HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-10-02, Page 3�� 5 I ,,;I , I , I 11 � � I � i , , ;1 . - "' " � I , ", , ,I -� I I . I , 1 ��, ,, ��11. � , ,;.�, ,, , t, � , '. ,,,��,I �, �, � , q %, W 6",1� .111, . - ,, I i �:� " ,��:,� ,`.,: ��� . �, ; I " ': -;,,, ;),,,, 1i ), �'.'l . ,, �,., ?�� �,.,?, .�,.�, ,,.�, , , , �I�." M , , F., t,;1�1�1t', �,,,�::�;� !� ,.�Iil� I - ( 1 4 4 . � ., k . I� .� 1k . I . . f � .1. . 0 - , I . . fl., � I I , , I 11­11'1�.. 11 . I - I., � , . t I , : . ` , , .1 I I . - I 1�' , . 1. I I 1 4 1. . . � � 1. I � I I . . . . � ! I . . . I I . I � .11 . : �, � . , '� - i 1, . � - k, � . I I � . I . 11 I., .. I . . . * I . . I I I . . ,, �, I . . I . I . I , I , .I— � I . . I , � .1 � i . . . . I I .. , , 1. . . I . . . �, � ; � . I I I � . - . I I . I , . . I I . I , , I I . 11 4 5: ------- 71,71177 It ...... ,,,11,� , ,�, , .! 9 i ,���,,�7�.,�,.�"�,,.,IT,,!77t",T;"4�-i,,,�,P,F,,7"—.�'. T -,�,),7,'.',�,'F,,,-,,-,7,�,,�17 ,;pmor ��p, , , , ", 17, , V . 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T"M_ t :: "g... -, TV . , , - . ;11 I I " . ,'� . 6 `� � , ' . `11 �". � I , 51, i (Continued,ftom F;t,ga ' f '�­ , . , , , , , , . ,� 1, . .4 14 " I �1� -i � ­ ,,,, ., �­ � . 11 4. , ... r-:* � .1 . � "' ""4",�l , . 1111 .. �0�g " � 11� V ,14 , _ $'111M wllrlt �,�, ,-� �,�j%,;'§j , , " 0 . 11� I I *I �, f" , . ' 1, ' , I , ,,4",, , , 1� 7 ..'�,,�i� � - � 11 �1, ,,, ; � 11 " ; I � � , ii r rQ i "I , "_"� . . � . " , I I I ."! � , � " i , '�' "' " � ": . � . 1 ILI 4' , ' , : ��"., 2)�' . f �' .'V��`A. - � " � � � I . I... _ .�, � , I , 5 I 0, M01 e - It -citer � .. 1,014 ­ � . ': " 11 . , " . " .1; - , � K � . �� ��i I . a _ a - 211 I ''I'll 01##.,41K� , C"" �& � 4 h." , I , . � 1. , 11 , .1 i�, " . C, lvili . I K_ 41 . . B, I " .1 ,,,, I ". W90111M ­�i - , -v-----_-. I �_, I 0 .1 .1 * " , . __ - . � , . I I . , , 0 . . . A ,dow &wi by ISiloolair Phtippen I .. _".. �, . ",A,i'd,.;,� W- , , . I I I .1 . ooming, . � ,;; �.Jl 1.11;M , I '. 15 �­,,il ", ,, , . ,. � _ . 1, . . � � "I ..;; ,,biglet of. ter bucket outsi&_ the d�oior and L, ., � , dl,, 0 h� . 04. to.-Ifi#4 00 , , _!1,1i. 4)�,q ,al4e.tioing. w T1h ,*0 i - - ,, 1ho - , ""' , .Q I ,�4; 4� ,,,, . . -, . o;i�`­�'io "I.- P*;e 1), hwd w"hte(l #11i few ,dishes, iin * Wis., gave blrOh to ta-Mot CaIvev, They a, ­' -(Ololitaneii ftoa�`NOV 1) , . In And ,Iwew tihe `0 . - , sim*& . Y ­ow t 1' * � m -.n th lAtchfo * p , when "b"a Sea - ,tho ithi*el­ov�ir a line fastben, attr,aeted - inuch attiebi as , 4 .tyg e! , Wk ,'bO I ,Could ,do pothing * ... -W . P . ­ �'. �1 own. ,,Wg �qftier him YAM _ ter he bad diispaltielhed a, Cattle be4st, 'MT . . .r J,., )WIL:- Ho il*d we di 'Amd,vas, go�._.. ,,..,-. - -­._..,_,___ - Townt to see, '41111A _­Ue� IKV�1� � ed firoi *ei Corner lot the hbuse, to, Wve, gone to LOwele 6i4id Niii:. iui Isitam., * --"-, i ��, pi .1, or a bLeating shi . , , � tworbing and� ithriateow ing Oter me w1ith OR ... Id's 113�, I 71'r I h g, bu . ...... .. " I . :1 ��., I 'Men hV sa"t d,Owm'tQ thesie novelty cAv1ep.-4Minti. Ad- was . I � , I -� It ., I - , ,'j&jqq&g,i" 4,",g . One of the Wost j,611,6r0sting'stor- I nearbV ti"i , I I . smji)ritling and box ming. . I . I kqilil,,J�A'�7 �'10N,Jj� ,,, 'ies contoterinil ' "Shi Jdm;" ,haid do td Serious than, - UV to vance-Titmes. I !he yiesocinded. readily enough and I , " L 1-1--_._- . ni JiAh Wk 'i'm . � � behind 'him.. - I "Veirna cabue to. the, ­--i—I I "' ­­­.­"R#� "� ,,�,l � (this = ii, lo few vor� ,s=,,t In ' � , , I foptened - 9L �.� I wgg,f � �,,iix"i� ,e - — " . , ,".* -ft I l- I i, ilts setting diti ft'Ume a the IBut " v4s dilTmient - I PalnfuI Aeddent - n-4bD__the_`st0W_aftd__ � _sWX­&nd_ _iPn,J5VaV,er' we tried to , , ,�,'�$(L._,,,.V_ __ , , - , - __.__Jm_ __ .- .1111iliffivili,occidem VKW_WE_ aropin 1hi . 16 neek th fasten the chain. lim off with ithe fork, ]adi$,h . . , , .1 7`1�_.�;. _ aroun ,�w Fenion Ri in 1,866, Frugal ' and TM`s , , , . �,_��� -,...�- 49imO-A*t'M--tbto-f%gi�ns—ciitvlade the A�rvrffy , dAvie h; 1. " . ­­ " . I � __ __ --samIng I _hla_ I Konot Himi -of the Gosbmn ,dogoe, In at"'the dide and thi bull : . - 11 � .. . pits cAE(h i0to Old di iand, havihg landl � ,Life and 06perty wolurw PC - Line, Suddedly-7khe lun-g9d i*,d threw Me turn d on her. R . e diroipped his ,head- ,: ., ... 11 I I j . , � � , .� ' �'-., do-ath when on Tuaireftoon ,he ,aigwipst 41he, 4de ioif ithe **all and ,Not . 11. . '�:LL' . � I r ,", I's ;,_ � , " " Jmpeaii,144--and above alt the store I ,and emade 110T'her, bellotwwng, but she. I ,, .r ., "r. � ,, "''.1".I.. -i ,-.;],,i � -no faith,'in banks, 1041t his It -iIi the act -of shi down� Some cut again. - � - . . i I .., � � oo was i . 1. I . . wd I . . '' , carefulay secreted in iliis Ahanity that 1of gii hehad. 0A aiside for uPProam' apples from the taw, and in some 6iMy weight was miditilAng to him. faced 'him out wi�bh the.foT&, driving I 11 ......... .. �., ,,, , 1;. " . , . I �.., I I;- I � "' " , , , "' , . . ing old age. . , .11 . . . . . . , ' , " � 1. I I -aftioa, on the edge -of, the mitoods. From , It was , near , im1idnight when John. way the Umb broke -and Mr. (Hort- His nock 1, .so bi I Could hardly ""' him till he was less than twto, ftet - . I , .... " 1 I, -, , - , 1. - 11 1. .. I ... I . -.�t I . " � , , .'". -...,t-11 � thila 0o1mVi he had acquieed wan fell to, the twilouxid with the, ade,­ ,idt my was alv-%Y. But she beld, her ground and 0 ''I ... ! I' arnis around it. I ti the 't, I " ", A 1� �3 ", i�,:.,� 1, 4f� I'll, � . I witoused hiself f*W� his reflection, sult that hie fractured both 'his arms. fought for ime. . , , ,� ;,. I an 8111101itinent of fifty oves, nVQsi . knQckied the ' foork and davyie him back IiWtio his , retq n � 'i � 1��.-� ��"`:�',,,,`�I�,?, "I ' y tianbeized vAlth Argiin forest, te sl6y MeBeat'heft, cif Eftel �__ I � , � �� % ­,�.�.�qg . I .'i'� 1-1 1,1� .1 o � I ' ' I . ashes from 4 pipe, the This is in,4e.ed 4 very unforitunia, ,place agatin. On*9 alore I reached . � . � I I . - , '�` ' ' ,-4 . , � � ' " -e,'i�­*`ffil heaw.d 'We, ; . . , m " . � - t - me, 'fire 'of - ITL FO I I . 1, I , � � ., ilp , -;,;", , ,,,, ��,,:, . , and: thewei6n he had bUilt ihis ho (WHich had, long sium -been airibman near Uotowel, was at the farm ;W4 , " 4U , I . I " 1, ­, .i,,,,�,��,�w, , TeC1 �IM" ,R,ly , ,,I ­�"A*'L, ". " ,;'. I., l'i- ,�R . !shield, and walked thr�lugh the, aeddleAt to Mr. H, ft about his '6 vi�":- ,V P wjft4erej 'he lived, a- simple, thtit hi "nig' tically came rurnibig th the barn, He grab- . Canada's progress ,,. I , � etcloT ,of Ms cakln 1n1to the qdl Jig all his fall w"rk st"R tO -W n1eek. To, thald both enb, I bad, to roi of to � . �;,r �. "I'll ------ - -, ', - Vi "e stingle blessedness. ' etb -nu done, iand we sympathize with the d,,,,p the fork. I Was. WatcU111,11g, bed ,a whifiletree and leandugoin tover I ivig: 0 - -� -- ­. -, nilght. Sillently he -6ircled the shi , U14111 th . . .A trado.. Mwka � ­40�A_0JR,"-;0r:. ­ , , , , - , _.. ­ � 1­1111�li , _1 _ I ,��!I� . I., ,.. . , The.-peritod of the, Fen!ian Fba&& was .t--ZuT&h Herald. but he saddently . ets. to . . _ ". I 1 -.."M4 an uneasy one, for (the people who kv,- ty,l paum.ling frequend,y to listen in- a1i wqgViped this, head. e manger between the gi.rls, begian . . . MBAC , , bmy -APO I; - . .�.� . , , , X r � I , . - . M 'u-".�,'', . I i;�"­'; I , , 0-, i, I ,; `;,, , ­;,� 'T" ,:�J ugging',the hall whi the gArls COE in . ZnXnQ; - Gq . "!: _ 1. , . .1ne Agh I &I I 91noco I " . Farpter Lost Seven Cattle under mie, and tossed so I aplex process of exch. ­ . I a I * . I �Ily .% far �eni Satli1sfied be - was very ininii ;i, I .��!v, , ' 11,,.,,�'N , *drove'hlim back with,their forks. They - I ��,f' ,ted around, Dgwonolivii1le. Not I The Dominjo . p . 1, �­A, Bayfleild, on Lalke Huron, there alone in, hils surroundings be return, VKHoAlPentland, a young farmer felt sure I was going to be smashed , ;% 13ank U an, Unpo a ,, , 1,�,i I I I yo , .. : � I : L 7"" ,� - 11� In - - A � _ ' IT= led to the 1houie, shot tEe bolt in the one ani -north totf Duntgannon, is feel. agadnist the-ediling. . got 'me up amid for a while, in ithe art Wifh its 0VM * C108 in 11on n ijka� � . .. were Constant rumbre that the Fen- excitemi I did not realize 1 Was 910, I " �.,,o�Wl, ­;`!��,, . i ' NOW York. and haxddng�- ci�onn�c*,%',iiiis� ,�Jli - - ,..�,, V ian's were to attempt ,a lialuding at Eli oak d3or, ,and ,drew ,the Iti ing much,concern i to bavOng . Girl Faced Mad Bull 'hurt. The bull was floosi tqe Pas- . . I . ... �,��i!,�,,,'X . � .1 . . ­ "" prdiv,ved 1blhIds across the two vfin_' �ovt seven he d ,of cattle during ,the 1 I . �, 1, ,1 �,�14$,. " I a . I and tivas trying to business centres-aU over the. w, ... -'q "Baii and matroh, 1bland, -Farmers � salge,w&Y ai ii �;�� 11 ,� " , .�,;�,� � dows In, the imbi I 0 tl!ip , � �, ", _t at the girl,EK Our ollie, 'Spee, i�111:0 I ,armed themtselves ivAth. aill s1oirts , Of ni. - sie-asion, two ,having died on Sunday "I fd,l back into 'the bw manger, 9P I .---. 0ank gives pronipt and e _'iservics w 1), .. , �.,%�!�� , I Then John went to work 'in earn- 'a -ad we ilast Thursday. The.vwttae jusit a wiide piank above 11 I " ��,Z!4`�R... � the floor, heard- the exci�ement and came dash- i eU Foreign Excbange ftansac�ioi , . I i`z:�!,��; weepions, lueldding guns, clubs, ' �" . , " I I . . , - - inside the sibi amid - - , -. -A- I .spythels, axes and even flatils.andpre- est. FrIcim a cupboard standing in a axe pasturing ,on second ,growth al r6g'ht under bia.ing in c ,_ . .. % � k I �.� I I!. I I Corner of the room be drew a pair of falfa. elli and bloat and ,die with- hei I thad n1D IfIlote 100 tffi4Vk - .. :�_, 1,.'�� - �, . I ,;;; I .,,,�, .;paTed to Set out along.the 1i Road . of tear fflIat -bull pia pieces, wliere he had I THE � .. , 11.- 11 new, strong cowhide boloits,, the ty�e in a short tilrne. Se0eirial tothersihave reaebting for the ,fork and was, hei A chan', to manoteuvre around Min . � I . . i'�, Ato, Bayfield, lin waigions and carte, oh !", P, realiching to the knes. Setting them been affected 'but affbi receiving less 'on the ground yhen he went I ". " �, I 11 . 1, '' . I ,�,i;` , horseback and afoot. "Shanty John ey but d-fiside, he was at a dis,Avantage: ' -NK '"' NNith his trusity long0harredied rifle, on thel'table, he fetched, an apvvl an'd tiAeatment h*ve recovere&-Goderlch after me with Ma head, bearing DO MINION BA �., .� � � - I 1111,." I 3 � . . I wrABLIii Un ' 11 1; , ,,��, , . � , ,,, i vallpoa-ed i along, but what of ame wwwd thread. Next he raised star. . . . down and iismaA&g my ribs. against Skull Deflected Bullet . ,�;T , ��,..i . . . . i I I . I - shi ithe sevl�rM laose bloAtirds from. the floor Car Rammea Buggy ,the tmanger. The glirls saw what . * 1� I .... ."", h Aiis Udden store a� 9311d _ "The bull forgiot us and :witih a - I .. I , M", ,, a,k throuch the farniters.' undeir M an E. C. BosweR - - Mana .. , , . 11 t�J:'' 'e them bellow, started after 'Spec." lWe got , . i , . g bed �na Arew therefrom a Robert WaicDonald - amid Joe Alton, tha"Peneff', -nd CdAb grabbed ks' ger Fieni!ans I well-fillilm litather -bag. As, the set, it of Colborne Township, were and ran to �%ave me. I - heard . .." ,, , "I "'a . 111im out", closed. the doors and SEAFORTH BRANCH" I . . M", defenice, and ch EgniondiViale? driving I . . �_ h I . I .i, It was earray lu June of 1966. The ton. the table and, otpeived it . there from Goderich, noTth ,of, Saword on . couild beer ,him in the barn, ri - . . i, 2�� , I I . . � , � ­�P_ ptouyiod forth a wealth of g ht when ,their buiggy was . , , �g _ . . ,..*eltnqss in. tfite neighbioTh6iod of .. like a Eon, I was inclined to �ry I . - 11 I . . � . , 1 I ", Johnfis shanty wais 1i bul7 by I orm"7i' I , "." . - ; �A . ,. � - I . 10aw,d7llY and Melthodicalily -Jvhn struck. by a car dlriv�n by D. McOon- . Current Crop Report n to, Corner him but the . . . . 1. � .a . . . . . . ', . . . dorrAmeneed to fill the long bdDitis wfth, . I agaa gitirla � I � 11 I I � I ""I" I Ahe'emods solf bird, beast and Msiect ­ . � �dell. The imptact thildw WacDonhIA . ". -�, � ) " "I 1. , wierq afraid, he would MIT someone be f,h, ... �i�, . n �,ad, di and English personal guests of the united Ralph Conn-ori's-boorks, pardicubmbir in. "', ;� . Efovereign's , and firom the ,buggy ,giving ,him , glight , , 1� 11 t-1,11 , ait ,the comiiinig The intense (Brought which was ex- , and instisted on hi him shot. counties of stw7riont, pundas and the I%bm From Gleni Whii* a ' 111"'Iz��' ,, of darkness, Xioh , , ­ . - . ,, United, Stai goid,pieces, were..pack- chi ikihg uli Ali was unhui�t. The perienced tiver iniost ,of Cenbnal and Thit is ,how we came :to aek k'Te(l Glenti )een ea" .., jusit fh�ilshei ti Nit wholesome S a �� ed. luto, the toes and weU uip the loi buggy was-smai and the harness Western On i _w, allid everything has I few 7 , ago . .. �.., " tneaa, prepared u4th Ids town hand, tarro, was terminated Savauge, 'the Seaforth jeweller, to ' make the f1cur-days ,meeting sud Stild - 16, in demand. ' Z ".".., ." I of the ii Next he douibled, civer and ishafts broken, but thebotse was about mid-August s1ice which date Come , done to� . .1 , .. . ,,, out Wth, his, rifte;. We knew ,An important part'of the-, I I " 1 . :11 1 �'4 :. , — I . the top tpa&� of the boots and sewed not ,injured. The car. T(aimmed into rains have .fallen P6);;; mitost seetions a success by J. A.'Carroa-1, secretary- " ."', I , . ,be does a. good. deal -of -hunting and the erhiblition of 411 .,� _��,_. - them fir -i twdth 'fib ,awl and waxted the ditch but was not damaged, to ,of the Pro,vince. It is vow p - manager ofithe Oni Plioughtmen's, will.be kilivili 09 .:"�����,, - O&S,lible has a good gun. is" , , 'N ,� 1, , " , , ,� ,;_ , - threi Assocla�ionl East Block, Parliament machinety and liti aicceiiWoriei �_,H' I - I - � 7br Jaccurate'17 the ex- '"He canve at once with a 25-20 . . I , -1 ,�. - , UP fai ,�, , I � F, PF _�N , any great'ex-tent. The accident occur- to size Buildings, Torlointo, Reservations, fbir co0veniem-es. I - , 1�1 , , ` I 'The task eclintpleted, "ShanityAft, 't red at about 9.30 P.M. - 06aeirich tent of loss caused by the drought. sploffdrig Afte and ,got imito the barn' & . - I � . :21 = " 1, door st�T I . i ff's t ' .... I I .�� , Z ; "I I releasied.the biolt from -the stout . Fall wheat, fall rye, WainhOY crop at h distance �of Vbout 12 feet. i he con-dort of visitors have been ' what do they 'my � a I," " AIR 11 aInd peered intb-,bhe oi Sialtisfied ".1 .. Runaway I . and first cutting of ailfalfa were only first shot hit the bull, between, the made, and up, to the present every VM1 Is-. 4Dad, I . I r'� ei . I I dicartion points -to" an attendance when they Wk aQ - the uW 611 ". I ut lit 11 F I ,he, was sitill, aillone, he ed with in .'I," I ' Tfiere was, considerable excitemeft slightly effected, ,having almost reach- eyles. but his skull was so thick I � . `11 , the far beyond former years., _...1d di of Iffe?"' ". � �, � th6 tWo, bundleix under . his. arm, � The fjo . . . 4 4 around -the James Street Church Sun- ed matuTilty before the dridught be- bull1et glanced off into the rafters. ' �. .. . , 4? I ., , I 111 TIGHT �) zhouldia5red a ipick ,and' shovel 'that I . . .1 " I in, whkh,,ft, oughing conteqt,$�,,�wili I 'IDad-�l-"The g"t ups and, the per-, � e�;, , 1 diay. e�ii at the homir -of service. came severe. Yi4edds of a, thieW A secoad shcit from about the --atme be fn fiali d6 -ti - r. . I %, ,'I � rested. agAni the, house and, struck ffield -is ,in It disrtrkt� aeserlbea . . _­�,�'. I . ,4, � 1 �.�4 for, Ithe ATI, ' 11i Cherles Godbolit had, drivien IMirs. crops were practically normal forthe dftibahce did thei ,same thing. It did - gm forest but ,a few I . IF . -�,­ . Godbo�it to church wdth-a h6me -and Province -as a whole, the aless than not , ,ut -od . .-e- -1 .. .. ­,- .. ­ , penetrate hila skull, b glant ... . ­ 1 17-, - _" . -1,111 I racestaway. Cii a knollat the - .. A I . � wrapped ' off ,buggy and .Mrs. Godbolt -had Just average yield's for -hey bit 0entral. -On- off . It dazed ,M�ra ,as would , a btlow iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN� - - ... ..�.- . . ­ . t, I i POIA of an immense loak tree, he Com- . --- . . �— - _. �� 'i ... .. I . h ) Inencied 'to di1g, guided only by ene alighted from ,the buggy when- the itairijo being counterbaba"d by,'above from -a haimimer. L 'D4C bIXJJ raced a- .. I I . r .11, I I . 11 - I I bitt in the hors'e's, mouth broke and normal yields 4n cother courities. the round and Sava-ugL- -had to try again, I I I ­�-��, �. I I . . � I I I � I I.se illight od a kimidgy mb0n. And there, the ,horse started. to run away. With- pr�ihniinai eistimabi of, the produc- fro ,the. hor. stable -at a -bout 18 1 , . �. ....; deep in the forest ,,he burii1ed,hi;s trea- .91 c &v fe in � . haC 1 .e . SAFETY FOR . .1 . -L'i� :,X: out control of the reins Mr. GvdVolt ,tioxi iof spring gradni a es the - et.' T t t # , ... I "....", � - trne the buqVs skull -was ,. x... ". S1 . I :;i , are. How long it remaibed th-erre , gy erage yi-eld for the Novince -29.2 nict in a 91i pi I . . ,. " ;­ robody -kniows, but At is safe,to jumtped to safety from the� bug, at ?on but flat I y . � udii, it say The horse ran imito the south en- blishelspefracre for mti e=i sizainst thelirve of -fire. Si'fmauge fir- INVESTMENT FUNDS I . I Y'11 . .. .: N ilt was niott uncovered . . �' , - , ,,,,, 11 .... ... S'han ty trance of the chuirch shed and out ed with 36.0 busihele in 1935,, barley ed agaan, thei bull -at crashed. through . i ill .. I Xohi was *hDrioughly satisfied no 051 , ---: , ­ ­ � I- I .. the west entrance. ,It Tan, up onto 'at 27.1 bushels as against 32.2 bush- and the bull droWed. You may ibet TO YIELD 33/49 . � " , -ing this way, . " V�-nlians were coni the la,wn of, J. M. Soui the bug. 'els, "d Mixed -grains at 29.5,b6i§hels -we were glad to iseehis fintiAll . . . . I - � I � . "'li I . - I , . . I I : . I gy striking ,the ,corner ot the, ihouse. as com1platred with 36.5bushel's a Year - .-I . .. . . .., i . and, into -a, tree. With ,the, iinpext, 2190. The aggregate reduction, in'the . M — I ' . ,. I . . I. UARANTEED INVESTUMOT RECEIPTS ARE :. I ...... the.buggy and harness were tbrotk-en 'yield of aptring graiin, from 193,5 as � I G . I �,��, : . I .1 :.":', Seed Selection Important I and ithe -horse freed itself ,and start- ohlowni the first esitirrhaltes, ��;66s Skilled Plowmen at Cornwall . I ISSUED By THIS COXWMY FOR a TERM OF FIVE I � I . , .. � I . . , ed for honile. lit was captured on t1D Edightly le4. than the 20 per cint. � YEARS AM FOR AMOUNTS or,$I00,U,P,V,X.;v= . -�:,o While Canada &�, a wholie will har- Huron Street. I . - . � . __.,E,,t,,r 'g�imes�Adivc - ,,,� - . 1 viest, .a ,light :irain. crop this year, for- . _ decline fbr�east in last ,mon1th's, Crop If � unforseen -duties do vloit in'ter- HUNDREDS).. PAYING INTEREST M, -THE RATE OF . � �. I .1 I I . I . . Cate. Report.. These crops-diall wheat, fere, it ds ,hoped that'His Excellency 32/4% PER ANMTX- THEK ARE UNCONDITIONAMY . ,� . . . I tunately there are nDrmal crops ' faill trye, spring grains and hay and, . � I '. "I '- , 1� � throughout - the Maritime Provinces, Takes Over Late Dr. Smith's Practice I the Governor-General of 0a,nada will I GUARANTEED . By THE ENTIRE RESOURCES OF . . . . . 'imate- visit the Inteirnatioroql -ploughing I . clov,&r eroips�-�i approx . I . . . � In Quiibec,'Anid in certain areas of the The i and, practice ,of - the late ly 75 per Cent. of the value of all . I THIS COMPANY AND AUTHORIZED ST THE I ' ' ". LL' � ­ . I ._�. , N ,C� other proviinces. ' -However, these, Dy. A.� Dalton Smith lias; been pur- mi which -will -be heldat Cornwall, ' INVESTMENT FOR . I .. * ROYAL VFAST CAKE � field oddi produced in Ontario, and GOVERNMENT as 91 ZMGBL . ft' craps rM111 scarcely offsidt. the ghort- chased foorn, Mrs. Smith ,bry 'Ont., on ,October 6, 7, 8 and 9, in- - . �, I", , � I I . I D1- from ,the above inventilo'ned, yields it ,Us;. TRUST FUNDS. FURTHER PARTICULARS Fli . . . . . '�.14. , . I , � . are alway-S ages which exist iin other pafrts of Kenneth W. MdLandTesls�, of Dutton. '- C I've. The match is open. t6 the . -e- am OTHER . �, � .. . " �,JeL country. � I . I will be eeen that itihe effects oanDING SAORTER MATURITIES ,!�,.i. . Ll Dr. McLondress arrived in town on driefught, wKe severe, ,w of the vfhoNe world, and already celebrated . � ,ere far friam . ._� . By, judicious plannihig even -a light Sattiteday ,and, has talken over the., ploughmen from diffeirent parts of FEATURES WU,L BE FORWARDED UPON REOUEST. 11 1. ­ . 1.1 disastrous. I . �� . I ,� 11 11 . , . . I . . Ga"i Pauticularly Lfrom. - Quebec, I .. I I I . . '�Top 'May be, used- so advantageously practice. Hie ,is a graduate bf West- The Condition o,f late Crops sit the I . . . ,::::: , , . . � L that no serfous inconveniences will be ern University land, took post-4gra,du- arid ftoni ithe Eastern United States, I ... I . I:. , . . � . In so planning, firsttlichught, ate work In St. Sui Has , p1i end ,of August was t'ne 'lowest of any hatve inifimateld their -intention to ' . . 1� '. � 9 - t entailed. . I yea.T since 1922, when condition. fig- T Guaranty Trust 11 � ., compete -in the vailious enteles. Dur- ORONTO � ... � � ust be given, ito, the seed supply for 'there. Previlous to coming to MR- . . I I � I " � � ures were first established,. Rains - �, I . 1. t e following year,,he -explained. In- dhell he -bad charge of a Lambeth during the last week of August and ang -the four days some exo�lting amid . AND . * "", ... I I . I . exacting Contests in the ,-high art of - I 11 I I . . I . deed, '900d suppily. -*is, the prime Con- physicilari praicitice-4Miteheill Advo.- in Setpitember over practically the en. , .. WINDSOR Company of Canada . 1. � ��* � GRAHAM BREAD , _ � . , t I . � . 0idexution, �w�etfbley 'the crop be light Cate. -tire Province will, however, prove 1. ploughing ,are expected both I -.1, I . - . � skilful , . . , I , . ,� . . or albundant. When., as in 1996, the Co* Drags Woman bcaefi6al to pastwies, roats� withhorse-drawn andtra I I ;; I . � - 4i -potatoes . The. ploughmen, and, tnmirr =, I - . - I . I .... �.,, �- balk 'of grain fr' which. seed is, to , ,On'Thursday afternoon Mrs. W. and,com. Dyy beamtsi.-suffered beav- together with prominent visitors-, wi — - - , M_ - I - - - UNNOMME . . 11, � !%, be :selected is m=h -less I than normal, C. Coade was. injured in, a pecullar ily, from drought in So I . 1. I . . . . . . - d ... , . . uthwestern On- . ... .I ., I the matter of steed' sellection is Oara- way. She -had igione to the home' of tairito and the anticipated- yfield, this - � I . I . I . I ,� . I 1- A ., I mount and shoutioll receive the early Mrs. W. B. Jvnes, iand was 'q'u'e of seasion Is oni 12.8 bushels. per acre I . I I I � . . .. , 11; , " I t . I 11 1. -amid careful consideration. of farm- the first ithere -to as!sdet'in making as compared wath 19.1 bu- last . . * - - I . -�.,.��-_i .. � . - , , . 1.::::.:r�!i�t.,,,. -�- - � I . ,,�.::�.,:i�i�i���,...�,.:..'..��'.,: � � ..,..1.4�....�::r,..,:�--i�ii;�.'i�'�i.., �:.�;�f.�...-::�..,:��i'�;i���.,.�.."",.;-..-.,.��'..,,,'., , ers, , .. . I . � . ' preparations for the Mitchell Wo- yea:r. Buckwheat gerinidnabed very I . .... , . �..-::,.�;,��.�:-.,I:�--�;.����� . . I . . : gure at . . - . ��-':%-�;�� I I � . . � m3lz-lb entirely unfit for sibeld owing to to -be heilld at that., hotine. A cow the end ,of August was.0aced at 63, - .1 .. ,,, .,� ..'- �;, .-I.t. .�;!..",,.-.,*�, -.1 �... , . . . "' = I ;..;: `...,.'..'.. .. Same ci harvested may be al- men,s Imtlitute meeting - whiVh, was poorly Eind the 'condition, fi ;,.."..,��ll'..'�.-I",�.*'f�f�� ��� .�;i:,t I , I .1 . 1. . ..... :iiliii;�.. _� ., �.. . i".. ?. . . . .� - - ., . : ., - I ,be ��:L*'.�,.";,",,.!,;"��"..'�;�; i�-...,.���:�...",....".�...,..�..'-'."-I.-.",..,,-.,.�.-�..'�.,.'..'*.,,` ,.:`i"":.!!, � - I � 1::::i::::1:;:. .., ; ­ .-FJ - � ght toy be�aui of injury whPah had been tethered on the' side the loni -av --- - epres- loi., ..-�,]::I�'!i.2:.��-, I . I �, , .. :: ..e. .. to germination through weathering, of �the ,road, ihad, brDken looste. arid 6nited by 100. , Ptacflealily two-ithirds I .11, -,,,,,��%" ,�:�,,,;`� . I I .... �::�::�:::.. ... . � . - I I . . ... . �;�!�� ...., A! , ��!���ii�� s a ast then w6indlered, into the Janes,, gar- of the i for husking crop is � . :�:i..'.".':'..��'.'-.',���:,4,".,....�: i! �-..,.� �i��..--.-'.-,��.. �� . , ; , I ii;: :.::i�;�;�i��i�� . . .1. '.'.'�J%".,:%`i'. - . - I ,.".". . . parb ,of the grain harvested will be- dien. ' 16 ,trying to get the',bri out, 'grown, 'in Essex and Kenit. In these . . '."J', �iil F,:: ;-.,�� �ii ,., I - . ��a .; ,-,;* �;.t '. 11 . ,5'7�1'f - " - . I � ­ .." " � _......'...��!�.7'r,-. �..`,-.`..`,`,�,.,� - , .. .... . . 't ; ........ , � : _ '.I of a quallity, fit for *eed, iif properly Mrs. Cb1ade toli hold of the chain by two dounties etaafly planting -corn re- I ,. ,:.:.w lw.w.%;;�;;;::::��, ... .. , -,,;":%�-.�:i!�;, I ,;: � �:� s % .... .. �:, I - , '' � ;i. " . ",.. � .. * .. .1 I I ��,.�l,".�l.'i-�'..!*.-,�i-1;�', - I I., . , ­ , ".1.1 cleaned and graded. � - - . . . . . .. %:� - -1.1 �."-­ -. , `;--,&i?:.�,�'," � . �,,.,,,, .,-.,; . ...... '.... which it, bad been fastened, to a stakie� presients app"iimd1imately onje-halif the I �,,,,-"....�.."!,.�.,'--.-���.'-',.�-'.-.',�i��F-.,-'��,��,.,I�,.�,*�.� `2�',! � I . *11�.ki;yl�',`.1,4 _-;`.&'_` '. .. .... .... X .i.si....­. - .... , ­ , ., "" ."", � ", *:. R. Farmers who take stock. -of their -on the roadsT&e.; whin ' the an-itmal ciloip, aivol-yields shi be Well up to I �"......,....]U, t, ;.a - I . , ;,�ij:;!:. . ION Bums `� :,""';-.�' -.,,-:.,�� �..�.�: �,. , . . q� - �i,,�::T­ I ' I ... : - . . I �@ VINNAIR �.- . . ... , S::....'.-� � grain supply stoon aftVt harvest and bolteid, and- � in so,rr9e­­w,ay she, got ,average. Oorn far husking and rofats . .,�.,�. �,.,.,:,.. , . i, �'.. I ,.:i:��:� , i! ., " ��i'-,!. . :., reserve, wherever pos(sible, a'poftib-n caught 'in, the chafti, was thrown are eonsriderab�y below. average in , . - Rll.:,i ,$-::. , : i.,;'.iii` , I - � - �__.i:,: . � �,9.`,-..--: , �.: :, .. 11 . ,of ,the best quality ,orf their wheat,'heavilly to the ground, and then ollrag- Central, Western wird South .%.%� ..'... � .- � A . "...'­�,`J� , 0d , "�`.. : . A , ��'.. , .i.;,�i­:;- It. .. ... I � z, oats, barley or other grain for seed geial for stolme distance, Dr. W. E. tasiiio, and ,faTfiiIieTs piroducing fl=,.d I - - `1, _..... ;� , �' .. ._!� - ,_H�l � , - �, ern 'On� , ,,. ., - � , � .,.., --,,.,,4`....,-:`��,i. �, .�: .11",.,�i�,.,���.e...;�'...��.�. I � 13 *�� I ,- �' ..'�!� , 11 ,,:�: . MM `11. 1-W. I % P , � , I � . �:��,,-�-_..', ,'.., � . ­!� .. ; . . � . r .. N .. I � selves . :,�,� �'�;'.- : 6%� I I .,1 , 1�;; . , .. uiled, women to, Stratford to for a tonsiderablie portion of their , :,:�� - �� � .1, - :, . 1,...:::�, : 'I ,�,;i ��:" 1� ,- . 'L �i I I.,; ,,�,.;t�,..-,,.."..I-,""�P..,,�...'.!.!' T * ` . �'.�11.: I., Iese, crops � �'�., next year wM not only beneifit them- Pridham who was summoned, took milk who, d1i upon ti . 1, d the, fnj ' - �, � . . I public, service, . 11mve an, X-ray exavimAtion'when it winter feed- supplies wiffi, I :�� 41�� r ,�;rfp i I � . . . . . . . . . M.i ,in most 1 *�� i,--,";�'.! ., . _�-i',`..,...�� : �; , .1� I - ­ � ; .. � �;'L�K� .,,:::. .',� :**,.,.�.,.'*"""!:�".��!!::.;,.%-,.:-,.�.�-..�:r.:,.:::t:",:.::; .. .� . I �"_ '�7 ;!:tmz .... , , "; ... ... _ .4,41 ::-� . ... ,; ' * . ,:­.�:. , �­ .' 4.i�����!�..;-.�".'.,..,.,r.�-*,;.i,..���.'�"e.��l...*,.-,.;...";..!.:..,- �!i.-;,"... .1r.: � -gmxi , . ... 1-1;,.*,.-,.,.;.".".,.."."r��..;I .. . .. . ��";"�.,:.��.*,..-".�'..�!l�i.�! %, � .... .... ....� A..., !;*K%j:::::'. 101!. - _;, " .­­­ .' , , , ilAi. . � . was ,learned .that -her rigilit airim ,bad cases, experience ,cons;Vdierable dlif- . ,. . ',�', , , * , . , � .�:,;: .-,,,;;. .­; I . , 'r":;, � " , , _ .j 1. - :4­�: �.: -. ­ i: .... I " .. ­, - In the Aoi in kepping a4lkproduction up I r I ': ".,*. i; . . � ; '. been fractured at (the wrast. I y ,. . ". .-.* .. � I �,,i�t 11 1111111-i ,§, 1,11. I � I : ill"- MW i*00 - I I gi, ,�� I gi� 1 4.,: 1, I. .... ''. I. 11 - . ... . SWAT THE FLY aeddieTit, 'i 0onde, alsto, received a to normal. I , , I 1;:��11 . ..­__­ iT3 � . id, � :*i;::K1-.__,,:�Vi;1!;­ ad- shaking up. MT§. Grahami the The comidlitilon -of -pastures, at the . I I __ . . , . . ; .. A7,��' . .....?:,.;�,X : Nv.#ew m1ind where the flies go ,in presdidlent -off the W,omen's Institute, first, of September waz the lowest on . . : - ­ , . I,- , " - -I.. .1, 1, I �1 t r I ... . the winter tinve. Swat them nowi, acootinpartled her to ,the Stratford .record With a condition figure Of ry8. . il I I , I I i I ��" I , �� amid s " Canadian babie& urged offic- Hospital.--4Xiti . Iff I a% N C 0 C 0 K E ��,7 I .: - lil Advocate. In Gentral Oni from which. the I—- .11 � e Health League of Canada, . . . . . , ! 5 ., ....... .... imi of th . fluld m,iq.k suppl7 foT the Oity of To- 4� 1 - 0 .1 ., _ A, - . .. �. �..... I poiniting out that linfantille diarrh3ea, ;ri ,19 deriVeld, Pastures Were the � omfort I 11 A -11 M I gaves more c ., il: belleve sed by Paqye'r a -ad swatteri and do, every- worst inthe Province and most da!lTy .., I , , , , �: ,id iby science to be cau . I . . . . . . �� �k. the fly (menace, was, ,one ,of the major 'thing In their -power to kee the, f ,ers av b t le T J .... , I , � '. I . I . , ' 13 arm b e een. s 91) Ceding I � at much less cost . L - ... .. . house free from flies, Dr. Bai said. their heirds, for weeks. -The second I . 1 :( i .; .15 illnesses of children and, caused,many I .. �` ill -, II I . . I :111.1 , .1 ; FORM CAME thousands of deaths each year. "Swat the fly - and save our cubfing,of alifaffa on, many fhirr �� I babies," 'is, the message my''Tats . "How can I cut down my fuel bill without sacri-� N . __ ��� People waste time wondering where the Health used for feeding live stock an *%- fici-g. the,heat I need for comfort and health?" .1 11 . ies -go in the winter �ime when, they League of Canada ia broadii ter hay ­ n . supplilez were. also, fed, free- � " . I Ther6's many a householder asking himself that .:.1 . I - ught to busy inod-errfizitg garbage throughout Canada this wetek. ly, which will makelt Imperative that . " , � --- — ----- disposal, plants;- Pressing for Covered . I hay be fed -very cay4ully this wiin- uestion right now., � ..,!��, , I . 1. aylbage, callectiton wagains., urgIng err so that !the preisent supplies, . 91 I .. I . . 9 � . And the answer which comes from thousands of ,,, ,�. ;; , . . A I . . I . wider use -of velf-closing screen doic whicth are, convidelred (sulfficient for . . Ontario home owners is simply this: -"Switch to I 1 �: li and netting, Zea:1th,li offw�ials HE 'K " I Irs EEPS HIS JOB the'Province as a -whole, may not run I ..... ��� I . ­ 1 ' 11;1 Use dependabk assietribeld a;sf. they continued their an- . I out. Second .mtwbh of onts, which 1� Hamco Coke -7have a warmer house with -much less . I i ?,* Royal yeast. Cakes - i ' nual autumn war againsit. one of Can- �' work -and save dollars per ton2' 1. 11 and a 0 1A I ' ada!'s- mialst dQi`rous household pests 11HOUGH �TURNED 70 'gsre'emn;.,;s'At,edunusNua-fan,y 's"a rPm1104a'rv6s"',wn1igU, 'ZomAree . I I . I I . �, Royal Sponge Re�s�ej -the fly. . I - .1 t10 purchase grain at pifices already If you have a f riend who uge*s Harrico Coke, ask . .1 I Wheithey ffies hide in wall crevices — � . I I his opinion and'you"ll, end up by ordering your - I -you can keep Royal Yeast Cakes for 75 ,per cent. ,higher than a year ago . I i !!, I i during the winter, whether they hib. House Painter Who Takes - d likely .to reach 100 ,per cent. be- % winter a supply of Hamcc, Coke.now. Failing this, ." ,weeks -even montha-and count on an I -1 I ' Ahe same fine resulta 4rhenever you �rnate to warmer countries, or voh-'e- His. Kruschen Every Day - fare the wfmiteT 3s: over. � Unless th4 � try a ton in your furnice. Notice how long it lasts . 62 . lrj� ' "T, I they the flies seen in the- early spring 14, � use them. This is because every cake I price of fluid m4k is advanced, the ;..; - - -how effectively it heats every rocim-how -few ,.'e.4 11 ,, ;",: :7 _­ , , g I � " ,;�:;:;�,,�;�jj��.. _ I . 'W ! __ I -they ate ,How many painters can continue to cash. indome -of dialiry fairmers will � ^ F, . is air4ightl SepArately wrapped aire the same ones seen in the 1'. , ZN ashes you have to carry out. Place jour order today. ," I stay fresh,full strength. No other dry fwll are invaitters of relative uni wott When they are over 70? Here is show a considerable reductUm from .."', � .. ..... I .,..-.-!,..,,:` I �,',.'�,��.�.i;li:� i� I F � .1 ­ I., I , ­ " , __ east has this special proteci 1yortance when -the suri1ous,menace of one who cafii�d he still does some last year. . I I ;�;�;-,.,--6,.�*,X��',:�, 1., i ""..; ,� ', "', . ... ��,�,.,.ii�... ..%% I I .`i!�F`%' ";i'., - �.�f;:_ :;:k);��!�ii�!.- , -1 ,.,..�, Royal Yeast Cakes are used by 7 -out the flies, to, the ,health 'of Canadians ,of the InGst trying jobs- irf 'his trade. The production Of i utter in August If ,�,.:..11 .1 .iq . . i - �..-;`1111,� I ... I 170w4sk4 ... coi&4 WX 4&2t . � r cen �i..` i �. - :. io Z Of every 8 Canadian, wolftell Who Pre is considered, it was pointed out. How oloes he dID -it? 111e, tells us in was app,rioxtirmia, tt pe .t. be- : �%.q;:: I ,� 7 :. �. , I I ,,..� -dry yeast. Try them. , - , . ,.: � � I 0 ?!,�� ... I ��,�:. ..% I .* .1 . I . . . � � . ': I have fbtzin the . habilt of ta,kipg priodubtion ,of obees,ii, m�hadh for the ','��.! , . , h~ a a ,&Wa " "'GommuhitY garbage disposal this letter. -1.- ,low thaft 'of August, 1935, while the �:�,�� ... i plants Aloold be adequate and mod- ."'! �, q : I P" "', . �. ""' Z - .., -�t� � i I 1.'��-�!�L . � . - - - ' " 0 . I : / I . . . . I FRSE em 11 maid ,Dr. Gordion Balte�s, director a few grains, to Krustchen, Sailts in ev- firFitseven monthis showed an, increase ..�:'.._; 0111 ­.. . . ' - %� .::, " I.. � .1 . , .. .; . � - -� �.��,`,�; 4� �� filk : , lll!! -.V,;,0;,:.-- I. , lly "C,vibage ery ,cup of tea I have had for a great 'of 20 pe,r cent. above the sarme pei ,�', �64i - ; � . �, .Y, , �,51' 1 �J 1 N4 . Ak, gj��X BOOKLETI of the Health League. .�.',,'...-.... . :..:. I - " hml. � I I � 11 I I , " i I ., -.�,,��? "Me'Royal Vii tti number of years. I may sit9ibe that I last year, aim6hinted to 13,504 �,� �', � � �`... 11 . usaft a" IF— I - : ,,�N�1­ 1, - - �,,i�,,m. iii -,,%1.-..., . . , 1000 ".��i. I .�:�11 ilakesook- oves for any length (i time, eltherr in the am turned 70 years of agie, befing ,00"Junds in, August Ithis year as, com- ;; _ i:..... - . I . �;, I., . W., . .. - :�;-;: , " I , "I lq.,.; . — .1 Rlm4l, , �, 4 � 1; �� 111�1 , 1 I " ', 11 . � . ;� I ., il r� . , � , I '�_ "O *0 J L" 0 .1 � I � �oYA L � I , I.di.- i I "A'�, �-. I . I te'sted Royal houslehold lo�f at -a 11public disoosal b-orn on July 22nd, 1864. 1 atm a house paxed with 13,461,00D pounds in, the I I �o I 4 ' �,: i I 1Ak 8p..je R.Clpes plant. Flies need m1yeight hours to painter by traide and stilil at work. I same month. -last ,year. , Pairinti 8up- ; I . . -, �,_ �; , 1. eads V, . . � " .111� i I I . � �-',--­, yEA5T' . I '-:%,,, �1, q I , � .� lbove 11a,y eggs, and, one fly may lay 8,000 can work -off any ladder, no mabber plying mitilik to- chi fiveftries, are . 11 .. � . "i I,< i::, p1dtur6d It ' - . . . � � - X lid Many others. eiggs in, that fliniii - what height, or -in cradillest which are striving very hard ,to maidtai e , I , � I ­� , " -;'.--;.,:!� i 'i a n thi 11 H. A, M,,�,, . 1� . � I ,Q.�', ' CA6r--' ' Wall -uvon- Re�stanvanft s1hould be vbliged to hung oatsidie, (high buildings. I have flkyw of m5ilk in oi to profit fvom� I I . '., I I . I *!.' *,� � I 13UY MADE -IN- remoivie from tables, all, leift,ovdr food been asked many -times. how I carry th"revabling high ;pAces far chei �� I 1, . 1ASS , r I I 1. CANADA GOO ' I I I I . I . 1�,` . ".. : 1. without Udhw, Dr.'Bete�- said, Pli myeige so wall, as 1 ioma,y l000k about At Beildevillle� 61yeeise was oell,'ing for , . . I..,., �,�,, � ;" . . . �P,�,� . I -I . I I I . .,� `�, - ghould-b "I I �, I '14 q,­­,� '... r .P. washed dailly. Table -tops ,511). Well, I telil theim all that I take 1411s Cents, per tldVdid on. August 15th , I . I 11 � .1 . i, I � �. r , 11#.1 I , � I I , ,!�r�,, � �': I. atuNbs uml,ito , ishould be,k6 t e�potliesstlj cleatt. Mirty Krusid'hen sults regularly' every ,day.'� thlits semoon, sis tompared with 9% � r , A—*&L'aiii6modi I I . ,­ , '. �%_Jiif r� � . , " . - _ .", � X � -.0nW- - wateT shou I . 77- ­ � J, ,,,, I.- 4�,, �,� I ?"w '. , ,,, , - _�'; , . . ., � . ��, ,; A ,. I I .. - I I ,,, I I � I ,. �, , -� , j , . , N -t . .. I.Wl!!J!1,11�W r r,#. I" I I " �, " ; R amidtAborty8t..'rorpsk -14, the pl"ed in a drain, -,LS-A., cents .Per VID'und, Ot' thild ftfflte' labe �� . . . . . " " , I -1 I Z 1* 1, ,_11 `1 Krusi is a dombinatilon, of num- duri.,ng tihe, �reeoditng, t1i6it yvaft- , � nW tha ffes R8191 I , X I �, noit 'thrown ifto -an "eh field. . -1, �r � i, r - , - 1, ,,, , q A.. , "it" P=4 . 1 4'. . :i . �.:� 1�wii: -,,�.. 'i �11: i, . , - -v, ,� r 0 V& � I I . , . .1 't , � , A, i i -11 , I " * - ., � " �N,111 . . �, "', �� _,J , 111611�15 , I , ", , iii�,�� , " ,.� , , ,�,�,,� 11 - , . I. I � . .. A � �'. , . , �� , �,�., , ".111-1,", . " ,�K $ " I Patents Who would ignard their e-rous nftera$ oults which astsist in Higher pvieascfor 114A o6bq* ;W ex- � �� , i ; , : , I _ , �,� �y 1�,� ,,, , - � I i I � .."'. _, ,�,�,� �Y?�. ��,�,��', . 111,,'r .. ..... ,h:­'­'­'�,­, , � , ,�-', ,1, q . I ,, -,it �!�,',P,Q , W1, n, , , r . � q ,.Y,-,.'-. ,­;�, ­fJ14 , � ­ ,�­ � I , I r 1, i P� . I .1. I . o'hildren agiximts ftwbe for ��, 11 i !;_ �,� ,,��.,f,�`,%,�;41' . � . I- � . ) remlliar at- tg r ' , � "", �1�j� ,,, � L '. � . tile, th vedttiftd I dub6i" 0 tta�-, atiol I � .1 . -61,141-', �1.1�,,:��Ill",,;��"";;""g. 4 �!`� . digestive tract to heolithy dh 'D CO" " hi &Af6ft_h'1*f' I 11 .. , SO , , - It the menace of s1timulAlmg your liver, ktidniii atnol pei to more *ft eo#qw 1 4 e) I , ' C I'll ., _ i . — I ityphoid, tuibereulti and infan . I I 11A,M I A ""'11,4t, "I'L.W, 11 ,�. I I P I di&rAy*A would be wiii to ihve�vt in ,tivititbi - The�r enisw% i1o'betryttal, oleanli- . d 69AW, thwa, 061.1. . � I .� - I—- ,. � ­-J�'ho_ - t1d" I 1.11:�f ,� ­� � I . � `&ic"'­ WM. Alftont I . , . .41� r, NW I., I � -1 .1 1� ­ L-1110 .�- §ei�tg- IsMeft, dboi Wafflng for �mzs, landi to bdlip (to; ki 4bh1�'6,Th'o& � V W �h b,hQ* � Is w"ef, I � I I i .11 I I I :­ ' �,�§ 0M1-11----. wiJ � I.].% , , 'r. . ow �. � I � I I I I Y, ittilVa and ft"itigim, llberul ui of fty stram freie, trom lo"West, ., tedIt . of rot, "sW& IM, 1me I I �", t , 4. ��, � e .1 'Ijt� I I '1� � , " LT, . . . . . �ii " i ,_;�,, I I I . . . I . . - . I . . . I - e Xm, "."', ,�` � , I . I I . �­NILA - 11 L. . . I I " "A� I L . � , . . 1�r' 1 " �, �*A, .,� Y, I �il i � ..Ii� .." ,��,,Vli%', 4 � " I �;j st L. bor - - ­ , i �_ . I . . .� .. ... I � - , I . I , I I . ", . I . I 1. " , 11. '11A� I ",,,'_,,;,, I �;­ 11 �� �, I fr i. �, it � I . . , , " , I I I . I, ",., il ,:� _ - , , r,,, � I r . , I ,� , 11 ,,.i,' V,,,.i­­ �- I ! �� - ,1, ;�,' i, , . � r ..", ", V111 ;;. ' I . , . , "'..," , � I " , ,�,,�, ,I 1, � I " � , ��,�l lj�ljiA 1,11 � Iiii" V ;, �,,.,14',.1,,,r, I . I 111- �';" r' , �j!'! �,;�:,� ,� _ :, � � " ." "l, I I'll . ',,Ij�,�� �' 11, _ ��,, �i, ,­ �, 1. 1,4 , I 11 k'�� ,",',"��30"�;�� �,;11�1 , . , -1. ,.",�r',�",�'�,.�l"-,,L.J"",,'�,', . I . �%,, ­ ' ' L �: .., I , I I �', .��,,. . " � � ", I It 11� 1r, 11��,,,.�,�r',,�!� (111 I �'�;Illi M,;��i,2 ,,,� " " !, i" .. �­­-;,, 11 �`�,',, , , - , i S " �1' ,� 1��" 1,111, "I �,,,,, 11`11111, t ) t t "; .", ! ",�-M',";"I,itffa"��,�T�"FA�a, , ,, iMl. , ji'mmmm"go"t .,,!,?, t I . " L , , , -� "','. N , � 1�1'1�'�'��'L jj",g�& �,,­ 4 , ,p 0 . "I , . I '­.­,:"�"',, � 00,',i,,X,,U& -, t I �,,A,,�l,,,,,,,L,"�,,,-i,,'t,$�,j�,.r.,�,;�i',,,,�:,�,�.,,�,',:�,,.��4i'�,..,�,i,,t�',,�,'.,',,,,i�&�,,,I�����','il�,.�""",,.",�����,,,,�I �,�;.4N ,�)�,,�t�,',��,��,�,,t,'�',�r"f,��$,"�,,,, M,�l,"�,,,,�,,�'l�,,�'i�,��!�',,�',il�,�,lt�i��,!t�,,�T!il�l,,r��,'.%,i'��,��(i��pl��,-I���,�A,�,,�.iv,,.,".,�i��,�,,�kLtt�f",It"�,�,,, 1 3 X ,,O§��,,40,k Mai= i , b, " . , 11 �1,�,,,d I il= ��i 1)�MMUMMAIU IL ,Iu.i 1,��,,,�,i II& " - — �� . if%