HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-09-11, Page 4, " K1I,,1IztI;_,,V . , '_ ?�l 'i� r T:!, " .1 I!:, . I If 1, , ',�, i , - ,.­ ,­­, " ", 11 .1�1. j" ljl� -,,�; , � �i:jq ,.I ��, ., A . . � I , �Ir , . , , �'j I . . [i�!s V�,`A,V�,W��, 1, , ,P� ,;i :,�:, - _�: 0'..,. I 1.11,1.1 .1, 11, V!M:111111i"�',',?,,�', i`,�P�`- . ;� ��,I�,11�4`1 " , " ,�!I�.;��,,I,fl� . `i, - � I ,. I 1 � , it. �i il ;,, � ;, I ,, '.1.1 �i " I .J,��,� , � - . . �" ., - - 71, ,. , - . I 11 , , , , � ­­ . I 1, ..... . , � 'I. I-� - 1� ��" � �,., '', . � I , S , '. . "'. M I --,—J-. L_.__ . . . I � � I T I I .1 4.1 7 ,� , . I 1111.11 . ki`!� , , kst"fied'-'Ad S -'','l . ",­­_ I ;­,��,., , 1; � . , q , I I � _- t , 4. . , t. , I I 'fr - I -'low cash"rates ,. , �� � , a ��"' ,,`� A s iM I k = lrW at new , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ... � ,""''I - " , , , , , , , , , , , , , ," ', , ,�,�, , � , 'a _� � '. I, ,, ',`;'�!�, " � � � ; . � - j I , e . I ''I ....... I'll 1�j' 1,;�' I �. ,If . _ 7�1'31i I .''. I . I .. 1, M �,�,:.11" , 411 � I � I .;i, ­ 11-1,; '064. Wiiiatcd 'Lost a ' 4 it" I M, .For , , ad Found, Coralas Weaft, RV—Peir war ,. U�� �� . - . 1, "I". , P, 'I '. , Iak week .. % ....................................... I Cent , ", , . 14 i .,�,_ , .� ol, I ��_ -1 . . . . I'll - - 2ad week .................. I .................... % Cent "I',,, I ,,'��.-: � I ,6� , I . ,'Ili. 8 -rd week ...... � ................................ % Cent 0; ,,,i; , . . , I .; I . , �-, minimum chame. Arst insertion ................. 26 Cenu , , , , , 'StWO , " i�,: � �, . Such liguiv. illlutiAl alld AbbEOV11 COUUth as one word. � 0 � -_11 - fi�;k'­ , )ZOVils of'qlhanks. In Memori4m Notices -A *14ut per -wor(L.. MiniMmin, 50 0=14 Per week- . I , -a ExWositora for 10 cents � I I I ufx* way be directed to a Box Number. ewe of The Hn , , , I i:, 1. PqaVt3rA. I I . I �.,. I 1iI . I � I . I I I'll . ,9 cents ailditimal per week will be chnaved OV ada in abi dlass arre vjQt vadd by the �'1111f. .. � �� . 1 , . ,, Sg4turday night in the week in which the ad was rum I I ...... ..... , I t, ,, , ,1prohis, Marriages and DeiLths luserted free of charge., * ,, '11 . I " ,,,I., 11 : , 46ittbin Saaes, t4otice to Creditors. Etc. -Rates on aPplibatba. . .... i�',f "; � � . I I I I ...... �1, - , 1,'. 1. . 1 , 11';,�,_ . . - � ' 6ut - , � 11 . 1 . 1 �_, , " i 4- 1 Ag _s Wanted . .Personal . , , I , . :1 ,,, �i � I . I.. I - . I -1. IT— I � 11 ;1 1�1 I ,()IUR 'DEALERS MAKE BIG MONEY SELL- PIANO INSTRUCTION.-aiRS. CLIFFORD , 1:�:Ii I , , ,our pro&ctb in thkir Own communi- BROADFOOT, at the Royal A.Partments. � " � " 'A ilinjo of 200 household neces Wes is ,. s 8688XI , , j 1� .1 , I ar . . I . . - �� . 'arnAr 'in- , ., _ �.C4. everyw1here. Experience is _ I. . . ­ sar,y. grart.at once IwAd share in our - __ i'... , . � 19ces ' " , 11 . . , ofit,mi 'plan. Write VAIMLEX FIRO- ,­ I I" i , I . lement'St., Montreal. Auction Sales... ,:�� !, ­ 3588-1 , ffUCTS, 570 St. C '_ - ,� Wotan Y"T"o-500, , , r(coviltanued, f1liom" Page 1) " "' . I � 47 'Soul" were sung. Thei'-,'m.�4itj_ � , . ug� closed by Fanging "Blest Be the T , ie Z cb' and) i*uyer by Xr. C tllgln , ,Owing to� anniversary services in Moncrieff there will -be no servioes in Walton United0burch on Sept,wa- her- 13th. ' Weiner Roast is Success TheA weiner roast h,614 at the ,home of Edward Aryans on Monday evien- Ing was well attended. An exciting game .4f si began the evenines, sports, while a few entertained them- selves ' with -the football.. At dusk about fifty young people gathered to- gether.allound a buge bon -fire on the front lawn and, Qoyed a real, feast of weiners and, rolls, cake and,coffee, Harvey Bryans, in charge� -a, � , 'khe sports, conducted several, amusiggand _ lively games. A sihok musied-1 Pro- gram, consisted of violin, selectionsby 41m- Mcc " , vocal sblos by Agnes Ninidim '12o ol ed her own -uitar �,�., N. ,"I � "'� ", I, i'l -, " .14.1 �­ - , " ','� �,7, , "t , , ��­ , -,"-",,I- "I"'j-" :"V_�:, ,","",­,% ,, � � 1',�,4, - ,,�­�,,�,,, �11­1., "11"""", .1 -If". ; " , 1 . � ,f.. � I,, - I 16117 ". ... I ­ I � g� I ,� T ',.e , _ , I � - , " " , 'A p,j,,'%.i­' ". ", -, wqj ,� , 3"i", i - , , it j � !;�`s"6., � : "�,�ij �� ,,,71 '. � , I.- ��;"p . " "'I"", " .., �f,,�";�'�.'i! -�,fi�,'i,,V,;-�41,91�,�;.�,!�*��ii-",,'�;,��',��il""I P-1,11 ,.� 1 . � . � , " , , '' � , 2"IN1111W 11 , 11 1, , �_il I'd7", � , , V, '' - , " "I �' 11;- , I . � �g',!,, �:,i� ., , �.,M . : . - 11 " "" ; �, -� "11 I ";."6".-"";,f��,:�,,�,�,�,,�.";Viim�,�'l�'�"*, """ .-!1;,, .,�, %� T� ,; , ,_ �:, I . I , , i,"�,- .,,I,'Lj.�,� : . ,j�,'!, � , _ 11 . � I . , � ji j I , . � , ! 4. . : 141 i ,�P 1 i I 1; 1� , I , O(I4; . ".., I � I , ; .1 ., ,;,:, . . . . " __t � . , , � . . 1.1 'I, I 19 � . ,-�" ,�` * . . , . �x, �):, , . .- I 111 Ai , AN- ffl.s -,PXP , " ______ . � I; ii", - R" I il i�191 ---11 -1-111- "" , , I . . I �.­ - _­;;;;;=:;��- ,. -1- . - . - , -1- ,, 11 ­­ I 11 � : I'll I I � 1. 1: ­-;�, ;;;�;.ir",;i,i".,;;;;i�'..i�o�,mii�l;.�.'.A-;�,;",�4"�r.',.',",; I;,; � ­�;,;� . ���tt�.t_­t*rf 1i ,� ; _'. �`___, .. I I . �.­ - . - I i I � I 1�41 10 If "� $j',,�,' - 1, '_ I'll, ,N.1� ,ii,.W.!'.­�.�'; I ' ' ��. �,�, , � I ' ` 44 �, I'l I ,�i J�" "' I , , �. , , � . , p :, I � , . I, , , L', ,,,, ., I � , k i. . . Ie r, I '. � I I ,� ��� ... � .1 .. 1. I . I ,,� . I � 1i ­�_k'...1- . . 4 �, . ., I, 1, . � �, '. .�, . f,� . I .; . 11 I � � k . . .r ___ 1, �� - I . . -- " � . � . I �t . I I I I , 11 1. . � I .. I ,. I . . . . I . ..;_.. . 1, .. I .r..N. I I .... . I SALE OF FARM, FARM STOC1% I =kZ- .1.1.1;.N1.;.;, ,g �, 'r, I'liffi ..',, . ip� . .1 . accompaniment; guitar selectlons�.by . ,1\ . g'111�11'�`11111'iii: iii. j;: . 1-1107W ­ 11� AUCTION .." -1., i :...., . I., 1 '� ,P,. ", mplements--There will be offered � . - 11,II �'. , Nor sale by public, auction on Wedn Jean McDonald and a sing�song by . . :­ I � , .'. and : it , , �gf,��..,., .;..i�.1if19-.i!;..'?'11 . I esday, , . - il.. 'S'.."i.10i; , I %,�.:i;:Ii.::�I...!:!::,:, A.= i I, . :... . X �::::;,.i.;.�:::!::,I�,;. M ..":*i*i*�.,ii Z!". I I , �1' Farms For Sale September 23r,d, &t� Lot 11, C�OIL 13, McKillop everyone. After a %vote of thanks to ;:ii.`,*% i"', - ...'i---.1. i. .ii.`R_;i '.!! Riiix ,11 . . . ." . N " . ln,.%; . ��-,i -'i"..".? ..:...,.!. Ml:.�::,. ;.,.:;,. , "N . I,:*. ii��.' . '.. - 'ili, , 1�1i",."�;!.",�;;i��!: iii;i�!1".i ... �:!��!�i,.,ii , , , I , - I, - 0 I . 1..1-II..1I;1X-: 11 -?-�".",�i..`.,` 1.i!i!.`!"1`.`i� ­,* — 1, _-, -the Lfodlowimg; Horses ---4 roan Mr, and Mrs. Bryarfs for the use Of il�;:­j�-: .::.i .: I �ii,.,. " - ..;;.� llowmshW, , � I....... .. . . � 14,:.: .".'...,...., ..... . . ....... 1� ... ". I . �.�.�.,,X,q- X ;1,X-XI.;.t.: z; �. � SALE--HU-NDRED ACRE mare 8 ,ycaa-3 old, �good, to work single or tbeir - home, the program closed by. - .�:. : - , ... . _' "-'� 111'�,." .,ii.-i�,,','�iii;:.�..�,*�*.'.,,':�'�,"..',,"i'.,,**.�': i:: `:- "." . _ FOR %' 1�..`!'K.�:!R�"�Iiii. -�,,`., -.-",.,"!,..;.:,��,�.��;.,,�����!��; . Lot 10, Con. 7, Tuckera�mith, 3 miles double; 1 sorrel horse 9 years Ole. good singiug "God Save the King." . , ik*,':i�iii::,�Iii�i*ii!�� ,,"'*��'?',�'-�.,,�',,iii".,�,�,,*�ii:�I ill ; : � I 12W ;::��:.I:i..�,.�l.!;,�::,:;�:;:..Ii..Mw; � .1 , �, I 1. . . .. a,Duth oX S.aforth, 5 miles from Klippen. Good worker. Oattle�-I Durham cow 8 ,years old, .. :��i�I-Ili �,��il "a .� :,:",",""..."�",..."".."���:�:: dii `:..;�-_: :. i - . , , cow ... :: ... buildings, good �,j�.i; , , , , " .;, ". .' � :-;� i;: I - 1:.: :. ;. *, -, - .. -1.,,", iii....".." .: " . : - *; I Durham 5 chanan and �� ,'j.�.� I, ", , .. I., , ied ,a� fenc- due to ,freshen in March; "*,�".."�...'�,;".,.,.,...�.,,��#....�r...���,.,�".....f ..*,L,:...�,..,,'"',.,,.",.::;,.. ... ; ,;....., wells, well drain ,,Mr. and Mrs. John Bu Il"... :;:i: I." , i �& � 'L. , us -1 -Ing "' , 1'... .... i �:"��; "i, .... .. ... fur�e,r particulars apply to ROL- years old, d t� freshen in April � Dur- .W .;;� . . . . . . .:!'' ed. For I Q_1; - I �., L I to in Mary are in Toronto attendil the , MW . . , ., AND KENNEDY, FL X 4. Seaforth. barn cow 5 years old, due fresi 8586xl April; 2 Hereford heifers, 3 years old. d,, Exhibition. ____ .­­.__WVA.�!. I . . . . . . . . ... . . . ,�, �4 , 11 .. . - 11 � I ,:7., .-�"-,-.� I � ­ I ­ I -".111.. .. 1, ''; I 11 . - to freshen in March; '2 yearling heifers; I Mrs. Peter McArthur is visiting P;,X&N-','I-,F-,,.­ : , ­ . . ij �1. -, e. .,-7-=&-,:", __.; , - .4 '7, . ., I "IN., ,.P � ffil.".. " M ., '.'IX.X-:.:-'1.i0", __ I -TWO , ,:; I I .. " FOR SAIS� GRASS FARMS: 75 sO,,v due to litter November 25th, all stock in relatives in Cass City, Michigan. ---M . I ,,,, . . C.;� 1.1, McKillop, and good condition. Also 40 young hens. 64 : . . . . . .V ......... 11.1 ... L., About 100 officers and men ..-K:I.'�. ". _. ­ . Mr. Sam Lcove has retUrned to -his � ..."'i . ..... .... 50 -acres S�� Lot 19, Con. 2, Hibbert; always dhbakens, and 3 geese. Impl "IN.; '�'X-Nm::.'. . ernients-1 set of , I.M. .., :;;i: , . .;ii f the Canadian FusWers. '-03- ii q Plenty .A water. Charles XifoliibLin Estatp- haniows, I disc, ,I wagon, 1 hay rake, 1 ho,me at Waidena, Sask. 1.0 , % .41 _ .�.!51,."A " � . R I . I , ', I �,, os egiate. mower, 1 Twin twc.furrow plough, I walking Dr. Kenneth Jackson, of TaviJitock .. .�,`!ilii::11 : City of London Regiment. I ro, - . I 8588x(i plough.. 1 ,fanninj mi,11, I set double work I i;i,..�:iii;ii.,::: - I !! . took part in tacticalmanoeu- �Zr­, '. . � I . harness, I set single harness, 'I cream sep- with Mr. and Mrs. ,George Jackson; . 11 ", ��iiii.,,,,���,.,,,,,,,,,,--..,��:��:i������j��i��::.I:', . , ... .. . . , - elen Steiss, Kitchener, with her j:. §�� . . �, — arstqr, I No. 4 Daisy churn good as new, 11 . I i-,., .,::::! . I i vris near Seaforth over the , I . — i-11 .,.,�:.. � I k , er,, �Mrs. I). StelSs. . i'..�,**-.-..-. _ .�ii� 'Ili : ' 11 - .., : I I week -end. The above photos .�. . I chop box, I ,up pan, I boiler suitable for moth �. - . Articles, For 'Sale , I ulvert, quantity of h" in barn, quantity of , Silas Johnston is ta,king a trip to' F . q I I I - - grain, 1 kitichenor nge, go(od baker; a Que- "', were, taken os, the militia - ,I the West. ; , .11 soft wocd� some cedar .�-.-.-..- I - -, . , :::ii:!%� i!.�. " , , , _ AYCING, VEGE_ bee heater, 10 c _ . ..��: .. L ,. . . i AAKING, SALE -B .i!ii,:: — . 1, , HOME vac- 10 Mission Band Meets . t�'&,- -0, I.;:-,�:�,��.,...'!�l.,�,�l!..,.-,- . I Sale in Cardno's ,osts, I scythe, forks and shovels and Other 1 I'll men left for the camp. No. � j . I ant �swre, on Satunrdlay, September 12th at luumerous articles. No reserve as the Pro- The Gleaner 'Wission Rand met : I -'A gr1oup of Fusiliers car- . A., $ p.m., under ausoxces or,,Bethel Ladies' 'Aid prietress is giving up farming. If farZo ' �� I '. I iying complete field kit about for a.ticket with your candy on the sold household effects will be sold also. At SUndaY �MVrnin!g With Kathleen Leem- I . �,: . - J th eame,bime and ,place the f@trm, 4ansisting ingpr�esiding. Prayer was offered -ty . I ... _ghan. �, 3588-1 e hadf of south ,h I Lot No. Hm. Kirkby, fibIllowed by the Lord's .. to -board one of the Army . ". I I - - �61 ZZ ai 11 and . , � . I 11 CLARINET 'AND the west half of south had of Lot No. 12, X.:� Service Corps trucks which . i ... "",: FOR SAI.fE-BEISSON Prayer in unison. The twenty-fourth' I _� I.j., ­ condition. Priced reason- � -in the IlUff-fConcession, Of McKillop, contain- .: �i� y. ing 75 acres, more or less. On the prearise.; Psalm was read by iGarol StoddarL ..­ ...... . transported them to Seaforth� , "V�, A-bi for quick sale. Appli-to Blax 93, RX- . I N.,". ,,, � �i� -- is a gdod, -cement cottage, barn. 30x36 and Following the, hy=4 lAOnae., Again " ' ' ; . : No. ?,-14t-Cot Hamilton & POSITOR 'OFFICE. . ­.­ 3587-2 � hen house. The farm will be *tTered. for sale Dear Lord We- Pray," the sti -An N. "i I - . -_ It" - FOR , SAIX_- . FRAM . E . B . A,RN IN EXCEL- 'subject -to a reserve bid. Terms on Chat- .... Bingle, officer commanding �-11 , . * f tels--Casb. On Real Estate -10 per cent. of Aifrican Boy Who Made Good" was �,,,ii_ it condition; would be suitable ' the unit, at the left, and - About thirt resplonded to the ...", i 0 I .1�11. ney ,on day of sale; balance with- kivelL ��. garage. Apply tR MRS. IJAJ�ES BERRY, P"rch'ase mo ' I y .. . " Brucefield. SGS7_3 in 30 di MRS. NELLIE MUNN, Proprie- ro,111 .call. ,After a- study period the . . Capt. G. F. Handley, adjut- iI, . tress; Harold Da,le. Auctioneer. 3588-2 I .. .. ,�,�, . . . . � . meeting closed with the hymn. "Jesus I . !:j:j:..'� 11 I gM " � I 4` I . � ;Wi� "I- CTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, Im- Loves Me" and the Mizpah Benedic- I *�`..'� - - f... AU �:; , ii",iei� . clussed �etiils for the man.!_. 41 . For Sale or Rent plements -and Household Effects, �in Hay thn. � . I 1.�l.,-..:".,...",..,.,"",�'.1'..- 1- ­..__.__._ .... . , I .. .1..:11 �. ,i-:-�' oeuvres. No. 3­1ie - , "'i, - " ;;., I i::: .,. ..',' ut. J. M. . TownsMp, Cot 27, Concession 5, three miles On Tuesday afternoon the Uhchers � . . . . . . . . . . . , I ..... � ..., ;_ � H,i To RENT-8-RDOMED C07TAGE east of Zurich, and 3 miles west of Hens 1.1, ......'. 11 . . � I with all 'madern ,&DInvenienees, on Gode- and IYa mile north, on Friday, Septemaber and members, of ,the Mission Band . I .1, .1 ... I'll .1. Grouse, medical, officer, who 119th, at'1,2.30 o"oloqk, the -following; Horses ,met at -the home of Mrs, JE. Kirkby "', ,i was in charge of the medical I ' Apply to L i. . - - Fine -team aged Cq�yde mares in good ,,- wX... �� ". rich Street. DR. F. J. BEOHBLY, _ . i'.'�M 11"I"'I"l-.1 I I P,�- Seaforth, 3588 -ti to diowr'Mlig� Beatrice Kerney, bride- ,.,.­, . . .. 1 ,detail at the camp ­(London " dition, Implements -I Masser -Harris -binder �, I . �, ,�' .­ elect for her faithful services to the . . .1 11 I Free Press pictures). . ,��t , . P 4- I I I - ��. I6-fbot, ,I �5-foot Massey -Harris mower, new; 11 � I ...­ . - 6:1. - V OR ,SALE -FRAME HOUSE, 8 ROOMS ; - . - . -1 f I I . ,- � ".V, . , � . ent f oundai eleotric, lights, I Masseyllarris cultivator, I Noxou 10�hoe Band. Uittle Leona Johnston, on — I - , .. I .. . . - __ I . I I � . �,, . , barn drill 1, 3-seetion harrowsi, 1 Mausey-Harris b,e�nalf t -e Pri ry Class, pres- , . .., 7,�� c4m 1 , , I I and six lots, adapted for market gardening. jo&&,, ,,�w;, 1 ha.y. rake, I wagon; I waxon of h: ma I . Carmel W. M. S. ' . M , . . � � Meet large attendance. 0�, L, Charles Hodriijbein estate. " ented Hiss Kerney with a large bou- I . r. and !-Mrs. Wiilliani Parke roisit- of her parents, IRev. and, Mrs. A.� L. APPIY MRS' box, I 016-ifoot hay rao'k, 1 reaper, I Quebec . ill give Vh4ir lee- .. g. - . , ATCHARDS�� oppoute Collegiate. 3588xG r ,, 1 �one�hors -well g The W. M. S. of Carmel Presbyter- The Toll Broti. w ..ed recently with -friends at., Milver- Sinclair. � k", . " wing plow, 2'walking vlowr - I e quet and Edith Hack ave her an n . I . scuffler, I psix of ,bob sleighs, I lig1ht wagon, autograph album from the s-enior' . � . The Mission Band 'of , the United, ,�,: . ', Ian ,Church held their regular ineet- tuTe in Octi.ober on their hitch -bike to' . �, , "'j.". OR SALE OR PLENT-HUNDRED ACRE 'in the basement of thg church on tr`ip araund the 'nvvorld. They are . . . IN, I I tqp�.buggy, I road c&A, I Portland' cutter, I � &:, : IF ,farm LQt_l9j Concession 8, E'V-S" 'I harrow. cart, I land rvller, I 2,000 Pound pupils and teachers. The , address, Ing Mr. Harry Wil.5a'n, of Woodstock, C�,u ' rah will hold, their first Ta�eetjnr �."�,_ , -'R Seaforth, about ­ Sept. 3id at 3 ,p�rm,. With Mrs. F. sons of -Rev. S. Toll, a forrmer miinis-, visited �Dver the holiday with friends since the holidays on Friday eivenjug, +pc�Zith. 6 miles south: saei, 1 farming mill. 8 long ladders. a was read (by Kathleen Leeman'g_ Fol- V� , he same distance 'from Hensall and Bruce- 3c Faviquilia-r '�residing. The meeting teT in t�ie Methodist Church, a good I,, t�ovm. ' I _.. quantity of grain begs, 6 ' sling Yopes, I ear lowing -Miss Kerney's reply, Several . Sept. 11th; at 8'olclockr in -the school ' ,,,,,� � . - -oG6, many years ago., .7 r1ld: near school. G bpildings; good for 4 wooden track', I doube s4,0 of heavy ed with a hymn followed by ., I - -awrence. V - proniptu. speeches� were given. Then open' . . g�,, . � artesian well: good land, w0f dra, d im Mr. and Mts. Neil Sparks� of De room of the church. M1,se ,�L 1,11 . , horse harness, 1 single ' -ase,, C , L agent at troit, visited ,with their father, MT. of Seaforth., who ,is the, gt,dst sV6&-� - 19", _j;ienced. For intATA , harneis., new; 1 thiard prayer led by Mrs. Dallas. The Mr. A. ,L. 0 _N_T R'L '_ L PaXtWui`M"aVffiIy`'t4�. set %o& harnless, wheelbarrow, stone"boat, 2 lunch wag served. . , 400R� R, 3, Kippen. 358 I Scripture lesson was. read by Mrs. HensAll, with Mirs, -Case, attended the A. ,Si h ", I 7-S park�, over ,the ' olida give I � . . 1. . dron kettles, borse collars, horse blankets. 1 . 1. Y. I or of the evening, will p dutdm �" ,"'!"'r ,dog boat, forks . I Logan. The roll was called �using opening ,of the new O�N.R. ,station at; I A good'prograufto , , , � __ ,; 2. 1" . � . I 41 �, , and' shovels, chains, neck- , I. The Late Robert Eacrett shiles on 'Africa. g ' . .. I I 7okes, whifftetrees, carpenter tools, hay fork, I "Service"- as the text ,word, The bust- London on Tuesday, eveming,. Sept.. Ist,f I will also be ,given.by the chilldren, _ 11,011", . 5 Notices,: � �_ * - , ., bag �ruck,.-Toot power, cutting box, 3 chop, ness part W the meeting' was then at 8_p.m., rWesenting the Bruce 'The funeral ,of the late Robert Mr. Th( - , , . 11" . . : . "' .11, , . 11 boxes,. gr 11 I gmvg Uj.,unnrtistsy;duft -the Foster estate west of Varria. 'Mrs. C. Hudson presiding L I ble . ,'of -the 1C.-N.R. The"station was Eacrett, whose remains were brought. Me. omas Lziiug, accompanied I. 1��,." 15"i , , . by I lr� I . . . luniber, d=1.1.1r, L�n Mrs. taken with I and ,Mrs. Basil ]Edwards and 'i �, �'.., � I -COMING T-WTOE WE$TJWtN saw, gmim ne, ,hary r., clover hu"er A. McOonnell has returned - 'pd. ere beautifully,decorated with large bou- from- the ,home of one of hib- daugdi- M,". James I , . YOU ARE , r,# ., � Isto ves, I . over that.perw Arraftements, w -1 1111,� ,, I F , . - . Rose, enjoyed reeenb� ,:�i, I' Fair. be sure You visit 'our beautOW dis- for mower, 1 windless, stack tack. ditch.9 from a Western trip. . rhade for the �,Presbyterial to be held q,uets (o� Rowers all over -the build- tens in. Londloil, where he aiid Mrs. Nik., ly a week's, auto trip in the Kim-, I . tA of Musical Instruments, upstairs in the aecoin scythe, water trougb, 27 cords. wood, -Mr. and Mrs. Coul,tice, Mr- �'nd 'in -Exeter Ion,iSept. Sth. The October ing-i ,The - offici,als froni, ' Toronto, Eacrett 'had been riviing for the Past k,ka district and ,visited many Places , 11 I G�; Mfederate BuUding. Yoq_V,.Q see Guitars, a quantity lof barrels and boxes; 18 loads of M_�s. Lawrason and Mas ­ _ 1"i,. . . ' I B&QF%Qi-_ dielie4tm good mixed hay, Plymouth car, 1929 model, . I ,ter Harvey, meeting waOthe-n arranged for. Mrs. Stratford and London, along with the number iof months, on 'Northern Ontario, lincluddilg the "I I ed ions, 'as well ,as Friday last' ,I, P ,1 "... g=entr. WERINA DEACON, MUSIC in good working Order. Household Fffeci in company with R. Campbell, m*tor. Fa,7!quhar , took the ,topic. - on, agenbs,'ins�piected the ibililding. A was beld -on 'Monday afternoon frb,m celebrafed Ca,llendier� ." , , ,.., P4 . HOPPEE, 242 Do,ndas St., I U, rio. Doherty stove, burns wood or coal. nearly ed, to Thediford 'on Sunday.,. � . ! '-'�`in British &Iaina.'! 9 -piece -orchestra -was in, attendance thei 'home of his sister-in-law, Mrsi: ��. �,'-, . ,�s 1� I burns . VCIKI�',) Labor 'Day was,;I�erv,ed� ,here as & �', . ".—an-gs- _f j, 3588-1 new; I -wood heater, I kitchen stove, Mr. -and 'Mrs. Apiplab 1. I ' � Wc�4., or coal; I ektensian table. 10 foot; 8 Y spent Sun- Mrs. J. A. -Bell-'then ,led in prayeA.1 and b5o, cauiples -danced from.V to 11 Rober�...PA-terson,,. of. .th'is-,x*A&g%,?,TU'& y0!jT,jjP,­ij1­j,l'ac� ,bf.,., - � , LL BE CALLING ON GUS- kitebon chairs. half a dozen dining room day with friends in Ingersioll. bugWdge"l 'j R, . -1 W,I - XT9. "Farouhar',igave a reading; -on in the miln- waiting xoam; then a funeral was, a iprivate one, eonftcted elos4d, and quite a ,jarge number Ig ' IN OTIdE I c ,1�' . tomers in Auldett. '�Iease have orders , chairs, I good kitchen table 3x7, all berry Miss -,Logan, in com�pany with her "M�Lry and, Martjl�," which was mucli bainnuet was served in 'the new res- ,by Rev. W.'- A� Young, off. Carmel ,i,itorg. spent the, day ,y6r-e. - , '' n � " . terlan . Churoh-, and altfioug,h a 'Mr. and Mrs.. James,?Bfillci of To- .: machi e%.%-reR.%airW-, work wood; I touch, 5 rolls bf linoleum, 2 setees, brother, Will, enjoyed by those -present. The me -et- taurant. The ilew' station - is one -of Presby I. ready. Sewing . - I .., : I Irrararnteed, or no pay. S.' e I RTER- Phone I pAtl.r table, I rug 9xl2,,a quantity of car. . ;,;, 1 2 8698XIi Pots. I Pai lamp, I bedroom suite, 2 beds, Sunday'. ' Ing closed with a'hymn and the J_�ord's the best and up-to-diate in the prov- private -one, was-, attended by a large " 4 ,,68-W. Seaforth.. - , , . I I ronto, visited over the eh -end with � . I . . � frames, churn. Professor Keys, Mrs. Keyi and Prayer in uniso" . number of relatives and very inti � we .. ., I q I I ii:1 'I mattress, 3 benches, picture n. ; ince. . , ­ . - Mr.' and M1ra, Charles J,u"- and (am- , 1. , , I . I screen doors. 2 new stable winddi I arm Mis§ Dorothy, who have spent the �M.r. and Mrs. Ed. KicAsh, of,Lon- W. M. _-9. Reef" is. . T . ,. . mate, friend he remains were in- ily. -11 I ,;:�. � : Notices' to 'Creditors chair, a quanti5ty of sealers, pots ara pans. surnmer at their cottage in Bttyflel 0�ti, v,.s�ted with the latter'� sister, The W. NE. S. ,of -the United O'hurch terred'in the family plot in Exeter Mr Haroldi Shertitt, of . Torontoi ,;,;,. . 1. . I 1 gadvarrized tub, wooden ,tub and Other, rp d, , , articles WD numerous to mention. Terms of �t,urn(,�dl -last week to their hoi-ine in N i ' '_ ' .. - . I � jr, ' Id I 11 -, .3. George Sparks, on Sunday last. rnet 9,it the 1hodne ,of Misa Ethel Mur- cemetery, the pallbearers bel 1- . . . I Ing 'o sptint the week -end at the home of - . &aje are 'Cash. Real Eatate�100�aere farm Nashville, -Tenn.. They were accom- ,Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Parsons, Lon- dock on Thuxsday afternoon at three neighbors ,a -the deceaeed, who ... bad .his parents, Mr. and MM� rjjjo,m,,, I I OTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN THAT 'ALL on some ]at. more or less, bank barn, driv- panied by their son, Oharlie, I 1.�: �� creditora and ot.beri 'he home of o'clo-ok with Mrs. C. A. McDonnell res.'i-ded 40 -m - y I ­ . claims 'gul"at , ing shed, 11 larg-e woodshed, brick house with . . dlan_ spent Sunday at, t an years on the home. SKerritt. . I oe F-4inte of .JAMES ROBERTSON, late of. kikhe, ,M OM . .., _ all hard, Plenty of wa-ter, well I . -_ _. Mri and Mrs. tRbbi. Parsons. in the chair. The meeting opened stead farm a couple or. so miles s - . �, the Village of Hensaill, who died on the fenced, also well drained. Movtly all seeded � I Ou�h- 'MT. and Mrs. Q tQ Petty visited , 4. seventeenth. day .of June,. IN6, are required ,down. aTound 10 'or 12 acres of — Mr. and MTS', McIntyre, of Detroit, with a hymn followed by prayer. The, west from this village,. The names with friends - in Toronto. last week. ..".., good bush. . I 11-,,� to forward theii, claims duly prove'a'to the Terms �of Re., Estate -Ten per cent. to be ST. COLUMBAN, and 'Mr. and, Mrs,. Daniels, of Brant- Si:!ripture -lesson was read by Mrs. of the pallbearers were Eldor Munn, I �. . ' I I � They also� ati the Exhibition. ��, amdemigized on or bp,Pore tl,p twenty-eighth paid on day of sale; balance in 30 days. — spent a. fe�� days the end of Wilson Cerlilse, ,followed by a weill- Basil Zd*arda, Roberti-Murn .� " - (28th) _day of September. 1936. ford, ...�. Robert -- Mrs. Allan �Soldanii ,of HA,milbonj __ �',., .1 MRS. OLIVER FZE, MRS. GORDON LOVE, 'Mrs. Peter Eckart and son. Jameis, last week it their home bdre. ' rendiered ipiano s,�)Io by Miss, Greta Cameron, Evolyn Bro(leri�k,'and Cy4o. visited fo,r the past week with Mr. -Z,A�. I � AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVE14 that E,dentors of. the late Mr. Ferdinand Stei returned from Detroit after visiting Mr. and-AfTs. ,W. 0. Goladhvin and Lairn-nie; a reading by 'Mrs,. R. Pat- Armstrong. The deceased was the and, Mrs. H. C. Soadan and other rel- � �,, .After the said date the Executors will Estate; Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. , r ieed to Ai4tribute, the estate. having reg'ariod- I . . ��, : _,- I I . 8587-2 friendi, daughter,'Ma�y, ,.and Mrs. Maulkin- terson, , 'I'Miesib nary Mothers of ,the son of the late .81r. and Nfre.-Chris- ativos -and ftiends. in - arioulld .- omlyi to the claim I ,� of which they then shall' Vincent Eckart has returned, to - I I , ,and "", t . , have notice. . . . ,son i0sited over the week -end with NAI,rld"- prayer, ed 'by Miss J. M,ur­ topher Eacrett, who . continued on toj I . I " ��, , I .1 � DATED at Exet�r this e!xTibb day of Sep- EXECUTOR'S SALE Sandwich -College to resume his stu- friends at Lake-slio. ! ray; -�A,L all repeating ,the. Lord's the homestead farm until a couq)le or wn, , 1, -40 ... � tember, 1936. . . Mr. and Mrs. James, Patterson " , 1� lrl'�., . dies. I.. Misis LIlli#n Halst;, ..!of " Credito -ii, Prayer; readLing thy M=1. Ed. Me- so years a -go, when, with advancing a -pent a few days in Toronto 'the end . , _ ., .f�" ,__­;` __ I ., OF VALUABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY ' k -end with Mr. and Mi -s,. Queen. The r:11 call and the busi- 'health, he was obliged of last week. .1 I , ,�* , . -I 101 ,.:3� Brother Joseph of Toronto vis.ited spent -th ' w " years and (ill, L I, . I..'"..-.11. � ,GLADMAN-& STANBURY, .. AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS IN EXETER hi� .parents, M'T. and Mrs. Jor E. �Tlu . �, . I � .�eph Mic,� A . ness part of the meetirg were then to give up farming and ­ I . " , . alsio, -taking Air. and Mrs.. Bert Horton �nee -;.­ 11 . Homall and Exeter, -ED HAS RECEIVED IN- Quaid. , � *Mr. ­afich..; s. Abbott, ,of Detroit, taken up., � Miss -Moir and Mrs. Lam- care of a large number of bees, and 1, THE UNDERSIGN ' , 13k . . .. . I I A1!maScruton),.of Texas, ax,e visiting _, � 7 _.. . Executor's Solicitors. struction�3 to sell on the prei of the Miss Rose ,010onnor. has resigned and Mrs. ST�ith and, children,, of St. rad; I e were aippointed, to call on the the cultivation, of strawberries, both, with their ma d .1 ; 'W�h nY relatives and frien s . . 3'588-? -late W. H. P. Hooper, On SATURDAY, as te, er of S. S_No. 4. Miss Ag- Marys visitod at the,,,honie of their gick and sllut-ins for the morth of �of 'which lines he very I-' . . SEPTEMBVR 26th. at 2 P.m., the pftlow­ I � successfully I .r. �� __ 1. nes Coyne has b,ccepted, her, position. parents., Mr,�.­and Mri iG. C. Petty, September. This was followed by a and largely carfied -on, in adA.fion to in and arourid town. , ',�,, .. , '.. _,___7___ - ___ inz CHATTELS: Settee, rocking chairs, din - I I'll T �1, , The school section gathered at Miss o,ver the ho i Y. , , Mr. and, 'Mrs. Earl PaTlTner, of I 1, I I * ing-roorn table and. chairs, 2 irlasa cupboa-rds,!% , hymn. -Mrs. Laing, of Seaforth, the farming. Hie was, of a bright, social Tolimto; V ited �. ; drop-leaf txble� 2 bedroom suites. dour,b, O'Connor's 1honie and presented her . is over the week -end at , il, � ... r- ..La and danghter,, guest speaker for the day, gaive a dis'Poslitioll and took a deep interest 11he home of 11he former'spra'rents, Mr. . .". lounge, kitchen cupboard, kitchen chain; o �', I w i �,,-,I' . %ran. electric lamp. carpets, ,dishes, bedding, with a well-filled pnrs.e.. ' Be _ ttarl,oit, sipent the week- very nice talk on Fokeign Missions.. in .,current events6 In religion he and 'Mrs. Thloo. Parilmer. ".. . ' . . . . . . - � . . i , garden tools, 2.nd other household articles. ,Dennis Downey, of -Chicago. 's -pent en� Al, The ome _oif ! Mr- and TM . r I a,. which was very much enjoyed by was a Presbyterian and in Polities, a Mr, andi ,,Mrs.. Harr,18, .,in , 'i I Also Ford Coupe. 1927 model, with self- ;his hGliday�g with his mother, Mrs. J' Th lis, 1_1, OM . of Detroit, , i�'. � . . those prevent. The meeting was Conservative. As one of the early f�r�":� . , j i I I start-, in splendid condition, meabanically..Downey. I b mu . visi-ted for a few days last wee,k with . . .. . end as to paint, .1 I . � Mr. , and - ' , s., ,S. ,W. Molo,re and closed ,by prayer by Mrs. C. A. Mc- settlers he wi:l , e qh missed by 'the latt4r's -mother ,M' __ - - . . 1, I REAL ESTATE I . Mitsig Evelyn McGrath, of Buffalo, chjld-re�lnl -of etr'oft*..v1,.site& with Mr., DonneIll, after ,which a dainty lunch a large circle -of relatives and friends. . , ' ra. E. Rennie. � 1",., , I SEALEEr-MENDERS - ADDRESSED TO THE . Misses M,arlbn and Jessie P.1gliey, 11', � � Lot 2&8. New Municipal Plan Number spent the week -end, with her parents, ar.d Mrs. W ,,Sangstor and, Mr. and was' s"erved. Mrs. Laing was pres- He is s,urviv�ed by his wife, (whose who have been gpendingtheir holidays � � .. . . South Pier Reconstruction, Burlington Chan. ,,r,ly know,,ft as Lot Number 86, on the I . i . ent Maiden name , undersigned, und"andorsed "Tender for Twenty (20) in the Village of Exeter, form- Mr and Mrs. P, tH, McGrath. Mrs am ,a � telr'Haver the week ,ed with a loverly bouquet of. roses, -was Margaret Ingram, in Detroit, returned home with them. , � ,nel, Ont."o voill be receiv*&'uTdt -12 o'clock side of Huron Street, C South lilrs. (Dr.) McQuaid, of N,e,w York, e ?;, f.� . I Mrs. ij�meS DruT I . arlinx and Aoheson's nd. I .. 'I Mrs. Ed. McQueen, Who has been a and three daughters., (Yulissee) Mrs. � ''.. . .1 moon (daAigitt saving), Friday. September Survsy, contaiminw one aci�e . more or less. is visiting friends -here. � - Mr. ani i � a. E, - Mr., 'ery earnest worker in the W M S Boirger; (Syfbil) . Mr. and nmond . . arR ,Swartz and V . . ., r'. . 18, 1936. for the reconsI.Tuction of the . Mrs. Boiger, both amid' daughter, 'Peggy, loif Toronto; vis- . . On the Property is a fartable brick Jack VNVNTvlei�, and, Tom McQuaid and Mrs, Jot Swartzj alil -of . Detroit, and whose Ibirthday was on Thurs- of Detroit and Aldeythe, at home; i.ted over the ho,liday at the ,home of 1. i " " �, � Elostorly end Of the South Pier 1672 feet house in wmd, repaire, -having been recently b2UV,e returned ta Scarboro Bluffs to s1pent the week-elvil at the home of day, Iwas Presented With a birt�day two brothers I � I aone at ftrlington Channel, 'Wentworth' rOPS*inted and redeci Also a good , 34 'I ,Fred Eacrett of S,%n Mr I I I 1; . , . . . Cour", Ont. stable. Jui3t the quantity of land ,1,,i,mb,l, resume their studies, I . �,j j . �nd Mrs. E. Dru,mmoncL, . I, - Mr. and Xrs.'A. E. Wuerth; ' ' cake. ego, (Cali -C, and, AlTred, Fj�crett of Mlss O,gie jCoxiwjo �', PIUMS, form of contract and apt-cifiesiNion -for garden', and run for cow. Well %cated, I P I , 7 can be seen and form of tender ,obtained at and: among good neiehbours. Mr. Kenneth Hicks, from Teeswa- ThItt Hensall Is -recognized -as a Hollywood, 'Calif., and -rbh, ,of D,Ardit, !! . - ____ . I , two Sisters, visited :for W few dayis with 'her sis- "I I. the office, of the Chief Engineer.. Depaxtment :.. 1, TERMS 11 ter, is openirig up,a. store-, -known as most wonderful grain market with Jane Ann 'Eacrett, and- Mrs. Sam ter, Mrs. Scruton. I I of PuibNe"Works Otbawa, hit the offices of cb'�ttel.-Cash. I I five cents to,,i aollar store, in the ,rrone superior ,outside �of a very large Webber, of Houstdn, T6xas. 'The Z,el I I � 1-1 � the D,ba-tridg, Brigfriver, Equity Building, To- . - d -e- MT and Mes. Harold &rutoli., ot `� � % ., � ronto, Ontario; also at the Post Ofrice at Of Read F -tat -Ton Per cent. (10%) on �lay old Murdock Block,' on, the gouth side city, is evidenced by ,the following ceased -was 7'7 years of ,age aTid Isuf- Port 'Dover, sipetift the week -end with � ". , . . sale and balance within, 'thirty days, when I i".. Burlinirton, Out, Poss,isibn given. Mir. Colin Hudson., who '6s be�ji -of Main Strebt, .. repiort. and -figures showing...t,hat no fered se/veral stro,ke$ which brought relative9 and friends in . , , I I . 'I�i. � . Tenders will )n*t be considered unless made For furth . ,er Particulars, e,p:)iy to ill for some time, is much improf4a. Mr. and Nh-gt Boy !Bell, accompan- less than 144 cars of grain we're about his_death. 'The floral, tributes. town I on p,rintdd forms supplied by the Department y6e 4 Mr. and Mr& A. T. Douglas, , ' I I— '' . .. and in Accordance with conditions set forth GLAIDMAN & STANDURY, He Intends having an opei-4�;n on led by the ftrmerls, "alicyther, Mrs. shipped out from, here during the were y beautiful. Of I Ii, Ex4t�er and Hena-all, Hyde Park, ,visited joyer the, Week- " . therein. I Solicitors for Executhr. ,one of ,his armss this week. 'It has Stone, and grandfather, -Mr., Wil)iain inionth of August, totalling five thou- Miss Marion, Sinclair, of Toronto end at the h0lint' 'of Xrs. John Jlohii- : . Each tender Muist be accompanied , j I by & Framk Tayl�,, Auct�orneer. 3588 oine time. ida 8itnd t1wee ,hundred tons. vi�ited over the week-Iend at thebome �stoin. . ... "; � certified chequaJ,on a chartered bank in Can- -3 been bothering him, for s Kernick, of P,xeter, are' ho,l,l ying .: � �?,_.` s#a, payable ,to the order of the Honourable I ' Mr. and Mrs, Kemip, also Mr. and this week in the Callender district. -,Attends Station ,Opening . . .. . .. . . . I '!, I . ------- — . Mx. A. L. Case, the very competent . - . � 111. 1 the Mi;ni�sjtcr of Public Wtifits, equal to lo _. Mrs. Douglas Kemp, of Detroit, spent Mrs. J. P. Campi and son, Neil � .. , 1�1 � per cent. � of -the srnoun!� of -the tender. or Births ,'the week -end with -Mrs. Geo. Sparks. who have -,pent the suminer month,Orailway- agent for the C.N.R., 'was ­ I I , I . - '1111 .1 �� I, - Bearer Bonds of the Dorniftion of Canada or 'A 0 1 "I 1, 1.r� I of the Canadian NatianaltRai,lway Gampany — Mrs. Cfharl�e(s Wodiff and daughter, with the former's in'other, Mrs. J. A. visited on Mfednesday at the station - ------------------ __--� � 0 ' . . on- PPA,M-1r, Tuoke-Trith, on September 7th, Mi�srs ,May Wiolff, attended the Cook- Bell, returned to their home in Wi,n,d- by the General Supt., J. F. Pringle, , E Round Trip Bargain EX ' , . M, , , a'Ad, it!; ,constituent comDanieu-. uncanditi' to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson T. 'Pfaff, a daugh. erline reunion which was ,held at soT last week. I., I� I.` , �,id, Toronto; Civil Enli D. Mc- CENT A MIL CUMSION _�, 1; 0 � ally guarafteod as to Principal and interest ter. I , I Walmum r&es Adults 71k ChlW 40c, � I, 4.1 - bi ,the Dominion Of Canada, or the afare- field on Monday last. -a , -3 . . � ";, I ihbntioned boTwdp and a -certified -cheque if EDIGF-In Toronto, cm September 6th, to Mr. Bay 0 Monday evening, Sept. 14,tb, the .Ken7le, of 'Stratford, and' Road Mm- 1. . - I � , a F . "Ill requiz,ed to make up an odd amount T"' Mrs- ­ W. EdVe, la'Son. Mr. James Vinlent and Xr. Jbhn Junior Institute will, hold their meet-. ter, J. Ilillpw, of Stratford, who ap. ... 1; HUTOT-1,19074--In London, on Angvqt 30th, Tapp spent a few days the , end ,of Ing at the 'home of 'Miss -Maude Me- preciate having such a good agent Fr'm SEAF01"IRTH M 1,1:1i . INOTE.-The Department will supply blue , 0 � �4�, intg, and specification of., the work on to ,Mr. Rn"! Mrs, Ge,rge G. Hutchison, a last week at Toronto, Buffalo and Lean. The to,pic, wil-I be -taken by here, And it goes without saying that , �. � I Vft . . ! I 4, .. &uwhter-Nanty Jane, I AND ALL ADJACENT C.N.R.1 STATIONS ­ 5, 4pasit of a sum Z,f $2,�.00; In the form of a STrVENS-rn Rayfield, on Monday, Sept, .Niagara Falls. They also attended 'Ifiss Douglas, and Poll .call is to be the 1 ag agent, Mr. Case, had a 'Very I I �1_11. cbrtified bank ch6que payable to the order oe- , '. � bf the Minister of Public Wkwks. The deposit 7'tb- to Mr- 'and Mrs. Xl,in Stevens (nee the -Toronto Exhibition. answered by ybur favorite subject in ,busy time in ordering oars and see- FRI., SEPY. 18 to Whibby Jct., Oshava, Aiowmanville Port , 1, I � , 1 . *111 be released on r6fiirn of the b,hre pri�nts 131"'nehe Pethick), a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Alger Brown of Ox� slehool. I g -to :the shipment of HOW, ,Cbbourg, Trenton Jet., Befleville, I 1, 0 6 n, . r 'id 16i cation within a montli From the BOYD-Tn S-catt memnrial Hospitail, Sentrorth. , - such immense Napanee, Kingston, Ganalloque, Brockvill I ��� � '" 'r 11. quantities-, of - �grain, and he well de. e, Prescott, Morrisburg, �� ,, . �Dn �90VWrnber fith, do M.r. smd Mm. Charles ford, Mich., spent the Ikeek-end with .Stewh,ces in iSt. Paul's Alli Cornwall; Uxbridge, Lindsay, Pietemboto . . 1. ;�� , - that period the deposit will be for. Rovd, Waiton, a dau*ter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Corbett. Churell was conducted last Sabbath e thonor of ,being -niade re- f Uklilipbellf ord Newmarket, I , ,�f,� III'- � STWjON-Tn Scott Memorial H0,p I _ it, 4'ellietang Collin rwood Mea&6rd, -Bairrie . I ,,,, Sea_ Alibi 9 �� I ' � ,,,, , , � ' � I flie By order. ,forth, On S(T13terrinher 7th.� t� Mr. and Mrs, 'Miss -Mary Buchanan left ,on Sat- afternoon ,by Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Exe- presentative -o& the distriet and- spe& Oiiklia Midland :. - 11� :�. ., " . Albert Siernan, of Mangey, a daughte, utday for Niagara Falls, *hs6re she teir. � I � ally invited as ,such to the opening Gravenhurst, BracArlidge, Hu�isi;�11,13, CAULARDER (Rdin. o! .1 � ,��f� -, 1, � . � , World -famed Quintuplets), North BaT, Parry' SoUnd', ISUdbufy. A11 I., " , . I � J. M. somptViLta, . hao accepted a position as, Spper?n- At Carmel Presbyterlih Church the ,1�eremonies of' the new. railway sta- towns in New OntaTiv on line lof Tepidiskianlingil &,Norbheft.;.,Ohtay16 .- J 1 ',,�31 , Secrobary. . 11 M tendent of the General Hospital rni�iister,,'Rev. W. A. iioiing, ocoupied tion at London, which together with RlY.; NlivPissing Central My.; Kapuskasdng, Longlar, Hardtiock, CWr_ 1� � .64mitmehim of Pdhlib werjW � I 1'. -1, , ��; - ��-. a i'llie. - there. his own fpqli�it ,morning ,and evening. his -wife, he att6riftad, and were more � ,; � . I Dtta*4, A I . aldton, JelOode. . � 11. I '0, . . EM"', . . � I I . I ......... ......... ,,, 11 I, � i il".1 ''t 1, , , , 9587-2 . 'Mir. and 1&%%. Buy MidLaren Vl,sjt_ There was an antheim ,and aloo, a �than delithted with the wonderful I . � N. I"'., " 1-11-1.., �w I '�, ��i . VARNT 111111111111111111111111111111 � . yt, ,,�V,. ,,, . � . . . I. 11, IN �,,`- , ., I --iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, ed last week -with friends in Hamill- .,di Irene Hoggarth and Doropy gpening �fe t' iti Sat., SEPT. 19 - To ,p o"', � I To RONTO_ Alft, to Brantford, chatbaln. - 11 "I 18, The United lChurrah ,1)eople, of Var- ton, and. Toronto. They a,lgo attendeidt Datars.' At the, morning and e4en- � M109 Joyce iScru-ib hesley, Clinton, Durham, # " 6 b" es \h–, a Torwito, , Exetef, POr � � Goderich, (� "' .11.1 I f"", , - , , , � " � . , . - TUB, . " IM, I , ,­T"opular Stallions , 1IR are bolding their ftwl supper on the "To-ronto Fmhibit�jol:i, . I 1. Ing service the' Choir gave a Well- visited over the h6liday At the hoirne Ra2 It', .., 'i ��'! 1� i '! , ;u I h luoni Hanover, Harriston, 1,1� 7� I I � I I . � ffhe 1,&bh of Ootober. .1 ILE v Mdon M . 0" , 'O" �,� , q. 11 11 ��� ..... �� I I I MT. and Mirs.4lianford, rendered nth ,,of her moth6t Mrs AL, 8cruiton, 0011y AMC"Cline, Kitchener, �il .16, A., I "It 1. &OPer and a I � d I P towel- 111itchal), Nialpra � � , N, , R4 ,A tars, Mr. Alvin Elliott /­Ret,�,"A. _S1 �h!&,�, -p-rI "I . 0, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmer I A 9T, 19XPRZ ,96,14ay visi. Melvjni' attended the 0ockerline' ixched lifi-­,hh%r tt,o St, MarYs SlaftfiN t5bUthkin ston, Paris, Part Elgin, St. CatharinLeg. . , Ps I 0,�� )ai, 'Mfi. Akx. XeMbrtrie of I . I I ­,­ . ' fl�­ Kit6hene,r; Migs lrjn4�ohiuter, lost, on hold at ,j�ayfigi,d -on Won-djjy Un,ited Mtr)�ob gjt�*, il , i,woek 'On, Stratford, Strathroy, Walk6rtoj� � , — I M,Pfftlifift', 111oft �, zk I I tffd i�dt,4�k ge-r- spent the -end mk-th I. , , 'L _ . , I W"! "4do am 4, �.-ttbii* Welt Ott-, � Miav I "I . ,Vlice.' Thereih—"is, 011 anthiemij- afid. It ves, air)d, ffieads ifif"'diia" around , � I . IN . " ' I , �. � , � 61."! MI -WA Oladyg Bep,tty. Lond, . .1 " I ,� I 11 , relati wmmu, winghalvi. Woodstock . r',00 . .1 "p -M, I . -.119--- , :. �% 9 between impodaril Stationg At whiah Xxturajou Nlnrl I . * to Bracelijidg# 1; " '," ­­ .... ­' I' 1ftjfti�e4,in-Bu*-.. " the� eveni" 6'a 4161,bt, and SO., SEPT. 19 teca" . fes"a ''I . . 't&ft,. 1; . ffia 0111 � I W,�. a .. � g, �er,id e Tiekit-41 Are sold–Ask Tinket AgkAt.,. . ­ � ,,,, e, � Ir. vs. Jack R",bud, a, .0 , Whi%.., Mr. isdott %6 .1 'fidAnce -,az - _.., Miss, Mae MON'AnAtot, icil Torotto' I . . 11 . .1. i�."',,. and M rid . ft T,044�p last Ubsa. vT . bf4 III. I , I 0 1 ift. C6"Pany VVIR ' �i V �7 . .1, , , I I � I, % Mir. U7410- LF01661 46adinig log,i three Ideal * &ft W, �r IIJ f .ht �Ii:4 fialidw I , � I I'll . . I " tag, ti, -the (boah dhur.( - �11 ... � s jj,P - y *,_#h, 'bo'e''fellrents, , � Zip ,. , 4f, ­T. , ll" I 1 I - , I �!­­ f0fe. 0-c" fte"t. it" I M, 1�1 I 4 �." , It - - __ I � . - - __ h9i, wat ' - '. . If v6fid Mrf; Q Xgugh%wi,' .. � I a ft oftle 4it, k 1­ � . e - Of Tot I I . . , ��, ,,!�;,­ � , 16nto Tetgjff�f� T6� , C' '411 1. I .... . . ,,,* – : . . . A I'll..'' I I I if, ng goid. � "I" . � I . , A 0 I 10, tkhce 6f IM I e 4 (6i ��� " . .." 0 , WInd gpbirlt A� at" . .V,UkA- Wftiftlt .Mm it X , uIll Aly day ae ft Wil Di. Oirr�P'Tfttt 'of �IHM6 .speint , , .1 I " bow , " , I . � rJ ; '. I 1,111"I" 4.1 a" ru a r � I ]g6i 141 � �:' :i `­ N w P ", �W fhoMeguoA, 6� rm . Aftem fmt, W641Y itikking.4mi-ar-61 -the'U'I'lited ChUtch on SmiddiYy ;800t, the,,wee-k-end at Sh6'b wi,%f - & - CA"L 'k I I . I 11 - I 0 # , I %, �81 14 1 � P �,A I ­ I 11 , * , � wtfi� *hen tPere, vill, � * I k ". 'heri MIt'g., &,��i �,�,.-il��. - ­* Rwim­ - W.�� i� �11. � I I, " ... dh -t,` I I ,,,, ,#� , I P P. W.", -k�iwi6, " , " I . ,,, . . � 'R , ,, tv ,", . �, i"'t " I� ,V , ",i, I . . . . . .� I I . ,,`*1Mtmto "'. - ., '. . ,.At 1. . F� ,I " . O', � , ,'�', - , , ", I ., I� I'll .. � as' 10111010401 q` – .. I – I " p � 'N 0 1 'm , - . - 11�, , ,,& 4. ii ,"s.6"to a, , I I , -11 / � '. qu �11 I`,,i;tA1Kt.11 .� I I I r 'I'l , 4 � I ­ I I �Itooftwl I h I ,_ T � 0 1 1 '� '�, 1.� 11 I .1 .1. � I . .:, .;, " I � . , . I I ., . .1 . 'L- . I , ,,'. " , �; .. , , I .,� 1,')�.ii",,� 1. ­:�,;], . ­ I .� ., .. . I I . - I I I I 11 ! � I il I I I I . I �, - 4 * �� � , . . � 11 � ;;;;; �, S , , il 11 I . I . � I "'', I I � I �. . I '' , , i ,�,i,ii , , rr �, . Iv.. ,,,,, ,,,, �,,,!M?� il , ,�!i, �_ "I, m '", k , iialv, .Nlif� �, "Z,;� ',.I� , 11 I I , . � I 'I , �,,��,,.�,�,!,i,��,,i , , , 1� , .1 I L � . I . �", � .. . � , .11 �11� ,il I !'� '. 11 , I .. 3,11,111.1�', 411- 11''.1 -ill. . ,� , ,� - � , , . , I � I n ::. "I"'4,14" _ 4" 414- �, ) a, �,,��, ,,,,,,, L' "I � , . � vi "'.11 III": J, I I I � I 101�1: I '11 � I " � . 1 4 ZF!01"Li�-_ "Ill' , " , 'i, 1'" , I 1�0 I . I �_ ­ �1 " 11.111W'1411, . "I , %. -,'t. , , �. , 'I , 'y') I i,� ­' ., � ,, �L t'R' ­ , � �. 11 �0' 1� 11 -0 , , ,, _'�. - , 1.1111.11%wl 1:., I I �,, .� ,,, , " �ij �i, ,�,�:,iI� . �. . . L, 4�t, , . I , �,�,,�j , ,"I, "j,'.i". �: I . , I � 11"'I"I'll . � , I "I'l""I'll""I'll'I'LILILILILILIL"�Iiiiiiiii'if"'I , � I "I , � ,,. I , , I . � i, il,'Nii ,""""I", � �ft I t., f:,W�a� ,4, , ftlli4g�,;,,��i �it� ��,� , " pw �, I . '[p, ""' "" ��.R, ­ "� , ­ "I-,-4 11711� 1'..."111. ,­-,,­,, , -1. �,",R,0( 2%�liql0§0 , I, ,,, , '', , 711111 "V"'i'O k ,-,� - V? :4"",� , , " � 114I,'j", ,v .". '4� �, ; ., , ,,g 1� ,,, i � " " I I Z, ,jig", I N , ,,�,� 1 ii�. n,4,,t',' J��,,� ,, "O. , hi ,, W = 2=16% & � J�Yll r . I , am & "M'i, affil ,s�,,,, �,,�,,���"A���%1,9�k�l,.���,,,,'.�,�,���-,��,,,,,���,,�,,��,�;��-,�,.-�,e�,�,,,',,;'4,., ��,,�,�liL,��,,�";i,ii�;��'�t�'�I ,�Im�,O '�J, , , 21 ,., � I j , 4 . , 4., � 4 4 � � A . i I 'A I I d� 0 1 I � I I I � . 4 1 . 4 4 4 I , , I I 41 -, . , 6 I , I # I I A A 0 �- I a 0 � 4 91 ­ M