HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-12-11, Page 7III :: �, .. I I I �,!��.�-! "" : ,;� - id'! , �,` ,,,�i , ;.i ,� . I I �, , -, . 1;��,:,.1-" I ,��� �, ,i� .11 I . - . '.. , ''., . . I' t �, ,'� `,� . �: " ". � '�""�. �.�11"'_ '4'. 4�;�,,�� 10 1, I I .1 , - `Iiill_'� 11 I ­ , I 1, �'� ',.�, 1! �, �', I , . : , I , 11 " 11 I � , TT . 71 1 1 il � .1 I . . 'i , I I k"'i'll I . , I- � I, A If 11 . � �� I � 't , 1� . I - ;: : I 11 - � . -1 I i �� I . � I . . . I A� , , . ,ill , ­ � `�!" - 4, . � k - , 1 4 . . f � Z, � � 0 � 1. A 0 . , k f I I . A I , I , . I 0 1 . A � __ 0 � 0 . .. � �, 4 � 4 � . , . I I . 4 � � - I � 11 I - A A, � . 1 4 4 A . ,,, - . . , . 0 0 1 1 1 . 1 4 0 1 � I . I - . . . t 0 - . 4 � . - 4 W , . . . � � . 1 A 0 1 . , . 9 I I , I .... , I A . - I . 4 . I I , p .. - .. . ,1 . ­ . 4 . , . ... I I I ,. . -4 � - , , 4 1 . . 11 . . I I I I 0 4 � I ) I . I , I t I � . I � W A ... "I I I I 4 I . 4 � I e I - , ( I A f . , I � A P I . .4 A. . I �, I 1 I . 4 1 1 4 I . 4 " . 4 � , ,0 . � 4 . . .,$ 4 , I . 11 � " I I . I � I , I I I � - f, . I . I I q . � � , I I d I . . . 4 � , , - ,, � 17 1 F � I - 1. . ­ , 4 � I I I �11 . I I , . . V . I .. : 4 ' . I I 0 , � ", . , 11 '1�1 " , i . I "' 1 .4 I(I - " 1, I I . * , �, . � " , . . I ,,�, I I 1� ,,, I 'iL 11 I . I ,,� lf,'� ,, ,,, � , � , , "" I ,�,` , 1, , 'ip,V,,�,��,!, , � IP00401'111 '::! ", � - I , , �, ", , ,,,, -.1 � .� 1� .1 11� .. ..... � I , . , ­ I I 1-11 �1, I �', ,� " ;, ,�, ",�% , , , "��'X,�, " I i . . . �, - 11 - -11 �, " ,,��! , f" - � , , n , I , , . ,�,, �, I . .., , . - I , , - .�,�,� ,�,J , , , , ,� � " � " , , . � ,, , . �4��_ � ., ,� �, � � " " .,V'� " � , . 11 '1 � ," , , �: ,�� ;,2; ,-�. : 1�, � 1.11, : .." � _� i : , �,�, � " 1 1 * : , , . , - . I � _� , ''., f, ,�,J�;,�:, �, .r� �j, ,., ,, ­,� 1 � �­ ., I I . -, 14 , - 11 - 111_11.,,_ " , , , � I . 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I - , . . . . , v ��,�,�,�N- -4/ *4 ,,,� , 0 " � X "I " * , �,.!A, UVA" 1�1',�­­ I—— . I i� MY I * 4.04"Wo , t�IiN I " ,, V, � � , . � 41 . I , . .. . I ,� ;%: � �- '("Conti"'..; 4" � "".'"W"i T", 1.0" " " M I � ;, .. 17 I , # ..,�! � "' �� ":, 1"y M IN , �'. �..#)-,.�� I 1� 11 li � .. ' � ' ' ' ' ." I I ` "'T ,�, , �, , '�, 1, il,0091 FVPT*,A'11;0 " * ,� �._ '';�,r� M, -J! " , 1 11�11` �'., I I . . � I . I , . I I . , " - .,. 1. , , , I � I ,.t ;, I �r � I .� . . I OR,; ,V .f36 � � 4 1 '� , "' " , 1P 044` - M I 11 A �, I 11 . . I I ,�, t ,: - ., "'JI'J� " " 4�kbl �� _11�� �. X� , ,, I Vl�� � I �RWIPMeIP''OV4,40. _; 'I - , A#Ar . � . , Aaw�eve i4 '' """, . ..* -UR ",X0 � 1 0, 4,00 , % ,4 11�, W . , , ,V, X 0. Too 00 t 0.0i _Pwiloki� her � *a � ". �, , O."..'V 'A 'O � 'i"�,,�) " �� � , . I .. I ", a*4 , 01 9 . . ,. a, � K I 1p . 4 _ 111I.M. X ��;,, tF � , """ lz� � . 0, 44, __. P , "I 1. , ­ ­ - , . 91va U."i-M , . I I hat :No UFA# 4. Ry 11 liel.- --- I I I . , , " _ S.,"t. �, 4 "M 12 11 11 � .a , , �`*'* A Im I . V. vpo% I t4o,,%At#r0­W011 'Na., Moo �, 09040"� Uay� k4d, ` * , " , I., . W -AX ..,: t "M I " . ,.- .." .1 , , �_ " 11A, � I M_ C, i "'." I . . I . . I . . 1. , I . � @900*0 , � 4� vQg',g*#,%4, "K, 4. t. U - �, �1, � � 4111ftl -, �,g";4 Z . . I � . 101, I lonAWTV tow , M 41"N 'A �p Wi R �1�`� I '� � . I I , � I of .3 ;s , 04,armter, or 19r w, 14,TV 9-9 All". _40 WX AM , , ,,W�A_ ., I - I , - - . Q., ,][.,i ". 1, �� � go 4.4.1pr . J ; '41 ­ ., � ,thg . . . BRAND �w', _ 1p"MmonZo, , '' __ ,p -_ ' 1 0-709W 19 V, , O.R Y,,� � I I 'i _. . , "' . . ea.. - V4 � 'Ill a ;..: I P.; ln�';,Z�1,�L, P, vy, 444 4 ,.. '.... . . " 1, . " . ,r ., 7,YU ; ,Vu ,,, , . "ap far ,as fibe use 4g "salt , , 0400 pera wl�ll- th , V#ft , `AV . T,ge w-pri - '-,,.,,,, , "'p, , , *4 c � 40 '11Y., ,o ,, "�# ; ,�', �1 I �i .41 . "VP � p, _ 9 ­­, r 11 I � I 1000ft"..", ; i �, . j�, ­�', "_ '� , 1, . , 9 " ""': iil 1� i . I - ep - eveql;uolly, .PIU94 In, TWOV. 'bom , -'r ,, _0 , ,R" - , , ,,,, I It'i I " `1-"_' , _& , , -E,..,,, '' ,a 11.11 , �; . 1. W. sta'Olo AmudMoix Is as.sur -, , .. .. ... - I , U . . . I 1. 111; 14sr 'Pow -#04'! ... 111." ''..," �u the *11,044"A X D�'A "� , , , . � . vIum chloride on grAvV,l.rQ , , i �� � " " , da Is, , a , I � �i " �� .1 1: . . .g , I ,,,� �, j.: .. �� ­ .i i - . .1. . I I I . I . . . I., through 01011' use, bf# the ro4dA are, 4PQR7 OF QA :7 ! ` 1, ":�Qr;i 0"', , ,�011 � � . � _ V,11, .'K . , . _ I . , - '' 2-3 . ­ " , , , . - , . L , I I 11 V_ I I � �, . I . .. 1. I the deficiewies.. a6sqclgted� witil, thqm, mitted a$.. follows, TIA , -� 1.� est . , I I '7*�P"` , " � - i � - . .. . - - . . . I � , I "" 11 . 41 , . I I 4 I I... � 'W" """, I ... 4 " , . "" , - � ,,,, ire4 -V � 1%tea , .. , wg"�,",'-,Aj i", 11 . 1. -0 . . c0rued, a big Improvement is gec74 , Robkt V. TprAe _U 0 . , q. _ 4q�rmp. , -� , V , kim"!'IT.0, ,,,�, I . , "Wo , t, " . � , :, I 0 1 � ; ­ r i I - 1� * ov,,,� " �,] 1.'z , still ,gravel. rw, it, aue: have many of T11 % .,lleeu. 04 priso-piars �pqw, I �, 04 , -, - I 'L I 11,.1 -1. � 5wei. _,R :, ........ ,� . . . . . __ 4a - ," 1 . I � I., I I ­ -1 .11 pft, ,30, C.A., e - X W"b"No X�,,' , ,10t, , ­­ - ------ . ­.. __ ­_ t ­­__ �;.Wu__ ,�__­­Alijo ----- -­ - nronari ',,;� ,1404mo, , W , . ,� ii� __je�k - I 'I . -- - , ' . - -a'cUre-aW 1k; tpaft._ -ge 4 rgery � , prepAris tI,W ,� , "I Ml R RK . . (Oonftued ! i ) -iii _brhqVfios__VJit4,_, f&�_ f - door " , jjl6jj�d Y4064 lj6J7 d sb4t So that I do no fee . _k_ _;_� , ,4 ­ � i ­ I . ­ - 4"_.�ilt# . . -an � "hat i - , , ".' . I . in the1w . . I her Into the Widot"of haPplWas. And for all road.- conditions can ,be obtain. PrOtences, 3; 980ault, 3; *49ARM $*1 4"i", _"M, - "111"V� � .1 I I � . , ,7- L Jput no forest U�id spread so Me had, a touch and a word, for Yet at the same time she , lw�j_w 2; traud� 1; , carnal I I el, t M, '. I _ �_.l , '. �, *as fright, , " � 1 ""D I rip 4;% l _�'��".�� �,'�r�;'A. ,F� ,rapidly and no fu t Ou 13 a enecL Shia could not ha' 1; r I I iL4q,t. lErig(WA.4 ­ ' 11P �$"e,,; ' each of themi6 as though she neede ,of much 1; attempted 811101de, . ' 11 w In- 'e m b"fit ow - of 1; defrauding weili,Wv, I - ' 0 -_ distance 0 ft a g1d ve ,kept awa "hat the use of 41ilt will be ­ -, ',4ad,Ji.­,_,"'4 �,,,#R1.J,41,V:,t ej..�'­ to give an excuse for her choice. - pre general , from the plave any more than it Sh om 11" I � to the upper s,)W- For Ithat matter, to was lame, and, Boli , prano4ont EAKNotmao, make W, -V �,�NN� W We have at present in �Usto,4;y Bev- A , 4A�-, i,;,yj�. I - e was, dr- _ 4ad been a. moth flutterla, lighter truffle. and -Its u.se In rits.eW He t-04 QVA,Ata . , , .. � .�, -." � " 11112"11 'M _ OLMW Sue)i � �tp,*At. )i� � . 1� .. _, 11MRI Tpluvr* - , r, a ,�*ft_,,, 'Ab -6 ' , PA? ... AM" I . %. nea ),r�f�.A-Pqx I ,r.'A_,d_ , 0 _� 11op, greatly-je r more beav- On -of , daily ra ;wbev- 11e,.;4 � -� ,,,, , - 5 r,-T,Y;k1J"�,ffi,, as sho very well knpw, ti�ore -were no ed after a day's ga .. xtende t I . . 4 " . _.__ ` , N, , . � Jack had ft=6, and Yet" She felt a 6ead as of , dL por ou priaonere. -Cost - rations 00uVor VO Y04 090 �� ;;q -,�V , , �.0 -11", . ' !"��4 , . . . Ti3�70 ,� -, ... % I tgo, , ''., i '' jis� ." 4, i; . " � roads, I am Sai .1 '­. ."'k . 'IF . . . �e 1,X 11 neynolda, 0aoler. , . 11 I ,a wTetched scattering of Snub " ". ;,�PATI.I�".Illl#.Fq�-'-�',,,#'.I. I . . . . . I � - , , old Mike and, Browin, isfied that the beat iiiwestment in a , urned never do She skirted to the side until she � , , 1.1,," e would 'qqa "-'p . . . . . . . . . brush and, plue-covered, cactus. marry and, that the people *ere xt , * v ;4,u�(V:�.,.;F",�,�?,7,;Mf,�NT�T�,,�-, """), p", ". , .1116 ,,,, ily travelled vounty- mei; ,B me Wegent Mug would, b@, the l.."'. " 1, " , , .' '' -Ja * King of Eh#IAud that As, would, neye, " *W -to-' ' 'i I trees On the m0untains-nOtfung "but done his share this week and poof lire itoelL , . t, ,Per-* prisonvir,_ 1024 ,. _.� ' , r' � ,� �A , . 1coats" r " , for such w.qrk As she had 111, mind. reached- a little forest of cactus and 'road surface is in, the low, cost bitum- ROAD CbMMISSION Wit , . 0%, � , , .�.� .0 BUCAbalk"."'put � �:#. !,�V , I Presently an orange rim pushed up "Because where to enter a.,Ae* order, His . � , ry��!,Jp 04 f which we have some � .. y . �O . , - 4 � _ 4" �j I'm going' I don't scrub -cedar tall enough to conceal, inous rc ds. o During the year your Committee . pmpfipMes tor � ;�� , aid then grow Into a great half-efir- - knowL_.andL whe, Ill, ed to, keep the expendi. were based on his reading of, the .,.,for Ogg, ;neopt,'o-, `,�� ... I � . c "��! . , . ome back,. I her horse. Them she left Peter with -excellent samples On'Ou)r systeuL W6 has endeavor' �-, . cle which ' frdmed the ragged heads dofi�t know-bu , it I think It will- be a the!reino thrown and a reassuring pat have In, ille.cOunty' about two hundred tulce$ within) tho ainount provided and Bible, . I � I 300apt. 24040y", � " ,� 4, ,`��z�:�,�, $�'A';'�, .P� 11 . - n nose. Starting on again, she ch a surface to do 80 raau demand* were unsatis- .- "Now . . I . 1­fi1­,,, V; ll , of three 'Peaks. An& ther, the � moon Jonger way than I've ever ridden be io�e ow* mtr Vni��� . L, ."r . �,,�,"­ 0 hIs miles of road on which su "010,1141", � 51, I , ,right -on our own doorstop .1 - �,�, ,.,y . . - u4p. Now , He vI,sua-Hz06 �4.��Ajt-X,'*00. �1%, N 11 _... . , . w6ut .up Until it ,Stood all exposed, 'fore. So iodre the one for, me, Pet- became as cautious as when she had would' give 'greatly Improved Service fledL I we find these things facdi�g . . ,­ 7 "il.; , '. , . . - wbpa ,a maxi,gan. Ilix �­.V, 11 I ii , - be, � I �. IT - - , � . resting 013W on its l4wer 'edge Upon er, dear! " I Stolen about in the ranch.tiouse, this to the traffic at a cost Which Would , Snow fence requisitions were heavy do YOU wonder I'm Interested,pp . MN I 5 � ­`� 11 � , . , d still to '.A%+,Nf1 little, 'if _L j Asian jan ,f,._Uh3r0.AVR ,'I ,i -peak. "w6re'purdhosed which asked- , ,fi* the ve � ,, M.- , . �ry tip of the higheat, It She rubbed, the nose of a abilli _ D,ii. ultimately be 'greater and 12,000 feet . . neigh ' , _. ". � night in dread of waking guck . . 40k , �IN� ,Q% was pulled aut to the sides like 9 "People often wonder ,that: a prem. , Vor - - . ,.�,,-��,�Omt-,;i, " 1� uff- bay and -he stood like a rock while lels., And there was need.or Care, thani *0 are now Paying for ordinary -SUPPI - I . - I ­ - l ­� ,­ ­­ 11� 01", led a Small portion or the de ­ �. M, '' - ' i, � I ed obeeks-a. blunited, eclips"tid it. she drew the saddle on to his back, for here and there abo school- gravel surface. I . mand. � . fer Should study the BIbW and- think � I lw,Y . religion haft. �" . . �, has isigiums".00" `k=', . , *f �,,J , *�* "I i ut the . , , �1_�_,, '' Q; I conwe. my Woralil , ,.W.,�,rr. - - I I ". , " I began to gild with gold the white and fike a well-mannered horse re- house couples were Strolling who had About 20,000 .of the trees planted Approval has been. received from he is out of order, If he does," Mi. , p m" , , (i 5, , I I I sible, and give. an ji.cconuting, _­ . ­­ . dunes of the desert arid at the same fra�in,ed from pufflng out his -body danced their fill for the time being, last Year in a nursery are growing the Department of Highways of the Aberhart said. . I I ­. - -x,",g," 4), I, . I'll time It seemed, to pouT the dark over when she drew the cifielles taut And 'and.eveiy couple was a man and' and while none were p4tated in hedi- bylaw deleting the Provincial High. - "They told me I N�rould, auve to canft put.' Your, talents 'Ok. � I * �'."�,`,.��'Wy ."',11'� -, �11,4 � - "� ,� I _,­�, Y, MI.., a and .bUry'llib " Q #K�Ire—jr-u, " ,C�rgl the mountains and made thent visible when the "bit, that drea& of range woman. ' I es this year, observations have been way connecting links from the Coun- choose ,one or the other to be Su � , Win without b A ­""" � . ecess- '111921;R-il � Bible. ." We are all h-Vinm"M 1, U-XInq '0'1',,."�t��;�,!,,,,� with t , ty Road System, and a, begingIng has full" he said, "but I say to a ill"R 1�,, trying,to loao 0 ., I appeared under Mir nose,, be made, and Information Secured that you, I did � . " - ... I I The heart of loan beat strangely as same goal and It behoove$ Us t I --- l � I � � . - ., sky� .. would indicate that trees Planted been m1ade by the Department at not seek the premiership.. I believe Q - 4t �11%.1111­,,g­ ..opened his teeth for it and, pricked she watelied-Ithem. 'They walked very , in my Bible." I , each others .'hand and help. each.Qwr!!J�.��j,," And the light fell fairly through the -his ears as she slipped the headband from 20 to' 40 rods from the road maintaining theee links. I , , , ,�., ,I . aear to each other. Their Ifeads were on thed,r way," he declared. r, 4,-. ",I. � W4. . . ' ' � " � . . 111.1 t'. , , .; ., windADw upoxi Joan so. that the white 'over them. . close t6geth, greatly relieve snow miditions, and, 'Your Committee are of the Opinion The prenider appreciated the'oppor- I , - - %� : ;;,��.. or. They Paused often tunity -of speaking to -the People -of , Riches on earth, meAZF 11' ,�'; 6 " of' her nightgown, when. she looked, One and all, tJiey followed her to and, raising it appears probable that such a loca- that a Substantial increase in expen . at " 11 i �1�i� '1_1_ �N their faco-s ,in unison, 11"S own 00untY. It was not altoge. speaker concluded'. 11 , � . , I down,, had been changed to a sOftly the gate, And when. she opened- it . looked up to the moon. tion. will ,be best for many future diture wij), need to be made in, the 1. .. I?y 11, 1� 1, L�" , , �, '! . 1", .._ t, . _J�',', It -had float- , ther seut�me get oat of 136 If you.. t. ,!,;,, , . - Shimmering' rich colour. Or so it and led Peter Out, they, crowded' a- ed well up in the heavens- now and p4ut'ngs' Such trees will also pro- future to maintain, the county roads . ut but a desire to have � .. . i 1 , I'; , ,_.. . �%,-,9�0 I I seemed to her evcited�­ fancy. gainst t4e._bars andi whinnded softly it looked like a buckler of pric,les vide a windbreak for buildings and property, and providg for necessary. 4, complete understandiiig with them, asked; , "We suffer be�auss�, e�r. � ­ I * 5 I fish and doWt co,operAte.,," . �pl, . - She turned her head. She could see after her so that she turned her bead silver. Around -it w will. I requentl . add to the appearance improvement&., I aP,saio. "I do not st to bring. (Jjs- 1. . ­ I �,, �., 4 0 , I is spread a balo Y_ , 'respe(R'upon you worku " 'tro of the farms. Regarding motion respecting thb I p7e is -tacing a. eata-mr- Qrr�- , I �:t�,-,; the familiar bureau in the cornier and anxiouAftowa.rd the house, a 7,p%] 1, am not . , - I _. , Our-& till �, ire eutekak a`new 4rdor. 1 - , *." � of c9l rainbow of fantastic del- , ,,,,,,,, the, Sheen , . I 'have still little L, W .d..: of the glass above it.- And Such small sounds, however, bould icacy. Poles are a hazard and a continued Zurich Road, your CommissIon. mad fading away. ,r.661' P.,., ��"­ P e ,. . as I U recommendation On this . o � . _�',�, - 'an- Z11 be brothergi All, Servig , . , �: ". , Yonder was the chair and, there w -as - looking at, nsc wance, and . Situation Ity left, the average amount. I do , , Ahe table beside, her, ��-, with , surely never reach the ears of Buck Indeed, It w worth In June, wlitch was rejected by coun- not Preach as, a,blind. I stood up to-uot ourselves." , ,. � � � '.,�� , 11,_11 4 the only fatal ao&ident on our . . ,,, I 11 1� m1W Daniels. But wheik she swung into that mcon. But Joan, crouching be- roads .. . . . '. . I .. , . sbapen heap of books upon it. the Saddle she kept the high spirits bird a rock and,watching with the thdal year , resulted from a collision oil, and we`bave nothing further to 0"' a Pulpit many Years before Social I 1. . I I .*� . I . , ,_ . ,� .. 1-'�, I 11 .11 . ­ 11 1.11"�, - . I � I , , . 1�,'j.�' A glittering point of light rested -on of Peter in, clieck and ifiade him walk with 'a pole' "The L .1 Oved!L I am ,not preaching t intentness of a wild cat, Public Service r6POr . to cower I . _. . ,I . �. ", ,�, � " �, �-y � ` �:, studied, the * �p' - " � ,,, ��,., e - a -he could al- the first hundred yapds. It was not faces of two who, Paused just before . gliwaks Act" sets .forth -egard to the claim of W. anythAng," the premier declared. �,, 'n J. 11 1. 1 0 i I I �0� most distinguish the - ages to crop, an, I Do you not ,think the ' tv � I , 1, th knoll'of 'her door, Works on HI Wi bit r - . pay at Andrews for dam - , re should be I : .- -,`�'­ , , . .. I . worn and Pulpy until She was fairly assured that the her to stare at the sky, and certain- that road' authoritid§ &hall ne n Turkeys on� Wia.1,9r._.._ ,. -A", � - ry if ' , � ,. fabric of the matting�-upoa ther floor. distance and the soft going would ly it'.9ppeared to her that -she had I'Llast One-ballf the cost of movj�g qUi - wdil lip made and the ow r will a change In the we are of the coin- �W. . . Breeding turkeys, �hould_7h-ctrb'_ - ,, : . . a., ftu- ... ,11 i.', I , "I still . be- filled to houses during t . .. L t, i,,� And all the dreary sense of povertY, muffle the beating of his boofs that never seen a more foolish expression.. HYdTO and telephone� poles whem. such, be compensated, if the claim is justi- TnOn peo,ple," be asked. I he , " wintek ��,". j.,,!� , I , � �. �6 , ;. .. ''''I .."; . , -ittle and, L ­,,�r . re MR be done: months but allowed to rown at will i��'511? and dtlInem, all the weight of mon- she -loosed, the reins, and Peter sprang Their lips were parted a I is'requhredL by reason of work on the liable. -Wilmot Haacke, Chairman, Iieve - somebhd,ng mo ,�,� ' . I � and I am still -, 1,� . I - going on. I havetilt ,.", 11 oto6ous years in which every day was away at full speed. . . road. , These cQrporations were allow- R during the day. ,,,.The only Ah,elts& that' ''I ": �;-� their hands were clasped=he a gaunt ECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, lost th;6 vision. A great many Poo I .. 11 I , 1� 1 .W I �;- i . . -like its fellow, roiled suddenly upon Oh, the wind of that wild, gallop in f,�',llow, bowed and old with labor ev- ed to ,Use the highways for their pole January 1st to November 30th Pie is required for theni at night. fij a I :'. Joan, and made a Sigh well in her her fhce, and the fences pouring past fln at thirty years, and, she big- lines w1thouCc,J2arge, .as a convendence in Ontario are, watching, our Project 1. � 1. I ..'��..., ,�, I . . I handed I GENERAL ACCOUNT ,A man I met on till Straw liaraor close&lu shed'. The -y . ' . " " � :'. � . I throaL .... I . I I .111.1 her -as she rode south, aind south! it from work and her face parob to - them. Wily should .a, ratepayer, . I e train. yesterday should not be- kept in , .1�� - -- ed and wh Receipts . Morning came up to me and Bald he . a draii9lity �:4 ,� 0 use . place, but any b4il,Rfig that *wnl'pro- .411 , - � . . She could not stay. Something was seemed to Joan for a while that this thin from the lack of happiness. S U40 HYdro nor telephone, be Licenses ................... s 62125 hoped we� would ma-ke good.. I eX7 . I, '11,' whipping her out. The moon, was lift- wars all she wanted; when She jump- required to hell) pay for moving - Schools .......... �.. I .... 1 4.00 pect .vide'shelter from - wind, rain, . ,and . .... ,�:, ,, I . , What were ,they murmuring? 47 ed that from Ontkrfo the banner � . . ... "; ?.: ... ing momently high.and higher up the I ed Peter oVer a;gate and, glancing up, dro and telephone poles? I snow is qdlte Suitable. Never, bouse . .",'R . "I love yop, Margie, dear. HydrO Registry Office ....... : .... 1,431.15 provinc�e. But it c' . . ""', , . ost -all Sens . 411""Ot rest on Its turkeys with hens or in he ., �. sky And, now it I be of i saw, the stars blurred above her, she . "Oh, , Bill�l love you. too'!" charges its Users plenty to..meet Its Aidimirl.'stration of Just4ce.. 3,7a6.53 oars, In the midst of plenty there is ated hous- , ' � .-NA � . . weight - It was floating on, rjothin,'- 1 was doubly sure that this was goal legitimate costs; The shares of the I . es because colds which latei,devigop'' _S,'�!. Thily turned, away,. slowly and 'es- . Fines ..................... � 160.00 poverty and ­somethlag must be into roup are almost sure to follow. .. I ness and Pouring down bright a n d i enough i6r her journey. � . . ' Bell- Telephone Ca. are selling a, $158 Red. of Lands ............ ". brighter light. - ! I caPed another pair that was coming and it a local tel 23.3-.87 wvong­ It is. a great ationialy that During the winter ,months the -bre4d. I i lim. ..., 1:_!11. 11. At leaSt 4 , I After all. evin, -'Peter, in spite , of up. . I � . needs c"rit ephc�ne ',coniplaay Division Courts ........... 137-92 where we ,have more goods we have irg turkeys shpuld receive onl . � .., I it gave her light en6ugli I slendLt,r legs made for sVeed and a , "Love!" murmured ,Joan to herself y, municipal councils do Pro., re Corn Borer ...... 19.20 less consumption. So I . , , . . ". 1 1 1 ,, �. ,, �. no, require such legislation, to meet. .we ,ire . going ited rations, as.they,have a tendency' - , "31 , t . . . . ,,,,,- , for dressing. And when she was ! great heart of courage, could not race with magnificent s,corn, "What s,tup- Taxes Coll. for Turps . ..... 8,74,0.09 to 'find an explanation.'! � .1 to become over fat if well fed. Hard 1 4 L ,­. ., . " , , dressed -and every move now swift! all the night, and-wheh she drew him id things- they are," the sdtuation: It'would appear that Twps., re Hospitals ....... 3,059.03 He told ,of a trip from Edmonton to , . . and noiseless -she drifted across the; to a walk, She board, them again- : cotIncils should take some action to . grain should be given in preference . . ��..::"L , � . She tried to tell herself that -she Pro., re C. A. Society .,.... 166.66 Calgaij � I L.','L �� . � '.. . n were . . L �, I . to mash or ground *gralns� I '. � - have this act removed from the''sta- Co. . . Equal ��,��, I " room to the bureau and picked up i the far-off calling of the wild ,geese waf losing all,desire to be inside that ; .Highways for stationeny 143.50, tbe only on'es on: the car, and as they parts of . . . I �., .1 .the hand mirror. When she had: flying north. She st . the tutes, and such charges could be plac- Sundry .................... 79,07 were passing thTough, the drought . 11. OpPed good schoolroom with its; music and its " . oats, wheat, and, bi4qkwboat ' . �--_ I . n *h ed against the services to which they are quite . 1 ­ brought it back before the -window horse and listened. ,The.re was the daricers,,and yet somethi g e' .... suitable during t& cold '*.'_ - � ­ "' � , , , - . D AR YS 11 " , I. ` ` , ­ �11 , ''I L_ I., , I I i I l. id her Bank Loaiis . ..... 1.'. . . 97,500�00 9,rea, she remarked. about "them and I W, . I ,_, , " -, 'he 'bad to tarm it'to a -particular -sound of his breathing, andAhe faint with a small, sure thread. . Estimated to the en;d oi the year. stated In a reply to ,a question from . ".1", , ?, So rigittfully belong. months, but when the weather ,modler. . 111� . I . A "I � � - ."', should 1 �. "O �%' I angle before she could see herself., squeaking of leather as his heaving Here was another couple. A sed by the Coun- Receipts � I the premier that there were similar be discontinued. Once daily during I I I I . ates la spring, the buckwheit Surely it seemed that such a change i sides pressed against the cinches; but Viey were not gaping at t t.least iy.Treasurer for an estimate of our Bank balarce, Nov. 30 .... $ 4,939.3110 areas in Saskatchewan. The conver- � 1. ; -11 "M � gs slie' felt in herself urtist show *in i the' ��fYlfilg ottb4 WfId geese was very The girl was so p winter Is often enough, to feed,.'aud 4 �:.­. . he moon. expenditures in ,1937. At the end Of Lic.nses I .................. 50-00 sation turned to Social Credit ' , ' rettY that it made - . . 11�i 1920, wh�-n prices were at a peak'and . ., �, , �'. , , ��Z, I , the face, but she foundl no alteration, 1 clear overhead� and the strange me]- Joan smile with pleasure to see her, I . and she fresh water Should,, be pWvIded at 1, ,1 .1 ,, I I Administration of Justice.. 1,5H.00 asked if -the would lie able to put )t I . � �Plll I . ,�, �� � ; , - road Twps., re Hospitals ..... �, .' I ,! ", . ments popular, I advised that .... ; ................ 100-00 over in Alberta- "I m q i ati They were the small girl features. i ancboly and .the strange restlessness And then with a pier6ing eye sbe.ex. labour scarce, and any road improve- Fines 'y a, u t� s I s- east once a day, . . � 11 I Only Imir eyes were a little wider and; gre-w stronger than ever. amined the dress of her. There was 300-00 fled we can," the premier told her. - " , I . � " . more Rftistening wi eagerness And' She thouAnt back ­ Tier 01-1, with ' 1i work be curtailed until pric�s were . 11 . . I I V - I something was lacking which. she. fEW � Buck Daniels. After what a vecu .ar inagic An AL. it was only, . lower and labor mare plentiful' which �,011-11.tY XLULeS ............. 116,4UO..51 I Well, Mr. Aberhart came and talked , alf, she in 'her heart. 1 had been able to explain to him bad a simple pink frock, but it fluffed I around the body of the girl- like a was done during the following years-. Other -- I . $155,ls7.64 W us in Saskatchewan:'and while he seemed sincere, the seemed to.have a She to:ok the long, soft, thick Inas'-.1 been very little of what was bi in her halt, but clinging bit of sun -tinted, cloud. , counties and .the Province un - der took big road Estimated Deficit ......... 6,628,00 ­­ 11 lot bf crazy ideag," the woman told es of instead of twining., her hea,rt. It seemed to her tZ if One. half expected to look through Prog-ams at this . ,�_ .1.1 11 —" him. 11 ,­ - . .111 . it swiftly into the usual'braids (,, T I I -, s.1h -11�-r mother, wbo had died ten years the mist to the . ce- Outline of the gra time. In 1932 1 advised that, as there . : I . , ., 1 $161,825.00 I Stating that be was a layman and began to work it bigh on her head. i before, had been living'now it�Would It in infinite fir] body.. And yet there was nothing I -a�; much work nee aed on the toads and many in the county in Expenditure . , could thus spipak freely, Premier Ab - required number Of: have been easier to tell her what she ' immodest. � I were need I A others, Allowances ...... $ 16,870.00 erhart .said he was asked many tiThes pins before it 'would hold-, but wheal meant. . - The ,man. too, was quite different . of the work and � prices were'low, 0, ..�. Pei_,siotis ........... 15,209.28 haw mariy Chriist.ian nations the -re she looked. again, Joan caught he� But . even Of that she wa t. �. ,i 1-fr oni that other of the crooliect sh .oul- money be borrowed, and a large , Children's Aid Society .... 3,479.91 i4re. . "An�d ev�ry tlme I ask how . breath. . i The more clearly she recallej the; ders and the wan face. He was a amount of worl� Aforie, but.nD acti I -Ou Administnation of Justice.. I 7,31 86. 1 Q many. naiions have the sj)irit of Christ I . InstinO had, told her surely what, .sol,t blue eyes and the gentle face of I handsome fellow, arrowy straight. was taken. There ap�eari to be drants . ..................... 2,840.00 in GOv(_,:-nmjat­t and livinv," hfj Said. . to do. The change was worked andi that mother the word certain showas ' -with a Pair of level black brow's and an .- Municipal Government .... 5,M3.70 . she felt that she lmd stepped away 1 tj�.a,t there woWd have been no con- keen ey,es ben6ath'tbem, lent that a dlabt on . . . a municipalAy 19 Schools ............. i ... ­ 4,963.5i I ,.from an old self and into a new. She', fidante. . . '. "He'll tell her that he loves her" a disgrace and t,llat a municipality Registry Office � .......... . 509,91 1 Eptln:ated defl(,;it ..... 6..,. 680.�3 . was instantly far older. I No:, e , ven her horse knew more. A � said Joan to herself. "I ,h I ope be free from debt is one in whic�h the jail ....................... 3,842.191 I - She , threw,tbe mirror on the bed,.wedge of tifie geese Streamed black' does! And what w:ll she do then 11 financing is perfect. I cannot agree Printing and Postage ....: 949.05 .11 � .1 � 'I, $43,080.46 and- cr%�ssed to �ihe door. A who:e - aerosg the face of *he moon, and Pet- I But their, convetsation *;j,as riot at with any such idea. No business, Of . - Red- of Lan46 ............ 233.8-7 . Expenditure I long minute was need . -1: look led for.the turn-!, -ed up to them with pricking I aN what she had wislied. any magnitude is accomplished with- , . , I�A,an Inte?-est .. � ......... 2,252.75 Debentures ................. $ 32,950.46 JngOf that treacherous knob vdth all, e,-Irs, What was going on inside that I . , .'We're gone about fax lenough'" Out. the nlecessit.y of creatirg debz ' Coun,ty I Property- .* ......... I,g25�qj . Bank ]oars ............... 30f(W)�0 its squeaks. But finally the lock''Nv�se head of his? , . She felt that she I said the girl, coming to a haft an d and the advisability of making an in. insurance, Heat, Telephones 1,863,01 General Account ....... �.. 5 Q. 9 0 . clicked back as softly as if muffled, -,�-ouid have given a' treasure to facing tier companion'so that her pro- vei;tment is not dRpendent upon whe- . B,spitals ........... : ..... 19,080,1.1 Sank inte -1 80jo rev . .......... I in cotton, She stepped- into 'the hall,'kn6w. ; � file came into line -wit -h- the watchful debt is crpzted or not, but'UP- Ta�es returned to Twps... c,700,11 I - closed the ddor with the same call-, There was a rattle ,of single -trees ever, of Joan. ."NO-. what do y ' Gli --.-)a the soundness of the investment. Audit .......... ......... 275.0u, . . 1. . tion, and then, went ori -tO the staiq;. i n.f�t -far away. and a swift drumming I , ­tAt to, say to me?" Had �,',e Province of Ontario in 1920 ' " Exchange AceL Transfer _ 100.00 .$43,08().'46 They were the chief trial. She thad i I of ho-ofs. 'The road was not far be- I . � 11�1 Just what you know I'm going to ir�lst:luted an intelfigent maintenance r, _- rA C. Borer Inspector ......... 288.40 It is ,�,xpected tbat thAL County High - . .;11 1; .� �111 �, I .g �_ I , ���� , , . . , , . .., . . ":.. ;, "! ! . , I - I . .... ��� I I . . I � I . 11, I �� 1� . .;, I , � � i I .1, I . , . , .. , 'I'll, I �1� - I . - , ,, I , :e I . ... I "I . � ! , , ,!! : . 11 4, .. 11 11 �, , " �,, I .. ,114r, ` I!! � , I . , . I 11 . , , . .4 , . I I i , , , ,1 . I'- � . . , ;�`% I I , � ::: �, . I I., ­ , ." 91, . �k-,.' "I � I : . i: . 4.1 . ',� . I :; "'"" I 1 I , . 1. . 0,4. I - - 11 . . � ; � .. i I I .. , �, '� . I � I .1.� - .,; . . I . �, I 11 1: , never gone ,either up or down thern Nzd ,he.3r. and on this . ght b F!" exclaimed ithe mai�. V � a proc slowly with Reg,. office Contract _ ­ 1,740.00 ' a) S %� ve ,, , I, U le r es ma 'A. . 4 0 . . I � � - . before without making noise enougli I Is. I e I sa"Haven't the least � ccltistiqedon work �"4 '. ." 50.0i) The General Account shows an ti .�, .... I wi-Shed to be far from ro:�, Tsh e idea.-, I for a, few Years, we Fine remitted by. O� in C. - 1. e's , 4 'LONDON and WINGHAN , - - to arouBe a sleeping reg,ment. ch sh -cull have had better,service from r mated defictt of $6,628.00. Tbe Pro ­ Bul I d�,epe- the wilderness into whi ell "You hare, tbou�zh. You'vo broken "I Transfer to Prov. Hys. Acct. �wjy) - . ., . I , now there was a wonderful differ-, c,>uld'pass. the better. I your promise again"' . the roads; a better sYsterm of pave- Sundry . m I T. I ............. 16o.89 vin,rjal Highways sbows an estimated ,South . .. I � . Y at t-112 . "What lyromise?" - me:its and � deficit 6f $680.53, making I ._,�� � I -ence. She had, grown lighter, so it � - SO she' sent Peter awa be mai:y millions of dol- Estirmted ,,to th,k and of �he year _ a total of . � P.M. . X I _ � �� - � , I , , 'll be' Wingham .................... 1.55 . seemed, and in, her very feet there $ matchless gallop, jumped another "T.bat YoWd' stop flirting." lars ahead of the position to -day. Expenditure 11 $7,308.28. Against this Alefleit V.12 � ­A� � - .. The County of ffuroll b" expeiid� Mothers' Allowaiir6s ....... $ 1,600.00 an estimated balance in the County Belgrave .................... 2.1.1 ,�, "� a guadineintelligpnee. With,.ut: ,,.-(.e. and was on the very verge of ... John Gainor! Besides - I don,t . I ., 1; 11 _ _ I ­ ed less per mile upon its roads than Old Age Pensions ......... Home Account of $a,00.00, leaving ,a BlYth ....................... 2.23 1 �� ". -4L sound .she -passed to, the bottom and. a � wale which would shut otit all know what you mean." 1,90().00 i I stood' in the main.' downstairs room !�c-vnd from the road when she hea7rd "You do, though." I any other County in the Province, and C�hildrenls Aid Society .... net deficit .of, $4,650.00. In the esti- Londesboro ................. ISO . 11;1 , . 500.00 1 . L� ... . while the condition of.our roads has , mates in June we figured on a deficit Clinton ...................... .3.08 ,� M I ,� , . with a beating b ' eart of triumph. �, � I -;.:,,,at had thrilbud her once before that "Will you explainT Administratiorr of Justice.. 1,500 ' 00 - In the fa�ce . Of an un- Brucelleld ................... , 3.27 :..`� � I . But Still She w9i not outside. Ve I cvor�ing-.the high, light laughter of a 'Mhere'� Chick Montague been fol- been equal to that of anY other Grams ................ I .... 60j).0,.) of St,500fi.00. , �� . � I _ county, we, are failing behind in the ,M u 'Ontrollable Increase in Administra- KJppen ...................... S.3r, - , . ". - .. ,old 'atmosp ening like Your sha- tldn of Justice amounting to nearly Ilbrisall .... I ......... � ... I . ` ,Pere still clung around iber. ci, 1. It was almost 'inaudible, but )owing you all ev nidpal Gov6mirient .... 1 200 ' 04) c ,., . The odour' of - Buck Daniels's, last pipe I ('VE il t hrough the distance it trailed dow. You danced with him twice. Matter of Permanent improvements, Schools ................... 55:000,00 ..... 3.41 .�, i I I . . and there is -a lot of work needed On Registry Office ........... 1r)0.(,0 $5,000,00, it would appear to havp beep Exeter ....................... 3.5-3 , I still bovering'fa the a4r, suffocatingly! ljl,-,i� a band, across -her heart_ And he looked plumb foolish while . - . � �, ; . " he was dancing!" our roa,ds. At presen,t money may be jail 2()().O(j 3 very good I-ai. Had the ,cost of -orth . . .. - thick and sweet, And that worn andl ,�,,%- sloppell Peter with a gasping ' ...................... I , N _;, I . U. - .1 . splintered floor which she had scrub-' N% o- g_ard listened. T'here it came a-' "Are You jealous again?" secured at a J, - Dw rate of interest, buir printing and Postage __ 100.w Adln,riistyatJon of J. stice been no!- 0 A.M. . *�, . bed so oftem, was full of vo F"! i ­ "Jealous? Of course not! I just COMModfty pn,ces are rising, and in I mal we '-,vould have. ended I the year Exeter ....................... 1.0.42 .1 . , I I *� I . n. Weatitifull as music over water, I ' Loan Interest ............. 275.00. �1 MS a few years costs of makirg road 1'.M� witbout any dK41cit, Henfiail ......... ...., 10.0rs , 11 , 1. They did not waken nudgr her now. I P,nd wading. fiding until it went out. wunt to keep you from being talked provemenis will be g County Properzy ..... � .... 100.00 I Consider also th,p fact ttieLt we bave Kippen _....`..'.'.'.'.­*....' itol , , I � . I That strange lightness of foot was!.---rie-ibing had unlock the soul ,of about." . . gieatly increased, Insurance, Heat. Telephone 150.00 ... I . . I I I . istill bere. �And aal-at once it seemed i'�at un-knol;yn. girl and let the laug'b- ':DoWt worry about me." and the People of tbv county -will be ,Hospitals ................. 1,000.00 Paid tibe Depattmvnt S29,000 an road Brucefield ................... 11.09 - � ... Z, I . , PS I ter out. But- the door was" still clos- 'I sity, Nell, you got to stop.-- . little irter"te4. in the work, as there Sund.,Y , .. � I to Joan tb�f all these dead thin , .......... � ......... ,()().()fj Acco-Al. .which completes our pay- Clinton ....................... 11,54 1. I � . . were, her inanimate allies, helping her; ed In Jca3. Indeed, could it eveir be "What'll make me? When I'm do� will be much activity in other lines, Bank Loams .............. 97,500,00 me'.111, thf� fact that our share of the Londesborib .................... � 12.10 . ,," I ... " . Atow4id freedKim. But where should i opened? ing nothing wrong_- . It is not Yet too )gfe to take advant' __ cost of Social Sprvices has advanizell Blytli ......... : .............. 12.19 1. .11, , 1. � she go even when she was outside7l She looked do*n the �bollow to tbp- "D'You cali it ,nothing w-rong when age Of 10NIV jrtc-Tesi �ites. and I am'" $161.82.5,�Jlj S10,000 a year and our ability to m -et Belgraye .................... 12�30 � 11", I The night,would tell her that. That: twWin'_ ,Very still' of the oplinjon that the county , COUNTY i-11GHWAYS I all 1'-Iesf� inc-P&,;rQF On the saMq�- mill Wingham ................... 12.50, . �.. I , .g line of cottonwoods which YOU make e man 'Y-ou'dan�de ,with rate. I — . I ,outer night would lead her! I ran rear, the, dry creek- And beyord figure Vial: you're tired of me ' and should borrow a considerable sum of Receipq- . �, I � I money -say S150.00 -for road Pur- 1935 subsidy . � ............. $ 48,842.GS Our favorable M170,A`Irg is Lbe ro. .... ". , She vM0 under the stars ,at last. In uie tree -tops rolled the moon-wbiten- U3*11tv glad, that-, You're rid of m,e p,,,, Th l. . . . CXR. TIME TABLE . 7,11 'the flood4ag moonshine they were I ed, dures.,crisply cut against the for for a while; 'at lea�st9.- is, with the subsidy, would 1935 gas Aax rebate ....... 2,562.59 suit of urtirifie energ`3- Or, thl� Part . East . I - I ... I .71� � I . I place'an all year stirface on a coil�' Sundry revenue . ......... � 570976 of Warden Do , wman. H -e sueed", In A -M. P.M. - . .1 il, 11 . �, , withdrawn to small point,s, of hg,M-! sha,dow of the mountains. Once mare "'I've nevet,said that in mv life." sielerable mileage of our county roads; Banj� loa.n,s January that vi-(� would ba; - to ble'ar , , z� "Not in SO rnamy words,. " 00 . ,'�",, . ............ _ 89'.060., 1 Goderieh ....... I—. 6A0 2.30 �� 1. for the sky wag thick with a haze of'lhe shower of melodious dissonance But words rebuild several of our old bridges that � down all 3,;?ar to lii-e within our esd-, . .41 radiance. It was all new to- ber. She I e.a;r; d'nooping from, the wild geese in ain*t the only thing- that count- are failing (103711, and Pay for other — Tbat-tlj�s has been'dcne. most ClintoD .............. � 7.03 3.00 ,,�, I " ", Q 'bad iee� it before, no doubt- Bul ; tbe beart of tbe sky. and for a strazge Mere-ar a way y Seaforth .............. 7117 3.16 , . ou got of looking $146.11-5.03 mates- " improvements thai have bee" Post' Bank bal_ Nov. 39 ........ $3.896.54 Committee Chairmen will agrll� The Dublin ........... � "I ...... � now gifts wivs looking with new eye,. I in-lant It almost seemed, to Joan that dtown and looking up sudden and I . , - ... 7.28 3.29 ,' :: poned from year to year. Warden bas WOTked well and fai-,h I 1�q:� ExpeDditure ,Mitchell .............. 7,397 3.41 'r, . . . ;1� .. . , , %and, th� voices. of a band of vrj;ll - tbe laughter ,of the girl was fa,lling brigilit at a gent that knocks, 'enir flat I realize tbat popular opluion will 1935 notes repaid ......... $ 55.000,00 fully in even bian,cb of the work and � I , , ' , "', geese, dropping In chilly harmony a-* again. c . ut of the dieep bossom of the -and you kDOw it as well as I do. be agalrist Such financing, but the -p Zl'h Of the' crW`t for tWs showing west " ik,113- ( . ZU c ­�� bout her, were 11ke* so manN, -o I : heavens. A-nd then You're got a way of smiling ay list vouchers ......... 83,365.8; ' Mitchell .............. 11-19 9.23 ,�:'� .... ,�� 1, , cause of bad times is the popular Idea Loan intere,j is due his effort- He hai received �' � ............. - � , 62.01 L27 9.41 V11 of Spending a lot wben money 's Committee pay lisIg ...... 450.50 less as a r",uk of s,ev-en Ie" corn- �� � each a message In a foreign tow I Somewhere in tRiat great world at them sort of sad, and sweet as if 2,�6 Dublin ............... I , I Seaforth .... 4� and yet with a meaning to be haif- ihere was a 18ecret of happiness. And. there was something You'd like to Wentiful, and spending little when a O,_erdraff, Jan. I mittee meetings. The Property C,m- ­ .... * jl),�, ,, . ........ 37.44 . 1Z 12 10,09 �, �1. , , I , , . , ' bad beard tell 'em. if you only could!" dollar will buy . - a great deal. I do not - mittee held but one meeting and . . �, guess" tbaqe vvimi wluch she ., .. 7 Clinton ...... .... ­ ,�, She went out to the barn. f1maid her trsTplllang down the road. might. not "John, you talk as if I were a___�a favor at 'this time making a heart . . I sp-ent nothing but on a few necpsAary Goderich ..... ....... 12= 2U4 ... "I'll, R I I 11 . 64"e In, the dqrk and passed -on lo qbey be a30 bpund ioWard it? She -4'- not- gGlPe to say anotber word levy on the ratepaYers to pay for im- $142.218.49 repairs at the Jall.,. Th,, EdjucaUon � , . 4 6�� . I I A ,,", .11 . ,P held no m"ting I .. rM, the, corral. T'here were a baff-dozen turned Peter amd headed him back to YOU t"*hL" ' . ,.. provements that will be used and em- PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS Committe ,, �a, C,P.R. TIME TABLE � I horses, there, but she knevr them MOO. at. a gallop agWa- "Then I'll take you home now,, . I � 0,." 'i � * JoTed by Pewtb in the - future, who Receipts The Inspeetor at the.CountJ* ffome cast ,. ,�,,�,,F,,,', . I I ��411 "Thoir �#Ilhouettes were as 111mmallar as . "I won't go a ster rm having the will be much better able to pky the Bank balance. Jan. I _­$ 199-35 has been very enetgetJc In, looking P.3t ,�,,-, � � I," , - IN lltumdn, faces, although ' they ' Treirl- . CHAPTER V best timL, in my life -and Fou want bill, but in view 9 Trans. from 0,eneral Acct.. . 1, , "', 1� 1'. , I I I pfconditions and 50-90 after estales Of the lnmakiE�i- aiad- bar, Goderich ............. ­­.. C20 ­.�11 . . . . . . . ���, "... . crowded In &� farther eorner. me to give it up.', 11!#r - The Ve resorne Moth conservative re6rd oVer pa,vt .Yearsv Bank loans . ­ 30.000-00 turned in in excess of $7,406.0f), the Mensiet ................ ... 4 . 44* ­ I ".1i " . ....... ­­* . 2""- "I � "Ne'll y 11 . . '�T,�,` W . ., :4T 4 " I , They Snorted and, broke apart when I I fee] that the county %vill be missing Trans_'from Deb. Acet, ... .413 resu)t being that ; p,� Sbe hmd, tbree miles to the , the County Home V�G;aw . ...... .... I ... 1. 4't,3 ., u,", � ,A�q I , . ��, - 1, she approacheo. them, but when shi, * "OW11 cried Nell\,\ stamping. 'Ycu a big opportunity If improveui�-nts axe . __ has vosk�xs nothing and will derm,the Auburn ...­'.­:,., ........ I &�, I " � ""It JV,�,�`,� � we.si. whem sme came sudderiLv on the make me so,_ �55 R �, again- ---- 21. i,,�� 2�,3 called to them they baited poaee,' ToT a_9-,,Peter.eaz7ieJ her over postponed lionger.-T, Roy PallersolL 1 $30.249.19 year ulXh 83,WQ0 n the bank. myth ..................... '02 - �,-,I'� � - d'y , ' " ­ ,% " . . They stood shaking their beads; u Suddenly Gainor dre himself UP. C�0' , ,;i,� P at- iop of a dune, sbe saw the sebool unty Engineer- Bal. in Bank Nov. 30 ...... $342,23 Tbe County Clek bas arranged Walton . . � ............ I ...... 64TV , �,� "M 'do when insUMMI. Amd Joan, trembled wilb, exci,temem,j . , Q,,.�� N, � I and down " lborses. b,ow-4e beDow lbeir'wIth light pouring ' _ CHILDREN'S SHELTER Expenditure ",tb the Queen Ale7andra, Sanitorium, NeJCgvgbt ................... 6.0 . . � .�� ,��l E Ar ,,� , ,A Me .Vena 241#nTs dUcharged, Toronto i . . � ................ ��. 0;g` , ,,, feMs them that all men are tei" oul, 0tr e,rery apem Window. There SPe vn-tcd W go Out sad take, his The Superizte.nd,6nt .reports, for the Pror. Treas.. SM.. on acelis'. $ 6,68.72 t,Q here se I p I � N" arm and 0, ., a and reason tells them that one man, .say: "Ohi � 'don't speak too seven ,month Period edding October B,Snk lbtere$t on loans ._ , 244,12 returning perlodlically for treatment- wint . .. . 1 101, , , 1 . , r.:,, vrery dwens of, hersea and buickboards (grie,kir! Sh-es meant to do no " L � ..'�"" I I . . 'at 1, t, is k4nd. lelbered tlewr the building and as the 39tb. 9, recorded total of. 302 visits PrVT, Treas_ bal, 1934 Aect. 25.000.00 This &P 9,50 a '. I ',,,,'. , *ae wrong!" 1 _0 �cjs a saying of 3 , . . � . I 41t, - � - , ... She called again, very Sof"Y. 1-10 made- and 183 office into.rv`]�-,vrs in all Pror. Treaa.. 1935 AccL ,... 2,994.26 monsth per patient, . . that not even' the keenest ear CaWd df"00' S"irted at d1ft momenC she But of course. she COVId only stay Twrov.to ._,.11 ... � -4.4.--* �, ,' Ir ­': �pe,j� me&. ,only the musle, but even departments or big work. . - in concluArion I wish to th=k the MeNhught ......;I.I.I....'wo " - boar from the h6uscl, and( the hor-reA . . wbere she waS� and, sbiver vith appre- A new. cement sidewalk lies been .. �i�,,;;�"L, oe� whLmer of the, Ma1w fee xer*ss $29,4017-10 members of (;oqqtF Council o6d all '117,arl ........ %­.,..,­,0.*11i0T-,, came slowly tavnird liter. habson as Gaifiik Mid cold�y­ laid at the tront entrdneo, to the Sbql, PROVINCIAL H ACCOUNT caunty oftlepra.for their sipitudid co- a . . d', ,4 �11'...O - I 0 I � �_ ,,, r gulf put(In travel , . .­... . ', , -if I baek tb6ir, oat* 4nd :61allidlig a ibe 600r --se olldw.F did� soft;, "ni'm tired, of me, I ain't Rn- . IG4WAY 'I l . L . I I , � , . 0 � ter, and the Shelter m"nuy iiftspe,�'t� Estimated to Dectinber 319t operatiot durling the year and hope , .. l. � - - a.'.., �4�0�r, , . 'r as . 1! ,, I mnglyl - * 0---..-4. ,� 4), " " " e 't t "i��:e, to or i7iting at lono anothe , 9 T; nkgoo ne� degeft adght! ing W bother you no more. Nell. Bat necelpto; , . I .� - . 'a I It. .ttatedj "Mgoy up" j"M *%g tr fWt to ,ba,f�o 2, gbov . ,�,ftvm a -.in I ry * 0 ma& no to eee the present membeft st A . I right. ed, by the - i A u b , . Oouniyl rat" , , 'i�, �� -g � �1­11 'r =Ied. 6f a6y but empasary 01". - p140e 660 here sad, now!,. col"Plaints fi,fiding evoki'thing to be $ 42,05746 repr"qtted in, the 11931 im"Ie-A womei . .,�. .. -, I.... '�'..'�, J 0 , �W,o . . . . . . . . I " ­ keew mot., thb, vts me I . NP 1p� - 11 �i��. (!60JfJ66n. r ce, ov 30 ., 3p&s 0. JWasuror� L ' I !, , `�,A �,� 4­6,--I,��­ , tome. *Mdy gathered, Itt 0, tldg* 'fit *etu3 jo, first I . EL 'R&Aft . , I 6610046h, o,1l�,.*­w,v..W,*,Al , 1111� LL.fj"NO", , ght am idto* it *a Omar as it (NiMaked mext . I . I ,IP', , _�- I I . . � . I . I " � � I 40 *01,bWo wiroft MTA, thek oftl5l""` , I , - I . .. 'r" "'��',4�" 1111.�--i, p.',.,,�� "I .11 I .. I . . I _ I 0 � . 11­1111��!�, � I I ,!`� I , .., I . � I A . .. , - " , . �, " , . I I I : . , ,,,, � "i I I ,'� .1 1Y:j;4 J�'Fr�NlT,` I �� I I . I , I 1. I .,:., .! ., 1! I p 1 'If I I ,� . . � I , � I .. �' I 11�'., �­­,� I 1), , . . I '. . , &�.� ... . � �, ,,,.,�:,�;�,!,,',% . . . 11 � I , �,��,'!,,� ­' , ­ ' � "" �1' � 114 "r I �'.,,'A� , , � 4;j�,'R,�L� �� L "' ', _rj 4-', I I I 1). - �. ,�4�,�,;I��,"�", t . ,� ,, I " , "","�,,��'il��,,�1,I)�j.'�i,�;��ii,i � - 1, IP -1 "I . .., . �", � I., I j -�­,­ � L�k, ��, .1 -,j� �%.'­'­­­J­J,�', " , , T.,;10 -.W;0 �l",�:r"t,!","t"�rit,'�;ta4�!".!�;,,.�,,L���l,,.:,�,,j�,�,i�-r,�,,�'��i�m "Y1,11 ��i�.A I I L. ,��k";"..�i,4"a"-,4,"�".,t��, .� ­,;�,�,, 11h" I I'll'. ,. ., �L" ]��.'j ,�,�i"�(O!_ ", "" .1 _' ��, ��'�,.�%��11­11 V �,� ,� " , , " , 1�m , x n , I , 'Ll"""�.,�,,,, ,t� V,�;tl�­ � " " I 1�',­ ,io��.��,�,4;%�,i��4�� , � "? """""", ;r til w . �. 11 ,� ",?l li "g. 'I L'13� i,N�v ;,"N""""',� ,;11 2,,ni "",!",�,,��",�-�,-.;;."",,.,! I I i r I I , . I :, � � � I � 1, 41�1';, 1�� i I i � I � ,!�j,� 1,�,,��,.,�i,,. �1 �,,I,� "" ,,',,I — j�, �, ,, " i, ." . , I r .4 1: I 11, I", : '. ., � -, ,,;?,, 1, ''. " L � ,,4 ": , ", ­ 11 � �)Jj�,'4,�,�i,�� ,,,.I,,,, r ""' � I - ,,, �, ,L,',"w'�""O",Ita�i,.,�,z���'i 11 ,) ,Q2,!,�`,,,l 1� 31i 1111!1'�,W�,'t - �­ I'l "� , , '! 6. , " , " , ,�, ,,�� L ,��I'j'��J',,�,� �j io�,�,,�,,,�i �iti�;,�i .2 ,,e,,�� Liz,�,,ix R. " �L"l 1� r . � ., L , ), �.. �11;,"P `�,!P,�,, I �, , � !, � �,:� " 'i �, A li�,,,, , , i:,1E , , , '---,,1L, " �­,­­­­ �, , , R', 'k�',M, �L - i "I'll, �M 5 IN " R �1� 31i 111!11,"�,W�,'t , ­