HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-11-27, Page 5' 4 1' s • f AIMNGVIZATR. .. ' -#0.o.00L'' 'NOW, Plalf/rit q4,..glOtaiOVICI,aglen. " Freddlo lithOlonfgot . 4-Pfgola,r44§10,, NAoke,.'04,01Bir _ .wIth alcalte'fatuart ,, Tonga toar an they sbre the ter- , tunee QX War. _ ‘OARTOON ' CQ -Mendel. Tuesday, WeEtnesdaY ole.O15 Benny, Una' Merkel, in "BROADWAY MELODY of 192,6" width Eleantol; Powell. Robert Taylor ' Gorgeons vfitb; gaYetYandAlamor. NEWS.- CRTOON , N _ 1 Thitisday Friday Saturday 1 I Bing Crosby, in . "RYTHM.ON THE RANGE" • : with Martha Raye.' Cornibgee"PRIYATE NUMBER" 411.111111110111.11111MEIMIBilli.1111111W . . . . Qublin School (Continued from Page 1) Alg. (10 '61, Anc. Hist. 6, Can. Hist. 25, Lat.. (II) 64, Fr. G. 53; total 292; • 42%. O'Connor, Gerald -Lit., Comp. 40, Alg. (iM) 84, Ant. Hist. 24, Can. Iiist. 60, Physics 39, Lat. (M) 38, Fr. G. (M) 36; total 369, 41%. Soharbach, Grace -Lit. 73, Comp. 71, .Aig. 80, Arith. 74, Geom. 97, Physiog, Si, Zool. 85, Lat. 88, 'Fr: 68, total 717, 20%. Curtin, Jainee-Lit. .71, Comp. 58, Alg. (I) 71, Arith. 68, Physipg. 83, Zool. 77, Geog. 64, Lat. (1) 88, Fr, (I) 92; total- 672, 75%. Looby, Lor- een-Lit, 84, Comp. 70, Alg. 84, Arith. 41, Geom. 64, Physiog. 78, Zool. 87, Geog. 60, Let. 77, Fr. 53; total 698, '70%, Atkinson, • T,heresa-L-Lit. 90, Comp, 59, Alg. 65, Arith. 88, Geom. 64; Physiog. 69, 'Zeal. 75, Geog. 75, Fr. 45, total:2631, 70%. ' Moore; Ruby -Lit. 37, Cup. 57, Alg. 84, Arith. 89, Geom. 87, Physlog. 83, Zool. 82, Geog. 52, Lat. 61, Fr. 35; total 667, 67%. Door'. ' trey, Anne -Lit: 86, Comp. (I) 50, Mg.. ,65, Arith. 75, Physiog. 74, Zool. 76, Geog,. 60, Lat. (I) 95, Fr. 19; total t600, 67%.'EvansMary - Lit. 72, Comp.. 67, Alg. OP,Arida. 51, Geom. 89, Physiog. 75, . Zool. 80, Geog. 64. Lat. 51, Fr. 34, total 643, 64%. Mur- ray, Dominic -Lit. 48, Comp. 48, Alg. 168, Arith. 65, Geom. 71, Physiog, 80, Zool. 80, Geog. 74 Lat. 35, Pr 31; to- tal 600, 60%. Carlin, Leo -Lit. 62, Comp. 52, Alg." (I) 89, Arith. 50; Phys. 163, Zool. 46; Geog. 60, Lat. (I) 97 Fr. 23; total 542,, 60%. Jordan, Clare- Lit. 62,' Comp. (I) 63, Alg. 28, Arith. ' 2, Physiog. .57, Zool. 68 Geog. 40, Lat. (I) 80, Fr. (I) 74; total, 534, 59%. Donnelly, Camilla -Comp. 82. .Alg...62, Arith. 21, Geom.' 67, Physiog. 10 Lat.. 38, Fr. 50! total. 390, 56 a . McGrath, Lucille --Lit. 62, Comp. 70, atig. 91, Arith. 41, Geom. 43, Physiog. 50, Zool. 68, Geog. 44, Dat. 50, Fr. 17; total 536 54%. Meagher, Anna - :Lit. 65, Alg. 52, Arith. 65, Geom. 96; Physiog. 63; 'Good. 68, Fr. 10, Dat. 17; -total 436, 54%. Atkinson, Genevieve --Lit. 54, Comp. 60, Alg. 70 Arith. 77, Geom. 82, Physiog: 46, Zool. 50, Geog. 42, Lat. 26, Fr. 28; 'total 535, 53%. 1 jorden, 1VIery-Lit. 41, Comp. 53 Alg. (I) 72, Arith. 52, Geom. 53, Physiog. 56, Zool. 64, Geog. 48, Fr. 39; total 460, 51%. Feeney, Loretta -,-Lit. 52 Comp. (I) 51, Alg. 52, Arith, 64, Geom. ' 21, Physiog. 57, Zool. 44, Geog. 26, Lat. 50, Fr. 47; total 474 47%. Florio "I-Eckart, .Joseph -'Lit. 52, COMP 68; 'Arith 64,"Alg. 73, 'PhyslOg. 17, Geog.66,,Zool. 74; total 476, 68%. (O'Reilly, Helm -bit. 53 Comp. 59, _Arith. 48, Alg. 82, Physiog. 56, Geog. 44, Zool. 52, Lat. 79, Fr. 80; total 553, <61%. McCarthy, Joseph - Lit._ 44, Comp. 76, Arith. 55 Alg. 91, Physiog- "54, Geog. 58, Zool. 56, Lat. 42, Fr. 42; notal 518, 57%. O'Connor, Veronica - :Li ta. 25, Comp. ° 52, Arith. 51; •Alg. 67, :Physiog. 56 Geog. 35, Zool. 47, Lat. /5, Fr. 76;. total 484, 54%. Feeney, :Rose -Lit. 28, Comp. 68, Arith. 37, _Alg. 53, Physiog. 50, Geog: 35-, Zool.' .53, Lat. 75, Fr. 75; total 474. 52%. Stapleton, Kathleen -Lit. 43,,. Comp. .464, Arith. 31, Alg, 31, Physiog.' 66, Geog. 36, Zool. 53, Lat. 60, Fr.. 71; 455 Lit. -total 51%. Looby, Louis - 26, Comp. 55, Arith. 30, Alg. 61, Phys- -57, Geog. 52, Zool. 32, Lat. 57, Fr. 49; total,. 419, 47%. ........... BAYFIELD Christmas, .that joyful time for so ftnany, young or old, will soon be here. F. A. Edwards iA ready with lots of goods suitable for gifts for the chitdren or grown-ups - •Books, Toys, Volls, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Braces, Fan, any China and many other useftil art- icles: Call and see them. F. A. El& -wards. 3598x2 You can save money on, your (Christmas purchrasee at F. A. Ed- ward's. A 'good selection of gifts to ochoose from. Be sure and see thorn. 3599x2 Mrs. Peter Clark is visiting in De- troit. Mr. and/ Mrs. William Parker were at 1V4itchell on Sunday and visited :Mrs. Parker's sister, Mrs. J. French. Mr, and Mrs. L. Smith and children -who visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker for a weele returned to Lon- don Sunday. Miss Maud Parker went with them. , ' ' Miss Lenora Parsons, of Brantford. -was a week end visitor with Mr. and 'Mrs. Robt. Scotchmer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McClinchey are -visiting, their son, Roy Mc-Clinchey, of Inkster, Mich. , Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Brendan and THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. 1 HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: - Alex. Broadfoot, 3 Seaforth - Pres. Jno. E. Pepper, Brueefield - Viee-Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: Finlay McKercher, R. 11. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Betcefield; EA. Jarmouth, 13rodhagen; James Watt, 131:011; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; W. J. Yeo, Gode- rich. DIRECTORS: Williarn Knox, Londesboro; George 'Leonthart, Broclhagen; ' JaMes Con- laallY, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, .R, ' rt. 8, Seaf•orth; Alexander McEWing, B. R. 1, Blyth; John Pepper, Bruce -fleldrtjailielS Sholtlice, Walton; Thoe. Moyhtio, R. R. 6, Seaforth; Williati R aeoteheto 1:a P.. 4 Sesifittell, BMW *hilted Mnlig. ,Brando.U10 -3:00the ; Mrs. Barrett; at Water/10o -?ver tb weeloend. •• Prolix a British Columbia paper: "One Of the loveliest weddings of the naidinalitY WAS, eoleMilized Anne'0 Church, Stevolieon, when -ola Thursday evening bait Grace Wind, ear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Stevenson, became the bride of Mr. George Stur-geon,,' formerly of Bayfield, Ont. : The pretty little church was :bright with autumn ers, w1ile streaMers added a .bridal touch. With Mrs. O'Hurdette at the orale, the bride ,entered on the arm of her father,• loOking lovely in her white satin( Her veil, caught with orange bloStomis over her fair hair, fell to the hem ,of her sidrt. She carried pink and white earns, tions. Normal* Windsor, .the bride's brother, waa best man, and brothers Bill and Philip were ushers. Rev. A. J. WI111ms Performed the ceremony and Mr. Reg Armstrong sang effec- tively, "0 Promise Me." A reception followed at the parish hall. Mrs. Frank Watts aid. Mrs, Stanley Leslie had supervised the handsome decora- tions there and loyal friends had 'built an arch with a bridal -bell under which th,e young couple received congratu- lations of Many friends. About one hundred :and fifty guests were receiv- ed, Mr's. Windsor being assisted; in the reception by IVIss. M. McLeod. The young couple left later- for Seattle tbe bride travelling in a brie en- emble with matching accessories." The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sturgeon, of Bayfield, and has best wishes of his Bayfield friends. On Thursday evening in the base - mat of •St. Andrew's United Church, Miss Peard,'Newton, of Toronto, un. der the auspices of the Women's Mis- sionary SocietY, entertained a small udionce. Miss Newton is a talented elooutioniist and her audience thor- ughly enjoyed her program. Musical elections were given by the °robes- ra; piano solo by Mrs. W. Fowler; song, Mrs. Moorhouse; piano duet, ist Gladys Gale and Mrs. Fowler: On, Friday' Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bug- ler and son, Berard, motored . to Toronto where, IVIr. Bugler attended a special service, "The Setting Apart f the Deaconessee.". • Archdeacon, ones-Batemaa, sof Goderich, took the Sunday services. AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Craig motored - o Stratford on Saturday to see their aughter, Miss Dorothy, who is nurse-- atraining in Stratford hospital. Mr. Chris. Young, of Glamis, is vis - tin gat the home of Mr. Earl Raith- by this week. Mr. and Mrs. Small, of Toronto, visited his sister, Miss Margaret Small, who has been sick for the past week. "- The littl; red fire hall which has stood for some fifty years ou the main street of Auburn, ,and was supported or a number of years by a. huge elm tree, bas been torn down, and a new re hall and garage built oa the north side of the main street. The lot was to -chased from Nelson Hill and was the site of his hardware store which was, destroyed by fire in 1930. The re engine purchased about the some- time as the old fire hall was built, is till in good condition and has been transiferred to the new fire hall along with a chemical engine which the village purchased some years, ago. A number of years ago the village trus- tees installed three underground tanks each holding 350 barrels of water, and these have proved a wonderful tire:protection. to the village. The first heavy snowfall of the sea- son fell here on Tuesday evening, causing many motorists difficulty in getting out 011 Wednesday morning. TUCKERSMITH 5,000 Christmas Cards, each with an envelope, at 5 far 5c. Beattie Bras. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Day•man of betroit are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Daynian 'dad family. Mrs. Andrew ,Bell is visiting her sisters in Toronto. Mrs. Robert Green was visiting with friends in Henson for e few daye're- cently. Sinclair - Fotheringham . A pretty autumn wed -ding was solemnized at the United Church Par- sonage, Brucefield, at- 5 o'clock on Saturday, November 21st, ' by the It, • I/pogo% 0tolY40410$0,,, , VOtkeriP100;.. 14.F4r4.10.01 beeane th-e, bade, Or: Willialn'Vr,0014 el', '64 WM. Of: Mre. William "sin, lair and the late Mr. SeIa, Sta.47. ley, The, bride was hhartainglYdreee. ed in'brawn Sneer triple crepe "irlth ent velvet trimmings, wore e, chic lite 'browo velvet tuyben with patchy veil and° accessories to Match. ••$.11,0 carried a ,bpUqUet of Radiant Mums. The bridesmaid was Miss Nettie Stu - ((lair, sister .of the grOolln,.. who wore a. green -sheer triple crepe dress and carried a bouquet of GoideriolVfeoos, Mums. Mr. John rotherinighent, bro- ther of the bride,. acted as beat man. After the 'eeremonY 'a reception was held at the bride's parents. Mrs. Sin- clair, mother of the,greono VI� wore black ,crepe, received with Mrs. Foth- eringham, who was becomingly gown- ed in a plum shade triple sheer crepe. The house was decorated, throughout with pink and white. muins".. The bride's:, table was decorated 'in pink and white, centered with a, four - storey wedding cake, silver holoder and pink candles. .A sumptuous, wedding dinner was served, Mrs. Harold Jack - eon, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Misses Mae Wallace, and Dora Dalrymple acting as waitresses. • One of the honored. guests was the bride's grandmother, Mrs. J. Burdge, who is in her 'ninety, - second year. The happy young cou- ple left later on a motor trip to points East. The bride's going -away outfit wa a brown eoat with sable collar and accessories to tnatch. On their retornthey. will .reside tin the groom's. fine farm in Stanley Town- ship. Best wishes are •extended by their • many friends for a happy mato ried 0101114111•111111011111MMIONI•11114 I • VARNA We are very sorry to report Mr. Habkirk, a returned man, is quite ill with pneumonia. - . The many friends of Miss Jean Mos - sop will regret to learn that she had the misfortune to break the large bone in her wrist while cranking her car. . Several from St. John's congrega- tion attended the parish social even- ing held in Bayfield Wednesday night and report a good time. Billy Austin, of Seaforth, spent Tuesday at the parental home. Venerable Archdeacon Jones -Bate man, of Goderich, took the services Sunday morning in. St. John's Church in the absence of the Rector, Mr. Bugler. Miss Jean Gemmell, of.Tuckersmith was a week -end guest at the Beatty homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson have returned after a tour of New Ontario. '1 Major and Mrs. Moffatt, of Toronto, called .at the Beatty homesteasi las week. Mr. Victor Lee visited at the home of Mr:. D. Gemmell on Sunday. • Steckle - McClinchey The scene of a pretty' wedding took place at the Manse, Varna, on Sat- urday, Nov. 21st, at high noon, when Gertrude Evelya, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George McClinchey, be- came the bride of Ivan S. Steckle, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Henry Steckle, Zur- ich. The ceremony was performed; by the Rev. 0. H. Bendy.The bride was lovely in a slipper heel. length goWn of coronation blue transparent velvet and colorful shoulderette, with sliver slippers completing her costume, and carried a shower bouquet of Sweet- heart roses and fern with matching tulle streamers. The bridesmaid, Miss Melinda ,Steckle, sister of the groom, chose a smart frock of rust metalasse crepe with brown: velvet trimming and' accessories to match. Mr. Jack McClinche,y,. brother of the bride, acted as groomsman. Immedi- ately after the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride, where a sumptuous dinner was served' the bride's table being attroc- tively decorated in pink and white, bouquets of 'Mums in silver vases and centred with a four -tiered wedding cake. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome chest of "Lovelace" silver, to the lax-Mem:aid a silver pierced sandwich tray, and to the groomsman a white gold signet ring. Amid showers of confetti and good wishes the happy couple left for an extethied trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Detroit, the bride travelling in a wine triple crepe frock with satin and brilliant trim grey Astrachan coat and miff, with platin- um wolf collar, silver hat with nose veil, and accessories to match. On their return Mr. azd Mrs. Steckle will real(1, A /10.01440.110 At 1' leirlu#10Aor their dungliteri goOriKut, 44•., 41e-eleet, A.. decoratUd raig00, 10404 TWO. 41.,.A.f. Were, drawn into e 11_,F1,4ft Miss. Marlon DoWtOt.:OreAtel iPiAk bride and Igapter mpc0.4.40, as groom, Mrs. Ray Dewilon read he following address.: "To- • the Bride- Vleact:*re, your friends, relati,vc,S and meinbeirs of your Buuday school cass, take this opportunity to express olir sincere ocingratula,tious and Ito show the esteem in which you are held in our community '-We -are sorry to Part with you, from Ws community 'but we wish you Success in your new sphere of We and We hilly know that our loss will be ether people's gain. Therefore, we ask you to aecept these gifts not for their intrinsic value, but as a token of our good wishes for your future happiness. We sincerely hope and trust that youomay both have a long and happy married life. Signed on behalf oft your friends." The bride - elect, though taken by surprise, thanked them all for the beautiful and costly gifts. A social time was then, spent, after which lunch was served. McKILLOP "Located in the Cardno's Block, under the old Town Clock." Come and see. Beattie Bros., 5c to $1.00 Store. Mr. John E. Daley ' and Mr. Thomas Purcell have- completedtheir contract for drushini and trucking gravel for the Township of McKilloP for the sea- son. of 1936: " „ • Death of Mr. Peter J. Dodds Mr. Peter J. Dodds, highly regarded resident of McKillop, passed away at 6.30 Tuesday morning, November 17, at his home on the 7th- concession. Since August he had • been in poor health and underwent an operation at London, returning heine four weeks ago, and was able to -be around again for a short time. He bare his -illness with fortitude and wats'always bright and ctheerful. Mr. Dodds was born and lived all his life • on the home- stead,. Lot 32, Con. 7, McKillop. He was the .son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Dodds, and was.; niarried to Miss Elizabeth• Ano (Annie) Martin, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin, of Hullett, who naw survives him, together with one son, Alvin R. Dodds. A son, Lloyd, died 'during the fiu epidemiC in 1920 while a student at the C011eg.late. Surviv- ing also are five sisters and a bro- ther: Mrs: John Carter, Bullet; Mrs. James Dale, Hullett; Mrs. Johil W- eil, Fullerton.; Mrs. Frank Sehoales, of Sault Ste. Marie; MTS. Elizabeth MeNab, Drayton, -end William Dodds, London. He will be' missed very much in the home. The funeral, which was, largely attended, took place on Thurs- day, Nov: 19t -h, at 2 pop, from his late residence in McKillop, his pastor, Rev. Mr. Gardiner, tor''the Unliteld Church, officiating. .Miss Ivy Sim- mons. rendered . a -.Very appro- priate solo entitled,. "Above the Bright Blue," accompanied, byl•Miss Heleti Britton. Interment ' wasmade in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pallbear- ers being six nephews:•olVfessre Vern Dale, Mullett; James Carter, Tucker - smith; Carl McNeil, Fullartono .Wil- liam Dale, Hullett; Carence Martin, Walton, and Peter Dunlop, Hullett. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. The flower 'bearers were Messrs. Leslie Oliver, Walton; Edwin Martin, Fordwicla; Earnest Martin, Sunshine; Arnold Dale, • Hullett; Or- ville Dale; Hullett; William Thomp- son, John Gouts, Edward Dorrance and William Dodds, McKillop. Those 'who attended the funeral from a dis- ance were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar- tin and George, of Sunshine, Mr. and .Mrs. Ernie Martin, Sunshine; Mr. Ed- win Martin, Fordwicia; Mr. and Mrs. Gee, of Lindsay; Miss Dorothea Gee, -of Toronto, and Mr. William Dodds, 'of London. Milk Cooling During The Winter Months Do not attempt to cool milk by set- ting the cans out-of-doors, even in' freezing weather. It takes far too long for the, milk to cool to. 50 de- gree,s F., for air is a good insulator but a poor cooling medium. Use a cooling tank with water as cold as possible, and keep the level up to, the necks of the cans. New 1937 Ford V -8s Announced •••'• , O":-. • ' , > one41,OOKOOOleOlillOgekiaIao4O, Two of the most popular body types in the entire 'Ford v-8 line are the de luxe 'Forflor touring sedan (above) and the Tudor sedan (bdow). The new 1937 ed' tions are Shown. Tbe smart n front end, new headlamps, V -t e windshield and use of the ate drop" form wherever practicable, combine to give what those who previewed it declare to be the most beautiful Ford yet produced. The .Peydo' touring sedan is a family cr especially suitable for touring. It boasts a roomy built-in. trunk. The Tudor sedai has a new full - width front seat, with divided tilt- ing seat back. Two engine sies are available, the famous 85 horse- power V-8 engine and a new 60 horsepower V-8 engine. Mechani- cal improvements include new all - steel body, with'' steel top; - 'action safety" brakes Midi new "finger -tie Steering'. • -4"efo,..lo,,,,,••• • Save Worry Advance Suggestions For Thrifty Christmas Shoppers Men's Bath Robes Good weight, solid colors, in Navy, Wine, Brown. Collar lapels, pocket and cuffs of fancy checks; also fancy cords. Others with fancy bodies and contrasting trims. ................. ......... Women's Kimonas 2.25 Whether it be of Satin, Moire, Flannel or Fancy Eiderdown, they come in fancy patterns, polkas and plain colors. Sizes 34 to 46. to 4.9 We are showing a very large assortment. All in„,siuitable boxes. Men's Pyjamas in a big Christmas Box 1.50 Special Christmas patterns; bright, attractive and lasting. Good to3.50 quality Broadcloth or Flannelette. All sizes Silk Hosiery in Suitable Gift Boxes; Service weight, Chiffon or Crepe. All new colors. Just arrived from Canada's • Best Makers. Penman's, Kayser, Weldrest, Orient. , Men's Forsyth Shirt -8r Tie in Special Box 1. New Christmas patterns, self -starching collars. Shirts made of 95 best quality English Broadcloth. Set regularly worth $2.45. Christmas Special Women's Silk Underwear The most gorgeous showing ever made in this store, shipments of new ideas fromVelvasueded and Ardele -Satins and Silk Crepe C7 Pyjamas, Slips, Nightgowns, Panties, Vests, Bloomers, pieces to 4 n match or separate to wilermismosmommosotimmm. Men's Hose --Christmas Special --Boxed Penman's, Hole Proof, Richmond -all the best makers best Christmas patterns. All 'wool; delightful color combinations. Sox you will be proud to give. All sizes OC' Kenwood "Ramcrest" all wool Blankets At a popular price, full size for single or double bed. Bring you warmth, beauty and quality. Colors -Rose, Blue, Green, Gold, Lavander • 4.95 Men's Christmas Ties in Fancy Box You will be siiitrised what beautiful colors and attractive pat- terx,s you will find here! They look and wear like $1.06 Ties... MIIMMINESSO111111111111111111 50c Wabasso Hemstitched Sheet and Pillow Case Set Special 4 -piece set,- they have a fine firm weave and smooth fin- ish, generous hems, neatly hemstitched. A pair of double bed sheets, 72 x 86, and a pair of pillow cases, 42 x 33 asommistmemoome 3.57 SET Christmas Tartan Mufflers C We never had Mufflers to equal -these in color; pattern or quality. Actually hundreds to choose from. , Beautifully boxed. tO Bed Spreads Of Italian make, beautiful silky finish, Rayon and Cotton mater- ial; good weight,- very attractive patterns.' Colors are Green, 3.9 Gold, Rose, White. Full double bed size, 80 x 100 STEWA 964 • •