HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-11-27, Page 84a it it xJ THE t await ... Rebekahs .Hold Annual Euchre #S !*1#rl.f"Qil'ARANTEED CWT. oATES 15c .fpUT MIXED REFI 25c aWind� - VASNI LLit ce bottle BiROKER, WALNUTS pound 19c 45c M1NcE MEAT 25c2 pounds CARNATION MILK 19 B Tins it CORN STARCH 3 pound's RED ROSE COFFEE 14610 TUNA FISH Tier' CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW CAKES -Pound BROKEN BISCUITS 3 pounds Masters Feeds give results --try be cenvineecL 25c 39c 2!Oc 15c 25c and A. C Routledge Phone 166 NEWS' OF Aim TOWN w..�r W9innws H,espitai Aid Will Meet.- The regular meeting of the Women's Hospital Aid to Scott Memorial Hos- pital, will b$ held on Thursday, Dec. 33rd,. in Carnegie Library at 3,30 p.m. since 1920. He was married Ole March 7, 1873,, to Isabella. Souter, who sur- v+ives,'hira, along with eerie apse, James and George, London. He i,s also eur- vived by two. bl'on'ers•nd two site ters, James and Peter Cameron, "- of T•uckers¢nith, and Mrs. E.-0. Robert's, Conneaut, Ohio, and Mrs. Charles Wiseman, Stanley Township. The fun- eral, which will be private, will::take place on Friday. , Rev. H. C. Feast, of First Presbyterian Church, will of- ficiate, and the pal'lbeare'rs will lie Messrs. Alex. MoNab, Sam IVI Pher- son, Alex. Boyce, John Crawford, Geo. Reeves.. and Wm: Cameron.. Wins Christmas' Cake. --Mrs,. 1,Viaur- ice Dalton, 1 Dublin, won the Cheer. - mars cake which was given by Domin- ion Store here last week. Mayor A. D. Sutherland made the draw on Sat- urday, night. Barbara ''Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. -The November meeting of the Bar- bera Kirkmuiitl. Auxiliary of First Presbyteeialn Church was held on Tuesday evening. The meeting was in charge of the McLean and McDon- ald groups. with. Mrs. John E. Daley in the, ebaiir. Mrs W. R. Plant gave the Scripture reading and Mrs. G. D. Ferguson the Glad Ilidlfings Prayer. Items of interest in ,tike missionary world were given by Mrs. r E. Geddes an Mrs. H. Scott. Mrs. J. A. Munn sang a most- pleasing solo. Mrs. M. A. Reid gave an inspiring talk on Formless and its missionary history. W. M. S. Meets, -The W. M. S. of First Presbyterian Church held their November meeting on Ttl,esday with Mrs. Robert Eberhart, president, in the chair,.. It was decided to hold the annual meeting the fifteenth of De- cember. Mrs. Feast:, and Mrs. James Kerr were appointed as the nominat- ing committee. Mrs. Robert Smith gave an itemized list of the contents of a box shipped to Cochrane, and Mrs. J. C. Greig read the current ev- ents. Peace was the theme of the prayer by Mrs. Mills. A vocal solo by Mrs. J. M. Govenlock and an art- icle on the "Book of Peace," so in- terestingly read by Miss H. I. Gra- ham, completed the program. Insurance Having Purchased THE INSURANCE business of the JOHN, RAN - KIN AGENCY from the Guar- aaty Trust Company. I solicit a continuance of your esteemed pntropage. All insurance records, etc., shavebeen transferred to my of- fice and any information will be gladly given.' M. A. REiD, Prop. WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Specialists in All .Kinds of ' Insurance. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O. O O 0'i� o 0I O S.V. Holmes & Son 0 * FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 Main Street, . Seaforth 0 o 0 0 S. T. Holmes, residence, 0 0 Goderieh Street, West;. phone 0 'O No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 O East; phone No. 308. - ' 0 0 Ambulance Service 0 O Night calls, Phone 308. 0 .0 Day calls, Phone 119-J. 0 0 Charges moderate. 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 McKillop Branch W. M. S. Meets.- The eets-The regular monthly 'meeting of the McKillop branch of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church was held at the Manse on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 18th, with twenty ladies present, The president, Mrs. J. L. Bell, pre- sided and opened the meeting with a hymn, followed by prayer, The min- utes of the last meeting and roll call were taken by the secretary:... Mrs. Feast gave a very }pteresting mis- sionary address, continuing on from the address •given at the September meeting. The Glad Tidings prayer was taken by Mrs., J= T. Scott. A hymn was sung and the meeting closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. 0000000 0-.0 .000 .O O O - II. C. BOK 0 0. FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed Embalmer 0 0. Ambulance Service '0 0 Hospital Bed 0 0. with adjustable rachet oper- 0 0 ated spring for rent. 0 O Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phohe 175. Pyrone 93. ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Death of William Cameron. - The death occurred following a protracted Meese', on Tuesday night of .William Cameron, a well-known and highly esteemed resident, in his 88th year. Mr. Cameron, who was a son of the late John Cameron, was born in Tuck- el'smith on December 22, 1848, and repent practically ell his life in this district. He has lived in Seaforth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WALKER'S 00 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 W. J. WALKER and O 0.• JOHN Al. WALKER, Jr. 0 O Licensed Embalufers and 0 0 Funeral Directors. O -0 Day or Night Calls promptly O 0 attended. O O PHONE 67 O O 0 -0000000.00000 THE SECOND DIVISION COURT ' County of Huron ' Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours; Tues-, day. Thursday and. Saturday, 1.30 poet. to 5 pm.' Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Bays & Meir, and the addition of their companies to our previous facili- ties enables us to give unexcelled ser- vice in all lines. PHONE 334 SEAFORTH • , Ins .ranee till .S With the enormous increase in „ auto accidents, you cannot afford to take chances, Let Its protedt� yen:. Rates are low in compari- , y With protection gi v e n. Peettiftt. service and f ayflent of dal**. It . eerie of trouble, the t" by's Agents through Oen- ' is ii -eat 6ydlXr servi'ee. 11150y deli}' 1Pti ' In''e tedted by _. 0114 of • 1 Our o NiiiLiied, Fire , y Wind bag ii t+� This Is hilc E Philco starts on the 9th million! Greater Values , than ever before. Come in Now ! O PHILCO MODELS from $39.95 to $159.50 Now on Display in our New Show Room. • The New Philco Bat- tery Models can out- perform any battery set on the market - come in and make us prove it! __Radio Service on all. „Makes of Radios 0 J.F.DALY Phone 102 : Seaforth Rogers - Emke.-The announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Norma Louis Emke to Dr. George Kenneth Rogers on Friday, the twen- tieth of November, at The Little Ohurch Around the Corner, in the City of' New York. . Dr. Rogers is a nephew of Miss Grace, Stephens, of town, and i5 well known here. Lady Bowlers Hold Bridge. -Mrs. E. H. Close opened her home on Mon- day evening for six tables of bridge for the lady bowlers. Mrs. D. H. Wilson and Miss Mary Gillespie won the . prizes which were beautiful cherry trees. IS Storeyi-iNorris.e- At the Manse, Cromarty, on Saturday t afternoon, Charlotte E. Beryl Norris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris, of united in marr a to is Cromarty. was- g William Sohn Storey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Storey, Seaforth, by Rev. James'°Reidie. The attendants were Miss Hazel Norris, sister of the bride, and Orville George Storey,' brother of the bridegroom. The bride wore a smart brown ensemble and carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. They left for Hamilton and will at- tend the Royal Winter Fair in Toron- to and return to the groom's farm in McKillop Township, 40 Wise Motorists know that '. Winter makes- heavy de- wands on cars. They use the easy -starting Gaseline which is GOLDEN SHELL Try a; Tankfull To -day ! H. W ESTON Shell Station GODERICH ST. - SEAFORTH A. Y. P. A. Elect Officers, - St. George's Church, Goderich, invited the Y.P.A. Societies of the various church- es in the Deanery of Huron for, a social evening, on Tuesday last and twenty . went from Seafor sir. Phase taking part in the program were Miss Ruth Cluff and Mary Holmes, in • •a vocal duet, with Miss Mary Jackson as p'!anist; Miss Joeephine Edge gave a piano selection. The Y.P.A. of St. Thomas' Church took advantage of the opportunity of -such' a large gabh- •e:!ing ar•d electedthe officers of that society as follows President, Robert Archibald; secretary, Mary Pretty ; treasurer, Ted Southgate. Despite a stormy night, the party arrived.. home safely. iets of this district. • Mr. and• Mrs. Sam Ewart, of Chesley, were guestts'•'of -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith over the week -end.` • Mr. Walter. Hawthonne, of Gode- rieh, visited his mother, Mrs. Robert Hawthorne, during the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Doherty, of Egmondville, are spending t wo months with their elan. Dr. Frank Doherty, of Conneaut, Ohio. • Mess' Mary Haigh spent the week end in Toronto.. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sills and son, of Pittsburg, Pa., are visiting at the home of Mr. George A. Sills. • Mr. George Jackson is in Toronto this week. • Mrs. R. S. Evans spent the week - Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -Northside. United Church -11 a.m. subject, -"The River Of Life"; 7 p.m., "Repentance of the Mind." Sunday School, .at 10' a.en.-Rev. T. 'A. Car- •inicirael, Minister. First Presbyterian Church -Morn- ing service et 11 a.m.; sermon sub- ject, ""Can We Do Without Jesus?" Evening service at 7 p.m., "The Law cf the Uns"ee.n: The Seance, the Ten Cup, and the aeon." Sunday school at 10 a.m.,, the following Sunday at 2.30 p.m. Morning anthem, "The Sun Shall Be No More Thy Light by Day;'; evenin•g,. , anthem, "Tarry With Me"; soloists, Mrs. W. A..Wright, 'Mrs. X. A. 'Munn, Miss H. Murray, Mr. E. D. Rennie. --Rev. H. C. Feast, Minister. St. Thomas' Church -Sunday, Nov. 29th: Special Thanksgiving service for the successful completion of tine 'Rea tcrs;tion! Fund Campaign. Sunday school at 10 a.m.: special' • service et 11 a..m. by the Rector; evening, Spe- cial Thankseivi^g. All welcome. - Canon E. ,Appleyai•d, Rector. ane dr: -in - Oddfellow's Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, December 4th Members Of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge- held their annual euehire and dance in the O4'dfellow's all on. Wetinedsay evening . wiheln "53 tables were In play. Prizes were won as follows': Lad- ies' first, Mrs. S. Pull; consols' tion, Mile B. Simpson; gentlemen's first, T. G. Scott; consolation, Frank Grieve; lone; !'rands, R. C. Dodds; lucky number, Mary Haigh. Music by Otto Henderson and his orchestra of the Winter Gardens, Stratford = one of the leading Bands in Western Ontario. ADMISSION 35c, including tax. Auspices SEAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Dr. E. A. McMaster President M. A. Reid, Sec. D. H. Wilson, Treas. 1 a QUILT BLOCKS f you 'like to embroider 'pretty quilts and spreads. send your name and ad- dress to the Rainbow Quilt Block Co., of 49Wichita ichita Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, nd"we will send you color pictures of .our latest patterns in 18 inch applique quilt blocks. 3595x4 Sharp- Maloney. -A quiet but pret- ty wedding was solemarized. in St. Coiumban at nine o'clock Saturday robing. .When Mary Theresa, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Maloney, of McKillop, became the bride of Alvin K. Sharp, son of the late Thomas Sharp and Mrs. Sharp, of.. Seaforth. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Dant- zer, perish priest. The bride worea gown of blue transparent velvet with silver trimming aid turban to match. She carried pink roses and maiden hair fern. Miss Katherine Kraus- kopf wa,brides'maid, wearing a gown of wine transparent velvet with tur- ban in same shade. She carried yel- low chrysanthemurfts. The bridegroom was supported by Patrick Maloney, brother of the bride. Later Mr. and Mrs. Sharp left en a honeymoon trip to Toronto and other eastern places, the bride travelling in a navy blue dress with hat and shoes to match. Kiley will reside in Seaforth. LOCAL BRIEFS Ladies','sses:' and Girls" all, aid:.WinterCoats. We Present Woxi,derful Values in Best Styles LADIES' COATS - $12.05 to $25,00 MISSES' COATS GIRLS' COATS r :°" , - - $4,50' to $19.95 NEW GLOVEWWTQ• WEAR .WITH THE NEW FALL end in Toronto. • Miss Olive Laidlaw has returned home from Toronto. • Several meanbens of bhe Lions Club enjoyed the ice caruival tm Strat- ford' on Friday night lash. • Mrs. Fred Beattie and Mr, Ken Beattie were in Toronto for the week- end ; • Mrs. James Beattie returned' Sat- urday from Peterborough where she .has been the guest of her daughter. • Miss Elizabeth McLean spent the week -end' in London. • Mrs. Leonard' Bolton and daugh- ter, Yvonne, are in Detroit this. week. • Mr. and Mrs. David H. Wilson and Gordon are spending the week- end in Detroit. Mns. Christensen and son, who have been, here for the past three weeks, returned to Detroit with them. • Mr. Ted Southgate, Patricia Southgate, Mary Mimes?, Margaret Smith and Dorothy Carter . visited their respective relatives in Toronto over the week -end. • Mr. R. McKercher left for Mt. Hope this week where he will con- duct a three months' farm course. • Miss Florence Fowler, of Blue - vale, 'is visiting Mists.Clara Pinkney. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stark, of Welland, spent the week -end •with his Mother, Mrs. A. Stark. ' • Miss Helen McKercher is con- ducting a short course in Household Economics in Listowel for the next three months. • The six -handed euchre club. which has been playing during the past year, completed its 999th 'game •on Saturday 'evening, which was the 88th evening of play. • Mr. Frank Sills has returned from a hunting trip when he was suc- cessful in securing a fine deer.... r fol. any corn or eal- 10 Rink al d lona which cannot be removed by the new `I' scientific LLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE. This new salve de-sensitizescorns and callouses with the first application. Call your druggist to- day and order a Par of this WONDERFUL SALVE; 40c.1, Lloyfl -Chemical Laboratories. For sale' at .40 Tatnblyn Drag Stores.' Lig- gett's Stores,'and most other ,drug stores. For Bale at KEATING'S PIIARMACY 8593-tf • Misses .Minnie Habkirk, Bessie Cluff and Grace -Free attended the Pioneer's twenty-fifth anniversary ban- quet of the Bell Telephone Co., held in the Masonic Temple in Stratford` an Thursday evening. Two hundred and seven sat down to a sumptuous dinner and at 8.30 a radio program was' listened to from- .the various cit - Forty -Six Years Merchandising in Seaforth 1890 --Nov. 20--1936 Our' Slogan never changes: "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERYBODY" And To -day we add a sincere TI:IANK'YOU, To Everybody ! We are crowning this Jubilee occasion with the greatest Holiday Display in our history. YOU are invited to ,drop in. It is a very happy and a fiery, 'thankful occasion. Yours for the Best Christmas yet. JOHN BEATTIE, .B ATTI i. BROS.. Boxing Exhibition The Explorers of Egmondville are giving a Boxing Exhibition in Fin- nigan's Vacant Store on THURSDAY, DECEMBER . 3rd The names of those competing are as follows: - N. Stead vs. T. Eisler Finnigae vs. di.. Stead Ainsborough vs. G. Messenger 'Smith vs. K. Coombs Wilbee vs.-• W. Coombs Baker vs. Powell ..Chesney vs. M. Messenger }VIacLean.....vs. D. Eisler. Also a Bout by two Senior Boys. The proceeds will be used' for ' 'the organization of a Trail Ran- gers Group. ADMISSION -25 CENTS St. Andrew's Concert and Supper - on MONDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 30th At Egmondville United Church Tickets -40 cents SUPPER AT 6.30 P.M. $9.95 to $18.50 , OUTFIT._- CAPE KID, FRENCH KID; ' VIQUE TRIMS $1,001 to $.r1.u1.5 Pair L IL BOUCLE WOOL GLOVES, ATTRACTIVELY NEW $1,00 . Pair WOOL CREPE GLOVES, PLEASING Al.'PEARANCE Pair --' SILK HOSIERY AT INTERESTING PRICES In best makes in superior quality. We feature in Chiffon, Crepe and service weaves, full fashion, new Fall tones; - 50c, NEW HANDKERCHIEFS:. - Hundrees of thein, sold in- dividually or 3 in a' box. Surprise Valileg Boxes of 3 Individual 19c to $1 5c to 50c VICTOR RECtRDS LAiGEST RECORD DEPARTMENT IN WESTERN,ONTARIO POPULAR MUSIC, HILLBILLY MUSIC and CLASSICAL MUSIC SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL RECORDS FOR TEACH- ERS AND SCHOOLS -WRITE OR CALL -FOR CATALOGUE 'TODAY HEINTZIVIAN - Company 42 b lffila,lV' t Chilton, Ont. ismmestem AUBURN.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner and family visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Miliian on Sunday. Miss Vera •Wilkin, of Goderich, was the guest of Miss Annie Straughan over the week -end. • 'Miss Mary Turner, of Clinton, and Mr. Norman Griffiths -;.' Londesboro visited at the home Mr. Robert Turner on Sunday. Those attending the Royal Winter Fair from here are: Mr. Ernest Mil - Ilan, •Mr. "and Mrs. Fred Plaeteer, Lenore and Lawrence Plaetzer. 59c, Tsc and $1 SHOWING- • -THE :. NEW r CHRISTMAS NOW Buy Soon so as to Be Ready! flo Pair • New Styles with color tones that' have real ap- peal. Oth-er.enew effects to make a range price 1 FRAMED WALL PICTURES FOR GIFTS True, these are artistic reproductions of famous artists and are priced 49c to $3.25 Each acTAVISH'S Modern Beauty Demands Modern Methods Special Notice to Patrons INTRODUCING THE NEW KALOR MACHINELESS PERMANENT WAVE, THAT INSURES COMFORT AND SATISFACTION. NO ELECTRICITY.' We invite you to our Shoppe for a test curl. You will be captivated with its comfort. Drop in and let us talk it over. Specials in Our Other Permanents Gabrileen, Eugene and Naturelie Waves Regular $7.5e $5.07 Derma Tonic or Oil' of Tulip-$5.00..$&95....Alfred'a, $3.00$1.95 AN EXTRA SPECIAL OIL WAVE -$2.85 Make Appointments Early. Phone 125 or House 229. Office hours: 9.30 a.m, to 6 pen. Evening by appointm'e'nt.. • INA GRAY BEAUTY SHOPPE DOMINION BANK BUILDING, off Main. These Specials are Effective November 26th, 27th, 28th WHITE' SATIN Pastry Flour 24-1b. bag .63 Special! Domino TEA Here's a blend voted "tops" by families everywhere. A fragrant blend that will prove flavorful satisfying and most economical! TRY IT TO -DAY! 1 -lb. 49 Pkg. Pkg. 2SC Special! CLASSIC Cleanser r Tin 5 New 'Season's Lemon or' Orange PEEL lb. •.2'5 Cake Flour SWANSDOWN Pkg. .,33 Dole's - 21/2's Tin PINEAPPLE JUICES .24 Campbell's 10% -oz. Tin Bean -Bacon Soup 2 -tins --.1g. Shirriff's New Dessert FANCY FREE 3 pkgs. •.23 Desiccated and Shredded a,ty, Dehcrous ALMOND ICING California Diamond WALNUTS - New Fresh - BRAZIL NUTS - Aunt Dinah MOLASSES 1%'s Ib..29• Lb.' .25 lb. .21 Tin .10 COCOANUT Ib. KETA SALMON • VERYTHING TOILET TISSUE - 8 3allT Tins Artificial Lemon or Vanilla EXTRACTS SINGAPORE Sliced •Pineapple Dominion Value -Bulk Mincemeat Molasses Snaps lb. .1 O Rolls 15. . 25 . 25 8 -oz. Bot .10 3 Tins 29 10 Ib. Value! Golden Hallowi DATES 3 ,b,..25 Dominion Value ' TOOT 1 -Ib. 1-1b. T+n •�j3 Tin r ROLLED OATS - -Ib. • 5 Fresh Fruit Always in Season GRAPES - 2lbs. .25c Celery Hearts, 'Bead Lettuce, Parsnips, Cabbage, Apples. �•NO. 1 COOKING ONION • 10 lbs. 15c :- It; 1f1