HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-08-28, Page 4, _ �f - . .. I i . 'I! , '��' , , M, ,��,!,��ij, ',��q,,'__­` It', I­TNI71i �­` ,"', �J; 41 , , ri . �,,`,, " , _4 � . ,p W� "I " � "I " , , , � � " . , I ��,,�,,% ci�,�igli4l . . 'r �`It`-;111'11 . I � ". _ , � , � - , , "I'l�j,�"1.1t�!,�"Il��,.�,�"14�� 1�1�1'11211�' 11 . �,-'11-1'111 .1'�,�l�r�y,�,.��,"�'I'l���,�"I'll,��N��.��"V�,,l,,r5�,,,,'I", � i; r�'ilfi`,T "! - If. ,. , , , -: , ',� ''.1. I � , ��', , �K. I � �P�,�IFV,, �,'g', 1, _�', ''� . 'Ij%i�i" ,�,,,.,,,4� ­!',�1,� �i " ',-",� ��,,�,,,-� I,,---,,-,,.,�, _�, I iii, . � � � " " .. .. � , , � ,;r"..'� �,,,� ,,"q .�i��,7,�"'�,i���.,,'��i�r���,i!j��,���,�4, �, ,,'.,-,",';,,',. , ,, �,�,&,�, �I�, , , � �, , , 1 1 , " � . , " , �� "? P I , I I , , , , " '10 , ", ,�,Xii,.,�,�,, "; -! " I , , :�i,,� ,�`;�,i�,�7 .)�, "... . . � 11 . � _11 1, 'i'� 1 , .4 , , � ,�,( 11�, I I � � ...,. �; ­ '�,,".�­,, ,-­�,'I',",�i'.if .,-�!� ." . �, , '. , , . , � , � � �, �� 3 1 i , , ,,� �,,,..,,', ., �tvf, _,�. i. ., , - I . � , . I _ � .�, ,.,I��,V , I.Y"11"i". I—: �� ta � ,-i 'r , I , , �, . , , " 'ill, .�,�;,� �, i , - : . ., � '' I , . 'I 71 I ", , � ­ , . . , 4 , " i 1,z�,, �. . .. - , . , I 11 , ,- ,�;,, � �, 7 ., 1", . , � I � '' , " .�� '' ,.- . . . , ; (1 , !, " , % , . , 1, . , � � ,;. . C I . � . . VIYJ . � � 4�1 : . ..... 1, ,� 11 .,. �, I , I I.. I . � N 9 I ��:, I � ." I I , : I � . "... . , . � � . . , � Iii, F 11. .. . . , "" , , , ` , , . �-�� I i : I., � � , , _2. , : I , , _ I . " � , 11 ::: , �, , . � �. , � i � ir, ,� 1. �� , , ,i,�:�, 'i 1: ... )! . . �. ;­; ... ...... ,1-1-11. .1 I— I—, �.."�,�."i,.";."".,.,.",.".,.�'..,.". I'_. . ­ I— 6;;; " �,�,�_��i�, -,-, i�,�"'-.��,,��*�,;,;.i�, ­­[­ -1-1-, 'A=x -1-11-1.. -11 ..... ..... . ..... Z "I'll- ­ "" I � � ..''m .�,;�i;;;4)­­­4­�, ,I4,,,--- ",",­­ � 1-1 � .� 4- �, .IAIIII� ;,, 't � , ­%�,­:il '. -11.... .. ­ . . V 1,- � ", � I . R , 17- --�. � .�_­,', _�, � '', ; "'� , M, , '1-_1T1 � I � I "� 1. . " 1'iiv, �"".�;V',-,,.�,�.,;` I�A,1'11101141'1 , 1?� �*'T­� I I ", , 11 '111 : . '�"`* �, I J. �:: - " � . 111Z, 1,28.1:,.1-% �,�r '. '. ��,;,.,:... , )­ , : I , _ - ,`J"�, ii, , 1, 1115X� I 4 _�'_��­�;4i.,e­��- __ .. ­ .. .... - -----,-- - ­_ .. . . 1-11 I .1.11'. ­­­_*�-�*4FA,4-i�- . , , � #,w ; � , . of��,,�$,b!�--W',"��,4"01,m,�m,,*,",�A � l, � 4 __ fa*- Of 'P, " .,4QrMed+-1b,y-%M--W--41uTk- Ii ,�1!15,� 11V40,!1W17,,4 4 ��. ;':-, ,,, �": 1: , � TA 1. I I .w. ­ I �,, 11 11. , I .9m -zuvl* i ad, ti (01000 4u, 440 ".J. , y , , t i6, 3 ": , i ."', 1: , _1 , , : , - ", " , , 11 ,.�, M X " Pre 'D o, v, sm cep.,.,oi, ,I* ,�,,,,,",I, 0 , , , `A�; `�� I I . T pi _­ 40ft- ` `7 ,,,�A 0, - - , , - . ," ,�, ...i � ,�,,, ­ .",t� 1 .. - � 41, " , 0 , '',4 . � :::::: , , I ­� I ---!- � 14M� under 4.41_40vift ��___ .- -1 I I , I . � 1, ,il 1.1111, I'll, �� t�,'.,3illll I , 1, 1.11 � ,, - . I'll, Ili: : , , " . n . 4;;Jo;�;'., . _. ,.---- lggl, - and- evevIgkwus. ilyl 7 4 , , oqw," , �'_ . -t'- �� 1Q111 ' "i - " " " alap . " (P iwo - 40 -iba's, ", q - mious , q.1111 I � , "I '40, 11��11""" ri, , . �, . I I 1 _4,3 i " - I il �,:, I V , .- I I r___ . . ., I 1, � - . . - - -prev.!4 "- I ,P t � 6 !� , 1, . . , ; . � - " I n I ,, , Air' . - Wanted 00'i I pl� An_ I . I P _ I �:. ,, ,.I '', __ �. � , iders I �� M* 0mv Ft P I Ifir I ,:_ '. � . ,L .w en�po � t ­� . , . �q .oa _ . -, _ , ,1 N,,�,�� J ,, I � - 'Page 1) I , � , * t I X Ilt, ,,, J,4 0 , I , � 11 , . 1; Iroul !is 4'm_rv�Tol W'"400" _qllioll ., ii - 6 I , " I , , N � , .., 1 (Conti Ile'd f 14,40 ,, I , I � I t � � � . . , . I , Flor !4 qr � "a a ons- , , , , i ven In imarAgg . t , � � ij% . 't . ." I - 0 0 1 -* ,Bv4,ripe,'6Udu*we, Q,f,':. I. " "'. � '. .. I W-4 44 gil . I I , I -A�d"'�'%' ,,v piyo , , pf T� W;AAAM) _ e � -1 . .. . I ,07 c . ,, . �. � I * . , � _radi .. al ... . V4 . , 11 . , .. -.1 __� - - . I , thm-o. &*Aft - I hip,deamaq wip waftvid to h16, be4' �. 0 A, b 9ty Wit f*nwr 0�oq,l�,g . � I �'11. ., _ , 1-1,; r. , r !-.' _,1 �,""%W .40,1 FA " F, . . I . A '* 3� ,,A 1111''. F �;14 new, ", I � , d , , AFO* ", ,,, " 17,zi, 747T�n,,%�� ..'r I - 7- ­ . . . Rowe then de�lt m0th 'the 'tbrqq# llnes's, ito pg, wore a bmid"u of spend5ing hol, &YO a . ato ', R 1, ,011,,� 4�1'2? � " �� .6 I.. . . , ,k�,� but d4s,m1iod zefngip� I F , �','44 , d - � in imIlk S : .1 . , 1 ­ . ep-parateE . , ".7, �i, ­f'il�.. ­ 1, , - low co&'r ate ' 11 1, . . ' 9ts -lie rwrowq - ` , %. I , - ,,, I . ,1� - MR 1�� i I � � - OW , '11 V F !Yil,��g"- , I b �chooi,,fia*,. questAloo'gAd, the %TVW11 �l ;%no cl#az and, . 011058 p . eld at, , new' i ed w,"d. ,,, ang carried A�bou- 4"Intanaw e ftv � igg ,7771011 .1 . �- Vepudiation ot,�the Hydpo'00iltrA nally lue -ly irs to re� , If 44 y roses, gypso� 'aIt Grand, Bend. . �& ".. �j : = � 2. N,io*� 1, 1. 4, lill , , . , r . � I ADDRESSED TO TOE wbich . . . Irpt 1eque. . � . i" ' Wirs. A-, Filishie . ') a " .. . !��, 7 Sp!�M-TM41)4�6 b 0A , bas relWrmd I -, , !,W v-.0% R�-Lw. We'd . , he prei$�,tei would 1"d - fTien4$'aL'; Well a$ inllillir" "' ft �'Afud .1froms , . , . 'and , ,an ,-rvive tp ,()�. , � latives ad A se fern, She -was - 'r _" �ender I . . . . ,, 14"t and Found, Candor, : ...1. , -ton , , _ ,ip M 1� , " ,, Ut Week ..... � .......... ­ " 4 ....... I.- I an", I— W , .,A g poetry, vhia *b,as 'kelpt Win In I lli­4, I T, J r _t _ i%,V,be4dQ.d * ** � ' '' tiao,vora, Habever, Toronto vhe�e she spent licline, *0" ".. ., " I . 1. . I � �X=gna.wn. Sauseen IR , er. Quit - , . . I ­ I . , li.'.. I - 7 %, A ohlortage-Jof On � . . . f, � 11 , I %. I �1�111 ill. , 4' ,- , 11), � � PbUM waTmr rein on%, who wore a With itistwes, and . . . 11 Nl.v� ,, " -1,; awe# 1i I S 11 11�4,.­ 1 Teo � u 1; "chifFov organcbr And 4i ,,, I ' b -::- yw), W90BRUCLay. 4eptemper 2. bqlgj_ , '7 � ve. . ,. . f=10011 W, I , " I - : Cent , b no lj2 of;jock, #eon (diw- In M . wanbran ocoulslim-0 � - " . , , ! �ipa of ,an ,extension i - come Br4i 'week .,..,. , at W,,,,U ". ; 4 i iztia -1 . D yva%�s. � .eir He . o . .�- .1 ... t .............. : , : : 1%, 17 I 1W 3 . - Church . Oerv,14cieg , - , GraIT'L, '01 ,j.id 'week ................................ :* Ky. , 49 Ips fruil .. - t . � ,_ R A'Xi Jtt Zemor- 18 1,16 , , I 11. _­ I`* q F2 .;� t�'.. A I i?; � cit��; . .......... . . . 25 = 1980. T the bcimlst� eistimatling I ere 4,61 � w in! ,of early rosle tar- mleryli , . _p,tlies, prices, beir!g so , LIE � )"Ma'."Si", O'short- -L arve 40 1_1 11 : : :: I 5. in I �. . � ,n ., watmul , 41* impert4u '. th, Rev. Mr, Hunt, . .ivi tar%4'1� _ �� . . I r -en River (south- " I I ... , . .1 ,., � . 11 ' . "" " 1'4' 1 , and abbrevid � , I . tio I � NorLb P49, at sauge I T yo�iiw, ,$he ,leader believed, or ial 0huTch, of Exeter, ed. 4n =�;Wons� ,.k au upd pilumirose tem#tft; i, .1 ..10. � tlon.�� "'vee ward. . . . ) lhnW ivw�uty SW 0 5 PM44b - 91, - 7: k, " I , " I '. Ont. else tb*- luoypernme On fern, , jin,. was attended by , -, _*!­ o, EaLlh #gure�..Sui , 11 nt, vould not be .9b. Pau,Ps, Alnglican Church'ibere iMrg. Elvic Kenruedy 4nd litible son i, 'g, ltgll' �A , . .. 'apeoificatlim - `__ .''. ') . 1 111;';4 � . . 1" �n 4erested. dn. #eve�O,r 09,R)d Sunday evening last, delivering a k V of , *�10, " M.-riam, 140tices-I ei par -or& ximimum.,�w cent. per week, Pan.. tr. of contrapt and li�, � , I , .,I'm omia � c,,,bo seep and zoi of tender optained a1b '- ' . I L ,��,. the . ft W ' Atleyer, cousin of and daughter visited the first part, 11­�, , :41" it r. for. 10 I . . I arch, (oif this week iifi Detroft, , " ik 41vo may be ,diveloted to a Box Number. , cd The Hurion 3011O.W.4 I h --and wefi thought put dis- ;9 - , birld0ii ;' he wedding m ' L� I 0i, -Chief 'Snglaw, Department WOJeCt. I . eilpf'd ' ' : I . . 1. . I , . �.iW yed School hollidays are rapidly draw� � - 0 I *_�111' WoorkB, Ottawa ;at the offiew al Direct t,axation h" siteadily _in- cQuTA(e. Oborpis fror4,' , engrin, was pl�a ,, V, i 1i ­ �tf e4k= " -ftVI-Aeor, C,w - ' the, pastitwo, years, -Mr. Re;v. Mr. - teachers ' pui IN1101 _... ,7,! .er week will be charged 9 ads in abqve c1lisew am mot Vald by the. the Miistrict creas M, tin . Hill, Of 0.axen ,,PreWoyter- by !M41s IMalogariet Restialneyer. Dur- jing to a close and and _p��,. pilditimal o , to= House, Lou i%,; , '. . 1� I I �.. I � , " �, 04t�mdsy might in the week tiv'wWoh the ad was run. ` � 1 ,460, ,Omt.; also ,at thi Poat. Ofl%e at. "I 14K, � " . . - . . I Rowe po4uted out. and when the ian Church, Emoter, loccupiedthepiul- Ing theli. siguigg of the register NiOT- �Iis will soon have to get dowu to thO , . I .� I .1, I hgtq,;�d fr000f .b.xg. . , E-Jouthamptom, , Out. . )ula" ' �� � ,..�VX04",Mqrriages and Deaths I . Henry Govern t Went out Of Of-, p0b ,of Carn�el Presbyterian. Church ma Miowss�,', eousmL of the Udde, stern reaRlthes of Nfe -pad, dulbY. ' . I , I 11 , Itic. isa,made ficie there Were quore than, 45 allllibn lon'Sunday morning 'lost, giving a sang � "I L Ylou TruR,yl' A 4 4-� saieq-,t4oi to Cie'lit", L ­Ratee QU applibiation. I 104e,Fs owilk mot be vonsweired unic , ovto . (bout 60 Former Resident .Returns ' � .. _I . . UyWi supplied bor the ijepa—L lollars, Wt to�day Ithey amo,unted to Mr. WhIlam *pier4ReF, the, ejdmt I ci� witlL con4iuow set forth 4 dbcour* listened to with iguesibs-saJ4,4ovin, to, the Wedding (ft- - . X5.��A,�� t ' . ::=r4T. I mil#ons. The 'OoFernnitent ,v fth�at �ww Ir lie 6 ohn , " - �,�',,�,�41, . Wanted I .... Card of Than�s � I therein, I .11 � I , . 11�arlv 6'. , both pil;86't and"much interest, the ner allter'��',Whieh. the Hensidl Band Glion of the , Ite, T, . and &*a. 1 " ­ . , , .. . ' . ,I ,,�,,t . - li;,,'� .,N- hatv,g -th, choir rendering fine anthems., :,�,� 1�.:.; " , . — I � HELEN DF_ E,i tender ,must .be ,� . a might e spower to ts�.r,, bu� - sieri Vie young .couple. 'The Weismi'ller, . who icalrried on" a. StPre I �,1� - , --HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS TO MR.. W, J. BEATTIE AND ie�riby en, Sm,1111e, miesdonaxy in In-, eiviening "e, spent in dancing. The busiluem-, her�-, �Eor nearly it r -, " � ;Pvl' . - ; eq.m4ortaw* , a citb:nnu C,,_ the citizen's oertalinly did not have . a .B went 11, X­� � L - _ i I -.1, with kire ,to e4reas their winpere aropreei4tion certified tc,hcquq ml ev., � 16C4'�If �P "I j , ­ 0n�'or I . I pi i , � t'ftL ,he .am,, fr1.n4,-.md neighbors for their ads paryable 0 the oXder of the Honourable kille vb0ty to paA 'It was aeplorable ala and:V .�Wgethcr wit), his iha, ' 1'' I ft un a honey- iiewrs, has been vis,itilnig ,his manY ,, ,.', - �W to &O wife � �,Jpy,yau I , �­ AIWW W. wrSWAUT ,ug coup e, e '!��,, . _. i�� . . I �Goveirnment shoul . i . . , . 4585X2 kind expressions of sympathy during the 0 - lih."Micili Of F44blic Wi6rks� equal W 10 thlat the. d, have and members of his, family are here nv�on trWtP, Norithern. Ontario and friends' and Tellabives in Honsall and I" i ��of, , t " . lot -the,-ampunt og­,the tender, or . � ill - -1p; ue,;s and death of Mrs. Beattie. p cer' " micreased iffike�.Q� taiation'by 41, per on lfurliough� preached with very ,on ltheih'r i� aley wil rerAdle on district, u&ompanied by -his Wife. It , ,� I ­ . . �, I ,� . � I . . I � 4 . ­ I . I . 1. . I I . I 8594,.1 Beer.. I'alla W the Doraition of Canada " � � 'farm on the Parr Line. is soirue twqnty-five years si#ce he ' .;� 11. 11 ionaI Railway Ccan- ci�int. -during the past two Years just uich ite , he I?t , W;. . - or a the ioamadi�- Nat lm acce#tance . in the Un d t groom ;,,,, . . - � , . I Lost Md Found . .. I pony 01 ft- le6haltiftent coi u -n- in order to try to. present. a bViahr-ed Church -on Sunday mlorniog last, gii Mr. and, (Mrs. Richardson have the -left "the villagie, then ondY a borY of 10" 11 I .1d � . . guaianieed a§ to wineival .and buclot ais-,apIalkic 1, mloye. - linter!esd isftiMeri re - 1! i. � Auction Sales d , al Ing a most, ting account ' a besk wishes of their Many frien&� about fifteen, yet Mir. V&n ��!�'­, -7 I tbe Dominion of­Di4ada. or the � ;;; , -A T, A GE COT -1 - DOG- BL*CK . , I to ,name of "Sohlor." I . allorernentiqued certified ohetlue I .. ,11 'L ' boads -and a 'A sharp der"I thatt he b;id, Any- niilslsilonary work. -in far, Ioffolndia. Mr. iMrs. Wlllf�alm Berry, ,of Brui me-rdbers n-dany faces aric) 1places, of Amid . Answer -1 SALE ' GF ' '�AOUOEHOLD EF- .. ep, a I '' , � " 7% � . if irequiTed to ulaki up am. odd amount. UG Vq h, ee ble`5 Of Srdilffie fhas been entgaged'with much Mrs. En*y�h M-cElwan, o uni, iness, and- denres. He. ils on , - . . . 1113-W. Phone 2 " N I ".. ltifiing'MW , Uh. Y"rr , Col. ,George ' 'ty f Wi; ivieg, buls, TM,e West After, -at- � �%,, . Mo HUGH A - of the . I I 'i ohn . 1�1 . P. r 8580xl IMO..d. Prooertgr laite- Mrs. J . hq , K �: I 43- . q.K.bpon .0. Haulligh, -k it I ly blue JUn' EAW1 It" A success lover a Iterm, of t*ft -t*q and -Mis ' X Ros)N Seaflort14 spent a his'way .pUe D .. I ­� . ..' . ...... — &pitei Sth,­­lait I . -of 'i" years. aild' is , earnest day .rece#7 wdlbh ,Mr& ,Murdoek. teddlug thi recent ,t, il ­­ I I � ,at h;:LJ,je,, iv�ldenl*% Eas William gyIp!;idThe Department will supPI Dri add -V 4 a -most able Vimy celebration, . �, . . . Street -on a . Specification -the work on de- 11rWith I . - , _ "�', J "I - I - Effepft3­9 fafi, I I a' regard for I .A. ,,. �sideboard. I post of a sum of $10.00, in the form'Qf a � tol I erve . 1. , ' ' mom.: Householic .1, ""' a and dievoted n&isiongry;.' A'ig-on, of Quite a.'.,��fte, num)ber from Ws 'he having, s d. with a Western I . .!�!, 1" L, ', , . e% l. ,bedroqm i sufte. il he'd amid, 'certifieil ba,nk cheque payable to the order of y"11141T I �'J_ - 11 china cabin. I ICY -Iry i's -. 'the Wte !Benjamin ISn-d'We a 'Uttle; vililage -service flor � Articles For Sale , , cheSt of dr arweTI3 �d 'book- ewe and writing -the XiWiter; of Public Works. The deposit accurac� , 1. ]Drei I'Vir. Heip . aip& idommunity abbellided, �the, Regiment, se aetiivie ,�, _.- inis bui�n makes t* staiti that Maj r' 1. I I 19d being wounded ill , .� ;, 4W Q�le_. i -folding leig will ,be reieaed -on reiarn of the blue.' ,pr - 0 iciv;6r a inAle noirth'bif '6�li vyiUlage on i0ansii,vailli0e picnic at Jowiett's, several years ftble, I kitchen rba,Me, a parlor table; 4 rock- and slpecifilmiloin within a, M from the Baxter and. 1, have been . ,Ii.� B"I "kning onth writing ,Mr. the bighway, he was a member of Grove, 1BAyfield, on Weduesday, so the shoulder. iffe is now looddug EQU!P- dc�i ,r� Fotqn'stAlolfx-�hmopApiango�Nancilalydo'iAngxDO:ood bi ,` .. ing ,ahaLm, kitchen chaiTs, I couch', I New date ,of reception of tenders. If not retmmed Rowe's, speeches for him. Ua,jbr Box- C6lnuel Presbyterian, Ghumh- Ewxly many being x%odous to hear "r very well and'enjoying his visit h9re, S I � Will rent 'building cres--i AP"17 wmiarns a.wing rnadhine, 1 Vii -tor gr— within that period ,the deposit will be for- , ness. 01;L ter isi Ith, Pri knowls, a close in lide he became -so mulch Interested ni ,leader.' , . very mwlL. 1. . . ... . � by a,�ttcr only, to BOX gi, EXPOSIT ab,xl phone and 60 records, I kitchen stove (Har- -leited. ' 0 I . , . Z* risi Leader), I card split hard-ood, I heat- . y order, personal, friend of nvine. I am in a ,e auk ­�, , Ill � . B I 11 iiin, missionary- work that he haslga*n *- and Wrs. George Hess, visited, 'Miss 'Mary Thq1mi of th B W., , er,, I Teifection 3 -burner cool oil stove, lawn I . Baxter his, life and fine talierits in the Iriter- .1 1ploisition to -know that 'Major relatives; and, faiends'in Detrolt the of Wo�dtreal; sitaff, is alway holiday- , k� i , t. ower, 4 hand painted,jr,ic- j. M. soMERVILLE, nerither rwritten nor revised one ests of the greatest lb , h ,h rst part -e k . � ,t Vlanager who . , . . m camp stove. . �h-as randh of c urc fl ing and Mr. Cross, thle � , , � . turcs, numerous other pictures, I clothes � Secretary. , of this wi e , ' 5 . . lFor S41 ,� .. .. . ,e or Rent L bpoe, walipmer ,bracket, 6 door e rtains, 8 iDep.rb,meut of Public Works, I word of any of Mr. Rowe"s ispeeches. *or ,;: I , , k and is much wielcomed home IMr. amd,%ITs, Fred He$e 1ave re- has- been ion holidays together - with ".. _ u '_ . . '.. window cumtains. 6 wooalen blankets, Quilts, Gttam., August 19, 1936. As for the suggestilloll that I am ­a heire ion ,such loccaslons as- Ithe V,nls- tnameld, (from calinping �'It: tl� �dOt;'. US 'Wife and daUgh%#r, h#ye -return- . 1. I � :, , I � � t, RiWT *R LEASE-GERVICE ISTA- ,cushions, 2 Ifewther ticks, 2 imattresses, Pfl- 3186-1 ,shadow, Wiri!te forMr� Rowe" 1, give ent and ;his many relab,Vee I CLed._: 4 ­ ,�L ' .. I I .. Fol . . - r, amid Itage im Ithe Rnery. L ,_.t - , .. I t1aft and garage, Sea,forth,cliqtriot. AP- lowa, a Woragolegin rugs 9 x 1.2, 2 linoleum. -_ ­ . I, . - I , . I . , , . - bedroom ,rags, inats, a ,dinner set, odd dishes. . even Wr. 'Hepburn credit foir suffid- friends -are pa!ealsed t6.'see him, Ilook- 19trs. Williaim Hildebrdr0dt is, thi,6;. 'Mr. Lee Wdel�, Of Suffimy, is � , POF 'by aotwl talo, ta Box go. HIMN EX .. .1 1� V�_ : . . , , � 11�-:,�. ,,, ,�",T,;)4� . i . � , . _ 8586xl pots, pa�ns, saw, squVxe, bratel and bits and . ent judgment to ,be awAre that.when i 'a Well. .11 week being visited by -one of -her vblti-ng rela!tlives and friend's in the I I � .. , I .. lDNT__4o.,ACRE FARM, TILED "' Other artiocles. Prioperty - Howe I � I make sitatements, I make theini, aver In's the everiiing Rev. A. Sinplair, daughbers ftom Lohdloi 4nd graild- village amid, iviieirlity. . . 1, IOR � and Lot an East William street at place of ' I I . �;,�_, . I . "I _.: I F Aitit-PeJ10313 baildimgs.�,Iin Hullett'Towmhi . ohn Street, at 11 mly, own, name. His imiaiginative pic- pastor iof �ffie lChurch, gavle a' -very -child-Ten. A;. . I 'Mrs. George Laughbon, Of Toronto, .. ._ * sale, Howe land Lot on J I' .... 1. I or� No. 4 Highwaw,'—er Copci_qssioin is, IV2 pres�ni oec4,W by No— Nic,hols. Pro- 11 I --1 ture oil Majoir,'Baxter and myself ibusity ­., I fln,e i&3ODUOSe on' Bible events and The members of fthe Bapq I ... # motoved. ' iis visibling at the ,home of her par- ; ". - Bet res W . at our typewriters at Oordservdtive id6alling. o4bh 1the Wonderful Provi- to"Wringhanx ion Tuesday;S*IPn* ents, IT. and ,Mrs. C. k McDonnelL �, - from Londesbi and 2Y2 miles from perties,arte offered subi to a erve b . - 9.,: 00 ", I FINGLAND, , R, , For partEculicna apply F. S5 ritp.sed positav*y must be .. I ,headquarters turning -i �Mir. Row0s' dence 6f'(God fior,ffis people when -in attend the Band Talbtoo- at, __11' Miw. Vera Walsh, who bas- been 1�� 1"', ter, Clinton 34,13 -household goods, cash. Terms wiigl6iln- 11 ' �� � 51's- , Out, . ETi 'ki',,,� �_ . spieei 9 -her _010k h .� I , on Priopertties-Will be made known on day es, ,is a fair test tof how much .0,�,el&euce 7U6 TU' coimmarid, whet A n0mber from illere atUna9d orlidayliing for a couple of ,weeks " �, , -RENT-FRAME STIORE I WITH FOUR of sage. For further vairticulars or informs- TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE reliance isho,uld, be placed on any- it was through a: fiery. furnace or �in . f uneral pt the late Mx. a Hdrhnn�'..Vnth !Missi A. E. Cousirt, retulined, to I . 'iir I 11 . ­� 1. . i v room apartmett i at back, on Main Street ti,on apply to ,HAROLD DALE, Auotioneer. ' �.: �,.!.,_, S "u.1d rsigued and endorsed "'Tender for thing that .Mr. Hepburn says,. _ . . a mouth. _. Major & eat deip'this of water, making a at Newmarket, he ',being tor siolhe Jiiier home, ,in Toronto on Satw&-y I ,,�_A;!�� I, pr, Ont., $15.60. APPI-V to GEO. D. HAIGH, Executor, Estate of Mrs. public Building, Fort Erie, Ontano," will be Ha,teT alas nevtr-lbeen on Conserve- Way for them that -only- the divrine time a fresident of this willage, .. �Ilwgt. . - - . __ �,,�,�. KLINKHAMME11, Dublin. John Haigh. . 3586-2. rec4iived until 12 o'clock noon (daylight . 14iTill , -'� ,��, ��. $x 1, I .;;� I . . $594-3 - headquawters either beforri or could. Mr. rWzion,,ftrlile very lyleas- i4re. imanley jinks-ana R . ' ss IMildred. Klp&er is vi g at ". - I . I . �Ii .1. I I . . day, September 21 1936, for tive . ossib atia M 16 � 1. . I -, �.,`, ,�. .. . — AUCTION SALE OF FAJ.LM STOCK. IM- sav'Aff)- Wednes ilding at since Mr. Rbwe became leader." . ie� th' C �f,i "': , I- ..1. 1:1 I — - �� plemereg and Household Effects, at Lot the ,donstniation ,od a Public I Bu I . tingly rendered a stolo. - Bernice, spent a couple of da�& ,,,, e h&ue of Mr. and Mrs. Themas 1.� , : I— Fort Erie, ODtar'*- . I . iMiller, of Detrioult, is visiting eently ,apt -the home of Mrs. 'Xin Kyle, and. Mr. and ,Mrs. Byron Kyle. lk'14� - . No. N, ,Conees-sion 2, Usborne Township, on JpIans and specification eon be Bee . I . . UlitAw-y' Keith. Bulobanan and Charles Fee � -?A1 ., Notices rrma-Y, September 4th, 1936, 11/4 miles ei n and I ,Ath�,e home tof Mrs. 'Robert Bonthron ,parents, IMT. and M�§� T;10C '", P . :,� ; � I � Iforms of tender obtained at the offWes rd . . - ��,� _ and 11h miles south of Hensall, at I o'clock, i n .1 ­Z�,­, �r, . - . the 'Chief Architect, Department of Public village this week. and.,Hm. Lo(u.!Sinipson. near Varna. .. had thew tonsd1s, remiDved 6 Viii �_ 11 -f-? � .. *,�;-NGT10E_JMNSA1rL MRTIL- the ,foRowinz: Rorsses-One hay horse eight 'worjak Otftwa, the Supervising Architect, Mr. and 5W. W. N. McQueen'and IXY. And )Mrs.' LesRe Knight and- 'Mrs. Thomas' R4C tall -in, London on Wedhe*— � ­ 11 ", I., . hardson� who 'has toeii � Rospi ­ i.,;�i ", - and 5_ . �, -1 - , � ,, . '' ,)Co. am again open for' business. ,Years old bay mare 12 y4ars old, bay mare 36 Adela!ide Street Eastv T0r0At0 00i -nd grk Cecil beelli quite pOlDrl'y ,� '. I ,_ � ... ' ** J 'day morning lasit. I il 1. 1 . ' .� _ 41, 11 '.. � 1i .� I I '..,rders to WILLIAM pEPPE9, 92-11, ft2 years, o1Z all in good condition. Oattl tak Building, Fort Erie, daughter, Sh"a . of Toronto, visit -ed children, and Mr. a . for some, tinne I - fluo 11 e- -ic ' ,.",... �% .. . I ­ "I � I . I , . . . ',_. " �_�, . , I __ 1, � �� . due October Ilth, red cow milk- the. icare er, Putl . - . I � , ". '1� _ . . . I 3586xl � 11 roan cow -aft the -forinei's"home ifi .the v'ilbagie )Knlgil�t anddlavightex, all of KItchm � , , .- ;,"',­ 11, . . I 1 7, J. I " z. I " � I �, I'' W OnitArio. . . . I , , , , . . . , - 'I - ,4 , , , .. . . � 1 R 11, I ing, roan cow bred, Holstein bow' milking. cons d'unless. made ., I . :111, . idere ­.. - ­ - ., �, '', - , . . I . .1 - Tenders will not be ' recentlT. ,er, are v6silting with friends in .and I . .4 YLi��, ­ , '.. '.-._...__1__ — I : Ted cow fresh, red -cow supposed to be in the fornis susimlied by the "Department ' . �:. ,�,_�,,!�� .4 . 1. _ � . il 1 I, , . . ci 2 , steers rising ,two yeaa-s_bld, 2 steers 'In IMr.s. McGlEvary. of Pa,isley, was ariound towm 1. 4 1 . I � . ­,,��,A�,.,,,, ""'. I �.,, ,�-, ., .... I 1. ....-�, , ", T, .. 1. I I L, 111., I 6 , . n in woordemae with the conditions Bet ��­,� ,� � ,,�,� ". � , , ", , , I I . I I I � �4� - -_ �, I , .. d ... I -, . I For Sale� rbing one year. old. pure bred Jersey heifer I , , the iguesIt ofc-oMT, ind ,Mrs. A. M.c- Mrs. Ed. McQueen and daui - - I - .' - Iforth tberem. ' ,. 1 41 . �, , . . .— - — I year old.. 2 Durham heifers rising, 2 years. Ea,_h tender muvt be accompanied by a Queen this wee.1C. , ,. i -Ellva, are r�iisitinlg this ireek with � IV . . . 1.� . . OR I sALE-BARRED ROCK P LLETS, old, 3 spring calves. Pigs -2 York sows in certified icheQue .on a ,chartered' -bank in . .. .� t is I h I., ­"�' -, - F Aw L IIWSON, -mail pigs. Implements -1 Frost & , The committee of the 'Women's As- fritends'at Cromarty. ' . 6, I ,ply to RIDY I pig, 6 a oa,nad., pawoble lo the order off the Honour. � , , , 1: wesidy to "y. I 3536xl. Wood, binder, ,6.foot cut, I Frost & Wood able the Minister of Public Works, equal to 8101diation.oflErucefield United Church' ,Mrs. -Southam and son� Jack, off . , 11 11_ I Lot ,I!,, Con. 6, Hullett.. 111. -1 -11. ,., , 11 , ., I . 5-folot. 1 Masis hoe, drill, I io per cent of -the amount of the tend-, or met recently With -the managers of Londion, and Mims IT�'ne.Yiolpe,vif To- " I . 1� . e,d1tivator, 1 di:5c, 1 Mrum. steel I ­ :!�,-;' I V.0If§ALE_A 1988 FORD V-8 COUPE, IN stiff 0-th tee rake, 2 giamg 'Plows, 1 5ide Bearer Borids ,of the Dominion of Canada the chuilch And, are amranjing a pro- ronl�to, are visell,ting with ltheir. mother, . I ­ , 'i. . � cam- . ,;,. , ,,�1,,jjR,,U411jt ,cmd#j,., Ap�,Jy ,to Box '79, roller, I a I or of the Canadian National Railway I "W � a . . I i'�:­ �,� . W8r,Z delivery rake, 1 hay 1 -der. -I walking plow, pany and its co " g,ra=1 for JuUilti�e Week, 0 ober 4ith Mrs. Pope. - , ­­ i.i., . , nstituent companies, uncon- d't ;,i;� EX#OSMR $OFFIC& . A -,section barrows, I pair Of bob sleighs, . � -L tb. , I.. IT&. and Mrs. Glande Blowe�% and . . I,: ..�i..' � ,W -W . � 1 4 amid to 11 �� i'44 " . . � �,�— . i... __ - - - —, ,'.1 I ditionally guaranteed as to principal � . . . _. I L� . I il"... I .: ..... .. ,MS juteresA by the Domision of Camada� or the . I a CF PER ti l.horse ginuffier, I wagon, I gravel box, , .116110 .. 1�i. FOR SALE - 7 11 sliding rack, Miss 'Mary BroacHoot, of -Palm daughter, CL&Wdtte, ­axe�,. spiendaing'; . - _- Golnls� . . 7: ­_­ �, ' " hathern fan- I . . 1, ,. .i� Br- s. rack 1 C . I . I I � ,_ the hay I . aforernentione�d boi and ,a certified cbeque ' �,4 . �� , ,_nnd. ,= your own paii At 2,000 lb. scales, ,I .Beach, ,Rbrida, is. visiting at the (tiMs week at -their cottage at Grand , ,;., .. i � I A a 4Ui-n Fixicland. HAROLAD FRANCE. ning mill, I extession led- if required t5 make up an odd arnovint- . . I . SOT4 . DO- I - 1. , . *LCF I der I selt of sting ropes. I root pulper, I lVome of IMrsi. Alex. Bnoadfootj Mill Bend. I " '' I .. ;,�4 . I wo�, OUL ;.� . . 3586i I � Eist. .. I , McGormiclk - .,�.,L, . manure spreader, ,nearly new *, 1 ritment, through the Chief I . __ t, i I . . NOTF-The Depa, RD'Ad. . Rev. and-lMrs. Parker, of Morpeth, Until � T - 0 , . I lighi .'2 -4v buggies, 1 Portland cut- . 7 P t, ". --.-7—: AricbitcI,-es *frw,e, will supply blue prints and' I J a. --I , " _ I , i . I T amid Wirs. Gordbn Walker, of were calling on, friencis in town on , .1 . . .'�,.�:�,' Ift Memeri I iter, ,I set of chimes, I double set of heavy epos,k of a MIT. , .7 . I . , I Z' . ,� , specifiewtion of thi work on d � �11 . � .. � I � ,,,., ,, . am harness, 1 third horse harness, I single set 5 * it SEPT I , . 1060 ., gitaresto , ' - OTS . ­,- ,i �.11 � urn of 1$10.00, �in the form of a certified Btid Axe, Mlahi&n, l�i6 VIM at Si,burday. .. . I . . .1 I -In') 10 *ra . ". � I . . of harni horse. collars, a quantity of grain bank cheque payable to -the order of the ithe �hame of 'Mri'. Ailex. Broadfoot . ". � .1 .1., to 2 P I '. , AS 11 . - , all . (up I , 41 Rot"11 I �,; �, . Richardson - ,Wlilleft . . ..... .1iww n � I ..� . , - �, , . . " in loving memory. of our dei bats, 1 bag truck; logging chains, shovels, Minister of Public Works. The deposit will and .O?bh,&r f�ipndr,,, . . . I �, . ,.ow__w"1UttA1T .rglIceAdva I barrels; 2 16 -foot I , , ?'� 1;�, ; , , 7 il 14, I "er Robert McArthur, who passed iforks, "ring seat, syrup . be released on return of the blue prints amid Ftrrus?4 to d I - - iinhickfalso ' . � 1';i� ,* ''; . awaty,"one year W. I I lmdde , barrow cart, colony house, 1 stloue- specification withim a niontb from the date Mrs. Lorne, W-alsion, entertained at a A' very pretty wed -cling waa sol- , . pi - spend a ell - . I i ", � , rs ' t1on UP . � � 7. . I I . � I _ boat. I De Laval separator No. 12; also one- Of reception of tenders, If not returned q1lilting *A, Wiednesd.&y Lea.W. 0, 1935 . . at � , V. . . Ld 13 ties orre .brolien'. quarter horse motor, I emery grinder, car- , aftem"cuon emulzed at the home *if MY, and.Mrs. � . %%;1n­."Se%1%- .�, I , I 4_5v h om ,linked above; pentAr tools one VAthtn that ,period the deposit will :be for- ,941,i abouit. � ", enjoyed & ,pleasant , Rrvdn 5W. illle-jdt.-� pn ,. %,d .-, , I 1� . :, %.... . , . I I I 11 wagon ia,ak,',2 scythes, i,ited. ", , - Thpl lay ,aftor- .I'.,. ", ope I I I . I - R . 1. . I - , � = - - �,­­ -.1. _Saa B, .� = ti[ be a sweet reunion, L P -D -t ­____ . , eivter gasoline enirine, 5 hdrrepower: 1 cut- trTne. . I noon Ivit ,w1h I ',tNedr,yoikigest a - ."-- - -_ - - . ,� I J . , I __--� ___1_1 I , , 1111111,�will � .:,�,_ � . I couch, I dress9r, I bed with i I ii A '121 .tem q J. M. SOMERVILLE, Ili L �1 .' I,- ... T4, . � : I on, - again Vn those we love- Daugh- I ting box, I grnin grinder, I grindstone, By order, I . I I . teii, Beatrdee Wirgaret. biecaime,":;te' -_ -_ i � � LM ',w � Household Effects -1 coal heater, a quantity . I % _t*m rentombered by Sons and 35$6xl I of Mills, :=11 b I i .'!­= bridie iof 1H1enry Ross Rrichardsloin � A � I '" - , I'.!, ... �, 1: . ,springs and mattress, 1 coal oil stove, three- . ... . . of Mr. andAfts, Jbhn Richardson, of .. I, a �,!� .... I ... rM., , ", � .`,'.� , ,. I - , 4 i , —_ : , burner; one-half dozen kitchen chairs, one ­ ,etary. , ,. CHISELHURST I " the Parr ,I_lme, H9, -A The cerernony � I _. . . I . . � ­ " If, - 1 - See . " . I I . I . I . . ., , dhurn. but .ter worker, 1 butter bowl, a . I . I I . �.� , allionS I I . MMEEWNNN1WMM=1ENi� I ,. zi,� I I . Popular st, . quantity of crocks, 2 sugar kettles, 1 colony Devartment of Public Works�. . . . , . . I � — 11 � . _,; , I ­ I . I �� . ,. stove, also water f9unt1tin and Trurnerous .. The Late Thomas Nicholls . ,� i, I , 'Ilililo ­;. ­'. 11 . - , , . ". - I, I I I I Ottawa, August 12, 1936. ., , . ,�-, . - � � other articles -too numerous to mentio . . 3585-2 ';1%o,.rid bas just been, .received by I . � . . -1 ­ . I I. I � ,. I I .. . - 11, ,, ". � OAKHURST EXPRESS 'Terms of Sal- . I I U.,C I . nft MRS. ANDREW b,fOIR, I . . . . ,I- , , . �". 'i * ProprietrEm, 1 , Hensiall; Arthur Weber, . . fir4end­� of the * death , io,f Thomasi .� I I . ... It ,.. .".. . � . _ I.". . . _Stan&�d Bred, Premiam Stallion Auctioneer, .R. R. 1. Dashwood. Telephone --- ____ — N,lic''holas, a former well known resd- -9. _ V40 li�, � A, .14g, Well bred home that'wil-I croas well 4 A. ;, .. with any mare. Will stand for the balance 13 on"57, DashvOciod; Mr. Henry Phile, Cleric. - . . Births � " dent -of -tIh1;s llocaY!,'y, who &ied at his can Wa's -VIrst Engine and World's Largest - - I �� .. .. L, . I . 4 I . 1, I I . ." i '. .of this season at my f-0-11atf, Mile south . . 3595-2. illome, 'in- 'Opportunity, Washington, D. I "'' ' . ,11 - ��� ,i"', .. -of. Kippen. This home has stood 'at 425'. but . . ____ - - , ' ii,i:, . - - __1 HUISSER-Im Seaforth, o to ,C4 on August 3rd. Decealsed was ea er W %.A %." I . �� .. I � . . n August 24th, . ;,., . ' 'himbere, his fee is put at $10., � thS � I Mr. and Mrs. Hartman d1augh- botrn in Etnigland 89 , years ago, cioT'101- I S tr.'.,`i4iT ' Featured at Rail ` ay 1-3entenary I , , to - . Dea Huisser, 6 , � � _ . , I . . " L =jI I., 19$7.. . . v ,,, ", 1, . �� 1, ,.�=, , I . ; , . I , MRF --At Biuicefiebl., on August 20th, t ing to Canad,4 with ibW5 ents as. a — , , .1. 17,11 . I DAVID IaLPATRICK 1 � .1 ter. 4, .. . - . � I I _,,�4�,,,�, . - �_ . "f.... . � I . I . . � . , �-.th r 4 I '. I . . . , � "is'. � I . . Kippen, Ont. . PURCELL-in McKillbp� on August I 0 child. For many yearsl�, lived in ' . I ­ I . � . �, ;,�, ,,,�, . Mr. -and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, a daughter. . � . � � ., ­. I phome-4ffansall 91 r U. . * I Bridget O'Lonfthlin, relict of the late Mar- UMN-In Ulsborne, an August Sth; to Mr- ,77::.?�4 . ,?' ... .. ". . ., � Ofiffiselhurst ,locality, .later ln�ovli ' �:�;*: ��:..i. . �r:!.ii,,�,:.- ,.r,*9`;';':'.;.;,.:,:. ,:­" " �'�l,",�,:,,�'.,"'.-.'.,-.,-,"Iz.:.",P."��,.,,�l'.�p,'�""".'."�"�.."'W,.��'.".�'..'I .""... ­:; .::::::::;:j:;,:��;:;;;�.�;:.',"',,�',"� '... __.",. '', r 1.i..:�.;�,;:,;,::,:" I 35947 tin puticell, in her 98rd 3tear. . ng to ...,., ,,� g".,� , 0: , .,;'. ., ., '_ , i::..",.:;ii:i:!;:;i;i�.�...�,. � ", ,�-,�"'i�,'ii�'.1��..'�:,..'�,;�:$'I 11:4�1'1:i, , :��ix 0 � , :;�ii�-*.*�'.,.�! ;�;:.""r!'.1,?'.1­i :._�:�"..;..;,.. � ....'! g `ii&­'i�., ;��i�!,�'.ii�i;.k;��i��!i!,',*..-'i:;::::,��r'�,.,; . and Mrs. Ward ,Hermi a daughter- (Ids Br, �- _3 1�',*ill. � . . . ,ugsells an1d twienty, , , -_..._.1_N , ,.. ;., i,��,i��iiii� . . . _15ive rs ago �11111:;�Ii�-,�. , -- * . �_ .�, � . 1-11.- ,,,o�, -`�.,��i�;il,', "i. � i�, -,gr ,:;:.,;::�::., I �'.:,,::,�.,: .._ , , ,�, " .. .... I iill . . . I Elakwi. . I yea ..,. �, ,';�:� @'.g!�� $!.*1:::;:i�,,,, 11 ,�-,,.'�,�;;!;:;.:.::.,:::.:,:�,�.,v,.:.:K - "; �,i;g - :ii:�.%:��;.' ' �i;;,.��'.'�.':� � ,�:4 1; ' ­ " ,-,i:.-.,I:��-,,'��.,� �ii�����!�i",","��!,�,i:��,,,f7 I I DALF---In Sea - a ;'..'��i�g,- , . . forth, on August 216th, to Mr. mient tic) Western Canada and, then to ggi. I *� ,�iiii�:,;;!:: �Ii;I;,,, I I 7:!,%:::�-�: , ,,,,���i� � , r "'E... .. �,!.�;�.,I�!'�'�l,:.:;�:::!.,�::�I .. �ii��i!:`,�`i'k . .;�,:,: . . . . . . . * ,�i,-�il�`iii�, N, *11 - Dale, ,of Hullett, a daugh- Wlaahingl,ton. Fiftry-four years: agi� he ;��!i:i`�-'.�;, i��:,�iiii,,' f�: '�i -'43_� :1. ""' ,I � I 1� - . . I . . . ,,�.;"-',:;� �� "'i"It'i� '.�'il' ... , .. , I I . . �;::... lil. -a x. , �hi: X�� -,*.:!'1,i,1: ;1:9;�,�,.'kl.'�0�� . . . tim , ��, .�.. . -iled to Janet :McNeil, 'i';."'.'..� -1'-"r��`,�.";;: 7i ��.' "'...` ;-� . I of , , .,..r was m4l .", .1, . I ii',,.!:!i:'��. ;Iii,�";;,'�"-,;X� :A* . , I MALA)NF-In Scott Mcmoiri,33 Hospital. Sea� ,.?, , I .� 1. �� 1. � . I I I.,.,. " ,f,�ii '? ,f,�ii ,. . August.20th, Grey Township, ';ind she with buie i"'. ."..", ..... ".�.i�?.,;� 1 .i'l forth. -on to Mr. and Mrs. J. � ,� ,�� � � 'daughter, 1Y,ps. Laura Duncan, sur- ��,',:����',?.���i!�,�.-��.�"..'���'...."�,�:�,'i� Imi . L. Malone, of MeKillop, a daugMer. �`.,, ": . .! I . . CLEARY-In Scott Memorial- Hospital, Sea- Vive. *... �.� ', , . � . ., .. One brother and two sisters al- � g,g . I . . . '()nt I ,; � . I I forth, on August 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. so ,survive. Richard, of London,' 5.­.:.� William J. Cleary, of St- Columbam, a son I P 0 ... �Wrrr � . .. � ,, . and Mrs,. Davild I)o' .�;, " . I I (still born). . bson. and- iffrs. L. , ,,, � 11 I NEUBAUER-In Memorial Hos��hal, Niagara ,Sands, bolth Lolf y.a.irf " ,.: '' ­ - , 1. . � :­­ � A ., . .. . . I % , _. Falls, N. Y... ori Monday, August' 17-th, to Burial ax, Marilboba. :1 .1'.., ....... .:110.. , .. ,�� �', " � as madl att Opportunity. - ­ . . . . . 1.111p1;-:.:.-. � ;L I -� , ,� ,,Mr.' and Mrs. Edward Neubauer (nee bl� rw e : � , , ,,,�', I . t . � . I 4 ( ., ed Kruse), a daughter. , - . . I I I . , '... . I � . . , . , I- - - _*_""""_ - � ­ 'a 1-1. �, , I . . 11; I I . I . . "� � � . M a r ria"g e s ,, HENSALL . I � . . .. . '� ' ' I 'I' 4' . I . . '� , I — I . . _. I . .. _... - " �� ., . . I �'11___ . I ADDISON-TREWARTRA.---iAt the ,home of i e d at the Hen- 1 . . .. .... . I I . M I . I ,,�, I ,.�, . , on, H-olmesville, on August Su[bstriptiurts ree We . ... Ii" ­�,,- , I ,. . . . I Miss ,S. Athes . ,?:' . . 115th, by the Rev. Dr. A. P. Addison, saill Post Office for aill daily and I I � �.,. ai�ifiil, -pis, rother-in- I . .�. . - . . 'ted by the Rev. E. Ler, b weekly newspapers. Save poitage I 1:. r . � � lbw of the b7idegridom, FAther Liffla, elder I . , deag and cost of remi'tting, 3585-2 �Y!'� I .hter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Nelson W. , : I., 1�,r I Trewartha, of Clinton, to the Rev. Arbhur Immste't lRilly Higens, ,bad his ton, t t e urbn Sip s I . . . . - Peter Scoley ,Addison, of Coniston, son of is remlovied a h,H ., ring, " I "I I � ­ isiol '4�� . . ithe Rev. Df, A. P. and Mrs. Addison,. of Sanaiborium ory Monday morung of . I . 1.1_ . I I .._.1. Toronto. . I ' . .- ;,. I. . I . this week. � . I , ; ,, I I �"7i7ek �-, . . — Mr. and Mris.. William, Love and .. . I _. .. .1 . I I �,� . I , ELIMVILLE . I lMrs. Pelter Risher -spent the past week . . . 1, .,---..- . � camping at Kincardi 'Railway - Pionee'rs" 'T... I I I n,e. . I I I . J4, ,, . . 'Mr. and :Mrs. Percy Gram . I , t of . � . ..� I I � ' fa E'edid . " 1. : .. C Mr. Henry Horney. -of Owen,S,ound, Lansing, Wich., viAted iover thd,weipit H* p 1. !!!: � �i and Mrs. 1�hoda W�stla[ke,.of Elxeter, end at the ho -me iof the former's par- .. , � - , ­ . _. . . s,pent Thu.Tl4day with iMr. and Mrs. ent_%, Mr. and Mrs. George Gram. . I I , �" �, . �14 . � _.". . ecent celebr�- . . I 5 . . � . . J ohn HeirdQ4n. 'Miss- ;Mary Stelwarft, ,of S-ea&rth, 1:11 �tl' r . ,.,i I I . . I Wiss- Dicirio-thy Jobng spent the week' visfited for a few days recently With tion of -Canada's railway centenary "... Ii. I . " , . . . I...... - � I I ­ . . . I ­ . . .,� ... 4 ... I'lil ..... I ......... .. '.14'' - , , held at St. Johns, Quebec, the . . - 1. I. end with heT,4 au,,If �M - A' Oardiner, Mr, and W�­,. Laird- Mickle and ,Miss southern terminus of the. Champlain M, :. 41.. 1. � . , , - . I �-_ . ! N 17 'Ellor : �� /I .:"� ! � 4 . . . . I . near Fairquher. , ence Welsh-. . - - �!!! . . . . . . I ".... �, �, I , . . and St. Lawrence, the first line in A. I I 1�­��" . - , ., jOR111L, Rev, and Wirs, Pen-po-se, W, alterand IMLao Irene Donglii wbo, with .i., ii . " - NE C9NT a word^ the Dominion, S. J. Hun;f,.erford, ,.:; -1 14" , . Eva, are bioldclayling alt'l-lia-ruilton. frien-ft w�m on a motor trip through president if the Canadian ations .... f ,�._ ,,Mir. and'Mrs, Rich. Job#s., Phillip the Ea;EJ,ern, pri 0 '... :..: ;; ­ 1�.,` � ,, ,�j.. : : , � um 25c) is . I I ie, Mr. and (Mrs. 'Ben Wil- s tor the past Railways outlined the tremendous ..., I � . ­ , U (minim . and, 'Beg§d mon�th, returned 6 lber ho�mle here strides that had . been made iw-- ;1n---*----- . � �1.1i.,, , ��,�l.i�."�i����.'.,�"I'�,�l.I .. . - . 11 _'. ]Yiaums. Mr. -and Mes. Roiland Wil1lianils thei end � last week. . railroading since he entered the ii".'.1%,' 0.0 ", � 4 i�jl - . . a i�jj.,�","", ,�!'�:! �, 1'�_ , .��',�".,'�.�""� 4 . A, rday railway business 50 years ago. , �.::: ",',�":�;!, , ,�::,'11:�� "�.,, , .- � all that it, cost�_ and, daughteoSr spent Satu at lWord wa-s received,, here on Mon- . ��.',,I.j�.*�,..11�� I �.. .e t; 1. -1 , I., . . ��1�1! ', r�'. I 1 eja,y 1a,F1t of I : I . Springbiaink. . th,e 601h'of Mr. Harry "I can say in all truth that W . �: , ;�� . . hich :� �i :i I ..� ..,� - 1d: ", . � ., 11 . I 2., . ": .. ��, ,'�,, ., , . you for a classified ad. - Mev. L. C. ,and Mrs. -White andl Ifiarms-n, f,or�me-el,y ,svli for Cook has been accomplished bas tran- :: 11'..� �'.. : I ", 1&', N . . I Beti-Ity and, Bolbby, of'Waordslee. Were (BrIbis. belle. My, HWman suffered a scended the vision of the pioneers" . �A ,in The Huron 14XP091- 1. ose Who :.: � . `,%�,,. Sunday visitoris in, this, communityL!. stroke -on Friday last and pasIsled a- Mr. Hungerford said. -"Th . � I � �,, I . I . lainned the,. Champlain and -St, .. �f " I I . Mi,sG ,Gladys ,Skinnier s0ent several waly on 'Monday at,his, honle Tn, SIbrat. 11 lawrence and brought it into being '. 'I r A, ..., - - to ' An ead. that each week will,reach and be days recedtly with ,relatives in Exe- ford, where he has ,lived for the 0ast I 1� . 11 I r. . - I 1 4�, 4, " . I ' I no matter how optimistic they . Rl�. . I three' Team. He was enqAoyed as , .. gI�. I 11 . . I,.,. ter. I Mre, Witlijar# 4 1 z . I . 11111, � might have been, could hardly have ii.. ,` ." , ,i -_ I , ,Fii.)"." . 'Ire milies 'Mr. an6 Bradshaw a car salftnilsft!of th-at ,city and was foreseen what a mighty, instrument - 1- , . , .�i ".. . , ad.;,by� more thani'4#.0.00 fit - �­:- , "and Daivid' "slited w-Ith Mlr. arid Mrs. in hiis 701th year. ""Illr. Hafrms'n was, " of national welfare the railway was - - ___ � �� _ I I " 11 I : . I - ­ 0 , . As � � . 1 : � "" 7, 1 - , r �,., � I I � , , !j, 11 :., I .. .1 � , I .. I . � r r, . 1. I . I I - ___ ----I- - ­ -.--.- 1 ---­­------­--- ----I-' -1 Enim Ferdman near Varna on Son- t*ilce mamied And is gurvivo,d by ibis to be in Canada. The railway has � , �'ft '­ 1 9 . - -h- . � . I . ;1 11 � 1�, � day last. I second wife, ,Mrs. Harmil, of Aten- . been, and is the mig tiest single 31 .. I " ,... � �.., � J ,,, , jo'buy or sell anything there ------ I . -%.-' 1. I you.witnt I . . , ,,,, I . � . I -", 4 � f., - 1. I �i . � . I Sall; one son VIAfylinrid of -Stratford, force in the welding together of � 1_111*;14�.'X��-, 4 11,� , 11 1 $ A . . . . . y 'Al � ,z I . 11 �. ' ' 0 1 "I III i� I I',- , - . � ffi'�.1'111. I . I � � two idlaughte-ra, �km�. WX C. ' Pi ' ' Canada and ' At ihe ciriiiin�iwy at St. Johhoo,' ii�i""­7' �*tnetnoratk , , I 111'', 0 ­ �.. ­., ­ ,,, '_1..,,-,b_nb,,,Ch,eaper4Dr .more .406five _w,a-y than using - -- - ­ . the PmOrvAtiOn Of 11"�­ k. . ,. 1*a 'i "'. , ,,, . �, � . . BRUCEFIELD gnd.Mbs, Dbirii Harman, both of , it as a nati n. .rt is a migbt7 hundrMtlj�Ahnl�ersary of the).6pektjo 'Ik"iflihic first Ciii I�I, I ,,,1. -1, , � I . .1 . I ia, I .1, . . I . roi two, brolthers. Of servant of the'people. When this � . I ­ �, �.,,,A! I... I I clasgified ad, Phone . I Aetiget traiA, a full-sized model Of th�6.0, A I., 4_1 �, � -v ", - he to i, � , " ': -in 9, I I . . 0ofth6ster" t A , " . I :�,1,;!, .",, I ',I, I 1, , �,. . ". I I., 'in& ,W,g. �, ' d1i and; Manila; and' RdbeTt, 'of L 91 � I ". , oositor ,. (D!, angstaff ; railway was conceived there ­ 0,ngfne, WAS shown in cornparlson .wifth �on# of thi6,,,Jftew q% . ii� . ,j 41, $eaforth. .Rev. 7 wililliam. "I 'I, I I i � . the allslo one ,sister, lmobrh .; , 'L 'tit'j" ''. It .&:-- '­ 1-114.: , , ,,; �-, 1, . I SIlftfth, rikewise, brought 'into. beipjg tb . 1. , .; , �,�, ,� _ :.� . .1 ' ances whii ways,, grgf,sr streag � � � I I � � " 11 faTrifill, of 'Stain Mucked' Mrs. "' 6 I , I . . �, ,, % "� I ,� �� 0,: ''. I "L'�� � . ch6in of virduAbd In W-1, 1h Canod tA.n National Rall liftett 0 ;. ; - , - United Ch - 144 .1 -11.1 " �, '11.1, �;,�, : I . _ urch"'llast iguyOR, And call- bf Long Bta-nch. Thef T"wems, *ete, I I.- a -p - �. , . I . " ., ,. " 4 1 to the formati6if oftfie Cdnadiih bi th ' . ,The "Dotctiester, ��.,-�,;�, --'� . I ;, I I . SK - I ,,,. ' - I I - � , I , talken to Nev*harket for butiail. . .11.& ,I lie - , '41 J' I . 4. , ,:� �� I %��, , I "'tender, 94 feet 7�Y4 in ea. OXX I - WOO 11 i'h " �1. L� I ed ,on a few iof thdt 1, -, ,'��.' . National Railways, *ith - ita Ber- I 6400, with 41 A" 1'0,;,�'A lj';�"' 1' i"i- " it'- l r`p W , _1 , 6400 16*16n j� 6 �-,'­I,i iL I �:- I ,,�� I lmffig.� J'am-esp 0eir 41,11ME VIRAIge, . .9. A. Rogi§ ,still donViftue very . , , I 04 11 "I . 1� " I �'. 11 .','�, I'. I xi M, V . . vices to every .pitoviinee of the entirel r trilft of 1836. I "J. .1 . �T, � , . - . �:'- I I , � W"bt' seuggil. -iseliow* 441 I . , I 5,� ­ Z., I ,,,,�-,� "14", . 11 1V visited - . . bomidolt. - It IS the. aih) of . =g6 �; ,,,�.,;� � I ." X , -!ii, , "p, . . , . '41 o the ,L ,� I k . . T � -, 11 ,- "' 1000. ,of the pianie&t tealdietijbg 6-f I ' " , �*, � ,,`� f f I I I LK . , F1.1 I " ixto .,-4, 11 , I? - 11 .1 " M I I , I 1 q,- ; � ` �latftry shows kir ��, ". � Ithi§ we* 11 . r Canadian Niflonal Railwdys 'the �, .ko ,�A?"; I , .�- g , ", .no I 11VIS1 "ahk " k1ou i�xlli' P fgj pj� ,,,, , � �;�,'j� !:j ,,,, ff 1�ddd- 'Jilee, � the ft-Saage and- fflyoi J'lor lway 9yAtkm on the North . ontr6al, G I- ,, . I Dfiu�' I . 044, , ii , .. . 'frjemtd, ,d Uti,hafs, bten a rosidfevt 4-1 i, t V�, 'M ikq 0.0 .4 ff r , kt "41 ittlonal id " �" I ""' - . 2 #I , � , dtidall. edfltj to"Atill to be im, " .''",a .o of M , , ,,, V "I Wrs� 31mveg ,' ., � Aargestrai k"i" , �'x 11 ," , 0 1,1' , id� 3 r* I of #94 NUO 11-1.11 ", ., 1XVIS. G p �ig � 0 if�4.,�-,�? ,3�%, � .1 I I OWM,1`1 j,LWWM4 I �. =i I ...... ­ I 5 ��, I . I "�l , ill ' ' . ��O­ It6l '? in the. eg "' taff,;ARL� ,00*4ng ... , &, tote iv� , , `fj# hk� hiard 'J.�g 1 .LL, '..", ), (�� .. . iq If � It vqmt! - , , , , .1 0 _ 4 . rl, , 8 rh - . I , I '��, " ". � - '' % gg';,* 0 I v " . d A il � , ri- y"ft of go! . , cow "lot � - 1 11 F ­ � "4151 �J _ ��O&Jjlftj i*ew of the ) - , , . .. 1 1 , 'ft Aft�ii,�� 't W_ . .. M.- V_. -T I T � g g, R�t,!�'!, � '*' I %1�" . . L , '. ro"11 "' " vorthy ingrumotit 1j, the'deV61op- WA � e , , � ,": I � LIT" , Of , , 1i 11 0: fAtloft, ,, -j1`4 ' , I e., 11 �11 � , " :::: b 11ii - I— 11 ��- - yi � � , , "I i .. ,�� ; ,., ... .. . r4ew. 00, tAltl � wdvkf� , 4 U Wn, ww Van i . qnZ Of gfedt."dou,!,.� - -1 , . ., 5 . ',i_1.L.11 ... .... ­­",­­"'.­ . I � * - 101AW, thldf I 1. , I ,�;, m , . 116 . " ,. I., I ,��, , I !�� ., , I , , W"�, " - I � � I I ;,,,, iL! .� � - I .. I . � �.Oj..._, . 4,�P.,i;. . I ,�i,, I '* I ""*" , 4 , I � ��t.�;, . . 9 .1 , , I - "..''4 . . ,�,­ 4 I - ;!i,,, "I". -'%'7i, ':; ti�;jf,p,q,pl, I Rft,��i�gZ!fl§ , ,IT'. .1 ,�O, ;I P . , , , , . � . . . I ?�,'f,' -�,��,! � , � p: , , ,� ­ � I I � � I ... . � I ",'� qrgi ,�Pjk�' "�,.�Ii,14 M , �,i, .. �,g'-­ �, I I . ­ , " ,, � 11 11. � I" ,�,, ;, , g, �1 Appp­�.'gg, �, ��11,# �,,, � ". '4 � , 1� 1 'i � ��11 , , , " , - - ,.� ,, , * � , , ,,.,�� �,i�,, � , , ,� � 1, 1, I. - - . ,� , . , ", 11 '1-1-111 ". .1 , , � . 1: 11 I ; I , ;- li;. �, 1�,­ - .1 " , .- . I I . . 11 ,", ,:: '! 11 , U, 11 I , ,; ­ ' , . ,,,� " �� . " " , 11 " �0` 1 . , � i) ) �,1'11N�.�'�,�, 4��, j . , '! , J,N , " � ,. " I , � I . �� "I 11 ' , � � -6� ,�.�, , 7 ' � "' ,""'I", ..... IV! , ,:, ,,,,,,�`,4�t , , . � , , . , ,� 1 ,,, , ,", ,,, '. . ��- I I �, ixi, �;. 1�, ,�" 'L,. .L ' .', ,� � k'i" nx � i .1, , - , .; - - . . _. � ­ 11 ?,;", , . 11 1.1 t , .1, 1� � I ' " A� , _' ;,.�,�! ,,�, .,% ,,, "I". � , ., 11 : , , �i4i'l��,��,i����y��,f,�,�i,�.",L �',11 - ��,,,?�.11"1""".,�,�";L��)�(,�,%,,W'I'�,i�,�'), I I � , I 1: , . ,U 1� �M -, ­ ­ � I �': �­' `� ,,,,,, "i, ii� -, 41�.11, �NL "��KLOZ6W' I ,�, , , ;V, '4�,.�. "� "' I I ,- L" " I , I ' "" t �. L , '�, �, 1��l 'r " - i��,.'�,:�g%-.'A,,, y"N"! ,*vv�;, , I I ............ qQiI, f11w1i.1vL.. �:,`.'ilt 66 I'll, :t �_ �1't� 1�j':1�1'� �11',� �' L ` I I 1`10 ,10R 'IT . �!f�'IN�lre,"""�ll,"Itll7w.l��.l�lI , I pii�l ­ .... ... h, "i".11 ...... - ..... 8� m llit�i�"11� 11 01 I "I . 1. � �� 14'.� "I I :,�"lx , ". "'4614, il'1110RN�� , � L , i; A ,,, ,,, �,,,i­,_:�;­­ ­­­­ , � "L .1 , , � P , �. I f , � b I . k . I i f � " . 1! 4 1 4 . L , . I q 4 4 1 4 i . P 0 , 'f I k 4 � I " , I - 9,�A