HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-10-23, Page 64B; nI17��I did rt li. { qi ISE 1T LI. 1{i it 3 bS, f 14,1 F{4 $i ef ai ik ii citi rope and a Good Time be Seaforth ' Lions Club' --Hallowe'en Frolic Motto-, Proceedings Commence With Big Parade and End With Drawing For Valu- able Prizes. LIONS GUARANTEE FUN FOR EVERY ONE With the annual Lions Club Frolic but one week away, mmemberp of the klub are working in a frenzy of ex teitement in. order that no stone may be left unturned to ensure a real eve cening's entertainment for the hun- dreds upon hundreds of grown-ups and kids who will cerebrate Hal- lowe'en as guests of the Seaforth Lions Club. Casting a fatherly eye over every detail, General Chairman Lion Merton A. Reid, at the same time exhorts every committee to greater efforts in the hope tint this Frolic ,of 1936 may Abe the best yet. Commencing with a parade of school.kids in costume, headed by the Seaforth Highlanders Band, the even- ing will get under way with a bang. Arriving at the Palace Rink about 8.15, the Lions will play give an4 take when Lions John Beattie and H:T. Rees will give candy to thekiddies, while Lions McMillan, Holmes, Mul- len and Mills will take a dime each from the adults. Lion J. F. Daly has personally selected hundreds of geese, ducks and chickens and will preside at the wheel as Lions Savauge, Bechely, McMaster and Smith pass out the poultry to the crowd. Another wheel, with Lion Bill Dun- can as master of ceremonies, will dis- pense all those hundreds of house- hold necessities, such as blankets, lamps and sq on ad infinitum. rr As- Isisting will be Lions Barber; Jim Stewart, Munn, Bolsby and Sproat. Lion A. F. (Gerry) Stewart will play at horse races with the crowd, while jockeys and hangers-on will in- clude Lions Cardno, Bas. Duncan, Bell, H. Stewart end McLean. That gem of .antiquity, known the world over as Bird Cage, will be in the capable hands of Lions McMillan, Keating, Floswe'll and Ferguson. Lions Chamberlain and C. Stewart throughout the evening will offer E. C. Chamberlain Insurance Agent SEAFORTH, ONT. ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance business of Hays & Meir, and the addition of their company to our previous facilities enables us to give unexcelled service , inall lines. PHONE 334 SEAFORTH J. J. Cleary Grocer WHERE QUALITY AND PRICE RULES Phone 117 Seaforth SUNOCO Gasoline means • more power, . more miles, faster pick-up . . WRIGHT Garage Goderich St. E., Seaforth .. • • • • • • Bigger and Better Each year sees more people in attendance at the Seaforth Lions Club Frolic, until in 1935 more than 2,000 filled the rink for the festivities. With added entertain- ment, and with just as many crip- pled children needing .help, the Club hopes this year to better all records. • • • • • • . • • LIONS HAVE: HANDLED NEARLY 400 CASES Recent Plight of Dr. D. E. Robertson Recalls Early Work of Club: the work of •the Seaforth Lions Club' received well deserved 'recogni- tion during the recent Nova Sr: la mine tragedy. At that time the To- ronto Star said: "Joey •..Nigh, eight-year-old soon of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nigh, cam "walk and play like orbereeehildren. thanks to the skill and generosity 'of Dr. D. E. Robertson, noted Toronto surgeon entombed in a Nova Scotia mine. "Joey, at two years of age, had badly deformed legs and seemed doomed to the - life of a cripple. Through the agency of the crippled chances on the big car and other fine +prizes. And while all this is going on,Lion Jackson, Meir and Hussey will pre- side over the ki'ds' sports. Electrical Wiring and . Repairs. Quality Workmanship at reasonable prices John Modeland Phone 4-143 - Seaforth Beattie's 5c to $1 Store •••• This is the Store that ,puts First Things First •••• QUALITY - VALUES - DISPLAYS PRICE TICKETS Along with these go' Courteous Service and a --Cash Back Guarantee— See our Windows. Look over our store—We welcome comparison. Beattie's 5c to $1 Store FURNITURE Repaired, .Remodeled and Refinished — ALSO - - Used Motor for Sale WASHER AND WRINGER e7�my in A-1 shape CASH w lli! THORNE REPAIR SHOP Professional Cards DR. F. J. BURROWS DR. W. C. SPROAT DR. E. A. 1VMcMASTER • JOHN H. BEST Barrister, Solicitor Associate in Charge P. J. Bolsby EL.MER D. BELL Barrister,, Solicitor HAYS & MEIR Barristers, Solicitors . G. C. JARROTT children's committee of the Seafortlil Lions Club, he attended a clin- ic in 1 9 3 0, when he was examined WI Dr. Roberlteon, w.ir o recom - mended that au, operation b e performed. The club made ar- rangements to send the boy to the Hospital for, .Sick Chil- dren, Toronto, where the op- eration w a performed gra- tuitiously b y Dr. Robertson, the Lions Club assum- ing the cost of hospitalization. The operation was a success and within a year Joey was as quick on his feet as any normal child. Dr. F. J. Bechely, chairman of the crippled children's committee of the club, told The Star that since the Nigh case, the Lions have handled nearly 400. cases, a number of them in conjunction with Dr. Robertson. "Dr. Robertson was a great help to the work for crippled children, in Huron County," Gerald Stewart, sec- retary of the club, told The Star. He recalled that Alice Leith., 11 -year-old Blyth girl, was another •case that Dr. Robertson had operated on and made Joey Nigh Will You Lend Us A Hand? By George D. Ferguson, Presi- • dent, Seaforth Llons Club. Entering the 14tih. year of •its ex lietence the Seaforth Lions Club to=day deserves more than ever the support of the peopla `' of 'Seafort'ii and district in. its never-ending work of looking after 'the crippledrefthe cone- •munity. • Since 1923 when the Club was or- ganized, an enviable record of never having turned down a deserving case, has been established and it is only rposeible to .preserve this record through a continuance of the splendid support sof the com4nunity which the Club has enjoyed ini past years. The.-,Seaforth Lions Club points with pride to many.ahildren in . this district, who without its help, would to -day be crippled. Itpoints with pride to the splendid modern • swim - well. When she was first brought to the Lions clinic she had been a crip- ple nearly/all her life. After a series of operations performed by Dr. Rob- ertson she spent nearly a year , in Ihbspital in Toronto, and now ,has al - Most recovered." WATCHES munamium FINE CHINA amisismawil DIAMONDS avauge' "The Gift Shop" OPTOMETRIST SEE OUR DISPLAY OF Stoves and Heaters AT RIGHT PRICES GEO; D. FERGUSON Phone 61 Seaforth FOR THE BEST IN RADIO See the Beautiful. Mod- els on , display at W.C.Barber's RADIO STORE - Rogers - DeForest Crosely Majestic EASY TERMS Confidentially Arranged. mingpool and park which the del: zens o Seaforth, .particularly the chile dren enjoy'. It points with pride, too, to the neany Ironies made happy each year by the visit of a well -laden San- ta Claus, homes which would other- wise have been barren, cheerless plac- es; had it not been) , for the good work of the Lions Club.. These are only a few -of .'thee many averneee._'into. which the dollars you spend at the Frolic are diverted. In the past two years th'e Club has distributed near- ly 15,000' Pints .of milk to needy chil- dren. .Owing to particularly heavy expen- ditures during the past year, the club's resources have been severely tested. The work which you and ev- ery citizen of this community regard as almost a necessity must stop or b!e greatly lessened unless you and your neiglhbar and,your neighbor's neighbor Dome to he assistance of this splendid and worthwhile cause. ' .The Lions Club knlows it has tine confidence of the people ot this dde- trio"t; It knows these people won't tail it in this emergency. It knows it can count upon you to, lend a hand. f'urnitur'e That is Modern ; that is., Comfortable; that you will + want as soon as you see it at WALKER'S FURNITURESTORE After the Frolic Have 'a Hot Hamburger at ELL I OTT'S .QUICK LUNCH Coffee or Tea served if desired. C A R D NO 'S1 Winter Driving GROCERS ,and BAKERS Where Quality Counts Phone 82 Seaforth For New Harness Try Cartwright's Harness - Shoe . Repair T. Phillips Wholesale and Retail --FRUIT-- Phone 63 Seaforth ATTEND THE FROLIC South End Grocery --� Groceries - - Provisions OOK of TICKETS ,Crockery BUYaB MRS. R. L. CLARK, Prop. Tho$.Dckson FLOUR - FEED moursimmararmasso Highest prices paid for All Kinds ,of Poultry Phone 13 Seaforth y FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN Sp'ecial Correction Lasts. All Fittings, AAA to E in stock SMITH'S SHOE STORE RegentNTheatre,rSeaforth. Lend us a Hand to Help Crippled Kids ! SEAFORTH LIONS BIG HALLOWE'EN -Star Cafe - MEALS Confectionery Newly Decorated TOM CHO'NG - Prop. GET YOUR FLOUR- - FEEDS and POULTRY NEEDS from W. E. Kerslake is not far away. You car will start more easily if you put in the proper grade of Oil. Try, SHELL -it is guaranteed. SHELL STATION • H. WESTON, Proprietor Goderich St. West Seaforth c. ;Coats, Dresses :''F�urs, Nall, Hosiery, a'n d Stylish gess. - Accessories at Mac Tavisks •••• COME AND LOOK ! You Are Always' Welcome Smart Apparel for Women and ,Girls, showing autumn's Smartest Styles now. Is Your Car Hard to Start These Cool Mornings? Better let us tune it up Exide Batteries Firestone Tires M. H. HOFF Phone 17-W Seaforth A. C. Routiedge R G OCERIES - CURED MEATS - PROVISIONS Phone 166 • Seaforth Graves' Wallpaper Store PAINTS VARNISHES and WINDOW SHADES Phone 7 Seaforth H. C. BOX AMBULANCE- SERVICE Nothing is neglected . . . We pride ourselves upon anticipating the wishes of our patrons even before their desires are made known. Night Calls Phone 175 Day Calls Phone 43 CLOTHES --- Cleaned and Pressed do make a difference in your appearance. But of course you want it done by a reliable firm–one who has had years of experience, so phone — Sydney PHONE 227 : SEAFORTH CAR OWNERS Don't wait till the thermometer slide's' down to zero; "Let us give your car a checking over now. For :example, our new Battery Tester will tell you the exact condition of your battery NOW. Anyone_ can tell you your battery is run down AFTER it fails to start your car. " DON'T GUESS - IT'S USUALLY INCONVENIENT PHILCO That's the name everyone thinks of when they hear the word!."Radio" In electric radios, battery radios, and auto radios, Plydlco is the leader. Let us ,de'monstrate to you why we handle PBhilco Radios,in preference to all other makes. Years of experience in the radio field. assures you of our good judgment in picking the best. . Phone 102 J. F. DALY Seaforth PARADE OF SCHOOL CHILDREN IN COSTUME LEAVES QUEEN'S HOTEL FOR THE RINK AT 8 P.M., AND WILL BE.. HEADED BY SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS BAND.. EV- ERYBODY FOLLOWS THE PARADE AND BAND! For Crippled Children's Fund and General' Welfare Work. Palace Rink, Seaforth Friday, October 30 at 8 p.m. Prizes for Boys and Girls, under 12 years, in the following events Girls' Character Costume Girls' Comic Costume Girls' Nail Driving Contest ... Girls' Highland Fling Exhibition • Boys' Character Costume - Boys' Comic Costume Boys' Boxing Exhibition VALUABLE PRIZES IN EACH EVENT On display in Store ad Boys' 131Scuit Eating Contest .. joining Crich's Restaurant Judges—R. E. Jackson, H. G. Meir, 1i,ev. T. P. Hussey, Canon E. Appleyard, Oscar Neil. The events arefor the kids but • the old folks Will get a big kick • watching, and will enjoy them • • at much as the children.. FREE CANDY FOR THE ,CHILDREN --- REFRESHMENT BOOTH --- :HORSE RACE GAME BIRD r AGME---GAMES OF SKILL -300 FOWL ---LOTS OF GROCERIES A N D NOVELTIES 'IES TO BE DISTRIBUTED. A Y: ION TO RINK -Adults 10e, Children 'tinder 15 Years FREE ):v • 4 w4 r 5}5 eta 5 ��c7ks11l 'II •5 A 4 4 4 r- t