HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-08-28, Page 3�,",-.,I','-� -, " ; W, � ,�, , ��� ', . 4"', , , 'k " .11i,;,. , �, �., I I I % . : ... , �,'­ 'j-1 ;.,-. ;,.: � , , ,,-"j�;. ,. � ��p%�A�,�,��,;,7j,�� i l� ; , . � , � . , I. ,,� 1�� �!; "t , , . - ;, , ", I ; 1P ; � ", �,,�!�!, �,�,j ��. I ".. i "I � . . I � ; f'", I ... I I �� " , . 1. � , - � ,, ?V�, 1�� � ;`�t, !" �*,�,�� " �: �.�'x. �: "'�; �� 1p'�!!t I 5� �,�� . �!�,',�,'��'Ij�;�'4,' I lc� .. .. . . t��b i" I , �? 4 � � I r ; 1! , � : � ,;�, 11 ,"-,, , ,,.V��, I � � . I " 11 I I '. . I � �� 11 �Xj,, , . I � .. ­ ., , . � , . � I . � . I � " , .. I ,. I I I . . ,,�,' ". 1.1 "!� I", . � " _ .� , .. � : [ � : . , I 11 L 1, .1 , I ,� , �. , , . ,,, .. I !t'' .""'.." � , , I , ,� '. ,� . " I :,, I I . . [ 'I .1t., 'i , 7;; ,� , I I , ). . � I . I I I . . I �­ �,,i 11 ox, i :�,�� I � , - I ­ I , . , I ­ _ ', I � ., (I d-� 14 ." A I 1. I �'1�1� i I i, � 1. k, I .1. . ", . ,i � " , �­ � , '' I . I . I , , , -1 . !� " � . ��, . I � , , 1. ,; I . . . . 1. . 11 I . . .. ­ . . ,. . I ..., . , "I (I T, . , " ,, ., I , 11� , ,� i 14_�'. __ _ . I " - I" � -11 , . ... I ,, 0 , '4$_*,,'144.*0,,.�._ . I, I . . - - - . . %':`� ; .1., , :� .. I , mmij I --1 1.1- ",­­­ -11111.-".., - ''..., 1-1111.11111 ­ ­­­­. . .. -,I ! 1, , A �11 � I 1� 0, � .11 " I I I I ...--111. -1 ­.­ 1, ­-­..." - -1 ... 1� �1. !P:17 --..,I I - - I. , I , . I , � I . I . -. �'7'7_ I _ - v I _J, I I . , . I , ,�_ .. - . . __`_ � 11 . I . I � ''. -.11. ­­ - �_.; ,:­_,�.. ­ - I � � I ''I I I � . ____.__, _171-1- - - I , : , _.� � �''. . . .111, 11 � .. . '.., ­ I �, y �.:. , _­­ ,, I - �, ., ,_ . 1. .d ­ �� � 1� j � ; �, ­ 111. I ,_ E I *.­:,­�, I- �:., 1 I , I , , . �, I � ,,;... 1� ,: 'jw 11 ., . X I ­ r. .�, I . I I I .1 .. ...� ,. � I i. ` . .1. -.--.., 4 U Z _�., 1. " I M. I'' een .�e . HIV �, I I 11;� ­­ ll I I I 1.� , 11 '01" �11 , 11 � ��,'21�`,,��,,�� .�,,�fl­­­ffi -, ;"l " --it'll-, U, 1110'rillp, � ,. � ,", , 11;.- oto o . -� g',q it, k" i � .. � 1.1 I . � , , I 11.1 111. ,7 t". .", . . . . . , � �,,,%,V ,,,, 'S . , , . .. 1-1,' '', . . � 11'. �. cmeF"�Ala, 0 1 .. . . I ....... , 1". F, 1, � , r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,� .1 ... , �­ ,,, � T .. (,Continued,- from --- I " . " ­­ . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 %'. _ , - . �'., '', , 1� " .. �: 0 , ... i � `V'�_'A'r' � � . 2) T�;,, 0 'a A I , � i ,., 1� , � � ', , .. ! 11�"'1111.� :�­ . ,F i , V"':% ' ' � .. . I ""T r - � , ,. � , � i ,,,, �,;­A6,_'AWd, 1 , , . 4 .. ' '. , Injured "I'll", I .11 . ,. :r ,,' I . - :, , e, 6t, - ." _jq�,, ,;g 11".. . ,,,, 40i 'r � �� all , f ,.", � e , "., , � . My", � .- _11 U. . � r � 1� t " st " r.4 . .. . ... , When Rarse 1101ted . , ", , ..". .. . t r I . , , V M � IC0611 1 . I I . I 1. -.1 I , . . , . � ., -!I - ', �:, , , 1. 1.� �i�­.,,�IVF­ 'i�;�� I I :i . %yan, a 4rivVi'ifor'the Dean ' $$". of N - 9,dq, "' , . I . . I � ! ''I I i ,, - . :.­. . k"', �- 1� ­.". , " 1�,, ", - I -As - IV� I - . , , . Clool, ,Company, suffere4 PAW11u), in- , I . . ,, ,�, �.!­�!­, � '� , �' '� , 1�1. ,­ , w-- Ab, j,�,� �,;, a I -, W , ­�;;W I " ' -0#.b-n..,f "A ' ' , -, rm* "? " �, �.,`,�,I, 1� , _ G -R . . Ahe , . i juries, incluoing Aurnbers of lacepa- ,� VrUg Store ,g, e W, I 00 'a Up. MUCII f up, ther su;5ipimon' tba �, __., &'(1%MrA, ,,I � I iia , I , ­ i,4, �' i,xw, . ons and, brOseis, on, lgonda,y jarguit. . usine , uie erhwirt imight rel!ish Ottawa 1i 11 I-; � %4 ., �,, r6l '4 ­ -- t Outstmadling I ,, . - �V��� � �1-111 4 � " I � ,.� 4 . . i * d off most . ..... 0s, &MA. PP a CQAV01iav* .T=,� mim pas. - ... C li 11 , f .. � mpanion Of Galt in, Lay- when the team he Was .&PAng near , )Brussels bewlem; caTi , � jwwa" �, , frigliltened :by of the -Prizes, Despite - tuq " - ''i .� r"'MI �3� "-,", ,,, rp, ,,,,,,, 'W", "I ,,, � 1, I 111 '!!I,- R1,1111 11.1i, P � Co Tayror,,s 'corners, was X is 4ifficultios. 10,46 u wila 11op mDra. ",� ' _'_,:! - I �, t� ,, Y � f 19re P. Me, ''llin, uk-mog � MT I ;1, ,,,,, , ; , ; , ; I ' if anything is do e Am* ,the Matter . 'T.", �� , I'll . ing Out, Huron Town � _ . . . I :weather a lar!Z number , . . � tb;6 were-`�n " Goes To Gpiteva. , 111111, a passing car and boolited. Ryan was . L . I. I" , -i; 4 ZI i seat on..thi6 Wagon hand and . her . , . I r ,r,_,%, jerkied from thm miers were w* fol- I I e at 41, , � I . . ... � ,("", , . , ... i . I I � , � .! ,� R � , I 11 .!!:1 I__ t, I � . Sites. - and fiell boireath'the flying!' feet of lows: R. Bowman F Samis,`J.. Lo,g­ 'lu Toburn t � , .. 1.11 , .14 1, ! .. � . _ava, of a * ' . New ,�� .�, � .�, I! 1, I'll "I .... "I ��,,n ,,,, . �, I . . ��,, _g � . . . ,,�, I I -), H.. Ch im D 0tt ZIN0419(a, -Deal­76jr C. - M., I . I 1�11; i4. ,,�', � a .�� .1 . � I I'', " 1 $ 1,g I I the. horsea. The horses took to the an, J. Denham (,,Bl�tlk .4 0 -on, ,of cabivelt mdn1Ivtei,%- X I " 1� . . r ,i a , n upset on top oi J. Kelly, Po ,Sbowwt, S. . Robinson . who � havp beeii The ,Qavadlian 'Naitdoins,I, , 11 t I . � ­� �1- [, kk­ 11 . . � . I ftilbmys. I , � - : I Abroad causes a certain resumption are -to .have a ' r . I I � -.1 - _v . �.� ,1 11 ­ " � . ther t&vmlie6sed- the reins. (1,13dyt,h), J. Cowen (Blyth) and Alex. of actiwty after a I new 404 -,.-At 100it 17.1 � 11 . . 11 . � I., I I I 31AN OF , ABILITY ditoh ,and 6 Sk - .. .... ... � ; " " - Rutil .—Brussel Post, - Asuramer of pwi4- the matter i6if magagerniefit.'The board, � � ., "I., . � %,� 1, ­,� ".... . frDM . ... fi�,��,A�,,'-�,11 � 4 � ... . I I ',�;t t�%�Pk�!,ii� . Ryan recei1vied nu1merous, kiieks ,edge I 31 � . .''. I � � - 1P�";., , ffi,itl., . Iliar quiet,. There will, be a clieianup� faf -three trustees 26'abaut ,tD'W. re. - I I ..��i 1 ,;-�4,",,,,i��,7��',r.�".;"�-,',', . , ", , .�' I . I ,11�, ,�, ��,`: 1-1 Y", , , -1 . 11 . . 6 4� . .It seero .to me,,biat none have evz- the *weis as theY fought to escape I Appointirnents Made�., .9 before ,Placed, by a bo�to of sewn - . ­�' , ; '�.'i"Nr . , many outsfWading aitatbersi - � k , , , , -,­�`,�.,i";�, , , * -harness and wagon, ,Which were There t "Jbei�A, t0p- new appoint- Piender King gioes,toi the League of W1161i'a ratwgy; man at ats j � , .. I 11 ­ � � �,,,-,,��'-,t',� �,t�,,, , ,­ - -er deseirdW,,the animitatble Dr. Dun- the . ,,. ,,7_,�, , ,kh hi = ITMh e , . .,., , 11 . �: � ,�'.,j, lidp,- of Huron Tract fame, in. a more bytlxh� time in a tangled j � -, 11, � � � r . �, , uimble.- Dr. n , . 1-1. . . , ,��,k,l � I . , wiiibs iu 1HOrOn 'County i'h' recent Nations at Geneva io eptember 12. aatteT, no doubt, wi-111 be S. J. qpn,� . �� � . � , , � , P'k. ­ ' ' �� ' fildding wayt1han has Strickland in his 1W. F. G41 -low who attended the fm� day�. , _ " . I , . , 1. . .. ... 11 histoirleal �abronicle of 'hils- Kfe in ,U.p- jured man, felt that it would be some � Beiaiallnin 014))Oais IALS been The g(biviernment cannot be accused gerford, sit presen�' oiperOffig head _____ ��; , � , ,�';-, �L� - "" . , " a,4,1,1�` n ,As Justice 'of the peaee, *9 "Iallssez ftre.11 It h6s been busy; of the system.. . ... , � �_` " -_ ,I " , ,n S ._ _ _ __., I I � "o, , , � $ '.' is'"rA i _ _ .;::�E , � .11 per 'Canada when he wrote: weeks before Mr. Ryan would, be ablig at Clinton, -and Joseph �C. -Smith, R. 4d not here, it thiss. been occupied, Duad controilt hiebween t- � . i',� . . . . . . . . . . I - I t _1 . tht opera . . " ' � .� ,,, I ," � 11, "I 1� . , I ­­ to return, .to work.--4oderich 8 al�- 'R."C' 111imssels, as county. constable— abroad. It is but to viden. he ohan- ing head and the'head of the ,board � I . ,, ", � , ,,�-2'.,,'4,6 ;,��g,�t% , 5 , JR.. t , MANY people. ask us ivIly ' , `�,4 "Take him ,for- dII ,in all Jim Hunter Greets Goderich Friends Brussels Post. , . rkle 4400.�PPFNO - -all uel� ,of tmde. It seemo lilikeily to, of trustees has been one-vi'the dif- "Ie ';"",,-�`,�,'VW,1 . I � 1. ­ ,, _ ."N", . Ope of *e j& � .4 11111M *_�A� ­�`,�V,,T�i,�,',.;-�p . .4 1We rieler sh, 11001k U�on his Eke "Good Thmsdiiy afterawn,� every- Portly Porker Parades tdodeed. It-sidocieeded withthe Unit- ,ficulties 'the sysIcim has eluffered . 'Osi jWp9*.;4*t I . . - ­ i,�7 . 4 � again.ftp. ,, ., .", , '. �1,� L �" I! " _ %, �`r ".I * ' . . . 11 I body! " So idoei% Jim Hunter, Gode of is was added to the ed %States and,, as, Indicated an this4rom-' The morale hw become lbw- I - md'oveh�,"�.- - '' -1 ­ ' - , '"'!"j -P �"� , ',?�p?,A, ,., I -1 - A bit ' . �, always crisp : � t%f�, pice; I , llc4",W ". ,,,,,_-ffl,,, -t five . , . ', ..., � _ i I rich boy who for' the pw coirreispiondehoe, the imperial, donfer- eTed. The now board of seven di- " " 11 � I , , , _. , . � , year's monotony of`life .on the in . ", �. ... I I. 1�,M . -ain th0T- pateated *i�� 11mier 11�. . . , , 2 , , 1,��, .o.�`,,� ... . . ,&. ... � ,he says ,that, I%e was well -made, morning and evening newntry choice Oughfare on Friday when a' , ,;", :,"". .� - In ,describing Ihim -in a, 1phyaicaj way has fed the listening c6u enim agreemenits, wft England ,and "IeLtoirs will also be empected !bo "di- ­ , . .f". , . I . . , 4 � . . I I I s� I � � . I I . , , 1. . ,�'. ix " A�.o','�,, �. .':,,, I I . : � . .':,, f . items, via, young porker escaped from Portly the dotininibu& are being Adjusted- a reicit." It wiJill, ,no(t be ghberfered with I t, �. .�'.:�,,.- 1. � stout, bTVad-sihouldered, ab bondage I .. - Auotb,14 m'a .001% is' the, ir 41010 foulk, � j*: _.,'', V'', � , - Rd w.1, Ove Rx ,the radio, gTeet through The Signal in a trailer ,and ,did a bit ,,- __ , " ,; N, - - . f :feet in height with Tied hair and those old, friekde whqRj 4;�.igAyJ14yt, jpkaling " Of new itrade t�ed'by w1iith Germany' is 'by i6e government in any question, - I ___ .1 - - I _. I ­ -_ lRavor. . . '.;� '' : " t � . I . _ n hi i noran"d- one .with Poliand be- Df bperatIng poolicy, though in fian- j*eir oven-fr6bit ' ' " ' " .,,j�.,,"I -gist 'an ... . ... u_ Alle"'," _'11.:,I�'1`51;,]I�� I . .. __ - _1` ... I - ...... I . P"'."._­­­,� . �;�,',:�,,,?i� - , , - �,-i", - - ,��,�p�;!� , , 'Whiskeir's, bgu& S, --a---- pi s own account. It was 41nov 'eft,QLAU'V�'U" 6 the 13ith and there ancial matters a im�uah wider con- . - � ,., ,�� .. . .... , . I -eyesli- high 'fordheadi 11i§ ir�w -1 wing 1his week -end stay nearing closing hour and. the store- c imitated.1- P !40, 1� ": 1'1'�.11;,�".i� noise isfightly aquiline, � .. � OWWAr . h. .er- 'T ". ti., . - � e, 1,r .. ;, IQ � ,I I �, ., alle-ratheir, new e§ with The Nether- trol. wAll Undoubtedily be - exercised. . , I . 1. . �,';;1,6­., �, V, bT0ad fa�ce, ,here. Although Jim Hunter was not, keepers wer . . " � � � . _ ;, 4444 ,-, and- a remarkabile facetilovig and y out ,on the stu= 'on . COR14 ore made only frojii t1blo fi "; "' ` '' ' ­`­'­`­' 4" : ,gbiDd physically, what many had expected ibying the fun, one of them, sho"rZu- !lands and Swibzerl�and. Moy"& ago, The� de-ficits of 'the sidate-owned, sys- I .1 � �jumt XU7 " , I'!! n -g ' �,; . . '' � *,' .1 rr I "': I . . . � 10, . hulmoired expression toif counitenance." --even if they couldn?t Put it into the ,pig from, th,& front of F, C. Hiord's diffloulties, with Jla*n were wiped tem have ibeen frioTa,$40,000,000 to . . "I 11 R's gredientS. Nourisjji39'9'. - )0136y, S*i � I ,�11.�' � . . I , �: i , � . ^ ��,� ,:, (Aifter a rather iinbensive study of words --- there Was a traice of his, fam- stoTe to watch it amble i away aiiid trade is headthy. " $50,000,000 a year for some time. b"Was" . , . r. ., .11", I I T � ; bis character a.4 evidenced, in his lit 1,�iisumly In- A;9FM;4 digest. . : - -1 11 �,� ` . "'W.1'.1 " � ­�, �. - War staccato verbtl barrAge in his to W. ,-C. Th � .1 I The govieroment is beAd retsponsfole; . - I . , ;-1­1��, , . .1 . ­�,_ � �'rr"" ij,". , 'Ds�rk and Bright Sides has to find the imomey. Without - I .1 � , , "� . s 5R, I dintary speaking vqice. And 'he is ��Ih6e t,re, ent,6T!ng the front door Don0t'he satisfied witu alq other ,�,,.,' , tionA, the sibudent'reaches the coneclu- or orne s ramaculate new I I /sion, that he was Ivind-jbimrited and I QWV - .. 4''?, a 'highl,y entertaining conversat�jion- d The, had spot in -the -economic sit- turning thei huge ,system .into -,a hap- . � , � lj,��;, , �: I'll, I I I olitely malking an exit at � . 11�-,l I I �� - 111; 11 �, I generoul§.' 'Any phase',bf'his life will alist -and an, acciolmplished- raconteur ,'or . uation continues to be br=(L Ask for KeHiogg's by nanse, . 1,� , i ' .,fair �=I pa- I 1. 1, I%w ,� - rear without any heisitation ,the result of py hunting ,ground for pioliti ­., � :�� �- aho1w -that -he was entemprisling. That -Goderich ,Signal. .. I 1� , . L., ­�,Z� I spection. Finally the ar, the dirouglid-a 4-5 per cent. cxbp. tronage; Tb -doubt 'new policies. will , . . ­', he haid literary afrility Is, eivadeine iant'porkm ' I . . .. . I 11 �,,�,:�,,�,, ! . . I - ­�, , ed � Wheat pricesare a . I., . . ­ - , ,,,�11 I . From Eagles To Foxes was returned to the , t -an umprecedient- he Sought out, There is adnifted . . I? �,:�' j i . an his donftibutions to Black (trailler, ir, M , . . ­? �'i . . McCoy which it had unceremoniously depat h�&Ighit, but this, is not of resit deal. however, in the a .. " . 0 woodl',s Provincial Conistable '�. E. t- ed much to be' a g .Nothing t i kes the place of .. '. , �, � .,�'�% * '', . a e, -as weatl asi 1his creation I. . I . � . . . . ­', M. - A cal id the Backwoodsimen. Inter- who some weekp ago,was called upo� ed,.�Xtchell Advocate. . benefit to the' .farmer who has no cilla1i'mi that, until ec�niamic recovery . . , . ­�­ , 114 I I , . ,,.i�,­ , � , , t I ersed thirioughout 1his ilife ,are 11miry to pass judgment ,on a pair of eagles ... crop or a Poor crop, ,or who sold be- is accomplished -in Barger measure, I . - . .. . I . I I , . . .,' �.1.'., ; I - Apl__�__ � 9. � - . I . �. .� .�71 . � ,.I " �,� . � I . captured in the Saratoga, swamp' on . 0 — fore- - 'Che Ase. I � ihe, iproepeicts� fo,r the deficit being ' - . , anic4en'ts diDsplay'ing thi's iiever-fail- .. . 11 199- . I I _'111. - . . , .1 . . The�,dlstresjs in the American West wipeld- ,out ati not greAt, . CORN FLAKES. ,W I e -1, � . I Frl,daty lasit turned his attention' to � . . .. , ,',�� ing humor. . next fall and winter- will have its — I I I .. I I � . I ,� " faxes. Theofter seized fourteen fox I I . . . � �,,'�,'p � :Our ifirst iknowledge of (Dr. Dun- I ilesser counterpart In, .parts -of, Can� Stalemate in Manitoba '- I I . . ; .I ...i I X . . I 4op comeis from the memoli-,rs & 001. pups wh,q,dh, were dug from their dens a , — . _ �.� . !11'4, , . I ada. On the other ,hand - bus-iness A political- stal, ,alte resu,its, .fT ... ,:­ . . . . I mo . . 1, ,:al, " I in Grey Town -ship. The foxe§ were f em ioW would, Have, 1. . -1 , 4 Al new, bandishoU . - "� " AIT �., 'Fibzig'.,bbon& Dunlop wag during the I nis. relinqubdIed the Cana- The magnifl,cent. , � 1, , I J_ l ,�amipaiigni of 1914 assisitant-surgebn on farms -owned by Arrbld' Den . � is exceptionally goad in most plb�ces no party having a majority over all djan jeadershiip before this if them the Canadian National Evblibiti . aS � I . in the and Uoy,d. Cook, East Wiawanosh.1­ ly and crops as well in niany: . shipping ln,Manitoba and, a wordy controve,mv 'on * I ,V . . . . was any Iogk&I cho� . �,' - �,�11 - ..o - 89th (Regiment, ,on the NEA- -n�a . r , . was, never better. Revenues increas- goes on concerning ,the we of his suems- beyiond question the , finest in 618� . ,::,A .... ... . writing of him, his G04derich Sig .1. . - ,Possibility of sot. The -federal. Cionservative party World. Th best , �:It 4 gara fron'der. 'In I . e features of..)b , .. 11C . I 4", ­ � . 1,� _ _ I � *1 Won First Prize At Luckn . ed by $30,030,000 ,in fo nth a coalition. The ne,-s,papers wi.ent, in such mateT- sl�Hs tub t�he",Cen - of Pj*gvesm�, � . � sulaeri2or 16ffioer states that hie was ow -%.44- trade :shows ur "" " . and is ,peuilaarly def tury , � 11 . I * . , an, inerease Of $5,000,00� pulbll�c bodies ar3 taivDralbae, (but the IaLi . :,:) . It . ( 4a.qilost ,Qrj3'V'enp.y in dresis- and- de,pbrt- At the -twilight of -mixed trebl,6& CE of - or $10,000,"'D. a Taonith. And, as '00wervatilves and ,other minor groups . San Diego, Hoillyw,00d� Clevall`4 .1 , "' I I anert. In reiga-rd tio his, biravery the hold at Wcknow 'on, n,,Iday nigihi, 'Ar .N SE CA"A&IAN MEDICAL . I I � . . .R a' -d de -C j, t y.; 'A,T - , I , -.11 . . I i, I 4 I . . folllohd,ing is' quloted� OCIATION AND LIVE — istiated before, $135,000,,000 of, newl2sre opposed. TheY axe hopeful for I _ ns%erda�no . &,aii , .. 1� ,I I . . . , 1, 'I �4 ... I .1 E. Wielbster and Mr. and 'Mrs. E. R. ANGURANCS COM NICS weallth will, come out of the, gTound another election, with. a ,nibre definite I Rarlshiiihe h.*e been�, � �1 94 F.IA IL ,. . . .... emboffied', hs I ,:-r4 , . , ,�,., . � _Vhien -our eneT�y attacked Fort �IarrisDn Won first prize. The other ON. CAMADA . Current Crop Report this unique struftd,; And null . ... 4 .... . � 0 . .� 1. I ithils year in gold. There are 140 pro- result, but with no assurance that UehitnE112211111110 -�4 l4 of �t.111� . , duciing wells. - So, if ,.there are. dark grelater stability would COm L- f - "' Threshing of fall wheat of avreirage c6ects �_ I.. I . Eme by';aslstualt; we were beaten back fntries from here were ,M.r. Graham, : . I new ones antrodueed ) . mit1h ,much si�sui' . . OL , . " L ': �, . . � I ? . ghtiep; great numbers Mr. and Mirs. Gelarge Williams, . W. ' . NOISE spote, there are others lexceptiovnially M,eanbim�e, with, many probl-en * ,& have been achieved. vohkk .!, our I �s ,,yield and quality is proceeding. ,;.", - . . I I. '5. men failling killed or Wounded Miller, Mr. and!ldrs.' A,X: Orawford. bright. � � �ing for ottention, the situation is, �per_ ley and *at straw is s(hort and t1he prom1pted � illumiinaUng - 6ngin , 46 . I . . Of I 'Bar - �, . � Tinder the fire of theenemy. As,&y- -WdnghaM, Ad one of the greatest surse& of mod- 11 . I . r eem ,. ': I vance-Times). , - 11 turbed., opine, that a ball hojjr concert invol-­ ' :�,, i,`, . .1 Ughi*,� sippelared I ,ern ,civilization ,is nio,iise. There ... I yield of these grains its figilit due t.p or, ent iMUI& JW � r ­. .,. Dunlo,p, wh!,Ysie voca- I Receives Appointment I is Was Lewis Kidding? I Premature ripeninig and lack of incis- irelY 'without musi ..: I , ", --��� , I I �',_ . . tion it is tobe Temembeired-, wa noise everywhere... -Our streets areff given, This entirely neweiestum of , . . i-",. I Senator Lewis of r1linois on a re- . Wheat Investigator Named tuTte wh0e Iffling, Cimm is show6ng the.. �, I t s that "Mir. G I ID , eived word on fuh �of it,,day and, ujgh�_­trucks, mo'- '' �V, W mari-cureir not -of mian,_11�11.- . eorge rvis rec . icent *isk to Ottawa created, some- The,Dombi-ion, 90vernment,ils godng some imilproveitient.but a below. a%ker- I "&Lt' Will W One. *if the *08tL �_,4 ��er, Tan Saturday, *cim the Department of tor horns, motow�T-cles, street cars, ,tl.d,,n - laf a. durowe in.'o,fficiall circles 'tO a lot of exp"enste tio, ft e yield of fodder is -expected,.. Sug. tpopul-air in many years., , .�,. I I " 4 I through the firing t10 witn#ss the Labor at bttawa, that he, had- been milkiwagons, atnight. . I %�. �xiceoe, wffiien seeklig that, jsr�j- ou, h6 9 -nd, buti what ag � . � _:�', .ne ,of the T uses, are . . I ­ ", "' 1 I I i . ,!,!�m L appoinied inspector for the ,work be- -fuji of : by asserting that ,Canada has sug- course is best to be,follo-,ved in. the ar beets. an'd other root crops are :.13,� 10-4vaeuum. cleaners, furnace � . I I ­ 1� ,4 :,4 wounded could, -not ,get to the rear ing done on the roads for Dominion 'bl,ower I gested a neiw treaty regarding (the market1ing of whiest. For years, this variable.. 'Pastures are in -poor con- . a . 1 1i bey( * enemy's fire � _ p - ­ . . )nd, the ,,range, ,of the . Go iernim1patDistriet No. 7. s, and, if in a artments, ele- Sit. Lawrence waterway; that ,the re- has been a subject of Controversy be- dition and new growth has' made lit� I ,,, � . . 1, '... :"�, he gar1wril'ily caught *ri- ") , This will vato.rs and the neighbors, Above. The. stYietions on ,Illinois, diveirs6oa. fro pools, and ,the , a . :11, I t . p -a p or fellow inev ,lude w6rk-being done as follows; . , im, tween, the wheait grad, tbe progress. L to ,varieties of ao,4. , . ,and carrI'leld bli-m. ,ta -a t-tlace--of safety, I n dern rep con�tr6ctibn . . I I ", , , I t . imlinediate-ly veturniriZ to take . 1"o ' d 'fl ji, of Lakii Michigan are to be lessened and trade and ,also between, the pioliti I �cal Ves are slziing well ,,and virith a fav- - - , �,, , I � I Blue Water, Highway, Kinctardine.4 la g e -el am,plifies, sound that now the U. &­Senarte will ap- pairtiets. Justice Tur lorable autumn average yields are in- . �.. .. �..­ . uP'a1`Goderich to- �Bayfleld- Ba eld' t' .t, r smi". gelon of the . I . . lilm 'on A. . �::" - - , ,�;A I .. �erlE:T, and sl:ir oh. until he had �Ehus . yfl, G an . I gh walls, a n d , prove. The smimise isf thAt IMT. Lew- 'supreme COUTt'of Saskaftchew hA§ dicatted, The growth of tobacco has , . I ,,;1.1, A - , Dryisd-ale- !Mitchell �al'�Elglnfieldl; rplumbrng. . I an, . IF' � ­­ I k�;. . I '�4 . ... taken boldly *isilezisc-lon of 10 or 12 W,o,dsto�k t Primpeto , Elmdr�, to A 'To. to err- belon retarded and 3A61ds *01 be I '.., � , I i 0 n -P is was .t&IU - for -his own po,j,itical been named a comimisslo,ner ... . cur- � ,.e I . tiof his patients. One man, Wounded n,d now, with the blatant radio (�.einefit orr eLze -kidding ithe repiorte-i;�. quire into ihe subj� I tailed.' Prim1ing of flue -cared t6bac- . � : W I .., I . f Waterloo; Black C!reek No. 5- No. 9tree 1hing from every neighbor's nial was am- L. Rialston, out ct, and Hon., , . am . . . ­ - 1. I in theknee, he theaved upon bleback HighWay, n.DT,,a ,� -1V,T,o-q1t emphalbic offlcial,& standing lawyer of co, has con-Ithieneed and burtley 1, In . �"'. ,1 in - c - ­ ... . . . ­, � I " mediately made that anything of the Montreal, will be counsel for the topping stage. Thecrop,is abouttwo . ��11 , I and bare to the rear, ,but on laying, I �of Blyth d at window from, morning until midnig�: . - SOLIZ AGEWT , J7 I * Walkerton... His- inspection will be the last'vestige of peace for the elty kind ,has happened'or is contemplat- calmim1wifion. The iiivesUgation will weeks later than nonml and favoir­ - . �, f �,,, . %). M. M. GENEST. ,dclwn h.is burden the doetor fbund'oit -road, ,gravelling and bridges.t.- dwellem ,has 'been, shattered. . . I 11 E. QU .. ,�, E ... � . I I 4 . that 11,Ne rblidlier bal received, in Wlingham ,Aidvance-Times. It in, ed. Even ,if -the preigenit government be carried on in ,Canada Great Bri- -able autunin wesith&.1'condidons�are 4 'T ... . ay be trlue that we can get _. � � . - .... _ translit a mortal wound in the back, at Wtaw�a were actively favorable 'ta1in iam�d the U,nqted ,States, With the TelqUilled. . W4,Ar#T17_#V-11,V_, V4Wj"L== . . ,�;L, � ? I and, W intercepted ,.-the sibiot. which Liv . ed I Under Four, Sovereigns u.med, bD anything, eVen- hanging, but . I . I I . .1. . I . - : 11'1 b-therwisle would' ,have ten e�ffec,t on� Mrs. Mary, ' Ann, Doan,, Moles- the ' � to the .plan instead df being apaith- PoSIsibillilty as well if t p t the . I .. effect -on the human constitution . 0 a R 0 � ... ,,:::..� � . I . 11 I etic, the ,objection lof 0i1tario would Argentine and' to, Australia. The gio,v- - , . . 0, ", . I . . I ,�, � I I . ­­ . . .1��, I � I . of � I Durdlop bimself," , .. I worth" s oldelst resident, died at the, during the -process may ,be depl,ur- be condlidered- very vdt�a. . . I lerninent wishes tio ascertain, once and , � . '. �� Z I .. I � . home of her only son there on Sat- able. Noise -is definitely detniniental for all, whether the nlati*nai eeon- low . 1'j� . 01 �. , . 1� I . Suzfveys Huron TracV�. ', urda . She lived under four ZUV�­ to hi,�Ith. Science has pr6ven that.a , . , I 11 . Ai I '. , , . _ I - . y mberta's Scrip, Experiment . oMy. pf.the 'Canadian 'West, ,where- " I 4 � ­.. .. ­ . I -11, �'. . , it wad upon the suggestion of Dr, d. recaRed the occasion when Paf,,-sing truck,. may. .so disturb a Widespread interest to the Alber- everything .is staked ,an the whe,6, I . ..'�;. ... . .. . . . I ­ I t . ..i� I - " , � � 61�r%,!wr� King Edward VI1 in N�ew- experiment in the errop, is right 'or wrong and Also . ..'��, � . Dunlop that Go,deiich was bujilt Up- I.. sleepar, even though 'he, be not rous,_ ta governmientla � on its present s-ite 'We fl-nd el ,in 1860. .. ed that the blood pressure rises . .. 11�, " - 1 Trom cas.tf Her age was 96.- , ,issue of,§cr1ijJ in place of cash,. The ,what sYsteffi';of marketing' 9 � � I ., i, � 1. L I early hi2tary that -thija was not the Mi6c_hell Advocate. I Llv(ntY, lniillim4tem. Noise raises t­co�opera_ li­14. . . I publicity 'is eoetraoTdi.Aiary. Some of tivq or Using the channels of the , . _1 * . niusculaT tension and the brain pres- . A I . ."", i Cirly 10fie, of the ,early settleynents in Jitney Bowling the n-Verchaints are taki4g the so -call- .grain trado-_ts calculated ,to eve the I , 11�. � 11 . -.1d, . , _____ - k- I I ..: I I -ure has been found ,to The i ,. ­ �_, I '­­ ;� 1 ,, ,j " ��;, ,;, , J� I �H, ,'(q�' � ,;A,,�rl,,.Til� i�im 042 ..1-4 - �" '' 1�1_fflm I k , Is, 711"11, I r-, . 0 � .1 : 1 !V.�,� 11J ,1511�1 � I I F , ` .1�_ n0hich hie was . act'vely ... interested. 0n- Monday evening local bowlL m. ntreased. ed "Wild Imoney," othery are refus- bei results I I � . . cri ring imay be impaired, . . I . I -�:. 1 I Vitid the Blyth biawlers. But the ,; ,ing it. The Edmonton Ghambe�*,oif 1, ,�; ..... John0aftit des, 'bed 'him a3 holder of- in iQ-rfold. Hea - e .1 . � From all Stadani In kastern Canada I . . . a ,jtving eommiss-ion ,under the Can- I ,;-,� I , .eep lost,"and eflIciency lowered. Ciommlerice calls on the nominion giov . Bennett Touring Empire � . ' . . .� - .1 � 11 � � , :aOa Cb,miT-,any. .1.1.11 I n t itq Mary erlIvenit to, stop ,it bi - . GOING DAILY —SEPT. 19 to OCT. 3 inclusive '. ­ . k-� .... I I After '­aving -the ser.viees -of the '%i-' . � . cities hae . ecause, idongitu- Vommer Premier R. B. -Bennett is . . . . . . I . I P, I AA Yle set ,up a�ti-noise regum- tionially, banleinig tand cur.i-ency ,are ,off on, a trip to Australia.. New 7,ea- I ;!";; . I arm1y, 'Dr. Dunlop was nflade -a complete report ,with his im- tione. but.the final siolution rests I Return Linift s 45 days ' , I .... . . �� . . 4 granted this pressilons as to whether it was -suit- w ' within the federal jurisdTwtion. The land -and SouthAfnica, returning by . . __ - - I . �11 1.� . . coniiiiissilon h1um) the Canada Coaii.7 ith the -individuals It Ives. ,. W' jostice -department will, repoit on Way of England. He will be away TICKET'S GOOD IN ,� 1, I �i._. � 1� � . . 1, I I able for coillonizing: They came out are not -likely 'to -kive up our.-.,pb,ved this quie ilon, but if A should hold till-aflt�r 10hris�mlas The r,._.­6�_ _ .111111111 f" A MSM0 -� 0--- ..m — — . . .1 4 , ' '. 11 I - pany. In.the'suimmer of 182- ,he � . . I . . I "1, I , 1 4,11k. "I" � 4� T 1. .� .. on . 11 ore D a e amn, op,tihe stre r . . . I v.......L.-I-j per 41 . made a, survey -of, the HiurGn Tract . -e�s, our .-mechanized - transpo ta- that teidbindcalily the Alberta -,gjoverii-� --tliive leader is an- ardenl� iMperl'alist 0 TOURIST SLEEPING CARS affares approximately lYte 1 6 ... � 11 in coimpany with the chief of t I wouth of the Maitland River. don 'Or' 'OUT labor saving deviceq, permile. . ..,.,. - I he Mo ment - is at" fault, it becomes ques- and, while his ItAp, Is necessarily un- 0 STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1 Y2c per mile. I I I . - I .. 'hawk 91tidn whom be called Captain Dunlop was, deli�g1hitedwith the site ,blierefore the solution I"' in' control- Vlon,ble if any action Will be taken officiall,' tit is'not Trem(ote from the . . . � , �1, i , , . Jnob.,, Accom.Mnyinig them ,and dt is believed, that he 'immediate- ling their. use. - � COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL . . 4 ��._ I . . I were' ly'set About having a cleming made. ,Motor ihorns, -are needles,sly ,here. The aittitude .,generally seems purposie, -of h-elping !cement the im­ - � . . — I , � . IW . ��, � ,�'. �, . I 'Sproat aiyd Xsedionard. loud to be that, As Alberta elected ago -v- perial foundation of the British I lE%AGdAbX'Ch'e'ae& Stopover@ atPortArdmi.Armistrimg, Chwago and wesL . _ ,� , " In his dispatches to the comipany he and could be used- less; night truck� , . . �'X I � � During th,ils trip it is recorded that ' ernment pledged th radical adven- Empire. Conceivably, this, our is Tkkft, SkePing Car raqvivims, ma aU hVmwaaw frm say agenL ASK FOR H"DB= I T . , -they expefienced, the recomimendled the site, and then re-. ing and,,through trucking ran, be reg- tUTeg in saclail credit, ,it is for the a 'Prelude to Mr. Benniettliv retilre- - � 1. 7 �� . I'll, ` � .� � .." . , utimlost of hard- turning to Gai!it, it was to. find that ulated-if we dem',and it; lazy cubis -_ - - I I shi,ps. The Indian prowd a true an/I ih-*is suggesti,ons had. 'been tike.n. lit- van. get out and ring the doo,sb.11, people .t.here to put uip'.With it till ment as Oonservutive leader and his I ,:",... I ... . '.in4istpenm,bate�*..�omlp�an,ibn, and Dr. ,s,ach Afne as they decide to %hrow -entry into Brgbish politics, I�o,ng rum- � .111"... I j; I brailly. Jvhni Galt,p]anned for a set-- ratti-er than disturb'the neighbors un- CANADIAN NATIONAL � ,".". Dunl1op-inhis, journall makes- frequent `Icrment At ithe Tdauth of the '!Mlait- til h -r lad' . the government ordt'. There is the ored as a VoGsigAqity. He jy�obajbly _� 11 : . �41 '- miention of this fact. � 'On the expedi- ,, E: ys-hip a�pears. .7;11 .1 . I . . �; N � .knlown as �he Menesetung. All hors -e -drawn vehicles should be . 4 11 .jr, ', . h e iFlluron land, thefi Z � . A . I I I, . I 'A road,'Vo, the pilopased settlement rubber-tireo; rubber horseshoes have I A I 'Tract, and Dunlop as the Warden of . . . I I ­ I . ,�,, '� the complany's lands ar4d. forest,g, , wasneedled and a paTty of,suirveylors-Tibeen advacated; night delivery . orf mil . � . � . ., i, ' . � I I 1. ." I . I and axemen were dkipe'tched under'been advocated; night delivery of . � I I , , . . I .1 " r . . . . . � . Dunlap to � lay tout 11he Huron Road. md-1k -is not absolutely essential. i,... * I IF, , I ,� .�, ,, ,,, . Of courpe all they were abile to.do, -',Street cam should be gradually re- , , I I j" I ILIN i . ,�. � . ' I ,.-:: 1 ..4 1 .. Was to ,out ,down a rude 1patlh through plaoed by bus,es, Street cars shouldt .�. I ­ � . 19 . - :;;:.:�;�::�.' -e ,bush. ' .nil, -' I I %Oi mi I=$ BEST Izi:!", HERE FA it --.::,::i,.`�,* I � I . �,, _1�ii��,.'--', th Diu op left instructions ii.it lye permitted to race over I ck 11 "ill '"', I With the imen and, he himself - went ckoss,ings . at high ,speed, part ken. � I I . . 4 . . �', I " .... 11 i: � I I�Iti'N` . 11,1.:i: i:.'11_ -.1i � . . ; , ;.:-),i::::x::i:::h-,­;, idularily ,... ., ,,, �..',", , ­,;";.,­ 'to the . I , ,", ­ ,", "', � !on �- prapiisied settlement at Tright. Advertising -loud speakers , COPIPME. WIVX TXZ WORLD - , - ,� ..".. ..".. ..".. . . . � ..,. ....­ - - ,4 -.1 . I ..�, - . . �., t Velveteens . and Whiskers should be, elln-ijinated. I ..... : 11, I , . I I I . � �.. i ,:N � . "I 1; In the mleantim(e, 'Galt was j1ouT_ The radio has an, infinite capacity . . , ;:: " ..., :,.�- I .:.X . � o I . .:.�:.. _.. * . . . . . , . neying to Penebangluishene wherethe for -providing pleasure. and education .,::: ..� I ... �_ � . ­ lii,� British gun -boat "gea" :. I . 'el , �.,,, � . ,. _Jhad been but in many, homre,4 it is Cal- ...";....:�', - I l I , ti . . 1.X,1:,. . : . ; I _ .,::::: �::! I . ,� � .. ? ]KIDNEY100 placed at Imp- disposal. In +)his he ly turned ion when the = are 1 �� I I" 4%n4�d I I - I I I ff I!, � � . 10:i? " I made avloyage idlown along the shore, raised and never turned off ��ntil .bed- ,K: -11 . . ..:v . . .,i .. �... . Only -the lddneyB can un y the .;:: ; . ,0,:�:...__ ... ,� .1 - , I blood And rid the is 1p,!M011ous evidently to gauge the merits of the time. It ,does save one the ,trouble - �.::: � .,/ . 4 I..'��.*'.""��,*��l.",*��,�',� � . 4 . I I I P.::::�"-:::::�0: I n I listened ) at M, _& d, .-;.,�.001 impurities which cause serious a d pitposed harbor, ,Dunlofp had'a .cot- of thinking -if ,it be . ?aa . .." I . .. , �11,i 4 painful ailments such as rheumatism 'bage ,built, vAhich came 'to be cal,le-d a], . �i!*�,.',.. � _;�: I- Ik-fbut itmakes, bhe neighbors do a . ' g*,::i:,,i : X.,.: . .1 and lumbago. The kidneys * are the "Casedle" -and, it ,iis,this habitation lot of .vitriol-itic thinking. , . 1 P.::: .... .�..,: , I . , 1. - to - .. - Olympic champions, athlete ... I . . . . . . . . . �� I . ... "I �11 # quickly arouped action by. the that Gsflt 'makes mention iof in his * If we all olb,.z�rved: the Golden Ruiiie - . . , �11'1' I .. . I ..A . . use of this time-teSted prescription amtobilography; when he sailed. intia and considered others. life would be . of various nations ompete I.: , . I . . - 4 .:: b.,. I . . 4 � 4 ! .1. t DR. CHASE'S I the'har?Yor, iar at least ,caimer to the made, a lot quitter and happier. . ... 1. 11 . . . com, : . � . � ': . I I in one of the most � I ft . . \ . 11 I � .�. � . ' Liver Pills f 'the rive,r�--(gy IHarry J. Questior. concerning health, ad. : - prehensivo '. rt r 1k, .I . . I . ,, Kidney mouth .o :: �:: :* j I . . � , ) j ;: �: :: sp , -Boyle, in the London Free Press). dressed tj the Canadian Wedical As' I '. , � I , � 1��, i:!..;.; . ,A1/'1.-:., ommn!l "I . '' 2: .W ever held 'in e Dominion. ,,,,*1,',i::;- 11. , M, I . I I sio,ciatfon, 184 College -St Tbronto, , �� �'� � ". ..., I...:.M..... .." �1. .i Sp I .;;, 4 1 :::. � ... Ill . I.. , swered personally by Iet_ . ,',�.,: .1. , . . -,i.-�� 10 :: , will be an . ­ ... ­.'..�� . ,.;;; . World chain ionship power- � P , ":,i."_'..,7 . �_� I ii( , '..., 1!11`�:;!�� ,-!�'! , - 1.!, --z�� ,�,-:, ...,7� .. , .. ". . - � ; ... . ... :, � I t I I ( . : . . I . I4'. � . . I f , I t I ... , I � . I t ... , .. 11 .. I � . I % . � , , I , I I �. " I . I , . . I �, .4 ,: ". . I —_ - Al �, I. 1'1�� I �� , - I SAFETY FOR � . 1,NVES.TMENT FUNDS � I .. I . _ TO YIELD 3314967 11 . . . 11 I . . . . I I . I I 1- . . . i I ­GUAMINTEW - .� MVESTWWT RECtIPTS ARE ISSUED 13Y THIS 430�11?99Y rOR A TERM OF Flii . . . ­ I TEa9S MR Volt AMOUNTS OF $100 16P (IN EVEN . HUN15I&OK i'llYING INTERMT AT 'ME RAft OF 33/4% PER MNUM. . THEY a= UNCONDITIOMMY 'BY 0URRft*T:EED THE 'EXTIRE RESOURCES Or . THIA COMPallY aXD_aVT1Iolt1tED BY THE GOVERNb=T as A LEGM INVESTMENT FOR I TRUST rXINDS. PURTH99 PaRTICUMIIS RE- . OaRDINO SHORTER MATEMITIra ONO OTHER . � ' rrATumm" jaE roAwmimu'urom REbutsT. . I 1 I I ­�. I . '.. - . � . . , TORONTO .I � GU` aranty Trust AND � I 1. I I WINDSOR . � . Company of Canadg, . I I . I I I I I . L I I 1. I'll., 1. - ­­..­...­­­. ­ ...-111.1 11 -1. I . . 0jji0jjjNl,Ift"1 --11-11_-11-- _'�­'l I "L, I _--11-11 I ,1. l�iollliiii" " ... -.-LLL I - � I - I � .) I I .� , . 1. " 11 I . . 1. . . .,� ; . . I . 11 114 . . * � I �, 1 I , , '_ ti, , , . , ,� I ,�, , � I �'��',� �.�' L ,'� ,� , ,�, "'A ,, " � " .. .., � i I I , , , , � , , , 1­'i"';!�­ji, ii")'� N, I , I , '1� tl ... 6 ,, - �, , �, ,", �, Z I :,, 111%W1V I'�i,7�v"�it.�\-�,.�,��,.������l, 'R�,,���;",�,�,pp�.',I�C,�,,,��.,�r,���"kll,��.'�1,1�,�)IIX�l,",.,�2,�'Ll�7�,�i;�i,��,�w,",,'��n;�,i�Y4�,?dfl��,,�k,,��,IF,.W,l�l�,,� ter. . . .� " ,; : Zm_= ��� . ...'� I 3: f.i - 01 � ", ", ­ 1.'�'. -- boai races (225 cubic inch de .... .. � - % I., `.`.. I A'.-.1�.,.-.-,,.-. .­ . i�- ; 1, I I ... ,1 .�s::"­::-,..,.;,..: . �.: ;; . , .. .... - ,. . . I - , .11 I .!�::.,,, '. 1�`;i:i:i'.. - ... " - - _ ;.:1.;.;.;.;,: ...'. I ... 'I'll ..... . . . . . . class) Sept. 8, 9 and 10... - : I ­ 1. '!', . 41 I. .� . " I I .. - �, .,'i�, : ! .110 ;:111��, World professional cham. *t�v; I., (0 . ., ,; , "I".., FA '.. pions 11 I *11 .,.., . ,: Vi� 11 �'The 'Show,WU-ndow of the Natiouet ,_ . . I .,... ,,, ... I I. , I I , � as -the Canadian Niati!Dnal E,xjhibiti,,Dn , ., " -.1 ,.,.,&'1Xk hip swims, men 5 miles, N." . 11 " .. .,*! , M : �. V.., ::�":,i -,4 .::.... �, , - , ,hais come to be kiiaw-n, ,has bee'n' jr,_ .1, 1"A'm , Sept. 1; women, 3 miles, i '"" . .. . 1, .. ... . � " - -ved by -Canad M., k:.,., , I �1� 111...�Ii 4-, ,'�,^ij'i-','V " f ori�n jan and British trade it :.::; N11 ,Sept. 3 ... Diving exhibitions .. w � com'misslioners throughout the world I 1. _., . ,, ,,�;` . . 4 �...X X - � ;; , I "I ::..IN ,ii: ... twict.daily by tTio of world. . . I . " that the atte'ntion of foidgn. buyi6rs , r. 5 I, .�,.--�- ;1.;:i;A-.Z '-:, ". " I " ;V:i5i�:' ` I . . , ) - and ,more to I'., " , ::::��`.: _. . . I .", I i 11.4 being directed more ­ : I. 11 .::::: .1 famous professionals . . .' ' t I -1- "I , 11 : . , C' I : 1 . , MelAgshow of which f anadians, am 14N-­fn�:­...- .., ... ii�i�� ! . Archery championships Aug. - � -`.,,::.44Ai�,,^. .'.L!�:j -, fi. ,."O.Q.-Il". '-1--;, 1 .!::: &I .. I �. ,.j ". _ :::, . -1 .11 . ". . , �71'r WN; so pardonably ptoud. ::: -:1;!:!kk�i!;=.-..'-` ....... - .:, ::;:;:�.Ij ..W.N; M to Sept 4 ... Juniortrick ' I " .::: - I..... ,',.i.kW. ..'... .,,: , ..... ". �. , '.­. I.., �,�,.:­ �..*." '. " I I I . X I -W:1.... 1".. ... ......'n :j:7 . -i� :: .gi.::.. .X. .:. I 1. : - ,:. ;.X.; I ....1. .1 .. . .V- 0 . - ad junior regatta Aug. I . ��'Ij." " *,,:-15,,:::, .. I.... 1. ; meet a:i . I ,g � . . : . :.::...;,..",.,::!:.*-�el,.,:�i; " I'.: ­,", . ':�:j% :-."':X-77 . ..........."� ;::: ­�� I ....", , - , I .. ::;:�INX­�: . ". :.7. ._...!:!:::i�;; , 31 ... Table Terints.,champion. � , , I . ,,.,. Am,w* -nig 'Gbn,t: "I want bo, buy .a ,..4. , .,.:".,.. ..'... : ....Y'.. ... . -.1 . 'Y�,".', You -4g� I. I :S" :: . . ' 1�:..,....-.-'...... ,. i: *;.-. :;.- , , '. - .1 , ", 4 , 11 - V _ . -1.1, , �. ... j M . . .. . , s present for My young lady—a tele- ­ V. I.. ". hips Aug. 28 and 25 . . . 1. '. j phone operator, 'What could you " ""' '" "M' J:: Athletic Day track ' meet . . I �z 1��, .1, I." "'��.,-, - , �i - ".._ . ,� ... I �. ... �,7 " st?" ...� , Z,; f, ... I � ,,,� sugges, - �, , . .." I A ,�,",�. ., .. .!:.. 4: � .. �.V V�, ,.:;;' ,.,:!, ,%i Sept. 5 ... Yacht anddinghy *,,,��, Jeweller: "Ear rings." , .. .., 1 � ... 11 . . .,:�; _ I . .�...i-.. . .;�,:.. � s . . . Soft�all and other . . . . - $,:.. '.. ,.,,�-I.:.:�:,:".:..�.�;P...�;:;�;;�:1, race .11. . I ­ - ­­_­­_-­ : . .. . I I . . .:. i:;:i*i-,, .,:.:.. 1.:X:.,: I I I 1 .:-:;::::�X:..,..:,_. . : :C.`.� I ..:: ,i`:$ ". , I sports competitions afloat � . . : I—. 11 ...... N. - -- .- : . ,:::i.,.iii�:: , _ I.:: - . , � . �:i"'i�i,� " , Radio station VE9CNE, miarined by it.,�.,,1:X.:-:.::, a . I _..�­ :-�:�:iiii;��,.�:;:::i..:.�',�.'�i::�.:�, - I ...... , and ashore. I , � ::!:�'."i"11�1.... I :: ,,, I ", . , gg, :.:-*XZ`* I , miembeirs of thei . Radio . League of - " Z ,:' . , . .. ". "....'...% .:, 1. 111121,V . .1 .,.,...�., 1: N 10 � Ainerilca, will 'be 'seen in apeeation . . .... 11 `%�.. I ALFRED ROGERS lil'� I . I . N*k, 11. 1. . President I , � , 11 .1- Ily . .. , I I I .5 0' � at the 'Clanadian National Exhilbatioll %k---*-,", .., I I , -1 this year. iMeosages will he recei ' -..:j:,:--.,.. . I I � I I � 'L , :�"'* ivied ...".: :, , --�.:�i:�:>;%,X .. . EI�VZDOD A., 11U911M � ,� ;�j I 1. � 1, I � �',� 1. �.. �, � . . . . . " I fotr- ty', ission di , ,,,,�! "' :..:::j:j:!;j General matsaor :. ,�, .;, �,�* '111itPl %W(M to stant points : 1`-1,:-1";11 . I .. �f .11 " .. I— " -i I . . . . . . 0, I'll . . . . . . " " : .... .."..., ::,�:I�?.�;,.�X%'4- .11 .� 1"', 1withaut cha�,,pe -to the sendrer. ista- "I..."... - i, � 1. 11 I 11 ,, %�� - .1 "', to l� , "! , -, .1 ..... . i � ..:i,:1'-:$!::-:-. -;:i: 93A ; , 'I'Ll. �,),, ,,, .1 N . . tion CF,RIB !will 'broadcast studio pro- �'�11_"_" , I . ... grams dadly., 'T�vartista will be en. . . . . . . . . 11"'...", I .......... ,,, ,,, ,,, oliosed in a plave gliaps chainber th ,,,��:, . - preven, -!! . . . . . . , ::: i: cilin t outsiddo noiseg reacha'ng th6 ;1� .... ::::::::���i������������������::������,�:: i0l!i :: 1:1 . i ���������������������������������� Wet" bUit the programn*s. vAll be . 111111��l �1 . 1 , I i :: : � : 1111 § heard by *4 spectq)tom ­ . J ����� Imi: I 1! 1 . 0 :: i � ., � . 1�� I I I I , . . Y I I . . . . . . . . I . I . . . . . .� . 1 4 I "! , . . . . i� . I .1� .1 I , , . ", �', � , ,, I , . ,. , � ''. 1. � I I 1. ).1 ., . 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