HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-09-11, Page 1!, "" ' . I � I � y,% f'i��;p - W,uq r,� �, , grqg""�'4 '�'�IIKI�gi� ;,.�l,"?.;,O��ir4,!�l�,��,',N"iYlti"�,,.Ii,�i4, , I 1, 11�8"Wl"� � : l iN r ��!$ ", '�?'j, , , , i'j, ­ , , ; '14 44 L!Rll ��'N,t,-�,`,.�liK,1' �,�'�?,�l.r"",�,'�,,�;lr",P,�y�', ��y,,-e,��,,;,�,,P;j ,,% , , � I , �J,;J�11�� gg',.�§' �i I �Ij�ljij��,'�') fflj,�9R '�'�j.�w 1'�,-i," "r '�, , " I " �%'?',i� '�'i��11'1'11110111 I �.,.P,'X 1 .,q ��. �,Ii',�P,','�,, �.A "'T `E�,"4.� k 1, -, , , , , , i� " �, �, f, ,� , , , - �1 �i , ;"�,,Mq ! AVW! , I 'i �1 , , !"q 1. �� , , 4 � . " . X, y . , ., 11� 4 i 17, " 0.1 I'M , � "It, I , � . I - "EV `1 'Md,','VO� ": �4�, , , " ,,�, I 1, � , ., �Il i';.1111, . �, ill � ". ,� ,�Fy:�, , I "I . 1. . � 211R,1161;11N'�,� '_�"A I "I"; ; .. , % : ,. i il I li� ,� .� , ',�!, , I, ,� I .'' , , I ii , � ��� All . .. I , , , I I . . . . , , . , 0 Z 11 ; I I -11 I �; , . , ill ��" " , . 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I . ,� � I .1 � 1, , I I , I ­ I'i I . . . 14, . . "I , '?", "y e,'.�,�, , ­­­ ..", ! I _____ - . I'll .... .. .. . . i, 11 , 1'11:1'�I§f t�i', � � - , , lt��­,,'O. I.I.,"I'V"I", �,f , � , , I � ._� - . . : :. .,: . . . , 7� . . . I � � � 11 0, I., I . I I , "' I .. . 4 . I .", . .. .11 ... q1- . - , '. . , I - I 11 I : . I . . .1 if -_ . , , - "I". 0 �... . I . . . ., . I , I ­;,i� I . . .1 � 1 - . . I I . ... .."P'l w . I - '. . .1 ,�,� I -i"'. '1,1 .." , I . �. . . , I . I . .1 I � - I � ­ ­ . " ,, � W--- ­­ 1---i-,'-. , � . � . - - I i 1. - , ,, , , .i ,�,.*,'i�"Ie4�i,l.: 1 101MV,"411": ... I ... 1" i`�.'�, - ., . , , . � : . , I I, " I ­ I I . I j. - , -;�, -J, I. , . I I I . . I . . � ti -11 il­ I.., 111%----,- ­­i.l­ .. . ... �­ 1 OM R1111 . . I , I � . � . . .11. 1-71,111- 4 . semoy-4d4A Y^w �, 0 , � I . , I,' I L � ­_ 11 ... � 1..(�g, kl, ' . ..... # I I . I 4'''ll , . ,�� i�ir —1, .- ­­­��;%Iki%�� ,�§ . ,I ! 1� "' I ..... 1, .. . I I I . - � . . I I, -1 ., . , � I .. .. I I ",� i I � *1 " � vo , .�. I . ,;i 1 � I I . . I I I . 14 � -0 I ' I I . I , ,� -� .. .......... "I'll I I.. . 14 -,140 1,1111, , . . . I ... 0 �', �,,§IEAFORTIEI, FRIDAY9 S9MMARR 11? 1936. . I . '. ,,, � !", �., I . I 11 I I ­ I .1 I.. 1. .. I— , I .1 � I . I 11 I.... ,1,1 I - �Ww ! t- _7 _7 , , I .­­ , , . I . I I I ., -,.-I' - '_ ., . ..''. 11.1 1P11---1...__... ___ , , . ­ � , I, . . . . . ­ �� I ,� - _­.­ . . .1 ­_._1_..­_..:­.'�7­. _. __ _. .1__.__.-_-_- . .. . I - - .... -­ " , "I I .. . .. ­­­ � . . . . , '' - � 0. I . . 1. I L. " . . � I . � ` "­ �1 '' . ' I . I . I - IiM "I "i �,�, . . , , i - �� I � .00. . � 0 . - 4i , "I �,� - i a usiliers ppose , . 6 �i . 11.1 . - - I IVALTON 4,..P.S. -HOLDS Canad ,.n F 0 , , " MRS. D, Sectional "'Moetings. F",1 I ,P I , , , . I � . . I - Im , I . .1 . lielpfu_ ... �a,� � &, 11 �, I�1� ': Ift], . :. I I . . .11 .- i- L' ." . 0 ntl ... � I l I % I . . 1 , " `,i.. I Went '. li, P I , . 0PE,-Nl9G* MEETING HuronCom' ani "' Maneuvers 'NAMED PRE I 1`11T Pr � , W K& Pie - I JIM P 11 ., . , ,, I . . 7. DrA oi4terial �1 11 .� I I �- - ". . 1. , , , I _. . ­.." t,� - , "'i . ir� i t . � il'.. , , th ,i T" ltll � l, ... r , � , ,�� . : 11 � I, I . I I - �a,.mxetter'R I *­ . , - Z , , AID � 114.11s.'ueleg s, 0 V .''4UNDAY. . EVENING, During Labor-!Di'Y Cam � OF BOSP ", . �_ . . I .� V. � - � -1 011" �� . t I � . "?, . ­ I . 17 �,,: ,, I , ,,� A I . . .. � .I ." . . I�� I , I . , . .�,�t; ­ , , . -1 , - . - I I " 11 I - ___ _____ I �. � .1 �, � ii 1!�11 -F-.;! — . — . . . . . �T,t , I , ,��,�'�4,. ,, I —0 . , I .. �` � ., � Z� ... 7,.��,�, �C_ I . . " .1 . � - � il � ; ��, 1. . , I *. . .� � � I . 4". 1'-- . t . I I, - '.5.^. �',�; . . I . D,`L" ," 61,�l , 1. A . . ! �W;, , ffl_ .Rev. Ch . Cummi . .. 1. ! 11 e. W -,,: � , � . - � 4 .... I. 0, vo , , " � � . as ng Gives COMMANDING� 0 FICtR City of 'London � Regiment Splendid Re�orts e ented - * ", _L;Ounty, J. , fil , , � . I . Pr a n �, . � 0 0 " ,.O, � � I �. . . 0 ., ". - 4 J, i, - " " Wf 1110 i , . 4. I' 1,6,1.'�, , : '� I . '01 . I 0 I,�1,,,�.i'?,#',­- I .D.9 0 ..", 10 . F Rev.­­'Jam.es Mackay, D' 0 , , , ..'' P . y,: -,"r ��.�,i � , ­,�`, . �:;',,-,;,;,_z,l - . . ", . . - "'. . . 11 , , . I , I � .�, Interesting Details Of' . I � ''Spends Three Days Un- At Annual Meeting . ..— . mine "I . ership, `71i.;� , , p ", � I . - I . I . _.) , , � Hymns Sung. ) 1� ..t:t:!�iij��, Thursday." .'- I London, Speaks of Ind , I � � ,!�.,,,Iili!��Iii�!iii�li der' Canvas At J. D. Gem- 'Case 'of Disp 'I, t,:�.. 1:­'�,; , � , I _. i. I i . R - ,ute " ;,�r" �' "" ` ,,, ­`*`,*,'.*iN.�i�* I in Life of Mission- �. "o, . dents' u4b6r Shoes � i�,"� t .,i,�, � . I ­ Ntii;ii ' . . . I I ,_4 ", � ,. .... p.l.,A_.... : "A' ' : . , _..... mell's Farm. � L �,�l , . *Rl"'I - . �,t`�,l I`* : , .,,�,11 . 4 � N E WS OF I WALTON , I ` 1, ii".............-il , . I arles to JqipAn'and China. Not to be, outdone by rubber I . , 'I- 6-11,1 I � . .11 i � i , . ,. . `i��i��� . — MEMBERSHIP : DRIVE � ..� tired autos, which for many years HELD SINCE � MAY;, ", 111-:i1l" I . I � : 1 :�:.,-:,, , - ----- 4—.1 1 1 . . ­,'I�e, ._ �, Of 1 2 000 PEOPLE EAR ' - ­ . .r ,;� ' ' . . .have.passed him, Prince, the . I I.". . ii �! . I �i , il , - -11 - . ,�,-, �Itt . A X Mr. and, .Mrs. MeL La Coombe, I .1'.. !.. ;��::o� I 11-1 D. JS,hanaharx Was elected eMISSION BAND RALLY horse that pulls the delivery Securities and- docua-A*n,ts i - " . Detroit, with. the latter�s -- nvot er I � :;::;;::::. -, President of the,- Woemenes, Hospital HERE OCTOBER ­3 wa of Crich's Bakery, this deposit bpxes in the HHugga if:t - .1 `,,' , . RE,GIMEINTAL BAND,, Mrs gon. � . _ . I new rubber � & I NIS , .... �, .. I . Ird V ! ; ,;. .�;..",� : . . .. 0 Mrs-. Charles, Dyrager, Urs. Chi .!:::��' .::: . week had specia 0t, ,il. I . .1 1, �, �: emorial Hospital at , Whicill-E thaye been held in a Inew 13An,1c, I, .... : �t:� �,:.A Aid to Scott 'M ..... In-',rl, ! '�`..�i ,��:.'.': ... .. I . .',r "i I ", `�i��!. Shoes fitted to his feet.,. Prince . " j�', Prager accompanied Mr. and Mfrs. _ :... .. I ". . . , il, ; :.. i the, -annual meeting held Thursday s,dnce May, will ,probably be releia�pd , . i -on-to, to visit Mr. � � ; ; . � �: � After three days, of nearly perfect . ...". _. ,La Coombe to Tor , , . ...� .. afternoon, in Czrnegie 'Hall. y ill- to x)wn*rst early -next week - . ,. I �g­,��g: : The September Rally. 'of" Huron himself was not particularl ' and Mrs. Kenneth 'Rutledge � .:..., �. .;: I: :� ther, during which -they terested in the changi-- bu I � ,I)N I; Rev. calinping wea . J I .. . I Otffier officers were elected for the Presbyterial of the 'W. M. S. -of the � his Justi,ce J. A. MtEvtov - Wednesday , "': ZR. 1 1 . and MTS. Cumir4ngs and Margaret I �;�.��--*.'i��'�I, . ! .::;: �, . were inspected, by Brigadier J. C Viiiesbyterian Church in Camada, was ' driver, Harry'Pietty, claims I , . ;; . . r i Stewart, the Canadian Fusiliers C y 1. .. �,� ", ..... 9 ,I', �, / , , coming year as follows: Horiorary I t is girarted an ,ordler directin ,the lo,6ai P,` 1 with friend's In Toronto- Mrs. Thos. . I ), it . 8th niuch quieter trdvelling,on pave., master of the 8u,Prenle CO - Urt,Of 0 . 'i .1 ., q111 P � i presidents, Mals. K. M.. McLean and held in Exeter on Tuesday, Sepl , n- I � 1 .1 i .::�,`!�:::, �:.,��, , ,. � ,: of London regiment, broke camp o . er ' ments now. I ..... ..... 11 ., 1 4 Kirk,onnell, Sheiphlerid, Mich,, who has ' ::::, .. ." I '� The Scripture message and pray I -tario in ODderich, -, Cos ". p, . -�.:;��­� ._­ MTS. C. tHollmes; president, 'Mrs.. D. ­ � *b,ei@ii yJpiting,her briother, 'MT. Joseph : ... �-, -:1. Monday and, retufted to London. .(judge T. TM - ' . 1*1 . . �. -hanab -ice -d n ete, in ­ , �` I I . - M e given by the Blyth Atuxiliary. tello) ta d T inle- Ownership ,Of , "' 11 , I , Love, has returned to he -r home; .Miss . : : ........ .'4:-:,:.:.:i _. L. :: .. Aipproximately 100 men o? all S .an; ist v -ipresi,e t, �. Ts. . wer . . . , .. f .... . -.� A � I Words Of w 0 -0 � 9 9 bonds and other. securities fo,p nd: in, '- `­ ( , . I : ! , . D� Wflson;l 2nd vice-president, Mrsi ,elcome by Mrs. Stanbury, 0 � Aniye Love, Toronto, with her par- ,-,-,: . . . . . ranks under Lt.,'Col. framilton Bin�gl,e Merton A. Reid'; recording secretary, of Exeter, ,�"Weie followed -by ,a,short I . -� af6ty depa0ft'boxes, of J. J. ffiiggard, .. �7',,,,� 7 .. '..i' : I S "I ..: , tt tit . , . � . I euts, )Mr. a-n;d Mrs. Joseph, Loive; Mr. :;,.,::t I tit attend at . . I ed the camp which was held talk by tbe president, Mrs. D. J. . 1 : �,,k,, . and Mrs. 'Eli 'McLaughlin, Dutton, — . " I Miss -'G. , Appleyard; corr�sponddng Lane, of Goderich, in which h . . � in -his Seaforth ,office. trading lunder , ," : ��`, , It. 0 I I .­ — I view Farm, ON -acre property secretary, Mrs'. 'W. C. Spro,at- treas- S the firm namp tof it -lin Ra -akin Ag- :z.,.�' of . D e I ­ I :w! -.1 . I I I— . 1-1 "I I 1. :� , ,, ; I I 'FORMER 'RES-IDENT"ency— � . I - 'd- ...'; 'Mrs. Ezra Pollar6 and, daughter, . Gemin 11, a few -miles, south urer, Mrs. E. H. Close Executive gave helpful Suggestions for ea I Ion 2 ch . Station, with MrR. Thomas Young, of this town. ' ase, o1i the W. M. S. work.' ;,;,.'I I � . " , I -1 I Ctim-mittee- ,Mrs.. E. Bell,. Mrs,. J. ph Hugg-ard - is I awaiting, :"trial , "Wil . . 'Mr. and Mrs,. Janie§8tanzel. and.IVITS.. . ..pn . ,,ii �, "!", t, I Tsctical exercises were coriducte& Finl. M She- stressed the. point that h - 'charges. Qf theft and conversion In- .. '!1', , V�,, I h , qys-on, rs.I. H. Weedmark, Miss 'Ne I ...., , ,` " I Grwham, Toledo, Ohio, and Mr. and . Sunday mforn-ine -when the Fus,iliers M. Hays; Sewing Cottnm#'tee: Mrs. member has a part to do, and .. . .. ,�,O.',, . . - - volvir�g about $150,opo. . .Li -I 1'�, -Mm Marple, St. Thomas, With Me. ASK92'U"DOODAMAGES S__ , �1 , I I - I I .were opposed by D, Company of the C. Aberhart, M�rs. Scott,".. Mris. Hay, told -of an old lady of ninety still do- .His lorfthit�'s reference was made I ,;N , I and Mm. Jbirn,Duchanan; Mr. and I Lt. Colonel Hamilton Dingle, Hiuron-Middlesex rejiment-under Ma- Mrs. Hinebley- ^ Social Dammittee- ing ber part by reminding the chil- �j._ I ." , . Upon a . moli . on of ,Ben Luxenberg, � . �, . .11"11". . 1". I . ) Mrs, Richard Dra,jer and family, of ' . I " . I . .� �11 officer commanding the Canadian jor T. Morgan and Lieu&,'R. J. Wn- -Mrs. iR. J., ,i�;r.a't (con* '. dren of the day and hour of the MIS- heitor, for the Guaranty -,.;;-v ", .. nor), Mrs T%�Ust Co. .1.11 . I I. . Doon, -with Mrs. Charle�s Drager ; , sion Band meeting. She spoke of tih4' Action isResult of Accident so I � I .. �: �� ...1; I Fusiliers, who spent the week- can, theubjective �eing � knoll N-Ohic,h _Munn, MTs. Chapman-, *. .. . ... ��, ,. s. K Mc- of Canada, trustee ,of Huggard's.,es- ,::, Jack Drager has returned home from end in ca,inp near Seaforth. the Fusilliers captured with difficulty. Lean; Visiting ConundtNile. Mrs. A. Sectional meeti,ngs,hel� this year for tate. In'supportof the motion, Lux- . � il. I visiting in Doon.. . , . . To Mrs. H. C. Nnite ' . ':­�v .11 . Mrs'; -4G. P. Handd,ey, wi�e of Capt. Reid. . the first .time in Huron PiI6�sbyterial, I . ,� .. enberg.pro-duced an affidavit -of Ed. 11 " I . . . � . . .1 Mr, and Mrs James McLaughlin, . I . 0�1. 'The annual report ,of *-the. � ... 6t- , well -attended meetrings being epnoluct- 'Two Years Ago; ward T. Berry, trust offic . 4, - I � ' I �Tllandley, adjutant, 'entertained 0 ary - ey of thel 11" I .., �' I ' i-� . ... . I ---1 I . Lon4pii, cal.led on friendis in the vi- . ember hip -,6f one hun- e,&'very succease.dlly�n Hensall,,Bay- . 1 "n"I 1 1 . cini4-' . . 1 ..1. " . Bingle and -his staff together with a reported.a in S . field,and Aul�,urn, , I .. 11 Guaranty Trust Co. I I _ �:, ...., . I , I it.' . ,", 11, .1 . . I WIN ... , CHICKENS A T nUqnbeT.of,1gUleStS fV.0m t -he district dred and ninety-twa.,, . This affida,vi sets.,forth tbat, ac-, , I I.' . . .�. � W. and M�s., Arthur Lewingion . Ito tea,, at the home -of her parents, During tibe -past year two rum- Mrs. T. S. Smith, Sea,forth, ,in her ' Un a, Supreme Court civil action c,,din,, to a li,5,t compiled. by the �, . and son, Fred, are visiting the for- I , . . financial state drit, showed the ,need listed at London Tuesday for trial at lioe wh 0 0 0, 1 PO_ I ­___­_� , , , DA Mr. and Mrs. J. 'D. Gemanell �on'Sun- niage sales were held -which were P . ned a boxes, in slolrine '14t . .. � " , L ; � inees mlother in, Milton. . . Of greater effort in giiving -if'the a]- the, fall assizes oloening next Ron- cases with 'the assistance of ,boxhold . '.., � ' DOWLING TOURNEY 4day afternoon. The regimental band most successful, and also a garden - .1 - .1 Mr. Ralph, Traviss, of Palmerston, . -lb,cation is to be reached this year ,day, Mrs. Dorothy M. White, ofKit- I . �1, �,� , I i - played on the spacious lawn, Ica held On. the hospital lalw-ri in . ers, an aimount,,f Securities, exceed- . 1. - , . I . . . I 11 . . ;��I, I ! visited his, parents� Mr. an&. Mrs. Al- I I By the kind permission of Col. June. I . I '., � Miim Jeckell, Exeter, Home,'Heilp�rs' ohEnqr; isllaski � 9 fo]�'$20,150,0- damages inir - $1150100,0 roar val-ne was -missing.. . * I ... il,,�, , I f bert Travissi., . secretary, saw, great -possibilities in fr,T injuries she received in an auto-- "'It was found,'.%- said the, affidavit, .. I . 'Opening Meeting Large Entry Competes For Bingie the band played a concert in - 'The ,organization bad been able to . 1!1'%V . - r i ' the Home Helpers and made an earn, 11110bile accident. she wa,S�hurt when "that,,tb,S contents of boxes did not ' ,_ - ,� I � , p avide the -hospital ,v�lth various - . ,� ,� 1, I d The opening meetingi of the Y.P.S. - - Victoria. Park,,. .Seaf oi-th, in the.,Qiven- d"ven by -her ,husband, Harold COTrespowaLtwith the lists furindiched .... I 11� was held Sunday evening. Rev.. Milk Fed Fowl,At ing when more thaan 2,00,01i6aple new articles ,of equipmentwhich were, est appeal to have this department a ,car ri , . . "; !, I W, proving most useful' including four represented in every societki from the C. White, Was in an accident with a by hnycholdlers and that an. intermin-g- � �-.� . . 0harl,ea Cumming in charge of the T ilight. were present. Following the concert I . . ., �il)�ti " 2 . th electric heating pads-, an electric bak-' Mission Band to the Senior Auxiliary. car driven by Miller Proctor,. Huron ,ling otr mixing Qf securities, had-tak- t", told interesting stbries­ _c­6n'- I Col.- Eingle and,. his staff, �oge �er Clounty fgriner."' , I ,: I'll- - - . . . .11 . vieking, . . I er, a 'sterilizer and a filing cabinet Mrs. Me*bn Reid, Seaforth, Mission eu,place, ��o that the true. ownership .,�,, . I . ere -en- I .11 cerning each, of the hymns that were I with members! of thel'band, w I Band Seer6stary, stressed, -the date of I�Irs- White first issued hier wTit of many seciuitles- was not possibl& I . . I for the 'office. . . � I " sung.' 'The first- hymn was "O For a Milk -fed, chickens were the drawing tertained, at suppeTat the Commercial . ' o the . ' :.,.,4 , I card In* the . men's open twilight dou- flibitel. . . I The fall membership drive will be the Mission Band rally in seafor-th, against Proctor who applied It t1o, aseertaim" � ' . . . �A�'. . I . Thousand Tongues to Tell," and this I Saturday, ,October '3rd. Supreme Court. to have the -Super- The,local master is: dire . : ' I ; , . �. held in the next few weeks� All wo- . abed to '8e- . 1� 13. �� . . was fallowed 'by 'AC-ome Thou Fount -�les tournament Thursday_ ev4nhij. Throughbut the week-ekd the camp lm -En O.' Seafarth are asked to become Greetingsl from 'Presbyteily were tezt ,Petroleum Compap7 added as a temnine ownership.of the seeprities' . .. %% �111 I ��, .1 of Elvery Blessing." The, Twenty- ivhen twenty.�J".r entries, eotipated. , was the centre of interest'in, the dis- . ably voiced by Rem. D. J. Lane Of defendant to the suit. ,Mrs.. White's . . . ',,, � . � , members ,by payment of -an, annual "wUh -or without formax. pleading � ,.'111�. third Psalm .1�v4s read- by !Ruby outavole.ent, i"; were from God,erich, trict and wa Goderioli_,Who afso gave the clo"Bing husband -workis for the,�erbest and and- upon such evidence as I . .1.1 .11 : i . Ti P s visited by hundredis of fee of twen,ty-five cents� th, him � !111 . . ; Young. Mr. Cuniiiiiing told us , the Xbon, Mitchell,'Brussels citizens.. . I the rno IS 7L " � was�, driving a .car owned by may seem sufficien,t,ly . I 1, in,d Hensall. . . . I. I - I tend the meetings, held on4ie a ,month prayer of . rning ses. io the I I .-K�.. I I . I words of this psallin, used in a ser- ' . .1. I. *—,. in Carnegie Hall. .. � . I ,Seaforbh Auxiliary gave the Scrip. i"MPany vAen the, cra�h occurred. - 1. — .. w 1.�2 . 1% I The,.winn#rs,: W. Sin -unions and G. . ,The Supertest was added, asi a de- . I II won and heard� -by Joseph Gilmore, " I tural. message and prayer at the opi., � 0 ? 4, ��� . F I I I Xns-plired h1in tb write thehy=' , "He Mumby, G6,dericili.,, -3 wins plut' 26 - I I � - —0 ening ,of the afternoon session, A fendant.' ' ' �ll -,4� �� 10 ( F . .1 Dr. MeTaggart and Alf. Cilark, Hieii-' . I , . � ' ' .. - ' �­ . " Hit Park c,,nrtette by'Mrs, W. A. Wrlg�t, Mrs. The collision occurred on J,L ,,.,,M Zurich -Plans ' ,, . ..''."'. Leadeth Me." Mr. IDuarmiag led in ,g,d C4r . . I - sail, 3 ,96ns plus 16; L. Hafv�es, and � . . I 1, 41. * 1_.­.­A_y . . ,.,X", # i, I prayer and then ,the hymn, 110 Love . U81 J. E. Daley, MiM,�,k�.Murray and Miss 1934. The -Whims *eii'r-Riding along . � , " I I � , I . I , �. ' Porterft , X ,hell; 3. wins plus 16; poi--t.tted_.,_ . c , I I?.. P , he Ou dary rbad -three niftes'south I . � h, :, , _�., : . ,�, It -� j . I V, .. . 11 � t: B n � __4'. L , I I'. lsal�el Ritchie read Psakiis K -Mid , In ,$&. ­'_ 5-- - - '_ - ' 'of"'Mii'jli-affit, Vhe chii Splendid �� a1r ( I : 3 wdns 'plus 14; R. Downing' and, W. . I .601. very, nmeh appred ated. ' y in that Proc- , . I . , , , att9r.is of ..;;S That Will, Not. L.0 Me�A;o".-v,4s.sung. --, ,.,� ..__44 .,w.I:,Mz 'st -- -Men,Hi � ,:!�,'.- N, . . . . op�, -eatorth � , . ite — . � , I ff-­,MW,;4Wd ncgu4T ."Ww­ _-Lond6o urt I,& Ap ' ,, was I � ; . 1. ,. -1k.", � . 100 and this was followed by the Teacher- iii- I Rev.' James Mackay, D,D ., of Lon- tor drove lout.a laneway onto the '. , .1, . . I Willis, lErmsels, 3 wins plus 10; T. When the car 'in which .they were . I I don, was th e . ter I ..., � . .. . .ell W I hymii,, "What a Friend We Have in je speaker for th�_g - road and. �struck their car. 'fhe prize lists for the annual Fall ­'­' Johnst6ne- and C. Ho4meg, 2 wins . � . �>,� I I I *. Jesus," "When I Survey the Won- � _. uhn driving crashed- Into- a parked car on � - . no,on. He Kuspired everyone 'with his At the time of the accident Mr- Fair -of the Zurich, Agricultural- -So- ­�' ' J � . drous, Gross,"' "Aflasi! and Did': M,v lue .15; P_ J. Winter . and J NOTth Maih7Street ,on Sunday even- Miss Malael E. Turnbull has, 'been vivid talk on Japan, C�Ina and FoT� White was district inspector for the ciety,have been, distributed. The daltes. 1. � . ^.", I- .- . . �_ �avi!our Bleed" and "Je-nis Lovier o'f Ho`,rharm 2 wins plus 14; llh�. Belch- appointed music teacher in the Sea- m-cisa, and told so interestingly the company, with his headqu I I .III '' I . -1 ing, William, Holdan; the driver and � arters at , I", I . . I (Continued ion,Page 4) elly and R. J. Sproat, 2 wins, plus 12; ublic �Sorhaol. Miss Turnbull -y ical and. commercial condi-tibna Seaforth. are Monday and, Tuesday, Serpt. '28th I �., .11, I , I . E. Bright and W. -C. T. Morson, 2 Chae-es, Biggar, both of London: s,'uf: forth P . ph S I . I : .. . _­ I. I fered cuts and -bruises. Their car 'has been taking a ,course in -music peculiar to each country. He relat- . . 1. and 20th. -Some newl- classes have I I �., - " 11 . I . I I 9 . wins plus 12. . . during .the sumimer tvacation- ed incidents in the work of the dfilf- —0 � . been,added to the list and the mony, , , _,: I � � Others taking part were F. Hunt was. co'nsliderably damaged. "I I I . ferent missionaries -in -their spread- spedlails should make the showia good ' . ��"__ 1, � . - 11 I . I . .1 l, and J. Mevicar, Goderiell; G. M�Imlby ,Ge,'orge Kruse and, Donald Patrick, I ing of the Go-tpel; of their sacrifices . e this, year. 1C contest between . 1! I , . i'�. .. . I. Zone' Parade and W. Simmons, Goderich; P. Bis- occupants; of the parked.mr; were � not and priivations. They are �he build- Ex -Warden. Wins follur bands _ Hensall, Dashwootl,�,. , .... ",;. � I I � -_ . --11 - - � I , sett"and IL 1MUrney, G!odeTich; P - in;jur,ed. The accident occurred near Once Led Band Grand Bend- and ,Brodhagqn,. On ---the- I � � "I , . I - . . I . _) ?rs with Gad,,Iie said. "We are b,nild- ' � �!'� I . . To Be. in Clinton ,nmort and J. E. Gantelon,. Clin- tli,e 6 C.N.E.SquareDa,nce afternoon, of the 29th, shotild -be in- .1,. I I . ,,. . 'd Centre Street with th . .. ing every day a temple—.building for . . teresting. The Band�, will compete . . I., . . eld and L. Hawes, � 1P I 1_� — -_ . , .. . . ,on.; H. Torterfi North -Road about 9.30, at nlight. I f --. . I , I - I e WieldsBa'tonAgain eteiinity. for prizes amounting to, $900,,. In . '' I I I - and Alf. . I 1. . 1. .,�,,� I 1 MembeTs of the lo- Mitchell; Dr.' McTaggart Chief iSnell investigated and has A series of prayers were given Vy Ex -Warden, Peter F. Doig, Of the evening lbeal'tallent will ,present . , ,� �4 . . .- I . cal branch of the Can- Clark, 1111ensall; ,F. Bonthalon and, Jno. ferred a charge of reckless driv- Mrs, Redditt, of Goderich; Mrs. Po -r- Howick Township, and his group. of I ",I...". , I I � . adian Legion will at�, Sheppard,, Hensall, A. H. Otto and pre . I a three -act comed�i, "The ScaTecrow. .. I :,'. �� . , ing against ,Ro-Idan. I In the column headed "Around the terfield, of Belgrav6, and Mrs-. Ed- . ,�,�,-,t � square dariceirs, won the. square Creeps," followed by a dan,ce'in the , ' 1. I �,-�"%. tend, the annual Zone I . �, ,,,�. . I , � � , ­� � . . . W. Metcalfei St. Marys; R. Downing Town, 'which appears in the Port wards, of Hensall. dance competition. for, entries: 45 years tOwn hall. J,f;� . I l - ilussels; T. Johnstone I —'* , i dis giv- and over at '. . . . . parade which this year and W. Willis, Bi I . Huron Timles-Herald, a writer recalls. A number in Sung and, Wor �i� is 1yeing held, in Olin- 'and, ,C. Holmes, Seaforth; .J. Beattie . . I . the Canadian National I.:,� a that William McLeod wh1ilie visiting ,en by the Exeter Mission Band was Exhibition la:St week. Quite a number �rom town and I '"'. � . I and M. McKellar, ISeafoTth; J. E. T vicinity attended the bi . � 1. . I AD ,ton on, 'Sunday next. g Exhibition -.".., " T High lis and IL Vreee Sea -forth; R. J. AL,uckno W', ManIS here Tecently, was ,guest conductor well received. Miss Jeckell, of Exe- Music, dancing 'and' calling all at Toronto the. past week. I I,,, I - ' OU of the I . 1-� . -he seaflorbb - MI I counted in the final dedisi �', ­ . , . . . ,of - the Sbaftorth Highlanders Band ter, gave the closing prayey,. I . 1-1 V Band will ac- .Sproat and 'Dr. Bechely,, Seaforth�; , I 'Mr' and Mirs.�Ward, Fritz have re - .. ­ .: - landers on the evening of the, recent Bari�- The hospitality ,of the -ladies of 'St. judges-. I tjn,_� - ". . � , E. FL Close and John Cluff, SeafOirtlh; . d to their ,home frolm.tyleiT ecet- . ..., - I , 1 .1 I 'Killed in Crash gion garden party. Andrew's Church was beautifully � I . . .. 5 , _I',", company theJk,gion. Leg - I I I 4 I I I -R. E. Bright ,and Mr. Morsionj Sea- � —0 , --,. tage at Grand Bend. . . � I ll-, � s , . 4 "Bill MiaoLeod, the versatile shown in the artistically arranged I I , :' I I " Co,rth; H. Jeffrey and �G. Dick, Sea- . - big Ahief of flo-ers in the auditorium and on. the ,Mr. X. E. Hes�s, electr4cal engineer . ��i , �, I ,� 41 . forth; Dr. R. R. Roes�%, and J. Scott When the light, �touring car in Scotchman ,who is the I ;1,1� . a�arth; J` J. Bro , ol;�iek- � and H' wihich he wals ,ditiving,ikonolay night the state palate -sprinkling 6111POTiUlln W�11-aipwotfaked talWas where a muclia Regele Family � ,of Sti, Qitherines, visited relatives I -1 I Rahv. Extinguishes se on Avenue, led the Wirty- enjoye lunch and, afternoon tea were 'here UWT the week -enol. . , ii: * . ' , 4-11. 1 I Stewart, ,Sea'fort�i; c. ip. ,si,lis and left a coun" ,road -A mile"south Of 'UP 'On Hur , i, ,.!I ,�,' Durigannoln� careened into a ditch ,third regiment band up in Seaforth, served. , le Ik niork on ,�he garage of 1. , ,� . . . . .. 1. 1. Durrean, Seaforth; Dir. H., H. . Hold Reunioh My. M Mausseaju has, been eDmplet- �',',; .1, T stone; R. J. ,Wil . . . . I I �;�i,,', Swamp Fire Ross and F. .J101in, ntex and then rolled Over, hitting a tele- 'Ont, ,once .upon a: time," the I writer I —*— , . ed and presents a fine appearance. ,� I I , . . . an� J. . Hotbam; E. Simith and .E. Me- phone pol,e, 'Duncan 'McDonald, age says. .11 I I . I 1,1 ' .q4- I Manus; M. A. Reid and E. Duncan; 30, of IA I . "While on his vacation this- sum- ' Lou Moo Rev. E. Taerkheim', ,Mis-ses Ger- . , I I .. Y 4 sunday 1111irbVis. rain has ,pe# the . rokii1ow, -was -killed. .1 . IniieT, Bili wentover to Seaforth, pick- CbSef Coroner For Miss xley, of Guelph, and trude Tuerkhelm and ,Beatrice Thiel � . ,:�11 Tlie eame crash s 't I � 11 D. Reid and IM. McPhee. . en two , atimi, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C.'Hunt, of� London, and Messrs.,C. Thiel, H. Clausius and - I .:.. . . fire under control which aggin broke ed' up the ,baton be laid down there .4 , A I out on sitinday in the pine swa Win Luckniowl men to. hospitals, one ' of ected the old � . , s at the home �Df MT. and Deicbert attended -the convoention of 11,�,, 4 in Goderich 3-6 years- -ago and dir' , ' g'u�" . I A I �' , MR ondition,. Thomas I Mrs% Ed, H t. . � and has -increasi6d, v ,in , " " egetation aN Messrs. J. J. Cluff, MerbDn A. Reid! band,. I Perth is Named "` , ` 1 -the .,Ldther 'League at 111amilton on . ., , # I ,tnd Harry McKenzie is in Victoria Hospital, -"But it isn't exactly the old band I �Mr..and Mrs. CFiarles Regele,spent, Labor Day.. I I� . gives, good prospects fbr the potatol Stewart, and Dr. F. J. da Y, � and root crop which at one time tolok- 3urrows, Dr. H. ff. Ross and J-6 . bn, 4, London, suffering from a fractured flow, Bill says. Only olue, in-einber of Dr Robert Bruce Gillrie, Mitch*,11 a few �, at Toronto Exhibitioni. Farmers- are busy hreparing land � " I . I " ed like a Failure. If we do not get 3roderitck were, in Cvolderich. on .Wed- nd fractur- � 11 shoulder, a fractured leg a Mr. and 'Mrs, George, Beurmann for sowing fall wheat. A large ac- � . - '�,il, .. . ed arm, and other injuries, while the band that was lqd� by Bill'in the .physician, according to instructions also spent a few days there. ") ' , I er i,am�day evening at a trebles tourma- ays remains with the. ortaniz reage will, -be sown this fall. Some I ,,,� 1 . , t .I.iam Webster is in Alexandra Mar- olld d a- from the Attorney General's Depart- Mr, and Mrs. Charles Eggert, Del- farmeri have dompleted, the work i. ,I _ W I I . rrikut, " the latter' Arink winning a pair �Vil tion and he holds Bill's place as band- " , . CMP- � ment at Toronto, -has been appointed la and Norman, spent Sunday near , I 'Har I ine and General Hospital in Goderioll master. as chi�f coroner of Perth County. Listowel. and the wheat is, already showiling :,,11 . , ivesting and threshing are cam- of leather house Shoes. 11 , I . � with a fractured log. His condition 4"11 ipleted- and 'the returns are better . hv not considered serious. "Any1hody famitiar with the unus- The new chief ,coroner of Perth has Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weitersen above the grou-nd. I . � I 1� ., I L I . I . � . , than was anticipated, . Ill three ,men were Tiding in the ual exc6llence of produced by ,been practising medicine for almosit and Dorothy and Jackie, rvisited. with —0 .. � 1. . V, 'Ai N . _­.. front seat of the rather old touring 1111110 J I Mr. Fred, E,akart was a visitor in Ship 5 Canadian ,militaryT=c:18 will -know fifteen yeam. Dr. Gillrie practiced 'Mir. and M-rsi. Ff. WeiterEem -1 . A I gtmtford, last 4%n&y. , 300 Tons of that Bill was ,some bandimaster-l-and �po, three or four years out of Ham-' . I """ Z I . ed hi. h Regele Reunion " . .. � 11 Mr. Will Kelly and,hise son, and Air. r, w ic. was- without a top- he still, toots a ciornet like nobody's ilto,, Penny Br.nk Total . .,�'Il 11 and Mrs.' 111laward, froia Kirilk, Grain From' Hens all, ,Dr. H. R. Hall and Errnest Prid- ­ . -moving to Xitt�hell eleven On September' 6th Ath-e Regele re- . 1. . .1, ' A . I 'ora, I ham, of. Godench,,9vere driving along business!" . I years ago. v honie of Chas. . ''.. I .1 were visitorks in';our burg last Sun- 'That Heniall, is recognioed as , I . tindon was held at th l'..".1 �� I � a bhe road and noticed the car in the 'I, — . Is, Lower in 1936 'I 4 "7. 1 is, .e'� * . *_ Regele. Most of the children and ;,? j . grain market . videnced by a re- ditch. They ,Stopped and found the . � 30las-Nelly Desbbura, who was part and figrarei showing that no less t . . I ei, I grandchildren were present, also Mr. Figures just released for the i, i, , . . � . ,i I I I I . h*lidaying here the past mouth, bas them,144 cars of grain were shipped McDonald at that time being in a . . -and Mrs.,J,ohn Kechnie, and Gordon; monthis of May and, June show bbat � . % . irekirbed t-6 ber hwm � 1-i,o suffering from serious injunes. "Hitch . Hiking I Forrest Family Mr, Jolin Eggert, Mr. and Mrs. Henry only 26 prey cent. of the -pupils of the . .: !j"', ,� - -, . . , �, ... .X I. , V - - , - ,..,... - - '. - ". �.:- �, ., I - .. - .. , - - ," .". "" _,_--�-, ,-_w P- '. "'....I., '.....'.... �'....'....... . - - _,�, ....... .�_ _ "" ...1,", .1, gq'441'4�Sli 1� �;�!',7'q'�j�.�jih)?, -_"�`_" T11 01#,4,&fl , lf.P;Ai-,�, � 'I , � i JJJJJ����.,,�, . Qll�i . 11,111�,��,,� ���l - I VA'. 'F "�T ,�717 U ,� f _11i � 15�1 , K�`,, ,,A , `,�,, "a, �el"�;,�,-�, Al"", . " , ` � i ,R�, _�_;, ; . , .$ i'_ ,; , f"I� , �'. I . rf I , 1� 20"...R."..."". ...- '..... ,.-_-.,---- - ....... , '..'....., ""' " -r. , , �111-. `11"11111 " I'. 31.1 ��::i.�,,i�i:::i�;�qlm -V_,!,,�...t�_.'11- ... . ...." , "" "" , , , . I , ` , , , " ` , I I ... I "", 1; ", - .1 1. ".*�*.�.'�'....�"�-11.1"..,All�....'- ,".."."'.."....".. - . '', . t', ", 11 .�.- 11. - .. _i _... ... I ... .... " . . . � .... 11 .11 I �, . " 1;1 11 2 11 ,., ... " , , I .... . ., .,,,"`� ­ , , ." .. -t. - ... . . �l . . . - ;i,i4,�"""�,�"!!.'�""*",.,�.,.,i;--,.��.'..,....- .v .�� . , . �.. '. I , `�:;'. It I,_t", , `8 . , -,. � I -, , "I., .; - R;:1,*K ..`1i,,1`.--11-� 11 I . , .. In Detroit. fr6m there during August, totaliling critical ,condition. -He died soon- af- 9 . � . '. , - . ,Mr. and -Mrs. 'Louis Brall and their 5,300 tons. Round the World" Koehler,, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H,oegy. . Seafortli Public School made weekly �� _, I I I terwardS1 . li . I Picnics at Lake Mr. and MTs. George Pl,etz#r, of deposits in the Penny -Bank, while in I ... !.? I . . family and iMr. "And Mrs. C. Eckhrt, I Dollar wheat and, barley a#iacted The -party ba'd been visiting in Gbd- " ­ . � from�,seacfortb., were visitoTs in -this farmers from thirty n -dies in each er-ich a of " retu g to their - M: I;, I I . j­?,.�t',,�!"._ Toronto, spont Sunday ,in this vicin, the Separate School the,percentagi,' .., I � � .0 . were J. Milli �:, � . I IThe Porrest'clan held a very en- ity. . . I was 22. - .. . burg bg,� 'Sunday. direction. es 7LI,oknow: . .1111, : . I h 0'ra . � . Viola Fisher is spending a At the end- of June there was on .1. .. I .. . ____ ___ .... ... - 1� . .1, �. 1. foyable reunion at Jowett's ,Grove, MISS . . ,�, Ili 0 l -An iniquest was, commenced Tues.- , 4 few Ay,s -with heT cousin, M2Crie deposit a total of $1,293.70, as coom- ,.1 I . � . I ,.1 :... � �.�, Bayfield, ton September 7th, in -honor. I �.,�, 0 day in -to the death of NeDolfiald. A ' %0, I �,;,J . ,� of Mr. and, Mrbl. George Forrest, of floegY. pared to $1,41UP in'June, 1q.36. � � ,�. , I un- ' . � ,,, I .1 Beechwood Cnunlp, Entertain i,ry of west wiawianosh farmers A41bernli B C Frien, were nreserit - I 11 1�1 .. .0, , .. k, , . I � .. 1, " . . der Coroner Dn W.. -F. Gall -ow, cam-- ­ Ifi � . . I �,?,: to 'Godench to view the remains and � I om Clinton, Godericb., -Seaforth, � ; �y " 10, , C , 6�* ", , : Hbnaa,311, Brucefield end Hillsigreen. t �, i ! .., 10 I "o I g adjourned, sine die, ,pending the ,e- 'b . , 11�ro�_ � , c a , I - - f -25th Wedd-n " " I , I L ,;on, cial afterdoon � ( .0 �, , I , ", L.. �,�� ., ,, li�, --- . 't��,,��,,d,i'�_ , '. coVery of Thomas, MidKenzie ., and � they all enjoyed A suimptuousi supper. ' . I . 11 ----- - . - Miam Webster, , . � ,I "ll"p, , , I MT. and Mrs. Arthur McQueen. and .. I k . I On � i t4 I ,,Ogaej�q:ft 161f their 't,�41jty_ desoter of Mr. and'Mrs. iDelaney; 0 , . daughter, Margaret, and MT... and I - I , *�� 'a6 -,� Mr. and Mr. and, Mirs. P. ,Gdvens and..familyl, _ .. '�: �­ 0 . . -Port I . fifth v�'Q iversall t In, 11 I %ff T T%_1 - -i London! 'MT. and,Mrs James Delaney � . .. � I M,r,q. James McQueen Visi ed "' .11, .. �. �.,��, 1. -1 I . �.. � "� . ,, " .�, : - . ,lr �, . � '.1 Ni 1, . . . �, . r . , . I., 11 � ,,�, . , ,,� .. , , , , ,,,, , I - 11. 7 , � . MK 11 i . 0,441, 2,11*7 envortain A r, . �� Credit WIG fan)rPol is week � I . . I � ___.._...__ , The ,and fainifly, Dublin; Mrs. J. C. Gal- Annual.Wous" ,-_ . - I - AIIX6Xenzie and' A tmdxed tourmey"*as- held on the plus 12; 1builith, W4 J, ,Duncan, who. - '4 ­ _i4,�_ ',' , Jjj1gh&r i . _ their bome in, 3eechwood�­,Ont. ,j�d. - ­ -.13fts.- Rand2 . famil.y . � ".. 11 faniil�V, Tor-05hibo­;­ MY§.'J. �ocal, -howling'greiens, WednesicTay,' Vily' jjL,50 bad`2 wins- -,1y1U& 12'. 11 i_�,, I k visited ,her iparents, 'gr. and Mrs. . , , I .t I began, in the afternoon when lone ,Other% taking part were: C. P. I .. " ,'tll � " ,; �� ,,, �ti . 1 4 dining-rom was, lovely 'in sji�f#r_an Givens, Wing- iin''ic"Se" t. 24 " I . , ..,��1+60 ,d Wood's I and Miss Manj Wbods, De- - � FBI be. . , �- white, and �-jftner was served ftom a troft; Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Cl , '. 2 , p -p . "k, . was played. Supper was, s4rv- iSillv, Mrs.. J. Dtirereaux, 9r.s. E. H,j , ...", �.��, I , I I, . The many fTievols. of Dr. iPeter Mc- galrn,e g'�`.��.` 1111 table centred, with a large Wedding ham; Kisses -Mary and Kathleen .1 �,11.,�l,k�.,.�,,.��,�.,.",:Y�le'I �,h,e Toll Brothers, ' 'V,orld's ,1,0�, 4". . � l�, �,,, ,�41,�: and Givens, Guq h; MT. andi Mrst� J. Dal- "" OArwh tions pion Hitch - Hikero," a r e . Seriously �.ill in, London, ' I '' 1b. ,,�t � . cake, silver and White, cmidlis, l ' km Ewen will -Ve sorrY to 'learn, that be ed in the club bouse,h3r the lady bowl- Olbse, Wa TYL A , Reid, Mi. A. Reild, "' 1� �11 , if . 'O"re. The Seaforth WnAl Gi t6ra 'followed by two games - in the. s1Q,,- J. J. Cluff, Mrs -.11. H",%#dintok J1 I autiumn 11 M , , bealotiful gift -on., avilwaftlee - 'Xhis. J Dalton,, St. .Club seen in thumbing formation.- In lis I .� �': P I . oilding,AheiT -itirnual clinic , " �`,,� ` My � . . IS,. Yellowleles, of Bow- ening- . I � , � , �,,, l s are -b Mr. and M� . I Hothhm, qh� J.'Tt. Solt, 0"., M4,8* ­". ;I � D(%4�� . .... . � , quest of knowledge and adventure . , 1, 11, � 9 I - , I ,I " I , ,�, In silver were ,prosentled to, the bride ColunibUg� Dp6puty-Sheriff T. Delan- j. , erlppl6d &hdrieif at tbe :A`lrex- ' Mrs. Di H.,Wilsbu, Mr, J. G. , . , ,, I � I . _1 4 , V manville; -M'—rs. ,Glinton Clook, of Wi fir P, I I 11., 1. I . , thege, 'two University of Toronto ilinvills; 1Ladii,ejp,1 st, Mrs. Jeall X:.", :p, � I 9 y,,iV'-; " 11 and, gridom . 4�y Go ' ob, Mi. aiftd�llffft. Conhblly, dndra. Marine And Genevit'lliahipital, 1 Miss .1 A;o*0,V ­�,.16'1;; ., W . ,An116n,g the guedu , ihwifed boy, Worked and ld-ked thAir way Brailotford, andl Wr. and. Mks- 01i'ver ,Haigh, 3 win-sp plius 20; S,econd� Afmi, - 4U%raitb, Dr, 11, � fto - we" , LOgAad; Vir. and, Mrs. T. 'Ryan, 8as- .Gvdierich, on SeptembIx 94th, at 10 ground the world, p y Smitik of Cluicago:, vi8ited Mrs A. T. D, ,Sharinahan', 9 wins plus 13; third� Mm 0. P. Sillt,, Dr, F, J.. Uti 1. I I §,,'�"':;.i, I I I � � . ,. - -ft J6ioPh'a katiblie*atir. Mr. & d I �fg'. t. X . for , .# I . "" 1� 1 4 Rev. V&th6t J,,Giftii� Of F ill 9 I*a _ ling Dr. R-9, A49% Inha-D 11 0, ", 6 ,',,,'t.i,',.,,� I Church Sbrsitftrd� teplWW )of o'clock a-Im Pk. Geukie Raoisay, of 1�� transportal �t' 010 each. Scott this, week, I Wift PWS J4 - 9 � , 6he or 1w*- W, and 1&s. , lCharleso Lon,d,bn *gj,be it,, e,ha,rge. . . - . I Mrs. DeLaciey, 2 ,,,�,�;.t,, , i , . L AXW­ MW � Wit I . "Ut �, � I 9 ­ Mird 4' 111ftUllne �'�I` 'I ' I Mist *fift6 ­NlAnoyi, orb ' , i,01 �. El - I bridto- � oat iw,�,',U. I my of theit - tri, h 31-r. and Wrs.� T, Wh#eQer are ivis. POUTtb, L1W,S, R, Smith,. 2 Veift .�Wi , M 'Dottielf Nt� J,, Befittk�., r 'r 1, � I&I'll '111 I I No ,eliuie Is firoe to any parents migfilfiedntly colored plet re$ on iting their pris , flklkl�, .��,i 11 . 1. At It .11. ;�1yX,6-k;,Vt,:. I " It in. Ntrbil. 11. . . &�t, I I Bfig-W. ,-'') 4 , UP,%,6.,�";R�,"elo, "', 11 I, � and MM, Z MeLAugh- ,Q�11,O.-fii'M S-rer'�Wed ch0d, Pareilitt the sitreen will be h# and W,s,. 'Ifamme-4 iq� Detr �. . ,� X Fftei k IU R" Isa -111 ,­111� I 1�` 4 I , '. . . li'n: 11ftffleyi. Mj­a)ft4,`Mr8 Wim, Ry- "i . hid I -in Mr. oit, �,�,,� T"A UOU " 1; 4 .. .IT ,I , a �hhs, Vvd% q11 ., �j,;pf, I I � 84�� ,first, El.. V. alo ft , - 1114 Aft,u I i " 51R�,�,� ,,.tk,6.$',,Ao,:',g. ,,Jn,touch *i,th their 6- ard'W. a6diMm. J,Orft, WX,envieand IM'en`8 IV: 11 I I - -%-L , I. I I Ur a. , 1 , . � 'Q�' P - I � I'M, ,�W % . I . ,,, . . . . P; . . . P; i� '_­ i". , �l b6tht, -1 " 6 mthw, ea:g6g Will ifft fomily, 61 Windmor vmt�M ldfg,' R., "Ous. M; go-cohd 4. 9'. WIR&I " ­ A& V11. 11 P., w �,�g7 �. ,�,jq,la? � - .Jrr. I � it -JI.. I be rtojv��;,." .�, -1, I I I I . , .A, . , . . ­ ,­, If" 'T "'i'l#VLT51 - . 1, "I - . Wb -d,,' 0, ,,H41n%,0A, I . I I , �', �, � . f 1 4." .,.,,',, � , � 115 XWftzie �_'jj�" 6k,,,6ft& ,prids 90" bhh ,. , , I I I "J, 'I "It, "Mi W�, I I , I . *V*V . � �� .1. - �� 4, �! 0 1�, i " - I . , 4f.,li, , . ", .t't . - I I ,: I . , . . . I . I , , , , , ,, 11� .�� , ,�,, ,,?*,,'�, 11 . I . I , . I ... .� "" . .� ,. I , I "I �� , 1 n : .. 1 11,41 �6, "T 4;".�,,: �! �v � I4, , . , l, 'i � , � t I I I ' I fl,;,` �j��,�:ik�, I,l�, , ,,, , 444 . , �,� � � -, �j�,�O,, ,,,, "' � , i , � , 1�� , � , I I ,, � � ,',� ,�4, _ , , , " , ,, �41 . .r;",1t' " . 'i , ., � :",4 1, �j��' ", ,,:r ,� , , '. �Ill 11 - : , 4""'i, �it ii � � , " � 11 V51111 !�� ,�i ;4,'%'�,; , ,,,, R. '. 4 ,$1,1,, '. ,I, � �. I ll , .- I , � t � �,�� � �,�: ,(tl " I . ���, I'll ,:��P'1� , J,�(,'l ,F ­4.� ,, "�,­,,Iy. , ,,_P.J1L,%J , . , , � , I , �1' I.;%, I �l, ��q f, 1, t, , 4 x 11 .: Y� I , � l I ____11 f,jy , '. � " le 4� "I. :i�l,,�, rr � I 11 , ill.". . .. .. � I I On -11,11 40"', 11 .... I .... � � ., - a,,an.m.%�ff, "Y2 ... �Ni�. .111, " ,,�NWOI ,,a,�, @-Iti " 14".'� � ' " -0' 2FTWX F VWl',14"! 111 ",I, IN i., F 1, I .1 . . . . . . " :::: �, 111 I t'liln'll,it"�rlIf�,,�'I'll��i,��llit"��.111,�!)'A.�',��r��V%�icl.I ", , 1 yi`,�NWO ��&�i, ,�ffllrk" �"���,�ll��:'��l��;)!�.t'�'��". ," 2 ,� "I 'I � ,,,,,, �� �, ,.2, J9,mm1w, a � fft , I I %111i�'�,i IS 0 �2MMIV -, _Zffide,;`�W,11r, * 1'1&,, ""151 021�1i,,l I ., �� N � R1 �i , ? ".;'i � I .