HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-09-25, Page 7., 'i, T�. 1-1� , ; , l, ,,, 111-1.11. , 'k"VA", 11 "I �, ..", ­ ,�', V,�'Vo 'U'Pt , , I : " A , , � ; � ,q_-,,:, , W.. _ 1 7 �!�� � [�i',' �,,. "", f ." - , �­ t .. ..... , 4� KV OW, , .11, , %­�4 1 .� "" ­ - t � "'l"J" , ! il?y'l'�,,,_�,�'t�'l ,� "" I , -, ��., I . I I I � I � 11 .�.�. . ,�:� :� :, , - 1� , '�, �. , , - j". �­ , � , , �: . � 11 I , � ` T �1,17 � ,,,,,�A�,;k 4,�, � � , � . . I ,� � , , " , � ;, I , " �,', ll ,, ;; , J��R , ,� `­)�' f� "I , .) 1, 1� ; ,gw, , , 'r, , "�i�,�� � " , �Y" ;� s' 1,4'f,r1'1 �sll� " 1 IR I 01 VIA, " - q - A, . z ", " ^ , s, I , , ­ " �� .1 � , ,.� , 'I, , " , fl'�� 11:1111L : � ; I'll I i: , ,�I, 11 "', i . P , �� 1, , - - I I , I .., . - I ��. , ��'. 1 N',,", 1,� I � " ,�' 1� �.,,,�­i, � I " "'' "�" "' , W" I f. ­ , - d . I "I � f, , .. . '' '" """ , '"""''' """P "''i", ,,� , _1`11 � .1� . I � � �- �,',j 1-11 I � .. , , � , ". �. , �-, �kl�`.�1`111'1'1!��' , '' . . " , , ;,, � , � ,;(i I I 1� , � , , . � d I., �, - A 1,10 . .� .­ . I.." .. 11 :', �,:' " �� ''. ,� ,� -, , , �;.�N, 1 '. - I - I ; ", ­ 'r", I ; ,f I .;; . - W �,�7,"'0149 11"P130-1 - - ., , ''I I � I I 1`�� . I " � ", , "W"'"'I"''.1, , �,,,`, � ,� - . � I I 0""��10_,,P_ , 11 �, . . , I � 1. - � - , , 11 11 1,� . ­. - I-; - -, .1, �..,.,�11.11.11-.�ll,�,�ll,"Iil..".,-"�� .. . ..... -1.1-11-11 .1-.1 ­­'­." .. ­ 11 I 11 - - ­ � 1-1. - - . I I- 11-11-1111- -11 1-1--11-11-1 ­­­­_­­ .... � .... � .... .... ­.­� 1-111-1- . ........ ;",�"...",�l-l�-.11.1�.",�.�.111,11I ..... . . .. _, �� ­ ... __4, .1 11" . '"=_""W"""" I IN ..", � - ,�.11-1.1�.11,11,11�l,,-,,�',�,"� .- 1. is�.�", I ''!In -117 . . 111-1-1-- ,". .­­ "I'll, I'll I'll .... I 11 ,i, �, , �� '; 6� I �, '' '-�--�­- .- 11 .... �� I �. I I ,�, I """' 1-1, , " " � , , � I I , , " �i� � "I 1%", b � , !I � : , 1A, I �­ m 4 irl . I . , . N I 1 , � , �11A� Q42�11%i�'1'71' � �� ., I, ,. " ,� � i.;�. ,,f��.'111,,, �, i. . M- ., . .1 I . I , ;. ,,;, , , ; I I , . I . � .� I .. , I " -- . I "� 1�1111... 6 ,1 , �,,�,,��,�,�',,,,�i','�'-O',",s . � 1 :!, I k& : � - I - I � I ­ - . .__ I . .1 � - 1� ____ .. , L_ , ­ 11mez, --- __.____L_-__ � , I I . � 11 . ", 1 ,7,M___ 14 ---,"--,-- __ __ , 1, 7:1 , . ._ .., �. - I.. I � . .1 . - N � .; , " , "I . � . , I - - . . � I . I "' " ., �� ....... I 1-1 "I � 1-1-11-11. I'll.,", ... .... ­ "It, - .... ­­� ,"I'll ­1­1.�;­.,­ I ­­­ "i --l- � "I'll, � . . I f", � by Ishoul4., 'Q1 , , fho #"m ;1, � , .. , ". , , . , " , , .;­­'.­l­!.!11F!,!!F4 il. I - I I ... .y 4 ,�A. I J; I . . I . I ",r - , ..� ­..i..w;­,:.-1, �,: '­ ... ", -I.-,., 1-1 ....."V' , 71,� -TV, . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ­,�'., � � ­ I ! I - 11 ..'X,�.,�,'!� . . .�11, -,i- _ ,,� '. 1, A Z:."If, "',"."! I t... . 11 'I I - , ,��, �, , I I . . .. I . I SAy$ 4 MWR 11.1 � ­ .. . " , . 1. . . I., , I ��. :. ;...­ t ­. 11 1 '' !"I" ........ I ­ i Welly QW1, I .1 , '' I - � I "I, � ,�% I :­­!� 1. I I . . I . . -'. I . � -1 ­ � I 0 .., . I ,, I . . . ..... "I'll . I � � T. - , h . :1-1 . . I � , , ,�� t_. " 1. 1!1�11i ., , � , . I 1, 1� . . k �� . .1 . � - � � 4%, 11 '.." . I . I .,�', . "I'i"V _05', �. .1 I SOM0,011,11K �V_, * HAys - - - - � - . "Notonly mljr�*#wp ftt,�Qmh fxw ',,,?,+.'-A' �q;A 0 � , �;, . 1, I . .1, .1 W *[);�� , ��i,�11111 .. . � I sl� , , , vor .'Would 140 mpm-mr0d sb_$", " '21" , '� �... 1, I , -W I alcitor%, couveyancers � . � , �4 J3, g". ,P , i',4 1 l ,,, i.,n ",Q �. 1, � - -, . & , " 'Wri- . - ,. . I 'I cvu,tj 3­1!­�� � ­ .A ..;1-1,. 11 A I Ile' Wlmilm w. bft, , � .. � 6" P ftbliv. .§04"citom 20T . -01 coume I've velor seeA 5 Nwr col. Vv' p0m,"To � ��, ,��, 1% ,.�� 011, 1 , e Ileo "' '1"'s*" "I N _ ,,,,� 1 - I %a . . _. , , . ., '; . ��, I -dftv " - , , - � : In, .. � � ,.� III 1,1114 lu - , n;-- #,g , - J ult f�v , am it ''. , I U . ,,, L$q374 Buy, b at JAI LIM _,", " � . . . _=- who -t ,w vp g ;1'1� 0, ,� Ra # you te,J,,J, 4, 4 .11U_W_%1:,`N4i _ ., , Qmce in Tear of . . I . , _ . ,_ _W - �, ... __% � 11 -.1,41. , a, ­ . , I *&A �� I � �� . I 11 1, 'W"'Al", 11 ".. ", ss V " �Ikll�: 11 . , , - , , Of, '� 11 Ao , 0 , mi.lf:��$ - - i I fa ,f A � .1 I 5 1 , ­ � - Balhk $104forth. Mouey . -, =-o about- Am .� - , "T �. ., � 101 1 1 . 4 it simudsi 15-o" ,im,g A'"a, Of'. *71' � '.." ,,i�!. . I , . , . 1 gp,f# 4@ 1 4"A"N' a- 11�'.',14,�r, �.,'q ,� 40 .'I'lli - , ,. ­ - ,,, , g ,,,.;L1q"N � Nk� 4� � I . I., . .11 � . . I 1*1 , ,a ,,,,� 010 $&am I , on every � ., iw,100D -, Roy 4it A �"N , 0 . .iqlo I �, ': ., �tgv , g,v ,g - , .1 "Ill , , - *,�; AN . I . ... gu,hs .. 04W I, QW., _4 "I 46%,�js .1 W I I I " . , mp " �", 6 4 1 . 1, I .4 AAW g"1111r. �V 16`�� , I .5 J -X I % '' . "I i I I ­ . wos[t IMIJ � 6 fbv- Mtn I con't - !#05 ,V. 1 z " 9�, " � . I - -1i , ivwe' _P_ I ��� 11 � __ ____ _.__ I _�U­ .. _ g%,'fyg �,, � ...... I - ----- -- __ __­ .- . r I t "i mw_;,;,V�,�,.`� I 7� , � but was W., X 443uaiW ,�� i I . l ­y". . - , '0-- , '', a tl_ __ ___ I � I - I . I -.1 I . . � -, t1b � W -_._____.1..._ - , --G -A.T.-TERBORGUGH ­. - . ' BY i. _-K . . . . . . 1. I Mir - - 'A + ", Itu � , 1, ... I �' � '....'_­ 1 4,]", � _ ... , ...." 'i, , . e ,,, , � ", st . JOHN H., BEST * . . . . I , . .11 I � . .1, . . Pj_ t of n4i, e I . - 11 .... ­­­.. , 1. 11, .11. ­­­ .1.111.11 I 0-111111,11 -,_7'. ". __ ­ . maldn ion r . you needn"t . ­­ - .. -Ii �� , I 121 ; I , t--_;-, - _ "I'' .; blis wRecti ,, i- 1­1�. ­ '71 11 � ..,,,llillllllll, 1 �.4� �' ",I' ;1 FRIMPIR'", 0, ,��, ' It . -1 , Law. Office, :A. Tlepill ...... a mu -Wells, 110 U. - irde., sell .I- o,y, , - ,.1. .. . �: �� CEW 11, . . . . . I.. . ,� I � - I I � � I - ­ �71..,�`­ 1 ­ ­;­ 11-11 1%:.- �il_ i wmw�� fuL Halrdinghqm� for which Mr, ll� TO I I. ,.M# vqqrt� *11N'1� I F. J. ROWT . . - (Continued fro= last week) gamela; 19�ed � &me iortoli;e­ SYMI�blle, �Twivhav boulght.so, much, labecom- 40gol", IS . ,, I , .�� 11 I , I 1. . , the -_ - �co11Xftted0.'I'1,b1o4'3" - . \ I I Vr riL* - 'N I ­.­ � r . : _4_ , 1. ­,: � 11 It "I Ansociatle in Charge . shel fmm. Sir Mlatthow's knee. "Too th h, young ia�-�v �,_Ibe�la�_S­10511d -ing a p6rfegt little ,T,,ouvre. you.jeivi6n.sin tMs-ho4se'I­see . I �'�','�,'�"�.',,"'�','�'�t",. � ,11:,�,A' �1 � , i - -. I I .. , � ..t �1_4 � I . I 04you h4vWt 091" me WAU't I hiany 6ynkO hwe. nursed a lialt," she'vIl t don't want'any ivqrises��*but aardivj7' �nome than. Rousseau. .,W. � ..t i I It .,, 31arraom Soliscitors, Notaftesy Etc ­ I coun- . . � "I 11,1111-41 I . E . , ' , ham dolea!" , . I - ipebtlt idefeimer that When I , � .. 1�. I'll _, I - -Shou�d , do," Is*d Royl, 1010,1409 , im- said. but ber sni4p, wia charming. sell, o�_ perfectibii, and, �vhat was the I, - a#Le " " , .! Ir. 41 . , rN, ='I'll "I I � v. . I r 1� . se 'hip I - �11 t 86al Onk Telephone 75. 1plozisVy at Mr. Twig to give him `qC*s6!" a -aid Si, Matthew, "'are the use iq I 410ift W-a-ut Anything, , IVI said ." __gMJe__hP 1 . . �_qf . rfection- -to dip polean, altood-at-Hpus, 4,13V I � . ff jug pe an, 101, I 1- 11,01. . ., . ., . ., I � the q-4e0tioh. . Roy bitterly. haalid 'I wonder if it wouiiia, ha . ., '. I I . . I suprobve cynicls,. -Ealrth -t6' eiirthlw� -perfect world,? It was as, ulseliess. as . . , ve � I 1� I' . I . . I . ­ r been IT (0*1 e � . I ELMER D. BEL4 BA. ,'qM, ,viliait?" Mr. Twig demond- cyniles to. cynics�_,_,' and 110 re -cap- pouring medicine into a; man whose Salnelh, for a second-, laid a hand better for the world, if be. And, ,I.. bad 601%0121s.. il �� - I hat - 4'T]*. .. . It, . led . I tuired the little beast in a very deft thm,4t had ,been stitcbpd up. This. IOU h$F16 "I have ueiv�er W�� ally one, never been born!' 10anet you see t . , 11� � " I . -I shoWd Idiss, Sajoelat-abd then bit of warfare. . world was g; Roy, who wants, so mueh�ll she said. plebure, Roy? 11 afid her Vi,dd Im in Is ., . uverned, k0exorably on Agma- this firlsb,l � I Barrister & Solicitor go pr4dly to any de��." "Yes I am beaten," Samels cried, the. theowdes of He pulled up the car, and, turidn- don filled in 411, the destails,of the, aDj,d, h . I r � . moderation. That was I . 'd � , I There was a dense!. silence. to her, cried, wdlbh,v,, .great throb in' tabilleau. .. ,d, be 1 adim of late F. Hohnsted, K.C. ' ROY, "but d6ln't be. valin about it; SIT'A.Ilat- what he had to.teach 84mella. That, .I.. closely. IA � � I . feellug,' �Isrhajpa, *at diecrestion. was his voice "Them, Salmelu, give, it, , I b 1, I ,�. I'- I I'll., � ; 4 4,", li,rk '111`11`��Vi',,-. ," 3, I 1�1 1 (Next A. D. Sutherland) , the*." I when &hehad, leartit ilt,'sbe wouild, be I . to 'slWould,it have been bet6ar?yt ROY ,,m (hilanipesim%-, I am,1p, ".v11,--~",-Ay,�,,? , ,, j�� ,i-i,g ,I . .. eriql. .. ,;�, � . . � inei, lG*1, wh,o,sm I JoAne�_g.jve it, to a&keO at last., , M'�_.. ,�!;r�l,,. ��,` � � - , 4", � ;1'11_�.,� 1, . the ,better part of vabur, got up and - ,,VaU1ty,,P d Mr. Twig, "is ilisit .p little spoilt was.the txagedy 11 sa�d Mr. Twig. 14And0.u,'h,4""A:, �,oh ��:�J� Mondays, Thursday and ltmd I . 't, S T_ ,re ... . P- Y`� . '. ,,, L.ss-,, ,-�� ­­­. ".1. . �.k 'Le., - . 1,,�, �­ _;: . . �; tiptoed lihimisellf S'Oun[Bessl'y away." Pohe clfvdlf�cw. mofft mthwe wsorld." , that '16 had toi accept. -What, opera- me, . "France .,would have;r been., _.p))QTer dear! theMeq i a Raw in. th "Solq 1't�, �' I ,g It "a,:4 ,, �',".!,�-:. , %e - _ ;�i' � I . t�tl I I:` - I.rl 11,-� .111'' "' ,�� - 'r, ,; I ­ .0ver Keating's D.rug "How douild he spoill the game like. 44 ill not tion was there, even Ole most bene- She shloldfc' t her 'head. "-I egn't, ev- v*hout IR = See lil unlei, nows' � `�;�*"'A � 3&71X62 1 aml)"sure ,Msjsl Malassy wl usseau," Samisela, salid, "and middlo �Gr ,V r , � ,,, I � I . ithat!" Samola, orked. "Aren% young subscribe to that doctrine," said Sir flesent, that did not leave fts; sew? en 'if I woul No one can give it to "' ,,�,�; §, . I . : nitlely mid,her -without Nk- j�$U%� tqiat-.[q, t ,�%",, " ... I I I � I , jes, Of -,:Itaj��. ";,FR' I I . �.; V., %,a jmen Adplid? I can't go toCharnbery .Matthew. s , 1� . es of , the 91 i A I . . . . i I But fixist 'he must storm her heart., you', but your elf-" ­ - ­­ �vorldl? " . I s . . I'll, �� .. .. 1. with .114 -in now, and therhivories are so " iloih yes .1 Wlit, "I have dhown you my I . , I 1, - .1, ...., 1� -1 -,1 � :!.-;; 6�1 -�'_ ,.,�;,,.,12 �� itthe room- "I saw that. I saw . 8�amlel* ., 4 0 " -* Samela retorted No ,girl in, the womId would bother . . %eaft," he ' She loaked round- the 11 that"P� ,� � - I . 1, 1, , .� VETERINARY . important. Of course the la-kedDesn't "the Manky mokr'Ilents of nsodest about the dictates of her %,ead, when. criled again. "'Yes, Madotme de Warens 'lived litere criied eagerly. , , � I .� .. 41 ` . 1) .11 ��. I . . I . motter. "' 'People make the most tharnning time. ,her -heart wasi, reopie,-He straight- ,She broike , down the tens -son with %v�lth Rousseau ofr fiVe ye;ars. ThaVs ' , .�,�Q I . I% Qullse didn't point iv IOU't to :11_�:" �,:."�, Mr.. � " I "'Whty carI1 you?" said 'Twig. , � r". the ripple of her laughter. "'But you Roussean's, ,spology.11 -She- looked Buy yx)u?,, . I I JOHN GAIEVE,'V.S, I love Thasekeray for'mising hisi bat ened himself, a14,'A aZ the pine,tOpped . . I , I ,:::::.. - I . �_. , .. I :. ,, . I I �,, 11 � "Why cAnt I?" Samela ed,hoe-cl shouldIn't ha�vedbne,ll she adlin1oidsb- very fully in the eyes. "It's) the wo� "No - wasn't it thorridL. of Way? I� sa44' � '' ''," A ' to -thelibuse where 'Vanlity FaiT, was hills imposed-theiT blumdpeaks up- I - . .11, ��;, 1, � �, , s, Honor graduate of Ontaricr-VeteTin. "It,will be a terrible &hdition of wrlkten; and when we, Werre in the Ion the driftling shadows of the eJ. "You must ,cover it up again at man's Ilo,ve, Roy, that counts.. -I have Samael�, crumpling her nose. , :,_,�,�,,* I I brielf � , `11r, �,5� . 11 ittle -One, when a young man Forest of Bairbizon I expected every twilight Roy bra-ceed, himself for the "The" dils6restions, ine ,* ,.�, I ory Cb1flege. Alldiseaves of domestic affaix's, h ' once. TD -day I can't evlen Ioak at'it. never felt 'that so much as in, this . 9.f jlr�u , �i , _ls ss� ,lime ,444,;� �. it- dooan�'t want lbo. kisis a pret1ty young n.dnut hear What did 'I tell you befofe I s"rt- Illittile, hou-ste -of Les Charmettes, , _." - ;. " V , saimalls treated. Calls promptly i , e to Corot calling 'Come struggle as old as -the Honserie her- UP One, are the beeitter pwrt'ff the prolits, .,, :,_­ _,, �, . , .'', _ .. . �, t tended to aud ehargeEc mosdlerite�.`Vet_ ,�i6lmaml.. May the good God save iqs here, younlg�-)Iai,dy; come, and lo,o,k- oes ,and als. new as theworles. ed ? ,To -day I am stricItJy fenibie here between the -fold, of the h! I .,�,,%, I . lwte�t 1149- What did you ,,pa' ?11 . 1, . ... 1. ."'.11. ­ . - .. 11 . now and always from that. The brou- here; trully my d'affaires. Start the car algain.11 ' Nature 4doesn% care twopene Y .1 �1`1 .. __ . �y Deikistry a specialty. Office painting is wry fine.2 ' . . ': ...... t" . I ennal . I babe. e for , 'il I �I 1� I end residence on Godericb' Street, one blio is that young,wolmen let them- I wish bRaeksmitihs calauld -be: as vain S,zwela, wakelful in her white "Very wei'l, Samela. But I have, men�s hearts.." . (Csontllnaed'n��t week) . ,.: I �1'1 I.., I I bed, . ".. - ,iq i, . . . ,9,;,.. , . door east of .Dr. JarrIott's ofF ,D easAY. The taiines as lalw,yerls, and I should siniply Love ak,a watched, throule-i the, wide -flung shnwn it ,you; you knbw!" "You mean that the question of � . .,iq i's," . I Lee, Sea- ,-selsres, be kissledbok - .0 . . . . I �� , I - -ed She turned, hewz head, away, for Whom ,I love isn't haff so i optant �, : � -��111111., ..forth. I . I I've kissei4­and, ,vish -they hadn't tia see grocers airing themselvles like window, Aumora's return.' . I inp . . l� . . . ,�,� , I 19 ime.11 I bishops, That ,is, :the worst of van- "Yes,, I 16re Km," she Whispered, theme was, a twll;tching at her eyes and as the question of wholoves me?" . I i %j,,,,,- , - . �.:, ��,,,,,, ,Must have -,tY__it,s ail .ait thle top.,, , "but what is- 'loves?" I'll, I I I 1. , I I e 00h but Mr. Twig, you , I . � . imoutih,,and zhe presezed her hand up- '4,0'estt cionime ca,11 she answered, nAN SPEAKINGNONTEST ' , ,;,, � A. R. CAMPBEL4 V.S. ,b en, such a darling. How*could the "And you don't - Ilike - tops? ". said She threw back the sheet 'on 1h,w-little, crlassl 'of twiga soe in- her eyes d'ancing a little. . . . . IL I I , A�� I 1. . . . and . .." Is— _ , . . ,poor things help themselvest?" I, dentingly that ill. m!ight ,have been "'You mean," . � I I 'I- �,__ I ., "And you, can help .your Sir Matthew, nu, z1fing ,his finger in ft,hlt coverlet and knelt up in the Roy asked agallu, , I a eci I I tu, e . , i G6duate - Of Ontario' As sp a; ea . r in connectilpa . , . ,,, I .1 Veterinary . SlAf - Very ithe tortaise-sbellzs deep white patch. narrow warmness where. she had lain. carved in searilet on tbe white sup- "that whornshe loves makes wom*nls with the club contests to -be conduc- , ,�',�" . . Mileipe, University of Toronto. All easily with tRay, lit,tle one? "I should ,,Not ebdweme tops. I dislike the Round herneek p1leness Of her left breast. 'N]i% Twjgl�p whole existencese?" . I r, 11111,� � . . swung,the little woss . bd att the Royal Winter FaiT next ,"�,�� . , I I " I � diseases of doonestic alnimals treated kiss Samela and then, go anloudly to extreme duke; as much asr th-eextreme ,of thorn 'Mr. Twig had nailed. for her. volive was in her ears,: "Steady your- "The I-rhole of ones'of -her exist- NDVe(Mber, a public speadiiing contest : 1.1111� A.Iel :_ by the most modern, principles. my death.' The greatest speech, a" -beggar," Samela replied. "If only "CIli-Ast, dear Christ, belp'W, to keep, stelf 11ittle one, steady yo.uxGelf by- tPA,e enci�,p," Sam��Ja answered, "Byron &I- lWas n�� , , . � ��. I . I -�alm. of lilh . e good, Ood.11 . ways I . dwarfed womienill I planned, at a meeltimg,o(f the Bx- , I I ­��, ,� ..�'..' ,, ) Charges reasonable. Day 'oT night young man can Tnak&--ansd here's an, exti.Mnieiv did ,meet! But .whoever my dreams,"- she murmured. Then . ecutiveg. - Cloutmittee of ,the Canadian " `L� 11" . I - : "i caUg .promptly. AtbeUde4i to. Office on unnatural y9ung, woman who pouts met d' ivain hurdy-gurdy men, or a a delicii,ous sn�ile danced in the day- She tqmnleld to, ROY again, and vvqtb "How many existences has's,hie?" Counell on, Bays' and Girls, Club � " I ' 4, I ' . . .. I I Mulin Sureet, Hensalli, opposite Town at. it". , knife -grinder? " 1. . light violet ,of -her eyes. "How'fool a voice as firm .and as cooll as a Roy asked, again. I Work. . � , : � 1, Z - , ., I ' ' 14.1 �.� . ..... . I. Hall. Ph -one 116. Breeder of Seot- "Oh Mr. Twig, Whe lwereln�f-,such a "I should, say they,,,,,ai�e- as vain as ish of me," she rippled.- "Pea -r -Chris -ch#-in of crystal she asked, I'Wlbat "I think a inan has,.onie, and a wo- . , I - �� I This public spealang cont&t will i 11 �, ., . t -he last thing you bought for 2TI!an -has a hundred,',� Samiela, rippled; be apen to boys, who- are members :'i ", I : ,., . . tish Terriers. Inverness Kenn&s, llilry." � Iiing's Cbunsleli" repilled Sir 'Mattfiew there are" sto =, ny things, I hlave. t10 was t, 6t '� �­ ::.., _1 i , I HensalL . . A lilty?" , . dryly. . b6ther yaluabout, bult I nesedn't bothep Your 641ectaon, Roy?" I "'how's ,that for equality of the siex- orgaivived junior clubs. The age lim- � . - I , . . "Yes, toiling not and spinning not, "And no dorubt You think with you -about Ithig. J can kelip my "In Pamis, the other dsay I bought es?" She pinsched'his sle9ve. "You've Its axe frolm 18 to, 20, inclusive� , ,- �. .. It's 11 .. years ..f'.. .. . I I . but jusIl. opening himself to�­bhe sun'. much less provocation," Slamela'teas- dre�msi aall iby my�eIf." She some ;old-Frenth color pii' ever, so indiny'delu'sions, Roy but The ntVlnblElr- Of contestants is limit- ,--.11 ,,.i .' I . TiPpled .14 . t. � . I I MEDICAL I woruild rather be loissed by a weed ed. "But 'if 'You wdn't 'haw anotheT again als, a thought struck her. "You i UTly dlid you do that.? bid You �don't everl'think Yo&re equal'to a ed to -lone from each -province. The . . 11 ;1., I K I . I I - ,than a Ely." I i,ke theml?" .. . I woman.11 _' I � subject �nattter of e,ach, address is I �.,,�, " , � . crip of tea I must go and write a Oedn!t sen18 Blucher up," she added � - I I � 4,1 ,� little wiry important letter to Chantbeli - superior- sbe redited 'to the � I . I . DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT. . . -y " with an earphatic Shake df the 'head "You m1ust -know ,how ralre eigilit- Ha ,pinched back. "For ' �01 I �� - lo . . one�" - .- . opportunity br. jpos��- . _'.11 "What a stimu - eenth cenbury' French color -prints itY ,to . . Z -h , . . . ) I . � Stl.m)ela read son, but for the firat l,,urre lating young crea- -a direct prelhibitibsn! . are! ly i,d,L rate"Itself at equality v,rouid td6n..O,f youth -An a,gricullitume, with �Iln clue, . ' I ..- . 0 drAduate ad Faculty of Medi I d be ,foolish," he teased. "It is spn�q, reference -to, club wur,IL.- Th ," . I -we aid Sir Matthew whefi. she In, the, morning, as Roy, packed, her ,40,f course I know. But'wfqat is a foUy we ,have never fallen, in -to. e � : , r " `z � Univenfty of Western ()-ntarjO.Mem_ �* Jn all their reading neither she ,had Pgon-e,; "crude, of courrse, as 1twen- in the tiny car' for the imMensely , ." . I contest will be'conduited under .the . �`. "' I I , ber of College of Physicians- and nor Mr. Twij� -heard a slingle word ty-oneought to be; ,but when she has roru'fi&,ablout dTiVe to Ghambery he ratre is not neoessai-My art. Mr. Twig That"is what makes A-111 "the'trouble dir,e,__U0U_0f the Canadian 0 . . : , , , . ! . . � . "" . Surgeons 4 Ontario. Office,. 43 Gode. ishe sadd. her crudeness - ah, Mr. had so euhnlinlgly ,'has taught me all about color and witi'a the advanced bralles.7) . ounci.l. ' � - Outgrown ' I i . ��� .1. . . . . eontrTved� Samela It ds intended to expand and im- , � " .. � - Twig tO!O'k his siesta 110Y Twig, I should like to, s Condition and, border in ,those old She shrugged. her sho . A � , . I 11 . rk'h Street, West. Phone 37. - . , MAbile Ur lee her then. was -supreniely ati- her ease. "She is , I Ulderls,'O-nd prove Ithe display of club exiabitss 4 . , ­,� I � I I I . . . Buleftwor, t6 Dr. Charles Mackay. rowed Salinteas over the blue lake. 'I hope she will retain., her vaeva in- relax:ng a Frenich. co4l,oir-p-Ants but why they going to -tshe window looked down in- seed train amn, a o . Oorn class- . ,�, - Ilready"' Roy told, Mmseu, . I p, tat es . ., al- � . . . . . I I I There was no -oonstirainit, ,between diz`na,tbo,� It is, after al],, the scares and h -lis heart leaTt. Even at rank as treasures I can7t imagine. to the, garden., and across to the, mlea- els are'lbeiho pr�o,�i�;4 this.- . 1R. . I . X_ I ­,, ...., . O Loolk at the subject - L'A dows,, and " � year for I .. I � �� .. , I , "I', . them, sitce Elt is only very stp - up to N+volet. the first t)ime. The regul dub pro- . . .;.. . P . . I I . - pisd� ,,,&ng in Ithe world. My slon n-garried ford .he had not learnt vibat-Samela toujours l"AmOur-set 1,Amour metiounr-eelt. .,� .111 . I 41 m N �N'� , �,g p N 7 ii�n, ` " m �,[� ,l I , f �,� I g , I . I 1, I. , : ��"I,, , I lk " 'I ,�, �'Ili 'I'll �i` I—. . �11, .i 'I �Ifl Ila,' I � i "' - - ' `_��4'. ' - '�'Vg .0 'MT 7 �igh,ll ;: , , . ne I I�ia t,t I . women �vhla cannot manage don- a di�vci�ilgg -ma iiagea. 'Miss Ma-liassy had needed no one to teach her, tha� leinent. ... . Ject conteists, will be conducted, in . �­ I i�l . I DR. W. C. SPROAT " straint Bay felt Samela,- managing wq,l,l make 7 Howeirler did those Poor "Forty Years Over let Michaelmas pass much th, ' - :1�� I . I . maomage itself danee�. And it is only covfldence� secure and ab ' e same,miaumr as in 1995 . . I ;�. , " I ��, . S . ,��, deftly, deliciously, with hTelevanc- when go many, milar;iag0s, go on crut.1 lute, VAs.,clh caa,relax so- Marquises keep their. rIesason? And Men you. know a bloy is an ass ', t:'_ 1. I withadt danger. sulch LW,nour!' Unuttesrsblej, How Then you, know the worth of a ,l ,, and the sabne six ,Projects, will lye in- .� � . Physician - ,Surgeou .. ies, of talk and rippTes,of laughter. ches-do, you wonder, Ill Twig, that As the Ilittle ear mianlipulated, not elude& -dairy cattle,, beef catble, poul- , . . , - ��- I I Alh, but she was a little art many -prints did YOU 'buy, BOY -and . . . , ;'t, I _. List at life! Q,.ia youiilg lady interests mel?" ,very speedily, the miles;, 'R' ,felt a What J�d YOU pay ,f . _ ..�I,. ,. I Dy .Or .th ?,, try, seedgrain and seed.,poblkoes. - . I 'A I I . . I . Phone 90-W. Office Jbbn St., Seaforth. When she stopped: Italkitig, Roy hum, , 1�-Vliay .sPw ,interest ,the ,good Gold,", F'ense -of haippineEs, which was quite . 'm she h um,mled, until herspoice -broke in . .. . I - .. .I . I ., " ! 0 1�� ,little smatches,'of sorig,'and �Sam- evid Mr.. TWg. "I have no other disitinelb even from ,the happirilass. of p bought just as, many as I have, laughter.' . .. 1. 'k, 11p, . � . g- 'old: Sir I - - . .��;. . , � . ela, as she laoked down into the blue, prayer I am gettin . .1 rried!, "and I tpralid just e dilopped upan this, 'kneeV. "Oh I I I . .. . . Mat- dtiving through aT lovely warld"allone .moy par �� . -, " . � I blue -r .-A lmt-d to: . _9+ ,I- I " , _r Mademoisfe'lle - -1-+ T ,�a Q.!o 1'. 11.11. ,� -1 � . � %!,, . 0 t , I DR. F...J.. BURROWS . I I . . .1 $ erm, and I feel "Einat viusial voice, felt an. ensotion crilielp- �take lboall iof in 1p ., tul, . ch,ifi will e. . with'Sainvia. It was thp fee.Ld*ng tftat this was a buviness'expedlition, the I VIM �"_'slun for." I . -1 t 2 s 0 y one exitstence woman which matters," he cried. I I I I ing th her heart which was quite dif- "You am beginning to get on quite �he-r first lof his experienele,. ,He ww an laughed, together. Ss�vel.a , 'fAnd that 'i 9?" .. I , �. '!� Office and residence, Geoderich St., TeTent frcm 'Gettled �oy in Mr. nicefly .With, 'Sir 'Matthew, little one,,, amateur sitting by,the- sida .Of a pro- r..,�'ley -i -03ne it a,ga3n--bro,ug)ht case out Iffe co,velred her hand wlith kisses. � . *a* 01"the United C&Ureh, Sesallorth, . Twig or, in any of ,her deep de,6idons sasid Mr, TwIL9 a little later, as, Sam- fesisdonall-for a good alinatesur t,,,,,.� of strain;-lightspeech from hl�aviezt_ ' - "HeT existence as, a darling. 11 I I . � . Phone 4& Pomoner.for-Ithe COMV of a , lCarwitle. Yelt, somehow, though � t. I ella firdslWd ,peadling her Chambery happiesit ,pioaftiom, in the* world, - ' I on tongued silence. -And _j1J=_ in ki.je As the car careied them fleetingly , '. � I I I I uncon. - - - I -� �. � I � this feeling undoub. , I itedly'hua4t, it'did letter� . his own collecting itours, whether he h,Otel ,at Cliambrey, -fi-e watched-' her lhsansdli�ng back through the lavesly ,landscape, I I 11, . ____ I not .d. '�sturb. Even as,At rase in, in- �'When 'there are some things about bought or whether ,he didn't, didn't the ivories, appraisling them, "ja ' s6lence fell between them. Samela, sat I , . i . .. . I - DR. HUGH H. ROSS . I I . tensity -skis could smile. people that you hate," Samiela. replied I I "There ds such an empi-essitop of "t.hare is only -one thing to .be doue- '. matter Welilington's twopenny d1amn. Samela seelmed to think these Ivories n Icing 'her mental notes, lwv,e,,r ,for- getting that she was playsing detput Y vd,th the ivories on. ,her, knee, but neither in her bead nor at her heart , , .. '.... Craduate of University of Toronto . ' confidence vn- yaw face, Samela," Roy �iall them -about. them." -, , a matter',of life and dfeath. . for Mr.- Twig, and with such a tech- waa there an ivory callbi. At both. . I . , Faculty of Medicine, membqK of- Col- . Vold her. . . "It sounds anti�soc,'al- to. ime," sald 4q do want Mr. Twitg to, bave " nique at disser fingers' ends, to justify of the-rn four hot words were buzziw l � . � � lege ,of Pbyslicians and Surgeons of "Clobfidence?" I . Mr. Twvg4 . I I.east the Bacchus 11 -she said. "He �-s thp part, he blen"t down, and, whisper- . ,like a blee against a window -pane', I I Ontario; pass graduate course in. . "Yes, the sort of *mprressibn Wei- "AnIti-cocial. is generalily ,pro-. Chris. buying them. for, �' the Hardingiham Art ed in her ,ear "Little Slo,lo.mlon.19 "Queen, ah -d there was a- great burning in . I.. .. " I . Chk,ago ,Clinical School- of Chicago; lington must (have worn when Much- ti am Ltn?t it?" Samela: retorted. "But Gallery, which has just had a rich Of Sb0ba,"Saftle14 retorted. "I tho hand whic1h Roy ,had kissled. , He I Royal Opthallmie Hospital, London, er came ulpl." I . it isq* anti -social at all, because when . lbselquest of money, and has �practical- always thought -the, lady twas bowl- Itolo, sEd suffused in 'his, emotion, while I . 1.1­�, England; University Hospital, 'Lon- 1. "I ,'I like ,that," said Salmola. "It YaulvOs told you get on beautifully. IT -no ivories at all. Aren't art gal- ed over tO;D easily." I _ "What a,bove it, flickering his nwuth into a. , I I . . dons, England.. Office--Baek .of .,Do,! makes; such a nic,6 new prayer. 'Oh 11 you, didn't ,tell it wtould be noth- Ileries heavenly places? PleOpae ,go in,� does Mademoiselle offefr?11.smiIe,. hovered, like one of his en- . . . . . I I jainjoTi Bank, -Seaforth. Phone No. 5. God, when things -ere delsperate.send ing but hypocr5s�, and ' constraint." to them to get .out of the rain, Orr as -ked M. Quise. chanting ma-lidious Debucourt color- .. I i fram. retsddehice, NigM calls answered . I Bluchor up."' I �. I Now I could wa(lk with. Sir M,a1tthefw ,'I 'that they use theirn. as, a rendlezvous, � SaWala considered for a long time. ,g ' . I prints, the lbewlitchment of Sa3mela's 1, . I I Victoria Street,. SealbTtk. . should put it sdifferentaly," said -in npn 'rose -sated garden and 'Roy, after a shopping expleditison to, see if alm ssure 2200 for the little sev- auda,city. All this col-ninotlion. inside Irm-afid 1. 6 I . . � I . again playing .boadl,y. "'O God get ofi with. ,]vim famlously. And :he's their mon�y iLq- Tight, and t1hen'sl hard- enteehth century plalix will ­he Mr. her coal assurance- that a ( ' ' when things are. -desperate- with Sam- sweeib about psussicats, Isn't -he?" 011i IT reali-oing they are in an, sat gal- Twig's- top price," she said at laslt. man's heArt didn't matter two-penice! - , . - . Di F, A. M,MASTER - ella, let Blucher ble'ladhe.t�, - � . Afte his first sleep , Mr, T -wig. lery at all and knowing nlothing What- said the deal- What a eleft;in her cheek her tongue I . I i te of the Universit of To- Gradeoll . y . ronto, Faculty of Medicine . sfFbor God ," said, Samela with an Wake up with, that teasin sensation 9 unclouded amlile, 'i,iflustering Him, a- upon him of grovin, Some gmemlory. ever of art, they suddenly see a face on a canvas, ,or a des' Ign on a V e ". I . I "9250 because they are perfect?" must -have made! Well, he would show her t1hat, so. far from his pas- " .... q �, , ,4, M . I . ,�i A - "I 11 � . I .1, , � � ,�.. .. . . I � .1 , , � , I... , , - _ 1� � ,�'111.. , . I . , 11 I M . . "I. I. I 4 � , 1, I , �1 I �� -, I � � � � 1�1"­ ""I". .,� `4 .��N �:­w . I �y 1". I ":;fl. . I .. 11�, . , . I . . ", ";?� . � I . " . , ��, "I � . I I * I- � r­'lz',�� , � ­ s:�, I ,,, . , '. ..r I., . � " :", , �. , " , , I . I ��111 I 1. 11 I I " A I , " "i , r , .� 1� I , 1 11� I'll In - p U. ".�, � I 1'��' . ," 'i ' I � bout the, management I oamlela, asked with a hittle nonchaj- sion being related to twopence, no - ��, I M'11�luIll,ler of , Blucher paosage, iong-forgotten, abou;t "bel,l- or th6 oulfor of. an, old ivbry, Or the I . I . AJ ,I tten, that would I I �. 9 '/. �, I and Surgeons of Ontario; graduate of full already. But- time is, up and you ,brain. He got 'out of bed, and :found stosp and .say "That's very nicle,rq and, P es I , 14ew York Pont Graduate �Stlwol an I -nd -turning in 'his caived panel 'of a calwone and they "Qiiite perfect " replied -the dealer. expr s ,its vallue. But why sdimse- LONDON and WINdRAMI � I I of College, of Physicians when Hie Wandgerias]. ,hands must be ing"_*als twisting a amce, I , ,.�, � . I . . -d TyAlst -tum,, . . with a blow. . how, between lhini and' Samella, did . 11 . - .... %.., This St. Firan ' 619 -how shaks� be was 'stand in front of it for perha-ps, qufte ... ,,.-,South . . I Lying.in HoWftal, New York Of- Back at the ho'bel Saqnela found. Sir cn 'his f4ee Slalmela, tolak from 'her bag Mr. t,hLngs have this persistent babit of '. '.. lr�' . t -them, once more on his five minutes. And then at night, just Tw!fg,,s I I .!", I lies an High SbmA, SelafortIt - iRlione Mattbew in Mill, Twig's bedrolun4 sit- #Illow% he turned ,over the thickly when they are going to -sleep, such a subtlest magnifying glass. transmuting thElmselives, into terms of' I P.M. � .� r , � I I 1 27. Office fully equipped for X�ray "ing at,his bedside with the littIle tor- annotated and corollaried' lea­�es.­ Ah! heavenly fie -ling creeps, iver the . "UnfortunatlEtly frivre is . Wingham .................. 1.55 . .1 � a flaw in- 'the money? It was detestable. � 2 , ,diagnaffis and ultra. short wave elec- toi,se s I 0 1m, foot of the inlddla- Grace," .she said,. W,ithin' s`ight -of Aix everything Eelgrave .............. * .... I 2.11 , . I ���, I heill, white patched cat curled berle it lwasi� and they say 'What ma Ah L trie t"Oftlent, Ultra violet SIM Lainp on Mal kne2. And 'Mr. Twig, ,bad, or- "Tell, 'everyone *hat you t,hin�k that , The dealer turned -away to hidle his dropped froiii'Samela but her delight Blyth ,; ................. J...... 2.23 ,. �Z,. . picture I'lloosked at in that gal- annoyance. . I , , , � treatme1vt9, and Infra, Red electric dtnled tea for three. � wrong lint him, and, -that plainly, and lery! Why, I can, see ,that at beirg again with Mr. Twig. What Londesboro . ................ ISO I ,. !, � N I , hand a- . �r . J ft"ftents. Nurse in attendanom "I likl- you for Hl�ing cats,," said ,As sloon as -may be, else it will fest- eaih quite elearly,f "Ji dloes n;t, of course, sipoil tb6 an eve-mirg they WO-Uld spend together Clinton ...................... 3.08 - �� '. �� � I . ,� . I and SO, even if general beauty ,of the carving in, the --4with the ,-secured .ivori4es, and he �__ � Same -la igain. er;in your heart., Make all haste tso they -snore, they trail ,the visa' r BTuscefield .................. 3.27 _��,, I ­ � oe . I ,Sir Nlabffiew -bowed. 1�'A ecrap of cast the fire'out of your bo-som,19 lovely hand into the­uglines-� -on. of a iealst," SaMela: continued, "but it de- stories of the day, and what he had Kippen ...................... 3.95 "', . . I is of th i I I - I . ,lilld,ag -from some peoqAe is, preffer- snoTsing.:1 . es' tracts very much from their calm- been niniking- and she musit Ilook in- Hensall .................... 3.41 - :� . .. � � .'.1 . , - .. .� I . . able to the. whole heart of others," . He had, coplied that in June 1895, "Samtla, you are lbe most. imcu rnercial valbe, In view olf''it, I am to the '40--6fessions," all by 'herself. Exeter . ........... & ......... 3.% � %, I T_ �,;, � I DR., F. J. R. FORSTER he sai& . into bis -St. Francis, wheme he'e ,ure ;22,CsIJ will be Mr. Twig'&- top which Mr. Tvirig-bad vever yet, per- North �,,, _ . 1. , � olpied vXja idleafist in, thle World!" LRGY cii-ed. , I . . I'll 11 P ' Samela 'bowed'.too. . eVerytrhing. "Theehilddoesn't copy," "People don't see'anylthing -in art price." nyttted her to' do, -to recover Madame . A.M. I ... I . / I Bar, Nose and Throat . "The good' God made trouble, he said idoud, "Aindl the eigihteenth ceatury slet9" de Warens now that Les 0harmettes Exeter .................... 10.42 I ,I I . Eye, I I . SIT "the chlild creates. And galleries. Things Kke that don't , 11"I I ' 1, Mr. she is, quIlbe right about Xy Knight's happen at Samela. -6-oul-k h,etr ,head -��ry We- was real -as well, as; rolmantim Hensall .................... 10.55 . I , " . I Graduate X"clue, University 'Mattkew, didn't lKe," ,said Twig, all."! " . ' il, . I I I . of Tolrontlo- I . I � "When He iniLde hearts.. YOU wjust mulnley�-240,000- a year, is preposter- "Very weQ., Roy," Samela. reto-rbed. cidedily. "Thoze 111r. Twig wd-11 not "Hasn't it been a lovedy day, Sam- Kippen ­ ......... * ­ . 11.01 ­ ,:; I , I , ligive kad, great i of ihat OuSL" "WeV say they don't. Buit wouldn't "' I � experience ela?" said Roy as ,they turned inrt)o Brucefield ....... I 1'. 1'. 1" *. 11.09 . �, I;; � The dealer wal-ked ulp and down the driMe. "A day of i'vory-that is Clinton ............. : ........ 11.54 - ,,�,, 1, 14ft gasistant New York Opthal- truth -11 Alfter a shloft sn'Atch of sleep Roy it be beautiful ,if they dild? 4 ,n the I �. I Whe hotsel room. "Say i220, Madeim- how I z,halll always rdmembeT it- Lon,desboro ................. 12'.10 '.. � � ' fp , 0 , . I I . mal and' Aural lustitu*. Moorefield's '�I have indeed," ,Sir Martthe�v re- algGSWOW and rose and leaned. over tt'lle pol-litive ,is detestable, -lit-bite one,' oiselle. . , I I .his balicony. . :,. � . � . Eye and Gold1ea Square Tboust Hos- pl-ied, "yet it hasn't,left me hearttoss.. The beginnings of coslor Mr. Twig ,often says to me, lma!ke a mon jour d'iv&i-re." Blyth ............ F ........ 12.19. .1 11 PRIA181 liondon, Eng. Alt lCommercial IndeeA,'if I had h9A Ithe malcling of w,eme just creeping . ows,;.' Py "Mr, Twig always prefers to lose "I shall remember it as a day of Beigrave ....-.i ............. 12.30 .", : , I a �Ssdorth, thi through the f,i-All,d,el,!,ghtfu,tpotQntial,ity.o.fvour '41 ;"L. � - , -have - inuste they ran in � aa so W[ingham .................... M50 B04 rd Wellnesday irl -=14 I am nlyt sure I should not blaeknidso and a tiny tre;mor of 'it " Aill -in, a fn rather than buy exqessivelyL With ivory, ,tioio," -,-'aid Samela. ' to a . 1. " , � 7 -4 earts instead of wind - led the stirrinis, -of eon- heavy,sihower. Roy put up the hio; that flaw 1200 , ' is, shlis topl, price." 'O � I I � 11 . ­ . 14, awk inouUh from 1 16" pz� , to," 4.30 allotted blim two-th . .. od, I . gilad we have had -it together." ,� .. . . � , 58 VjwtegibStreet, South, Strat- lonal"' . I �66vsasessl fram, the faint sleep which and m The dealer appealed to Roy. But theire will. be other days, I , . 1�� � . Vim , ' the' igireat drolps splashed and C.N.R. TIME TABLE . ­ I twa - "You know -the authority days. of silver, . I . i % . 'Th but that would have -been very ,is aal ,the -July day plernAts itself. To spluttered around them they of Mr. sald' Ray quick4w., "' I I . . i . � ,,, ROY -it was Samfela's ,vivid sat Twig?" Roy replied 'to himL "This diys of galid." East . , . Newt visit, ,§eptelmber 16th. illogoical, of you, Sir Matthew,." Saim- � beauty close and, dry in, what ,.seemed to, Buy ' . .. ;:N r 1 ,, . I Iseen through, a veil. .,Shei -hems M Iady zipeaks, and acts, for him abso- Slie"kave thiffii -her haind, and made A.M. P.M. 6 * I i I I . '. els, cried. -'IOne,:heart would merely . le, was a little se0lestered Paradise. . . . . . .1 � . � . I have cancelled out the, ,other." . onfly haff apprebended�_thlat was her lutelly." an exquisite simille, serve forr speech, Goderich ............ ,6.40 2.30 ;j 4� I . I I . 1. .1 I lure!. The dealer turned to Samela. "Very but as she main u , . I !.%* Matthew shololk, his head. "Ad- Ne'Vier blefolre had girls pT4s- "Oh Sands, � Isn"t it ndee?,, 'he 1p the wide, flamboy- Clinton ............. ?.03 8.00 ;_ DEL DONALD G. STEER dibi'076 comesbelvre sobbra6tion4 W,h ented any djfilcu`�Iby; he, had, discarded cried, laying Its hand, for a Tooment well then, 2200. If everybody, Mad- ant staircase she stooa still for a Sea&rth ............ 7.17 3.16 �4 ., Y , . "l'sN, � I shouldn't two, hearts, Miss Malks'sy, 2ong ago as a supreme, mytli the-Iny's- on, hers and t6obbingly pressing it; em�o6selle, ihad your knowdedge, where mcin-Jent to flickerr away vbwo great Dublin ............. 7. 3.29 1 � I . i.g 1 . I ,�', I I " 1. n 'tery -of wolmen. ' '�you and, 11 'in a little, d,ty, secluded, would be ,our trade?" . "Yes, Mitchell ......... , 37 3.41 'il , f Graduate of Faculty of Medici 6, make two instead of minus,91,1- Vi%inlen were not 'of tears and- to dab her cheeks. . . 7. ".. 14 1 �� � .. 11 11 course, as logica.1'as m�_ there world of our own, and, everything e1sle- "I -t would, be im a much more tol- a. day of imbry," sshje,:�vfhispered, to West _Iu, . l # XTnivmwjty,lof Wastern Ontwfo. Mem- &Jmela shook her ,bead nitudh more en, but ' .. ,u I , . .. 6w Of' College of PhYSIWAM and elsn�ca`1474 "Two hearts, Sir wRz a vast conslis(bency--4even, a mon- surprised out bf its life amid) Isoaked erabtlie condition," i,%amela respilied. herself, 'land ,after it.ebony-ebany." WtIchell ............ 11.�9 4.33 . :` 1") I . " . otlohy­-4n their i'llogicalities, a 130 the skim - Ssy ist's, nice, Samel,a!,, "But it is Mr. Twig's- -knowledge-, not. Two mlore tears fe-11, and she dabbled Dublin ............... 1", I Swgdons of 'Ontarid. PqX , OquiP- MOMew, On that recklon1ing would n1d they 11.27 9.41 , I . I ere . L, , ` Ili , � ljnent . I nbst i4ystetilotu! "Ye's ROY, riPIA1191Y nlc�,"' Samlela mine. Mr. Twig Ifs a very . . .-I il.43 9.54 � !,�'., ,, induding an ultra AboYt wave &ave Made you- busier than, ever. w s At &I.I. But there brave them more lingeringly. $jr, Matthew Swjortbh ...... . . I'll ", I - . V 00t. :1., - ­.'' betilere, after all, if is only as. a'.law_ I softwthing lin Sainela which, he conceded, and witn th,el man. .He dares to be .honest.', 'She Thomas, coming along the corridor, Clinton ...... I ...... 12.12 10.08 : i �� office 1png Street, iHehs*1L Phone �Y&r that you 1wWd hailvpe, two . 6earts'. fc*lt, Would ,always baftle, himi; itolv in and as Roy 00heseasion, filled in the signed c1heKtue -on, M.r. tsaw the gesture and -retreated until Goderioh .............. 12.22 1O.a4 . I I PeWed through the .1 I lfeusall'.L56. . . h4PZ- theorfe*--he by ,no means, felt sprIashels',on tit Twig's Paris lasecouint she baid.brought sWe had pawed. That a beautiful . "�4, �., "I Your adOdtftou, ispume, arardbe.11 -- e screen., she ilaill into I � � . ",J). . Hel t*Ved Ito Mr. Twig. "This I . 411;�.11 . I . votwedless, to a0ply himself to those a hurting go,liloquy with her, and with -the ivalles wrap- girl should cry besta�use a young Tnan ,�:"�, � �, . Why, oh, rwhy, , "I , M, . . . I I .� �,$)Ril' I , i butt bowl as IRGY the son. of Me ,e:xcjW;sJjvie pe, ieces, of volviet, and was,ri,6h, he refle(�ted,. W C; , .0 : I . young * laldy does nothing but in' beIr self, slomebhi'ng invincibly ,w , d, itend'etly in pi colk ,it was , CYR TIME TABLE ... _ I A 0 ; over my.finlancial m6rabs," he said. oftreL Far, the fl -rat time it war-profibeeiing fathter? Wb ,- lying in their Uhl& casikets;; she and a: chaugeot any rate from the ocean Baat , I eelmled 17 wast t I 0 DENTAL to Roy that of all the tra, I s that 'he tbB, son of,moderatilon �njt moral- ' .,� .s�,,' I . I . '.'Sir ,Matthew the NdneVin," Sam jieidkes Roy siought Oe safle allmanger'. "El of teafn that bald (been shed because ,J,.P.M. I I � 7 could beft-lil, a ,man ithe s.apir. rolla jusstmient comline -on achete Iles young Inveln were ipsoor. That - Sir Goderia .............. 420 . 1, . ,jn . I 's ' . . ela chuc]44 offering him his, cup. aster' would, be to share I em e dis. ity, living clesbary -on his own work, livoires.," said �9&mel* 4aughi.tag. - ­ ::::: 14.24 � � ,) ", Dr. 1. A. -MeTAGGART 'Mr. Twig s1hook Ms. hes&, "When i1fe, with a SO thalt 'Effile could marry -him without MatIbew bad fdt from the firs,6-- Mlengdb ... � .... .. : ... .... I .... � "I'll � "I � . the Volud Gold g'aVe nihn one hearft,10 Womwan, whom, 'he peofectly unde%-- a qualm4- amid, now 'and again, as, a "At � twent7­0no, Samsels," said was ,Sawelles attraction. She wvPId McGaw .......... : ....... � .... � 4.8.1 1,,��f I . - �,��,,` stood�_ ChIsrity, he mere bwbies.11 weep ,where vm1men smsilled -and- smile Aub ................... . 111,L1J. ., GraAuate Royal 'College Of Dental lie,xdid. I'M knew just, exactly, bow , felt now, would c`01108RRI trelat,� they lcoul,dj hir* d little Roy, I'moct -girslls are, ' um 4.49 1 I suroono, Toronto. 'Office at H"M11, mitlih poor ,man clou,14, colpe wiai.11 be th6"gireat allsielnatDr. (In the last car ililke, tbli,i and "And I staike you as, an vild wo- where they weep. ffl�ith ...................... 4.59 -`� spin together � .. i, . �i 9 I QvL Ph6no 106. , � . 'ADf oul said Slgimlela, Itut cop- resort -he was afralidof Samela. That thTOugh 'MmId and weathierl man, becau-sue, .1 can buy, a paix'ot iv- ,In the bedroorm Smels hovered .Wa4flluift ......... -1 ...... *05 . �� s, "I '�­ . ., .- RUt ev- .... ," I , . bgg, , Mr. Twig., isI gir Met too, vrat a very exquWte, erything a,bout him W?As 4 gVest pro- orilels-," shie reto"Wd. "Mx. Twig says roulnd Mt. Twig "as though, ]little 'McNalagm .................. 5115 � �,, * . . . . . . I ­ -.-- , Ing, relmem _ sensation. � - :. 1'�'. ­ . ,., .. � �# I I I - +hewls prod4sslion.. of Z&,60T -him In a perleet world, ,he decided, wo- hi-bitrion, She was only in t&W. little that w-hat"you ,Imow at twenity-o-ne one 11 the, said� 11".0 ,bad. nolt. stiemi me ,4Toronft .................... 6406, . . ., I 'AUCTION US Two belarts ,.�,, L ': �1­ '.. 11 �. 4 ", Eg"a m�h shf6luld, fear is splendidly trule. At forty, all the for'a cevtury." ll�nt lhis"eTes,Asold her JWlMt ('N'15 . ., , l��7:j �gt , 11 . . 6TV hftft it� i Flot-' enoulph. God andmen should car becalusie Mr. Irvrig W29 P4Y+n1g NT . � I I '-,:,1%l ".4,; i 11 . I - _401A twice as. man fd'a.r women, . Through the lov#Iiine.ss it, and, Mir. Twsjlgls� Ipmofits 'I: s are waiting for you s;nd at sixty, bow d1olidifous he t6olund the bovering I 'k" 'I 's . A . y crimes, posilon- were as tle A, I I , )A .Wt L fi �,, " � " �` ,­�s,, � s, . I I I .1 . 019 "d all ItHe othir horriars 0:C this sd!M�ner night which enfold6d perinilisisilble as ,life i,tg'atf P indso. -8 1,� '�!,i�!� �, . which . 'Jo v('as hey've 'got you fight, Of course afteT.Vis lobig day of slonlah He TorionbD ................... 86 0, , ", '111 � y .. I , ,4,� � � -."J" , j 111- , , ,� ''. , " " , I ­. , , I . HAROLD DALE shint, erjelniW land aanbrosial, he Jee-Lit a hundred pat cent. young amji.. It they're not scallIed Ides-Itheyli-e called put on this befie pAr of s"ctacles 3ttXguog ......... j i ..... 6 11,66 � " , . , '. I R."I I ", 1, .... fill the evarts. But blow mean of. z�e , , , , 1 "l ,1, . . . lifeekned Auttloji.ftr. -4 Ota pr&Mnig -an, Advahkaip'e.11 aluld .thrilled to the, lurel of iSainsella. *t% iiinfei the world had Aoipo with* explevie,nee. Sir Mhtlthew Thomm, ii which l9amela, called,hit� Abrahams be- W%I&I-it ............... I .... 14 , . I 11 k. , !�'. , . . . . . . . . ,."""1111 @ . � . . Id 110 the glorg lot . IT'is hos. ja4*tle , '�,., % , ": ,�,� t , t"", larni fitid hIA soul I" s�Lid d in a sbi.'Vermnig, ieieeft-sy sath pletoplet, Ismagifte, hemsIW, ble ,_ ,�, 11 ,a ,iolked it lit. Mr. ThAg has; edumed cause they t - I t 91*% ............... 4.1 I L ,�,,q % , a greM L ranstormt-d him, from he '. ­�.'_'�4. . �,*�*., �. '' ��Z,� , I � ill� -J s:111 , _0 I .1 X"', ,,'q,� , .� -s At"L �& for ift, ki"risi-ng. thlb dii'Ane night 4ile rillng with whiat,the wul,,td jWh,bUJd bw 'it beautifttly. He's twenty-one too." priofesl6olnal who Wav O'n-19 jUsIt. lb'e- A � , ,...­_, ... ,,i..*,.1..1 ;�i 3,,�, 1'�,i�'� ,,s� 1; 1, 4. odel& pi*ft memonablb, l'br, t1t, I - TWIg' "bift , 11 �SL As"':"',-­lJzJs, ',V11 "Odn'Tist JbL , � . .. - �,, � " 4 1, ;.,. I . ­'� , . I . "If9ted Yost" sa5d, Sle Matthew w9s kih�Ring 'Mmels. � flnished-**hl � . Aftot " oinialettes, pA6ssWojg, fruit g3�ming tb,--1)6 old., t6 :the ipa,triafth Uddio ........ �, , .1 . � ,`,�; ,, i., s� I #Ad intro %1�6 0, #�0#6 a&, II""- .1 allQ .. ' ,, ,And- thft the' filftj sitting '01" the "I h6voln% any IvImto 60� - t - 601 a, 9.t..�04W I � �.., - I W 1 �. " hod6ne"140 ts"folft . �&y,fj vAhite glewieg are n`d' �bAee, the liftile. car bom them .,...4 , � . ,��.I__,%, I I ! , , � . , "I . ,0�. , 6r 't . "­ ­ I , * i��, , , Ask" � . .U%606 'of dlk*h di*W to ihils, o&A in I#etioi%I1 ltaid Roy so. tho, . ,,�� A"W_ thb elhort dDstatce 6o I,leo Obatmeittes, � . tr, , " I , h#I - I ,. ". . I q .1". . , tow A"Itho mo� W66 . , I oA �,P. ` " - _4ii'! I . I , ,t, I .." I, " �O I I . . ,� ,., Ill. I , . � �, . ',)I[, ,;1 . A:!, , I I , , 1,�),11,' .. �, . ..,� . I . , P ..-,11111 . ." , , , ;;L �:, ill,""", . I k - I 1. I � i I I � " , 11 I .. . All . � � ,It, I I ." ''I 1 I ,., �� �; ....... "I ,� ��� I I I t. I I �� . ., . . 1-1 I 1. iz " � :: , � I I . . -.11-- 1, . I I It , I 1, �,:,�� . _�', � , � "I'll 1111'.tt " , I � I � .., I I - I I � �, - 11 ", I I 11 � I � t'� . I ''; i,� :�,, " i 11. � , 1 " � , "! ";", � . I . . I . ,. . . � " ` � :� ­,, r, , " ", , I . I I 1. . ,�(l,� ,,, �` . I , . I � ,,`� , ,7,�,�, '. " � "I", ,1 � I . . I ," 1, ,, ", I ", I , " %, , '.. ; , , . , . , , , 1 v i,� . ,!; .. .... 11 ;,,,,"��,'., ., ,, , '� , � �, : , 4 , 0 , ws.�,Z�,` 's � I ." ,I �,;(, � , I , ,J �." I , h, 1.1­1� ;:,��;� �11� . I I I � X � , _ :�,�,,��, ,,,,, I I I , - � ,. ,;, .. , , , , i "" ) s�� , " 'L' "' ' "" � � ��J ", . � , , "I 1111 I I L-", ,,�, � � ,, ; 'i t�,4 ,,, �,_J��,,,��,­�,!�,,,' . I ,��,?.�,,'i- ,� , ,� �"!!l , , �" 4 � ;4 , - 6 11 il,,4'Ah .?� � 4a,3i�.;�;i� � .11 ,�Ml i � ",:,;,�4,,s,;,i;W�;�j, �,",k,!Sw�,,�,4 �, fl�, ok� , � - �� � I -, k i� 3 '401 N ,�f 0�',� , � � "� 1". I " �,', ; � .�"l�!�'�L"�����il,"".LL"�,,t,�y�,�i; �, * All ',,,�,6� �� � .111, I'll, ,i�,,,4'4 11�,,�,, Vv�,, �� I ,�; I., 11 s.�­��',' ,-%:%MAWVW1,,­­s,,, ,,­.,,, --11 i" M11 I I 1�11� t� 111'1�1 ..... , f ENV ",L;�"'N'%.%"P=l,__ L . .. . , ��",� , , 't .1i;�,"�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.,',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,;��� , �, � §,Q',)Ple,i'�XO, ,,�, 1,-141,,-,�,,�4.� " , �Mv�P;141'1, "T"I - -1 , I �. " . , , , � X II, qv�`ii'3�"O`$,',i 4 .iw �,,Ns�;Vg ,�j i,i YJT,$%��J�,%, Egg 'a � il�� �01,1'1 i " I , ,, , � � , ...... 11 ,i � - ".4 . �Jny;u _ogl, , , W", "i" � ,� �! � . , � � El", E111, , ,U L d , ", -, ,� .""g . i ,W ? .� , NC , ,,, RIM 20111M "I 21� , 1, ,4� P, I I . 31il, -11 1�­1�111��: ­­,'tXsF�';�, � � ,��!� , '! , I