HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-09-18, Page 5�fit�'}�'( .v r, iri+Iti, �i p I GI Vi��:�' ri'r� It }y"ir !�'i�r at vJ 11 IG i. , I ji�i 1'� Lucy Burke, of"London, Mises L , spe#t 4'undlay at her home. , of "_ o,#• , o :`%a %,sic': azvct':1�[e Xo? ;""• ,w'e, ,,.taas•lthiIoi -1 iiF?rt ',make t the fladte,,of Etlho es, we cannot help bptamakes,ours,elves,'bettetr'"aitizens' of 'y�.. F.... I 1. - r e t tl°ioomvnuumi$ty ,+ :�4C ,4s lope slaganf. 'W- the ; off . .,. ; . Mif FI"an O c ss na r n, of I}etmoi ' ID A ; _ 411!( •7 I ' ' �b1,�_ u+�m1 (11,004 011`, i froom; Pia 'W .'f,:-11 e 1 - - - ;r:a•�r.; ,.»«.n� N i r a - .,.i, , i �"r .,� �,la iC+G��r :C ^.^ `' `N� :, R:.,: 6 ,✓<. i.. ',. � . ,, j ° a G'!4'' 1' "� F",'"i�, �'�' M }r� F s x.' G4'! ., x"n �, +d*"'Iw ",A7 ur1,S.�s R11,,07K Wracy' Q11�Q (ypltt IMe1xxYS1u'i I 1Vj1M a,y,f M 1.1y...?,,q, . .'k^N, Y, ,.,4,?; ; s 11 If " ,� a ,� kir 4. „!Ig g; i1r1' r'xt ted;_,. . i'!1 GaV ,�iva 9,,7, t,. . . . . +*:T.. ti+Qbfor* 1? a W ' I Vn* �.' ' r. is p 1' C�iR 4�1! a ,fir k , " r �L 9 " nrnotite,r Af e9- i , x�4i dzmma @ in ;cai?e1•.. I, !?.. ' u tit? 1e s Fr F „Y �f, i •a 1.. Y lied the 7}!pa ebabernikn b I as ] ,' ''o! " ;~ 1 .: shadows of a ealoxFu1 cit .• �' tlh?: #ado^' :;R "; °0 r ,�,�., t Y nil '' „ 12c! , well putt, Ib Ieae7a17s_ u � _ te-' a 1e ,er t''j� „ day, d,y<', dies S ii g iM d , �q/ �j 1 7 /,, 11M, ..,.....y whlWe}Y hP'15s 4Y �10,itt A Q�11 , 3I!! k� 6"!f err rdill•it/ ti Hwy l�omda, Margaret Sullivan, ry Fay 'f e" x�ai�tlu>;;: rudhe. ` �r Dominion, of Gapada, oowet.nes by �t e , a lga# qt 'i ,12017 , Rt t,, . . t Charles' 'Butterworth g l~ l>d... o, ° ""TSE, iIV1104N'S OUR ROME" MM, and( 14>ilei , G. Fldn h!ai%em,who ;those who, honewt)1 1belii�eve, ?b a be .p7 g+,.,j#wve,.amid I 'or;:!erre caxinat+aa� . , "! I i Mlarious ce of a Roll .wood ;fit the alter alb Grand Bend, !trlu�-- ►d ttu�'s aplpl)}'e~q bio; .syn a p) ,lel' �k'o :i!cleau t!ba-t m $ozi 1 � glad• . :- ` Y have returned, td their ihbm0 l'ea's!, friend in• tdhe .city !of TVraaboL,�Od at' �,qj its the ,and !)rat nia�u}�ad' ; ' $tar and a woman s club hero. Mr, and Mims,' Lindsay Vilest, erbe�t Marshall, Gertrude Michael of. other held clea'el'y ,by ro}uor who h'as`uaredl .poilhank. ' "TILL, WE MEET AGAIN G AV °. to !the foraaees . aunt,.. ,$eel that in a .xvaxnd i*-#z�Yi boli* � i,et�`U$ Go'For rd „ , f ilarril el_ Ahrdl Q ou G i , Here's the Perfect answer to those .W.. J !Fhuss,,:lon• d4�4ziday self-contan�ned'woril!d' shut .0onmt out this: • Neo .. ° + mq+iio like adberityre. SWS' d J,ollm IHartnm+an, a f+laaner mae'i emylbo�}y e1te, t ey can of have ,tiheir gavlernlmlent i ri Ibhe;•° wmidrldon Cafe: eutib of this isegtiwn was 'bun+iel1 at Yo .. way, 11r,I9 •• a'da at am 'dl' 'h'a,u ver carrieici ori. 4 , `Ph sd'ay, Friday, , Saturdmy 1VLt, 'Car'�niel ,on K6n!day.. -He had car"?, ko, theme, and, is!o Telt the • rorr!oaI i earn earn! , Joe Browtt''a� Alexander Botts .xnade.Ihust 'thot le• with his ,sons' there wa "aU a !gr+islb. to bbetir onla!;t of ��� situ ed r. a expairsion• i!tt "ARTII�WORM TRACTOIRS _ g' ave re d e n9 t manlsauar Gore-w�ha s n . - - ' A number imdm flown adterided the that world ta?ade. vvillnever be re- that iov��ci oma. Thin ° �-t1ie-..g>iat..,. Bu " en ,We- have been beset bjr €u'nerai Of the 'Usha Jacob: Schroedier• stored liesin the veryobv%oua fact our fears; xtailedl dlawri''by tradition, GODERICR FAER:'NEXT WEEK a well 1�'nown resident of Diashwood, that tit is -being, •rtesthred now and, ,helid o'1!dse !!xy d!ead !shr'tilboletlhs Wihetr, . . , ., held -on Sunday. 'being restored rapidly. ' what has a time . the IpeJaplie +of nt: li uieth . yea s 7'iilmsidlay ani3�'W�eduesdav next;•'Serp- ,Many from town and vicinity are my'•legal fritemd 'bot say when! I point Shenciel'w ll' ihwivr in thioghing' at ouir l' ° I . j . Ubember 22nd and 23rd, the Cioderieh attending London Fair this week. , out tont Canad`ia'n' exports. are in= s'tup'id &I&I - lei the' ••Mark, I,ndustriA, Exhibition takes the, door. ;An O!lusitr•aited lecture was; In, creasing at the rater of $100,0oo,000 Twains •amid St heut,,l;e- cocks of the c W ,,!P,rogram for . ,Wednes,d!ay Phe.,Luther:aan ,Church• on Snnday v,, .,a year, ,and tili'at thRy'have teem! dlo- 'year 20136 vvhli4� . play 'Ade#h the stratub�+e I ternoon. 'iri fromub of big covered °ening by Rev, E. Neliid•arfer, a ¢nis- •Ing :so'fioa so'm'e •time. If we mea- talees•.of 1936. 'Before we accept (the 0 I I ' grandstand. Two :speed, tests, 2.20 sionary h% !indaa. -He also' gave an ,sure exparts,,.in volume aiustead of iii alterriatiroe of defeat, surely we. ought and 22'8, +for ,purses of $3o0. Vau!de- ' nteres'ting :sermon''at the morning value, the sltory' would !be• even rbet- to •maike ane, hone4gt And slicers ef- villa ,perfo!rniiances, Nlsidwgy and other services, . ter. 'Ot course, he may stay: "Yak,; fort ,ba !behave fns-,humnan beings. ' attractions. I, 1 The memtbers of the •local Lutheran but exports are always' measured '•in The idea (that there are no markets conlgreigatuon will !hold a lbws s�np- value." That is true, but I need and that nothing oaf be done as in - ,per at 'the church shed on Octoher only point out a f --act, familiar to ev- deed .a,,counslel sof 'd IVair. We shall ° VARNA 2J . :eryone who understands the drift of not accept it ,if we tare ,sane. It will Mr. 'Charles F�ritz visited' his 'biro- economic circumstances, that, the be a 'h'aip'plier ,time when -the w'or'ld r Owing_tio the 'absence of Mrs'. Bug- ther. at .M'orrisitowni rover the week_ neovememib of prices is usuaaily, a long- forgets lbs fallhes. . lex, RRect. of St. Johns Church Rev. .en -. time moveme'nit. Canadian, wholesale ` ' James ('ark ,of Bayfield very ' afbly 'Mr ,Hugh 'M'acJKinnon has left for prices fell fairly ,steadily* from 1864 _ took the service which was° well Kingslton• to resume ,his studies• at to. 1897. Then &I -I 'wed a' ,gradu'al " ' worts! bearing Sunday evening, Queen's Umdiversity, .. ,, rise touched, of course, by. the influ- Local Lions Club It I ,-Mrs. M. Reid ds, spending a femr ante of the war until 1.919,?lhen once days with friends: yin London ;more., the down!waredi :cours!o-_follow- (Continued from Page 1) I : • 'Xiss Emma Johnston, iin company 'RrALTON' ed agaiin (by.the uplward move, :begun • r They felts' a story afbloult a cowboy v�itli Misses.. L. and, M. Slavin, 20 in 1932. The ,trend' is plow wpwlaad'. who visited, New.'York City and as �emusal•I,-called at the Beatty home Prices Will Rise ,he was walkingdown Broadw ahead last week. !Next Sunday 'is Rally -Day at stuff's' There' are potent fiorces' ,bring' a3" 1!ook- Chureh. '$ring yotur falthopos and gm'g ing at the skyscrapers, a passerby a5!out the !present upward inovement. y-91 the irrvathers; bring ynour s!istems and Gluts of a ,bumvped' bim,. The cowlboy'betaine ani - ' ELIMVILLE yloiur rbrothers;.;brling all our f+riend�s gricullbural Ipradzioe, carry- gY,y ands punclhed the rpmsserlby on the. Y ,overs frcim the mad escapades' of nose, and a l'ittl'e lacier he -'was, brought and neighbors, with granda.d and the pools and va'lorizaftiom schemes have before tke u!d ilia jmidlge looked+ Miss Thelmia' O'Rev14, of Sarniia 'babies; we'll have a .time together, disa,ypea.,red. There ,is an increase iii, judge. « e�fpent several drays' wilbh' friends in no ?nalbber what the weather; so Bald' held and world at hnhn ,severely.aand raids, "Why lilt 1. the volume of you . !hit this ` this CD:mrtiuhiity the ,end of ,the week. don t•,fail to rrmemlber, its the 20th pea'tea!ble nisi 'tom the 6f September. ' production :of ggolld , is increasing, nose." The cowlbay ?replied, "!WAI .° Mr. sial IMms..Ed. Jahns and daugh_ money is cheap, credit ds abundant. Jude t e ry I've Mrs. 'w, Davideior�y and Mrs, w. All the eaonoimic forces areg , his is a free ohimt I ve beets visi!bed +w41yh Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turribipll are appointed delegates to aperatnng go't a right to swing .my •fists as I Addison, near Niagara Falls, recent- g bo increase 'the ,price „of !basiic pro- ,pQ,e:ase and if Ithalb fe1labw's nose got t:he iectiioma'1 •m'eeting to be held. at ducts: Unless sromnethin extraomdin- 1p' „ Londes'borio on Sept, 29rd'.g in •the way, that was lis fault, not . IM-. A:. C. Whitlock and Miss Jo arty hap'pe'ns we are moving towards mine." But the ' e , Y Miss Gladys and Shanley Lewinlg- ,an adjustment of world ices which y sial a suitable: . NNTaithek, ,of ' St. Thomas, called on ton, ,of Wo!od!stork, -spent Sunday with in all probability' will bring a' return answer and hie said, "Lielten, your lib - Mr. and ,Mrs., Hy. Ford on !S;aturd'ay. their pafreii'ts, 'Mr. and Mrs, Arthur orty ends where t'he other fellow's ........ )fit: „Harold Johns of Hamilton; vis- of rice e�uifibriwm be,tw,een b ' asmc L•alNing'ld prad'ucbs ,and manufacltured nose be!gmi And 'so at seems d roof • 'I ��• a9ed1 'with 1VIr.. arra Mrs.. ,utas. Johns •goods' than we might (bail down our Bode of ' last.. week.- Donald Buchanan has, .left for Al- and a !higher price 'level. The forces, ethics to this, (phrase, '�z`Give s1brict•• " I ' +Miss'Flarence Bell waist. to Victoria !berta •wbe,re, 'he int'end's visiting, his which carried us downward. with se- Aois�iibal i Londron last we-ek to train sister, Ha 'w+i'11 return with" "a' car attention and .allow fu1R pfiay . all load of caibtlei. •. cele -rated progress,'are now operating t'he rig!luts of other" ' dor a curs+ . Roy Stoddart ,has retwrn•ed' 'how ,in the opposite direction. ,."There may Thethird matter to w'i'th •I would y . eddies !which aly will 'be, 'temporary durect your rat ,6n tliion Wiliat of our k e,, there •pno'bab' , ' from Go-derich where he has, been . .err,,p':ioyed for 'the sumlmer months,. , , carry backward, but aeltivities!. These as i•hFme. rs e�ier promise"'. of . higher , You know, are . , _ ST. COLUMBAN Mrs. Maud' Dennison, of Pre:sta p g sk,+newhnt' yamied..atid w ;.adapt ear- n, ni ,, visiting with he Coster Mas. Gad 'P ees and expaardhng •trade for the rows means 'of carxying,,,'om amar a'ctiv� is v g 1r world :during the next few years. ,. !Mr,: Flinlay :Mc'Kercher is, in Winn- Dundas. ties. (In the .first ;place, in st deg on a ibu:siness trip. He is accum_ Mrs Fred Kerley, of Tomo.nito, is Hi's'tory' of coarse, makes jokes of unselfislh and realize •ass , ted i- oar• pa.nied• by Frank Moylan. visiting the praplvetst-(but it piapves ,the pas- tale' of athiics, that we tied not en- d Mrs. ,si,mist.s to lbs foods: T axe is nothing tqr Liornishiv fair the 1 b?'ss Annie Lynch., ,is spending a Joser;h Lov pu yose of self= g parer , Mr, an Leek's vacatli-on in Detrait. as' gild inn hI . 17 as• �he 'w'ardlsi•-"I$ :ha'noir, self-piraise; sellf toggmanddsie. . Mrs. ,M- MacLellan and von, 'A'1, of cant ,be, drone..,, Alexander mtay have meat ear n1anelt'ary !benefit to bur- batroit, wisate,d frhe'rrds in r$eetrhwood we'pri, becaas-e (there were no ,more selves. ivicinity'rthis' week. International . Plowing Match worlds, to• conquer • but 'if he looks True, we may ,muter Liondsm for own on this' ,world now rom he ,Quite a number ��roien here attend'- t ,self-help • because If • ,we _'taloa advan't I I led the Eveharinit't ,i,C, on' sts in Ki The enthusiiasm displayed, to date vamntage� ,Plane of a higher vworld, 'h'e gra f' bh aactimnit' �. a lora "ion September 9th. . P we :hr h 1d by farmers and iaigmiicuItural experts must smile at the sepiIt• milk of cemr age o e res, -our minds fixed on the objects anc&> adhere to. Lucy Burke, of"London, Mises L , spe#t 4'undlay at her home. , of "_ o,#• , o :`%a %,sic': azvct':1�[e Xo? ;""• ,w'e, ,,.taas•lthiIoi -1 iiF?rt ',make tnrlies,ap,¢, There mrs a bagger world i to.-day;;antis grilore°-thamgV:.to be •eon-' ever..befoae. the fladte,,of Etlho es, we cannot help bptamakes,ours,elves,'bettetr'"aitizens' of z ,Miss Nehi+e �oyl:e is, attendir�� b .,) 'i n IS, of yc:,., }i fi�> tar zp�Apro*ises 4o dhe IYutei^iia ig?x ; Pl g 14t Com a ,R.: :'Ia 9ue2�ed .titan , , •,..„ ,. : ,'Pas `' ions .. „il, : :*y.,*. fv�; =A<R - ., tl°ioomvnuumi$ty ,+ :�4C ,4s lope slaganf. 'W- the ; off . .,. ; . Mif FI"an O c ss na r n, of I}etmoi y' I n'on ra on o' h'eldx. _, `- `1,tr 9>e 'wino wet hou h .the de- Fi g Sdam!ts Navie ad!o d a iclh• rpite i4 w!h we - ' wsi ass ole n C 1 e s• � g , pent ,the week-eg$ ' bet• c fr bet 6 to bh 9 t roan � a Cb al} , `and r _ es! u>rYf ; ' hits! p � lvw f?plU6wetf '";the Nalpol- ,, • . • coulKl very we, abeam in, ��d and' • rwith rl er parents, ;Mir, and Mrs ii" Ont'*,;by far the Ilargejt most eoi%i:c •tens mut ih>a.'�e felft tllvat trade Ohait is.; the . sllag'an "Be'rPrepaxed,". ord'an.' Thi -,C L. •ar. h'a}ding a sac%aJ '+px(dgr+alm' in .rtes rr t1on 1, eveht'.of. it1. 'k nd hn;;tlle w°r1'*, aGCsdki emu w a �,.at lent is- `•ued 'by J. '' A;' G`aarofl;` "'Seu�retary- would'n!eier re<viv ht'oa rue •back: 186j5 tb 18?9 was: a' bd of emery ,and tIy!oiigli it ns anu vairittemt rrnle of Liomnshn that no it 1. say. "No". ' �an +arid the , reish hall on pagiLeat slow pmagiess iin'Ithe lilted States; to a p for a2f1i in buk Friday night, October 9th, Manager of. tlhe Ontario, P!Uowmen.'s !but rat the end"of the peri id the Unit- activitlies, the •nlay mot• #Ways be !pre- • - , ` Miss Mary Murphy is attending Strafford Niormwl School Association, under- whose auspices- it is, held each. year. ed ,Sta'bes setood at, ,the doorway of progretEs and', dark gas: !the picture was ,pared nor'have the wilil'afid the :heart it fua�Yher fiJhaase actiydt5es. " Mm Joise ih 'C 4. '"fwd t_:_':,"Man'Y new•features will lbs incl'•ud- the Cc'emie 'soon charif ed �Ve IB k ' , I F � as re,a ig . , m ac! •un t e o ,.i4ay,s .,Were was a elf :bo,4 new F+oerd-V'� Comtige� ed on the official program this, year," Canada, have heard for years the cry Quaker who used' ib6 go"out to''chiop , +• Mr. Carroll anng"unced, "and fore- that .,expansion wail ' Imjpossible It wood lin :the forest. He ,a afraid. - avoist ,among these will be. the new '.is as d'ld at, IChnadian. rliistary-,4o �t of the Indiap:s so Ihe. bo�t,�muisket' ' ` MANLEY , `Vi4kbors class' which iis� open only to trade eormes back and; lousiness .sex- with }'nim, One :day his wife said, to resi'den'ts of the,United States, Que-..pand!s, and what 'hats happened 'be- 'rhim, "John, why does three always On Septemlbier 12th, Mr. John bet, .and .'the 31Taimi'time. ; cPro!vdnces. frore wala. (happen 'again. Those, who take thy mai•skeb?, Do !thee. not $rausico,pf died lin) California. 'He ew•as This comi�{peti,tuan will ,be..hreld, on .the believe tlba't . tracLe canlnot expand kxrow• Ibha(t ,dhe Lord haft!! appoinrted Sorn Theme 75 years ,ago and left here cio&ing day .of the' match:, and, :be- should have liveid in Canada ,irl, the to each one a' time to dh'e )acrd that no cause of {+he nternationaq•.: aspect of first 18 years of !thee; national lib ii:c harm •earn come to thee unibi!} •th t'in'e . 8 years ago to seek his fe+z'tune in Y• y ti line this .year's. meeting; will ii•oba'bly be There Rinid!eed was dMignati•on', but re- has co'm'e?" • Jc!hn scratched hits' ,head Uncle S ,m's diomnaiir. He' was one of. I the Hdrn ,old boys. who rA&cW good w'a'tche•d witch the keenkst .interest by eovery ,cam o --and we s1hall escape for -a :minute +or two al dh!Em' said, ' &1r his ventures.. His partner in life all who attend. stagnation just as we :escaped• it 'be- `'wife, I guess thee �is rigg rt, Ren, soup•• . 'ed several ,years ago. ,;.Thier had rno Mr, Carroll stated "that several flare. ypo,sel, I should meet an I#diam nvhose • ,V ^�•rou •af fai m% errs' ac 4-lu - lr d c ; . 4 I , . , 11I , R I . 1 M and his three !brothers and V • " , ross a or er _ •.,omietlimes we are to d that the ,trine had come, 'and I duns not have ti`-,isrters of, this vie predeeceas= 'we:r,g piing to dharter !busses to capitalist system is on its last legs my -gum" Therefore lett mus be pre- , gu „.r., . ,+, y+ . bring ,star visitors to. that it depends ohs the de opening, en g, of pared, physically and .mlbiitally, and s" $Aii,,O •ftir i t; T be remembered by is and, va G!ornwal He said that he lead in- new territory, • i- 'of with the heart and wiu, to tenter into sldme'of his 'seh'ool,rnabes who are left' I� F, tthie; burg, as he always wad of a fa,nmed their farm bureaus that the new ,rriamkebs•, and with the end' of ill lite activities 'of cum c1'wb in order' <1. uAet said jiovial' disposition. • Ontario Highway Traffic Act permit' that, program capitalism mursit ,be on to achieve the objects' for which. we Fire again 'broke out last'Sunday ted .motor busses while on chartered the nvane. Who said we lead reached acre striving." iri the pine srwiamip andate, its way trips to operate in this province with- the 'end -of expans+ion{-evvlhio said there unto srideroa+d 5 and 6, con.'14, but 'out 'Ontario registration plates. were no mnlore ,markets to be, develop- - I vPas under control 'before any serious 'O'T''tla}s ,of thematch have :been as- 'ed? Can you imagine what would WINTHtOP !scared ,orf a sarong contingent of skill- happen to world, trade if eve unit a$annage was :done' to the road. With every ed p!lowrmen fro -mu Quebec, ,prize win- in the human, race•°had a consumptive the liearvty ralin of late it will likely P NPiss'Elva P�ry�e efpentfar clay ners ,in many crontests in their oiwn catpachy.equal .to the aver;a:ge• Cana- last week witllt'her'edunt,lAfists A pier' province. These contestants wild al- duan even, in these dead times, Some Pryce, of Offluilett. , sec demonstrate the excellent progress day every savage will wear ibo'o•ts. Misest- Evelyn 'lCamVb,elll,. and her. Fall Fair Dates tir'a'de in horse breeding in Quebec by •Autbhnabiles, radios,,motor boats and gramdmothem, Mrs, James Campbell, bringing teams representing the !houses are wanteed everywhere. These are villi Bing' at the . home 'of Mr, and New, Hamburg ....... Sept. 18, 19 !breeds' most used' In Quebec. 'They things in large 'maeasures would be, Mrs, Hudie, of 'Bayfi-eld. ' ` • Exeter ............. Sept. 21, 22 . will ,in cdlude PercheTon, Belgian, posrs!rble in the world to -day if we Mrs. George Eaton spent Saturday Stratford ..............Sept. 91-23 Clydesdale, and the native French- were free foram! ,madine's.s• , inilitamou ry afternoion th Mr. and (Mrs. Thomas A Goderrldh Sept, 22, 23 'Canadian breed. The latter was 'madners'si, tariff ' m'adnes's .- narrow C'arneron of Craribrob!k. `- " Ifietowel , .... .... . Sept. 23, 24 • evolved in Quebec and is the only . sel'fishne'ss!-ibhe worst of all (human Mr. 'Harry Aiddictltt is busily en- A•ilsa ;'Craig ... Sept. 24, 26 (breed of horse orig'inate'd' in Canada. madness. Sante day these things gaged 'with Mr, Lou Kirkby of Grey Afrwo',od -Sept.?°5,, 26 These teamis will qualify for the will change. A free world is not yet Township, ' Ltuoknow Sept.. 24, 25 (hearse Show 'heeld during the match by an'accompt �-1hed fact ibu'i�ip the im- IMP and 'Mm's. Irwin Trewarbha ex- P'arkhill Sept. 2'6 ;participating in the plowing conte•s+ts. mortal• w• ds ,of the 'Co,un!i; of Monte Sept. 24. 25 Ari old-wor?ldi touch Will.b_ be, p:roivid fh isto�- ` vVlait and Ho pact to ,move into their new residence Seafbrth Hoper." _ .... _ - next week. . Zurickn ..3, ............ Sept.. 28, 2,9 ed by a few yoke of oken from the !I do not deny that the world has• -- (Cavan 'Church., Winthrop, will hold • 94,tahel'1 ........... . Sept, 29, 30 'F`rench�speaking eprovin,ce" Which will lived for long iperi,od's, -in, the clutch ,their anniversary ,services :,o W. - Sun' Ripley ........... .. Sept. -,29, 30 participate in a special plowing demi- :of -deeepresision. It has Stilled progress day October 18th. ,.,.,Mr, Bandy, of wnngh'amt ;........ Sept.�30, Oct, 1 ensitrration. Aaseo an display will be by its o`wn,, conduct, (but 'sooner or Varna,"will con,dluot t'e :sr,rvdo,se. A Bayfield .%...........Sepat. 30, Oat. 1 at 'Ieast 'ons pair of the "French -Can- liaite:r the'iway 'of escape co'n'es, and if fowl supper wilil be !veld on the fbl- Bimusseis . ..... ; ..... , ... Oct. 1, 2 adian breed of cattle. frolm nothing ,else than " the !pure lowing Tuesday - with "The Hlarppy Own 'Sound . , ...,I......... Oct, 5-7 Plans for the four' -day assembly eftse of relief, it goes, forward more Couswirhs"' oaf Ebnin as en'tertain'ers,, Teeswater.................. Oct. 6, 7 at Cornwall have, (been: thoroughly !rapidly than ever 'before', worked lout 'by tVe executive of the Alternative Proposals Ontario Plowmen -is Association in co- The alterrn'ativ!e to my, proposal is, TU'CKERSMITH THE McKILLOP MUTUAL 'operation with ,the Eastern Countiieg to !build up the home market, but at - FIRE INSURANCE COT. Plowme'n'is Aiss!ociation, made up of :tem pits to build up the hoirue miawket Announcement m ten branches from .the sever! Ontartio -by .thus, weans are in reality effective, The engagement !is announced of 4 counties of !Glengarry, Stosminront, m,ean,s for th.e •d!esltruction• of the home Mary Ella, third daugihter ,of Mr. and EZAD OFFICE---SEAFORTH, ONT. Dundas, Grenville, 'Carleton, Prescott marloet. ' IMms. J. Tremeeir, to Mr. 'Charles A. I . and Russell. Ten, local committees .Let me make this ipoi'nt clear. Martin, ,eldest .son of Mr. and Mrs. OFF'ICItRS: are completing all :details Which they Thereis no -such-thing as a foreign W. Maitbin, of Rosseau,'Mus'k;oka, the Altaic. l roadioeot 3 Sdaflomlth - Pres. the wi,11 ,make this year's, mlatch !marked--istartlinig 'as that may seem! 'marriage 'to take ,place ' quietly , in the ,greatesit sin the ,history -of the M- The ah!omie 'market its represented by Sfttemimber, I Jno. E. Pepper, 'Bru:cefi'eld - Vice -Pres. sociabion .avid exi Atition plowing. Ithe total capacity 'of ,the Canadian Mmm. and Mrs, ,Charles HarriganMerton A,1R>elid, Seafordh - See. -Timers. Theme will be More than 30 compe- people to cionsume. We ship goods iand family, of 'Chiabh'am, spent Satur- . AGENTS:biti!ans on the program, with trophy abroad onlywee ;h lbecausre have a sur; :day evening vrith Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Finlay McKerober, R. R.,1, Dublin; •and ash award's vaueid at over -plus ,of thait palrtieu:lar commodity Wallace. Muss Mairi•an ;Wal}ace ac - 1L Pepper, Brucefield; 'E. R. JJ�armouth, $4,00x0, and could not consume it at shame. eoimmande,d thein hom et. ti' en; an•d es at J. Iso Godo. 26 mules of ,,the will e, !held' within By dmiporti,ng ,tjther peroducts we bring Visitors at the home of Mr. and $fiodhiagen ; . James w�.tit; Bl dh; . F. As the match will b I , ; i , boundary and .into --the country things we can con- Mr% Meex. ,Wallace ,tai Surr�t&W were: a'r ju9t across the Roosevelt Bridge surmre. The re's'ult ofpt1hjiw:ttiiroo'gs fe• I m, and MmsM Jafek Pee61i!lok, Annie, fI A D1REZ'r0'k:5 froAI `the international border, the that we expand the eonsulm!pttive- !pow- Ruth and iGeroinge of iWIfnetihmmop, 'Mm. wiNlia!m Knox, Londesboro; George ,executive committee has .been given or of iouv -own co:utAry, and, incident- ,and Maros. Orville Maker, ID,rnice'and f ' nihiart, Br!odlha!gen; Jaynes , 'Con- every assumanee that many thousands ally, eiMand 'th,e' ,donrsi.%TA,pitive :,Po"r Geralid' -rot ,Colborne Toloi�hip, acrd to y, Grolcd�erich; Alex. Broad cot, R, of spectator's ari11 conve from Quebec of the ,other counitriiees,. bemuse' • the Misis Ana, Lave of Inekie+a!rif�ith. RR, sier3t'>att}i• Alect'avder McEwing, and the United Stabets:' 'to Support thingg they, ihVo,# 'aft •coimsUmied at Mir. and Mrs. Wminan •Wlalkar sit ' their -loeaf ibontestaiit9 and present, hrot&t ,O'uIr rhotime *j%'r*A relpreas,asntw Brim tof' Bmu!oeifrelld and •Id i. and lafvl Rn` st. 1, Blyth- John P r, pie- '` j�. J;am>e ...Shofdli'ce on; Th . indatatt>ons point to the, brealilmmg of our total c2i riik *{ fo rp tdbl& land ox- A,!Dei. yVhl ee nvo!bred 'hey 'teat Lord p�ati . U. It, l; Seafai ,, VA112ia'tr, Yt. last ,yeair'v ,record! of snore than 600 ch e, , ,:Thq :i .F,f,bt d� , , ,,�i i bplu#►$Aes. on:.(it� ..dp' , ' Weal J000io "C lk,ce *ill' I , } ,�rt�. tomlRgt'iitotrs ati'd lati,000 slr"tabors,. e'' CSixi x.01. �5t' � -, �o �i d+b rinllre Arlt �!�4`riMal !I�e�, ,tcyn�t'��ilCd,."i. 4, I , 41 n i r r. a i'. des �:f�' itr �y r,l�v I, .� ti',,. > t G r:.. 1 i ,v s. ! { e v.,L n1. , 1,.. i i ,'fi ,a„ y r .'a P r. "Vat , ijG;:' 7 9 k• o-,. :fa.'a 4' : 4.' % i I... .1 1 d\ .f. .1. Y i .� '•:1 I 'a:. l LD t t b S. a W 7 , 1 �i° v .,,I , c 1. I p v. $u r. • . , , . t ..t. , .u. V r. .. 4 C..t'', r.. T. 5 x .:i`+I v �'�{ Y:. , r,:, i,1: } h .r !. S.E'�.y:. '.t, F , ..} •, ¢r. :'� i ..�, .a?. r>k.. a f, +n'i,t h e. I�. G.t ..t.. "' •,,. 4.. >",., r „ . h a h3i {'4 r. ,i a. 6 c,r +� i "�, (^ i n i,. h, .fi ,,."'.l ,4.f.., ,R,v,,Vl h.;�.�.�a ,+.,r tl.• <. Il. r>�'7 ,$t�;{. I },rG ra 1, ,Y�: .i.i x:: r ., g,., i t >�, i. ,, I 4,.. , . f ,.a, d4 l 4:..t I .. n4"J ti,� �[ n JyFtk ". i,. ,�,, y u ,, a v., Iy.. ref .4i4 1, ,r", !, "1 -�I ki .Ibt} ,`,^a �. ,,.,, •{i .eft ,},.k �?`G d, .1-:,„f.)4.Jdl,gYR, 6 n M e -. �"U.«, kN, l`, r ..", �+. ,,.r,p�stir ca;w .,.,,ew ,r�,,t";, r(f !a.tk"a£.?,4,Ikhi..,,Yrl.? i's, �,y�.r d thI:,' Iia ?(�1,$� ti)`;'v''� A la+,u '1 �.at;:S' I �IPiE.N?rs�lG7'i::..�t>I �ei;r�ui rd':. tit ..^ e s I 111; _. , "... 11 - � �, ' ' I ~• , . - :, Ila. d a�yv", ''r, , x 'd . da�r cW Y L 7fl"' q41 . m{ .."I", _1 r ig{. ' kr ., ..,,,.. ,, --, ,, . .......y ._ .. ..... r ' Y,;} til n YJ21. IM4,� ;55t, t} ,�,h . s I LL t a r'. 1µ�t" 1 _"'' - .. r.. fry"t r '. , I - ", C 13 :�_ I 4, ��,,, 11 ,,, 11111-1 I , �". , ­1�_ -1. t,),- 11,- . i � ", ��' " . , 'i, I I ''., .._ It,"L..'.. , ,11 ­ ", . I ,, .1 , � ... !"; . . ... � I I , ",}11, �,�� ��i I � I..I : I , . 1 ...v. I .. . � . ` r I : � . . . . ... 1. - '� y }5. n't 41. _.. ­ �RIMIVE. D with the m'os l s +`I'l�� t uxlxrrI 1. . I . . � , I -1. "io>Is _s furs: Styles that do wonderUl T , !:: y, 'things to your appearance: Nit er ", ials that retain their strikingI .YIeTi4. , - . ,ro appearance. Quality that y'ou vvoUl+d . expect to find in this store. You. w1lT ' ; ,; r be thrilled with this magnificent col- . ' ,, " lection and your pocketbook will ,share the thrill also as, these, Coat% `" ,h, o> e � `�N , are Ticed much lower than . 'might ,reasonably expect to pay. 4 . ,�,;I ,.Come in and see what is. really ' . 1. t . new, at prices 'seldom offered. {,,'r 4 J ii / , ... . . I �. .. - . k 1. �. . . $1 �$ 3 51 .. ., �. 5 O . �11 . ,, I I ".., I . . .. I I I .. ..'.11 I I I . . :,f4s . wommommommommommmmommoom� . ., STYLE isRY., I .. ... ­ 31, . M :,, i''i b IL I I � � I_ coN i ' Z,I • sc oU N E ,-, ., I � ,� �­ . I I 4, 'I', . 1, I ....... .... "I''. �i:!. I I F. . At Attr.!, ... a�c�ive PricesI I "I'll HE . New Hats for this Fall are' so gloriously attractive,.' and yet • so 11 becomingly different, you 'will be inspired to: buy one as soon as '' ^i T p Y I,� you see them. While we are curtain we never had : i more inter- esting di la ou will find l _ . g sP y, y the unusually low pricing squall interest r , Y ing. You always find the last word- here first. .. • .11 .�. . .,v _.� , . ._ .. u. � � I r . .'.•,.F r 1 ce 1 r 9 to- � _W. I , READY-TO-WEAR SUITS -$15 to $24.50 % ..0 .,.. . 4 i. r , . ". i '......, ..... * ... 1. i I'll t.. . 1 � +' t y I;, I I ,I 0 1 � 11 , I I� t l y Yds l a. . ,ewar . se, , ,,,,�.!; . , I I . �,11 I �� k l, I . -V � 1".. I.. 1.111I�1,1�. 11 � , . 11 A i ,__1 -i 4V" I , ,., � "I 11 -t " I . I ­ -.1.1 I � � 15� " .,,, r I . "I ... , I . IIs't�'� { r . 0"."-"��.��,,,-%-.,-"...'�".� ....... .",.,.,��l,'"',�l, - " .. ­­_,�.,' r } port Ij i 4 - '"� , '. i, L "11 t i u ", ' d i t:. ti a':';' 'ti' S4' ,'" 4 ' '� ,�'r G �� a.:% X 1 11. .I A�'��,�A .,�,W :.,Il . 4 y:.. „,� , -� t C1 ,., �,. ' l M ' :!' "I '„ Ia 1 r 4. ,f. h � „ �t, � 1, c �- G, ,. ---I1;1..1... ,r,-- -,.., m.✓;,u,,. �7.L.-.,. eke ..,,sl1,n.,..a.....,.'�..,,.n_,r•�,rn..i,�)_.Nk..ilkS.,Ne:(�,,.,.dh.,a.f�dl's�i.S$,aa,Lk,tMN�, Yi, „'�J..:,n,..xiSiA n..x.,Tl