HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-03-12, Page 6�. � �., : , . !, �'. " , , , ,.� . ;"i ". , "! , " .�­! . . . - ,. � I .,. ", ,.; . t:,�,,� . -, , . . . , ., � ., . . , , , , � '', � , . . I I : . I : .;... . , , I. - " � , , I. . ,.� ,� .1 . : �' ,I., �. �. i� 1� ,,,,,, I . .- . � , . ", -1 I � ,, .141, .1 �:,,�,!,if�. 'I. `57 , , -1:Z? , - I I ,,, � d- i,%, �4 ,.:,.. .' ��: !W'�: ., , A 1� '. � I .1 ; t � - , I t . I . . . , I I t . . . I ... . I , , .. . I J �': � I . 'L'� I . ,� . I I I . � . . .. .. ,.. '" . : . .-i--1 I , I ... n'!, � 11 W11 ..�­ . ,� I , ., . . '.* , I , . , , 11 01 .'� ., I I 4- -.; -g,,- -, ` 7� ri. — � ­ �—, - ,41,,L.�.11,1�-�,-, 'I'MM" -.1, 0. I , ., . `��`"N'*-!* —,'�"w ,�tui � -V ­ I—. . . V, * j� , ;, � � - � 1; � �r ,.0q*,':#,.0-4 ".."ke"n . ", - �. -, MV00; ��: .1 .: , — . . � I ."', o,: :.. ��., �" . ; , ,� I , , A�l --1T--*- :: . . .1 7,`�7, '.... . 7,; 1 1 1 �, ­­ . . - � � ,.�,! - . . . , 11 i,�,;%Mv 14 ' ' .. A : " . I ., - ... . , I 1 . I . .. , , , Z ;. . , "; �r, �OavpA, 1, F,-�, � � ,,��,.,,­�,., "I ��. I , +,,Z , . , , .. ,�� '. J;4. � �� .# '. I , A4 ­."­�4,1.. . # fga­qn� .',� W- dt�', ". . 't -i . I . � -0 ,, 1 4 : 11,1111-1-11. rmmr� .. I �� � I po ­.,,;,,,, ,...;­:�,,�­-- , .­, �& I � 1, �'. . . �. I 1� I ,., � I., ,, ; .. F, ;. '. ".4i; I I I , , � I -"%* I "I " 1% I AIM. 140-04 w4ply. a "-#� , .. . . � � ., . I I I I I I-Aff " I . . I �....,!.­ �f�[4�.,' . .V1. . . . '. .. � . '. 1. .1 11 ; ,� I , I �� 1 , ' - , � I I 444poo,d tl* !0-, - 4004 abPQ X,0440os.. ,, ,�� r "" 1, , , , " � . . 1-, Y,, �,, - ,,�,i "; ��,,:,�,, , .1 , � , , " . ,..: .. I . .: i ,� �'i�, � I ,1 ".. 11 ev*.. . I h. , " , . :..,; A, PPAC 10'' � I . , ,.. " . I . - I . I .1 — V : b0t,W AW,QJV§, 40ra W-4-pleg, � , A , � . -,4 ;;0111�i�;:I­� 10 ... I., e I . .� " I � . . , ": '0 AxW-0 , � . , "'., ,, pol , I .. . ,, - t � �i r! M.; N , "ri � a&,-. - � � I ... ".� , "I - , . I �- ., A,��". .. I .... -004, t#4.4 'que, th"o Is, ". 1, �. � , M il ,:�, � I ­ 1. -1 � � di. X"wor . . , 11 IN � — ., I , ���� � � . . . . t;,�,:, , W T1111 ,, I ;;; ­ � . . � 1 4 , ,,,, I . - - "' , .::, �-.-. T1 �: .7"'; -.6 'I�'-"�,�"'"""$�7,11",�-�--"-;� iN1111 .� IT go,,­,�%,w�j,­* ;�-'­ -4, 4--- - , ,,,, ­ , , , � 1. I , .. I I . * ug1.xt.q.d, #a I :7. I � k. - , . . I..." . . . I .....I �. "I e . 11 , . 104vilar I ­ � �. '. , ,4 , . � .1 , 'Ik 71 11CM0% .. I .,1 m , ,.. I ::­. . 1 4; ,, � 17P 9Z W., but tWo JW �he first time -,---N" I *F*rodu" - - " ': , ­ 1, - I I -W ,: I ITA4,411 Fier)Yep AIR e" You .. ,: . '-, 4to -4 * , , � owler , . I " �, 'ba'alyi, .,4 g,tterea with it..", X, Ir 5 . It . �, - 1. I... ., "I, v9. ort ,For Ripley '0 . - U A , '' - a ott , -1 I - .1 ,; . , . " �- !: I ...� . . � ' I yasrYQU94� rrltg410a,;id61e4 I A . . . This wowlau'o 30 " , 0 , � ". "', t, ... .. 1� MeITO Q0 40. 048 now engaged in , pe P. a .eing,don D.Ww".4 Aia A MW ­� IV, , . I � . I � I � ";. 6-,e, , ­,,-, J,, ever begir tof lts..b pp by a ' ­ - ., , . . , -4. ,. , I I . ��., - "o, �� � - I I I r1ling . women,, 4nd MOU tqo�. clobonot 914, I I 0, , � itmimb1_0 ,' ii ­ ig ' d e" -by t , 'I 4f *, .4 - - -.1, , � . ,,, . the lipsineas aornathiiiig jl�w, in ,on , , ii".1 , I of miagufactu who is it I J I" , , P isips ,or Ch, I Th "I,- -nee more the rawle, ban IIOW4, N �Ood lot 4 App, 'N., Sto - ftt *0 spougk the long-talls ,6& -he I . . .' , I PI. ,. 00 . , C toped to , .0 O'Crawled. on top of, th oup her father, a4j�w';ri,EO . ;.." . Positive, 04 , this point t ., qtv,e , ow 110VOL � � ''he F . pf i�aw �` ' 0 season approaches tb a fe between I t a d a � , . I 77. , re at ii Reighbor, - - .. I mdept - th . � ,a who b , , .1, , , "" . i L evexy normal Person begind to The rule holds good for most tlurig,S `-o - eville, QU%, "i . . � . 1 I 1 4 ,-* ­ i4o ' ­UVWly rwd, 11, fONa.,' .F6r,* - " otha�, 44Y. The md, �I' -6 ' - ' I ­ �w - -1. !� ., , W',99R,, Arid , ­ nL ,� . �, 0401787 UK 1 4w 11�0 go warm and mado 4 short t6f Krupche hlmstelf* '14.00P4,4. 1heir to .� � I "I ­ ?�IiPv" , 11 . �. I 1. 'IV ; 0.111�- �, - I ­ ., the 00' 1004od ,and r,euit aoriiss t �Sparlc. jklu Or 00 .. '.. �, - I. . .- 0 for spp-rig and summer. Winter from eight feet down to 4,4pw . Inches ' "' " .F., .. el wo trylt. Sixei did, alid-',.fiero'. 4�,Uw ., sk 0a � . J. Made this AS,Oertioa: "No slitop, can , '' .. �, .ti# bougbad. and, �ge, w . , ,., .. �4 0 .. f", �'�,,, � , , i'­�!�,,�­ -. Q ­1num pall as and it particularly applies �Q pla,nt� have moralie, without. clea,nitinesA. we . , 4 `� " . Jvwpoitd, indicating Ithat. one or. -MOM I 1. . ". L, . , .1 .. , I eye 'for the I U),Idbato I - r4ak if I-, eltsax,nu .' are set In the top of the eniiix rhlqa iui letter:- I . I ,, i"i ­ �fwo,w gives . often aso, no- .- 1. -1 ­ ` 'r - g7h eve n t w�orklu . �.�,(,, ". ,0�.XN-Ja... , ��."a - - ".-nd was Q, f , .. _k-- "­ - 119'. . . W", . . I - �:v � � . . . . � A , 4 V�v act sv,a '01 " .. I place -to slush, and,stlush, Ing about foundationei. Very . � A . , 'a auffortplg 1, t mud.. But beneath that slush and Shrubbery is placed much to') close. to more than makeshift,motliods," . .. W..., P I "rK uglwlid� a L, ' " ditz .F.4 g�-,�.ww*gq It was worth Wails. . "For years I ftv u0m. , , -1 " I -11 -- 11 0.4 ' 11,�,,� L , ,-At tlmqq� -1 , ,91 I ' Pi amd, awvSeb*at 'tax. " I th I I - I 7. I . mp� I I - 1- !, CUR, So, to, .k �, .w,�,,,­, I;xi�)d or it ioay yet be frozen snow, the house wall or fence with the re- At the time that sitatem' . 1 � � I ­ � ,t1he . wit . pains in the bac .- . I , �. ent was, ... I . voxage. The attitand- I I . . .. .. I - ::: 'X lopeupd. . . had to Stay In bed for ftyo. I coWd .1 I ��, a somethlixg I rate of .60 � , aa� .the' hood�-and -Jaughe(L' I . . 4 . ,�, " - ;,'Mattura'onca More is beginning to stir. sult that the full beautiful symmetry mad as$ than, 1,00.0 men a day. - '. � � 'No. Respect For !111.1m,it" -or even stand. My faiths L.,:','1. I . I - noi walk, . I were eugal I . Ou-twiO'S Speed limit of 05 miles an was.usIng Kruschen "ts for 06 . , . . The rule �ed tin,ma-king.this. cfeanu� The visitor - may Spend on entire "Here's a new onev he sga sq,ve . . ,r ` BITOA are returriiiiig from the ioath; of the bush is not attained. L .. . ­ , . ­­. I � ,,, . � . ' day even in the open hearth. lipildibli 'known ;cOws, pigs� and even inoOsei to , "- . "6.� , pap Lit rising in the maples. �tnd an about spacing does qot ,hold good for Bass A�IPP&ranot- 'Now more, Wiat 4,900 . . hour -on tlip .,Open road -is MGM I1101110r, Se - He, too, -used to Suter. I , % , , employed. in 'what is called- the wh0�e'fUnia0es are making steel, and � 1. . . 4 ,me thigg. I - 10. f ' � the ,Southern Slopes of the liiii .the, large trees, however, which can be ars , ,o.4 til. ,the breach 'than In the -obsterv- badly, and Kruschen, relloved, bhL 4 ,­ � l � 'Ioleant,up department', .;a tb�"Ford depaxt With his linerif Jose soiled than . I . . . . anee, but the Ontario Motor,4SLeagu d . �� I, I 1..;i. '. earth is cornmeUcing to steam at high ,placed, much closer together for t " ' � . . . � . � .Ile ]is advised ane Id so,'�nd .!" I Soon it %-ill be time to sharp- clump or, backgrourid,� in as have been Proposed In the past, ,feels. that.tlie law . I I'll �`,-`, . Doom Xiot& dompiin-Vz RoUgs. plant,. It would. be, in an equal nuuibeZ7, of ag � to,try It. I I 5ffect, but must - , . is the law, and) the did notget a pain for three years. I � "I -L , I.. ; an spade. ab& fork and gat out. in the not be, permitted to Slade the ground Dearboiriii, Michigan. These, men.'ac. hours. ppent. in, a metrapolltan busi- "there is nOW.10V ,one, Haperanto', and, speed, .-limit, iriust , ,be so regarded. the 'my dettly d ' boir - . 1 '. ,�y . . WWW' .'i.-- - e4xde;a either " .1 In to thi-, brand. new entii4ly it gi ' I , to.be ing to the natur'& of 'their work, ,,nese'disitriett. He asks himself, c�uld It as Telt L,k A6 " � � a. .. . 4 noglectid O" !,­,�. . . '. I WIS ori, fl. We cordi fi` -few a orient . All There is, however, a definite sen, - abGut-,ttix moriths and-.1iwo: months ­ " ". . - . , Q ,rs are.. . I � ti I . " I . -r '' �� . 6tre that is going to be devel6ped this growti uridellneiath., Y " .are called aweepetn§4 -window washeria, 'aPyU)ft9 save that ww'0146 find come Of ,these . Inno,vations f4v,6 been sy-n- Went - in- r I `1:11 � .... I . . . ,1 forti from ah6ps kept so' scrupulously tbetlo� No . I , UVO Of .a ,911011WAO a law ago thepa4lureiturif&A- I tried ah�6the' I ..... . � . - -or bo . � Painterts, pick-up,men, and, so Vtone"has, the' d' ' ' ,-L-'it ial , - *I agai � starts Ir ' . " "I . ,season * - make constant improve. . & vantdO.-Of which would- be ,respected by the. av- r6ma4,y .- iteA so n a . I 11 I., I . mbntq,lu'o�e "thut .may ,have b"a in . I .. I N6ne,receives less than, the Ford Plesn'T Amid he, departs carr7ing a taking off fr�nl t4e'solid ground of a eiage driver,'and a;otlou'in the Legls- Krus&teri. N6w*l hare'-ndt a trace, o; ` 1. , I . . .1 ". I,.,. .the. family for generations.' Active . . . mlnlma�mi wage .of severii dollars for Pretty fine -notion a,s -tol',why .1?J,enTY living . language. Eliglish, .:on. ' tIIA tature t6 pake',puch. a change Js,.fs4F- i4in, th- i -to .Xru en.?,' I . , ' ,. . . . 11 �. .,:, * In, planning, anly dew .gardeni 61" an ejgdj,t,hGU - ess, to employ qthe , ' " ' . . anks- . ach -. (Mrs ) . ,.. , . .,.., .not be IYDStSihle Yet _r dai, and they are love 111ord, :fimdv 't, bWdn � .. . .. Z. . 11 I . operations may I 000 r band, Is .0WadY the language.' ly certain to be I I . . changes In an ftirAing one,i authorit- stea,d)r employment. . " almost, 'a te�wenfilTth of the: Roug' . y ,,taken. - , Mbe, genorii H. i. . I ,; - 11 atUral or governmental . I I . . for weeks In, some parts of Canada, I Q� Plant n- li`, 50000, lii�ger of the Ontario . Safety - PaWq, In the back are usually due - I . :i;.� pe i -es advoo�ate keeping the following Ask any Ford shop forernan why force of'Mor)&-than 100,000 men, sole- 000*'peopla. I . . . I 11, but 1p Q4� mean -time plans can . ,.. Teir yeoZ;=,s,Oms oi� League, H. G. Pester, Is -,on, record 'as I Ito, im tiesin the.bloodl--waste, pro- , . I , .. I laid, iseWand other ,stocks ordered,,, three, points in rilind: ' his olepartme ly to give' battle ,to litter'And, dirt. USOSW'Ifist if it -was only, *ade sim- belleviaig ,that -a inaximum speed, llru� d44cts which itliel Int-eiiial organs'are - . . 11 ,. . ,at benefits from cleanii- I . I I " !� . .�, .11 � aadoarly plamits started, in. sunny win- ' I -Time of Blooming, . ness and 'he wi)l not fumble the An- ' - �- . . rle eMOU96 it m3dght become - the, I#, it of , , � , , I I . . I. - ternatiOnAl 50 1�1149 an hour ,surrounded failing -to expel from the 47st6m. The , . . , , I ­ I dow or hot bed4 � Y-Licoior of flower. s,wer. To begin with there is the im- . speeft.'for trade, for soi- with isultable reattrictions. *,ouldf=eat numerous saltg in rU , � l I . .1 ,;Q I ,� . . � � . .. . X icheii asisist in I M" * � 3-Heigait -of Plant. ;. portanpo of , Sunlight., . ,Iaric%, for all Other 'Purposes. . evt�ry, useful, 'requirement, and if vig. stImuiating these Organs to' healthy,, 4 . . . � � I. . . Garden , Plans . . Prequanifly How, Much Seed "So We went to work, and, � Basic f I ' � '. ",'Ift . I . I With this information 4hen. it Is a washed wiridows admit the maximum. . . . . .,rously enforced,, w1ould,have ,the supi pormal activity 'end ?so help Ahem. to 11 I ��� � , ?'�-- I . For .the perinaaent sort of garden- Simple matter to lay odt grounds. or Good light Serves many ends. It trals- . To Sow Per Ac ' English -is the result- '%",a hays, chos- 'Port. Of 95. per c6 it � . , sywwm, I , 1 4 . 1, . - 4.,Of the mOtOr14g keep the ree from barmful ,;., I A flower bed In advance. 'Such in- as ,the visibility of Al.l,thditgs in the re� an 850 worils.-that, can be made to do �Aiblic-" Meanwhile, he,+.#Xe the op- 'waste matter.., ' . 1. � . . I . .. . 11 . ting, that is the kind.using perennial . How much seed should be 6ownpor the work of 20,000., Pieces era- an -count - . .. ", L ... I formation, is usually available in, a.' shop, cuts down eYe otraid, reoluces ,of lit speeds in, ;10 other prov- , � , , . . flowers, shrubs -trees, grass a ny acre for farm Crops? The ry .1 . f.. . . . I nd other ' Of the �Dornlulon: Prince Ed- . . . .. in, good ,seed gAtalqgue or. in special -the ,chance Of ,work being' 4polled I answer to ture, ,such as Poe's Story ,;,T.h4'.�Gold. inces . -1 ,, . < . 1, ,-",. thi vs that grow for yeaM, - some this important quasrtionts helped Con- Bug," wii)a Sih ard Island "Careful and prudent!*- with or without. oil. The, followi .. , .. . . � ­ I., � . . . preliminlaxy planning is -absolutely government bulletins that are aiv,11. through insufficient lighting, And, Ao siderably t e I n plit into Basie Engil w I . I - . I 1119 I k I ' ,� - ' , �, , ­­. , esseritla). ,True, Vxost Camadi able for the asking. , With it even a large 'extent,- ,,prevents- accidents, axe strengtheded a,nd: vivified. ' - L6t, X,o�m Scotia: 11reasenabla'aad pr�peel rear fall .lAgs weire confined to build; ' . . " 11 ­ ...., an gar- ' Furthermore, sunlight. Shows. up dirt. the Dominion Depariment of Agricul- ,ters Wild CO itions written ta'Bas- (40)';,� N10w BMastrwick, 40; Quebec,. ings fTiQ='bITth'Wher0 -no direct MM- .....",:.. I den authorities ,': advocate . informal the amateur can - develop a garden . ture of two 'eirculaxs on- the subject, ic by forel: I I . , . , �S,are found to contain 80-, m1n.libba, ,icareful A�d Prudent,,; I " ,,­ �� planting for the average boome sur- which will be in.:continuous bloom "It's the.best. inspector on the. alidne, was received. Sooti aftor ;wewi� . I ... . . . one for. Eastern Canada and the other unexp -ad uty and claxity, Of Suskat0heiWaV whe4,passlng,"35- Al'. Ing, ftese. Diis were dividlod eveniy' 1. 1. � from early June until whole' staff," one, -of thq foremen de- . act I ,�.. � moundings, but even In simple inforl- frost and: In I In the cut phrase." - I : .1 as I "... � � ared. �"What'may *pg6s'as pretty for the Prairie Provinces. - � . 11 I I . . . 11 .11 . mality some pre,hous notion of the which vari6us� plants will bleniof to- el feient parts of Eastern Canada, . this The�s I I I berta; SO; British 0t&1ii9bla, 30, 'or at as Possible by placing-pigis, from sev- . I 1. fair i ' ,are 700,000 rerutable words rates presdribe,il by. highway Signs.. eral litters h pen and, weighing Z 'I- gather both in, height and in Coloring, n a ddm light often,'Iooks mighty - . In see I t nl.".. . .... . final results is desirable. Otheiwise 'MIS simplified scheme does not bad when you flood it with light rat6s of- seeding the commonly gmwn in the English -language. The kinder- * -# 0 . � . idua Ir. The ' saI:ue, .. A I 11­i��, .-.'�, �. .there are going to be tiny Shrubs . farm, ,crops vary'som6what,aecordi . . . I . 1. "I � . each vig.- ilidivi I ", . .,7 hidden by large ones, grass is going, confin-e itself,to ,ordinary floweri', ,but through good. eleam w,l,ndbws.!' . 316 g4rten child bas, a voc,14plary of L- . A Pro grain. TRM�U`­*as given to- each 16t, ," . . I to'the poetiliar conditions, just as ,the ,000.,to,3,900 words. L . blern For..Britain I ­ .Should, also be used, according, tQ.-.4he . There are Plenty of windows in the . . Writers of head, Groat Britain makes , automobiles Cad liver oil was added to ,the ebbp, *01 . f . .� � ,vt.o be too shaded in one, quarter and ouk, Plan va-i�atlon in the Pradirle.,Provineft is lines and advertisements eMPIOy' a- but bas , , port most a fuel to for, one' lot at ths. aide of one Ounce - - I "If e., , . .t buildings. to, effect this . I Al. � . delicate. flowers 'burnitt-up in another. experts, in laying qu� shrubbery.' It I to �m of th, ' I, 0,,'�:,', 1. Even In the vegetable pateth, it is a may not be generally known, that floodink. if Jointed together more or less' pronaiIinicea, owing to the bout 7,000, The Average ieader has ran : tiiam. Staltdis0clahat have. ' been Par pig totally and the second, lot re- . I ..".t!: . . thO diffiorlences in stoI.1 and' 'climate. In- 25,000 at his command. How, tbou,' I I there !a ,a, wide range of - an area covering, some- dlee . Calculating ,the total of - petrolourn Calved 'no 'Oil'- 4 � ,,. �.. . . -splendid' .idea, so % the horticulturists flowering would lotal A third, was giv,en, the 1". � �� 111.1 thing like 930 wres. A great many , d, in thO'Pratrie Provinces .there iis:ft ,Possible to wake% 850 words se. products tw*ted' i'400ritain lu.1936 same ,ratio pnit 11 I I '.,� . ,shrubs suitable for almost any Dart I .n, ,of' chop w",,.p - ouned., . i; I � state,'to Plot the whobY patch, roughly . are frmr, distlact Sol'-ellmata` ZOnT?Q, COMP41611 the AIMOSt i7itered4ble, f I I of Canada. These, range' in ,height of thetse transparent acres* are w"h- ' ,pat 'an,dthey f1rid it.trea,ched Z,439 million of pilchard oil per pig othhY."'Vilie W �, , to,scale, and then lay out the rows wlibin- each tone there is a Con- of..st�jjsfying'all ordhiiw7 demands? gallons. ". ;r . I 'from .something that can . be used, as. ad as often, as once a week- ' . and --129 d , -, marked signs I . i ,,.-, . .,so that tall corn, staked tomatoes and . * siderable r=ge in soil type. Expert- Mr. Ogden explains Tuim to homa�produce getting' no oil showed I . 1, ,-, . " lei, things � have Plenty of room I small, screen or bedge about's-ewer ard, where . ­ etrol, they. estimated.. that lipproxi- DW(C'embg IS ,� , sima, To send the light do.x%,.nw � 1) of crippling early'.in". 0, an . .." � an 1,� aided, the upper part of . n . n t . - breather'Milies to one that wilt re- it ,is 'most rie ( ,'(1 UW shown. that the best rate of most 2mgmish verbs ar-p luxurles..'Mately 75 ,milliqu gallons had bee a pig from this lot died , tho 1,�'. . �.ach Way, but beans;, catrots and . o , � qu on V... I 'beets - do. not get more than ' In so I . The home � 15 to 24 Place, the tallest spite . fen,8e, I f1he wallis, idrders, and tbat portion of to Thousands of them can be, replaced manuflactured­�from, coal'- 35111idaY of the teatt,,and 11%zya� iat- - - , � I 1.1'. . . . . . I zone, and, - also between - types in by simpler verb forms, or.operabons, producti, another was lbet from the jam�&. I , , I gnethes between the rows. , . doing will be a vast im-provemanit on the ceiljn*i nottaken up by Skylights: �� soil On, of Patrol is thus only thtee Or, , . . I the some zone, , � `4 1'1� I . .1 . f I � . I . I a3k unsightly erection- of brick Or. are pa -in -ted, in,eg,g-ibe)i w -hit aided' liv.silverbs, 'propositions. afiol per CARL.& the couAtry's require- lot. The -trial was closed 6n the 86th . I . I ." �, I � . 4 mo ra hae* Ex" - T60 rates of seeding grain, and, f&r4 rid,uns. For example, to Welorate is ment, -which 'means that Britain 10 day, when the six reinaining we , I . 4 " I 0 � ,. pigs . . ro. I . I � Points To' Consider board. The wTiter is ,not trying to Pe'rin"ents ,a lost ted! t - t this age Crops? suggested in the ci more quickly, . W I � n', ' finish. made an rcul . ars, to go 0 .. and th climb to dependent ' annually on about 1 200 all lame and two required I - I , 4: 1 . a4vocate 'M*4 g ih 'the nature of slightly, g1cesy axe,""- w6ich have been, prepared by . . assistance . *­ . which, incidentally a spite fence flowevef, but,he,along I lent reflector. ' - go U To br�ik the law -is to go Million gallons Of motor fuel" f" to ,reach � ��..' I . With shrubbery, I . I . Pleld-Huiliandry Division tfie t6 p. . Min � , , the trough. in th�. two lots . '.1 is usually- set out Just as ioou as is with� m,an,y Other experiments dacidedt' that a , axe based againit the law. Tibus; tbr&lgh, Pains he � ' . I ! ". . other Canadians , does on experlmenta . roes the sea. I I . getting Oil, there was no sign of crlp� if� w,- - I Farms, Of the I I . . I ;1, � . - Possible to work the soil One, should favor a, certain amount of, �,seclusion' dark blue;, tinged with gray, was oss- DOMI-11- taking tests the exi),eirts hare. weeded - . I - - Pling'arid the 4ve m-ge, gain per, pij; . . !on Department of Agriculture throug out the an -, I 1. . .. ­ '� . , , I I know what the mature Keight is go- for back gardens wherein t1le fortun- 'ast Ur,on the eyes -of workers. There- I . Perfluous verbs, *Until only 1 '.' I I was 108 Pounds lh Me codt liver oil * . 11 , I . I . ion. Do p a r ti in em t of Ag I � .,�. . Ing -to be;s,D 'that thire may ibe ample ite owner may . this to,re' all machinia . riculture 18 1 1 .. . take tea with frames. housl verb forms axe left. They., are: . ' . lot, 101 In the .pdlcbaxd- oil -lot and, 79 , . , , ,.., . I r ng" - tbroughout the "Prairles and Eastern 6owe - keep, let, make., I , " StPace giYea at planting time - family -Or where ,child an carcoltaport . PoUndil each for the six remaining 11 ��� V, ,. . � of Course possible t& rectif ' lt�ls . afafetv cov&rs, and isbeatkings, are CametW . 111nder . some conditions, in put, ,S get, give, to,' 11 L T few thernselves Painted whaft Is ' termed 41'ma eam, take','be,. do, have, say, Far" M� Pigs larthe l0i,'Which fecelved no'6j).' . � I 1*11 �: . Stakes. Roses, sb 'on . hot day.7 in ,safety and chine the r.rW,rie Provinces, lighter rind, 'sets, seridt,' I I � � Notes, " ;Thasts Oils, Practlpally,�e . . 11, mi . blue." For sin -Alar res, MaT,and w 11. , . I. .. . . � �'...... I . � rubs and even piftacy. 1. � � . I 1 . . � I qual III Va- . , . .or . to a point sons,' tbe'w'LI1$ lllca;v� Tales have,given, sli I Ins ci6x-bo: rcha r about si.00 ' . .,, � � fair sized trees may be moved, . �, ,Seed Source Vital -a little abovve what is -ord- . . 941Y'bet- - -There are 400 nouns, 100 adjective Bed- to - I �,�; . tbree years he -nee. if they a ov- . . .. I a, A decree, issued by thel French Div I 1 ", ." I . . � inarily,thought 'of as a wainscoting ter returns, but for most O&AdWons 100 verbs. and verb -helping words. Governme . pe;'Villon.but the pilchar(i *11,19 us- ' ,. . I nt On, January 1,1937, pro- . , . . . . erorowded, but the moving,,,, w 11 be M-8frCh,'111ktil June is consid the rates suggested have Proved most There are 200 narnes -of Pl6tur ` U&1-13� a l'ittfe, cheaper. .. I. . , :1 �'.. . .eTe,d the hed9bt,. are AnIsthed in a rather deep 9, itetoiry, W able, ob- ded, for a ta,nff rebate on imported Bot . . . I I .. I .1tisi. . ith regard tO panel, andi .... car il I . . 1 . t, and 50 durum , *h"t to 60211011nia , manufac- . h oins.ieavoi 'am) undesirable 11 .- - r Pruning but there are Zvay. . -blas racks and . time- Cana&6 Possibly there -are special adja.ptival I I I . � ,,, 11,,.. quite ­4 job and it sets back oi-th best §eason fo' Stock Eastern Jects, such as , . . . 1, , . .. .1 for at least one season, if tot � a 'few specific exceptions. Most of keePers? desks Are always oIjv&.greedL C, - w ,� . . opposites, such, as narrow . turets on . eon I dition.that thelatter'use taStO ill the 'Pork Unless: disbondliued . ' - - " � - I I . 11 The, better course is to allo about these are the early blooming shrubs. Railings are -usually black.� (;&&U�M; here the sowing of the and �,Iow. Thls,couipk�teq the I ,list of not le�&.. . about six v;eeks, before 11� . � . .. ha . Stacks, .amounts 'Of s,ed,, difforeirif froin.wbimt 85&. F -. . than 25. par pent4 North. Af­ marketing or ,:. . � If as' much, space between plan-ts These should he"Ieft Until.after bloom- and furnace and, oven extertors'. are . , I fty wordis kf geneiva Utility qiean, dtarum in" their Operations. killiqk for Pork. Thisi'may be done I � ., , ,4.: as the height.. of those Plants, when Ing. Grapesinust be pruned earl i coated with � it'genorall ,recommended-, may be, de. .that -ara, understo6dj ev the. amount of the ' `i I . , ,. I y n 7 ,a;ky,voihexi� . 'even in rifid-winter W,Itbout '' aluminum paint w1bleb re- I P While .. .!danger 6f . ,, . 'i. '' fulli-Y .grovriL. This will mean' that March to avoid, excessive sisits di§coloration.f sirable, but f6r the. average soil .1 . . rebate was " i:,L , 11. . . S , and words likeitheater hot6l, mAda;n .crippling it the oil. ,has, his � . , bleedint. rom. hieat. But all . I and not announced until recently, the re- an fed for ' , - ��,, � !: � , . -- the ordinary 'Spir�a Van, Houted, for Raslybe,Ylias are, Pruned, after t)h.3 fire apPurteriances, such as al climatic - f6liddtiOXIS which Prevail, in Sir, extend the Bag!;" list. Titles Such bate is no* set at 50 francs per 106, SOMe time previously. , . . I " . Ailn EaYttorn Vanadia, the rates of seeding asi President and prince, t4 0 , The crippled' ' I . I . Instance, a Shrub of about 64 feet in crop has been produced and then all boxes'and lhydrants,­fre 1v red. This a n kilograzw,' or 38 �tats.-, per, bushel; ...:� �. .. height ,ht,niaturlty in most .Parts �of the.year -old caves,are removeZI, Iea,v- color likewise designates the location Sirggested'int .the 'EasternL Canada cit. scien:ces, ' numerals, . . a -es of . ,edved any oil Pigs which, bad- not're- I ., ,., � "the 1301111i � cular will'b'e found to gi , . geogr4phical* which is deducted .frDm the minimum were given oil In the, I ". . .. : 111,011, 'Should' -have at least Ing ,only the, new shodts. 1. . I Of first-ald''Sts,tions. Things ileeded Is ve as good .names, ,words Pertain(1119 to measure- 'atariff rate Of 83.2-fra-tics per 190 � kilo- chop at the rate of. One .Ounce per I . . -, . . , . . , . � . and :issua . � I i1e. -- The' -wain object cit pruning whe- quickly Can be seen . ,ter average Yields then, went and currency.gire Already n. � .. A)DW A641,36"iat.0- V-4.�+ 1 .. ,�. . I . .in t * zrairIii§,-'df� $;tX8'jrdr­&ii1hi4i­ ., "Iff - . I ther it be rose busthes, fruit trees or quickly- - heavier I ' ter Seeding. Some Jud ' , . - -V.- , ,4 ,Ad--;6P9JK�--- . . 1:1 I , 'O , , , g- t national 6d. , , -, , I—. I . I 7 1 Painting, like window wasihing, goes men t% t or use x6d- -are' , ed. No fu,ithei.&7a1hd'ii�cu,rr 4 ­ . 3 , t I , 'of' cou not included ,to, impgTta -froin Canadig.t,,- .. I . ,aud . I " " i- On (3uarant"A flowering shrubs is to Open UP the on, Continuously. The a or Tts . r9e, neeeseary, and in the 8,50. in.- con. . I � I . I .. all - Pigs recov6ed. from' their lame. . . .. . �% , I ;. . � - 6 ' xterii PA Sonle 'experience is desirable World scientiatal , ­ I . I � .. . . . I I 11''. . I . Trust . centers, of the growth so that 8urishine -Of maclifnery are - . when vOntiOn who. use - the basic 85o,'pauS � now In a �hort time and wete event- I . � ,� I I I . I � re in .Fertilizers ' . . -11. . 34 painted perhaps selecting Ca . . . '. ­ : .. . . . . Certificafes- and air rn�ay Peneqate freely and also most frequently. The a'mod-ht of -,ma- �tihe, seeding rate for differ- 100 gens�,%I sojentific,.terms .81fid fifty " ry Sfa I ar hopes, to -obtain this Ually markqa�*;, although some joints .1 . . .1 . . of course to produce a dhdrie ve" cut- varleti-es'of Crops and y given s6lence __ XM ;,I I 'if ' ' ' ' � , , � I . . � ,­ I )YI applied at t�he diff event .more w6rdis, f ,has b17e were stf . , . . 11. I I . , Symmetrical . P-()uze siftes, of seed. I . I or an can . C ­ I.. - 11 I . I Plant. Naturally any oiead or wea1v � . Th I understand one antlother .wIthfout dolf- tzar 'W)dch-,be ,will, buy -th&­ spring. — A. ., � .. - � Plant ,each month ,will exceed 5,000' . . . I .. . . . a bullstiA for. both Eastern Can- ficultA . .1 . 01, . . growth ShOUK be removed andt also 921101i;s- Thatio enc,ugh pain.t to giVe. 04 - Watth 1,000 7words, any fi ' , . . . ,� - eld The. roults depend of .eburse , on'#ood I - '�­ . . . I I � � 2�. I I I bran has that rub -a' I a and ,the Prairie Provinio,es may of, knowledge, is completely covered. drAm -, the quantity of . . " 1-1 . . I I I I A legathivestment for 1 gain-st, 6,ach. other. a 811j,'916 ecat to a fiftill. that many- be obtained free on request froW .t . 91ge of - the land . .� . � . i � . I - I . I . I . . - medium-sized cottages. I he English has vofy few ,quiflectiong,­ hurruib I.D,th . . . .1 . . . . .1 ,�.I . � ; " . � " . OnPruning , And Almost Publicity and Extension Bz=ch,- Do,- and Is -therefore easier th,anranty con- e sliodt. that Will 'hold mois�- I .. , , , 11,000 gallons of egg -shell White ,are 1 11 .1 . ,11 . ... .. . I .. 1 t. . I . I I 1, � ,.� :. i , . I .. I . 11211210n Deipa�Ttmenb of AgT-iculture, tinental lan . ture, the suit0biklty of. .the. fertilizer I 1 . . 1, y- �, . I . Modern'.higli speied communication .used monthly. I. Ottawa. .1 I I 9114ge for a stranger to for the crop on *hich'it is to be us- 1. I . �,% . , I . . . ' , 1.� . '! � I Unconditionally Gu6ranvied Between the Coming and 'going of -0. I I -earn; Mr. Ogden bebevies. 'that hfj ad a -bid j9he plao�bment of the fertilizer - �� 1! ., .. I I .1. . 1..�� . I 1 I has made the world Smaller every the Pain'ters the washing siquad- keeps ' ' X - Dew systern -roduces t�e labor . of . : . I �. . 1. . . . I ., I I � �� ... i � - apphedi.' - - , . , . . �, I . year, and. goods are no* easily'secur- . . �y I I when it is . . . !,� - .' . 10% 1. � . ;11 � - . ,the wal.1,4 free of �drt and si5aitterlings- 850 1�ngfish - Etgil�h- 47 � - - Students Eipekiniefits. ddsclose,'thaft, the, pro- :, - ;,) V, , I . ad, that once were. -beyond learning I , � Ali �, . of the wealthy. . I fertilizer . I I I 11 . THE ' 'there are. certain thdrigs, whica may water next strubbed,'t)M-nrIuj,ad and, . . ' able .to wastei .the: langliage Ill a as IMP`Drt=� as, the 'Plant food Con- .- , . . . . � the 'grasp -As to floors, they, kre treated with,a WOOK: "' , - in. most foreign Countries should be per Placement of J I I At the same,tjme nleariing soda, then flushed. with hot . . is, aliput .. r , & blOOM y�lth, the greatest, profu . I . . A World rongue month, giving two hours a day to it. ,tent of the fertilizer itself and that L � �.. L..:-1---- I - , I . Sion In - lastly - squie ' A now - I . � . ,�.:,. S T E F? L I N'b , the w,rr, I egeed,. ,:rrwo h ndred intopt ;I.gp . �, I er'Parts, Of Europe'or � North I] �f nommon lang�l , f0t, all the Ope , bou:r. ot,,-.thif thin ,, they. wilt. d . I I I � "'.. . I .-q ... �. . 1;�, �Wj2tan e, . � _ j�roiAd, mq h -T t,k. of_ jg4t I I 1. 1. America., that will nbt� thrive in our and brooms are worn out in the Mot. natiOns-Of til- earth .0610es UP for at'- Vote to th,- words, comparing them food'.is, bound -to omur.. ,Rep,lizatioa .� . I t . . I , " . Z - , ! � own Domini.on. . . � ors Building &tone, every.five days.' tention, says. Tibet- Raw Torik'Times-. this , beieoming'more general �� . I , TRUSTS I � . . I -ith equivalent expressions 14, their of , f?i)qt is, I � I gf­ . I �. I . . 4 . . . some selecti The pick-up crew' kee9pa, all floors U1711ke Esperanto and the many other Own tob-gue. � The other lhour� they I $ � I t� ' , ' , . . don. for hirld-ji-ess is. ab- . every" dsy�.And taxwers -ire. -advised to � �� . �': ­ 1 . . � I I . .1 . � CORPORATION , clear of' Scrap material, too large to unuaftuml'BYSterns. Of lalk'w4tcll th6,Vyill spend In learning Word order &ud, s#WY. thi3� � -ilizer Placement qu4s- I . I I '. s0l'utOY i essential a�d becans� of'this I . fort ' , *r -X,!][�. . 4. � . t� � " .. . linination, horticulturists,. invariably be easily handled with�,hijoorns. They, inventior 1. - - . ses . . . � � . tT,hat ,i,or pan ba&put forward in. Idiomatic U - tion,with A view to �ob ' I - . I . . .. -made arid liv. Me English- has .the'. -courage. too. -rest aits. � I 1, . . . � I. .1 - seed and other , aformation regairding. this .. . , . ... . � I I .­� , " �, STi I E . RUkd TOWER ,� TOR0WO �dvocate Purchasing 90 about 'With !Small, light carts' the -past, it. is a ready ,talinhig, better, I ; . . v,11ch thi�k gather travels. to the Ing lang t is. � in fast, EnKlish; 1� ' ,a M 0Wnetion. hetween. 'shall , '.. ! I. 4 .1 . �%, ­ o 'garden stobR from -- source *hIclJ R, . uage.. I Z ned from Dominion Ex- 4.. . . . 7 ' " - '— . 11 . � I . . , a . way be obtai . 11 I I V I . I . cat&9 to. Canada driol, Canadian, con- 'OUKe Plant salvaging department., M111 while Dot quite the eoignsh of arid"will and). between ,should and periniontal' Agricui- LONDON,and'VaNGHAM I I.,. I " . Farms and, ,the ; �� I ditions. . S135allbr 1311A -are' placed in. Tubbish Vat idbrary,'beft murlh ijimy)'"e;, it - would. .,Actually,- the ' . .1 . � . . . .1 .. . , 1. 11 . While all seeds, and nursery . is sPe%sch, of'ndme tural. 910111ege% I ." I . � . - - �, �. . stocks sOld by Califtiliall-firr4s are not. Can's'''Of which thetro .are thousands Wit true Englisib,and clear enough Persons in ten has, been breaking . - 1. , . . . I .Oouth '' I I . . , 1. I . . . . . . I 1. .. I . . ... I . . : . . ­ . . . PUrPO94D. . . . . ' 'nglfs ' I . P.M. , . .. ad, in Canada, th bbrougbout the plant. Mllds w6rit'goei, i, .. I down into Basloi L h for 'many , . , I C ,� , � I .. . necessarily Prodire ey for any I . . Carriers of Disease , . - " ,. are Ca M - hour 'after . hour so 'tliat at no Basic EugbBh,'!'1d th ,ts MM 'Mr.' Ogden, finds, Amorles . .i: � , " r6fully chosen ye Winshaw ........ �.­ ........ . 2.66 ,� I . Z... . . to give the best f a name, . fur- ' 'Even thOugh' U16 laying, 110ck was Belgrave ............. I ........ I Lit . I . .:.. ., . results unaer Oan�adiari­ eoiiiditio,isf, itimt we men at work-,evervilill0d to riendi give It. They lit .gone ther advanced in that ,res' -act than apParent'ly hi*1t,h'y .IRA �sar, thbi PUl- Blyth. ..' I ........ 0 ..... ....... $ - 223 . I . � . Va I P � I., � I ... I ilk across, or "stand­upcin anything through the word -hook w4h 4, small. h'JS Own lund- -He hairs � New irorie;rs -lets are. -apt to ,suffer severe - I I .. . . . 4 - I losses -Lo.ndeaboro .......... 4'...... , , .2.30 � � .1 � , . . 01. , . ------0— I but an absolqtely Cler nom. � tooth 6Dmb, taking o4t great MR408 "Tnt -']U,e next,"" "Pui -her "idie," .if the Iftylpf hou&ve 'is not �bpt ; clin . . I. �, ... .,.m � � I I .. . I I . I I .1 . � . . , of.-*Ordis- as unimportant . I wise,'!. 106t, bbsyr,ll And, ,, ut'it,aughly . . toll ................. J..... 3.00' . I 'a .1 , " 11. I � At the end of meal perjodja, . an4 unnec. . P I C1,64ned And Xis0ifected, Man3r Brucafteld ......... - � 1* " � .�. - .. , t,' ............. . " , or b9Z.s that have eentained lunches, 01,1Y. you'. . I . .bf-tbe hens a" c"e.ra Wippen ............ :..,.'...-%..­ " 3.0 , I.. A �, , I I THE � DR INDOSTRY %Nes 6-16arY. Tbe�y tiave, kbpt 850 word,; Over," spi& he .�ejoicqs.j BASIC, again, .timies 1porne , I 3417 I - . I . . I ifizy ],Put them all' on. a is ft0t 666ce��d WIW� the grewmar--of,baghly- infectious,',ollserists. . �­ . I . I . 1 .1 I �� - I . neWPipaii,ers, that 'are to be thro�rw a- page ,of 'D * , 1, . - . .. : '.1 .. I . � I . I. , 6t6-paPe;r.'- - - This--selft, -- on- �" , subtle 'difterentiatiom ,germs Housall ............... �.,.­y. . .�- . -&41 , .4 . . , , .. . �,­ V I (Condense4 ffom Scientific Amencan) -ay, all fibifio �tbtat -woulli, otherwise 97 .,as us a Igngnag.6 which, takes " -Of - 0711011- W-111ch', tinliLY-4n,fdot -bbie pullets, Yet lit- Exeter -- � - , . .55'' , , .. I .. . litter ,thd- shops I are`depoolted; , � only Y3118. - T56 work quick serve , I 1. 'Is , � , � . , .� 40i t1e afflitt ,the old 'I'aying stock. For - . *** ..................... ".. . I . 4 in dp 't. short tim& in the "learmilug, and in jgpeeft, *wift,' 6xp6ditlous, . ., �, Nbrth' . . , ,',� : , � , ^For years .there exfstbd the bellij rubbish cans by ,the atntir, factory , rapid,,,haari -this reason phiiietf§ shou-Id, - I . . ,..h I I , I I 11 the narro ' ' � always, be " . . I .1 ": � I . t W 1101118' -of' Which ,it is pos- tY, Prompt­�and ao� on. Pra.cocality houied in, separate qAiaA",., Exeter - . I � . . A.M.., - , I I that a far cry could not oPei-bte with- ,force. The ,Mile are emptied eveij� sible -to .put. ic ik the, first comodderatiba, ., I . , , 10.42 �� . , . I . 01it croati-D9 an, and-le'sa'amount of t*o- h ri the contenits, immedIi,tel,k thought that rose ARY everyday To prepare th,6' ho%ts� * for . ­..... , P. , " . ..p � .. : � OU the put- Hensall, ­. ,. ,, . /. '.. 4 . , says. Mr. ogde; I lets ...... ...... A55 dirt- T "Basdu 'Brij,lish I � :,:::, * ,f�': ., . . . - a S'Sk-smuokp - 1124Y POme,'to mind., - . to ' , P Ppon i.,.--...'.i.."��* ... A...'". 11.0 , . I . 11 .including' the '�.Tba tOck may.. 96cw&A.11. ,1# hard. I is Simple- and hastfew be ,removed, and all'bxtrafteOus mat- Bru ,� � � smd ' ,, Soot, and ,tortediand all � things, ,fibe litter -and drOPPI49s bhould 'Xj�' I ? I . dj:-",'Zr.6 ' sumudadmig up 11 t; 11 . . - 4S C(m-stallt as- they SMa es Dirces Of - metal wood- anod d4) ab th&sta�)rt, but Irregm1arities., If means*bbe _c0field . .., i, I I I . ...0 .� I �,'� - . .� I. were typical. .Qobwe ponsoked ifill elm - st, RUMMY least P.05� ter sickaped, loose frow, the it . 11.49 1. '. I " . Paper, sent to the oor, walls, .... i ..... - . . 1, �; 1, I � division of gets the Idea, -B sible dieVartureLfrOM 914 trIffUlStiC. drOPPIng',bDArds, � roosts, I -Clinton ....... , ..... � ....... � ... �IL54 . I L,,�' . every nook andleornrl'.11 Litter wistj so '�' The' ,corn ' . Y WUY -of., example, . ll feeilers, *a- .Londe ,� . �,;".... . I . Parafavedy - little this discuspiqn, down Ca. Rk.0t .nd. - . s1boro ;.-'--.--­..-'...�.4 � 12.19 . 14'.", I R. . I I ' F everywill6rb. The cluttered, floors hot remains i6`s0ODp194JntO'dU I , to here, 18,1,jn tr' tione Of thg-MAJOr,I mank! tordrs, and-Axther mio . I I 11 . - Trip tractors Basib . . vable .equipment Blyth ....... i ............ 4.. � BiigliihL - , ­. � % 1t Is ,hearet -to the language jy,s 76" Parta f the',, house: should thiiii 1§61g4ve,, , , . . . I ''. . I . % �! - -12,19 r. . . 1, I. - . -- - -, , ­ I ; ....... �'. 0-,.... - 12.pa r ,� ,i, � 0, ,,& . . . only hampered the moverneots, of 'Mail -iaId Used for filling urieven.ground �if` � T&e chl -Of t 13 J ..- the 'Orient * '. ......­­.. . ! . � . at their work but often caused mis- varl6us�ipcln4A ln ,th . . of siponob�r III , � n�d.st 44 . . d of Aftf : , 4 .-- , ­­­ . I e ,plant - Pjr*rt�. jhtern-aLtjon�l langui�ge J�s .. e 6 WiAn It& �mi& �iif"-bm with. a Wingharn ,.. .....-­,.... 1. I . I . . . C. K. og� greast futUre mar,kets.,.- than a'. I . lan- goold dislnf6a4�n(t­-,tuslng lys, wa:jer so. , -, .. i2.50 ,; " : . I . , .LLL:L�= ,z� . . . � . � I Utudzed, I , , ,. I �habs- Space - that might ha -M- been , "Every s1h6p.biuk.jts system of pipes den Of Magdalene College Cam�qjdga guage.. natural. or artificial a . . .... .1 .. -1 I fj,�, .. ., . I 14ir6d latibil. 'at the rate 'of One', poiind, of - I ,f . �­,: I UPIbY Piles of odds.and ends seldom wl I .. , or better purposes W�a tied. and faucets: Boiling watgr seethihig England, director"of.blIt'Orth ' fr`51In'Lstdb- Baosic Is bi nb " means 11613s6ib'd.-Id 4ye� to 12 ' ' ,low 6g . � C.N R. 'TIME TABLIR ' I - - �L . ' - ' , tl� stftlllnlcorue� in.wai . logical I -a. � �, 1, ­. : .� '. � .. .1 . 12 . , AS, . that ... are Institute at Cambridge. - -a" 0 11al,language but 4-It"IfJ a' I ' , L d ,'' , or - 15 ga , ,., . ­ '. . 11 . I . .. ,drawn ut&­and of Sea t value. )3e- laid lin tuhn *, atl�g sur6 "fouli- Coil -waten If tuberculosib has been, - . Eaik - a , A , Iv: , . . -, -� . .. . - . -1 �. 1 1 . , . ".­ . , . . � . I .1 � I ali which lead ,from the ,with him are. ,leading Scholars the datIOv On 'Which to - buiJol " ' ' ..' . 11) the fto6k InLbbfl�' .L . . . , . . I 11 . . . � I , �, 1. 1, . I � . — Power hOused- rrOm these large eon- world over.. � past" It"IS'NObtif to. ` ., . � A.M. � P.M4 � 10 - . "! . , .. - I � . 11 . . dults. a not -work of Smaller Pipes Ifi ))r Basic English has. been . within 10 years, Mr. 0 Qoderich .......... . . I . I ,,, .. I .1 . . . .. ,I . th iden bP-14`8vas spray 0060USe with A icrespol 410. , . I .... 2.3.0 1 , . 1� �.L . . . . I . . I I . I oeess 'Of dev"GIOPMent'anill trial , tere will 64 *crid radio, fo kill, ng avon ClInton......'...'........ � �. �, ���� ... . . , W. I , r ttd I It Should be reniembeired that go4fOrt,h ­­...... ...... T.031 1 3.00 "I' 0 . I travels to Points convenient for use. for ten years, and Is now ,§tUdIed b na to r A nucleus . 4 ,� .. 1. " I . I . I . . I . I I 1. 1, 'They oprout from almost every ,up. wed by groups .ir� ,land a and 't e t1ons - gftb.& .'. �. 1� . gdod disinfdoitalft Cannot pen6trah Y.Itt - 9.1% ..Pl . ": , , , '.. I . , .1. I .� 8 as- f r apart "t Is already,, forming . .,- . I 1:. �1`4` .... . I I . I I porting post. and 't 1411 �arge Cakes of filt4 -and kill'the hid, Dublin' --:---"':­­ -4 7.28 329 4 1 , 1. I . . I ', I I I ili�' , -',,�� ... . AS Japan Mexico Teeland and Czecho- gutage ,Proposed. for. use .JW,tJh6 br' d ,Ing ,ddseAo6.g&Tws.., Comljlotte,,remov. , ' ' " ,, . I . . .. 11"� � . . . . .1 11 11 , . . Between wavy of these c6luinihs are 61,ovikfa.' ' . . Mitelion ................ . - 1.0 2.41. , ; . . . , I . I .1 I , . . casting, Is thia, game jB", ,F,n Df ali'dift tind fti-fil, Is na�ces�. " . ­ West, - , " - �. , , : it . .. . . 1. 1. I I I § b. Al. Breit 4 �. . � , tL k" 0 J�', , . � . N - . . -o:, " . I hun4i9ds'Of lirge .pipes Abat disap- ."We f1hol fully j,too languages ae,� The new, language" bas, � wo SM7.1* li'la weil to move tft' � Mitchell '.. '- '...'....., � . 11V1 - . ft". .11 - .1 I I . . � � Pear through the - 1`008, These ire ir-9 as barfrio'r# to World Undiers . Progress .. . - � I I 1'�41, - ­ I '. . % .11 . I ­ - I - I 1�10(kit , . 9i 9.39 �, ..- . . , I .., "I'. � 4' J. . . . I � . . . Dart bf the Air SUCtIOD tysteinis. tiasiol. Ing," Says Mr. Ogd tand- are b than can be'told here. Thai% nests, dad,'ot46r,e,qUlpMMi,6U tb DUMB .. a I I T'... &..,..'* 11 � � � I., 9.41 ,- - . I . . . "Thloitghr RUs- boks� for , It ill, - i . np-� -: ", . I . . I I . I tlnlg UPwariI -to th-6m.141715. smaller pipes, sian 'IV, given so Oil.. , -acheit midi, , students ju , ­­ -n --A-'-',--,.'­-,#-­�, .43 - 9,r,t ­ '"' . ., . ME .. , . V en ��! :,! I I , Ashiguaga'o .150'. In many land � , Great lit (Z' 9 few daYs after , ey are 11 �P, ��,,�,. , V 4, 1 1. - the, .: I S, I . with ndillog -f r eiratute Is* and IdIgIfIf6lateld. i ; , ,.. 40tinton , U�jg . 10*.4 ot � ' I .. , ,.. . . . . FM',0108's to Woik, dsirie 600,000 �(?cilils' ther.6 are -go d! s . .. ' 'I, ,,IL� , i . � ."... .o.' ­Ii - 10ft, . . . . ,., . ,�,.T'.­ I . bY-su-ch machines. as, the,grineds. ALS language Von, % ,§,&Vl, IstlAct bong. put into %90. � Ph6110V&0h re- . ­­ �, I . Gqderj�h j,,.;,,.......A- . Ig I �. .1 � .. . . �I ql:u.­ � 4.1 � 1. . � JF�L 7in the Cards for lb& . I . I .", '. , I . ,22: ; . . - I - . , , at 11,opub-' dr 0106 ., I � .. L' � . I 11� � ,� , .0flickly 4S�- aluert' ff at, or'the dust li'c. 91140 gr(;UPS are In, pro, , Cod Liver 6W-0 , , . I . I . f . ly. dUr. . , ,C,p I . 1. M ,� . I UL �- CII -1111i �Oonftins bud,dreft, of d4jq- pwation.. va,rictuo , *tUblianaml 'an& ., T!lga �h*y bi6 ,fod sulbeeg . . .. I . �.,",`,,,,-�,�,:,` 11 11.1 :." L�.,''�� , -b of met"M I I sful �, ,Vfl": , ii " 1, . -- - '�)­ . 11.1. ��,� I V ,he' wheols �?fi�11. I , 11 : - * . .R. " �), ,tW lects t�d differ as widely as Span,811 picture a1da him6beetude jod, , - I fth . , ft d6filditiOnS."aw feed , .1. �, I . �, 11 , . I . '� "' I . 11 . �� .- "I � �-16�.. � , actor � 6jj4 - Of th' ' '. ,. . : these novz%s to be s1ho,t I rito . Ir ,,,an y Issued by 4re , ratislaitoi?. I , , . _11 I d�l �� I , 0011 a , , " , J� Uative-tdiitgtleis. it m be Cleat that 50 ,Scholars of *0 a Most, .. " "..". I , : �;z, W .� I . . . I � "i ." I I i , r)izd�66 It 'EumEt-dusitAs, drawir. fnt4) and Dutch. 'In 111dia-trbiere, are 200 A Statement W&S' v, , ng'. a *ftddr, . , .... ".. � � ; � ;,: , I 2 1111111'..� , 'W . g 1. . " 4 , : - fmm" r .,-� I 1 ,; , "; R � I . ­.� . . . oft the, v,11JOUS roofs., one of th; -gr�ate t 9 tth& 'd6dofI&-,' - - � - � � 44'. 0 ..io I ..., . IA.", ,. , 11 i 'bl' 8, statiolflaoi I .0. � ' a I I 9,11'.... I �, . � e 8 i1e, � . � 111�1.1 '4 1� ; ' .*.. " I �.i..­,,,, " i � I tli%4 to�,ba pla' Sots of 'Irrtmaa. ,Presenting Many ecuntil 4.. , 4,20, . . . I ,. .''. 4-�,V&AIN11'11.1 . . Cad In *14 es; who , are . ...� :1 - , 'F�: I t 4��f�i*`,,� � � ,.- .X J, . , . , , ,,�.',`:'�:"',,�'­ V. " '% 1 . .; . . . 11" . I go Arid Als-: ity' to -day I"S gu,ag "(1011TInd6d -of.the� U,rogent need &�, din . I. � 1. Manijet', i,.,,, e,...�,,. , �. �. " . 4-1.4 . 1. I , , ' , h , -,�- I , ,,rn ,iijillar, at il SIA, - ." - i 0" ...... ��. r , 4'ft � ,., . 1-1111P ,�. � . 11 lad 1- I I . . ' . , ..: I " - I -under,Ataadabl�, Ift all lauft,­Such va international auxtuary !Oft ''I I - , Y� ­,., � i�* I . .'' .., " , -.1 . 'V68,61T rolf 4�ocbrddrng to . "i, I.VF". ,0VF1Y?,1"Jr-A6hikkyNi " ' :­ !_ ". ,it ,'� r. ... ItIndl, ,' 1W . . .�.-. ­ . k -'i ever 1knguhigs, ­ vvt � . � ? & 'M,6046Y , ..,:� It-,- , "' , , All floors in, - V diepa,rtmeut,.,tgnd lin,guage W.Ouj4d be the ,iiteat* in t, 1, -1. db � `�" ' , "' . � . . JJV towia, to aft6vt AA 94fl-grow", 1 tia4"S� a Urn-:" 10 ". "­'ie­�,- - CO- ,"' � tire Iiii0lb, " , . ­ - I ��;, , Lfrt- , . 16'6V"e'rey"" fACtO1-V 091b6-'are� serd-bb6d Vonalizer.. I I . He ]'A 0 . _ , � - me, "' ;..30',� 71,`�, ­,,� - 7" ,, , -, - .... i . 016 I T � , '' , 0 ,,,#,r' , ei#fitt ih6,Ur#, *W ' ' . A *��*, ��'.Oq, , fth,,� j..'..,",.' ' ' 415111 I , ,�),i `,� I I .. . , , gt,,111% #I iftl � r'd t,ftiftial, la any aetffidan,v '66AAKtote? I Z, � ELITOU .2'.i...'... " . ' ' ��% '11"�', r I d ,.,"" . I r I I - I IOU . . � mm.v ,uroott "W,h,114 a lit, ' * ,,, -9tt4it,igot&a, f6ri6, Of �, Q-t-' .� 'ft ....... �.O­ . I ��,F, i . I . I Iftw6d'i'06my *djettrent, t,6 01.ft � �� , , I rl"� Thoy,.t,6,jgJ 6 '' oj'i, � /b 10s'' , .". ��,41'8, o esifff4ttion . �!: .11 I .�!,t 6Wo#,'e,v.,- .. 111P �' . .W . & . " ,ff. ,#JF " — r ;�- I , ory twd hcUft," T%�, *J.dik ,Ai#%,S I I I #4. �11406�, " 16M. � - 4 - --� . . . . *,w - .i.. W, 41% . -�Elrgilth' tuft . , . ,.,. I- 15.is - - .. . Ue,Q . r ­­ , . , - I . � . . . I "i di ,,,, , ,.1. - - i a..."... � ...... �.; .. . - 11 " ah, , I. Mid I � '. . " Ir ... 11 ­. . - . .1 t ; .. a §%, Zl"` , I . - 'i'm ", AIN i T -- q., - ' .. .1� ., --W0111 I . : � ,, I "..'i 6 0,4PP'nod'i . ,.L � I - , , ­ ­ �- " ftf6r$dr'dAveVV,gy,g; lat6s gbtjeet to; 0i "U1641 , , Of OR", I A 'VAII 6-ait-'r4to: , .. - "M '11 ,',� Tii,s Y:�, , 7, , - - ,1� .., ,, I 0.0 . - ? , , ­ '. a 14 I . �1`1 � .1 ., MR " V,� 9 ,,, J� v. � 111�0& ��174 �' . g1L . �PA ­ ,,, P,b I `4 ,,�,,- .,&-/1 , 1,�, ,q.);.��. , " '� 4" , ., '..' I , . -mout 14 M, , l* r,, M t ,,, " ��,�*� ,�A'� ­,�4', weem, , . ; I , , y, �en '�L`,�. 'r 6, - " .. I . � � !� I � " . , .",'go, � X, � .. , * . , " �, � . IV; I W '. , f , , , . . ! I , I ,, � 11. '. 'r ,.'' -6fl� IIU46�gg, ff,6* 41 .. J� 101W # I � . -� . ,� A A�j&bltj& ;,6r, futri, . VV4*1 -W ,,, 5 . . . �,­­ .. .1 - - 1W . . . " r 'j; Q1,& , Me 6 , , . 11 1�1t, ,� i., ,. ,,,,, � .- -1 .1 � `7 i d , ", I F"', , '19 11 41. - i 4. , . I i ;tfio d# , it � Joult Pft ..yi,;- ., ., �,� AM .. ­ , ffliwedk,�,O , adft� 'App & 6b m, rah � ­ - " "I " di WWOU ,.� t; �. ; � - * , , .. di 8,8#, r - _' " ,,,, a fteht, ...�. ., ii � - , . ". - � �­ "' $. "I 1 " �. �­?� � " ­ . " IN �610 r , , , ft ligo-A r ", 1�11W', , '' I � 'Jo` ft'j­ 41 19ift'Wort "R., maxi . . 11 . '' r;.',' ' � nio . #.. .4 ... I . A K - �.., ----T,.. A. �", . ,.: � ! 11A , . 11 im . ,q� . i I "' �", , RAIII'V4 65,00ifft 0d, AU,W* " wi, �,V, = �� ­� .11 . "., 1: 1� �"Ii,., �'11 � ., fly6ft r t,hft .'�i!70'0"r Uft . , , � .1 , I'll , of , , �-­­. , �, 044 S i . I 1. �Vft ,bf fta, . I ... , - 11 � L�00 -- - .-I ft I ,�, ,,. ­­­­ ... .0i . � . 11, 11 If �,,�'��. . , "' 14�. 12 lit. , 't V#'n , *�,,�,',,M 's, $ � Av.� gil ...."', , , , W#11 11 * *gmu . , . Rmlosr"800''110 , ., . -I'V11, V, - 4"UW 4 4 .4.0.6", ` j , 11 . . , � �, � "'. P. ..'� T141 1. I 1� I .� . 0 1 1 , "111, I . i: I I , �� kJ ft I ., i BU .i6 , . f " ;." '4 K , -1--..-- I- , 1X2 . , ; ��. *0 i� . ito ii. , X , "M Ill , ,; .. '"46 0 TOW'dift 0o". -v- ... 41A.1.6"'...6 I& I � . 1. ,; , v, p� "' , . 199 , . I '1 ­ "��iti4e1#.'.rJ,,,.'.�.,, - . E'A,k , " 604 Vft#&­� Miw saftift domuftl '. ,. Ni '' t Imly", , fo- ,12.40 1 4 � " " ,-.J &,-* * A .&4%1 � "M 06V . iii , 'offior 4 W �fto oilb, t I 'IV; � ""10 " ". , ,;t , ­ 1. ; I i i�4. :.,.:: d,�4 # 4i - - d'i 4 .. .12.49 , "I :� , q , ,,, �1, �. , " . I . 1, �.�'. ... � - IN I , , ;��',�,�:' �4. ,,,r,, ",".., ­, , .� � 1''. ­/��. ., . L'' L . � I , . , r 11 � ; I -- �� ,. - .49.99 .1 "I I ' I �r I .. i 1,,W 1 � bVio"o ....... . I 4 - !" �,,., r, ­ ­, '' . � "Ir .. I I , , I . :, . , ,., . ."..", - � ­­.- J, , ,� ­Av " V . I . I. �, I if � " -. !"�'�;"I­Af` " !:"�' " ,- I'll, - .:' l' "' � .."', 1, Z111-1 . 11 ­­­­ d I "�,-r,�,,V,.",.,,,,.,.�,;,;""�,,, `r'. ., r I �i4 ­:��,,�� �, � � , j � ,�. L., .:,. ­ 4-11'A".... -11 - '­ I I � � .... 4 10-- 11.,,,,�1�4,,,�-", , :,, , - - � I . I � r ,K. " ;�!,vq , '., I I . I � . " , . . 11 ��" .1 � OR ,I 4� I., � op 1� 4, p 01 �`. � Rp .7 lr',,�� ; 11�i� . - " � ,P f � �`. "W'%,p, . RR " I �� , '' ��r ; , I 4 Z� 1111 I 11" § " I ; g ffi �.'i 1;tj:�' �f'� -, 1` ' --1 , I � . . ,r I . ,11 , I—.. �k,'� .;; V.& .� , , �;a ­ j�'' "" , � ";o � , I i - , , � .;.( 'i': '. '' g' , , '*k,�.1i�l&tli,',���,']',,t�,,,�'1;%�,, t�X&i,ml;�, 4 :"� . �3. 9"S"i L'� , "" �QAA 1. ... )k, I