HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-09-18, Page 2I , -,., t-, )�i( , � , " . z" 1. 11,�i -- `iwl 11W . I I I � " , ;­,,� 'I, " `,:". , 4�', h� , 11V� - I I k "'M 111�11 1 .�,1111 '�f'�, , ". "", . ,� . T l- ..." , , � 11 !� - , � , v P �, �� , . V I I � i , ", I ­:'� ,,� 'OT , . � �'i �, � i il ?T I , - .�� , , . , , � � I " , , - ", f �J ,, - C I - ,:. 11 �� , ­ , , ", ,01171111 I!". �, " , , X'qa, �1!� i;4 54F Vt� V'ri I .� �; ; I . . 'T, .,-. , . .I , " �11 , ; ��lb ,,. ; �.� 11�.,�'il'�� cj:'�h��;)�l ,�.�.�� ,:­,,�;,� ',��,�:�,,�� 1�1,1�31'% 1'1�1,��i:�i�;,��`! ., " ,?,,A �,In4l I . . , ,�, . , , '. " � -.1:"! " :f . � - � � 1 ". , i I ,, ; , � 15 Ht'111'�et "i f,t,ly,� 1, : "" . , .", . !:,t�,�,,�,�:;it,�j 111,11' 1;1�11; . �J, , ,­� " ,­; .� "'" � I � I : . , , . . I . . 11 i : I � : . .�, , , ." ;��, '�,�i, ., "' ,i,. � �Wll - , � , � - , — .�!, �,:,� " &I", ; , � I . . I � , , , ?,�111 11� '! I , � % , . � , � ,; '.-x, . , W , " V'3', M ., I ". I ", . . . 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I'l IK"N' l'. . . �4 � �, " , , ]k� V ! , , , '' , -- — :­ — ...... —­ � . , ­..... ��� i * . ­­ — , , 7 ; -- ,� " ... 4pal";nit .1 . 7---:qn, � . I , . . I - .. I �­­ , -- �. � J -\ . ------. — , -".. ` . , I . - I , .You ,:,.a � I , , I : � I ��, I I.— I . I IS � . 0 I , t lilie "! . � �W 4", "'O"'sh a, 1, . .. : .. .:... .... I 4 . " ' "' " - . d by, stiff ,#n -es-, p cancellation I �� , i ..... I', , # D - %,6,� , -0' -�, a, a -, r,. , - I , . � . �� - . I �� Q , !� , , i.�,,` 11 �? I IT,- 11 .. I., ­ � e polf 61 lw`r`�,, D � " " .. I'll I .. I . , III, ,�Jr 1�1 "' ''IQ ­ of', the roads 4y, th ev, f ,­' ". t�: 0 " , ­­­­-- " I. , - �� .... � -, 9-M. '�-- 1" - , 0, dh p,- , , , WO �- - I - -- �,�,� I ��'�,�',',,')�;�,,*'�,t��,i�;t�!; `,' I .e r :q A - e:-, � - , . . , M ­,. in . , , e, , . , - " . ,rl� T son , , . e, " . , ', : X . I I ,� �. k - ... , - � 1, , i 11 IM ­,., � , 'T ,T�,% , f. oi,,'. ­ 4 . . � �.' I ,�Wpwt'l "o - . I . I 0 . I . ... 111, Q�:, � , , " , I . I -,.-,- - -1 �- 1-1.1 1. I 0 1 .1 ; 11 �I.It''. I 1. - 1;.-.-----' � - 0 , . �- ­- I 1-1.1 I �, ''.., �� I I . 11 I . .. I - ., 1, . I . I , " �, X 16�1; ."IF . I . "I 1. ih'j4 of 'eral its, *0 u4a'helpa lot, - . 1: X.143.� � I McLean, Editor, .. I I - 11 t ­ -, ,i,..'�­,­ ­', � I . I I 1 hAw"01w, *1110IIIIIIIIII, OdIM11 *"* ,� I C.."ro -, � ." .�, , ", A, , -- . . , .- '1 2 1. . ; I '' ��I*:, * �" 1013 The Ex- ft*,"t�h!e,soafe6mm.-U�E�mdg",I , , � ,,,, I I I . -" .: R." lophed a - . ,- .." " a , I I I , L , Seaflorth, Ontario � ev- - -you "ieniber, when.- ale �eav , - , , . " . -1" . . 0 ­�� �, " ­ 'Ie The Txpbslitor o u, J �,� - `4 "I"I"'10 ....... , ,�, - " t . . I � . -1 . " IftIq .&�,!A M t1i; . J, XWO44y. af by 94-ean � porsiter Nine ,Ii�o.sspdl �atS with the, 110t bUttinIg,'Whil I ii`�Il` � �IVR � ---�prnoon L . 't' v -7 ID,ry lGoods lW1 , sM� ' N1 e' f. or the fielded, their,opponeut% A gQ,Dd af- I F%pn�v% 014, . , 4 16, . , WX ,, 'PRI"', � it ' ' fflZ, I � . . "4411770 . I , . I � - 70,- Te'I" a& - . " . � 'i J �11'A.il�!70- "'; . .. � ­­­ Hanging, bp &-Thread � � . I iternloonNi tspb[tib w1as tdw result of I I � I I I 11 '%�', !��§' T,� Nr �V, I . � � OOVAW,�,o�ijP�.. , , ' '4 ", 11 ,-�,;� P"', 1: ­ I .. - � I - �', I I 011 - Ill, . I I . I " - ."" " '94 ' "w' firist tinve, on F 'day, August 4, IK6, t,hjs - match. iy,�Ach all seemed to en- : ­ sturdy - Colson i , — I I ' , " 11 " 'i 91 -4 �' 1�' � , ,., ---7 � I I § 11 �� � -�P I � ,?" I . 1- .. I ."", __ �,l, pi, , �.,;N;, ", , �. . 0 " I 1 , 1�, vg, 4",1y7Ji " *,! I , . I i tion ratesq . on the : - '? ground§, Seaf&th? joy tviery .m n ;pretty wedding . I I I ucb�-4 fact much bettisr A wa� splemnized - � 11 ., gvr�' I I The peace of Europe and probably From Th� Huron Expositor of -brid �, � . , , I I I , � 1, ser. P 1, $1.50, a year ,in Playwas callleid, at 2.30 p.m. wilbli the than. the gore btalbs; ,the day JbN ow- on 6ho lawn of the- h6m.e of the 6's, '4 ,., , . N� o; , I... , � Room * i , - Wtl.V� 1 � � I I . I', � A, ,,,,,�-!'�,N 'for '$2.00 9,year. Single �' the wh,616 world, would appear, in 'Wles I parienits, Mr. and, Mm. Thloma. ", V( " , - ; . I . SePilember 22, 1911 is smen ,to itihe but, who succeeded ing. & Ob , I .." �. I e elan, � . I . 0 le. � � ay, Sept 5th �l Nq ". -- . . Expositor W -L. Latimer uiri*lred the game at high noon, on I '� '� . . ---r----- ; I k.!I"�­' i - a in - sic ring a' sing The ' Sia,turd . - , �1. * --I -f----�:A�­ -------t- � 14' I recent days, to be holding only by . 11 � ',,,� " , " pe$o. cents each. - . . During the which XLna . dj�� r., i �, 11 1 A 2 ,thunder storm -Ah,m iw&n%-­tkx bat'aa$d� ­Pk4md- 4bF--Ibhe-,s,,ati�fa,Qtbn-wf�-aft- ctaveerned-. V,h,ffn---t1V1-r-95nJ1y augl Wit . . Jory -- -- - . ' . . --- - . —thr�-�, all.0 .L -would-apWai-also-as--s-wept over'llullett TownsUipoil"Wil- -��h­..four. . In, the second innings e 'Harry Lof- i 7`7`i�,.� — ' ----I --L;---.---' , � ,, The umipilre wa!� ass4s,tid in th ,,dis- Rose, became the bridg. of It I . � -- . "V -, ` day of last w k, the fthe burn Of' the isQeSmen Nine, succeeded . t ison, iolot Mrsi, ,gtklr�r- . ., ip., 1. . if Hitler, tl�e� German Chancellor, , ee in charge Of his GeV I . er . us - Sturdy, only , 11 44.1; - . ,!&av,erti ' g rates on application. . . Mr. Den Ciburchal, north of CAint'011p -six and The Exploisftow Nine from ainiong., and '�he late George Stuo.,dy, - � ,�R ,!�01." 11 I , 118111 I I was doing his , Scoring ,-'-9 the spectiator's, Of Au- is 0 , � I. I . ­ utmost to sever even 'Ing and burned awred three, thus- making a.. tie at u1n, .T -be, ceremony was Performed I I ­ P", I . was struck by lightnif 'Talpil's-elemed to be an possessition o0 burn. , I ,�, � . - 11 '4. � 1 n � A I , . � I to tie gratw4 together with the co - the close ,of Ithie second. The Sales- excellent viocal organs, which they by Rein A. Gaxidiner, of Londesbaro. � -1, 0 R,- . , , . , � 1 4�- .,�,,,),: :,--*e b n that slim link. " ' ts, seAsonys crop, four hiorses.- 14 anon Nine theTi, pullexi, up and Succeed-- used to advaota�ge. 0.,-- The weddinig music was, playe4l. br r�� I I � - I* I .1 � ­ 0 ., = ers of the Canadia Weekly .... WN, i " Over the week -end the- Chapeellor - ' . ,, 1, � 11 1. I rpigs� a-bluder and 4her ina e� ith Cro, , , ��C - - � sl�iapers Association, Class ,'A Ohiue(rY. led in leiadlix* the, EOrposd1tor, 'by three , The. following was the lin -up: Miss,Dorothy Mlen, Nor 'St., dt- .'�, . , X,,�. w, 1 4 ,,` I . I ; .. . - Weeklies of Canada, and. The Huron ., has been breathing fire with a -velige� Mr. Jaimes snell, of Hullott, return- .M'�s up to the'sixth innings, when Expositor Nind-�Axwlin, 3b.; Sooae, righ.��Blyth Standard. ' * I . - . ed on, Tuesday fTom. the T6.T,outq. and The,'EudpositOT' -seeqnlg 'that ,defeat c -A- Petbers, 1b.; Altbinsion, rf.; Jo0es, — . es -thday .- I . . " , .11, . . ange. F7 , ._ 0 , ­.. . .qt his d0mandmas for the Land Fair ' lwhwe Ife, - . exhibited was apparent, f settled diown for bet- P.; . Campbell, a.c. sm�ihs�n-,-* s.s.; Celebrat Bir . .. I . ­ I. . . , 1 '1-64,... .0punty- Press Association. . an a y Mr. W, L. S�zbert celebrated his � ,,.:,... � . I I . i return of the German colonies lost . apecimens, from his flock of Ledeester ter .play, tolok -the lead'and kept -gain- Rutloo,'c.; Watson, 29b. � 77-th birthday on, Labor -Day with 4 Ir ., , , --- . . - , !;1. � . thfough the war. , � Sheep and pw4, with a 14,rge degree of ing until the nin-th1poing, at the ellose Salesmen Ndnei--Grieve, 1b.; Town- family, rauni-cm, ti'hje following beling ,�, ., ,: . 11 � `;*: . AFORTH Friday, September 18. iof which, the selore stood 36 to 23 in send, p,; Strombe, 2'b.- ,Smith, c.; % and Mril. Edgar Sic, * ". . , . . I success. ? .� ", SE , . .1 . - � " ) . present- - Ma � � � MI, � Since then however, his attention , . Among 11he missionaries 'WhD are in their favor. . . Weir, Lf.; Higgins, &.9.; MeNab, r.f.; beat �i� daiighters, 111tele-ii,and Vb'r- � I . ..... "I'll',',,"; �1. I ' . .... " .1 . . , �0,1.: I , The play on both sidels was very Bartop ,i ,, i".."', �, seems to have been drawn to Russia. China givi�.- satfei fifDm, the,'Chinem ,,, e,f.; Hayden, 3b. I I � I I inia*; Mr. and M,m. Frank Siebert. .11 . . . - mob is Rev. J. L.Stewurt, B,A.,. B,D., I I ­­, 9 , 1� ��, ��,!,. �-. What A Change . . I Addressing the fourth annual con- well known to Ctintonians. . ­ I anA son, Donald.; Mr. and, ,Mrs. John 4 1 . ,. . I . . . . I .. � I -it; 'Mi- - ` TTV:� . � I . gress of the German labor front, Hit- ' ! ,Stratford citizens we" shocked to 1 I—- . . I Siebert, all of betro ss Nora. � � J��, .. -hear of the sudden death. of Dr. W. 0 Sip-ibert, of Lansing, Miicb.i Mrs, 4 1 ill . tV,:, .. 6 � ..... ountry to-d�vy, Clare Hlafflanan, and ,son, B��b,y, of` %%% , . ler said: "If I had the Urals and, it Walker, -who accidentally -took Car- *JUST A SMILE OR TWO � � gll�' � . and a month lago, or less,. one can bolic, ac�i& I W, Galt; �pd'.Mr.­"�Mrs. W. R. Major 6 1, " MI, I ' , I had Russian raw materilals, Ger- I . and IlAughtier, Patricia, of Torontio, �,� ' ' On F'ritilay last two. I�dians 'hired ' � W� -1 i �� . scarcely believe. -it" is the same coun- . many tinder' National Socialism, a1h,arse a -nil, rig'at Mr. M. Byrne.'s A wealthy eldlerly nihn, went ibo a Dinei-si"Wiliat's,.this letattheiy stuff." as ,Out-OfIbOwn gu.ests:.,-Zuiiclh Her- ,,, 00 "v . ��. ty, or any part of it. ejuvienating expert and asked: "Cian Waitels­"That is the- fill . et of sole -a-ld. . . I 1; , would be swimming in plenty." livery, Sea -forth. Mr. Byrne was sus- 'T . I .1 I I � in ,?)I I 1� Barn Destroyed By Fire . . � . Gone are 'the withered pastm-es, Vicious after they left and phoned you makeme 25 aga . six. � . 4 - ' . Perhaps.- But HItler will riot get . S, but it Will cost you, a thoiu-, DineT­"Well, take it back� to the the .large, well,equipped barn of , I � ... arth. I to, Sebringville, one Of them were "Ye . -e df you.chn't find me Win. Quigley, one mile 5D,uth of . , 4 V , I . the wilted crops and the dry e either ,the return of the: colonies, or caught butt the lather took to his sand gulneas." kitchen and se . -1.1 I . � �'. And in their place has come a new ' hee-1s; ' . "Can. you make me 18?'�­­ a nice piece of Upper with the but- .Kinjsbridg,6',*.". .was, burned to the , " I arly part of Ru§�ia, without g6ing to ii'Yes, but that will."cloist you two I i , Durifig the end, of the week, a large , tong -off.", I � .1 giound on Sunday night. This. year's . 0 11 i.�� ,-greenness, a new freshness, that re- war. I Perhaps not even then. But, quantity of dressed stome, came from tkpusand guineas." ' ; 4111 crop had lbeen harves`ted' but was not ", lo � I "All ii,gbt, 'then, I'll have the op- He wasi ,an enthusiastic bUb- unskill- threshed. Wall went ulp in, Smoke, I . � , . ,,1 bles the spring. Sar�da for thie new post affice in Sea- I . , � se -In , apparently, he is willing to try. . erati,on for 18." fal golfer. six p1gs, also being burned.' -No cause I . I " , ' - � forth, . - I -� b . "', '- And it means much to, the fdrme.l - And then.there is Austria. Hitl ,h . A feliv months, later the expert call, "You know," he confided to - -his fola! the firliL. coulld be'assigneid. , Mr, . . er Mi�* Irene Henderson of Seafort . I . I The crops that are left are coming, I has accepted a position 4n Winiona led for. his money. caddie, "I seem .to be ikHpror�ing. Can, Quilgley carried Some coverage,- 11 . would like control of that country . . M I on- ,, "Nothing doing.," satid the -patient, yol I ­ . 1� I 14 1011,11". along nicely. Even the late potatoes . and leaves, for that ,place an U see aniy difference?" .Goderich Star. '. .. . ��i, also. In fact, it is said that the Ger- ,day. -4- . 'I'm under age, and it you say I'm "Yes," relpliled. the fed-utp caddie.; . '' � , Won Grand Championship 11 . ' .,.''., . ake showing new life and. it is said 1. Mr. 171homas E. Hays, -of Sleafortih not 1111 slue YOU for fwaud." - "you've 'ad ��our 'air cut.". . . 6 man generaf staff has already work- . At the lCaniadlian­Niational Exlhibl- . . 1Z 1: . met with A painful accident when- his � Hugh Hill's, Gmrnsey� # I .. , . � . tion, Mr. g,i, the crop will not be a failure dfter . ediout the ,plans of'the campaign. . hors4'backed up, .upset tthe buggy, . � - E �1i I . I - cattle carried off four Prizes as well T . . . - . % 4 I . ,[',-� All. if threw him out and injured ,has eye ' . 1� . Where -will Hitler start? Or e as the ribbon for the Senior an.rl I ;o� ' I Grand, C,4�,rn,,pion bull, also t0ne Re- . � I ". J. H-. O'Niiedl of 'Brueefield has se- - 0, I I * SUNDA " . Ploughing has be4i made easy, - .... I he does start,, where will he end? cured a pasi-tipn an the staff of the 0, Y AFTERNOON- 0. serve Juniors Qhanipion Female. Hf.% I "� ill soon be abundant - . . X ,�.",:, and pasturage wi Dailly Times ,of Mliclase Jaw, Sask. I �".; War in Eur9pe undoubte4ly, means, 0 (By, Isabel Hami ton, Goderich, Ont.) ,winnings were: Ist forbull, 3 'years ' 4 � nlil,!" . .1 again. Even the town lawns axe I ., . I , .1 " � Brucefield, new boasts, of 4D rods . 9 . 'J.., war *­ in Aiii�rica too, , Whether , of new cen� eddewalk I - . . . 'and olver on Braorknill Victor; Sein- I " Ex. ,green and gr9wing, to. the genera i . I ", . . " i1or and Grand- Charr�pijon Bull, Brook- 4 . 1 - America waiits. war or not it will Nbr. George Kellerman (has purchas- ing 'love � 'Nolthing like this is Ito -be found'- in nill Victor; Ist for Heif-217, ,Senior - I I - I 1. Saviour, Thy' dya I - . . I � disgust of the town boys. ; . - no ,ed tlho ,partially cgimpleted bank ,,, Thou giveist me., the heathen, clasild; and, nothing like Yearliafg cin H,illvdiale Frances; 4th . 1 4"., �m have - choice in the matter. - - N, I '. . ' ' I' building in Daslhwpod ,and ,will finish ,Noir skould I aught withhold,' , # ever exiisted among pagan nations, for Heifer, Senjor yearling on Hills- . I ' . . , .. .1 111. S d for ,&, -��nk , . . ., & y , h gd6d dalle Viola- 'Reserve Junior Champion P -What a change there has been, and . , The 'ituation in; Italy,is'seare it as originally intende -1-1 Dear'Lard, from. Thee: The idea of overcoming evil w# e , m �iv:�a, . J" ,, - ­ , U, hlowfortunk' we are. 'It has"been ' " nd dweldiing. . ' r . In love my soul w3uld bow, never ,occurred to ,men until boe G, -:)s- Fe4m ", i � , S. for some 0 . �: ... ... . e more encouragifig. . From Rome I Mr. J. E.� 'VIVd-111is" *h,o ale 3� HEIsdala YTances;� 4th ir; I I I�t I the farm. X6 best . I I 'My heart fulfil itsi vow, pel was Preached. Nor can the na- Juniror Get of ,Sire�-�Goderlicb star. � r'. . - -the g com,e4 word that Fascistnewspapers time has had 6harge �of shoe iSSome.l.'affering brinj Thee niowo, tilons, ble conveiteld witil.. Ch.r.1sti.ans Goderich Mourns a Bel6ved Citizen . I 4 . � V. -in eight told. . I -the weekmend, were unan' business'of the Robert Willis Estate, iSO'Mdthifri� for T'hea. act ,on this greaft and most import- � ,i&, , over imous . . ll,. ' , Seaforth, has purchased the- business � The pavple of Godeilich learnied,with 1' �',;�� , I Good crops and goodi, prices. And- in Stating editoridlly that the Eur- and will . � li, I . ant principle iof their ,religion, to ,deep regret. an Monday of the, death 0 1 1 .­. loverj ' I is I ".;, I conduct it in his owfi inter- All ,that I -aim avVe--, onie, evill with good ...... ;(ClondtM - .of Mrs. Horbon, widow of the. late , I . . and. h I � I 1!-�'" . . we needed, them sorely too - opean,sitiihtion h sts. Thy giftst sto frbeL- . rrq1m, I k.. . I - I IMr. Mentury) .- .,W1ll:ia1m, Lancaster 10o,rt,on,'wbicfh oc- V . , . as reachQd such a ed f Burnesi! Com . I I L . Percy tClaxk, of Brucefield has I , 1,11"� I . -1. 11. . I .1 . I . I . delicate state that war is likely. one to 'Hensall whetle h,6 has secur- In joy., in, gxig, ithrough life, 4t Solmelliody wric(te to ane ' ithe other curred tbitmarning at her -home, St, I � . � � 9 Dear Dord, for Thl , %�.­ .. 0 I . . day and Said tbat-I wa-�§ wasting my 4 . I . � i lon withbolin S. Hudson, And When Thy, face I see, George's Crescent, after a 1pri:g ill- . , J . [f�� I . . I y . I I �. All in.all, the sitiIation is most dis- ed a plas ti ' ' . thlie trPdng tol praduce BVi6sh saints, ness. Of a generoue, unselfish dliis- �" � . i . The new Commercial Hotel . in My ramsoinied soul Shall be, .., . because Ithe national idea was not .. 0 . I I Show Courtesp at Night . quieting, if,,not alarming. Peace Hensall was formally opened on Through ,hl eitlern-itty, position. and of ,unusual execufiive �` ; � that lof a British saint, but of a Bri- a,billity, Mi.s. .,V . . . � Horton until her illries�s. I -11'�� ­ I .1 4 hangs by such a-slen-der thread, that� Thairsday of1ast week and the Lon- , Something for Thee.,, Amen. t7sh spiorrt,sman;� and he hinted- that = - I . I � 1. . . don 114rpeTi'aidded. much to, the plea. 4 -S. 1D. Phelps. really in my heart of heartsi I knew gave her timie and 14forts; . . ' ' � 1, A short, time .igo when lion. Mr- ' almost any , EuropiIian happening sure bf. thotsI6 who, attended- through- . I- y in church and phiilanthro-�y,,, 1 4 . I , Flt, 1 �. . ]KcQuesrten, Minister of Highways, ' would sever, it. , . . ,. out the day, S. S. LESSON FORBEPTEMBER 20 that, and had it as Iny owil ideal of pic wo,�rk, and any wotthwhile com- I , ", . I ' " " life. ns -hip be- mumilty activity could, count upon her a ! I N �,� . I ,There is much of ki V 1, I - � - inaugurated his "Try Courtesy" cam- I � I � . . . 'MT. A. Whiltesides, High, Constable, Lesson Topic-Chrigtian'LiVing. tween 'the sportsman And the saint. effective eupport. In her death the ., ii'.. . . . returned durbig the past . week from I.esson Passagq-Romans 12:1-3,� 9- BOt,h are garablers, Who bet 6 �. 1112:., . PAIgm in the interests of -safe and 0. , I I I a trip. to the Nest. � I their town losels, 6nle, of its most useful cit- -� r . � . - 1 21. . lives -Upon a .great chance. To the izen,s and, Jil, numberless homes the 11 � I . . . . . .. 1k. sane driving on our highways, -we .7 ' ' 0 Golden Text -Galatians 2:20. -true sportsinian life -is a .great game, loss is felt as that of a bdoved 1�. . - I "I" I 14 , � . 6 - - 'the preceding chaTters Paul set .... Educator.and Oportsman ,, In -and hie .bets his bralin, ,muscle* 1"..7. . believ'6,he started somethin worth ­ 2 and fn'end� . MrsC Ho�frtia.'ii, w1hos,-e maiden J.. I 9 I . . I i " I . � -Tith the ,various doctrines or ,pri.n- I � r. � � I . From. The Huron'Expositor of fb blaiad, if nee& be, that. ,his side will r,allnie was, Eir.0y Kathleen; 13411, was I I . ' - . I I , I . & � while, and something that has al-- I , � � �,.��. . � I I ' calpleis of the Christian religion. He win- and a saint is one who "ys ,bolm � q.t. ' -at' ,�,�;� . A veteran Ontario educator. and it I . at ,J, hn,, N.B, a daughter of ­!., teadying,eff-ect on a ' . � SeiAnhei 17, 1886 1 priaved to tthose to -ivhom, hie was, - ba highest level, with , - . .. I . .1 y -had a � . WTI, - the ga�me on i � '' read . . , sportsman has."passed on. David � . the late Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ball , � W. � It, � . . lingi "To aill that be in Rome, be- Gad for his'leader, and rightwusness ' 'cll ild I " I . The first AWledonian sports e arril. came to Gallen a as a ch . Lat- . . 11 veT loved, of God, called lbii be, saints;," for hisca,use, and.eveTything he pos- er W. . ' �. I., I greai many drivers of -,-cars. And Forsyth died in Beamsville on' Sun- bef-d in :Spaforth. were held at the SbC; Married Mr. L. Horton, I �, ",'' . . ,ilat sill were by nature under Sin; se­ves for the stakes. The two Metals who wag the k�,, in the course of time, go a . I Recreat'i'an P;ark on Friday a V manager and, a direc- . ,,, , I . thAt will, . . day in his 84th year. I St., It tibat Ithey.1had na claim on God; and ' -no'. in,1^13inpat'rale, buit camiplemen- tor of ,,',he 43oderich , El!dv-4tOr and ' . ;;;, , I I are ... . rained in the ni10 ng but IT 2 p.m. that He had shawii ,an a I � I t long way towards the improvement ..Mr. Forsyth was for 46 years a in giving His great co P ssi" tary."ll--Rev. G. A. Studdamt-Kehne- T.ra-n!,,'.,t Op, from',its inception iri ., I . I � �� . . I it -had ceased and, 2,000 people were ,Son tio die fair them m d7. I . IM until has daa,th, in 1916.-G,3de- . .., member of the staff of the Kitchener on the grounds. It was a grand sue-. 4 ,is state and in pa�rd-aniog their sins. . 0, . 11 I I - . . "ll � I 4 W� Glarin headlights, that really - ,Collegiate Institute and 'Technical cess in evmy way. , Then he added, "I beseec.b. you, there- WORLD MISSIONS * . rich ,Signal. . 'i" , 9 . A considerable fiTiet occurred in Mit- fore, brethren, by the mercies of, God . Georgian's Last Call of, 1936 11, I I . . ... 1'.1.,. amount to searchlights, are as com- . Institute ty of those chell early Thursday mbirning last ,1halt ye -present your bodies a living . She Was Baptized! Th� 13oaxd of Trade .organized a V - I I .. I ceptable unto ( � , ith paper fle,e,, I �. . mon on our highways', and country'. years he held the position 6'f prinei- 7,eek, destroying saline wooden, build- sacrifice, holy, ae' �,od A poorly fighted ,room, wi . of, abiaut't-wascotre, cars, which r I , � * windows,. A damp, dirt floor undeT- il I iii9si lacculved by Mr.. Bartlett and which i4 your -reasonable .service." rple,�the S. S. Georgian on itsi call at , , . roads as are the cars themselves. ' - The ward preSenit commonly denotes nest1h. The, a(bmasir.heTe tinged with thJi P, R." I pal. He was also a member of the Mr. Thorne as shoe s1hops.', , ,s . 1�� � art last Friday afternoon and I I ; Such lights may be fine for the dn'v-' . Royal Commission on 'industrial . Mr.' Andrew Turnibull's new brick the actiion- of bringing and presenting smake. , Two woolAien benchles, the took t1he, 150 pmoengers- on a drive �, � � ' residence -in Grey Uwnship is almost -an ari,11!m(al or alfher sacrifice before irdissionary Sitting on ,one, an, Old wo- .. , ' .- "I. I er behind them, but to the driver. - . . training and technical education cari-Aplelbed and presents, ,quite ,an im, an altar. Irb implies that the action man ion the other. Two, deacons of about town. and: lout to: Benmiller. Af- . r � I I.` . . terwardis, a tea dance .was held at - .1 wh voluntary offering. the vIllaige, churallisitand near a hole liate., Slunslet far '�he visitlars, who I I . 1'.. . o hasto meet them on the,rodd, which toured Canada, the United posing, appearance. T,he brick work was a free and . 1, � 1, . . . was done by Mr. Pugh of Jatmes6own 'Rellie,On is free-,- and the.act'of de- in the wall, the ,door. 'The masn"On- expressed .warm appreciation of ther I . ". rhtmare. ' , l State� and European countries, ob- ' 10t�lnlg rt! . I . I . 4 . I . . . and ithe carplent6r work by MT. ,'Ourselves Ito God is lone of the ary is 'examining the old woman "of cou - esy '-extended to- them. .,Th,L�- . . . � .��­'v ..., And what creates the real danger . taining information for'use ,in On- . Smith, of, BrusselsL . . . most free that we ever peTfon n. -seventy-three %rgor baptian" and a& G`eorgian left harbor': at 7 P -m, an . . 1- , . , . . . A sacriflee is an, offering, made. to misision to the church. . . . I . . . 'The .1fth eancessi3On, of Grey was �'I,a.t , her last scheduled trip of the sesson, . . "ese cars -gel- -9 an onement; for slicn:4, or'any "Who ,is Jesus?" ' I She is chartered for trit isi to, Quebec ,,, . is, that the owners of th I tario high ,.schools. I thrown into a panic receiiirdy by the God g , , �� � , appearance iof a mother bear and her offering made to Him avid -His, service "Jesus died for me." . . P . . ��� . . dom, if ever, show any court6sy by Equally great was his fame as a i and, CleveTa'ndl before s,be ties, UP. for 0 � ,,, ion, -of thanksgiving or "Haw did He die?"' ,�,­­ � 11 I r, t two children on the farin of , Mir- ' " "P" I - . . - .:�' , I dimming their, lights when meeting . sportsman, as he had a 'continent Jamessbaw, homage. Iti� t4e'case ,of an anlimal, it 1,1 dicn't know." . the' winter. Whether her winter . .1 . I 11, .. 1. .- - .. � . I I . �, I berth will obe at GodeTich, or else - 11 Mr. Holau,E�tead, Seaflorth, has ereict was ,lain, -and the blood ,offered; -in' "Wilho were Jeatts' &s6pl0,p?11,,­ %�� another car. The result' is that the wide record in athletic circles, and - - thecaseof any,cither -offering, as; the "I don't remember, I can't read." - v�heire, 'is not yet kmwn.--JG,a&e60h , �. �1`1­ � ed a windmill' land establidied a sys - . I . ,,%,, 1, -, � driver 6f4he- approaching� car is ab- particularly in associaiion'iootball. first fruits, it was set apai�b to, the Signal. - I � I . . I , "Do you know -the names of any of . tiem of''WateivIoxics of his, own at his .lerviceof God; -and be who loftk-ed it the tl,,k.,, of 1�he B 1 ?,, 1� 1'.. 'h ' ' little more . S ibe Who Has Them 7 . I I I I .11 ", , ed, and As a, member'of the famous old Ran-� residence.. - . regelased ,all claim, on it,- and Submit- "When onle can't reea. . . ly The follo*ing is a histof the tiek- V. -solutely, b* � as, I . . .. � . I I I Wil. C. L. Papist ,has lopenei . I . gp.. control over his car than if he had " � 11 I' & jew- ted it ba Glid, to [be disposed! of at ets; which ,,are still In the bands, of . I - I �,":, . 1, I ger, Qlub of Berlln',",M)r. Forsyth was Silence. , 4 . ,�, � ., . . elry store in Campbell's Block, Sea- � . as one of the best football f orth. the apositle entrealbs the Romans, to , � I : lost his wheel. rated-' His will. Thils i& the,affering which The missionary stopped, disciouraig- the cloaWmittlee oifdhe Band and Lions, ', � I ,, I old Club and which call for prizes.­Any- , ;T, I Why there are -not a series e There ed. The deacons, siaw that the I r I , .4, t . 1:1 . aers in Canada. I 11 - night. , wa's fT09t Ion last S11ndaY make: to deroute themselves to God, wO%1nan had, made a -very poor,.,Sboiv,r_ one holding ansy onle of Vnese Should 1. , I. ., .. as if they had ,no longer any claim � I .... ,, crishes every nigh� on every high- Known as the -father of the West- Mr. Francis- '00,1181111an, the well ,an themselves.; Ko be disposed- of by . ing. "TVs iold, lady is one, of our Present it and, gpt Nis prize: 1475, 1. I .�­: , - way in the Province is not due tol rvm N-oirsebreeder of Stanley, in -i Zim; to smffer and bea miael' faithful Christiahs,"! the sai(L 1715, 280, 11776, 149, 72, 220, 1367 9950 '. � � - . . "" .r alb that He ,, . ' y , '':. ern, Ontario Football Association ,he "'' ' `PP She always. cornes to ,our.meetings 376, 1089, 73, 15113, 249, SN, 2,029,. _.. I , I- 9 tends sendAng six horses to the Pt6- i'might. 6 olint; and t1D promote His f I . �, � -' 1704, 1833, 671, 2-037, '2248, 1912,. . ."i -exceptional driving ability, so much � had served as secretary, president ivinew iihibitiorr. at Guelph next hio-nor in any way which He might though She lives , miles � away. ,She I 1k;f'. ,, ". I . , � .. 1400, 2679, - . ,,�, And honorary ,president for .many I V 1109, 549, 1258, 718, - I 11,� is it is to the width of the road.'.The week. - command. .It was, not to- ,be a (lead gives cheerfully (to e Iery good cause , I , i " ,1 - . , . . Mr. Henry Oughtion, of - Walton, sacrifice as in the case of the victim Sihe used ta have a terrible ,temper 1186v 10W, - 1676, 720, 168, 2464, 2!976� 1 1 1 11. . I iietorist has a chance, if even a years, as well as ben I t . . I �' 1668, 3&--Clin -on, News-Recard. I E Whot a Near in, the swamp bwk of offered by the JrJw. ,In opipos.ition to 'but since she believed she W ble� � 0 1 1 , �21"., . slight one. . the Ontario Football Association for Downey's mill am day last week. this, the apostle stays, we are to pre- come lcindhearted and patient, Ev- - ­� Fineh - ParkerO �, . . I il. . VI]i '"', On the county and concession a long period. .. Mr. John, Landeborioulgh is, edarg- sent ourselves with aR tour living, vi- erkbody knows about it."' A quiet wedding book -Place Man- - - 11 I *�, ,.��, I Ing and iniprotd-ag, his -barn ..in T-twk- tal energies. 0hriatiand-ty no T,he missionary looked at her. Sev- day night kt the pair.sconage ,of M'em- . I . . does t I I . , ,�..., . . roads however' the situation'needs When soclation football and la- lersandth. H,e, &W had stane stabling require a -service odi Inacthity- it- enty-three Years Old, and she Ltniglbt loviall Baptist Church, SitrAltibird, when. 1, I r'.7, -4 1 7 9 . as I �, I 1 . placed under it. � I demands vigodous and active powers be gone beforehe would come around Rev. J. G. 10ohnor Vni-Wd in antirriage. . � �lf ", ithmedlate 'attention. � These roads crosse we�re' Canada's two premier, Mr.' Andre* Scott, wiho�,foe ser-eral in, the servile - of God, ithe Savibur, next,, kear. 'He decided to give fier Allice, Marguerite, Youngiest daughter . 4' *1 � ,?� . � e I I 1, There is something very affedbing in anlo!tfher trial. . �� - are comparatively -narrow and usual- - games, Dave Forsyth's name was a �ews has taught in 191gieli. School- I 'of the la;b� Mh snd. Mrs. James, Par-., .." 1� . -the vdew -of such a sacrifice; in. re- "Whoo Js dold-11" I ker, (bD Harold Lawrenice.Finch, eld- . I .... 1. 11. , 'house, 1has biidn- eng-aged � to teach in� I A ........ � .... . . ly-there.­U -or botin , household, word, and there,are still the briek'school, housie.i.ear, -Bruce- garding life with all its, ener , ,its "God is four Heavenly Granidfather. est sion -of Mir. and Mrs,. Jam Pfnelij, . � ,­A_ditch on 'one . . " --- . . I I - - . ' intellectual, and, moral, and. deal "Wh re i H ? es I I ,,;,' . e'blinded by glar- a great -m.aAy--for-m­e,r.. football and field text Year, andl Mr. 'Doinald Dal- 9117� . 11"'I"'. sides of theTil. To b- Ph ! e a ei 90 Stratio,rd, formerly of Clinton. The� ­ ;;; ", , . 6g1ights on such a road leaves a I as ,one long Sacrifice' one "WherewZ..-L.,go,.He- is ... there., a0-EM(Wits�.. were Mis;5 . . .1�4,�� 1 'i lacrosse players in this w las will pres�& ever the west end Powers, .g unto ,Gold-. - i- - ' ... ­­ 'Olive, Skirten, � ". I I . , I � estern part continued offerin 111, am- "Can you talk to 'Min?" -0 lWily Oliaijb N- - -- , ­­ - ­ - , , school in plFee, of Miso' Govenlock, and, NOTmai' -F - On ewZ�- �11 , 11 driver 'helpless. There is just one : " Martial presented "to Him- pre- Her :face brightened up - B"'.'. � I . 6f, Ontario, 'and particularly in Sea- ,A6 retifts I tax . *4 em with un- Rewrld.� I I I -­ thing to do, and that is to stop—if July;' "'nited = ily, With all ha - deTstanding. "Yes, I clan.,11 . 4 0 11,'.,;T,� . w Om 0 was much more M�d," August Aease at the 'es . Died in Saskatchewan- - ,, , ,, Wlintha MU L . , , � - I . . ry has been sold for erg 'from day fo day, until life "Wilien do YVP tAllk-Ao, 'Hinw?" , * . I ill , be. o -An., I than a name. � d shalff �Vase, so Ithat ilt may be said 1,W,-hy mery opbenl WN,en I am, Ml�s' Peter rraY receii,e& a, .4 1 , I P4, 111. I ,�Bfflowiing the horn' and dimming I 10 e6t a d spelains, well for the that he hasi lived and died an offer- working"In the fields, when I am rna'k- telegirainit Sunday of the:,d6ath qf her- � ;, I., I "i 1. ,.:. 11 1. I I I ... �uperior quality of the cheese made ing Inside freely 'Unto God. This, is ing ,bread. When i feel. brothe VAm, 14&herry, of Imperial, , . , , � �� 'J�4'. . I I I sad, I 1*1k nftl F I lil . . . I - 0 . theire. .1 rellieon. S1aisk., die(ath being due, to an accid&nt � I .1 �. your own lights never seems to meet. I — ' , I ) �N,: � , I I . "It 11,��" dpl' Mr. Geofge Udnrboah of McKill-op to Him'and nity hea0b is, broad*nedV' ,� , � . The apo4 Vipradeeds to show what He tongue wasilbosed. She fts ntow caused by a runaway .iteaan. The de- �, I I v., . � 'th ­.skny response. The other car cipalship .of the is. inim-nit by a li'ving sacrifice., It n fAmi1tigt,r ,ground. ,,I talk ,to Him ee-ased , W, bbTh, 'in, this c,� � t - , lw w -i r N,),Y�; -., , I I I" , ,hes at y6u and.is away again. WHAT OT m' Walton public -sobbol for 1W. means that CIrlstianity seek,9 t6 o ag immunq 'k I , ,­'­ rus RR PAPERS SAYO At a mileeting of thet High. School rdign in the soul; And,. haviatt its! iseat whenever I want to. S,om�bimlesl I Jruly 1, 1867, beirxg�­a son f fhe 1, - I I , �. . . � -a ate . -, l!" I . . .1. " - to your car I ­ I I --- . - ellub, held'on Thursday, of there, Ithe e land habits have' more to Say and Mlr- and iWsq. Wilgan MIc,%erry, of, I � �1� What may happeh . tilk lang,er. 1�1,�,, j, . I .-- R,,T­',­, . � I . . . I xternal condtmqt 1, , , . , . ., IF"', . . solinetilmes. I haye 6:hjy, -one .,or two Hay -T,ownsibip. 'He,, was, 'unmlarrie'd' 4 4 - ?,o � s4ths to be -a matter of total indif- 4 last week, the following officers VAwe will be ridgUlated acdardingly.'In vers- wh I 11 . I New.Postage Stamps elected for the ensuing year: Mn- ei; 9-21 'he- Plainly setsi forth rules thougilits, and ulk shoriter. , at_ and ,leaves two sisters, to mauria 'big. . M �',, ' . ference to such drivers. I . I orary "ident, D3% Ooleman. pre j- for their gulltdance: ". "Aibbior thigt ev'e- wais held from 0 1 r'..�' '' - . Ia� f I have in ray :hft*, I say.ty lols% The funeral � 11 4; , . '. ,11� .. . in, fact. it h9s come to4h e-' stage ". (Bralitford E3Wolsitlo,m I dmit, D. A Wilson; vice-presiAent, R which 19 evii; elleave Ito that which *9 I "How do you fe.el when you talk MrsL Chad,es Bilackwell's, home , to , I 1� I , 1 9 �, � Jaimietoo; captain, 0. Mackay; oecr;: go4)ldI;,1be Mildly affectdoned one i to Mtn?" Uillisgreen cemetery the endi of the, 6 "I I . i, 1, I ,, I where action, and very� drastic ae- The first Postage stamrpt'bearing the portradt taty, G. HWm1md-l1F,,,eom1u3*tte;e f,Wt� a"offher with 16iofherlylt3ve; to 'Itt ma,kes me very Peaceful aind wee`k't--Mxeter Times-AdvIbeate. I . . I , ,: .1 11 0 in, havor ... 11 , ��­ - 4.1 lot King Edward bave inla'de their app4anoft ' ' Prderring on� anotheir; not sliaI hagy," . :,,-_ , - � %�Iers Win A't geatorth b 11 * I ,. - tion, 'must,be taken by the high -way anid throug#10vit ' algement: J. CL Hairistonia, E. W. _ a, , i -�. . I the Empire the fhope will, p"wail erty, J. Killorani, J. LMngstonie and, jo, buidmess; fervent in siorift; si&v� ImjS87-Onary 'Was gtrainglel, , I � authofitiiis. Davkness comes earl - that stwin, bemanY long years, before there is , Y Messrs, W. E. Willis aTId M I ,-,�41 !, .� . . , 1 4 . y D. McDonald. . mig-the Laird." moved.. P;�ePer'thaft ever came th6 DolWhainig' two tof out, molat6b enthuslias- ) I � ­ . - ,,4: , - ivisage. I danoniflons. t6 qpo�-Ie , cou'vid,tilon that Gold is the nither of -tie loeal­­�owflers, 4�,'. 1 . i -a changed I *�' UM."fiz oftem aicc6ipanled by, rain. . .. � .Ile * . Ry tbias;Ie a,� 1 ,, ,,�.�', .1 I I � . I . were in &eiortih : ,�,'� I i , - I FNiowts ,bblat Ohrilistianj shia-didi lye J,n. aH "atilon-6, and does nat confi-ne, His la�git Thutsiday ememin he . .. gft''04,461d,� ��6' 6i 'highway, e 'wet 0 1 Kirid La&--4-Amd X where it , ly 1� '.. 'v-�: ". , .�, , '' '' '' '11� how would yoll duel"ri.,cai .. � ��I. " J, W 4 1 ' . I . -i s, ,shoulld be di,1i,gv;dfty en. 9,ifthbOna -to Alinterlicani college gra,d� ftfok pairt do- cepbWalit t-burhatnent , , . , a'n"dj'i­�s1"`,"',` ""' ' h inj ai� b�st is - e,d in e 40issionlary avad in the r, - �,,. . ..1.1li-i �p I ha I I . Me a nk,e thop?", Soofth Doubles, 7Mi,gM. The grefens I q . , p Vy­, 4, d dt We .. I.I[Iram I �&IZ giovier la*fud emIpld�pnijent u6tes. As th 1"' - 11� , WT,­,� , . . � That Second Crop Of Oa.ts ,"Dat 61-1 dep,edds, emd that they Zhould pupstub it wAji old wamian's anxious, face die ques- ­ . .1 . 'N.- i'l, ��, �� ,.Ii�, I . ,�,,,�)�,,.L .", � : . I V, - , 1'' �- ­­ i 01 I 11 ,�! , .. . 4, I ' 160! r's i1t. I =..-tl I I izdd, were in'"046ntl C011dition and t.hride 11 ��.., , , ,. ,#Ok or ,wodt?" f-eTeren,ee too4ohe will of God, in dbed,. vot wibether -sh# mlighi be te'n-eind games were�'pfayed,. Geese, , �, , 44 "I", � � 0 '. . I - 11 e,., --,11011 q ".4b, ,.A 0h,96r."inerease I . 1,041de 160 Hals 0moialkaig and to ID's a0ther questiflon came ,�( , ; ''fft"t "!d' ft to, Man. ftivl, d 1, i I �,, I I 14? �' %` , i, ' 'd 'by � . . MULO-ner Record) .. 4 , . Whet' 6,nd milik-fed, chickeins were * M I llt,ill. � 11", . , � , , ' I . I ctwb 'e.4ol ,146 rAW01-41y6ift"m oft , 91'ary. .1l't -0136,sirflg �hifi '&er I unknown quatftivs: Had h6 -%ith r Pit . , � .... � -.,11,,�! , dMi da dtia,hi f,b,if � or bowlers, c,&m4, bom,e ­ � � ��,,� j4,1i' all, tb* )40. ­gg- ,; , , , " ng 'Or&mfkr ftObulftw CAA'be an o0poAu,di.st 068a with ,In# Maurd"'. gm you?" tight Hving, Pad" igtyg, irt-1�6 .40b, iav&�, hig ,olpodiltunliff6s, as mmh' rft,l rg� volth, &rd, Wainle) fij . P ti , ,4 t . . N, 1-W ,�J ` I I I ft 0' 1. �� ,'�?�,��,'�� a . : ., 1. ­,IJ2M� �� 1 I . ''166i "thaft 0 I pi k% " , , ' , ,lir . Bk,04 - , I '' , , * , " "' I .-� I I I - "', " , 7, I � � I" � � I W', �i . 14!, k"I"'i f �' 04", 11" '� T �', '' . "i * ". I Alp - I - .I I - , I I I- � I I 1 6.4 'Pft I I , . . '1� .1 mitt , V I 11 I I I 't ' i5i fttdL, eft1p ,"-,flfilg� wimisn? - , K 6* W,Wi,90 111d'yooluld be - Ic Ililminj oiWit A* ' ' ' *XdTs*--,%V' d'ear"i" ", , , � dI 16f oil bat 16Vbi1l6oIft9 iMl *16-1 , I geli 116,0t� 'ie . Ou Y,11.. _ . , , , ,�; " I., �� - I '111 .6t I . ,� "Ill , 64,ii . .I why. bwd" V64. Ji Im * - &Ota . I '. . Ilk, &ft n t. .". v - Wi, i t . '614, iiii *kl� **�� '"R64 .. A044 111A I 'A) . 1111"", " " U vti�41, ,� -1i - �, ­,� . 096 9de 06" Jit, *A* b#�� , * �: � , 6i), In .1i. ", �-o 1, . I' ". d I �, . . , .1 I .1 , . ) P. 1, ., . .. �'!'�, �,',` I I .I ,04`144i � *W Amfll, � ,i�wah � I I � I � . I I �, I *,6joj6to� . . :F I , O'ba I T I I I I Ir f, Aw t '. , i iw-Aih 10"; � , *6dP1Wftt. bt �41* 'Ch �fdffti6i, . N6��Ileldl I , - Pio ,) C ,�� ,, %. � I I I I . ..,., , � . 1. -1 - ,. .. 11 I � . � , ."... , kl 1. 1: , ('66mitsfitod'i6n, . . t), -. , �.­ � . li 4 e�,�, 1, , � 'I,,,,, . ": - ...� I I � . I . - . I 'I., I V, � I . I 11 �4� . � I I I .1 " ,f 44�.� � �� . I -1. �, . I . . 10 '. , , , , 14 .1 ­ 10, ,�,,,,,�­^�,. ", ,,, I . . -1. � se,% !,� I I � .. I - , . "", , � �':�-,Ail�t,�,;�,,�, ,,­ � � "', " � I I I . I , , " ,,, -%J ,� . ,,�, , , , ", I "I, � "Al -i "It", "N'f" ;�Ill ,,.�', ,,,, -11. .1 "! .� W,'�: ,;;, '� I I' � -,I I ,;,: . I . I � . "f � , oj'�,��i�,�i 1, � ,�.� � 1. "':, -4 - . 11� I � 1 ­%`,�­7"�I­,4 . " '; l', 1�1,;�11.1, I.A­ : I'; .� L , . '.. �1-, ,..,. , ,� 1';,."�, "",;.,,�- b-­�, "', :, , �", " ��,o' ,;"k,f � ,! , " , IL - I!, t �".1"-;1 - ,�', ,��,�,,,', � `.',t�,� ,, A'A - , - , " ­�, , . , , . I , , t i ,� , .;I, � t ".,; i ,'.',L;�,,�'t, 17, 1 I- i,.'� � ,,!,!,:�� ;, L I " ' ' k' t�j" ,� l,�;,'i�,i ��, t;,t� "i il", f�,-I""" ,,�'�'L .,� , "'i, , ­ . I 1.1­1� .1i.1 1. ­ 11 I � I . .� . 11 "'. �- , ".. . ., I , ­ , , " :.., �': , '�, : :1 I I - , 11 11 li&l 1.�,;�.�'4�k . , ", L : ��: :� ­ '0�1 4,1',�.-,fi t�lO,:'':,", I.,' �; , � 1�,, �',�,.,:,,�,.�,�:, F", " ., , I , " ,, . ';,�,,,d,il,�� .1, �' - ��', ". � 'v � ,Ill ;�' - "' �,,�.' ,,,", o'� I .`� '�,: , . I I I ,�: 0 � . I t , , ', I �,;. ", 4 ,l��` 1 `4 ; 'j' ", I" I I I �� ­'Jj,j�,'.�I­� "!"i, ­1111-1­­,�­­ 1 ;, -g 1�1 , , "" 'L , , ", '­,"":'­­ ,'lj,V�,l,iik,;P 'j, . , " ��,�, ,�',�,,� ,�­ , ,�, ,,, -:' ,,� ."K, , , �, �, 11: . -1 , "� '�': 4' �, 11 � ; I ".. ­',,I­� �­­,i�, 1,��, � 11 - "I'll --1L-- , ,np';,V,� i,',)I,.,�,�'i,:,,,,�""�,��4'i"";��� i ,�,4 § , 1:i�i � � .. .. ... , i,y , -l, , 4,�,j� , , , � ' � ' ;L '�4jj,,� 1 11"I" " , N, %�- , � ,,�� � , , ' ­�� '�,,� L ,,I,", �, -,­,'4�1. "', iL , ,I: ,;,� 0�i �1 , ", �,., t,g �� w �, �,.� l:,� �1'1,�,�',"% 'l't , �, I , , �. i 2" 1 �i,;- "t"! ." ,�,;Ii, "2" " , ., , " I'V IN , ,�, M LK, ,,, , t� � ­� . , , �, ,11i`����� =­, - - ; . 11 , 1�� I . �11: `��, 1, 5 - iv�m�lxi.��v ��,�, -.,1,x, ­,p %2'r,ing"ll" � . .­ � . , , , , t�� 21"Mad"L -­ ­­­ ­­ ­­­ ­­­ '­ ­-, �,ti,i,A " � - � ; " '62 "'IR"21 2",, � !1, 11 .",", ... .... �­ V- 11�4 - ,i ', , , ,", .%."?�l;,.I"l�,4",IfKi"�T.��","1,"I"yr',�,, 211ffl�`,'TNNIL�li � -1�1 t� " ,, , � ,�,, "O 4 � "I ­ � I , " ., �11 1"' , ,;,��, , , gg,,,,�.4"'i �4'�� i fik;�q,� -,@ � �ffi 0,o�f Ma'NAU &�,tO%T,% � % N ,, ­­­ ­­ ­-,R.Z.i'l1%?.4 ,,I��',"I�,���,,,,�,,�.,,�h�q�ll. A l0t,'11 , iiii� �,,�,�,,'�v , . ,g g�li ., �,�ig',,'��gg . ,�f,� � , 'L 't� - � . , .11,111 �� , 1� , �. � ZWIMA, ;I ,f,�:;, . 'i� M-,� , . -, ,.�,,.�3,.",�z;,�,.�i�4�."�y��l,,,",,r",..�,tl�,t"t,f�).T.����,,,p"qw�k-,',Pi�,�,,�� e"I'l, 190RAM , ,,, I - ��,�$�01'14.111� f, �� ", � , j,�, �, M,1. 4 "'X � 1, � �, . .41 IQ aai�,,',�i, ,