HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-10-09, Page 8co
010T9 1916.
oUages 25c
rINEAKIJE—reruslied or Weed Am
...... .... LUC
, .
13,3,91c.NN, pisCurrS
iquid fee •
. G0.3."1344,45--yLstatts • 441
3 pounds
3 pounds ,
•3 Animas 25c
SNAP—Super Fine Powder' forrice,
household cleaning -2 for
ee eete
itikv-pi*rgmax off, prim_ ic„
TFRE POLISH—Bottle I elle
If you want your hens to Lay, feed
Master's Feeds.
A. C. Routledge
Phone 166
Having Purchased
business of' the JOHN RAN -
KIN AGENCY from the Guar-
• anty Trust Company, I solicit a
centinuance of your esteemed
All insurance records, •etc.,
!have been transferred to my of-
fice and any information will be
gladly given.
M. A. REID, Prop.
Phone 214 : Seaforth
Specialists in All Kinds of
4o o <> oo o o 0000
•0 0
0 S. T. Holmes & Son °
Main Street, Beaforth"
S. T. Holmes,' residence, 0
Goderich Street, West; phone 0
No. 119-W. Charles Holmes' 0
residence, Goderich Street, 0
East; phone No. 308.
Ambulance Service
4 Night cane, Phone 308: 0
4 Day calls, Phone 119-J. 0
Charges moderate.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0
Gelebeated 80th leirthday.—Mrs. J.
S. BrSwie, East W1Uian Street, :tele-
brated her 80th birthday on SaterdaY,
October 3rd, when six
or seven of
her intimate friends gathered at leer
home and spent a, very pleasant af-
ternoon alld evening-
• Women's Institute.—The Women's
Institute will hold their „regular meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. Bert Pudner,
in Egenondtville, on Wednesday, Oct.
14th, when the roll call will be an!
swered—by- "You -Favorfte Sttpp
Dieh." The topic on "Legislation,"
will be given by Mrs. Fletcher Town -
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Licensed Embalmer
Ambulance Service
Hospital Bed
4 with adjustable rachet oper-
ated spring for rent.
4 Night Calls Day Calls
• 0 Phone 175. Phone 43.
0 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0
W. .1, WALKER and
• 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0
• 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0
0 Funeral Directors. 0
0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0
attended. 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Clerk -gibe Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Baild-
Seaferth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday ‘and Saturday,
1.30 p.m. to '5.00 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Life, asPtomobile, fire, sickness and
accident insurance. If in the Mar-
ket for any of the above lines,
kindly give us a Call.
Insurance Agencies
Phone 334 : Seveforth, Ont.
Announcement—I-The engagement is
announced of Helen Mary Maude,
youngest daughter of Mr, J. J. Mer-
ner and the late Mr. J. J. Merner,
forme e -1�.P:, of Seaforth, Ont., to•Dr.
Anson R. Atkinson, M.D., of Chat-
ham, elder son of Dr. and Mrs. H. B.
Atkinson, of Embro, Ont., the mar-
riage to take place very quietly in
early October.
Announcement—Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Cunningham, Toronto, announce
the, engagement of their only daugh-
ter, Alyce Grate, to Mr. Frederick
Karl A:neent, Noranda, Quebec, young-
est son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ament,
Seaforth, Ont., the wedding to take
place in Knox , Presbyterian Church,
Toronto, Oct. 3ist, 1936, at 3.30 p.m.
Branscombe - McKenzie. —A quiet
wedding -took place at the United
Church Manse, Stratford, on October
1st, When Florence Elsie Milne, only
daughter of Mr, and Mrs'. John Mc-
Kenzie, Seaforth, was united in mar-
riage to Mr, Robert E. Branscombe,
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brans-
combe, Toronto. Rev. Mr. Reycraft
Tel* aentermoue in:Crease in
Auto aceftletita, you camiot afford
ae, ft* take &micas. Let net protect
Cif; 14 law in compari-
' with rprotsction, give n.
serVice and payment of
• by, caSe of trouble, the
' Ageifts threligh Can-
stOr'qetee, Onjoy
dtI'&;,itireteeted, by one of
"•-ritito Polielek';
Died in Egmondville.—The death
occurred Tuesday at her home in Eg-
mondville following a protracted ill-
ness, of Christena Allen, daughter of
the late William Allen. Miss Allen,
who was in, her $4th. year, was born
in Tuckersmith, moving to Egmond-
ville many years ago, where she had
since resided. She was a member of
First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth.
The funeral, which will be private,
will take place from her late resi-
deece on Friday, interment to be made
in the Egmondville cemetery. Rev.
H. C. Feast will officiate.
with eel -tier 'hat ot t1e samereeeealeia.
Carrieda bouuet t Ophelia roses. She'
was attended by her sister, Miss
uia L. Seip, R.N., who wore a brown
triple sheer crepe dress with hat and
'aceeseories to match and a. bougaet.
of Talisman roses. The bridegroom
was supported by Stanley Thompson,
of Toronto. Rev. Captain E. W. Ed-
wards, of Tavistock, offieiatid. Fol-
lowing the ceremony a buffet lunch-
eon was served from the bride's table,
the'color scheme of which was in pink
and -white. Mr. and Mrs. Clark later
left on a motor trip to eastern cen-
tres. On their return they will reside
at 36 Askin Street, London.
Goforth Mission Band Meets.—Lois
Wright presided at the meeting of the
Goforth Mission 13and held in the
school room of First Presbyterian
Church on October 5th. The' Scrip-
ture lettson. was taken by Fergus Belt
which well folloWed by player by
Leonora Habkirk a-nd a quartette by
Jean McMaster, Billy Munn, Donald
Smith and George Cutting. Kathleen
Holmes contributed a piano solo and,
Mrs. D. H. Wilson told a story. Six-
teen members responded to the roll
Northside Y. P. S. Meet.—The week.
lyneeetia'g of the Y. P. S„ held in the
school room , of Northside United
Church on Tuesday evening, Oct. 6th,
was opened with the Lord's Prayer in
unison. Seventeen members respond-
ed to the ;roll call which was read by
the secretary, Vena Mole. The Mis-
sionary department was in charge of
Miss Myrtle Carter, wive read, a poem
followed by prayer by Ardath Sproule
and the Scripture reading from the
15th chapter of John by Zetta Dun -
Lop. Vera. Mole gave a reading, "No
Christian in Hell," after which the
topie, "Missions in Canada" was ably
taken by Edna Roherietsch. A dra-
matic presentation of the story of
Ruth and Naomi was given •by Laura
Mole, Luella Keine and Evelyn Car-
Reynolds - Verbeem.—A very pret-
ty autumn wedding was •eolemnized.
Saturday morning at 9.30 in St.
James' Church, Seaforth, when
Adriena (Jane) Verbeem, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo,nard Verbeem, of
Thamesville, became the bride ef,Goe-
don, son of Mr. and' Mrs. James Rey-
nolds, Seaforth, Rev. Father Hussey
,officiating. The bride, given in mar-
riage by her father, looked charming
in a gown of Claret transparent vel-
vet, little gold hat, - Dutch bonnet
style, gold shoes, and carrying an
armful of bronze' chrysanthemums.
Her sister, Mrs, Mervin Lane; matron
of honor, wore •a gown of sapphire
blue velvet, matching hat.. in Dutch
bonnet style, and carried Sweetheart
roses. Mrs. Margaret Devereaux was
at the organ and during the signing
of the register, Miss Mona sills sang
beautifully, "I Love You Dear." Af-
ter the ceremony a reception was
held at the home • of the bride's sis-
ter. Later Mr. and Mrs. Reyholds
left by motor for Detroit and other
points, the bride travelling in a dress
of brown moire, brown i coat, hat and
matching accessories. •On their re-
turn the young couple will reside on
Goderieh St., Seaforth.
Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday.
—St. Thomas' Church—Sunday School
and Bible Class at 10.45 a.m.; ebb-
dren to attend morning service; morn-
ing prayer at, 11 o'clock; topic, "The
Secret of National Greatness"; even-
ing prayer, "The Secret of Personal
1Greatnees.." — Canon E. Appleyard,
Northside United Church -11 a.m.
subject, "Thanksgiving' e 7 pets, "The
Three Fools"; Sunday ,School at 10
a.m. Annivereary services on, -Sun-
day, October 18th, with Dr. Greene,
of London, as guest speaker.—Rev e T.
A. Carmithael, Minister.
First Presbyterian Church" in Sea-
forth—Harold C. Feast, Minister. Ser-
vices for Sunday, October 11—Morn-
ing worship at 11; Sunday School at
2.30; evening service at 7. Morning
sermon, "The Christ With the Glad
and Thankful Heart"; evening ser-
mon, "The Certainties of Our Faith:
(3) Miracles Up To Date." .Morning
—Anthem, "While the Earth'Refiegin-
eth"; anthem, "How Manifold Are
Thy Works," soloist, Mr. James T.
Scott. Evening—Anthem, "Ye Shall
Dwell in the Land," tsoloists, Mr, Fred
E. Willis, Mr. Harry McLeod.-
Egmondville United Church.—Rev.
A. W. Shepherd, Minister. Sunday
!School at 10 !a.m. Rev. W. Gilmour,
of Staffa, at. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. An-
niversary services will be held on
Sunday, November 1st. The -Rev.
John Dew, Professor at Ern-
'manueI College ,will be the preacher
for the day.
C. W. L. Meeting. — The monthly
meeting of -the Catholic Woneen's
League was held on October 4th, Mrs.
F. Devereaux presiding. After' the
singing of "0 Canada" and the various
convenors reports were read, it 'was
then decided to hold a social evening
later in the month. Mrs. Frank Dev-
ereaux end Mrs. D. Shanahan were
appointed delegates to attend the
Diocesan convention in Wallaceburg
on October 13-15. Plans were - then
made Por the collection of clothing
and books to be Sent to the .Canadian
West some time during October.
Clark - Seip.—The home of George
Seip, Market Street, Seaforth, was the
scene of a happy event at 2 o'clock
on Saturday afternoon, October 3rd,
when his eldest daughter, E. Beatrice
Seip, became the bride of A. Mortimer
Clark, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. A. E.
Clark, of Toronto. •The bride, who
was given in marriage by her father,
entered the drawing room which was
beautifully decorated with autumn.
flowers, to the strains of the wedding
march played by Miss Mary Barber.
The bride, who was gowned in satin -
faced ripple crepe in coronation blue,
It's Here !
The New 1937
With the Philco Foreign
Tuning System
• Amazing new inven-
tion ! Foreign stations
are spread farther
apart . . . are named
and located, in 'color, on
the dial. You tune by
name . . . easily, quick-
ly, accurately. Really
get results on short
wale reception . . .
and finer domestic re-
ception too!
The Latest Models are
now on display in our
new radio show room.
Conte in and hear them.
• Philo and Sparton
radio service on all'
makes — home and car
• , ,
11 1 "'' •
Sealed for your protec-
tion means more miles
to the gallon, better en-
gine performance, bet-
ter pick-up. . . . .
Try a Tankful] To -day!
Shell Station
and family, of Detroit, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell.
• Dr. F. J. Burrows will return neat
week from a holiday spent in Winni-
• Mr. John efee McGregor has re-
turned from Guyeboro, Nova Scotia,
where he' has. been Visiting the gold
• Miss, Margaret Finkbeiner, R.N.,
leftthis week for Kitchener, where
she hete accepted a position in St.
Mark's Hospital, as assistant operat-
ing room supervisor.
• Mr. Frank Carlin, of London,
spent Sunday at the home,of, his sis-
ter, Miss Dolly Carlin.
• Miss Jennie Soole and Miss Edith
Good, of Toronto, are the guests of
Varna United Church
SUNDAY, OCT. 11, 1936
Rev. G. G. Burton, M.A., of Clinton
11 A.M. 7.30 P.M.
Thursday, October *15th
from '6 -to 8,30 p.m.
The Bachelor's Male Quartette
and Concert Company of Li:Stowe,
ADMISSION: 60 c and 25c.
High School Graduates,
We will personally select several young
men w,Itio are willing to prepare for
Positions in Radio, Sound and Elec-
trical industries. Those chosen will be
-required SO take preliminary training
at 'home then come to Toronto for in-
struction on a,pecial equipment not
available locally. Write tb British
American Institute of Engineering,
Bay St. at Grosvenor, Toronto.
Annual Meeting
United Farmers' Clubs
will be held in the
Thursday, Oct. 22
. at 8 o'clock
To discuss the- business of the
Clubs and appoint Officers for the
year 1937.
R. J. McMILLAN - County Directo
J OS EPP' FOR REST - Sec.-Trea
• Mr. H. C. Mohteith, of Powassan,
was in town on Saturday. Mr. Mon-
teith is an old resident of the Bruce -
field district and came down to attend
the Diamond Jubilee of Brucefield
United Church.
• Mrs. Rachael Howard, of Port-
land, Oregon, is the guest of Mrs. J.
E. Reinke.
• Mrs. C. P. Sills, Mr. and Mrs. C.
eckart and Miss Julian Kenny were
in Stratford this week.
• Mr. S. R. Brownell, of Winnipeg,
spent a few days last week -with his
sister and brother-in-laW, Mr, and Mrs.
Sidney Jacobs.
• Mrs. James, L. Grieve suffered a
very painful accident on Monday.
While washing she caught her hand In
the wringer cif "the electric washing ,
machine and the palm of her hand
and fingers were badly eat and bruis- •
• Mr. Don Eberhart, of St Men,
New Brunswick, is visiting his par-
ents, Mr. and MrsGeorge,,Eberhart.
• Dr. H. H. Ross and Miss 1Vlar-
garet were in Toronto last week.
• Mrs. W. A. Wright and isliefh
Grainger are spending the week it
• Mr, gam Spence, Jmes Street,
has been cOnfined to his home for
several -weeks through illness.
• Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Selater, Regina,
ts Visiting at the'hotneeer his Methet,
Mrs. Wilflieta gclater. '
• Mr, Lies el,Purcell, of Twentieth
Century 1;0146poration, Loe Ate
geleet, Oellicirele with his wife and
&111t*: Ite, and Mit, Segel* Partiell
andriny, mut Mit, Cele 0t3ourke
Thanks giving
OCTOBER 1.1 and 12th
Breaded Lake Trout Parsley
Butter Vied °Wider's' '•
Cabbage Slaw
Faked 'Cured Ham
',Sirloin Steak
Fried Lamb ,Chop with Pine-
apple Ring.'
Young Turkey With Cranberry
Green. Peas Scalloped Potatoes,
Hot Minced Pie
Ice Cream and Pettit Cake
Tea, 'Coffee. or Milk
Enjoy a Delicious, Well -Cooked
and Served Thanksgiving
C°111111 Hotel
•• sA•Foot1+,"NAmO
'1•'1 • •• • •I• 10 •••-,• -• • •••• o• • • ,"••.
•••• • •••••
7 ; t;•,. 4,1„; t$Y.11,ii
• Mr. . Ms jackeon,'"Of TorOnte,
spent a few elay ee 003 week at his
horne . • • e
• Mr. Tom Sills left rn Saturday
for Kirkland Lake,where he has:falt-
en a leeteition. .He was an all retund
athlete and his place Ala the diffeeent
teams ..,will be hard edefille
• Mrs Gives% Of Teronto, is the
guest Of Miss Fleurcheutz and • Mr.
Louis Fleurelieuta. in. Egmondyille.
.• Mrs. W. 0. Fowler,.of Wing,ham,
is a eneat at the home. of the Misses
Cresswelt, •
• Mr. D. H. Wilson is spending 'this
week in .Toronto.
fit3rMrs. "1".;•-vi4grecV4r
and. family, of Detreit,•are the guests
of Mr. and Mr. .john A. ,McGregort
• The teaching staff' Oe theepublic
school were in Blyth on''ThUrsday and
Friday attending ' the annual Huron
• Mr. William Brine spent severel
dia,ys in Toronto this week.
• Rev. A. W. Shepherd, of Eg-
mondville, will preaeh anniversary
services in Staffa, on Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nott and
baby Nancy; Mrs. William .Kruse 'and
Miss Bernice Brown were visitors in
Niagara Falls, N. Y., last week. They
were accompanied home by Mrs. Wm.
Oldfield who had spent the previous
two weeks there.
• Mr. Raymond Nott had the mis-
fortune to have the thumb of his
right hand badly lacerated, in the cir-
cular saw last Thursday, necessitat-
ing medical treatment. e,
• Mrs. M. McKellar bas returned
time in
home after spending some
Buffalo, Lockport and Toronto.
. .
Large ,crowds attended the anni-
versary services et Brucefield on Sun-
There will be no service at Blake
and Goshen Churches next Sunday on
acc'ouht of the anniversary services at
The annual fowl supper will be
held in Varna Community Shed on
October 15th.
Mr. and Mrs., Monies Robinson vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnston at
Goderich on Sunday. . !
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Holman and
son, Billy, and Mrs, Ralph Davidson
were in Toronto one day last week.
A reception was held in the hall last
Friday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Campbell, who were married
Mrs. Fergus Bullard spent, the past
week with her reother, Mrs. John
Arrnstroag, of Lonillen. .
Mr. R'oy Henderson, of North Bay,
spent the week -end with his father,
Mr. James !Henderson. ..
Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton are
celebrating 'their thirtieth wedding
aativersary on Saturday, Oct. 10th.
Mr. end !Mrs. Foster Bennett will
celebrate their seventh wedding an-
niversary on, the same day.
' Mr. W> Manley, our road superin-
teledent, 'has been busy bqlding the
: cement bridge on lot 15, car:\ 4 and 5,
as the 'old cement bridge was con-
demned by the Engineer, which was
built about 25 years ago and was con
sidered at the time permanent work,
but on account of not putting in en
ough cement and too many stones be-
ing used as a filler, as in so many
other bridge's, it now has to be re -
I built.' As the old,- wooden bridges
I would have lasted as long as some of
' the permanent work, it would have
been more economical when timber
was plentiful, to have used it. But
we alwayshave to pay for our ,ex-
We are pleased to learn. that Mas -
r ter Stephen McKay Is progressing _as
;. welleas can: be expected.
. • The late rain: has delayed the buck-
wheat harvest.
Messes. Fred and C. Eckert made a
' business trip to' Goderich last week.
The stone crusher ,is still busy in
Mr. Calvin Hillen's pit, crusting stone
for the county ,road, con. 8 and 9, Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dex
ter and Ella spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCart•
ney, of Clinton, and also attended an-
niversary services at Ontario Street
Mrs. Colclough and son, ,Clifford, and
brother, Mr. Jaines Thuell, and Mr
George Laws, of Brussels; spent a
few days visiting the former's sistex
in. Brussels and also visited in Nia
gara Falls.
• Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson. and ,Mr
and Mrs. J. Carter and daughter, Mar
garet, spent Sunday at the home ,o1
Mr. Clarence Rath, at Belgrave.
Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Britton attended e
meeting of Presbytery at Brucefield
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clark seien1
the week -end in Toronto. -"nail
daughter; ;Mies Viola, returned witt
them after spending the summer wite
her aunt, of Forest Nook, Muskoka.
Those attending the Teeewater Fah
on Wednesday were: Mrs. Jas. Medd
and daughters, Phyllis and Clete anc
son, Jack; Helen Britton, Bill Jewett
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter and fam
ily; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter ane
daughter, Ella; Mr. B. B. Stepheasor
and son, Leo; Mr. James Dale anc
teen, Bill Dale; Alvin Dale, Wesley
and George Hoggarth and George Ad
The W.M.S. held their thankoffer
ing meeting on October 7th, in, the
school Mom of the church. The presi
.dent, Mrs. P. LindsaY, opened the
Meeting with a few words of Welcome
to the visitors, followed by.the hymn
"Come Ye, Thankful People, Come,'
• .. and prayer by Mrs. Lindsay, Mrs
Rogerson and Mrs. 13rittos. The vice
president, Mrs. Roy Lawson, the
took charge. Mrs, Orville Dale' rea
a Thanksgiving Natal -and, spoke, 1
few well-chosen thoughts onl the
• Psalm. A pleasing ;duet, "Ashanak
Of /MO" 4IVae rendered by WS
Lindea,y and ,Mrs. II II Stephettseti
• .
Price Reductions throughout the
entire Store
Sale Closes Saturday Night
on Thanksgiving, and Mrs. Addison
gave a piano aolo. The treat of the
afternoon was a splendid address by
Mrs. J. C. Laing, of Seaforth, which
will be printed next week. The hymn
",Sing to the Lord of Harvest" was
sung. Mrs. Britton and Mrs. Lindtay'
moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Laing
and Miss Beattie for bringing the lad-
ies out. The closing prayer was giv-
en by Mrs. Roy Lawson. Lunch was
Mr. and Mrs. Butson and grand-
daughter, of London, were guests
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoegy and
Louis spent Sunday with friends irt
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoegy and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Hoegy, of Grey, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hoegy.
Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Regele and
Mn, and Mrs. Henry Koehler spent
Sunday with relatives in Fullerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Michel and daagh-
ters, of Fullerton, and Miss Marie
Koehler, of Mitchell, spent Sunda;
with their mother, Mrs. F. Koehler.
Me. and Mrs, Charles .Eggert and
Della and Norman spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hainple at Ayr.
Mrs. Mary Rapien, of Mitchell, is
visiting with her sister, Mrse C. Reg-
Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
French and also attended anteivers-
ary services held ett. Bethesda Church.
Word has been received in this vi-
cinity that Mrs. Herman Moedle, of
Monkton, underwent a serious opera-
tion in a London hospital. Her friends
wish her a speedy recovery.
We are pleased to note that Mrs.
William Doerr, of Gadshill, who mei
derwent a serious operation, at her
home on Friday last, is doing as well
as can be expected.
in Oddfellow's Hall
Bazaar opens at 3 o'clock
Come and bring your Friends!
Under auspices of
LADIES' AID, First Presby-
terian Church.
$10.00 REWARD
for any corn or callous, which cannot be re-
moved 'by the new soientific LLOYD'S
days. This new salve de -sensitizes corns and!
callouses twill the first application. Call
your druggist today and order a jar. of this,
WONDERFUL SALVE. Callouses of long.
standing will require eligibly longer tredt.,
For sale at
FIRE' ,Proileotion. Wok
October 4th to. 10th
In Canada and the United States bhe week of October 4th to 10th
is being observed as Fire Prevention Week. The Domittion Fire Pre-
vention Association in co-operation with Provincial Fire Marshals,
local Fire Chiefs and others are co-operating with civic organizations
in the furtherance of the aims of Fire Prevention.
About 350 !people arere injured by fire in C da every year. The recorded loss of topedaato death and a much larger number
by fire in Canada during the la years, 1920 to 1934, exceeded
$616,000,000. In other words, at our present burning rate, approxi-
mately one human We is sacrificed and $110,000 worth of property is
destroyed every day in the year. '
Prevent Fires
These Simple Suggestions, if Followed By Everyone
in the Family, Will Make Your Home
Safe From Fire.
1—Put lighted matches and' smokes out:heft:tee, you throw thein
away. Keep matches where &mall children cannotreach them. Never
smoke in the garage, barn, or attic, nor in bed.
2—Remove rubbisb, .waste paper e and all Unnecessary crennue-
tible materials. Provide metal ash and trash. cans. Burn rubbish
only in a safely covered brick or metal incinerator. Watch the fire.
3—Examine all stoves, furnaces, and smoke pipes to make sure,.
they are safe and well away from woodwork or other burnable ma-
Have needed repairs made at once.
4—Value the advice of your fire chief who lire that many fires
are caused by dirty or defective chineneye. Have 'the chimney clean- •
ed regularly, and have all defectserepairech
• 5—Escape the danger .of flammable liquid fires and explesions by
keeping no gasoline in the house. Do dry cleaning with safe liquids
or send the work We the cleaner. Nevar eieersteatrritcafireswith andkerosene.ihe
6—Notify the electric companygas
company of gas leaks. Replace "blown" times with n w ones—not.
pennies. Avoid .home-made wiring jobs. Don't look fir gas leaks
with a match.
7—Teach everyone in VW -faintly to be careful.of- to, -watch
stoves, flreplacese electric irons and all other possible fir causes, and
every day, to remove old rags, papers and other rubbish.
8—Fireproof your honle as far as possible by fireeeafe roofing,
fire stopping in hollow walls and ,partitions to stop the spread of
flame, and a..non-combustible• basement telling.
9—Inquire of your, fire chief, when buying a fire extingtasher, to
atiLigenszip:ainnto orettone in the house,e
be sure of getting the right kind. Don't !hesitate to ask your firernen
whenever you have queetions on fire prevention.
• 10—Remember always where the nearest fire alkali, box is and
how to el
'alarm. if *Isvhoning, be sure the address is clearly
understood. Us a neighbor's phone rather than one in the burning
what to do in case of fire,
how to put out fire in clothing by wrapping in a rug or blanket, what
to. do When grease zeta -hes ire in the kitchen. • •
12, --gave life and property froth needless destruction by fire
by keePing the prifielliplsei of fire prevention always .in mind and never
taking a chance with five.
3:6 MX,
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