HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-10-16, Page 8• • • i••"'" "";i4"3'.43r•-• , 1711E, • 's) •,044040 -tee two Hours 990 1, 1014RKElS SOUP -Vegetable Or 29c l'01:4anO; 4 for „•TUNA ..FIAH le Far better than 20 1 sajoioe; • OAT PUFFS new enekage c 10c IsT.WS OF TH Celebrates...16th Wedding Annivers- ares-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devereux celebeeted .the Igen anniversary, of 'their smarnege quietly at their home on Victoria )8treet, on Saturday, Oct. leth. Munk old friends will join: The Expositor in extending congratula- tions and best wishes. Ripe Raspberries. -While heating in Morris Township on Thanksgiving flay, Mr. Harry Hart, of tawn, came across a patch of wild raspberries in a field, ,many of which were loaded with.- -.ripe raspnereles., _Mr. Hart bristles off a small branch finis an -d brought it into The Expositor Ace for a sample,,and if the rest were anything like tlissample, they were good„ as the be ries were not only numerous, but nage and ripe and of excellent flavor. •EAGLE BRAND MILK VW' Tin 20c H01114 E'S MINUTE TAPIOCA iKA with sherbert glass; package.. 010 OUR OWN BAKING POWDER sec e math bottle of vanilla; all for &Uri' MORNING CHEER COFFEE 30C per pound 51 LAREN JELLY POWDER 19C-1 ekanes SN HAND CLEANSER bas few equals; per pkg..:15c CAUSTIC SODA -Loose 10C Per pound When eggs are going up in price, feed your hens Master's Laying • Mash or Concentrate,' but make Sure it is Master's. A. C, Routledge Phone 166 Insurance Having Purchased THE INSURANCE business of the JOHN RAN- -, HUNT' AGENCY from the Guar- anty Trust Company, I solicit a continuance of your esteemed patronage'. All insurance records, etc., (have been transferred to my of- fice and any information will be gladly given. M. A. REID, Prop. Charge sef the study boon She said: •"There, has .been: a conviction for a• • miseiduery hook which neither a. eferatal exeesienon" of ensetone nor a, seasoned ennumeet, but which reveals in the levee of . missionaries aiid through unialabren sketches of church work the deep inner spirit -and pro- cedures of the missionary move•reent. In this book we get a real insight in- to the life and work of an increastug- ly representative group of, men and women engaged in what some one has called the most serious and, signifi- cant oe, e?th century enterprisee-an enterprise, which -still leads all the force fa of civilization, making for a bet- ter world." Mies M. Somerville, Mrs. ntinteeleand Miss -Wallace repreeenteil poctor n fields of Arabia, Turkey and Central China; Miss Kaine ani Mrs„ Lawrence, nurses from Burma and ' the Shantung hospitals, The meeting closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison.' ) Hold Family Reunion. -A family le - union was held over the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland, Egmondville, when all the members of thein family were pres- ent, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weiland, Boston; Mr. and Mrs- Roy Weiland, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weil• and and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Finlayson and two chil- dren, of Torooto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm T. Weiland and three sons, of Oak- ville. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -First Presbyterian Church in Sea - forth. Harold C. Feast, Minister. Ser- vices -for Sunday, 18th October: , Sun - clay School at 10. Morning warship) at 11- Sermon by the Minister, "We, Too, Have Failed Christ Badly and in Every Way." Anthem, "Thou, 0 God, Art Praised inZion." By record of the Kirk Session, the evening service will be omitted in compliment to the Northside Church in its anniversary services. • Cavell, United Church,- Winthrop - Sunday, Oct. 18th, Fell Anniversary; 11 a.m., speaker, Rev. H. B. Bandey, of Varn-a; 7.30 p.m., speaker, Rev. H. B. Bandey, of Varna. Egmondville United Church. -Rev. A. W. Shepherd, -Minister. 10 a.m., Sunday Saloon 11 a.m., the Minister. Evening service withdrawnon account of Northeide and Kippen anniversar- ies:- Anniversary, Nov. 14 Ren. Pro- fe,ssor John. Dow, Emmanuel' College, Talent°. Northside United Church -Annivers- ary services. Rev. Dr. Greene will preach at both services. Sunday School at 10 a.m.-Rev. T. A. Car- michael, Minister. St. Thomas' Church -Oct. 18th, a festival of St. Luke. 'Sunday school and. Bible Class at 10 a.m. Morning topic, "Phe Greatest in the Kingdom"; evening topic, "The Beloved Physi- ,cia.b.."--Canon E. Appleyard, Rector. • WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Specialists in All Kinds of Insurance. 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0000 0 S. T. Holmes & Son O PU N ERA L SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth O S. T. Holmes, residence, Goderich Street, West; phone 4 No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. Ambulance Service 4 Night calls, Phone 308. 4 Day calls, Phone 119-3. Charges moderate. 000000000000 0 <> 400000000000 O H. C. BOX 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Licensed Embalmer O Ambulance Service Hospital Bed 0 with adjustable rachet oper- ated spring for rent. -0 Night Calls Day • ,Cells 0 Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 • **0000000 < o 400000000000 0 • WALKER'S 0 FUNERALSERVICE W. J. WALKER and 0 JOHN R. WALKER, 3r. 0 Licensed Fltabalmens and •Ce 0 Funeral Directors. 0 Day or Night Galls 'promptly 0 attended. PHONE 67 0000000000O0 E. C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron °Mee •in they Dominion Bank Build- ing, Sea -forth. Office hOurs:- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, 4utomobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance. ix in, the mar- • ket for any of Inn" above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 : Seaforth, OHL .3485-tf • tie enoeMotte inerease in -- --Aunt -iceittente, yen (Atria afford tet einthees. Let tie protect . I yeti tee tee low IrI Ompari- •teen With nieteetien g i v 6 ne ' PreMiet -setenee and payment .of 4011e, /oh 4:foie-of trelible, the et*I>iffien -*Otte thfough Cut& it :font -Uneellee. , Pujoi .Ltrib•°,4iretottett by oiie of Whid tis;,,potigeir. ..ew LOCAL BRIEFS • Miss Bethune, who spent the sum- mer at Vernon, B, C., returned last week to her home here. • Mrs. M. McMurray is visiting friends in Toronto. • Mr. W. J. Faulkner, of Hunts- ville, spent the week -end at the home of his mother, Mrs. F. Flaulkner. Mrs. D. Shanahan and Mrs. F. Devereux are ateenning the Diocesan convention of the C. W. L. in Wan laceburg. Mrs. W. E. Kerslake spent the wek-end in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Minett, of Toronto, were holiday visitors at the name of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. • • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and family spent the holiday weekend with friends here. • • Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hinchley, of Owen Sound, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. J. D. Hinchley. • Mrs. G. T. Turnbull and Miss Turnbull spent the week -end in Hunts- ville. • • Mr. Wi N. Knechtel and Miss Alice Knechtel, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Secord at Meaford. • Mrs. Smith, Miss Emma Smith and Mr. John Grope of Milverton, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. • . Dr. John Gorwell, of Erie, Pennsylvania, was a eweek-end guest at th.e home of Dr. H. H. Ross. • Mr. and Mr. John Beattie were in London, Hamilton and Toronto this week: • Mr. Williard Unsworth, of Sarnia, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. - • Mr, and Mrs. George Ferguson and family, of Toronto, were guests over the holiday with the Misses •Fer- guson, Sperling Street. ' • Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Hobin and sons, Billy and Jack, of Toronto; Miss Ferguson, Hamilton ; Miss • Bess Grieve, Chatham; Miss Margaret Grieve, Egmondville, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman', of 14cKillop, were guests- at the Charter's home during the week. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills and family spent the week -end in Detroit. • Mrs. Eckert remained to spend a .week with )her daughter and to visit her sister, Mrs. T. Rawley, in ,Flint, who is seriously 111. • Miss Julian Kenny, who spent the past four months with friends in this vicinity, has returned to Lond-on. • Miss Jean Stewart, of Brescia Hall, spent the holiday week -end with Sealed for your protec- tion means more Miles to the gallon, better en- gine performance, bet- ter pick-up 4 .. . . Try a Tankfull To -day ! FL WESTON Shell Station GODERICH ST. : SEAFORTH Betty, of Hamilton are the guests of Mrs. Anderson's mother, Mrs. Robert Bell. • Mr. Jack Holmes and Miss Ruth Holmes, of Toronto, were Thanksgiv- ing guests at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes. • Miss Betty Southgate,, of Welles- ley Hospital, Toronto, spent Thanks- giving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. • Miss Anna Sutherland, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mayor A. D. Sutherland, and Mrs. Sutherland. • Mina -Mary Jackson, of Acton, and Mr. Loins -Jackson, of Strathroy,'seent Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs. L. C. Jackson. • Miss E. Davidson is spending a fevr weeks in Tillsoaburg befote leav- ing for Moose,' Jaw, where she will spend thewinter. • Miss Elcoan of Toronto, spent :Thanksgiving at the borne of her father, Mr. William Elcoat • Dr. R. E. Fisher, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Hodgson, of Toronto, were Thanksgiving •guests at the home of Mrs. W. D. Bright. • Mrs. Howard Purdy of Toronto, is spending this week with her par - Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. • Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little and little son spent Thanksgiving 'with Audrew • miss. Wigub3 .SuvatIge, of Moseinne Spent, the Wide/ week -ed, with ber parents, an Men F; S. -Sage ▪ Mrs. R. 8, Hann.jss Marr Antil Mrs erge Hap are ins-Torantonthite week. • Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hopper and family spent the week -end in Detroit. • Miss noun Hutchnion, of Walker- ville, spent the week -wad at the home of Mrs: Margaret White. • Mr. and 4rs. Warren Ament and little daughter, of Dens:tit, and Miss. Helen Ament, of Ethel, were week -end guests at the home .of Mr, and Mrs. William Amen.t • Miss Gertrude Crich, of Toronto, pent -the- holidaer-wieh peeentee Mr. and Mie. W. A. Crieh. •"Mr. J. F. Daly returned on Sat- urday from a very pleaeantsholidny spent with his son at Gunner Geld Mines, Beresford Lake. • Mr. W. G. White, of Welkerville, visited this mother, Mrs. M. White, over Thanksgiving. • Mos. Weekes, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. M. W. Mackay. • Miss Dorothy Hutchison and Mr. D. Rose, • of St: Catharines, were holi- day guests at the home of Mrs. F. D. Hutchison. • Mr. and' Mrs. W. Murdie and Miss E. A. Murdie, of Eucknow, are guests of Mrs. M. White. • Messrs. Scott Hawthorne and Tony Phillips got ,fifteen wild geese on a hunting trip onthe lake shore above Goderich on Wednesday. Some of them were brought home alive. United Church W. M. S. Meet -The October meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the school room of the United Church on Thursday, Oct. lith. The business part was conducted by .the president, Mrs. C. Laing, after which Mrs, McIntosh, Captain of Cie cle 4, took charge of the meeting. The theme was elVledical Missions" and was taken from the first chapter of the new study book, "Men and Wo- men of Far Horizons." This part of the meeting opened by singin-g the hymn, "The Great Physician." Mrs, James Beattie gave a reading, "How Be came," followed by prayer by Mrs. McIntosh. The Bible reading was given by Mrs. Rintoul, and Mrs. Kaine then led M prayer for our medical missionaries. A reading by Miss Wal- lace was followed by a vocal duet by Mrs. J. E. Daley and Mrs. 11. Lawr- ence, "Saved by Grace.", After sing- ing Hymn 236, Miss Lawrence took • it's Here ! The New 1937 PHILCO ,• With the Philco Foreign Timing System • • Amazing new inven- tion! Foreign stations are spread farther apart . . . are named and located, in color, on the dial. You tune by name, easily, quick- ly, accurately. Really get results on short wave reception . . . and, finer domestic re- ception too! • The Latest Models are now on display in our new radio show room. Come in and hear them. _ _ _ • Phileo and Sparton radio service on all I makes ---- home and car radios. • seine '• ' • 4ta • 11, Leonard Bolton BARBER BACK IN BUSINESS Next Christie's Butcher Shop 1 solicit your trade at the old prices: Hair Cut Neck Trim Shave 25c 15c 15c her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Charles Stewart. • Miss Florence Laidlaw, of Toron- be spent the holiday at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. C. Laidleve • • Mr. Arthur Broadfoot, of Moose eaw, Spent a Sew days with friends in town this week. • Miss Dorothy Reinke, of Hamil- ton, and Mr. Ronald Reinke, of To - roan, spent Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs. J. C. Reinke. • Mr. and Mrs.. Leslie Kerr and little son, of Toronto, spent the holi- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr, • Miss Ria Hills, of Toronto, w01- a helidey guest at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hills, in Egmondville. • Miss Erma Broadfoot, dietician at dale Hearst Hospital, spentthe week endewith her mother, Mrs. A. Broad - foot, Mill Reed. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, of ()rillia, and Miss Rena McKenzie, of Stratford, were holiday guests at the home of Mrs, D. McKenzie. • Miss Mary Stewart, of the Kin- cardine Collegiate staff, spent the holiday week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. • Miss Alice Devereux, University of Western Ontario, London, spent the holiday with her Mother, Mrs. F. Devereux. • Miss Helen Hamilton, of Brescia Hall, spent the week -end at the. home of her uncle, Dr. H. H. Ross. • Miss Elinore Burrows, et Strat- ford, and Mr. Arthur Burrows, of London, spent the holiday with their father, Dr. F. J. Burrows. • Messrs, Glen Hays and K. L Mc- Lean, of Osgoode Hall, spent the week -end at their homes here. • Me. and Mrs. Beverley Christie and little daughter spent the bonday in Moorefield. • Miss Isabel Close spent the week end with Buffalo friend. • Mr. Stewart Plant, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronte, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. R. Plant • DrAubrey Crieh, of Toronto, was a week -end guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Crich. • Mise M. Young and Miss S. L McLean were the week -end, guests of Mrs, H. Arnold in Henson. • Miss Gladys Thompsonesof Nia- gara Falls, spent Thanksgiving at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thompson. • Dr. 'D. E. Sturgis returned lent Week from British Honduras. • etre. Fowler egad Miss Florence Fowler. of Winghara, who have been guests of the Misses Creswell, re- turned home Wednesday, • ,Mr. G. A. „Teekson' as 'a Toron- to last weak. •. Mr, elan Mrs. William SOMerallie, Cavan Church Anniversary SUNDAY, OCT. 18th Morning gaArice at 11.00 a.m. Evening Service at 7.30 p.m. REV. H. G. BANDY of Varna, as guest speaker. FOWL SUPPER Tuesday, October 20th Happy Cousins, of Elmira , will provide the programine. ADMISSION - - 50 Cents .BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. .R. Welch, of Detroit, who have been spending the past week with friends, returned to their home this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh have now got, settled in their 'home in the vil- lage. Their many friends in Bruce - field extend to them a hearty wel- come. The Jubilee Services in the United Church:were brought to a close last Sunday evening when the auditorium W S filled to capacity. The sermon, which was preached by Rev. C. Mus- tard, of Toronto, one of our own noye, and who gave a most practical ser- mon, was listened to attentively by ths large congregation. Visitors pres- ent 'were Mr. and Mrs. T. Mustard and Dr. Aikenhead, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Aikenhead and daughter, -of London; Dr. C. Swan, of Watford; Dr. W, Swan, of Hamilton,. and' many others. The Sacrament ef the Lord's Sup- per will be observed next Sunday, Oct. 18th, at the morning service. Preparatory service will be held Fri- day evening at 8' part. Mr. P. Hay, of Brantford, spent the week -end with his cousins, Mrs. Stev- • ens and Mr. Tough, in the ;village. Mrs. McDougall, of Bayfield., former- ly of Brucefield, attended tete Diamond' Jubilee services last week and enjoy- ed meeting so many of her old friends. - AN CE G.W.V.A. hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, OCT. 23rd under auspices of the Sodality Girls of .Ste James' Murcia. TONY FARR'S ORCHESTRA Admission 35c (including tax) ANNIVERSARY Constance United Church 'SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25th esesseeeesn • e•ll'. MroadtitOck, Wien Pluatkagi*iug OeittUr linthttletd* e ' e Mr. it C. fiudietcou Und , • •• • „ )),e DUBLIN at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. REV. MR. WILSON, of Auburn, guest Speaker. Choir will be assisted hy Mrs. And. Reekie, of London. FOWL SUPPER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. FOLLOWED BY PLAY "Cabbage or Dollars" by Voting People of Congregation. ADMISSION: 50 and 25 CENTS. Holiday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Downey and children, of Dutton; Mr, and Mrs. James Hanley and little' son, Toronto; Miss Rita Stapleton., London; Frank Stapleton, Toronto; Miss Gertrude Stapleton, Toronto; Miss Theresa Delaney, God- erich; David 'Crawford, Toronto; Miss Dorothy Molyneaux, Ayton; Miss Rose McConnell, Detroit; Patrick McCon- nell, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc- Graw and little daughter, Ilderton ; Miss Cecelia Feenen, London; Ralph Dill, Stratford; Mrs. R. McLaren Mitchell. McKILLOP Demoustration IMMINIMINIMMINOMMIMI Demonstration of Davis Gel- atine Cookery le being held at The Dominion Store •all next week. You t.tnan cordially invie a ed to come (11 see the display 'of new Salads and Desserts. The Davis Demonstrator in charge will answer all enquiries, with segued to the use Of Gala - tine aid will show you thow to prepare Dainty Diebee simply and effectivefy. Will you come %along and bring yeafr friends'? Beautiful FREE Recipe gook With each piiekage at 16 cent& „ DOMINION STORES sgAybkm. 1, RHONE 11+ • 10 frille Witik.neesmiiy Apparel to make the Fall months coitfortable. LADIES' AUTUMN - and • WINTER COATS and DRESSES and HATS and HOSIERY and GLOVE'S -right from the makers and in their Latest Styles. • The activity at prese'ht prevailing in Coats, Dresses, Hats, etc., is caused because -vveMelts-rninds are now cen- tered. on this 'matter - New things to wear 'for colder weather; caused again by the really fine showing of things shown here. • • There's a price cause, too. GIRLS' COATS $4,95 to $10,95 LADIES' COATS $9.95 to $25.00' LADIES' DRESSES $3.95 to 14.95 A Showing of Lovely New Neckwear Just Received. acTAVISH'S lesson and Janet Townsend led in prayer. Miss Alva Elford gave a very interesting and vivid description of her work and experiences, in the Hud son Bay district, which, was very much enjoyed by all. Mr. W. Mc- Lachlan, of Brucefieid, delighted the audience with several readings'. The meeting closed, itt regular farm - and repeating the Mizpa,h Benediction. MM. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society and W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Murdie on Friday, Oct. 9th. The meet- ing opened with a hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth" and prayer by MTS. Shannon. The roll call and min- utes were read and the Sectional re- port which was .held al Londes'boro, was given by Mrs. J. Gordon.. Mrs. J. E. Daley took charge of the tut - un thanksgiving ' program, using the leaflet. Mrs., N. R. Dorrance sang e solo and an interesting address was given by Miss Elford, of Norway House, 400 miles, north of Winnipeg, on "Life, Hahne and Customs of In - diens. The hymn, "Jesus • Shall Reige" was sung and fhe - meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Daley, Lunen was served by the hostess and social committee, and a social half hour was spent. EGMONDVILLE CONSTANCE ............. Constance United Church will held their anniversary services Sunday, October 25, with Rev. Wilson, of AA - burn, in charge of the services at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. Mrs. And. Reekie of London will assist the choir. A hot fowl supper will be held on Tues- day evening, to be followed by a play, "Cabbages or Dollars." The Kill - burn orchestra will play and Mrs. Reekie will sing between acts. Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrandt, of i3ali- fornia, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Medd last week. Mrs. Medd is now in Toronto with them visiting rela- tives. Mrs. Leo Stephenson, and Mrs. Log- an of Blyth are visiting friends itt London. Holiday ,gueets with Mende in the vicinity were: Miss Margaret Fergu- son, Tecumseh, with friends; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dodd, and Mr. and. Mrs. W. Charlesworth, Weistons with rela- tives; Mr. Jas. Chesney, Hamilton, at his hones, "Ruscoe Farm"; Miss Ria Hills, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hills; Miss Laura McMillan, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Gray and family, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs-. W. McMillen; Misses Ida •and Eva Dove, Toronto, with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Love; ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Westaway, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick and Mr. N. Patrick, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Patrick; Mr. Glen Hays, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. James Hays; Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie, Orillia, with the feemer's mother, Mrs. D. MeKetuzie; Mies Mar- guerite Bliack, Herailtims Miss Mary Diaper and Mr. George Black, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Black; Miss Bessie Grieve, Chatham, with Mr. and and Mrs. Thomas Grieve; Mr. R. Me - Lean, Newton, with his parents, Mr. and Mra. R. McLean; Miss Cana and M. Chas. She -Mean Toronto, With Mr. M-. Sherweed; Mies Inane) Glose Was a holiday gueee with frieUziALftt Buffalo. , Y. P. S. Meets The regular weekly Meeting 'of the IngraMadville Y. P 5.wits; held on Tileirdste evening With •ilie Preeldelit est tharge, Who condtletetithe biatinelle ;eeriest Mar§ t MeLethlatt • han ehdrige a the ttUvenuti4 6%61.24134M ,rie0011 #04$414:064 bhiS 'SeitttiOi6 ' , .", • , `1' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawson 'and son, Mr. Anthony Lawson, and) daugh- ter, Donna, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Medd on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Dale and son, Bill, visited Mrs: McNeil, of Fuller ton, recently. Quite a number a young ladies o the Live Wire ,Class attended the Young People's convention held i Wesley Willis Church, Clieton, Fl1day last Mr. Peter Dodds underwent -a ser ious operation in) St. Joseph's Hospi tal, London, on, Friday. He is pro gressing as well as "t -F., ne" expected His many friends hope for a speed recovery. Mr. James- Armstrong ef Toront spent the week end with Mr. an Mrs. Matthew Armstrong. Mrs. Alvin Dale was operated on i Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, fo sinus trouble. Her many friends hop to see her about again soon. Mr. and) Mrs. Roy Lawson and Mar ion visited at the home of Mr. an Mrs. J. Worden in Staffs, on Sunda Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, of 1'ron to, and Mrs. Ferguson and son, Gle of Whitbir, were visitors with Mr. an Mrs. J. Ferguson on Sunday. Mrs. Adams visited Mr. lend Mr Butson a,nd Mr. and Mrs. M. ,McDo ald in London over the Week -end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Britton' spent th week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Andre 'Reekie in London. ' MANLEY A pleasant time was spent last Sur day afternoon when, the lady friend of Mies Mary Eckart, daughter Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eckert, met the home 'of Mr. Fred Eckart and gav her a shower of snseful articles' o the 'eve of her departure to Chathar where she is -joining the Ursaline 0 'dler. An address was read to /her e, pressing tkeir regret of loosing he but as it was her choice of life the synched her all the beauty and niece, in.' life to attain her end. The pr gram was carried out withsong fi and, recitations, and • the first prize was 'ws.,by Mrs. Thos. Murray and Miss Bern e ,Manley had the lucky ebair; 'Vass' Jorothy Donnelly won the booby prize, after which all sat down td sumptuous repast. 'Thrown From Bum Messrs. Gerald and Clement McKay met with an accident lafit Monday night while on their waytto Settilorth when their hare shied with a bray or' a mule inside the fence at Grahame', Kerr's field. The buggy was upeen but no one was hurt except the dam- age done to the buggy, but they were able to proceed' on their way to town. - The late rain snow, and frost have held up the buckwheat harvest and the digging, of , potatoes, which have - lost their green shede. The crop re good and oe good quality. Thursday, Oct. 22 at 8 o'clock To discuss the business of the „Clubs and appoint Officers for the year 1937. R. J. Main -LAN County Director JOSEPH FORREST - Sec.-Treas. • , • Bargain Fares OCTOBER 22 From SEAFORTM Meats also sold at all adjacent C.N.R. Stations) To C.N.R. STATIONS in MARITIME PROVINCES Priv. of Quiebeei, New flatirisedek) Prince Edward Island) Nova Scotia OCT, 23 and 24 -To Ottawa $7.20; Montreal $8.30; Quebec City $11.58; Ste. Anne de Elmore $12.15 • ROUND TRIP PARES t neketi, Pares, Drama 1,im4t* and Infarrnation trait:Agents. Ask far „Aek Agelite forilyurtrOultirei Of tatatte. ft Maple Leaf Conteen :kelt ni,.0 mitt 0.16000 -with lobe lent! " 4.! VI4ki " 4 1 4, 55 , 4 4 • • • CROMARTY. , - Miss Margaret Ewen. of Detroit, ie visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dun.cari. 'McKell a r. Miss Dorothy Qua:nee, of London, anent Thanksgiving at the home or her mother. . $ 10 Rfor any corn or cal- ewardirolsovwenycatrirtn he 1 ' scientific LLOYD'6. THYMOLATED CORN SALVE: This new' -salve de -sensitizes corns and callouses with' the first application. Call your :druggist to- day and order a . jar of this WONDERFUL. SALVE, 40c. Lloyd Chemical Labcratoria... For sale at all Tamblyn Drug Stores, Lig- gett's Stores, and most other .trug stores. For sale at KEATING'S PHARMACY- 8593-tf _.. . RADIO OPERATING .' Train for Canadian 'Government Centi- • Beate. Aviati cm -Marine -Broadcasting. • Register new for Fall term. Limited number only being accepted. Govern- . ment any:loved equipment, govern- , ment licensed instructora. Write Radio College at Canada, 863 Bay ' St., t • Toronto. • r > 1 L r 3 ... i .. P 1. - a v • r ' "An apple a day Keeps the doctor away", START THE APPLE- -' EATING HABIT --ON . . Bop ..., Scouts . APPLE DAY- iiim.00....m....... , SatUrday October '17 • . Annual Meeting s ,f e a a ,. is r Y 8 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE . United Farmers' Clubs -will be held in the ' ' TOWN HALL, IIENSALL Thursday, Oct. 22 at 8 o'clock To discuss the business of the „Clubs and appoint Officers for the year 1937. R. J. Main -LAN County Director JOSEPH FORREST - Sec.-Treas. • , • Bargain Fares OCTOBER 22 From SEAFORTM Meats also sold at all adjacent C.N.R. Stations) To C.N.R. STATIONS in MARITIME PROVINCES Priv. of Quiebeei, New flatirisedek) Prince Edward Island) Nova Scotia OCT, 23 and 24 -To Ottawa $7.20; Montreal $8.30; Quebec City $11.58; Ste. Anne de Elmore $12.15 • ROUND TRIP PARES t neketi, Pares, Drama 1,im4t* and Infarrnation trait:Agents. Ask far „Aek Agelite forilyurtrOultirei Of tatatte. ft Maple Leaf Conteen :kelt ni,.0 mitt 0.16000 -with lobe lent! " 4.! VI4ki " 4 1 4, 55 , 4 4 • •