HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-04-16, Page 51 6IV ••••411YJORIUSX 7 irriraliX.10,41.04•1123JA.01,14.J.11,,., , 74•11..14,- 11,111 14:571..tik,".•:,, V,•:kAlik • 10.-„,,,e'e„.•• 1•P` • s r , • k• 5.1q.1.11,157(.. Srld.14.....14141.,..4.1.4410.4.4rprirrenit..14trarrIV.WirerrarkW1110... (F.. •-crfeene' Cat • • 'AGE 4 flooyiwthie I • • . ;Ofict‘i'Nylpotn:, ,..04.9.0cmoot E(RiiiTH 4171!• **Ate , MEMPANALWIte..Satf""lerle • g MY FE'"e e•edth Free Steno. 'giveBurke eeelereemede Ceellnereo 'THg BIG '151104P.PAIT: eifo.rtli • (Pontinued from, page 1) :Stopped an the offenders dealt -with • by proper. authority, • So that this •-eo.manunity leer be saved from pro- ducing -these who may become much • Mote serious if not criminal problems in the: future." , • • Py 'Usual Grant • Council passe e esela* .evine the -usual grant to the -Seaforth Agricul- tural Socjetreebiecl imetructed, the Fire • and Water ,Coneinittee te eerehase • number of coat, nets. end boets• re- 4ulred by the Elea Brigade. A deputatime consisting of E. H. ,Close, leader, and Mr. D. Sills, from -Seaforth Highlanders. Band, wait - •ed' op eeunciI and asitee for assist- ance to ' purchase •three new instrti- ments," ile.r. Close pointed out that while all enetrumetas belonged' 'the town, ;the bend itself through entertain- •ments, had raised money to keep • • theta j3r repair. Dieing 1936 some $209 ,had been spent for this purpose. itihis intentiee to have 40 men 'in the. band, Mr. Close stated. 10outtell approved andwill- pass .the •_necessary by-law at, the May meek 40, Dens Welsh 39.. JI—Martin ele• lng. • • • "" lenefle, Joe Murree 74.3, Belen Mue I Explain Street Repairs ray 73, ,Teresa 'Walsh .61, Margaret • Maloney 60, Bernice Flanagan*, Betty Mayer Cluff told council of lee pre- neseseepee 1—John • Krauskopf ,72, • .iinifmary diseeesiene Which had been Jim Nolan 71. Teresa; •lealeuey 69, Jim :held concerning new main Etteet, side- eevlin 67, Margaret Givlin 65, Joan wales and new.lighting standards. eeseeseee • priteeie-EXcellent: Jac - •'Council after •thoroughly d.iscusseling quelime eVealse, Margaret Flanagan, -the propoeae messed the followine,mo- eeeeeee Maloney; -ereese Geed,: nee • -titre ' ; Given; ;'•Teiese, Given; Good: John Reid -Keating: That the council •Maloney, Gerald Betixer, Philip Kraus - approves the, proposal suggested for keg!, Number on roll, 37. --Er. 'Car- sieewalk constellation or Mein Skeet eee-teecher. • , : • and authoring the Street oottiteittee ':••;Mr..end. Mts. Johni'Keebele of • RQS. • to'enteripito any negotiatelei' for; the tack -spent Suedey with Mr. and Mrs. " prepatitioe or Diana and specificie •Chars'Regele -teens :they miey deem'cnecessere, and Mreante Mrs. cleobeet Cogelin age. -to report • lbeck ta Perifteelintit. sense Elmer , endordoti.„ o Lisiowel • •- •„seene ..Tbursdley, with .Mr. `peel :Mrs. • eleeseiree Coreeitien Day -eeeeee Eggert _ • , Pee „, - • r „ 9OPt.,-tr9 —Weeb QW ?x?,,,Ira09,;,,,4ans,ace,04940.0f4,41.3,' 4,404_.; *kale owif$9.4. Ntt•tvdtetWAS,, .1hp„ also ,a, f (51 ir 040 00.411 3• bike, 40. W. E... nuTr.i• Kiellelee Ellen .41.7•91, ; • . re, Notice To FarMeeseetWn •eland Jule. liee Geyeenemate.teeteid. gss-seedseeprodee-Peeiteee-Plneeee. chick feeds and e eueeeltee. ef: °erne 'Ineld.lings awe eern; eleoendee. poets ,eerd *est feme eel/Miele. KYLE, Kippeie'' ' • ••WOO' Mr. Eaele'Serciat spent a few days wiell triple* In Toronto; also ettend', leg the 'Oopp,er Cliff., Winnipeg hock, * rem*. • • • Women's InatItete-Te Meet • The •Kippee East Women's Insti- tute wilt meet oni Wednesday. April 2lat, at the home of Mrse Harvey erseele. The meeting will be on Cale adiae eneestries an the roll call to be =Severed by "An: article manefac- tured im Heron and where the fs.e- tory is eoeated." There Will be ae: exchange of flower an: vegetable Seeds and flower McKILLOP • e- 'Tee following is the 'repeat of .11. S. S. NO.. 1, ;VIeKillop -.and) • ..Logen.' ,Theselearked with an asteriek miss-. ,eteene or more 'examinations: Sr. IV Krauskopf 61.44%, Doris -Flan - agora .60-, Leo • .Hieknelle 52, Freak • O'Rourke 45.2e, •-.)e. lere-Helen eae. 61, Josef& 'Nelan 41. • Warren Byers, 74, Marie •Dilloe 70, Wee.. Felten Murray 66, ;Anna Orlin 65. Jr. BI-eGeraldiee, Dillon and Ber- nadette Flanagan 66, Joseph Keene- kepf 64, Louie .Nolate 44Jos!. Hiekneli Arrattetneets for Observing COrme e *eerie) M1:f3:. George Hoegy y Gre -Mien Day in, Seafortie were left in the :'slie-tiValii*IT wth Mrand) ail. Oles. :hands:of:the local -Legion. atemeillor: • also J. E.- atiege-wbeede 'Mt; nandeefere. Bien Rock of Britton Ke-exesidetit 'of thee legion inteedecee the' matter' ''"i "'lree"e'tt '149rwarr "411 aeuas yac- charge of baying the Teem Hall emit - ably dectretede 'The Peepeity Cettem' &tee Will be le, ;ant 33°111110,-•' • the- late William Strong, of Tucker- emith. Rev. T. •M. lVIcCurlie perform- ed the • ceremone, The •bride Was. charmingly gowned in white stiffened net over taffettel -wit& stiff eped net helm She -wore a bridal, band of orange blessoms and carried Briarcliffe roses 'and sweet peas • with •maiden hair fern. She. was attended by her sister, Mrs. Earl Hastings, who chose a,„pale blue eeown 6fegedkgeteeeWlttemateh4 Pass Accounts lebbiettif*jei ealiel140441lews. lee V. -Ream, ealere, $60; H. &W1; salary, $60; a• •Wilson, salary, $41.66, exPress, etC., $5.25; Thoinas Storey, salary, $60; John A. -salare, $20 ; N.. Chuff et Sons; aect., $14.21;• JobStewart, acct., $6.70.; C.,. • P. Sills, P.M., Pe- tt. box rent, $5.00e. L. Macpherson, acct., 50e; Canadian National Railways, bromine pretece te), :$5.63; Bell Teleptbene Co., Mete '$4:88; County of Huron,- hospitalize- -thee $12.95; M. Keen .$23.60; • Public Commiesion, • light, •ete., $46.69; Treasurer Public School, $200e Geo. A. Sills & Sone, acct., $8.55; D. Wilson, case relief, $38:71; W. E. Kerslake, aect., 49.25. • Son of Former -• (Continued ,frone. Page 1) • At 'the Ottawa eqp.ference •on -the protease& Silesia North America Act emettklinen.ts last year .he played a leading part, and -at one stage was ereeetee with preventing .a conedete • ▪ • -collapse in the didcuisionse. • TbI previncieler Mein' orgiteizagati • was strengthened under his regime. • A consolidation of provincial statutes -Was carried out, and several Import. • ant laws revieed, including the Motor • Vehiele Aet and. the Gime Act. Y.Slie Sloan lives with his wife and **o 'children, Betty, aged seventeen, ‘Ple end Daeld, aged fifteen, on Rockland et'eenue: Ad is a snemeer of the tTn- ien Club of ;Victoria. end lite Vandou, leer Olub, is a Protestant and a Mason,. • *if J .16 ';•1; eer I Sakg. Books . :are the bes k Counter Check Book made . Canada -They cosi no InOia than ordinary „WO& and always give • We. are agents and Wilthelleaged to quote yoU on any Style or quantity reVired; • • ' Your HOtile :Palltin Fkst • , , 'TUCKEI451VIITH d .• . Ayat,,40.:•itipg• Men's Stylish aeitiree01Ce:034.- pik(eeterdhgle _eelemnized at the Presbyterian' Mae, Atwood, on Saterdaye April 3rd,. when Mabel Mergeret; yottegest daughter of Mr.' andeetre. ThomasBarton, becatae the •bride of Leoirard Alexander Strong, only On of Mrs. Willia,n2 Strong and acceedories, and carried a. bouquet of • pinkcarnations and ferns. Mr. Earl liastin•ge lunette:11 the groom. Fol- lowing the -ceremony a wedding. din- ner Was held at the home ef the •bride's parents when the immediate • relatives were present. Later the young couple left by motor for a trip through the United States end Ease-. ere Canada. The bride those for travelling a 'dregs of navy net over • flowered ceepe, greeeeces.; e,nd,•-coat witheeoronatien red, adeessoriee." Mr. an Mee Strong wi113eM4-ohe ,01,•. greened 'farm near Seaforth. • EGMONIATILLE: • The regulaemeeting of the iV.111.S. was held at the Mande withethe 'vice- president, Mies Mabel Catneron, in - the chair. The meeting opened .by singing a 'hymn., after Which Mee. .Mo- Quarrie read the Scripture lesson. -Af- ter, the reading of thedevotional leaf- -let by Mrs., Hugh Ohesmey, Sr., the tubelike. were ,rettd by the 'eecreterYi Mee John Forrest, the roll call being answered by a text word, beginning with -the letter 'G'. Mrs. Shepherd presided during the business period When, arraegeinents were made to holda quilting on. • Theredaye The study book was ably taken by Mes • Sheeberd. Mrs. 'Nelson Keys closed • the meeting with prayer. ' OgITOR attario• TUCKERS1VIITH The 'April meeting of the -Tucker, smith Ladles' Club was held at the home of Mise Sadie Ball on Wedgies - !day Met with fourteen members pres- ent, After repeating the opening ode teed singing "Old) Black Joe," he roll pall Wee respenicied to by telling "Nat how I Would like eny !house renov'at- • ed for spring," After the eeoretary's end treaseter's reports; it was decid- ed ei purchase 20 Sate of flannel- ette with which •tme. make, garments for the needy, pied a quilt for a man wile wae recently burnt out Mid sts result has (no melte Reading, eMary's- House" ' was gives, by, Mrs. Laweone "A Season Per Neer Things" bel P. Townsend sandelWat ands Bo* to •End It if %erten:El eiroted Only take the Right Standreby Mee. Sleety. The Temaitteller of tbe afterhoeit etareepet In wahine a Melt ned, the reneger Inenibei% efoCheted. O May &Set, leg will be held at the bete Of icift. 4.• Peeper When elipie and bulbs Will bextlianged and tell tell lelekileittled •.: too, .,c • "j, 'op Coats 95 to 2150 Time to discard the heavy winter coat and stef) out in one of these dressy Topcoats. Fine • Tweeds, Worsteds and • Fleece Cloths in plain or check pat- terns; made in the new Raglan, • Balmacaan,' Tube or Chester- field styles, with or . without belts. And we never had as • large a stock to- choose from. • All sizes. •• 10.95 to 24.50 MEN'S NEW • Shirts .1T-91111 .14.kPLTkese) NefF,`„Shirts Yotelf LAW' tfee'PlittiV;- Too. • :Checks) Stripes, Plain. drey, TaBlue, Sand: • Forsyth5'Arro*,- Warrendale • Collar attached or separate. PRICES.•140 . 0,130,1.95 tylish Frocks New Spic, Plain and Fancy Crepe Dresses; bright. •7 •3 . floral designs and plain colors; short or long sleeves. •" Lit or dark shades. Sizes.14 to 44. • . • . -qv • Betteratst Very Reasonable Prices eeds, Crepes, Heather Mixtures; Sand, Blue, Gold, 12 00 'Black,:Trown, Mustard, Green, Rust. All beautifully ,* to19.50 styled...and finished. Style Hits ! In Women's 2 Piece Suits These Suits are taking the country by storm.; made of Tweeds and Homespuns, full length coats, ,swing . skirts, and pointed shoulder; ordinary or high col- lars. The colors are Grey, Blue, Sand, Green, Gold, Coral; Rose. Sizes 14 to 42. , , 0 , ,, • , ..1f, Most Reniarka.ble Millinery Values ..., Stunning new Hats that are the very last word have 1 9510 _ just arrived. They include every new style and col-. . •. or from the wide sailor to the snappy little pill box 5 00 hat. You will be thrilled at their cleverness and be- • coming attractiveness. • Men's Worsted • • Suits 2" PAIR PANTS • We're selling a lot of thee Suits. They really sell them- selves. You will want one too, • when you see -all the style, qual- ity an'd smart appearance ex- pert tailors have packed, into these dressy suits. The correct- ness of style and pattern and the dependability of ,the mater- ials and workmanship, we fully guarantee. All sizes. 2 PANT SU ° aITS.. o„ ****22.50 • tewart Bros. Seaforth ete • MENis.SPRING Hats Smart New Styles that are Flat- teringly Becoming. • • Greys, Browns, Greens. • Homburg, Snap Front. • Stetson, Biltmore. • Sizes 63/s to 77/s. PRIC'ES..1.95 to 3.50 to by a poem on "Mother." • Mrs. Fred PepPer Spent the week- end in London visiting friends.. Mrs. Sperling, of Brussels, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. 'Ray, Fear. •will , ,of Mr. and Mrs. Williate Britton. Friends •ef Mrs. Jan ee 'Miele are berry to learn that she is confined to her room. . bright yelloee red and pink wax -like floWerst It thrives . in bright sun - -shine and dry Soil. Nastarthiras, merigolds, calendiilaEi and petunias complete a garden requiring the minimum of attention. • Must Have Good Seed is impossible. to over -emphasize the importance of good seed. Other factors inay be eeyond control, but tile gardener has absolute check ov-•em er this foundation.' Weather, soil and I may be ideal but without °cation, ' good eeece s,pecially selected to suit Canadian, conditione, the garden is going to be a failure. There is no guarantee that a flower which has give n wonderful results - in Canada wili do equally wee in other countries and, because of this the average gar, dener is well advised to &Mire. his seed and nursery stock from a reit- able Canedian source. • Early Cultivating During the early part of the season a little -cultivation every week will help plants along wonderfully. The purpose' is two -fold,. Unsightly weeds are killed and valuable moisture is ceneerved. Growth Is hurried along. Later on as the flowers or vegetables eterelop it will not be neceseary to oultivete so °Rae Sometimes a Mulch of short straw .,or grass oto. eines is Weed OVOr thO Orden to retain moitture &wing the (summer. . • ' 0\0\1 $\el „ ' B arred . s • • I c-4- SIRED tr) . s 0 . s Rock Chick .. , .. . In The Garden- Not Hard To Grow , 'Mane •flowers are almost a.s easily grown as weeds. Once plamted, end possibly thinned they will : flourish despite neglect mid ineettse 0 Make ench things as the' toismos. Seed 'Of this flower . can be planted otitelde ;almost as soon as ' the soil is fit to work. It grows quickly, is tall end graceful and will begin to bloom froin early •July one Zinnias, giant or dwarf size,- ere al:tether flow- er that the busy peeked can plant i with -certain satisfactioe of a big de• piay of bloom. These e.xeept for the tiny affair with close button -like flow- ers are .aleo large plante. The bigger ones will Make a height of 18 inches tio• two feet or More. Color% ever a tide /range from dull isgti, bittern, and Waiver to Nbright red end pinks. zooms somatitat reser the nese. In the similar Mee �f easily greet eleatoe are allyastm; White Ohdlibilitit mid uSerit fet" edging. these 10111 grow iu Ittetial sbade etid take eteelient gift.' Omit& -r.otitiliti, le A, epreatilbg 'Dia&Vtith CONSTANCE - .It , , Hold Joint Meetince - rebe W.A. and W.M.S. "held- their Jetta' Meeting in the basereent of the church Thursday when Mrs. R. Rog- erson took the.cbair for Groue7:No. 4. The meeting was opened by prayet by Mrs. Ilegerecra and tee •roll call wee afteveimed by a donation to the bataar, •A' Biblical verse cents -thing teee'werd 'mercy' will be the roll call for next inonth. Tbe. Seriptere lee- son from Geneele I 1Vas read by Miss Challinrers, arid an deteresting talk ,velei given 'byellere. M. Maine orn, "Light,"" "ead Mies IvY. Sin then. eangL ifell Kindle Light," oWed by "The )3eg- gar Boyei Gift" by Miesdile Leitch: The leaflet en forgiveness Waft given by 'Mei* ,Ohnleiere. "Breathe et Me; Breath of Gad" was stelig .by Mrs4 .140 ' Stephenson, accomOarnied. ' bk Miss nils Fleeter (did pep -bent Wee thelf read. by Mebellie tiler*, -Wan you Be Missed'?" Wag need by, litre. iti Hogerson. ;Mee Rogersoe , clewed the ' Meetiog bli. Mstiyer. Luttch was. Set": ed. . ' No. atd Mts,...Mittre'W Reekte, et Ldlitddh, ilPefit Wi10 at tlifii hOiliic . ,. . • SCOTT'S NEVV HAMPSHIRES • Travel Far and Wide—Within tee past ten days, shipments, have been made to Manitoba, Quebec,Newfoundland and all . parts of One. •4e thelo. - The performance of our stock In customers' hands is our best advertising medium. When ,you buy Scott's Baby Chicks' or Breeding Stock, you are achieving In one purchase what has fr'. taken 17 years to attain. . . Barred .Rock Chick orders are ahead of supply at "preeetit, ' ' I - 300 New Hampshire Chicks available thfs week•, SP.ECIAL—Barred Rock Cockerels, si per . e jjjj . . scortiortS POULTRY tigA0114134 ,? 14'014t16%.".'... -•, • •,,((;,:! „'•',1,',5wile;114? • • l eteee "40e k.''•ee, • 7, 44 ma... ••• ,., . . f ' , •••,. f..,.4 "T. , 0..., , ,..,..o..