HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-04-16, Page 2.__ . 1� Z ­ . ­ , . " . , � , ., _ , � -, . . , " 71MAIM15 " �!!17 , f ,�,��"f"�""�P,.r� * 44�V4. "W1, " ,.'. U �X'!_ ",4:�� " � "T .:'l ,t' - . !. � - 1� .. ,. � ,., q� � :�t - 1 I . "', -r � , ", �g,,�7.�,,�".. , - - - - ­�, , - - -g -"T 'I , I I I � "" f " � - �=, . ­. . I--,' . I �, "" . '-4T,:i,T-`JXt , Z " I I "I , . i -�: r: g,� -�ii�;,"j,, -,,1-,� """;".",�,� � ,,,�� �,,, ��% � 4 �m!,%�' it ,� -pg,m .,�,.. ,�,.; �11'10 �,,, , � . , � . - " ,7` _�,_ 11 IE;V*""?,�TVT�149 " , i , ',�,!�`,,,,,�-'11!4` _, -, :... --g�;y !:,p i!S' '74), I I i", ti . " �4; !. , .. W , ,f . � -, wo �71!, �0­�­�.,­­­ ­ N 1-1 , " ,_ I , 41 ... , "� 'f::Z - "I". -A ` "14 "' , .",i� ". ,,, ]�7.��`� . . I 7 . , .r,�".".."'.':", `�'�`,�YI�1'1!� I I .� Nil"101 INAR�I,i�.,�,-,,1,1­ �,�,�_& �: ��, ., ,qg , , ,�,,, .,p , �;�,�oi.,� ,�! ,!,, � '' "' . , , . ,!'�' � , , ., "! " I I I , � -V' . - , 14 , �� I. i�� "I., ______ - - _M_ , . V. . , ,. I ­ . 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I'll IP1.1EK!", , N IMIIJ­gig,� ,.t�,, hw,,'�', - u­g� WTV-S" RIV .-W �Atllll""`71"' .r_ . . I 11 , . , "' IERIM.W ., . �: , , 1"', - . , . f_.". ,� , .1 :,: . , I" , ,�'. � . �V"141�'Ii.,�r ,1. �­ �t, .:, 7�1 - - T , " �l, WEL"I.A13W. , � � -�: *;%, I . ` ;.. "" �, :�' 'I, - 'Wo .� �,� � -:11 , : I - -1 ,�; 1., I �. � �;-,�T. All"," : ' " I �',�� � 'IR �, �, ti i7l"f.7'.717111 � i . �,1�', `�'r7F ,,,, I ,� 717,7 f7,- I 1" , " , x �, . . . . . . ". 47 ", 7 I ;5�,, 71 M I �, 111;�"'",T'�111�1'i I !111� i Iii " . ., . ­_ " Gil - � " , � �� "J"K, s,� , � , 7 .M. 7 1010 I I V i . ,V, - 40. � , I,', " '. i ", .j : , , a 41it,P, . - . .. , , . , ��' .�.. �.,,��nq­ - ,i, I - I .; ;,X -A" , � 1. T-01 'x.�'_ , ,, � N , n�..* ... . . . , operaocia, �( , , , � . ""' ,d,,t;�'_ "''. I I , 17F 2"'WiN L N igyWylT.., " . � !;d ��' , ., F -1 N.O."T"It"'Aw �, 5 W �,j ,�� ,..­Ir�p " .� 'I, 1, . 11 * thi.", , , * �.2�4r,f �.� "�' � & � "' - x.. Goviermi" out , , - " , �', �,�,, �Y��:"" 1, , �ed " I 1, I "", ,� � IT . � " , K 14"Ch -1he I - ,. i ,,,,,�o,",,,,,�g�,;�","�:"'t �' , "" ., ,- , _ T�% .1 - �'11�` , . I � � the Qpp W I ion w . , 1 . , _ _='L . v _ �e I - . �b '.1. ...... � , . .. ,",,,,,. ,:ii,� � - W.'R "... I . , .... shert � sessl4it'pos4ble. .. , . . . 4,�. I.' 1 ,�.1­111.1,: :i _ . N,r..r . .. ... iv.i,, ,',,','.,.'1:11 I., �_ �t ll�—­-, ­­.' --7. li�7�---,�'Tj-.-,.,,�v.�,,�-�'."�.F�.,?"'�"-I VT11151 - J 4 ,,,�;� %�: � I " �� .. . IN "I IF , ,.`o ,,.,: � -,��,:, I ,� ,�T.,y . , . .7`11.11-11,11, - . . .1� I ". - , �', 111. ­­­ .... I �,�,,,� .-;, � *4 P101,90, Irm, . , - ��, - . � � I .. I - ''. , �, ., . W.11 I * " - " 10T 'O .. . _ '' I ", , . �, I . ar6.-Rditor. Anothe* 'unusu,al feature 'of t�.e .. 114 �'�6 W_ � . .�,,,W4 .. 'I - � �w#,­*e,140 , I r " ­,;""�-, � 4 � , Did you ,over k .. that by ft_,##m- -'� , ,,.. � ,�i �i.4,ri,!, 740:1WA ... q �f I q7I - '! : . t%4' � . .ppw 40 *to 49;01 � ­ t, ".. .=7 , -,�M` ... "t'i � , � I I - , � ... 1� - , I � 4�iw � ., ,X I I , , I : , !,; , �. . I I . -s wtoj� , � Wr.,&4 %ati-M-1 prj !'I 1� *L , , ,, � , I - " ,� t : " Tb%_ t� , rx"a of "y aip " : i ". � , session's closing wq�, the speech de., . , .. ,, .46 Q4. I'MA ,10 . � : � - . �- " 11 �.� �%, ev- 'to *;Q-, , Qnts.rlo ftrl .. , �, � � ,--.�!'-� � . . r ,r,ql. Bmbtem Bill ip'. the U Ajf,�D th, I .... � " 14, js��O,o , i t;W0vt7A,V* " y0'a �. , , 0, , 11, � ,,, ." _ 14 .'%.LV Warch .99, , ,* "­rrA1rti?.;.'_ WW, I � , , ; � �, ,, I ....... � "I'll, I ..... I I rth, Ontario, — I . _qv pt, on . (ka 4"'.)q , I , -,t' I li I . � . ' livered bi th� Prime X''Inister , r. 11 , 1. ___ K, '.. , '', ., :� . ., I., �� ... � I ­ I �, 11 11 I , 1, � I .ow b . I . 1. " ,X If 19$7, th� , - : ..:. . . I '44 - ­'., .. I I � " ; aftern % ­^ W" " plip.q.. " —1 P.1 A iimi 0 , pl, WW$e Trillium bot,a I I �,� 1�1 �� �� I . . .,y,,McLeaU . , ,g0cal.ly . "I'll, .1. , .. . . .., . ,* . . Tril-llqm , 74% now It If ialso .20. " P , ,O 110A and Firost PI,O I'll, I ..� �4..;,*Vop W .b 0,0410A . , ... X ba, . , .4- _ , .. � � I I � .. I . ­ Macken4e King, in which be' toor I .. .�. I knowa as . . , oria-4ditior'.4 . p, , Teorg 0, :q,t "tw ". , 'A " 'W I ,, - 11 , , ... becomes the l'eg%l 'floral; eutblem of ta4.o go ... ... , .- , I : . �­, ­ -­­- -, .1 I I I � . .jrticultgr4l, Ass"AWC4 411*� Tho r084. voqw.�, Kliont' ", 4"t, �, "a 110 � .." �., ., I uron Expasitior , . . I ''., .. , ,. s his appreciation From. � Tbo . .t,he . , , - 'K - . �, th ":,0_ W T � . 1:1:" . ", : � . occasion to expres; .. . , i!711 9 6. , 19 ,ha gJA Of 4. 11, ira. , - 0owity, poett4i, h. , no. 14 -, -, A- � . . I province - n%r � % been slow, . pppd itlie QUepk4g.A. ". . . . . . ,��.i ,. , —1. 0 1� , q � . omb I , - . I . I I . . .. I . 1. ,tM F AP �4�, � ,., , , . !p , and thanks to Hon. R. D,' Bennett -in d"lling with tbi6 qiwation. of a Orte 14m for, the. 0dh#r,d.gX1.., sdad�,'S f .. � I � iIJVbQUgJ*. ftt 1, aft -914pt' ­ ""L . ''ri - lw,�Ar, I ,& X , ­ y April 10, 1912. . . " '" �, '. ..". :A,,0U* seription rates, $ . 1. I . . vingiAl ilower embkm, bp,r the� On,r t,be 'initiative of 00 Ase0c,lat-lon ,led �.'J,ROOVMO I. a- . � _0,,',...t4At I , , 4,08ifty, worl . _ 14, - W � f .� I 1 .1 i, . - t e ' - . , .. , r .- ... Iii ". -V 1 ��:30A %0"kit'1ii6 , II I 1-60 a'iear i1f, - the leader of ihe Opposition,: for the - : ,i 3 j 4 . � roikoa: And tr90 44, *04 Z . - , _ ' .1%0 tamt-Ilawf�Ul....C!�ti�i!��,.�.!AI I � 4L, 9 " sm � wk --se4s, �%,#% __%t, h subile,c ! 40riv. :man I �� �l-'�wtee,,�f.or-ei"4(*-&.,yp.�v..*%i4igle _" , L 1��__A= - I �0` - _ %; 11.�j .1 - , -, 11 .11 100w., f-! ­V .._ - _ . ­ help he had­evven .the, Government- -:; 'tOrY -hopP00 AAWt Un- r5iunday ifttit vq4slsteuttly urged, con4derStiou. of UctrUdUlt4ral. socag ftWas, w*bW, , ".64,40-4*-- ­­ ---- -- I .� . . . Aeip . I ,. 1�­,F. -Y . . , `� , @11�", . 1o'_`.1.11y,­ P I!, 4 cents each. . I , iQus thing to do, and when the largest steauship ever built the subject -flom the past twenty Yeare, - 4W lothier 110sitituitiloall . 1,14 , �� "I 141, .4r,lo. 30AMWOUsil, ill, many 100-o"m Aber, 1 . - . I. . , , I'll 41 W�. T. - � . . � . It was a grac . I went ,down in the Atlautle ocean, and t'he efforts, of Its ' agicer's and DaminOoa,no Ana, ded, on : V, bAvo appeared. far,tw nrat ara% Aid, - I - � , , � 1� lgr�",�.. I I I . .- Mr. Bennett was deserving of every can-Ang . I . � and O.. I., I , . with her I The ,member,% have At last belou avarded, ed'at. The Maple Leaf has, , elem � ad. the 10404 OOW of 134ugat[1004 - - I �, 0 "t" ,: . .. . . . I . . . , ,soG people. zatiou of,ithe white trll- cepted by the. pea of . th, from 1,0b a lyt ave badly 4r9k, , I I . . , W ._g � I t�,�,_ , � .. ._' word -of it. . Titahlo atrq;dk a .towering ice, berg. -by; the legall pie Wt ,,, jo )B _h � ,. 11 . ' t on ru pat or u I 010104 I At".e-to nVeletingen wedAesdayi I . .... ,�,,'- -Advertising rates' on application., '11hey transtemsid 700 people to life Kim which was adb@te,d a their g- out lepl.lust m or ".1 041. alp, I � . / 1111,1i;:.1F. . . Usually Parliament sits for five or , b*Ats and ft - dis pew ' to, th - land has tbuts a nuintubeil:16f. aecidox; were . .1 , . . .. . . . . Ap red -a waitery gestIou. As a Matter of fact, no Pro- 'mation as , e1r, emblem �.. A claims I I I I � ; .1 I _ . . I I . . � .1 � .. . - -and -a, dispVg0on k p . .. .4" , ,� , I Vince of Ca=4 has ever .phown any L . , . six montlig-of the year, but this year grave. , bega, accordied, a Axed -ploce along considered, tog 1"6 1, !�; �� Ki ­ � q , ., , oon, at, roads - 0 :� I. , � " . Mv. lbbn Mumy, of Manley, 11i4s, -pileat baste in, the selecideli of a flor- With. the roste, bbo.b4I&t1,p* shaimrock., '11018tive ,to, the asiump 1. Vit�,.� : . ' I � " . � ' � 11 StAFORTH, Frida.r,:Aphl 16,1937. - saw just as good legislation', and just . 'a, oples, 't the Bri was' dftid,ed to I I I , - , - Cured emblem,' In Neva Scot.i.a. in . 1�25, �,�anid 'leek, og th-0 pe 1: 1, , tish by, the province. It. A 11 '" a position ��to, � .1 I -in. the Stauldiatrid ,al . �, - . I i floral em. te�ilder for kt"..nlew- duinp trucks, tq* - I... ., . . first mcit0ted, biifit Tales.- The rose is also %10 - -- I "' I . I . I � .. . as much work accompli�hed, in less Bank. Publip.. . the question, was. , . I .". . -Sta to, to el . . -l'i:i I , ��. ,..:" , I So f0'aa tea been, Jearried by D. was net'until 1901 that the -Traillwg blem, of New York , t wh I wl - dem to b.0,�. by �kpxffi 14th, Agodunts ­ !M,r .. . 1. than three months. A iiiecord indeed. I I. ". . . , the County Eagineer, Hur. Arbutu , laically known so, th May knowu'viational emblems, appear in 4MOU111tillig to ' $6,000 were passed. - 1,, 1. � The,,Oshawa Strike Patterson; ,* .a "'" , , . " " I i1t� . , . I . I I ,The Coronation and thel Imperial onClounty'viies, unusually lucky during .Flower, was leg4j,ly adopted.' -in the the, Fleur,de-lial at France; the Lln- Members of the''co, 1p-dow , whtch 1�1 I 1. ' , , 11-1 I .. . I ' I I dem G � ", 1. . . . ,., . ., -1 � � Conference, which wil mm -the triecent freshet in -that compam. following year Manitoba made official ,d vormaw; the Amaranth' or met with Mr, Patterion, are R4eve L. , � I �: , I i ediatel . . . '� ,, " . � � Possibly beTore this reach the , -y E. Cardiff, Of Mortriv, To,washilt, clialt" , , V I-% . ps . f ,election. of the Wind Flower, - and I Swed,ft; the, Lotus of Egypt, and the , , � .. � �11t... tively little damage was done ,a E . ..-�.i".. 1. . , �� - pyes, 6f our readers, the strike of the ible, of course, man; Reeve clleitikr maw1dunek, of , . ,:_. . , .1. follow it,vere responsi. bddgea Mile, greatest was, at Auburn 'later on Alberta chose, the Wild. Rose I Chryeanthemufa- at Japsp4 , . , .. I . I . � 11 . I 11 ".., , I S � . . . . ­ ' George - , I " , where I I , I . Stephen, township, and Ree" , I ��,,, �S, � automobile' - workers - at the General - for the shiortness­of the session, a part of the abutment 'was wa$h- . 11 , .' I . f, . 41 . _1 I � I . - I I . . . . I . : I . . .. . ,. C. Feagaint, ,of (3blborne lownship.- - . ,,, �.. . ' ed away, 1111111111111 . ".., 1 I . . . ­ 11 111111111111 . . . : I r I ' I _�il, Motors Plant in, -Oshawa will hav6 it will be necessary -for the Premier Mr. r; Scott, of the Ontario Agil- � I I. I `�_ ... " . I ... I I I I . " � .. . ... . . ;.. . Goderich StiLr I I .� 1. I . . � I I I I LL ; I I . T - Now Working. In Tor4?nto I � i , ..��. I not, as I � . I , I 1. �.`, �� ' . the'Opposition Leader andother of- gagedl *as buttermaker at the Exeter , , Donald, Lane, son, of Rev. D. J. and - .1 , . � � been ,-settled. ' And, possibly' and some of his -ministers, as well'as- Cultural College,,Ouelph, has.beea en- ' 0 , ' S %is% I , JWT A - SMUZ 'm TWO * i,., at present it looks Vory inuch as it it Creamery.i. ''I . 0 , , '0 Mrs. Lane, -has Completed - big -course , - , I , I 1, . I . 'ficials, to attend the ceremonies. .. ' . Messm., Mwbee Bros. have 6l�eured . I I . I . . . . . , . W�.. � � ,_ . . would be a long drawn out. affi4r, ,a . . `At Shaw% �Businesa' Q01loge, .Toronto, - I 1_ " . � the eontra6t'fior the new telephqn� Anoth6r Red, Menace -Fifteen Year I'm a doctor,". whereupon; the . tried and, has, entered the office of - a trust ' I -,.- . , Nw,_ fight to a finish between law and -dr- .Looking, 6ver� the past sessioni and , ne at'Ay1mer, also for the l6itqnstion old,girls with the rouge babit., 'gentleman neatly firtished offthe pet- ft.' - ty. Is frIen . . I 1 1.411, - � . . H . - I . ' rM in that',d Dion ,d&, Snd , .:1 . .,�., der on one side, and foreign labor . 4 the work accomplished. it it, it makes Of the line At'Sbakespeare. . . 0 1 . ,;,ormahlee for that .evloulng b'y' saying, - r" 'legion in, - Gddprleh wish him - . I � , 11 , ; : ., , I � . Barber -Was yo .e of great boribomde, "How they a el, 11, ' . I ,� �. I . . Mr; Joe Dick and Mr. Albert Twigs ur tie red when In, a. ton do. ,every succests, In) big work.' Dont, was '.1 agitators on the other.,'- one worider if a i6oronation would. ,left �on Thdrisday for a In bere? I I . you-11ke the iplay, doe?" . 1. ,,,,,, . . Regina to push you c me . a popular studentat th& Godeirich. . . 11 ­� . �l - I . I 1 .,�'_ :To an outsider the reasons, for the not be, a profitable thing to hold ev- -their f6rtunes in that clty� - , Customeq--No, it wasn't. . . . .0 . . I . Collegiate. Hie was . 1. _ . I an, all,mund aith- - K-�­ . . �. ' 'Mr., mark Fortune, . of . W-inni Barber -Gosh!, . . A group of reporters -called orb iste,of no mean ability and - -1 I �� . ",'':, I � p\eg, . . , . . r year. Sessions cost m6ney—a lot I I I is a I lids aimble I . K � . t o e, eX5 Z . who with his wifli and two daughters; . I .� 0 . '', ­. diqtingu hed, SputbeM4 who had at- fingers Made h,im proficient with plane � RX", .., . workers, w' ' f money. Even one of three months ' were passie4g ' on. the ill-fated Ti- After telling his fair pat;lieftt to put tainted the age. of 100. They wanted . .. I ., I 1 4 , . oidd Appear to be very far' 0 era " ' ' . and stringed Instramenta He,,I& well' . ".., 1. 1- . . I . . is. expensive, but when they linger -on ,tanic,. was a cousin of Mr. Goo. Pat_,aut * her tongue ,this dioctor continued to, know to what -the ,attributed. his re. equipped, f6r bath, bnelmws and social. ' � ­ . . � . , 1�' fetched indeed. �On their own state- tersoA. of this town Mrs. Fortune writ -Ing ouC­bhe prescription. When markable long-6Aty. I)id he drink,? lffb.' derleh Star . ' I . I I ,-�.. I I . . . Go . I '; .. . 1or five, six -and -seven mont s, they and, the, two.da , he had finished he - turned to his Did he use tpbacco.? H�kd he' . . . . . � 1 ment they are satisfied with their . Ili ­. I ughters. were rescued . ­- arly - re- . , . .� 11�- . . I but. lit is believed, Mr.. Fort=�S was patient and said,, "Tliere., that will cipe to handf olk, to othere?"* , f Appointed Band Master � . I ­ ., lkou , their *Orkin conditio* become animposition upon the tax- I .� "%len,",he explained, -I '. At ihe annual ,meeting .of ' the .. . . . rs 9 ns and I . �� dirlownisid. . do .Sil, I 1. . "Well, -gent e : . 1�'z , .:.' � their pay. And they well might be , payers. A very unnecessary, imposi-, miss Pearl Daili, ot�'Bru§sels, has "Mut, Doctor," protested the lady, attrl�'uCe MY ajis, vif.jefly. to the. -fact members and executive,of the Hen- -- 1. I . ,, 11, . sall Band, G X. Grant, Exeter, was - .. ­ � 11.1 considering .the fact that all. three. i tion At that.. . . � . I gone to ,lipindion where she - #ill as. "you never'evert looked at my to t,,in. 1833,", .' I . . . chosen as leader. Mr. . . . . , � . I �11 �. - . . - . I "' ' Ilosition, as stenographer - and 11 . No,, I I - -replied, the M.D., "It wasn't ', .' . .. 0-� . . -unanimously i ' .t �, I I . I .. ;', "V .are considerably�. more advantageous , - This session"of Parliament has typist. .. - � . necessar . I just. Wanted, you -to keep In Latin A�ruerlcan countries profes- Grant tbad. his first start ,playing in :, . . .y I , 11)e� I � - , ��,.! I ' ail. i .11�,-,!R. .... showfi the country what the members I - kilMtrick brothe�s at Kippen -have quiet while I w,rcte the pres4dription.", glonal men use on *their Cards -elabor- thie Glencoe -brass band age .- ' . . � ­ to them'than are those .enjoyed by ' b th-6 100-6cre, farm known a. . . I . . � * I . ate degi*ei and either the tftle-."Dr." Of t6n. --W f age he, . ... 1. . I � ought. I , 9 .1 . .hen'fifteen,,. years a . I 1. ... � I . . I the workers,of and ..other, industry * . of.'parliament can do, when. they . th'the ism- MI&_ �i,:� .1- , in . �, - the Paul DQIg fo,rm, south of -that vil- One night at the ,theater 'a r,4�her or something still mowe lmlpreSfflve� was found playing wi I "if., . I . . . . , , . ng to . " ,,�y . , ' . � . . lage. . .,:' z'. �. filed gentleman stood up fm his seat So e I lig .11Ujvy&r dlesex R . ­ ' ' I . '. I � really set their minds on acco'lhplish-' I . w* 'ise4 cards readd : I egimelftal Band but owl � i rr.,�:., Canada. . . � . . I.F yman oerisuad- . I 'I, I .,. . . . . . ing some ' and get down to brass The *daneiel,ln Cardno's � Hall Thurs- right smack in the itildidle ,of theplay This," 6r . mg1i;ieer That," etc. One his age ther local cloi* . '-:1. . The strikers ar 'even . satisf . thing . I . . ed his' parents not to allow -him, to : I., � J�.o . - e led . (*y evening. of last week .by the and saidl: "Is- there a doebor in tl�e man who, has Ailled 'to achieve such . . I" � . i ,,,�', I � ' . - . 'lict, ,,faltered sholitly .dlstiri�tionsZ, -rather than 6� lout&Dne 90 OverZeals WI egilnev�t in 1915.: �4 ,."., � I : . 'th n which their em- , muibroug - . a m. s -of Seaforth was house?" -The ors th the r I I wi -the manner i tacks. What are they ,going to do . n id . �- - I 1, -L--, . . . 1. . ' ;. 4a very I lerkjoY4ble affair. There were but the play bravely "went diV -though by h1s fellows, has his cards � engrdy. However, later on -he jiolned.fl* army I I .. 1. I .. i. . . . I � . . � - ploying company recognizes� th6ir next yeai? Having established a re- ' negrly 250, pie9ple,present, and diancirig it was a bit Of a -blow 'to those can- ed�l I? .. ... - . . 'and, went to Fra=e�-Exeter Times. , . I . . . . I . . I 1. � lt: � . .. , ' - . _ I .. .. . . . I . _11 . . rights under their local unions. And . card , of business, accomplishment, � was.kept up, un,til 4 a.m. - s' e .­ Luis Lara , , : Advocate. , .. , � . . I I The musild cern,ed. A moment lateir h; 6 I � ' .r,,� i ] *ber to the , New York Times, .... . . . Accid6nti . . . . , . I , . p 18 ',; w'll was,'by'T64 a tth U . , ,, , I ", '' 1, I 'I the'� live up to, it? Or will they. ' I . ,71ta, of London,. - gentlemlain still standing, I . his -en . . . . . . -, . .it is more than probable: that there' . . . ,. . ThoOluff"Plandrig Mill,his been r6. question. 'At tilitia..iteond'-call, a man C-blicago. Tribune ,and .Cofiler's, Week- ' On . Sunday evening as lin. - AXthur I � . . . . . �!��, . . . I . I . . . I I ,.,. ..... . I not? . , - - I : I , moved - from North Main Street to arose in the� rear lan.d.zald: "Yes, Iy�-ClGn1trIbpted1. � . 1. . 1 Ford w4s� motarblig to, Exeter 'the car, I " - . I 1, � 41 ���.. llr�- I woiAld have been no trouble whatev' ' " I I I , . . . I . .. . , . � . .Is I . . ; in-, Which,. ihe, wasi. - riding., turned over ' ., I . . � . in - - , One in - , , " . rla$'done - . � , . . 1. I , I 1. . er, if the foreign labor leaders',, ' th* , g is certain , The mem- Goderich Sit. The moving ,lh �. . ' ... I I .. .. . . I 11:, . . .- I I I � I . on , I the road and was, badly 44hdaged-.' , . ' I Pt'%. .1 I . I I . .1 . . . I under the -'arection, of Mr.'kolau.d ' I ' 0 1 . . l, -F. I I I I .. .. - �. I � I Fortunately Mr. Fard is . . I 'I, �. I I . . . .1 . . - I scapisid with a � '­ .. . particular, the Committee for. Indus4 , bers may forgqtj but their constitu- - I,cenniedy., '' I . . I . . . . . I i, , I I I - Xr. S.M. �Best of Sear d 16 I r I . : . i iMlibbrt and Suflivan O'peras Are ' , shaking 40. - Mr, Ford was driving '� I , N.;... . . trial Criiiganization, commonly refer, - ent� will 'not., Having' -seen what call . . Grth dias siol he . M ost Profitable T I I .. . I I � . ,� .1. . . . the L&Wrente'farm Which he rece, , I t 0 era t ,,heatre Pro, 0 alone and about a nille, and a halt el".p . I 1:1 ; . _ L* h. p - .�, .... ., 4 ''', V- . red. to as tJie­,C".'I.O., had not sent its . � really be accomplished, in the way of .. purchased, to Mr. John Kerr, 'who . 9 � I I �, .. pertie's.' . 0 -of!Eketet he,lost contTol of the car. N . , I '. - - . I . I * �,.. . I V ' ., - . . . W %. I . I . . -m. ' . . . I .. � I . . . . I . . 1. . . 1. � The fildrift Wheels-'istruick .the ml& mud � . I I .� . . . I . leaders, into. Oshawa to, stir'up trou- legislation in three. months, they are owns,the adjoining fai ... k..,: * , . I . . . I I . . , . . . A . ,.1.. I ­ I 11 . I . I . There, wer4 eleven birth (six male . . . :. ' ,' � ,on the side of the road and, turned ,. . 11 . . I . . "'..., . . 'ble. ,��` . . . � 116t likel . to look upon longer � ses- ,and fiv fernale)- fifte The Gilbert and Sullivan .op write his verses,'delivering perhaps� - .1 . � � %, I ... � . , y e. � I en death (six. far and aw � ay the . ,most, priorfLiSbIli pro- :as mucIvao-a whole act St a-Alme'tp over, The. ,top and other parts of,the - - I I � . . . , �, � . I ' .sio�s - with- any degree of favor, un'- . male and, iii-Ine femialO arid,,pix mar- , . - . I car' wero., damaged... ,Mn , Ford . wa% . . I � , 11111� For some months, the employees of , , � , . . Sullivan. , 'Sullivin!.s ' first considera- taken: to h1s, h b Mr. Chas. Fish- -, ' , . , ." I . I tre,' � ;,". t .,I les - . . . I I tion was rhythm. He. wi . 1: . .. . I t'' ____ - ­­. c 4 redue d to his bed'flbr a I'll -General- Metors plants in the U-ni 6 s circumstances absolutely War Kages reco:A,�d in the,'Towmdilp, of perties ' ever t;reated, in. the , thea .0. ome y . . I. . . ______ - _,.___... Sitephem�LQLthe'first three mfqaths of in any - la�ug�iage, at any timb, -says an 'Gilbert's lnitric�te ve . er. He w"�Pqnfirrie . ��11 , , - I . � . — . . . . I rses to -a set of . - vo.�___� =�_. �,* ,-I,:-:. I - - ra 'is ye . . :, - f, . .. �. . . couple. Of days.-fteter'Tim-a-Ad .1. � � , . State's, have be n, on strike, the cause nt them. And circumstances raFe,.-- �th air , I . . 1. _p I . 1.�,,r . . article ,condensed. by Reader's Digest �dots and dushes,,%nd only thqn, w6u4d - rvcto-.� - . - , _ .,. . - I . . - . L ,! :. I . . - .1 � .1 . . Mr. Edward Robb, 't -some- time from' Fortune., Back in the '70"s o#L-r' be hunt for bits' tune. But �wben he : 1 -7 . ... , ", . there being the same as en for the ' ly do. , . I . I I r<� . . I ____ .1 I ,giv . � . . I I ,toacher''of'_the Lochlas,ii. 6chp@ ;n ' . . . . . . .� fteal'Estatq Changes.. -. ..,, . ��- � . .1, �. . . I I . .. a hundred Pdnaf6re_.co,mp&nW­sj_w,ere, finally .CAMe: 1�t.lo- orchestration' he I " - - - .. .'. . i . i ' I. I � . .. " entod, by _ , . I I I �. 1. ­ ­ _1� I . The'sle Strikes across . 11 Asli-field -Ye"isfilp,'--was pres gaing' at Once IV the' -United States, worked, on tfilp eo'rd�Ncsii 15�91 , SWO��fxaivim* - , ve-011 '81,60#04).10" , � � . ne .� I _qji,p'4d , ' it*Ahel ast - � - I . , "ke 0 � 'r '. Oshawa ifri . . . . I � . , , s '" li, . -1t: . t n Uij,b6�ife Tdviie ii . � I . . � I I his Oupila 'vHth an'elegan . ��, I I. . . , suitcase eight ,at them in New Y-ork City. To witli'dispatch, rarely 'inaking changes, . has: urd�as. � . - 11 I the line, have been recently settled by , on the eve of his, dqp;artur�e for Seb-� week ' Mr. 1o§eph.,BWIey`t i'p -4 kp �.A­, There Is Something About A ' ' � the D'Oyl,y C,a,rtes,, autbqrlzed.� pro- afterward ai24 rarely asking. Gil-bert ,. e.farm of the ltite,*M. '�, ' ;� ­ :� e signing of an agreem ent between - , . .1 . . 111� where he takes charge of An- #udi�rs b -f Glilbort and, Sul I livan, more for help 'with structural' alteiatiops'. Clellients...8th' call .. . of Ugh,937ne, .1 . i . . 4 th . ringvI * -1 ed'the, 100-a& 11, . I . . chool, � . . . cession . . 11 I ' ' . . I other. ,I's . . "I Iv �.. - � I . I I �,�, . IlieUnions and the Motor Company. . , Horse � . . . . � 0.1 . than, 20,0040 performsix,ces in the -past 14, this un4ntimat6 fashion the ' part- 11.,�.,. . � . . . . I . . . I I 0 I 60 years h4ave rileapt rewards in. the niers ipiirsued what appeared in finish- adjoining his own,. ,Mr. Bailey has ' - , . , , . .... . . ' '. Motors , however, claim I I ' ,,vicinity of ,$2,500,0 t , . his' 50 -acre g . raes far to Mr., . . � 1111.i�:11�1, General ' , From 'The Huron 'Expositor . I 00. This year -he ed performance to be one,'of the most . I sold ; elbridge -and m Mr. . De I I- . I i i .1 f." . , .. 2 . . In discu�§sing horse,less farming in I . Tbrace A� D' �"_`,. � I I 1. . D'Oyly Carte GoinDariy,- having - play. . intimate of cioilaboiratlov4. As a- mat�' I I . I I . ,. that these. signed agy,eements hpply , April 15, 1887- . ' - bridge his - sold his 100-20lie'. gross - I. I I ,,.� I � . I � .. . his excellent column in the ,Stratford - . . . . I ed 19 weeke'to capaelty'liouses in ter ,of fact -what collaboiations, -there. . . , .1, I , �. . . � . . J! . ; rtettx Farquha�f to.Mf..N. Pass;, I . ... I . I only to American -plants; the C.I.O. There:is on'the Sth concession of New York,- is 4naking a tour, of the were wero',carriled. out ostl 4t.hn . � I . I . ' . . . , I . I Beacon-He.rald, "Ruslticus" says: "It - ., ree, rdonths east and midd . lemest, and ,, . . ., . . - Times I . , . I . .. ��, . claim they apply equally to Cana- Tuckersmith,, � , baby. th betore they mail,. nelther ,of tpe, two men funda- Imore.. Exeter . . -Ad'vo(ste. , I .. � . . 111%,.� . . will be a long time yet till farm ma- - and six days"q`ioid, , which . weighseu- return, to London' in June their Amer- mentalIT ]!kin -.. -Lost Tip of Finger . . � . . . I , . . I . g_ U36 othei At , lea9t ' I . I . 11.1. . . . dian plants, and that is the issue un- es and ;A-i-only,four pounids. ­ icari box-office iake .will ainount to four times they -vowed., liefore- thi y "Dutch" Kos�.tle, *h,6 .1s In charge- - , , � . , �'. -hich the fight is being waged. i chinefy is, so perfected that horse- ,. cloth, - e , .�. der Nv Mr. Jamps, Moare, -of Blyth, reeeiv- som�-$900,000. . For'more then half �a, finally dissolved their partnership in of Supert.est dfistributr6h. in Exeter, I I , 'I',, I 1. : less farming will'become. practical Contract for'% conveyance of c entul -y the curtainb have gone Up OV- 1896, -that they wo,141-4 licit work,ioge- lost the tip of the middle finier of' � I . I The'elalm' of General Moto'rs is � . I 4_ I ,.,ad t,be . I . I �`�"% ., . . .the' woA.d* over., We doubt v 'I matter Brom'Blyth to Fordyce, ery nighb dn,Gflbeft 'and. Sullivan' thler for anothe,r day. -'In- 1898, when. d wherl It beeamid jam- , erN , mal I ' . . . ­ 0 %, I . A,uburn,. at $375)00 a year. I. . Operas some, pla,66 . on, the British D'Oyly Carte. fevived 'Th� Sorcerer, med beit*eeilf two '1arrele 4 oil .0s. , . .1 '' �c" - ' ' that if, these agreements applied in - . . " v" . I _1 I .1 much if a huge crowd of eople will. - . ,�. , � . -act, ,f -es or the North Ameri6dnt contia- libivettiat -and. compo Kestle Was as-- . .1 , ". � � Cdnada it would utterly ruin'the .. P I , The conti -or building a ffame lr0 I . ser. answered cut,- , Frlday aftertioon. 'Mr. I . . R-.- . � . -stand a wh f . . bou - eve ofi the, fanh of Dr. Sloan, of �nb Or Ats-tralia. 1, �. : taih calls from 6pp6site 61des� -of the, gistin�& Ili unloading. 6,..sblpamt�of all I I � . I I . - ��.`, automobile buslines's in'Canada, As it .1 . ever ole .after'noon o. Blyth, haq been given to Mdssre. Me- 'Gilbert and . Sulilvan's start. was'not stage', bo'wed, to the audience but not, and .was in the act ,of U11110avdihig. the - L A �', 4, .;t , ''.. . watch a tr'aef or de'monstration a 8 , . . suspicious. Thleir -first ,Opera, Thespis to each other and left .the theatre last t . NO b, the.fing6rs be- I 'ill nu , . would make the m ' facturing costs' , - . .�, ... . a Gill & Halliday. L�rels w�m ' . . . , .1. . Mr. I)a1iiel'Heneifer,'of Zurich,, met Produced" bi.1571'ln London, was,, a wifthout spealAng. Two years late,r came, jornmed. � The top of.the finger - - I W . %'. so high that Canadian ma'nUfactur,- they did last week at. the horse , .., . . I . , I I . with a painful dcoldiahtat a chopping eomple,�e f1b; . Gilbert, 95, went back Sullivan. died, without,agAin hay.ia2g,wie'tah-'e.n'off.-Exet�x Tibies-AdIvo- , - If. - ,.. . , show." � . . I � . p . .. I I � I � L . I 1, I , �;, � .be . I bee, on the - 14th Concession of Ray to writing melo-dramatic -t eatrical faid eyeii en, his collaborator. Cate, - I ,", � ers would not able to, compt�te in ' ' -1 A . I . I . I . � 1. . I How true that is. We have seen ' recently. Onb of the ahopperi let his ,rubblsih;, Sullivan; 29 * back, to com. 'After Pinafore came 'the, Tirates I Wins Prize .. � I . �:� . ,.�.,��, ,, . . the'export markets, and without . , the'same thffighappen at every Falk ", - axe Islip' by accideirtt and -it struck paging, orat6rios 6d,"hymns, ,one, of of . Penzance, in 1879, w4th a rousing , We wisih, to c6rilgratulate.-Misv Vio­ I .. I . . V,��, . . - Sol- world premilers in New York, attend- let Fremlln,,, - ' t, , ��. 4 th6s.e marl,zets the industry would , . .Mr. Heneffer .oil the knee, making a them being "Onward, Chri.stifan, a loidal Collegiate stu . . . I . I in the.County this year. In"spite of s4vere woun,d-,.fNm ,which be,s . uffer. diers, !" . . I � ,, . 1 ed by both- GLIbert a',nd Sullivan ' -The dent, who wan�BeCoind prize'ein the' " 11 5 %. I certainlv fail with onlythe Canadia - ' ' eatly. . . I . - . - intend, � I t sipon�ored by "The School" - I I . . �. , P , and rain crowds of ed gr I .But. Richard D'Oyly Carte, a.stc-'Now. York opening was ed to contes W: . . , . wind and cold P . . I � . I ' � I J I 1:', I . market for the consumption of thell! . . Mr. John MIII4,,of the, 14th conces- cessful young impresario, brought the'eurb -as far ot, as blossible Airterican pir-,mAgazine ' - The oo�,t�it was''the tra.,111si,­' F, I - I _0�� � I . I men spent � the - afternoon ullett, has bo -ether a ..' T e xe-'acy alid to let Amawfoalls, see the auth- i,iti6n.& a French poem into, m6tricall ... I,? , . . output. � I whole , sion, of H ught the Broad- Collalioraitors tog . gain ii .1 , � . 1� . . . w -- . i ' . I.. �.'. at6hing ,the horses in the show. foot farn Mr. Mills Is now a& of sult was Tnal by Jpry, presented is'eatfe. version in. the hope that homi;, Enigjish�-Clintonl- j4*8­R96�r4? .'i � ­�.,-. . Oh' the other hand, the C.I.O. is . 1. . the largest farmers im Hullett as he a curtain' raiser at a little Soho the- brewed vroductions w6uld suffer 'by. . - ki,ii%r Telephone M I anager. . �,... . ring at only a few in , . , 10- 1;. �t . works 400 acres. , atre . in 1876, anid gtaisriedi by q6ck'�comparlsom They did,. but the �iraoy - - ,� . hot' intefested in the welfare, of the , . ' Effective April 1st, W. G. 11amil- - 1�� , 0�. :";,I � � . .. . 1111.,� ., . . the front row could really see, didn't. * . Last week, Mr. 'Robert Reid, of the -and unquestioned success. , GlIbe.rt. did not- endi then or ever,.. . . - from li�lmel, A, . "'k, I ,,, automobile industry,, particularly -in- I , 11tth- condessl6n. of Hullett; w4s­ ran- bad taken'for ,his llb�etto the aget6ss kn4glithood came to Sullivan ln� .ton, who .. comes heie I 1 1. �� t s -seem to make any difference. The I " judicial corruption, (�fte 18.93, but not to Gilbert -Qu�gri Vid- becomes Bell �' "Iiiie'We .: 4DOMP.SaY , � . ., � I . bJect of i � Manager at Wtu-9116M. , manager Holm- 1-� ,"",. �­­ Canada. What they are interested in I . siderably injured by a horse which I . I . I I . . I I I I . . .1 is in secu: men stayed on. - . he was leadift to water, rearing up piece soundis remarkably up -tip -date to- toila -did -not approve -of hito� , He Bton succeeds C. F. HtoijiAd -who. Is, I !" , ring a stranglehold'on in- I , ,nd,striking him'on the head-, with its day) and ' SuIllivin?a music was' in. was a mocker. He� hod. mocked the .. . A P1 '� ,. . . They couldn't help it. There is 11 dompaji�,s of- - . �­ . . d -to the -Be � . , I "",;;", 11, duistry, so that they ciin enforce,their foot, maki-rig a deep wound, . stanitly pralsed.' -Elated, Mr. D'Oyly courts in. Triail by Jury. ,He had transforre . I ,�P,;" i something about. a horse thlit gets a ' One night last week a sleigh lorad Carte persuaded four moneyed. friends I Taocked the Clergy in The S"Cerer. flees at London to take up special . I ) 1, ". own will and demands and demands " . ,Qf about thirtbien youn a, sales pivinction-al. Work. Mr. HoUagd . . . R,��,; man. He may not know anything . g foiks from to form -a syndicate, the Comedy Op- I Ire ha�d niocked the n, vy' In- Pinafore, ca;me to Wingliam from St. Cathar- . I I .1 , L . . . I 'F: I . manufacturing companies, and Cana-' ' Fox's neighborhood, in East Woman- era Company, to pavduce full-length 1 the aiihy in, The Plratesi and� Pati4 ines, last May, Manager Hamilition ' o � % about. the characteristics of a horse osib.' drove to the 'i'-esldlence of, Mr. 6fierak by the caUorabors of the Op- ence, :and the Whole lipuse of peers In has 11ad a long and varied experience I I ..�� I dians at large . . . , 'Ii, . - . William Wellwolad and, spent a pleas- er&'Comlque. The Soreerei, thus,pro- lolanth,6. So eonefl* . "I 111'�'. ' ,or its breed. He may never have , rable was the i - n telephone work, His previous du- . ' , ..., ., The 'Ontario Government, be4ev- . . ant evening. Wh6ut.returfilng the duced in 1877, was a moderate sue- quewn'sl digpleasure ' thkt when, In . ties have 'equipped shim admirably to, .� I . I . I '' I .. . t:�. . . s of any - ' ; mel ft an -pas ­ a st�,ep place'upset, cese. ' ­PM-fom . 11 . handled one, or be consciou 9 sfin' 'A n=auded - a; perforto-ance --, , � ing that the"time to settle the i . I 9 Thidii, Id''1978, eahiii a .* 18191 `shw,co I I niw f,�sponislbilltle�r,- llni� - 1, I I .. I Ssue I era, 'assume his 0, I desire to do so, but nothing will drawv . throwing the occupants. down the em- , Pinafore -oreated no senset4an what. 7qf'The Gondioll i at Windoor Castle, I . Ing terri- , �� 11," �, ��` is now, before the 1C.L'O. has been I , ban,kment, raftunatlily no one was ever,, -on tbe; second night the box- Mir.. Gilbert's name was. blandly omlt- this I I Impartant telephone6us . A . 11 rK I . . � toty�_Wi Imeo. � . t" . I P I . ugham Advance - T1 ..� � I as his attention as quickly as a go d hurt. I �,� .1 office took iA a misiorable 214. Busi. ted from the pragianit, which by in, Takes O' A,% - t, � - - 1; �. , able to establish themselves here, . , ver Pool Room 11 . M 1, I I F �. . . horse-,'�lor hold it longer. , . � Mr. Gillespie,. of Seaforth, has pur- 'ness got micy bettet and the directors ferieni6e- attribute4 th6whole opera jo - hei business change �bas'tiken '..., " . it has in the'States, has ste ed into chased the Prendergast lot on John of :the Comledy, Opera Company ;fell Six. Arthur Sullivan. Gilbert did not , Anot I . ,� I .. on I pp ­ It seems to be, in tli� blood, and not Street from M�. J. S; Port into a despairdlig melancholy, Bufl become Sir Wililara until Edwiard V11 P1806 - � the main Street d'ir'M the I. ­..... I the fight, and there the issue rests ' On Monday AIVJA Neat 11 . i,_ . I just'farm "blood eitftei. k,The man' ' We ire sorry to lea of . e sor-' ono, evening it occurred to .Sullivan,, ftbbod hilm. in '1907, seven. years, ar_ past.wepli 1111.5%, N-1 I . . O' I rthut had di ' .took " - and tobateu, , N "I Y��f. . at present. , was conducting , "01 .. ,blis pool, room M ,�;-, �, , . ious 1.11ness of Mr, Robert. cott, of who onowti at ter Sir A e a '41, been , I � - I I.h, i. Canadians,,as a whole, are behind I , .. � his program Mirled In "aul'w. ra, 191T, having bu'01 , , Orme"'17 owned' .1 '�,_ . . froin the t6wn and,city has it, too. It Roxboro. I Clovent. Garden, to -put on. _ 9 by, Harvey - � y � I . pre7jous to Coming to, town � ,�1,1. f,L Haill OF g1l, Y�Y� always has belen that way, and we * We are gglah 4a, not! r. J. an arrangement of airs from. Pins- tiied pqUaborator aft -or oonaboroutor I ­ . � "�J I . 14 or and respe�t their rights� under ­, H. Meraul, son'oof mr . . . 0 1, foro. The 4nddenee whistled. and ask- after his bi�eak *uh sutaysn, withicut some -six years aga to ,take o"r thls� �; , I , , " - . . Qr ,:,_ . . believe it always will. In fact, the . ed by lRenry Met Who i ; 01� ," . Idbor unions, but Canada can not af - . Principal of the publip sch6ol, has ed for more, audi shartly the gtaus succesii, Gilbert-bledi. Richard, bioyl business - own R�'Mi I . �, . � 11 I., ��.. � ': I i I y resildes 'in toWn Mr. . . 03V . , , � 11� . city is the home of most'of. the light successfully pasted bli-iseciand profes- the. Oporiu,00mlqu6 begana.to Bill, . Carte died In 1901,.,but. the, madage- StIll ", t, -Iv, '' :: P.d, nor is it likely for a moment to I ' . . alanal.examdriad6n.f4air the degree of TN6 ddrectofs, now bitterty tagret- Ment was takeni6vot first by bft wi. farmed near Dubllirli,tv�*140ili'illi I Advd­_ . . . � 11 &,��,�,� I - I horse's now.: . � . - . I .� . . ". �. . 1 ,�'.4'. , . 1 or unions . , . M.D.C. beli n, � . I I , . .. . I . I Ir"', I � lorato domination by lab .,- , M. at Trinity� Iffniversity, Toron- tingthat in) thd%ftys of Pilidt6i ..un- idow ",d then by 149,oc, itupe-rt, who date. . . � �t n", The finest cit'that -the industry to I , . , I � '. certallu begi,nidagisiftley hifd 061d their as in charge"taiday, . � , Wright -10liott . 1. '. I � . I I ­ . . . .. . � 11 . . . , A few day 'k out to D'Oyty'�10hrbi,: inati. To4layi Glibig.-bli,sative � altilt.' glitters itd1th,-MVo11 . ,'' a .` t , �o "W aa.w . �j. "', �` `� 'culairly. whe .' 66 164defs of , , ,� ago Mr. William Sln� Ift6testf & U0 ,, �7� t, 1% - �,�Z�­ . ,artf n produces will volf down a, street or -" t, �A Or , . I 11 1� . . . CIS N,�� 6 '.1 I ' Ir; on, the gated the Celebrated t Pffia%r 1kith -a� , 't'; a , .. e � ,� � "" � : , se unions. ate highly paid propo- litht leolicession of Tuck- -, pp ,'if ''AlytA was , I'� .,v4. "'. -010 I vielbue 'edge, Nor 11148 SOIU43 Mrs, Tblolimag _, I'll � ,� (V­Ij I, , ''. . . g th I I'm mo,'906re ytai,o i6f jazz bro,ught aliy uni-ted, - 1W M4 � - Q ,A,.' alon e'highway'with very little . era-milth, sold a , VA ble breeding' July '�J -1�7'qo �6- t.hijigg' . rmagig-tia, jme�%*L' 116hit 1. , -NU& 11 . , IF, ­ "'.'i , ,V I ' 'try. toward .1 , , ­ ,, .,� sts,from . A foro,ign eodh ` - ) lu, 01n- . ic& $260,00. p1wbrd "ftilTtaitm 16 abipriftldt;lozio 'Of Sulilvoln% Wright ,�soxi, 4-'4bqJA:ft`A !' �.', :wtcl i; .:� I. I., I I 1. - notice being p0d,t ' fl- and less c Mare six years old, the apoew coibilquo, I . , . , I ,,40 . .1 � I Mrs.. W. Pride 9OftWX6AO Aeall iprbpi� 4n,d, - biufkc, There oie now few, 'amislotana ilgilt, antl'Um N�Yigtt,,Apx, �1 1119, 11. 1-1 .'­,t�,�,� , " . . . , of the 14th eftl ,at. 4 -pet ". �"' I` � - "' " " ,� �- �, .. .� . ,. . ... ment made., But let a stappy driv- - sion of nay, ddea last Tubsday Irtir , h 0 5 , M, 111 . - , - 1�:Uld*. t,,n,.,�,�' � 0., .11 6,,ft �Oikit to.,160�0 'isi'm " r1l , .''.W ,, ,,,, . . . . ke_h*q��Iwllthl I walle I, , � &'Ao admit ttat SuIll, jj,1910, "Th0­,0er4*qAk;*4$ �. N11; �' I . . . . " " " I ­ I . . 1''4- &,J6 at I . I 0 MOUT, . em , ,q i­� , ­ I . er or a -pa .. 'Amle 110 I 1� ab�d '.of, the ONdWs , ,, . .. " , ; ,-. ­�' - -j. I � Iness .e:kteaM.g ' - tor ho� b'P'Sny. _V I.. 4 � � .1 10 aw n.q*. I'litherm &nd pffi-0,6re, �Gcomiftg do I .M.0466ji, bu -I. - , _[�'."0fdi,,Ahd , "'. - , , .1 . ir of them 4p an,11 ha" *46 , - valvo oper'" "doott*6 - their, 410dwoftkl� 104 � � J, :; 111�. _- - , pear on a , was burl6d tfk- "'�K ' so I 11 . . I I " - - , � �,ti`,t`.,C A " " , "'t .1 i t She Ity" . . I . ..... . sAturd*"A " Ill Al ro A in town. or city� und see 7he cbmeter3i� bsilit �he first 0110A0, be s06c*, 10ared toVairid Iti t "' - & ,ftat Willi alivoon *hov� the -4opy" , 'I. Offtfl ed "­ -, - I � i"'iwwon 3��. " ­ 1. .. .?4r,,-#-, stroll. 0 Z f0y'ROV.-P f,"."bail -6r ,� � I � . I , , , I I . . ­ . ­ . .1 'The ., � . , 1 � "I'll - ­, . , . . , , 'h; , � ,11;11 ";�,' 'J I" i,i'.�- I ,, . . ' . heads, jerk� romd. There is some-. �wld- there. `­ ­ '' . .700 6'Agium - Doff6fmiabditis. " 'Aghw Tuh 6,K 6:111,611140ft , 6g ,6Mi6ffd , bflfdo WOM 6.9 r �,�.�, i � . . . 11 � It, , 410i"im . Parlia-molit, thili -- The sfiow -is &s .4, �fte and som-i) thwe-lialure, -ft idiwo ott"aw , ... 11i 196i 1 - V,h,oni, *6 tibvug . ­ - ok, , whi& fw�* lik" tam- I k, It . I *At 4t 00 - OW96tte Ii.. ,-1 , � I in-, -oilit farmers are 01,6i% tbw Ita 0�6 i &6 dow" I'll 4fifferift, sbutid' f .1wea gild ov,wed. a boniqldet ,41 0"at . . ' .' J��_44ift'Gaj � thi g ab - it horse all right. , ,glilft, n0lit ZU1109, ,the dieft, ipit 1,1-'.111 I ,, tw6lidd � , , . I 1 ff 1- 11 'ftd-#rgtiwn,,clos- , #_ ..' , , "Ibitw6h,14, 11"o ,ahtt li,ly of the Vailo* 1N1.lU*Iftr0 � . & I � I:,;, , . , , �� W1011 411110h �69AT1614 slot" I'll' I , I * i . I I * , _i_ -_- ,Jjw, " . . , �"i ft I 406 I . I � I . 4�, - 1'emotir .., Ir, " , , " �`, I - i , ,% , & * A . ,�,s - ,#4­o"-A.,At,1*04eV- 6'' �. 11 . . .1 4 isig* ` t I ,Q`�� ly na am � " _ - I .... . . at"a, th ,,o n d ' e,, !,,, , k I 44"Ra , I � ` ,,, . fio:,( dding d1fi'ffi& ' .", � . ,, " 'r .. . ow 11W Lord . . "S., , �,� I . , . i I . , , W- , f.,..,,,t ti, "', , _111folly 106 *601 ,46V 1,0N It", "oh wea M� ,,, 1 ';,,`41 . I breakfast '$V6 .:,t,h , , V I " , '& J , 4ho, h, . � I '. . ;.i 1. i� % , . . . I 'e" IdIls, I 0;, 7: ad W M A g ,1WId at 1,hR � t . A ik, 4 -�: " I 1 .4 t. 1'� il - � 1 4 11, .4 W , - , I H61", Was , " lft� ..W.,Aee, xir� � � I - , � .._­__­_­ --'n ­ � � � , - " , ,_ , " - ii',Z i ", T "" , 41."', 1 - I - I I'. I& '� , �` Al . ` r I I'll ` I I � , , . �11 1.111 ., , , I I'll I I` . ` ti *1L I I . 11 ,,.,Ar --� 0 -,-M, 06,; V&Wbb-' - WON, �Wr ."t - V - AO 111, EV g'! &�,�%-­ A 6ral, I i � �.),Lgh ., , 1 06611#0 , " , , � "M6," � " ,,,, :1 .,$ � i 'I'dif, �bw it, we"V9 "W", - I "' 4 01, � I Normalcy - iftd. 40fdo � . 'd , 111010*016d, Im 1*1 g#00elf,; ,,, ­4A,',q4j& &� bKols, phre;W. Thw jll��;:�b ­­ , I Wdt*iW& amftfi� � I', 1. _ A I , th fW ., , _; � i. . � " � � T' Vellp"­,l 1: 61,01do, 'A - 1,T P. t .�, , ,,, �' . ci I. Vl,�'111'111 obi , "O, to eoftl , ,, � , I 11 ,� -­ I ­. ;1, I . I , � . Idt 4 00j,�We­ guest fmbbl' " � KdAh, �'ftft i 0 - ondil tM, ".Uko , - i"_ .� (sew vatkIt6y . I bb I b , _ -ft- ,. s. 0,`�, , t . .. I � , . I I 1, I 1 16 , � 1 .4 , �!!"`Wttkuml WRW� �46 �,:Jl )*L�� --" ,*f4#&4M40, blift"00140001 , . , T ­"� ft & - - . . - - jji� . I ! a4dor, , Not W" � IV 'K 600,d' � I � �O , . fttlf;�, W - I � 1*1 ,( . , � , , �, I U I I , � , it 11, ,X- S .", � I .. I , 0 W!, .. 1."M- , L�ft I I - �,� - ��, ­­ ­ 11 . , - ,g,�A ! � 10,10 � _.. 601"I'Aw t*b 161' 40 "r. ".14*4:0i 4�6'ftal ,;�,' , "i - , , .t', �, � ft,fib"J" " vitt %* 1)" ,.,,, .. _f * � I " . , ... � oftam, jkt& #01 4&,`.."� I I ,ft 1, - . , I oft , W ; W,T1krqj.­,*'.' "%','t`*' . ,�',', I I I . . � L, , , I OW I'm 61, W, $. , . 11 p - %21 I I " & 14 , � W I ___., . - f , .. I ­'­ - - I ��, ; .. VIE a , 1, !,l ,��, 'i , " �, *, , , � lle-� , I&I"Alow"; �� w"007. ,11n= i , 4A �,., , - , ,;;� t'.I� , ! , I , - _ ;'--1-. ­ �'��)llz;r"�,,�'Ai�..�,��,,�.,�� , I , .. , 1. �!.� . '1-i "I', 11 ��;,�,��t­"' ,,.,,`�;�`!.), '1141 q...", 1� "I ,,, I �, , � I I , , , , �'. . ! . ", � � " , ., ­, JP , :. �, , " 4 § � -11, I , " � '. , � ", IL# ! W4 i � %g � WON �� , � , !", " �� 1, -.4;;; 1� , , � ,,., , , ! 44% "O.- �, , 4, '' 11 , it ... I 5. 4-4, � � "A 14"'I , i"�,.,:O_ :., " �:� , I ,W I 11 , I I, I, t , 4 , , , , .q, � . I W , i � �: .1 �1111 i ,,i 'Mial I I ,� I'll, : " "I - ..... --- 11 pt�NWIPAIIU . " . , V) . . ., I __,"', M011 � ..... "', ..--..---., ..... `1'1.�, I I W, .. I ......