HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-09-25, Page 6,", :T41if��"v,;'i, , ,,,1r�A_i;_,1.,1_ 7F . I, , M7 : "'M _�. �,�7.�""Lr,.�'f,'�,,T'e"��('�,w I " 31 ,. ��! �i li'll , i- 111 , � I ,I $i �pl 1, 1�4;�N,',Wi,1(,U,,,` " '71, %I 7,7, ,, 'i",�'K N , �j,`E �Jl � is I `,','.�Wll I i -1, Immll iiii I , '� ��,,� ),f;ll�?�,'�lill���,�7;lp�-1,�'(� ,'i" I i g.,,,- - ­ 1, .� . � I I �. , , ,1";,!g,T,"y"m , - : !!,,, I 11y, . . , �15,,,�`,;07!k ., , " " lli� , ., � I�', I " * M", , I, I -1, , � , I. 10 ,�,,.�f,�,��,,,,�,�,,�T�lf"��,',,!, �`I,','�,,,�0,' ,��, 1,� !j 71115� 5`717 I -,a , `-, �3,i",,(�l�l�,,,,�i,ti',,-'��,��IP'��'-'i,-�,�-,�i,,,�lli�l-li'll..'�l,""I i., , -i" �� 'J,"� '" ,,, ...... ,��',,Pk�c� - I . , t, ij, li-I ,g�`,._�, n, 1 — " , 'AIV lie,"; 01 " ," ,,, , ,��,� ,"�," � s,,' 7.,, ��­18 13114 , ,i M,7' 7 71717' 1 M." P _7 , N I Ii.1.1 ,ti, 777", �1� 1: W!, � 6 , , I 1RUM, � ',;� �i xi?;;y"",'e'g) * , N, oit�,�, '.�,h , KIN �, ', I j��, q;,,(;";i..",N;,, g _1 I"A Ig:i,.,I­.­. ­. ",I - 1�111 ''j , , I � ­ I., �� .. , � 1.1� I I 11 . .4 ii, .1, . .1y, ,� 1, V!1 , 1111��, ,,� -, .. , p'f',"�q�,!'�."Rl� I ��i�i�l , '"' -'A %",� �-pVO,Iiit , : ; , , ,.. I . I il , , " '$��6`Z , "�,,"� "i, �'T R,`q 41M . �, I .. 11" i1Nrr,;, "j, ,:,tr'li I 11 I IM, 111111,g , , --�,-Iilq�',,,���,'���!��,'i�ii,i!',,,��,,:,i,.,:, ; I."i . - � , , I '��Rii;T�Ii�ijii�j' fl, i'l I 6, 'n' .,4,0�ffl .1 , , , !�!�`)`,�,�;T . .4.-,;4i`Pii�� ,,��!iJ,',i I . , 1�1, I ,*,'�� 1, � "�� , " , I I IP"'N A P �4 , �110 ��t i�11; � I , , ",; V ". , . "T �� I � I , , III �11`11111111271WAI`% 011; — , . 1 6 �" c '%� , " , " I)- i, - , P, I ,- 11�� I ��-�,,,�!"��,,,i��7"",�i��ii.��,,�,.,i'I li, ,,� � *�,�,���,,���,'i,,I�ii��k����kk�.����,?�?l�,,�% - , II , , ,�'7 77,,�,M'!i,,,,,1i,T­`7 ,77,0,�4 0i , `�_'111`1,7111.', 77211? ,A, M,'�Uia� , ,� " �4,�dii!�.,',`�,ft,j, . � ", �,� -k I "I - 'r ., F, , 2,3 5,�g , t'�A,, ", 'iI , �,� ,� ,,, � .i , � , �, I i, Pl' ,7 � i" ,�i , " " , , "'.� . !�, �.il, , 110 11%`� , , �, ", � � ,, ... ,��,r�,' 1�11,1'�� .!;�,,,,,;;, "''I i"N " 3,_R4'i �� �],� !""."i I �1� .,,11 I �;W,��rf",ii�fliii,j , ��ifit��ti�A. � j�jl�V;�; � �,�'ll'i'll�I."�ll'�jil;"�'!��iI �­ , I � � �� '0, ., I ,:i,::,�i'A 11 iiX`111:11illl 17 i , - ,, I � �i4�:,�,!,k " i . ,,;,,,,,, W . , _ �1`, � ", � 11� , w,",?, li:i�;i.'�J i , -Z. �.,. � _� i;,� li­ ,,, ''I'll _ , I ;,­ ,": "", - ,,, ", ji� .. I "G* . 110.ilri.­I­'�, `�`17,�,�,, , , ''..."', 1� .:, ,: , - I, 0I.,;', - 11 . 1: ���111 ,,� 'r I I' � Ji�: , , - -1 ! �1.1 I I , I _, I—` �. 'i;�ii,, 1, J.. . i I I , ��.� 1 ­ . to i �., , I . . �,. . 11", I . ... ... . i. I III -73 i . AC R','ii�'j' iil��'_1'11.1i",! �:�,ItF,g� "', I i"i � .,I � I.." -,.,,�,:Z! ,,�Ili j%.,,,­� * .;.:. I I., . , ! '. .".J �: � 4i; . I , , � I ­ �, i , � , I I �,I�'?JN iY, " lii:i�i'4-1��.� g,',,,�,�j,!i "I ., 'I; .. ­ ". : . � - i", . - . . _1 , , i - I . . �f,�, �, " YVC-_� . I I 1� I I . . � . . . .,�,��ill,,��,�'�,%P.�.,:��l�,�ii�,i,�j�L�l,,;,�,- " OTJ .�" I . � Mi11 .1111.1'_, I 11� . . I .- ,�. �`� 'I R'.%Q, I I I I , , �V­t,� , . I I . . .1, , ,,.,,��,�i�,pi��,�l""'.'��,�,��� . I , ", ��, . . . . ., I . , i� � . . . . � il ", Q v� . . - � ....... . . 1- .� . " , �: ,. , I 'R � - " '. t�il � §_ i , I , 9X � 0, - 11 , , � , , i.ii�l .... .. 't, 11 I . , , � ,"k i,,,,,,,,,,, iii'ai I I � I � M,;O(fl �11 , - "'' , .� I :. 1. I � , �. !�, - ": � .. . . I �i 1,,q, �k' ii, 6'' �. �, " "Ig i ." . I . . � . , i �11,1` t .I i , , t 5§1 of " , � , " . I . , ''114 1411, . 90, T �T . , . � . ., , tt�­­ I . � I �,t __ - __ - __ , I __ r� - I , I"e, _ . I � - - �,,I�u 112 � I I I _­­.­,­ 4MVFWA.W� 1 . I'll V �, "I'll " ,. ik'Ali.., �, I , , 'm I 41.1 11 @N`� , g �.v� -1 I _ "r. I �, ­­ I'll'�-"",,,",�,kl�",��'ll""I ... 1'�­"­ .. .... 14.11" 1 .1 . . '- .- �'..,.,�.��l.-I,;''�,��'...'�'',. ­,___._ ­_- 11 1! III Z, 0 lq M I-— I. i- ... - 1:1 11-11, . -T ­ - 'T I ) I . i, rZ . �, . — I � .1 . ,, . - I � I . ,III I , 1. 1� '­'.." ..,­. : " = . .1 - . =Z= I 1 I II -T,11, 17111 0 11, �, ,_ ,.. , I . DO , ,,, " ". .. 11 --7'. 1 1-1 I', i I p i . � ''I I =�=n., .11, ,171,11--- I 1. . ­ ___._-.-1. . ­_. ''.. 77 I p ' ' " , " , , �L__,_."� __ � ,___�-_­­ �__ - - - __ -_-111 ... 1'� L.- = I'�-:,—�--,.-,;����i.,-:�,.-�'��",..'-','- 11 � ­ 11�­�i4­1­ . - �. .. 11.77 - _f!ft.Apxw tw_a,A_W_ e_t tam _,af_ . .. I mt- — ___A_ - __ I . . ,� '. I , I 111i, .. Umewnwi �,�jj" , �"­ �. � been for Cu4m;,orW.---M7V0-_ 1%, U, . . , , .. _�il I 11 ". � 'i"57 �._:..]_,:� - 41�A -Huron, *no red, the I classes) 0. H. Cudm, ,all Pilqgpp ,A . 11 I J; I g y A ,%P"A4LXAU1''F mers at Tbronto ' ' " C ""7- 'EX I'ALL-i-FAIR tD4eksii­iii,­P6k1U ducW il'.0-- — . ;re; 10 A I 1 6 7y— 914' -&4)� -()_BatqVr-, .eU_3, I P h 'I. otherwhite, with .,, MM -D 1y; . , ." , j, ... . . I . . I 11110 I . . . Battler and 2nd. Rouen due ' - � .. .... rf"'.), 'I . I i . ,. andealls, whose desicendAnts , , kj� ,(,ql4 4kng, of T , -.11111, M1 , . MVIGins, I �iitg wed nose t�Wjs. Daly; Alex- ") V11 TT I ".0i drake) H. Doan,"(pla, duck) W .11 li9'!,,�,), - I V'�, . (Continued fftm Page 1) � = . , ",:� IN - I '.�% , 4 J;Ii'P',i� . BQw- I I �14,,�,l,x, ,,,, I hiti, . can be traced for miles around; Go - SO= Red, . ; � .1 I � &Pffl)� �1 I? , V5��f, ;;; , * I g4l. �", "J'AS""I ill", "'60-te, Siee .Show Buk'i de�n, H. Doan,, ung-diraW aind dw,k) R. Ihmamner, Mrs. Ddly; MW 11 : . �At,A','%, R4 '. anders, IN. , Daly;' C*A , , ,` '1�1_% . , . n 1887 Arm is the. character. that these,party 11. ,Doan, JW. owden; any 'other viar-� PlIPPins, ,H. Cu" ' ­. ntp % , � 1w6knem" Me. - I ", , Cattle e0l "' " Z',D,1� �,4,,,�,,�' (Dy. Ernest colotris are yet as entire as they were pre; - TO . OR . I (H. &� Umoif in. The Londbu Free Prem). — I I . It 1-9., .'� I t �1� � N . . ' iety of ducks 0411 classes), 0- BEft- Daly, J. Daftlar; t4imee, G. H ing A I �i - _Cc , , __ ., i i1.11 III" IN, J "jo I ,111 , '. .? . . This class of cows dIoes �, - - . , , Pi%,`� " � , 49 years W. - .1 — . ,,,, , . Sbortlsorns�_�I' cow, W. Oe.;_ _M .,, ,�'. i'll "., . tler and, 2ind. H. Truelogier, ,Mrs.- Daily; Aftk Sbe !ell P34�er@ ii 1 11�11 . I I ,.. . Lmls , .4,10 ­ ­ , , *q y-4ow m T11"Jity i , i 1�". , � I' � K", -, " UL Keys; two. M[iseollianeous�_4Guinea,, Fowl (,e & Blush, Ildra. Daly, Ben I W, ii� t � I ali gcpd" wo,r"eptedl- by Pad:.. and twe�clwr and 2nd, :0. I , I i ,I ffi,�, " II, i,�, , , . 1. churn -i -i -I" ever, uotwithstandiing the year-old heiferII W. Gestredeh Y6vis,'. iUrs 4121616; . ill, � I i a, er and --i lla $PW4. S14 1 10 , iter'lles a, copy a Were in constant ParOXYsIMS' Of WOn- inwads of Ayrshire and Durham 2nd, R. -M, Peck - 1:1 dmore; .0"baAb, Um. , b4idn't thilusht of , 1, ,,, I , 19 e. the wri h), D. Gq*h-a,IA * Son;.obillection of Daly, H. 4pu 64 RIC 11,� 115'5�f"�01h` �,yr­­--Y far" PaIPer, datted 'OdbOber, der at wha� they saw and heari year old heifer, pdgeons, 0. iDaiubrwk Daly, J. Baitsi r; 'Duch ., : �, & I,'; �1 I thoroughbreds. Even the red Boodus W. Oestrelicher, A. X Pe;ek, W. Oes- Juidiga...-I, ohBrien, 8 of 0114151" Iddoom w6l a, - - .1 . % ,-,----.-. � ­­­­ 11�1__ .. � g .,,,.., ,named "The Rural CaluadiaA.", I I g, I&S. 'D:Y Miss - . I � ""Y" "" � an ealso Potato Digger are not ublfe to, change bl�-e color or t-Acher; helfer calf i . OestreMi4,- __ Mauufactwvrs�__ 1r__1____- ifai;-Ulen- ­vqpWe*DwM14 11" � ___ ii Z - ....V,._.­AR%,W .rlppmsl I . lio .10 - 8 �,�, - 1110� I , I , ly Ii. �ad n6y'r ,N;l"'C-,'�'!,�"1'R .1 of - iinteriesting d I 7 . Ilki g. - __R� - bull r ", , _. 41 1,-j - - ." . is tul , I ,% 04ce. �.' . - r - mAnn __.Tha_QA-F40i and 2Xa,, - 1 e�ccki, ,alf, E. , -Pair iblankatA, a wood, 81outhabitit More; Talman Sweets, Mrs, Day, H. ' , I- ii, " iiii ,,,.,I . -_ - - -ninlities, IA 19 I Im 1',,�.Ipl � `­ ... V matter. -n -- -;;W Canadian shared her Proper I . . I dd"4 � 11 �� if reither, A. Popper; BPO'Slii; woollen yarnI, W. H. Quito 41 , �mii,;,!t ,7 i, any-vul-IM-ft. _W�" -in-,tha--agr%Uftft i7iff ,,t��W w-h-gre a -, K,O,nteiith, W. I . � ,,, , -FQ*4n0taU0e;--mI W.. Oes,trerieheir P82*; CUdmorie; -St. Lawrence, H. C,uK .fee%*' � 'r ,W , " ty ds Where the cow had iwins, One 'bull, 1 -year aAd over, Ilor custom Suit, W. .W. .1, . ,'fvaih@d " . I � . , % .1 � " �. 1. � J 11,,,,� T�,,Fi�, " 1lj6T'qLt1iat as f Xr ,back as the' several new things,amiong which was T=*U, MOTO. . I 11 li, . 'r I year.,olf . I wii's6bb"010" bm IN% ,, Qqeleii VileborWe first jubillee safety a potato digge,ir, destined to fill a ]like herself and one like a DuaAuam. R. M. Peck, W. G�astreidher. - bull", 2' S-outheoitt iBmis.; doillection of ganeral Paiinterpegrs, J. - H. � . .... �:, oww" - I , llw�i�:,. ­ .,;�,, I , . liong-i want,"a Pea harveste� and Is,iltany wopiler, then, that a Cana- years . BoWer, 11 enewly, "d" - _06 \ - � , - rawolvs werel"In use. . Yiet in, this nuraiiii, , ' . and Diver, W. Oestreich,�, R. 34. goodis,: Southcott Bros.,; Collection Oudmovei; Fall pears, Mrs. Daly, H, . Hei 9; ekep I � . Giber It ,.I, . I . I 08 1. I I .1 b-er,a Montreadfirm, runs an all-lustrat- a new slelf-bindw., which, bound dian ishould find ,his back hair get- Peek, �W. Oeotreii,cher- dapipma f(y.c Itaibor's go,Ods and furnishings. W4 W., Cud(r4Ora;.Fl0M1sh, Beauty, Mrs., of . . 112 1 1 ,,;�:'. ted adveribipement, of such tai grain as ,easily. as it it w_s's' ding AM and that he 1-9 almost best animal ai�y age, .W.'Oestreach-; Taman, sloutheott BTbGL I . Duchess of AnApAne, IM�*. ZY" 0 e li, I . I., ._ a ,_, 1standingi kxut-,dde the bag.," There tempted to eall the Durh&ins dish, ihard,V. Qestxedchi Stubt Bros., R. Gasoline engine, F., W. Ehurtable, Clapp1s,FWvbr,ite 'IL CU . sKidnawPills l ., L 1, .% twhich loolks much, -1alloe the safeties was also "a traction engine, whi,h cloths in reitahattoin? , No, gentle- II, Peck. . ', Vdimwe Befurs; . I I ­ wed to -day. This razoil-, we -are in- , collection '0�,'grvceries', SOUtheott Chdrgeau, Mris. Dalk; ,Lear dWWke_ I . .of beii and sh i" forhn[ed, was awarded "the Medal of kept rushing. about, dodging in and men, you zhaE not call these valued Hereforidsr--Aged cow, Stiul� B�Tio_ eetion OeS, field, Mrs�.,. Daly; Fall, Lucrative Mrs � I � , . I . I I .. " , - "L6 �Bpdiii; ,00'111 _' . . ,­­ .�_..�nVerjolljity #Lthe A,,in "' ' Out, -backing! -up, ,turning a,ounidiin oold settlers ill nzmasi Without -reason and 2nd; two year old heifer, Si W. Pardo, Southoott iD. Beurre� JX. Bat Jaques; ladies' fancy sweater, knit- I . It, erican Institute Bras.; atsvort- Daly., Fred Brock- Ghelidon ' Firad A An 11884-86.iI86." 'Farther on in the 'Ohe smallestitconceivable ispace, 0 #Jhe In my, hearing. Your Shorithorns Biloo.; ,one year old heifer, F. Car- iment of tweeds, W. W. Taniih:,siet,13rock, Mrs. Daly; ted or crochet, Sks. Q Sims, bLris. J. - % t'-, ....... 11 � , ., eame, adviertisement we are quaintly der,light of -the spectators." - � may be, and,are, mery gload in their -bert; heifer calf; Stutt lh,os. F Car- single harness, F. W. Huxtablie: set bler; - jaquesii. ", . t ..��. . Iii r d to the'�Xhib"iit of apple, �pllaco, (but -that is not 'in t�he dadry nor bert; buill calf, iStubt Bros..; ' Louise Bonnie De Jei,sey, Mrs. I W * told that it I's "indispensable to ithe agar I I bull one 'bf double harneiss, F. W. I-juiKible; Daily � , ­i"'i, . _ i, Fred Brook; Buteau Ai*u,, J. ()hdMdren,s iWVar,."j,dantis jackek � at ,the fair, ,it is recorded that 1*1si- in the -richest out of finii-gironed year and over, $tutt Bros., an� 2fid pair ladies, boots W. partmc�` South- Battler; 'Bardeft, ;Mris � I iv_ , indloilent and the luxuriow." This bit . . Daily, � miri 11 " the writer thinking, since he, too, tors from other lands were a5bordsh- beef. They will giive you quantity, and 3rd; diploma ibr best animal any �Iott Bros.; pair je�ts' lb,ots: Siouth- Clayton SQms, I I bonnet - and boodies, U. Rader, Mn. I "I, � - set . . I . Dwl�ng; iinfant's .carAage cover, Mrial. I . " 'is ,one * those wh,6 use' a safety Taz-' ed"; aaIvo -that peachas and pfto.ms but noot -quality. The watery, pvema, age, iStatt Bros. 0i Bros., W. Partle. 1PIlumsi-iiiiiWasWrigbon, Mrs., Daly; . � , tof �; I�:­,­ . made so tempting a. display that "it iture ,beef from. a Durham steer can- Jarseys-Aged cow, , G. Timmons Special fb,r house, E. L Jfobns,ton. Darling, -Mm. Warwick; -dhilid's plaij I' i , . "; . o . .or tp, keep., himself Presentable. .,, In- Liombairds, Mrs. Daly; any variety of ; - � . - n the pam . , t;, Idolent and 1' took -the utmost vigilancet 4D ,+ notbe -compared in teieLure -and flavor and,2nd; 2 year,614a heifer, G,. nut- dilesis and bli, Ohio=, Xrs� Jaques, Me- I ­ . "ur16.Qs!,, Could It be I 1. plulms, Miss T. WhAte, Mft.'Daly; Hackney; 9 Wool sweater for . � - 'wo atten, -keep the visi beef froibi we1ll-f&dl Canadian Mons and 2nd; I year old heifer, F. Flowers . V I "I k. ossible that ithese words -trdy de- of t dants to - with I 1, P . . . a" Seed_ boy, M�rfi . . ,,�N,. fors from eanipling�" ,Grapes, how- With fine bone and firm,muselie . -- .." 191leAngton, -G. Timimbns- heifer calf 'Grand DOM, IMrs-Dadyip G1 SL Lawson Mrs. G. Shnis- .1. U. iscribeld hilm? For a brief While he I . .� ';��, for girl, 9. .- . . �,!,'.' ever, had everything in the'fruit line G. n' mkn� tad - i�ull calf G' Begonias, tu h ing, Mrs- Da4r; Rain Claude, Mrs. child's n�&fltt Fco 0 ,I . - ons and I beTous, E. Parsons; Daily. ., I i-, ihad s;emious thOughts of reverting to The Agricultural Association of I . Ferns, E. PaTsions; fliowero .in pots, E. . I . Parsons, Mr%.� J. Jaques. I � I I ��'� beaten holliow. ,,Hawpi, .an &ristocra- Ti:Mmons and 2nd; dt'-ploma, for beat Grapess�Mptoirea Eiarly, Mis. W. y; , � I 1�, . ; the old-fashioned -open razor, Second ,tdc Eniglisll*nan is quoted as sai QuEbee was at this time making an ar, � eld ,plant, I Niagaira . I . .. � oughts, ithoilgh, assured hi Unial, amy age, G. Tbwmons. Parslons; novelty in pobt . � 1 , th, ­_ Im that j, effort toperpetuate the breeAl of cows GTAO&,-Aged cowi F. Elleringtion Mrs. G. Jaques, -.E. par,goms, I Mli% iHOYWDod, 'Mris. Dalu Eliniog RVom-4Buffet, set, fillet crb- I K!, insitha ,of these terms could Fightly . you donft grow thos;i'-out 4. doors iihat I ic . ,� 'a1pply to, anyone whose working days came -over with the first French . ' fer, , 'ut -Flowers�--Attlirrihhum Snap- , 0oncord: .Mr. Daly, R. Sanders; Delia-) cheit,,Mrs. Darling, .14m Lavis�oinq tmy .- A ,prospectus of the Pro- . ,old . AeL ,,, in this country, do You? Haiv! we settlem and i2nd­and Srd,�,,2 year . I , I 11` . can Only -do sio under glass, you, know. F. Elleringthin .and -2ndi-' ' walre, 'Mrs. Daly- �Ro , is. s ;_� I 1. . , I Year old dragons, Mrs. �G. Heywood, over's No.,,15 cloth,% Mrs. Li Mr FU a . . 1�,­ average 14 hours and -whose Moet vindial ExhiNtillon of''this, date says Lean; A-ritiripinhuim, SA' Mrs' iMe- Agawan, Mrs. Dky- �VPekkn, gri'� ibrawldaat olbth and,­semvd.,ette0,,, Alm I ;1 - 'heifer, R. .Pepper, IF. INlerington in -d a-pdragions, . , � ",­ familiar outfit is a ,suit -of khaki ov- A remark- ,that the writer may say of the "ROanadian"cow #iat "cher blirsi. G. Heywood, L. Reyrvolds Daily; aftY Iother vai,k�, Wairvh6k Miss Livingstone,; ddhner - . .1 Mrs. Daly; , " I 1, , eralls. , - 'is only,partly true, since gfrapes will . . re' 3rd; 2 year oild steer, F. Elleringition - As- bast.collectilo I` � . �, a tiers, W, H. -Dearing; Ast " n. Of krapes, H. OWdimore. napkins- Mrs 'Lawson, Mns.. War- a , putatton as a -glaod milker is well es-. nd 2nd and 3rd; I Year old. steer, R, I eTs, white, Plei Early ,Crawford, ,Mrs.' wi;k; em"cha "lawle cover" 'R. Sanders, " ­_ - I I . "The Rurall 0anadian"ir-that de the summer is a favorable on�e. cark 'R. 6eari'Ag;' Daly; late - , , . . 1. I tio turn - to ,another � part of ripen out of duoirs in England. When is6hished; she is v4 hairy and -Pepper, F. E114airington, and, 3rid; 3 Asters, mauve,. W. H. Dearing -i, As- , Crawfoind, Marjory Hey- Dr. Grdle)vi tea'dotk Mrs. Vv1ar.wlicJr,,' Y 2 1. ; : But He be kept in igoiod, order with less 1�-'X- Isveers, bliAtcher, under 1000 lbs,, R. IWs. X. H. Dearing, W. 1* . f I . al"fig hasiri mi,nd a large graipeivine train- pense -than -any other cow. The Pie ters'punple, R. Sanders, W. H.',&;�r- I . I AII. , . TAth the Toronto Exhibition, which , -pper, ,fF. Ellerington; three ihelif��s ing, wliolod, Mm a Sims; plate ,of any Mrs. Lawsom I , ; . . had just been helid. On Farmers' ed civer the soi side -of an Old 4i Canaidian" cow, sometimes I I . A;S ilars, pink, Mrs. Dearing, 'the'r vwfi,aty, Mrs. DaIly, MrSL Mie- . I V�' . -try Buckinglia-intiihire farmhause, ,bdilt in , called butchers, under 100 Tbs., F. Ullering- X, V,n=te- Asters, ostrich plum oeani, Bedilootin Accestiork4.......iPillow sAM I I I I ., Day 50,OW ,people frorm the oun ithe "Quebec grade," came -of stock 11sis all Mal. -H. S. WaIlter; best I . , ., le, . I. , 1;, were on the grounds, amd w 0 172;,, the first year. of the , Channel ton; dliPhyma tor best animal any W. H. D�;;i�� CoLxco M , .. a are ri of new akin to the cow of the dis,01��;007 it H. Cuidmore. white, arabriolidered, N4v, Ldi-Angatkme i told that "a better -dressed or . George 11. Quite good. gra, I age, R. Papper. I ; mb, dislPlay," E, . �, I I �� I more Pes have Islands. . I - Parsons, L. Reynolds�. ibogies iiiiiiiiiii Ra. oostes and H. j. ,'-Mrs. Warwick- 40ow, slips ��yl , , ­ _�. D, Co'"Dim"alsfea- unteri­, Mrst., Fuss, 4T airling; g' , . - x�, -,,�'t , - ep red 11 Dea-ei�g, L. geyinloads; I Uest; .tow- , ., 6een ,gathered from. this vine from -Of course,,%hei claimis and projects Bros., 1W. - Destrdicilier (R P per; the , 'W- '' - . 1: thrifty-16oking lot of People would Three animals, geti ofone sire, S-tu-tt ' H . indeed'be diffidult ,p a . .iine, to find." � . . � I I . . . els, Mrq. Laiwsbnli Mrs. J. Jaques; .1 AlsIo that' , , . of the "Canadian" fanciers Were Usborne Special, E. 'M;i7teith and COSMOs single -and double, W. H. Domestic I � I S I sheet and pd1low �11M nib:dogramed, . . ­ �, �1, a large, building was completely fill- ompletely has this exhibibibn laughed at by tt1he iShorthom men, 2,1d; BabyBeef, open class, A. Parke Hioney, 'Mirs. J. Dal MW& W6rwilak; vaidity -sot, Mrs. Dax- 11 .�., . ad with earriages and elegent eftsed the Dahlias, decorative, Xa-s, .. , equip- Provincial,," concludes who -did not hesitate to employ the ; Dallilias, cactus, W,.. H. I extracted I . ages of all i1e,scriptil6ins the a-riticlie firom Which the writerhas and 2nd, W. Oestreicilier, R. Pupper; , H I ,)pl,e.- 0. Cunningham. ry- Ring 'Mrs Warwiick- boudoir q*llbw,, 11 ��il, .. . ward ",scrub" ,among other opprobri- Dearing; Dahlias, . Maple SM, p, . I I..;, ;Mnall dog cart, fit ftoii a' p fro3in a ,been quoting "that .it ibeco .,Rivers' Special, F. Ellieringtion; Tra- PomPolml ,E- Par- J., Battler, Mrsi. Des,jardine. ho)me- M. ha;iJer,'Xr.si. J. Y�q� P ', only ben I mes, in- , . �.1111� I . ous epithiets whien.'they tooik up th6 . er. sons, R. Sanders; Diianthus or Pinks, mare breiad w,hite, Mr& 'IW. ,H, , . . '. The,"ishiouting and the, jud, peo Mn%..HeyWo1ad, W. W'Dewring- Glad' . hands high, to the startely famidily car- creagiingly clear that there imust be chaillenge. quair's S ial, W. Destreicli I . �� "I � . riage." In addition we learn that 'a new idleall so- far'-a's the ,G .4 . 9'ei*-Wm, Charters, 8�tufofrbh. . ? "... - Dearing, O. Neadle.W01111[k-41talian hvmwWtching� , ,; � , "'em- tunmlt" hame long slince died down' i,of`us, spike, Mrs. H Cunninghli Immeiiimade ,4 . - 1 4 ­-�owood, E. Par- bread, brown, Mrs. ,W. Mrs. Wlarwick, W ' Jacollii- fine cub . , . , . -1 , "I". �cit;Y folk extracted much amusement Ment grant 10 concerned. After this Ni,waiaa7s, "youpay your money and ' � ' L Gl,adibli, 6 spikes, ,Mrs). H�*`- `Mrs. H. Dear1ing, on, HL A. -Pi�;s; flan- , . . I ....�', , . Sheep - . : . ,�� ' from t1ho behavior -and talk of their the Toronto and., Wetstem, fairs will work, Mxs. Laws . it. 1, . You 'have your chake" without. any- . W. Doupe; home-made rolls, L. cy crioche�, ,Mrs. Lawson, ,Mrs. War- ,n! , ,, not care a bawiibeel, to ,have , the bo Y ige . ; Gladiolus best ,dollection, rivitrs. ReYnIuldi, IB , 1. , I 11 country cousin,-,,, who, ,on tiheiT part, d ,tting unduly excitied. Dorsek Horned - A-ged ram, P. I I 1=. I -r. A. Fuss; tea bis- I . 1, , . 1,1 I , . I . prestige of the Provincial attacheid to Heywood; Impatie ' ins -or Balisaims, W. cuits, 'O. wick; fancy kndttdIng, Un. E. Pyins, . 1% . ". . � I ­­- the5ri'local exffiihition., They are well But 'listen to this, youbleakelepersi. Dearing, C. Danbrdolk; shea,riltingram, H. Dearing, 'Mrs. Heywofad-0 Mar,q- Cunningham, Mrs. E. F. ,Steeper- taittiqg_ -_Ails�si .. " � . . In t1he section of IICT,he Rural Can,- 0. -Dianbrook -and 2nd.. ram, lamill, P,o,lds, African, W. H. Dea ' Darftg; (tarts, maple O Cunning- Mrs. V Livingstone, . I ... %, le -out the enculm, ring, L. �V6�i I atitch"Mrs. ��,� .1. 01c; now cril : - dian" devioted to bees and honey we , rs. Hackney, C. lsan�roioik; ewe Reynolds; Marigolds, Frencili, E. Par- ,, V , �b ""f ,. I . = to run them with 1. . ham, Mrs. George Jaques; plate of . . � , "", . I : : ce of r9d tape ,and old-fogy1sm. read: "Bees do not like had breaths, having raised lamb o1okiiesfe;Z. Jactibi, Mms. -G. m n7W10,k Mrs. Dar rg; ady - new . 11; - " Provincial has; had its, day, �and . S th Year,- M . . eLPan; - I '.11:`�,", rs. Sons, W. ,H. 'Dearing. Mattiala or 31 ' " . , , 'n'� " � �� ... - , :::::��,:i - The: especially *hi sky breaths. Those ,S. Hackney and d; ..... arling ewe, Stacks, W,rs, tIiIe P O. 'Canqiinghami; light raft, Mrs. 1. Jaques, , Mrs - I I: I I fi: �,�,.iii:.`,,4,�kl I G. M�Lean­ PWOx, cake, 11irs W. Warwick- smocking, Mrs. Lawsb, ,;; ,,, . �"­`"��: - . ning- N , ,nig i4 fg ii*�i�,,:;-:, done g000din Its day; buf its dky is hav, w1hisky on their breath, that P. anibroto ; ewe laanib, Drq,miniondi. Mrs,. Heywntod,' W. H. .. hi,is Fuss., . I , ..���.-,�'.,;.'�,,�%�":!:,:.:.�,:- . Dearing, C. Doupe, O. curi , I . 1 I :$�,,�:::: . done and it must give place to. local . . . �, - ..­ ' hem; dark . .. . OF .. 1� . . do not , b8diiieve thits, should, go near a k d, 2nd. Dearing; Phlox, ,pereinniali W. H. ' . I I � . I . 0.1 ' ' cake, Mrs. W. H. ,Dear- ' - .: . �... �,. , . :: .. " ". - w. fair, Permanently established 1 n hivie -and slee, -ford Dovinsi-Aged ram . lng� 0. Cunningham; ,apple tde, 0. . � - ; 111.1. 1. . I . ::.I",. ,great c0intres, managed by the sh . how it is for thom- O', , A. Pyrn .Dearing, E. Par,-40n,s- Petunia singile, Cunningharn, Mrs. G. Jaques; .pqjnp_ M�,ilsoellameloing-set 66T chesterfield- .' I � ,. 'i ". est and shr�wd,est businesismienofarp- ,selvei "' Just what the bees would do & Son, W. Henry; sheaTling ram, A. W. H. Dearinq;_'Mrs', H:e,yw' ,*n fillet Crochet, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. E. �" ! , . 11 �.'�: the bo * o,od- Pe- kin pie, Mrs. G. Jaques. 0. Cunning- I)a . I .. _ Pym &,Son, iW. I-lenry; ralni li,�inb, W. turl.:afs, ,double W. H. Deari ' rling; card table 0o,ver, ,Mrs. Jaq- , ';f�; - . � �1, . __�� . lDcallty, who know how to, make thern ,th.ow their dlisapprfoval, we are not . .. I %, ng, Wis. ham; ltimcin, pie, , , -and 2nd; ,ewe ha i McLean Mrs - G. Jaques, W. I 11 .... � � - I . . not OnlY self-suoWning, but profit,- told, but that the editor should have ving rialsed, ; Pansies, Mrs. !McLean, Dr. J. Veal; -red �iiurrant jelly u as, Mrs. E. Lai .. brid Mrs. I . I . I � . . . nstert,suleh "a r, W. Henry, A. Pym Grieve- Rosies 'Mrs, ;4eywood, sofa palow, I I - EJ'. THE KIDNEYS - able and Paying investments of capa- thought it necessary to i =tbjs -yea W. Hf and berryi jeBy, Mrs% Me I, apple Laws1an, Mrs. �F, k ge-'set' . ,F_i. . Only the kidn . the & Son; _-4heaT - ,Leian, if �Izll eys can p . - 0. wool, Mrs. G. JuqueA, �Nrg. Hey; sai Urify. tal." . . warning as the's. indicates, the prelva- ling ewe, W. Heary and Dearin�; R0!s1�`s,,s1ng1ieyM,rs, Heywo, C n��, in; , I I . I . od un a Sour -Pickles., . . .. , . blood and ridthe system of poisonous lence of -the w1hisky habit -van at 2'nd; ewe lamb, W. Henry and 2nd. Salvia, Mns. HeirIvoold, W. H. D, ningham, Wira, McLaani;,sweet p! . '', ... . I e . air- , 0- Cun- Pillow, fancy, H. A. Fuss, Mm a6y; - ;� 11111 . Lincolnis-Aged ram, A., ', Verbenas, ekles, : ,' I . purities which cause serious and Shorthorns. 11 � that clompairatively I -ate -date. Steeper,.A, Ing I IV- H. Dearing, Mrs, 0. Ounnir Afghan,, wool. U. j%ndeps, 0. Oun- . I - .. I., I I painful ailments such as. rheumatism 11 . .1g1ha,m J' Battler. catsup, niinghaan - needle, - ipo6iri!U, - Mrs. W S I . . "It dis better to, rise ,with the lark Nicholoon- shearlilng ram, A. Steeper,; MoLean; Zinnias, creased far curillied, J. Battlier, Mr..' ' - .ar- . . . 2.":, . and lumbago. The kidneys are The year 1987 witnesied a contro� then with a bent ,pin." - Mig sage ob- ram lmnb�,, A. Ste -Mrs. HeYwo,od, W. H, Dearing- c1heir W. Doupe-' clanned ,,&k Miss Livingstone; A�dlesl purse, . I Iii., I I quickly aroused to action by �he Zin- ries, rasiVibiewd'eis and, �trawber- H.' A.- Fuss, MriL ,G. Jaques.; Atadies' I g . . . . . I I . * use of this ti , . cription ,v`ersu .29'to" Vhe comparative merits servation is ,ome o;f. many miseellan- fharing raised lanfeos- this year A. nias, ddhllia ifowered,; ,Mrs. He�wood, rdliss� 'Mrs. Dasjarda' I . ng ewe, ' . 1. me -tested Prei Of the Shorthorns and' What were eous i6nns in this, liold farm magazine. ' E. PaPSIODS; Zinn r.'L, *-'4,T%- McLean; fa6ey work beg, ;Mm Warwick ,Miss . i" . .. . . DR. CRASZ18 Steeper A. Niohioli shearli, ilast dlisp&;y, E. Par- pears, plurn-s, p I I ' i I . . � . known as "Canadian " A liebter With iits sentiment the A Ndichalson, ewe lamb s0i d -'cokeciti, . solp 'a J. Jaques;. . , , I 1, .1 KidUOT - G" writer 'heart- 7 Ste;per, A. Mrs. 11eywOo, ealches, ,Mrs. - Desdar. VvIhite; ankl,e ,. . . I . gns, 1- A. Steeper and Oil" annu- dine, 0. Curmiligihalm. can1ped, ap 0 I "I �!: -Liver Pills from one whosi h is elf ",Old' ,Set- ilyaigrei,s___� 2nd; isweelpstak, , . P P , ple, _ks, Mx ,'. - rm I having, -in 'his tkne, iitien es A" 'alls, W- H. 'Dearing"E. Pargons,, 4eal- and graWs,, ., table mats , Fre-i , I Steeper; iMM W.4',. 1 ,� , � 11. . . _�� tleT" reads, ,in paxit, as fol1lows: Steeper, D. Graham & Sbn, A. Pym lectibn perennials, IMrs. Heywood Mrs. Dea"riqg, 'Mrs., Mc,� Hey; tea 'dowels ' ' ,� I I both ways! . E. Lean; canned ei Peals, and tomato - , Mrs..D. S. .Hiaclajey, 1, -�� I I I I I .. .. & San. I Parsons;. bri`,de,s. bouquet ' as M, Rader; platin Pillow slips, Nam gi;; ,J �, I . . I . Leicesters-iiiiiiAged ram I W- 1H - Mrs. DeaTing, 0. Cunninglam. Jaque. . 1, i I D. Graham arsons-; I s, Mrs. Fusis;,ciolorIed, embrow I .. .. . . . . ,i . . , Dearing, Ei. p two . - I i"... . � . I . & Son'; shea,"I(ing ram, D.-Graliam & flowers, "Mrs. G baskat Of cut varieties megetable marmalade, Mrs. ery, vlolod- ior ,canvas, Mngt Warwick. - . , , . .1 . � Jaques, Mrs. I%V- McLean, Wrisi . Dearing; can, . �. I I - � . . n and, ,2nd; raim. lamb, D. wood'-,' -hand bou�u;tl 'E. Parrso..�S, *. n, 'Fred ,Sti!�p - ned chick. I I . . , I " . � I So I Grahani I . e Misis Livingsitione. criciss, stiticih f==_ 1, ­ . . & San and 2nd- 'having -raised - ni novelty in cut filow,eiij, lundh flor'bwo, W. Jacobi, . . I I'll 0 . 1%i, . . I I I ` I er 10. Cunningham; ed, - " �i- , . __ - ,� I .1. -, .. . J � . , ewe H - Dean" I I I -Mrs. W,,,WI�IL ,, . I " .1.1 . .. .. .. 1. : . . I .1 .. .. .1.; . . ".. .... , 1.1ainim tf'!iL%­yeai D. Grahii &. Son W. H�. Deavi'ng, Mrs4 Hey*ood. -Pfle; cured- ;ham Mrs,. - A. MM B. . I I',' � . I .­ 1. 'Roy Peffe.r; shearling ew . e� I - .. e .1. , - . I ,�, I I?? ­ . � I D. Gra' Judge -William, Ward. " FUsis'; as- Exeter Women's Institut 'SP&IM I . 1. 11 . . I . . . I 1, .1 haim, & Sion, Ro I I . ­i1t,ment of cuoed ii-reats, Mrs- A. -To, -the Institute Eranches of South i I , .. Y Reffer; ,ewe ambs, I ­ L '! I . , I I I . . R'7 ,Pepper, D. -Graham, & Son. . I Grains and Seeds Puss; Imast loaf, Mrs. G. Jisqutes. . Huron, farthe best di,slpliy of ladies' 4 f . .I'. . . . Jibiligo-Mrs. William clo I ; -, I I � . . � Pigs .. Fall Wheat . naitit. farcy w. --k, to 11eiss than, 20 djffare�t - . +1 . � I I _Walte, ffiiiltlon Truem- IL pieces, Hense,11 Jun! Insititute.* � I �, � . I I . _. " Dairy Products I , -or . . I '. " I . n'Er, H. Doi fail] wheat, red, H , - . Judigo--kris, Gordtou R. Cuttler, . �11�ili, . . � . Yorksha-d-Boar ' 2 Years old and Desiardinte, M. Rader; spring vi�heat' Ve ,. . 11 . I . c-ar, C. Dan"oeol ,. F111 paunds-i 'butter, o. Cun,ning- �Velland I , r, : � , I I I I ok, b "a I Yei,r, old Jacob Battler, 0. lCilnuinigillam; six- halln, �H. A. --Fiuss, - 10,,paunds-, butter, 0. I I 2T.1d, l� , , I I I .1 'ir-id-c" 2 . - ? �, . . I il I � 11 L , C. D Xro,r�k; boar, un rowed''barley, H'. Desiard):ne, H'. Dbani- Curini�ngib;1m, 'Cecil ' Rowe- ayound . - . .1 .­. I der, I Year, C. Dwi�b?.o,ok, R. Man- white oats, H. DelsiJard,in. , K, G' rolls, 11 11. � . � � . , . I e I I 1, . ,. I . -S I c'r -Pr,"dbsl, -0- C�Innlrfllghe'M, 'Mar- . I, , I . . 0 n; -1 0- W, 2 y e. a r s old -an�d over, C '"Jood'; t1m0thY'seed, .0. . , )111 I � � - � Gunning- Jory He'Yiwolod; most nisaitly arranged I SCHOOL CHILDREN � 11,� � . . . I . 1)el,-ibir0Jk* SO- I Yeai and under ham, H. Doan;- wbAte beans, M. a&d- plate of butter for table, IMrs.. Des- I .." . . I � I � E. � , .., . . 2, C. Danibmaj; sow, under 1 ,year, er, 0. Ci6lnningham; clover seed, 0. jardine, -0. - CunniIagliatm. 1. Vegetables I . I �� I " . 0;�i.i I I � ,� Cunningham, Fred Steeper; .iensi�lftge (butter, W.. J. Vieell. creamery Green Miountain piotatoes, O. . ­ I :: I I C. Danbrook and 2nd. . I , - 11 W , � ::, 1; I I . . � . I - - I I Berkshird--iiiiiBoard, under ,one yegr, corn, .Cecil %wej :Harold � CU - 11 . � '.1 . � . � F.Calbert; sGw 1 Year and, under - 2, . Oudlinore - . JL'dgai-�W- A. Coleman. . nlinighafin, Blirioyi Dasiard1inei ; Irlenli I. I # . � . ... I .. I . � . I- . I I large P64' X. ,G. W,00d. H. De§jar-' . . . Cobbler Vo;tl&W4sf E. D ��i_,`. . I . I . I I I I . I . 11 P. Colbert- slow . under I year, ]�, � 'Ane; small pea,r', K. G. Wood, H. -Des_ ' , . Fine Arts and Crafts . esdardine, E. I ( ., . ". I I I I Cal:)eTt anh 2nd.' . Jardine, _� pansiong; Eureka plotAtices", E. Des- "I . � . �,�. . . I_ . . . Tarriworth-Boar . I I . Oill Plaiintings-Seme, Mrs. b. E. Jarclinle; Golden Bantam. corn, R.' ' . I i li;,. .. . . . I . , 2 years olld and Judgeis-Rd. C,oajes and H.' �n - 1'1� I 1-1 Over, R. Mansion; boar, 1 Year old and , Hunver. - J- MaTIft, 'Milss,M, 1�ivingstona; f.ru,t or Ellertilington,"E. Dets�dih,e- ,a y pither I I . tr� I . . � ILI I . � . under.2, C. Danbri ,boar, under i . vegetables, Mrs. iMart,in, vari Of tDble ,0OTn_E. fl�rsons., E., I 11 .1 1 � 1, . Miss T. � I", ,,�, -1111 . � - . VqSX,_4 'Mansion . nz= �ine; iblolod, beats, along, E. Des - 11, .. . .1 .1 1. ... ­ .. - . . . ��L 6 , .; slow, 2 Y,cbars, old . .Vegeta I bles I . 1. White; flowers, K, G. Wioodl Miss jardine; bT3tod beets, short, Mrs. E. I I ,*--, . ", I - ­ I.., . ­ -- -F.... I � "' a�d- -over, U7. IyAnlbiirook.; sow, I year, I - . I .,:,� - - . 611'_ I I I . � 1, . Lioinglstoqpe�; an,kdals, Miss 'U I . L : tI.- . I .11 I I , 1, I and - under 2 R. Mansion, an. Ame'rican ' *Iondi� potatoes, M, I Martin- . . 'Ing- Pyim.; 'ChAbitney, carnots,, E, P&rsvus, . I I P. � . . ­': - . v, un " d 2 nd", stone, M4%. n1ap"ne view, R to 0 1 �,,, �� -der I ydar,'-R. Hanso -m ' Ellering n'- aurk lother Araii-iiety f � I I . . � .... ni C. Rpder� E! -pire St9tP potiatioes, Jacob �'Mrs.. Marbin,-Xiiss, Livingstone. still ' . , . iqarri ,4?, � wl,'Inbrook; paiir,baeon Battler; Reld Elephant pottatoe's, Jac- ots, R. EllZirington, Mairijory.Hey- I I., . .- I k , type Pigs, any ob Battler- dife study, Mns. Al-arti,ii ,Miss i1vallig- "wood; yellow onions, I,. Parsons, H. I 1.i� � L - - .: ,,47ieedl­�.C. Danbrook and 2nd. , ,Carnien No 1, M. Pad- stone. � I 1, . . I';- Judges -H. Hunter, H. Sitrang.. Er; Irish 'Cobble., t; * , Truemner- redoni!oii�s, E. Dlesjardine; - I . I I . Parsons, J_ Water Coilicirs - Landsioape,' N .. � I 'B6tI:,1IaT- Green kis's Swede tb�n` - I 11 . I I.... . "I, . . .1 Mountain, 'M. Rader; Livingstone, :Mrisl. Daily.vimple; sea- lilps, Cecil Rowiep K Hey I � , 71 I Poultry . Dooley, M. Rader --J Baidtleir; , any seaPe, Mrs- DalrYMPle; X. G. ,Wood'; wood; celery, L. Reynolds; toinatioes, , I , . ' ` Heywolold, Mrs. P�m; cghbacne, it. . � . . , , � � I'� ), � Light Brahinag" (,c & ,'h,) D. ,Graha --other ivariety, M. Rader- three new fruit 'and floWers,'Afiss; I XX - J - . i S1 m varielties M, 'Rader Wouid;. toziginal st,ady, White, K. G. Elleringtlorl, B., Parls�ond; table 'beans, I . . I i-1. I . . & On, 'C. ba6birdak, (cr & H * ' De.sijardine; M Miss, 'VAite . 11 I , . I p) D. ibloo,d 'Mrs. ' , r2 E. De5jardine, O.. Ounning4hiam; wli�dte i"' '1� . I ... I "� Gail%lia-1 & son- , b;iet,,' Ewart Pi - j - Martin, Poi ;Miss Livini h I . . I . . (c & h) K. VOI�3yd',anJ'Y'iKvao'Tei'hp,'et!iyTllsCio&"ns Battler; Glbbe beets., J. Battler' * Mrsi. dans, H... Truemner, E. DesiJardfine; - . 11',� , (cr & .. P), J, ' i� R above, Mrs. Dalrymple, , , �1. � � .. . 6 . Kochelms; Silver Grey Dork �4anlders; sugar beets, Cecil - , ' = Martin.; any subject, not MaTlgroli M. Desdardinle, Mrs. W. I ,�, I f I i . ,nV (c & ih)'D., Grahalm & Son, - Robt. Ell,erington; sugar. beet we, Dially. Mrs. Doupe; Dutch sets, M. Heywood, Ce- . I .., I , ,� , I . , .1 I I 0- golds, F. Steeper, H. Cudn,," Main- . Mlir�ceila,dou Mr Cil ROWEL . I t, . I - . . Battle'r, (cr & V) 0. 'Battler . re; lotg 9--PaisteaI, a. Dah,�_ 1' I 111. 1, , �� - ....". I I KcWhElms; Buff Orphingtoils, (4, J- mangoilds !Mrs. Heywotiod, R. Sand- Imlyle, K. 'Woiod; ich . . Cut Flowers 4 / I ", I I . h et' ersi;,­Gllo,�ai inangolds. 9 situdy' arelbal, selanib or . . , 11'� i, . . . � � I - I H. ,Doian, H. 'Wood; Win Asters, L. Reynolds, Earl Parsons; 1 A . , , I 0 ,_­_� , I & P) J- Nbdhi Barred, Pl��,o'uth Desjalrd'i Intermediate, F.r a d , Mrs. MaeUin K 11 I , - Books (c, ,h, ler, W -P) H. Do -an, ne: ' I . ­il�. � . Onl` calls it , ­': and-Ank slizeitch, K. �OZ,d, Mrs Mar- Philoix, rL. Heynoildg, Ead, ipgrigoni; I r - . . o points lover C- Steeper, H. Desijardine'- e, qy Horn " . Danbro6k; any.', other variety P14Y tin; pencil drawilng, scene, Mis,'Liv- Gerandum, in pof, Mrs. J. Jaques, E. I . IV I .. aT . �. ? ,.I-,, . I mouth Roe - carrots, Dr. Grieve, J. Battler; Nam. 1"gs`bO`e,' X- WJOOd- sepia scene, -Mm Parsione, Wsamis, L. fte"lolds; Dah- .1 I ".. , '. ks (c &-h-) K. Wbod; Vftite , '"" I I . I . �, � ..'' I 11 � � . I— . I . I -_ I - WiYandlotites (c) in, tes, 40180h Sutton J Battfler. long Dalryimplie, Mrs. ' I '! I . I Nicholson, (h) D. Graham & :Son A. White to, " I �_ 1 13 0 miles , Daubrloak A. Orange or red ca�lrots � Daly; c7laYOU study, Has, M, - Heywindi, P,,. 'Parsorns; Glad- 11 . 1� 1. . . :. I dp s, R. S,a�vdars-; K. Wood, Mrs. Martin. i1ofi Mi Heywood, 1�'Reynjoj&- col- - . -1 �� . . I N�iehotls3n (et & 0) A'.Niichoilson' G Yellow Oeld, ,qarrots, ,R . Arst F I '. I Once, again we have adt the cost of - ,P . Sanders - Craf't$__`iCre-1oe Paper disiPlay, li�e'�Ion of weleedsi,, Mro, Doulpe;,00llei I :, .1- I - __ yelfla , ,sweet - : ..., . . . Long Distance. On nd,; any other vari6ti W' * S,,d, edrii,' white Robiert Mmt D. Wari - MYs., i. Jaques is .tion ,of leaves, -Mrij. W.. Doufie; W3t I , , , . I I rr . yan- I , � 1�, September Ist, a new schedule o dottes (h, cr & pl) D &rs, H. DesiJardine; eiam Ini seal Wax exhittift - . . . . . I lli,4_ - Grailiam &,Son; ing Miss Livingstone', writing, E. Parsons), dria,,v4ng.Prov- 11 ii-, � .i. I . f ,rates became effective . coiin, Mrs. I Mrs ' k, Mrs. , ince of Ootiaa* 6vi"er' 10, yeafts, Mrs. , . 4 . � I'll, con calls (both person S- C- Rhode I'sNind Heds (e, h, or & Heywood P_ Parsons. . A. Fuss; v�ii�Aielr wicir J, � . , ' ". � I -tO-person and' Station -to -station) -P) J. Kouhen�s� and 2nd- any' . ears' BaUban� d,orn ' Je1ques, IMis " "I . . I C. Pis -her Mirs,' 9 lilki-TII915tionle; padnb,,n, Dioupe; W,I�to I � ­ - 11� ­ aek, A. Nich- D - I � 1.3, i sts, E. Des0axdine; 1b*ley' E. Do,- . 0 i'mriety Desdardine- . _, wheat, E. Desjuriddine; . I, 4. I , . to,points over 130 miles distant. This reduction Will mean . Olson, (,h, esiardine, water melon ' On glass -or wood, Mrs. Dady, H. X. .10i f . . . E. Pars,onis* Ip ' I ll, I ; . ' cr & P) A. NiehoflSon and R. Sanders i umpkins Fuss: stencil desi 911, Miss, lAving- jari . I ,i � .1 , i i". . 11.11, . . . ' I � .. 'h- I I I & h) K. Wood, (er & p) 0. Ba,ttle,Ii - Sanders-'rnwrk " ' M`19 -Martin, 'Miss Liviingithne. I I V - . an annual saving of over $200,000.00 to telephone users !4nd; any oth6r var'lleity Leighorns, (c Trueniner, � . Battler. 'squash- HI stone,3&s. Dalrymple; aply now craft, . Domestic Science . 11 ­ I mellons, � � in Ontario and Quebec alone. 1, . K. Woo,d; Black Spanish (h.) ' IV. R. Dearing, -H. Truernner; SiWed i-mand-painted Ch1i,nQ--JGonvemtibtnaj Home-made brfead' Mrs. Doupe, L � , , , �, � . . J* turnips, Ciecill Rowe, .- 1, I , I I . . . I I L._ . Kochems; ,131lack Minio.rcais, (,C,, Ili, cir - - H. 'Doan; ture lle`igns ;Afts. Maebiii­ realistic, Mrs. school 11Q�CE 10ii- Qinning- I 1, � ''. . nips, any other varieties Clark Fieb ,­ I ..!," ,e costs & `P) 0- Danbr=lk; White MinDrica,9, _ This is the second time this year that,Long Distanic Martdn'Dr. Gribeiva.; J�Stre Work, Miss � W-.'Dbupe- 'jar -of pluMs,' .1 .. ,, r . I V I ii�4. �t; eT; - H. Desiardine; red qviiong, j. 0 ,��� 1. (,c, ,h, er & .p) Hi-I)SSIjairdinfe and 2ndi; LMng;6oine. I If I . . 9anders; white ,, olgrap'lis-conecibi, 1. - I a - Battler, R. , , Um. J. JWquai Jar I � �. ve made Andalusians 6, h, cr &,p) ,O' Phot of Strawberries; Mrs. J. ,I:��, 114 ve, been reduced. In the past seven years, we ha ........ Battler *niiiiniq, j. M of ateur Ralgham'; Jaques, - . 0. �, I ., .... . six st, and 2nd- Anolonas, (cr an, ' Battler; ,Earl I r yellow snapst, Wgs ,VAhite, Iroln am . I I tbstantial rate revisions. At the s I d p) G. Spani-sih onion, Parsbm; - s. ,v;iarwiek. Ounidinghalra. eupple pie, *W. J. Veal, I, . 11 ��., I . �, - . ame time we have WIOIO'd'�­g IS' 14amburgs. (.cr) G,,V%od; �E;. p,, s, MrS, H. DesiJardine' �rwq Mrs. Wi. D10'Ups; hieftimed, handker- I it. , iii; . , * ' , . ....'U''. constantly improved servi�e, as evidenced by the fact , Bliack"HAMIbUirgs, (C &,lt), 0. Batt1tr; s0zlg- celeryi, W. H Deia*ug; . Ladies' Work Lchief, Sibfi*eY ... Maision; fancy teniap- I 1, . I . . I. ' ,'�,,,, I I 11 citre'lis. ro, I . . � . - CalmlPines, Silver, (Ili & cr) 0. Rattl6i r,oa,; ,itri�ndi, Rbbeft S;nders, H. ,D on, ,E. Parso&.. �I 'i� i�.� . . that, while in 1929 it took an average of 3.4'Minutes to and grid- IB , omv-4tiic 0800-4140for a�ait braid- *" dressed doll, Eii I " I � Parsom ' 1i I—— . I., 1".. 11 . . B.,,Red,,,Gaim6 (c, ib,,cr Parsn-Ps, i ns, long, R. iShndem - ad Mrs. D.,& I-lacikini-ey,mrs, R Pfifte- �, TheQ mile; pi �hian,& . �,, ., _ " I r 11 I,", I I I . complipfe a , 1:oh-g- Distance call, to,'day the average is .1 & P) X, i�ooa; any otfie� 'A"tY Wolod; J' . Battler, Marjory )i�Y! flo"O; mah, hooked Mis, . 0 watrkefA towi E, iparsoins, Mrs. jii. '. ," .�_�, Ir. I . .: .. I ,. I li GaMe (h, er & p) J. XOdh Hubbard is�quash, Ill Truem� P . is Uivi1fits0one J'aqUei,%' 13018 P0110W, mounted, Prelf ii, .. IN, �,. I only 7 seconds. enills' and n-er, Dr. Oriev D. S. Hwkney; bath ntat, 1. .. ; I I �1. L" .1 . . � . 2nd, Bantams, Game, ('e) A. Nichol- b' Mrs' Broick, 'Mm J. ja � , " I I . � 4G. Ila' . quesi; fg�nc ,,, �' , I son, (h) C. Danbrio,ok, Ai, NjIL*h Sand,cirs, 1H. I as)h, Robert 1112els, Mrs 'Werwick" mell's Wbrk Mrs. j. jaqu . . I MY apron, 0 gri. iJ. jla�Z , " ,V.. ;; r . le fa pin ghioup , . I �,i' . . I Olson, R. Tr1lemner; falil cablbage 8 ) lney cu . EJ1,eringbo,n, H. Doan,,. . folirt, , MVIIIiii, Walrwick; 'Mr@.. j. Jaques 0 I . - I ..I. To -day, your telephone is within easy r ach of any one of (P) J.,"Mooheinsf Glioldein 8 ."ght , � WI lmentis . y . Phrson�k � ,: ­ . I I . knitted socks, Mrs, pfile, Mrs I , ly,�;:, * . i,jJ4.�_ ! . . 11 aliY1,other variaty...of na,nt,Mms (e, h Wit"e'6abled, X , and, 1. If 'Mrs- cTlorohist work, � �!�ijl.',, , � i, I I I - - ham, & sbn-, d011ection, �rf ; t'Pusls; InIfOR"Sh1nd kinifted T-Witi I i, I I "� 11 , e . ('�C, 1h, Or & ;p) D. GM 6gbn Cabbage, J Battler,' H. Do Bietaitik Speciall..........Mms4, W. Dbup#; � , I . 334600,000 telephones scattered thro, ghout, the World. : Tirip.-s-Advociate Spe,cial J. Jaques; ,Mr%. E. Lawson- ily I ...*% J. -Jaques,. plai,n 101e, . .. 1 � I '.' . & ci C. ID"ibriyok, j.. Klochamls, (p) for b t .6 I' t I hand s6wing ,M;w. i. jaqu�;; but- .1' M, ... .1 I . lection Of velg0bableis, R. San - ailk, A Rader, M�hst. Vo I , it,�e , , . J, Kofelh,pimis, C, arwick- cbm- it, 'i . I , LOW ni "I'd rates froth 7 every evening a ' Danlbrfo�ok- Houdans juldges fortelry Awnfilled, TA's. 0 t1ondWeiq, (Mrs. VI.. Doupe;, laun&7 h,� '' I � I . 1. , " e, -If guy nd all day Sunday I I (tr & P) K_ - Rd. 0o,abas, . ainid, : j. .. Warwivk I 1.41�,Ny * 1, . ftodl; Iedt ,6aps p bi Aritdo ImNE�I , ,;�, .,,,., " I � . . c, Ili, lluni�er. Miss' llm_-�1198`bOnO; qu*t, b6iss h,an-d I -Awlon, Mrsi., J. Jaques; " . � I . . cr.& Ip) te'. . 111"" V ",," '�� L ., ,1�' � ­ 1 ''I f I I Wi, ]§Owdelft la"d 2ady ,�M,'- quilobvg im 1pat'in 'dollor 1XVin*91 virsiI, W. Doupe, Alinie I I , , � .1 , �, , ,,, �,' :g I � 'ie . . . .1 . - D, Qm�- & , m6te. 'Raii Mason; pilillow ei Tvh-s J. JaqUGs; 4 !" �� Rocks! (Je, fi., eir & py . I �, , , " , ,;,�,��, ,�, ,:� � I - ,� ,�� - : C 11, 1 I . . .1 I I Horticultural Products I . Mrs. 'Warwick. quiat 1b# pfflipeu F . '�J, . 4. ,on I k Giants (c) 0, 6, 'Mrs, , . -1 I , .1 �, i. ,,� , , ��', I I il� . I 1, " , "" ,,� : � 1% 11 X. Zola �, '' � � , 1�,,'P��,, I I ", " , 11 I , r ­. � I .. . . q,_ . I ; Blft . cottli M&IrOlek Mi�, G, Linik chingi, Mrs. J. Jaquetm , "Vi , , . , � 'boo, " , . I � I I im, . � 0 14 _­ .'k "", ", 11�� 1i "� � . I I I Daft ok, (1h) X 'Eqfold, Fat! apploa Mrs, 0, Dally, , ?6S. ,a quilt, � que-, Kii6 U ` I �, " � . . . . , 0. Dan,-, ", ,�,� � I - � ,�i,l . .1 il M. J H"KIRK - fift,okii. appli ".. ...15UXW1 .1 I . . I � 11!" �:. '' � ,,� ,, , I I � (cr & P) X. Wl5old; 0,ty obb* Isl'and 014een-il' Mr& V&jv& I . I ii�, , ,­ I . 1. '.. 11 . I ,- ,­ . Nor k- work a . I..� i", ,,I �� ,, - , .1 . . vgri6v Jowl (at &,p) X. W O. tkaj;. 'its, T&O. 0 p"14, AR . . i'T,,_',� , . I I . I .11, illod. � thern Splap M�*. 0 Pfile, .Wx - I , I t:, � I . :'11 I.. , � � . Tl*kpyV- ., 6 Tk - , iT (e,. h Fuss - 'Work1in g- h6we N: X&C 0 R - I I 11,". . I . 1: . 1! I I . . Val 'Hitfollid - i'QUCJM0,'re; 00,360" 'dritso _# A. ' *A At" I N I I �11�, . I I _,_ ftint ..� ,, er. A . L I i I �. !. , ';:- . ... . ... � LL.. 1 1, ma"ger. I & 0 "i"k. Wf66'td ...'ai* *fbhar,#ji4etr 6ur� Russieio� t 1, Flis".9; Dft. Wai ,= 0,"" fame"I " , -," �,�� ., �., I . . . , I I i ,,�, . 1. ; " ,� , , '. , I k6i 'J . � ' H ' - dollish RW, Mehlo "Tftws� gm P. IA** - ; . I .,!, ., 1, ;�!!­ � � *0 O- D4_1Y 1, I � . � I N ' 'N" dt IV!)) X `,W&Yd SIM n, , 11 I �i Z I �",r �F�" , il'� �1 ?�%"i� 'il I ,, , ti, '� , ,I%�', I , I i I ,.. .... ,; ...,I �� 11 . . 4, " i i': , � I I I I � . if - ,Cud[fhfore ,meg ,Daly. a" AW ,Pfila ­ I . I.. 0-0� ANO 10 " " '' F I '11 � �14 1 ; ­ � I . I , I . . -415'Y& ' I "' . 1 16, ..�.. L � � I I . 1. . _. I 1 QIM& 1 44h, G660 (c, fi, #r & Wits, ,;Wfj . . � Al�, 41 w ; �2,�;, , 1. , ? I . - � I . I ;, I'D ,. DAVI", R. Old l4iftli" " L%, L ­&, _.", . . '. I - , , 111K , �f,� ��. " ,�, ;,i " � 4: ,� . ,,, -) , , , rfib*; V69 W"T��Xigogt - w6b Uft A6A' 4 46 W` k,lit V I ,��, , , . I I Ji wo'dr-W ,( nekd' SLVak It ` D40 il Ago , t, i 1� - , ., � 1. � ., �,*ep,001.6,j bi� lh "ci V ;-atj � I I I 7 I I I 1, � L V 9 A rb, O' � ffl�11�11 �� "' � i. e . � I . I �; - '' , uthti�, � _,,AW,6 fta � . if . . . . . . . � � "' 1�1 .., . ,J%d*dfti3Od'2ftd' 'I * , wfti&,- "I ill 3§- - , ,�,,�,�,,,,,,,,,��,���,.�,�,��,L���,,,�,,��,�,'411,,,,�.;; "�";�.',,,.'����,'���ily""�,.,�:!,�,... -_�;,__._ , . 11 .11 _4 I I legio W#� VAL *6�, Geb� LJ ' i, WiUkd", * "I J,,,�.; ........ . ;.",,*"�;.ii ..... . _ "" LL.-il �il� I-- ­­­ , - ­ � . . I , I � 0,01.0 if 44,�* at" *4 I'A , " , I _00" I i", ­ � " �Vdiiv­* 1�11 ,,� 7- . I I ?, :111 ,.. av - " "I'a"'t. . 11 1 il �".'' 11�, i I'll ­ _: 1.1" .,� - v h** - ,q . I I I , . 1. I , .i* '' , "I',"", .......... . I i, .. - !, ��,,,` f,; . iii A, , , - A "t "' 0,40", �, U& �A­ I I*rl%)W ,, J*_k 8, �, 1 ri�T,'�IiO,�;,,�qj 11 "I' T. "W',"Cf, � 11,i 6 M,W� �*!, 11 fiffia,011"', 10.,*,Q*j,,,kA6 . i L#'LD � I; � Y� , i': 11� Z ... �� , - "' 11AW, I ,ft . , 7A . , to "', "' "" " ,I" � � ",%, " � � '" .� �; �i, � 1.1 �,!v "I" ,-� , , '"''i.11 ,; 1,1,�­,-­i:.;L' , . -1 ­;;_ "" __ "", ,-0, ,.;�� �, IF,�, I 111, I I . - j., .1 � I'�'I'� !.1' ' ", , � ��, � ,�, "' 11 , , �') .� ,. 1. ; �. . I P . ,�', - I �'%, c�:,AU I F ; . 'i�� '5?, "ilo..", .i, �;.. "" I �04; X-17)k� :. 21 ��X(? i,,-;�� �1 M , ;:,11� i � , 1! , .. ; i ��,; -1 ,f � I i I "I `111 � � ;��V�, , , ", ��;, "�"'�"J'�";i,i!�"'i:i 6Q 1,11 � I 11 �, 'i � li� "i"IR A A I., ��,,`.�,,' , � 30i 11 I "I 1,,, -,�"i" " " i 1'. I "Al ,,o, 14 'I' , "., , I . 1", �111'. �. pl.I�; � . 11 � ,,, " -Ili N111 � , . tl".A"W f i , I � I . ., ;�, : ,i,�Ili , ', . � ,:, 1 , I 0 : " I I .�� -��I �, 11 ,I I ,,�','� �� " �_� � "i, .11 11��,�;11'1 __ ­...-I-i-il. 1"iffit"'t"94D �4,�,��6 .","i'L,��-�. ,�_� 111111111111111111111111 4