HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-08-28, Page 5!') (.0 •4 • 0 5 44 5 4 • - r OW 4ATNq IpaireiPin'tett'r lean rATtlinr, in '1001 'BRADFORD" A-W(410g 'engine tiddle• ttat ihngla Ton 14* Sa Pulaterry as you opilria. inonkanoe. CARrObasi, ,poxtday, Tuesday, Wednesday 4,0 Deal* Feature -It's One Long Laugh ,-- Joan Blondell4 Glenda Farrell, in "MISS PACIFIC FLEET" Bette Davis in "DANGEROUS" - leo -starred with Franchet Tone, Margaret Lindsay Next Thursday, Friday, Saturday Jane Withers in "PADDY O'DA-y" Wheeler - Wooley, in ASILILY BILLIES" HILLSGREEN The barn on Mr. W. L. Forrest's f arm.10 nOw completed., and adds a fine 'attraction to his farm now. . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love made 'a ,pleaSanb motor 'trip to Owen .Sound and other points north recently, Mr. ,and Vbrs. A. Black, of Detroit, visited at the .hOure 'of.. a, 14. Love (during the week. Mrs. L. Eider, /44;,•4001COnhnidge, spent a few daysAnninVtlie,lweek with hen isisters,..Mliss 'Edna Coehrane and 'Mfrs. R. Hopkins, and brother, Mr. Allan Cochrane. !Mr, 'Eimer Turner met with a Mis- fortune last week when:he was in the 'field 'ploughing. In Some way the team and °Elmer got 'tangled up and the received• some cuts sold wounds about the body. We all Wish him a ,speedy recovery. lVfais. Lydia Troyer, 'of Brigden, and -Mr. and I1V5rs.. W. 'Hyde and. Misses Elie and Lauretta el1 and Mr. . J. 1Faubew, al'l of near 'llensall„ .visited one evening 'in this vicinity with -friends. Bev. R. R. and Mrs. Conner and Miss 'Elaine, of Earibro, called on friends in the Vicinity during the week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Richardson, ibridal couple, returned front a Pleas - •••••••';•••••1•116.1..' TKO and, op, 407 the forint Pow. . A nanilhO fthe lad of Ate ANVOLS, we ,C57'ROttead 70(150r4daY afteraloan iwhere they+ at- tended the, Qnahan IM. S. Meeting on"d .heard,Rer. Miadionary o. udia.give asiplenditVaddresS. • asd alas. PurelY .and, Mr. and Mrs. W14 Fbrrest attended a picnic of the Dairrnple family at Lakeside this week. CRQMARTY Threshing its bh icaxik'pf the day in this ivildirlity and; the grain is re- ported to be a very -good yield' and quality. ole recent rain will be a great heapt6, the met crop. The are _ 'stillmproving their property by putting in a new si!dewialk and steps. lairve MacDonald, cf. Toroarte, is at preaent visiting with his e.unt0 °Ave SPeare IUirs. IS. A. !Miller has returned af- !ter ;,.spending two weeleS in Grtiansby and, St. 'Catherines vislOng •friends. • !Miss 'Mary ,Garle, of 'Toronto„spent a few days in the 'village visiting with friends. 'Mr. George Robertson. of Stratfotrd, ;coned on a few 'old acquaintances a few days ago. VARNA Mrs. Annie B. Woods, of Listewel, is spending a few days with her sis- ter, lVfre. P. Weekes. Mr. and !lVlirs. G. B. -Woods,. of To- ronto, who have been camping in Baytfield this year, have returned to the ieity. 'Miss adasChulter, of Blylth, spent Sunday at the parental hoime. 'Master 'Billy Beatty, of Gbderich, 'spent a few days with relatives in and around the village. Mrs. liglossop has returned home after spending a week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Dewar, in Bayfield. .Miss IWirmie Thompson, of Torfon to, .and sister, Gertrude, of Clinton, .spenit Sunday with their sister. Mrs. E. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs.. James Perrie and. 4044(Y0., - .., . Beett,,T,l..11101# MN*. 440) Well 1411•:.(he ! is it•the hOnle Horner, and Still 4,, via .giat, 0..- , • ' 'AP .1%0115t0. 49 her OM*" • .• under, the doetpeS care. 7-- WISTBROP JOyFernani,ffd titeiroivi, tune to (nun. a then 'i,pArt her 'eye. She was_ taken to S`tratilarld for treatment on Monday, IMrs. Perg, Bullard and children spent a few days last week wiilth her mot.her, Mrs., John. Amato:mg, of London. Miss Florende 1Saunders, o-Gode- rich, spent .arteva„.daYs. 'with Pr. and Mrs. Charles Dolinage last week. Miss Isabel Eaton spent s couple of days with her isisfter, &Vire. Foster Bennett, Mixon Road West. 'School reopens -next Tuesday. Mr. William, Draper, of. Clinton, was a.'visitor in the Village (air Mon- day.' ' TUCKE#SMITH' Mr. and Mrs. John .0eseh 'and tarn - illy, ...of Pigeon, Michigan, were guests of -Mir. and ;Mrs. William' McCrea -4+r andlarat17:-._clOri12k.000 week. . f1V14.. and Ma. George McCartney and family, 'of rthe Mill Road, were recent guests +cif ;Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 'McGregor. DUBLIN Recent . visitors were: 'Mr. and 'Mrs. James Hanley and little son, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.' W: J. Hanley; Mrs. Robert 'McCormick end° little son, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. James ,Krauskopf; 'Mr. and Mrs. Barry Beale foul Patrkia Beale, Mon- treal, and Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Beale, of Stratfcrd, with Mrs. E. Beale., Fei- gns Moloney, Buffalo, with his Inc- ther, Mr* T. Maloney; Rev. Father Michell, New, York, his mother; Mrs. Michell,' and MTS. Vera Michell, To - Tonto, with friends; Joseph Mulligan, 2.0 BACK, TO saw% labs! Good Morning, dear teacher 4. rning to you • Soon teachers from Seaforth and district will be back at work in schools scattered across the length and breadthofOntario, from the islands of Lake Erieto the wilds of Northern Ontario., • 1• While ,it is all very fine starting work again and hearing that old refrain: "Good morning, dear teacher, good morning to you," still it is rather a heart -break to leave your home and friends for a strangel6wn or district. • • And that is 'here we enter the picture. , Many teachers have us forward them The Huron Expositor eachlfWeek in order tha they may keep in tOnditwitifthe- dings of the old home tOwn.. The paper AkfiVeitO4cheiand 6verk*eek-a sure cure for homesickness, and a perfed' Substitute' for that letter Dad, 11/lother, or, some one else in the family forgot to write. • • 1,0d the cost -but $1.50 a year delivered anywhere in Canada, which, ; when fiYou figure it out, is less tl\ the price of a postage stamp each week., Phone us noviat 41- and give us your address. 1"..„ •15 44.4" 4 0+4 ' , • • ' 44.'05,5 44445.4 '4;',5tit4q19.N14r q4413' ?4'.kk; • Established 186°0 McLean Pros., Publishers SEAFORTH ONTAIO Of41i)TH, 4 •• .401C, MOIY119.84X 4,7• .1450'4*". nt,,e (4, very prettr-Wedding4„,e947-pla Ann X*4,1144100 „2,4*;...,,o,k1wti, daogiutot ..of • Wt.'"0.' ;ars; ••11!.... MioaYavolnr...axplappga tba 030,,,de old„Joseph .:• era.00)r, .0.0rie. Rev. FdloulkelS peatiatiniel 'the eerez, and,t;satig'Ailia'n1Aptiall The bride 'entered the cln,IAuli 'on the 'arm; of her father, .and Woke.* beau- tifuldress lof flowered ,Shatiow fon pleparaJniatitad Caroled a Imam:et...a _white roseiS. Bier sister, Misa Dorothy Molyneanx, tv.as brides- maid and .chose a..drokis, tof Pink chif- fon with !white hat: he carried pink' roses. Clair ,Smuck assted his ther. 'During the imass. Miss Veron- ica "Moly/lea:not .sarigr"Ati,.111,aria." After 'the, cenernony-;theloridal laarty and 'Vie* MOtorea. otha riterelaj H1ote, Seaforth, where . (dainty wedding dinner '.'"vms :served, After 'a shalt,. thoneymajdait :the .yoning couple will reside t Bartrib. • ' UN! KIPPEN Institue Mee = '• The .Kippen 'East s,, Les Insti- tute held their regain, ant ' ,•• net - big on Wednesday t.,-)e.ek at the ,Inarrie of Mrs'. W1M. 'hien and Mass Erma. The roil c air was well responded to loy• "My favorite paper or *mitgagine." The programconsist- ed of cornintuaritY ,singing, Bible read- ing by Miss Margaret Sinclair; the motto by Mrs. Harry Caldwell, "It Pays To. Advertise"; =sent events. by MTS. lig:Orley 'Cooper; a talk on historical research about the farm now owned by Mr. and 'Mrs. Work- man was given by 'Mrs. Robert 'Simp- son.; Mtis Lindisay, of Hensel, and Mei Murray, of. London; then fav- ored with a pleasing duet, 'A demon - arra -Pion was given loco -making a summer beverage by Mali: William Bell and MTS. Gleam .McLean. The topic, "The World To -day". was most ably and well dealt with by MisiE. Davis (harrister-at-law). , The Insti- tute intends to exhibit at-"Pxeterc and Seaforth Fall Fairs, The- mieeting was closed aay !"God Save the Kling" and a., social half hour. was spent over the tea cups'. Usher (arounsing meinher): "Yo'u paid for a Pew; not a berth. Brother Jackson!" • ' "Mum, do you know how to get the cubic contents of a barrel?" "No, aik your father." • • "Where did you get this fish " "I bought it at the door." 'Had jknucked many times?" • Judge: "Ju'st what we're your rea- sons for stealink this case of whis- ky?' Prisoner: "I was. hungry!" • "I hear your wife has 'Walked out heeause you, Couldn't Stand' her talk- ing in her 'sleep." "Yes, she's gone home 'to mutter." ,5" Huff: "I see .peor id Bill was knocked dovvr- by an. arnib%leince.0 Puff: "Dear me! How fortunate." 'Geology Professotrigtt kiUld rock is this?" Studenti--"Ohl 1 just takce it for granite." ' • "I wonder if there are any kitchen aprons M hope chests nowadays?" "Yes; but they are cut, to fit the grooms." • Firat Tramp -PI off." (Second Traimpl-P First Tramp -"Th the hot ,stove." Was 'once ' better When was that?" e day I sat ,on •4"-'• Teatcher---Usethe word'"Contrner- cial" in a sentience. Student --When I call my 4pg she'll either coantmercial stay! ..:• Persistent Tramp (successful . at last): "Thanks, lady. Is there any- thg I can do by way of •return ?." Hou'sewife:• "Yes -don't." • "Have you seen the cashier this b'rnYeins,g. ?si" " r. He -.came in without a moustache and borrowed the railway tianytable!" • "When you Imarried. me, ,you knew yonere .marrying a bank ;clerk, didpr•SOU?" "011,, nothing5.: Only I thoUght per- haps you imagined you were marry- ing a bank." .A. man ,enrbered the out-patients de- Partment. of a hospital. His .head was enveloped in bandages. "Are you married?" asked the doc- tor., °No," replied the man. "Ive been run • • "What dlo you mean by loitering near a jeweller's window and with a brick in your pocket?" "There now. 'officer, I'd almost for- got, I promised to go and help a friend drown a cat to -night." • • 'Little. Betty .and Junior had ) at- tended a talk' lby a ,returnecl mission- ary., "What did he tell you about the heathen?" asked their grandinother. "Oh, he said that they were Often very hungry, and when they heat on their turrnrtums, it could he heard for miles!' 'Pwo fanner*? chatting iblver th!e gate saw coming towards them a ;hefty • young laborer. _.°Yon's a bonnie _youth," 'said 'one. "There musit he e; deal of work in him."• 'Ayer admitted the other, "there must be, fpr.r never s'aw any. come MA!" • "It seems to me," remarked 'the thoughtful youth, "that it mutt be dangerous to• marry, get ,fire, im- pression phot in the first sitar*: Wo- men marry you for Stroll" trioney5: if 11 thycdon t Manage to take ilt alVehey sue for .alliinnew;,•and. ;.a,..the,,and tti-11..it that Over anifift0,,e'voll wegg frlisuroite4, rirattey. .01 .• • : , • •.,„1. 44. -4.,4 444,- o wearsin.,h . ,. • ...t sweater,,,an; TANTS THAT.WI V. A, Grey or Blue, fine cotton vgith-falleY stripes; good pockets. Cut to fit - built for wear Fancy Tweeds, nice smooth snrface, in Blue,. Brown, or Grey; plain,strip- -or flecks; quarter slant .pockep.;' cuffs, two hip pockets, watch pocket. Fine Worsted Pants, will giiiivon- derful wear. Blue, Brown, Grey, in fancy stripes or plain serges. Sty- lish cut and make • ' •',-..444 NEW SCHOOL CLOTHE FOR BOYS School Suits $5,95 to $9.00 Bloomers Sig t64$1.95 Odd Pants $150 to $2.25 Golf Hose 25c to 39c Caps 39c to 75c Sweaters 75c to $1.25 Blouses .39,c to 75c Shirts 75c to Dresses .4044 FOR GIRLS , 49c to ;1.25 Middys $1.o° Navy Serge Skirts ...m.,.:41 to $2,95 - Bloomers 25c to 39c . to ,39c Hosiery 19c Sweaters 49c to °- Ankle sox 15c and 25c - Girls' Panties .. .. . ....age COME IN AND SEE THE New Fall Millinery Ne* Sailors New High Crowns New Off-thyFace Brown • Black • Navy • Wines We cordially invite every woman to come and see what is new. PRICES: $1.95 to $5,00 Children's Fall Hats....$1 to $1.50 ADVANCE SHOWING OF Exclusive Fall Coats FOR WOMEN ; A complete showing of approvd" styles to select from. The range' consists of a wide variety of models: Fur Trimmed,Dressy Coats in the newest fabrics. Style, quality and workmanship unconditionally guaranteed. - PRICE::$15 to $35 tewart Bros., Seaton '0 "Very well, how do you spell 'need.' meaning to need bread?" "Knead, of coursre." "-Wrong?... Meaning to knead bread you saki, didn't you?" rryes.,, "Well, it's knead2" "Not at AM; you knead dough, but you need, bread." . • Ile was telling the tentporly tales, of his travels. "There was the lion," he said, "and here was &. Just over there wai a. solitary' tree: I dashed toward it, but as' I approached, I. realized that 'the lowest branch was quite twenty feet frem the ground, so I jumped for it." "Arid did you reach it?" queried a listener. "I it tebsed Itt going up," said the thitrogaleir, '"Ibut I gtatIked t ats *cone. (town." #N.di :40'24% k 54 Fall Fair Dates Blyth Chesley Kincardine Milvertotn Sept. 11, 12 'Sept. 1$, 16 Sept. 17. 18 Sept. 17, 18' Sept. 18, 19 Sept. 24, 25 Sept. 25, 26 Sept. 23, 24 Sept. 21, 22 Sept. 22, 28 Sept. 23, 24 Sept. 24, 26 Set. 26 Sept. 24. 25 1 V; .1 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANGE COT. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. • OPTQRS: , m. Droadfotot, 3 .Settforth New Hamburg no. E. Popper, 'Bruceffeld - Viee-Pre. Aila ,Oraig -0, Merton A. Relid, ,Seafortth - Sec. -Ti. Atwood Bayfield AGENTS; Eltetef Finlay McKerheil"11.. R. 1, Dtablin; Gocterich E. Pepper, Brucefiel ,d- E. R. Jartrouth, Listowel Rrodbagen; James Watt, insii; a If. Lucknow Hewitt, Kincardine; W. J. Yea, Gade.. Parkhill rih, , Seaforth ' • DIRECTORS „0 • .• . Stratford 'Sept. 21-23 ,WilliamAnmr, Lotitisborq, i , Brussels Ott. 1, g:,Peanlvarti . Brodhat ril 4 .„,- Mitchell ept. 2, SO ion% Gbidefih; ' 0. :• Ripley .... . .... ... . . 7,.!. ,, SO i'..;. V •(`'. 0 ..5,,.'' '''' ''' N't- tif ' .4'1 Winghtaul ... ,/,..41.'.,.,. ii040kt., V , R. Ow ou !Sound .. .., ... •• .. ,..,..., . Vedircritteir 4 • W. 4 I 4.4 ..... (t4 -.d 1 • 111