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Seventy lzth ' Year
WiltO1e, Number 36.01
Visits Mother On Occasion
Of Her 86th Birth-
"Nations are today hastening to-
wards their armageddon," ' Premier
Wiidiam Aberhart, head of the Al-
berta's Social 'Credit Government,
Stinday night told a congregation
which filled First. Presbyterian Church..
"Great Britain has stood against
it and the British people throughout
the world afthould' pray that the Em-
pire be maintained to prevent growth
of the terrible movement in tthe,world.
You tahou1d 'be on your knees, for the
next 48 shouts that the tide which. is
` • sweeping Europe be held in check."
The minister of the church; Rev.
H. C. Feast, introduced the premier
as, "A. child of our own church in
•,• Seaforth, but now called to . a high
Position in. a Western province." 'Pier
minister went on to tell bow he shad
witnessed a ",'beautiful scene" Satur-
day,'Mrs.. William AberharC, who cele-
brates • her 86th birthday Monday,.
'surrounded by her sans. "We ,think
of this man as one who marchedfor-
ward, never •doubting that the clouds
will break."
. Premier Aberhert read the lesson,
from' the 24th chapter of the Book of
.St. Luke, verses 13 to 29. He was
preaeh4ng in the same pulpit which
lie oceupied a little over a • year ago
• • and lookedas robust. as ever; but his
voice and manner seemed to ' have
quietened, and to shave lost some of
, the positiveness which was so ,evident
• a year•.,,.
"I have not lost fntterest in the
'Word' of God as applied. to • the. Pres-
ent da:Y" he said. "It .hag been my
hobby for many years • In spite of a
etrennotte public :life during the past
two years I rave loved • to.. snatch a
few precious .moments to learn what
•the Scriptures sae concerning events
of the present day."..
(Continued on Page .7)
Council Holds December
• Meeting in Seaforth raid in each case wasp "$5.40:
`ono irs , Warden
Final Session Friday
pREmmit HE}tE
The Hon. , William Aberhart,
Premier of Alberta, shown as he
addressed the congregation of
First, Presbyterian : Church here
Sunday evening. A
(Phato coux-tey Toronto•Daily Starr
20 PLEAD G1111,11
Preston 0
M torist Fount
Guilty on Reckless
Driving Charge.
Tuesday was radio day in police
court 'here when Magistrate J. A.
1Vlakins, Stratford, took pleas' of
guilty frons 20 of 22 citizens of ' Sea -
forth and Clinton, who had been
summonedfor failure to secure a
radio license. 1
' One case was withdrawn while a
second was found guilty and given
until January to pay.• The amount
on Saturday. The only other ease before • the
court was that -•of a reckless driving
charge against .V. R. Johnston, Pres-.
., 1'he 'council of the Township of
Tuckeramitsh met in the Town Ha,..
Seaforth, on Saturday. Nov. 28th. The
members were all, present, the Reeve
presiding. 'Fleeen nuteseef...last...meet-
ing were read and adopted. Rebates
. were allowed of dog tax to L. G,
`M -utter -$4; `Roy'. Connell, $2; Cecil
Pullman $2, and Charles McKay, $2.
The report of the auditor of 'the High-
way Department was read, consider-
ed and tabled 'until next meeting. S.
Williams was paid $16.25 for repair-
ing the uAtchibald Drain on Lot 7,
Con. 1, H.R.S„ said amount to be
charged to account of Archibald, drain.
In accordance with authority givenni
under order of Ontario Municipal
Board, Bylaw No. 7, 1935, to issue de-
bentures for the Arum of $710.80, for
construction of the Mitchell Drain;;
*as read the third time and passed,
signed and sealed and the Reeve and
Treasurer was authorized to sell
same. The .school attendance officer
presented a very' full report of his
work at the various schools.—Fired.
The foliowusg accounts were pass-
ed: Relief, $61,51; H.E.P. Com., street
lights, $220; 'Municipal World, sta-
tutes, $18.78.; R. Dalrymple, pay lists,
Council adjourned to. meet as a final
meeting on Tuesday, Dec.' 15th, at 1
o'clock p.m.—D. F. McGregor, Clerk.
ton ,=notor•ist, alio smashed a Hydro
pole on Goderich Street on Septem-
ber 27th. ,
Johnston,•who w•as represented in
court by P. J. Flynn, Preston la_wyer:,
Thad been unable to appear previously
because of illness.
• Chief of Police .Snell, the' com-
piaintant, told the Magistrate ' that
(Continued from Page 4)
Hospital Aid
Has 188 Members
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Hospital Aid was weld
on Thursday; December 3rd, with ten
members present- Mrs. Dan Shane-
han,.t'he president, occupied the chair.
Miss Wilson reported that the new
electric mixer, which the'•Hospital kid
had recently bought, was proving
most useful.
The autumn canvass for members
resulted in 188 paying the annual fee
of 25 center
Plans were discussed for the -com-
ing year aad it was decided to hold a
mixed bridge on Wednesday, Janu-
ary 20th.
Drily' a Poet. Could Tell..
About This Fishing Trip
,A. Orli* and George Crich
While • this district watt suffering
T hinder the Stet Wintry blasts, it was
pleasant to read it is recent issue of
the Baker and Confectioner a poem
by John Ifeattie, recounting a fishing
• strip ie and 'W. A. , Orich took to the
Bruce Peninsula early last dmnniner
One May day when the OM vras•brig'ht
Bill' Crich said, "Bet the trout will
• bite:"
So off we Went With treat delight.
Now 1H.steti to my Store:
We started at the break cif day,
Wirth.flehinlg kite and ear O.K.;
It todk ire nearly'' all forenoon
. t 9tte 'iii,
To get to Tobermory.
Our bait was good, our spirits high.
And neither one of us felt dry—
On fishing trips.. a good supply
Keeps one •from feeling sorry.
An•cih when the' trout refused to. bite
All afternoon and 'late at night,
We 'thought we better call if off,
And head for Tobermory.
Our .guide said, "Come to Gillies take,
The trout out there are yours to take,
'wager you'll *lie no in3etake,
I'll let you have my dory."
We took his word; it Was no good;
The night came on, we knew we
Have left shim there, beside the wood,
And, gone to Teberrnory.
Beside thelake lar a we had our bed,
And turned int anter we`idi been fed;
I"ni glad you deal- know what I said;
My Apel got very "Snore"
The rove nsooti laughed the long night
The foghorn• bit* and brew and blew,
t never felt, before sin blue; •
I wished there all .Eft glory. •
Reorganize County Con-
stables As Badges Of All
Officers Are Called In.
Reeve R. J. Bowpian, retiring War:
den of Huron' Oounty, was honoured
on Friday arb the final session or •the
1930 council, 'then he was' press ,ted
with a gold-heatded cane, With Reeve
Elliott in the chair the .presentation
was made by Reeves -Cardiff• and Gwen
.Gager, As the latter handed tree
cane to the warden he remarsed:
''i his is the thirtieth cane that has
beta handed to wardens of Huron
-Mr: Bowman replied suitably and
Eteet•e Elliott said: "Bob Bowinan
was an exceptionally good warden
mitt' beloved by all."
Reeve Cardiff played Santa Claus
and distributed a basket of prize Mc-
Intosh Red apples• grown on his Mor-;
ris Township farm and was tendered
a vote^.4of thanks for .his delicious
-treat. •
The session concluded With the
singing of the National Anthem and
"Auld Lang Syne," and three cheers.
and a ' tiger for the warden.
Council placed its stamp of approv-
al : the proposed new highway,
wihich, if created by the Department
of Highways, will run from .. Lake
Huron through- to 'a point near Guelph
and which was favored,' by . Perth
'County. Courlell at its Wednesday's
meeting in Stratford.
A deputation, comprietng .'Warden.
W t►liam
,Donaldson, Reeve W. H.
Good, Reeve Joseph Nagle, Reeve D.
McCallum, Reeve G. H. Jose and
•County Engineer J. M, E33mpey,, all of
Perth; appeared ' before the Huron
Council Friday afternoon. All me7si-
bers of the deputation. spoke. on its
behalf and Heron: decided to join in
petitioning the government. td have
the proposed highway created. •
.On motion of Reeves Elliott,- of
Clinton, and Matheson, of 'Ashfield
Township, the Perth delegation •was
assured of the co-operation in the
matter of Huron County. A deiega
tion from Huron will go to Toronto
along with a deputation from Perth
in order to present resolutions to the
Minister of Highways.- •
A discussion on relief given to
transients was launched a•g R-e•eve Mc -
Nall, of Blyth, asked if 'any resolu-
tion had been presented from a meet-
ing of.several representatives in
Clinton recently.
i talon. Steepen said the idea wae
to reduce the number of transients„
Differences of opinion marked the dis-
cussion, some contending that it was
the obligation of the municipality to
look after the transient;, others. that
they slioilid'•be registkiE'llie mun-
icipality in which tires drake applica-
"I am .convinced from the experience
I have had, that, the fee system is
wrong; these men would be better
on straight sa'l`ary," said peeve Peter
W. Scott, chairman 01' the Criminal
Audit • Board at the Friday morning
session as he discussed the scale pay-
ment of officers.
The expenses of criminal justice in
the county were this year for the
fest .quarter, $2,900; second quarter,
$3,261.11; third, $4,44.2.93, and for the
last quarter approximately $6,000.
A vote of thanks was tendered Mr.
Scott for this information.
Connell endorsed a motion sponsors
ed by Reeves McNall and Cardiff that
the County of Huron•recall all county
constables, hedges and equipment
with the exception of Constables• Fer-
guson 'and Lever, and that they be
re :°sued on the a.pprova'I of the
County Council on the recommenda-
tion of Provincial Constable McCoy.
(Complete Council Reports on Page•3).
Northside W. A.
.Elects Officers
The Woman's Association of North-
side United Church met in the vestry
of the church on Tuesday, December
lst, at 3 p.m. After the regular busi-
ness was disposed of the anntial-'eleo-
tion of officers was held, i with Mrs.
Thompson in the chair. Me follow-
ing officers were elected .'for the
year 1937:
Hon. President, Mrs.. Ttiompsofr ;
President, Mrs. I. Hudson; 1st vice-
president, NLrs. Archibald; 2nd vice-
president, Mrs. R: Frost; recording
secretary, Miss E. Beattie; corres-
ponding senretary, ' Mrs, 0, Giew;
treasurer, Mrs. IVIcGavin; assistant
treasurer, Mrs: Finl•ayso'rr; Parsonage.
eothmittee, Mrs. Russell, con., Miss F.
Beattie, Mrs, ,.Hinchley; Sewing com-
mittee, Mrs. Grieve, con,, Miss Bris-
tow, Mrs, Frost, Mrs. Crich;. Flower
committee for church, Mrs. Hoggarth,
eon., ilVIre. Thompson, Mise Hartry,
Mrs. Porteous, Mrs,. McIntosh; Flow-
er committee for sick and shut -its,
Mrs. Finlayson, const Miss EtristoW,
Mae, Hinchlei', Mrs. Oonsitt; Kitchen
committee, Mi's. Thotntison, eon„ Ml's.
Glew; Mite 'Cotlectoi^s, Mrs. , Archi-
bald, Miss Brihtate, •Mrs; Grieve; ,Mrs.
Ru'ss'ell; It epreeetitativ'e to Official
floard, Mies Irl. Beattie,
AT F.1
Four Sitting Reeves Are
Defeated in •;Mon-
day's Vote.
Four me'm;bera of Iiurou County
Conseil, seelsing re-election, went
down.. to defeat, in the Deee2gber mune
ieipal elections on Mendiaet •
In Hensall •Ern>est Mae/dick was
elected over. Owen Gager, veteran
reeve, by 22. in God ell Reeve J.
J. Moser was defeats'for the 1937
reeveship by R. E. Tut , who won
by a majority of '102 votes.
The only present reeve, to be re-
elected was Reeve Wean; J. Stewart,
who , won the contest in' West Waw-
anlosh over John McQuillan by, a ma-
jority of 111.•
There were two upset in Ash1reld
Township. Richard Johnston defeat-
ed Reeve' Murdock Matleeon by a
majority of 183, and Gilbert Frayne
defeated Deputy -Reeve Samuel Sher-
wood by a tnajority of 48.
• The, vote polled in all four munthci-
palities in Huron on Monday was not
heavy. .In Goderich the electors turn-
ed out to vote against, a ,plebiscite
'which read: "Are you in favor of pro-
vincial daylight saving?" The vote
was: For; 447; against,. 481. R. E.
Turner, the reeve -elect of Goderich,
polled 526 as against 420 for Reeve
J. J. Moser.
The' municipal election brought out
a considerable number of voters, de-
spite the fact the ,roads :and side•
walks were .icy. The election was for
Reeye and. Councillors only, the
School Trustees being- elected by ac-
clemation as' well as Public Utilities,
Commissioner. The results of the vot-
ing were as follows.: For the Rdeve-
ship, E. Shaddick 171;. Owen Geiger
149, giving Mr. Sha.ddick a majority
of 22. • . George Smelt headed the poll
for council with a vote ,of 296 Orville
Twitchell, 221; William Shepherd,
.219; W. J. Dories, 190; A. Hamilton;
107, the first four given, 'being, the
Councillors for the incoming year.
The new Reeve, Mr. Shad'd4ek, has
been a resident of Hensall from his
birth. and is a s scorned man. He has
been an auditor of the village for a
numher of years and.also•;bedd "a posi-
tion with the Sterling Bank when it
had an: agency there and in other
West Wawanosh
Reeve, Stewart was reelected in
West Wawanosh for his. seventh term
Po1iinig 352 tvotes a.s against Jelin
McQuillan with 241. Mernbers of the
council elected. were: . E. B. Smith,
460,-' E. Websfer, 371; -C--Atehesan,
338; Albert Gammie, 271. The two
defeated candidates were E. Hamilton
215;. H, Leishman, e70. Reeve Stew -
(Continued on Page 4)
Britannia Lodge
Elects Officers
The following officers were elected
at the regular December meeting of
Britannia Lodge, 170, A. F. & A. M.
on Monday. everting: Worshipful
.Master, M. A. Reid; I.P.M., Rose 14e -
Gregor; senior warden, Gordon Mc -
Gavin; J.W., Charles Holmes; chap-
lain, J. H. Reid; treasurer, J. E.
Keating.; secretary, C. Aberhart; S.D.,
W. Bright;' J,D., Ross Scott; D: of
C:, Harry Jeffrey; LG., G. D. Fergu-
son; tyler, J. Nankin. The district
deputy, N. V. Johnstope,, of St.
Marys, was .present.
Avoid the rush;
Make yours a home
of carefree comfort
"D II"
Noted for its. Great Heat
N. ., '.
�4F & SONS 1.V AJ
King Edward VIII
Opening :Games Are Sehe-
duled For Next Sat-
, urday Night.
The opening garn.c:t of the Junior -
Farmers', I-Iockey League will be
played in tire Palace: Rink here on
Saturday evening of this week, when
F:¢nond:vilie will meet 'Dublin,,, and
Winthrop—will comp against Kinbul-•n. 0 0 '0 0 ' 0 0
Other dates arranged include: •
Dr. J. M. Field
0 0 • • • •
Boxing Day
It is expected Seaforth will
again observe Boxing Day on De-
cember 26th. A largely signed
petition.will be presented to coun-
cil on Monday night from the
merchants and business men, re-
questing the Mayor to proclaim,
the day a holiday. Since Boxing'
Day falls on Saturday, it is ex-
ettee:that• the—usurer isre'ad de= '
liveries will- be mad by local
King E:v
►. Message;
Which is
Af' Commons
Ting Edward VIII aabdited to=dad
after `324 days on tihe 7lhronie: 1 e, , ,
decksion was eontainisd int a `:lpt4tey.
read to the House- of 0onum.oirts,; by;
Captain Edward, ' Algernon . . Fitzroy,
The new King is George VI; t
forriier Duke of York- as,
'The . King's message ' was as fol=
"After lung and melons eoneidera-.••,,,.,
tion I have determined to renounce
the, throne to .which I succeeded on
-the' death of my father and I am 'low
communicating this; :•lits • final •and Ir-
revocable dtecision. -
lizing as I do the gravity of
this step, I can only hope that shall
have the understanding of my peoples
in the decision I• have taken a,nd; the
reasons wrliich have led me to take it
- "I Will not enter now intq my,
private feelings but I would beg it
should be remembered that• the bur-
den which constantly rests upon the
shoulders of a sovereign is so heavy
that it can, only be borne In circum- `
stances different from those in which
I now find myself.,° '
"I conceive tbat'I am not overt k-
ing the duty that rests °rime to place
in the forefront public interest when -
I declarethat t at T aria cainscions that: I ,, •
can no longer discharge ,this heavy
task with efficiency er with s'atiefae--
tion to myself.
"I have accordingly this . morning
executed an irtstrumen•t of abdication
in, the termaI (lowing:-
• Terms of Abdication
"I, Ednvard VIII., of Great Britain,
Ireland and the British Donainigp
Beyond the. Seas, King and lJtperor
of India, do 'hereby deelare my 'ir-
revocable determination to renounce
the. throne for myself 'and for my
descendants•.•• and my desire that ef-
feet should" be given to this instru-
(Continued on Page 4)
• •
Dec. 19—Egnnondville vs, 'Kippen •
St. Columbe.n vs. Dublin.
Deo. 26—Winthrop vs. Kippen; Kin= Makes Last Visit
burn vs. St, Columbatr,. -
Plan 6th Annual
Alumni Dance
Arrangements are being completed
for the sixth annual S. C. I. Alumni
reunion dance which is being held on
Christmas night, December 25th, , in
Cardeio's Hall.
- Invitations are going out to mem-
bers and friends, and it is expected
that the dance, as- in fol met• years,
will be largely patronized,
• Additional invitations may be se-
cured from the ,secretary, A. Y. Mc-
Lean, Seaforth.
Bowlers Entertain
Lady Mernbers
The men of the Seaforth Bowling
Club entertained the lady members to
a delightful bridge and luncheon on
Thursday evening, when there were
48 members present and a splendid
evening was spent.
Mrs. Wm, Hart, vice-eresident of
the Ladies' Club, 'expressed their
thanks for the entertainment, and
Mr. John J. Cluff responded. Mre E.
H. Close, Mrs. F. S. S•ilis and Mr.
Wh: Hart were the winners of the
Earliest Skating
In Many Years
Recent cold weather has resulted
in splendid skating at - the Palace
Rink and during the past week large
crowds) of skaters have been present.
Oldt-imers state this Is the earliest
that the rink has beet ' available for
many years.
The management .haa arranged to
have ,skating an Saturday afternoons,
when it is expected ,mangy, children
Will take advantage of the 'opportun-
ity to learn to skate,
1)7. J. M. Fields, public schobl in-
=i,ector, Who will retire at the end of
this year, made his finai inspection
of the Seaforth public.school on Fri-
Following, school that afternoon the
staff entertained Dr. Field and pres-
ented him with a small token in ap-
'preciation of his long years of ser-
vice as inspector, -
MccIJaren . Frolic..
Taken to Kingston
'Sheriff's officers Thursday removed
Gordon . MacLaren, 42, and Robert
Fletcher, 4$, Toronto 'brokers, to
Por'tSmou,th penitentiary to start their
five-year sentence for the theft of
$94 300 from the clients of J. 3. Hug-
gard•, Seaforth lawyer, and from Hug-
gatd himself, •who is at present se v
:Lc a three-year sentence fo" the
same crime. MacLaren and Fletcher
also were convicted of forgery- and
uttering at' the • November assize
court, and their 30 -day Iimit for ap-
peal had ••all but lapsed when,, they
signed waivers, permijting transfer
from the county jail. Huggard had
rrc•viously been removed to Kingston,
Seaforth. and Mitchell Tie
In Badminton Tournament
Members of the Mitchell Badminton,
Club were guests of the Seaforth
Club nn Wednesday when a sei•ies of
interesting and • dose games were
played. In .each of the three events
the two clubs were tied in games and
the final score was 12-12.
Following the games a delicious
lunch was served by the social com-
The games were as follows:—
Men'a Doubles
George Hays and. S. Dorrance de-
feated Dr. Gilirie and Dr. Abenhart,
8-11 and 6-11.
Lloyd Hoggarth• and J. McTavish
defeated F. A. Mutton an•d W. F. El-
liott, 8-11 and 7-11.
T, W. Heath and 13. Davidson de-
feated Ted Southgate and J, Crich,
11.8 and 11-3,
C. Carmichael and N, Cardio de-
feated A. Jordan and L. Rife, 1-11 and
Lloyd Edigthoffer and Brute David-
son defeated C,' Lowery and H. Stein-
berg, 11-2 and 11.2..
T. W. Heath and L. Edighoffer de-
feated T• Stevens. and J. McKenzie,
11-4 acid
Ladies' Doubles
Mrs. Gillrie and Mrs, Abprhart de-
feated Eleanor Wilson and P. Grieve,
11-4 and 11-10,
Dorothy Harling and Mrs. Bo.lsby
defeated Mrs. Carrots and Mrs. Skin-
ner. 6-11 and 11-7.
M"re. Mutton and Mise -R; Casey de-
feated Ella Elder and H., McLean,
11=11 and 4-3. ^
Mrs. 'Soroeyt and Mrs. Wilson de.
feated. Mrs. • Ed4ghot`fer and
Heath, 6-11 anti 3.11..
Mrs. Marriott and M. Carroll de
feared Patsy Southgate and Mona Mc
Gregor, 11-7 anti 11.9.
• Grace Scott and Margaret Cribb de-
feated Miss A. Davis and Miss Paulen-e.
7-11 and 4-11.
Mixed Doubles
Stan Dorrance and Eleancf Wilson
defeated Mrs. Gilirie and Dr. R. B.'
Gilirie, 11-5 and 11-5, •
J. Bolsby' and L. Iioggarth defeated
Mrs. Abenhart and Dr. W. Abethart,,
11-8 and 4.1.1., . -
P. Grieve and.. G- Hays. defeated W.
Skinner and Bruce Davidson, 11-3 and
Elia Eider and Ian McTavish de-
feated Mrs. Carroll and Dr. Hisoox,
11-6 and 8-11. '
Mrs. Mutton and Dr. ltduttom, de-
feated D., Darling and, Nelsen Merino,
11-11 and 8-7.
Mise Casey and Alvin: 3'ti'r"san de-
feated H. McLean and 'Ted South-
gate, 11-3 and 11-10.
Patsy Southgate and C. Carrit4'ts'ltaa-!.
defeated 1Vtrs. Edighoffer and Lloyd
Edigrhoffer, 11.10' and 1-11. 1
Mise F. Paulen and: W'. F. Elliott
defeated Mrs. R. Sproat. end Ite'd. tat~
michael, 10-11 and 11-8.
Mrs. T. W. Hearth and T W. Heath •
defeated Monza McGregor atikl K rl ' •, .
Bandy,1-7 and 11.0. J w
k i
Mase M. Carroll arid A. for a...� �
feasted Grate Scott and J, th1nb t*4j
and 11-8,
Miss A. Davis Mid L. Rife d
Margaret Crich end H. • i'�
1.14 ansa 9 -it :
. , Ralaabr and
tit tt
r Mrs. Ma+t"riott e81
164",ltd 4-i1Y