HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-02-05, Page 6. " , "��;�,�� .... .. i-,, , � , " . , � I �'�,Jj�$",�­,­ �, � 411X.114r"�;��.'; ,; , � ­­qW1­J �Ii-,,��f,'q;,:�;,,6�, i . 1p" i� 17 �1� : .. � . 'U'll, , *,� ­ " ,,� � � ,­ -, �. ,� . �11 I i ,�', �; ": I .11 11 � , , �P " , , . , . i�i- , ,�,i - ,�, ;,J�',� INI,`1;�,,�N.�i,'fi, �;-�i , �i � � '", .1� ,. 11 14,i"'�'i I ­ " �W� Ili, ��,,,­-,��.�j, p,�,��J'I�A , I , 1� �,, i;�,., ­­ . ......... ­­­ ­­­. -1111.1-"., ­­ .. .... ­­­­', I'll., ­­­­ ,��'ll1l.l.-�,�,�-.''-".",.",-.. ,­­­ 11-,-- 111-11 -­­ . . "" , ".- ­­­,­­�, "I ..",­..., IPMET",71 ,­,�,,� .. ... ..... :Fn- , , r, - , :", , �, ., , 11 "" , ,,, ,:�, i "I'll "I'll, , I i �­ . . 11.1.1 .1 ... ­ I . .11,11- -1� .,1�,,,;,"`.!,N&4�,,,, 1 �� ,"M 1MIR."Am""! "llpyrwy ',�'i','.'11,��""".Pll Vli,5 ,, 3�T�2�4.T".," i,ii,�T��1�11, 'i , �� I , 'J�, ,��J�r-�..,;J[, �,,TN,41 l�;;",;�,��ll,,,��,',��:'�.1:,�� :i � it,14'�f-�' �;;;,"!S�,'�,�,�,',,,l I **P*� ,��:,,� t'�,,�",4�' 4'? 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POV.1 "All .::"., �0, , I ' ,.1,, 4 , * ', -,;, . ., . . I , � ' l . , I I , . , . % . , . - .,�140�'"""W�tp � � ,-%, . �� , ­ 1, @, I � �, ' -� , � ,­: . I ,I -�' FM , 1*��! i$,4 , , P. . .) : ,,,, i ­ , t", � ,% Pew. �;, ­na4lo4 clq,k�. 11 � , ". ���A'.­ ... � ,�kll, I'll .1 . I.' .11 44,04, � 04" , W404 4, :P,#lPNi"- " ]Pr,Ar- ­ �� ,,,.I - % t , oTt"O, 4-461, 1110441A �, w 0 , , Tx�110,71� � - � , igwwt , . 4 10*m - - R .0 , "" ,� , , I , � I � q " � , ., - 7'. , I 1.11, I'll � . . . . . . 6 -t 11, .. � T;;,P -4 - ,�, , . .. ..... �, , �1, �, , '14�� I— , , ., , , , , "O Q M� j'�N , , , ,., ­: . ­­ , , I 40 I 1,11 L, .1,11, qt,T# , �, 11 111111.,-,,", 10.5 . �;, 0I 70 .: I , ' op" rQpQrrt 04 or, , " , , ­ �, . , "OM; ,, 4 � .. .1 ptiptted froin Pa , 0 . . , . Mi ,v,0,9A# � msyp4wk 4, 'V P ' ­ I ,� , T.; �,%,A� !! tM4. that, A0. -4ft ,w901.*A"W boil .", . t� � 0 N IP ., -1.1 -, 6111".. - I Ice, , w,p,s ''t"enoe'ro - to , , z% ., * . . . ­ �. ��,;, 4, f i*,�.`..�, � , ,.,i .Im­ �:, 064, , " , "' the Soverel,44 except in, "PsIvy , , " ­ , X .0 0 W M 1, , . .004", ti) , . .. . IVVO�oat ,, Itb ,.. 470.414,kiaN. . , - '. 11 ., . . ,1�' ,,, IT.!, . , -4� . .-, 1! .. " " , . ...;, I , I - o �. . 'Is one quvstk� . I �!� I `V,44FT�� "it I 1�� , ....... ... 01 6 , , 11 � , , i � , Wptqr� VAI I. -, ' 1 9 - br,0*1 On 00W. 0140; 6,VIV ... am,IV1.4p� 1. .. I I 1,11,1V t atlon," W T, a 1'4lVb, , " . I I ". � J i ­ ,W,�4# 1:4-�e'tosay will. be said., - 4:0 primp `43 ,, N IV -40P,0, Tcait quo.w.04 - !*0, "Or­.�Pt , AMP;, -A.Iurowlk Qb , , � ., ,. , , ,, , ., q�� �40 I .look to other " , "1111111. �', � , , t4,1 . U W*qh t.""ho.ve, , ,q . . , " . .. .1 t in yiew." 1404"'I air�, = iri*'their 114"" ­ 1z, . ,­, �f­ - ,,�, - . 1;� I " vr* a to -1,41", Dal4wlit for Z% UaAg­ � tsei Nr won gt mi - 4 'Zz I" � .:w - "b ..x 4 4g,Ao- or,.t"4F,-k,""J#', ��,045i. , I RaliTly ., t lay .10 X � 1� � I , tp.40104 :4 vro, ,Of; A �'o IQ . , that qbjec , , ,. "'M V- , 6 tioned, i0p, wao "a4viee, sought, In, A-117" . J,�n a ithe, K�watibo� .,,Iao -ottfiink . 144 Af . , Ve, . INI.PmWE A A_ , . '. . . 11 - I �,;. " it , Ift'i),.: t T . ­ 1,� A +1, �i­ I . py Apg4pet of constipation li6 " I , w1a '' , i " " 4 It ojt4�n P. - -.14h VM� R ... f o,h. A '-plit. 'Mat Q 01 luimi't; tp:=9 ., Q4, IKB;w 11 -,J ��l - , . K jds��00212ftj,,Qf& . V V -��y M, I I � I - I ... I I � I � � -1 R-wm?-V � V 1� I other particul4r, An IntimatiQu was -it is possl�ble"ta rope4k. lix toor 41gb u§eo,,,l -9 . 8, � 'Und'er the. brollef � until, ehaege melts. T*,: change: ba0i leA- "t0" An" ": � � � .0 A , .9 ',i',� 1. Irr,"", � .. , 11 . - Baldwin. aud receired from the Prime Mim 0 . cal � , pas L , , f pep, sallow SUM " - . I'll, eon Mr. , I , . - W `­ " t' *Vrov*� . 1'''M0,00RAP I - - VUi�,`, , "' . .1 up to, the point at wbiob . ateir f Pi at�e -of. the p�,m Q.,r coin lexlo4q. '11 , M1 --- Q i� 1. , p4thV06, andt 64gac- 444 P,Y0P&,PQ P I meakfil, fa; -e Prod , I �tr%tw� � � pol . tt I I � ard � 04 floe # AUK: 1.4 i 4V�, - 11-M&II., ' , - I M � ­ . rMn I I - 4 n9'W4', Ap,�, I .... I .Great Britain that Poas1bly" . :11 i J00w, VOL , ... thle differ- ious n�m6er , in, wlAc4.-'., be doalit -� "Y,, V""" -' constip4:ti9n can b ' I 19SavcirY, SnAtPR � ..7 . �K " . , � tion of ,.a greate, Vu f, 600�- duv �4'.��', "I, I . .1 � or ,liber''d - � V0111414010, 1ps,44,Aq M_ L ! 4 , %f "". "'. V4� � -e , ��, . �,­�.�;-,�'. "'I'l , �L;:, t . , -in , , tplftigglpe" ,�"'�I�;" ­ 11'.� �;, �, I "J.","11,4. ,7. ., -11 'I pooessary to cousii4er the ent Dominiom might wifRh Of' their VIxoUghout with one of the Most dif- en4d. so. -easily. i at eat I able- Ing the ,w[a .�' �1` ''. *� 00,,'�!,,!�,,,�­, a '1� , .. I 11 . , u Wo. . qr,�mootho. Who shift - (1;0�1,�;i,ll . I B tter a slice ',of wbite or brown '$.'led to� & decline in I � , , , t I �11, I& I ... ;�, 9X A morganatic jma�'Tlar*e, own Accord to -advise III$ *% esty a§ fioult situattoxis. with. .whiell, . -BiRAN � � u U0 ou � � , ;1 N - #,�', "Off! ,j ' . any � q .. " ,. Wh pbr5on'. Plae I I I AUT900APHI ­'P,116� . I '111,11'. '. " the Prime, Minister con* 100IR061.4, f,, Kellogg's ALL pl,od tii hA . w , ";, 1. . ,,, - There had , ees ,duIftg­P!a90*)l ". -. " I w .. � , �,5 -1 .a In 4 1 �', I '', 141.1. -, to what he 91tould do- , brep,d for e � : 2T , .,:, 11. �w4s after th � Nime Minister, possibIr d,oul wivj� pu , three � , .11f1w (t be facm -1k o fruits'every day egg P11 . ­ e; ., I , V� �51 ese interviewe 1 . . J . shallow b,akinig. Pin. 04 each oildo . rq--p-d " JAps ; . qI , � . . I .. 'WIPIA � �i � . I, - � q ­'- repoaft iir our newspapers, de- tim�)g 4 ', -4 � . . . . � . I .. ,: �M98401,"Vf "',o ii'i, ";� �.'," , , I ` ' being- of tte cb;�r- , aity-in severe cases. This. e- � 1, R . I "I, P. 4 be= i � 1. -11 I I . . . , L . , �ill I , . ftrst. communication came eid, and his actiou, . . . Id I : ?Riw, i14.0 iq, .1 ...� I I " k I . I Ispatches from tA,a .'Old; Qeivatry-antj .of bread Place a slice of uncooked Uary' `7 � I 0, , I li � ,",441 .. I aid acter it Was, liast placed, I tb4uk, the 1100110 1`04 Y40,eat -cereal supplies I � -more. drof.;sed poultry, W# j4 ..a � ., B w1lin to myoelf, from , . �'PUR,"XQ.# li I of c ,p , - ok,ed,* ,,, .:.', �Qj _ ��,� , �",Ji�', � ' , � I . �G - *; _­'. I . � ;,� , , - needed to� ox6rcise the teipa'ato (or a thick pwate anned' , . .$' �' vl!', they were alluded to by my'hoa, entire com"nwiealtb the �Ibajji!l foxi export durling t936, 0411,for MIA - - . � 11 . � 0 1,90 &411"tww� , , I �. .1 11 ... ii, " AP1,§'­P1-Ime,' Minister to myself i's � � under deep ob- Sys 'L,and v 'toinatoi), ',sprlirkle ,on t , - �' �.,,� ".4�;`X. A !Woe. * . . ......... I I N f-riend tthe other (lay-ke, the effect U, ga,tio4 to .,Am " I te-th- Itamin B to help tone his a very lit, h, I �� , 1 �, ,�,��;�itt Q ,V.j04 W . . i� '111 � '.I a - ­ " 11 . . . : years, Th a pack go�p -� " M, .11 ,. 'lift 91. i r � V isterof Canada, with a in -hit Canada was iiAttating Gr andist- ,,, . th inustard', salt, Pepper and a , ii , p chlefly,t, fo,G, .U: V . -4 * 11 ,W. �­� . ; '11-1-11 "I .11 - 1, . t up , o, int��stinal trp.Let, . tle di7y uritftin, where a fluls,bed I I I MwIiTozaer I I W. . . ­' . .. y "-WW, ; lvw�� p� 1,17"t, U -10A that samilar communications . should -,11ke also, to say It word - bird, V��igh- '*B I , 7A01 - , . . 4 , .� R ;-�'A .., ing-,,upon some a6don' in this matter. or jappre-elation, of the. se Wit -bin the body, Ai,r,BRAN. 4b- .I few drops of Worcestershire sauoe- Iii -P about fouill pounds . .3 N A, ".1 � .'', " .. , Ru 1, "" � or less. -111iiO. Xb,o I,W�' , . ... I'll ,�, , poing slant to the Prime Minis- Ju�t why some people in'the .01,1 were . a -vices ,that it . as, pie- .. gart UMIXW44 VXV6.Ae3T. . � ,4 � "'I'11% 2�,VRMVI�, . . out at ' sorbq more than twice I a weight * On top, of t4ja, 'place a thin slice of ferred. Some exports of 4 q id ... �Jl, �.­ - 11 .in I . � . repf XWGio* --- 1, . I 1. , ,NJ� 5k`� Cq'lpitry tiol it- necessary to &&ek rendered.to our.Govbram water,- - ly sponging out the in- . , . � pt,��d,., Gul Norke. , r 110% WaderP . � 00 ,,,�,j,p I - ..i �O.f the.4-Ifferent. ,Dominions aof Canadian choose, and on the cheese ..A .. NAW , ;� I. 1k.." �, 1,411 -uj�vl jie eon- the time of, this crisis, ao ,called,, by I)oultry are also going t.o. the British, ", " " t te causes the artifi- a sai6o of thinly cut bacon. Bake at 110*ie,mohm, =,1;7..t . V, TV�, , ,11.,.(J�JJtIsh Commonwealth. Mr. Bald- tin,Ually to have it appear thait Can. ,the High Commission I. f t e �t- West Indies. For this markef a heavy - 4-h - 'FrAnkBn4qhw , I ., .., ,.f.." .", I—. � . 1, V� 1.1w " ;jl,j 777­�; . ..... .. � ali . cial�actjqii -of. pills'and drugs, that first slowly, raisiug..­t4a heat at the , Q non -M "ay-rWi - I - ; .W1 , -e. ad,a is, t�be country -that is' pressing -od, Kingdo 10- Ofta*. a� d binli ­ , ost ra I o. Ex- � �Iw &AC -1 I—— mairty - ., 1&d ir', the7 communication, h e, 0 h U11 . _ I � �',� �9 in a, II, in . weight bird JA m do�g­ bI`­-- ' ' ­ ' .W ­­.­ .1 ',�,,, lt�" , . . , C-�Z'&Zfl-s AU*L04�14 I � ... "I § il��, .,-10mt me �w)hietber I would, advise ,him for, certain thinga, I �m uralirle to un- . qra o n pp�ve ineffective- end ot about 20 minutes to brown rts of live p I 4,1�­ W-1, ­­' . of his ftaff." . . Po oultry., to,- .the,' United �, 1"P. , "," , ­­ - t . . I . . ��, I'll -�,,., as , o, . . . . � . , � ­ , - ,� ." FL , what - I thiortight would be the deiistand. � Kellogg's ALL -BRAN, you see, is the bacqn. Serve very hot. I . S,kies totalled ,311,93. bl;,ds for the I ­ ,1N."-:"* I I -Ion, C. -H. CaliaA., former Secreta" . - I , .". itpon of'the people of Can:,Ifda with "The one 'stf 'which w . . . I I , . " For -4 labol trom,4.41 I IVIA'P.,�,.,.­ . que on upon . e oi State, declaired at the beginning of . a food�.Z�ot a medicine. It relieves Like ' first IQ mcuth�, of 1936,jcoq�pared 'With .a of . .� ", - ,g ... ! "CR2 "­lfflFt,,6 ".! .or OLIL . Y , .4� , ;� L, ,,j�� , , ,,ti ,to the two matters to w common constipation the way Na- A Sandwich That Men "" ot . -eally ,had ' his speech th,tt he acknowlefted"Vie I .1 I - spee L, hich I , .. , I i..."�,T; "L!', -1� have ,,referred,, first III6,marriaie of . to express,an opinion wil- ture intended -so its results ar'e safe, - I 23,329 biird8 fo,r , thf,. ,ectrFo$pc.,Adjng WHITV0, CO�*ij '� _ '' �? , I - - I 'Fv��i ­,� " , ! I -or or not we could as a Gbv- validdty - and..suffidency of the' itet ' ' On, period. of 1935. The Agriepl.tural ,Sit- . '. 11, ­ U -.4 its - '. - ,,, �;��,, � , Nvheth , , Sir, ii, '' . , , , " .1 . � "., . ', o ng, Mrs. Simpson becoming -rnment unidertake the res,ponalbdIlty Buy it at your, grocer's, Made and - Toast and, butter .the bread. � on the Wk X9W J*01%;(Od. . . I , .. 11.1 , ­ , � "C", ,' , I . e Passed in ,the BrItis-6 Parliament on each Slice �Ut one fried egg, ,a- sl,16e tration. and Outlook, 1937i '--kives a I A .. ­ � , ,".1 ueeu.'rind, second, 'the marrip.ge of , guaranteed by Kellogg in London. address, - AMOY -. and the . . . i, ` �; ,:�,. .: .. of introducing to this Parliament a December 11 -and, called, "His Mai-, ,. I of baked ham, anii then one of-caoese. c-pinplete. @;nalysis"of the poultry, sit- words. "Ilbvke� BOOk"Or the : 1%1,. , , . , -e not to bill to miake Possible a morgaoatic I � . I ' - -tWe3 P0, 0000 - 4:- a Ki to Mrs. Sinipeon., Oh . -1 N I, . lb . - meirriage. That . . 11 I Z "th ika, andi, put unde, . of all other im- name 9 -tfi I' 111 es�y's Declaretiou of Abdication Act." ' Dust wi M � r a uation,. as, well a,s �6U ­, i e e, Queen, but.'to have the rela .. . . f ,eik f,"', . . I ­ reapon,sibilitv w e He asserted, though, that grave co' brollar to Mt ,but not brown., the poftan� farm., products,;, - . (ond b6A 9 -0 , I " �.. .1 �� "I" , iii - s. to Which 'I, hav6 referred. felt ' - Not Creamed Egg Sandwich I . .gWre foi�eich` " I I -r I �w h k�,�� - 1 1 . . P , ,, " . ­ ­-, it" ,­­, ­ that no Governmen I , L - � �,,� r I Baldwin said im his, letter t in banada stitutional preeedemts had been ,.n,. cbeem Garnish with watercressi - I , label). Mail the Ila to , 0, f . . . . I . � . t&,�,;, i %­­­ * that he would for one moment think of as- i � . . .100 .. add i V , , .. . . �. . . . . . . 'L , .. I . . ,mblish-ed br., the passage of the Bri- 2 cups­,�hite sauce Chicken and., Mushroom, Sandwich . . ress be 6w, . ,.T�..­ I ed m ,, I . I ��, It to,, 'have this information fro'' suniing, anT more ,than. in any of the I �,"� dsh act and,' the prospective pa�sqsage . , I ; 1, ,- I . L " I 40he ddfferent Doinindons, in order that . 8 rouhidp buttered toast . Slice bread, Y. hich thick and re- . I F.1i'"'W'411,606, i 10 , , . I , other Dominions of the Briiiisli Em- in a a, . ., � ­ -1 , '' . VIA - I , . , I "I ,I I . . . .1 ".. I �1� - . move n4kw . . I , heir views might sery 0 of 06 act introduced to the C n 4 h4rid,-cooked. eggs. crustso. Spread bread with sott- Truit Conve'Ittion Held X1,18 �, . &,-"v`�' . . .. � , , - it I e as a guide t pi,e 6r' in the Unitted Kingdom itself. than Parliamen,�. 8 strips cooked bacoA , ened butter., Cover with sliced chick- ER1,11 W gvl,�, 111m in giving further considaration Nor did we beheve'tbat it such ,P,elegates to the joint conveixtion , ­ . .1 I I -1 I , MUMS ., �- 0 ; to the matter. * a .Further, ate dooliared that notwith- Parsley qr watercress. on, Place a layier Of cooked mugh- � . I '' , ., , I . Of'the Ontario Fr4it Growers! Assoc. . I .1 UANI SYRU: P � , ' . E',',�� , . measure were introduced it would get standing the provdsdong of -'the Mat-' Add .to the white sauce .the cooked. room ,caps on top' and, over t"m, iation. and'Niagara Growers, in Ham- . C ' I I,: I , , . .. I ��Vg�, -I -replied Io 'Mr. BaJdwin's com-,the, support ,of even my lion. friend ute of Wes1tmInstqr the abdication act eggs ,eat' -fit 91-rces. Put 4 slices of sotrips of bacon,. Put on the bn%ler - IrHE AMOUS 4HERCY FOOD l , . . , , F i i '' . ��,f, , from Winnipeg North Centre (Mr. passed' t London: "I tcast ,on , cover with rack and cook -just 16ug enough o H rl o et .. . . .. I � mum, eation­gfting it as my view that ilton last week, were told, by Dr. J. a jr�­ . . 1'�,., ". .Ahe py a siiprenie Par-, serving plates 1, - G sda *�i�P dt�of� I . ..... � , I I people of Canaila would not ap- Woc&worth). - �t I , who had Just r urned ' . . liament� was valid.' He proceeded to the creamed eggs, then with. the oth- co-iisip the bacon. Garnisli with 6tuff- from dremt, Britain, that there bad Th-CAN410A:ni8Ci00M0'ANTLI-IO0d i,:`I'�," !. 1- .� I 'pro,ve of efther.exrangement.; .... "May Laay that we ti�ok .one fur- argue-Aet the present legiSlatiollWas er ,safe."ep, 4"i toast and Pour on the ed olives and'Vekle lans. . been a;,complete clig . nge rec4nd' ' .. . . 70RONT . '"' , I I � . . 1. y in I . , 0-. ­ � -1 :, . 7,s. """ Members: "Hear, hear " ther step? When it bec=6 publicly needless that the King mentioned In rem sauce. .,'Garnish each sand- Suggestions -For Sandwich Mealls the attitude, of -English buyers towa;�, . .. . � . ..� . I .. I , " " , . . Mr. Mackenzde King: ,; . I`, T -he Point I known that.tih,er issue bad narrowed the ]Bribi-sh North America Act, which w1oh with twiY strips of cr4isp bacon No. I Canadlaii ' products. - Canadian fruit � I . . . IL "I I - I - . I I � . I . . w1soh to make clear here -and I am d1own to the one poinift to. which I bad not been amended, was the King and with parsley or watercre.",. � Hot Roast Beef Sandwich (with, was more -Popular, he said, and there busfi- is- have already. -been @61A� from , 16 . ­­ 1. ' � I. . . ­ - I stating these matters ais they came have referred, where His Majesty of the United Kingdom of Great Bri-.- . 1 I . I . ," - ­, . �,- e �;' In correspondence to me; all ba . - Horseradish. Gravy) were far fewer complaints- regard! ' h, . I . ve had himself to -choose between WO tain and Ireland, and that there Could., . Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches . . . ng �bo 1936 crop, tile bUlk., of wh�# 'have, I . - �; . �., . � . eon pu -we be� no division 6.f� the Throne, .. , 1. . � . ,. been, exp I orted to. discriminatItIg for- �' " b blicly stated in Mr. Baldwin's loyalties -and decide wlu,'ch of the t - Potato -Chips quality and grade. . * � I - � . remarks to .the British, Houso--Is he would, upheld,, we a�s, adviserg to.'� "i believe the bill is unnecessary," . Put slicep'of tomatoland cucumber Tomato, Onion and C&umbor He saw unlimited opportunity in efgn markets. The boat potato'gTovr- p,-,.� � . � 1 ' �, . I . His Majesity on behalf of the Cana- concluded Mr. Cahan. ­ "It Is "futile in, a bowl �and cover with French - . slices England if fruit of good, quality. and els, in' other countries appear .to ap; , , ' than people felt that we should send dresi,ong. Set asfdei-t� marinate. Cut Fruit Cup or Apple Sauce proper maturlity was exported, but ft pieclate the value of Vdod seed, nod r..". and it. can. have no effect but to cover . - be a mudstake to 'think that, in ,3pite. of plentiful local supplies , I J carefully -thin nea,t slices of left ovtw Cocoa made with nAlk. would , 4:, a communication to him wbdch would UP a condition, which the ,honorable 1. ". No, 2 . .. just because the Ontario crop Ilf ,,my tbe add , roast, Heat meat in grary for as, I P wa* not w Itibimal frelift and ��Iq�� , " Weak Ywst let him know vribliout any question gentlemen opposite 'appear more or ' " �111'�1-11 � . I � what'wast our view as to what- in our less anxious to conceal." . many sandwiches as you - will require, . Broiled Hem S-andwiahes * ' wanted diere: it could be sent over, . tailff charges to secure Canadian *� I , , . . . but do not alloW , the gravy to boll. I Grape Jelly :Mustaxid,'Pickle seas. . . . pplies left I'T I opinion it would be the right thing . dertifled.' seed, potatoes. SU , I J. S. *oedsworth, C.C.F., Winni- I ' - ,; can eause for His Majesty -to die. . At the last,momient, add % teaspoon Egg Salad . 'W. B. Somerset, Markets COnlmis-.on hand in Canada at this time are 11� 11 � , . . peg North Centre, ,remarked that "we . . , I., . t. . I "This opinilon was communicated at oa-n speak about it. but we can't do horseradish for each serving. Spread Pineapple lee"Cresin or Baked ,siGher, Toront�, described the g' .., ,, . � . . . . . r0w- about sufficient to take, Care of nor- -� - . , . . . S 6.1 - once by His Excellency (th� Gover- anything else. I do say that the of- tw�5"iliAlf-in*h -slices of bread with but- CUstard, and, Jel . ly Coffee. ers and canners as partners in indus- inal spring..demlamd for seed but It .��'. . . - 'r . , t . ry. He urged forming of grawers, - "� . impson was sufficient - I , ble f t- ,�. nor-Geiveral) and wnis� received by His fair of Mrs. S ter. ' On ftc4 dinner plate arrange . . - — . would,appear very desb;a or.pb ,,, I . � . '. alternately at one side, slices of the- groups to handle asparagus, peacheS� ato. growers to arran-ge i6r,ibelr seed . . Majesty before a firial decision was to Cause Premier Baldwin- to take �11'1 I . I)oi ed previously marinated tomato, thinly tomatoes To , syst, as beneficial suits .'from reiqtirfemon-ts new, "iss there are pre- -- I ,:,; I I made. What,1 asked His, Excellency the action, he did." He followed by INCREAS19D WINTE' ' . '.�:, . I ,.. to communicate as a'direet commuig- charging that the Canadian, Govern- �Ut cucumber (when in season) and. . R thi,i§ . in ,laad' been shown, last sea- spects -of an, Increased. demand, for 1: '�,, �, I � . . I �:�, - - the British Min, 0131110116 .1 . I .k.) �. I. I seed pe 1, I cation to the King, from his' Cana- ment conintivedi with Place one slice, of buttered WHEAT PLANTINGS soni. . _tatoes. in spring Ili view Of ' " I , ! . bread on plate. Top with second slice . .. Howard Craise, St. Clithaiifles,,' told. the prevailing good prices for pota- I ". . dian, miniisteris, was a. follows: istry in forcing Ed -ward VIII into a d*plaiitings'of winter wheat the convention,.that th6�gi -jor "I , "'My colleagues and Tt-desire t Ich a I Increase I I . . , f buttered bread, Cover . with a -.1. reat ma, - toes. � . ., . 0 situation in wha - he would, h ve lo 0 , t7 I :..� �. Bread..! %have Your Majesty made aware Of abdicate. I generous portion, of the horseradish are reported from most of the whea 1�y of housewives. were no longer in, There are -two giades,onily Of stied' . .. I I., � .. 1. . . I the deep sympathy we feel for you §'Peaking "as an individua'i citizen, ,, gravy. Add potaito.:chips at the side, produdng countrie.o. , In danada 'win- terested in preparing -their own pre- potatoe�s, "Certified' Seed' andi "Certi- I ,6, , . . , and serve . . ter wheat,seeding in the fall of 19 , 36 serves, 11 in the momentous decielon which, at Mr. Bennett said "the British. people , while hot. . ' and -that, therefore, -the grow- ted'Seed, Sm ' all." If the tags do not I U . . 'the , I Ro Any roasit ria -eat is appetizing wh,n, 'in -creased, , by 20 per cent. ,compared ors would have to look more and, more specify 61 *',of these grades, the I.."." ,yalprotects'yo against the present time, you are being called are not concerned about abstruse con-, .. . . r . I . . , . . I 11 of'1935, the figures be- in future- to the c&itnerioa 1 1, h-OMe , � up ,§erved. In, this, way. with - the fa as Ahe putaltoes .are not Govornm6nt Inspect- .�. _baking fail�,reS . �. . an to -make. ­ stitutional theories when, the applica- , I - � , "'There i's no doubt in our minds tion ,of sound common sense, -is ie- Hamburg Sandwich .(American Style) ing 702,000. acres In 1936; 585,000 ae- market for their produce. ;Many MOd- 1�d ,seed potatoes. The seed Lftn,be , . , . . �! . . � , - , -on, by Your Majesty qu� I . For this you "Will require, thin flat res in 1935. In the United, Statesthe erii kitchens, Mr. Craise said., were -mi-chased at any of the reliable seed ­ Vys aiwais, fun . � �.:, . . -strengtht that a recogniti ired. , ­­ . . of what as King is owing by you t cakes 'of gr,ound steak (as �many as largest acreage of winter wheat on too small to- can fruit in.. He'urged houses and friGin many 6f the departa. .- - . � . :o I - . I 0 "I said, aiid.I say,;' Mr. Bennett de- needed) shaped like bread slices. Al- record in that country, 57,000,000 ac- co-operati,oii� between canners, and -ment stores dealing in seed. supPlies, . . . . the Throne and, to Your Majesty's clared, ",that I approve entirely of low .two slices of buttered bread for res, was sown in the fall of, 1936. in- growers in marketing ,of fruit. I � , ... I subjects in all parts of the British the action taken by the Prim.6 Minis- . . I or from theseed gTowers, ddrect. Lists . . , .. .. I . each sandwich. Brown the ,steak creased plantings are also reportad, The convention urged- that the Fed- of gr ers, having oertifted seeds for , " . �. . . . ommonw,ealth should regardleag of ter. It is, the same a iod I would 1. . ­ . .., 11 C ,, ot . ' ' Orw .11 . OR 6, whatev'6 the Personal' sacrifice may have taken iidysel.f bad I bee, I,: 'his quickly in . buttered - pan, turning of- in..th.e. Danube countrie*, .in the Bri- eral , Government' take ­9�ips to 'have .sale are obtain -able, free, from the Do - I 11 . I I T" . W111TY be, be permitted to outweigii all ,other Position,. but 1 do not think . 'I would ed, la and Ili the Soviet, the ca,rryLover figure 1, aninlad goods njinion Botanist, Central F;xpeTiment-, I . I " 'ton. AdA. salt and pepper when sear- ti-sh Isles, in Ind . I � . . . I " , consideratifts.1 . 'way. With When thoroughly browned on the Union, evidencing the world. trend to- made available. .' � .. . Jal Farm, Ottawa. . I � � I I .�, . I have taken it in the same . . I .1 . I 0 . I ­ 1. ... I . : SPOILED AGAIN."I A formal acknowledgment Of t114 t�ie course pursued I am in agree- outslide and, still rare inside, place war ' ds larger wheat production In r- 0. . - - - I .. AJANAN V% , . I communication was not received from, men,t,, bu-t the method followed is OP- quickly between two ,slices of the sPonse� to the lowest world wb�-eat � . . . , I � . I I . -1 ... I � �. . � . His former Majesty butlion. members en, I believed, to gravest objeotf= buttered bread. Garnish with dill supply in 10 years.. I � . . . . I . . . . I . I ,�, . .. V-90). VQVAL�,- Who thv-*oadcAst 'made by I do not think an, Order -in -Council Pickrb and Pickled beets. . L . . .. .� ICE.STORAGE METHOD§ . �. . I .. . .1 . , . .. —1, . . I . heard .. . .0. — " ; ,, '�­­­ .", ­­�,1i*.1.­1, ei�,%,�­.�,, .0!i",i",--­'.,N �10..&1445u, 4-,."�..��J­ a " I k 1% , t I � . . . , � the former Klili�­��. +a,. _; 11 . . ,. - . � S .1 1, I "I ` "Ut7bere ie I e is readfly availaille. ,th- . Z A I . . . . . . . � : ­ " - . �.. . 1p . — . I e eve ar. of Was Lile app priate metuou to auoprt. A Man's S6ndwich. . R 1. . � - - ' . � I . I . -1 . Me abdication, will- recall that he ex The Prime Minister: "Would the 11 .. MAKING I4MBS - storage of a few blocks of 'i is a NA 7, OA M� hr� . I . ; ' I I I I . ;. . pressed, hisi ap�precistion to all bo ' .. very simple matter. Any unoccupied . I . . I wi riglit honotriable gentleman, indicate to Chop enough onions to make' I 1/2 - - , .) ­ .... 1, ij:; 11.1,6.1 .N.; . 5;26V-;& if , . :1 il?i�* �, �. had extend -ed to him their views and ,the House the'niethod he would have cups. Melt 11/2 tablespoons of bu t- 1 READY FUR MARKET corner of a shed will . s,e",e the pur- 0 r.,Ta 0 . ­ , ' . '. � I .. " . i�X .* advice in the difficu,lt decision.,which adopted?." I -ter in ,a fr Fing pan, add. the Onions, I pose, A rough board e�nclosure, ten, . —1 .1 ­ .. �, . - I. I . . All lambs under the Daminio,0 feet square and eight feet high, will . � . �:',*::��'.���:ii::ii::ii;?ii::i:�::....:,:..*..,:.-'.�,�.�.:-�,,:. I � . �: . M.�.x$;.:.,0;7- �ii�! - Mr. Bennett: "I have not the and, fry.until light browIr. Then add Lamb Feeding Project by . . --�Iii, ,:::j he.was called. upon to make, ....;�,::;,:;:".,*�ii:;!?,;:�:i:i:��.:;i.- �;:;:k* "I do which l.old eneugh i,ce to provide 50 I)OUnds . . I i� ., . . �:�,::­;:.r",�,.: ..:.-.-1X;:1':.;,:. .. . not want fffiis matter to pass lsl4ghtest �intenrdon of !doing so. I Y4 Pound of corned, beef, crumbled, .lambs from- Western Canada ArG rer day- for 130, doye, after allowing . LL I I 2 ­ I � . in this TarIlianient, 'any more than Mr. simply say Mat procedure bj' Order- and sitir until ,the beef 'and onions brought ,to Eastern, Cani for win- fo�` a. reasonable amou t of wastage. � , � : I . : ,,:;,.'��','*.�-`,' Baldwin Wished it to'pass, in the Bri- in Council was'-nat ',sound, coustitu- are well mixed. Add 1 can of Iomato ' ' ". A . I . . . . i;; .11.1 .......... 11'.:::�;*;: tish Parliament; without ter feed -Ing and being made ready for 1he smaller the quantity stored, the� .1 " , , :0 , .. ­ . , market, should r ... I ; so far as Canada is concerned the de- The Bill approvin the succession ween slices - ": . �?.�.i.��i�.,,..:�i 0 saying ,that tioaall:7 or othe�*Ise." - I soup, stir -until well mixed and Very idered, as at 'I�rg� is the proportion of Waste. " :j� ........... ­ ,ii,p .... �,�� , - ,.i'.��i�:,."�ii.-'.'.ii.',*.i�,.i?,!��,.�,.",.ii:,.Wi�i.��..���� I- be conj .� � - - i.., .- ,., .9 of bread -o the � . ,�,i,,, -.��..,g!ii�,--.i-.,I�,.� ­ I liot. Serve bet January I as- being fbirward,t ­ . cision taken by His Majesty is one ot George VI was 11 The bottom of the enclosure should . � . .. j% Niii%i�",'��*.i�l�i�!�iii",.�;�',�'��',�. ­.�:..­'� . ::i. Passed by t�e ,or toast. Tbdq Acipe will, make, four point where they ,can, be placed On' he covered with, about One foot of I � 1�, >1 !!::::%::�:��$. . �*. which the people of Cahada received libuse. ' generous sandwidlies. full. grain feed, and in Jacuaily the ' " g�.i :::::11g�-,..-, .. ! :.. . ..':".1:,'..',:�� - I ... M* -- ­ �.. -1-.:0111:0.;.,$. . � �;.: �:j:j, . .:. I '­'.'..'.,­��i:, I . I . �� -0 -1, �vttlh r 5�eelirg of the deepest s ' I . aawdust; - -If the soil underneath. is , ­:if.*,;1':i -ii?.!:��. - - . I first dratt of lambs for finishing for -' I . . :::-:-,:�� : ad . . )11� - I . 1`i -, :, .....* .,.!� ness. '%,'e 81hall always remember,His I !01 .. Steak and. Onion Sandwiches ,. impervious clay, it will be-all the bet- . . . I , ... , .... I 1�il .� . i: 1, .; 1-1-1. ..., I I market may ter If there is a few,lucheis of gravel . . ', .. �iii��iiii , *....'-"-'-- forme:- - 'esity wilien, he visited this , be inaft states � A- A. I x " " .. ... '0V . , ... . . I . A JET, WELL CONDUCTED. , a : :* ` . country ; ribe Prince of Wales� . Slide Bermtda onions thIn'snid sep- MacMillan, Associate Chief, Field under Ahe : �1,, .�:",.::: ­:;!!�;: .SANDWICHES I . sawdust. In putting the " � 6 - . . ,....11:::,r,::::j, I I I arite into rings. Live Stock Bran�,Ih, I CONVENIENT. MODERN 100 �, , '. .:...::: i:,..., ', "We shall always remember the t Soak in milk for Services -A91IPIU-. -ice -in -the-, enclosure, -the boards ca.0 ROOM HOTEL -8S iWIT" 13ATH . ,Vi", I :iii"*. ,?;:..-. way -in which.lis, shoulde-mid.- the du- Tih-6 hot sa.ndwidh. is, an. appetizing- 10 minutes then dredige in flour. 'Pry i6fi Dep�rfrnofit',bf -Agriculture. 1;-alubs be taken away from one side Aud- re- t,!��, � �i��',*. "... � .. ­ . in dleep hot fat until browned,, " . WRJTE FOR" FOLDER ­ ,�--:: � 1�:--­ 1. . I ji" . . 1. ; I ties dish at all times, and is becomikag I . ,then weighing 80 pounds or.over should be placed after the ice , �s 'in position. . . '. I I . I,, of hingsWp during the short per- . , � , I ge ­­.­... ': drain on x1osorbont paper. Meanwhile weighed into the finishing pen. . . . . I �111; 11 I .1'. 01;1'�:.­.." . TAKE A DE LUXE.TAXI I � :: -�;'.Ze, . iod Of his reign., and we more and more popular for the lunch- I Most 'The space of one foot to be filled ��m .. .,. 0. , ..i��i� . above all . I � I . . I 1::" . :,.:; shall never forget the gracious way eon and supper meal. Even dinner spread the unitoasted, qide of the feeders who feed, 100 head up, to a with sawdust, should be' left between FROM DEPOT OR WHARF -211a . . �;` -.1 . . � I i,,Z.m. I .1-1:1 ­I.I...," . . . . . . is given. new zest by the introduction bread with' butter whi�ph bias been carload follow the practice. of' having r I I . I . ,,, ­,. - be accepted, the invitation of , ice , I .��i..., . ..", 1! in, wh4ch the Ice and. the boa ds,' and, the X I. . �,;; � .. the war, veter-ans of Canada to pro� of various hot sandwic,lies. This idea blended wit1b, Prepared -mastard. , Use 'a, finishing pen that wili hold fifty should, 6 'covered, with about th.e. I . I . . &I I ' sj�', ' p �d I -teaspoon of mustard, for each one- lic-ad. . . .. I . : � cee.d to Europe to unveil the statue . I . , _�-The modeTn tenden'ley -to a same tMekneiss' of siawdust. It is -,he � I .. 11 . I . ��,.` ..�.....' at Vimy in memory of these who -had 1`��s time in the kitchen,. I � half cup .'of butter. B�roill tenderloin Lambs weighing 80 Pounds or over eawdust which keeps the ice from LONDON and, WINGHAM . , 1�1'1 ` I . : ... il...'.. I steaks on each, side .until tender. will eat more than, a pound of gr4in milting. I . . . �411.. . . . . . . . . lost -their lives in the Great War. it This type of , sandwich, is ebonom- . , � . . 4 - " . Ih ical because it enables the theme r dlai an South . :�;,- , I I � . 1i of Interest that - bbis, should have ,00k Sprinkle with., salt and ,Pepper. -Keep IY, d the amount may be, in- The drier the, sawduat, the beftei- I . �1.1 a , of the toast and'onions hot dn hot cov- creased graduall,y from one pound, up I . . . P.M. .. been the only occasilon In the re,ign to make use of smalil amount I �,K:,� 11 cake of Rjal ' the Ice will keep, 'and it is a good 1 4�,�! 11 � . I left -over savory foods. The sandi- 6119d dis.he4 until all in redients are to li/2 pounds, or all the I I I Wingham ................... 1.56 '11�:�­ of His ,former Majesty on which he 9 ' ambs will' Plan to throw out the driest of the ' " 1; I . -rope." eat at each feed. Lambs, in thb fl1i sawdust from time to time'as the Ice ' i I I Y aa�t. is swkdl in. an visited lbo- Continent of Eu wiches are easily and quickly pi,e, realiy't,�,:&ssemble. ,n- I n,elgrave ...................... 211 11�,, . . . , Myth ........................ 2.2S ", -, ,, � . ­ I I � . . The Prlme,Mindster then proceeded pared ,and. are most satisfactory for ,� To serve, top each piece of butter- 4abing pen do not require as much is being removed.,during the ' �` , to disc a quick and substantial luncheon or ed toast with.,a tenderloin, then heap exercise as, fo�rmerly, but greater care U�de � cover, ithit' sawdust �',,U,7, ',,Oe,,'L,' Loodeaboro .......... ...... . 2.30 1 . , ,-�, , - , Uss, the legal and. constitution- r _ , ,,, - , am -tight-, tmappff .. per, as they; are really a with friend, onlons. , Or ,bring at be taken in, weighing, ,put the tln�u t dry ,out a d thu I lin .............. 3.09 '�' .a], p6oilit sup meal In , the in be In a ,-!;. I . of view adop d by the Cana- v , u e a R a ` 3.2.7, z� , . � � than GovL-r We dme,of the themsel es. Children enjoy hot sand- foods to fhe.-table'In covered ddshe� -amount of ,grain fed daily. The lambs better condition to be used, agaAn. in bru�efkeld .............. � 1, , , ..ft Sta 0 I � I I . - Kippen ................... �', .yS fteSb . ,,pUre I and, let your familly or gu :::: 1.136, . �,; L . $ change of sovereigns. , . wiches as -a change from their usual . eats assein. should bg'giien plenty Of fresh clean the followfiig year. - I � . Immediately after recielvIng author -'fare. . Me �tbeir own., - . water, and, salt. Once the. lambe. are � Honsall ........... ,,.. i. 1 .... 3.41. �,;, . � � . . � I Sandwi c*h Base � , .:1 I sorted out Into the finishing peii, -they . I 0. Exeter ........... ........... US I 16 I , f-% OOD bread needs a vital itative Information of the King's exe- . ; —1 . ! .1 'I" -1 I . I . Spanish Sandwiches, should be ready for market wifta �,% . I.' . : ., -No . li-i; .1 :t�.`,Z . " .yeast . . . one t1lat's full- cution of an. instramemt. of abdication, .. . I . I . . . . Oth � ,it ,, . Hot sandwiches may have for their I mon.tWs time, if they have . been �What Certified Seed "'"' , � * ' ' �-, I tablespoon butter A.M. �ij'�e . I � . , . .strength� pure, d ,pendable! � the Canadian Cabinet had met and base hot rolle or biscults','hot toast 1 cup thick tomat* pulp � brought .along well up 'to the begin, . .1 (11 . Exeter ...................... 10.42 ".'��, . I passed, an Ord'er-ft-Councit conicuirring or hot stauted bread. Often ' I . . ��. they are 1/2 cup grated cheese I ning of the year. � Potatoes Are Hehsall ...... � .............. IC55 �,�';.. � Th4a . means Royal ... the only in the Ilegi-slation' to be passed by the served, with, an inviting sauce or 2 tablespoons chopped -pimientos In addition... -to whole eats barley, Kippen .. ,�.',� . ..'... II.0Z .i�,,',,, .dry yeak that comes sealed in British PaTITament. Mr. King dTew gravy, amd It is a mis�take to conclude! that' 11 I Z'�, ' When 'carefully Prepared 2 tablespo.ous chopped onions cra6ked corn', buckwheat, a y, Bruce&ly 7.7!7.7.7* ........ �. ., 11.09 Z;'' curely wheat 'potatoes of'gioodappeakance will'Make J,;: an air -tight wrapper ---se i attention. to the fact that the Cana- with a nice sense of flavor they make 1/2 teaspoon- each of salt and -paprika screeiIings; alfalfa, ' or clever seed . . Clinton ........................ 11.54 , .t�,��-: '' protected from contamination- n summoned ' good.,seed tubers, states John.Tuck- Londesborio ............... - 12AS , , . I I dian, Parliament ,bad bee as delicious a meal -as anybue could I e .1 sereenings, peas orr coloured, beans I)ivw.on of Botany, Experimental . kl!��,:," I to'noeet on the 14th -January, 1937, de4lre. " . . . . I .99, welil Viwten . . I ,or, I Tit .. �'-- its keepin&-qualities insured! .. and"that it -was, Impbs,sible so,' 6 slices, bhOtered toast. -may be aidded- tcv -the oats.. All add!-, Farms Branch;'Deminion Departme , Blyth ................ � .......... 12.1gr ' . g.�: to . ex- Hot sandwiches are of several v&r- Melt the butter, add the . I Belgravi; .. W .... 1,2.3s . �,i; pimientos tions -of new grain should -be made of Agriculture. . Apparent; soundness I '�' , �. & �, '.Sevenoutof 8 Canadian house- p.6dite the assembling of. the Parlia- laties. Firsit there !s -one made with -and buloris and, saute until they are 'a gradually, increasing thie: amount a of ,the,tubers donatAtutes no guaranty . 11 ­­­: , :::� -.1159 '' " I �Of!. Wing -ham ......... ,-.,. I .- . . " ii%%-�Canada as to enable appro- onty� one silce,of bread, 'The filling ,light brown. Theii ,add, the tomatto. I�ttle 6very'day. ,As a -rulet two-g-ft"'I'lls 'of f- e6d" '­ � - . . . -�,,�. wives today prefer Royal when . �.�-'��.,N� � te 'Parliamentary actin � - f, -­­ , ­ --- ­ I , 11 . - ' I , r ,orn, rein.. disposes for they , I - .. . I... - . . ;"�­'� they bake with a dry- yeasL,' taken pi'lor to, or coutempo=t' S is Placed.On top andilt is'seTved with pulp O,D,d simmer for about...5.- min- give better results than one�­grain, may esorry . . Ous y ia sauce or gravy or I& broiled , Il' - , ' virus[ diseases which �aro, i�,�t," . 'I - They ki�ow ies'depenclablel r , with, the enactment of the proposed I the utes. Sti� Ili. flie,­oheese and sbason� and"thTee or'fou.r grains give better , re A � � C.N.R. TIM9 TABLE � �- . .. oven � not cognizable Ill I M4 -tuber, bu . I . I . e, I �, 1, . ,; theirthere is the one where 'i,ngs and lapt of h1d add the beat,6n results than two grains. Barley may . I I )�, So, �whicfi nevertheless, seriously' affect , I . Ea6t 51.4.�, , ., year,s� -it has- been ,the, stand- legialhtton by the ParlIamett of West- the toast Is made first and then made egg,, takIng care that Mdoes net our lintil . I minister. I 11. I � I - br- added, ' - the grain feed is one- the yield and quality of thle, crop. The . A.M. PAL - , ig est . I into salidwiches,; the one where tb6 die. Cook for a minute or two and third to ofte-half barley� An , 'I- only way to be . , 0 I ' o`,1v:! " , ard,of hi 6 quality. ' - . I I , 1.ii excL sure of seed that, Is ,Goderich ............ 6.40 2.30 . , � I., I The Canadian con,currePOe Was Cab- bfead'�Ia madle Into sandwiches and remove from. the; lire. Ijave, ready lent fattening I . , .� �'Plli�, , ration. isi 2 Parts oats', pra�tiically -free 'of tli�se troubles is 'CliAton, , I I ��Ji�,�,�)­` I - 7.01, 3." ,V" I "*;. .Don't risk baking failures led to the British GoVernment, ,,and then tionsted i4therr in the oven or in buttered toast. Pour the mixture ov- 1'paftl barley, and. 1 part buckwheat to buy ceftilled se,14. , ":. I 8eaforth­:::::::::::;:. 7.17 .3.1.6 , ,V.��i,,',: , ,with faulty yeasts! Always, de- , was ,rec#ived before the Bill was Ili- the sandwich grill; M14 the fourth,' er 'the sl.ices of buttered toast and or wbeqt'screeninigs. , � I Dablita .: .... � ....... .1�7, ; % . . . dartiflbd V ,toes are tuvers, that 1.28.. 329, � I - , ' '!�"��, Pend on Royall trodueed in the British House Of where the sandwich is, made and Is, serve, at ow6e.'. If preferred, two slib. ,=V ress .. '111, , I M1 bell ............. 7.91 .. 3.41i .� K , Commons. then dipped, in a mixture of milk and . , — si6ed to I . I I . I � ,�,,- , I I .0-1 I I . have been ly W . I I � 0,�,,�?��.;I,, ­ 1. . I . .. . o, ,� - ,, ''. . � I � I , I . ffi%�,.",: , I Aeo , EE B64141 I -"I do ,a 1. � '�, ,4 1 11, I . -plants, and' M#chell ............. .11.19 $.ii . I . . � . . . � . . I I . 11. I 1. I . .. variet . ri N11" 0, . I . matt6ris of this k4nid the Government or, bacon fat - — -91" 0 to . .1 .1 I 111-1, od'-fir PR tibmit, Mr. Speaker, that In eggs latd ,than sauted1n hot, butter -- I . . putposes, from .. West 1111 . ood tyn,PZ T! Y-' , - I , . I . INCREASE'S SHOWN IN alle of 9 DubUn ........... ;......' 11.2 9AR I . 11 " I TO dt ut", , must take the course which it be� . �f -- - , . . lue$!e Pot&bDPA havLl�enf,onllleeled , '' .1 . �;� �, , �, I , I I , . , �, il Suitable' Seasonings - 11 , ZZ in br,ead ni .orth .............. IIA9­' , qj�4 I � ".", _i1v ", 0 k dlgeas� f9 f � I I I fleves will commerud, Itself to m�mb�ia . I . P01ULT RY Oil FARM during the 9'4i I . ,� g'gj�-�­ .­ ,; �­` ' bakirig, It Is im- ,� k . . S C nton .. ......­ u,12 , 10.68 " , I 1. At to keop of Parliment generally," said 'Mr, � ,,�, . - 0. . . AleflAtte seed , , I , �. ewtitemperAto . � ' . ft, and, muot conform ,to "id'duar . � .I- 0161.61". , 11.22 1014 I I . , I ,�­­,, L. 11 . . I creage, of firb'Verltellt. 0 J-Utfd Is,t,: harvest, Officli�;I, ittj�ksi �A IS ed --Tor ., , �; " , ,, ", 11 �� pongo at an The r4lige, of s4eas6iiings for* the , � �f .. Poultry in 0 h Wed. ab in� stitidards, both 4Aj-ho g6i, jd6rleh'".'. ` OTA�1111 -�­ � I 9.,,-�,� ��','Z'4.',,11�-�,-4� �.�4 wide and Varied, �� , III 1\ � Vdugj "and I am sure that the ban, hot -sandwich Is . P,f4 4" �4'4,', 1 - 1 7 The! f tR6yAI;V&iii � I . 11 . I ,T�i,'�&��,,­ . . . , is: . . . . I -It-, ;.", membersr of this House would not 11 ,. ­N,��,.�'t"­ '. . I ' ' , , ' �� I , � �11 , wfAke 866141" Jives have welcomed any summons Chopped rive *141ves,, poen, olives, on- , J When ,the censuls WaA taken, -over the such.. seed� sitook'.w0usivety. t�filtj no � . . 11, � - C.P.-IR1. TIME - t -1 I Iftstnictious'For * to be tons, pickl4eal, 'bealdes. -the condiments .. I iocordivg at.the saffie date,in ,193 '6'�of 10'61 0avrTids'officiat re, I . A" . ei 1. . . . .4114flultd"614166 bedw within- a ,number of days ­any I . . � . .�- ,uthe - typ I . I - � , �� � R, I I we, have named In 'our tecipes, are , ��, Despite this lhoreas,6 the _ pride 46f,Coj#iti&,.'of . I . , 1� t t,�.,;,,-,:V�, � � ... Sgiia eduoft Ibr �, _ age.d_ '. . . lit 0 1i %g.- � . I I Atb6sl 1*111ate" L , It. A - . I , ot r. I . ­ r,,I,;�, �. I 0" cdoly, 69 atimmods that had' been sent out 'M v�orthy of trial. . r ,�...?,, -, � eggs d1uritig', .1 blighof If th6'offtaal �Ja& I's JJ4,6n o -Very C' I . , P. i I � . L . � 916 averaged I r ryVp�MV;VW11 I; I * 23 , mediately prior to the abdicadc6i of I I ; . ­ ... .-I 1 �1'­� ,", ­ I I. ... � I �111 P, 1, T,hqvn during t, .. . 11 11'. :, . 1, on� 0odirlth ......... r. . ­­­ . ­. " . " ,� � he preil6ue ' taft6r, thb,bOtg6f6es 9ho d -bot be ae, :Mengdt ­... . .." I t; , rkt ted ,Iii the Xdno--in order to c6al,81di6r What Bacon In Hot' Sandwiches - , .. � Ysial'. This . � 11 . ,.a.. �......"..,. 0 . . Ob a, '. . I . . .. . ,�I, ,", 10ore.. satistaotory reoult, , from, the tell ' ' I "Abd seed'. ''a* . � ,. 1, I 1,,,� g", " q, i. ; dhould, be dione with ,respect to the S " , . , , Mtd ' * . . 433 ;. 660 fti,b - Bacon gives aii, appftllng to -A 1� .­� i.. � 4.1 4. 6 I AtIbUrn, '- . . , flavor ", iimcit,� - gtandp,oI,TA;:, w, as hrougat a- . V ,f6 i-ogul'A1,6n(A in b;k,6eil A , '' .- -. . . I .................. 4.4111 - 9641 kbile. '6itloi* .1ard' IJ�6 a'e - , ,1� bere",44". 11 '. . abdi ra, I " ­41'.�'. - 1. I oesslon of the other Ingredients, such as tomatoeso WOUt by greater 11,1)"flt 66hbUMP,1 whikh pilovida tin,.Y,tyno from, �t ' ' . , . . � 1� ,,, iW: AdMa- . iiew sover6ign, -In thM, I matter the , . . I , .. " ir ". A.... I ........ il .... �, � I yo ChI04-01i' choose or eg,949. Care sh6h1dr:, �. laft df A-91%. 111' Oadada;­'Mdovdi, by A- land of po�kjjt,60,st.fok 08, , , 'a . " . ­�', - ­ p ftiil �� Itbin- �, . "s.. " " . ". , ...... ­.: t. 0.65 , thii lb 'd i&d' Oft& . � 6$ the J , ,lig .. 046ght . 5.15 ,��.,',*,:Vhfifii "' I I �,C&lifadt was go,�erh(Y4 by' 404irdUY&AAnd" bc tW�o, howover, fillAt fte,1011 to � ''IfIrUi demand 'from " .1, storeo iro �,s III I . , ­­­­ " , 1. I 2 . ��,.t-.,. , I w 6L., Uwe gud- space In. rg,erebiaie, t6. cooked pr6perly for JIWO ig Ile food, , I,Uoka day iold-ehl6kA fl§O�d,- --- - 'ta`bi�­�&060,§, II14hbir 'gig buto 4'� & ... N 0,6., I I 3 I... I li. '' �. 1. I ­. ­ ,� T, Ili' .'theL I I I 'h " '. '. f � ..... 6 ... 0 ..... . U.? � ! I 1, . , X& , ..; � . ' - matters haVe, to ber bonild. tbgt is 1:6 W ,6pVe,i - ' thali uttd&4� , . t . , . I � V, li, ,, � I , � , " ,1� . - �� *106h fall i I I " M, , "of 1696'a" , 44-6 ......... 0,00 , ", , " I I I ;t� .1 *48.0 ng, . holild rlmuft,ln "fiLiloW, ttlefi�#, but it, ia��tfie bft�' ,�:�b, �� ,;'., I . , � " , V au 14 d, '4M, in kddittod to think It was. , 11 7 � � 11 - uri�&e 0 4 I t 11 , . 11 I I I .. I il . , I . . . . . � .. - , -o ­­. �' � � � " . , I . . .41 . : . , it .1 I 1. , �, ­ ­, �., " I � .1 . I I I 0 11 . I OW-Mvial 10a4bb; F* by bf , th A ft ,4 �fioftsi 'eii. (,at&# Jftfa­1WJJJJ&7 &fi,d &&�'., ., , AA', m6 , 'd " fiRk I , ,, ,11 . I I . �11NTIM115 � 11 '10 j,,- , � g6v&%�d (by the oommo- sien , qo ` of gad,&W.1clIA 6i 6i : 4,1 11 I I �h , ,:� �". � , -, - I I I A,M,, . ' 'i' fll'l; .... !;,�­ � L _g, it i�,+h* '1087: etwo. $h4i'A", ,!;,L �. � I - "Ago, L IN , . ­ , I . Ig.&&AsA e 114-paAM14 51�L i . 0 q `­�', L"' " 11-1-1.1 I . I . I � . , " �W� 'p,,�; i i�,�11` � , I L � W6 0RUAtt6n. gat rday I- 06M out 'bf, 101 1A dq . 4� r ftlftt4t!� tlt�,,, 4 ok I 0,1060 - 66" d- `,-�,: � 1 � ( ta", '. 11 , ; � &�� 0 "I", F, I �1,, � 11".111W , &L,,, --1- , ic", � 1". � 4.4. A ... �.. 4.. -8. , I . , . - . I ; ­ I ly cal. the 11*661i. - '11044 6� ligl*, 4k; �: , Ullialbk -'aft/d I I 6 � � gl- "�,`%� I I � , , , I � I 11 1',�q ,,?'� IT 4" � - � ,i',� ��,,%, �? � - , � , �, TA,.Jq(M, qu Te L al ffi"o Las, Bh,�& I 7,�.�'.AW06660 '16 " '3 g, , I I - I A'j, � ,,,, ,-V , 1, " ,�j;!, -�P, Rg f. t� � ,�, : I I i'l ', �` "66 ' ',Oe6�'d �'P*dfa# �,.',,V�',l 1�6161'15*, � - . I I , , 1.� � b 11i, I 1, I . ---- - I a, 1, QI�WXI,V,.V��, : , ,�:,�,'�,, 1, - 1, I'll "'�, , " 1, , & , .i 4 111'a'.,,.� �"'� - "Ill' "� �11 , I 1*VR19ft No'&,, thp, L&dfw 6f, the-- Op� fhr ' ' ot'N',4j 1' �" i , 09ift" 7 � T , '' , , " i`- - -,-'-' -,-, A �,, �, ,,� .... . . "a' , " �'Aft Obft A r6otij,14, - dvdrdu,§�' b �Jj,' `U df�,fb ,&.1L. 69" 10h & ib 1*� L ''. , ­ I . � * , ; ��' �, ., i7i� , 0 It. , , r , ,,� ��,',� AV� , �., '. t# tad* . ,,,,, , iffl, �.' .. M , V"tq,� ififigWW .IM# 1"'61 ­ - , ­ ;,A, Pn��,�i, k" 4;,. aN I. , LL I , - ',,IXX U 11 , , 0' . . t, %� ­,,g,*�, - ., � " Jj i� i�� , .0 - . "' , , p6w . 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