HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-12-18, Page 8ii u xi r 1' i Vi•�t-"'' nr'� <V �r r .Y i y Irl til tubi{, 1tc�y�xrpry f'S ilk 4i clungoiE QSITQJ. • til '.J 1 F euRi$TMAS'IWITH•" 1-1taveres, ONE POUND TIN 43c wag-:foitowedi ya:tail "pierl of. lrpray- err by Maw. Barely Miss Lavaleenee and Mrs'. I,aiarg, 'Alm Carmichael Men rendered a beautiful solo; "We Would. See Jesus,'{ sbe was asewmpanied:-ou the pja4o by Mesa C. A_ Barber. Miss XLawrence then to* charge of the meeting, which was in' the form of a debate, "Resolved that the Dominion Boatel of the W.M.S. should set aside more missionaries for' th ; work .of rural evangelism, botth lana Canada and in the foreign, fields, even though its total budget cannot be tam -eased! and this may peen the withdrawal of anis.* slonariea and funds from tns'titutione• and from'work in larger centres." The affirmative was taken by Mrs. Laing and Mrs. W. Webster, the negative by Mrs. Barron and Mrs. Grieve, It HAW'ES' LEMON OIL 23c 12-ounee battle 32-011NOC' BOTTLE' 53c• 25e Polish Cloth MIXED C4NDY 2 poundar ��c CREAM ALMONDS 25C MAPLE CREAM- 18c .at D CRISPE'T`]:'E, Assorted 'half Pound MIX NT,F; '',-No peanuts PEANUTS - pound SALTED PEANUTS 2 pounds MINCE MEA'C pounds 15c 20c lac 25c 25c t)RANGES....25c, 30c, 40c, 50c doz. MASTERS FEEDS are leaders, so try 'Masters. • A. C, Routledge Phone. 166 NEWS OF THE' TOWN Announcement.—Mr. Robert Mur- doch, of $rucefiekl, announces the en- ,gagemeet of ,leis daughter, Jean! Fish- er, to Mr. John D. Cairns, of Staffa, the marriage to take place early in January. Christmas Services At St. •Jamesl' Church.—High Mass will be sone, at Midnight, on .Christrna.s Eve by the pastor. Rev, Father T. P. Hussey. The, Christmas sermon will also be deliv- ered by riev. Father Hussey. Begin- ning at 11.15 'p.m. Christmas carols will be sung by St. James' choir and during the Mass "Battman's Mass in F" with Farmer's "Gloria in 1:J'xcelsis Deo" and: Novello's arrangement of "Adeste Fide1•es:" Low Masses will also be celebrated at 9 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. on •Christmas Day, Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. ---Mrs. Jobe, E. Daley .was elected president of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church on the resignation of Mrs. E. Bell on Tuesday ‘evening. Mrs. 1W. .McKellar presided and led in the opening prayer. Miss Belle Campbell read the Christmas Bible lesson; Mrs. M. R. Rennie• end Miss H. Murray sang a ttuet and Mrs. G. A. Ballantyne played an tinsttumental; Mrs. F. Mc- Donald read the Glad Tidings Pray- er. Mrs. Jas, F- Scott, of Thornton Hall, t:ld: a delightful Christmas story entitled. "Gold, Frankincense end Myrrh." The annual, reports "were read and proved very satisfac- tory. The installation of .officers 'was conducted by Miss S. I. McLean, and the meeting was closed .with the bene- diction. Northside W.M.S. Hold • Meeting.— The regular monthly meeting of the Va.M.S•. of Northside United Church was heidt in • the basement of the church cu T ursday Dee...10th. The aneetin r was opened be singing a hymn: prayer was offered by the pres- ident, Mrs. Laing, and the roll was called by the secretary, M s. Finlay• son. Mrs. Reid, Captain of Circle u, took the devctional part or -the meet- ing. The theme was "Jesus in the Villages,." . A hymn was sung and Mee Reid.- read the • Scriptu.re lesson. Mae. Crich .read the devotfbnal leaf- let, "In the Footsteps of Jesus." This Insurance Having Purchased THE ,INSURANCE business•, of the JOHN RAN - KIN AGENCY' from the Guar- anty Trust Company, 1 solieit a continnanee .Of your esteemed patronage. All insurance records, etc., bare been transferred to my of- fice and'• -any information will be gladly given. M. A. "REID, Prop. " WATSON& REID Phone 214 : • Seaforth specialists in . All Kinds of Insurance. • '4>O'0000000000 ° S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE O 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 'i'` . -0 0 4 S. T. Holmes, residence, 0 <> Goderielr Street, West; phone 0 •0 loo. 119-W. Charles Holmes'. 0 0 residence, Godericb Street, 0 0, ,iEaat •' phone No. 308, O �Ambuiance Service 0 0 • u, Night calls, Phone 308. 0 4y &t' • • •fil:ay culls, Phone 119-J. 0 •Charges moderate. 0 1/y *CS'Oo 000©t - Ri• t '4 1'i Hy CW .B0X" F�Lrlfl "hilt,.• ,SE,i'IVICE O, .1,14'4104'j I il•Ibalnler • Cy' Service O ' tylbeiritt l iSe4 4 +. O 11 'htifl�i Rife i".aetllei aper- a • ler• rdtit 4.. was decided in favor of the negative Tlhe oIllering was then talaen.Mora:, s:. Laing presided over a short business •part of the meeting, it was decided to hold the annual meeting and elec- tion of affioer'e' after the pot, luck supper on Monday evendug, Dec. 14th. The meeting was closed by the Miz- pah Benediction. Junior Women's Institute Meets.— Tlie regular monthly meeting of the JuAlor Wldknenrs Institute wag held at the home of Mrs. E. 13. Goudde .on Wednesday afternoon. The meeting opened wale the Institute Ode and the Lord's Prayer- in unison- The busi- ness wa,srdliadlisaed including the short course to be held in February, of Which •particaiars will • be Published orne to ed Every prepaeaftlon has been made to give you the biggest selec- tion possible of Christmas Candies and Chocolates, Flowers, Potted Plants, Christmas Nov- elties, Mixed Nuts, Fruit Cake and many other items you will need to make your Christmas complete. - DELICIOUS CHRIS Mixed Candies delight- ear fully fresh; 2 lbs, LUC Other Bulk Candy 25c Per Pound LJ CHRISTMAS,,• ORANGES 30c 40c 60c> a Dozen BEAUTIFUL PLANTS What could be a finer gift than a Beautiful Potted Plant- We +have Cyclamen, Cherry Trees, Primula at prices ranging ' from • TMAS CANDIES 35c CHRISTMAS NUTS Choice selection of all ' Christ- mas Nuts, but no pea- ' 2 e nuts; pound L�! Fresh Roasted Peanuts pound' 15c Large assortment of Choice Christmas Chocolates, in 1, 2, 3, 5 pound boxes. Strictly fresh. Per lb.. 'Ce Extra Special, 4 and 5 $125 pound boxes, each FOR CHRISTMAS Orders will be taken for Cut Flgwers, and specially arrang- edbaskets for delivery before Christmas. " NOVELTIES Christmas Crackers, Snowballs and other Novelties at An,. prices from, per dozen, , "F CJ`{ICH'S FAMOUS CHRISTMAS CAKE in Light or Dark, per pound 40!c Orders taken for Special Christmas Ice Cream,. Puddings, Log Rolls, Bricks and Novelties - CRICH'S Soda Fountain and Luncheonette • Service The Home of White Clover Bread — Sweet as June Meadows PHONE 34 SEAFORTH re're: . + ,rte: .n° Vr..n �j-.r.' rr,. v r .,,v - Ir..+i (� .ar (j..ri r ..n rj-fi° r .-h` rT•••;i"Y -,9 r ter" r fi r r a1'"� ►y s4i sd r i sir w d, , ;'-.tr �,', . v- e-• , r1, stir • Wise Motorists know that Winter makes heavy de- mands. on cars. They use the easy -starting Gain:dine whlcb Is GOLDEN SHELL G- ':, -, Tafull To -day H. WESTON Shell Station GODERICH $T. SEAFORTH later. "Jingle Bells" wee then sing and Mrs. R. CartwrighC and Miss Dire. Dalrymple gave a ver.. interest- ing reperft ,.il' heir trip ds delegates to the 'L' . o i convention- "O Come All Ye Faithful" was then sung and Miss ` if,, I. . Graham read several of her Me'ius,,which proved very inter esran, +'A„ .Little Town o> Bethia- rherm", rfpilotved anti, a contest was en- joyed- ,.(t vary dolici'ous lunch was server$' and a stociai half hour was alma4; W. M. S., of First Church Meet— The annual meeting of the W. M. S. was held in First Presbyterian Churcei..nn Tuesday, iiec. 15th, Mrs. Robertr.•Dbeshart .presiding, Satisfac- tory reports 'from the various secre- taries testdaed -to 'the interest shown ' by theememberrs. The offioers were all re-elected, the installation. being impressively conducted by Rev. H. C. Feast. Mr. Feast also gave a mes- sage • that will long be remembered. His subject, "Time Marches On," was developed 'in an attractive sketch _of 'the vital point,§ . in the expansion of missionary work as time has march- ed on-frone1050 B.C. to 1937 A.D. Mrs, J. E .Daley kindly contributed a vocal solo. Sermon Su, ects For Next Sunday. Egmtondtvilte! "United Church. Rev. A. 'W. Sheph- , Minister. Ch¢'istmas services at 11 eel. . and 7 p.m. Christ- mas concert- o. Wednesday, Decem- ber 23rd, at 8 .:tn. St. Thomas', Church—Sunday, Dec. 20,tth, fourtih, Sunday after Advent, Sunday School and Bible Class at 10 a.m. Morning service at 11 a.m, Ad- dress by Rector. Services at 4.30 p.m.' During the past two weeksthe work` of installing the- new heating system bas; been in progress, consequently the service, has' been'held in tire par- ish hall Reopening services' will take place mex,t Sunday. ' The congregation take notice.: of"'the evening service.— Rev, Canon Appleyard, Rector. Northside United Church • — Christ- IClas' sermons with extra -music, •both. morning and , evehring; 11 a.m. sub- ject, "Christmas' Joy"; ,7 p.m., a ser- vice of'music-Christmas carols, an- thems, quartettes and Christmas story.—Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Min- ister. First Presbyterian Church.—Harold Colson Feasts Minister. Services for Christmas Sunday,' Dec. 20. Morning worship at 11;; sermonby the mini- ster,. • "Tile Ol;allenge of Christmas- tide." The ministry of music by con- gregation,and choir. •in carol and hydrin and anthem. .The ministry of music by the choir ,will include Anthem; "Unto •,Us : a ,Child • is Born:'r.. Evening service : at 7. It •is'requested that all be Pieeent at or before ;7 o':clock: The childeen of, the church will present "The piageant Of the Nativity, a Can - A COMPLETE *LANE 'OF TABLE AND CONSOLE MODELS Tb. SUiT EVERY "TASTE AND ,PURSE -22 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM—PRICED,FROM $3775 TO $$5.�8 Philco 4 -Tube Table, "the per- sonal Set" at $3gr95 Philco 5 -Tube Table with S r©rt 'Wave—our most popular mddel, at ...00040 ' Philco 5 -Tube Console --Wonder. ful appearance and $7n 5n performance, at . U Philco 6 -Tribe All Wave Con- sole, a new standard in tonen quality and epb- i61.I9i5O inet, Philco g -Tube Console, for those who demand the best in per- .. formance Battery Models—for those with- out Hydro facilities. Philco 6-Tp'be- Table' Model; at last we can, offer performance equalto an electric $85.ao n set at " �D Philco Vibrator, .M del Battery Set, the latest idea! No dry batteries—only two wires to _ Connect tO a stor- age battery $99.J41. RADIO. SERVICE A periodical ciheak-up a'sures you of best performance from your Radio, At Chr'istnras time you want trdu•ble,free reception, Our Radio Service Deypartment is constantly improving in test equip- -tient acid methods se that service work done by it can be safely guarantte d to put Our, „radio in Its original, operating condition. ' PHONE 1012 SEAFORTH IANC Hall, Seaforth TUESDAY, DEC. 29th under auspices of the Sodality Girls of St: • James' Church, —Otto Henderson's grchestja-- Adrmission 35c (including tax) SEASON'S GREETINGS Give a ' THERMIQUE PERMANENT WAVE For Christmas ' AT — SUTHERLAND BEAUTY .SHOPPE • • ,PHONE 152 For Christmas' The •Seafortit Collegiate Institute Alumni Association YEAR . BOOK for 1936 wot.Iltl be treasured by all . ex - students of the Collegiate. May be` procured front Goileg iate Pupils and many Seaforth Stores. 25c each .r. Order by Mail -frail the 'Secre- Lary, A. Y. McLean, Seaforth. Add 10 cents to cover Mailing.. $10 It 4 for sly .: oeri or cal - idea while amulet be ;reropyed y',the new . , . T , w se ittifte LLOYD'S TfYMOLA.1f11 CORIA MINS. 7'ble now delve de-,Oglititee eO , 'MO callet.ded with di. the drat stpp, i tloit, Cerll yore druggist •ta- SALVE', and 40e: OreLi s'4 C�h n dt Lab() astir. Few dale at an ,'1'amfilyn Oise Siergt, tit= sett a Stench tad meet Other dr.tt. Owe& ' 5 �1 ti Ji r' ,Ot MitilRMACY '1,..4, 60it '. r r r>' P err" "5" r - rr. r gig- r;, r _tr? r "; 7,, r,,. *t, *I a=fight Serrlael+-,-.dlmtti:- :$0-vt,'--til .: , children `have practiced! lin' Itaitttful' fashion, The Pageant will be present. ed in ut'tbz devotion an,.dt adgration,,, `lite pulpit p1atfoi!,m, and communion level will be built up to represent the 'scene at 'Bethietheni, The offering will, be received at the door, since the church will -be be in darkness nave for the' 1'fght of a candle and to avoid any break ,in the continuity of the presen- tation pt the Pageant of the Nativity. Heartiest welcome, to the servjces of ChristSunday. ' The Session Of' the Church seizes this opportunity to wish all a. 'Very }QPY Christmas- tide, LOCAL BRIEFS a• :Mr•and Mrs'. George Scofield, and Mase Nancy, of Detroit, were week- end r guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case. • Miss Jessie Wilson, of Kitchener, Spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D, Scott• • Mr. ,William' Somerville, of Wood - 'stock, spent the week -end with friends here. • Dr, E. A. Mo1faster and •Mrs. Mc- Master spent the week -end in Detroit. • Mr. E. H. Hodgins has, •returned to. Kincardine. The many, friends of Mrs. Hodgins, who suffered a serious accident a few weeks ago, will be glad to learn that she is now out of - danger, but it will be some time be- fore she is' completely recovered- • Mr, William Bell, of Oakville, spent the week -end at the home of his .motherMrs. R. P. Bell. • Mrs: James Scott, of Cromarty, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr, , and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. • Mr. George Bethune returned from Port McNicoll. .• y'y' • Mr, Thomas' J. O'Connor, who spent several weeks visiting with rel- atives 'here, has returned to his Thorne in, London, England, sailing on the Duchess of Abbott, " • The Christmas closing exercises at the kindergarten will be held on Monday, December 21st, at 9.30 a.zn, Parents and all wtho are interested in the kindergarten . are invited to ate tenni. Mr. Wilson Richmond, of Wash- ington, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McLean. Mr. Richmond is in charge of the Agricultural Short Course being held at Auburn, - • Mr Gordon Wilker was, a week- end guest at the" home of Mr, and Mrs, M. McKellar. • Mr•, Ross Allen, . of Brantford, spent the week -end at the home of his father, Mr. Sylvester Allen. • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case are in Detroit, where they will spend, a few weeks at the home of their 'daughter., • Miss Mary Kling, of the Woad stcck. General Hospital, spent the week -end at ter home in Egmond- ville. • Miss Dorothy Parke, of Strath- doy, is spending a few holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and I%irs, R. G. Parke. • Mr. Donald. Scott spent the week- en'd with Toronto friends. • The many friends of Mrs. D. H. Stewart, of Toronto, will regret , to learn that she underwent a serious operation in the • General Hospital there recently. • 'Mr.' and Mrs. C. H. Holland; God- erich St. West, Seaforth, will ba at home to their friends Monday, Dec. 28th., from 2 to 5, in lionor of their 50th wedding anniversary. ' CONSTANCE - The Chris'ttitias concert of Constance United Church will be 'held itt the basement of the church on Wednes- day, Dec, 23rd. A good program 10 being arranged, .• Mrs, E. Adams received word on Sunday that her father, Mr. McDon- ald, of Staffa, had been ' takes ser- iously ill at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Butson, Mr. and Mrs. Ad- ams motored to London on Sunday. He was somewhat improved. Word has jest been received of the passing of 'Ml's. Stewart, who has been in Scott Memorial Hospital. The Hockey Club is sponsoring a dance on • Friday, Dec,' 18th, in the Forrester's Hall, A lucky ticket for a prize will be drawn. McKILLOP 'Bethel Stinday School are holding their annual' 'Christmas concert On Monday evening, December 21st. S. S. No. 4 School Report The following is the report of S. S. No. 4, McKIllop. Over 75%, First Class Honours. Sr, IV—Franrk Casson 79%, Lois Hen; person 68%. Jr. IV— Beth Beth Campbell 76%, John Henderson 75%, Maxine Lawrence 68%. II Class Henderson• 72%. Sr. Primer-• - Stewart Henderson, Excellent (Pro- moted to First Class after Christ-; mas). Jr. Primer—Betty Cox and Patricia Cox, 'The least number of mistakes in Spelling for the fall term, Beth Campbell.—Dorothy M, Driscoll, Teacher. The annual Christmas entertain- ment is being held in Duffs' Church ;on Wednesday night, December 23rd. M"ANLEY Mrs. • Pat 'McLoughlin is stilil leaver - fag between life and death and we hope she will win out. • Mr. Peter Eckert, of Toronto, spent a few days at the old homestead last week. Mr. Joe Manley has 'engaged with Iri . Joe Eckart for one year 'Mi•. John Leoniiardt is still suffer- ing from an infection in his jaw which was operated om in Toronto General liol ictal of date ljtfit it appears that another operation, is neeess'ary,,,.__ -.i RULLETT S. S. No, 6 School Report The, fol owing' is the report of. S. S. No. 0, ''Hallett, far the months of Nevttnrber anrd, Pete nrber Laura Striper a74 aaa 1V—refin)tiapstlnt'.79,• . Ress'Lefaei II:. Jr, TIS- ltyi is l irep. herd 74. Sr, ,C71--Arrefite Watt' f$2, Kathleen Roe7$' Sr'. 1--Do`irraid 'Watt 93. Primer A --4,11111a. watt, 3lua Watt, Primer' B• 41toace Roe. 1361ltbe'r roll 1$.•-°-taratiiai 1Vt J amfediht, Teach. blri T i a 7 (tsar PRCEMBER 18, 19436,, tritTiVirtrtrittlanrIniMsgt OPEN EVENINGS OH IST1VMAS WEEK OurStore • is Frill of ,fight, New Charming Gift Suggestions. Colne! Christmas Cards, Tags, Ribbons, Cords Wrappings' Boxes, The Newest in what you'll Need. This Sfor is Aiow , with Appropriate f ,Gift Things The Daintiest of Handkerchiefs 5c to $1.09 Gift Hosiery and Gift Gloves .........39c to $1;35 Pair Lingerie to Please the Femine Mind.. Popular. Prices Hand Bags, Useful and Desirable .........98c to $3.59 Neckwear, Bought for Gift Giving 39c to $1.59 Beautiful Bath Towels, Reversible 25c to $1.00 handsome Lace Table 'Spreads Pillow Case's make a -Practical' Gift.... $1.00 to $2.59, Pr_' Tapestry and Smyrna Mats• ....:..... .$3.$5 to $5,75 0, V. Pure Wool Blankets and Covers.... t9 $3.55 � $7,53,. Kimonas and Batty' Robes Cushions Should Be on Your List .. Pullover's Are Always Popular Silkalo Bedspreads Stylish Fur Muffs Will Please Tapestry Scarfs and Table Cloths 50c to $ 3.59 WONDERFUL,PRICE OFFERINGS IN FUR -TRIMMED COATS- DRESSES HATS - ETC - $1.25 to $8.50 32.95 to $5.59 -:..... 59cto$2,25 75c to $3.5' $2.50 to $6.95 $2.59' rrAv'ISH'S w.l, r1r i - r1r .. w a• nr MASTER ;craftsmen ;designed , this nx `dern jewel*, and the.. early shoppers will -find an extensive display from;. which to 'make ''eatgt isite selections, ` Every item car ries the. strahgest guarantee'—'oat -'25 years of experience can give. Women's W4'ite or natural gold Wrist Watches, eiin 50 many designs to $ Men's sturdy Wrist Watches in. White or Na- $5$35 tural Gold , ,s. to Costume Jewelry in period o,r Modern Designs 50cto $21 Open .' Buyour Evenings J. A. VVESTCOZ'i Christmyas Jeweler, Seaforth ` .Garth; Decem>lilber Mere.; r •f- •'r.-''.�.�'�.r ;`f area rat!. Iaf v70 Aria 'q4 hristmasSpecials Here are a Fe* .Suggestions :— SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON GIFTS OR THE FAMILY — MANY TO CHOOSE FROM . MEN'S LADIES' Ties' Satin Sets Scarves Slips - Gloves, Gloves Scarves .' Haridkies Beds�reads' Pyjamas P.tdlovs' Braces Garters - Celasuede Panties or Scarf and Tie Sets Bloomers in cellophane Bath Robes `. - ' envelopes. Fine Shirts Pyjarias- Kimonas Sweaters, Etic ,, _ y P y r •f ,,.rr t �• +.a1a�aG�7 Beautiful New S t; i Ladies' Dresses just ars ivied. These . , f, Ixtel" edin the reductions. COME AT•.ONC GOOD SELECTION, Y ra tria tk� I"Is" P eat iii 0')w ler G�n4 bla lar