HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-12-25, Page 6r,
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trhe. OW iteMS:.Of 1311,*(04 we On,
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li roorta Of tbe lIntainaVihg;--0,004Mitten
e. 'tend .the reperta of tha env -Orel
';(, 0014. pf ,tiheir Year's work. The grenn.
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s genneelee their
' , - *Onnatryside,
- ,,, Op ferenany
' • ra,S ig yam,
' pen gems the window
,. .., ,
t • Mee pennies
• , t -SIS,- tee, in the
0;6 they burn the
and - ,
eneistmas the
carols tbeough
as they nave
a b.undired Years.
the maeter of the
and throws
far their Pains. .
great country ne.us-
Yule log on the
log, and you mast be easeful end save
the ashes, for they have 'gre4t• power.
-they 0* PrOteet neit egenast ligien
Mug, and if you, arse pita, they should
be put lino your Medicine. Ali the
'evening, till it is,time- te go tti ebairche
the family sit around the open . fire
while ttie Yule -len burns ana roast
eheetnuts-edhedever else ' they do,
thee" roastecheetam4-ad sing then.
fcaneus Noels.
, ,... . • .,
, .
lta y • •
, - •
Cht.istole.s. bal Italy is on the. whole
religious rather then sinter It 'es 131010
stthan 'in. the niatle a dearth, Sestival .
northern .countriee, 'With fasting ano
other religious observan.cee. although
' the obildeen do not have man .
Y 'of the
delights of our yuletide ce , . ,
they still find a, great .deal to enjoy
in the helintay customs of their land.
„_, . . .
ents is thend ill aorthern GetnianY.,
where they have the Yale -clan . No.
body nniewe bow the Yue -clap loolls,
for nobody has ever sees bine but
be has a wee of opening e doer weal'7
everybody is together OIL ClIrietIOSS
eve, end elappSeg -his heeds, . and
throwing In the- presents. one .after
oth a Butte
anether..., keepeothie door open
only a little, so yeti irdve„r seen any
thing but maybe his hand. -
erneeese o. eeen. aewhere IS Christmas
, •
. ea . `
.. ..,:•:.a
:, .„. ,
.n..! l,i,YS
-10 Id no Mite t .e
blood and ria the systein of nononons
impuxities which *cause serious end
... painful ailments such as rheumatism
Th kidh •
and lumbago. . e . kidneys are
quickly- aroused to adieu by the
•of this time -tested prescription
••,t; leadere '0,130 reperted whet bed been
: . .: 4.ithute73..TeneenIlluw.'otheeengiuewlig4.1Torileroeghtte°14elevi.,,:''
gave the hereld from the .Sellent•
Home:, In peened* Miss Seeillie ledeln
prayer and ,a deet bY MTS. Planleaq'
and Mrs. John Ritchie . 0 aPpreelat-
ed. 'rho mission 'study .' _lu charge
of'the -group on the 17th of Grey and..
th-b d Thosetitking were
- e 0M1 arr. • part.
Mrs Dona Buellailelle. ans„ p J. Skimp-
sop,. Miss Snlillie, Mile W.
-,..d ie. , ele
..; 4:t tee en
1..3. 0?4,00.rea.,K::.,:,4,004NuH!-.1LOTt;1.4.10E.:Yr,.
Conte ofockey stom by:Ti. Pt :‘
07*firlitlialn meitiltdern
.414(1, eelegld ef the -14„ 0-11.„„treitt''
''."MartIOnfl",.• prOfneelY. Weer
tinted .and aniteinhst Malian
,ineleea.h.le.timi on..,:hee.Wto PleY ,
the game. '
eelrte''' "
bearth, and serve the Christmas din
titii. Eveinin these great houses the
dilleter. is net all it used to be, hole-
c. . . . •
Noel is the French word for
news, and refers, of course, to
They do not hang their stoCkings for
Santa to fill, rear do "they often. have
naristmas trees • with, sparkling can7
a wonderful family den an .in Galena -11Y
where young and' tad take part to,
gether and for The
KidneYlnielVer ' P 1 1 3..
. Devideon,
Mrs. Roy Bennett and Mese C. Cum,
Ming. Charts were presented etheiv-
lug tne being
(mounired,ferfronsing) ORKAT 'Moon
- Group Montreal ens:omen
Groonles C•aatelieues
even% for the war .has made inallY
the tidings of great joy"
which the
dies and heaps of gifts piled about it,
work each other,
children begin making then gifts for
... __. . .
extent of work tarried
on by the W.M.S. in both the home
er indistkiwil pictureirof;
changes. where epee upon a time a
meal ihelude ta dozen kinds
season brings to
Christendom.It is used for the
for there IS little Christmas giving
their parents and ft care ends. satt'er
and .foreign fieldsMrs
" . -Cumming
Reidy Northcott Paul Haynes
Dave Trader Marty
, Marty Berm
taigh* of
Meat, withswah and venison and
goose, b,eeitles countless other diehee,
day itself,' and for ther, songs
that are stung then, the derols.
an no Santa Claus at all. the day
for the giving of presents comes a
fortnight later,' oh . Epiphany, and a-
New Year's for the coming Chrietneas
an -,.4. are busy the whole year through.
The Christmas tree means to them
conducted the installation of officers:
Hen. pres., '
Mrs. Peter McArthur, Mrs.
D. McCallum; Mrs.
. Rase Bram Pete Kelly •
. 'Earl Rabinson Dive Berr
Bob Grade Worter
, Roy is
Gus Marker •'. "Ace" Bailey ,
that a. Whole village was fed from
'SO •.
the scrape, ewadays you find them
sitting down to the classic roast beef
of- eld England, with turkey and, o f
course, mince pie. '
Every one who can sing the
least bit sings during the Yule-
tide season -they sing on every
possible. occasion., rich and poor,
young men old -on their way to
work, on their way home,
gain at Easter, 'but is seldom -made a
feature of Christmae. •
Defame, to be sure, does occasion-
ally get around on the 25th, but • she
is a- crotchety old woman and not
the mese perfect jay, and just to stend
by and wateh its lights gives them. as
much happiness as the gifts which
come to them from it, .
(Intended for last week)
There passed away at the home -of.
thin brother, John, Goshen Line, Stan-
ley, on Tuesday, December 8th, Henry
McClin,ohtee, in his 63rd year. He Was
pres., Ed. Bry-
tine; 1st viee, Mrs. Leonard Leeming;
d vice 2n
. ' Mrs. P. Shaw; 3rd vice, Mrs. .
Wilbur Turn -bull; treas., MrsWalter
Davidson; see„ Mrs. John A. Coutts;
aest. supply sec. Mrs. Fred Rutledge;
Howie Morena Art Lesiour
. Johnny Gagnon F=ikzeBoutber
Wilt Cude ' ' Burke •
GeorgeMantlis Ale: valley
. • Your choice o f the above to
For a •lahell from a tin of
One thing remains not -hanged,
-the' plum Pudding still conies
, in all '. flaining with its lighted
branden-you caul -del have a
Christmas that felt like Christ-
• mras in England without that
out 'marketing or shopping or
walking about the !house. Their
hearts are se full of gladness
aral rejoieing that then just
have to let it free -1n song,
With the lighting of the Yule-,
log on Christmas eve, She can -
over -generous; she ratan leave them
some candy or , nuts but quite often
just a stick or bit of charcoal, if she
do.esn't like the way they've been be
having. She has a, sad sevey, though,
so one mustn't blame her for not be-
ing. more 0 •
bilging. '
. • .
The Christmas tree teat home
44 Germany, as nowhere else. It •
. Mayenet be very large, but it is .
thea centre of the 'celebration.
On: Christmas Eve, when it is.
lighted for the first time, the
window curtanie are open • so
the youngest son of the late James
and Jenet MeClinchey and ' bad "eat'
all his life In this community. He
nas united in marriage 'to s Miss M.
McIlerainwho passedeaway iii March
M,O. Surviviare four daughters,
Elva, Mary, Jean and. Rutli, Also three
'McCall; sec., Mrs. A. as-
ponate helpers, Mrs. Thos. Leeming;
lit t . M J Mars -hall; t emPer-
era. ure, Mrs. J..,.
ance Mrs. G. lneGavui.; Missionary
. '
Monthly, Miss J. Simpson; Mistsion
,ng Band Supt., Mrs. H. Kirkby; Baby
Band, Mrs: T.• Leeming; auditors, Mtn
John McDonald, Mrs. Nelson
Co. Syrupi-Weite
. . .
on the back your nanie and
, address - plainly' e- and the
words "HoCkey Book" or the
name of the picture you want
(one book Or picture for each
- label). Mail the label. to the
., . -
fiery pudding. i.,
After din.ner, everybady gath-
. ers around a great bowl of rads-
ins over which brandy has been
dies on the creche are Lighted,
too, while' the children sing
their Noels to the little Jesus
She used to live, long ago, on
the 'road to Bethlehem. Oise
night the Three Wise Men stop-
that all may look in and share
its good cheep,
Martin Luther is held re-spon-
brothers and one sister, Jelin of Stan-
ley; James, of Rennin. George and
Mrs. E. Johnston, of Clinton.
eerie Alice Armstrong, Mrs. Wes.
Reid; address . .. ,
finance committee, Mis s Simpson, , . .•RowAva 0 snorm
Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. W. Hackwell.
lying in the manger Every ev-
sible for the first tree, and cer-
poured and. lighted. The game
is to see how- many raisins, you
can pull out of the burning dish
ening .after that they light them.
again until Epiphany eve. Then
ped at ;her door mid asked her
'to go with then:a -to Bethlehem
to carry if td the Holy Child,
tainly the firet modern one was
in this day, the 16th century.
,Cocherline and son, Jack, of Pilot
Mound, Manarrived by motor last.
week and intend
. eeeneeeneeeee
without singeing your fingers,
And, of course", you eat all the -
- raisins you. can salvage.'sprung
they go out down -the road to
meet the Magi, whore they ale
Ways expect, but never find.
But She said she was too busy;
ehe'd go laterwhea she had
finished her 'ewesping. But.
But it goes back into Nordic
.antiquity, nobody knows how
fee, and many . legende have
spending some time
visiting friends and relatives' in this.
. ' .. le
(Intended for last week) ` A prodiet of '
-,Mrs. Ralph Stephenson is 'speeding TheCeNeDASTAR(111cOMPANYLimient
a few days with her -sister at Sea -' TORONTO T.
. ,
•then it was teo late, and so
up about its origin One,
forth. •
• It
now she goes. wandering over
of- prettiest tells hew a
W. •
Most folks get heir presente nowa-
is most important that all the ani
mels -be fed Christmas
the world' looking for the Holy ' oly
forester and his family, sitting
M. S. Meet '
days by hanging- up their stockings,
for the. Christmas tree is found, only
in wealthier , homes. The Christmas
generously on.
.even the birds being supplied with
sheaves of 'grain, but it is specially
necessary to feed the cat Well, for if
Child and giving Whandshe as
to other, child -rem.
before the f1re. on a storniy
'. night, ihe.ard a knock M the .
door and found a little child
(Intended far last week) .
The annual meeting of the W.M.S.
was held in the Egniondville United
The December meeting of the Wo- eliding. The „meeting took the form
men's. Missionary, Society was held at of a debate, "Resolved . that women
the -home of miss Annie Jarrott en bave• dote more for the • benefit
Wednesday This
tree is really not very much .missed,
because it is• not an old English cus-
tom, but was introduced be Prince
Albert, Victoria's German 'consort,
nom his native land. . .., .
Holly and mistletoe there are aplen-
she hid mew, it would bring bad:
luck. Alpo the veeather must be
watched with great, care, ter as the
13 days from Christmas to Epiphany
are so will be tihe 12 Mon-ths of the
.., ,
But even. if there are no Ohristanas
trees, there is something, which every
-ho. Bidet have, no matter how poor
it may be, and that is; a, p-reeepie
This preserrio, or crib, as tit is of-
standing - cold, hungrn
and tired. They took thine in
and -warmed and fed him and
one of the childiren gaye up his
' hed Ilo' him•
Church Thurselay with Mrs. M. Haney
in the chair. Miss- -Mabel Cameron
read the devotional 'leaflet and Mrs.
A. W. Shepherd. took the topic, elnds-
slippery Work in the Villages," -"Mrs.
afternoon-, Dec. 9th., Mrs. mankind than'mem” was a very
Russel Consitt presiding. The meet- iplendid debate and Proved very in --
lag was opened by singing a hymn wine - . It
teresting. The affirmativetake..
with :responsive reading. from Hymn by Mips Olive Walker and Miss. Dori:tel.
747 led by Mrs. H. Turner. The Scrip- thy Thompson; negative by Roy ,..e. h
ture lesson was given -by Mrs. M. _end, James Mustard-. Mrs- • Ilt,l' k!.ien•
ty, but no wreaths in th.e windows.,
as. with .us. The mistletoe should be
cut with a _golden knife if it is to be
used For kissing, otherwise the magic
does not .work -or, at least it isn't
supposed •to. And whoever bears' it
in hem the woods is .protected from?
witchcraft through the whole year.
Mast English of all the Christmas
customs is the Yule. log, though -even
that gone...back to pagan times, when
bonfires were lighted in -honor 'of the
Nurse god Thor. The Yule fire has
always been the very heart of the
holiday celebration,. not only for its
glow and its warmth, but for its mys-
tic power to cleanee. the heart of an-
ye.ax to come -these dtays are called
the Keys to the Weather.
Of course, there is a Ohristmas din-
ner, but while there are usually goose
and ham, with vegetables and dein-
ties, there is no one dish aIS con-
.sidered .specially appropriate to the
day, as there is with us. It is the joy-
ens spirit of the whole season, rather
than any feasting or giving of Pres"
enta, which. mains the Trench Noel
so different from the rest of the year.
• • . -
Sweden_ .
Peace and good them make the
Swedish Yule-nde doubly glad. Fromsentiment
Citaistmes to Epiphany., a good two
ed, • E ' h resents th •
ten call • la nglis , rep ' • e In tne morning the family WAR'
scene of the Nativity.- It may be' jest ..•ened• , ey singing of angels
, the ,
awanta simple little pottery affair, bought and found the child transformed into
for a few centsi at a shop, or it may a radiant being. He to.ok a branch
be a wonderfully realistic'"scene
• from a fir tree and gave it, to them
reaching almost to the ceiling of the Renee. en ..4 ..,.....'
room :whole1 ,• ' -- ------' "'•‘"'s '9 1:11Y gift ii"13
, with a andscapei-green 'Henceforward tine r h 11
• • mountain t is• t ee st a, bear its.
hill, trees, river, rai andfruit at ChristMaS and eou shall al-
farm buildings with elaborately carv- .
ways have abundance." ,••
ed- figures, of people and animals, aot Gathered ' -
around the tree the ettil-
to mention' angels'. Mary tied' Joseph, di -en nowadays singe "Rely Nignt,"
the Three Wise Men and -the she -
P and give each other their presents
herds, the ox -and the ass, and the and recite little verses. winch then
sheep,' they , are all. there, with, per- have learned, to surprise their ea
- -1•••
haps, a highwayman lurking beside 'ents. ' There • is much tenderness aild
e ral . :Tim manger i .
the t; '1 '-s usually left • -
expressed among them all,
"ng when
empty until' Christmas morning , , for the spirit of love is strong at this
the Babe
Presided- during,the elec-
tion of officers which 'resu•Ited a,s
fellows: Hon pres., Mrs. D. Mciren-
Me; pees., Mrs. A. W. Shepherd; vice-
pres., M•rs. J. Allen, Mrs. R.• MeGon,
Mrs M Haney and 'Miss Mabel
" '
Cameron;. rec.. sec., Mrs.- J. Forrest;
corr. sec., Mrs. McQuarrie; Sreas.,
Mrs W F McMillan; Associate Help-.
ei-e see, Mrs. A. Kirk; Missionary
Monthly' sec, • Mrs. las. Stewart;
Strangers ' see e Mrs. D. McLean e tem-
perance -sec., Miss . Tom; Christian
- •
Stewardship sec., Mrs. H. Ohesney,
Sr.; press .sec., Mrs. James Brown;
pianist, Mrs. H. Moore; asst. pianist,
Mr. J. Broadfoot. e
''. '
Tully from. St Matthew 4:23-25, 9:35- ;gave a very interesting talk on the
3a. The devotiOnal leaflet, "Yeses in' -.origination of the song. "When You
the Villages" was given by Mrs. Cop. -and I Were Youage M.aggie," after
WhichMr. and Mrs. Young, in
eitt and Amen Jarrett. Prayer was . cos -
effered and the offering was - taken tume. aang it. Tke Meeting closed.
and the roll called, answered with .6 witida Chrietinas carol and the bane-
'points for Mrs. Turner's • group and dictum. e •
on -
.12 points for Annie danott's t group, . The .Arnold Circle also met M .
'Mrs. Thener's .gripue winning. the con-day eveldng and held the election or
test. witliseiry4 a,. few • r meet-
points. me officers following Meet regular.
study. was taken on "Such -as I have, ing, which resulted as follows. Prez.,
but not 'enough," "The Greatest Hard- .Mtiss Mabel Workman ' vice-pnes.,
ships Winning a Hearbig in Burman . Mrs. Roy Bell; 2nd vice-pres., Miss
- . .. sec. Miss Hannah Mur-
.b.3r Annie Jarrett; 'Near the - .01d Olive Walker; , .
, iin ray; treas., Miss Beryl Pfaff, mite hex
Meabnein Pagoda, Christian' Missal)
and Preventive Medicine" were given see., Mrs. A. D. McEwa3a. •
- by- Mrs. R. Consitt. The officers for The . Christmas- concert of 'Carmel
1937 were reelected for the coming Presbyterian Churchreeill be held in
tmosities and to burn out old wrongs
eel quarrels, old feud's. .
In the. old days, whoever helped
weeks, all quatreis must be forgot, all
feuds forgiven.' The courts are cies-sample
ed and a public crier gees- forth pro-
is' passed about among the ..-
. _ . . and , season.,Then- ever3r one attends a,
guests, prayed to, then p , in • church service; with only the
the crib. Above- the whole scene light nen -the e i
year. Mrs. it. Stephenson will have the
b Town Hall on 'Wednesday wee -
the January -meeting at her. home. Ing, Dec. 23ed, at 8 parr, and that of
The meeting closed the United,. Church Monday
Ira,g the great log in from the forest
would be immune for the rest of the
rear from any spell
'claiming peace 'through .all the land.,
Nowhere is the "Peace on earth, go
Will ei man" more faithfully
there . _ . ca es held- be the
often Ingels or cherubs, worshippers in their •- -
, .. • . .. i. . . t t_.. , pewa, end aften•
and always the star. n some o • he
__cry provinces. mins. ward an exotange of greetings. One
n trels with. hag-.
(Intended for' '
last week) •
S. S. No. 2 School ,Report
with prayer in on . even -
unison. ung, Dec. 21st, in: the school- room of
. the church:- Splendid programs are
of witchcraft, and observed
. spe ial feature of
c -the German Christ-
nele seeing it go past would d•off their than in this little farnerthern cou-n-
Pats to its peace -bringing power. Nev- trn ..
es go from house to house to play
PIP . _ ,. _ mas tirae is the giving of aline..to the
before the preemies and snug carols,. poor.
The following is the school report
for the months ief Noveneber and De-
arranged'. ...
HENSALL ' The Sunrey school of St Paul'e
Anglican Church is prepering. for a
?e• was it quite burnedfor its Good will and good -cheer become
pinned* block Was draSen out Pram the one and the same, an their reign is
ire and seved to kindle that of the not limited to• e, single holiday, es
Shristme,s to come. , , • with Use but lasts from the 24th of
Feasting Was always A great •feature Decemberthrough . rough to the 13th of Jan-
n the Engin& Christmas and. merely nary -one lope round of feasting, les.'
eat to the Yule log in itiportance. iting, singing Mid gaiety. For weeks
a hoar's. head wreathed in bay and befoneliand all the family have been
vith sprigs of rosemary in its eare baking and crooking arid getting ready
vas borne in on a platter held .aloft, for the great meals that are to come.
chile a.„ procession of servatits follow- ... ,..•..
There little cheer the day before •
eerie. _ • . .
t s• ton a is kept as a rigid
k "d
12DI Holy Land
fast;. but on ns mast eye •
a family dinner, at which fish, plays- • -
a Pronlinent part. Afterward there is Christening; in the' Land of the Nativ-
a gay family party, with games and 'tshould,•naturally.
- . . . . , . ._ . . 1 Y one • supposes be
much hilarity, which lasts until: It ni the climax' of all observances' -,There
time to go to midnight The .' • •
mass. one shouldome the finest flowering of
ho celebration; begins with .a can- the Christm- ' spirit,with "' •
as dawh its outpour-
e,,e lighting, at twilight, about the in Of lo manifest in
`."" love an,.. in -hospitality
d there d
p epee, an - ere • are carols, an generous giving. rn bospitalit
comber for S. S. No, 2, Tuckersranth.
These namen marked with an asterisk
heve, missed one Or more examine,
tions. Se IV -Billie Sproat 79.4%,
Donald Dayeaant, Roma Chandler, Es-
cher Dayttian, Marjorie Smith, Ken-
neth McKengfe'; ' Kathleen Schilbe,
race ,ip 1
G S 'tribe. •Jr. IV -Jack • Deitz
70%, Jean Sehabe, wilmer •MacGre-
gor, Eldred Moffat, Joe McKenzie. Sr.
III -Dorothy Chandler 72%. Jr. HI-,
, (Intended for kik week) , splendid Christmas entertainment,
. which will be given. in the :basement
W. A. Elects Officers . of the aural on. Monday evening,
The Women's Aseociation of the Dec. 21st. . .
United Church- held a meeting The many -relatives and friends an•
Thursday afternoon in the school room Miss afore Petty, RN., will regent to'
of ehe. church with a :splendid attends learn hiss been quite seriously' iti 'for
a . - ' • 1-• but t date f • ling
nee. The meeting was presided over several weeks ,a e o writing
by Mrs. Drysdale. Following' de-. we are pleased to -state is improving.
vothenal period-, a • pleasing progrem .Ma•s. Laird mlekle, and son, Billy,
was enjoyed consisting the white have been 'their
el, each with a dish in his two hands.
A meal served in 1560 had- on ita
cern 13 meats amid 19 other disines.
euite tthe moat elegant piece de resis-
ance, however, was. peacock. The bird,
vould have its skin eerefully removed
iefore making, and when ready thr,
able the skin, feathers and all woulng
n laid back again and the beak gild-
4 and stuffed v_nth flaming cotton.
his made really a .gorgeous dish. •
The celebration begins On the•
. .
-afternoon, of the 24th, the. day
before Christmas. •• The whole
'family is assembled for supper,
with the .tree in its corner,
dressed 'but. unlighted' and no
presents on it'. In camas fro-
, ,tle
licking'h Christmas goat to
the vast. delight of all the .chil-
&en. Santa nciesn't have Swe- '
. , y, in the
the children recite little -poems Mat 'gladness of Children and he the cele -
they have 'learned for the occasion. bration of peace on
eoe , .earth. The great
Instead of the holiday greens, wined ideals of Christendom were been in
are never • seen in Italy, flowers are the .-tittafe far -away villa e of B tihl
0 ' e-
used. In, some places there are fire- lIenid bona that ie gth
works in •the public squares'mento e eyes. of,
mien, . How,. then,do keep C.hrist-
No one sleeps at all' the night b '
. e- ms s in the Hely Land? . - .
fore Christmas, for -after mass the Two Syrians from --that nei hbor-
streets are filled: with people walking hood ,were flu •
. estioned, and they both
up 'and down, laughing, singing and said the game thing. One was a
generally enjoying themselves, clergyman, the other
Ronald .enewele Si-'. le-,elda Day-
man; 50%-,-• Gerald Moffat, Ian Chanel-
her, Norma Deity, John seethe 'Olive
S hilb
c e.. Jr. I -Alice Wren, Shirley
Caldwell. Sr. Primert-Jack Cooper,
. Lloyd McKenzie. Jr. PrimerneWarree
Tlietapson, Elinor ilVIcK • Howard
• Dayman• and Grant Smith' (equal).
' r(^-^ . , na'
Lloyd weeper, *Jeanette ,Sproat. -le.
'Broadfoot, Teaeher. . •
- . • '
of follow. Confined to home
lag number -et A -very. interesting talk for some time with illness, are ime
on Christmas by Mrs. A. PlIshie; a PTOvitIg. •
pleasing piano "'sole by Miss Eleanor - We regret•to have to 'report the III-
Fisher and an' enjoyable ChristmasErrol Drunimond of the
ness of Mrs. .,
xeading tdr ,Mes• Drysdale, .followed by village," who .is and has been se- very
prayer by Miss Jennie Murray, The Poorly' for a number Of weeks and it
of officers then -took plece, is the wish of a host of her friends
presided that she May soon regain her ae-
,ox•er by' Rev. A. Sinclair, . ' -
witlethe following results: . Honorary eustomedi good -health.
President, Mrs. S. Mercier; president, - Opens Store
Mrs. M. G. Drysdale; ' Mr. Herold Higgins
den On his route, but the Yule
of the peasan-
vice-president, ' has opened up
-Mince have been served in
pngland for at least 500 years, and
ebody knows bow much longer.
goat, pranked.out in furry robes
and more than frisky, does per-
, . try, but they agreed. Said one.: . "It
, is a church holiday. Little is -made
AUBURN • .. •
. •
Mrs. C. Cook; secretary and 'press a new store in one of the-. Murdock
secretary Combined, Mrs. W. B. Cross;. buildings -on King Street. The store
niere 14 a, tradition that -in as many
buses as you eat mince pie during
e Christmas seas -on, so many happy
months will have in
fectly well, He gives out the
family gifts amid great merri-
. e . of in the homes of the people."
Said the other:" "A third of the year
There are almost as many ways of . .
resents n ig . church holideys. ChristinaS is a
on'es- Christmas• pi
,any as there are sections of the ohurcth holiday." .
,. • (Intended for Mat week)
'Miss ',Margaret nerguson will teach
school in the identity ' of ,Parkhill for
treasurer, Mrs. AS W. E. Hemphill; will be known as the Economy Store,
pianist, Mrs, A. 'Sinclair; assisttant, carrying a stock of dry geode, shoes,
•Mirs. Claude Blowes; Manse commie. ' furnishings and fancy , .
notionra There
tee, Mrs. C Cook. and: Mrs. S. .Merner; will also be a radio. and electrical de -
you the year .to . ,
country, and sometimes there is more
leaders of groups, Mrs. Mande' plowee, partment. ' Harold has acted as a
ems: , „... Then i n come two servants •with a
it eaS a day of feasting for the great kettle in which is the pig's 'head,
illage folk, 'too, as Well' as those in with an apple in its mouth. They lift
tie big -houses, for they got the lett- it out into a platter, -telt before sitting
vers' and had some chance to share down erverybody ,marches -round the
i the geteral merrymaking on Christ, kettle and dipedvread in the broth in
ras eve. Caste barriere were down the kettle -an old rite 'that 'means
than one way in a single section. . .
For .instance, there is Santa Claus,
like the one we know -only 'they call
him SteNticholas, which is a different
form of 'the same name. Sometimes- he
ia mend and red and jolly, but in.
many places he is a rough fellow and
This religious observance een.
ti -es, of course, le Bethlehem a,
small, closely built village, six
miles out of Jerusalem The via
lagers • are Christian, d f .
an .0 a
particularly' fine physical type.
They are all
The Shore Course conducted' in Au-
burn since November 24th, will finish
on Friday of this' week. On-Wedees_.
day afternoon tea wee served to . the
ladies and the girls' work was on
display,. On Thursday eeening the
closing exercises will take the form
Mrs. H." Hilliard 'Miss Katie Scott selling agent for electrical goods since
.and Mts. George Fee. The ladles rlast spring anhas been very sucCess,
e -d
ported a very . successful year in all ul and a show room for his
brandies of their work, business the new store len the result.
.., Harold's many friends wish him wee-
. Hold Annual Meeting . cess in -his new venture. • .
The .` . .
meeting of the
. geed fellowship and friendliness. Be-
The heir, with roses in his shoes sides the pig's head there are fresh
That night might village partner ham, brown beans and cabbage, and
choose.s • .• for dessert a rice gruel with cream,
In the centre of this dish, which is
France . like .a cereal, its hidden a little doll,
and the lucky, finder is sure of being
In France, Christmas lives in the married within the year. While they
wintry, oi• in the smail towns, There, are hunting for it eteole one must make
the children are afraid. of him, for he
carries a bunch of sticks for ,those
who are naughty. He goes around
on his birthday', Dec. 6, to see bew
the children are behaving, and this
keeps them very, very good, until
Christmas, you may be sure.
Instead of St. Nick, there, is often
Knight Rupert, a servant.of the Midst
prosperous from
the sale of the
' rosaries which
they make for pilgrims. There
are several large churches, the
most important, of coursed the
'Church of the Nativity b St
., ui
above the stable where, one is
told, the Son of Man was •born.
of a concert and danee.
Mrs Jahn McLeod is recovering
from a severe infection in her. band.
Mr. Bruce Davidson and Miss Haz-
. el Grimmon, of Mitchell, were the"
'gues't of Ser. James Brundritt the
past week. . .
Mr. Eddy, Mn Howard Bunige and
Norma and laugh, of Oakland, Were
,eneini --
W.M.S. '-
• • , .
of Cannel 'Presbyterian- ()numb was - ..,,,
held on Thursday"n till It ' 'Wins Occasional Chair
'• • . 1 • e se net mien . _ -
With the president, Mrs. C. •S.. Huta The drawing for the lovely' omega
son, presiding. The meeting opened ional chair given by the Jean Blew-
with Psalm selection 108, .• followed Ott Chapter, Daughters or the E "re.
with player ,by Mrs. Hudson. The- took place in the window. of T. W.
nerniture . lesson was read by Mrs. Heath's furniture store on Saturday
Dallas. Following the next beinn, roll night at 9• o'clock. A number of in-,
ether than in the big cities, you nod a rhyme about the pudding. ,• 'Child,
le old customs and holiday feeling After Supper, the tree is lighted' and
ept .alive and stirring in the hearts everybody joins hands and rhareles
I the people. Except in its churches round it, singing. Then father gets
ad its shops. Paris handlY - knows the .Bible and re -ads ' the Christmas
'tete is 'a •••Oleristmas. But in the Gospel, . and they sing Christmas
wren- everybody knows, and most hymns, and no to bed.
who carries his- gifts to other In order to get any idea of how this
little children. In some places theY etable looked one needs to se.e the
will. tell you , just how Knight Rupert , stables in daily use in the villaee, tot
looks -how he is tall and thin, apt1 the one in- the crypt- of the church has
' wears a 'peaked gray cep and a long • been changed beyond' all, recognition.
giny.coet, and drives a voleite horse. Most of the Milifiens are still kept in,
Some people. say he loons like Santa -caves; these
guests -of Rev. H. C. Wilson. -
Me. Robert Fleichalier, of Kitchener,
hardware. cornmerciel traveller, who
has been coming to Auburn the last
forty years, succumbed at his home
on Saturday, • • •
call was responded to by "a. eagges. terested 'spectators sand Meinleers of
tion for New Year'sr'the offering was the Order were on band for 'the draw,.
receieed arid the minutes of the ore- ing, when Master Tonimy - Ife-ath
vious meeting, we read id D drew the lueky ticket. Dick LePpard
Veer On bell' l'fre• f th ama- . s lithe winner, hid' ticket
e o e auxiliary, , _ _, en, . ..,, to be
Mrs. Arnold presented Mrs. en , A., numeerea hot. ..tea proceeds are
Strung with a• junior .life membership used for. charitable purpeses, and the
mecially the children. Early Christmas
caves have chambers
certilleate and two seen for tharitha Chapter are most apprecia•tive
morning' they get
For one thing, that is the day they Up and- go to. church, .for the service
at their presents. Their mothers and is at.5 o'elock. In that
Plaint however. The children are. on opening on to a central court floored
the watch for him a fortnight before with rough stones; in the chambers
Christmas, they
UT 1T . ,
emeeenanieenti —
Jean Young. Mrs: James . Paters&
sang a pleasing solo, followed with the 'splendid cooperation accorded
thenfain their elidealrour."- Mitchell
northern land-
ahem have to wait a whole week it is dark as midnight then, so 'in ev-
)r theta's, till New Year's day, but ery sleigh someone carries ajoft
and put their shoes Or stalls the patient dumb beasts, the
outside filled with -grain for his white ox and the ass and the camel, eating
horse. In the morning they are from
antend'ed thr last 'Week)
The annual
an addrese by Rev, W. A.' Young. The Advecate. . .
reports of the different secretaries
to little folks are visited by . Santa torch of resitious, pine that burns with
haus, who comes down. the ealtrineY a great flare and Fights the way, Folks
IA rots things in. their shoes. Not on foot carry them,' too, and it is a
L their 'stockings, as with us, but in wonderful sight along the snowy
Leir gboes. Every child -knows that roads' leading Into the villages. The.
'he leaves his little sabots -or, if he . service is held by candlelight. After
quite troughs hewn out of the rod
likely to find their Shoes filled with On the floor near 'by, with only a bit
candy, allowing beyond any enema- of straw between them arid -the stones
able doubt that Knight Rupert -has sleep the owners of the animals, roll-
been along • ed in 'their blankets-, It was in such
84.111 another Way of getting pres- a stable, nearly 2000. years agothat
, - Mary and Joseph found
meeting of the W.M.S.
and W. A. of nuff's United Church
was 'held in the school room -of the
church with a large attendance, Mrs.
. Harold Sellers r •
ead the Scripture les-
son• Mrs. John Bruce gave the dev
ti ' t • ee • - ' a ' °,••
onal optic, Jesus en the Vellages.'
were given. Mrs. Young gave the
when -the fol ' '
lowing officers were nom --
report of the nominating committee //el
mated and elected: Hon:Mrs. e
pres., ' ,
H. Arbold; pros., Mrs. C. S. Hudson; (Founded 1885)
. .
1st vi e-pees. Mrs. R. Y, MacLaren; ' LONDON - -• ONTARIO ,
2nd '. c• - '
very Modern, instead of wooeverybody -dee it is over, evebody 'reeks home fast
ices, truly leather
, an
. ,, in. such a rough Stone meager
. ,
vice-pres'., Mr'. Basil Edwards; ' • -
3rd vice-pres,, Mrs. J. Dallas;
ones' - on the as' they can go, for the first one home
?anti the night before Christmas,, he will -be the fine one to .get hes her-
ill ,verake up that blessed Noel Morn- vest in next summer. •
g to fled thetn•liill of candles and, Obtistrtias itself is a, great home day
AS 4144 illt , sorts Of noodles. In the. Siri•th et:other-wonderful feast, and the
ore prespercnis homes there may be Yule cake 'with its -horned ox -head on
iriefitilla. trees, but they are not' so the top. Nett day, the 26th, the vis-
reilltifill ast with us. Irene and feasting. begins, and every-
Ettedenebefor,e Christmas the chin body goes -out serenading everybody
iell-gtrtglitifitta the woods and search else. Tha serenaders. ,are usuallY
f' belie". end greens and lichens with headed, by three men representing
tileili to' Make, beatairal the little time Three Wise. Men, and they carry
01'0 'WRItheY Irarlit h -ave ready a star -Shaped light :held blgb. ahnee
4tenT dor. • This creche, noes their heads. .
if SO. .the Ital$att presepto, te erlib, is ' This Dart of the, celebration lasts
litnite,0400.01t. table nt the. eOrner till the• lath, then down conies, the
.,illie-lf*inge..itnelhA 'T
Cr 0.41atlie°
, 507412'50
1 6 . e
the new-born babe was laid with the
breath of the kine •to' keep him warm.
Quite different from all this. Is the
"stable" ill the crypt of the great
church, with ,Its marble floor, its• altar
decorated with silver wed .gold, ita
walls , hung with priceless tadeestriee •
,ancl its mangier carved trona: wattle.
Ca Christmas Eve -thousands of pee-.
pie Oeme to Bethlehem. walking along
the road from Jerusalem, to attend
the seneices vehieh begin at 11 o'clock
,-, in the church, white -bearded old men,
baba; In antis, whole famines togeth-
'er, cothe front every part of th,e woe
, Id.
' Not ell Can enter' the efriliell ait
of rose end gold. , This I '
s lowered
slow,, Much revenenee, and •then
borne at the head of -a, stately. pro-
ger, •Gregor;
cession to the chapel of. the titan
in the crypt. Leading the processi on
are bishops and are in their
m en"
a • aficent robes; then state officials
in their distinctie .co ' d
0 of priests. '.Follastumes, an
ws long r wing them
come ti y
s man of the toragregation. es-
ca n find standinforam. Erioh one in
the procession g Carries a lighted cam-
die, To nee chanting Of the Pri
they all move toWartir the grotte ebts
' ' . • ve • d - e ' - 1 '
the Nativity, whe the slIv r odd e
site., ' ANNOnercRe Tirs .
Mrs. G. Walker; trees'., Jean
Dmigall; sunply see., Miss M. Mc- WINTER TERM • ,
welcome and vvelfare' Sec.,
. Opening Jalmar3r 4, 1937
J. W. Boilthrone Glad 'ridings
see., Mrs. J. Paterson; Lite -ature and
r ' ' Apprfcation may now be made for
admission to the following courses t-
Librain• -sec., M•rsd W. A. litlacLaren; -
Heine Helpers' see.; Mrs. T. Huclsen; BUS/XESS ADMINISTRATION.'
it H HI' i • M• x SEOREeettnit, OPEICE TRAINING.,
a,siti s . ome e pers sec., TS.. .,. ACCOUNTINn.STENOGRAPRY
Logan; Mite box see., Miss M. Reid; To date this Year.
Di, • . , eie . • employment outer-
anizt, , Mrs. .. A. MacLaren. : The tunities tor graduates have in ed
. closed wee a thymt and 23%, Over the Same period of MSS, We
MYST, neetine. believe this improvement will continue
. 0 and that there is every encouragement
h Sunday Morning, • Dee. 20th, in tor. yoang, cal'eers.eeceie to prepare for busi-
Carnlal Pretebyteriae Cheetah, special nest -• -
i •' •
Chrletimee stervicea With( Sp • - ' antic After the Winter lr
. - ' • erne
ono „wee.. h it. h f .. . . •
v e 0 o r 'abject "The
'f- '
v ,,,,,
,... ,
' ..,•;1,
here /Mist bo er tree, and iihrbittnao is otter, Bat Ma
de hate -inane traaa abid, a, holiday enetteneenetitelo 1114011 More
' .. tiet OM Wilieile1/Iney, 0 the far neither& amilark4 than
.- .- . ,,,3•.
'' , ..41*..thrfliveliftit lot; tdtsylitio*. beniatie, tOf Afritly thaa it
' .' Ilk tbr it'ke tit' tike•liettlitifill iiligibiig ighlikatice '•
et, • ,y :. 4 ', e nit,' ' . • :.:,.' . . . • . ' i
' ' h IrliateeneSSlie.endeerdt With ticitteetiiiWetottteo mid :gem',
'' -q4404f14.-hiAtiVncliat.,AtkIMPtiele the-oettit#-0,
:,1,,!;141.4;Mi',?':-•.': ' ' '' ''. **Ai* Vatieitt .bi the, ttititithtt. et
• - " - ' '41''''''.44it,i4kiltii;•0040114WitantOk-. - ' ' •
teaUlEll, Vette CON.DUCTED,
ROOM stitEL-85. Wrili OMR
mot Port. reLOgn
' - , ' • ....., • .,„„, .
. leott. A OE Lett ivilott
MOM' iflig0t 0* Witaiteadtdo
. . ,, ., .
. " ' '
• go a .sittlea of services Is held ^
At midnight the ratteic ceases for a
Meinent, and thre ' Sling of the he s•
Pe 1
.10 heard, Then. thhie organ.. tolifi ont
• the Marla Itt Intaelaka and e., etrftitin
. k '
, kl draten eillide, entreating alethee the
, diette,o,A *Wei. cradle With the Witoi-
, en .eSigk 0 an iniftint,. Cleated: • lit
' IlSnitlfitk 146" It" 134414 till 6.tie 4)*
iii laid oh the altar eith greet Selene
nity, There it • tamales for a week,,
. .
,.carefUlb' guarded, • -- ' .seridee
- '• s ' •' ' 0 al ' " ''. '' •
Illat 1 the dwelt til . Verilion of , tete,.
00 etory teld in a few Words by Luke:
- Afitl sale *Ought &rift her Arid
bob, doll; gild *ego/101.1E1ft itt . -
tjwitidittio '01otheel, and laid ' blin
iii. tt mitittioi toOtitige.ittere 'i0Sjirrio ,. , hiet
' ' ' ' -
- sa a's - - .- , elegies tee ferined, the figitt
Light Of the WorkliN by the Miator, date tipoitt. which students
er. W...A. Young. At the evening will be admitted it Maich 2N
the Choir Will preettlit a eat; ' . • O. ,
• • ' ' ' •• '
"N tivit a Ch " -
. a • r . rist. . 'W. r. iktaiabell, Piliteipel '
. , . . W.,T.,,beecibowe,ithete.
' ' Youno People Debate . ' ''. . Videndtielgail
• . - . ,, ti- • ,
. . . 1
Tho tontErl?'-ebtReoof earittet 'till+. oft s, il.REP ntilkg,,,'W,'60-#00*18:0MT ; '
4.4itentdit$4#eithig litillia'nel i •1 . :: .".;''' ' ,. .;'`,y,,,,',.'„ .... ..p,..J1.,.F—.., ,' .. ;,, .:'. '
rep ,,i 0 ,>',,,,..1,,,,,,, ',A. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' ''..--,!eva,..„,,,,,,',,,,,,. .•.,-, „. , , -
bk4.0.,pokk i+!..•k.,:11:,',,, /4'4 ',..,iitht•f0,,...:,,, , 1:4 ,,,' ,,•-•; 0 0 • .0 .,0: Auk :4,1.. ,•• ...•. .. .. '
, . , .. ,.
. , „ ... , . . . -C
. '.-.., '
• •,'0•.;