HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-03-12, Page 5• ae. 4 • • 4 14„, ate, • . elea• ' aQ TJ rita• •."7-777A1,o ea , -POL.)1eseev140'..',PRESENTWe ',tome ,eape„ Tea, .F.-50htiAgegin • . , a • Timed -0; VOW' F ran ihjerre STday utak PEAFECT-0, NTI,:'0444.10.• • ,.'0.0C'ettIVna elaidile • .• Ritts llieceeeesnee • ..eiteeteett. bee:P:de aVOIAINVere. • • • ifed-MachlUiraSee'Otatietalwartheee• •...;10.1:1All/10.4011E. !-Wiek.1724 • r--) 11‘ ` A atiga, ' .'f•Shh •iiy,• • .• • a • • tt OW a Written for 'the Huron Expositor .` • • ' Friday, March 5 ' • • The Budget debate. continued in House to -day and Produeed little"oi " oof . the ordinary. line; ...Honourable. • Grote Stirling, farmer Minister et NA- tioleal Defence, -devoted •most of his almeto a defence of the tenet camps institute& „by the ;late Government. Re denied that. there -had been any Inillteriga 'in; these establiehnientse a Commission -appointed! by his .Govern- • •"-e Ieent. had made ail investigation:and bad given their O.; to the camp , .scheme. The debate drifted to a. disCustion tot problems feeing different sections • of the country, es an. example: Yea. -terday.Dr. Hieakman. (balsa Carleton) speaking on Western Canada prola aems, "In the past we heard of ' -The golden West' and thok that . coiling true, if we keep Petering • gold, into' the •Western. , :Provinces . we ,Will soon have a, Golden West." He quoted from lianearel to show • that last year $25,090,000 Was spent on • apiculture,. •$17,000,000r"of this going to Western Canada. lie..quoted: the Minister 'of Agriculture es. alying that • $58,96000 ihad been etivauced': by the people of Canada toward the support of the people in'the Weeteru .drought • Today Mr. Tucker (Lilt., Rosrthern, ' Seek.) said he was tieedi of hearing Eastern. Members -complain' of the. •a money being spent ha the Liberal. • Otevernin,ent bele the Western ,The. whale. 'fiscal • policy Was. calculated .to help iteetral ()Wade • • -*A •46•1*.o.4-002tp•Mlble-OfirttlIerrinntr°,14 The :tariff took .'824,000;000. oat . of - • • * • • * * very One a • Beautif0 New Fabrics, 'Patterns and tailored into the' cleverest styles you. ever •Double or single breasted,plain or sport.baelp,,yvor- stens or tweeds. If you want, pernianent style and abiding appearance with satisfactory wear; tit is value you want, you will find it in these excellent Suits. Prices 15.0,0 to 24.° NeN Spring Shirts • Smart Patterns, catchy colorings, good mater- • ' ials full sizes. Fully guaranteed shirts; All Sizes andistyles. • Prices 1 00 1.° 95 J.....1.•r value • 40 That .are not.jut oats, but coats 'that are, all.of s erior grade; that are superlgy tailored; that fit p fectly; that are the last word in correst style - rigidly inspected hand-picked coats that are worthy. of our label. All the new colors, and patterns, made in Raglari, Bahnacan, Slip-on, Guard and Chester- field models. Prices 10.95 to 225° • 4 New Felt Hats 1.• • Stetson, Biltmore, McGregor -- „all nationally known, reliable makes. Browns, Greys and Greens are the leading colors. All this Spring's new shapes. Prices 1.95 2,95 3.50 ENV -ART S AFOR duty to -Criticize -tas much ets they see them bad sold ota. The complaint is, fit.„ • that from the steat, they did no.t taw': Rem -Ours are incireulation: that. an the eptioil of using the facilities. of effort is being made to prerergue be- the Board. regardless of the press re - fore the end Ot the. Month. • This ean ports. • - only be done by quietly Passing the By this, they Claim they -would: have necessary legislation or by dropping been assured of a fair minimum price It141$4.11.Fe.lp,„tt-eletalitlegianteRVA.; apd pacipaite in, any, Kona Under -thenetekeita miaekeV•Cenclitions there, Could not have been loss, but, if there were, the Government would take it; the marts; minus the natural deduc- tion for expenses would go to the pro- dueers. This question will be up ' for •'fur- ther discussion as Mr. Blackeiore's sub -amendment wae ruled out of or- der. It was intended that a vote should, have been taken to -day but all efforts to curb the idiscussion, entirely failed. Today many snort speeches, were • made but it was simply a case of one trying to answer another without any really, impprrtaat constructive sugges- tions ,being made. * ,*• Teesday, March 9 • A break in the Government rails in Parliament precipitated by a. Lib- eral, meneber, WI. H. Wane, Ontario County; rejection: of the Bennett ameadrment to the/ budget by a ma- jority of 88, but with •the minority troup's in. Parliament all supporting the amendntent, a strong defetee of Saskatchewan 'ono year through enhanced pieces whereas the entire reVienue o1 the Saskatchewan Govern- me't' was only $14,01).0,000. The views: of MrraTacker and • Dr. Monday, March 8 ;• Parliament entered tOey upon the second week of a " budget „debate, • Ilenadinan repeesent, the difference of *high, like veverythang else, is sup:pos- •.0011.cm as between East and West and certainly gives 'ene. semeAdee'af • • la.e.probleims to be dealt with by 'the -Certverninent:. • Other epeakeeS • •today included 'Heliburable Earl Lawson .(cm.), John MaeNleol (Cont.), J. A. Glen (Lib - !era), 'Mr, jolinstOn. andieldr. .lettalreefi • (Sotie.t.'Oredit)"- Newman. .LOCkhart • • .e(Ceite), end Mr., Lalonde (Liberal). , Mr. Maceldeol Made stiggestkine for •' • - • construct . methods'. of .contrellang lioeder. 'Generally the Conservative • Sete:there attacked the Goverment. for • -their White 'to deal More effectitrely •, -with unemployment,' but their suggea- .tione advi'ce' now Seemed oat of place hi, aieW of the fact that when they'. took leffice there were 117;000. ,unemployerrand during. their, terra •'that number increased to arounel.7,00a • 000.'1,4 lime tires bateleVer, itis their _.•• , 1, • • • ' •• • ed to be rather hurried this year; but it is pot. A particular feature to-dae was the presentation. of a 'sub-ainend- Merit by the Chairmen. of the Social Credit. group, John Blackinere, M.P. It bad to db withthe wheat Polley: There .is a awheat board which the pool' fanners of the West wieh to uta Plea' as the Government agedcy for handling their crop. A min»num •Price aised to be. guaranteed If the market4 rose above the .assurede price the Producers would get the profits otter the expenses of operation were .ctedueteda Last autumn the present Government fixed a minimum of 90 oents, a bushel' bat effective only if, 'as Frid When the price declined below be,ate per bushel. It never did; instead it went up as high .as 'a dol- lar and twenty �r thirty' cent -a". Flarmere who. held their wtheat were in en 'the rise but apparently moat of 0, • oneyli own of Seaforth • • 1937 Taxes . . : 'axpayers niay. purchase Tax .Prepciyinent Receipts for 37 Taxes ; at .. Favorable Discounts from March lot,' .... ...: .,.. . .... • ' 5 , „ --••• ' •, COST COST . . COST . AMOUNT' • ' March .1-15 iklarch 16-31 April, 1-15 $10.00 . $ 9.78 $ 9.80 • $ 9.82 20,00„..,,, .. . . .,.... 1956 ' /6.60 • g . 19.64' • 44.90 '49 - ,00 " - 49.10 , . . • COST • COST • COST ,COST 16-30 • May 1-15 May -16.31 $ 9.83 $ 9.85 . $ 9.87 19.70 19.74 49.15 • 49.25 4.35 • • -cost • • cost AMOUNT • sane 1.16, • Oahe' 16.30 9.88. • 9"99.:,,: ' .... ........ . 19il76 49.40 :" • 49.80 •': r '`COST C0ST„ July 1-15 • July 1641 $ 9.92 $ 9.93. • 19.84 - 19.86• 49.66 49.65 COST COST. Aug. 1-15 'Aug. 1641 $ C95 9.97 ''' 1%944 19.94 49.75 49.85 '", • PrePnyntetit'llieelpta, Must be endoesed add presented along ,iarith 1937 'Tax Bilis at Canadian Bank of CoMmerae. ' " , r , - • • pafehass ydure:PrepaYment Beeeipts early and have your'isidneynt earning 4 per ce. intereet. ... If 'Yeuetthpot.14iy all no!, haget Yoar Teres this Year by einrehttidiug a receipt -ea& inniiih;'...iip ilfAil 1‘ :Sepfentib'i- ef 4st. ' ..: , ." ''.• - .,, ". ..„, .., . " ' . ! ,, , .. • . .. .;1 ,., ,, • .• • 1 ' • • '.1"" ''' ^' f., • , . . the wheat marketiag policy. of the Government by Honourable James G. Gardiner, who returned the fire .direct- ed againet the Government from sev- eral quarters; were the teonspiceoui things in the House to -day. ee • In the Senate the maite acoomplisla- N,mtliguent w,warteemite;tspastibn:,,ofaostitailinvendeskfraett4 farm rehabilitation cominittees in the drought area of the West. •.• • 'Nearly one Whole Week had been spentin debating Mr. ,Beenette" amendment„ after it had been. voted on and turned; down by 145 to 57, and when it was thought the House would go into committee to discuss the it, ems in the .Budget, the debate start- ed all over again on the mainemotion, and it may go for another week. •Thiecertainly 'put an end to every prospect of being able to prorogue at Easter., In the diebate the protectionist and the near free trader had their say, and they said Plenty. • Mr. Thorsen (Liberal, Selkirk) de- vetedf. his time to show that the Bene •nett policy of shutting out goods had, the reaction of shutting our primary preciacts out of many important mar- Itets. Mr. Walsh (Cons.) applied .himself to the' National Debt and rapped the Government's trade policy, eleipaing that it would increase unemployment. Other speakers 'followed along theee Honourable Mr. Gardiner delivered • an excellent speech, as he always dee. ""He said that Members who 'at, tacked the wheat policy Were in re- ality attacking .the wheat, pool ,• Citing the fact that it „heil handled, 102,00,- • '000 bueliels, c wheat exported lul (our months of the -present . +crop year. • Oharges were made that the Govern- ment ihould have known there would • be a light crop, but, said'. Mr. Gard. iner, evert Atha I. •"McFarland, Mr. Bennett's right hand man, had pre -4 dieted an June 24th that the , crop Wolild total four hundred million bush- els. !-Mr. Gardiner showed that under the•Gavernment'S policy of liquidating wheat noldinge, prices .had • rieen, yvhieh of, ,Course benefitted the Mira-, aryainuthipen ' Wad Mr. _Bennett** amendment •in reality a vote of want of confidence in the Government. In view of that, mane; Were surprised at Mr. Moore's action. It has been knoWn 'that .Mr. Moore hae gazed With etern and IllsapprOViner countenance uponmime of • the tariff performances of the Pres- ent Government, and, the form and factors of some of the trade agree- ments- entered into, but this amend- zneut related to unemaloyntent, so his vote et this stage caused tome won- derment. did not ekplaitt. it, -but Probable *ill •before fhe debate• fs pa:glean: was rende,re A . duet by •Mrs. Crieth add Miss' Margaret Crichr. a reading on "Prayer" by Miss F.. 'Whitmere; a Scripture reading by Carman Whitmore; duet' by . Mr. E. Whitmore' and Mr. F.( Townsend; prayer by Mr. L. Tebbtt: • Miss Veda- Clarke is. 'th her aunt, Vire. Cecil Oke, • who has' been quite ill; lyut eve.•are.pleaSe4 to say is re: eovering, Mr. -Kenneth. Terryberry, of Lenin- ingtora Visited with this old Khoo) .oliuma Mr. Carman Whitmore, over the week -end. . • • - Fire •completely destroyed the farm dwelling,. of Mr: Arthur. Chapman. of. Stanley on Sunda.- eventing. Mre. V. Terryberry. of Leamington is 'visiting with Mrs'. Fred Pepper and' renewing othe ol acquaintances in' the vicinity. . (Intended Or last week) Sunday's 'rain and wind storm did ad id rable damage to - telephone TITCligitSM,1111, . . • vire. McLean able to be around .again. after her recent ilinefire ThenatlY friends of Mrs/Hugh Me - Gregor •will be sorry to MOW' that ithe has not been endoying gieT WWI ge1011 heathfor the 'past feve ed are lint a speedy reeavery honed fer. Mr. Dan Melilla haa-leCoepted Pakeitisen en •farni. 'The Y.P.S. Turner".4 °lint& Met on Teeedttir evening undei the direevt doh efthe fielloWship ootiveike4 Mr Vithitfittirer: Mr: 4. Se tta/tlike, Clifitett &tout Moto% . ofe • a iintereifting adirells„:406 ""theVs- Ott la Of 4Ae bevelopliiene. '0- 11.6 e wires. which put many lines out . of order. Large bfanches of trees ate still -banging at Predations .angles picting danger to passersisf:• M. Clarke Stanley and WS. ilodg- }raison were Laindon visitors -on Tues- day hist. MissMarian Matheson of Stratford ie visiting with her brother, Mr. Aus- tin Matheson. The young 'people who have been 'attending the Short Course report that, :it is over all too- soon, They terminate their coqrse, by attending a banquet Friday evening. . A *acidbee was held in Mr, Ed. bush .on Wednesday afternoon to cut weed, for -Turner's , Chureh. Thirty-one men alia, seven teams cut and,hailed enough to supply the heat necessity at the church 'for a, Year, --Mr. and Mrs. Meter Townsend are entertaining Turner's Church • choir this ThUrsday eyeeifig. • , EGIVIONDVILLE Mies Laura MC1Viillan . of Toronto neat the v.,eek-end et the"parental home of Mr.. and Mrs. W. F. Me.Mil- Mrs. James Howatt, Mrs, Percy Manning and Miss Phillips, Londes- boro, were weekend guests with Mrs. Hugh Chesney. Miss Mary Draper and Mr. George Black of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bleak. Mrs. Stanley Gray and family of ..Stratford were Saturday guests' with Mr. and Mrs. W. T.' McMillan. . Mr. and Stare. W. Shepherd and son' of London, spent the weekend Rev. and leirs. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs, Montgomery, of Park- hill,. who purchased the home of Mr. Roy Lawson, moved 'here on Tues- day. We welcome them to our corn - enmity. Mr: and Mrs.' Fred Harburn, of Staffa, are moving into Mr. Benjamin Ialey's house in the village. Mrs. Janis Medd; spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George 3..Yedd of Exeter. Mrs: Charles Riley 'has not made the progress her many friends would like .to see singe going to Victoria Hoepital, London. She has had sev- eral attacks of flu but it is hopea she will soon be ableaereturn home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Churchill in Clinton and Mrs. -George Leitch with Mr. and -Mrs. W. Johnston., of• Clinton. 14•141. ;4*Inwoms vorminFooe lomummomomemommom •• BEECHWOOD MUM MOW' •411111SNMPOOSIINSIIIIIIIIMili Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murray spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sloan. "Mr. Joe Ryan et London is viiting. at his home here • Aire. W. Foitune retained to Detroit last week after a two weks' viMt at the beetle of her mother, Mrs, M. Lynch. terment was made in Bayfield came- tery. Much synepath,y is extended his now bereaved sister 'at home. • "--HILLSGREEN Mr. Wesley Richerdson, who very suCcessfullY undervreet an operation In Clinton Hospital la, t week, Is do- ing as fweelnldsas an edy n1"stfeor. Rio. Inany friends oovery. • Mrs, WF ard orrest and daugihter, Grace, are visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dalrymple • Mr, M. McAllister, of Toronto is ' visiting relatives in this vicinity. The women folk in this Vieleity are being entertained to quilting bees. Messrs. Harold: Reichert, Earl Love, Alfred Westgate and Clifford Weld* , spent a day an London. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson attend- ed wedding anniversary of his parent on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris visited her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, J'airsee Jar- rott. ivI,- thilgushrinWesleyf(iwisdian'YsbhReiniekihC*ards°111149Q34;s'Peehilercie Quite a number in the vicinity hive Mr. and Mrs. Peter Deltart have ELINIVILLE been victims of the flu. returned home after spending the winter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs,. .Mauriee Dalton spent' Suaday. at, Mr. Thotaae" Moyle -Las. Mr. Matt. Ryan of .Seaforth is exel gaged wfth Delaney Bros., for the sumrmer month.• • s Mr. John a Moylan spent the week - era in Toronto. A few. of our hockey fans attended the game in Steatford on Tuesday ev- ening. • Untended for last 'week) A gloom ,as -cast over the cant- etuutity by the death of one of San.: ley's most respected . citizens .in the perste); of Will Logan, who' auccuitib- edliba teant attack on Sattirday; Feb. 27th. Deceasedwft born 72• yeers. ago on the fartn o nedt by hie Par- ents, • the iaie Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Logan'. He was an only son *nd. from early childhood was .conneeted with St, Jean's Anglican Church, was a valued menaber 'of the cboir and made a good Seotch comedian.. Be wilt be greatly laissea by a very wide circle wee .of friends and relativett • As a eitize.n the had few, if any, equals; ' was a great lover of natute, proven by the • CONSTANCE The Chili of Progress held their • monthly meeting Feiday 'evening in the' school ream. The president, Mr. Jadlt of iihe lest Meeting •Were* adopted; as read by the trecretery. The program opened with a ehorue by the school; aecompanied on the piano by' Ilelen Bitto.. A solo was. given by Mrs-. R, GrImboldby, followed by a reading • by Elle betr. The Allele taehestra fevered the audiertee •with 5. imisieal. tainbereenfter which Mr. robit H. Seott Of ..Sea,forth gay e an enjoeabie. talk on "Citizenship." . Mr. • William Baton tang 'a 6610 .and Mr, Williani" ewitt -mkt the Kiplatine Veen. Stolle. Arinstrong sung,' aeocappaided by Eat kiatettelig on, tie plank .m4 the theettingf 'acted 'ari . "OA Save ,,, the or-Lie,Y Ott. 6 . . • . • • ,1 iel ar, pres • ided The minutes • .4 ;•• • Mr. sad Mrs-. Peter • Whititielie of Thames Road, Mr. A. C. Whitlock 4ind Miss Joy Whitlock of St. Thomas wre, Sunday visitors with Mr. Mid Bie). . Ben Willi -anis. . ' / Mr. and Mrs. Joshua .Jobris and Mies AltIna Johns; moved to their home, in Exeter on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs., John Iferdmaita and Ila of Strethroy, and- Mrs. George Seet - of. Three Hills, Alta:, visited with Mr.. • John Herchnan on Sunday.. kiss • Etta Herdmaspeet as, few t, days in Exeter vieit g with her grandfather, M. Hear Squires. . Miss Annie Elerd; bap been- cons-. ed to her bed this last week with the • • hies. Robesrt Dennison has returned to Mitchell after spending a 'week with. relatives in this vianitY. .1 way be beautified his home eurroend- ings. The late , Logan was never married but, is. survived by three era ters, Mrs. Albert Ellitat, Man.; Mrs. J. J. Keyes, Nashille, Venn.; one sister, Mrs. George Dote-. les passied on some years agO„ and vebo resided With hem. The fun- eral, which was held on Monday, 'w -as private at the home, fellow -ed by a Very impressive service in St. john's Anglican .Clitirela condtietell by the Rctor, Rev. W. G. Buger. Three favorite hymns tyf the deceased, "Rack of Ages," "Abide With Me", and' "1 Heard the Voice a ./esusi Say," the latter as a stole, Were: Well rendered by his nurse, Mrs..Hese. ' The pall, bearers were Lloyd,,leryss, tore Me- CslYinent Orme Devestea Getirge ten, VI. PoSter` and' anelieve, illott. Th. last rites at Ole grave *ere peeffitetted by the orbit& ON der, of Wthietla he Witt a inearibera . , tROMARTY Mr. William. McLaren is under the doctors care. Messes. ThOmas end John: Blqg- garth are under the doctor's care. • David Ga,rdinee anet Duncan Alcael- jr., left for the Western Prey-. ineee last Satutelay. Mr. S. role' retuene.d Irate a villa among friends at Stratford, Ethel and Seaforth. Mr. 'and M -r. E. Lloyd Miller troin Stratford visited with Mae, S, Miller end other friends on Sundeye A number from here attended the. ftexeral of the late George Raberesoit • In Stratford last. Sunday. Mrs. and Mrs. Stewart and .fittdilt. vieitetl with hie enothWitere :the other day. 1V1iss Currie went to Toronto, tie It for S. month With her Slter; hira, Tufforte Mr. -arid Mrs. john -Ctsthatit 'Mid' tiit moki.00k, of 13ivodi4, Vielied et not. SeotS reeenti13% ' • • • MicrY oittlitt i ene tdy ratite for a.ae, gr. at& hire: Vanden Mr. and Mt' IblitieSC)A 044 funeral of the fife in 8trattect latt WO( • • aah • at • V:„1 i:441tat ''••• - • .• •.,d• 1444 ti6 , • • h . 2.'10 , „. „„:„ • .!,), :if'1,..s* „. „I. , *.',,,tts• •