HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-10-23, Page 7A 4 4 4 4 '07 74# •••• •„. •e- • '•••• ,•."-'4•:".••••••••:-•••).••• •"."4"-;.",,,,,,,r.!"1.."",";!••..,',..,.ii•.:.•-•". • ;r • I; • ' 4:4 6. Ticket• Holders have Chance To win any one• of 14 Prizes • At Lions Hallowe'en. Draw New Ford V-8 Car Heads WONDERFUL PRIZES List Of Valuable Prizes; Others Include Beautiful Furniture and Household Articles. • DRAW TAKESPLACE • PALACE RINK Once more in making its annual appeal for assistance in) caring for the crippled children of this district,. , the Seaforth Lions Club offers valu- able prizes in order that every donor imay th"mre an opportunity to be re - 'warded for their help. Heading the list of prizes is a new 1936 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan with built- in trunk. The holder , of the first ticket drawn will be given the oppor- tunity of purchasing this car for $1. Second and third prizes are walnut Upright bookcases, each valued at $25.00. Standing 51 inches high, the bookcases are the envy of every per - on that sees •them. • Hand carved walnut chests will be given, the holders of the 4th and 5th tickets. The chests are cedar lined, .40”x181,i"x19", and are of a nation, - ally known make. A pair of beautiful Kenwood blank- ets are the 6th 'and 7th prizes. Known the world.over as' the acme of qual- ity and beauty, Kenwood blankets are eagerly bought by housewives every- -where. Here is your opportimity of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone: Day 119-W Phone: Night 308 • • S. T. HOLMES & SON You are kilted To come and see our diSolay of Lighting Fixtures, Elee- tric Appliances, McCormick - Deering Farm Machinery, Plow Shares for all makes of plows and Repair Parts for all International Farm Implements, , YOUR NEW DEALER John Bach, Seaforth Next To -Commercial Hotel Grocery Specials 25c ONIONS 15 pounds LEXIA SEEDED RAISINS'. ..Package I In KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 25a 3 Packages CRAB APPLE JELLY—Per ja"?...15c SODA BISCUITS -2 lbs. for 25c COWAN'S COCOA -1/2 Ib. tin 15c 5rElare SURPRISE0130AP and 1 INFANT'S DELIGHT for —.Auto Alex.•&Gavin PHONE 95 SEAFORTH Genuine Kenwood blankets are being offered as 6th and 7th prizes in the Llons prize drawing at the Frolic, holders of these two tickets each receiving a pair of these splendid quality blank- ets. Twelfth and thirteenth priz- es are Woolcot blankets. securing a pair for as little as '25 cent. A 'Precision Kodak,, valued at $8.25. Is the 8th prize, and a handy Aladdin Lamp, complete with shade, goes to the lucky holder of ticket No. 9. A Parker Pen and Pencil Set,. a Titan electriciron and two Woolcott blanketa are the 10tb, llth, 12th and 13th prizes. The holder of the 14th and last ticket drawn will be a lucky person • for he or She gets the last chance prize—a walnut drop leaf table in the popular Dunean Phyle Style. The size of the •table whetaL,open is 38" by 40". The draw will take place at the Palace Rink at 11.30 p.m., by W. H. Golding, M.P., Mayor A. D. Suth- erland, K. M. McLean, A. F. Cluff and G. -A. Jackson. Tickets will be. avail - abbe up until the time of the draw. Prizes.may be seen in Daly's Garage window. Insurance Our extensive list of outstanding companies assures you -of the best of protection. -• A. D. Sutherland General Insurance SEAFORTH Agency ONTARIO N. CLUFF& SONS Lumber and • Coal WeCarry a Complete Line of SCHOOL BOOKS and • SUPPLIES Thompson's Book Store • Seaforth LIONS PARK AND SWIMIVIG Pivi4 , The Seaforth Lions Park and Swimming Pool on which, during the past two Atars, the Club has spent nearly 43,000. In 1985 the pool was cOmpletely. oemented, .making it. one of the cleanest and best na- tural pooh; in Ontario:- During ,the past summer the park was further beautified 'and a new dam built. The Llons Club provides a life guard during the summer season. The Work Must Go On By Dr. F. J. Bechely, Chairman Crippled Children's Committee, Seaforth •Lions Club. Once more the Lions Club .of Sea forth is making its ennui], appeal for funds to carry on its community wel- fare work. This worthy endeavor must be' carried on—it carrnot be let suffer for lack of funds. The Club this year finds that more than ever it need's the.belp of the citizens of Seaforth and district. The past year •has put a severe strain, on the treas- ury. The improvements at the Lions Pond, the large amount. of additional milk supplied last winter, and the large number of crippled children assisted, have so depleted our funds that unless this Frolic is a bigger success than ever, our work will have to be seriously• curtailed. In the recent clinic at Golerich there were fifteen cases definitely orthopaedic. 'Most of these cases will require a considerable amount of at- tention during the coming year. The Club always has from .10 to 15 crip- pled children that require constant attention: Their appliauces which as- sist them in' walking and in the use of their arras have to be adjusted at regular intervals. As they grow and develop new appliances have to be made -and fitted. Each case of a crip- Superior Chain Stores Over 700 owned by independents in Ontario. We are pleased to cooperate with the Lions Club els citizens of our town, supporting wonthy ifundtions and welfare needs. . ' Chipso—Large Package Each 17c Maple Lf Peas,' No.' 4 ,Seive....2 Tina De Hallowe'en Jelly Beans 2 Pounds 25c Del Maiz Niblets Corn, 12 oz.....2 Tins 25c Chicken Haddie 2 Tins 25c Hillcrest Shortening 2 Pounds 25c Golden Yellow Sugar 5 Poun, s 25c Shelled Walnuts % Ponnd 10c • You can get your Lions Tickets on lucky draw at our Stores. ROSS J. SPROAT N. PRYCE Phone 8 Phone 77 • DINE. AT Commercial • ...Cafe... Club Breakfast Luncheon . Dinner 35c 50c 50c LUNCHES At All Hours 'This is the place to enjoy your Meals ! Vn11111111n1111111111111•1111•111111111MMINIIIN111111.11 pled child requires years of attention) before the maximum amount of ef- ficiency in the use of the limbs can be obtained. Each case must be helped with all the appliances medi- cal science candevise in order to carry them through to a successful conclusion.. .It would not be fair to a child to raise •• its hopes of being able to walk and play like other chil- dren and then let it down by not finishing the case. Put yourself in) their place—think what It means to be out instead of confined to a bed. of suffering. Give this Frolic a little ' thought—the objects behind this ap- peal for funds—and we feel confident the citizens of this district will make it the best ever. FORBETTER CLEANING • — try - • Gillespie's Cleaners : • Dyers Tailors "Dominion" QUAKER FLOUR , THE BEST FOR LESS. Get our prices before buying We Guarantee Visfaction or rifeney gIadrY ,,reKtinded." We Deliver. Phone 114. Dominion Stores,Ltd. Seaforth, Ont. iviacDonald's Bakery The Home of Good Things To Eat In your next order, include our New Sunsoy Bread; al- so a Hallowe'en Orange Cake, regular size, for„ 20c LIONS FROLIC ,•0 0 0 ii Let the, cldidren frolic in JACK AND JILL • HEALTH SHOES I Sold and recommended by , •• • • WT'Wilhis. FOR YOUR FALL ENTERTAINING • PECAN FRUIT ROLlaLusoious pecans throughout the roil and with a centre of delicious fruit gayer ice cream, rolled in flake 25c ehocolate n SHERBERT ROLL—A centre of water ice, surrounded by Walkerside delicious ice creant, rolled in .25c flake chocolate SIVIITTIE'S RECREATION SEAFORTH, ONT. BULK ICE CREAM - SUNDAES SODAS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS Do you want Pep in your car for Winter Driving? ' Come in and have a motor tune-up with o u r latest equipment for General Mo- tors Cars. A. W. DUNLOP Dealer • Phone 187 Under New Management THE Queen's HOTEL Excellent Meals The Best of Service THOS. D. O'NEILL, Prop. Corner of Main & Goderich SEAFORTH ONTARIO V. R.. Smith • TEAS • COFFEES •CROCKERY • GENERAL GROCERIES PHONE 12 : SEAFORTH THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Our Motto is:. Best Prices and Entire Satisfaction Don't hesitate ! Bring your Cream to 'us and, buy your Creamery Butter from us. It is the best on the market. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Poultry- " PHONE 80-W : SEAFORTH ING• for PRIZE'':' PALACE RINK AT 11.30 P.M. • PRIZES ON DISPLAY Al DALY'S GARA:GE --r – 4 --44,ZW,44V4-44•111!,A0,0, A , W•40111 ...// • • Holder of First Ticket Drawn 'Buys This Car for $1.00. PRIZES INCLUDE: 7. Pair of Kenwood Blankets, value $9.50. 8. Kodak, value $8.25. 9. Aladdin Lamp, value $8.00. 10. Parker Pen and Pencil Set, value $5.00. 11. Titan Electric Iron, value $2.66. 12r Wookot Blanket, value $2.50. 13. Woolcot Blanket, value $2.50. 14, "Last Chance" Prize—Wal- nut Drop Leaf Table in the popular Duncan P h y f e style; size when open 38" x 46", value $30.00. 1. The holder of the first ticket drawn will be given the op- portunity of purchasing a 1936 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan with built-in trunk, for $1. 2. Walnut Upright Bookcase, 51" high, glass door, value $25.00. 3. Walnut Upright Bookcase, 51" high, glass door, value $25.00. 4. Hand Carved Walnut Chest, 40"x181/2"x19", cedar lined, value $18.00. 5. Hand Carved 'Walnut Chest, 40"x181/2"x19", cedar lined, • value $18.00. 6. Pair of. Kenwood Blankets, value $9.50. Draw will be made by His Worship Mayor A. D. Sutherland, W. II. Golding, M.P. G. A. Jackson, A. F. Cie, K. M. McLean. Tickets may be procured throughout the evening at Rink 1 • wooLcora BLANKETS ----Soft and iteeeY4 NCf or• plaids; satin bound • • . ; • 01' IBEX and GLENBEIEI. FLANNELETTE Full double bed size; various colored borders ' KENWOOD BLANKETS—Soft virgin wool; ev 'ed color; satin bound, 60x80 tif WHITE WOOL BLANKETR—Kenwood andMo lines; soft, fleecy, pure wool. Different color coM.: bination borders Full size ,7.15 P The Robt. Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Ltd.; Setfok Manufacturers of Steam Boilers for Power, and Heating Purposes, • Traction and Portable Engines, Separatem`Windstacksrs, Feeders, Gag Tractors. Repairs and Supply Jilosiness Will Be, Given Prompt Attention., J. W. Beattie. Fresh and Cured Meats, Home-made Sausage and Waffled Steaks a specialty. Phone 96 : Seaforth J. W. BEATTIE OUR SPECIALS -7 • Savory Drum Sticks and Waffled Steaks A meat delicacy you will not soon forget! • TRY THEM CHRISTIE NEAT MARKET Phone 58 : Seaforth KEATING'S PHARMACY "The Rexall Drug Store" SERVICE and. SATISFACTION' Phone : Seaforth Phone 23 „• : Seaforth P. J. Dorse PLUMBING and TINSMITHING For a Good Shave or Haircut see LORNE DALE at the Commercial Hotel Compliments of The Dominion Bank E. C. Boswell, Manager AN OUTSTANDING VALUE Our 3 -Stone . Diamond Ring at $25.00 Other Rings from $15.00 up J. A. Westcott Jeweller Stop Al The DICK HOUSE Newly Remodelled, and Decorated -- Famed For Excellent Meals Licensed for beverages. MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Compliments of The Canadian Bank of Commerce J. G. Mills • Manager PECIAL Reductions on Ladies' Coats, Hats, Dresses and General Merchandise, at Shinan's Phone 9 When you require RELIABLE TRUCKING Good's called 'fl5r- and delivered. Clarke Transport INSIST ON TRADE MARKED SHOES' .'.1 See our— • NEW SKIPALONG REG'D. SHOES At Your Local Dealer • Sizes 2-101/2, • MADE IN -SEAFORTH • , • J. DMA. SEAT' , . , • . . e,fige'Vx.4AP-•0•P;"04»lifil)et;),4•Vvt • • • 4.4 4•41.,,V•••' Y4i1D$411',4',*4;404; . • ,"4,14;0,40"..ift • 0. • 44'411, '