HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-09-25, Page 3� � ,� 1 1. . , , , � , . . . . � I �11 � L"''. -n"', �­ ". ,',�'t,,� . .t " � . :111, , 1. ,�, 1,,F�o �T,�,.,f,�,���,�,�',,',:�-!��l�!�, "is ., , , ­ , ., ,I ,:�.�p . ­ "".1 , . I . '.. , �. -'f "I �, ;".. 0 . . � , . � .1 � . , I t, " � , , , , , 1, -- - J�,ir - ­ 0 �,,, - ,'�;��, �[�;PF,i�:I,'.�: ��;,e,f� ; I 11, - �.. "I � i t , I .; ., ,:: . , .." '40 , � �- � I " . , . 10�11'�111' , ,,, . . ; , � . I : � �. .1 I � . I :" , I , , �; , . . 1, - , I , I ,f�!; ,t �, , 1. 4 i � 'Ibl:; � I .� , I. , 1�1' '11' �� , '5" : �'' , : ., � � I .1 . . 11 , � t, . , , � .1 � � . . . I - ,1: 1. � - , . � . ., ,�� � , � , ,`� � , ��, 1" 11 ;%, , I I � ,. I . � ,. ­ � , , " � ! ;1 , :1.. 0 , . , , I � . , '' , . , I I . i, I ". ,� I " I , , , � ,� ,!: ., 7.. � 4 , , , ki � "'. 4" 1 �� - ... * F" - I . 1; � f, I%,,. :: , . . �, I ., I , I I , ,�'; "'. '' f; �! k 'fr,p . It, . 4, . , ­ .� �1 I , , , .. , . I I . . I . � . , , : 1, , . I t : ',�, . , , , , . , , d I I ,� . I �'. 1 I i i � I ) � � 4 - �, �. ". i �11 I � . , I I � I f, I t � . � , I I I . i . ­ — 1. � I , � , , , 1. I . � — � 1. . . . i . . . . I ., � , I -. I I . . , I , . ,,� ... I I I I 4 ,I' � � 6 . I � � . 6 1 % . I .. , 'I , .,: 1. , , ,. "'. 4 :, , 4 , . f . ; . . , �, I �, . . I - I I I . . . I � if all, ;;, I I I . I 1 . . Ote -'.' I :.'', , , I T1,11 I TfII� .1 . . .: * '. -1 "'. ; 'I.,... -- ,, �- . .r . 7 . .. ­ - 11 � W" 2,01,T, 4A,RA - , - ,, -- ­ - --, -.-- - �-- -- -..--. -- ­­.- - -.-- - I.; 7 - -#­ I .� , —, , , " .. , " , � I . I'll, i ­, � 11 I .;..I � ,. i � 14 �,q,� �. 1-1-.1-. I—" - -.1 1. -11-1- -1 -11 I—— ------1- ­­,, F , " I , ,f',.,,� ... , �"" 411 I I !!M -;,i , ­,; 71 0* ­.. ­­­­ �-­,­­, . . . . . ZZ :J" . ..) �� �1111 "I . ., . I) I . I -1�.�,�.�....�..�ll,�'....�.."",",�� ­­­­­ � ­­­ ....... .. ­­.­­­.-­ ., ­ I. I'. , �­ ­�� 11 1; "', I I I . . I .l.". ­­­ 11, "..., 1. '­­.� I -.11,�.�'...�...",�.111,�'ll""�.11wi', , � I � :--1 ­­,i�,­t.­,�­ 1. ,., - . . . 1-;. � I.. . I I . . :X f=�­�� ­: '. I I .. M , ­­­ ,­:­,­­""��`.' I . . . I I , . . I . I � I.. � . - —­ ­ 41"'111— 1. ., ­­, ­-, , 4'.. ­ ,-I,,,,-, ­.��,f�,, ,,tqr, �,,,�, , — I . I I ,,, . '. - ­ I. . � . ': , : I I "I I � I "I I . ­ , I . . I . ,., I I I � " 4 ,� ., , , ,. , , — - - I,--- ­ . � I ­ I I I I � I I I I I ,­C� . - , . I . .1 , . � I �, Z., � - � . , � ,; I � — . . , - - � �-�, . I , , " , I., , . 0 ,�, I I I 1 711. 1 �1, �, , � - . . , I 1� 11 1 � - .. ..................... - � ­­.,.­.-­'­ ........ . III— . -11. I M il-I . � 11 � , I .11 "I'll I . . . . . . . I I , .i"t". ­­­... , , 1, kM I X4 , -;fj 1,�� NJ I I IT , " ­ I !, .: - , 0 � , � i � a LU11:8 �� , I, , � ,��,1111 ­ . ,� " . 4 1 , 4;,411. $ . �, - I ­ 10 .� I I I -- � Al,,,ofi3O�, ", � , i �, - 7 See I ts :1' i. f; �, -, , I - W, , -, I .-r - HS' = � L 1. I -1 "M 'If ST. .e , t1A � "IM t ,, , - -1 '.4 i� 71, A -1, ,44,,wl ra s , ,, , . ., ,�, I I ... f, - Vvi,,,l --r1-­f,' "I �� 4`1 61' ­.. - , .Q � ". ,, ;­ ?:, I I i ­.. -H a, *, -F P .'' � -T ,;.",, ��,J I— -1 . P 11".. -'�­­­-­­---, . ­ �� ;-�,il,'���,''i?�,',','�m�,,,"',,I .. I . , TW �. � ,"I � 1i N."P "'' I , -, . '' .- -i,' 11.1.1 . .�, It . , ,I , ''i, Mlwl, . , "I . � , ��!,­ . � .. ` (continued from Page 2 - . I " - , I,, ". ", I . %, I . , 1, Purchase Business . , I'll � �. .. 11 �, 14 - �,,� , X, " I . I I 1!m�,, T.,�,,,,,,,,1",;,,,, 1,,�,,�� �, G000 r ay .- %""�.�,w - '14 Tl'�,,.m 1. I 1 C o - I . N; ", M " ,,, ,Wd, Wedtn�aitd I .� S " "' 1, — "' ' � I I �� ".. .1 'i, !��i�lllil r "' � A #194A.TH aeo�14i OF I � .1 ,� ", M-`, .,� ,, pIr , I I 'i'l, �111.11'11,r , 'j� y '. t, � I — —'. = r"". 1�1. . . �,, 1 -,'�'­,,rf,,, " q, , I , I . , , , ,,q,,! fWw, J. ,Zuber, tot Kitchplier hps � .�., , ) I, , I . , , � ­, .. . )CA4 1� .�411 , ,,, - ;'Pil IF"A r"a", i I I ,, , . I purchalied from, ,Mr. T&;fjj;1'1I, of 'Never Felt Isotterlit his Life. A' s"�4,P';OAi'-"i'fo',4w�,'A4E�o�tFE � I, � 1. M- ' � mm ­'1141 6 9 mry , , beld ODIO,ataeB (L C.), Xgjr , Y �� ­ ", . , �1; , 111P71 � .1 . . . - K`Vrcher, $trathrIO7, the Fashion Ladles" WL-ar ,; � I J1,4119's , :1 11 , m 1 M, � " dy, , J It Tlhffl'�-UbliO S0110011 FUIV Was' -- garet � IN4VRAN CO -PA I I ': . i�d ��, I ". ! I �;��.A�,';�I. 1p�.'f"I", � j Wednesday I sn�ltft; Ross Kercher 1 Tu,ck- ulgh he trW, I N 524ANA DA . . ,flev "K 4kii;,,�' 1�,4d"',�III ", , - at the sichool grounds on Tho "F eo-calle . , , 4K�,�rq �,',�'�',*��,,���t.�t,�,'i'��",;,�?� � � 11111�� � r� - TuqlceV . , "y �d . ., . �..,.fr,,,,­,­�' .1144 ,. - , . I .11 1:1. ,I , . " I I ,�'M afterhobla, ,Ste,o, 16th, and d"pite the ersnllfth- Joe Marks,, Hensjl., fit0re in the FraYUe,'b110,0k- and' has rqme&ep� thir. � � i � - ­-, I . � ­ I.., r � ",,I"Li­'�I' I ,, �,v -0 I I � , '�.��%!;.. �.;�r�,', %1 �, �V ji�l",,� �1 ,I "k - , I 'A "+'I,��J;�Q V man , qWii4od to, aut. , 11, ,,, - - �� - "I I .. � i r , I , ' "� - ­ * ' ' �;4-1` � "f , '�'�) 1E 4 , 1ft UkeiaAy taken poave*an. Mr. and few with lhv�bago for yeam it trou- 't -� .4 �, ,main *eve was, a good vAteftdasum and ,Crit' . 11 , 'f�' �'l,'� "� � �'t;'�:, � ', � �,,I "� ' '��,�,i�;'4 I I . lb'Uslbownei- potatoes (G. 1:K), Mrs. Z.Ubser win' take up tbelr 0 . i �1 ,,� , ", If � :,,a I ',',�k�, i,f -��,i 4'*.� S , ­ 'bl, 11 i i;�,,',�'�J the e1xh%% -were better than botmer HeRen McQueen, ,lo t a ed 41m, ' I te found . I -,.'.., -, i.,�� ','��I,%,,�Z�;:�. " , ,,�f g6 ","� � j ,P , .,.� , 'r I, . I : � .., tin faet, q* the PUIL631-NG' 01RAtTR IN . i�� .,t,� I., ; .9. Usbowne; Oe . _ _yl ' sclfoolu$ � . G �,�� I` 4 1 1 � I � 4 � ­fk .-yeuris. The 4oMlolw5mg ,as the torize M10tylks- Hewlall; potatoes, 'Do! J dence, in Ewelter, They are 'hoilding righ't remedy, Kruidift �;aitSi. These . . ., . I � '' 7 . . I ��,,�IT­l 71�,,,�� 11jot: OkY, an openh �! . I J,ar T"vvox. 9�41��" ot 1, , I . 11 ; ii� " I . th' ' � I 'L "" 11; e # � ., . I, 4V �. 4 It, z -Advocate. "I Would (like to tA y, T= � Mm fps, 0 "'60'.10'',"It I,, ., ,'g I �1, iisman, 10 Tuckeran-oth- Doris Exeter TVme We have.alrelaOy ,sald that fir , Jack Ki 19 sale on Satutrday Ae�ttfs­ are hils own woftidsit.� - - w4w iRR I . . .... ' I., , Quart "lof Marqui *6at, Li Kercher, I Tubkersnifth; Ellit' )u Id the d0by of everybody Who IMS any , ,� � " W', -t";"�; I., , i " fffPK9,; �1'.'4"; , " ,,, - � r I . . � . - ­ 1�,""r,,,1,',.','-,�, '�'. .'�,�� , ;� . � Cam(pbell, 2 I -lay; quart Alaska ats, c0tt, 2 'Hay; ROBB YWIght, 2 a Iseq,ftest, 'ro Centralia Church � benelit I ,derived fromi taking Krus- authority du scho,ol,a,, ammitim's). RA,,r#19"',IPF;T,%,;0 W''..., �N , . ",4", 1 . , I . from. superinten" ,,, , `111'.'-, .� "'A I cott'..'2­114ki. .. .-- --11,, Mu.ilma V ; I . - " - I . ­ �,,.­ I".. ­ - ­ k- -­ .!--.—* z—.---y.lbB­-NolI4h '". � - ,I-- � P4.111,14 4, .. y� ' .- .1 -1 ­ _-Taryloe - - . 'AecolrdLu"o-*e-,borms-:o,f-the--wilt -""S4t'��801"1"-Y-**"B-Ixtst-'I- -dents --- d;wa-to Xurbors, ana Trom .. , �""-�',,,,�f,f,O,""-,�','P.;,�F ... � ­ .1 , " ,;. 11 , I .",� . 61 ��'� 1��!.4� i,z ­ � ,�, .. I . : . . . , . - neir, 2 Hay; s6af Alaski t Ellis SMI til,;e Koehler, Hensall; bfur­ of Xpa. Grace Hooper, of V)q!2jer have been a gpiTerer frdm lumbago. trustees 74P to pavenits, is to see., 'first, . GuaRaWMAP JW TW -1 .'' , z , __, I I ,�, . * Helen Selves,, 10 THIS COUX44W ,0*0, ApTH . .1r,", r , .,��..-,. I.;", . 00, . N�wthldottq 2 Hay; ,Sand,3) �K.s'vthlur, ,el Howe, 2 Hay; who, I aosild away recently, the Cen- children are not 'harmed in body T � :`1X,FP,WP1 f I r Hay; qt. 'I" I ItTied no end, of obher , romod ea, but out , .IZF ­',, . - I 'L AMall; Jean Irelibner, 2 0 Inne; -cabbage, !Helen Rowe 2 United QuIrch benefts to the got 40 relief whatever,:until -One day ,by ,the school- routine- that is are I , , I 914 I. A , . ­ , -, . - . �"-­ a -,ximab-7 1 �, ,�, �i � N I '41=11ey, ,O,A)C.,, M rgaret Kerdher, I Corbett, tra, . OOV"NM=T , , ." I .1 . --;,,:�� ,57�qA, "­��l 1, % � , . . . .. - a .. , , , I ; Ce 2 Hay; Joe Of $1;000. Mrs. Hooper, who 1 saw Kruschen NdverbiOed and h ed' much and, also that thek are , , � �, L - I ssxb� am . . TRUST rupus, . ruwaUx vag*.71 . - . , "'� ��%.!�,'.'!N,8� , � ";, Tdckermifith; Kenneth IMIaLean, 10 arlits, Henslirll;,Relen McQueen 19 ,berforo her. iniarriage wa thought I would 9�re it a trial. I did, not ,neglected n ,their homes,' -but ' . , .,�,� ,;, S, Miso Grace and to my BUrprise the hnabagD left liav i 1. ,V",�', i �%!,,,��,'�`01 . , . ,, GaRDWO SHORTER *0 ' 1-.1­1­C.,4,qf - . . � ,. �.q 1. , �.,�A,C.v. ,�q ­ �. I , -1. � �, . , . ,V1, 11-- , ,. I I �11­­I'iI,, -- 0 � S "Tucktirsimith; Blanche Thompson, Us -1 IDrne. . Olvej bad' Uved, in the bledbmlia coan- ,e a decent '-break. ,-But that is ' .. . ­!1,1� I'J­ I I ... � I. � . . ..... lLL", . , Hensaolq,; Xarjoaie MdDouga:111,,slo Us- Asters ,Reba Bell, Hensall; Roast -ni!unity practically all her lif me atflter taW69 KTUSOfift for a- fort- merelY n4ative. Health- is MSTVRES W" VC VOXWW,;:D 0 i '11 I . . � . e. avid . not I up! !X.=tqIUZqr.I , �, .'' 1�'�;�`,:�',�; �, 0 borne; o1heaf. ,barley, ,O�AX., Blanche Kemh,e,r,' 1. I ight. I AM now.. takinfg it regularly � � a . I,, I v ,�?; �,",�.,�� 'Tuckems-mith; Noxima, bad fbeM a ,devoted member ,of the n merely thi6 avoidance of injury and I " )" :111 ; ';4� I �, . I . � 1. I ;A , ' .`41�', , , 1 "' R ... , � ;i,..., I ,� , "Thompsion, Henisaal; Wargaret-Ker- Sangster, Hensull - Ruthle Hoss, Hen- Uniteld -Church there until h,e,r,renwv- eLviery day and never f better 1-n my the.,4,bgence. of disease. .He I �1�1 ''; "'M I � e . a . � .11 IN . ". , . "'; I I ..# -Ith �9 'a h� I - - 0 IL 1. I I lifle., .1 . . " I `�'.,� I., ''ifl"j, 1. . , cheir, I Tuckersmi't[h; 6 ears, -of, com-, Eall; gcabilDsta; 11ILvId. Koehler Hen- al tD'Exeter a few years, agia.-Exe- '-W. K. ' glowing beautiful . positive. thing, YOROMM . . " ,,;� ','I . I . I � rufa+ � :, ,.,., ."­.,i�,., 1, . .,� .- I .. I. . 11 �, . . �: ` ,'I, ok , ... Clarence Knigilit, 2 Hay - B�uce Glenn, z1all, Keith XcLean, 10 Tuckersmith;' ter Thues-Advocate. Krustchen is �a OOMNTkatift of min-. There !Is. a two, hundred, page report ip , , - 10 , . I ". eral salts whdch aissWt siO stimulathrig to 'the -British ,parliament, on twenty� , . Guaranty T 701 � , � �,,�h­ I 10 Usborne; Roes Keys: 2 13ay-, Nor- Zinnia, Donald ,Shepherd, Heniadf; , Moving To Simcoe I . . AND \ I .. I . I -­ �1,11' - . I I � ''I I � . it 1, .. , 0 , .� 4ma -%ngvter, Hensadil; turnips,' Rass Thellima. Tayslor, 10., T your -Xiver, iddheys and! digestive tract fivie Years of building up, of he1a;1th in' WINDSOR I I .. ­�W� I uckiprsmith; Joe . C , pany, of , Gina �, - �*. '�,'t, . I ., f�: I X-dight,2 Hay; Kenneth McLean, 10 Marks Hensall- Elmer Rowe 'W. F. A jMoses, who ,Conducted a to heallthy, regular actt�-I%y. if you Mtti,ih ss;hdols. ,1,ii, I , om, . ckla,� - - � � f�:11, . . � I , 2 Hay; . the past quarter, I . I,, ... �', , , ", ��, V21 � , . , � ".- I I . . -0 Cosmos, Ahne tMorgan hardware,store here flor ninny years could see how Kruschen d,isgoqves I . . . I . � I �, I :, I . ., "I I A .1 Tuckeis!mith; Bob Keys, 2. Kay; Btuee I * century, thi's report tells us, anae-miti-a' I . . .1 I . . I 1.:11. * � I . � ; - ­ . I - I . . ;�,,� � . I I � . . 1.11.1I, I � - P I') Us- is now i4-Simcoe, where ,he is acMng 'away uric acild deposits, you would.of girls -has alm * i . . . 111,11' � , I ast vanished.. Ring- - ,, - . - ­ . . -- � . 1".. � I , . � 1, ... . .... . , I I., . , . Gleiiii, 10 U.0borne- beets Eleanor borne; Blanche, Thompson, Hensnal; as wana , ger for the Can"an, Broom agree that the Krnwhen treatment'worn is steadily � "I'll , . i I I � Dawson, 10 Usborne; Reta Bell, Hen- Gordon ,Stone, 10 V-sbPrue; Roy Pep- 4isappearing.. *Blind- I ­ � 1-1 � , - - - .. �- , ­ - I I . �V, - I � I'f, 'III I 11, ... :,;,� . I : , � . I ... I ,��, COM & Supply Co., of'Chatham,Ont. Should b i g w in 4 1 in- n is I . I . �- . q -on October lr,;t to bago. � � I evull; Norris McElwan, Hensiall; Helen pex, -1, Tuckerftilth. Snapdragon, Mm Moses, leave, rin 01W 9" of 14 es is 'being :prevented. A vermmt- . . . ­,�� Il� . . : I ­. I ,'I I'�'V�4% or. "Vftt, , F"'t", ,, I. IF 11 I r LLL�, ,� McQueen, 110 Usbo-me;,catrrotg, Donald Hellen Selves ' . Ow child, iSnIot to -1139 found tinschwl. some who wi-H attend the inatch are PuRman Oonamb J0 4�'., A I, 10 Usborne, Grant Mc-- join him in Simboa. Both 'Mr. and I . g� '. t Shepl��erd, Hensall- Jack Cann, 10 Us- Lean, 10 Tuckemsmith; Doris Kemoher MY I - . Maln'OUTished ,children are only olne 'well to& ' 1, . , W ... : , � ." , ,r ,cent. Instead Of ten or twenty Of the ,many new fftAUrw bemg suitcaw?,, , .. 0 6orne; Robert Sargdber, Henstall; Lila 1 Tuokers9milth,, Bobby Cook HensallIt -§�,: Moses will'be linii"ed in Mitichell PL .you doing with those towds in;rs -:-,�) I P arid especially in Knox Presbyterian I , I I—. 1, .. -.-. I 1. J ", I . Mlodix, Hensalq- onions, Marion Drum- HeledhrystjAm, Cecil �­Kipfe-r, Hensall; Church, where they we're fai'thful per cent., in the-11better and more introduced at this yeaes match wMch ,., , . I . 11�:,4111 ; ., I - ,�J I ln�Dn, Hemlsall-' Thelma Taylor, 10 Audrey Russell, ? Hay; Malrgaret Canada's Fishing Industry',�. prosperous" tim , , 'Pasoenger,41with presenqe ..� - �� I ", work .; �.11-177.,�", "O � �i�, ,� , I . ricketta and' tuberi have been and attlenition, ,Mr. Carroal reanarlued, - It, they are ponle I ,-used U4 �,,�,�, , - Helen Wolff thei friends in town will go , 1, I" " - . ,�,I I . Tuokersmi*'Gardon Stone, 10, Us-. Kertidlier, 1 TackersdX46h, ers� and the goad. wishes .of I es. ,Heart disease, are e-Jopectod to attract Wide iZt4AWt & io"At: . I I Uornte; � Ma-xllon Green, Hensald; pars- Hensiall. Cadetiduila, '51fna, X0 P IT ninny "Canada's fishirig i . time -1 VMS ion , . . EWX14 with them to their new home-,mit- , ndustry is the steladily reduced, and'the � condition of are Ike dem�6111gtmtjonq to be givtn them via&ed the train,. and I , . . I , 4ps (hoDow crown), Doris KercheT, 1 Hensaill:, Helen McQueen, 10 Usborne. means of l,ivel�hoo -of mo're people teeth is improving. 'Ant increasing by fex�Ich�pion p6wmeA a . ' � * ,,'��"L�'- I . . F chell Advfoeate, mid Dr E'. ard broug(U�Siem bock.""" ..... , .'�;4jj 1 4 ­ "Tucker�ailbtbf- illionald Moir, �Hengall; Noa7m. Knight,' 12 -Hafy; Coreapsis, . than are foundin any pf the Domin- number of open-air -School r' . . . I I I ,3� I . -111111`� ,. ovoms are S. Hopkins, chief lof field huabatgdry ..,­ "".' . . I . .. - ­ , � 4 .. .., - 1. -.f..14 1 1 � 311111y Tucklei, 2 Hay; Rom Kercher, I Alplin MaDwan, iRensafll- Garillawdea, . ion's ,cities except Montreal antl To-, provided. The general ;physical eon- fow-the Domviujou Departa� of Ag- 11 . . . I . W . n, , '. ... , 4 .. . � . . . ,, I �. , Tuck,exislinitli- quart wheat, winter, ldurle,l Rowe, 2 Hay; 'Nastiurtium, Transplanting Peonies ront-o and an enterprise as ,big as laltiton of the children is beytond all riculture. . . �1� . 1.11�1 4 . . . �4, - , any via - i I I �:�;A "', . I 1.11 _ I " I vrilety,"Don's Kercher, I Tdck- Grant Case, 2 Hay-, -Junibir Ifediden, - Septenilber is the best tirn6' to 'that May very well set aside a Par- 004YI(Parl'sOn With 1he past. By all The olowdemmstrationiby exper-. I � �,tf , erismilth; Ross Kearcher, 1 Tucker- Hentsall; Jobn.Beer, Hensaill; Elmer transplant peonies. L If the plants tioular week of t1he year to, be ob- these improivlemen�s children have itenoed match, plowmen and capable . . . ,.:�, . . enifth; , Margaret Kercher, 1. Tucker- Campbell, 2'Hay; lboUquef*om home, have grown large served as especially 1�ts OwIi,,� . . . I !" 11, , ' and the flowersaire, said been rendered much more -fit fk>r ed- (demorstrators, will be conducted eadh , � 'i!111'11� :Gmlith Hon. J. E. Michwid, Minis,ter �P�,;,,�i Is I . ; planthe Th6nipson, Hensall ; garden, Douglas Corbett, Hensall; fewer tor smaller than they used to of ucation; ,education -has been more .'�dqy venr the tmatch headquartsers. I Jli . I ��, . .11 I," .; I Goldie Cross, Hensall. Jean,ca Fisheries, in speaking e n of closely adapted to iniBV,idual. needs; Ditffevences -between t)Ves, of lylo a ` I . . � , nn, 10 lbe.it is probably 'time, for the roots I - W . � . . .'�, Usborni J ' �" t'v . I - , I .11, . -oe Marks, Hensall; , G,pr- to. be taken up. , Camada's Fish Week, ,Z,h b.pins, and finally a health consciousness will be explained and p1bw settings � , ;11W . 1.1 1. . - .. I . 11 , 1� 11'�, . i . , - . � I . . aniu1m 'in bloom, Douglas - 0o,rbdtt To dtivWe a ,large plant, dig it Up on � September 28th anl o6ntinues Un.r 'ha's been developed aw,,)ng parents� will be discussed and actually detnion- 11 I �i - %% � . -.1 Hensall; Blanche Thomipsom, H s ake 1�11 October 3Td-. "Vanconver and ,BUt these things are just a begin- strated. Thi year .will be the firsi . � . I I I �i. Sy all; carefully, sh off the loose earth Mi . � 1, 0 . MEtTi'Ori Drummond Henstall; � . irley and leave the,plant expose( Winnipeg, foT example. aye llig cit- ning. . I have nifentioned " n.- -1 Q�, '. �i,lj - ; I to the . . I;What are time this- fLeature ,has been incktded , �7,i, � i, . , " A -- . Redden, Hensal-1,; sIchool, collection ,of' ,sun and arir for anhOUT,or two. Th,is lest but the numb , � . ".3,; I 0, � , er of people direct- Still the negative othases of heaT�th, on fie program of the Internatilonad -11 , . I i�, - dhool xegietables,, ly dependent up' , the vanishing � � I !a - - - . . ; 11 * ,� . I Margaret Glenn, 10 will tinialke the tubers less brittle so on -gur fisheries, of dirt and disease, it Match, IATx. Carroll potinted but � %Z'11 �, I . I I .� .. ­ . I I Usborne. that they will not -break so easily nvore than 400,000, IS s`Ul1bta-nti,aqly i's a vision of Positive Health -Sir Land w611 be, provided at a dort"Vem- ,11111941*1111:ffl� . � . .; . I . . . `-, I larg(,r than the papula or; of gither . � ,,I, ` Northern oq,Py apples, Wanda when handled, Waih off all the goil I.i George wants the Parhaiiient and the ent location On which manuAacturers . �, I .:: ij'� V . 9 .: "I" I I . I I Tuokey� 2 Hay; Gran1t Treibner, 2 -with, water and cut bff the� -foliage, of fliese important scentres. -people to get. He.tells them'sgain will, demonstrate .. . . , I ., , .. . . . . agricultural imple- . I . � . . . . . . I Hay; Norris 'MeEwan Hensall; Hel- just leaving a few inches Of stem "Cantada's Fish Week is an Ob- and agair�­and ,I wish, he could, tell men%e of emery Aesaription and the I �.­,, *2 : teacher, elvery , . L . . � 0 , , � I en (Rawe, 'Hay; sno�r appleiss, Nor- fabove the erlown. Exaffi.ine the root �,erviance u­rranged by rhe fishing in,- eMeTY trustee every 'sexercise paddock",. foor Wigh-spirdited, , � 1; , I 'i, i t . � . ma Knight, 2 Hay; iWandd Tuckey, 2 and try and find out where it can be dustry ,itself, not by the Department good citizen 'in Canada, -that 'the, Or- but controllable ttractIorls will, again. be 11 11, 1, �4� �� ,. I " ol , � . I Hay�"Arthur Traquair, I Tucker- divided w-111h;as little damage to the 'f F'llgherries," Hon. Mr. Michaud garrized physical e;diucattou of *e a tfenture � . � 1. . . 4 I , I . I I . of j.nterest . Rest of all fly hill"V., ­, 1; Smith; N&rris MvEwan, Rensalq; ripe tiyber,§'.as posslible, A division with went On,, "but Tt�lhas mv c--)I'dial ap- body of every child has a , 1, Oc "I I I . ". " . I I ,� -11 - .. psyehologi- - ean, qwlek, wore, �1111" " . , .: .,.;:.. ticmatioes, Douglas Corbett, Hensall; five eyes is a ,goiold Size but I'ar ')'V'a and sup�&rt'and I hope ,that cal purpose, a recreational- . . tch demonetralti6ris, eon- I I . ,� i � pr I IMultiplet-bli � 0 -� " , . . �.. f,; '11111. . ' ger aim, a sfivtdng of three - to ,fivet horses work- WHY cheap. Ask your Dmg- � '.. " I . �, , . .,i Mary Goodwin, lHensall; Heleff Wolff, ones can be usted if desired. all ,over the �ountry next week- the mental and raoiral intention,, a broad - . i. "I �� ... I, I :�, I ..... 1; Helen -Selves, '10. Usborne ; I If,a bed !of p onli is going to be "Ilg m one team,propeoly hittl1hed. and r gist, Grocer or GenerA � . . - . . Hensel I public will join heartily in it. and wholesome an PAN stor. . I i I ... ... ' ,, q general educa- 1dMilm, will be giveln each afternoton � �:�', . . .. X oear� (fall ,or winter), Dorofh�'Mc- planted, it is a go . ' military and -,the different oi�emtliona ex]2�bilt­ . , . .f I ; . . C 7 eek will be a fifting - MORE TFW WIESON FLY ]PAD , - . ", I Z plan to prepare. The� w tional -value. ,this . I . D'OrVgall, 1�- U�b,ovne; ,Blanche Tlionip- the soil a few weeks, before- 'by dig- for the people at large* Is. not a - . .1 '# . . time drill on the,Sparton plan, o'r theMus- C.04 MAUMTON, MIL I ;;; . .. ­­, . to W think- ed by qom1k&nt expertm . . 4 1. ,. .. 6.-i� ...... ::::::. -., '. I Tar., Henslall; Wanda Tuckey, 2 Hay; ging and adding some: well, rotited Vig ,of what 'the fisheries. mean to the soll'ini Plan, to t-ra-in, goose-steppting . . . � .. . , . .� ;; �.' . � . ....-.-fT-...­.1..; .. . ... Bobby Heisisl, Hensaill; p1a,te of"asgort- rnanurle at the base of the trench. if Dominion from the national point of ""n' fodder, but all-roundphysical I . . I - -- . - � , . ., . . .�,. I 11 I � � : '. �. -- - ed fralt, 'Marion Drummiond,,Hemsall; the pelonies have- to ,be Toplaced in view. All OUT education fo'make fit and- fine and . . Z, ''I"..., . ;;:N! ... f -f.f:r,*!:q,C . provinces, not simply , 0 ., I .X.f,.-%;;,--.-:- ::!.-.. I Glordlon St�o.ne well-bal, , . � " %% . I - I t:f��:.f,;.,*:-..,�� �.t.:�::�.:�;V!4.:.":.��...::,:.";:,� , 10 Uaboreneg Janet Ilie s,abile .place, the old soll should be the ,coastal provir.r.ery, have valuable ancedl People, for the warld's . ." I - M�m 11 11 11 11 11 11 I . .. I, t?�*i;:�'�� X�4,f;fi EIN-;-;.,-�. I . -- . I .. � � * . 1. . .� .�If�%Ii, 1:fiji .. I S'Impslon, 10 Tuckersmith' - Mhxy repioved and replaced b� work, the World's play and the world's I I �, 11 ':�; .; go fishefries, -revourc � 0 I .. ", .... ;,' y.gome od *s, The industry, as ' ' .: '.. I - Gioqdwin, Hensan. I . . .. ,�,4 ­ ... - 1. 1.-1�k:-.1-.-..1j,1-. salvation.. . ,'; r . . .�... ;;;. . I I � so-fil to vAhich bone meal at thAe rate I have said, is'tbe direct Support of- - W*VA t 45 A4Z I . ­ . ,; 11 ­ n . � e n moT V -a 400,Wo people, and they I . . r; I I A � " -B. R. cockerel, John Clarke, I Tuck- of a.bandlful, for .each pIa t has bee e ha For instances, dames are very val- � ,."."...., " - t liable . . . .. � ....... ,il , -Z, ensiniffth; jean Treibner, 2 Hay; Keith added. , 'In planting, .place the( ubers airo in� all .parts of the country. In- important enough to 'be dis. . I �. I - 1� I... I � . ... : tvm ine ;i & I 1. . .,.,.! iso crea cussed page after page, in a Parlia- I EN . ,� --�­'?IiI­ _ te I ,L ` ' McLean, 10 Tuckersini'lith; Eleaii�r go, that there is only hes of direlci the ,industry a, S I . ­- --`,� 7 NE WON . .2 . I . I Dawson, 10 Usborne; B. R. f5ullets, smill above the crown. Too deep a work for ,many people outside the mlentwT TeVort. Dancing traing in . : � . ,;, . I I . . . ROYAL Ross Kercher, I Tuckersni,jth;� ,Kt�n- planting is frequently the cause, of fighing distrriot&-�rbjsans'in ,different control, in ba-lanfee of' -mind and body, . YING . . .. . I . ,, ," . . I . ,� t­ ,�. f - man . I f, ,�. I - ,al,d Case, 2- 'Hay; ,Billy ,ClarkL�, I For the.firsit winb!�r', it is advisable �� transportation workers, and so, on, developsa,feeling , P �.� ridth 'McLean, 10 Tubkersmith; Dob- peonies not bloo i . .k1inds of mills and factOries, clerks, in poise, in lease and' lightness of . . 11 .YEAST CAKES movement. It trains eyeand ear and row,v FOR : 7.i . ... - I TUckefMnifith- W. L. evekereL Arthur to mulich the beds go- as to prevent uqho are engaged in � I I ,111. k I 1. .. , making and I Of rhythm and b'r- . st - . .�. � � . . are always Traquair, 1' Tuckersmith; Thelma the alternate freezing and- ,hawing thandling and carrying the gear and der. It arouses imagination and the ;:;:;.. -11 ,':'�,, . . . -11 ... ... : Tayllur 10 Tuckersrdith- creative powers. English sch1(yols " . I � 0 . FUII Strengtb Blanche that is go harniful in some d1stricts, equipment and, s, p li . :11 . 4 0 Is, vahermen . . � 1, . TY.Iamrp'san, Hensall; ffaroll'd KID,ehler . � � - -W, SiMPly Cannot get on without danc- ;.,f! I ­ � 1, ., �I:- ..,.:. I � - . . f, , 5�i 'K."MN ��"?,.-. .� . niust have, for thetir operations and ingi--arid swimming. Hygiene is %.�WX;�:'.�,,'�� � . .. : Hensall; 'W. L. pullet, Arthur Tra-' . . I in imarketing fisheries products. py" a - . . .. . '. %�� ----- writing ('2nd Class), Maiion'ivlacLar- From 'the standpoint of the em. .,ectures, 1. . I ....., 1. .��.. 1, . . qUa,iT,' I Tuckersmith- Moss Pepper, I " taugrat in ha,bits ,rather than in Set --� " --'w- %? I ..::: " � . ft, ; ..: I Tuckerstnifitth; TheliIin Ta Hensall; Douglas Corbetti Hen- p, 1,,� ym - . . * . . � , . - ; . ,. - 71tor, 10 C,n, , ent 'It gives the fig!hiiig indus- * " 4b -/,,.. , .:. I# # ­ 11 .� .1 . . . . . . . TuekeTtsinith; Blanche Thomps,on, ,sall; Shirley Hedden, Hensell; Grant try,�,B one of ,our -major "Canadifan lGalmes are ol 'the utmost import- - W;'/',;,, I � . . . , , , I I RAISIN Flensall; dozen white eggs, Norma Treitner, 2 Hay; -wrtiting (3rd U, asis), und,ertgki,gs. It (is ,Of V.,i anee. 'Children willo ,play. well now �,..., . . 11�. . "� I . , ,me im- . . '..., . � P, , &::,04 I . . . . 1. � I . . will work /I . . . ,: - I � Klrikg4t, 2 Hay; 'DDuglas,Corrbett, Hen- -.Nlarion Nisley,, Hensall; Ma,ri0rief porbance, t1olo, as a big contributor to well, and co-operate well, , :;. 0 . ,I W 1, ., I ­ . 0 � i.;all; Audrey Russell, 2 ,Hay- Harold MdDolugall, 10 Usborne; ',' Lois Ma ti . when they grow u %�*. VrI)o0w .11� . c na 'Onall' production and trade . Even P.' How many times ��?*, . . I . . . ..S. .�':�;i:�if;;.. f ".. . :-X., I 7 U,Vnli 2 HAYI� dozen ibrrow'n, eggs, Laren_ H6ns,all: Helen Rowe,, 2 Hay; ,4, e havle you hea.Td that the ,Battle- of N, � ... I .,,',:� Dougla, . N .. a ­ :, :�, . . - , :� ", I � -04 �,:� . I - relt Ker- ese days *hen� world. -market the playing I I I ::::: . 11 . I , An . :, I . s Corbett, Hensall. Helen wriung �(4th Class), Marga, Waterloo was, won on I ;;;;;.. . . , Zuefie, coinditions, are sItilll disturbed, our , I 'i .1 I - .1. , I Slaulves, 10 Usborne; Mafrjorle MaDou- chler, 1 Tuckerdmith; Lornt� fi '. Ar � .� . fisheries output adds Rolmetbing like 6"" of Eton? Let ,me tell, you that ..., . - 1k I 0 . ga.114 10 Usboxne, - ,;,slall,-Anne 'T many finer victoriest than Waterloo, 0""', . -060 �. I . I . � , Jean Treibner, 2 .Hen Morgan, 10 Usblorne ; $&5,000k,ow annuatilly toDoInAhlon pro- I ... I �ii I I �.. 0 I . - Hay. Helen Selves; 10 Usbornle. � ductilon. Fioreign sales of fisheries and iman7.' better products, than gen- . 9, . . I , I- , i 5 IDECtIry calf, heifer,, Rass " Green, Map drawing (2nd,Class); 116ward iproduats, add -between $20,0%,00-0, and eralship, have been won. on, the play- . I ­ I - . ,!, Heinslala; 'beef ealf,' Steer tor ,heifer, Smale, Hensall; Grant Treibner, 2 $2�­ 0,,N() a year to -national ex: I 11 I . . 0 � . ., 100 . piort ing fiel4s Of EtOn, of Mblose Jaw,, Am- . . PYA vo EN r YO I/ AEAR D P . � . —, JOI-Irn 01-itS, 10 U&bbTne; Beverley Hay; ,Douglas Corbett, Hensall; Geo. .. . tigol-Aigh, Medicine Hat Snilith's Cor- ' �� tradle. ' ' ', I I Mokr9an, 10 Usborne; Allislon 11organ, Otterbern, Hensia.111; map drawing (3rd It I nerS, Lachine or Daupl�in. . .... 11 I 1, � I I . i . q%t KiSherfes export business is r ' - . I , . 1� .1 ­ . 9 �� 10 Vlsbo,i-ne; ewe lamb,bree,ding type', asts), Reta Bell' Hen -all- Margaret signifi,ant,,, true thnt-PlaYtirnie may be , S, S - I , . I - ,C1 I i Hom 'Mr. Mitchaud eon- If it its / . 17*9 "KELL64' I . � , Bruce Glenn, 10 Ustborne- Blanche Sangster, Hensall; Jean Treibrier, 2 as high in educational value as work I ... . . I . . tinned. "Several, smTels �of foreign .:* f I .111, I I , ,,, Hess, Hensall; map countries, buy fi sh products from us as important as arithmetic lessons, ; . . . 1,�� . '�' Thompslan, Hens�all; nln;i6t lamb, Hay; -Bobby time, and that recess periods may be ..: , . ;, . 0 1 I � Fruwe -Glenn, 10 Ugborne:halter broke dra,Aiing (4th Class). 'Margaret,Glenn, in large quantity ea)dh, year. They h i � ,�,­ calf, jothri Crhsa, 10 USIbOTDe; All -i- 10r- Usborne; Anne Morgan, 10 Us- 'have been S ,it that play time rests so .: -' GRLCAr 11ARMES76 ... , .�121. I daing that - fqr . . , : -.:., . I 11 . .1 son Worgan, io Usborne. Tne; Lorna Zuefle, Hensall; Helen ti)m . a long RtCle on the co.n.science of the teac �, , . 'f: ,", . , 4 . Beverley '010 ' e. . h- . i"'.. .11 I ­ . . .1 . . �� Mowgi=, 10 Uslaurne; Ro'ss Green, Selves, 10 Ugborne. I . "'Thege (foretign, couiritries� continue 'er, and is so incidental in, the day's , I I I I I .. .1 .. ,- . I . I'll Henslall, . . 'Art. (1st 'Claiss), Gl6iria.-Twitch�ell, to buy from Canada because they programme? A boy would ribt -be al- �� SALEW I . ­ :if l I '..�:�:..Fxii.�:,.; I 1V 11 STREUSEL CAKE -Bran m0ffimq, Mildred PurdIy, I Hensall; Ronald Bell, Reinstall; filow� ,have foUnd, by experrience that the lowed to take reading hi a class and ,.,:XX': .f! �,,..., . I! �11 � . ...... f!':". .. . I I . . . � I Tuakeraniith,;, Norma Sangster, H�n, ard -Sm-ale, JHenvall;, Shirley .Hedden,'Doxnimkon's fish produtdU are tof fine Pasm. up arithmetic; -or to take gram- I . . ­ . . - F "I I . . I Sall; Jean. Cainn,�10 Uc(lyorne; Ma.ii,on: Hensill; art (2Iid Class), 'Billy Clarke, mar and cut out geography. Wle.de- .1 . . . 3�1 I natural, quality and are ,handled and mand that the,re Should -be gome ,kind . ;!, . � I . 2UicLaren, Hensall; raspberry tarts, 1 Tuckeirsmith, -Harald Dilling, I processed efficiently. Let ni(ie, add No housew"fe 'can afford to miss VLc-:- I' 1 Muriel Rowe, 2 H.a:y; Maod-ne Purdy, Tuckerrs�mith; .Helen Wolff, Hensall; that Canadians mlight ,well -take a of all-roundniess, in hist education. . .. I ., . I �� i I 1 Tuckeramith; Heil Jack Clarke, 1 Tuckersmith; aift (ard ,leaf ,out of our foreign customers, Then why Should he be able to sMrk I I . ��, i I . - 1:111;::,:!:� : . jen Rowe, 2 I -lay; I -A �:: � Lois MacLaren, Hensall; w1hite cake, Class), Bobby Sangstel, Hensall; book -and use more 0anadian fish. all sports month after Month, scarce-' logg"s Great Harvest Salet.-Right now, I ,,�,­ . . iced, Jean TrekbneT , Jesslie Pais,ley, Hensiall; Margaret ly appear on,the Play9tou,nd at all, 1 "I - , a . - , 2 My; Margar- "Fish foods thave several excep- and no questions asked? If -Greece , � your grocer is featuring Kelloggys �.f-� . -- ­ et Glenn. 10 Uslblorne; Norma Cob.k Sangster, Hensall; James Clarke, tio,i*1 m1extitig. Since their tigsues, are ;;;,. I I I ..."W, - I... . � . .1 . . ,. . � ' Henisiall; art (4th C11faiss), Anne Mor was right, and. i,f ..ngland is right a � . . ,� , , Y, . . ' 0 If Heiisall; Helen. McQueen, 10 Usborne: � - tender they are very ,easily digestfed. I � *1 11 18 . I - .. diecorated adolvies, NoTma Cook, Hpn-' gata, 10 Usborne; Norris McEWan, Flo, andther thing, 'they -we, boy might almost as well pass up Cereals and many tempting, foods at ; . . "M . . rich i n A . sall; I& . Hensall; Margaret Ke-reber, I Tu k- I i readi7vg as pass, up games; . �,:§ I 1. net Mmpson, 10 Tuckersnidth, e ca cium ansf phoslyli-orus and other . ' � 4:1 .1 a .. Jean T1,66ner, 2 Hay; Lols, MacLar- ersmith; Lorna Zue-fle, Henvall- art substances essential to ,hum -an health, ,SbInio (of rkhelse wandierful'things - If I . � special prices—the greatest value iI I I . ert, Hensal[l; 1half ptound'inaple cream, (6th ,Clasis), Geomge Varl,ey, 10 Tuck7, � Sea foods are noteworthy for their that were old in Plata�s day ,are new \1 �,,- ; I 1. I 11 Helleh McQueen, 10 T51borne; Gooldie ersmith. high %dline content, and fitodifne, is the again to -)day, and less considered by 1. � . I ,�:, � Cross, Ilensall; J,ean Tneribner, 2 Hay; iEssay (4th to 5th Classes), Nor us than they 'ought to be. Let me of the fall season. , 3 - "I I I . ,great prel�*Iitative of goitre., In re-, I 'PARKER HOUSE. ROLL$ Margaret Kercher, I Tuckersjmth. Wa Cook, Henstall; Anne ,Morgan, 10 cent years gci,e,ntigts hame foand, too, do ' . I . I . . I! � I ­ urge all who have anything to 7 1 � ; . . . . . . . . %::1 'Button bag, Laita Kinmian, 10 Usborne; �Helen Selves, 10 UsIborne ; g with Prilnia�Y, or secondary, or uni- I I -1 � , , that 1kh foadsi are very valuable .11 .1 I I ­ . .-�:%,':'. verstity education) -to catdh thds, new YOUKNOW how the price of grain has go�e up. , . V .... . I, TuckersW,th; Manna Sanigster, Hen- Helen McQueen, 10 U§borne; recita- sources of Vitamins A and D, espec- 4 1P , ... :::...,!! .. .. Baill; Marion Sangster, Hensall- Mr- itlion, Jean Cann, 10 Uslborne; D*rothy ially Vitamin D, w1hich makes them vision, this Vision ,of same, we,1,14X%l- But for this special sale., -your grocer is still , smA; in- UdDoutall, 10 .Usborne; Ruth Hess, very degirable in the dietof growing anced, . ellear-thinking ,minds in I . . 1;.:%:;: ... ;;;;.. i .. ,ii . . OIt(hY Mcbanald,-10 Tucker. � �.! -1 .; - . o ., - � .,. '.. iiii '.. 1 � . itial handkerchief, Voris Kercher, I 1,ienslall; Shilr'Ey Hedden, Heinstall; c1ii1ldren, as well 'as 4h the diet of 'healthy, Strong, glowing, graceful featuring many of Kellogg's delicious, ready -to -eat . � , ", , I ; - . Tuckers7nibli; Reta Bell, Heneall - lE90111ing match, Anne Morgan, 10 Us- adults. . ,bodies. I � �:. � . I I ",::::I, -:X�.::�:i:i�.%:lf::. .... cereals at the lowest prices in, their histo . . - 1. ."...... Audrey Rusis,ell,- 2 Hay; Mario ' blarnte; Nor-a,i, Cook, Hernsall- MO.T-' , ,IF)or reasonis of health, then, not ' I, ry , r" " I , .,% .. I . . - .. n,Drum- ' -4r c smdV . . ,Questions concerning health ad- .. . I I . ; Ir ,.,; . '. ' . dressed to the ,Canadian, Medic�,J, As- ­ . � .- . . � . . I . . . � I.: 1.1,11 .. ,.; er( � , Glar- only because they. are nounabling and . I .1, . ,.; mon, 'Hensall; work. apron, UargaTet gareft K, -L , I Tu ker I . ,.;... ..... K... . * � , I - "Kn:.�tht, y- instrumen - Isociut�n., 184 Col-4ge St., Torranto, See your g'ro'ber and sto�k your pan shelves, , . . p � . KeroheT, I Tuckersmith ' Margaret ence ' 2 Ha til taisty-, tilt 'is well to- ,use MY&dia,Ti7 fish , try ,/ ­! �,� -%n,g)--.t:eT, Hensalil-Noir- ' will be answered �Wjs` 8,11y by let_ . ; .1 . ­­- ­ - ­ -.-- f They are on, � , - ''I `4441 Y�asftakes and , ' - If a Oook- H—)en- !s1011o, N'OlMs IMeEwan, HensAll; Bobby foods frequently, bulilders today! Oven -fresh— ready " v . 41all-;' I�Iancbe Thompsion, Henisalli; 1H. Hests, 111tensall; ROSS Kercher, 1 Tuck- of healthantl Strength. 'Any Day a ter.. . � . . . to serve. Great for -q I I I I . ..1W I "I'll, . . Royal Sponge. Recipes',assure S. scria,p1book,, Helen McQueen, 10 ergn-dtht; imerfital -Al-ithmelbit contest, Mth Day' will be a fine rule ,for I school -day breakfasts. No cooking. Kcllogg�s save �A . . I I I� . �� -, J � Usbome, Emily Hoskin, Hlensmll; Marion DrUMI-DIDnd, Henstall; Harold nadiane*16' follow after this." . . ." I � " � i light, tasty breddi . . . Marilon, DraIm1mond, Hensall - model. in Koehler, Hernst�ll; Billy Higgins, Hist Ca I I , you time as well as money. Made by Kellogg in ;, .". Royal Yeast Cakes come to you with Plasticine, Sandy I&Aith��', HeIrIsnal; (sall; Noonia Gook, Hensa,111; darning 1. PLOWING MATCH PLANS ­ . �' "R f I . . , I .., P! , %. ,; thp protection of 'a special air -tight Grant' McLean;, 10 Tuckdrsmitlh� wool socks, Margaret Keroher, I . I London, Ontario. �;I��,, li �, . " ' I ,.I � , 'be I . 11 , I wrapper for each cakel This assures ab, Grant Case, 2 Hay; Billy Tuckey, � Tul6kersmitith; Mairgaret'Gle-rin, 10, Us- Furbher Aefina indications that . . � I 41 Ic solblte freshness-fuU leavening power, 'Hay; salt,box for Stlook, -Gelovee Beer, borne; Mard-on Druminiond, Henstall ; .... the 24th annual Inte,rrisatbo'na,l plow- , .; �',', . I You can use Royal Yeast Cakes the Heinvall; EIRs Nlorthdott, 2 My; .T�mn Dougall, 10 UsbsoTne; weed nam- ..'..'. ing Match and Farm Machintery'bam. . ­ I - � I � � ,,IV ; � ��,;,; . . - I day you buy th6m-or months later Grant Treibner, 2 Hay; . . onstratilon to, be held at Cornwall, 4 .. I � , '111� . I . �and be sure of uniform rbsultst No Ge,orge Ot- Ing contest, Helen McQueen, 10 Us- fw9pa . T4-d%A& . . ., ,�;-,, . en terbein, Heirsddl; window box for- bo -me, Wargairet Glenn, 10 Usborne; I Ont., from October 6 -to 9 was to be r ICICE zrfr%,& I : �� � ;�`ff " � . wonder 7 out pfi 8 Canadian wom. flowers, 'Robert Sangs Bla,yehe Thamipsion, #ensall; Anne "the big,giest and bIest everr', were re- COIRIf PLO n ,I""'�, . � ,�". '1111 I I who use dry ybast insis - - -- - - teir, Hensall ; . . a ARISPIES " `,,� , I I I I vin Greb, 2 I -lay; Gordon 0ampt- MoTgun, 10 U s4yorpe. . ceived this week by J A4 Carroll DICAN F � , "�.�',. ,bti�s - �, . . : '], I ­ , -"1%C4 ,%, 'A ­ I I I , A" I ,. , . I , ­,,�NT, I . � SecTelt9iry-Mantager of the () -- ft .1 , 11 Schbol paTadel--Hensall (C. Blowes, I 1. � . " ,vlif�"a � ... 1.11.111,11151" .�'$ I .... M, s * "" I J I � ,, Hensall- -five useful farm rope- I ntaris� - . � , � "I , I 9. A. Ell -lis, 13, Pfaff), I Tuckersmdtli; Pllb-*men's A.Isgolciatiron,' in the form --- - ..­ - ji� . I BOOK"T kn1orts, Harold� Koehler, Hensiall; K,en- It �a I A '50 , I FREEI W 0 I ---%--W .�, I . ne!0h McLeam, 10 *Tuckersimith; Keith 10 Tuakersnifth (Aud*y Dinnin), 10 of an unp,receideuted vuMber.,of ap- WE.- I . . ,��&, P -, � -1 , , � 11 '"rho Royal Yeast McLean, 10 Tuckewsmith, Roger Vent- U,siborn'e (Ray Cree&�Y, 2 Hay (Iga- 4111. , plications for exhibiti,on a ' e lin ,the .. . al, ,�, .. , pac .,;, 14 , 11,�, - I . .. ... , . , , 1 0 1 1 Bake Book" gives 1"i � ... IN .. roll their cloncesMon area. . -1 � "K imedi,offile caib- W11,81 111100 I "� .� . .1 , ner, 10 Tuckersnifth, Q ed" .00, each, . - �' . � ,�, � tested Royal "2 -� , .1.. (". I 1-4-1. .. f"' ­ ... I - �� N .� st -- - ----- - ---- -- , terbe6n, Hensaill; 01- ............ . Spon - �t:rathcona exetiase, ' Hengall, I .j........,...... �I-.:y "Tihis yearr's "Pented 0ity,' as the .,;;j Re,dooa linet, fGeoTge Ot .... ....... , 7.!1 � --- - 1 4; . .. I,.... I . . 1 41 ,I 11 for It III. .: ,own area, is always known," stated Mr. . 1 4 . so larmads .*:M �. .: lectitcyn 12 picturses of wild, animalfs, Tu6kersn-eitlh, 10 Tuckewrdhh, 10 Us- Z� ... ... : 1.`.1.'.1--1.-;, MM" "' , I _ ` " I � "lus"'mroo "Ove- Clamence Dilfilng, I Tuckersmith; Ross lborne, Ha - . VINV . . . h Grocers I . ., � 1 � " "-I , al �11--,..-,-�`.--`I.-�. f`.`.`.1.'-`.` I"; -'09rt"O'll, "will h0ulge the1arg6st and f`i. I - I �� ad monj othem. 2 Y . ­- .... For Sale By Seafort �I':,,.i, I FREEI Just send ed by the kippen "� ... : `�-.5 I.2 mtol* dMplete ephibbiffl(on, of farm ini. . - .I.. ", ..... . c6uponi Ktilg`ht, -2 Hay; Jarget SlImprion, 10 Specials donatt tll-'.-111� I t1.1 . . - . � I , 4 �1,dNv., ,� .1 I I �, .. . . I I TuckermyAth; Douglw, Corbeut, Hen�' East WdineuPs,'Ingtitute: Two pot- gX*'. . . . . . . . . � Vldm�enlbs end equi0ment, that hast ev- --- 6 i j, . 11 ­ - I . I's f k . � 1 BUY MADE -IN- sall; collection 12 splecimens of bay 111110111deTs, igildig 9 years and undefrt.— I .I.II. ,.,,,o� ,er 'been assembled in Can-Adia.1, - . W, :''K; ., - I I . . , CANADA GOOD$, �:: . - I , .. . I , " �1111. - .1 and grain 1plants; Blatth,6 1phompgon, Thellma Ta�ylor, 10 Tackeralmilth; Jtan- �.k He Mid that the committee bad ItIft , I I '. 11 I 11 t I "� � I �ffdnsall; A11496h. Moilgfgn, 10 UsiU&rne. et 18imipson, 10 Tuckemsmilbb.- IM)onna . . � ... found it reoessary to remise, the I I Cleary A. C. Roudedir2515 Clark'sGrocdlyI ­­' I - t. ; I . � I - I ­,,�. ; Mailioft ,l)-rummloond Hensall. colatee! McEwan, HLensiall'; woodern poi -holder, -- : . ­ I I . . , " 11 , i , g' "I,'N . 11 I ­ I STA ubirmul, , . I Rmlid PISIT for the "Tented City," so - � 10!�!. !.., . I� .:­,'', .. � . �, ,�l I I � tili`h Of it least 10 lix'Weats, jj;len M�. rack "Pet tor ten polt, blo'ya IS yieais � I., I that it ,could madily-be e, I . . I 41.�­ � 1. . �n �,[ I . , Irpraft sc0roAllato.ont. . 4 %panded to . , ",,!. Lill 2 11 Im . .. Me fbe " Royal V—t Queen, 10 UsllJorne- Blantahe Thotmp- and under, Donald McKwy,,,-16� ure . . . I I . I I '' ii., I ii! ,,.�q .Ilf . I �,�;� %" -k- 006611ftftlodate %fhe many exhibribors I I , 9�1 P161 -9W ,son, Henstil, I , � . I I � . . I $60riot, 1. I 11'' ,� ... ON, . ftvWth, Kenneth- McLean, 10. Ttok-e4r. I , w -h`01 were 01013bing for space. More Wit Smith . Cardia's "..."'I", I I 11, , � , r ji � 11 I% `111'� I � . ` �I , I ­ � , . ` . � , i'"', � .1 I 'I rw H �'­' � " I L I - I .1 1"', ­ �M 1PI 21 ,� I , I - I. , I I I �'. I - , -,�­ . , 'IL; , �: �recety. ,, , , '� .., . �. �,, INM, - I � 11 ­­- I gi (P ,,Smd1bh; Billy &kKay, 10 TudkeTan%i - � than M lindrul 1# 1, , . P� g , Natne . ­­. I- wittili rimer), E. Campbell, 2 th 1 4,4* , . 11 M 9triall and, ilgfticuftuftf .. . ­­­­I­­1.Jf- � -4 .. .. ... Z ,,, � jt�'i 11 - L I -1 ; . � , , , , ,­..".. ". -_1 I �R.g . . i i"i % I..,.,. 0 ". I Hay; Billy Tuck4y, 2 'Hay; Rolftald T. taton pme, trolphy -Vaft*ftt It, , , I 101rigu�i1ir*Ams W been M. uted,tim. .- � 11 . '' �-R*i ., . �i, I I I : 44i" � , . I rk � ­ I a - I , , Atteet Tdo'f'r, 'Itmi.ga-1l, A,%ma Deill HeMM11 - Kercher 1 TutkersMith, '54 #biwb�­ cessions ,mr 0&ftJ4 gbgW, as #*,11. 6' ro I ., - I - I .11 ... 11 11, ::,�] 4ft, 0 Oat Odvs�).- 94d&11, %ij,'; -book, lgiaftldho Thoftstq% H 11 58 " '' - . , 1VO-4,*,eat; th'Afty tar 00 I it k4vi ft. I � , �F�. 0 — -- I 11 . � ftwgl6i�mtdg 1';,�,'� � .% 1 ,�,,A" � Ate, " A " 1116*11t ­" - - , ,:L1 I I I I .11'' I 04" ,,, . St's �� eLf ' I I 11! -, , Wolff, 1�6TWAJIII- Mefthi S.N - Phittil; b0lok ROAM X VWh I .1 wholge ON4 1 1 .11 I I , ,, "" 1j, " . � �� " i — - �j , � � eQt L , .1 -, � , I I 2 . f", SHW* _Vh , .11'.... -1�1"Ii ,,,�`I.,.­, - .y , . I tW tu VW06 I be, W ae# - ...".1 !", .... ... ... � ...... .. ­­� .. .... ,, �,­ . ..... ;­'A'.�� ,,,,��,,,,!,-,,-,,i,; ­:�,��­­-'-,,,,], ,. ;i��di'��,,,�,,��-.,�.,�,�"j�,�-� ; �­ ak'4 1 47 4ANA. , . I I ... I,, , ", ",", , ,if'' � ,f , ,, , I I d 166 W , ,,, �Q�� 1 N .,,1I­,.,.­'� ,� . I �1;. - DW, Wgblti A ItAy, I bovw, � , In ,11y.".11" 11 , ­' . 11�111­4, y �,, � . , 0�, , " � . I �', if .�J �- " �,�,�;'%�,�, I �,,,�&­' . 1. ", �� � I . .. I I . , I . . I �,.,!, , - W, , ��,�Y ", ,; " I'll., . ,6*,,� N , ,�­,�,iMNI 1111�n.'J I f . I I I " .. . ,,,� ',,,,�,,�,�-,�, . I i �, �, , '' , .I'll � Tt",., i'l,""'i1l, " .., ,..­ � , ";J . i.. �.' ,; ""', ... �, - ,m�,' It "I `ii ­ i I. l,t,,�,�l "�,.",t - I., 1�­, 11 I ­��, I ",,. �� � - ,,�5, , � �,, , ,,� ,, � , , � � , � ,; I 1�1 i �­ , �� IM11­1­p­­�, ... "I'll , J,�,� '.,!,%111,) IN � ���� I �11�1,U;�,, �, , 'I I , I , , ,,� "'dtff4i ")13 041;�,I� ��, 4 , ,r0f, �, 1111111��.,,,111111U �' I , �;�k, I , , "" , �, �, , ,� , �,��,�,;,f��­ ", ,;, pj', , " � ,-, I'. � , I I � ��J'?, , ­,ii,4 f, �:,,�,�,��,��i�,,��i""",,Af.���ei'i.4i�,,,�,&� Vll­�L,1�411!,; - ! , ,,,,�,,,�t � . . . . . . . . "I'll �111 I'll, I"...- I'll ....... I'll, I , I "o . ... .. 4 "", I , ", , � 11ILLLL � �'.. 6i. 4 " "'' I � '' �%, ',�� , b I f', V,�, , "". �i I � 13 K12 `1 '' �,��',­­,; -- t"11-11.,-111111111111111111 - -11 ­­­ ,,,, �, i- '. pi4,�, ,,�,�,������""L�i�lji,,���),�,���,,t,-,,,�,,,,�,ii�,,�,,��,,�,�W�iv;�.4�i;r.,','Vl�,�t, 1� � �, �� 'i 'Iz I %,,� "Ll, 1� , , INN '.� 'I', � I kWy,f,,,,,.b6t,6&yI,0I- ,,,� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­. -11.11- 1� -- � ­�,',i, � ,,,141',��A ,�,��.,$V A i , , , , �,,.:o I io i', ,,,,, �, ,1� 0,;�.Q�, . #SiU1&i011f1a(1N ',�11'?ila t