from- railways at little cost to ,ins , , ,�,. of this and the 'last century, . the elves, 'heceived Coronation Medals, - . I 1. 11 . �, 11 . 1k, than they can by- working f or thirty- A little after 7 o'clock on Tuesday DAyfield, but much More from Gode- but with a fine opportunity to make A very Impressive 'ceremony� was; . I I �Wr': elapied before pictures of the great five cents an hou"r. morning the steam boiler in MT. Sam- rich. For tw,entF 'Or thirty -miles good plVits. . 14 stagled at the, public_ school on Tues_ . I , 1, . . � � /,;,, I . , , I ;�. ... � uel TrGtt',% cooperage and Pall fac' wheat was teamed- to Gddeirioli, AMd This southern, extension crossed the dlay afternoon. The childven I I I , 1,.1111:, � e- -k in froat of the school anX . I . I I 1 events were seen in this ..country. And T here is something'the matter tOrY, Seaforth exploded, Making a r often oxen d1rew the loa&,.pa horses northea�ilera corner ,of Huron county sidewal Idned, the- , 1, . even then those pictures left much to with an unemployed -man who won7t Port to be he6d all over towu. The I through the townships. of Turn,berry Miss, . li, were few. . � ... . I - . � I � , Reymoldv Planted two acernsr, , , ­ : -nation. front end- of it was takKa completely In 1858, the Buffalo & I Lake, Huron land Howick, ,and DrUlved.. a boon to from Winds I � � , I,,, 4,.,'. I . the'limiagi work on the highways or anywhere Off and the entire qnd- Of the buillding .Railway was .opened., and) then Gode- at district, causing' 0 f ,or Forest. Mr. Kid,dt, the -, � v . , How different it was with the Cor- else for thgt matter, for less than 50 was sbatt th the gr wth, o Principal, exPlaiined, that the twcr,, - , -1 - ered to atoms. 'rich, Clibiton and, Seaforth became the Gorrie, Wroxeter ,a Fordwich. ,� * ad rMs I C . . 'A few eveningff ago as Mr. Andrew centres for the shIpment of gratin. However, the narrow-gaUge iaC0 . Planted, by Miss. Reynolds wilF, . . T1.4,., 0nation df our present King. Over or 70 cents an hour. And out here road be a ldVdUg MeMDriai to t[he Corona- - I , ... �, � . : Govenimk, Of Winthrop, was driving Senforth especially was a busy ,town. did not Prove a succesii-,in the their Majestiieg, King George!. . I I �`.� I z the air we heard the preparations fof inthe country, we have a name for home with a SPIrited team in a cov- for the grain trade. -Sometimes there ties of Grey and Bruce, where the VI - I I . . . I 'o. . ' the Coronation being made; over the it too. It is ure laziness or pure ered buggy, the met with an, unpleas- was over one mile of wagons, and, 1111 I win, e t d- v al and Queeni Elizabeth. Rev. E. L_ . . .,:vl" . . . . p ow n t r often drif e ea er Roberts gave a dedicatory. prayer an& I . I 11 11 ... o . I air we heard the service in its entire- cussedness. . . ant mishap. He - had in the buggy' a slelghs with graiin waiting to be un- feet deep, and' the trains were liable then Mr. Kddd gave a short add,res,-�-_.' , � I , ill- . . hive of beea and they emerged fronl loaded. - Many of these loads of,grain to leave ,the track where the stOw Out this -signdficance 0 e I I �'.,� - : ty; over the air we heard the King's And there is something the mat� , 'their home and settled on. Mr. Goven, were driven from Points t eruty f th ., � 130,� , , � I - .w to was deep. Consequenty, in 1881 and The children -then entered the ,choog . .- � , ,,, . lock aind his hqrees.,- The horses were thirty miles away. Is it snY wonder 1.882 the read -VM9 I I � that Seataith. was a busy and -pros- standard gauge of other railwayu. Medal.&, which had, beentpurchasedi by- . � I , . OW71 voice in his Coronation address ter with our relief system if it pro- nearly frantic and began to ran, Mr. auge'd to the in pairs and, received the Coronation- . -1 � ;i, i V I - " , .:�,�, to .his subjects, and three Aays after vides a fatter living for a man - an Goveniock and the bees, were both up- perous, town- in, ,those ddys . ? Goderich The London, Huron and Bruce the council, from two pu0s who die, 1. . I I., I'r , th , " 4� '' set and left On the saide of the raid.. and Clinton were too, __ , I the historic event we were enabled . labor atS5 cents all hour will Only to a lesser The fourth railroad for I-111TOn tributed them. At the ig Lho,,t All " -degree. county was organized by, a group, of the Students als dv, q e (I I ,:,� , , provide Over forty farmers delivered, wood ft h S _ ., I . .1. -hentic views of the actual _ � for him. Something very Seriously at the Grey, Young & Sp$Tling Ciern- The 'huge ,traffic Over ,the Buffalo & financiers in Londoili, chief among als. "I ... T, " to view aut p rece ed - t I me - . � " .: � I . � il�l I Coronation scenes in our Canadian ­ the matter with it. . PaUy's Salt Works, Iry Blyth during the Lake Hilrot Railway and the, develop- whom was the late Sir J Prime'P81 Hall vislted' each class-. . .1 I �� Ohn Carling. giving them a ." � . I - i 1.- I - Past season.. The seven highest were ment of agriculture in North, Huron,, These men' saw the possibill C"au'atiOn talk anct I 1- %. I � .4p . I ��� I . - I ties in Presentdmg ea,ch--student with a aned- - . newspapers. 0 q Paid' $5,075, or an average, of $725 Bruce and Perth combined, to adfiiner� building a road, almost due 'no al�Vkringhara AdVance-Times, ". �,­i .-, ' k ith A I'W_ � I No wouder there was, interest. It I .... each. . ,tilso the need of a rallroad for that from Loudion to Winglia-in, hrou h I I I � 11 ­ ' �- � ,", �, , `­ ' . Mr. George Bentley, of GI nfarrow, borritor�, and ,wide-awake, finanders the rich a,nd fertile districts in, cem. I ���'r t 9 ' CO-Petel At Stratford Festivar �e` ,� I 1S not amazing that ther e ,� ,.!��: � , ,e was en- allot a loon Oh the' Maitland river, buAlt a road from Hamisburg, through tre Huron. The road was Plunned 6 -130111ita Shaw, 8 years, old, playe' . ',,,;,,, . � I ,I �, 0 I . The World on Wheels which d'a - .,��:�-, , 11 . _11-usiasm- r It was as real to us as it measured from tip to tip, 4 Guelph, andi Palmerston to Southamp- rtin through Exeter, Housall, Cl.-inton, Piano 0010 at the tSitratrw,ct Mus,ic,aj - i�. �, 1. �_ ; A I 11 _0 , A ,5, " . :, , � " �, t , 1.88 feet, 8 inches. ton, on Lake Huron, with a branch Plyth and intermeddate Points-, hrAv- Festival and 'Obtained- -the Gold, MedtF I I "'Y', ." , o the King and Queen,'or the We have been gaining'the impres- The bylaw PrOvidqug for -the grant- line from Palmerston,, thTOU I lrj�g Winghain . is nortlierh tormitual. with 83 marks in open alms under q; . ;�, - �,.�-,' . � .: �'. ' ' ru - �",`, � ,'. 00%;ta,ls who had an aetual part -in sion for in ngbMr1lm:. T e OrganiZation, wus begun in 1873 Years, Which had tea contest t n .. I .�, 'i" I I . � some time that the citizens o o for 10 years 6els, Lucknow, Ripley to- K1. f I V 'I�,.�,J , I *:�.�, , , � . all a a ,X 11 , i� "�_ " �', � - ­ ,.. I ...... , 1".� I I 1. . .� . , 1.1, " � - . ­ � of our Province were ext0ndIng their cabinot works In sea- 14rigtion, Grey & Bru - Railway, andl 187 . Even then. ,-tiio 'ComPany did 'other 'classi, obtaining 84 ' ' I I I " , 'It onies, to misfet MessTg. Brw,dfoot & Box In This road was lmowu as the We�1_1 but the road, was. mot she received the Silver Medal In, an- �d q , 1, ,�', , ,�e ,eerem and the principalities , ' becomfug , 6 opened until . , . I I . I co ., di I - .. Marks , wd-bfP. ' ' 1:,�Nl, t, ! �Ir � � ' *8 2.8 well as the eonlmon highway minded. forth, was carded on Monday latt by it cipened up a large territory with I not ge,j full Possession, of the mad, Seven ciontestantsi. mayilyn gilaw, 7 I ' i , . I'I"', lb yi . " " . . � . -rthe contractor Hisn e, Of Years OK received, secOn(1 Place stand- ' "";"�',1,V­. . �1' Whor Witnessed the Coronation ' But we didn't realize untV the -a vote of 204 to 20 out.,Df an entire, fine possibilities. Its route waa well because I . . dr! 11 . 1.` , ,,, � 1, " ;ssw , I vote of M. Ajesiff,mL' Bftadfoat & Box settlied with a fine class Of People Hamilton, had an, unpaid, Claim Of Ing Wifill 7' . "',11 � � I �%,,'51' l';(',';�,.: I , ,., I U. d ' 2 3harksi for a piano lain, Im I I �&­, - . , I � - rO -at twoAhlrds $229,000 against the company for hi, the class I "i" " ' , '­% , ' 1, ' `:�. .. I � dther day how many there' really will comme"11ce the OrettiOn Of the V,liose farms we, &be under 6"�elars .01! , �J,i;�­ : `:� I j. � .1. I � � Jn the Sartilm, I . ,,,, ., L I . new bulldiftg at once. . clearted, and lihey were Just in shape wOrlt When-, this debt Was Paidi ev. Music Festiv.%L' which had seven con- � 11 I , ,�q �,e,_', 'n � .were on Wheels.. And then we read Several fArmeM In, the 'district are to take advantage Of the, shipping fa- erything ran .smootbAy, and .the wad testantsi. Both .little girlo, -are. I J � 'ilyl� �,� , , ,,��,,�),." -', , ', . ,: 0 . I . . I -0,- , - . . I a d68patch i . cillties daitigh- . 11 111.111111-1 I �, -, � , � , .1 I I I , , . . . in a newspaper which Ploughing up their.ran wheat. Pirovided,bY"the- new milroad. Was a success from the*begim,ning. ters) Of MT. and-4ra'.' Ea�rl Shaw, or- . . . e % � A ��,- ,� . ' said: I Messrs. 00veliftick and, Winter ship. -The road, 'Was QiPon6d in the spring A great Impettus Was: given to the jjr"Ggen, 00rmerl'Y Mig,s� Ella M. Rut- . ",,),� I , i.��11 W . � , .e!"'4-;;,�� T - Going .1 1�,',,.�,j� � 'j- ,i.4 - .I. - -1 . Ped 16.0 head 4 fat cattle tow the Old of 1875, thougli.liot quitefindshed, and, growth of the '111ages. ajfong the lin ledge) aimil tiec f - . W. E Se , I I , , '', , -- I ,i) 4., � " .. , , .1 .". v W. eis O M's, . eley. . I "" I �, I -Z I I ,� .1 I " �­ r , . 1.0 .. Exet , t"I"..w", I I I � "'With more than half of the year Country On Moib�sy. Thie, prf6es paid the writer remembers. sawmill, setiv. When the PORZ Was. Opened,, or Of ClimbOn�ClintOnr New,si-Re-pori& r ��J I "01* Ito go the ,numbe of lice . L "Miged from go Of a favr hundfod peo� Scissors 125 years did, I 1k I �4`ti�b , on nJe plates �' � I " 't�, . I 11.1 I �; , ,,,� .V" , . I � ,,� ! I., .1 jo 'd '� I 9 r 'Mr. Hugh AQda,Vtftey,-0f ithe 13rilere. Herifryn and Atwood,, the latter point Die, but In l4ess 'than, ton yes�rs ,the Sam;' F8,ust, sboemakOri sharpete& . I , i't '' �', it AW � 4446 41he pier pound. I ,�* gh I the 10 in the Vicinity ,.Of Wh4techurch, Wim a villa " � ' I , ��,,., .11 , I - % L -, P­*ftr'��' -�dhm!io late , � for Passenger vehicles sold this year fisid,, aremnei,y,'� hm reeefvvA from the then called Newry Statl,M. A Lls� population, -Md Increased to 2,00o and 4 PsIv ,of sidasors, 0`11. Saturday which, I .1 _', , �,,'­,�,­ �,! , , ", 'Spring- IWAI .�J I'll �0_q ". , ltelai been -wet ill Stratf'Oid is just 300 short of the atutthoritiesof ",C�trlig ana Indian towel firm owned 2,200, acres In the, -its twanufAeturing co c L ejn�. ` kj�i ,"I A, q'I , � ,�L' - ;_%,,�, ,� k I. I I L . n etft gttve, aft . � �#, � , '' , , i, ,�,� . Onet thundred and tworityfivo , ' �, ,! ?�.�,U'74� , 1; - I - I K. � - ,��'!' I I I,.,, I., Exhlbition,, Tiod - i _yt �1� ",:,; '.;i "'Obn .h'hbdso' ' dl, I Elma S'WRM'P, SnA cut 1111111(161118, Of feet -,P16Yment; to a l,arge nUfftlitir of v k. d, ... "I j " , : . . ' Rs me p 6- "'. , """"W , �i,, ,.,; ,,, I . � i 11 I 'I . 6r Yeotv oil Y, 011,,;, i, P . tdta flun,lbet sold in 1926. Last year , .1 I . I I I 11 ,,n1V - ',, . , I . ��t � ' , d M& dad brofi2g,' nmdal wmeh Was of lumber there. ' I qj nien. . I -th0t: . The novelfty. about them 't I,:,!, e�.1, d'',"I's '�, *N&' . , ON of plates aw,arW the ,*Ogm�rr butter he had LuoknoW, Brusse,16, Rapley and KI . I .: Is -tb)W arehome-made, and'wsra, �� ��' �, , ,O � in 400, -s An' Exeter industry ... bv6upht hidm� VnigleAd, a,bout onc, 1i , ,0 "i. "I, I ,,, I " :­ Were issued an . I 1 4 �, -, . �� ,*;'t'hw. R -left. - haiii .ott Oxhimu"on t"ro; . ftridine MIA,de rapid strldeg� The, older veelty staAedi a 19V41l "'hubAl .. . . _­ . , ars, 01g , � �- - . tao'o, gots� i been inued io'dato - The W66 1 "' I Vd, �reatst agov bp,tbe, late Mrs� A " � " ". 0 - . 6 - " ­ � 1* . � I I aft"A ft" "OVV .1 ' �, . . 'Ii�, ... ! , I MAI - foundry in the q " �,,] 11 ;��,�, ,� -.' .1. I � . I 06MIMOU0. A' Narr�W G north" "I'd IMA bxAd6 iii 14xk"rthy They tilre,- now � the, . e J. I . I vyy U 41, '66, I this 3"w" .1 auge Ai 11. I—. id, 0 ), llw*`��,��4", .", i I I . . I I . I I . ed, dAd WM IS, 006d 'ddkfiMd 1 1967, ISO T&dtito, Grey & h6l,91 ki6d6sg of tuildhig wg6&;# ploop#tty er't M jr, ffir�� i�, , � &,)�;�L ,r � �� I " , I L . � I I mosom. Is 18rut§6 fifia , , � , A , , , , , I , , � , - L I , � 11 , I I -11 $0 � I F I' ,1�. I I I I - '1� , 4 I I . .. I 4 �"11# PIT - �, A. 0� Of 'hSr abn Al,b. r , , �q­,;",�; I A I I , 10 A# re iftearly dight r ' ' Organized to I du ,, , I I ,,, ,, I ..... X" � , !; � - , , , , i,.: , I .11 ... OW I 1, W*41 I 0 ", '. � ;1 r , � ­ . I I 4�A � go tD,11road. ftlit, hbowtamig"kketor , L . I . I I UM tm , , � . ,;p , L 1, I 9a * 6. wo"o dati r . I ,�,- -" - .,� wel ­ �11 I I � . .. . �dbi.; � 0 . . I . �ft��`,, -,'1�1:1 ... i �, . .1 - .. . �.�, I, ­�rl!'%.,�'�J"7, '_­.�,, � ­ . , - 1 '�$* 110bliftuod bn� �Agb 3), I � , . I i " " - 004, Y, . I �, . M �d ,,��; 4 - I I I � , 4 k � I 'Of ,0# put. 0-ar * - ,� ; I'll 4q ': luouths V'Ift, 09ififtil 4 SftO RAIlway Company 'Wag *0`rthy, 6f 0118 tOwt1­-41t0'h#T,1 AjdVa - - ,,. � I P, , W ��:' � � � � lt�ft ,tow �Wwl did Mit bulfili st iArr6"a,u ft1'6'Wefl.qo PI6*a AM dtli4f ag'A i, i, k , ,0 , hia , . , ", � "'11,111RA L P A", '10 thleft .q ", 11 , f6ft 'W . �, , , I , , � " ,. 2, .. .� � - I . . . i _, , ftlohtd to '(Whilh , , i , &."," I �..',.. �� V. I ,�,�'; ,�__ ,; , , , ­1�1111' :;�, A, , , ., .;', o*" sow, - *1�h 4 � , � I I , ''t): � . , , , �,Iid 1,1;,,.�,,�U.���,,Z,I,J,,,i,90.� , I I .,�� . � � 11 I I J. " Al.,f " I .1 . I. , I ­ i - -,111.1,1-i"14", - 4 - "p, , . , , , . I I �,-,M ,,,,1,',,'�`T �,­, ,� , , � , � i%,,;,��- ,, "y" , , " , , ,� I , , I I ­ ­. 11 I , I. � U � .'� , . � . I . ;'il r _ , : , ­,�,,,y�,�,;Vl 1 '147;:, '-'ii,',P',r'f��',�4'��,,i4�;,�'40-�"�il,, � - , I � ; , ,,;'� � I , 1. . 1� 4�,,`;,�* "'N"'" A I I'M . . . I I I I.. �.� . . 1, �� ,., �, . I . I _,_�" "I il'�1;04,'MR '. , " ­,,�'�* I , - '' 1, - I , � . 1. _ , - ;�,Z,44'1111'1 .. .... " ..;� 1, � I I � ;, � , , , � ., .W, - , , .1 1. . � �1 V,I�illltlfi,N,Oi� ,, , " �ll""i,;",,�,�".;"�,,,,�:��;, S�. Ir " ,J, '' . , ,,, �` I I - .. . I I I I I � I I .., I .. 11 I... �11i'�, ,�.�."%, ,, - . ". � r I � . . I . I . . V z " �­ � L' , I . I . 'ggh�,`,,,gv,g� i'll '� R ,.". '1?1i; ,,,� "'. , , " , . � I � I . 11 I � I I �M;J'� , ",,NW ell, , '1�4f,��§V§,,�,-,yg,� 11 ;� ,,��:�'�,��', �o, I .1 '';; .. , ­,� . '_�, ,,,,, ,; I I., '. '';,';�,.', ';' . , . . . . � ,� I � a � . I v�,���.�)'p , i, �C�,�,I.j!X':'g ,"4r 19&11i "T.11"!, '�� 11:f 1!.11111 , I 11 � 1; " : , , Te" 4'�:,A, ,, "'J, ,:;, , �� ,... .1 ,�� 1, ,�! ) , , , , �"; ... �2.1r." ,! , , ',"I ,, ­ ,., � lii'-%, It �,� .11 I ,,i_ � ., , I , � L, S, 1. � "11'r ��,q�j��ygg,t�v '' � U' " . - �., � � : ': 1�1��',�';'.`� 1- �'.� '' , , i, I I .... ; ­." � ,45 - , .1 , - P . , . ;, 0, '4�1 1,'i,�',�j,'��;,,' I 11 I 0 I,,, $1 .. . ;;� ,� � , * , , "I , , , " , ., I . , ", , -, , " P �, , I , ". . I X" - , g� �9 .10 �;IIN21t,14XN - ,. . , f �"`�`Z �,,'�:14Lpj;,�',;Z��,:. 11 ,� , ly'! : �, � ,� , " , I vg�!�!, 'L , V, , 6 , I w- ;1 -� , , ,,, ,� 1:� �`, �, - 1i 1,',.,�,1,1, .�� �'r 4.1 � �', "�r 1­.�­��j , ""' " I . � i,, , -, " 1: '4,'. �,_ '? , , 1 14 -"�'1.111 ,�11.0 g 14". 10. All 'M 1, ,T1 0 _ , :� ; A i I - ­­ ­­­�'­'­ ....... i`il'Ul�­ 1� ­­­ .­­­ -1. 11 1, , . ,: j", -,.�� 11�,qgg,�; 'X' , �11�1;, .."� ,,�­. � , .� , , � - V,g,, � , , , 1� : � I'll, ." � I � , i .... 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