HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1937-01-22, Page 8a ir:t'.il>ltint t''t,'}�'l�k ki ari�i ^Ya 51ti;, Ill 6i a1JA0 T a. • PER, CWT. $3.35 BISCUITS TG MOLASSES ►.OARONI *Quads for F; SWEET CORN Tins PINK SALMON—Large Tins 3 for CLARK'S SPAGHETTI 2 Cans 'STRING BEANS 2 Tins { 25c 10c 14c 19c 2'5c 19c 19.c 25c 25c 23c 25c HORNE GELATINE 3. packages, M4*ED. CI-IEESE 2..parcl:ag is COFFEE—Our own bleud, half pound PLUM JAM 32 ounces MASTERS MOLASTOCK FEED AT per Cwt. DAIRY $2.15 A. C, Routledge PHONE 166 Insurance Having ' Purchased THE INSURANCE . business of the JOHN RAN - KIN AGENCY from the , Guar- anty Trust Company, I solicit a e continuance of your esteemed patronage. All insurance records, etc., have been transferred to my of- fice and any.information will be gladly given. M. A. REID, Prop. WATSON- & REID Phone 214 - Seaforth Specialists in All Kinds of Insurance: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. 'Holmes & Son o O FUNERAL SERVICE O O Main Street, Seaforth O 0 O O S. T. Holmes,. residence, ' O Goderich Street, West; phone O O No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 OO residence, Goderich Street, 0 O East; phone No. 308. O O Ambulance Service O O Nightcalls, Phone' 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone' 119-3. 0 O Charges moderate. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000' O H. C. Box O FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service O Hospital Bed O with adjustable rachet open 0- ated spring for rent. - O Night Calls Day Calls O Phone 175. Phone 43. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 000000000000 O 0 O WALKER'S 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O W. J. WALKER and O 0 JOHN R. WALKER; Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and O 0 Funeral Directors. O _9 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 attended, O PHONE 67 - 0 O O 0 O 00000000-000 P THE SECOND DIVISION COURT County of Huron Once in the Dominion Bank Build- Seaforth. Office hours: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday. 1.30 p.m. to b p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Hays & Meir, and the addition of their con ani p cs to' our previous facili- ties enables us to give unexcelled ser- vice in all lines. SEAFORTH ONTARIO THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. r . HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Alex. Broadfoot, 3 Seaforth - Pres, Joao. E. Pepper, Brueefieid - Vice -Pres, Mer=ton. A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas, AGENTS: 'b"inlay McKercher, R. R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; E. R. Jarmou'th, B Ira gen Jamesa PtYd W tt Hl #til•. ewllit, Kiudardliie; W. J. Yeo, Jode- rink DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londesboro; George leniiihart, Brodhagen; James Con- i blip • Gtidericb; Alex. Broadfo'ot, R, Seaforth; Alexander MEF:tving, it, j„ BlYth,; John Pepper, Brucea d'duzeia Sholdice, Walton; Thos, fl'in't, il' IL 5, Sea:fbirtii; Withettt R. ilfsibald, ' P. it, 4, Seifortilt. 1SIEWS Qj T QWN Died ' in Callforrnla, — Cornelius S. {Noii•11-etndergaat, ee radsot►--of the- late :John Prendergast, died 1n; Dux. ling"ame, California, danualy 13th. He was born in. the Township of Hibbert, on February 2, 1863. Hie, went to California in 1883 and was employed by the Sunset Telephone Co. of San, Francisco for over fifty years. He is survived by one son, Joseph, and 'two daughters, Florence and Grace. Mission Band Meets.—The regular meeting of Northside Mission Band was Iheld in the school room' of the church -:1 on Tuesday, afternoon. The meeting opened by singing a hymn; and the secretary,. Winifred Russell, read the minutes of the previous meet- ing. Janie Moffat read- the Scripture, Psalm 119, 33-40, which was followed by prayer by Miss Ferguson. A hymn was sung fciloare t by the - worship story told by Miss Ferguson. The of- fering was received andthe meeting closed by singing a hymn, followed by the Mizpah benediction. Died in -California.—Mrs. Th=omas O'.Loughiin received the sad intelli- gence of the death of her brother, Mr, Neil Prendergast, at his home in Burlingame, Calif. on January 12uh. Mr. Prendergast visited his sisters here last fall and was in excellent health. 'His death came as a shock to his friends and relatives. Mr. Prendergast is. survived by one son, Dr.. Joseph Prendergast, of Burlin game, California, and •two daughters, Mies Grace and Miss Florence; at /house. His wife predeceased trim a few years ago. Y. P. Union Meets.,—•Tli,e Y. P. Un- ion of Northside United Church met n Tuesday evening when the pro- gram was under the Missionary De- partment by kiss Thompson. It op- ened by the minutes of the last meet- ing and business was then discussed by Mr: Sam Scott, and prayer by Miss Evelyn Carmichael; Scripture • was taken frim Matthew 25:19-20 and John 15:12-16 by Miss Mabel Helmer, fol- lowed by a reading by Miss Thomp- son. A letter from a missionary in British Columbia was read by Helen Matfat. A very • interesting topic, "Being Friend's With One's Family-,:'. by Miss Thompson Was enjoyed. The meeting closed with the Mizpalt bene- diction- rfa Died in Vancouver.—Word was re• ceived there this week of the death in Vancouver, of 11r•. William Govenlock. a former well known resident of Sea - forth. Mr,, Govenlock was a son of the late Thomas Govenlock. Ione et the most widely known pioneer resi- dents of this districts and was born in McKillop Townslu.p eighty years ago. As a young . man he went -West where he was very successful in farm- ing -land 'either business operations. Some thirty-five years ago he retired and came to Seaforth where' he re- sided until he moved to Vancouver about fifteen years ago.. He is sur- vived by his widow and one sister;_ Miss Susan Govenlock, of:.;S'eafortli, who is at present spending -Me winter. in Florida. i • Hold Annuai"Birthday Party. — On January 18th, in Northside United Church; with forty-one members ,or visitors present, the Mae Lane Aux- iliary held 'their regular meeting and annual birthday party, combined with what had been announced as a pot- luck supper provided by ''Circles 2 and 4, the Posing side in the contest, but which turned out to be an up-to-the- minute banquet, 'with prettily decor- ated table and place cards designed by Mts. Haggarth-, showing a picture of each as •otihers see (or don't see) .her. Miss Beattie baked, the Nitta day cake, a delicious combination of good things surrounded by pink rose- ouds in a cream setting: Mrs. E. H. Close moved a vete of thanks to the losers, and the motion was simultan- eously seconded by twenty winners. Rev, T. A. Carmichael conducted the service of installation of officers for 1937: He asked that instead of con- sidering themselves the chosen ones they stress rather that those chosen were sent by Jesus to do His work. This would make the work easier and the' results would be more satisfying to the One who had sent the workers. After prayer by Mrs. W. C. Barber, "Lead Kindly Light" was sung and then Mrs, Close prayed, mentioning especially Mr., and Mrs'. G. P. Bruce, of Manchukuo. The secretary, .Miss Fennell, read the minutes of the ex- ecutive meeting which. had been held in the home of Mrs. Close. At this meeting Miss Fennell was appointed the Auxiliary's representative on the official board. Mter a short business discussion Mrs. H. Snell, the captain of Circle 1, took charge, opening with. a reading in w'lrich the little Nev Year declared his mission and ours was to teach that God's will was love. "Standing At the Portal" was sung and then 'Vita. 11. Savauge pray- ed, including the petition that there should be no failures in love because of, misunderstandings. Mrs. P. 1;. ffa.t took the Scripture reading and, alow•ing a delightful solo by Mrs• J. A. Stewart, Miss -;Lawrence showed interesting lantern slides introducing the new study book,. "Men and. Wo- men of Far Horizons," atone with a very instructive talk. After another hymn, the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. The following is the' Executive for 1937: Honorary president, Mrs. T. A. Carmichael; past president, Miss. S. I. Wood; president, Mrs. E. 13. Close; vice-president, Mt's. W. C. Barber; recording' secretary, Miss R. Fennell; corresponding se•cre-•• tart'' Miss A. McNay; treasurer, Mrs. .T. B. Russell; .Christian Stewardshi'p' secretary, Mrs. R. Savauge; tempers.' 'mice secretary, Mrs: A, McGavin; Missionary Monthly secretary, Miss M. Carter; Baby Band Leader; Mies M. Rands; press secretary, Mrs. H, Snell; literature secretary; 'Miss M. RaiFdi ; flower secretary, Mrs. 13. Christie; pianists, Mies , M. Barber and Mrs. Hoggarth; social com=mittee, Mrs, P, 13. Moffat, Miss S. I. , Wood] eapiplMy rseoFm, nJteehMelyrs;. conJ. veCnuernir tot; etrengers•' 'secretory, Mrs. I. H. Weed - mark; assistant strangers' secretary, Mrs, E. G. Chn,inberlaan'. iA ,1►lti, Sermon Subjicte or Ne . Sundays. ^-E ondvd le Duitsidr. 4 zrch..-..The four, ages of man: ,Gbildbood, YoUt14., mattulty, old age; 11 hoed ;. 7 P-411:- evening .cervi ea,—ReY, -A.. W. •Shepherd, Minister. First Presbyterian Church .in Sea- forth.--• 1- •arold C. Feast, Minister:. Morning worship at 11; Sunday smcirooi at 2.30; evening service at 7. At the morning ,services: "In Memoriam", in. memoriam to all membe=rs, adher- ents and friends of the ehttreh Who 'have passed to the Homeland in 1936. Hymn, "For All the Saints' Who From Their Labors Rest"; evening service, sermon by the minister, "Book of the Month: (a) "Gone With the Wind." The book must be taken in closest canneetion with "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Morning, anthem: "Lead Kindly Light"; evening, anthem, "0, Taste and See." Northside United Church -11 a.m., "Joahn, the Disciple, Whom Jesus Lov- ed"; 7 p.m., "The Stone, and the Robe and- the Throne." Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. — Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Minister. St. Thomas' Church—Services' 'for Sunday, Jan. 24: Stznd•ay School and Bible Class at 10 a.m,; morning ser- vice, topic,' "Zeal in a Good Cause"; evening service, 4.30 pen., congrega- tion kindly nate the. time, topic, "An Expressicn of Divine Activity."—Can- on E. Abpleyard, Rector. LOCAL BRIEFS Miss Helen McDougall, of Eg- mondvilie, is spending two months in Detroit. • Mr. Frank N. 'Bond, of Port Dov- er, was the week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mullen. * Rev. H. C. Feast was the guest speaker at the Clinton Lions Club meeting on Monday evening of this week, when the club celebrated -Burns' l�igirt, - • A Valentine tea will be served by the Women's Association of North-. side. United Church on Friday , even- ing, February Sth, • Reeves J. H. Scott, of Seaforth; W. R.' Archibald, of Tuckersmith, and J. M. Eckert, at' McKillop, are in Goderich this week attending the Jan-. uary session of the Huron County Council. • •.. Mr. J. 0. Mullen was in Toronto this week attending the funeral of his brother-in-law, Dr. Hudson, whose death occurred suddenly -on Monday, • Dr, and Mrs. F.. J. Bechely were in Detroit over the week -end attend - in,, the wedding of Mrs. Bechely';s brother. Mr. Gordon Willis. o Mrs. G. 17. Ferguson has return- ed from Toronto, o Mr. \V..&., Crich is in Toronto this week. • Twenty members of the Badmin- ton Club were in Mitchell on Wedn•es- Gay night playing an,inter-club game with the Mitchell Club. • There .was . a quick_.turnover, in the car license business before Tues- day of this week, which was the dead line for old licenses, Since Tuesday we have not noticed a single license of last year's vintage. ---• Miss Swan, of Clinton, has been appointed stenographer in the town and Public Utilities Commission of- fices. ELIMVILLE Mr, and' Mrs. William Elfanl, also an•d Mrs. Wes.- Johns visited •rel- atives and friends in Welhurn on Thursday last. • -Mrs, Roland Squires and Mr. Gor- don Squires were visitors wird Mr. and Mrs. J. Herdman last Tlrurad:ry. Mies Margaret Johns haas, secured a position as bookkeeper with M'-. Swit- zer at the chick hatchery in Granton. She commenced on Monday. - JIr. and Mrs. Wm. .Bradshaw and David were visitors on Thursday ev= ening' with Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Moe- gan, • peat' Farquhar. About seventy-five neighbors and friends gathered at; the home of Mr. Kenneth Johns and presented'M". and Mrs. Charles 2ohns with two occa- sional chairs. Mr. and Mrs. Johns recently- moved to their new 'home in• Exeter, Mrs. Harry Johns has been confin- ed to her bed and under the doctor's Corp. At time of writing she is slight- ly- improved. CROMARTY The Ladies' Aid meat at the home of Mrs, Ed. Alien, January. 12th. The officers of last year were reappoint- ed, having Shand a good year, besides helping in other things they gave $25 to the Managing Committee to help v.tth current expenses. MI; R. (Rev;) rR e attended the annual meeting of the Stratford Pres- byterial held in St. Andrew's Church ou J•antrary• 14th, she being reappoint- ed Literature ,Secretary for the com- ing year. rs Visit 05 r M ,Neil GilleXpie, of Sea - forth, among relatives; John Young, of Science Hill; Miss . Dorothy Mc- Laren, of Toronto, with the home folk; Miss Olive Speare, also Joseph Speare, visiting with relatives in To- ronto. Mr, and Mrs. Colby gave a party last week in honor of Mr. and MTs. Wtsby, of Stratford. All report hav- ing had a pleasant time. Congregation Meets Th'e annual meeting of the congre- gation of the Presbyterian Church of Cr-om'a'rty was held Thursday. Rev, Pareses Reidie gave the report of the scenics. Russell Scott acted as sec retary, 'Phe report of the Secretary- 1rea.stlrer, A,ntlrew Ma.cLacblan, was favorable and gratifying, as also were the "reports of the W.M.S. by Mrs, lluss'eTI =Stott and of tihe 'Ladies' Aid Society by Mrs. Hoy. McCulloch, The Suflid.ay School secretary's report was, read by Mies Mary Allen; the report' of e -ale Young People's Society was read by Miss Mary Janette Hamilton and the Marion Ritchie girls' group reported a very good years' work, Owing to Mrs, R'eidie'e absence, Rev. James Reldie gave the, report of the "Annie Reidie" M1esloii• Vats& which $EA'FORTH ' Fri yi , January 22.0 sy Sgdiality Girls of it.- James' Chir* —Otto Hendorson'st Orchestra— Adiquiss(on 35c (including tax) was interesting for a first year oz- ganization e reappointing of many of alae .officers and also a few changes and matters of business re- garding church property and espec- ially the cemetery, were all settled favorably and, agreeably and with a monetary balance on hand whlob, was appreciated .by those present. Alex-' ander McKellar -was appointed con- vener of the cemetery, committee. The annual meeting of the Crom- arty Y.P.S. was =held in the basement of the church on Monday, elan. 11,th. Mise Mary Allen ocdupied the chair for the election of officers. Miss Diary Hamilton .acted secretary, For 1937 the officers are: Honorary president, Rev. James Reddie; president, Archie Haggarth; vice-president, Mise Velma Wali'aee; secretary, Miss Agnes Scott; treasurer, Gordon Scott; music- com- mittee, Miss Grace McLachlan, Miss Sarah McKellar and Mrs. John Wal- lace; social .comtmittee, Anna Hamil- ton, Ruth Trivett, Alex. Gardiner and Eldon Allen; literature coni%ener, Mies Lila McCulloch; missionary con- vener, Tom Scott; Rev. Jars. Reidie, convener of the devotional part. Young men to the number„ of around' thirty, 'met at the barns of Russell Scott, taking a short course on. stock judging. - Euchre & Dance - Watson's Hall, Kippen WED.; JANUARY 27 under auspices Kippers Hockey Team. 'Good Prizes — Good Music ADMISSION - - 25 CENTS Have You Bought Your Alumn.i YearBook May be procured from Coileg= iate Pupils and many Seaforth Stores. 25c Each Order by mail from the Secre- tary, A. Y,. McLean, Seaforth. Add 10 cents to cover mailing. for a $10Reward loos which cannot be corn or cal - removed by the new scientific LLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE, This new salve de -sensitizes morns and callouses with the first application... Call your druggist to- day and order a far of this WONDERFUL SALVE. 40c. ' Lloyd Chemical Laboratories. For sale at alt Tamblyn Drug Stores, Lis- gett's Stores, and most other .frig stores. - For sale at KEATING'S PHARMACY $693-tf 60 H.P. Now on display in our Showroom" r. .F:DAI Phone 02 Seaforth Hpdgert .4utcllffe •A etuarmlug winter wedding- wa0- soleuunized at Colborne Street LTn'ittd C'hureh, London, on S'aturdsty `After- noon by .Rev., A; Murray Stuart, when Florence B. Sutcliffe, daughter of Mrs, J. F. Sutcliffe, of Thorndele, and the late Rev. J. Fletcher Sutcliffe, became, the bride of Mr. Charles William Hodt- gert, sou df the late Mii. acid Mrs. Andrew N. Hodgert, of Exeter-. On their return from a motor trip to Florida, Mr,, and Mrs. Hodgert will reside in Athens; Ont., wvheae :he has a position in the Canadian Bank of Commerce. McKILLOP The regular monthly meeting of tihe W.A. and W.M.S. of the South Mine was held at the home of Mrs. Herald Lawrence on January 7, with' a good attendance. The meeting' was opened with a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. Ches. Henderson. the Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Ivy Hender- son. The roll call and minutes were read and adopted; The devotional leaflet was taken by Miss Eliz, Hen- derson and a musical number was given by Mrs. Eldon Kerr and Miss Ruth Gordon. Mrs, H. Lawrence gave a reading. After singing a hymn the meeting closed with the Lord'si prayer in unison. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostess and a half hour spent. Death of Mrs. Dorrance .. The death •of Mrs. Grace Dorrance occurred at Winthrop on Thursday, January 14th, at the hone of her son- in-law, W. J. Shannon. Her maiden name was Grace McMichael, and she was the widow of the late David Dor- rance, and mother of two 'daughters, Miss Hazel, who passed away Dec, 12, 1922,'and Lizzie (Mrs. Shannon). The funeral service took place from First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, on Saturday, Jan. 16th, at 2 o'clock, with interment in M•aitlandbank cemetery, The pallbearers were Messrs. Wilson Little, John Shannon, Percy Little, George Pryce, Robert Campbell and John Pryce. EGMONDVILLE , W. M. S+ Meets Mrs, A. W. Shepherd occupied the chair at the meeting of the W. M. S. Mrs, James Allen had charge of the, •devotional period. , Mrs, McQuarrie and Mrs. M. Haney read Bible selec- tians.and Mas. N. Keyes the devotion- al leaflet. Miss Lawrence gave a talk iilustrate•d by lantern slides. A social half ihourwas spent. 'CONSTANCE ..•.oma • The N. S. and W. M. S. held their their monthly meeting, in the base- ment of •the church on Jan. 14. The W. M. S. president opened the meets ing by singing Hymn 296. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Rogerson and Mrs. R. Lawson, The minutes were read and adopted aud' business transacted. Mrs. Robert Lawson Was .appointed secre- tary- for systematic giving, The W. A. president then took charge. The min- utes were read and adopted and the roll call was •answered by ,the pay- ment of fees. The ,roll cali for next month is to be answered by a Bibli- cal verse containing the word, 'love.' The treasurer's report was read and adopted ,and business transacted. It was decided to hold a home cooking sale and bazaar again. Mrs. C. Riley then took c•'harge for Group 1. Two verses of Hymn 287 were sung end the Scripture lesson, . from Second Epistle of Paul, followed by a splen- did' talk, was given 'by Mrs. E. Ad- ams. Solos were given by Edith Brit- ton, followed by the leaflet by Mrs. C. Riley, The study book was given by Miss Ivy Simmons. ' The remainder of Hymn 2$7 was sung and tbe• offering was taken. The meeting .was. closed by Mrs. R., Rogerson and lunch - Was served. Death. of Mrs. Wm. Moore - An early and respected citizen of Constance, in the person of Mrs, Wm. Moore, of 177 Maneta St., Toronto, passed away on, Friday-, Jan, 15. Three years ago she suffered a stroke ,but recovered and was able to be about until she 'suffered anot:hhr severe one on Tuesday from which she did not gain strength and died on Friday. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Mann, Hullett, and was born on the 9th concession of Hallett, where she resided until she was mar- ried to Mr. William Moore fifty years ago. They resided at Constan'ee un- til twenty-eight ;ears, ago when they went to Toronto to reside, Mr. Moore died twelve years ago. She was . a kind and loving mother and a good neighbor. At the funeral Miss Hel- en and Miss Edith Britton sang ' a duet, "God's To -morrow-," Five sons and one daugh=ter survive: R. L. Moore, of Stratford; Jhmes A. Moore, Milton Moore, Miss Mary Moore and John Moore, of Toronto, and William Moore, of. Hullett; also two sisters, Mrs. Adum Nicholson and Mrs. An- derson, of Hearst, Ont. She was a member of the United Church. The funeral took place from Constance United Church at 2.30 p.m. on Mon- day, Rev. Gard'f•n:er officiating, The Pallbearers were Messrs, JOS. Riley, H. Armstrong, Jas. Dale, Geo. Dale, Bert Stephenson and Wm. Britton. Interment was made in Constance cemetery. Mrs. T. Pollard spent a few days in Clinton with Mrs: Glazier. Those attending the funeral 'of the late Mrs, William Moore from a dis- tance were: Mr, ,Tach Moore, Miss Mary Moore, Miss W. Robertson, Mr. Milton Moore and Mr. Jame1Vi s oore, Toronto; Mr. Robert, and Lloyd. Moore a.nd, Richard- Barwick, of Stratford; Mrs, Jiles, Windsor; Mrs. McKay and son, of Detroit; Mrs. McArthur and daughter and Mr, and Mrs, William Barwick, Goderich. Mr. Willi=am Moore and Mrs. Adam Nleholson were called to Toronto ow- ing to the severe illness of Mrs. Wm'. Moore. so ree,Ew.e e' it L dt i(r i ler dgdolYliGb`VI;.,�ra+ uF'fe a 17 t ,en. Irckung ViTomen The Huron 'County Branch , ONTARIO DEF:A, tTMENT OF 'AGRICULTURE • ' invites you to attend Short Courses ' En Agriculture and Home Economics to be held In Seaforth FEBRUARY A Y R gnd toFeb. 26th 1937 For further information and a ootmtplete' outline.of these courses, write: IAN MacLEOD; Department of Agriculture, CLINTON,• ONTARIO - ai STANLEY Mrs. Austin Sturdy, of Goderich Township, has been spending 'a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Clark. Mrs. John A. Armstrong spent a few clays last week with Mrs. Arm- strong of Clinton, !Miss Janet Townsend has been vise itizag with 'herd friend, 1Viyi•s. Russel Hayter. • Mr. Allan Keys, of Western Uni- versity, is spending a week' -at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ke.ysi . Mr. Ritchie, of Lucknow, is, spend- ing a few days with his daughter, Miss Elsie Ritchie, teacher of No. 6, Stanley, • Mr. Nelson Keys, of E.ginondville, spent last week with his sen, Elmore, at the old home on the Babylon Line. ,'AUBURN Rev. A. A. Maloney and Messrs. Gordon Taylor, James Medd and Chas Asquith were in London last Tuesday conferring with Bishop Seager, Mester Arnold Phillips received a severe cut on iris face while playip:g at school and medical attention had to be obtained. Mr, Jaynes Medd, Mrs, J. Symington and Mrs. E. Phillips received word of the• death of their cousin, Mrs. Wil- liam Shepperd, of. Forest. 1Vilss• Mildred Scott, of Simcoe, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,'R'obert Scott. 1VIi Albert Stein, of Alysbury, Sask., called -on Mr. E. Phillips -last Wednes- day. Mr. Jack' Frost, of Toronto, wrho is employed with ,t'he Procter & Gamble. Soap Co.,'Toronto, visited at the home'of• Mr. and' Mrs. W. T. Robison. _. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Doerr, of St. Marys, spent the week -end visiting friends 'in the vicinity. Miss Doris Allen, 3nf Goderich, is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Allen. Miss Norma Coutts, teacher of S. S. No, 9, Hullett, spent the week -end at her (home in Wing'ham. Mrs. Bert Keyes, of Guelph, spent a few days here last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Allen and Mrs. James • Wood visited friends in Strat-" ford last Saturday. Mr's. T. Bradrziack is visiting her son, Wesley, for a few weeks. Mr. H. Mogridge and, Mr. William Stewart are attending county council. Mr. and Mrs. R. Turner, Masters Teddy 'and, Kenneth Turner visited friends in Egmondville last Sunday. Mrs. Warner Andrews and Audrey and Rose Andrews, of West Wawan- os.h, are spending" a week with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Dobie. Mrs. George Patterson, of Toronto„ is visiting' with her sister, Mrs; ('Dr,)" B. C. Weir.. , Mrs. M. Cox is visitingin, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. J. Thompson have• received word of the death of their cousin, Hattie Gormley, of Pickering. VARNA Mrs. Oh'uter is' spending a few days with her daughter in London, • The W. A. of St. John's Church. beldi. a social in the hall on .Thurs'd'ay night. A very ple'asan't evening was spent and contests. were enjoyed. The prin- cipal feature of the evening was the di awing of tickets on a quilt which e as won by little Miss Reid. Mr. George Beatty had a very suc- cessful sale on Tuesday, Miss Bessie Chutes spent last weeks with her sisters in. London. TheVarna Libraryr• , will hold' their annual i al euchre and dunce in the haul on Friday, Jan. 22.' Come early and! be sure to. ,bring you -r •friends -as -a::• real good time its .expected. Lunde- will undawill be provided.. Miss Jean Gemmell called ons friends in Varna on Saturday. RE -INVENTORY SPECIAL NOTICE LE; Look for the ORANGE TAGS in your Dominion—they mean SPECIAL values not advertised. THESE VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SAt1'URDAY NIGHT TOMAT1O Large Tins ■ 23 , 3 Small 14 Tins ■ GOLDEN HALLOW! Bulk . ATES Aust. Seedless RAISINS 2 lbs. .25 Aust. Re -cleaned CURRANTS Ib. ■14 GOLDEN HALLOW! Bulk lbs. • 23 Glassco's Orange Marmalade Jar ■25 MildIb. Cheese .1 T Peamealed Cotta e Rolis lb. '� , Freshly Ground - Coffee Richmel'Io ib 1,2 7 Black Red Package. 'DOMINO 'TEA Sweet Mixed, Sour Mixed, Sweet Mustard PICNIC PICKLES, Pkg, ■ 25, Large Jar .25 SPECIAL Marsh Seedless A cwiameam - ' �RGRAPEFRUIT1each Fresh -. SPINACH, 2 lbs.' Uc Watch this space for weekly special FAST FREE DELIVERY * I;lty��t'ti fu v +7�d1��+ar.%�,��5.St@litbiR+�ifiJ,t$a�;.191nd�„%�atrtl,lHriii �t�a,�4�t! K�- e� di