HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-09-11, Page 541,
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GE .` �"' i+ ►.TRE ;.,
Now nose ir
with Alt --VA)* 1' O lie
Roman, p exaug, 1V�CA�diirOON11,t ox Comedy
ND IS.4.
esday,.s ;'V f edi esday
n,Claudette. Colbert
1►'l'oLagleu, Rosalind
Russell.-.B►eetbthing adventure,
Love add Jealousy in the Foreign
Legion.. ,._: • News Comedy
Next Thursday; Friday, 'Saturday,
Clark Gable, JeanetteMcDonald,
Spencer Tracy
The smash hit that'i!bro'ke all
reen ds:
Ronald Co
in "XIX
with Vi,
New Hamburg Fair will be held,*
Fountain Park ton and SOS',
day, Sept. 18th and 19th,, „and Will
have twe trials of speed, a 2.27
trecord of 2.07. f
All hogs in tbe bacon lucg classes
will be sold. Awards will be made
"on the rail" by the packing house
that purchases the hogs for the high-
est 'price. The awards will be made
by the Department of Agriculture.
A dance will be 'held in the Agri-
cultural Hall oit S'aturday evening
with Otto ;Henderson's band in atten-
Any Sichlool teacher may receive
complimentary tickets for school chil-
dren on application ta the ;secretary,
Mies Mary Ourrie lett on Saturday
to attend the Exhibition in Toronto.
Mrs, Robinson and son), John, left
_on .Friday to wish friends in Kit-
chener and points east.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen and Mr.
and. Mrs. Ed. Allen ,are at p osent
visiting friends in Bright and Brant -
Messrs.. Wellington and Miist. Geo.
BrOCk and Mrs. Batten, of Zion, vis-
ited with Mrs. S. A. laler on Fri=
day last.
Mrs. Weitzman, of Niagara, visit-
ed with her perenta, Mr. and Mrs..
Mr. and Mrs. Dearing and Son, of
Exeter, visited at the 'home of Mrs.
Quante -on Sunday last. •
111r. JOhn Ewing, of Brussels, was
with Mr. John ;Scott, in the village
en Wednesday last. •
M. S. Meets
The September fmeeting of the W.
M. S, met -on Thursday last in the
basement of the church with good
attendance, Mrs. Reidie 'presiding. A
very prorfitable hour was spent and
interesting papers were'read by Mrs.
true friendship means in our lives,
'what the companionship of a true
O Effective May 3, 1936
Standard Time
Itineraries planned to all Points
in Canada, United States and
Consult local agent
"For Tow Convagame.
QUEEN'S HOTEL, Seaforth.
Central Ontario Bus
Lines Ltd.
Fall Fair 'Dates
Following are the dates set fiir Pall
Flaiiirs and Exhibitions in Western On -
Myth Sept. 11, 12
Cheeley Sept. 15, 16
Kincardine Sept. 17. 18
Milverbon Sept. 17, 18
N ew Hamburg • Sept. 18, 19
Ailsa 'Craig Sept, 24, 25
Atwood Sept. 25, 26
Bayfield Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Exeter Sept. 21, 22
Godericth Sept. 22, 23
Listowel Sept. 23, 24
Luelauow Sept. 24, 25
Parkhill ; Sept 25
Seaforth •••Sept. 24. 25
Stratford Sept. 21-23
CMlitchell Sept. 29, 30
Ripley Sept. , 29, 30
Zurich 4 Sept. 28, 29
Owen Sound ' Oct. 5-7
Teesrwater Oct. 6, 7
Me▪ rton A. Reid, ,Seaforth - Sec.-Treas.
E. Pepper, Brumfield; E. R. Jarmouth,
Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth; C. P.
Hewitt, Kincardine; W. J. Yeo, Grade -
Kiosk, 't;Otrdetbora; George
R. a, sonhsimth; Alexander MeXwiuk,
IL It 1, Blyth;46bn Pepsi, pititree,
field; .TrovelS SholdicS, Walton;
MoylaME, It.. 5, Seatarblt;
Afrthibaltl, R. 44 Seattah.
.. enol- a as- 1F1
thro.tugh life, what a loaf ii * to I
kelp. 1;4 !opn our ways. .there,Ifasl>een
ruu}abgie CiligtO,••.gauade d3 t4**80
e ety (Wing the •'sua%1[tker months
'Some very Able oneat,tand a 4:464M8-
sion was how to d spore• tiheeeOtte
ga ffs. R,aports Cram . the :Secretary
and Treastiurer were leery eriCaarag'-
innd The Meeting' • • .c!lasied with a
lit'ylran and prayer.by tlhe;,president.
day afternoon, Anniversary services
IOW lae;:held in the HillsigreerCeburch
Chandle; is expected to be the gaest
Carmichael, of Se -afar* the gueet
writlirthe music and
',0041d Medallist)." wiN Oa*, 'Salo parts
ng ,serviees.
• Those atteading Toronto Exhibi-
tion during the week Were: Messrs.
George Stephenson, ef Walkerton,
and brother, Herbert, Arkr. arid Mrs.
R. ;McAllister, Mr. Haynes and Miss -
Annie Jarrott...„
ing the week to see .hia.neatly coin-
pileted barn, Which adds much attrac-
tion to. :his farm..in its tale, appear -
Mtn -a. R. !Samuels, of TorOnto, was.
here recently tplanning for the thresh-
rott looked after during' the thresh,
antioff it. A large amount of grain
was •,;the outPut which is a !help to
the owner,- lowing to so Many recent
failures one way, and another.
'Mr. ,Dinnin' •teaching again
this --year in .S. S. (No. 7, Stanley,
and gip Drayer, iSeaforth, is at
'Miss, Annie Cochrane, of 'Clinton,
visited duringthe week with her sis-
ter, !Mrs. Ililarry Fuss.
An auction sale' Of farm, farm
stock, implements and household ef-
fects pf the late Mr. F. Stelck is be-
ing -held- on hia• late farm an Friday,.
Sept 18th. Mr. Arthur Weber is the
'Mr and Mrs. M, Tully and family
attending .a funeral' of ..a friend in
_Mr. and; Mrs. C. Robinson Were
visited•with relatives from Mitchell.
'Mrs. 'Charles :Blackwell ,received
the sad news 'of „the death of her
brother, Mr. W. MCShirray, in Sas,
katclhowan this week. His body ia
;corning ,here Hillsgreen, cemetery
Mrsi._9D, B. Saunders and eon,. Nor-
man, and ;Miss A. Kelly, of London,
isited relatives in the vicinity.
Mr, James Cochrane,. of Toronto,
visited lais aister, Miss Edna, 'and
'brother, Mr. Allan,. recently.'
:Mrs. J. H. Cochrane is slowly im-
proving after having an operation -on
her left arm at, Pir. J. OlDwyer".s
•ofiSce in Zurich a few weeks ago..
days WI* her uncle and :Aunt; MT.
and. Mrs. N. Jarrett, during the Week.
Death Of Pptrick. Maloney, Sr.
On Thursday, Sept. 8rd, Patrick
Malorty 'died at his 'home in the Vil-
lage, fa:lowing a shirt illness, hi his
86th year. Mr. Maloney had been in
fair health and 'able to attend) church
until a ferwl weeks ago. He came to
Dublin 'from hiS ,farm in Hibbert
with ,his sister about 15 years ago,
and was a member •af St. Patriek's
Chtirch and Hely °Name Society. His.
funeral was held on Saturday Morn-
ing. Rey: Fforulkes sung the High
Mass and burial was made in St.
by orne sister, Miss Annie `Maloney,
Dublin, The :pallbearers were Jahn
Flynn, Thames Jas. Kraus-
kopf, .Patrick Maths, Wlm. O'Rourke
nri cl Michael Coyne. Mrs. Schulman
and John Maloney, of Buffalo, at-
tended the funeral.
Rev. Father Bricklin, • of Windsor,
and his Mother, Mrs. H. Bricklin, of
Simone, spent a day in the village re -
Dr. And Mrs. Lewis Dill and son,
Jimmy, of Detroit, spent tbe week-
end with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Dill.
Mr. and MrS. .1Viatthe* McCarthy,
of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Michael McCarthy,
Wes. Monica Roaehe is spending' a
few weeks with friends in
Mrs. Anne Mulligan, Detroit, spent
Sunday with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hill, Chica-
go, spent the 'week -end with the
letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarmes
Mr. and Mrs. George Beaton Flint,
sigent the holiday fwith kr. and
Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, Frank
and Laurabelle attended, the
to -Davidson reunion held on: Monday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Stewart, Springfield.
, Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur Smith and
Mr. and "Mrs. James Shaw, of SiM
coe, visited With Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
McGregor during the week.
Miss Etta Bell, of "Lon -don, visited
with her ,parents., Mr. and Mrs. An-
dre* Bell; Over the holiday..
troit; Capt. R. .0. Brown, Windsor ;
and IVIrs. Everett Amer, E. J. Arner
and Anita Amex, all of Kingsville,
were visithre at the home Of MX. and
Mrs. Norman Long, ta the north of
the village,during the past week.
,Mx. and Mrs. Randolph ClUirchill,
Mr. Bailey and son, arid Mr.. Riilen,
all of Detroit, visited at the home df
lage, during the past week, .
Mr. John Doig, of Detroit, viSited
his Mather, 'Mrs. WM. Daig, and' sis-
ter,'Janet, of Tudicersinith, :during the
week -'end at the benne of
lilx i1N*. 4T 4 .R 1x tl Ld. &W31', 'n'itllr'
wrtt, o Kirkiaaud Lai e1 whahave leen
.spending a ,ppeasant 'visit • at they
homes of.idle -- etsters, Mss_ . sTa�ta
• Henderson and ,Mgrs. Earl ,Sproat, ret
Miss 'Mildred Maeon, of Belirave,
visited at the home of Mr. Williain
Anbrson, of the village, during the ,
past week. •
A aurnher;rfrofin around here took
in the Toronto ESchibition d'uring the
ML9rnsd. °all! rvewey,B10sile91:sintart atilt ih,chimild,, 9ot , , , [
Mr, and Ws. Verner Mreelymont
family, oft, I On, ,visitedf at te
during the past week. . ,
'Rev. Mr. Bremner, of ,Brucefielci,
conducted the service in St. Andrew's
It is expected that the pastor, Rev.
E. F. Chaadler, will he home to oc-
cupy the pulpit on the coming Sun -
Master William Whitenmbe, of the
village, wheeled to Ingerioll 'daring
the week, Where be was going; to
spend a. few days at thei home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Whit -
Mr. and Mrs. James Barkley, of
Echo Bay, visited during the past
week at the home of Mrs. Jahn Deitz,
of the village.
Mx, and Mrs. Emerson Kyle, of
the village, Motored to Toronto the
latter 'part of the week and spent
the holiday taking: in the Exhibition.
"The many friends or Mrs. ThomaS
Butt, of the 'village, Will be very
sorry to learn :that she is ,gradually
growing weaker from: time to time.
spent the holiday with,friends in Lon-
don and Detroit.
_.........,: , .4 ,:. 1....,,,4:... .
B er Boys
Boys' Sport Bac4
A very aunt Wedding took place at
neon on Wednesday at the Manse,
'Walton, when Beatrice only
daughter of MT. and Mirs. 'William
Erie Campbell Dow; of Staffa, son of
Mr- and Mrs. 'Campbell Dew. The
bride was charmingly gowned in
white satin and lace with white hat
and -shoes. She earried autumn
flowers. The bride was attend'ed. b.y.
Miss Elsie d. Dow, sister •of the grao;m
'who was dressed in flowered chiffon
with matching 'accessories and car-
ried autumn flowers. The groom was
attended by Mr: Lawson Kernie, bre-
ther of the [bride. Luncheon was
served at the home ef the bride. For
travelling tbe bride chose a blue suit
, with white felt hat. -
There will not be 'any services in
Duff's Church on Sunday 43wing to'
anniversary services ,being held at
Moncrieff, Rev. D. W. Pomeroy, Who
spent part of ,his locryhond. daYs in•
the village and attended ;public school
is to. conduct the services at 1VIon-
;Stewart Bryans, Wallace Shannon,
Arthur Bewley and ;Blairmore4AShaw
were *drelegates to the Laymen's bon-
ference at St. Thomas last week and
the boys report a goad time. ;
It is expected that Rev. C. H.
delegate, to the General ;Council at
Ottawa, will visit at the Manse, while
in the east land conduct anniversary
'services on Oct. llth.
The executive of Duff's .0hureh Y.
1'. S. met on Wednesday evening to
'draft a program for the fall term.
Prospects are bright for a profitable
time in the society.
., Mrs. Ed. Bryans presided fox the
meeting of the W. A. The chief
'business was •eontpletin.g plans for
the birthdaY tea td be :held in the
church on Friday, Sept. 18th, at 2
p.m. A cordial invitation was 'ex-
tended to all to came and 'enjoy an
afternoon 'of quilting and other sew-
ing, for-tite-liale... There also be
a short grogram.
Anniversary services. will be herd
at 'Goshen United ;Church next Sun -
p.m. The: s;pecial ,preached for the
Blyth. S'pecial music is being pre-
pared 'by' the choir and the Lobb
Quartette af 'Holmesville will furnish
the mimic at the evening service.
1Vrr. and Mrs. Alex. Wiley, of De-
troit, have b -on visiting their dous-:
ins, the Stephenson's, ia this vicin-
Mr." and. Mrs. Paul Jahn,' and .son,
of Flint, .1,ave been visitingwith Mrs.
Jahn's sister, .Mrs. Thomas Robinson,
and 'brothers, Will and George Reid,
of Parr Line. '
Sutton, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Ella Irritrn visited over the week-
end with ladies' mother, :Mrs.
George Dawson, who is confined to
her becr through ihness.
'Mr. and . Mrs, Archie Campbell, of
Toronto, spent the . week -end with
relatives here.
MX. anti Mrs. Adam DoddS,
Listowel, 'spent the week -end with
Mrs. Robert Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard and
'children spent the week -end with
relatives) in London.
-Mr. Trewartha, Jr., had
his right arm badly injured 'when he
Ihad it jammed between the rack and
a past while 'hauling in la,st week:
The ligaments of his arm were badly
torn and he *ill be unable to use it
for several weeks.,
'Mn. and Mrs. EaSson, of Strattoid,
spent the week -end With the latter's
parents, Mr, and, Mrs, Hugh Alexan-
Mr. and lYinst,, ,10,1erliel *Imam spent
the week -end in Detroit.
OR NEARLY thirty years this has been a ,good
place to buy Boys' Clothes; clothes, that while they
look smart, are built to stand the wear and tear,
and are priced 'as low as quality -and dependable
making will permit.
New Brown Flecks, Grey Checks, Sand Diagon-
als in single or double breasted styles.
One or two pants, short knickers, golfers or
Prices $5.95 to $9.00
Men's New Fall
Velours, Silver Tips, Tweeds, Felts, in Navy,
Brown, Grey, Green, Sands. All new Fall shapes.
Genuine fur felt bodys. Smart new trimmings.
N 6W 'Fall pa r
shades; full -site; good
terials. Well- made.
75c 95c
Smart new Fall colors
shades. All sizes.
39c 50c 75c
New Tweeds to match the
new Fall Suits. New shapes,
50c 75c,
Advance Showing o
Women's Winter
TF YOU would see what has kep.t stylists busy for
months, the Coats that are destined to carry every-
thing before them in becoming popularity; then see
the New Coats we are showing for the first time in
,Seaforth. Colors, fur trims, materials and designs,
Ilmillall SO outstandingly different and attractive.
CLOTHS—Treebarks, _Suedes, Fancy Tweeds,
COLORS-:TBlack, Brown, Navy, Green, Grey,
FURS—Sable, Janette, Wolf, French, Beaver, Op -
possum, Persian, Lamb, Pointed Fox.,__,
Prices $15 to $35
Millinery Dept.
We are not just boasting when we say we never
had such striking Hats. We are having a big ad-
vance selling of these irresistible new styles.
Autumn is surely in the air when you see this smart,
authentic, thrilling display.
Prices 1.95 to $5
Calf Hose
Grey, Brown, Sand ;
checks or pla,in.
Fall coloring • for school
wear. All wool; clever pat-
Fall Coats...
Style, Novelty, and Color
and Economy have combin-
ed to make these New Fall
Coats of unusual interest.
Coat, Leggings and Hat or
Red, Sand, Wine, Blue,
Brown Grey, Rose. All siz-
Price 37.50
Copt, Leggings, Hat and
Sand, Robin Egg, Wine,
Navy, Brow -n, Rose, in all
the wanted sizeS. Smart,
dressy and cozy.
310.95 to 312.50