HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-12-11, Page 3r rt , 4 r p A C 4 , 4 , 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 '+ 4, S' i 4 r•4 • d A . Q .:.0 4. J , 4 4 4 '1 4 ..A f 1. 4 4' i T 4 •4 4 4 • ,.. 4 A • A 4 '. 4 ... 4 .4 4 4 o , 1 a *4 4 v 4 , 4 4 t 4 rw .4 �r i el it (soma 'gym °:1.! • '1'hA!��idajf . Erskinne,,9.9 Trealtiarer. exited bu4gct fcfsPe0 t?tide estimates to' 1333', The 'ems. VW' toddled, on motteno of Reeves, Igai u rojey 41,11d R:. Turn'er, C00%, 'bdi.*•tpft 1 or the convenience of the members. Reeve MWN*a11 inquired in respeet to residents of the C9unty Hone whq after becoming recipients of 014 Age Pensions were fanned out, He inlquir- •ed •why: these people''suddenly became -of valuer after they become pension - •ers, when they are not at all in de wand 'before obtaining . the fusion; Other inquiries in respect to this same matter were discussed ' by Reeves 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 By 'arousing the torpid, sluggish liver to healthful action, you eliminate the cause of constipation and chronic indigestion. You can depend on this time -proven treatment, DR. CHASE'S Kidney -Liver Pills 14,4444, nwxmew40.0,1 wuwwwrc ...0.•.R• xh.uumea Lute., v, 04a1,.•„,.....,-.•..•_...-•.•...•,uvauwu».f+u•:m.xw:y,..w.<, :I..�I•a t t�(�i3�F:194fdll�' NF�YttE�H,Iui�s R}"Sran4 ST tz0. tine Re@vie 1fOiali"4rolxgout ii0 tion or a 40e itaicl by< •I>fdln av Tor; which a csrl►at9.•hle' 1'eeelyed a. re ,g irkft 4 '0#40.4. # ` 44. never attended o4ort ll att 'lf4 rspect to County 0‘44f,"b14s t 04• were discussed by *008] µmer, 14744, Scott ,and aren #04, PRA iat utre'd1 in respect t ah ui en�t B.ut1 sat for whom, the '1WUR.i??IfliCos ' re ents, hadortid half flie, ts� 1.447lijnety days, after which time the pati:* wag ddsoliarg :,ed. at his ownrellues4, and later ' re- turned !te.,110s'pitfi.l. ',The Reesre de- sired to `lonow if the mifndcipallty had • to deal with this ease •.a,s' a new 'in- Idigemt case or was the G'ounty 1Sable for all the costs after the.90iday.. per- iod when the patient had been tem- porarily discharged in the uieantim:e. Reeves Pryde and/Sweitzer also spoke in respect td this inquiry. It was the opinion of council after can sideration .that .the �eaunhy should As - SUMS the costs beyond 90 daysO'er- 'rod. . . si The Warden inquired,from e Reeves of Ashfield if .they had srecur- ed legal advice in respect to umdnlant fever, which problem had been) pre- sented to council previously by Dr. Vokes of Dungannon. Reeves 8'ber- Wood replied that the matter']iad been discussed with the county solicitor who stated that according to the ex- isting act the 'Government may com- pensate onpensate the property owner in such case. The report of the Warden's Com- mittee was • read .to council, and on motion reread clause by clause with Reeve Mellick in the chair, and fin- s! a' <1'.r ri ; 1. ,:1 _•4 : 1 >' ; is l: • Note Paper and Envelopes, printed with name and address • • Bridge ,cores, printed with recipient's name • Business Stationery • Individual Memo Pads • A Subscription to The Huron Expositor • An S. C. I. Alumni Year Book 'r V, 1 •.w..,i 44.0..il`•r.14):'t,4R, •�f Ir ally..carried • as amended„' A resolu- tion in respect tb the jack rabbit menace was altered in 'accordance with, the committee's' recommendation. The report of the -Executive Com- mittee was read to council and on motion reread clause • by clause with Reeve Bryaus in the chair and finally adopted with the following amend- m'ent: • That the clause in respect to the grantto the East Huron's Wo men's Institute , be struck out. :Eckert -Geiger: That we authorize our CTierk to purchase a cabinet and registqr,; for use . of . stationery as we think • It`his system would save • the County money in the -future, and that the Departments be notified that in future aif stationery .must be purchas- ed by the Clerk.—Carried. ' Feagan.J. H. Scott: That all, bills from Township Clerks re Old Age Pensions must be okayed . by the Reeve of the municipality before be- ing paid by the County Clerk.—Car- ried. Cardiff-Haacke.: 'That no action . be taken in respect . •to the Farmers? Creditor"s Act as the matter is before the higher courts, and it would seem better, etiquette to leave the matter until such time as they have made their decision.—Tabled., Cardiff -R. Turner: That the Coun- ty Clerk instruct the municipal 'clerks that when they are sending in their report in connection with old age pen- sion accounts, that the mileage in connection therewith be attached to' each application.—Motion withdrawn. Sweitzer-Matheson: That -this 'conn* oil 'request the electors of ,the mundci- pality of Brussels to return our pres- ent Warden, that council may receive the benefits of his past experience.. Sweitzer-Matheson; That whereas many' recipients of the Old Age Pen- sion die without enough money to bury them; and whereas in such cas- es the municipality in which they live have to bear the expense of the bur- ial of such persons; therefore,.be it and it is hereby resolved by the Mun- icipal council of the corporation of the County of Huron as follows:— That the Old a Pension Commis - Sion be requested to retain out of each payment to a recipient of old age pension, an anyount, which in their discretion, will be sufficient to create 'a. fund, out of wlu'oh•the burial ex- penses of recipients of old age pen - signs shall be paid—Lost. ' Geiger-Melick: That I , am again requested' by the farmers of Hay Township, Tuckersmith, Btanley and part of •U•sborn.e, and the Village of Hensall, Zurich and all along the line from No. 4 Highway, east of Hensall and west' to the Blue Water Highway to make this road a connecting link of the Provincial Highway, as this road is most needed by the farmers and the public in, general, as well as for the Hensall grain market. This, pis the ,only realgrain market in Hur- on County. The report of the C.N.R. agent. at Hensall, which speaks for itself, in respect to grain of'a11 kinds and beans bought and shipped fol- lows: Tons of freight shipped out of Hensall from January 1 to November 0, 19 19,169 tone; =With, -009 -tons received approximately; $114,.000.00 earnings for the year. (Sgdl.) A: L. Case, Agent, C.N.R.-To. Good Roads. Reeve Elliott introduced Mr. $tir- ling of Goderich Tp. This gentleman brought to the attention of council the trouble experienced by the apple maggot. He stated this pest would always be found where there were hawthorne trees and he thought it would be wise for county : council to give consideration to the cutting of hawthorn trees through the services of. relief rec'i'pients. Mr. Stirling Stat- ed there was more money in the fruit business than, -;in any other line of 'farming, .a .the fruit industry should be given protection. He also referred briefly to "the menace of the warble fly. .; Mr. R. J. Deachman, member for North H ron, at Ottawa, gave a lucid, and enlightening address on the "Money •Question" and its problems arising from the depression: Using a chart adopted by the Bureau of Sta- tistics he traced the trend of bank loans from private to government channels and urged that every effort should be made to reverse this con- dition. He s'aicl in part: "Our money is going into government rather than intoprivate enterprises,. and that is the difference between prosperity and depression. Government expenditures do not provide employment; private experfdritures do." He urged steps to improvesrelations ' between the glov- ernrnent and banks, and between banks a d the people. He invited questions and various Reeves took advantage of , the invitation to en- lighten themselves and to voice their own ideas on existing and future re- lations of industry, particularly the farming industry, with the banks and the government. A vote of thanks was moved) by Reeve Bryans,- seconded by Reeve lTiavidson, heartily endorsed and ten- 'd'ered to the speaker by Warden Bow- man. Mr. Deachm'an said he was ev- er willing to be ofa service to the county 'oouncii and announced that collies of his three addresses on the Hey question would be forwarded members. and to any others Who left their addresses With the Clerk. Moved by Reeve Bryansthat the thanks of the members of the coun- cil be extended to Mr. Deachman, for the 'particularly interesting address and• for the valuable information con- tained in hia remarks. His comments Were respoided to by hearty' 'clap -- pings of handle. • 'ilarry Fldwards, Superintendent of the Shelter, addressed council brief, ly in respect to the work sof. the Shel- ter ate stated, among Other COM - Wen* it WAS the desire of the, Boit Mateo to re-establielh home *hens", iEO$:Pl: )14 . II194741*Ri, is, us au r , rij ifl, ISN, *SO' : 1f.77#0 te44w i were n':re ta,> lii4e ,: their emslv 'Q;. 94P sth #>44f +4e raitlfer t t'he d 8%, .' h tbrey , made •40#44. there ar,.e .67 obVdreu ht teeter disuses. T, .McLlea'n, of 141,ingba fOke'; to council asking'their cgn'sidemratlon regarding' the. P.OoN )king of a 'N$»i of Huron County. 'tt►Ae put- in book- form. He stated that the last •.))dale was. in .1879 and was a , cumbersome affair. Following his rerarks be was. assured that an =answer wfourd: be-gfr-, en to him, Friday afterneen. Mr. Govelilock, Inspector of the County Home,. addreaued ' caused) re-. garding matters in general `at the County Iiomk,. He stated that dining the past year there had been 8 • deaths ant at they present time 'the Homme shelters 92 inmates. Mr. Govemlock replied to Reeve McNall regarding Ams Snell who was released on a bondof $200. Considerable discus- sion arose in respect to this erase. The report of the Legislative Com- mittee was read to council and on motion reread clause byclause with Reeve Lovell in ..the chair and finally adopted as • rea The report of the Finance Commit- tee was read to council and adopted as read. The report of the Agricultural Com- mittee and Education Committee were read. to council and adopted without amendni'eat. , Report of the Property Committee was read to council and on motion re- read Clause by clause with Reeve Fea- gan in the ehair and finally .adopted as amended, the amendment reading that "no action be taken further in respect to pictures," referred to In, clause 1. At this point • Mr: Owen Geiger, Reeve of Hensali, drew to the coun- cil's attention the question of an in- crease in the Treasurer's. salary and requested council's consideration be- fore adjourning to -morrow. IMawhinney-Melick: That we, the county.couneil, stand behind our care- taker, Mr. James, as a body, in re- gard to the care taken by him of the Registry Office.—Carried. Feagan-Pryde: That county pay hospital bill. for • Colborne township patient suffering with cancer after first 90 drays'.—Carried. I� Friday Peter W. Scott, Chairman of the. Criminal Justice Accounts, addressed council in respect to the audit for the year 1936. He stated: "We have audited the first, second and ..third quarters of the current year. We had occasion to make some Changes in the accounts as presented by the county constables. We were informed by the Crown Attorney that we had a good deal of power in regard to making rulings as to payments under this ,head and that in. many branches there was no appeal from our deci- sion,. We made rulings which we be- lieve wild. be in the interest of the date payers of Huron, and we hope to make a 'fuller report at the January sessions as I have again been return- ed and have one more quarter -to audit. I strongly recommend the adopting of the salary system instead of the fee system wlhioh is proving quite unsatisfactory." The report of the Huron County Road Cowmissiorn was read to council and on motion of Reeve Geiger, re- read clause by clause, with Reeve Mc- Na11 in the chair and finally adopted as read. The report of R. J. Bowman cover- ing the trip of the County Home Com- mittee to other County Homes, name- ly Bruce, Wellington and Waterloo, on July 9th, was read. In acoordance with hiatitrctioirg'ot Council,""?lie re- port will be filed lin the files of the County Home Committee. Reeve Davidson . inquired if the Good Road Committee would give. council more information about the snowplow' which had been. purchased. Reeve Haacke rose to reply. He stat- ed (that the plow is in operation prac- tically 24 hours a day. He stated it is utterly impossible to keep all roads open in extreme weather such as we experienced last year, but advised council that most of the county roads will he kept open. He stated further that the money spent on the equip- ment was made up as follows: $1,500 for the plow; -6,000 for the truck which as 110 H.P. engine and a four- wheel drive, and $1,500 for blades and equipment. He stated that this out- fit, or sections of it according to the seasons, is in use 12 months of the year. This gentleman stated that (Continued on Page 6) ,o TSA MUMS 8' e 4./01t. el *4Aa a, n,slust o. ,H IST4N. S `lI St el, re .. , for presents -- for purchases=– orfor any other purpose — you will find' Bank of Montreal money orders convenient, economical and absolutely safe. Money orders --a or drafts for larger amounts — can always be obtained promptly at any office of Canada's oldest bank. BANK OF MON Established 1817 Clinton Branch H. M.. MONTEITH, Manager Hensall Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Open ,Tuesday and Friday MODERN,, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE ...toe artanse of 119 years' ruceeufrl oPeratio* •• QREJERYOUR METAL ROOFING A' THIS WEEK u,dsrwe 3YEARS TO PAY! • It is . very much to your advantage to put your order in for IUB -ROLL or r1T1E LA.P metal roofing right away— this week. In the first place, . steel prices are going up. You will have to pay more if you wait. But the Government's Home Improvement Plan now lets you do much-needed roofing and repairing with three years to pay for it! .An opportunity you should not miss! WE COOPERATE TO PRACTICALLY ELIMINATE CARRYIN -CHARGES --- Under the Home Improvement Plan there is a 3 % discount on advances by the banks. Eastern Steel Products Limited is helping its customers to almost wipe out this charge. We haus adopted a 8% cash -with -order 'flan. So buy now. Get a new, durable, non -leaking, thoroughlyweatherproof roof on these easy, . money -saving terms. Save extra money by ordering before rising steel prices force roof- ing prices up. - .. We urge you with all sincerity to take advant- age of this remarkable opportunity. Get free cost estimate by 'simply sending us ridge and rafter measurements. When you get this cost estimate, go to your banker. He will show; you bow you can get the money for your re -roofing needs ander the Home Improvement Plan. The whole transaction can be completed in short order. /\ �k5 T. (11 ma 1 1WAT ROOF WOULD NAVE COST ME A LOT MOR' /F/0' WAITED,! RIB -ROLL TITE-LAP JI/AtAt on RIB -ROLL OR TITE-LAP METAL ROOFING ..... • These two roofings have features developed exclusively by Eastern Steel Products Limited. They are Canada's greatest roofing values. RIB -ROLL and T11'iiLAP do not warp, bulge or leak. They are positively weather-proof, durable, good-looking, permanent. Can be laid quickly over sheeting or right overold shingles. RIB -ROLL and TUE-LAP are widely but unsuccess- fully imitated, so, be sure you do not get an inferior brand. If your dealer does not handle RIB -ROLL and TITE-LAP roofing he is not an Eastern Steel Products dealer. i GUELPH STREET, 'PRESTON, ONT: . FAcroalts >MONTREAL'ant• TORONTO PIONEERS OF COMPANY -BUILT BARNS AND MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS PRESTON STEEL TRUSS BARN. SOLE MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT OF: ALL KINDS. :1i ,uj jl u1,; ;(, rli ut11 li;44 I �4 t11 fit'" 3 jl pl, i 4 .}.. -4 .. �, r n ". . ... e4 • Yw Y,... ,y... ,... K. �j, 4 ;: 1, rel) e-4 .4 1, y'., ujf Jt r 1i �I 1• J-44( 4 every description rniture Store, Seaforth OPEN' ,EVENINGS AMR R D'ECEM"B ER 15th UNTIL. CHRrSI AS _;m u3',;.... ..,,,,, .s ,.�....r...�u•.t.,-.Ys,.-o-.�.•,.,�,.w�.•