HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-12-11, Page 5Ik ti 3a ", iS nil 'rl aEii1FQRTf1 ej'tut'q n 1♦ilei-Meniielt, Mad:.. isr ONE1~ . Of RaThet YiRNS," th''tl,alv'yfl Douglalsa :Gad Patr1c4. 41,40 I en" Maynard, In "AVEN.GING wAT.E, tr MR 'rail '1'ueadray Wedn'esd'ay Charles Dickens beloved master- plece- "SCF1'OQGE" A Chrintmao Carol, jalexC Tiu'rsd'ay;Friday, Saturday Double Bill "Guard That Girl" Ken,'Maynard in '!Heir To Trouble" Coining - "DISRAEL,I"' A 4 1 4 t. a. 4 4 • • ,.4 • .t 4 4 : 4 A 4 4 { , t• 4 1 4 oe CONSTANCE Hold Joint Meeting The Chriatmas meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held in the basement of the Church on Thursday, Dec. 3. 'The meeting was opened by. singing a hymn, followed by prayer by Mr. Gardiner.' The minutes were read and adopted, dopted, The following officers were +chosen for the coming Year: For W. A: , President, Mrs. G. Addison; .vice- president, Mrs. E. Adams; secretary, M.rs. A.,' -Dexter; treasurer, 'Mra. G. Leitch; pianists, Elia Dexter and Ed- ith Britton; •work committee, • Mrs. Medd and. Mra E: Lawson; conveners of the groups; Mre. C. Riley, Mrs. R: Rogerson, Mrsi. B. Snell, Mrs. Couttes. Officers for W, M. S. are; President; yrs,. Will.iara Britton; secretary, Mrs: -en Dexter; treasurer, Mrs, B. 'Steph- san. " Groups 3 and 4 took charge and part of hymn 308 was sung, fol= kitied by .leaflet by Phyllis Medd. A solo was sung by Edith Britton. Scripture lesson from Luke 7:7-14, was real by Mrs. Lindsay; Legion -of •i:hriet as. was' read by Mrs. Frank Riley, followed by a sole by Muss Chalmers. A beautiful story was giv- en by Miss Ivy Simmons. • The re- . =cinder of Hymn 308 was sung, fop Mowed by the Mizpah benediction. RUPTURE If you are one of the many afflict- . ed ,why not investigate_ the merits of the Armstrong Patented Appliance Since 1882—nearly 54 years--Arm- astrong Appliances have been pre-em- inently successful in the positive. re ,•tention of hernia. (commonly called rupture). • Billings Bridge, Ottawa Oct. 28, 1921. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I make -the following statement for Frublication, relative to my experience *ith rupture and' trusses, fitted by experts, hoping that it .will 'benefit .otfe'rs. Some years ago I was ruptured. 'eery 'badly owing to heavy work. I :wore trus's•es, for a long time they proved veryunsatlsfaetory. Through advice from as friend I had an Arm- wrong Patented Appliance adjusted on me. IT CAUSED A COMPLETE CURE, It is more, than ten years ,since I stopped wearing it. During all these years I have worked as a gen- eral blacksmith and Wagon builder and Slave no weakness or symptoms of rupture. I am now sixty years old and from my experience the Armstrong appliance is the best and he knows )tow to adjust it. I am willing to.con- . firm this at any time, (,Sgd..) Thos. Richards. Campbells Bay, Que., November 15th, 1922. Nr.: J. L. Armstrong, Specialist, O'ttaw'a. Dear Sir:; I presume you will be pleased to know that the appliance I received from you cured me of a bad vupture I 'had from childhood. I have not worn it or any other during .the last eight years. You cannot imagine how thank- ful I atm to get cured. I am sure many Of my sex are suffering in a similar way. I would like to let them know where to get cured. Therefore you -may use my name with the above ob- ject in view. Yours respectfully, (Sgd.) Mrs. Sadie Stevenson 'No leg straps—no pressure on crest .of hips or spine—no buckling tight around the bode—noliniments, salves, adhesive pads, spring or elastic belt •trusses: ' J. A. AMSTRONG Specialist of OTTAWA and LONDON, ONT. will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. FRIDAY, DEC. llth, 8 any, to 3.30 p.m. Call early for free consultation and ' personal de'monstra'tion. (Advertisement) Loh, wee 6'vO., The Ptiol1' tite,40 ' .Sivabi'nR'"Q.100,- 1 e1)018 rl11g a wee .on1 Friday evens 14CPP01 p tt St1, 'Id` trlte i rrester's Hll ll, ,; .A, lt, y' t ,l t v IZ1 be d fort'he -P _ • '. Mesare 14c9Stephenson and. TRU 1'oWl tt wet7e to 'goon, on business' on The :dal - "-''!' 4 �,A, gr. Bill' Ditgae successful MI get 1dn 011xtb Pr . hi$• ' eoIt at the Giuel}ph Win7 lit'. Ma's. •Stewealf;' wlhlo tb,ad 'tlhie • anis- tune to fall 334,110 brealt her hip and was. tom. to stoat Memorial Hosed - tali Seaforth, le not len roivinj - . _a8. -well as Ther fri-ends, would 'Wee.' The .Live Wire Sunday School Class will hold their meeting in the school room 'on Friday evening. , ST. COLVMBAN See our windows, counters and booths. Every folk of space spells Sant. Claus, .at Beattie Bross Tile many friends of Mr. r Joseph Downey, who bas undergone en open 'admit .recently in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, are pleased to know that. he is recovering. Messrs. Joseph Dantzer and 'Clar- ence Malone have returned home af- ter enjoying a , hunting expedition in Northern Ontarle. A large number of -friends and • ac- quaintances from here: attended the funeral of the late M. John Bruxer, of Dublin, • on Wednesday morning. Miss Viola Feeney has gone to, Lon- don where she has secured a posl- tidn. Miss Mary O'Sullivan Is visiting at the home of lter''pare'nts, Mr., and Mrs. James O'Sullivan, . -Mr. an'd..Mrs. 'hos. Molyneaux, of Dublin,. were guests,: of Mr. and :.Mrs. Joseph Carlini • recently. 'The Bingo p'a'rty it ,the - parish hall on Tuesday evening proved to .'be ,quite a success, twelve or more peo- ple. winning Woaleot. blankets. . .• A large ;number attended the Bin- go. party • Tuesday. night. when many hesiltiful blankets were given •as 'priz- es. Another will- be held next Tues- day, Quite a number from here attend - ..d the -school egncert ,held in Manley given by Marie Murray's- school: Vie C. W. L. are' holding their Chruptth os social ore Tuesday night, Decen;ber 28th, with a Wingham or- chestra. TUCKERSMIT'H AINNADISI Remember, this is our greatest dis- play in 46 -years. It's worth coming in to see, at Beattie Bros. The December meeting of the Tuck- ersmith Ladies' . Club wee held at the home of Mrs. S. H. Whitmore 011 Wednesday, .Dec, , 2nd, with twenty members and eight visitors present. The roll call was answered by telling the best Christmas" present I ever re- ceived, end by donating something for the Christmas box which "was lat- er packed to be sent to Mrs. Sloman of the School Train in Northern On- tario. Several Christmas carols were sung andthe following program giv- en: Guitar and vocal 'duet by Misses rVietta' acid e•Rearl, eGoleman• needing, "What then Worry About," by Mrs. Elmer Townsend; reading, "How One Christmas Box Was Received in Northern Manitoba," Mrs. F. Town- send. Miss Sadie Bali gave her fare- well'speedh as retiring president and Mrs. Oke; her initial speech as new president. Reports were given by the other retiring officers which showed a goodly balance on hand with which to begin 1937. The January meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Her- man Crich, roll call to be answered by telling "In what way I have been helped by the, Club" and payment of fees. • Report of S. S. No. 9 ' The following is the report of S. S. No. 9, Tuckerslnith, for the month of November: Sr. IV --Bruce Hodgert 79%. Sr. III—Janet Handley 83, Janet Hodigert 68, Jackie Powell 55. Jr. III —Douglas Love 65. Sr. II—Shirley Love 81, Neil Hodgert 57. Sr. I- Kathleen. Powell 95, Grant Houston 71. Primer—Eleanor Elgie 92, Ray C'ansitt 76. Nurniber on roll, 11; av- erage attendance . 10.—Margaret E. Grieve, Teach WINTHROP 5,000 Chr3s'tmla,s Cards, each velopeiat 5 .for 6C. Beattie The anneal ,)acting of the Aid and W. • M. S. Cavan was held in' the church' on y, Dec.2nd, Mrs, C. Hills and' opened the meeting mn and, pnayer was offered McFarlane. During it was 'decided to hold gift service on December 13 reports were given show the ladies' 'had had a very s year. Rev. G. E. Morrow took the election of officers which follows: Hon. Presid�en ornaw; President, Mrs. C t vice-president, Mrs. H. A d vice-presi�deal't, Mrs, A. Ross; sec- retary, Mrs. F. Bullard; treasurer with an en Bros. Ladies? Church Wednes- day, presid- edwith a :he' ' by Mrs.r Robertthe busi- nessa white 13th, Sev- eralshowing that acces'sful k charge ofich were ast, Mrs, M' C. Hillen; la lexander; 2n' ss; of • • CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain_FARES Minimum Fetes Adulb 75e' Child 40s From SEAFORTH AND ALL ADJACENT C.N.R. STATIONS FRI., DEC. 18 to Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, •Cobourg, Belleville, Na.p'anee, Kingston, Gananoque„ Brockville, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Ti'xbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Cam.pbellfordt, Newmarket, Allendale, Penetang, Collimgwood, Meaford, 'Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Brace- ; bridge, Huntsville, Callender, North 'Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario on line of Teanis'kaming & Northern Ontario RISS; NIP -its -111g Central illy.; Kapuskasing, Longl:ac, Geraldton, J•elli-, ,•ooe, Beardmore. SAT., DEC. 19 TO TORONTO. Also to Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, . Durham, • Teeter, 'Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, H'arriston, Orsoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, ondon,- �Listowel Mitchell, Niagara Oldls; en Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port'13'lgin, St. Catharines, Bt. Mary Sarnia, Southam ton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wiartoni,rtlghanl, Woodstock. and SAT.,9Lecally betwesn,lmpe'tenl Staticin nt ab eh'$1*eureion DEC.•i 1Ses4@1 'Ask Ticket As$i►iG,. For pare Retina UMitir Z' ain�I tfonnntiornr. tit, co its• itateit.Agent. e +Ste H41 dbtjl4t'fit tomnitte lits o ' pJi100141116. the La'dttes.' Aidi r& G, De . treasurer g the We 11(1-;,''� Sim on, para peagetal^yWas Wit,. Hl>len, 'Mleaipnary .MQ l hly' see , Mls :A. •Po maga; fiewer y siting isalrap „. Mph, F ,' iiia 01„. andd °Mrs, J. Beattie; Chtietiaat ataw. ard'ship eon,., Mre,, R.. Me'Ll ure; aupy' see., Mme, A. A. Guthill; I •fission $a*' Leader, • Mrs R IlleParl ne; ant; Mise B: Blainahard; 'I"elnveaOce e'ee,'ultf'rs. T. Betties; t]aptain Nell 1 Circle; Mrs', J, Boyd; No *, Mra:.ME. T:alt; No: 3, Mrs., J. Pethtck; N t: 4, Mrs. ,R. Bolton; 'iflmist, Mils. Cuthill. - _Rev. Morrow= •-coiedUeted- -the- installation eerviees. Mra. William Dodds„ Captain of No. 3,. took the re- mainder of the meeting. Mies Mar- garet Petlhick sang a solo end the topic, "C'hrist the King" was given by Mrs. James Simpson. Mrs''.; Hiram Blanoband ,closed the -meeting with praYer- 'fix.' At:se • McKILLOP Crawling life -like dolls, 25c eachj, at Beattie Bros. The monthly meeting of the W. A. and W. M. S. of Duff's Church was held at the hometi of Mrs. John Gor- don) On December 3rd. There was a good attendance. The hymn, "Take My Life and "Let It Be," was sung. The installation of officers was Con- ducted by Rev. G. E. Morrow. Hymn 71 was read in unisex°, and prayer was offered by Mrs. C. Henderson. "'Sil- entNight, Holy Night," was sung and the minutes of the previous : meeting were read and adopted'. ,The W. A. minutes were read by Miss Flame Dor- ranee. Mrs. G. E. Morrow gave a roast interesting address. The meet- ing closed with the Lord's Prayer and a social half hour was spent when a pot -luck supper was served,. MANLEY We are pleased to learn that Mr. George Bennewies is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Weitersew have returned to their home in Detroit af- ter a week's sojourn with their many friends here. Our teacher, Miss Marie Murray, entertained a crowded house last Fri- day afternoon to her Christmas- 'con- cert in which all the pupil's took part and which was a grand success. The schoolmates. of Master Stephen McKay are pleased to hear that he is improving rapidly and we hope that he will soon be ableto return home. Mrs. Pat McLoughlin is still in a precarious condition, • Last Sunday's rain settled the snow so we.will have no more drifts until we get some . more fresh snow, but the roads are now passable for wheels VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson, in com- pany with •Miss Jean Mossop, spent Tuesday in London, - Mr. G. H. Beatty and sister, Edith, motored to London on Wednesday. Mr. Ernie McClinchey was called upon to help a motorist out of the. ditch Wednesday night. No particu- `lata 'have 7 sen learned, but the roads are very slippery these days. HILLSGREEN Mrs. Ward Forrest and daughter, Anna Grace, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dalrymple, near Chis- elhurst. Mr. and. Mra. W. Weido and sons visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Willert near Hensell. Quite a number are Motoring to London to see the Christmas displays and do some purchasing also: Mr. W. Turner and sons have pur- chased the farm of Mr. D. F. Ander- son on the Parr Line. Mrs. Mina Love is visiting her daughter and ameba -law, Mr. and Mrs. John McEwen, near Hensel'. Mr. W. Smale, of Bewail, has been cutting wood with his outfit in thus vicinity-- ' STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Barber have re- turrted thome from their ho'neym'oon Mrs. Diker is visiting friends in Zurich. The Junior Institute met at the home of Marian Drake on Wednesday afternoon with fifteen present. The meeting opened by singing the Insti- tute Ode The roll Call was answer- ed by "the handiest thing in our house." It was decided to make a butterfly quilt. • Isabel Templeman gave the topic on "Arranging the Bouquets." Beatrice Harburn gavea demonstration on making different articles out of crepe paFer such as. cushions, lamp Shades, doilies .,and flowers. The meeting was then ad- journed and lunch served. CROMARTY Mr._:Roy McCulloch attended the -Winter Fair at Gueip'h on Thursday last. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of Cromarty met -at the home of Mrs. ,Tames' Scott on Thursday last, Dec„ '3rd. A good attendance was present. The president, Mrs. Reidie, presided, A very pleasing feature Of the meet- ing was tine presentation of a certi- ficate of life membership to Mrs. Jas. Hill, who has very efficiently held the office of treasurer for the past twenty-five years. Mrs. Hill, in well- chosen words, showed her deep ap- preciation of the honor conferred up- on her by the society, expressing the that she was always pleased to do her part in the great work id which the society is engaged, After various business "matters were dealt with, the election! of new officers took place for the 'ensuing year, a& fol- lows: Hon. President, Mrs. Jas. Scott; President, Mrs, S. A. Miller; 1st vi'ce- presid'e'nt, 'MoseWing Hamilton ; secre- tary, Mrs; Russell Scott; treasurer, Mrs. Santee Hill; dead Tiding Sec., Mae, Quince; Pres -e Sec., Mrs., S. A. Millers Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. Whlnti" MoLareli,' Mrs. Wmiv, Moughton; Cs,ttere'd Helpers, .11Mra. John Handle 014 clrgai1''m t, Mrs. .1 eh, MOKn11ar; !i',i€chit gra' Sete aVBea teiptie. e(1 "4 e(1 e(4 of e(4 •(A efA ef4 ef4 Problems You will be surprised how Quickly, Easily, ,Satisfactar l: and Economically we will solve them. Remember---Your-Christmas Money will go farther hero;: Buy Early' in the day .,and ,in the week Every Gift in a Fancy Box 4ttfUtatte14484,MttlitMilttataft VTIVIZAVVIMEITMITIMIIM 44 e» +r! e14 f(4 er4 .464 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Single .; .10c to 50c MEN'S TIES IN A FANCY BOX Real Beauties • 50c 75c $1.00 MEN'S SOX. All New Patterns Sn Christmas Boxes. 25c 50c 75c $1.00 MEN'S SCARFS IN A FANCY BOX Bright, New, Attractive. MEN'S GLOVES Handsomely Boxed — Grey, Brown, Black. M EN'S FINE SHIRTS In Beautiful Boxes — For- syth, Arrow, Tooke. MEN'S PYJAMAS In Special Boxes — Broad- cloth or Flannelette. $1.50 to $2.50 M EN'S • HOUSE COATS Will keep him home eveey night. M EN'S BATH ROBES Cotton, Silk, Flannel. LEATHER COATS or JACKETS Chrome or Horsehide. MEN'S SWEATIERS Pullover or Coat; all thTe new shades and patterns. CHRISTMAS SALE NEW STYLE DRESSES All the newest styles, colors, fand trimmings. High quality Cr,epe, long or short sleeves; bias or pleated skirts,. Christmas Sale of MILLINERY All this Sea.son's styles, made of fine Felt or Velvet. All She wanted colors. While ttey last NOVELTY SETS In Christmas Boxes Braces and Garters, $1 Muffler and Tie ..$1.95 Tie and Hand- kerchief $1.00 Muffler & Gloves $2.95 DOILIE CENTRES Squares...10c to $4.75 Fancy Collar FANCY AND BATH TOWELS OF EVERY KIND A wonderful selection — Bath Towels, Hand Towels, Guest 35c to $1.50 TABLE LINENS Single Tablecloths or Sets. 79c $9.50 WOOL BLANKETS Kenwood, -Ayres, Madawaska. Beautiful quality. $4.25 to $9.75 WOM EN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Beautiful and Useful Boxed 159 to 75c Single 5c to 50c WOMEN'S GIFT HOSIERY In Special Boxes. Every weight or cpiality. 39c 75c $1.00 WOMEN'S GLOVES A Time -Honored Gift IMPORTED - BED SPREADS Double bed size; extna long. Blue, Gold, Green, Rose, White. Scallopecl ,or fringed edges. HAND BAGS Oheisrtmas Special — fully 49c to $2.95 2111/01/V IMMTVIIVVIM 1. PILLOW SLIPS rue embroidered, Scalleped .;. VESTS, PANTIES BLOOMERS IN FANCY BOXES Crepe 49c Velva Suede 59C Satin $1.50 tat Wpm EN'S GIFTS FOR 'BABY Wearing Apparel — Toflet Acessorien FLANNEL PYJAMAS IN BEAUTIFUL BOXES Big selection of Colors and Girls' 85c to $1.25 , Made -to -Measure SUITS Famous House of Stone Clothes offer you one of their High Grade Tail- ored Suits at 10 Per Cent. Discount TMITAIMVIIVVIIVVM dit pe ett 44,10404,44, OS 0014044404,44 400