HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-08-28, Page 6"' - ", It"'ll " . I ��, . -'11-1-'--- -11 Ill - -�, �!y,r, �;��,,,I!l.:"' �,,,lll-,� 1,1:1..Vlj�� "" I, ,-,:t-,.. �1� 1,� ". "l,, , ,, , ,,, - i - "kI ,�;�J . ,1,:�.:�,,, �`A4 , 4i" I, .. � I . ". �I;i�,�,,, .i�:,,J,n�ji�l 'I ,:, 1, ,,�, . , I 'Ili %, ll� �)"'!:'I" TC . �W, 1 %7ij)�` 'f,A 11-11l � , ! I. �� � , "' " R141i I17�0: ,�,:Ik"�,�i���2�",'Y�,�i,�""IN'li��,� I.. '. ;,, l�::l I'l V':, "I", '. ,, ,� ,l,,, , � 11 .. , "� 1; , . ., 11 11 . .1 11 I ;,V.U.�� IA,'ii,:,4'II;­ %;! �11!!' , �, ";�'.i! �,:� :� I , - �', '����'F���",:I::���"'�:"?,)!",;.�'�,�140:11,T,;(�����,;i,.,�":Vl��,'t[','�),I��P�.�;���;�,fk , 11,�, ,,-illl' 1 ,�l ,,"11,�',Il, ,.i­,�,� 1. , ".. ��,� , ,,,�� � , ,.,,,: '��',"" ,'��,,N,��,,�",l� W�`�!�l'�,,�,'. , " . ,,�,,�`­ "� � �, , "51, ` !�,:�,T: 4k4011 , � ,- : �lIl'j . , �! , ,,�;, , "ll , e , , " , , , If V�, , " � '1� - lg " ., , f�V'11,� i A "I � ­ . , ��J tS' I , . , ...... . . , . 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I. . � rr , I ll I'M- -, --- — 1. -1.11, ­ ­­­ � i ,­ , ,- - , - l I � In p �r 4 1 I -11 �-111-, � , ,. , 91 1.1-11 .11 , I . .. � ��, -- � I 11 - 11 "i . . I . I I I. V, `1 1pli 11.!m3lq7,� , - .- . ­­ . A G I I I .. �. -1 I I r" IF ' . 4 , ­­ f, N' C %tn . , I r . -� .g�.� r '60 . . .. Tol '. , il` �, - W, ", I .0 , N'.111 - � � , . -.)" I �1 I � -1 I , 0 I � 0 1 NN't 1E - /" AVII . I , " ; I � 4 r I e4 .10 , ' '40 1 ,*K�.`F' %% � 1 vvrp V .N.." -, I : ft .. A �4 I I I 9 w1w, . r4f . , _: .. I., 'IS "IASY WHEN ,YO � ,j, I 0 , L I . ., ... . . . �... .1 . I , , . 4110S 14#1 F 4 ''" - . I ft e G,qg . 1- d 14'r, S, , t r - ­DRAN�N,",­F# A ­ ,141011'. I � , . " I �!L I 1. I , �, . , ­ . ­.­. - 0 , '. 4.0 I ..'. I -P ' 1, ., I .::, ,. . .."I.I. , . -1. I 10 . - I ­­'. . .. . .. . ' A, : I W 11 19 . . , , , - , . . . ".. ..A.- . , ­ 4, I . . . . . . . - ' ..9.1 1 . I . .1 . 0 ... (Gondensed, froW, Tille.. St in ,Rgad�es Digest) , . - , L 1 4 1 - - 0 . A, I j�''IL ,"' _ (VX0erpt$ $�q "The� � � 'in l�tory` �T,9 " , 1110 .. . age , _, ,14 ,�., . � . . . 91 , . .. 11 . f. 4 N, . , 1 - i ,, � .1 ..... �- ,b .. � � 1PATION . � "' . . 5, I W "I'i -o'....'.'�. IV .. L . ­­---.P-------ft0 -------- A-* CONST I - . . FOILOW DIRECTION " , . ...... . "'. � I � . � -1 I I 0 , I ... 1, I - � -L � �-ar 1 .... ­. I � .- ­-, I F. --� -- ITT 11 99 .. ` mo.-. , � I'll, .. I . ­ I .%LID ..., .ggg% . I ... .. 41, , .-.�,. -, -F - -, - ,.� � . ,,,, �1, 11� I .11. ..%,�..4��! 0", ­-� - " -sit be . � . I I , no - The rate of 'the pulse *AS' I . ". .A..,.,.-1,.` . Vrov;ided , ­ ­ I I , ". ,\%7' .. ...,.. ., . . ,I7�1 'I', '), I ki�Wfals', 293 B.C( ­,--...­�.`-1-.,..­' PiNN The T4odern gaig industrp-�nWRPD-. For exonple., agliel ma ,�­ .-F A.,.�p..­ # . " 4 . , .. I . .. . k . ;,"'ff­ , .,. -as so many inches of P64- .- . . . 1, ­� '.1"Al., ..... , ...... � ,&�L--%#); H'elp,& .... Aluenee of the, mdiiol , Kellogg .. , '�v � I k . , .� o rated undlee the, in , VI'l, �, 11 14 Imieft, fri 293 B.C., .the ,koman gods duil.ni length,. �hiokeri can . - ,­ yeaws,, and ceive Is tance, and, a "bob- � 'A , . . . . . ve now I., ..'' .. I The hoano canning of c . , �s- *)0` '. -ti, the past f 11 -, Hamott 'J'*�: �, �- . .,... �....i�NRRVV 10% witldr 1, . ld, Miss 0 ,.. I , � 11 0ow - o control a Vrwire . .,!, .., %-4y SO Its,- I'l Bordws. 0 �A.", 4g,oRw , eriless; t, . [be dwie 4suiocessfully if pro §.f,' � ­ ..." UP - brought lbo a high point lof'SiCienbific' (full firiend L � I Isuipotied.pr . I . ., ....."­ """ , I . .h2m...- %. ilies, ..­ .. ffl ..."­'� ,l <hWffl.Se wbach had broken � .. ....... �..' V - The a � � , � t "I %Ii,f1W,l=.4 lZ 'I I.A.- ,+,� ­­ L. -I.... . . perfection�­;is the busknees of,provid SO ..-A- 1. . . " 11 ­ll, .­k(m. ' I eaVUuw axe. Itaklexx,. Since ., � - ­', . I . . " , �W­ p". , I ,�,-"­" � A, _ � �t ,%rie penger was, Sent -to the - h, - cutit of foods to .1.V1 ­ . K 0 i'�111 ,.�­j 4 .. .. . ­ .1-W, "...1%R7. - I '.-",4r, . .-9, _ - lwi gods, . Putil the 17th century, evewy-p ys, ,mqft­vf the most dM L'.. 100 . . ir,g a now set of old, jokes every But n week you can have tam BUY: Read this eut�yo .91 wtw - I ­., . . * ... ... .. M01 V 0 .. '...... re. A 'J rr� b great -)care imumst ......... I ..... ... . oe�si tq�- ?�q w, one of + .....'. , 11 J ,, Galen,s view ,concern- preserm y canning, i I. I .-�"',.Ak week. No I I . "Just a line zu JEAQW _ flor t64 the -temple 'of AlIC11-01- "elan had hold . F11 --,.. .. . gagman nowadays "thw*ks ,,CISIR, Wk0tern Uinion if you, want a letter. . 1 A A I , . . . . 0% .§­..... .."�. I - :,,A, �, " , ig the ,blood. The liver, SID said Gal- be taken in Its selie4t,ioll- handling - -­­- .,-� '.."', up No ,man can bok.tl . - Ito a ­ ­ ­ . remember, I ;� "'d " "' . - � - ­ .. .. I jokes.11 . how much I appreciate g .. 2 14 '.. .. ... . . . I . ... ... 4 ... - , ", . I `jis� ,was erected. At peo- - and priocessing, Onay meat- ftloim 4 1 ...... . .. . The Quinn Joke, which Mir. Freed - first, sa . 0%, "I %, , ", I * " . nt, the necessary Wan- . AIL-B"N. I was troubled th . , ­ �, . �0 came to the temple ffio� religious , en, wgs the center of the blood sys Ike, I '. I ...... ..... let alonie inve Is father discioviered' in germ In CID - * asked"my - doctor k I . �,: � ,g tem, where food was Mysteriously condAMCM IshoOld...'be. 40, .. 1.-.-.FR.1r-, !... � tity. VU.t the gagmair doest 19 to. man. ' I - ' ,f, 11 r '1� � - im ut the Buiperur ,ClaudI .,. - poul- .....M... , ,.-:.-� I ."*'- piaper, has. IWM �6 - .- , slow, b changied.to natural svirits,:" "He =1 lizili . In. seleotme, 4or , ­ �­­ .-�.-�, ..T.. edljecIt, classify and luxivide old jWms; a RonAanlian . funirw _ 4o. He �sg.id to "t'b ' rou. , . - 'gp­ �, in 41 AJJi -into a * - - - .N4. .".." 1 4 01, ,. or canning, iolder hens may 'be ­ ..:..�V, . ­ Mll-,% . temple thought of the beart as a. churn and try I F-..".....1. ibution. is to) keep honored Ifth 5,000 variants , Mr.. i.- ,,I tri d alter brands ­ -, turned the .. his personal contr bu - 4 refuge .or poor people who a furnace, Stirring and 'heating the used,, Since they - �have better fluvor . . . . . . . ........ . ro , 'h. He Preedkoap a)qne emated 95 in asin- g 1, --- ' 11.1�11,�; Pace Of . . . . . . . .. ,%�411 them sounding tiopical and fresil ' .= grilt so good so I trjied,' I IIII! I . 0 ' lill. while the lungs were fans that -and as ,good, texture as young chick- . must bi4 able to. , 7 11 ii, ;!, ': , ' were The. le ilyeeame a crude � . 1guarantee better g%e yetax). You wifi recall that M - ' and it is pust W% 00 ,.., !­ &',,',? .1 L As the Ravian Em- bill t from young I I than one laff a minute, duly propoIr- Rosenstein boasts Of 'his cousin, XT. RAN W - 's soilt of -hospital Ill ,,, . 01t, lit .again, William Hax,vey, eris. Furthermore, Meg ... ful. It i��kes delicious mudim, J. " . i 1�' . �,, �, - lAre extended ovei wider territory, English ,phylsician of the 17th cen- poultry is n4o,lvd likely ty become ov- tioved between snickies, �gigglies, bel- Quirm. Yes., 'Mr. Quqnn. C -041 -e -o- too.", — Miss Agnis, Hanson (a& � 4 1 � �'21. . , - . clearly neens some dress upon reque-st)., I I',, �� ,111� 11 " . � ,Other ,bijspitals we�e erected, at con tuxy ,tied a cord about the folrearm. ericooked because of the processing � '4k L - lies and the rest. Cuh-wij�n. It to 0 i 751 11; . vWe-n,t.,V1ace&. "Mth the rise of of a man, tight ,enough to shut o,ff period wb*h is -necessary, - - W, The teo I terniiinologY of the telling, -but ga Ediddle Capto.ir ld it, . 41�1 111. - hxi Fabiola, created her hes- . . ALT,BRAN provides wild "ImUL11 I F. � .. Pre0are dhichens as -foir doloking, lea - a joke that is no it swept the ,Country. . . , 10 Istianity, gag businli= lls 11 :�i . 11 th�e fl,oiw of blood in the veins but not 1, � - ' ' in sing in the average meaL 4 0 �� . . . . . I .. . a" was given as It six I Ing. One that is possible The laughs ,in every radio- progvaiin - Is " Pital where free c in the arteriies. With each beat of allowing them to stand at leas - , good sitinkii I This delicious cereal also fairnishes I 1, l -,r. , an druty. These-earlY ba*- . ­ . 41 locked and . , a ichristi lod flowed into the arm, to ,611gilit hours before �anning. Cut I - buit 6depeiidable is, lousy., A jake are ,accurately cl dassified. . 0�11 tals were usually rough buildinigs. the heart, Iblo . . . satisfactory laff is ter- All important programs are now dle- vitamin B and iron.' ' 1 I 0 1 M'U. , the vedus distended, the arm, became the White jineat In -large pieces from . I wl-Ach g�ts a/ , . . " �� ". il , 'th IS - . nd shoulders, but I - ,over -e livered before a flesh audience, chief- .... J " Wi ,traw on the floor for beds. Pa swollen. lClearly the ex-per6ent ithe breast bone a rific. A good heartylaffall th The "bulk" inALL-Pum absorb* ? 0 ' I . . 1.1 illnesses -were t other ' ,&"& off ,tl-t proitruding portions 'air makes a 'joke" very, very tremen- ly fior the purpose of 'recording th,6 moisture, and gently exercises and I .. 1''. . I Ments with ,all sortsof showed that the bliood flowed from lews Meat on the bones, Ir le i * 11 �Ill. i - is consider- le rise he Syst UL I is oftm .1 ,. I inumigled, tiogether. . pileces­usie the verry ,bony ipdieces flor ' . copied, or reaction, Eighty 1,aughs C a 8 t e t .; .. I the heart ,through the arteries but of the bon" in each pielm dous. A joke which is 11, f ,,�: ­ ­ t erage for 'a serious more effective than that f6und is' 11.- . ;Il,,,, -h them. In ;;i7k1W1g broth ,to fill the containers ,paek these fleshy plartions in a adopted by lother'broadeasters is a ed a good avi . � �� .1� Quarantine, 2348 A -D. did not flow back throug I . mple, - fruits' and'- vagetables, as it does 'L � I � 1618,H-arvey publishedhis, -book about aMte,r piacking, I fruk jar or other container, as close- classic, of classics. I houres pragrainv---�ove, for exx . P 0 " :� I , . . ' " I We have culled our lore fronz Dav- that embraces mother love. MT. not break down within the blody. I � f�(' , ,Guy de-Chauliac, famous surgeon the airculatilonof the blood, and it is � ily as -possible. . . ? � I, miedi- Preheating'and Packing Add 64t and ,�eppe�r. (About one id Freedman, ' rightly Teg,axdled as Freedman averages, 90 to 100, with a ALT,BRAN also supplies vitamin B 1%, of the Middle Ages, -writes mucern- one of the great landmarks of and iron. k il .. 11 , , � I . -, 1-ning the :13lack- Death: . "Many were cirie. . . , ber'Onegagnianof Annerica. He record of 120 in -half an hour, in one I I I . ,d, thor-, toaspblonful ,of ,salt and, % teaspoon- Numl '. The meat ,should be heate . ' . , � ,�, .. � I in douibt.shout the causeof-the great Microscope, 1661 .. oughly though it need not be th*r- ful pepper to aquart j#r). Pioneered the field. He has worked of George Givioes Greek Amibaissa- . . Isnilt this natural food pleasantm $ .A . "I . , �uortslity. In some pla,ces they Fill to within IY4 inch of biverflbiw- much ,in musical corneffA-�ost re- dor programs. .. t eit in st eat . ,, I orld: oughly cooked. IPreheating may�be . than 4t ro u I , 4. 1�� fbought the Jews poisoned thew Under the lens of the microscope, ling With 18he liquid that comes -from cen,tly in Life Begins -at 8.40-4has . I I .0 ­ I . . �r WID b if not 'A . ,�, and sokilled.them. In ,others it was irive-nted 'by Galileo in 1661, thei Ita- done in several ways: , elie y . 111 4 i � the -poor defomiled people who I. ,Put the mlea:t imtD a small ithe bakrice.,lof the chiiekien (,process helped outt many ,a vaudevillian, has ' 11 '�'­ ­ ", were lian physician, Mialpighl, found minute Ialmlount iolf boiling water untla thor- for preparing whFich is given bielow). written pla,ysand books himself. But Sold by all grocers. Arz-ftm is ., ; ­­­- , 0 ,. �. I hield responsi Ile: and nod vessels connecting the arteries - - ­ his 'chief -triumph ,has comIle -recently much more effective than jpa�bran � I` f6l they dro,ve them bl Pack into tin, cans AdjusA tops loolselY , I . . .ns, a thing Harvey could not oug'hly heuibed' beii careful ,riot to Tasce in boiler or lc�Lrmier, ,add in -radio, He Ihas: written all of Eddie � i � ­ out Finally they kept gu s, in the and vied * . Farm N Us products. Made by Kellogg iii'Lion- .., I ss .9 , .6 . ard 'the leris. But not or glas jars, n e almlosit to top ,Cantor's programs,. and many of the . don, Ontario. , * . :1. . . cities' and (villages, pernutting �the idiscern without S, it fully paick tolo, closely. ,Add %., to I tea- W18irm, water to COM lother� headliners. At ' . ) I ,�, .. .'' , . entry of no one who was not well until the 19th century wa� spooln. iof salt .to each pint. Bring of is'!& . programs for Nutritional Value of'Alfalfa I *C&Ingivadon dw to ixmffl,i*,%t "bidV , I "I known . . . 11 This is the first use known that blood, is merely a,viehicle ' (�%�,th to boiling point and pour over Boil Tdnt jars 21/4 -hours, quart jairs thriest he has written five programs a , I . 4� was in 1348. In carrying oxygen and food and,waste "ek, t1he equivalent of two full- Experiments in the feeding of in -alai I � . , , ,I . ,of quarantine. Thalt m1e9t to Within % inch of top of con- 3 % ihbuTs- . I I .� 1 T'. . -one part of the sys- ' Balance of Chicken length plays in seven days'. Sheep fbT ew - correction 4 nutri- , , 1393 travellers in sthips su,sipected. of niaterials from ' tainer. Follow dirrectionis for Sealing I . . 0 I �:l '11fection , to afiothier. (Ploce the remainder of the chicken The core -of his s,ystein is a card donal defi6encles curnmon to breed- ' le", I were held for 40 daysin the tem . I and ,prlocming, See leaflet No. S. ­ , , his I , I . . harbor of Tdarsei'lles 'before they, . pan (tli� .back, wings, lete.) and boil till catalogue. This contains ,some 40,- ing Owes, fed, under rlange. cionditilions had florged ahead of �anada in t � 1, , . � 2. ,Put meot into hot roasting 1 14 1 , I�Il,, Stiiithoscope, 1819 in- the mebt will strip free from the 0010 jakes-4the choice selection whilch and'on forms in western Canada, respect - ' "And consequently their .. 111. - 1� I .... .Were allowed too ,land. ,. Qusrantine ,is_ and place inmoderately hot oven i his family and his, permanent re- have resulted in findings Which are g1ollods we better komm to the Bug - I L 1. means 40. We still use the name, In auscultation the physician til thoroughilly heated. Pack in con- bDne& I I.C'. . . �, , of isolation spoon salt to . ;Strip off the meat and palk in search staff ,have been able, over ,likely to prove of great value to rashII-14r. Gardinew hdrited that ex- - , I although the time now tens to the soundsi from the,. lungs tiiners, add % to I tea ' time, 'to cull from all sheep ranchers and lfa,nner& The tra orqgonizatkon_nAVhlt be edtablish- 4 0 q. varies with the disease. * and heart. The gentle I'swish" of air each p1h*, ,add drippings diluted with 3 , Prig- three years I I I � as it passel$ b ling water Ior b h to F)h1l jars w5bli Ithe remainder of ava.flable con-Aic laDaks. and 1periodicals University of Alberta, in co-operation ed for 'the pulvoise of find-ing the . � ; . ', - Surgery, 1500 through the tiny bron- 0i rot within % ,suppilysing it I wilth. � r If .� � . I 11 . ­ . " d lir� dii- inch of top of, ciontainer. l!Iiquid in the kettle (that' has not in Englisih, French, Spanish, German, with the Nadonal Research, -. Council, right market -and ­.. .. . ch-lal' tubes may ..be, altere been used in t�e first,jars). If there Rumanian and Yiddis,4. The caird has 'been carrying ,on expeuiments ithe Aght proliuct. I . � mg copsidered infer- 'ease; the regular I'lub-lub" of the Bi -own ,meat in smatl ,a]-dDUnts, of - , 41. 'Surgery wag 1( normal ' heart beat may be blurred ,hot fat in. frying pan or roaster., (is not enough liquid to fill the see- eatallo, ale contains noL jokes whi"Ch adImed to dntirove rations, for breed- (A ,sum of $300M0 has- been voted - I I ". . !,or to iniedical practice and was ,left . Laennec," in - 1819, Padk into containers. Add 1/2 to I ondlot of jars, add waiter, Plate in aren'r at lelaist, terrific. 'They are ing ewes in years when winters are tD' -the 'Deps-Ament,,of Agriculture; ,.� . to baribers, 6xieentioners, bathhouse with ffijufmurs cross-indeme,il long and grazing ,is difficult, or when and this is ailgelly ,to be used along . I � - �, 1� keepers and ,strolling fakers. The i9aw great possibilities, in ausculta- teaspoon off Salt to each pint. Add boiler same as direotted. Bail pint clasoified, indexed and ety ,�pi , I -o I n and also found grest diffliculties dr*pings. , jars 1% hours, quart jars 21/4 ,hours. in Such: a way that the user can lay as -a resultof drought the varl ar the .lines which he advocates as nee- I � I I . tphysician of the 16th century, dTess- til ,. d � c essa y for a better Canadian show- e I ,��'�: . . If desired, the whijae of the chick- lilisi hands ,on a Satisfa,OtOTY joke' for feeds ,pro teed, on -farms is restri t- IT 1.� g robe, disdained to in it. 'Some patients were so fat When liarge quantisties, of.. chicken I I ' ,; ed -in his lon, beiprepared sa-me as tfie la-SIt any giooan spot,within 9,0 seconds. ed. . . linigl-particularly in dbiry producits. I'll I . I . wounded �;aan'. With his that the faint sounds from the chest are Ito be eanmed, the meat must be en May ' d 'Itfikland:' -he isaid, in ' d I I t,,, touch the paTit----Ito� -make "bonel,ese dhicken." T'�2.e' catalogue is coiltirma'!lY bbkig ' -Ea0periments covering a period of "I foun in . - I ,- ... cane -hie pointed to the place where were lost. He .bad a fatpatient suf- ibrIowned in deep fat to C�OVIM rmanent Sta,ff of years :show 'that' alfalft, -hay contains an k4wylim thalb Canadals gvods . .111 and not lNote: . The use of,flouT in brown- Other Rules suglmerl,'ied. A pe , 'I the barber should .cut. - 'Surgelons fering ,from heart trouble, ' amount Use only frieshily-killed fowl and th � slel. h assistants- spend their ingredients, which approxianate, quite are .not ,satTidently adiviertised. Those lk ( , I , staunched the flow of blood with r;ed- a Sound cou,la, he get. One -'day, ing iniedt,and the i5keesgive I ree rets arc 'hosle containedl . 'in uibns , ly . I ..l. � I ­� . because they be Sure to clean tharoughl actually preparing closely t I niatural of the other Domi are wide , hot iTons which painful watching ,.Children., play on a p-ile of ,of fat, are. undesirable, Y Outside time, when not . displayed, with a: good deal -of- publita­ � . I " made a ' before making any incilzion. Pure programs or rehelarsing theirn, read- pastures. Ewes -receiving alfalfa . , lumber he suw'one child put his ear retard heat penetration. t t re ��. � . Z.: 1,: , - . . ­... wound, -stow to,heal. Compassion led to the .1 end''of a long beam; another I ,-!cap, warin witer :and 'a ,brush is inik all procura"ble comic periodleMS; hay as..-pa,rt of the ration retaiined ItY� OttUcheld to the fac, ! hey a a /* I .� the ,gentle Pare (15W) to use pieces ' ' of Australia, ot New Zea- .... 1, '. . the.wentL to the opposite'end aiid�'fapped' Sealing and Prioessing ' about the, best ,method, or rub 'the ,Mrs. Freedman .alsia devotes to this ti�iteir thriftiness, reprioductive eapaic-. VrOdudt I' �'-111 , I . Of twine, lig,latures, to tie Shut . skiuL'with sli If soap and water all'the, time she can sipare firom car� i.�y and lger�elral health over a period aand, ,or South Aftilim Naturally 4 I . ' I I "I %, .. - 441dis ,of the bleeding 'vessels. on, the .wood. The signal travelled 1. Glass Jars - Adiu:gt rubber are used;'rinse well. in water.' When ing'for her four ,children; and a, re- of eighteen months, even though kept when Canada is an uniadverVised . . -, *e, . I - natine, our sister Dominions Wav , . I . imultitude of ingenious 'operations, th.ough the beam. There Laermec r�lngs and covers tha:t are free from th,3,raughly clean on the ,outside, tited bookii-ealer spends -his full time ion dry feed sumimi-,T arid . Winter. . e the . � 71, 1�1: , saw an . . I " , . I . artificial eyes, improved artificial (answer to his problem. He salt and fat. Partially seal. Pro- ,dTaw ,,waslh and disjiolrlt. NVIash T,dec- travelling from, city to c1ty, inslPeet- ,The v9lue of thits informotion to jun2P on us, and our business mf- . I I. hastened .to the .hospital, to,ok a pa� . I I l, amd .legs, -massage, and implant ciess in hot waster or- pressure cooker fers." 4 . ", .. arms -pis in cold,water and dry with clea:n Ing all- humor lib.raries. Which he Tani-Jiters aind farmers ,isl .that it s-ug- �11­ . 1%, .. -of the things, Pare Per-ciovered book, rolled 'it into a 'according to t4nie on table. Direc- Diserpsermg.limesibock, MT. Gardiner . . I . ed teeth, aresome cilivesecloth or ,soft towel. Pack into hears of and - recommending for or gesig the importance of feeding all- 4 I .1 I . Nowhere is, his jars - . . 11 I " . . -gave to surgery. cylinder and to the amazement of tiofis I -or using ithese methods will be clean ', keoping the pieces - as against -purchase. Ten, new johos a falfa �hay at, -all times. When,. due stated that the -best i0analdian cattle �. I" P.. I . ­.dharacter more clearly, seen.than in the onlookers put ,one end of the found in Star -Weekly recipe leaflet IaTge ,as 1yessible. Legg and second' day froni the four res",rah agsist- Ito advense climatic conditions feed were demanding rtlie top prrice in Bri- il A. .�'. .. 1" woun , '; '&� ' , � I WaaAs:- "J.dressed. his ds- crude instrument against the patient's No. 3 -Canning Fruits and., Vege- jjoints, ,the ibTeast (cut in. two see- ants !is coinsidered a ,good. average. has, to be bought or made ,, �, , ;i7e tain. '114re, aga1in, however. he sug- . f". . .. . chest and applied his lear to tl* oth- I I . l'. � God healed lblin." tables To procure a copy of leaftet, tilions), the back and sometimes the The catalogue thus grows by slome on the range or on. farms;, first con- gested that ilt might be a'good 4dea . , ­ q . ... .� I ,. � I � I '. "er. ' To - his joy he heard the heart ,write - to the leaflet deparbineirt, en- wings should fit in -to a quart jaril if 3,000 jokels -annually. .MT. Freedman (sideration should be given to the pur- for Canada to,make a miDre exten- I '4' I ' . , - I ". l . Anatomy, 1541 . . isoundis, clearly. SooAhe was making closing, ,Stamped and ,addressed en- the chitken is a simiall. one. The gib- estimates that three imillton jokes chase of aktalfa -. 1. . . ., ,especially if requi,r- Ave situdy of rbbe markets ,, 0 1 ,,. I . I Uttle wooden "trumpets" on a turn- ve,0W. . � y S21.-ne - mialrbs in England, demanded' . .. ­ , .1� . I . . in thke second century the Roman ing lathe, and the stethoscope was �elts, neck and Wing 'tips may be put 'have been inspected to provide the ed for breeding Stack. I ��. . hysician, Galen, -left what purpGritfid' �2. Tin Cans­C�ntents ;of cans (in a sinialter jar to use flor Soups, ,W,Goo which constitute I . Anddrigst ,of -the., experiments top stoiciLk only, ,while otheir prefer- , 4 . I'. . ip on its Way toward its modern form. mulst be 1hot, 'Place lid on. can and gra,vies and to flavor casserlole ddsh- -stock in trade. hi . s working -The -e in -view of red ia s1dightly lower ,grade, "and '.1 , , I'.,. I ", *, ,�* , to be desciiptions -of the human an- . I I se 11,; " , . I �. Sri- of special eignifican. lwh _ twe ­allrw� "' " ' Tib " ed'' I . `�' , and -far fourteen hundred Anesthetics, 1842 . lul with tin can sealer. Process in ea. C . The variliouls aplots, on 'the, program t'he,gres,ter,,iolum,e,o-f'a:lta,lfa viov;r'bia- �ile have , ayis emp igiz I I . 'I. atomy, frreilsuile cooker or hot water bath . ces ellinle the best I think, �ersclndly, ��, years his Word was accepted as auth- ' Take care niot to expose jars- to -tisually there are four'spots in an .it,g produced- in the pratrie provin , S, �, �. �. entic. In 1541, Versalius. of Padlua William T. Marton, .a dentist,olhad according to time table. If No. 2 or sudden change of temperature. hour's ,progran-1-miust be Selected and, thri3fughOUt' Canada. . ' that when a maAet isopen we 6hould I . , 1''. . . .. ..., .. ­ I take a,dvun' age . ..", � discovered'tiblat Galen had not As- experi-meTited with ,ether -on himself, --maller Vin cans'are used, open, piet- When i-ars haive. -cooked. lo,r -the .-r,e-- -with careful regard to contrast of, . -- ; t of 11t.11 - . . . , , I 1, � � , 7 - ,� - , - I . sected humianbeings"but onlybeasts. on the fnm6ly dog, and -had used it cock -of pressute' cqoker so steam. inay' quired leng' ,h of time, turn off the 'MGD.d. '-Mr. Freedman likes to grade . An Ideal Seed Exhibit. , The bonus ,of:$15 per head given � ,� I -11, It '6ftment to every. K v, Versalius determinted to describe for Ith success during tha extraction of eiscape .at nm -e; if Nii. 3 cans are heat under holler or canner allow ,his comedy idc telllee- , a ? I , wa 1wh from thie in An ideal seed exhibit for:' seed by the, Britleh 'Gov I I I ". . a tooth. He asked Dr. 'Warren of used, pdrM"'t �PMSSUTe to ,fall to zero f,he jars to Stand in bo�le,r' or'canner tual. Ithrough the fantastic to, the bel-. fait clonsisit-9 -of on -6. made up of ker- Br5tisIh. fariner who ­places stock on V.. .the fir-st time true lipman anatomy. � - 1. .;. . the M-a-s"achusetts, General Hospital befor,e ci,-t�,,'ng ipetcock. Remove f,w 5, minutes, then remove, tighten ly lalff", . He believes that -he was the nells typical,ot the viariety and, near his land for three z0o,liths, feeding, � .... . , ,., With an artist at his side, to. draw .1 1, In 1, I for PeMftision to a-diministiave ether cam ani .cool rapidly by placing in liops, and invert, to test for leaks. first -to See the,iIinoortlance 'of a ser- ly alike as posEhle in Rize, shapeand ,has Proved an incentive to buy Can- . . ,pictures, he d1issected, wTvbe, deserib- ' - ister stalted. 1. i during 4 major op-eration. The i--- cold water. -Cha ge er and TrqDve adlain, clal"tile, the Mird I li I . ed. A yew and a half of feverish , . n- wat Ther--te 6*n-ectioris may ,be used for iout undertione Jin wadid gr3girams.' color. The whial�e exhibit should- pre- , I . I ., I Quest was granted. � At the ap-point- caln,3 urr'lfl they are cold. , , lustrous, a Uhilled b,iqef, and the pbsisibility of . ­�� � . licbilvity--4coriductinig his dissections . carming other meats. . Call -ed an idiotic,idea when he urgedi ei�nt a-vound, vigar:fus p- I . 11. . . -1, .. ed time when.the' surgeon. the - [Label cantaiiners, giving' date of - - — it. in: the early Caiitolr -programs, � ii pearance and should (be free from all U13,rketing Iblvis,,prodticit in Greif Bri- )I I . . . � Ion bodies. obtained secretly, some ti�t, -2 . PU � 'all ,ki �. . V�121 .. :From the gallows -outside the city- the strong men to li�old him canning -and method used. Store in 1. I I lheis since been proved that hick phil- impur#des and.-aill. evideyiee of diS- Wii, ,w, - further studied, he , 1L. 11 . , , �1�1 I -1 and big great anatomy was,ready for down ,ii� his'strug,iles and ,the' In- a cool, dry place., I . ifie. Whqn, ease and, unsoundness. . . eitaited.. lli�;e idea eiit,ffis a great ' I .1 I I . credulous --pectators were all ready, If dedireA, the meat may be rt- Corn Rool-Rot in Ontario" clsol)-hers on the air are tern v*6s The following suggestions ,are of- deal ,of rel-ciriganizat'ion, avdl,tht- prae- . 11 , tfiq�.press. It had M pages and you kg ta muisdical comedy, belie � 11 . ­ ,� Morton administered the ether. 'In a 'Moved frolm.j­the bone ticability�.of ,creating facillitles for . � 1:1 I molV'than 300 woodcuts. But hie had . S ent"relyi "but, Undoubtedly numerous corn grow- Sir- Freedman,, you pay �tihe� comed- fered., . ­ �. , � I .,idared to turn against .Galen. The few -ininutes the patient slept. With must- be packe , d ihot. ' ians to impress .your best girl; -,so, 1. Remove all the off -type heads handling chilled., beef-ifacillities ,of . . 1-1 . "".. , �. ers, particularly those in Esse wbich we are - ndt 'in "possess-P6h ht I . I", . I x, -Kent I , ly phyilciahs, the tiachers of . the completion of the operation.. Dr. � . and Rlgin Counti , they are. likelly Ito be -socially beneath cr paiiiidles, from tilie growing crop. . '. . .�2 ;, , � ,, SCIII01277 Warren turned - to the spectators, . Time For Processing ei' havie been won- . . ctl�lackls. 2. Allow the crop to become thor- the presient )tdmp- But I -believe we . , . , anatamy raUed at' him, He was , I dering Why ,their corn is.so, uneven yovi-bellboys, eadd'4.4, bo will go deeper into the matter, as it / i "I I . . � ostracized. In biftnation he burned �Gentleinen, this is no hluntug," ,he * Quart jars and No., 3 cairs, process in size and has ,made relatively Slow But when you turn io-n the radio at ougibly mipened before cutting. Stook ­ I _ -s wouldopen. a new m4rket for us: and . U , .11 . his manuscript., When the was dead, said. for 3 .'hours in hot water hatth, o growth in' certain areas, of the jTL small vtooks and ,protect 'against � 9 51 r field. home it is ,like inviting guests into � , I I Tden 'began timidly to look around to , Antiseptics, 1860 Quart jars and No. 3 cans, process, One ,of ,the factors largel,y respons- your pa�l��r ard'you want -them tl wet weather.- If only a,small quan-' dispose bf a class of iglbock which d"s r � I , I;,., � '-see ,if by chance he was right.� They . for 75 minutes in pressure cobikor, 15 ible far this conditi,on bas bei2n de- a litt,le Smarter than you, not just tity is beinigg thresbed, a flalill may be nict move' in. great numbersi" � 11 . I .�," . . Joseph,Liistier, , young Surgeon ,in . clowns. So Mr. 1�reedman, generally used, spreading a canvas .-on, the Taken as,a.iwhole, Mr. Gardiner I 11. 1, 11.,: I found that he was. 1. � , �. , Glasgow in 1W, turned his attention ,you-ndLs gressure. ,,� 11 termined,to be a root -rot condition. hands out a little philDsaphyi­-about ground, near the stvoks lon i.bright stated that the 'cutliolok foir, CIanadian. "... 6M . 1, PinIt jars -or No., 2 canr,, proIcesk. for Corn root -rot, so fAr as is kno-vul are, live �-Itioek and, dairy pirbduelbs "was I., t � I I . to hifection in wounds. He operated .,/�.,.0 " I suiiny day. Only a few striokeg . . . ' s- . , ,� �! . Therniomete . r, 1 - 582 -1 441IMly,­ie, - - y6t 2 . rs in, hot Water bath or has not been in the -Vast a seriAl mother Ilove, for instance. nee beat. -out od," b'dit he added: "We, hove to, I .. -1 I ... - ..... ­ ­­ I -.1 , " , ..a.red for "s pitients, Pinit jars'ibr No. 2 cans,, process corn trouble in Ontario. This year, de,d, for each .sheaf to, I I 1­2� , ­ 'Sanictorl�s­­­;;�3 the first physician half ori'more -of them died from blood New jokes are hard to find. Be- the largest 'kernels,., If the thresh- -Afild Gut what,'the imlxrket wants, how � I � . � poisoning. Reading of for 60 viiinuteS7, in pressure cooker, however, the disease is caus,in-9 Ser- . ,, ,�!,� to meazurie body temperature. lbs Pasteur's, dis- Sides, old. jokes, are generally prefer- ing machine isbeingueled, care must we are going to deliver the produce, I . .43&111. I thermoineter was a long, twisted tube covemy that wines spoiled due tq the 15 0o; . un, , ds .1 pressure. ious lossas, Wit1hoult a dol�bt the ex- -able. The radio -listener virtually de- be exIereised, inseeingthat it is thor- and how are we going to adver8ise " I . tl�� .1 ­ "". .. ceptionally �Vo s. it ­ I wth of bacteTia, he saw' a gm- I '- " I lol nigM accompaniled " li with * a bulb . nearly as large as an 9TO A Government Recipe by rains, durki,g Che past'spring fav- mands thein-acco-Ming to Mr. Freed- ioug(lily ,-leaned out before starting iit once � -gets there." I egg. at tha top. ity betw--zm, putrefaction of wine man!,-ibacause hie Wants, Ito be suTle of and that it ,is adjusted qyray4rly. , Irelandi is Clanadn's only competi- . I, . V, - , th- open ?,�,. . end at the i Ian ,,,,, ored the development of the disease. be- said; Argentina 2 1, :�11 bottom was p�aced in water. The and the infection -of wounds. Sa he Prepare the Iowl for boiling ,getting the point pirdmiptlyi and so 3. Remove' all appendages from ItOr in 'live Stock, t, - washed his instrumenj;s in cirboli, by Unloss, a careful examination I the ng b, t er i lid ed beef. ,'I � 1. I I . . il�. patient held. the bu)b in Ihis mouth; cutting into large pieces after.clean- 0 bell a e o Slap Ims wife Jpn the -oats -or .barley .by the use of the would' be h, big r vmI in c '111 I root systems off -affected plants " ' I tbe air,in it, becoming warmed, ex- 9cid,; be dipped his hands in it,. he ing., Boil untill arryaut three- r ors is bark ,before she -nudges hini..-Class- sctoturrer. If none is -available, t1he ,Canada, -he added, -can. comip#te sue- " �� ,4 � qua tt, r made for deed -pootiets or discalored, -th the 101bber Diorniiii�llons in 0 0 "I �,�,� pand-ed and escarpeil through the ws- sprayed a indst of it into the- romi. ,done. Add salt and ipepper aft ' lesions on living rootlets the deterim- ifying these jokes into the baIsic old seed may be ,put in a (barrel, and cess'f'I'lly w -i 141A IS ­­­. I He fow-�d that clean, wounds ' heal they. hame ,cooked about an hour.'Re- inlation of . jokes of t1hel woAd lis�, Mr. Frejecliman, 'worked over carefully with a Splade dqdry produce, A th n again, I'd I�­ 11, � L 'Wri When no inore air leaked out, : . 04 this trouble is difficult. like to pioint out ithat we're losing , I ,� tbie bulb was takem frmn -the mouth; quickly. !Surgical cleanliness, or ,* e and -lot cool suffidiently believes, of dea-denfe Taither than -or shovel, or simall quantities niny M on emling, the air contraetted and 9-sepAs, became the dominant idea of handle, then remoi to Frequently, the lonly above-gilound - . He has not got beplaced. in vacks and,the flail used. buMnless if We don't adWrtise, what � . I .11. ... 11 ve the bones. Keep Symptom ,of this disease, is, a Stu.nt- practical -interest I I I I �� . sntooth- we 'have to offer." I 1- ,.:, . water rose in the tuIbe. The height surgery- 'the breast ,01eces and druni-sticks as .. -around to it, but be feels lsulre there -C In grading the seed , , "y' . . ng of ,the aRgeted plants. Usually, ,� which it Tose was a imeasure of the X-ray, 1895 . Whole' us possible. Can, the wings i .not more than 20. The $15 Ito, thle,11ritish farmers has . I, ��, to however, ploritp in, affected, fields are are . nl6ss -and plumpness of the ,kernel is nilaide thdm exceedingly particular I �, 4< V. I whole. - Return- all the illarge, .pieces to also Perforce, however, he. has done a preferred rather than blver-large ir-. . , I I". patlI tenro,erature. Sanctonus al- The X-ray was discovered in, 1895 uneven in size ,and of -ten, the k- h bu Fo l 111'� so icounted tl�e pulse. He did not usle by the ,r,hysicist, Roentgen, Working the kettle and finish mlakinig. Pack diseased plantv-are lighteir in Color gpod deEa of -classifying. There is regular graii�g. Remove all Soft and about the 14bO k t fey I Y- " r in- I I , 7 11 though watches had cairefud- ly in jars, and add sitficient one stock joke which is.thle basis for off-t)Ape -grains, give� plenty of wind. �,stance," -he said, "I was at an. auc-� , , '. , , � ,.� a watch, for, than blealbby plaiits, and the lower IsId . ,. '. in his darkened laborat-­y be chanc- ,of the 'Equor in, I ,I, . been invented -in 1510, they still in . which thely all revue and burlesque blackoutst­a When, cleaiiiing, aiisure soundn4gs of t61011 of Steers and'two he of Cana - W . . 'ed to cover his Crocl,�4s tube with boiled to fill jars co(mipletely., wp'ernet leaves in roo-re severe cases, become classic of all time. That ,is 'the -one, ,seed by the removal of till evidence diian liciattle came througli. the�lcbrral. � ) 1.1- A600 had -no second, 'or 'even minube _ I "i, ". I . black paper to exclude light, then he 8 Streaked and die. It should also be I �pr ng, , r, ftidneT siiihing iWit ne de- . . l I., �: I � I �.. 1hand. He used a pendulurd a -ad var- turned 4n the ,electr*­0 disciliarge, ',, rubbers and tops and pro I ces. as , 11, 0, ed that the presence of rofot- a shotgum in ,of ti I o-st ,and mechanical An Tiolldi . to r . ' the watermelon patch: Voice:,"'Dey"I Jnjury.ul�ive greatest possible 9tten- Olin' '' , led the length until thie rate of the di ... W. .'�. TnIa ti n 3 . I. ed -fllatl� to, bid, for the Steers. I III � . P, �1, . ll No visible lijbt appeiu,6 -but Ahe . I rot organisms in the Soil 19 frequevt,- dis(covered thalit the ;qattlle ',had ha(1- I *�',,. .. pen&lkkn corresporided with that of nobody �here but us, water-imielons," tion, to securing an -exhibit which is , , '..., �. . coaWd paper glowed with a.- ghostly A Reider's Recipe '' . 17 responsible for ipDor germination (y6u - I zen off' in-% Manitoba, � f , I may, have, heard it as "Dey"s bright and lustrous, Take every IpTe- their ears' fro . , -1 ,��,, I , , I . - .1 I I light. He picked up the paper and ' . and resultant umleven- stands of corn. nobody �Ie'iie but us chirkens.") This, caution ,possible to ensure pihrity­,f wNich dddn�t make'any difference,- a�i 1, I I I Aher dresj " � lt&, I W�-. . I . I I turned its coated surface away friom Sing chickens, wash ,Corn in the United Sta,teg. is af- ,is, ,Mr. Freedman assures us, the variety. Remove all traces of'weed far as I Was; cionicerned, bulb it ap- O" I . I .M, . the tube. It continued to Iglow. ,�He Ith" ,thoroughly. and haii�g ;them up t0:1-Aell N3� oeveral distirict root-4rot that ,the 13riti-sh Govwnment ... 7 �'. I _ oriiglinal,isex-trifangle joke. You have seeds, grains of,iother kinds, pieces pears , 7 .4 � � - I. �.`,, Wd his %haW before it and, night to, draim, in, ,a place wher� diseaseq, and, though it is not yet only to change the three principalls of Straw and other foreign inatter, 'Eltalmlys a steer.'s ear after its. pwn,er It I � ,, saw what over I . -� I . Vfl�, 11 T no one had, ever seen be!ror � the they,Wilil nlot freeze. Then cut up knb�n which one or ones are respon- . He and lalvo all kernels has recielivIed, ithle blonu Cqttlle with � N. 1? . 11 tn"T 11 . kA I . siblo for tihe trDuble in Df the joke to husband, vri , the tips, of Which I , � Ontario cer- lover and you have 4 Broadway are disicalored. their. ears 'off looked %010 like' 1�1, ", 1� �� sbadaw of,the baries of his bAnd. The salme, ds'f1or dooking. ( 11.1 , invisible rays were found to affect &rt 'out thle ftsihy poTti*ns, such tain Preventative measures are ciD aic t tach ..., ,,� , " I ­ ,�4 in- bl kou for �4.40. �So have, '5. Make'your entry early, fill out �� ainiart step on lbhe part of- the far- � � , . "'�., '11, " � Photographic fihm Ft war. possible as the legs, d4ghs and, breast. mo4 ,to all root-rrots, of corn. In the ,,, � W I I., I , !it . I t 2 W, I There's, Inobody In heTetuut the all folrimis. properly, ship earefWily and T08T to get another $15. Sb the I ?�ll . to :k 'Z Of Ibone anA - - first placea rotation should -be, prac a I * .;` tur g n . . . "N' Dr. Chaods Ointment , Strue - laundry," ,or, with'' fresh t*lst, the exhibit in attractive containers. steers weWlt to butahers, at a much , 1, . irthe ,,*f,,,, Of 'the skin. tisled. 'Coir Should Tiot.foll-ow corn I I 4 I �� 7 I , I r,�, . O'n 'the same land year after year. hUsband staying "Goodbye, Saim," to, I . - ... lower p#-ce. . . . 1, ­ � 'i" - � 1..� . �� I ­ , "Al I I . ­­ . .. I I I .­ Ina,warate news of the discovery From the, standpoint of root -rot it - rffi,,e ellothes, ,closet as lie ,leaves, -for. . � I .. . � lir " "',,'. I I I . . ... ­ . . I ,leaked out. It *was believed, that it is! Detrolit. I I I., . ,,�:, . I � � .. I . . � . �- 1;1 ".. -- I . I - I F usually safe to plant ,corn ion- .� ��,� . . . . . - could be used anywhere, -anytime. An -the n the pro- ­. �� ,- r o, 0 Ity i & Cittle Market, ­ I "A,,, I I . Dnglish werr.chant promptly advertis- sarhe land on17 once every three I iMmlllhrly, when a ,spot " To Wid 1. . 4 I , . : le � I , , �11: I . ftur years. At ast one type of grami is devoted to, something topical,, , I . P �4�`; . n -11C M ed X-.rray Veloof cloithesv for rnodest corn root -rot i6l carried in ,the seed, it i's an ,old joke Wit% a blopical name Moire exterisliv,(� stu�dy of, ihe Bri- . . . ;V, � , ' I "V h . ladies. A bill was, iintroduceld 67" itl 1111hrk6t for Canadign livestock . I q "s' I � X-11 flor the geleetioln of , piriodulets, .lbh . , -r . C , -t. Take, a,day � ' onth Consequently pinned to I The one about the ,boy ,and osiwy IWI ,iovergelas . 11 I L"i". . I , I the legislature of New J,e-rz,e,j pro- see,d no ears who saved he dicta,tor!s life ,and, I- I � "I - 'Ji" P", ,, . I ; '', I � I � I I .1 I Showing - any diseolora- I 11 ­ hibiting -the use ,of X-rays I advIeftising to, black up the Sale of 1 4 'il .,��,, - I otdm�wwvA& C4 *�wdr kv a glodow dot or fto at Weaftit 15"air. . In opera, tiom or abnormial streaking of ker- lt,Vqrh being offeried, any .rgWard be . I I . ,7 1 'C6 ; ", � . ­ . hft, * , , SA&%Mk SOCRIOIdd laM401 in Cadada, bdnqs 91welses, VAbhin ,a Imol howeverp . nels Lslhodld be used'. The dusting of, imight name, replidid: "If you really Domholon-'expoirtsk, are. siteps) Illadly to , ­ - t. . . ,­' " , � � Sm 4 0affad , the X-raY was seized upon by ph*. be Vaken, by Canada, accardlhg to I ( W i , &,,III� -4iie-an ft, ,don't tell'anybody I saved ; I.. I '' r I 11 �l�,�,,,, ­ .- 17" . " "­ _ , _ JC" 110,t,I�� #Aga0w in your pro& and onliotmetit' seed with oitglinic 4nercury,conipounds uou. 'Taines, Gir Gardiner, Minister -of � " ;, I . I ­ lift, ­ � I cians and uedd in, ,medicine, a -no in fhas in the south, giliven good control Vour 11fli"k-thAt one bars, dontle duity . AJg1nI0dqtuT0 , ,�, ".; I - � ,� ,, . , , I .11"Irl 1. ,. 0s,ft &ram fil w4swa onftso. , . � thle four decades, ,since Roentgen, it DT fo . . . � I 4 i III ­ ffl -lm � . �, ,, , , I I �I r,T'', . . I siee&,ng rbts and has, im1proved r Uusslolin4 Pil&u,dvki and, almost , . 111 I �i�,.­.,­ I ­� � " � 111� � -Zhi of ovoi, SNAW &mft hunibeft of fte agAculkwal has; becomie a most valuable me'thod t) every other strong imisin, ,in Europe. It I — 11 ­ I I .�, , ­,Lbl� jw� 4 "I I MY: lGardiner has� just returned to ! "I , �".,,, I . lj,,0,r,, 1110", . 'riftli'00" SO RaftS. Grdd&t=d Shaw, Rcwds, of diagnosis. I .... measure of - 'R, �� , - 1r, ­­�Ii '­, I1110,101 . .1 13111beEpsihas,alvo been obtained in the I WIMINUWAr �� ,.� � " i I . �"o is now going strong with, Hitter. dL% cI . I , ��, I �;JIill;�',��­i , , 1, I W MWO, , ,�,, I Ad ddIlWy. bo% P611I dud §Uwei encleS Iin 1,15nd0n. From personal oh- ,� , I�.�� 1.11 , I'= . .'' ,"i:�"'.. ­, — "�,�,��%,."I�,.L ... r;, 4 A . , ­ , . 4 There is the rlhetolrifi:41- 'type of joke , , , ",11"', ,,, ­ I � . ,�; 401*w 11 I . 4 1! � "' r :11 ok.. - � -Oi breeding of srbrains,'otf corn resistant � ,�, "A'R"',"', -1, . .i ;,',4'0 he initial stands, A , Canada alter attendRng trt I qr ',;­Jh 't, 10 setvations he repoirIbed ,that the 0-roa. , � ,:��' . I to 00001t ­Tot. . Which igielts, itis laugh; ftni- the� eon. , . , ... oln'­ .11" " "I , "I'll, 4 �,; ; . ,='o D. . I proftieL ,pect§ O" 10sinada's- 1Kvesltbbk and wqv,,,',f,11 ""��,�, r.;­� - 7 � - 14 f ii � 'As long ago its last January ,reser- V � � trav-ol nigniialutin, wim, a dl&ry pirodoace,artgoorl, TAd­eJq*k";. f " . NIP4�1,ii`111�1�1, '' ep,te ,, """�aon A" , y; the'joke which ,ends -in mM, .' I . - � 11, �,�, , �,�, 4'. �,�, 4 - � � � � , �,,�r , �,,�', , gl� 7"','r,�'. ­�­, S 1 91 Wi . :'I�ji' 'Y", 711�1,1��, �., 1, I 1,,Tvl� 4� . I . �,!,.­ 1.1,., 4li,", ',� � - , ". ,, 0motwly Valdow Wierereceiveid at the Canadian � ,. . . reA eld the ,0mviedon, however., thoit Mii­ .. I . � � " . I I ­ 1 -'4I", ;!Zl".�,�;,�,;,Jj;j,�" ,,,,,`,,..l-, "", 1 1111.1, I 11" 41.1'..; 1. � I � F6r Iex ­6� ­ Will l I ; �', ""'. i,��,,,, " fide I alm(�ile-. "I'My d *1 and vutli6tial IngbiIhition or St lin .1ithe ...-Virinild fHo ; . , I IT I , 1. .1 . : �, :, , ., 1936 liagglatt, r1t is ,iwg�lc iftarw" ier ah, tada.- drduld, 10D Indefi, illrib T in 191SWi-Ii, - -P# , : ,; I �� sband: womanif � horsel�-Monit .4-4", Y'agsl aln-Vig" 6*11:14. in I I "'11, .", " . � .. , � �", �',' � . - if you and, your mother keeip of', nkg- ;-odline, right ,D�4er Ne -re.", Th-419,Aoftmitila link t4kle lott the Pridsh tiode, Oy in.; , " I ­- 'L . 41 �( , ", i", V;, , pf"11 I I, N". , '! It - " I 1 71" I# � E, 'At I I '11,I) - 94 I I . I I I -1 .,.,,�� � a glarnavous, 11andiful" ibfil'bant tlld . - a Rule In, 'n � , arket 111d , I I , �� ; 7groft'94'ale Iftidaftii6ii depio-fing i,ht&. l9l"I Me, rou're, Igofhg to wift ­, * -dig tajpable I'd-L�inftit.e lapplb',eation' vesIffilg4lbion lof IW6 1A 0 9' .11 NIT , . ", k lilk .r I r "I". 11 I.r. I ,l "file' tdid bf . 11, I 1�1��, U 9 ��� �0 l��,�A",��' pwliffi t do -t . 61 1�� I dowft6tict,fift 200 "ft% i-dIffiliul"Aut % me. � Thee6fi*huig *1166"6 6f 't%' ' #J�Jij 4, r6t&#j 66siolral Stbreu. I . ,�,� , ", thl&ftet*f � (k 04 Vodi,d �, , lit I 116; - J)j6u ,'� I, �l - O' "IT I � = 1 �6 , I �� 1 jj� I . 6 U off ,,, 6'1 iii . at � g � )SatbUhitl M" . Then Vel VMS* b# ogmh%, db,#dtfdg� ri�ft''A(61 ,bliuch T60 the, ", ... ? ­Zi:,-�, ov'O'. - . It 4 � I,.?. ��� � I ­ y,y.AIVVVUlJ1A11U Jlnls�n W,Jtu, vell � flw� I 1..i,� - I I .1 i�p-";"�� , I . WWI ,.-PAY, I MORE, 4 ., k . ,.. 1. Wd'a Scatift ' ig Ais . ,� rMft­, , 1, A tdiotue ,ia�iyll , disl,i � . ,� � o,fitftlg,btibiit.�6,,teihb,st'i.lite . W, to dwahl ". us 'dollild.0410ft,01 310,WS at W I I .."I", 11, �-i I . 1.11 � I .,,k - 1i . . � � . 4hill �. I I* wility, lv Ilk~kfft ft � 0hedit' ffM001.1b"N"40* . I I 1. . . I 'ft T ... , U . I **",bo a I � I I , UP4 b Zi � I . I � - . I .11 "I � , �&,W"ftwft. I e .1.1 I :� ­ ."., "', "'i, ,,,�, , ­ . 1"i , 11 L . I , � I , . � r. I . I '' --I- I . . I , , � ,,I, ­­ , .". ­­q,,!��:V­ , �,,�:,,$ , I .11, . I .". , � . , ,,� ,V !, �, � I . I , ".., e � I r, I � I � . 0 ; 1, 4. .. , , � I , I I " , .. ., . I er, X'i " � �;,.A­ �,�� ;. . � . .1 . � I . I % . "' 14 , , , "', ,,,� , � ,� ,, . , , ,,� I -1 � I 1, I I , r % ,�­'L L I ., . I I L ,.' �. t, �i ,,�,p�,,,; I ;, ,�l�­' .r , " . , . � . , ., � ��(4,r.,: ,&,�!' , " 1�,,,,,#, , " . I I , , , All. , , . , ' ' I . .. I .. � �,�,v�.,Vp; , ,,,,, .� '�,'�&'),�'..I',"'f'll . -� -.�q I! "�" ­ . � � ­ L' " ­ ­ .. .1, I ,,',� - , IV . � . � "'' , "� � I ', I ,rl I 1� 1, � , I el; ;1 " ,� t, . I � . , , "' , ', ' ',' 'I �, ' d L' ' ; - 4,� , I , �:.", r ,,,Ii�,,�,� 1 ", " ,;.. ­ ., , 'L, , I l I'f",�,."�,"� , I"' ' '4 1 . �­.­­­.­­ ­ .... ... .. . ". li�, . "I 'N:. , 7 , " ,�.."� �l� .,� �,, I—, i , ,,, �, "!, 4, I ",,,,,, �,�,r, �, ' I �11 �" !�. , it .1 ,.U!,!tl�",'T"�'.) , 14�i � I ".!. I ; "� F. , � ,,, ,�'.. , � ", 11M," ,,,.,,,�,�.,� i� �,", , r7b­ I 1. I � 1. , � ,,,,,i,�,�,� C ��� 0 ,� �,�!, . ,,��; ��` L, � - A �� I I :. � , � . ­�, � - , -�ril"W! L'. �e, � , ! ."If, ,Vlik SNI�11.4� �`�N ­ , , . , , , � " A ","","'r 9!,!"", , ; �.,­%� l . . ...... I,, l��!� A � , I . ­ � i