The Huron Expositor, 1936-11-20, Page 21, "y;',•," ,7744,7,74 • outor paSb4 1060 ail. *Lean, Editor. sbodat Seaforth, Ontario, ev- ursday afternoon by McLean .,..444'444441444 • Subscription ta,tes, .5Oa year in *aVance ; foreign, $2.00 a year. Single copies„• 4 cents each. 1 — • Advertising rates on application. Members of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, Class "A" ,Weeklies of Canada, and The Huron County Press Association. SEAFORTH, Friday, November 20. Winter Is Here Again The grass is withered and brown; the trees are stark and bare of leaves, and snow covers the ground as far as one can see. Winter is here again. These signs may be lacking in the cities, but we live in the country. And, having always lived in the country, we know winter when we see it. Yes, winter is here, and we are not a bit enthusiastic about it either, •because it was only in the end of May or first of June last that she packed her chilly belongings and bade us a reluctant farewell. We have scarcely had time to miss her until she comes romping back again. Weather prophets may cheer us with their predictions of,a warm and open winter, and others chill us with their predictions of the other kind, but winter never tells about her plans. She 'just comes and goes at her own sweet will, and while she is here, we just have to put up with her. She was never known to take - hint, a nod or a nudge that her visit was a little early or a little pro- longed, and she never will. So we will just have to put up with her and piously hope that her visit this year will not be unduly pro- longed. That she will act like the staid old lady she is. That she will not want to go gadding about, drop- ping the contents of her hand bags, of snow and kicking them about with her feet. But we will just have to take her as we find her. For as present-day youth would say, Madam Winter is a tough old bird, as well as a wilful old lady., • Like the grandmother§ of to -day, she doesn't look her age, or act it either. • After all, there is so much that is likeable, even lovable, about this old lady when she is good. But when she is bad, she, is horrid. • • Sam McBride Is Dead • Mayor Sam McBride, of Toronto, died at his home on Saturday. in his seventieth year. And he died fight- ing right up to the end. For a quarter of a century and more, Sam McBride has been a col- orful figure in municipal politics' in Toronto. Few men knew more of the political history of the city than he. Few added more to it. During the whole of his long mun- icipal career, he was known as a doughty fighter. Not always right, but fewer times wrong, the causes he espoused he fought for with all his. might in language that was forceful and picturesque. But even his opponents said he was a clean fighter, ancrall admit he had a comprehensive grasp of mun- icipal affairs and, was a truly public spirited citizen: Nor was his fame confined to To- ronto. His name was almost a house- hold word in Western Ontario where he had many friends. He was three times Mayor of To- ronto and is the first Mayor in the of the city to die in harness. just Another of Those Week -Ends adIt e, ek-end was jtist another ise afl too familiar week -ends, litthe death of two persons , , of twenty-two more. •this part of. Western net* aff the results 1ts• ' totltoot or " do not even want to know, that with sziow on the highways, dr v Cana diti011$ are net the Same as in the summer months. Wherever .there is snow or ice on the pavement, there is always dan- ger for the motor driver. It is so easy to slide off on to the soft shoul- ders; so easy to skid and slide on the cement. But people are always careless; always in a hurry. And the results of the hurry and carelessness are the fatal week -end accidents. Last week -end was practically the first that there has been snow on our western highways this fall. Re- sult—two deaths and twenty-two in- juries, most of them serious ones. What will the toll be during the next . few months? • • Still War In Ethiopia " A good many people have been un- der the impression that the Ethio- pian war' was a matter of history. Having heard Mussolini's account of the affair and of his proclamation making the King of Italy Emperor of that country, as well as having seen pictures of the victorious Italian troops returning home after the con- quest, they naturally- thought the game was ,in Mussolini's _bag, and the war was a thing of the past. • That, however, ,appears to have been a very erroneous impression because we learn this week that the Italian troops are on the march again in Ethiopia. That the war has been held up by the rainy season in that coantry, and that the terri- tory yet to be conquered is •one- fourth of the whole. Further we learn that this still un- conquered part of Ethiopia is not only the most fertile and well -water- ed part of the country, but is rich in minerals. as well, and that the Ethiopians ,.defending it are well equipped with machine guns, Mod- ern artillery, anti-aircraft and anti- tankguns That being the case, we, in all probability, have still much to hear _about the Ethiopian war before the year is out. MEMENEW ineefilemesas • WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY. The Extra Meal (Halifax Chronicle) It is the conomon. practice in Britain to have at least one more Meal than' the average Cana- dian household. There is, of course, breakfast and midday meal, then tea at five or thereabouts and supper at eight. In many business offices there is the cup of tea in the sours.e of the after- noon. A good deal of good natured fun has been poked at thesecustoms one way or another on this side of the ocean, but once more. the old adage comes to the fore, he laughs best ' who laughs last, fOr it is being discovered that the ancient custom hasmore wisdom than absurdity in it. After exhaustive experiment it has been found by American research that more meals are beneficial, that a light meal removes fatigue, and that better. work is done as a result. The medical profession found that also with regard to the British office cup of tea. The New Styles in Women's Hats (Kitchener Record). ' The time seems to have come for S serious, heart-to-heart talk about the feathers on wo- men's Eats. . Some women look vela- elegant in them and some, alas, look like- neelsing human; end( the harassed male, once again', gets a chance to an- nounce that ' there is' somethirig fundamentally wrong with a sex that periodically goes in for such irrational adornments. For it does come in waves. Every, so often some natural saw or other makes it necessary for women to adopt a bet style that is just natural- ly gosh -awful, and •we seem to be on the verge of one of those periods right now. There is nothing for it, probably, but to live in, hope for the best. and wait until the hatters de- cide td let up on us again. Do you ever get out the family photograph albums and take a look at the snapshots' of 1910 which •show mother moving about uneasily neath a say-scraaing concoction of feathers, flowers and preserved fruit? Or do you, by any chance, recall the era of the Merry Widow? But if you do remember these things, and are a man, you Might do well to pause and reflect before announcing that women' have a monopoly on odd styles.. Dig out that family album once more and study the hats you yourself wore back in the far-off .pre-war days. Remember them—those flat crowned, narrow-brimtnedthings that tried to make saber men of affairs look like innocent lads on the way to Sunday Sohool? And do you remember the collars that were in vogue at that time—these three-inoh-tall things that looked awful, felt aivfill and were well-nigh impossible to fasten? And how about the rest of the outfit meli used to wear? Surely you •can remember the era of peg -topped trousers, when the male form was ennobled by pants that were 18 inches too Wide across the hips and six inches too short at the ankle? And the buttoned shoes with fatty tum- ors on the top of the t4s? And, heaven help us, the floppy sailor -style breeches, of post-war years? The male has scant reason to point the finger s of pawn. He togs himself out in same pretty weird dude now and then. If women follow queer styleoccasionally, they at least never went in for the fad of letting their socks flop down careleas's, around their• ankles. • The truth seeras to be' that these changing Styles Victimize us all. We are not the rugged Individtiais we like to imagine atitselves! Instead, male arid female alike, we are regi- ittented within an /belt of Mit lives by the stylists a-atbd cats db is take it and try to like it. •,! )10 • Intereiting, items picked The Expositor of fifty 'twenty-five years ago. ' From The Huron Expositor of November 19, 1846 Mr, Robert Somers overhauled and s'hot a splendid speCimaa of lynx on Monday morning rer bet week on, .his farm in East Wawanosh. Mr. J. A. Cline, of Witigham, has resigned the position of leader of the Presbyterian, choir, a position be fill- ed gratuitously for the past two yehlarsrer. Clarke has purchased the vac- ., ant lot belonging. to Mr. J. P. Brine on John Street, Seaforth, and has commenced .the erection of a pew residence. Mr. John T. Dickson's stock sale in Tuckersmith, held en Castramount Farm -on Tuesday last, was largely attended. Araong the purchasers were David Hill, Hibbert; John McGregor, Tuckersmith; William Sinclair, Tuck- ersmith; William Bishop, Grey, and James Jewell,' Colborne Twp. Ori Monday evening about 8 o'clock intendearism was perpetrated in the villaae. of Varna. A big blaze was seen reaching the top of Mr. James Wanless' house. A few pails, of wa- ter soon quenched the flames, but a 'hunca of cotton and a bottle of coal oil had been put along side of the kit- chen. Mr. Drysdale, of Drysdale, has near- ly completed his new store and ex- pects to occupy it about December 1. • The bridge built this year in Fuller- ton by Mr. John Davidson, known as McPhail's bridge, is a credit to the builder and the township. Beattie Bros., of Clinton, have dis- posed of their livery business to Mr. Joseph Wheatley. Charles Williamson, of the 15th con- cession of Grey, has raised las earn and put a splendid stone stable uad,er- neatle Mr. George Castle, of Stanley, has rented his farm and hat decided to remove to Bayfield to live. Toad's mill at St. Helens was en- tirely destreyed by fire on Monday night. • Two boys, R. Garden and J. Thump - eon. of the 2nd concession of Grey, recently drew -in twenty-six loads of turniins, 30 bushels to the load, in a clay• asolge, son of Rev. Mr. Soften-, Con- gregational minister of Wet:meter, met with a very serious accidata on Friday, of last .week: While working in Gibson's mill his hand came in contact with the saw winch complete- ly severed all the fingers and thumb on the left hand. The other day Mr. Thomas Deseirey drove his 20 -year-old driving mare ov- er forty miles and a good part of the way was over mud roads, with two in the buggy. Mt. D. D. Wilson, Seaforth, has sold the lots on the south side of the railroad track to a Mr. Wilson, who intends erecting a house thereon_ DLI) you EVER: KNOW Did yoa ever know' that Hullett is ' had not eongidered my examination the oily township in Huron whese of the prOperty Wore buying an boupdariee are all oonteined MUMS- YenMay well thine 'of my feelings the gouaty. 1t is 'butted on the nettle -when I discovered tiliat-tbey had been east of Bata Wawanosh aid Morris, trying to sell me a portion of land on the southeast by mcKilloe, en the which was none. ocher than a dense southwest by Tackersmith and be bog and marsh, and, I dare sayany the west by the Township of Gade- vegetation which might have grown rich, from which it is separated by would be similar to that long weed the "base -line" extension of the Lon- that the tad Widow McCormick makes don road, which runs almost due the carriers for potatoes out of. They Itorth. eberiged their min cle about me, how - Otte of the main features for which ever, before I wits through and I do this township was marked was, that fa,n.cy that I 'drove a hard bargain. of its Progreseivenesse says a writer Ites.terday I met Matthew, polen, who in a recent Jamie, of the_ Lamina Free went te. the schoolIa Jin a,t the Press. Documents show that ae early same time, as I . , ." as 1879 the. township contained 23,- The filet municipal organization of 550 acres, and that over 32,000 acres the township took place in 1848 when had beenrclatered. Out of this entire a "Town Meeting" was held at Clin- amount there- were only 1,200 acres ton on the third of January of that lefton the, bands of the Canada Com- year, and after William Hodgson had pany. The township had a valuation been called .to the chair Edwara, Van of $2,000,000 at that date. Egmond was chosen as clerk, James The first immigrants to the county Longbottom became the assessor, and were 'bevvildered by the tovvraship. The James McMichael the.collector. These. Huron road happened to pass through officers were all elected at the "Town the tewnship at certain pines where Meeting." Among others who were the sail was• low-lying, partly boggy elected to office at that time vere: and uninviting. Willianr McBryan, ,Garrett Whitely, Patrick O'Dale expresses, hi s John Millar, James 1Villlern" Robert thoughts of bewilderment in a letter Bingharn, Thomas Forkwell, Hugh to his sister, whom the had left ih Archer, John Ford, John Patterson, Montreal while he went to find a Edward McLean, George Thompson, home. James Hamell, Wililam Hansen,. Wil- " -It "-It gave me a strangely uncomfort- Liam Irvine, John Fowler, Robert Dill, ,able feeling as I came out on the Gilbert McMichael, Thos. McMiohael road, the man called it a trail; we and James Mulholland. saw bogs and marsh. Evidently they (Continued on Page 3) • From The. Huron Expositor of • November 24, 1911 The sleighing is now splendid !n these parts and in consequence busi- ness is good at Blyth. Reeve Hill, of Blyth, has purch,a,s- ed the saw mill property and he in- tends buying logs of all kinds. Mr. R. R. Sloan, of Blyth, who had an exhibit of apples at the . Toronto Horticultural Show last week, won two second prizes. The 40 -acre bush lot belonging to the estate of the late Paul Doig at the station, 4s the centre of activity these 'days, It was purchased by Mr. Berk, ot Landon, and is being ship- ped by, rail to London. The election of four new Elders for Hensall Carmel Church resulted as follows: William Mackay and Dr. •Aikenthead, of Hensall, and Mr. Henry Horton and Mr. Alex. Buchanan, Jr., of Tuckersmith. Mrs. McGuire and Mr. John Beat- tie, of Seaforth, assisted at the fowl • super programme at Brucefield on Monday evening last: • A shredded wheat banquet was held on, Monday evening, in Seaforth, in connection with the anniversary services of First Presbyterian. Church. It was held under the auspices of the Shredded Wheat Co., of Toronto. .Mr. George Troyer, of Hillsgreen, attended the large stock sale in Chi- cago last week and, purchased some fine trotters. , The electric light plant in Wroxe- 'ter is being run by water, which is muoh ceeaper. Wilfred Brown, of Dungannon, acci- dently dischargeea rifle recently, and . • the bullet teemed ane of his fingers. A sad accident occurred in the West Mrs. E. Harris, of Strome, niece of Mrs. Forbes, Clinton, was burned to death while using coal oil to light a 'fire. Rev. Mr. Dunsmore preached on the Holy Land last Sunday in First Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, after ,hav- ing been in that country during the past summer. On Saturday last is ler. John Old- field, of Tuckersmith, was starting for home, the horse he was driving fell dead on the street. It was the well known ohestnut mare belonging to Dr. H. H. Ross, which he has had for many years. Mr. W. D. McLean, of the Dundas Banner, moved his family to that city this week. elle Robert Smith, Seaforth, has pur- chased from Dr. Burrows the building on Goderich St., and is having it re - Moved to the property he recently purchased from Mr. James Scott. Petr W. Scott, of East Wawanosh, has been appointed Returning Officer in connection, ;with the North Huron provincial election. While Working without glov'es Monday of last week, Dave Shirray, ,of Herman, had the fingers on both hands badly frozen. First burglar, after emptying safe —Let's reelaim up the haul to see what 'Ivey* got. • Seit btu. fat Atv, I'm tired; *St Slid look in the no*spapere, righteous man Wt1:1°"'" d16:et per - JUST A SMILE OR TWO cal paper upside-down. "Well, Mag- gie," asked John, "anything fresh in the Time this, week?" "Nothing particular, John," replied Maggie, "only there, are a terrible lot o' shipwrecks." • The following letter was sent ,by Japanese to an English missionary: "Dear hFrien.d: Please send me one pound of sugar. My • wife has given birth to a fine baby boy last night, also a daormat, a rat trap and a screwdriver. It weighed • ten pounds and a straw hat." When Geoege, Westinghouse invent- ect the aireerake, he wrote to an Am- erican railway president, describing his invention. The president scrib- bled "I have no time to waste on fools," and sent the letter back. About a year later the air -brake be- gan to be adopted by American rail- ways. The president who had been rude sent Westinghouse a letter ask- ing him to call. Westinghouse wrote on the letter— "Neither have I!" and returned 'it to the president, together with the rude letter. • SUNDAY AFTERNOON (By Isabel Hami)ton, Goderica, Ont.) Jesus! and shall it ever be, A mental man ashamed of Thee, Ashamed of Thee, whom. angels praise. Whose glories shine through endless days? —Joseph Grigg. PRAYER Our Father, may we never doubt Thy love! If trials come, may our trust in Thee deepen! Help us to rejoice in Thy goodpess and mercy. Amen. (Seleote.d). S, S. LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 22 Lesson Tbpic—An Ambassador in Chairs. Lesson Passage—Acts 28:16-24, 30, 31; Romans 5:6-11. Golden Text—Philippians 4:13. Paul, having appealed to the Em- peror Nero, was sent under the guard of one named Julius and, after suf- fering shipwreck ' and other tribula- tions, was delivered into the hands of the Romps. He was treated with much consideration, being allowed to • dwell in his own hired Louse, guard- ed by'a soldier—a prisoner in bonds —"for the hope of Israel I am bound with this cabin," was his own way of speaking of his ,corsclition, St. Paul was for five years a prisoner from the day of arrest in Jerusalem till his re- lease by the decision of Nero, .Dur- ing that time he was cut off from many of those various activities in which he had previously labored, so profitably for God's cause. That must have seemed to himself and to many others a terrible loss to' the gospel. However, he made hi S imprisonment an 'opportunity for preaching as occa- sion either arose or was 'made., to rise. On the third day after his ar- rival he caned- the chief of the Jews together and addreSieed them, explain- ing his presence among them as a prisoner. Haying heard him they an- swered, "Weaneither received letters out of Judaea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came show- ed er spate any harm of thee" They went further ,and expressed 'a wish to hear about the sect that everywhere was spoken against. Thus did an op- portunity come to him to preach and testify and "some believed and some did not." For two years he contin- ued thus to proclaim the kingdom of God and to teach those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. G. T. Stokes in The Expositor's Bible says of St. Paul's imprisonment: Let us then see In what way we may regard St. P-aulatampoisonment as an arrangement and outcome of Divine love. This period of enforced retire- ment may have been absolutely nec- essary for .him. He had, spent long years building up the spiritual life of others, founding churches, teaching corvverts, breaching, debating, strug- gling, suffering. Now God took St. Paul aside that he might watch over and tend his own spiritual life. And the wondrous manner in which he profited by •his imprisonment is mani- fest from the letters which, in his leisure time, he wrote to Ephesus., Pbilippi and Coloasae and which have been so instructive and useful for the Church of all ages. Then, too, though unable to preach to crowded audiences in synagOgnes as 'he had done else- wheree he blessed the Church of Rome by his individual efforts. The soldiers who were his keepers were told the story of the Cross,- and the _glad tidings of...the. resurrealon life,. and these individual efforts penetrat- ed even into the household and pal- ace of the Caesars,. Romans -516-11.--St. Paul is here setting forth the doctrine of justifiers- tikliaby fettle. In verses 6, 7, 8 Is to be found the highest eapressioij of love •when we were yet- without strength, in due time Christ died for the Ungodly; Per scarcely fOr Vc gt 4 :.0141,V • Mr. Deaehm n Replies Ottawa, On Nov. 14, 1936. The Editor, The Enron Expositor: pear Sir: 1 have' read with interest the letter of Mr. Wt. A. Patrick in your Issue of November 13th. Mr. Patrick and I are almost in complete accord, so far as our views are oaa- cerned. 1 are therefore somewhat'sur- 'prised; to find that he writes in . a tone which 'expresses the idea that he does not like me. There' is no question about the as - sortie's that the assue of currency arises out of debts,. The function, or a bank 1st to monetize exerting wealth. Mt. Patrick or myself have acquired certain forms of persanal wealth or evidence, of the debts of others to us; we go to the bank,and on the strength of what we possess borrow' Money, that is the means we use for ,putting into an, exchangeable form the evidences of wealth whiah we possess. That is all that is meant when we say that Money arises out of debts. Mr. Patrick questions how we are. to .pay our debts. He asserts that money during the past few years has been borrowed' by governments. That is all true. We shall begin to pay our debts when the borrowing is done by the people,, when governments balance their budgets. This can only be done when we re- move the obstructions which stand in the way of trade. It can be done when governments get out of the road and cease interfering with the business of the people. The failure of the previous govern- ment was that it 'did nothing else but get in the way. In other words, it stifled business and restricted normal development. Mr. Patrick seems to take excep- tion to my statement that it is fool- ish to blame particular parties. That applies only in the broad and general sense, all parties and all people are to blame far the mistakes that have been made—it is the people who elect the governments. As for booms and, depressions, we shall continue to have them as long as government inter- ference is thenconstant conduct of the day, and I imagine that Mr. Patrick would be one of the first to urge government interference as a remedy for the difficulties which we face. adventure for a good Man some would even dare to die. But Gad coin- mendeth His love towards us, in that,. while we 'were yet .winners, Christ died for us." It followed that if He were given for them when, they were enemies,. it was m'uoh more probable, It was certain, that all needfulgrace would be furnished to• them now that they were reconciled, verses 9, 10, 11. ''Much more then, being now 'justi- fted by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through, Herr., For if, when we Were enennes, we were re- conciled to God by the death of leis Son, much more, 'being reconciled, we shall -be saved by His life. And not only so, but we also jay in God through our Lard Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement." , • WORLD MISSIONS • Scots Seek Revival "There are many signs that there is a widespread longing for 'a. deep- ening of spiritual life in Scotland," says an editorial in the lQuarterly Re- cord of the National Bible Society. Voices are raised in abhorrence of the worldin.ess •manifestecl. The rage for gambling, disrespect - for the Lord's Day, excessive devotion to pleasure, and diminielaing interest in chetah services are • some of the sins that are dawning upon the Christian consciences of the people. Commenting on a recent visit to Scotlan,d, Dr. G. G. Inkster .declared that representatives of the'ohurch in Scotland were facing the future with courage and vigor. Like the Apostle Paul, they are able to say: "We are troubled on every side, yet not dis- tressed; we are perplexed, but not in deepait; persecuted, but Rot for- saken. . ." (Corinthilan.s 4:8-9). While recognizing the growing world- liness' and indifference to the things of the Gospel, the organized church is neither despairing nee doubtful of the power of, the Gospel unto salva- tion. With this conviction deepening, efforts are being made. to strengthen the forces which are seeking. the real evangelism of Scotland.. The Nation- al Bible Society is anxious no help on all evangelistic and open-air work. With thisobject in view, it is, pre- pared to supply gospels free of charge. for distribution at. sttch meetings, be- lieving that -the *eked message can be clinched by arinappeal Co read the Word of God. • The Same Yesterday, To -day ever The ceaseless talk about the Gospel of the Son! of God having lost its ap- peal is without ggunclation. The Gos- pel is still 'the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes," and when it is preached in faith it brings about the same transforuia- teens that have always followed when Christ has been preached: Commenting on the power and suc- cess of Gipsy Smith, whose diamond jubilee was celebrated in We-lama's- ster Central Hallo with an audience that taxed the building to the utmost, the British War Cry remarks: "Gipsy Smith is seventy-six years old, his platform style bas not changed to meet new conditions, is • appeal is unconditional, end is not particularly directed to the 'cool, critical intel- lect of mederes youthe _gg gums_ up_ lifosf of the conditions welch we are apt to say antagonize the young people, and yet he is getting a bigger response from, ming people between the ages of fifteen and thirty than ese ever before in: his life." As Christ is "the same iesterday, to -day and foreVer," -So must be the message of the Christian minister if he -Wei to bring salvation to his heaters—Protia The ,Vivento Glebe: and For - • Your e very truly, R. J. ,DEACIIMAN. Seen in the County Papers • The Late Dr. W. J. Milne Dr. W. J. Milne, physician here for the past 48 years, passed away at las residence here on, Wednesday last, at the age of 69 years. In. tee 'death of Dr.. Milne, Western Ontario loses one - of its oldest practitioners. 'Gradvating from old Trinity Metlicel College int 1888 before attaining his 21st birth- day, he commenced practice in Blyth on May 24thof that year and has practised here continuously until early this year when illness .forced his retirement from active practiee. During his lifetime spent there he was Coroner of Huron County, Medical Health Officer, Past President °Late Huron County Medical Association and for thirty years assisted in the ad- ministration of county affairs, and ae a councillor.—Blyth Standand. Struck in Front Of His Home Donald Hamilton, 4 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton, Hur- on Road; escaped serious injury ore. Thursday afternoon when he was struck by a car, the identity of the driver of which has not been. learned. The little bon was playingwith his. brother, Gene, aged 5, and Ger-aid Wilsob, 4 years of age. He is believ- ed to have run out onto the road while being chased by the other chil- dren and did not see the car which was proceeding out the bight -fay to- wards Clinton. When hie mother ar- rived at the scene she found him ly- ing at the roadside', crying. The. ear had stopped but the mother !ailed to get the driver's name. A -doctor was - summoned and it was at first feared, that the lad was. suffering from in- ternal injuries. Ilhwever, he rested quietly at his home and: he is now be- lieved to have suffered only a sev- erely bruised .heach—Goderien tater. New Churn Installed in Creamery A new ,churn, has been installed at the Brussels Creamery during the past week. This adequate machine has a capacity of 1,200 pounds. A larger one than formerly used makes it possible to turn out more butter. The factory is now equipped to pas- teurize 4,400 pounds .'af cream, and a yearly output of 300,000 pounds of butter.. Since taking over the create- ery, in 1934, F. M. Samis, has enlarged the business considerably. As a fac- tory' of this kind in a town means considerable to both the town, and. surrounding dristrict in general, it warrants continued patronage. There are six trucks on the road in connec- tion with the business. — Brussels Post Boy Wounds Himself Jimmy Cleave, • 16 -year-old •son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleave, farmer oa the Blue Water Highway, a few milee north of Drysdale, is under the: doc- tor's cate with a bullet wound in his left arm fired from a gun of his own manufacture. The gun, 10 inches long, was fashioned by the boy but of pine wood. The barrel was bellowed out • end a piece of gas pipe set in. A strip of flattened steel and an Wade band made up the trigger apparatus', while a charge of powder, BB shot and a wad of wet paper were rammed down the barrel. The head of a match was placed an line with the trigger and,. the charge and the gun was ready for aetiont It was quite ingenious and• Jimmy sunceeded its killing Several pigeons before wounding himself, the shot going into the bone of his left forearm. He also has experienced two broken arms and a broken leg to add to his boyhood adventures.---Zur-L leh .Herald. 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