HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-09-18, Page 4Tff nwr q;g.� �g7��," �, I � ��� � I T ��,�,�,�",4"""�[jj,� ...... �­ 11 71 ­,­T�-,`1,11 , 1",-, � . I �� , 1,7:�1111 ?, IRT,l R Rpll -1.11,11, � .... T. � �, ! ,I , "-I 1. WWWR � 1;1"_1MM7 �1777­,,�, --­,�F`,­�� -.t-',,',,l,',�,4�7�..,,',�:,�,,!,,,I,�,,,�I 'r " � " k) �,�,�,' , , � O'l i ,,j, �, 11 "', 1, � "" ,'V ��,,�;�­%,�P�1,77 , I ,�,,� i, ,,��ll,�.',,.,,�,,�'�,0,1�,�,)f,IPT""�,,�'NL'�"'? '2,'�, i`0 ? ,4, , ; � 4 q q�,1114,1� . I ,,, ��,� , ,, -, I .. �'�, i'�' I I - - .1�1 , . i� T 1 M 11,1� r .'��,�� X,� ,11­?""�,-r-,,,,,g �,jq� �,� 17.,1,7 ,,,,�a, 11 ,,�Vkh 111� 4 �?' � , ,?,Ir�l�il-1,�,�,)"���l",,,T,� grl �f., "'vi , � , , I ",,"I "'; I , if,-, ,�,'j�',',,�' � "; ", - XZ;,�,Z', N ?2,�,o',T 077 -�,V.l ��, I ` �1�1' � , , 1 1 , -7,� �4�T"$,,Jj I Afli�V 1�,�� 1',P"��, M,� �, N Q, Ili ,"'p, ;�,-, 11,��,�� , " A� ��,��,��1�14�i�y�;`�,!�,` ", ,v,,JN�M� � ',,�'�Ati;�,�,�.1,111,�,����',j������ � ;i�,,,! " I , A�,Iji,, ;�,,��,��!.�;!� " ,,� �i�,,,, � - ,� 9' ;: � , , � "j", "''w"_"I!,",� I - , , -r , NO, i - ,�. , '�` qMM"I I ,�) I , I J. I I- _.11.,: I I_., ,­:­:,J,t� , 1 '51 �',� 1, ", ", . 1-1 ...... .. I ,,,,,- , " - jy;�,, i. _ ,;k ,,,, 11 �' M,,'4 7 '' �-,,)� ,­ ., , � . ., �, 4 7 � � i�. � 11, _ 11'�'�':,��'T­ 'i , ,�It� � ,"� 1111", .1�iil , . , 11161,11", "Ni 11, �f i�i�,q � . ,,� .V � , ,'.��,��l �,��;T­,T, 1,, I �".,�: � Y17"`f llifl 11,1111PIO ��,,` ", ��j�g;��Iit,� ei',,!�",'_ , '4 ',,1,:'V,, ,?�P� , , I I I . .. .� �,�4,T�7'�,. 1: , , , 'T, i , .� � �� � , , _., I , "i ,P;, El "i 11 , i; "IT ", ,� , "T .,Mll", , � � ,,,,�'T, ". , , ,j, , "' "' , [ 'T" ,p 'i', , , ,�,� z,�g.',! ` _�_ " - ,� 77 ,��A,'��'J',��'1,5.114! I 7 "r " ` " , ", ", , ., ,,�� ,� 'p a glig I "i, (I � & ., �, - 1 . �'.­W,1111_, , ., ", 1. . ,, . ,�. I . 11, I i'.11�,A - . I I .]� , .%p,&�,# . , ­111'Nil'.. 1.11�1. I ". f,�. 11 i �­'­ -�� tll�l , ,�: I , ,� " "I � I.. , �1 $ . i � 44 4�, , t ""w � I' 4.1;,64"N ',,�Fil. J� 1 �1­4" �0 : " ,1�,��..,,l . I , � 1, 11 � I, 11 I", . ,�, , 1: l, ., " lill"..' 11 -11�1,�� ­��-f,, 'I, r � . , T � �, ­ :� ­, ', P �i�,""': � , � . �; � , I I , � r"! . k.+,"�o'.1.,\ . , ­,;i:t- :, I ,�, . , '[�S, ",.1I.. 'I 11 V. , �'_� I .1, T 1 1-. ,. . ;. 1. : .1 . ... . 11 ! "R I � , . I , '' . . � I V, V,�.4­,�,�;N. �.:, '. 1;,��.. � . 4. .�: k ,. � , �#. , i i� 1. I . ;.� � �, . :1 � . 1, . 11" ''I _�_ - -1 .- I 11 , . � �"4,!;��,J . I I . � " .�,,, — ,, . �, , , `� , �` � " * , : �, " ,:: ,,� � !. , .'��­ I I �, �. � , , ` 0, -��,',,',,',�,",Y,i ,�� , , - f, , , , �t " , 1',� " '�­­ , , I � !, , . V . 1 .1., 1, , . � : I I , --- , , � -'.1 11, 0 ,:,�j,n � , , , . , . : I I . . �. . I 1 I �! I . � I I �, 103)m ,. I I t I � " , , �J - . ; .. I "I p I I I ` `�`... , � I � 100, � 1,4 ; po :�, , . f IV � ��, . ; I I i, ! J . , . , . I I" I I I � � - "Fl, — : " ; I , , � � I . "' I IR " , I I - ;_ _� , , , I 10 " _ i . . I " T, . � I , , , I . .. , , �. .0- I . � , " __ , , , I , . I .� I I � , , � . . , . I .1 Q, I . � � - : . ,�­`J � . . . . . . . . . 1; I '� I - i� � � , I ,.. I - , I A I , . 4". , I , ,.11§1 41 . . , � :�,�_P � - , ­ - i . 1�1 �, , . 0 1 . �'� � , ,I - I- - - __ 1�4;1;,!�; �t.�,;,;;;��.,.,.�; I � .� I I—, .1 -1 ... ­ I I.." I -1 --1-----,._'_ .. . .... ­ , ­­ ...... -1-1.1-1-1-11. 11 1-----1-_..._. _._1--.- I -1 I—. , "I , 1- I 11" . ..... .... �." 111-1111 I ­.. . ­­­ I, . .. I— .... . . -....11-11 .I ri�,Tij-;-, '� I I I I __r,1-_- I 1. ''I .... I . _1 .1 ­ 1. . _ _, r T-- .... . . -1 �iii;!.�iil�i�i.j��ii4.;,i� "�i;"- �� -',,"i��in��,i jji.�j - o I - , 1.11111".I.i-,�,''���ll,���.'�, - I 11-11 , - 11 I � .1 1. , ­­.. �'] -- :"`�­,. - 111� 1�11 lull I 3� - " '' , .. r I � I ­ , k 1� ;i�A,,, - - - ,; . - . I . , " � � - , ,,, ,. "� " , I . . I ., ".1-1. ­ - . � i � .j.j­o- .1 , ;13,W%, re,�,:. Rwxw - lfaxnuwA 4ua ot And, the centmir 0e,aft ,PA'Ul W,- the 1161at Battdiou 9f RWOU and v4s, � � I �*"-, l�i # 4n � .", 1, � fl& ­ � I .1 1. I.." I .1, - ­ -11-l"..... ­ I ,.,q� I III I , , i7�,$�1,14'1'1"�, - .. I � �, I nste Tual.t BUSS. Zt1h.4 RORAson 'resier0d -for the boa,chers,,gracie0and 10 th 1�4 4lan w0wo Ord on. . awd i - A_M11W UWW�,J!FT,w, %j:- R 1�! � I �; I - I., . I � � I 11' � ... _.— � N I 11 I I � ill V I ,� . , 0, , �§ retu' `0 , .,W&��, 10 I ­ , - - I 'In , O, _ . -,...: , - Sang . r: "ho '7# Ale' 04 pwxpr, IT, I ".# _R 1" � -be- p -*400L.. - .0 '. - raivg4o, Rewdl� WO MTarT,k_4,. 14 . cawom 1P ��,I� , ��, ��-_ . �� �- � lam& iu Aw 0"twou pospit4a -was- Q. � twil, - _ my q RMT I t .. .1 .---� �1,1--,��, � , , ­ - 1w V, 1� ,ww,- 9--ast 4 -Caw- -W .-. H i --::!b .(_"__ � I I I c I sat_Aq gerea AW r, "M _ � .." k I . OL _Tim ... 7;� ---,.A-"-, �_!09 � " . � ii�d__,*. Wt_0QtbQ4"0d_by xpen1ses pre"hed at Presboterian ,Oliur6h, and was p, vwT WoWsOd., 7M J-1 0 f d . . - - 911- _77;17=7 I 0 �_ I *11 2 ,�0 I:: Owmoa of -t - I tw-0 i x -U, or.v -- 1a_W0iS._4.-M00AbeW I I � 1. - falmit�` ,7(4401 '' I - ! , "I . .. 4 - _- - -A ds','. vd it pl�ly e mg.l..PresbyterianCh4�, ,,pp 1_4 � �, , Flmvk *yaai� have gone lon -f "eusall, a' ,4 ,if_ ,Z1 v . 'i I., . . 4 -­_ a trip to, lkV9e..Q , " ­ ­ . I '.,��� W; � : � ��I�� ­., . . .."I'll, �. mornin 11.1, ,� . . . . . . . . . . . . %111111 il, . we 'MCUM4 she is: ifat an indigent both W.ViceoL At the' I 4 41 1, 'R. 1-1 , il� - -XAdW 1, I * .151'16 ICIFP her ini*wui ate px*em by the great inteireart in All trarippiring ev-e -1 � , , ,g ser- laight, dxitelligen�b 4nap, itaWng a 471bh'yP,%r4 Z. , � "I � q-% I.. r,ol r" 1-1 - o.%F ior-. m,"" ,." the Nv�est, , - reutivjw are We'll .y:1"ce- them � -W , (Group,i of,the ,, Mdtf -. I W ,0n, "' , 'k,R01 and . 4s� All I I .,111 ��4",If.,;il �,, �W7171'1,�", , ' ' , -4 _ � ��I,� Hl'i""' _w .v' , - "' , � , .. " " � U I , ­ I ­.­�,'I ,. � , �,gv I - ' �, _1 � � U,'�,t� , jil Ads * new' low cash es: (tm,e and ,Mr. ,uqan mccieilan, of aldie to. V,wy ,such expense,&--4041rlied. oho'!T AAW:,0,- ,*;,, evepik . . I " t �, MWsL M, XeCloRan, Mrs. W. Pbr , * §etivive a ents. As a hu,sband he was,kind and ma preawtieriaii.iChurth Are h ,_ It, �' . Z,",,'.'� _Rk".1, Will be- miserted at iii � A S , ' ; ­',�11 I . -iv . " -,,, "" lovliiig and as a patent� mo0t Indul- d Sale of houxe. - 11, in I, i � " ' ,� C"', 141.", .... I i.'' g.ter and Ahaddiiek: That 1.10,1 ., � "'rt"41PV6WV"Nt4rs'- *' I � I v_�%,� M,Vnm mule woldxw . ' 11 I �� ­ " , , ',Pllil`�, . Detroit, vWted at the honle, of (MTs. 881U01- _% 'w" : [I, n I , A* � ", 4W,_1'V-Ar%J . , _. W;wW. 1,ost *ad Yound. Q@=43W li�vvnf^ Z�jw IM94: stmwt4he Reeve end Clerk to tow0ra : ;�4 _014# awntL b interested in Bontb�iou & D , , �, . ".. . �"101`-' 11.11 11 I . here last 04,1 y I.' 1 w. ie,nt. Aej:,was gre0ly ryame Store on, Sat- 's '. - . � �?, "10�114 . . M. Lynch and other friends by-11a;w, prepared as, _--_�` 4 6 _', 'o '% a t6 ias- all Socigl ,PVeTASL and always wanted urday afteraloon, Oept 10ft frMn 3 ,,, tvj�1­9. , , , . � I Ms"', I 'Ist week ..I ....... :� ............................. I C�CWt � weok, 15ugg � yl- thl�- -Run -�6-f �,ft, Oer *h�� - I . �%� 1""�' 41V :� I . ' 'i ;�! H'eti'W -, I., , - _ , Tu��­W _ a jjhU I R,��­ "­., .�,.O.qndu ( I.. ` ':9 , Mh�. and, Mrs. John Fly=, of Dub- ()0'1idt7"T4Va=Ter,, re 11 �"�,�* L. . �`� I . . . Obed isft- his, wifi0i'and children to have a pleas- - o'clock to 6. -, .1 I �.4 I . , 111's ,�� I 8rd week , , Bills Ohd wokwta � es an ithe usual libur, , Ant an*., Uppy 1, be , Uando T RoNson I " ,11 I , !.,t I',, tud week .i ................................... :: 1%, Cent I lim, sipent Sunday with Mr. atd, Mr*. iandl-fafried` . th,v evening at , time and will '. , , , A., I 14100, ....... � .......... 25 Cealop - J. A. T.*, ­ .� 4 ��1111 �! , Minimum .i��' iw%, *113i1"0%** , , ­ ... ­­­­ pliiD6 I, I.". , '11­� �% _*r the choir tolpiur. Oieii gr a6y - . " � I'll . p . . , Each figur% ftitifid and abbrevWWn cormia so am Janie�s Cawlin. , were redd,as foillowsi: I I ­11�...,;,' . JMrt isc� e im�ssel by them, AS welk as , Avery interesting. event took .1, "I ,,,, �11 is sog , joo,R�ctor's, bbnd, $8; �% gal Ably. I . .; . ,.. � �, tunerai at St. Thomas' Aagilicao Church, Be&- . ,, ' 14, e . %,he eo��iiby at Tawge. The . "I', vood. Ww-imum._rl�-w Per -week. Miss Clare Pape - si 'o -rig, I , , , �� 1 , % 4 1*, of Thanks, in memoriam. Notitea-1 covit per v . , , of Kitchener-, I I . , I'll 11 _v be voted ta a Box NUM60C. cam of The RAiron FbVwlt0r. tOr 16 *Mtm -,jin '. Plies, $3.97; :W. * - 1W The N,ciil.ng' Pei*e%�. �[ . gue of,the wU; h� was a ndlitary ow, was kelmd forth, on Saturday ,eveid - Se#bwa- # , Wbrld, supi . ^ . !.".1 �1;q. ,p 9karl da . #�, � 1: '. x" ,;as . . , VL�,�l g her aunt, Mrs. John. L. 'Ma- S and catch baAn, $8; . . I" of fr� 6�el Preabytexian Chur6h on beT 5th, wheti .3111" Mtha RlAiaoa, l I . exthL I . labor on street United Churbih , ape,ning Tieeting . _ , , '. .., . .4 �11 lone. . . . I I �i. .JRA0,*vr*A additimal per week will be chanmd V 84 in ubwe c0w am not vaid -by, the 1. Geiger, teeining And labor, ipark, the se&son- to3ok the form of a weiner Tuesday afternoon, and most largely daughlber of Mr. David and the Uto % � I 1� . .11". 11 go , . I Mrs. M. McQuaid and dayughter,­ of und" band roast on Mondazy evening, ,Sept. 14th, attended the spacious chumh being Mrs, RobW . I �;,J,, 144 , , , tnTdAy night -in the week in wWoh the ad woo mum motor , on, of Bensall,, became *p ' , ,,�, , � 4,� BU60". *Arriages and Peaths inserted free of chame. - . . New Ywk, axe misiting at the bM6 $3; 'Hydrol, ban' o . ., 15,68; J. X Palterson, qmr ,ex- Which was ,held at the fine houie, of filled to',overfloiw�ng. The iservice bride of W, lovii Ran&, �dw of"His- " 4 � ­ , -naes-o 4�) '45,ft--To� 'a . , , �, , . ` , �`v to brWitm. Lfte.—RZ6 on a"Nam"L I of Mlr.;andMrs. Joseph McQuaid and' 'taud., ister ,1.qaR_ .ne,. ceremony was OrAUMN `�_�,�J�:�"" TU_AP4!�t �Notta ... ... .. . I I I'— � , ­ -)4- -1postage-1 44 Mr—.and­MTS.--E-,-lghi --- Roweliffiej -a -R,t� -iwas-condueteld- -by -the- -mini ., AL -v , _ _____ - - __ I I - b1M1M__ - ­ I I - -. - 11 I I . � I— - __ .. ­ - -other" rAatvw .. here. '13, ,09 . 13, Itt-_ -.+ . . I .. - i ID -M_ IM 0 ­&---ai ­.-4ia- -rr,U-.- I �1, " ", 7., ... , kk ;.1. � , ��,,� . . , , ' 11 In." -1 ­�.J,l Articles Fori,sale __ . �11 , 1. , I., ,_ 1. � __ I , - 6749,�. t. I , ALO.-�FRA BAI& IN EXCFJ- . . . . . . . 1. 1, �..�.. ,�, FQ�_ I ­ � 1, ­1evt condition; woul,d be suitable for M 1�- ' , ' "rag -e. , A,pply ,to ZW. JAMJ�S BERRY, P., __ itilruisli'li. . 1 $597.3 ... ( ��- I .� . , ,� �'ii'­ - , � . I I . , , . , � � , — - t , ..all, " Farms For Sale ,, �� ,­�f4,,:, - S I 5, ;.�. � I -_ � F "I R SALO—TWO GRAZ& FARMS-. 75 1 1 11� � 4 1 ��, z& . .., , �i FQscm. �Si/I Lot lo, Con. II,- MeKillov, and V, I ' 5o acres S1/2 E!ot ID, Coii. 2.,Hlbbert; alwaw � , % i I . �. � I Plenty of water. Charles Hohlbein FAftte. "I ,1 ��,: . RDS, opposite CWMKO�� ,,, , 1, "� A,pplY MW. RICHA . '""' . ,',�! I . .; �� I 858.us . I I 1. 1 I I'?, 1-111 a I., I , .:' , . Notices to Creditors I I - I , . - , . � � S," N OTLCE IS HERESY GIVEN THAT ALL " �&, �eredit6 land others baving clablis aguimst 1� is "', ae .t.t. of ELIZABETH MoKENZ114 late , ", .. I � � I , of the VUlage of Hensall. in the 0ountY ar , 11 Huron, Widow, who died on ,the fourteenth 11 f, , ,, ' clay bf August, 1936, are required to forward I � . I .�� -r. 1936., I . on �or before the fifth day of OotDbL I ,' , ,jw, I AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN dhat . � `,� I , ' L , after the said date th� Executors -W vr0- .. I:* , ceed to fttribute ithe estate, having rwarl , 11, 1, ,�., � . only to ,the ,club= of which they then a.hall I � ,;,,� I have notke� , . . ,� , , . f day of I'. IN!- . I 11 ifi�.' L6. I . . ', ' smb!aLA. AN & IL" 1 I . � 'cVt' S STANBURY, I I . �. : I � Rensall and Exeter,— �. 11,1: I . R)VftUtDr5' 6040ilbOTS. I ,,�, I I � 35"4 .. ".. . I I . � . 11 t i �� _ I I "' . � ,,, ,NOTICE Is HEREI�Y GIVEN THAT ALL 11 leredibors and bthershaving claims against i 11 ..r. I . - �ROBERTSON, late of I . I � ... ­ - the Estate of JAMES ". . the Vqlage a­HensaU. -who died air the ,, I I I I il 1. - seventedri I � �, ...'': I ,...; . to forvmrd their clidws duly proven to the . I , ..it, . undemigned on or before. the twentY-eighth il A - � , (28th) day of September. 1936. I 11 ; ��. . I AND NOTICE IS FlIRTHER GIVM, that I �i., I 11. � after the said date; .the Executors -wilL.,Pi-o- I I . I I , , I ceed to distribute the estate, having regard `.11 . . �, only .to the' dtaims of which they then sliall , . , ii . . have notice- � I I I DATED at Exeter this eigbith day of Sep- , � , . , . tember. ISM ,., 11.1 - � I�GLADKAN & STANBURY, 1, r , � t � , i t. I . ­ , H6:issall a:ud Exeter, �­. " . I I . I . E..outor's Golieftors. ," , , � .i I . . 05884 i ��'?, ... , ", . '. .... 1),.�"- .11 � __ I 6-1, I I ; . ,,, � . ".'".". Auction Sales . N,�;:",. � . . � � — I . �', I . �­ ` 'Aam "I 1� . A"Imploernensf!n. LQ.rt'-,r ACRamacee's Tooncl, Tack- , , , . . I ,� I ,ersmith. on Tuesday, September 22rum, at it ." I P.m-. ,the folilowing: Horses -1 mare 12,years , ; I i � . . � old in foal; I pair of ,black Peraheron fillies 4 . ,� ". �. . TIST719 8, well broken. C�aftle-� cow due to , . . freWhen in Februarv-, I old due I , 1. - — 4 y cow due. ... ; , ,Xo freshen in Februam; I H.1i LL � � to freshen in M=vh; 1 golod milkizig co* 3 q� , , ' �,ears, old'. I heifer due to freshen this fall; ,,� . . !&'. � , I steer r,wing' $ years old -, 1 ,heffer 2 years ", � I ring I .old; 3 steer i�!Arw 2 tj4rs d1d; � 3 SP ' 1.1-. I "I .. , icalves; 8 chunks of pigs. Implements—one ;.�;. , � �. i V - owe='ft't't'seed drM.' bLkQod,:.De�rfng ­ Ig g. Im Ha r4 cultiz . oo , r . . , I . , . I vstt3r� . 1 set batrows., CL rEL 11, mftd- " ' ��, J : , �fler. I wagan near17 new_ I r rack, I wagon �, " t. box and stock rack, I horse rake nearly new, . i t 4 . . . . " il, ,pair boheIettm, I good riibber tired buggy, ,�.,, , .I ,I " I outter. 1 good DeLaval cream separator, I � �t,:. 2 , ,'� i.t p.lpe.% set wewh goal. 2,000 Ili.. . ,. . .1 I.., : . ;��aeity, I hay fork, slings and�rope_ I wh4iel. , ,!�. I . mounted har� I P, I j,%barrow, I double set of brass �', I . . riess (now). I single set harness, al qiLanbitY i'v, pf good tieadth� ,hay, 1 good cook stove,. 1 . "I'," . �. good beatter, I crosscut saw, 12 rows good �A', ,.,�., �,Indngtalds and 12 of. turnips. Tern2s--.C4&sb. � .�, , . ,.No relserve; everything must be Sold as the i i i. I . proprietor is gmmg up farmirig� -WILLIAM " ,tJ. PULIASAN. Proprietor; Harold Dale, Ant- ,. � . ,� 'i I I 11 ­ ,-­ ,, ­ , 1. . . 85&W ��. .... .. I . �,. �LUCITION SAT OF FARM, FARM STOCK ; . I � �%. 1 J . and JL-w—EB.-There win be 'offered � . ,.. . j. �Jr. sale,,bi public auotion­on Wedn�ad&Y, .., - ,:SePter4hesr 23rd. at Lot I 1, Con. 18. McMillop "' L ' ' 1`11owitsh ' tin followine,e� Horses -4 roshi I ,. � gnare 8 -Jears old, -good t*.' *ork single or _ . . : .11�� . 4ouble; I sortrQ .horse 9 -vows old, good � ,.: � ..vmrker. Oatble-1 D*rham. cow,8 years old, ; K� - . *due to fresheq in March; 1 Dur4ham dow 5 , I , d� years dua. to freshen in April; .1 ,Dur - I .. . old'. I �'� � - &ara cow ,5 years . old, due to freshen . in � I I I .; ; I " April; 2; Hereford heifers, 3 years ota, one lv., I . ito freshen in'Mareb: 2 yearling heifers; 1 i � .. . � so- due tojitter November 2.5th, all stock in . I .good vandltion� Abe 40 'Young how, 50 � �dhfckens, and 3 geese. 'Implements -1 set of i �� I lbarrknvs, I vffisc, 1 wagon, I ha,v rake, 3. � mower, I Twin two -furrow plough, 1 waaking � *11, 1 get double work I ploUgh, I *MningL m, ,- . I 1harnem. I set,single harness, I cream sep- I arator, I No. 4 Daisy thurn, good as now, . IL �dfiop box, I as& pan. I boiler suitable for L I - I culvert, qnspti,by (if hay in barn, quantity of ,� . grain, 1 kftaen range,L gdod ba'ker; I Qa'- .... L...'� I . . ,bee heat�_-r, i(l -cords sat wood. some cedar I I " 3�wts,' 1 447bhe, forks and shovels and other � . . . . . ., ': � wturnerous art2cles. No reserve, as the pro- ;,, � � 1prietress is giving up farming. If farm is ' . I 'L �sold household, effects will be sold also. At , . Abe samelitime and.,place the farm, d3figi6tivg - ; , �_. , 1, ; west fialf ,�f soiAh -half Lot 'No. if a -fid I e west ,b 11 �L' I , alf of south half of Lot No. 12, �, 11 :� -the 131h -Concession of McKillop; 1. I "L - ;0, I 7.5 es, more or I On the ' . p 1�11�1 I a g cem6nt -cothis.re, in 80x �, I 419. I afid , , 1, . en . house. 71he farm wffl'-,te' ered for sale , I I ; to a reserve bid. Ve on Chat- ��� ,., I - tels--Casb., On Real Estate -10 ver cent of ,I '.1 . . � , purchwe money on day of sale; balance ,ith- I.. I in 30 dayq. -MRS. NELLIE MUNN, Proprie. � , I � , , tTm. 'Harold Dale, Auctioneer, W8_2 ", . I I 1',f, ' ' , , � . L , .., EXECUTOR'S SALE �� '6' " I x,�� . I I L ., I - .. ,:: O . I . . , P , - AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS IN EXETER " . I . �4 � . . " , E UNDERSIGNED HA RECEIVED IN- " 1. . C';, . . ! �Jf,!,, .1 _ Tlletrsiati6V to sell on the premiBes of -the ,T �,� , Ilate W. M P. Hoover. -on SATURDAY, "I'll ,,": " MPTSUBER 26th. at,2 P.rn,. the follow- " . , ,�. � , ini CRATTZLS:, Settee, rocking thairs, din- .... I . , I L, ,",,�� � hit-roorm Vable. land ohai , 2 glass cupbeavda ' 11 � 1, L- �' KITWp_lca,f jabl'A r3 I ,, ,, 2 bedroom suites. doueb: �� ­ 5,� . I J,bunge,' ki*iV�n z4bbosrd, kitchen chairs. or- � ,��,., electric lamp, carveft, dishes bedding � . �, . ga�i 'I -, , -�_ CA en tdols� and other household i,rtiales' ., 1� -Also Ford Coupe. 1927 model, with self- , ��',,, in splendid condition medianically I I 4, 0. ,. I . = to paint. I ;!,. . . REAL ESTATE ",( I � I , I * ,';Lolt 2W. New Municipal Plan Number �, �, . t�renty (26) in the Village a Exeter, form � �1, - , ,� � I , knowri as Lot Number 86, on the South 2, rae 'Ii� of Huron Street, CarlhF. and A-ebesouls . � .. . 9§,drvey, contaftibg -one 4ke7 r long. ��,� . . 04A f= 01 �', . I , L,,On +he property is a hie brick _ .�, , 1h&ve in "d repair. haring been recentl� I 'I- i; �, " - AWnted and redecorated. Also ;g good I.:, 'I, istable Just the quantity of lund desi=ble . . I'll 11 1 � 'I, t 1, L I . Ift garden, and run for cow. � Well located . I.: 4$pkii among good I's"Wr". '. 't�' . I ' I L 11�., I'll, ,iTt� . 'bi%att,,rg__C,"h. . , * � . I I Ad1#1 Estate—Ten, 'per ce�ht (lW,) � , if,'.t* � -'SO re within thirty days, when - 6? 6 itd b&l9n , I !, �, It"., 'L. , . I I , . ' e$An g1ven. - I , �,Vdt' ftirtbef gfttUea ". mirlir,40 � N . I GLAiDMAN & STAXNRV, , � P� , ,.,, . ... . I - 1i '. I 1 � �,�`.� , . I Exeter and Hansoll, . . !!! v, , " ;inn SoNdRois.f6r Rxe,aitar- I , ,��,, k TAylor, Auttlonow. � 958813 I A. I "I I ,L'.11� I L �L ' '', L " I... ­ , I 41 I - 1. '�� , le`­� -1 ­ � I . p - ­­­- - , - I . � . I—. , ,Staftiom �1, 2�1'1 1� Popular , 1, " I .1 L;�,7� - .-It _ � , ,, I " .1 ­ I � I "� 'W': . I L, 6AY'aluxt T ft , s Ists -7 , # - . I � ,�, ­ ��t_ . . I 11 . ..... ;S LH;M" 4� � �, il&owif­,� * , � Pi 1i "I , O.: tlk , ,fti*o well, % , , "' , , , ". � 911';�r I " _ I., , ��- �,, 1-1. LLLLL '10, 0 I U46*164 .�, � J,­�­ , - 11 -1 "I 1, - I n"d , " W I , I&II-1111 I _11A! i, oft � 0! , - ��'l 11 �411, M 10 ,.:,: . I .... .. ,'f A '. �� I ,i,��,,�.t��i , 1 Ir § I t"! � � � *. �, "' '�;'-�'.,,�;��,��'.'�.�,,,�i;�"$,L�, 't,0"', � " 1 . , , � , L ,w ,� R L - L 7 I�Alr� ... �� I ,�, & , '­­,�%_%,�� . , ,,,,,, I . ., ; '�!, 1, ` ., , � , ,1.-�, . 11 ­ "" I PIrt" .� 'I � " ''� I , -11,11fll­ '111" ,��, , L .. I I ". , , 41,�, I I I ,�",�,,v- �,,,9�,qj'll ''L� "��, ,., , .... 'n, ,"" L '' , g.rung- ,, "I , " �,N­ t.,��J,OLJJ 01., 11'151:i 1 1 1 uv'yv,i?,� ,P11 I I 1. 1, ;� 11 I I , I ` 'tlgg,gv�g I .�A , W_, . , Lost and Found . - �, . . FOUND -A SUX OF MONEY AT THE � I ­ past Office. Owner may bave same by prtr,ing property and paying udvertisement. EL C. BOX, Seaforth. 3589xl. � ,-., ­ . For Sale or Reint ' . I . I -pOR SALF--FRAM I 3P -HOUSE, 8 ROOMS ,, ' ceinept fl, electric lights; barn and six lots, ,for market gardening. Charles Hohlbein estate. Apply MRS. RICHARDS, opposite Colaeciate. 358BX6� . ' . FIOR SALE OR RENTL-HUNDRED ACRE fam, Lot 13, Concession 8," H.R.S% Taekerem,ith. 6 mile ,p qouth of . , §Mforth,'about the same 'diskanoe'ie;Wt 466hll and Bruce- field-, near achool. Good buildir4s: good ar-tesi,ai:L well; good land. well drained and fenced. Fiorer=apply to ISAAC MOORE' R. 8587-3 . 6 . . , * . . . Births . -I . I . I I i. L . HUNT -In Scoft Manorial ,H�Avftal. S -- $or&, on S pt�;� '1% 4o Mr. and Mrs. . , Homer H= . Mal ill , a daughter. I SOLDAN-In Stott Memordal Hdapital. Sea - forth, on September letb, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Soldan, Hensula,,twin daughters. , I . . 1. I — , . #41i�� . IL Dex ... . .. -1 . . .. : t . I - MORRISON-lu Londo . n. on Monday, Sept. l4th, Mrs, Catherine Morrison, mother 'of Mrs. John 'Dodds, in ber 96th year. I REYNOLDS -In Seaforth. on Sunday, 'Sep ti3th, Catherine O'Hara. -beloved wife of Dominile Reynolds, -in her 73rd year, ASHTGN-In Seaforth, on Sunday, Sept. l3th, Joshua Ashton. aged 78 years. 9 montbs ,and 25 days. I ­ L. , . I __ - . - . Transients Receive ­.. I . (Continued"from Page 1) � I . R. .G. Parke wound",up a short dis- cussion -by � stating, "If left to the Property -Committee wte� could, ask for tendim-s. We; w"d find out the dif- 'ferent vairietik, etc., and then order accordinglly, %&-Uld that bO sutisfacp toryto the councid?" All.,agreed'. ; ' I . , aerk Whlso�'ex:pliained that 'the stioet oiling had worked 0ut ivery well, both for the town and ratvay- .'ers. -.vne cost had, been split about . . I . 50-M . . . Coundilke Holmes brou6ht up the matter a iniuhn. Hie stated that a ,party who ,had been 'a'. 1hearvy us�r for ,the past few years and,, had, alwayr. ,had ,to take a- special, diet, f ound that it would be tua coetly ,to be paid for Dtlt of her "ge-s. The oo&t ' -of the insullin. alone wo§ as ,mIuch as, heir ewnings,;, lCouncillor Keating verified Mr. HD'mes' report and the Clerk . wais instructed to fill ,out- .the new . � ,go;,verrrinent fo m.s. - " . The'Reevre'reftihrked: "I t�hilk in cas,es suich as -this tfhat we S-1111ouldpay ,our sham.` I . I I ' * All -were agreeable And Clerk Wil- son. closed �Jhe subjec,t by stating, "Th I eire isn't anybody that would :want to bother with anvthlng� -like . , tl-As if tlwqy didn't need, it." . Constable Ryan left the voom to attend -to edme boys who were rais- ing a rampus'in the. niedglhboAaod of the United Church. ' T - the matter of improvements tothe Town Hall by the iTlistallation 'of a lavatory on the second floor Vas dis- cussed at gonie length� Coulncillo,r Sills. bhough� that a word of coni- miendatiop. should- be sent to E. L. Box for- the splendid -work be ,had done in linliproving the P.U.a grounds and offices. He went on, to say that dt wou,ld be an easy �natter to change the simall rouln Adjoining the band rdom irlto a Suitable pla,ce for the in- Aalla:tion.' The necessary amount of inoney would -be paid, by a -rebate, ow - I ing the town from the PX.C, "I thinkwe should co-operate with Mr Box since -hie is anxlmis to get this work completed.," finisqred ,Mr. Sills. The lavatory would not :be for the useof the pulbli-C, but Would be "en on court days;, etc. I ,It was moved by Charl-eis *Holmes, smondedby J. K Scott, that, the mafter of sanitary impmvements,�.be left- in the bands, of the Property 0dinnAttee.­Carried. , �.­ It was at Ithis 'time that the trans- ients came ftilio the En-�alight.' The council tho ' agillt -bihat they were be- CoToinig A nuisance and ,drastic action . would'-ftave to, [be takem, The plan set forth'by Councillor Sills as a suggested actilcyni would mean It1hat each community would l000k after its own men out,of work, therefore there wou;ld be no excuse for transii-entsi., Biy closing ,its diotoos, ,on these travellers - th-L, council thought they would dis: courage them froom Visiting Huron Couirty, bult it would take the united front 'of all the munictpa!lalti,�-_s of the county. - The following amqunts� were pass- , ed: Jae. V. Ryan, salary $60, acet. $4;. Thots. Storey, salary, $60; j6h,A A. Wilton -j isalla.ry, $50; 1H.,Snell, sal ar- y, $60; D. H. W11pon, salary, $20 P.U. Com-, li-grht $32.87, account $13.48; McLean Bros., aect., $59,21; Bell Telephone Co., aect., $8,.ag;,jas kankin, poilice, $28; Municipal World acet., $4.42; 0anadilan, National Rail. wnyg, erosping protection, $%55; Db- ninio*'Bank, saiety dopo§�t box, $6- Wktson &, Rieid, insurance, $16.20 ' Pulblic 8dhad 11oard, $200- Gela. A ' Sll.$,�,& ,Slons. $Oljoia- Jldhn&�inings I I e4j "A15; jofik purtell, wagis, . EZO� 'T H. Jdh?dbdhe, vage% 1 6' "I 4 wagels, $18; W 1114tt Abdt�,,,43oftd of Health, $I'- , � LIV,.V,- �wAiwriff,&CM " *18.w� I willialm ft: "r "i, *10A- t -S, A, %1�, , 0 , * ie". , i_gAtjft� &VIA01. .0, , , *111 '414631ftyi� t6wisllftj h, $1$1��,�W,��,�., � I 'I' 'I, 1 I .11 . . � I , . Mr. and Mrs. MauTice Dalbon�spmt ,Dau, q,,6*.qoj. _ 11mu"ton an .. a Lie slouth L.Ue Village on the lugh- IM A. Young, am ved by I ev".1 . .0y ev. � — WW'-wi e with 4 1. Sunday. with NA- and Mrs. Th - That accounts us read -be ,paid.---�Car- way, V�ieu a irtiost enjoj,W�Ie�.evening ,HuOt, of'Exeter and Her�l COngre- was xttbw iu crep . ... . � . 01M" riecL (Showidick and Sangsten. That was spent by the. 'Poung peo? 111EY 'gatilorls of the Anglican Church, and ,bridal vell. f�r her travelling dress , 4 1 molplan. . - [Prepare 4 ` 'by4aw to �ak DeAth of Legion Soldier and Village by Rov� A. Sinclair, of the Unked, ,she chose d ,bTmn c1lofth Ara&ly W" -Miss Annie Lynch",la vis,iting *, the Clerk' ., I . � each ,,householder si.ob for 'road .od-1 Councillor .. 6hurch, :Hensa,M During -the service brown hat and ace"ovies to malbeh. , 6 . (Detrodtt - "I �'.. 1 I. I . ... b64efit for 1936.�-�amiled. Drockand : Citizen's were ,shocked in the early Mr. W. 0. Goodwin,. a wei4ber of the The happy couple will 'reside i Ran-, Miss , . I as return . �4 . .. 4 .. �), Torb �1.1 I . Hainiiilbonk: That we adjourn­-Clax- houza of Sunday imorning lust to Legion, mendered a fine and approPri- sall. . . . 4 . - I :�. ing her hoj%- I ., . . '' . ,ried,-Jame,s-A. Paterson, Cdeq& , learn of the death, -of a promiinent ,ate isoilm Mr. Young, in a very earn- Mr. and Mm .7ames MeArthw and , , parents, 9 , vlaft 4 dity�s At - , , of , ir. ing I bf 111we=1 ,dd . �Md MT.S.'; 1. Qute a nubiber of th,%, 16161t 'Bat- bulsiness man In the person'of Wil- est address, made in a very fe-#1 ittle, dauWhifer, I , MbQuaid. l , .t � - � , "' talion veterans attended t1le' funera.1 Tiam Sangster, son- of the -late Cap- and coo. pLimentaTy reference to the on Sunday larit at the h of Mr. I Miss Mary Downey has taken a of thellp.latei emwade, V1m. Sangster, tain and 'Mrs� Sangster, of Orkney life o& the - deceased � and' -his pleasaryt and Mrs. Stevm* ,McQueen. '61 I popitiou in Toronto. . .. (on Tuesday. Istl4lid, Sco(dand, -and who had been assiocktions with him. The choir, led Miss Margaret McQueen, who has I I ... � �__..­ . I . .- .1 Mission Ba ... nd Meets a ,resident of this, ,villuge -for quite a by Wr, )Wm. A. McLarea, with Mrs. spent a couple of pletwant weeks hol- _0�_ . The Mission Band of t . he United long term of years_, Mi-. Sangster 'Malcolail Dougall, as wganist, added idaying it iMvnh,�Am and E60 Beach, I HENSALL . Church. held their first mleebing since was engaged .As a general -store mer- much. I to. the interelt of the service. ,has , returned fionift ... 1i i : I . , . I ,� 00� the ,holidays on Priday evening at 8 charit and at the close of the day At the cibse -the, remains were borne -A -number of HensaR reaWlenta at,, ' � * I school robul, Of the vent to, his home feeling (somewhat to the Herisall Uliiion Ce -e tended .,the funeral of Josbuit Ashton-, & : , , o'dQr,k in the 0 , metery, th � ' . . Death of M-rs. Harmbn . I churob with Bobby ffess, 1presiding. itired aftera long dWs�business, but Exeiber branch of the Legiob attend- who resided jp'Seafortk but who W" � - 10b Tuesday forenoon last, Mass The meeUrigopened with a hymn fol- enjoyed with the family a lunch be- ing fti a body and joining With the a large property owner and widely f 4 Mlildreid Green, a near neighbor Of lowed by the Lord's Pralmr In uni- fore retiring, In. the night he com- vfflage councill and"the 11,6imll Band known'in Hensall. The funeral....was . � , MrS. Haorhion, noticing No, stir about son. - The following program was plaine'd, to -his wife of a ' I M I the last cereirnoinii�s atrthe ceme- held on Tuesday blom 'his home in . 4 . I pain in s in the prelmises and knowing that Mrs- then givem. Sax,QphpnV solo, Keith stomach and -as he thought Tt was tery. Rev. )Mr. Young gave an ad- Seaforth. - I .- ., 4 ; I BarmDn was in very poor lhealth, call- Buchantin- diue�- Misses Mary Good- Indigestion, his wife gave him a lit- dreiss while Mir. ,Sydney McArthur, The Late Win. MeSherry . 1. -, ed at the house and knooking at the w,,n,,and. Wi;iia. Cook; ' guitax soio, de usual home tTe#tmenit for such as the President %of the Legion_took Tile funeraA oif the late William " . I . door and getting nor respanse, became Mis, pesTl I Bobby and feeling better he went off to 'charke of t1he.soldiers' service, each MoSherry was held from. the home' I u arodous And going -into the house was J.1 . piano ,:�pole; 'solo, afterwardsi of them in turn . ess, . , ,Goldle Cross and. sleep, buit some, few hours, dropping a poppy in of this sister, Mrs. ChaTles Blackwell, I -1 . . um I shocked to find Mrs. Harmon, who Elv, M,quem These n bers wvem (Mrs. '!�angsrber heard him -moaning the., grave. The ,councl also --at- 516h concesMon of *Hay, on Suftrdar - I , . was living allme, had ,passed a:-a'y- all well ,jilven and -much enjoyed by and she at once asked himif'he was tended in a body and droppel a afternoon, Sept. 12th,,to ITHIsgreen & . . The deceai,6d was a.,h1g1-d,y respected those .present. The :meeting was� n,dt feeling all right, but receiving poppy.. The casket was dm,Ved cemetery. Rev. A., Oinclair, of the re,�'Aent, , c�ur ning here from CentralhL t n ,over to the president, Miss no reply she becaime alarmed and on with -the Union Jack and with the United Church, iodfleimbe& The. late q I � ' I gia I iind ha� ,been.- a resident here for O;v- VMa n, who took &arge of 1&� to4ching hio face felt it getitng quite heamett of the dieceased , and was Mr. MeSheiry was' born %on Abe 50L I or igight. n, a&. Shq was twice mar- .b part. Wes,, Lawrence, of cold. She at once sent for a d1octur haigoed with beautif`ul wreaths 0on- concession 'of H^ 69 Yeam ago, sou A , I I iied, her fir0t.husband ,bedng a Mx. S,�. , ;�h?,was the guest iqAker who came Very quickly in answer to tributed ,by -Carmel Church Comrade of thet lwbe Xr. and IRm Wilson �,Mc- ', 0 1 I -' i 0Aver, and just before moving heiD �-_�o, .,the . everang, ddlighted the audi- (such a hurried, summons buit.before Bible (Mass, the Faltnift, Jalmes Sang- Sherry. When. a -young nmnhe'44�rit she becamid. the -wife ,of AT,k. H�ry' .' e. w1th,-lanitern slides of Africa. he, had reached, the home, life had stev and -Family, MT. and Mrs. A. -to, North Dadoota,later -going to Im- C-M I 4 Harmon, who priedeiceased her about The-imeeting closed with a hymn and dep'arted, which it is needless to say, Hamilton, the Le,glon;, pupils of the perial Bask., where he resided, udH1 � a mwabli ago. The "ceased' was ,a beneddetibin.' - ciamisto MTs, Sangster and her young sehool, Managers of the Ohurch,,-Mr. his death. -On %September'6th he niet , , I . 11Wb ipalst im�ddle life and ,lived a I . Cfiurch S,,rv2*ces family As a great. shock. The deceas- and MITs. )Manson, of ,Galt, and by the with an accident by lls- te�Lm running . quiet and re . tiring liffe, but was ' Services in the �Idited Churoh. on ed- is survived- by has wile, ,whose Reeve and -Council. The ,pallbearers away. He was taken to Im�erial . I . , L I . ery muchliked by al,l'her neighb-ors. Sunday It � �st . were, c7q'bducted, bi.,"the ,maiden name was Minnie Slnelair,'a were niernbers of 1the Lpgibn, syd- Hospital where (he died the same day. - . 1 ,At tilme loif writing, funeral arrangle- p;istax, Rev.. A. Siiicla�r, mornin-g and native also �f Orkney Island, Scot- ney McArthur, William Shepherd, Tdr. WeSherry never imarrie& He is . 4 , . ments have -not been made, As Mrs. evening. Al ,the morning- service land, and. t�w& sons and two daugh- : Wilflaw ,C. Stione , Ed. Munn, �Aomas suwviived. by twb iL-Aems-, Mrs. Peter . .. . Harmon .has a nuftn'ber of 'relatives In Mrs. Maude Hedden took a -special terS, Douglas, 'Bobbie, Margaret and Sherritt and Saimuel Dougall. The Murray amd Mrs. Cbarles Blackwell, ., � . � � diffeirent 1pairis. .. . �L Anthem. Rglly.day ser- Norma� and also -by his. brother, reanains 'were interred in Hensall Un- both of Hay Towrlship. The .... pall-,, . part , in thp . 1, !Among somevAhat,rwently nice im- ,vice will 6�,Jield, on the coining Sun- ,lames, of ,iBeinisall, and -his -mother -ion ,Cemetery. The ficillDwing attend- bearer. -were John Murrwy,- -Wilhati ­ I I . . provemeillbs imade in the village was slay, Sept. 20th, when the service will and one Sitter, of �Orkn�ey Island, ed from a distance: Mr. and Wrs. Collins, OW1 C0111ing, 0harift P1111gaim, ' I . , I . . that Jof. tibe Red, Indian serviee gar- be taken by mornbers of the Sobath Scotland. � Mr. Sangster enli-Aed with 'I Manson, of Gak; Mi'' and 11m. Moore Ruissell MackwelI and, Robert Spear. I I age, at the corner of KingStreet and , . . . I . . 11 . I . � . I I . I ,. � ,� I the ,HiJghws�y, irented and managed I I . . , I . - - I I . . I . . . I ''I 0 I I I ably by !Mr. W.m. A.- McLaren. The . I . . . 11 . ���� - , --- , . � . I . - . , . . I . . -,. �­ " � � I . � . spaebous entrance grounds, and sur,- . I I . � I I . . . . � . . 1. " I ., I - _. .­ I � I roundings -are being all;,cemente&ifi- . ,. : . . . . . . .- _ ­ . � . . . . . I . stead of Ithe fine iea�el, whifle'the �, ., -2� ..... I I . . . . . . I � . 1. . . ; 0 ,up-to-date garage building has been . . .., . I . . I—— 11 I . I . very tastely .,pointed.. . . . I I V . , . I .. � . . . 1 .4 I 1�1 I . . . . . . I I I I I I . . . � I Mr. Casey Hudson, of Brussels, are- � � I., . I I . . .1 . I . A I , co7r4panied by a ,friiend, visited 'His. . . . .... . . . . . "I I . . � i parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hu& � I . . 1 � . . , I I . '.. . . I I � . . � I . . . I syn, -during' -the past,1week. . I I . .. . . .. Mr. John -Drummond, -of Listowelf. . , i� � . . . . . . i - . I . I .. .. 11 . . . I �' . . I . I . � . , .. 7 . . N I .1 * visited hispax,eents'on Tuesday last." 1. . . I I -1. - �: . I ., . ' � . I Th6 .public school Fair was held on.. , ]�_�_Z_ Z���� .... 11;::�� � P;%. . I . 'V0e,dne§day afternoon, ,a xepOrt of . . '� � "' / . . A I . . 1�.,:;��;: : *_� :7� ��Fz�---,�,�`<�. Ur ,., , ,, J1_,__L, 7�� 1 h I whibh will.,tollow, in. afiother issue. , __ .. I ­ r%� . . I . ,,- ,- - . � � I . I I I . . . . . . . , w1wif Mr."and. Mrs. Wrighi ,and farrfilyj� , . __ " - " . ; � I . . �! Ndag6ra Falls., visited'at the hionie, " - ' "' . I * . ' - I I � -,of Mr. a . --In- r - I r 1. I 0 4 1 -nd Mxs. George Dick dur- � . --:- . .� .... I M I ing the pasid week. , � \,N-�t,. _ I .. . V. �,., _ I , " " 1�1'!'� _. � � .. I "I Wra. 11a Woods, of Sarita arb "' . I I I .. . I . lalz . , ... . . W ; � i , a - . I B - :,\ "" '�', , , I F -,�d F I - ��, N �11 �11 CaAforn'i 11 - - - 11 I a, is visiting at the M, 14 �� MTs, ,I):nsdal,e -and Mrz.. ..o '.1, I . . � . . Y, Fred ---- , �� . .. . . . I 1. � 1. . I . ­ . . MonS. . ,�4 . 1. I , I MT. Harold Bonthroa has returne& . .. . IV . -",-A 1. - . . ' atten4�nt, , .. R- - I � .... I i . I I , ......, .. 'b ' ' ' ,to Newmarket, where he is ­ . ... F -T. '' . Septe-m er . . Pick& ' CoEleje. :. I . I ; . . I r I .,M in,g Mrs. Hti-r� - I :; , - . I I 1P.1 , .. ­ . I . I - .r.'and '2 Sr' Bailey 'and ., ' I .. . 11 . 0 . ,,�- .-.� . I . ., � I , , , Q .. I " I ., , . 4 �_, ,,--_-;!N ��.-.-�-.'�.*.' � . . . . es. I.;: ::,i: . .. I -_ . I -N - I 'daughter, Eelatrice, and Mr. and M I .:�!!O �, % "'.... I .:-:;.:. -:i.. , � 6� �, , . i 1 I ... 11 .: Sr I t. 4 �., . Kentner and son, of Shelbour'ne, vis4, . , , , "* -, k --- -,/ �.�,,�--_�., �-, 1i N .., I ... � . � I � � .. . . . - - .­ .`y-* -T... ,.-.-, . . �`�` I . ited ovex .the Week -end with Mr. and- . I N %A,-, 1-.*.1*......-d--� ..'I ..: .... .... .1, - , .. -1. ..i%l ), � I . . i I 11 � ill . 11% . P�,Zrll-14-�; -5 . Mrs. Traviss. ' , , "" :.z,.,.-., r-�n-*.,'.�-'. . il. ,.o- .......,,ti... I V ...y. -n 6 . . F. ` .. 4V _�% . ' '' ��k 1*1-..___`:71-,_-,_*-N W_'.'--r�.. . .. 11 , - . ... N -as, ,vilsi with % _111 I ..g- I cis I D,augl ted' W -�:.­;- ',-'..' ; - i-...:-.:. � I ML , renle .� � �:;:;. I .Q ,.�... :!: , .:;. ': ... . . V . - C I .'. � . I :; .... . . IN I to - 1'riendis in Listowel on Sunday lasL , . %� L4 1W , .* , I . I I i .1 -;:;: 10; " . ­ _: , Mrs. Helen, McCullie, who has spm.tl . :: . - , I I � . . I - __. :.,.: .i: I f- : . N .. � � iJhe past month at Embro, rdturne& , . . . V. . - ' I N.." - I � _N11 I .. .1 . � ­ � I I 11 to 'her [home .here the. end of Ihst � � - 1�,Nk 11 . . . I � WeeK_ . . ^_: : ­ F: � i . . I I � I , I . . I - : - I . I IMiss Jessie Dick has taken a poFA- SPECIAL- . .... I � . .. ., � I .f . 1. , ... I .�.. � . I . Ip , . . I , r _\ I :, 4_4 - � . - - I I I :. . ..? . , �, , Mrs, Reid� of Port Rowan, is here- . I 16 n'. �.: . � I 4 11111J , ­ ! . -%.r. . , I . � .: I .. ._­,� !___ .R -A � 1. visiting her mother, Mrs. i$heffer,who I .. - � ... "- , � 'L, .. I - - * ...... , i*, 'i I `/ . t...; I ­ I , 1: _J . . . 0 quue ill, - . I , . ;..- - MS.' i � .1 . '! 9".. - ., ­ , . I., k .: '. ,:. .- %- , ­: I F . � ,�," . - , - . . 11 .. '. � ____ , , ", I ;. . * I , . . , ". Y, MiT. and Mrs. Pay Pfaff and Ifittle ee ... �*' . 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. � . of 1. � . : U. . I . . daughter, of Dej-hi, spent Sunday last. . . � S -P OkIss I I . - i I . ..:� � . / ': . . * '� 1-1 at the home of �bhe formees. mother, . I . .z:, - . , � . I � . , ", ... .- 1. ... . 1. 11 . I I ,�� I. I.. 1. _ I I - - . . .1 . . I ­­., I., ... I .. ....... . ----f ...... ... .. �____Izl� .. M)rs. Alice 'Pfaff. . " , ... � � . I , . ' Professor, Louis MacKay, of Too=- 228 Class, open . . . . . 7% ' ' to UniiversW, spent the week -end in, I - . ­ . . � 4Z . _. .:., : this, his former honve, with relatives 1 $75 Purse, divided 40o 30, 20 10. I � .40*0 . . 4 . I " I . I I . I I s'ad friends, who. wem' pleased tor . I . I . I - . . . ' ' meet 1hin-L . ! ­" , , d - Better"Entries V T Bigger and Beiter Attractions V I I ""IThe ,howlers have met. witth goo V V,, Big' ger, an V ' ihey . I � . I success in tournaments whie.h. 41 �� V ' . . have attended.- "", . . I "Conip,lete-'New Grandstand, Programme V V Tests of Speed with $75.00 � I . A number are lea4ng her,6 dail ' t : 11�1. . ;I - . I I I . to attend t)he WeAtx� ExMVWon �. � purge -,T V Foot and Bicycle Race's. V V Children'sL Calf Competition V V �3n-don and there are alm' a number I . . ' ' of exhilbitors from this Section in ery , I : live stock and other eidiii-bita. Big Parade from Victoria Park �.V V Midway, V 'V.t,j-,,Fun,for Ev' body . . I . Mrq. Andrew Moir is this week . .1 11 . "... " �1 '� � ' lit,ovinig from the homestead farm -in, VV.Seaforth Highlanders Band. - . I ( ' Uqborne to her home there, the dwel- I'll 11, I ,�,� I _­ . ­ I 1, . P. . . . 0 . . � - f, I � ldng recently vatabed, by &r.. Fred ADMISSIONc �, ADULTS 25c CHILDREN 15c AUTOS AND CARRIAGES 25C � I I � Rennings, and the. interior of which I I V � " � � I I . -1he has much finproved In di,colrat- � SCHOOL CHILDREN IN PARADE—FREE . . . 11 � I I ing, , I . ' I I � . I . I . # I I The local Fall Pairs will Sloon be . I ADMISSION TO EXHIBITION HALL—THURSDAY EVENING,.SEPT.' 24, 10C , I in e,vMlence'and- pro,m�,se to have fine:. . . -1 . . . . . . - ex1hibits and large dttendiance is, this ' . . . I �� - _ . ?. I I I . � " 1. .- - -_ . section .of the country is, noted for I I I . I I .. ��... __ I _ _ - � _ . I , - 1. both fine dive stock and adl kinds of � . I 0 1 good, farm products, I I 1 .. ­ . 1 Harvest Thanksigiving services will � . . I I 411 Fair-Nite, Septem,ber 25 , ; . I be h,61d in St. Paul's Anglican Church, ' . . I . Herysla ,on 'Sund.ay, Sept. Nth. 'Hody I .1, . . I - 4 I 100�T=Uniiion at' -"O a.m.; rnk"'ing . " - s,ervice at 11 axn.;!evening servieq at , 4 f 7 p.m.; preadher, the Rector, Rev. 3f. I . I . Ca'aridno's Hall, Seaforth ! A. H -unit. i- � __ , . I "I" 11 . . .1., .� . I . . . I I I The ffen!iOhl SchloroR Pair was hel,d ,: I I . , . on Wednesday afterntoon -on the fair , ' grounds) ' Diespite the motsit unfavior_' . "I N 'C L U D I N G B 11 G ' ' ' , able weather, ithe eidhiibits were. larg- 11 . i P . er and bett�� thaninotheir yead's and . ,. - speaks well for thepuq)�ts, im,the.Hen- ' C"' ASH PRIZES FOR _SQUARE DANCERS " 'A . , ; &all school. i � . . I ".. I I I Coftheil Meeting . I I I I . The regular fuep-lbilrig of the Vi,llsgL% I Open to any group of four couples. Contest� Comet.itions to be held at evening dance in 1, . coluillcil was held Wednelsday,evenlifig .. ants to supply their own "caller" and their Cardno's �Hall- Entries must be in the hands 4 I I at 8 P. -m. in the council ohanifter wit,b . I all m1wnber&,be,ipg,,preSent. The min� . own music if they mish inif -must pay general of Secretary by sA5 pim. C petition tom. I I � om � �­ I utes of the lyrerVious meeting -wer6 � admission to dance. - ". . .' . I . '. . I mences at 9 p.m. � . read. Brock -and Hamilton: That . ' ' ' ' . - I . bhe minutes be adapted, as read.- ADMISSION, TO - _11A "AND CONTEST, 25C indudint� tax. ill � � Carrie-dL . . � . Giftery 1.0, 'i """ . cent§,, ,Reeve AGeiver reported T� , . I I , ­ �, . . . . I . 1.#141',�,.�� ,�, " I I , , the work dione on the street& an& ift, � I'!, . .... ".., , �i�,,.,,,��l,,�4�,,��.,r�,;��it�p""�k",e�� 1p ­Im�,,.,�, " - -1 I . �. , , . I ( I I I 11 ­­­­ ­ .1 vl.� ",­­­ _­ 1. I I—— . 1. I I ­ . _1. 1, . I � I �', , � the 1mrk also the l6tter 1,ftm,_tbe .W-" KqR I ,015,.�,.P ,­ I - - I ''. .1 1. . � I . _­ �.,7:, 1. I � I, -1 .''. . I I . , ! P.V;11P �­f%,Wl' , I I 1. - ­k,fe,�,*, W , . . 1. . . K P "' . . ( (0ounty treasurer re lalid in the , . .� ., �, . ; 'U'll , . . . '.) 'i 11 1R.'.6vk7AfQ' _ � . om wbre . ,'� ,� , fSlle I � � I corpora0vn. 000immical . . I J"o 45111srl � �l' . , I I � " , .�. . I , , .. '! , I, " .k� I 6 W BbiTo, te I"!_ 21 0 � , Jk� A tiltur i otiety. � , - Tfta, ." &llWftJ: sr,�boiol "I" ft, a . al -S I � � I I ,�,M� . .�, " .i ,.� � I . I. I . U. , 1'1�, , 4 �` I �11, ,S , 1, ., . . 496atm 4#6ftes,.; J ,& � ; HUMPHREY SNAN ), 11 -le" I ,1� �­ . . . 1, MReJ. A. KERR, Seerdar . .. , , ".), , ". I � . I . I , ­­ I'll I : ., e. I . . ,Cos+adl�,�-�ft. It t,'.., xbld- ", - ­ , , . " I I Y. , Z . " - I " . 1� 1 '4, ­v,�V� I i� " .4 , I "111"'I" , , I - ' ' . I vtrAy bf We8*1-nft 10 -Mm", 'I'a , .." -­ *4 , , . �`W,-�,;Z T - I I I— 1. Fog COMPLETE 'ATTAACtl .S... . - 11 " , aft"d 113011tal Vied NO d; i 16ft . I � � v4 �v �417 ,::::; I Nis. : ,tl,,.��,,_i�­':`,� � , , t., , �, 11 WN -, . �� '$I--, : '', ­ I : ',i,.'�,��!,�4�6i'i.i������'..'. ., � I ­ � '' , , � I A� _­­­,", . 11. . . I q1PtU1W,Wqd­V M�lt&$& �t',Mgd I ��­,­ ,,�,­ ­V�­, -,,%:.,.",�,4.��,?�l,,,,I�,f,�";, 1, 1, 11, ­. ''. 1.11 I � ­­ -1.1.1 I � ,. ,,,� i . 1, I �? �. %. .� 1 -41, , 3UA1 �C E"�,-:�i:­��I*Z�,�­A 1��%N,4 11�:Jv'�.,�, 1. . -1 I I , 4 .1 ,�,,�, A" �,USFI��?5�4��­O � � ;1 , ,',�,, I ot I -1 — "t _�_77_j,—­ .1 I I ;� . I . .1, � - " . " � ,;, 'O." � . � � , , ", . . ,_ . . I ;1 1-1 '-I �.": ,�. - . I I A., . ­ �.�, t - . � T , '11'.1, 1�". � A6 I P, .,� �11,,. ��:'�,, , . : .. ."'W" .4, 1 ­ ; I I I , � . I ., ,r,4,0�',W-4it' , � , :,""j, ,,, . . , ! .1 101FIN IOPP . � 1. I � . '' 7, , , . '-1 ... ,� .., .11.1� 11­4,�.,­ � k, �$, si,i q ,. , , � ­ C11 . L, .1 ". ` 1. . I I �J,11`1­f�.�,,',�,, r. ' ' � , 1. ... . 11 �� � "Ill 'I : � .f,-�.,", ,,; ;�`,Z­t �_1A;Q_.,,,,, .,; � 1. . ,I 4 . �, ;,",_ � .. I , FgQ,�,,��'! 1 ` 1 5"", " " " I vcg,,g�o�, ,,,�" '�_ __­,­_'­­,_ ­,,",. " L ��,�'�': `:,`,'�ti.',�,,. �,';.' , "I., .11 .. � � 4 , 11 11. , , A � .1,�,,- , , ii, ,,�� " � . � , � k g '01'1,�). , 1.,.,-,:­,�;., , " I I I 11-1 �;�.. ,,��' T '', " 1.11". � � I !�,� .0 ". ,:-.1.1 �,11�1.1,��l-"tl�--l'�L,-��-V',,, 1',,'�,;;.� r.471i . r,,16111,4,11 I I ­. I �,;�',,,,o, :!< , ­ I I .. I t R�1�1110 M11 � 'IlM . _P . ,,,"-0'R " !�!­�,, ��Iill;,­­,­'-­, 7�111 �' " `� 11K F �, 11051;4111, ii'11� , R , � T,v- 'g�F"L�IN,��,�t',��,r"",�,-.,m p� -5 � "... .,!��,,-,,�,� , � .� t N I I I . I IV � -_-11. � ... i , 00,110", �,;g,,7 � ,I I. ,�'f 7 , 1 i1 V 1111 AIPIIVI�1. . �� � �', .� . �i , w l���,'�,�9,4f,.14�11-171�i4l"�lI "NO, Oiil ,�, %� , , �,"110�:Kill �, I I IgINKI, . ,���,�,i�"""�l"!i�,,,,,,�q��,�,l�����.,�, .!. � ��[!'::' , . ?I .1, �, 'Z, � ­ -OMP"; .�. .111".'---N '10"ry .. . . . . . . . � wlle ,� 'W"Ma, - ­ , I, ", � " � .... ,,, 1tr'i Al 41 ,� �� '111 ,�;; _ . - , � , , 111­1,�1111,1­11��, "''.", t'� ETV404NIP" . � . 2 . " , I - " .. �� " k, , - . �.i IGI. AIWA'Awl­�.;i4l��