HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-08-14, Page 6111�1 $_ .,��',_, ,", .�t�v­. . t, I , : i, " :., .1 I . , _ 1�",",J - , , ­ , I �tlll�� . , _ _ '. , ­ . . , ��`14, �P,L,;;,��?,k �tZ ',�,4 : ".­ ." . .­�,� .. ,;. . I., 1",", 1-� , .�'ll,�li?A-ll;�ll-i�li"m;"..N�,�,,,"��',',"4.1�i,-,I,r,!;W�'k., W, , - - -, . . . . . . . � . VIFI�)T�.11?6@4 ., -, ;,�', , 1�,?,�i,`K' `!'�O� �,j I 11" ��, I I. , 1, 0? " � WW1i,VMJ,,;, ,�11.7 " _ , � .1 t , - . . , 17 , ,!T� . , ,.o ..".. � � -. , " . x _.. I'T' �4"01- , '�--o ,-,�,;z��,,%,,!Z! k , , . , ,; ." 1. F. I . . . . , I 'I'll. " t �-,' o", , ,,,!�,� R 1 , ,."",�f""�i",",�'IT,�.�,,'���l"��-"k�-�V,�,���,')k,',,'.9�,���T�!I -, - fVQ � � , J, , . "�, � , ­ !��,:!, I � - �,J . io f . �� ';, I I I !f ,,�,P.,, : ,�,i r, , , , , c ��. ", , , ;1�1 , , . , 0 -1 .1 I , .., , ,. I I r ." , W, . , ttl�. . Z. . . ,I "", - " . ­ '. 1, , I 7 _,10., .;i", '. � I � '. -, .� - . . , ! . 111. . I ,", , rnv"q r , 1, � , . , .4� "'. , . � ,�: " I I � � ,. 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I , . , , 1. , . : . , I 11 � � , . 11 '�.,. . � " .- , ­ tiv�l . I I . � . � - - -, �Ii__­ _1___________ - - __ %0 "11, ."i N 0 �V".01.1.01.rw�, f"""l—A""r- "I � , - � I . 111 ; Barb.'"ed- W ire 11 , �.­ . � � . , ., , .. 1, * , .. , ;. "",w . .. - . . ,vid 1. ;-rvt . � ,66w, I ... � I. 1. .. � W I "I ... "%,P'W_,W,GRW, 1. �,,;; "I'll ... lqq. Vowsr -, , , Vy.=�­7ggs'."w" '. , ;-. , . I . � � .. "�;��I"' . ' � 0 I k4t " - : wondeiise4 llsh4 Great � � 'Readeir's DiVest) I . 11 - . ... I'll 1�4._,__ . .1 , - _71 - - 1 [- -_ I I .. I Vi"r, -bin -0410 .. "*.� � .11, 1. I !" I ... . , '' ""a I I vll� O-orty , 1 ,. I 11­� . . 19 0 ,d_ . 1- "I., .. '­ . I - L "i, , _� ,T6 , " , C �11.� D�,, - St 6' Phius`1 in ,­ . - - - - '...'..."."_� I , , , F _. . 1. 4 . � 'I. , , , . . . . , . _ �:,!.__ - ­­ I ", .".", .... . Alwov '""I"01:40m �. *, , � _ w 0 womea, ban : - - _.,7"W**---__ I , * , _­ I . 1, _1 � .1 I I � '. Barbed I Thteo�e 1-9 somefting �$�4� ,�; .,.'. 11-1.111. I., rtA9 0'"I'l,"'p.; "' ve V ty I ,�rv,�,,��,�,,`i- A � 1. 9 .. . A HCAI,TN, SlICIRVICf. 9F '. . , I - . Is - ,,, the - V11*11F140i WWII W, ,, . ­ "" left" _'. ... _ t ,, . 7!P , 11 .�L.�',' . . . 1. I , 1. I , , f�,,,,,�1.11 I'. - . . I .. " _ -1 . I ,", .',� *14 I , from, SerlbaWs Digest) � wit* primitive about the niam6-someftrig ­ I li­ . T'Hic q�%"Asm$4 WF*4044 4111410, F . AND 4 OPS 'Veow , Bowels -won sor i�o4'11ftd of. boulow - . 'i�,;t;�,i�( , . Nsg4ztue in ReaIder's 1' i .,;� "�L M, qW10Wed I .� � �,� �zz` 1� " V �,". I .... .. L., ,,I �, ", � ,�� . . . . tive lof the savagery, the re- = hardness of the Barly West. Yet without 0 the feirltdie Prairie p. t 1, , e I- I in, th v.a UzM ugT , � : � 11 1. .� AIL - . Atiffow-3 41VTI-Vt - - # ,,IAXI" I irsUkA . N eg cipmPA44st I N GAMADA ­ I I � SUMMER COLDS ' . I I ,� I - I * -_ � , - . I -.1. . ;, , . . . Ali. Almllk­�Jw I I.. . - , . . .1. �� I . ,g'=" . I � J "I . 4V1-'14---1111 F - . � . . ­� . . I L- " It L "L , . I I � of VLAS f0litud I tiTilli"'66 dnter-TU.Pt a "Oblef Who 'is �'­� re� '21_ 'a VWII� I ,%91,1 I . . , ,% ""' .1 4 r n e Ojos a oliv I''.."., I � . � � . . . 1 I� il ._;4, 1*0 I but, poss*1 ire- 'lie IiiUst not , 'to y I nieving -the spare t - , , _,h- "I , , . "" , �, 0 0, g 111i - a. conalpawt�aefnt of tbe 1: arrest the fellliow. 4Abe?does he'may cultural, land in the United ,Stale�, 'wo,uld ne,ver ,halve ,been, opened up tOL ­­_-­ 11 '11 . I I iso many pe ndw why ,there -osde wo I I I , . I � . .� �. � , I I , � , , I I ... � . . ,_ ­­ . , i' - ,ft n,' ,om. New York to WashI169- I have to ,pay damages; a private citi- o''-: m r ,M P,"d,elphia �pliee took charge zen has nio right to arrest for a e e the homesteader. ' grea r Of half For the te part a , , AI�L thei,yea; round you can en- I joy twe'delicious combinati - should be such 'thlugs as sum*nier coM Colds are astiociated wiith win- . I . ..'" .. . :: I '. .. i Beist tbr.. � D d �4;��ta,�eid Ithe w1hiole, tradn held, on afternipti,,d theft. He )malght,�call the ,,. _ 1 P'' I ,- " , 'cOrbw.' zentuffty�_Nom —b 1840 to 113% , he I 1. .. , %. 'Spi -�- den K61logg's Corn try blasts and Inn.& d1leet, y44 w,e . *olds ion the"Mmt &A 6n, Sum, .* . ally � our � .. w, , ��, ahin . , polliteman from around. K4U'Va r si'ding' '1tS 5'7 Passengers I the I western .frontier ,had, been bold prac- I 44ibed bau'anas, and milk . ,oet A _-, - wer and often find such ' baffler to . . ,,, . . . 49r, Vere waked and ordered to dress. �Bvt; that offiow, if ProPer,17 trained 'home, "He titalby stationary at, -a- lins drawn or cream! The oven -fresh good- shake than winter coldist. Whi should. .. . . . . I I I 0 I . . ;A*ere4 imi the little, statioirli in the law, ought -to say: dddn'� 3. � ' . � . . y ftpm what Is ulow tbe, Da- r.oughl . �ess of,'Zellogg's bilngs out the this be? , I I . . . hay were'qiudzz�d one'at a ti�ne by 0"'after the tire while I was loork- 1pidlee thelar bags were ing, .I heire no authorlty to ar- . dool4w It6 t1he st&ultheasbelrq� tip, 'of flaver,and adds'*holesome ­ ' '- We anrusia first remeciber that the .1 . . . I 11 . . . -.1 I �hei mohile .so W.a=hed. Elventualfl-y, most of them reist,h4n wltbout.a. Warrant. -LeVs Texam And, chief among the ob- sitac,Wel faced, by ,the pioneer fhavief nourishment Insisr on Kel- - aw-called ,,cold" is misnameld.1t might ' WrTILAND—Harvesting of wheat Value Of Tittening is finill-hed. Aveiraie Will be w4le serit �,on their way, but four you arid I ,go to a ,magiotrate lbefore "as was -l&c�k of fence material — s(tolnes logg�s forquality and vAlue. I - . beftem be called a "hot." The aswyet� unknown germ thalt causes a cold de- possibly 15 to 20 bushels per acre� � Poultry For Market mere hold in,a FWlacTollphia hotel whom you can swear to the facts guests. of the ,city" while ,their it - 'UT.Cl get a warrant. Then I'll pi=h __ __ - - - and dmilber. ,In this initiprvat; While, the agricul- -Notbinfj takes the place of viefflopa in the body When -our "resist- �nd, STING tharviestling is . . H'A Ing, but the yield is ligh ENddence, of the value of properly in full em b , es were -ahocked.- Non-e',of. them was hdz6­4f -he is still here." 'Such ii 9 Abaxiged with 'the 'iyrwrdkr !bh , -or the law of the land tD­day. al t- ­ tfir, fron, P"- ibamped about in un- along the borders the , . 0 40140' to, Infection is ,lowered, . a frequent cause,of colcils-in the vnnter , du -6 to -heat and dry weather. " f0tteniing market poulitry was well 00m.1oxisitrailted- wedehUy by . . .ater; the pollice merely had some '%Nrh 'en citiz's`i cOMPIASMd to Pa-"I'lains easiness of country, there arose the A-Wra" . �e4r,w . a- a Our euit6m'of submifting to over- heated ,dry ,air in our offices and XORTBV3MVRLAND — -FaTmers pro&mcers utting vats, whilloh in the main in abdirilicts of this Prolvince of Que -are "I I - Sam .,eazon to (believe that ,one 'of- them trOIn1an,EdWXVd Hastings- that e, n,aq was anx Ulght be guilty.,. - EveIntually the ioying woamen and chil- range cattle industry, perhaps' the mor ,diftin6jve linatitution that C01tX, IPIAJL]MS bou,ses and ,to -erowding together in bee. In these distrWis, the produceris are qwite green bulb due ,to alack of . I crutel or fattened their - nurderer was deltec6d. dren by indeeedlb and criminal exPO- '. the -his at Amerilea has produced,, 'It caffne up I I . limproperlyvendUted room. Winter I cold is a fadboi oiily when we rain viftlatolt 611111 any Iroore. A lot of ,pen yoliaing ig rid aw oats Will 'be., fed in 'the shealf 51a c10'Ok&&'9 'be6OT0 marlW�z -a 0 . . I pllaiwman� finding this law unsuited T%a ,procedure ,occurred *�, sure of person in a Detro!V street, g*s of a 1933 , dieltective story Hadtings, went prompt to the plan ?ag frolm Mexico , into Texas beflore the -pil Wa,y, and, Ci beiginna' in, 18r,6, ng get tharoughl y chilled, perhaps with wet ' result a good, per!4�ent*e of -the bIT& Y'. New seeding do now just about , welre made to �uakify fw' the, n0lidEed . _1y ('Dea& on 'the (Lilmitlp.do by Roger indioate(t. He.bourid,'-hiding be -hind to tell his sipre" a ver the entire Great Plains to Vs riftalm,hroke it, and was called , lawless, 4.,;, fe0t- r-- "'"' In thie�'s`uxAmerlbime our resistance completely, n4ned. PRINCE. EDWARD�-Corn and 00 class ,and brouight a lmernmm. of, twic 5enbille). One ,may assume that thp a tr6e, a man who refused wthor dons$d1eired it reasonable po- narnle and Who did give a pi area in the amazingly short period i' of 15 years. The land' had no value, I- But no sooner bad the cattle ldnig- :is, liowered, in a sometorbut different . Because of the healt L_ ,to three icents per pound whicli luat,Oefl''�Vve hUnj ion wv% (but M ie Must coanr soon to ,make thelm good 'OffeZed for MiMed bffTdS ,6eM select lice -activity. Indeed, it fadw,ly con- faive explanaltilon of Why .he I was 'oTme -to conventional poili,ce aikd' de- ' rhcTe. Hastin'gs * arrested him a1k1d t1he.grasis was free, the *a,ter belong- ,ed to the first.comer, and -about alf. a dolm. been set up as a natural ibati- tution )a4iapted la, ftis, enivironment way. our skin . . is very actlive; Planes are open and . .. ed:, . .7. . crOOs I Vioper'faften1iog da an importan4 *obiive methods sppim�jvied Jby detec- eent hini to,. the station. ,m a patrol . man needed- to 1�set ,him up" in the than the forces of ,the Industrial t1he skin Is moist. ln,ouir efforts tO .*— paitit of any poultry 'warketbing PM . ;1��story waiters. wagom Later the fellow sued ,both b4s-iness mus a "bunch" of ,cattle, Revolution began to destr - oy ft. In cool off, we. slt,,in a �0*1 dTaughty . i . gram, states the Opolultry Servams . The adthoars a judicial opirlmone; Hastings and the drive'r' of the wa- enough,dommon senseto hand -h- them , 1862,the Pederal Homestead. raw place; it doets ricit Jnia)tber if that be, beside -an open ofte w1indo,ir -an a Beneath the Woof of the combined Li.ve Stock ,Branch, 'Dba�yilnlon ,De )n the ,other hand', ca.rry . in their gor for i-rdlawful . arrest and impris� . ainds Yhb problem of protecting well oninent. The supreme court 'of and enough co,urage to 7�rlotect -4&em 'without the add of thie 11a1w. - VMS passed-, ,granting for a nominal fee 160 Aeres, of the"publde '(101111kin, ` speeding mototrear With the top d0lwn 001SIBUTY4 Horoe Palace and 1AM parom-ent of Agralcul-ture.- There is ,Sto& Pla,hilloni at the Canadian Na- niD.-kind of poultry to, which thisi ap- ' ' 3ehaved dMizens from 'over-zealousor AUChIga-11 Tilled thalt he was, entitled Texas furnished the cattle. D-U,r- each.'to settlers who would live on , . or on a (06rdh between dances -the is Ithe ­ tioda,j E,.4bibWonl, ii.- a i6or SIPace 4TOA Plies more -forcefully than to youniv . . M 1% Yppres-sirm polkice activity. And this zzo damages from both. It ot 'hat the Civa. La ca d ,ceulm- ing , 'I W r, ttle ha the -land and cultivate -it for 5 years, effedt some. I I 'Unfortunately, this find - ki 19 Our 6 n of slightly -mom than twentiy-fouiiim cockerels, of broiler welighlbs, im(a.rketed .11.1 .... .. halt iudiaial, iresplansibillity dhws Produced matter the oiffiter hrad ,sound rea- '.i-elieve ulated th.ere, and ,in 1865 the ,amg And in 1874 iihe.first plieve (of bawbed. . uniprepared. .''The sudiden suirface a , i acries. duiring -the isum�ner months. Thie . . rules of pimoper police'procedure not s�)n to him guilty of the cattle that could be bought for $3'-WU*,e was sold- -in the United' Sta�tes ,,,, * 'dwo c1hi-fling ulpslets� the heat reguJafting I I . . market gemerally betonies somewhal 0: - atall inoontformity with. What story- Frime; it did not matter if he was and $4 a ,[head in, Texas would have These facts, combined to ,break apparatus and before -we know it, '. . - .. .. over-'suppliod with ,small, unfiniphed 11 wriferst a.p1prove. hi foct guilty; the 4affense. charged . Not one act of these. fictional ,Phil- was only a aniisdiemeanor; it had not bl,o�ugiht $36 or $40 In' the Northern ,markets. the pirobleirn -was to the' even tenor of t�le cattilleman's way- .. ., the way has be -en paved for another : ,birds duriVig June, July and, it paal Cockroaches Can Be of August, which tt adellihia police Ihas -ifi�' Eianction in occurred In JHh9tings' presence; ' he ',aw. 'the ,get the herds to anarket. -And, so began , When the bamlesteadiers eam-e onto cold,. . Sudden chIll-ling is nidt in'itself dazr- .,arle _Afflpult . . move into consumi@,m,,and, are noi lkeadily Controlled Neither detedUon of - tam had no warrant; he should not have �rajn, the restratint of the passengers made the arrest, . ,the great cattle driveliC I When the Texans ,started their the prairites the7 foul(d-nLobing with waich to fence the land, neither tilm- gerous, to, nlo,rv�Wl healthy inddviduals, I suitable for expo,*., Godh�schee are freqpieniRy sbun- Ounsuniption of po4tr7 can be in nor the search Of the baga wo-0 Th,� courts, mo�,eover, sleelln to RP- . rangy longhorns rilorthwurd ithey bad ber nor stone. They wei�'face to , provided- ,A "reacton?' is s -et up by ,dant in- apartment - house% ho;bel,s, creasled on 'the %ome markeit, by se1q have found appromml, in Judicial opan PTIOfm Of violenit Tesistance to un- . ir,rest. no intention of setting up a new.ec- face ,ixith the nec essafty of findlinig vtigormi exercis6. In swimming the use ,oif the and legs reslibores the dwel-ling houses, 9tores, and. in any Ing, the top. ii�A�, and premill" ion. lawful Though'' "pital pun - . The judicial rulee, in bried, are Isibuinent for murder is anathema to tonomi-c kingdom Their -iminied te 6a objeedve was a railhead, from Which Som le,means for protecting, their gwr- dens and ftams, from � Ilive5tock. . .arms ciieulation, aulflornatically, 'Ch by ecked. . building where there is warm modst prices, are offiered for such quality Volniffit0ons ,amid ,a plienUfluil supply of, The ewpomt'm"r&et will'absorb l4rg� these. ,Any Isuv1h detention by the half 'the, country, some, judges. - have 'constitutes 'an "arrest." And sald' that may be killed . the Cattle cauld .be - shipped Dast, ,!Smoloth wa-e had been u1sled, but it 'coln'brooted i7v cold tba initial chill. In winter one Is. usual.1-yactfive -on toling outside, and,, folvd. These, inseofis, hAve 1191ttened, guantities of Millikfed chickeps. wiefth . boTrily -and �;Ig police policemen arreot is lawful only. NvIrem, the ar- with limpunitk,:.g-vien -by criminals, if However, not all the cattle that reached the T,milroad, -cow towns. were. weather, and ,5�k found that the,y coul push of course, ithe likin is - usually pro- ,boidileis large sPinY leli�s tf-1101m, two %D four and ioneAfiall wh , ,a enable -them to mlovie 4wz� P'oun& per bird. By producing tc res1tee lis specifically charged with necessary to prevent unlawful ar.- jit .jOr miawket, ,and at times there through -it Without injury.. "'Nothing lbected. B"." 4in �sumanieaib]lme we know anid take refutge in, cracks - and other inveet thq ,req * '�, t ho�ni I s on the *1U. c?r#a!e,aT!d,_jd�,pn so, only When the relstd. Now ds it essenbiii that the _... � . - '-w ,one ilesisting be �vnocenb w a s no market. In. such cases ,'the but thorn'hedgels will avag, against hogs," that e xer�idele meand more' ,heat 'AA we ebbose, the most dzaug�hlty, ;�ei;�_' -sanall crlMmi3 in w an flolor, and eal, . ulfi, d s, .. , �port m rIvet' it should be. ,Vo* ar-resting olEcer is arme a ith a pf the W�IjAen w&rx,ant otomimVAing htn to crialnIe for which - the arrest Is at- smiriplus calttle- wene 1%el& an -the for establisked cattle and the farmers said. . H` was,thei basic idea, andl many fol -m trae most dan,gdA).U'&,' place and In such places they 1genterallY remain isible to avoid any glut of dreiaed .1 Nd&-ai'durling the d1z", and eineive Poultry.." I arrest that 1particiUiar man, or when, tiewnr,lted. When Prairie" on permanent 'ranches to .be fattened. I, this way practical, farmers in the Prairie re- , 1. dl�"Lrhe.wdrst pomilble. 1t1h!ng­juSt sit. A -biveze dli-es. littile- if -any ham . lle�, - - . � artnilght instearch of food. Tney eat .,.w. ­J� I _ — . 4q4'. lackio ,Ilran[k Rolbeiitym, ,drew his � g a .warrant, -he hais reasonable -- ground for believing hi" in guiaty, of -pistol -- amid threatened to blow hales the cattle king-diam szlpi�ead from Tex- as and utdMz,ed the Plains area. . gion veme itrying to evql,Nv a wire fence armed with-p6ekeirs or'barbs. . � -if Ithe skin. Ibe dry. Nbr is there ob- pra;&blciffly anything -eatable but are .. .. . . ,Parti.pularl,y - ,.,, A Worth While Work - - fond. of folodattiffs faftyr- - . I , the felony. charged. Neither suspi - dn.her if ohe did, not get off the side- . Laber'drives, end the lopigest. onts, . But it.rer�aifiedl for Joseph F. Glid- Jeetion ta a mlindmutan-of cloithing in hot -her. ,Vv% , :,4,�', . . � `�"s 'ace " the'. . L - . .— . I ed -by ,man. - -t" . �'16*.'problem­bf oirnpl� ' I 1.1;, Mary Wesib6n colniplained to Cion of guilt.nor its possibillity coon- "4m' . - -eputy wer' P eJor the puir ose of distributing deln, ta� fatimer of De Knib, Ill., to es- -ish weat . would Probably be heallthier vi�:�:�i Ives clolthIng, but do ir' v roachez airle �r 8(li� t ulift'itunate, sufferers, from tu== '�� 11dn,,2,bs,w u- atftutes, reasoftlyle ground to believe. d ah�riff -and pointed , -Sadler . m Sadler ap- Im-111 thie' fact that the suspicion RObE'i5bn -out to hi - stock ,cattle , on the rorth,61m ,range. � sp ta drive Itself te,bl' . . 141 a ebory and -rnake a coaln- mWeial of thle barbed. wire 'li'r the sbitdding ,%N14an you are ,ekerc�$M_ �hm, kilbohens and Pam nLs�uan , is ai-taim which for some 397ears has been si W ations where food is -reacNly occiupyigg the attention o the National -%',or ivais sound ,and the man igailty.leg- proached ,Roberson, took -hilm by the ,a a is ,� cle,,. ,�hi� ,,tl",t ;�raltle " .merr"o4n- history, .succiesis, , -to 'we know �daly. I ang, 1�ot )�!m ara- 11coic-Cillm . : off." acoes- Sanitar m ,�&le. I Association, operating' the ' . Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives, the . alize the arrest. 'If tho policemiazi � arim -and put him lifider arrest for , Thlousands of heirds . followed the - At first. the peciple In -bhi,a Mains . . Summer o3ldis-last I al3nig While tio. ' lCockroachee may be readily con Toronto Hospital for Consumptives and . But be 1 carr�ing cowelaled weapons. Again be - wrong he is pundishlable, - I Ibl,w Robayson trails laid out by the ea I cattl en. ry. "n oun try were . skeptical of- a the new- finglied because we never give ouvisei a , chance. to ,get comi-yletely 4o-y,eT tihlarm � fluorild . p, . ; the Queen Mary Hosplta,4 for -con- trDilled by means tolf sofflulm . sumptive Children. I . drew ,his gu4 and time is punishable, also,when he is right,; uniess,he hadireasoli6 before he,moft I vhot Sad,ler to death, A jury thought With 3,00() head of cattle would go 16 to ,18 wM.always- -an fti;m. � Many dealers woul-d not have it do their stores. One With3dt ithiukling ' we* algai�YL Slit by which alaIybe c'fbtial, At present these up-to-date hospitals, Inz-d from Any drug ,store, sbAesaleafteitpreparedby the with ,6r 1,000 for the arrest, 'to believe .!via men guft.: this was �ce XrYIng 1n1diiVidU4,li5n1 tOd even num- beT SID t1lu ,t -blley clo,uld w,a.r,k round Texas merchant .4 -vurebased a carload Itihe open w�ndow, ,or Sleek the open � IDDtOTA,Ologi�ml beds, are taxed to the utmost to care .Branch and issined by the needy, consumptives, whose only . Thus, in actual I far and'declaried ,Roberson' guilty. of iife� when Patrol- . -the herd .in pairs. The cattle ,did not 'Of this "flelroefous400king fencing." road, on a -hot njight, and .again, the bleat -re alting - 'of . hope of future health lies in proper the�11),imbli@ity, I 'and' Extensploi Briallichp treatment and care. � 1,nan 102)rber stekt, in, fall uniform, , murder. But the Florida sqpreme stepped up to" Neg�'* Olaver -Phelips move as a herd, but as a lomit and us ne. At thestaxtof When it arrived,. WDun1d'imiw,7enJy on vo d sPoo 310 en , is, no ,one would unload' mech�fidsm gul , . , the skin is.up---. � . DbImilridon Department of Ag..ri t'is. in order that these I..titU.AOns cultaire, .1 Qftwwa. The sodium fluo6de. kay 'be enabled to carry on'this worth ' . and said, "Just a,mlornent, fellow; teanipteidurrest wasunlawful, because take yourr -hands out of lbob6r.sion's crime Was only a rniisde- . dri a ve there was a ,good ,deal of confusion, and the herd o to -handle it. The nierchadtat'Iast secured the"ger I QueSltllon(is concerning health- 'ad-- 'dir" slsed to the Ganadian 'Medical A's- Ehould- While work that It ild necossary toinnually ibe lij I .. i gh,dy dusted 'in, plums firdquen '. %ke an appeal for funds. for the,%tatat- -.I,-.- ory allowances rettlived fall far short ed by the 'rosidbes, . of your Pock. airf"with an T--Je ets," Phelps tock- them =or And not domin-dtted in i lvr% was JPreelsed to 20, or 25 mlilds, a day, in oTder to ijl� toa break - - I - v" ' 1008 of semeral more ventweslome 'but ' -001cialtillon', 184 College St., Toront,D,' will bre aristweired Personally by let- such, as "Iyo C�U� the actudi cost or maintenance. With a sinks, bastebowr,6, clipboards and hot deflelt of manyt,bousands of doliarstO automatic pistail in one and put five -Presence And,the conviction, of " . . the cattle, to get thiem away from . c6W11,10-YS'; ame lof,tibe splools got I . ter� wl,R�* jipldn , FMe ssoddam dulodde mgk e up til iis year qn- operating account. I.ve as bullets'anto -Stelt. But though Pholms mmnder could not stand.. . 'td I - -e illar rang, their fam a,.. and ,to Trial a( the way, jumped unlora&ng cibute, . � i �- , . t V wi, gonerouqly U a 4 th I'l. on ,a, 4 antennae of, ease s your girt to the adheres to. the legs and can, � , e,n 223 'roa,abes, was datly Prosecuted for assault wa ith As the reasonableness, of get- - t4hent so tired that they would. lie struck a c3rt&O-y on, the leg and, tore .., . atl , ' the and -in eleaning.them- � 4anitarl im Association. , , intent 'to injure Stdt��he was never lling evidence ag&inst enifninals, judi- . down ,at- night-11ot', the constant. belf ,his boiot off. Wlhereu�ion tivey -k, ' ' . - .1 . . or the pieriod ,of Canadian oll�onal �o t. - --velvts the'inseeti i ,p,M,s�n6d by 't. I orontg 'arC 40 'tree 2, , , � . � . � ' ' puniished. The -trial judge, flaNiorwing elat ci�-,'indons� and, disteathre stories dread off cattlemen ion the tTail was a,11 tbruck. The wire was finally un- 1;o .t,h.e Nvtliolnal Exhibition this the �. . "t' 'S".31d"um. fluoride re -tains Its ef- ' ' ' """ , - I __ or the rulle of his � state, � held that !�te IVs- differ eNlerj.. m ve widely. The derbec- the stampede. After t,�,3 first few , al�, 4, but theale were -no buyers. To � year rall- Ways, steamEhip antl c�jjch lines . fleleflVennis eand milay be lefIt undis-1 . lack of krivirledge -of Phelps' guilt tivcl� o;f det.-on loik .for evidence . days, the -average drive was fri Dan ri,i 'e. �hle merit of the� wire, the are 0 ffle'rimg 110 -WET faTeS than for more t.,.,'�.'.a as lonv as ccinvienient. or un- ' , 'have made, the arrest unlawful ,and, that Wha11V',VT -they huT6 rewson -to think- 12 to 15 millies. And so for 60 00 merchant diec4led, to en�!lie On PJg a f ,than a decade. , til the eockro-achtes comipletely isquare da;;�er% were ,introduced �at the arrelstbeling unlawful, Phelps had they w-.11 11nid ii". .:So do real detec- or 120 da,ys. 0,,owr�oivsi at W, ' 18 Ork liamd W�ieh be lolwneiiY On lfhe puWic . . I.. .. ': ; �-.rzlp,:-mred. As thiis, chemical is the Canadian Natilanild, ExIW-Ation it a legal' 1-ight to resist. He therefore tiM-0s;"br.tt Vie la�ter are in diff iculty , a hours a d- 7, riding, Fanging, nursing r'j� d. T�e.ev,r-rrt was imade. a gala ' I 0. � some*hat Poisonous.,, itea-sonable pre --was done as a navelty and intended ttrroed Phelps looise� � if the ccu'T's fird *out abmt at . the cattle. I . I -, day in _Iffil,� community. and people I 11 I - I caritilons 'z1houlld, be 'taken to prevent: 2� a te=Viari !0traction. The in - Igo, too, deitei for the purpose , After fedeTra! veicrnet-derv�!,ee men 1� investigation, I � Tnlsv� &�4verw Were but' '. . a par" of , came formiles to elee the, new felice. . Once tfhe�merit ' Curre#t Crop Report cbildritn,.4or domiest-, pets from ga4jii.. novat,_*,on wad an instantaneous hit of to apeert.1unif there 1had alriresteld P k Aghello, b , rla'n ecause the tremendious cattl!e industry Sin� ofbarbed + wir-a was . 'Some . I ing aecezis; Ito, it, . . abi will rae comtinu-ed' thip yogw. is reason 156 believe� -the man gulatn' they ,�aw hirn" makilng an unlaiwful 918 outifits clainisd range right; over - PrOV4 it sPrOud like, Wildfire. A excerr-ts from most 'recent .. Pyreithruan and- borax.at two "oth. I - I � I 11 Is abst,tutely ,lawless. The ofter,sabe; of cocaine, they - went to bis a (territory aS;.11argei as Masigae hustItts barbed wire, agent came through and, crop ropoirits, -by agricultural, reprets- er mateTiails whic.�' ftirniethe basis � ­lho, makes the arrest !a, liable, the 'house and searched it for the source Jailer Who it ,of and Nilaware cmnl5inled. The Cattle industtay tiolid a catfbi&nan ti ,let gillasjo�leswas lyllanndUg to a fenc i entat1wes, folIlow.: . . . I I I . I . ,of many -redominended, match poiw- -1 1. . ders. IPyre�hrum By-Prbducts' Of Hogs continues can Ws ,held supply, which they fOunt& T,',at f6� 'damXges, the courts,'will termdn- I. dvildlenc6. -helped to carivIct Aigneldo - finithe East was an. incident Of agriculture. In the West a mndh put 000 VcTes of land, .4ndl 'that, he was . CE­4Sprinig gralfts. have i1m. pvcvedt since the raiFn- and-4prospeets , ,-insie,ct Vow,,l, is . , � leas, e&ctive tPhant sodium fluoriide, I t,: Give Big Income ate it on ,demand by wriVof habeas but the Supreime,00urt up9etthe-6on-' . . - 'would clorv,er the same area.ais 1,600 indlosdng government lanidt, ais well as aire.,for,a fa.,r Fall Wheat is Tiosles -its effectiveness quickly m.: ex- I . C'6�Pus-' It nVay be ,tihat Som.-epaxtic- victioiri becau, I se thle search )of his ,eastern farme and ,have perhips 10,_ )what he own*d. 4C)OOsequently, the yield. '! . yleid:,ng 30 to 36 busbels in Plo�zsurle. to adr, and fhas toi lbe uSed) in, In modern days very little of tbe ular Per -son mrigft'harre committed a hous�-_ witihout, a wariant was- 11un. . . crime, tha�t ppportunji,y t6 &nIvvsti- realsonable." The fact thatndelay�be- 000 hiqA, TiDund-ups, rodeos, -and all, Flat gDe's *ith ranching. 'Hot days catto. eflnian ordered a carload of,wire , 't which went up around �5,() secvl,olia-�bT 3 some cz%et,.%� �Roots and ctorn have respoild- -ed 'Llh�e,- a 'larger quantity. Borax also is less hog is Wasted. In -0anadia. alone by- .9 satisfactory. Mhan, sio,diban fluoride.. ,products of the lwg that ,were Pre- giite v,ould prove bis Tuilt, and, that tween arreist and . search, while a It ' i -n the b,randing pen'' with ,bawling 19-nd. 'He could' then kee� ,his. � O1W11 w3ndiartulljl�.to rainfall, but ,. n,,1:,r,,,) maLsibUTe is ridedled. Illow, er, bor,ax .is, ,elis saly obtsavabl,e, vious, eV, y considered and treated as ' *represent, not prmn#tly. arrested he'may de- Warrant was, rprocured, migilit have Calves and the sanell Of Vurried hair citi 6 Eleparated from his Ineighbor.;5% - I . and mixed with. equal parts, of potw�. waste now mallions of t1ol- n Part for districts anknown. Never- Permitted confederates to destroy . and flesli on ,the wind. MLen in Volots . But Perhaps he owned only a Gmall . HURO��-Fitrmzrs, are busmi imith diered sWeet chocolate ,is a fairly ef. lars of addftioval incoi to, the live I thelem, it, the db-,,�.ic� .of. ixisting the evidence made no I � nipre6slon on - '' ibnaible and ,big -thaft's, jingling spurs and fris- 'horses. rpart of Vni-g- 1�a n'd. He' continued to wlhpat threshling and the average , fective remedy. I- . slock ,industry, , The 1by,products of , Mo ground. to belleve hilin -the court. - o.-Ui Xy laWlu-Ily 'Ili is, '�umrreagonabl ky Caan-p cook land ,Kyrse acquire what he had fen2e,d, ,by pur- e;h ase or hy having (his, "' yield ,in thistdilstri,at will run close t3 . . Om .e. the hug include skins, fir .. Which are 'bristles, -he cannot be detain- le" for detectives wrangler. PnDfaniity ,and 'huge appie- , cowt�oys home- 30 bushelsi. Dealers are pilyinig 90 . . 1� I 1 nzaritz-factured pig -skip, hair,, I ed. I ­,�eretly to listen �n -an the telephone - s W _* tites. The East did'a la-rge bucliness 'sicale; stead it, ar by buying out 'or run- nling 'off . , cen.,(3 Per lbushrel,, 'Ibuil. ti�e -rria,jority . . TESTED, RECIPES curled hair, upholstering'r plaster -re- -em thla crime eharge�d is a mis-1 conversaltilons of er0oks. Whether it on, a alm-all the West did a the she-eplinian who happieri- of farnilers-a,re holding ln'exp'eldta- , . tardent, felting, glue, sausage., gelg_ 1�1 donientor onl7l.�thait.js, ? e not j�,i- is reasbina;ble to eames-drop on the O'nall bruslines's mlagnificeTftly, 'Me ed to get in before ,he fenced. . in t1lon- 'of higher prices. Sparkling Jellies tine, gloves, belts, straps, pocket books, ishable by imprisonrrm ' in a peni- s"et-corner an'd ispeakeasy ,talk of . Easterner, with his background of -T)Taces, ,rwdre was ,IsbjpWd into the I. � . "'Pound forr,pound a-nd an hou,rll 'a � tenflaTy-rnot Ewen re*16onable ground Sulspecbz-, b3e courts have not yet forest and farni, ,Could niot al,wa - via Xeltt not by c2Ao&d1s but by.tMin- MORTH SIXtIO-E-This district ,-boil I 'was the mciple given- iA -our -grand- Fnq,m the futs are manufactured to belleve a ,man, gvi!;�y will justify ;.-taid. .Narr ihave they Tegroveld the , umidieratand the rn;�, a of ;bhle -cattle loads. Gli,dejen ihibispaf couij,d hardly . can sitfll be i;eported as in, a. cohdi- la arl:)-thers' day, for making spark% ing rd, bleomargarfne, benzainated; lard, arreett. Thebfficer must ,hold a War- police 2or looking thq4ough wind-ows. kingdom. . One went 'On' foot, the ,, ealiz�. the miaigmitude tof. his blis" -r I- ttion of drought. All late eraps, n-eed zalves, coshietics, cracklings, jeffiels and del&ibaiiblie jams, ,and as , 'Poultry raWt correctly describing the ar- One court had beforre it the Problem 'Other lon harselback; wfe'earried, his nos's- One day he-receive,id an ordeir fraiiin, badily. Vlhteat amid bat-eley thresh. s _ aweletis her "preserves" were tri ai-,d animal feeds, fertilizer, tankage, rostee, -or the offense must have. been of a pt atrolmign who flaslh-ed his light law in -bolaks, -the other carried . it for 100 tons. . I FYolm theil, on' until i'nig is general and 6ifiy_!og�s are, be- ,a umph. Mc;�dle�n ludowledge, lof :foods, grease, lard oil, stearine, istearde acid, committed actually in his, ,presence. into the tonneau Of a car and dis-, straTrPed around his Waist. , Oi�e re e th turn, of the century the demand . 1M OVIt. �. llbw!ehler, delinard, metibbds by which grease oil, lubricants, machine oil, This Particular rule raises, an awk-' colviered burglwr�s tools. But ' ina8- presented tradititon, the other innova- was brisk, am iotemlous Prof d en nts so- 'business'. . V - MILLINGTON-The I equally pleasing jams, which also re- Candles, -gellatine, glycerine red 'oil, v ward possibility. Suppose that pri- much as he ,had wt actualily tou Vqte ched ' " tnttzetf Henry Flivivenmn re- .the car ,until after he lookedi, he had Von; onle resVonded convention, the toL other responded, to necessity cruled to t1he , The revolulbibn which barbed wire 'harvest 4% in fu�;111 swing in, the ,soutPh end, of the 'ta,.n' .t.h . wool finishers, fatty -acid, tax for roiof- . I e nutri&onal value of fmil, . . -be " And pavang metal - isf burns, to ,big I P&Tked' automobile in, �not tedini-cally �'w�arched" it, and the qjvd 6volved his -own, conventions. The an m Produced ain�orn%,..Vattlemlen was. not ,. � , co,unt7y, .,,The oat crop is not a golod produldtisl, ,eqn, priodlu-cefa. purposes, pal "Aldd pectin and bio4l one minutePs I h 'and sioap. Among the .many. other . __ .. - ,court decl(ined) to dornmit ,itself on .... of the tbdber and the tolwn made the ' unattended 'With lblolods1hed. Fientee. . m onte and :in amy casee-the -crop is a failure., "bastaken. the .place of,thelold slogan, miscellaneous by-products are I*mr- I'll I the reasonableness of his looking. law for the man of, the pluing; ,the cutter wars brake!,out in Texas, Wy- 1. near In-.4he north section and gives attractive jamis and jellies n�a4etztrcal preparations such as ,pep- ... . . That theste restriction-, harrapier po- I A V E i'most A lice ,effectivenesis .goes I I . I . I omqnlg� New Mlel3d,co� wherever mien be(gan' to- fence whait had hitherto fair crops of oalts"'and barley willa be harvested. Yields of wheat are. run- w1litfli, very Ettle teffoalb, very little fuel sin, niedicinal tablets, suprarenalin 'and ' . . �� with- I . , � I . I., 11 W out saying. In a yea - v�aen Detroit 3 - ' l!'Panost the police were right and the ,been &eje grasL9. Thfate wars, ainiiiunt- ning 30 to 35 bushe ' Is per mere, with a .insulin. These, -and- many other con umPtiou', and all the beauti- ful _VaralObY Of �clolior and flavlor in W�Pmaducits of the -hog, are in addi- I ,,,, I , INEMS, itching * Id 9 ... ed an average rife four armed - "horoughly heals theskin.a &-t, robberies day men Werre VliltY, the airests were on suisip4dion lonly ed to a sluclial uphearva-1. whose ef- fedbs ralmified t1a a reasonably good sample. . varli'Qus frim-ts' just as m6uxle madD tion to its capacity as a food promid- Ui ' most effe= a W-1-th, C_.';aS for hOli- sud other skin troubles. A record of 50 years daYS, 2Z Ver cent of ti�ie few gun-. I "11. farid tberefo-ve unlaw- I ful. In a practical slense, scores, of all phastes of west- em -]life. 11he Texas Ranlers. ,were IHALDIIMIAND�-Fall ,alhealt yields ,of as high thear. , - . ... ted, in the- sihape of tham, ,bacon., porrk, Pectin is -a ahlemica.] ' tongue, hearti liver, -kidney, chdtter-, � gs.10. - oters WhOtm- the 1p!ollce succeeded In . , * Mgt !. _ hitm . ­ _­! -1 tnt 11 Arresting gunanen have been turned loose� upon . . the,pu,blibc, by' the in c4onstant denvand to a qt in ting down , is(6, put- the fencL­cutteds, as 35 bulsheils per -acre have been reported,, but th �. oat and e . subsiltance ob- tained from ripe fruits, palrticuIliarrIg lings and maiiufac6red fancy meats escaped punish yecause ,", � , ment .1 -------- i� �`.'L;4;.`;� 4 . , , . � . 1, courts, tio'keeip the . polioe it- ordler. m1hat Is the vurpozie of these Te - ,strictions? - Pqirnarffly tore as,surnies t thlo-7 who weTe usually lz6ockmem Their great- �nt msienitment was stirret d, by the d0flnaV that b1aXbVTVWjTe did to their lbarley yield wPX ,be mate-nally ,re- duced. Pasturet! and aQ)1 I , MV,ps are �-,till in nved tof molsture, Plies, and, in,the,T.1g,fit coan Ati3n and meat specialties. �- aP bin � � I with acid,, Is' r1ecb9E1Mry"toi florm, a . Its con Jelly consistency. soane,frm .. ta;in Pelctlin in- large quantities, d1thers NOXAC-ORN � � . . I % - - . I ­ - 1. ,,-. I . . __ ___ . —1._- 11111111111 '' --- -_ - . tl� . . I . I . . .. I., . . , . an W -v ` " . . . I FOR .. t_. are ti�tended fo.; the protjecti;� Of innocent citizens, rather than mot, IstPOCL -It was not uncfofr�.Ion for 'hor.alsts tio 'cut a 110tot or a leg almost off or for "cattle LAMBT01XL--.4Pa)stures are burniinig brom"n, and dried out ,Mimny f,armleirs have veri Some, have not a&- Each package �ontgans special fiatures; make - fici"Mt acid, es�peck%lly ii',fu]l y 0pehi- , certain you get the . I . . . ., 251-ar LT. ­ _. I ,�-fvatedby 871nPa'15hY V�ilft gu2ty ones. Theiy to, run futll, tilt Tl',qht into ." -are supplElmenting Pastures by grain- ed. Appl, , , art, u. . YELLOW TUBE AND PACKAGE, es. Ji ic liarly the er lib . I 11*1­015STMENT FUNDS . imIdlicate d1i'Strilist of the police, a fear that it Policemen are, allowed the barbed Wirie.09 The fence men -were inconsaderate ing ttlidiir cattle, otthei% are f eeding (hay. �'Aftny olthers baire 'turned their I va6ety, red, currants,, and gr � Noxacorn is sold only in tubes. Your corn . glVes us- removed or money refunded at drug stores. w0ilty make jelly of - good) consistency I.. I'll, . � 067' " YIELD 3,%A/ 1 to gpt away wM arrests and to 44 ." by q -ies - nlit * only of the damage to stock but of .1-thel"'r f-el"low anan. They fenced cor%" on ,second crop alfailfa fields, I . without ,the addhion of 6-ther pectin, 35c—get Noxacor" today , . I . I . PTIOEV aigarcl Tpe�e.LN e . becaue the -man arrested is in fact apy .1 'qlp 'Water holes. they striett1hed, the - LINNO . OLN—In, siptite- of dry pilie- but - seed, f,rults sudh. ,as peaches and Aberhart's Drug Store 'at ' ,Mberra-'ev "jell" I , I �:.,,; . - � I I I . � ­ I ; .- -1 I . gul and evidencie is, procured, tl,,e7 Willi , WiTe acroElst the'well-travelled roads; . . ft'Ll""Eq, MoSt ,of .the Ilivestock its irk, lair- ly Dairy, , .a& will never witbout I . . lit. loonintercial pect;n- is usually . I I . . I . � ., : . � ,. � GuMawmw'MM"fimm Pz=iPTS R9E tend mare and, Toore to afte and at slear('h WhIen t6e, 'man is not guilty.. eoryietln,jeiry Vi-Ety .inclos2,di N,31. st ,areas vAiloh they did ,riot bWn, with f�w qood oonditiont., cattle are i* . ti fed grain 'and bay in tWobable � �LOT - . . made froini 01PIP00s, R�I�d,e i;.clean fac- I . 1, t ' fes under car 11 .�. efu-'l 11. . .1 � , '.. , � '.. � � . i�gt= AY,Tnls company ron a TERM or,r .1 . ­ I I - zvE I I 'How far t1!pi§e juc)icial itleg of q rre . at end -search - do � P,'Rteg for ingrevs .or ,egreigs. Ther . "' nel wa,91110 law to gilymerned-ther the fe' tDkeiep up thp,s,uppily of tnli!lk, Wheat yit�,I-drs vary frOm 10,to 40, bushels supervision, and . therefore* �d ' 0 The -usted ,with confi- ., ... �z I.' .1 , �� YrAVAI Will) roR amotmTs 6r sioo up (IN zvz� . . . HusV9=8y.-''PaYW0 114�t'RT THE RRTZ or � ' " . �. ,really protect the irnmiumn(b, there is no way of die- I bermining.. I iren or the fence-outters -and t1heire- flolile thle tw") pe'r 8�6m, Itbe qqalldhy very good, The . Oat crop will be v�*Tit. . dence. Follow thes direetiong glIv,en I With the pedbin, which May, be either . . , � 1. �Is, : I _�, � . . . I � � 33/4% VER aMUM. THEY JIM UNdONDITIO'NaLLY . I - In Mnaitenthe of the Cos- eg- hdore the courts thely - are inknoked fadtilons fov"Rlht f or su- PqlemacY and clontrol. .1 . n the end MIDDLE'S EX­��SD_mle secti'Oe'19" still liqudd orr ifn pow�dielr form, - - . Apple juice nia-y bij� for . -1 I :`-1 � . �, ,ii " I RMTZED BY T=- Z"It& PXSOURCES OF atts I . .� THIS COMPOU'r a,ffp AUTHORIZED BY THE . ' to save the quafty. And it lacertain t0lat the e 'Vi"c' wiv -Ctittefrs.Atoisit the filgilit. I ' Thus it was not the finve had 'no rain for ,several weeks- I ,"'TIAT119 graine wild be pirElpared � � 1111 I 'Usle Wilth--nion-jeflying frui,tisi, ,and for -- � �� ," ". 0,m, . I ; , . 00Vr,P.WMENT. 118 4 1X0JlIL"ZXMTM=T FOR . existing ralles' dio. proanOte Other f-DUIMLS Of ' Police lawlessness., railv Da,ds, not the homiestead iTial,,v, not the en.eft a&- extre leily, v T_ . M a i,a,bl,,,- in yield.wl;th -some,' fieldis, .on ' this putpose, "Weafthyll aiplyle�, juist 6: , a Iii,,titai? Uft,der-qfiPe, setem, -to be best. - . .� &_ I �",,!. 11 ,"'. �_. . , . , . ''. . TRUST . mtla. "n"M P#RTIOULPAS Pr_ - 1, I / ' . I The pol:h;e head of onte ]large city, MeCt lof the grolwing eastern Voplula- '1110ml--but '!ai d ahmst a toltal ;ail_ light '"PooTwith T,hely yi,edd, , ,pu,1c, With litt, e co, lor �i 11 11 %� "I . - 691WIM0 01folftm . MAT1111h,rim MD OTJ�ZR " ---severail,iotr tw1kase inifen had.,beieft, kil]� M or Wounded by erliminail, Ilre fro*- bzzbed wirre that revollu- *00izOd W`e!Vterri' lliVe. It sdulyt-d' the ure, early stown, crops, On rich' w""'Jprepd'red lan'd gwing hilkh and -n;D distinctive flaypr. Oi�ab a __ a 11.1 , � � f,., '��.�. , "A., I uri ?' MA"M, *It& 4 ro""b9b uw" gtour�w- ,..�,,,, � . . . I . 11Y advisted freer use of poadc,emien,s death knell of the native I longhorn, 'Oekdq-, . PIIE19 Pmtvide a idlee Which j�llje,q ex�' . , cellentily but thtir favor is �'111i" ,-:, . 11 r,,�­ I 't_ 1, 11 " K,?, �1, "I .. � . . ,A . ,,',�;,. -pialtofs and slaiA, un,60idaily, that iie and Madle possible, the introduction Of b1blod0d OXVORDI-�­The extrenie hea,it re- predom-I iarljant;.Wh�n used. With M,ol�d ftvWed ',� I .q � �� � I.. ..� , . . . 11 ... 11 I ,�,� WOROAt.0 - "' � Gulmrantv Trust - tholighb,it Wide to .get ,rid of gunp. men that WaY rabher than tb risk stock, for the rancbmaii now could siftragabo M6 cattb�.' " dumd the milk �kldld by, appsm,timiate- T -y 30 per eent. -and] low,gMed this Willi: fruito. , 'Some tof these idombi,"wWoris � �, _ -",. ) � . � *,'" " � ."t��., . d the uIncerbalinties ,Of ,douft actbm. - PIA an end tra Ibbe long drilvie _ttl and, fbart� tesit as weal. HOW6*6r, relcerit re- Ina,ke ^_ 11 Her& jolly of ,excellent quaNty: 1 %04U Rem 0 � � Ll� % 11. . .1 .. ... . 11 I I . . :�, - 11. .� I '. . � , ,�, i Of Canada , "' It .18 Possiblie that continuing c4nIt altd an Improving police *J!lq prod"s ed - the cat%enfeift. tio� Pai"114te the , Milr,oads, InUble aniore.than a de. poita indicate lbbth pooducti6h, and teot hajve',rdV,rned to norimal., The usapbe M., land red cuftetut I e 1, SAlke, . Raspberry and litiolaeoerty WHY 11 . 2104 - I your 9r. I 1. � I &`1!111i,�', .,!� �` - ',�.. I " %, . � 11 " ni, F':" , 11 ., . ''I ; L . V, ,4,. , 4, - It �. "I... "-A . . . I " , . new judicial ftlings. But as ,m,t� tftt if e6d1b) it­d1Mn1C0d that �vst Wast6 of gross 1stret&ft.qr1*onI the corin emp, has beeh %,AA 'Idt by d1rY . . . , . . 1. MOW''cherry unli apple � - lato te or* neftl . . 4 P� . Ay I 11 .11 11 11 -, I . �­ ,,,,, ". - " I I I . I , "i,* ,,,�''_. .1 ....... . . . . . . . . . . � ­.­­ . . ..... - 1. - , ,,�.-I.�.�l..;,�l'.1,11t",�,1"0.,..,�,�I ........ "" 1-000011i 11�10111 0011-11,111.11"10,10" .". I _e_ ..�L.111.111-1�,,��,,�'...".."�l, ---11-, I i-ii , I'l-1, "0000"i N I , � IftOW staWk jUd,g-6&'kWfto d,6,- wHVt 86ft!", fle*er , of 00 mftids, 1� I IV omrjeig to . the ONWO',_i. mu".10.1kimb, - I - ied , o into on edil bmestomd,4 Weather And' utillftl9l rain, 0611ines, Soon. a good deal of the tro,p Wilil ht.l�iert� , fore. . . . . Mlift6befty"And a1pploj , , ft, W1 ir , , E41UOA quaribit6vis of jtlk6 .from the hi Ell T I . rs JPL, PAb , �� "I '. � � I 1i . , ,­ � � " .. . ,Y,. I y -, I , W." M ,,,, . ve, pl I 4�t..Vlllt�',��.,, .:,,.: �<�16'11.. ­ � �, � :. ;­ � i, " 0 -,2 ; � ........ ­�,,I,��v,�. I II.-�-.�-lil--�,%�,W-.",��,.�,py��,',A,,''., ,,Mi .1 . I I would 6W 4,0 lappay for'doftity, I . . I � . of I . . . ; ! AID -rt. . .. . : 114 .1 I . CO4 I I I "01%, , PN�rl d, . ­ eft Wtv thw 66 ago I . . I I . � � !,., �� . . . ... . . . � . I. ... � , ., . I . . � �, I " , t , ,� � I I .,., . " � �;. ..., . I I Y'-� ,-,I . - , . - , �.� - - , . ,., I .1.1 I . I . I . . I . , . . . ... I I , �;�,,�­,�, . :1.1, , ­'.. . ­. t ,, . . � � I �-_ ,:-;1,, . ., . . � . . . ; _ . . I ,11 .1 , ", I . I I 1, I , I . 11 I I , . .1 ; 0 I" 11,111 ,,, r, .11.1 -�11 1'�.� ,� I . . " " I I . ___. � . . �', I - � I I , � ; I I � . . I . , � �i . 02q . , 1, ",-11. I t, I �; � A . � I ,I# � ,'I ,:. , " I I .. I � - . . . � I , I, .11 , � .1 'k ,. ." 1,� , . , ��_ ,4 " I I � I I I � . ,,;� , , , �,; .� , I Nl � , � 1j, , " , . . . _4 1; Nx -I, "A,��i',�".V ";,�,4 �1 , ., - , i .� - J "', , , 0,� � " � .�,,, —, , , '. L :_ , . 11�, I , , I ,'' , " ;_ , . , ,- , .." , , .1 J ,, ." ,, 1� 11 � � 1. I . , ,�, 1. - � , . ', , , . . , "'. I , i. ­ .i, I I . . . . , , I � , ", �, i . i, � ­� " , -�� , '?$­),.­ , � �, . ­ 1 1. I . V � 1, , -,I $1 kjt " 6 � ", � t" 11 'O.", I ,,� , I I A' 14,� �., I I , �, � , � je �, �, 'j, 'A r� P t, , " f � , . , , � 1 , ,� !", , a_ ,. ",__ _'. , " % , , ' , I , 011vi M1 � 91' , , 'A i .0 ,_ " .. , ._ ­ b I ­ . , .1 ", . 1� m, , '. .k. 1 � �`, , ` � ......... � , ilf"� ?,;J�q '11 , im", , 1,61 ORNIN1111-14 "","t " �.' fi , k r 111 " , " t' , 3V J. , i , � � , - ' ��r " i'�'! . , � , , ' � !A' ,V � iffiilllijii'i i �,�,Nkll, &,%,�'O�,gt � ! " � , I ` " 1�k .� J�,_ �Vg , i i 001 '. q N III � 0`1 ` 'I 1� , ,� I . " "'I" '� " il ",k, ft 0 ft 01" "�'k M '' " , ,�� i fll,i,�"111 , i , .1 1,11~ I '10 " , 'i ��� 'R I '11112s,""', I , I "', , ft 0 I 111 I , i Mil ms " � "I 1.1. I , , I _� . . , , , , 11 � ,�t,, "I " k I I -1141;A."". ;,.�, , , � i . I , ,�,,p I In _10 I I 6.tt,w 4 , 1, '' L . 1, , ��, gi,110 I '111,11111A .1 i�v M., , i " 2.2 I i , .. roi,�, U , 1611" �, I ��11., V IN , . """.., �­ � 1� ii, � I ," �1 . 11 t .g_ , .1 I ,3 li,11112 9- I'le � fts, #�.� i i k .. . . I I I I 4 . . I . . . -, .. - g � 1. I � I .1 ! J, 1. -_ I .. - I . I I 4 . I '. . I t . . A I . .. . 4 . . � . . . 4 . . . I . 4, . I . I - I . I t I I . A . . L , . I I I P . I . � . I . - v � I q I . I I I , � . ,- . J - I I I . I I - I 9 � I - 4 I . . I I I : I . . . . I I . I I - , ,�A� . i . . . I .. � ... . . f . � - . . I - I . . I . I , - 4 . � . I I . . I I � . I 11 I I I . .. . I ; . I . I � , . . I , .. . . I 11 . . � I . I - I I 1. . . 11 � . 6 I i . A I I q I I I .. I . I I I . . � I � I I I . I I 11 � I r I I * . I . . I ,, I I I . . I . � I . i . , I . . I I a , I .4 . I . � I . . . 01 I A I . . . � � . t C A. � . . . . b I .. : I . � I . 0 1 . . I i . - ­ . 11. f I . . I I 0 . I A . f . . . � , I I � I I I - . 11 . I I . I I I . d I P 1. V ( I 0 I . . I , I I 0 I I I I if I 4 . I 4 r� I . I 11 r 1. , J � . #' A % i I ,§ . i � I � d 1i i i - I 11 . � I � 6 . . I t � ( . �� � � "I .. 0 .A. I �01 .It t I "I I I * .i -1 'n, ltzllrZ ,; � ,w f, - 1�-;;, . "i"In"i"; Nal .