HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-12-25, Page 4• OT 4 4b; 714'. • ,4 4.t, • '3 Wanted' ertoleee WANTED-1NQ., 1 CAST IRON SCRAP IN de= of 100 pounds or over, delivered to plena at. BELL E, & T. CQ., LTD. 3603-1 f1asSi404 Ads will be inserted at nevi, kW' cash rates: soe. 'rented, Lost end Found, CoMing Went". 1404 --Per Wad; 1st week . 1 Cana . • , 2nd week a % Cent . 3rd week % 00za Minimum cherge, first insertion larch figuee, initial and abbreviation count) em MO WOrd* r ' 113141eas efeThentio, In Remora= Notices --1 cent per word- Manimum. 50 mobs per week. • Enrol** may be directed to a Box Number, care of The Huron 04 imbue, for 10 mute • ee cents seeeeeleal per week will be charged ft ads in above caasis arre moot paid by the • Saturday night in the week in which the ad was run. • Shahs, Marriages and Deaths ineeated free of charge. • Auction Sales; Notice to Creditors. Etc.—Rat'e on aPPleratien. e Notices VOTICFf—I WOUJeD APPRECIATE VERY much anyone seeing me the Tour Oompe- ration amnions given on the front .page of The Globe and Mail until the contest. clouts. and vjfl refund postage for mailing them to me. IRS. L. G. FEW, KiPron, Ont. • 3608-1 NOTICE VILLAGE OF HENSALL COUNCIL REQUEST YOUR CO -OP - elation by not feeding the Transients, and , they =11 at your door kindly send than • te the Town Hall where they willbe looked eater by the proper authorities. Please corn - Pie afila this request. c By er of the Council. JAMES A PATERSON, Relief Officer. 3603-1 NOTICE "ing of the said. By-law. Any Person who i "claims that his land wild be prejudiciaely affected by thia 'Byelaw and Who applies to "be heard will be given the aPPoreunity to "set forth his claim to the Council at 8.00 epere of the said 11th deo. of January, 1937, "at the Town Hall in the said Town -of Sea - forth, In the easenle of any objection, the "Conseil may pass the said Byelaw without "further notice, • . "DATED at Seaforth azember, 1936: "HAYS & MEIR, Solicitors. this .16th day of De.2 abliN A. WILSON, Olerk. 3602-4 • Personal TWO-WAY ACTION ON THE KIDNEYS, 'antiseptic and invigorating. Rumacaos attack the muse of Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lianhaglo, KEATING'S DRUG STORE. 3603e1 Card of Thanks Residents of the Village of ma. ANT) MRS. THOMAS SecKAY WLSH • era to thank Dr. MeMaseese and the many Hensall friends, •altre the teacher and 'pupils of S. S. No. 8, for their kindness to our, son, Stephen.' lesEPORT OF • THE BOARD OF HEALTH during his recent illness in Scott Memerial ' aa for 1936. --Number of births, 6: meroher Hosai;bale 3663ea of deaths, 12; communicable diseases: Ger- man measles, 343; measles. 15; mumps, 25;° MR. AND MRS. ROY LAWSON AND scarlet fever. 11; septic sore throat, 1. " Marion desire to express their sincere Water Supply—Number of wells in the mun- appreciation for the many kindnesses shown icipatity, 260; number of samples for exam- them during the sickness and death of Mrs. heath" .19; number of unfavorable Lab: re- ' Stewart; also nee' the flowers and those who Porte, 16, The general condition of the via loaned cane 3603x1 lege water supply is not good. Milk Supply , —The ,Dosrd of Health is pleased to report . that the milk supply is greatly improved, as both the herds, that of W. Green and that' of Mrs. M. Rovrcliffe, app entirely free from " Tuberculosis and Bangs disease (Undulant rIFTY ACRE FAIIM TO RENT IN HUR- Fever). a' on County; A-1 buildings, well equipped Ir G. &MILLIE, M.D., • .,, !stable; good location; land in A-1 condition; • Medical Officer of Health.' •Hydro: 5 rods from Public School and Con- -•36034 tinuation School. Apply to Box 96, EX- POSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 4599x1-tf FOR SALE OR' RENT—HOME a OF THE Township of McKillop late A. A. Cotobill. Winthrop, 5 eriles north of .Seaflorth: furnace, Hydro, "bath- reVIE 'ANNUAL MEETING OF THE RATE- room, water pressure; steel barn, hen house; a payers of the Township of McKillop for 5 acres, small fruits. Apply MRS, A. the nandfnabian of candidates for the office of CAMPBELL, 938 •Mt. Pleasant Rd., Toronto Reeve and Cormeillons for' the year 1937, will 3601-3 be held at Winthrop Hall on Monday. Deeem- ••ber 25th, 1986, from 1 to 2 o'clock p.m. - . If more persons are nominated 'than are • required to fill the severest 6ffiees a .polit • be held on Monday, January 4th, 1937, be- • * tween the hours, of 9. a.rn. and 5 p.m., at the FA *OR SALE ,-- LOT 10, SOUTH follovrieg 'Placer: • Boandary Concesision, Stanley Township, • Poll NO. 1---Jermee Carlin's House. Lot 10. Huron• County, 1,00 acres, under cultivation; Con. 5; James Nolan, rate.; William Ma-- good brick house, bank barn, drilled well, }onev, water in house and been; rural mail and Poll 'No. 2—Joseph Hogg's House. Lot 25: telephone; 10 acres in ifali wheat; Ploughing Con. 4; Ross Murata D.R.0-; Mrs. George done, Terms easy. Apply its JAS. SWAN, Eaten: P.C. Brumfield. •• 3600 -if • Poll No 8.-4oseple Smith's House, Lot 10, 'Cam, f; Bemnewies, aeleCe.; Elmer FARM FOR SALE -115 ACRES OF GOOD • Dennis, P.Q, land, nearly all under cultivation; new Poll.., No. 4—School House No....7, Lot 26, barn 30x50; hay barn 20x75: frame house. • • Oon. • 12; Wm. Somerville"- D.R.0.; Rural mail and telephone. Near market and • Dundee, P.C. • schools, Apply to JOHN L. TASKER, R. 2. • JOHN. lacNAY, Clerk. . 3602-2 Seaferth • 3601-4 Nomination Meeting Notice, To Creditors ' Township of Tuckersmith • NCE 15 .liEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT .to the statutes in that., behalf, that all persons having claims against John Steve date of the Township of Tuekersmith. County la Huron, Fanner, who died on the 5th day of December, 1936, are required 'to sexed to the undersigned Seliciter; for the Eveentor. full particulars., in writing and verified by affidavit of their' claims and the nature of securities, if anye held by them, on or before the 2nd day of January, 1937, after which date the said Execetor will proceed to dis- tribute the •assets of the said deceased, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which he then obeli have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 11th day of December, 1e36. For Sale or Rent NOMINATION MEETING Fa'rins For Sale • THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ELEC- a' tors of the To -warship of Tuckersmith for the nomination of candidates' for the office of Reeve and Councillors for the year 1987, • will be held at Walker's 'Hall, Brucerfiedd, on • • Monday, Dezember 28th, 1836, from 1 to 2 p.m. If a pleli be necessary,such poll shall • be =erred on Monday', Januay 4th, 1937, be- tween the how% Of 9 a.rn.. and 5 p.m. at the following places, and 'by the following • • effacers: No, 1—At Fienagenee Sthere, Ddt.O., Harry ' Stewart: Clerk; A. Finnigan.- • Nb. 2 --At S. S. No. 8; D.E.A., Edward Brown; Clerk, J. P. McLaren. No. 3—At S. S. No. 4, D.R.O., Joseph • eaCterk, Fred Pepper. ' 4 --At S. S. • No. 3; Themes Chapman; Clerk, J. W. McIntosh. No. 5—S. S. No. la D.R.O.. R. •D. i 'Clerk. M. Traquaire No. 6 ---At S. S. No. 9; D.R.D., William Sinclair; -.Clerk, William Martin. ' • p. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. 8601-8 • : NOTICE lal'O'TDO.Is leaREDY:.. -GIVEN THAT' IN „ea"' pumuance Of the provisions of the Morn- .eicipal Act, R. S. 0., Gap. 233: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth has read a first and second time*. ,the .fol- lowing by-law; TOWN OF SEAFOETH By -Law Number 878, 1936-7 . By -Law for closing and stopping up "part • of a highway im, the Town of Sea- . "forth, and for leasing or selling the soil "and freehold of the part or parts of high. "way to eased up. "WHEREAS it iseprovided in, the Muni- "eipal Act that the council of every munici- • aparlity may ease by-laws for stopping up any "bilehoway or vitt( of a highway and for leas- • "ipso or selling • the soil and freehold of a 'Istarrpol,urp highway or part of a highway: -AND, WHEREAS it is deemed advisable ."te• SLOP IV. and olose the part or - parts of ethee rchrway or street hereinafter described; • aladee THEREFORE, the Council of the "Corporation of the Town of Seaforth en - "'acts as follows: . • el. In this By -law: -- • "(a) 'Council" shall Mean the manicie • "pal council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth. -"the Corporation Of the Tewn of Seaforth. "(b) "Clerk" elieL mean the Clerk of "2. lam hereinafter described part e of the "highway ' shall be stopped trop and closed. "The said earth to be closed are described as "follows "All and Singular those certain parcels or 'tracts of land, situate, lying and beinig in "the Town of Seaforth, in the County of flair= end Province of Ontario,' and :being "composed of those portions of Market "Square, Jarvis Street, and Market Street, • .aat the Intersection of the said streets more "particularly described as Arnow's: "Thistly, that portion of Jarvis Street, "114.84 feet along Jarvis Street by a depth acre isa' feet abutting on pant of Lot 115 "Mei Lot ; "Secondly, that portion -of Jarvis Street, "114.84 feet along Jarvis Street by a depth "of 462 feet abutting on Lot 110 end Part , "of Lot 111: ' "Thirdly, that Portion of Jarvis Street, • "114.84 feet -aloeg Jarvis Street by a depth "of 46.2 feet abutting on Lots 98 and 99; "Fetotlee, that uneklen of Jarvis 'Street, "11.4.04 feet *long Jarvis Street by, a depth "tof 46.2 feet abuttifla on Lots 1.29 and 130. . • "The whole res shown: on Jfervie' Servo' of "Met of the Tower a Seaforth. "EL This Byelaw shall be eernsidealti at a "meeting of the Council to be held. at eight • "e'cildelt in the airte'rnoon Cf the 11th Clay of "Jaentery, 1987. "4. A notice of this by-law and of the Said "locating shell be advertised it * .fteateeruper 'tddllihred Satefeeth, Mace each Week for speedirrive weeks. •4'6, ft, este frith AO of Jisnuaty, •r111/81 klutirrAt person or by tiObluild" r, .or *tent, uttsr per- lAt land WO be- Pie& Vila *Arai* and Mier . - r'littly, 'to* .00 vide, ,tettood mo.040104 tit." feta' .(toitor *Ii ibinc Onfh, rittril.eddtdaribte,, • fdati b, t: 4 HAYS & MEM, Seaforth and Hensel', . elicitors, for Executor. 3602-3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT to the statutes in that behalf that all persons hiving elaienis against Michael Joseph Beaninger, late of the Village of Dublin, County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 10th day of August,' 1986, are -required to send to. 'the undersigned _Solicitors for the Exeeutrix, full parteculars in writing and verified by affidavit,, of "their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, heldoenothem, on or before the 2nd day of January, 1937, after which date the said Executrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets Of the said de- ceased, having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have had, notice. DATED -eel Seaforth, Onterio, this 11th dsp of December, 8936. , HAYS & MEIR, Seaforth and Hensall, s - Solicitors for Executrix. 8602-2 MOTH% 115 HERESY GIVEN, PURSUANT a' to the statates in that 'bealf that. all Persona having claims against August Wankel, late of the Township eff Tuckersmith, County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 28th day 'of October, 1936, are required to send to ,the undersigned Solicitors for the Exeeptrix, full Particulars in ,writing and verified by ale - &ova, of their claims and the• nature of the sectiritiert, if any, held by them, on or before the 2nd day of January, 1937, 'after which • date the said Executrix will proceed to de - tribute the peseta of the said deceased, having 'regard only to the claims of which she then shall have had notice. DATED at Seafoeth, Ontario, this lith dee of December, 1936. HAYS & MEIR. Seaforth and Hen:mile ' Solicitors for Executrix. 3602-3 •MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT ▪ to the statutes in that behalf that all persons having claims against Joshua Asiston, late of the Town of Seaferth, Huron Connty, Retired Farmer, who died on the 13th day of 'September, 1936, are required to send to the • undertsiemeel Solicitors for the Executers, frill particulars in witting and verified by affi- davit, of their claims and the nature of the eecurities, if any, held 'by them, on or be- fore the 2nd day of January, 1937, after Which date the said Executors will proceed to distribute' the assets of the said deceased, having regain) only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED AT SEAFORTH, Ontario, this Ilth of December; 1933, HAYS & MEIR, Seaforth and Ilensall, Solieitors for Executors. 3602-8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANI4 to the state= in that behalf that all Persona having clams against Robert Alex- ander Canipbell, late Of the Township of Mel(illop, Huron Manny, Farmer, Who did on the 5th day of .luly, 1986, are required to Send to the undersigned Solicitors for the Executors, full partaleularS in Writing and. 'veiifled by affirlanirt, of their claims and the e of the teetorittet If our held by than, On or Wrote the Lgad Arty -of JatitutrY, 10074 Itiditet *Melt; lige ma raial Exeeeliabla eaR ere& *Oa diatillinter the Waste a the said' ter. WAIrorti, frovirikpotetterott out the elohey. of *Rat Olen a13t4, bead had *Alen Sattonh, tikifutetl, 11th dee 'sit 'tlier4'10.84k & sittttfr • Help •Wanted _ W AdNIT 41d — ORGANIST AND CHOIR " Leader foe Duff's United Church, Wal- ton. State wages. Apply to S. JOHNSTON. Walton P. O. 1160e.2 Articles For Sale FOR SALE—SEVERAL NEW CUTTERS, our own make, Portlande and piano box with' auto seals; 1 used Portland almost as good as new, repainted, ready to run. We make sleighs, wagons., wheelbarrows or Way - thing in the line of woodwork, also; all kinds of repairing. Dell and see us for 'same. W. M. ELIGILL, Manager, R. 11, 2, Seaforth. 3603-1 Auction Sales MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE.— ' Undoer....are by 'virtue of' the powers of sale contained in a, certain mortgage which will be produced on the day of sale, there will be offered for wale "by public auction on the premises on Wednesday,' December 30th, 1936, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fol- lowing real estate: Lots 14 and 15 on the north side of King Street, Petty Survey, in 'the Village' of lieensall, County of Huron. On the above property is situated a. frame build- ing in excellent repair, suitable for store or office, and a dwelling. The property is cen- trellY located. Terms of Sale ---,10 per cent, ,of the par - these price on the day of sale; balance with- in 30 days thereafter. Other conditions made known On the day of sale. Far further particulars apply to' Frank Taylor, Aturtioneer, Exeter, Ontario; J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor to the Mortgagee, Exe- ter. Ontario. 3601-3 A UCITION SALE OF FARM ETOCK AND Implements. -0., H„ Elliott bee been in- igtruieted salt by Publie auction on Lot 7, Concession 7, leackersinith, On Wednesday. Tieceenber 30th, at 42.30 p.m., the following: Horses -1 agrioultural mare 9 years old; 1 agricultural mare '1 years old; 2 aged mares Bummed to be in foal. 'Cattle -1 grey Cow 3 yeast old, due to freshen March 10th; 1 grey cow e years old, ,due to freshen March 15th; 1 black cow, '7 years old, due to freshen March- 16th; 1 roan cow 4 years Old; due to fresben Manch 19th; 1 roan cow B yeast old. due April 144th; 1 red heifer 3 years old, due March •25.th; 1 brindle cow S years old, due 'April 4th; 1 red cow,' 6 years old, due May '6the 1. grey cow, 7 years old, due May 7th; 1 ether rising three; 5 steers 'and heifers ris- ing two; 9 steers and 'heifers rising one. Bogs and Fossd—i son'; 6 pigs 8 weeks old; 100 R. Reck Ilene; '2 'ducks • 1 (hake. Imple- ments -1 Massey -Harris .bider, • 7 -foot cut; 2 aftweee-Hafais mowers, 5 and 6 -foot cut; 1 roiling cloulter plow with skimmer, .newe 1" ROssey-Harris side rake; 1 hay loader; 1 steel rake; P3 -foot: 1 single furrow riding plow; 2 walking plows; 1 McCortnieleDeering maniere spreader•, 1 Massey -Harris 'disc seed drill, 18 run; 1 stiff ec;oth cultivator; 1 spring tootlh cultivator; 1 disc, 12 plates; 2 sets harrows; 1 harrow cart; I land roller; 1 hay reek and stock tack; 1 corn cultivator; 1 Gilson ensilage box,' 10 -inch ; I MaeseyeHar- ris 8 H.P. engine; 1 Vessat 'grinder, 18 -inch plate; 1' Massey -Harris pole saw; 2 straw cutting boxes; 2 fanning 41.1.D3'; 2 root pig- pen; 1 Melette cream separator; '2 one-horse mufflers: 2 wagons ; S truck wagon; 2 sets sleighs ;2 cutters; 2 buggies.; 1, double baggy; easels heavy backbend harnessi 1 set rbreeoh- ing (new): 1 set double driving harness ; 1 set single harness; number of collars; saddle; 200 bushels of oats; quantity of hay; 6 bassi of potatoes; 100 _8/panda stork food car. ropes . and pulleys:: 1 set stales, 1,006 1.1#4, number of. 18 -inch cement tile; number Of. 12 -inch tile; 4 12 -foot stringers: wooden silo steves, 16 feet; quantity of luenleer; 2 obeltee 2 grindstones; 1 vise: carpenter tools, house- hold furniture, whiffietrees, neckyokereeforks, chains, ere. Termar—.0ash. MONTGOMERY PATRICK, Executor Estate of John Story; G. -H. Elliott, Auctioneer, •3602-2 Births MACKENZIE—In Georgetown, on December 13th, to Mr.. and Mrs. Sam J. Mackenzie, • (nee Margaret Cardno), a eon --John Alex- ander. Public School . . (Continued from 'Page 1) D—Kenneth Hart, Joyce' 'Cutting, Lorna Dale, Aubrey Baker, Betty Dun" lop,, Donald'a Hawkins,, pose Mont- gomery, Jack Praiser, Billie Bragger. Missed Examinations—Harriet Rus- sell—Maude M.'llartry, Teacher. ROOM IV A—Doris' Ferguson, Donald Thorne, Annie Wood, Billy 'Sproule, Edna Gal- lop, Har'old' • Ross, Donald Munn, Louise Case, Wallace Hollingsworth, Lenora Habkirk. • B—Eleanor Wea,Vet, Jack. Mekins, John Edler, Bobby Humbey. 0—Doris Eisler, Joyce Wilbee, Bet- ty Clarke, Richard F'fliin, Donald Mc- Kay, Beverly Beaton, , D—M'ari'on Makin', Fralter Swan, Clarence Reeves. Missed- Eltaminations—Gordon Son.—Mary, Bell, Teacher. • • ROOM V• A—Buddy Smith, Donald Smith, Betty Montgomery, •Bobby Willa/gag- worth..and Donald' MacKenzie '(equal), Ronald Savauge, Harold Knight, Luel- la Hopper, Jack Little, Helen, punie, Fred. Weed/nark, Walter Boswell, B—Nell Beattie and Rhoda Beacom (equal), Margaret Burke, Jean McMas- ter, Jack Hudson. • C—Peggy Trapnell, Helen, O'Dell, Edna. Praiser, Bruce Dupes. D—Finlay Ross,, Bobby Knight, Ken- neth Swan, Charlie Ye/loc.—E. H. El- der, Teacher. ROOM VI • • Primary A—Ivan BeacOrii, Billy Munn, Ken- neth B,ogg, jack Weedmark. B—Ronald Pullman. Sue Nixon, An- na Dupee, John Gramonett. • C --Mae Clarke, Lois H'oggarth, Max- ine Dunlop. ' D.—Rlith `itilibee, Cecil Humbey, Ross MontgomerY, Howard Weir, Ronald Dolmage, David Muir, Joyce Bro'ad'foot. Missed Examinations—Jean ,Fraiser, John Robert MacKenzie; Peggy Wil- lis.—Rath Thompson, Teacher. 4'4 4" oar reIA-' or"e...f.) '"."',S""4 TY. Yy. 14. AMU-, I /lb' 'r I ( I -(4( ',b.. k;f• Not in the sense of custom, but with a genuine appreciation of our pleas- ant association during the past year, we extend to you and yours our best wishes for an old-fashioned MERRY CHRISTMAS CHRISTIE'S Meat Market Phone 58 SEAFORTH ....A "r• , . • rn' / a ts.t: r 1,1t.- P itr- 1 Jr,- r "At br.. *54 1.4 • b •;‘,.. 14, .''9' b. '4'.'9 .444 b‘14, b. b.. • be. • . . * ' • -..- —‘1111,,,* . . -. * * t#'" 4r-'• mg: . f-- E- 4,-..:. . • Ir 4- r ' i7-1.-• C' WI ..40,00% ,ZI linb 1111',..'"p!,;74,111:11 . ' 4 ' '' an- • )P.I. ''''-7" ./ ' - ,- 'WI .4!' \ 0 .oe el .ore o -7;,..• i • , , .., . , 1,, .., ' ' " ''.. irk- "••-tr.l.'0 •••7" ...- __..e. ,...... • jpr4'. • .;•• \v.*. - ...., To all our customers and, friends at this joyous -Christmas time we wish to you and yours a Bright and Merry Christmas CRICH'• S • Bakery and Confectionery • • , Phone 34 • Seaforth rro.,•, • :pi cr.," 513 iktrtratrAVAVIVVVVVVVIIIIVVVIntaa „ Aits oCsI,„ leo aro e ,ista ,71 r:"1" e rate e're aer, rate 11 Co ,late 4/1 4,44 THE PERSONNEL OF :44,:r$. GAR A. GE. WISH YOU AND YOURS MAY 1937 HOLD FOR YOU EVEN GREATER iOPPOR'TUNITIES THAN THE YEAR JUST CLOSING ! • a see ,'-4 ,e.tr aet --4. oel• 40 pages of valuate -1e and practical infoinotion that will earn extra Profits for you • written by •Poultrymen for Poultrymen. FEED DEALER ROE FEEDS sold locally by:. HOLMAN & DAVIDSON, Winthrop. W. E. KERSLAKE, Seaforth. L. SC HILSE, Zurich. IRVINE WALLACE, Blyth. , 9, E. KYLE, Kippen. ALBERT TRAVIS% Walton. THOS. D. WREN, Mensal,. "11., bs• tr.,br Irei; ear r„.; :r I r..ti rob r- ,,tris eta • .oef., ea, ree etO maaaanazotaugartamittmattaftautrw .1( thee ;ea, ear eta ea. ear fe" ,rr•-• , ritt, MOW our assets we number one which cannot be measured in dollars and cents—your ' friendship and goodwill—and so tthis Holiday Hardware At this holiday season we feel deeply grateful for the consideration extended to us in the past year and take this opportunity of wishing you and yours A Very Merry Christmas 'GD. Ferguson : Seaforth fr,11. , , ' rr•-•- •r•-, o o e-eio oar eesieeeiwerer , eel, ea: ra• eel. fee ece, a • a. e A MERRY 'CHRISTMAS At this season of the :year we pause 'to thank our patrons for, their assistance cesifut business and Christmas. \tie * cii 04T-TNtV f*.r ill • rammigilita 'AMI in the pursuit of our sue - to wish them all a Merry. Smith's She Store Seaforth .• Ontario "",• ";": ;,• I Season we extend to-- pou and pourS our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and all good things' tr for the coming New Year. et- , ir‘tk e*Er ;"4.tr re*E. • dooaLWishes to you This Christmas 66a8611. We are ' saying it in perSon to all whom we Can se. And to be sure that we have not miss- ed anyone, we here and no*end our - very best wishes to you for a very Merry Christ nd the best of health. Ifl51E STORE r r; r r-• r,t r: - '• • .: • r. • .4I5; ;44 4-1 • • ,tt,.t,t1.;;; •.1 ;;AgilitIti4C4 • kre