HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-02-05, Page 7� "': � � " 11, ) ­qr � `�, '1� , 1 I I IN . � � " -, ­ ;; , 1. -.�,,�- . . �,,� . �,,�­ . �,,�­ . �,,� ;,. I 11 -1 ,,,, I �­ ,'i q " �. I .. , t i,,�� � � ,,, - M, "..., . 1�1,�!i'�,�W"�-�%�4, " �.�'; � 1. , " ... -,�,iA. 'v , a C ... , � . - , , � . , ,", . .1 I ._�, ..� i.l . _ , , . .1 � , I'll .. � � . ... .. oft V ,.., _;,:',"4�". '� �, �, :, � , ,,, 11 � 1. I ��,�"�,��,�:�,�'z, �",,.��,Z .. 0 . � I I , .. �.-�'.,, : , I . ..'­ . I I - ,, �. , -, �i ", . .1 I 11 .1 �, - .... 11.11.1 I ". _.. ., . ", 0 . , 1, : . I . I � , I � I . . . F , * . . . � .1. I .. , 4 . , .", , , . , � . . A- Is . . , . , I I � . . I � � I., 4-1. � . . . % , . � I . . .1 A .1 .1 , � I � .1 . , . . , � k , , _-_ . 41, 1 __­._.­.. 1� . -4 t�'�11. � � 1, - I I I .� . . I . , 4 � . . . I I . . , � I � . 1� - .. . .1 I - � . . . I . . . __ . .� . I " _ I . , ­ 11 . �� . . I .... . . I 11 IT.. .� : I e . . I . � I I I I I . . I . . 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Bona graduster of'ontarle. Veterin- * oryl.,;V I-ege. AU'diseases ofAO*sstIo wL . d , Mala treated. Calli"promptly'at- . . I te"sWto, and charges Moderate. -Vet� - ;bj aj��I Deidstr I ,y. a sxiecls*�' Offil0e-1 'Goderl h street, one hq �'.rrotg office, gea- 1, .: . , fortk., - . .! . � � . I . � Is 1 12-U I � I . .. . . I ,. I . i "Aw: R�.P�5M-I�RKLXP V-6- I � . I I-: ­ ., � 1. I . . . . . . . I I I I 'Gfs,du.1%te of' Ontario Veterinary 1 , , epnege, University of Toronto. - All' 0 dlileases ot domestic animals tr6ated.1 n) by thlo'­ most-, modeirn. �priuoiploo . .! tj CUrges. reasonable. , Day ' or jilght! 01L� 4=.Us pnopptly at i tended to. (MicO' " p Main Street, Housall, opposite Towni HaM - rhope'116. Breeder !ofL.`SeOt_j tlgh Terriers, -Inverness; Kennels, .01 HeRM1111i I . - � . . . i .. . . . . ''� , 12,46 ' 0 1 L . , . . . . . MEDICAL, . T . . I I . . , - b . . � Ili . I DR.] ,GiLSERT .G. AARROTT - 0 .. ' I Ine . , 33 , Graduate of Faculty -of Medim ' 1paiversity of Western ,Ontario. Mein- . bqor of .. Cellege� of Physicians -and Swgeg'as of Ontario.. �Gifeic6, -43L Gode- rich.Streot, West., Phone 37. ' Successor. to. Dr. Charles Mackay. � I . . .. . . . . - �12-W , . . - I I . I . � i . . I I I . . . I . DR. W. 4. ZIRRiDAT - - t , . . � - : . puysiclau'. - Surgeon . I .1 . I phone Ww. 'Office 36ha St., Sealortli. . . I I . I m!36 , I � ': J . : , I . . . DR. T. J. U.tIRROWS. � � I I , . . . I . � -office and residence, 'Goderich St.. I I east of the Uzdted.CfmrCh, -Seaforth. . Phone 46. . ,Coroner for ,tbe� County of L . , .BOMB. . 1 . . ' - . . . � I .1 .12 ... 46.'. I . � L . E . .VR. +RIP". - H. ROSS , . I I . I I _�J. �Jly �L , , OX4on, ' t uato� L'-Qg-. X.-AW'.00 og'i"T ItQ� , 6r , Medicibe, idember' of Col- tV jt�,of I . I lege of F-fiysicians �and..Surgeons of + Ontario; pass graduate course in Chicago Clinical lgchodl� Of Chicago; ' " bibil, London. Royal Optbatmlo Hoo I � England; University Hospital, Lou- . don, England. Offlce-Badk of Do- minjoR Bi�pk, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. . Night,ealls amowered,from-'resideiiee, Victoria Street, Sea;erth, ., . ' . . . � I I ... o124i I . 1 11 I I . � I . I L . L . . I DR. E. & McMASTER . I .:� Qraduaft,of the Unfv4refty of 117-oron- . to, Faculty of MedJetne . I . . I I . . . . ' I . Members of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; graduate �or' 1gow York Post Graduate Schoed and . Lying-in Hospital, New, York. . of- :Ace.-od High Strept, Seafortlx Pbene 27. Office fully'eauipped for X�za)r r diagnosis, and ultra short. wave elec- tric treatment, Ultra Violet Sun 1A=V tre'atmeuis, and Infra Red electric treatments. Nurse li), attendance. I . . 1. . . . '12-U I . . . � . I - . 'DR. F. J. R'L .-FORSTER � , . . ' Eyei Ear, No&* vind,Thfbat I I � . I . . Graduate in Medicine,. University , . . . of Toronto. . L . .1. Late assistant "New York Opthal- mei and Aural institute, Moorefleld's Eye and Golden Square Throat TIOS- pitaig, London, Bug. At 'Commercial Hotel, sjator�h, third, Wednesday in , , , - ,,each mouth, from 1.30 p.m. t o4.30 V_]ul. .68 Waierion.St,rest,.South, S-trat. . . lord. ' ' I I . .1, . . I 12-86 1 - 11 - . , DR. DONALWQ� STEER . , . . . . I I . , 'Graduate of -Faculti' of Medicine, . . Univeralty'of Wester,ji Ontario. Mem- ber . of College -of physicians and I- Surgeon a- -. of- OUL600; * - Full - equip-, - , inent, ineludingW. ultra short wave L . .. . , 4et. 11 .1 . .. . I Office ,King Street_Honsall. Phone . Reftesil 66. � : . I . I t I . 12-86 ., � 1, I L I I I I ­­ : I ' .. . . \. DENTAL - . ... I . . %. , I - � 1, , jr L, I "I I . I .. ' A I GGART 011. J. A.- MoT grsftata Royal 661lege of, Dental , ::M$,Toron I.. Odice. 011ensall, , 'a 106� 11 � , � I ., . L � :` " .1"4 1 1 -I------- ', � . . . . I '' L :�­ � � . I AXT&10N91@M,',­ _' I � . 'L I I I .1 I I .1 I - . I " - 1. .. I,' � ___­�­ - .. I ­ -, .1 11 I., . 410.1d'. I * : - 7 . . . .1 .. L . I . . . ' H . AAOLO - DALE I I . . Uce�iid Audlooter ' . Sg6daligt iii jarm, and ho�aebold "1#6. -prices rcAijog1Wb1#.. Iror-,dAteo ,AM In&ft,6,,'tic11, VtIto, or phone Hat - #141'. DAI& fton6. 1,40, Seat6rth, or , ,i,,,r,,t ... :, , ftoalfat o6ce. . . . _".:,, �,� "., �,,'_',",_',..__. , .L ', L I ' , �­ ,. f24(; . - �i ill", � . I . . . . L I .. *6 P . 1� , , - W ARA _148 IlAcei��ed 66tiouser for , Perth And "L , - '' L' . 11 U'ro"U. ; JocliAtift.� r' '. Sales solicited'. , , - I 'r4J'jJ0- on­.;&",Iffttmn.��! JvAr *66, � 04 -, , ", . .. 4 itieto �afid, 9"I 't."to A-Viot"' L ��gi,�,*��gi6,,,4,,I-gft,oholL,� - . , " ,a , . I , I �, XT ; A At ,T #rLrop k . . ". 1, . 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R - A WJlQnh'e 01_41,rat"% �ep -,q., COPWAIR 1. AAA :'U'AW t44 A. �-'W, ,)",q,JQ oo.swwxr�, ptaia,�.aov 11*� at -140-L. 411 -'4 � :hp�,A ,VVY �, "'. I M �� . 1. . � y . '91a " '# . � % , " i i I 1 `0 47", ,;�4_.�,#g, 1 . 4 , 61)i , , , �' :, �` Wd � _ ,�� , "' , " 'Rio, 1614*3004 R " I I V ."`�111 . 14 .11, . �o.�­ , . 111. . .t _ , - - .- I I " , , `1 I �,d �� . .."! .T 11.; I � �#g _t, t ;'Ar ­�.�:�, � �q r,'�',,�.�.",,', ,JW - Swia-�All " , Wmed, -a, '"'Ps W.00-00 ,. 011n. -COU'. -44 , ". _ My, ',,, 40'bgt'�100�"''.';t,oj�n��-b.-o , �0. , � , ,. - ', i , % aw. . , , - , - _ *_b 'a , 40, 1*, a y,oa A , re,a,'Aow � I i , 1, . , , id e­�,gonp%tp,hey hs .P., t, . . I I i ".. I , ,1�.rf�m 6' � - I �. _ ,� abou , � 0, i I " . M W01"I'A __.,.XT'V­ i tiler 1 ,13uv 1,18,,,-Z,b,O,,�06"t,O'.&,On�u'aa ,, `9 �r , _140, .1.. ', I '802 1 1AUT-40" � - I "'p, 6,4 t , "'o '11 �44 0 to,,*Le. r lqb# 40,1 4,04, ed i ., _W -� al I I .. �.� "In! "Poo I � , I ' At time"."AU 0 . e4,e.`.1P,v . ore' t4e. zrogt. L" � !t , I ,�, " AL.P m " , . - ,, . _4 " ps � on .W . �! I � 0 � yof"If , � _9:. � .. I . _ A4 W,'k,'� as ' .,.a I. Et r tp 1#714 I � . � IrIk".1,1111 � � 4 . ., P, .1, - I . WA ". � jo� U- " I i`�$,,, . ."s vo, - hie conq q - emilir "' ' 9b . egg. ,corpit., .T­_,� i,# W r�," , � i � IRWI,75�,� ,�,,� - ' a w: j 'Rtbal; 0 . r ,,, , . elinging,to-0 :--1iad-,bebA1'IA-cq3#V�9I:e, "' . , I � .� 7 44 .1 � @e��V_ v " ., .on . o L*'� 0 ,;tgr 1, , 11mik "Tuil � A9V ' - ' li '7 " - , � was trem ,��­g r - ��,, i n .th#t p _p. horse 9t .;W,� �W 1;1, Ply ., Is, � Q !� 844 "I"I � Ito , , I, Ig: with. 0490m - 0, , ,�,r 0 "s jittlo'childt, R! t �, 1i ,I NO ,% _ ��,, � ,fp , b ­� , yr,J .' v .1," ,t if_i iiN pp"",a . . . , . 4 hl� A ksi'Ske � r 4, - wg?%T-,1.FVwK, -on De .. , 40d wlbo," -'..po near %',� , Two Q -.,.,�--21P____ �, ,,; 11 . _ 4 , , W_- X", I � �i 6"'. 'i. ,'� q - 4, t4e, al ; [.­._..fi_y1­1bt�­d_�;,_1 � .--tk"-,-. - , g "."I"", mq%,i gw de, �q * . I 11 .. , _Wgheav , , " -1�,tM --- kl* ��Jlat--11941 1D1OWMFW�,O.1=L ' _t .-11116i",great­ brato-WOU.14 .. � 9 11 t I 1, . � utlay4# ,04ar-al � , " 1 1 . .1 I I � I _: ­* *,;& - QwU, og.;-. 'ba ' �a and. can gloqP 64 1 a, b 1 [40 , g lift, was lifted'and' ASIX94 doj,r,i.hfi# `­­` : 4 r., 4 X '4 To. U.Qposat C �74AW` n '�' 401 , - i"It,­1 Mi.. .."11,11. ��� . ` 1"� ._" folk ,hot ;, a �Ion _ p ,- . . , �7:,�i. -.1, I ... , , , - . � I �� I X, _,sobaer'i6kr lateir.', ,"i" , ,,,.,,�, 01.1,11, - . . 1, I., I ­ I " brl�tms . "' ,� rossii.ip In ' Q, y-0'Uu#§ts1'V'VN"-ja 'A i- V 0A R -h 9'1'" ,,P ,., .. . . .- _ . -, , "' the .wind.' . Aild even adr(i the W .to i ... � for:: sl VW10 long ho, I . � � .O. The:'orowidk strpa% . ,, UP . , lto'*r=01.1 Al Jim "JA, il, Joanga 1 0_0,4, on-, . ,".. 11 , I � with 'thtp- t , , .*' , 1�'� , .�_ 6' `,I g�w�,,R� .. _,; , r,. ,,,,,,�,� 0 , A'' I ,.If". " ... , A. " I IN , , . I . I - nd rest Meel.r, - I � ! . � 'A , 11 - "' il_01 Tr bi - wufp� *6 oi, "' after 4e,ba4.be , Or � i�--. -look 4 ' . .. . ,,:r . r en, . 1�n ,.4 - h 1- -im - � She wondeire.4'11! she b6did. ". � I . � R11 1%1.99 XMI _ . w the ter-orlu 1848CO � � .�, around e . .. _t I pta ' I .. . � a felt. I., . .1 I . . . . . . "' Im"i ,r, , ,� �.. '6 ' ' i 0W W, the � little; A sort 64,*Oly A �, , M close -hor'eyeq that A, &t.t. *AA w, h -.1 _'.1 ­� r"'. 1.13 . "I , it could not l4st lqjqg--� Th .-Captain. 'lusidd,led- i a - . K r i g 14rl easu , . , , , . papWnPhl 1.1 . . ­ ,� � . . .. J hpp , ,T e, . _ .�, . I I I I � _4 ill I . , I MR.. 0"Jigh-vi ��, : or em _ -, - `4 40, "�� aa.:uo - i4ii waa,ten. bjac d ,,he. hotel;' stable, where Is : h ,_;,#�,',kept her smil-, - melt.'.M.6m. ,f All, hro ' ,�,,��Ap ,.� , . X okxaf, I?ehln. �I . so. t" I - ' 'went boo the' Jiox J'stars;' seig .. Trvq�r,e,i i. , � . I . Lo x a 11 '. ' I , - .� a borse .,Q she. '04 _j( ,�T � , , 7 � � . t'day, wpuld . � .Arp ,,_ q lk*r was ep, . . . .1 . U- ;94V .'.."m I a. . � J . . �Hlo`black;�1464Y' , - tf,.s.,a.tre 9 ,p '. nqqp,��, orwww,�,,.- . , V,�, ,_V,�, � , V,�, � ?F ,_V,�, , V,�, ,_V,�, V,�, � im anthers compacte�b, in one., And h' ­ k t w coutty praporty,, Ing for reasons: Which ,ahe -Knew not. �Jhe,-,�.�, emember her? ,ever* . ,.4 Lr'%A.,Ii�.141!#*R��,�� � IrR, �,,' - I '4 _ _ L ., ptalp r y_ _;,V�,� I �W, . ,��,,, r Oc ,W,�,'11 11 . - - � ..'s.1r.. _4�, ­ ' 41 :1S.,,&T,' W.."qUIP., ,,�, k? . _w " 6,"AingIlke . % 4 � rabboo bal!,, twisting '7 , 'hour * a 't;6 �- .she � *60T to ' "'Might It be that yi6.Wve bosp� to -lowed among, e, :, VNIt""Wev* , 14A_i��,�!..A � wl�,,���.w,,%,,.,�, . . . ftei�e they iAayed - fpr ��Jf an AM ­­. � - -1. - � I -1 . A "go back ' ' � � th. I I ... � .'' . ' I � �6 a it ' �he : ,� . . '--". An 'o noticed ' ' " Ruck a . With SD#te 9b I ", ... 11 ... . I �'.,;,!�,W^l .pbin . I lifin I I ,g snake' of Upht 9111A91 ptly sk I - -1W sErn.Ak", .1 . I , I I . . . . . d-, pres,ou AIX town Ad -day? . gkeo : i. I 40"".0wi,wrim ... Sam�,a fee& out 3,44dbw 4yeating a -long, hooltAtion. . . I : . � ,,,, , _. .. � But the Captain stood like a .qWue 0 "iy . I I be e' , ,ill . , __111- I 'A stljrt , I Wd � (I I " , that All � i look r ono'- of ,6,.: ; shape I 0 30 . - 111. -, --r,57 . . , I _ . .;.F!.",-".;.,�,�'Am�,-'�.-a"!�""Pl�PJ,'X�', !,� qX In.. vain, *the oow-punche4r sank 444 �* no ittention, -to them.. Not the ground. to*ard. NDt. as the out, 1R,d*e;a,ber1ng the flirgely' . .. 'rat , . 0 � - , .. . . qficte,tor. - apd his be ,ere lb#40� OWU.IJ01�"� �,,:.. ' , 1 41��­­ ­ 11, to 'U, hw� , I - am - -the thick clooll. - ,eve7k IL, portion of hay eb win a sIODed West and WeStWfitd. _. I - . � $` , ,.,.',, tbe, %,,. E'L I , , :., - . r: ln� I 41d . . She loOk` 'Ial Buck Daniels, of other. days, Aeai�ff guessed at thiq soon.. - - aqk . ,, 0 , "I", , . k, a. yell'froM $am, Laud I gian,QW� �CrQm, . ek�rfi'maelf �� ' " " ' - "'�'�'; Anottor b6c . him, -but With his head oO up, and there stoo(t:the CaPtal-A started to ber eyes. She jumped .up She called - to him, in.. sp6r. Gloat I 'I, ,'�' , . 1,�­ , . . , I ,,��,,,,, 1 .1 .., . . I ,. .. , , ,� . . . . . ...... . . . . . ,i� ffl��,Nl � ' , . . ted, . P -,tex, tu" . , loms. ,snapped out. of his' seat As a rktoed, !high he looked- over -their watching "' hex! aroun4. 'the comer of from. -her; place and ran arv�� the There was, a an,prt. of' fear sfid auger rsho: ]AGU4 , � E'T: � , ,, I'll . . . . . . __­� . . . . . . - -melon, seed, 'heads and- it the distant peaks.. the'bava. 'She rose amd,'went to ,him, table. to .him. wftecie ustarted- 4-adlyawaY towar , I i � ,o .1 . madizqUeezes.out a water . . I from the. gieat 'horse, and daeolie, � . M, . i I ., # ; 80)!aeolie, liree ImIghty -Influ, . . � Aween thumb and, forefknger� 'Ile ,Men- cannot, bear to be snubbed; and although be, Hitched back,. his di,�t­ ' "Ohl"' she exclaimed, with her arms i thundered from � the h",:- , . � I �, T - � R, .. �Ace4._.A#LX,;j,0o_,__ K., .., jw.tl'_.'11�1 " � I . '' � , i I "I ", ��,, M "- ' ' . , uded far Off in. the dirt. Amd at Met even, by a.L ."duiab beast. And an not retreat. , ,Not even 'from her ex- around -his neck and' her cheek beside ' "Dam, You, - Jim -MY it YOU bother liAO" bet: fe, ,4ope. ahen apft.o�;�, Rif, iva wvgt. the'- Captain', witli a � rush, half an hour the wa�dheis had. their' tended hand I '' " ft_&J. 1% did he flee., but let it'hi �'Is thers such.a -bld that CaPEaln hose again Yll pome out tLbse Lee . Haines- was AJ.pa.44 A,� -f,,.. ..�_ ak ., . 'toke hipa-let A cheek. .terri , "'_"" ' I I I . ­ ,,,,,:,,,Rpt#,,,gta u ,W81 Mand flying W fill of It. They brdko:-.ug:au.ddenW. touch hJs,n*se--4ot ftipt distance as this between us? Don't there and :W4ng �YO,ur confound*411t.. tor4zid .the Qi ' ,1'*,' ' ' ' ,','..!P . , .. , . PVK 19 WeFo, ,�;-'q#FVMi,�%TVQ0rbrr, ", 111, . . I . ., . � . 4�v:�, ; ! I � " , is tt - been, given, %u<1 It wander higher a d �dgher up his you -that I IoVeL you, - More than - tle- neck! 11 , -__­ ... . . I -eri �_W% -:r,,iLj�ngbX 49,�- 4�� ,ears. I., as if a commalid had an __,: I.. . . �At �j I see , ,@d . -_ jThe yell of horror from- the crowd in another-m6fileut.i4ey, "Were 9'Ono. head uniiI the.slender--biown fingers eve .. . I . i or?. Is. there,'ai1bther*man in ail There was me answer -from "AM- dreadful monotony -01 � Vashed. against her eaxs,, but she felt - jroan ..,,slope remained le"Ing ILLY squarely between b1i byes. I . ,,- � .� , , I . . the -world- who,'would. have donef for my.,, Sher v��ted, again for a'MomAauA, the long, sad, 016to s -� "I . ........ "Im., ­�,:-,! , , . I ,� . 11 ,. . _," horror herself.. It was all, I Ea# against the 'big, gatepost. She was Not that he was entirely passiv6. the c1bild ofAils friend jwbat you have ent and; -then spoke'notdii a Wh1sp.er.'Daq34eIs-'­-. � � , "I . '. , . ­�': ".,;�,:, �, Z� , " ' ' ' " ' _. i, , "'. � . I . . I '11, I , I . . I � . ` � I , I,k rat thing. If MeU *,ill 'Venture 'into Perfse,tly,4011041t- For,.watchalig,-the She read'a, constantli Oianging story done for me,?. -,-L never forget. it I -t but in "a low-pitched ' ing on -at his' 6 . .'.:'.,,, . voice Ther6t Peter, swing . ;' . b. �� �, . 11 , - ,. " - illarbly, +n IN a �,_ I ' � ". its den of the - tiger they' M11st ex- stalltiin-,� who ,was seeing the moun, of, susplelox6 hatred, W_onoer, shud- follows me through the � day. j�d. if was an, Instant , effe6t­on ti;. s,tallloil. canter, started to the a ­ . 11 ­;; Q.,� ... �_1. ect the' tiger's teWtiand -claws. ,. taing, With hfa� eyes, and serellig the dering ...fear and joy In. this eyes. He I dom!t do just 'as you. want me He had crowded away to the -farther. and doubled his pace. bu -of aA,, �1`. � 1.11�11'1"­�, , Then the ropes,4KIrew,,taut . the gfent sing, she was .guessing M & shrank . away by fits' and 'starts, and to P , . 11, 1. ... �t , mount I comer. of ,the corral. Now 'be eA-Ae straight before them i � _'. �. 1,11' ors-e--wus stopped, stAggered. And.' thousand unborn, happInessia which camo back''gingerly to her touch and - -,Hii&b,, I . - , ko #�.:, I . : , �:,. " I - Joan! I" he -said, seeming forward, in that stealthy way of, his And.. although she could t I �,, I I `� . - �", . ap ihitant,,,he eea�sed, lighting' -Abd nalobt befotma there if one mAild see to the sound of ,her ioieg. For the more- startled- than pleased by ,'the until he was, In tho'nd(fdle of the -on- but, -the sudden, fear QUIP t �, can . : , , i�lt. , ... . . . I I : . at 1 .. �t'.Men drag away the sens.eless I form and know. I hand alone *p almost powerless, but outbrekk ,of, affection.' *-'Hush, honey! closure. . . hold on -Joa:.n.' She .,sent a W �: 11-� .. . Sam Ricks. ' .. I Presently ihi�) Captain put aowu his hand anta Voice together seemed to be You don't. have to do no explaining He had fiot - forgotten! He . even ,racing gait, and leaud4ing.clo , ..to his ."....�:`!'­­ . :, '. I I. �. . I .. !'-.�,,',', . 1;1, 'i. L , . . �. �,M ... . " 1.;"Y The Captain drew ,,himself up with headi to the hay, but with the first two great magnets whose 'power he to m, ' . . � .. str'etcdied ,out his no , as if to find Aeck. Jockeyed him ghead. . ... . � � Z . - . e!!7 . . 4, i . . .. . . ..- fe "i, bat blowm mane and, arching tail, his wisp gathered littD his teeth- he ,Jerk- could not regist. He Patted -her hands In a perfunc-. her. -hand, Old he did not stir whew NOW bopf�bedts. sounded-.bphind�ber, .... ..:,7.:, M , . , . . .. , 11 ,�� . . eautiful."high, his ears 'Pricking, ed up with a snort and, baftuafed) back It wa's the happiest , .moment Of (tory "fashion, and, she returned slow. she slipped the halter over iiis head! and, began. to thunder past. She. look� ":-. J,- ,?� ' - - . . , . �2 1 ' :'lik,fL R Is eyes fiked, far off whees, the play across bbalf lfhe 'breadth'bT 'the -small JbanPs'life. The touch of that silken ly to her -place. Truly sbe,had ,not But that was not all. :-Whi�n gl�,e ed over in, astonishment. It was not ' , ' � ',.�!�: 4, f the heat waves turned the distant enclosure. He had seen her after coat was more to her than the flow- dreamed that the gap was as ,great opened thexate the came; meekly possible: that any. horse could pass ,:, �.J�11 - I .. . I ,"', " We j e, . sily. . �, , ;,.,� " '. ountalus in -to nebulous, half -living thavingtorgotten that t'lleirle 'Was a hu- Ing of gold coins through. the fingers as this� And h n h sat down a- forth at the first twitch of thei lead Peter ' so ea .. I , . . . . . , :,��i, i. . .... I f . and when abet started. On- - a great ,,black . 1 *:; :" .. Iiings. m an VOng. , . gain and dropped her chin on her rope, h : , , . . I Now lie came rapidily .toward, her She looked past him to the pile of -hand; even though her eyes, were low- followed obediently. Peter . himself horse, sweeping away', into t- - t-iglit .. I .�� 11 � . - , ,,9 hapter XX . 'pau tarde closer, hay. 'It. 'was. undisturWl, He had ered, the kne* that he was siaring was.not more docile, except, that he. . , !, I . . . ,�C for u tow 9teps,, sea, I.::,! . , . SPIRIT OF THE.. HEIGHTS balited again- His eyes -w , bre, on, flis. nottouched it after­�she went, as sale half -frightened it her while I bcf�re her without a rider, .-o I xx his,, ,, �, . 1� I I , I ,� � ! 11 I I -he stir- always walked b,eliind,, and this great baek. It was the Captain! , .0 - I Joan followed the direction of' that And whether with auger or fear, all thought, out of his- slikht, buf1ollow- red his sugar ir-rto 'his coffee. . . . : .. �1. . fellow strode up'beside, her amd fori- ' I " � - , . � ' . . . �. . ,- , tar - a door Opened somiewbere hAs, big bod was trembling. ,Ing to the comer, of - the corral he What had c6lbe into her tibat ad. And' again ther e - tinued Next W6ek) I : � 4, e, and . 'Y I I. _ 1� (Con . � ,;. I - n her heart. She understood now. It fille, Joan With awe. He had frad, besuwatchin e Y . . . 4. . . .. .� I ...,1.1 .d .g her from tbe,v r made Buck Vaniels-afraid? She coa� 1. . ­ . . . . . '. 1:,;Y. . I . . �:',:: I %-hat z1he. would not. -have uniderstood been huge enough In the distance-' first 'UpIll, ,the sun -brought.,his sha� sideried, it carefully, biting her low- . � I , ,. . �� � hat morning a half-hour earlier., All bVt as he .drew ceirer, his great j�� (tow �beside-her. ' - e;r lip. . . . I I �. . . . . I . . I 1� U: I . . -.1 * . . . I � I . , . I _?-!A*1- �, vas ,as clear to her as if the stallio'n trils expanded and, quIvering, and, It'*as wl�e to let we,]] enough, a-, 13 "Ain't you g . oing to eat?" she heard . - - 4 �. 4%..�'�11 I � . ; . . . ,,", . . . iad spoken words. I � :with big ears pridked ,and, 'his head lome.' -She knew th�d tile SW -lion uck sayi'ng softly at last. I . LeSNAPS'POT - C UIL . , �,::,'!,� , . And by that untdierstanding a bond bl"gh, he seemed t6loom *lIke a moun. ,would never forget her. She needed Glancing lip, 8whe Saw him rolling a 1. I I � I .. ,%. � .. � . � I .1A . -V-,;, pas estabilsbed �between t h e m - tain, zborv4 ber-a mountain of beau- no One to tell her that she had al-- cigarette with unceAaln-fingers, sit ' �., - I . . . art - .... I 1. I ' .. !�,. - �, � 1. I In, worship, bdIf ty ,and strength. � . I - . a , , 1. witching him -half .1 I ready.,gafned far more impression up- Ing 9A her the While with an intd.ler- . Memory Pictures of Home I . . '... . . - , . I - . - _ �j . .A U s7mpatliy�, she found her fear dim- I?Sie put out 'heir -hand. He was in- on him than dve'r'Lee Haines had�able concern. And for a moment she , , . I I . . I - ­­ . ., ,,,, - i!l . , , . . �� .. , , � �,q . . ' �� 1, . . I , : . I . . �: ;,..,, shing. -He dreW her With a great stantly across the corral and turning done. And,' now it would be wisdom almost Wished that, �die had learned . ­ . I . . I � I (Ili I . . .... . � . _'; 11 . ____ I � . ,:11, I q 11 11; 1;. .11 ower of which she. Was -half afraid, In a whirl of dugt,'Jobied. de&�,.ce. snd to go; and,, so, Of course, she stayed, nothing Gi. the truth,, but ,that, -she I I -Y-.�,; i - , I i�.�$,:. � - * I ' m o*n :� ... ... � � - rast was could -have gone on as'before, look� i��'. rom time. to time,' as though there fear back at her. fe%. it, was -anl' The temptat! of tile ,cont .�.... I . . I ., ii.` ; .. -� I ..'Zi ­­­­,.,.,:� :�.; : q� were a- black magic in, ft. I I festly fear., All in all, it was,,a Man too great. She 'had seen him raging Ing Upon ,honest Buck, Daniels as her :.`,`,*, : �,t� i n ::: : .",� � _ Now they were at him again, in a vellcus,ly strange thing .that he should like -a I o among strong men not .14D father. He began to take up,the con.. . . . . . X ..........'....."........... I . I ,. , . . . . , .... , ,.,,..,........,...,_ % � ..... ........,"... ....... rang 'into have endured 'the -ccriitiny of a -*fible very '10 ' h 31 Wh 11: ...'..'........, , �rorryiug cloud, and he sp .. ng ago. Now, if she should 'vorsation at t e Doi t ere it had ., i ... ..... 1.11, . ctlon,, fighting back desperate,17, ftis.g- ,cro*d. -without. flinching, and then dare to 'stand inside. big corral, and been left off. I .-� .. . . - .;;; idficently. but that 'lasted only A' should have b6come as skitt;4h as a if he did not- attack her with teeth "I asked Af Yould. been to town?" i�i�i�il�i'�.'�:�i�i��...,. � ...... �. I.- 'I'll . ,�t ;.X:j:�:::1:j:::j:::::::: _ * j:1, *: ...,.,.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i, .. A I . _� '.-.:.:.:,�.:.:,:.:.�:.:�:;:.:� .�:�,:�j:-,.�,:::". . - 'A . nomerit. He seemed ^ to realize; . that. mustang odit, that has ne-ve . seen and . bpois- ' ! . . . . .... . .. -1 �� . . - a . � '...... , j.6p�" djldg,�, �wsl,6. . he said. , I- 0 :.:,­". ;:x.-:,.1.-,...... 1."."'.., 1, , .. �, ' 'Tf she ,had waited Ao think it over, She nodded-. - I . : ". ; -1 . �.777.1 -against blizi -,and 'human being, simply becauqe� a harm- I .. ::.,. ­ ... �., . .1 .. � . X ­: I I - Ir � less girl -was standing at the. � gate of she would never -bave foiand the c r- "It was; considerable of. a *,'.`.'::. � became perfectly docile. . I OU fight they 11 ..::::::-,.-1:1 I I 2-�, . L . She -watellied him being led baek to his enclosure. age. .But the first strong impulse h,7d with that black hoss, the Cap- . - , � 11��. ' , the waiting horbes. She saw his But she remd1md'iliere with 'he� made -he' over and slip, be- tain?" he suggested. . 1. . . I � . , I , . , r bend ' 1, ��� .- nose snubbed against the poulffiQ. of hand ex�ended, and, she Wdke'to (11im. twedfi' the heavy bars of th� fence. "He's a hoh of a horse!" she said. ­ . , . � - 11 't] 'If:, -�.'...'.... I I .. 11 -1. a.vother' saddle. ' She saw the cele- He snorted., shook 'his "head wi 1, an There'she stood at last on the farther !'He's, a man-kffler," observedBuck. ...... . �_ . . .. : . ., � hrated Lefty Gilmore hobble out to almost .human semblance of denial, .side of the corral, to be sure, but VI ,bear they ain't even going to, try' ::: '"'. . .-I ,X. . , mount, for his -legs, had. been, broken and backed stfIl faagher -away until , with nothing but thin air between her to sell him." . . . ... _�.� ,� _1� ., ,. I I � . �� ;; .., , . I lan. td is that they were twist- his runip canie against the bam, wall and the man -killer. . "What in the woild. will they do ::: : i, .,.,.,:: , :�� . �. . � , , . ': .. .., I ed. out ibf* shape. .They seemed like -and, he could.retreat no farther. � It But there .was no dange . : .A.P.R.-.11 ;:�-.:,.,-1N.1: :.. �i*,,,�i�i.'­'..�i�,ii.. ". .... .;: ... .... . Tilere ­,vith him, then?- Give .hin .: . `� �i�:?--' -.....,.-._,�:.�*�- �!� � I away?" - :::: ".., ="i�`;`,.,*,.": .... �� . � . . ., 11 .."....'... . ,�.­,; . . . I 'was not an instant of dou' i e The sheriff don't See' it that way,"' �' : .; U.- ..... ­­.. . ... ; ;:,�;.i:Kfe.p��"Z�f::: .4 mechanical pieces..._ I was as if a fawn strould, make'a nom ! �� �,; :; y .""Ij���,`�].`�i�� . , .;X_-�MzKi '�i]!���i�l� ��;;i , . . ,, �.- .. � 'i , I . ;. : I . .:.�. �-. . Ir His feet were fixed in the stirrups crawl growling back to (his'den: mind 1.he moment she faced ,him, and iaid. Buck. "He's going to, take no ' ��i?� � .1 . = i �;i '."'i;i. I 1. . . .. ­. nof. The hood', wai anatched. from Joan sifilled -a little, but there Was shrinking forward, mor6 chances' of having gentt:'hust I .,...,.. ......-.... - I . �, . . ' . , "11 ., the head oirthe Captain. and, instead, something deeper than smiles, could stopped in the middle ,of the corral, ed up. He,s going to put a chunk of : I .. I , . ", . I �. :: .. I I Af the burst of pitching, die remained express in her heart, for between the and raising his head 'toward these lead Into .the, Captain's head." .. .. I . . . I.. I..:: " :!1i:i I ­ w� - .1 to mind and the woman mind a digtant.xGuntains, 'low grPping'41iie . :7::.::;.:--. ...... ... quiet, lookigig'curloilsly about him as -bru, I ... .. R �'.,. . It struck Joan, dumb. ,It was .im- .1-1.1 I ." ." : ;i��;il'*R* � . ,:::, ... : I f he. did. not even know that there current of electric, communion was in with the afternoon shadows, he neigh- possible, for. her to.'.talk any more, , ..'....' -,.--*. ",.:7::::�K:'14 � "', ", "' . . . .... ,;.: . I 1, :: . . -.1.1 *::iA-" � . . �. .. . .f --d --a-- soft- -complalut.. 1_1 ,��:�i�j;;�:O; , I . i. I �.. Operatiom and the supper wag 'finished in a .1111 ........U."... � I was a man on-.hipback.� 1,111. �`: ,`.',.'.,. � ... 1. . . I . , 7t ibr�mvht a, g ' asp of wonder from Now'he delibomtely. turned his . still more wretched sileum Ilpt,when ­ ....'N.'.......... . . . besidd Joan a- man ba�bk on her and" a - - - .. tho crowd. Azd pproached the hay .X �:i::ii."i:ii ...... : I . . .... . . she was, doing the dishes, a little lat- ::,.,.. : :;:::::.: . 11 1, . I - : : : . I ;, Y, 6e I . � determination b!r,an -to grow . ..... :� . began to sing. out., * "Mod. bo' Lef- to, eat. But it was- only a sem,blafij Chapter XXI er, . ,o .... I � . . .1 . ty! You're better thsn coin in. -the of.e9ting. That prehensile vpper lip �. :.,: �:. I . 7:41 11 ;1 .. . . . . I .. up in her mind. - . ", . , . I. - .. pocket-" , ' . . � 'had not gathered a single,wisp when FREE, PINIONS The Captain, at all odds, must ke . ...L. -. , !��, I . I . :,i Hem his. -voice was cut away, and be - whirled and confrouted her with - a - 6ould, not beg him from i. L saved. She . . .1 the 'Captain Was Seen to leare : tile snort. One would have, thought that ' She did not think of it, at the time,. Sini Hargess.. -She had seen, bhat: . , I , . I - ground ,vAtbcqt visible crouching and, he'had beard, the. whistle of t1re cow- for her mind was filled. brimful'. U m,u� and .his. thin, hard, featun-us ,,'.;-"**: ­ 1. X'-'.11. . 1. . ­. . - .­ . . . . preparation. He simply, shot away in- puncher'S rupe over 111S. -back. . delight, and there was no place for were still vivid in her mind. He- , , I . ..4 :11 '::.,.,..'1 I , I L ..... I �!! , legg, a �be ­iboke to him again, and, once thought And, all the time she was would. treat her request as ... a fool- . . . 11� I � . . shock that swayed Lefty to the slide. more It Wag as though she had toucb� in the corral until she watched the ish child',s desire. How coulate pos- � i , swaying far oat, and before he had, ed him with fire, This timehe plung- Captain begip eating the hay With as sibly .Undex,stand? And yet the ,Galy' ��.. , - . :1 . recovered, his position the stallion ed around: the irral at ,fulk(­ speed, q1ttle fear of her as if she, had not ' .-. 00 . . tain must be saved!... . . .. , ... . "I was, In tbe'air again. .When ,he land- bucking and dancing. and sharing his beed one 'of the huma)r species, she . WilZen she finished- her work she I ::i::1: . . ;a ed, Lefty, kept on, travOling. He head, andl shqpoing an imaginary rid,. was'too busy with hisibeauty afid his opened the back door and Went out- I 1111 I ­ - . I I 1 � ­ I . . � .1 ..: 11. � � 11 struck a dozen, fedi away and, like or from his, back then,whIrling like. pride and -his grace and above -all side. Buck Dapj[ela was -pacing Home llinter,44r, ' hed than most subjects, become Oie6loua . . . 1114�'. ' ' , less photd'g',,,'p I , , Sam Ricks, she did not stir to zise. a tiger and! lt;;:�ng the Victini to else With. the sense of overwhelming solemnly'to and fro in the darkness,, in after y9ars. They are easy to make if time e.xposure is used. I �� � . I This, time, however, there was ap- shreds. power which had drawn him to her with k clolid of fragrance from his . I I � � I-, . -1" * .. . ., parenitly no need of ropes to hold back When he had demonstrated big and drawn her to him with a tele- pipe following him. The sight of his ARE is the person of middle age A smal,A(01) Must usually be u�ed . . .P., I . . I ,�� I , , the Captain. .He -became oblivious, of powers and- wheir the White dust, pathy as subt19 as that which draws soll!tary figure stirred her with pity. , R*ko retains a good memory- in order to obtain sharp images of - .., I . I , , lidal'Ader the Instant theman was out cloud jDf his raising had dissipated together two humans. - when she Image of the home or ho74s In which, objects at various distances from ".. .. .. I I - . � Those evemings were ended �;, of the saddle, -1 - somewhat, ,he lbegaz to stalk toward If',any other Ideas cAme to her at had read to bim� out ,of her 46D]ts he lived as a child, and -'who ddes not the camera. .. .. I �. I 'i I And as patiently' as before, he al- her. There was, me Other word for,it. that time, Upy were of her father. and when he had stopped ber here wish.he could, .. ; Leave all the furnitiff1b in Its usual . I � . . . .. " lowed himself t9 beled back and held, His long and soundless steps were For her father's horse had sired. this and theie to 4sk the meaning of the How' the ex�j6kor of the house place, as far, as possible, and take _ - . .11 � wh4le Champ` Hudson, flung bimself tikoh with a sinister carej I . Ike those stallion; and such a. horse as the ram- words. Those cheerful. hours looked ' ecall, pictures from several viewpoints. . . into -the saddle Thevother tw6 had of;a great cat which crouches to its Captain had Satan been., lesgi gigantic I _-is n so difficult to ,r I . , 'I Ot ... - � f 1 , been good, ridlem. - R, Ch � Hud- bel,ly and works through the grass. of body but fully as great of sou bu"nce- aml . - wero ended, she knew. a Mar details of living Do not crowd a lot of furufture In- .. '0 am' f1pre 1. He And tbough she wanted to go out - rooms, how the furniture was.._Ar­� -a small space just to show it off. It .�� . �, � , soh. was .one of th 3 More than Once he stopped, V Would have known how to handle the to him and take his arm for a while, . , ,.. etil . ' I., I 61r. " whib raise riding to ;!� Of ch ,c - Av he, came closer he flattened his big black, that father of herg. With sh-i was.held back1by a feeling that ranged, what pictures were on the will not.j3e the natural arratgement � . " I , I � I . � height. He was desperate, Dow. . ears, attd, she saw the upper. lip his voice alone he had ruled, Satan; he ,wo, . ul I d be. ill. at ease. She did not walls, the appearance of the fire; that you'want to remember. Leave I I . 1 . Joant Pould see hds mouth set, In - a twitching back over -white teeth. And With' h4s voice alone he could have wish to' bear Chat new diffidence in . place, how the stairway looked, bow clear floor space in the foreground, I . � I �', .. I 1. . c6ula, Irr;iin16: the. for all hii S -12e, and beauty; lie made ruled.. the Captain. Fmmw- him came the windows were curtained, grow This may require the removal of a, , I.,. . straighV line' and .his voice and guess. at. that startled I. 1. . I I 1. , . - . , , . . glare .6f'his �yes. as �he thIdAhom to -her thin-k'of a WQIf. But she could ber own' authority Over, the' black ; look In his' eyes. . . vague with the passing years -un- nearby piece of furniture for some - :., ,-1 I . - turn the stallion 406so. But she. not.tum, awe - Id Be the -stallion was the bond * less photographs of these rooms views. Watch out for distracting re- L, . ,:,�,� - .. _. y_eveu. when he. was so an wv�Udied- *ha:f 161,16vied with a '00hp �lase that. a --rush forward would bring whf�h allied her to the ghost Of Dan As .Qhe 41hubed, the stairs' to her ' . . ,. ,F1 . ' taken at the time are available to flections from mirrors or pictures. `�., I I . room she strove to explain it, and, � "'.1. ", uncontern. They ,could tet'ts6e the him tinescapably upon her. ' Barry. I ' refresh the memory. I Have the camera .on' A tripod or * . "i, . , . what she decided was that he was i,t- " captaft I , . It was' a dsngor� which %he could All of this was fa her mind,, but Chances are, In the case of most other rigid support, and placed law� . : 1�1; , . . Even Lee Haines bdd"drpaded, the not fall .to appteciate, seeing what when the afternoon. shadows slanted taefitug to her all the aw6 which lie . 1%, . . grown-ups of middle age and older,' enough so t1fat more of the floor thatt . " ,, �� .. , must have once fe,lt for her � fath,m . ::::, h6ose'to -the last, and he wab a nfall � she had seen in .the Purvis, corral not sharply and the night wind,begazi, to Noy� that §he knew her bloo , d, he -was no such, pictures were taken. But In the ceiling can be seen In the finder. 1. I � . .� of a great�r force than -any of these. ,Ioug,before.- Yet'it was a sweet ple4. ,move In, cool and- quiet from the des- L . li�­ a6aid and ,he qould not help but show these days whet there Is a camera It the whole area of.th6 picture Is 7A ,'L. But force was net what could beat the sure 16 -take fire In biT li�;4 and, rt she went back to the PIdeb Whefe I I ' 'the finder because of I .7 . .� "'O. I 'h' It. I 11,� oaptalnC He inust, be won, not con- watch It bum , . I a Z had tethered Peter, and, mounted ' I In h1niost every houslahold, what a not clear n ­ ".1. . quered. . � ; . . . Moreover,, greater thanarer fear was him for the return to the ranch. , In her rooi6,sh(.t threw� herself on pity, really, t6 let youngsters grow dark. tones and walls, have someone . . 4�� X . ' . , ilie bed wl6out undressing and wait' up and le&ve homej without any pie- hold � light near the wall.until you .1 �,. " , - gave a Joy in her knowledge -of what passL The glory was gone from 066r Pet- . :*y , fix the moantime this battle . I ': - Ar A chance to see (Illm In . , ed a long ate until Buck came up- lures ever being taken of the living hav6 liked the view exactly. . IL. �, Actlo% and ed In, the mind of the brute. She or. Never ,bad he., glalf6ped mote . . :, . _ stairs. He d4d not pause at ,her door Oros in which , .111'0� '. �, rooms and bedro I "';! ­_ a picture worth &�­ys4r­ 69 k 3w It as,by rbv6hdf6n1. Shei 6bidd smoothly or ,fleetly. Never had, his - they . For Interiors taken by daylight .d., 44 this evening to say good night, but spent so many of their childhood coming from only one window, a re- * ­ : . Ili ... ,:�aftin&, it was danger . thig' time. Judge all the cunning whicli -was used temper been so kind. Never had he . (�i, ,some ,of tho� fur'lous � to disami her by a gentle approach,. ; bomer his, fine head so jauntily, eaut- wit h a loud, stamping step went. on hours! It Is probably because such Hector (of white cloth or paper the .,. , �,L� power L *ag gone - 'X I , to his own -room. She listefied to tfid' de) will -iff- .1 ,��: I frdiA - th,�.. Mptalu, The long Orug- She could guess at -the 0avage'liatred ,Ing it a"little to the &M46 as. if to pictures can be made at ilmost any size'of. a window sha ' I , I.. I . I ­ L L . I -grb .. against the.ropea and then L avdnitl of Inall which was da the stallion,; she watch ber and Ilia road, at ibe game creaking of the floor until he was. in . time, that 'We are apt�, to postponeL crease the Illumination of the 6r- .1�,� I .,I bed. Then. she was up !it - once and ,- 10 , - - , ': 4 .�� e . . 1lielt"i pirivribui Adlero -had gliMed, I ` 141 guesq at it so p6rfectly that she time. And yet -for �tll that, ,he had no taking them. Sitice they call now be ners of,'the roorm. Ploodfig.lit bulbs ' L ­ i � "i ' 1. Ud� down the. stairs, all: silently, not in . . onjunct A411h �_, ,:� �Z'11, ,So 't '�6t big stren; ' . ok. from, head, to foot With au In..' Intleresi for her, except e sort d by May also be Used fit c lb, , . 11�,il. � I I . "k, I . "he ItL her dread los't Buck should'heai her now, � made easily With "Y caMOTA, . . 1.1.1 %,r It i �, - Joi* -mitWtog -, Clismip Mud- t 0 neaff whi-ch began to daylight to considerable h011itagd, I � I Wo I etse sympathy. * L tificlai light at night, as Well as I . I �!. but in pity lest he sbrould wake and ar . .� *son iai flie, aid -Ale "stralipht up"; for ' Now, towering close before her,his heart, -like that lonely, got -row th,tt Interiors at night May be taken At .": , " �. worry, for her uritit her return. . by daylight, wily, with all this time .. - 1�11N I . . .... I m "". ,another - M�Jaute -he remaxtudd pulling nose b4=0 to her thand. , The fr6 "time" With the IlluminattOliottht66 '' ., ";� I I .re he cfflil�% to .'a maD who,, returns - In . � avallable, should we any longer neg. ' - . . . I . i R -C ,� �,,�.�'! i . ' leather. With thight and &%du, And paused L r6i a fow. long s,e6obds, And " city to the village��Ibf his .jGutfi. In, thb basture she found and sad- I 'or four C)Jrdtiittr�'Lili6d6�it.,I�i'gA't'iiI dA 'O - " - �' ""' I lect'to take them? Here Are R few I . , 11". �., jl�� � . th on he Was tstapul:Wd from h10 Place, JoAft begaii to talk. She had no Idea - Petek had Shruhk &Wily tA�­& fame died hoi.c�,t Peter, and a few moments ;LA' ' "' .� ' , -V were bouu,& for the t1own hints on taking views of inteviors: but the fn0%V8'naIV4i light �btdhli, ,. ,; 11 . I I 11 " ! as over, and man *Ad de- of WPA sho said, 1;Ut' she ItW,e* that shadow of a horse. The reality Was later,th able fdt 1666,* U** . . ."�,'�,'�,�',P�,!- ' "' Since no MoVeMelit Of the subject flow staff "' , , I I " "' , 'r � t L "" " , 11 I'll 114.1 11 11� .1 '471`91*1 1 1 1�1� MS M.- "l, "i'm - I. . I I - I Zetelghtr .the "biomefit. 14.6 "tild she inuat .ke4�p 'on sayin* some the raging ,black plu1J1#'ug (filth,s�­indf at a- gallop., 1�11i& cut around behind . . �­ A" : ,,, . thing, . , needs to be C'onsidored, time ex�' Ifig -will. 00V4 the #ui-fto 'bolift. " I �,­,":�-o�;��, - -6 . _ I -','�-',,�,,�V.1�",; COM40 back toi the assault later 01h fit a'cettal* voice which she thither.1n, the PAIAris 66rilal and, malt- the b:�i�,s4s, ,aceordl g Ito the plan. � 1. " �,l �,,� n 0 trike'A�,*,ftii�,,tifffi6,r.:'i�.: ,,,, .-- k '6 I are best, *hotber by day- Care 6hou,14 b '. I ,; �� ,,� ,11. 111.� , yel.01, 11 46ho ' "I t time de.' "'kind that'du At,ngilo:,add�'--b'01.1�'tlt.hb1; ' , Joan knew Well iito� that a WffttI6 -had neve, Used before but which came Ing fOOR911 and, Jue1foW#e W%mg -of Vhich she bad worked out befofe, - posilres . _p,'M�.�, �i I lyomt could not *Ift 16 t-114 andl. They to -her Jby 1,hs#fr&t16h-., . the Men ,Who stroVe ,,Jb batilq with tethered Peter at a little distittice, fight or artf-ficial light, the . , , a, ,%"­..;P,��,' I .11 -11 , bilght starve I hipl. .to Weakness, and New corft lft� hot throat wom-t6lich- him, ' . . nd then,, carrying a halter and, lead pending, of eofir e fi the film used, to6tUddd In this 1)1606 6r.,v6le wht, ;,;','A"X,: �,,,�, , . J! F a -0 1. .. I I 1. , ;Ew"'. She . nio in �tl,U,e to rupe, � she start I I � . , '71 ,� !�" , ,� ",'. .L�� 1. !� ',�V��,;rx' , , . , then . I ,_Ad through the trees the . *VM PUP � I !10 ,,, ­4,­'� ' - fol ji,bgplelg'. fte,toWard the hotel stable and tholcor� opeliftig lift the 1161160 I Iw . Ion , -1 �, I.. , , . . ,IV I I�Y. ' They ot the 406e& alfg-6tod, 'Y cook Stipp . Ba,dt, , ,'l �7L­ I, " - . , rido h1pi-Ah6re, were, a dbtft #Wbr those 16*401i6s. _11h __ - ��li� i90 barQr h'6 ... I &mount of liNt And the -atop rdftlt , 1. . . I ­'. 1-, 1A , , . all " 4 - , - I , �, ,­ , tricks Which' they Might I hor b0d el, ". '' lw� 'k. � - �'. . I with & 86ft of pie� , y NI" - ' '�k4,d ,seen rat blehind'it., Voices lh- tho darkness . I . 1. .1 I I.. I -.1 ...... W.w . ...... W'Ala"A" , - -,i\' `:..0.1 ­ the end e(ven break lAg, spir, ,. 007411"I IW60 Unqlr,apq#ct. #in,­,,Q'F.,, , .." � I. . , A � might � Ill. . i �7, � . 1, I. I .� 11. , , IN 'IT I I � . . . I tsure at - I L . Id . . � � R , � .1. I i 4 � .. . I.. , :` , � , " . . . f � � 4" �, " � 4'' !, 1� . . . . . , . 11 , � I . I , I . I I . . A I � . I , � . 4 I I . . 11 . . . I f.r�� .. I I �. I I * � I I . .. � I I .1 I. � . .q, . I I I � . � . . . I � I . L � . I . . � .. - .� I - � I . I ,i: 1 '11;�Zl 1 . 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