HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-08-14, Page 5"I � k , "" -I!,��,��f,�!��i'�ll,��ll��',,'� 10.- 1-1 ",'I 1- I -1 � ,',I � ... � I, �.�, " , " t , " , " , %0,� ,!E ,�, - ,�. , , , � 1141V'Itjgi.� �fj, J. ,-,,�, � , '. , " -,;�'j',,�, A.� ": �,�,, ", 3��� ? 1, ,,ti��,;i��,��,,,��-�',,t,��f�,��i�f,,',��'e'.1t . 111; lk '�,g,,!�,, � � " IM,­',q�',' ", -, --v- ,� ... z , - , I " , , e ,1�01% lil,,&��gp,�J,%,'q �u�i,ip-,-��,,I.�,�6�.,I�",,,'(,��l'�l,,,-�,,��,',,�,�IVI�, IN 1% -il� 1151,;Pvi "�-1211111b,"Airl" ,ii��,�,�;�,,r.,,il�,it,��,',Ti��,�,"Fv�),��l��'i�'l�����, - 'ga .5'g . -'a ,, ,� I 1,11 _�l',. , 4"", " ,,, " , :,; . - X.') � v .;, .',,,��P,�41,,�- , I ; - . , , -, �, , , , .. t", - xg 111 �111.1 I 'if , . .�i! 1, ,g"VA!�,!,'1*11�� , I 1 0 ,� : �,, , , I ��,;,Jl�,+ ,�oli,!,,�- � X ,;T'�J,4, � , , I I i , I I .. � X� 1. ,, I ". ., - ,! . 4""', , 1,� ,5 ji'*V�C�tjlq�Lp , i ,"i , , M A , ,, , :,�,� , B "j2PV,li ..;, - ,� ; ��` � ,, . f,!,,'�,:, � I , - ,� " -'(P-111 _Y 11 ,, ,� �', I I W., . P-�?,?;F�,oq�, "I" �t�' '� � q'IP'. - 'j" I,` 01, �, "I , , �, _ � , ,',�;: t� I , �� , " " � ,:,I ", ,I I , �! : ;� 11 �`." .1 , �� , , 7 11, � �,"! " � - : 11. � 11 �� R :1 I .11 . I 1;1. I . . 11 I � 1. , I 11 i � "", , I �, I �� " lflj�OPj,�;j - �:! , ,ii 4�W!E,l �� lj*,�,�.� �,-�,,'i�rfi, "IT V_� . ..... gj 1� il ,,� � 'jl�,, '�, I � , I " � I mil � . 11 � . il , i , . l i ,", ��, , I . 11 - ff�1­11� . 1� 0 1 1 1 IN 11g, v I t',,I.,�'fli;q,�'11,1',',��l)!�,R�i,), " � � `"� I '' 1�� . ,.;�,"'l, 1.,��­, i6,�� ...... ... ;i .1.11 11 11 .�""Ill,lq"�,,�;�Y��"'��,,�,�,"��'�!��,','� "i ,I - - , , ! � .,� I . I " 111. , , � i'i js'tr" I �� � I �'! 4k � , 1 . �e I . �.; ", . . RA '!.Ij,�jr", 2�, 1 , , � - ... � , i , . 1. . ,� , , ", —, i, " � , , . ,,, I I I . , I � ��;, , _� � , $A , : , :, d�, .1;� 1� � � ; -:'.1, ,,, I � ,14,,',4;1�` ,;4' � i�$'.i'i'6,01� ��l,�,,,.'i',,'�,�,,'!',f�li,��"ri�-_,,�,��, 1F`;!r, 11 I � � . I , . � " � , ` �` � "' . 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'�­O i '1� �, ...... !!I�` I , ­.1,1.1� 11 ..... ­� 11 1; . . I - I I , , I I � ,V, �, . ,� , 11�11' . 0`11 111! I V�1� "N"N' "I . MMIT"M i � AT.,#R ovq*m .4-0,� 0 1 " WS � U Wil", .1�� ,.'p� �,�! �",., .. I _ , , , , M � , I � , ��, ai �� ,,,I �, i ":. "I ,,fj,'�.,,;�)� ""i g, , " T 1. , � 911W ... I ly wt�,% �V­ ­,,; il"'. 0, " �" ,�,T",)".."",�,.""��",4�"ir��, . - 11 . " ;,% �i�"" P, , ��Pl 1. . '' , , 'M �,yl,:�� - .... , , 1, _�,_ 1. , ­ '. r, , -f � ­'fi , , , I W, . ­ ,�, ... , , , i� , � .1 I QIW'14 "'q-,51, . . � ,, ,994 i, ��: ,, 4�,n­,,r�, , �',�,� . " . . � ., � ,. W P d3 4`1W , , 14; . ` _ "Aw- , ,� I I- � W-6. , , , , ,,- .. 1714 " �Q`f. . . , , 0 "'._ !,�, �� "'� " , � � � W , �� Og 4, ., ',,,� , X "'k, t, um . A __ . , . , . N'T 99L`�--­­ _0014M - - 1=1 "T - ,., ., i MR9 AM'.K , W 'to - , 4 1 1 ,� � ,� , - t , � , 'N " ., I I I ­ 11 k. ROW111 In **jItp, A , k� '. 1! .. -1 '7�. `�!; , . , r. 14 -44, A � ,aro:, b �� ­_ a'_' I I I �._W, "" =4_aw I ,., ; . "", I I 1�111' i"; � , �, I � wa- , . ''I � ,;; r I I , #4, opwo 1volot 00ft gy, , , � �W_�Waall, 9400 . 4� � _ !� . - 1 IAX"', ,. _4, ,:,,��, � $ONSO �,G,Ilv '. � � ,�. � N! 1" I i �� 4 ­ _­ -�',�,, � 11,11� I .,�� , 1. I I . . , 1. --b I I;9"_01._,4k* , 4,�,,'.`,�, 4'' . . 101 !"..; -jq : I 4W61 0V ", - , % i,.,;eg�'jj� ", IN$ � ,_ I 'Ube, � 10ok 10 ,a, ep w-0 . I, 1plfo j . "I I - I I ." I -�, ''I ,�, . " 4�'o ",..W�, .�"* 19 IR, ,.;;�i.`, M; �,5'�tq. . � - L. il .,.": _,V��, � . ,.g., 4�IX ,.,* i I ,, . . Awo's"VoPer"I'M t , � I N�MUA.W$#1624" 0 ,Q'q'0iQ# q " VV , le,U " , g P, woney, I � . I . .W , R,F rwqFp� ,'. �W_ 1::�,,� - I V I . ,�,� - .40m. .V- � 01 - , 00 . 'in , , _ , ,gg� . witli, 4 . _ .fbb, , - ( ,.9 W�l t �',, : I k " - '%ak 1 -mm, . ,,, , ,bpr oboj*; loy . - =�W. 09'. I,_ - P00-0. ,�, 4. , �.` , , - . . . , � , fpohn - am S � . . 1, �: '1*01DWY ".7 ,..A . 0 . . � _' fill , I "n � I I ; i4ffx" , - - "7. , , I , , n ()OMU 'aw � . , # 0 , A , k I i ; � � ��i­ �,�V , , r �; 01'1101,,,�, ith,.1 ow 'W , . , "'. , , . - - �,, :,. ". .-M' ": V., . � , , I VDF.�, 04 01wa, imix ft,A . , .1 , "'. . .O!''.1" �; " 4-K-01. - " . ,_ !% �­i� _ . .4 _ft "r 17 - 0 � i , ., I 11 .� . ". I , . �F V .0, ,� , .1 I. 44 . X, �, " � - ,4 , "I , ,,,,;Iii� . _�­ :V*ileft �WQ�W'M ' " ,a - * ,; -T A -R , _W "x 44 "Aw � ,,��:, ,; I,, � � �� I I � I �,� .... �, ., . _ _ Aw, - VP 11 ,�' ]�, , I � o �. 1. :1 I �, 11 - ..... � ­_.,­,!�17,ft � I � — g - — W, QI�Or, villoum % t � " .. ­__, : . I . , ,40TA*,. . .... ��-:"­e�, ��Af#, 11 .. _v"Iew . ",�''j,"', �, ., . I.. .. ,,��, -,,�,­,�! n, , ,�'�p , , � ofd , � e: 3gp I - - '.., .1. .:­ , � 11 . , ", ft . oe, Wag PIOV �ROWA,jq,, 1+nA .r - �, �, � fiei� � Of 'Si: #W.Aft .'VA'Pt 17-4011 � , ,Z�oa Imn, extroxt . - A I" , ,f'� � . 1 Early qn., n �, fa, ,. s., � ,%W A pmutet � "_ ok-ha lw ** of .0 __ _7 ".. - � 0 " , , - � I van C I - , , , , . , I , _1� 1 T'r ._,44." �, ." � � q., � . ,, u 4 I wni�� . Fv �j. 'I I % , ,, klm", . ­ * � I . oh�. U*h kas,0� ad ' , �p I. , � 11 . . , �:,, 'I I _'r 5.4v�0s;y4f,41. - If � " �, . ..�P� 11 h., ­� I ,�,,,14i�! 1�q��j�"M;)A, .. W,0*WAee re"..1e *!p w , . -7 � . .. I . '. I 11 11 1. - .11-11.1i , , �1� . '8bipleY Temple in 7 ' -bP,a H ' ..- Gardens _Wheo ' ,r9,W,1@0`Py,"_ '"IT -90 j1MVA IN I I .�. ���', 414,�J­ ..''.:, . . � , . " , . .,, 1 , ut4 . 1V,-.r ­ ,,g. ,*p.:jWoAtoiqk - , . �_, � ­��., " , 11�1�111'.X**-4� ,,�!,.�,Y.el � 0 � . � 4iCAMIN JANIJARY" _ , ­ ­. . . - Z, 4, ');V, "'00, June, Law, 'to ld paaa* , White, Men Landed." ,. err"p, ,W. -r. 000 "MAd 0ARMIr 11 F _Ie�, ­ I '. I , I W , " , ''., _ , I , , . 1; 1 `1.1N)PV � , ff,,� I �.;Oauyl_ hib� -inv proat- . 6ibst _r ,� , " � 'L � ", 41',�­ 14W slim $om. . ,.,� insft= . 1P - - __ �­ " - . . r: �4�1.1 I , Ile, S '.b" ' or caft 40 T4* Motimen� give' IN, We � I . M_ � � �, . , - I , ti!!�� � 1. 1�? t I h - . - � I I . . I thO, only V*ATM 0� 0"g VU4 .V.b , ,� , , - i -1 � � _uddy b qn. � ],%inm 1028 the d*dm:$bW,e hos I soocessifully., 'Th%.$* -%,u,y The done pro, � : . . : 11 . . 0ARTOM , . conSi4vMWtion of ,.W,. IV 'gar- I : :,;,"�'. I �� III, ,V.i ., � F �J, . � ­ ­ opent I titalbBy Some;. ,tkl** . atwa.7A, .1 ft I �,��, , ogs. - I � . VI., 17 " IT 1111. I NrV , -In anly t .. 1�i�L�t�;� ��`111 IN, , , F: -but not I �,,�: ". , lino � T UT, , , , . ay - . I . ., :, ,! M , I 'Th, , , Russ rigliways tof improve livosluo,*_ 'cars "iti, the P)Ontrs,44tiip Small tholugh -it a"6. not Only (19001111t, J I , � . I . . I..! :` ::. g? , , "T"* 0fflOV%'*O'144Q0s the deve I - ft "' �� I I f I - on the Nopth A*WilcaIi oon1tan- e$, . , I i �� I. , I "I �� , "4c,-, , 6 , Other seeds , ,, .11, V , 1'� �,�,� ,,, " �',�f � Z.11 I 0. 0 " illiajl�, PO " 4 Rosali' el, � 14 1 , , A , ,V,g, " . I 1:., i -I __ ." �;. ?­­­ ", I W, , ` i .0 to ado* st'iita"e, practical, sLep I __�_ A � 1,� 47 --I �grji , * 5 1 . an - SIE!p I , %"`Itll� ...Ijs`�V _11.11.1 f,'aA , . I ,0 I ,aXWti0p, but owe -of the .mom -OAS I . I I ­.. �.�,, * 1 , 'i I 11 I be, tof the North Alluiedlean, ludis-,ps to '' -.-�,� I ��:,: 11 11� Ell , " . 1, I , ", 1�11 ,,, I . - . I , �.`L ,+ " ";, � "I in 1, 1�_A 1. , ., : -1... , 1.11 ­ 'L . ,� I ,6,� 1%,hM11 . . I . . I . . ., 1 �T� . . a p, h,,OrjjBcuWre. � §Fam class und- are, th ,,' ore, obje I ,� %, � , .fi,!,�ri`F'1911��,r�&; ;, 11 � I . . � I ,.,i ', ifrl­ ­111�N,1141"&kto . , _ 3 I I I . . %W �, 4 'em I w4ting jdw*es as ., otandlamid' equW ,t forgo n, . _ _ . elti3OA� . I., I ­=' 1� ­­­` """ ­,­­ . ....... I . citing: C elo' 7 -_ , A#, no W, ttv , . . I - 12 ,� .. k, I y N : , 11 4. "W'$11IM"%%,41�� ,�,,,�Y,N.'!�,7z� �4r It . '?" _�."' `_, ,,'Ll pi -11 6hit but as yet these ef- * able in fted' of the highest gradles.. I . ,�, , .� .. , ,&g ?,,I I DMINIG -ri gers, in . . . As vne, wriktet;4�btm wal& the ". _1jr,% k 0 I � A01d", it `�,,4',, "'I ;� , "I `�` "' '', g � - �� 4, , � . ... " .." ��P wn"lle 01"on- ,timothy qn iAi&lch ibb,js weed is preeeT9t , . ,�j, !, 7 I -11", I �) aralting devices are requ1ired in tmwks , .�,Jwl ... . , . culture, Iftio, cull `� T.4v, I I " I�IWOI . �11 I ,�x ,�,T.4: - - - "' "' hould not be sarvgd for wed. . Blad- 0,11 I . I ,-,�, �11'1 j ill 11twe 801 ., ,wj"",N t I ,� . s , . 10. 1, . L' I . 1. I , � :�", folltl,��_ - Mvo beeh I unsumelssftt Isep- _1 Ox -eye d0l&y, is lq,�,e'. of ,*eso, on,4 . - R io- , , � I . NN) IC T YANK=' I Operating in'Ontardo bult the requlrk� . Indian, w6D tongfit edhe - Xa.&4 . I . I .-11 , - P . .." I .,�, ��" '�' A I ­ I tale fineel; s6eds . . I,.,, -_1 I' �N, ,Id6�j � NX, I � � - out tq,� observe the . � � " ,�t t,�'viAO ,,Iklly.� N"A"t, 11 , . 'p, � , le POU011 , I IV? � I : , '. I.. � , . ment its n ..... Doininlbn4vAide. der tpm� ..o'q . Y�` . , 11111 T!"i , � , whftF,, ,, v. � . V-- I 1­,� J" , "T, - , , , " I . !4, "i"'s'nW, ,,�, �;��*`��xzRj. 1 . fittest , 1 to keep di,iotanqe. for . �, 4,�'d ­4,�p - .1 opason , _ i - . . 1 ;1 W, ­ ".... �­ ,fA , , IM . . , I , " 4 �1� :�9,�iqp " "', "N ,I ,i,-,_" V�, 4-i� , , , F ,t'bivestock - -, A,nother T9dooblem is presented in hlotes and ut mewm-ree for 4,jjjs� � to graiss *1110 70"Pa, mg wow.lering , � , '. j?, , ,,,, � qfkl' 81'­q��21 , , '11, i 1I#x,,rberasis and: wild ' , . ._­ . . , I ,,, ­,,� 3, " 1`� , . . . .. .the developmeet of-,mothr traraipor- . datcblft,A f-4,lee � .421 * I ". �,� ! j T 1, ­ voorme 'it; and wdod, 'it ,flo pr,a i , . 0111 jk ,__! �. ,T��, �, pe, it .., �', I I .� ,7 " ,,,, , , 4�. 4 � ,,:' ' When 111 Tramit 14Lati-on- There -awe thousands caftot 'Eire ,p,ls,6 of this �' el"'s. and � . . � A _ .: � , . . . I . M 0 -1. :.�_ �.-_,)�.":, rot,)" , . ,�t -1 . ' "r ew- a,nd dileis it as, 4�ecalsion shal,j re- , 1-11 7 ,'� 1 4 4 I- - T,Ws,drroughoub 0snuda , %, �, �"P.111 ., . _,,: 11 . . I ,."Qive ,Of Ithe -m-out (AfficuW prolblelms -and onany, of quire." �jla Ahe %.ndigos, ,the therefors� ,geed crops -of alsike, 4, f,44-' I �,,,, . .. � - ­ ,�. ­,"I"N �� 1 . ,refore, fa, M clov,er , . ,. IV, thiom do nott provide , adev�uate fAci-11- .f, I .. #Pdt, P , . . 11 . " `�­,; � , '', 'P�,4�5%",,, ,W - �' I I 7 . . . "". e , wwbaittou Of �, ,eet clo4er idon-, ,__ T� 1'�,', .. �11'!� � " , . �C!Oen,P�Aedwiith the trono .. - �. ,", , .T., ZZ �&�04 , , , goiz�_ ,�W_�- -_ due� for no.t ionly. t .. - ' � � I . I "-�. " " `11.�,? .I,�hogs,jis, the igiTain ties for the prDpor cawe iol A_ I __ � . tWnIg #Me *0000 cannot be, e ­ . . I �- ­:. � 4 r., �� �;6 Al' -l", auon,of.thle. '' . X_ V��, , evor- were ly the - first' gardeners in ,� . ­ W.4� "A' N, their pected to -give prlofi,4blie retures. In I . ,�'... I -,,51�­�_ - . P2 I ,_ , ,. . - " ­� I I- I 9, - 4 4 . tection ,,of the farlmews' interesits is Niorth Ajmeoica� but they did . g� 11 rdous losts occasiolnsd� through bAlpro- ' I ,.;,;L",�­ ,� 11 I I . ,Vew handling in, the proems oT con-� vot i"Mcieubly saf,eguarded.- It is , t1ho Pbminil,on -Department of Agriieul- I I . I _4".� - ' , , ,it '!�, .� , I . I I . 1. 1. 1 .. .. � "." " � 1 �'-4, e,�,! t Work wittihout modem tools both in . ' ;_ 4 - essehItial that siit,ffidt and specific reg- the ,clearing bf land an4l Vn the mak- . ture ,, Ite-tin, '�%% eds and I I `4 ; �i �� 4 1% I vve)nng -the, animals from �hel farm� I . Weed . ,,, .. - . I �` I I ;�, ".. , ,,; 4 1 11 �,, " ,�:, ,, .P. � , � 1. I V11 1 4 ""' "' � 1� ullatbans be adopited, and entiorcedu to - 'I full' informattilon, 'is even on , � � . . I I .� I I ��' �""... I, ,�!!:� - - - , � I .. '0 �� " - I I 11 11 4 I %`�"" '41"'�"""-."'�'� 1� I ev$s feeding pen to, the slaughter ing of thegarden. ielid ��, . "" , " I'll, ,� 11squh-e the greateist , ploossible efti- , 1 ��111,�,4, il blouse. It i1st a prolylVrn of 'the, ,past, -, -In that branVh -of the Algonquin I "ring. . I . 14. 11 .i -,,,, � '�,1111­,!! 11 ", , _ . .I.-I..l."I"I'l 4 I ene:Y in 'dquipment, .handling, and pro- ' . . . . ", . '. .. ��,, �:�­T�:,_i,�­ ",t", -1the ENtuie, ,calling for . -1� I � �, .1 . -- present and fhi�j.dly commonly known as Virginia 40 . . .i.-.1, 1"." , � ,� 1.­T,Z,,1..qq.' ,11, ­��,,`;� - - ._�. . . I I ,.­,;, I �, _':�N' I t effecititve 'cooperative effowt ,on. the te�ctian ,on the port *I aill who- make Indhans,,-'every f0iily, at the tilzue .. I ;I ,� . , �; I I '. - . . � .11 ��41; I ! � . i - ,�. I .1 "I I— . � I -1 tpotib lof the fam&s, transport ag- . . I , . , . i ,: 1; �, . kers for its solution. It a busineiss a It is - How Much 'Seed " , , I . �Al- I I eals' ,atobk., transpoalting 'the farm when the wbit`e '0010le founi*d , _-;, ,.,� , I . . pxolbably nolt too jamestowrl, had its,gax& . I I .... ... ents ,and pK . n, gmeTaUy , . 11 , c 1. I ­ � ... . 1.11.1, : d . . . .1 . I . . ,g lig . ..... . ., .. �, ,, , . ts' of such;1miportance, stabes J. M. ibn of ef- 100, x: 2010 feet, carefully cultivated. Acre? . - I . . . . . . , '� I. ' , Inuch to say thalt the adopti I �, � 11 � I e 4. flicient'and isafe sitandards flow the The1r, market was -in their own hobles , To Sow Per I .. -1 11 . � 'I 6 ,.:�. , � , , <�� -1 . _. XdCatlhirn, Chieff ,of Markets, Service . . . I . ��,; ,� . , * 0 I . . 11 .. . , , . .1 � R.1,' ­ I'll ' I �of.tlhe Live, IS'dock Branch, D I n tranzoo;Ait�oon and handling Of h've And hence nted -,-4v-,Xarkerbing Act in bhe faff and hi, tlie spring the 22 00 � �5 I IV�,�',`.. . OmWO _0,,,, I . . ,!'�,� . _ Cona,djan I . . I . ­ f, - hugs. iwi[il do m1ore to enhance the in the dispossd.of,4?rqdu4De. In clear- I I I . I _ " , ., ,.. r 1i � former is conftfonted, with I �!!--�, 4 . Dlepaijl�menit Of Agriculture, In a re� . , i . . , � 5�! w, " cent issue"of dhe CJS.T.A. Review, ,value of the finished products, (and - . �, � , . lew,land, tfie:trd6` were gh-dled ,a very wmpowtant quqisfti!�Dn: How n=h ,'-,,! . I I . . .. . _;', !.�,j�At�,, " � , I . . ., 1.... i�..',�,!�� t � thait it may lba necessary to therefore the net relturn to farmers) ""' ' , seed should lhe',sow per acre? On his . to , to I ., j'! �'T'�;t.,�,;:, I riear the,jmuna,b� bruising the fiark. � I ,!;!�!�.,y . supPurt than vill any oitther single, advance M 11 I . ", 1.q? N ouch efforb by legidlative aiction. When suffiden0y dried-, the trees 'decision ­ ay depend the, difference I I . I . . . ;. ", ', "'. � tl. ,, ,�, I . I in the - m0thods thaVremain to be Veltweten an albundant'an$ a -�aslmble .. I Z. 11 I" . . .. I . I I 1. , 111,A, , ,t" , �_ . I - � .. - ,,;�,��,�,,,,,, I Much of, the damage I,& caused by ,Moa*ed, out. were felled by the. aid of fire and . , 1,11 . A �,,; M I I :.1 � �.;,, I k rongh- treWtment, 'Wekti, pdods, land . � stone aixes6 and, 'th `§tulmps- burnea. crop Irk,order to. assisit ,the farmer, ; � .'-',;;;.. ­ . - ,p, , ... � I 1. - . C ,� , ; . 1,"_ , . .� I viarilOus ,other a -buses When loading, Drt E. S. 'Hopildno, Dol.nnindlon 0 � - � ;.", . I ___._______.4_ 1. In preparing U'Re'lld, ,the ground was . Field- '. y ,;, 1.,� 11 . I I iinloading, ,or btherwise handling; by 11 . � warked 'over With woloden nstru- Hu&&n,dwa%'ha.% ),preipared a fbookielt 3 .. -, ?' . I., . ". :� il� �1 ..... l. , ; . I . I i' . ART en", I ,�:11111 I -sect ments, .made somewhat like �ns Much Do, You, &W Per A'cW1 which I . , i s 1.� i-, I . . I .."Gardeners' In t&�cks -'under ,the!" appropri-ate title ",M,%V� , -50-00-, 1 1 1 % .., �� . I I . -_ . Friend§ - 3", 4 . I .� . I . I . . or, hoes with long handlei. The weeds � am . i.. , �!'i��,L I .1 . mi garden "In'S160ts are h[Ot injur7 and icjorzi-�stubiblle were,dug up has_just� been issued (by the Dom�in- I . � YES SIR -1 , . .. I ,,, 11 �,,��,i�, d . . .� � A" . . . I . , �;.�-;��, � ,I , d'o - �Id , loug. In fiet many of them are beue, allowed to dTy, tfhen� Wade into hea,; ion Wportmevt of Agriculture. in, . . . � . ""P..; ,, 1 " . I . , '. . . � i . . , .o �,i . .. - ., 1. ", . letsicussir�g, the riites- W � '. . , I i ��', f I � you nee - fidial, coolUinuailly doing good by d,e- and burned. , I ,seeding gmi,n. � . . 'ill�,I."Ai . . " : _. I W, , , . �jo istrayling those speedles which are The Women's planting injilement, and other farm cropts, du,e emphasis . . , , , .. .;;1.11. - 0 , -- . ' . I .1 I hermful.. Foremlolslt aimong the ,in- whilco,j - Is ghre�i -to. the lvaw�Ang chmatic : ioil, ­ ? . I %� thery u1s,ed, sitting, was, about a j SATISFACTORY because these.suits are made " to A,.." 1, .�111&. � I � , k I side[ts that.help t6la gairdener are the foot long and flive (inches, broa�cL Be- and odae'r cconddtiloni peculiar to, dirf- � I . I I I . . . UP . I 11, .I I 11,�� I � , . I ' . I ­;.", �!. . .. difflaTlent Unklis, of ladybird beledes.' ginnmig'. �ub the ,corner ,,of the field, ferent r6glons. Based largely on ­ 1. ,. I , .19 limposs �i "'I'l" 6 I . Both inth&r larvail and, adult stages the women made- -a series of holes, long-time experiments,',the rates re- high 'Standard, NOT made. down ,to, aiii ible I - ", li i , ow �11115_ I , ,they feed aPmost ,exclusively upon about three"* present the findings '�orf recognized I . I . . . ,�.� , ,� I " I feet apaxt, into which , . - , ., k, .. I . 0 ...". . I. I . 1. 11� I . . @- ' paaur�b b1ceand isicaae insectS.- A,aDtheT they 1placed four grains of cam an aulthorities on form' Praeb"ce. I . , ,_ . I I. 11 . kind of beelbile, thellpry ground beiet-le t-vo, beans, and i d ' price. . . I I I I ,_."��.­ I., i . I . . .. , 't 't I . ! . . covered then, with Fall and spring w1elat, fail I and � ­ 1 4. I ,:, , 1�1��, L is a 1part&alarly� useful thsocib. Thids eart& Occastiona2y, a �veg,etable' of ! . - . I I . .'.A�1' . ... � � , � , vpr.ng .rye,. oats., bar -W1., 'mixed grain., . 1 4 . � . I I � , �1� - I . �� �1� % ­� ' ­ . I 1, I � I . beetle and, its,- iviowacious' grub which one vurietyoccupied a bed by itself, peats, beans, ;flax for.,fibre, flax for . I � li� , I I I � WE CAN 41 :,i.:,7�' 11 . I . . SUPPLY ANY lia callied Ithe cuit wbirm li-on, destroy but usua!bly various erpecies were ,.!E'E-�, buckwheat, s6y beam for grain, . Nearly thirty, years of continuous successful clothing' _,. ,,.,� . I ' ' 1. . '' , . I enoirmous nun&eris of cutworms. The grown- together in, the. ,one field. The j;,rdmer, hairy -oet&h­c6rn for silage, � -1 I ", . - � I "'. . � . 11 ,, I , I I .1 STYLE beetla tils browrish-bilack, with the gardlens, were ftrefulily weedW by -poltatoes, mingeis" tsw'ode turnips, field . � . r i I �,;� "I., I 11 . : wing.calsies Sp6tted, with coppery red. the womlen.'and children. When 'the carrots', i -,Ape; kale, hay. mixtures, pas- .��, I . . I k � ' ' ' -hence d`i� nalme. The large harp- corn was, ,about half grown, it wasq, u N x -tures-, - and , service in thi's community is your guarantee of absew- - - - � 1�,'j`, I I 11 . : . -?7, - I . I ,,, . I .. . �..'� . . . . . ,�..,4 . � . 1�ej whIth, - I's, Very com(mon, hi,lled, Little ;hbusels or shelters, annuall tor emergency &*T6 are ivalit . . �.11 I . . CARBON LEAF i allus beet b ire m1i rtiux,eff, annual - mi, I " . . I . I . ': P, 11 . I , .., , , ,,� CARBON BACK ' destroys - cvtw.orms�. The different raised ,upon platforms, in ,the fields, i-th under the v ing condlitions. �` wd awya lute, clothing satisfaction. L. I . � . � 'i �1'i­,� ­,", "' �. 11--1 " � . h 1,1� I 1�1 [ , - 717 , Tr i-`BONK�11��'��'., I . . _R�"W-.�111,4` 1 i ­ I I t, , rf''1,T�1,,',, � _.'. 111m, , 0 4 I S'i' I t . � . . . i kinds. -of lacewing, and other tow and were occuipied 'by watchers, whbse'For exalnVae, the various seeditg � . I I . I .;,�� �, .­ LACING , four ,winiged pajras�bie Ries aAi 9190 daty it was t6 ke,eip' the birds,,f"Om rates are given for hay mixtures I . I . I I . ... I . I � , . L� . . 1'.il i I 'L .. : BEFORE P friends lott d1he gardener. . I . . 11 � I . - % . . - . ' � , I I I . .. Injuring the drop, Where alffadfa gwows, vml,l,, :where it . , I .. 11� � The cropsi raised were corn, beans, � 0 , - Uweeds ­ 0- , Se , It , 11.11* I -I*- . is nlot suedessful, where ilt ha -&-been Wo rs te ds . � , I rges ....1-1 I 'v .. 9 4 .. .. I I I US FOR PRICES Jackie (seeing ,urse weigh the new pumpkins, squa-shes, tobacco and sun- left dbwn for a number of yea r-9, and . . . . . 1. I I I 111 . . baby): "Nurse, ihow much, a pound flower - . . I .. � '1- . � . _� I ' �, . � . I . . , Of the, fbur varieties Of for low ,land ivellined -to be wet , I , � . . . , . dild baby cost?".. . 1. corn, One of the early Icinds was only .. . .1 � . , Sin le Breasted Jr-e-asted �.,� �,' I I . Look , The I � 9' fj Double B ­ - P .; . 0, 1. 11-11. - �_. . . I -wee or four feet ,high amid, bore an ' I . I � I . . "I . _', :�,',�, -1 . ­ For I Sidn. rn _.U, . ",T._a.__.. -.&- , bl - There jisl possibily miore, difference . . - . � .1, � i . I � I . 1, . . � , -f'^ .. . . er: . ) ts a bypo- ear not more than. six, inaheLs ]long, of opinilon regarding the rates to , The 0 crite?" - 11 . . . .. � ' ,but, an attempt was made to gm -w iseed hay and pasture &&pstdian there � I I e — I - "A boy who comes to two drops lof �this, corwin the one sea- is a . bout ',the rates-tof:!*eding other . MaPl Quality , Jobnny. ing'. I I . . . L& I Booke zthaol andh I " I . son." The ,two :y#ietfei. of late corn eqn4mo-Aly grolwu, faTWV,6,,cropS,- stwties I , I I I . I id I I * , Would be known -,tlo-&y as Flint corn D�'. "iflopkins'. In the . Sam, t*o' or Has Your baby 'learned to talk in the ' � 'in e Totes , . . THE .... HURON EXPOSITOR y,et?)' I .. . One case, ha,vd,ng the pluinp three pounds differem, W I I � .1 .., . . . . . grains, whille*the other vias*1 the Derd of seeding. nieadow,V�ft­ peafture will . . * "Talk! rWr,e trying to teach him corn, well,kn1olwn to all farmer folk not make any great 6tange, in the � (zaaff*V4 1n+0T4ft - " . I . . ��. ! � I __., . , . 11, .. , I . , . ��� , I I , , """' . I, . I + �� I I . . . . . . . ... �4. . . 411. .. 11 1. � . . I . : "I . . I -1, " ." .1 114. . I 1� 1 . . i 11 .:._ , . , � ....., —, i .. . . t�:,,�, I to be quiet now. - � : � . I - ­ � I I . . . I . . ,..... . . ­... .. I I ,a�,"_ coa-4.with the dent &,depre-s- yields, -bob lt-�, is,. ftrw,f�ly -4invVese td I . .1 - 41 . — . I.: .. . I . 1 ;�;,�"-!$$ "I , , . ­ .1 .. �4 '' . . .. . ! 1. 11`� - .. 1. . . .1 , I . . . .1 . . : .,r I I I . , : � sion in the ,outer ,end, of the kernel. run thle chance of saii'l3er, yi6lds just I ­ I . � ... I.. - - - � M I I ­ . I I . . Much Of the corn ears were of var- too -game a­dlollar or,slS, per acre on .. "I �, � I . I r I . . I . ! 1, . �. "I � I . " ilous co,lours, as, the so-called- Squaw the seed. The ouVoy"Por Seed: is a � . r.- . .", . . . . . 1. 4�'� 1 � . corn is to -day, white, yelillaw, red, smaIll part of t1he totaf, cosit of pro� I . r ' I I ' � '.�- _ _ _ _ - - . _ I . + r . , U , I . ­ ; e'SNAPSPOT C IL ' ' whfle lotheds were blue of varibus ducing any Mod 6f,fa*in crop. The .. , .'­', -I.",, . 4 � . I . . I . . I . sthades, " usually mlixed inthe most boblklet may be:obtainm tree on, re- .. I . I. 11 . . � +11: � . ,�� :1 .. .:,, r 1� fantastic culaur ,pattern. . quest from the Publicky and Exte,n- 11 I . � � i , . - . 1 I , , ,., , .. ATERS - ' si . on Branch, Dom-dnion',Departmer -F .. . ... � .. - I . !1. + I , + SHOTSOVER ERIGHT W � .. The beansof the Indians were us- a of ewar *I . ea, o . � :1�1, _/ ) . . . I ually Qf ss&erol 6oa,ours ancl stizes. Agricultuxe. Ottawa. .. � N 1, . . . .. I I -11 . . . . . . . . �'W,,�. 11 � . 0 1 � 9?,.q ...... ... I -.1 I The- "Pease" me-n-tioned by the ea,rly � . I ... . .. . 'I '. I , . � 1. I 4 . . I .,. . .writers were dn all probability small . 9 7. ­ � . . I _.*1 � . ., 1� . , I . .. . . 4 I ;; ". 0:11�1 ... . . .. ... .. . . ,Zr �M1111111111 __�1111111 ll� - -_ , : ,V 1: ...,�"?�...�,.,.....�'-..-..**...��,.,.,! 1� beans. The pumpkin was grownt all ' I . . . . I I . - .. . through the country ast far North ,Hydjro� ' . I . I . . , . . . zi ..-� ........ ......... -_ -_ . �Ii,. I I ........ a : electTic poiwer�is being used �,�it� , , . . . . . . "'. . . . . . I as this ,St. J:A�re=6. The -melon tolo, fre� .1, � . . I .... �jy fo,e , . 2 X ,p,,.-..- all, purposes bn chicken i� 1. . - i vej6p a crop �mpv6"ment program direoted' to deinelop tii- stations, .as THE MCKILLOP MUM" , . I .A ...... ..... ... .*,.,..:. . Was grown by the Indians and men' fa-Ims in Canada, particiAarly n . 0 - . ". 43ned.by the early French wri,Uers. Ontario, and' its va,lue to increasing to systemize- the woT14 'by 4 creating a Steed proda ng deiiUvs. During the .�� ' I . I -11. ". 3: Year onded IX&*k, 1905, Station op- :�',� I ��.-.�..,.,..-,..�,�,...-.�.-..-.,.,-..v� P*;",� &�.,.-.� .... � These melons were. ,probably the.egg production is well 10nown. so rotation adaipted, to, the di,,striet and FM INSURANCE.`C,01� - - ' � .�, 1 , , , `i!iii - the necessary feed -for the erabors stogid tO th .., ,....��,.,, J !'i��, to provide e[kr � nd9fiWws 37,390 ______-4 1 1 .1 � I M - - - - - - ...i." I progenitors of the Mwitreal musix far, however,'no talbulgted com P - buaheils ,of seed. graft, 7,330 bw&els ' ' � ;:: , "K, . ,C,n animals on the, farnt. LatT, the breed- HRAD'0FF1C11--SEAF0 0 0 .--: ..... X...'* melon. The Sunflower was aultilviat- tirve rec!oT,d,§ of, resultis, have inm phaste ,of �tfhe w6ik as. developLed, Of seed potatce4,_,+ojnd 33,317 pounds . A-TH, ONT. ,,,, I ed flor - its. seeds� which were used to made avail-a1ge. . ., . . . . .,.,!I I - � L . . . make both bread and broth, white I I I I . incl�udlin� the use of pure�bre4,.quah- Of grow and cto,NW.10ee& I . I . . . _., �_ :,� .. . . - ­ .. , . I . 9 a I 1� . . �,, ., , , - . � fied siireg, as weill as the'weeding out . OPFIGERS � '' il .1 the tobacco, callied, by the natives . I I g I . . I I (While Illutstradton Stutd1ons are . -1 i..-,.i�.�ii�iii,,.���!�il�.11.��+-'�'iiii-� "Apooke", is described as, ibeiing poor of low PrAbduters by use. of ,dairy, re- e Droadfoot, 3 &dafbith - Pres. � I � . v, ?�. � �jij�.,+'ililili!��'�� ", a;�!� , weak -as colmipared to the tobac- New Zealand nimarilly concerned wiftb, probDems re- As 7"' : � for thevecond year in -,c�o,rd4., 0,4 on lituistrlibiloir'iStation I ' Jim., I Pepper,'Brucefield - Vice-Pres6 1, . to crop and livestlock. od ;.�, i 4 , 011 Co's known' to, the -white mien. The sluceesglov was 'the ptiniciln]. source the objecti,ve is not ,only to deh,jelo,p IbAdng Pr uc- Merton A- Rdd, Seaforth - See.-TrIsm ' I "..", , :;,>��i..�.,,:�;i:i tiM the iposisdbdIfty iof developilng � . ., . . ­: . _'_. i f b tter supipily to the, BTIN,zh mar- sin improved herd foT the nwneta;TY I . . I .� . IV - ' . ,� ,� . . lant was dried over a fire,, Or ek 190�. Denmark was, second cOngderatipm �,oS the funnier on whose ,and maintaining atitrectilve home AGENTS: I I . I,", . ......- , I . times in tlie , -sun, and' ejiuiiit�led -to a k 'in I 1� .. I I surroundings -and adequate bumngs Finlay MeKercher, R. R. 1, Dublftq­ "-,A,, I— I I ." �'. I powdeT, stalk, leaves and w1l. ,but ,o,n,l,y 72 cwt. shead Of the sup- f the Staftdion has beein establish- jjs given ,due e.jj,sid�9ratioTX .Sh,dUT- F_ Pe eT, Brucefield; E. R. Jarm "', �� pfli-es from Ausftralia. . Brodhagen,-� James Wa:tti--+BIybh;--Aq,- , -_ --- - � 1, ­,W-gg, In harvesting, the corn was picked �T W, eventually to creat a source pp MOO 41 A j-, , �,��i�-,.+, - wt_ . .. . I . befts, hedges, shmbbefry" - _]P-.. .0-N.I.iIii::R1.�.-I., .1 ,and plucedIn hand baskets and eqnp- from which neighbors may obtadn , kmns� pier I . . `,r.:.:_-, . 0 — . - flower' bOTdeTs; are Hewitt, Kincardine;,Wi. J. Yeo, Godo. :,,� 0 - __ . I - lednial and ann)ual _.,�__i��%'P, tied into * larger, basket& The ears bre�t-dlingsitolck. Durihg the past sea- , _Ift'i �i I . i 11, ,11.1'0i.. I . . . . . . . � �. were thmoug(hly dried, upon mats, oor,, operators oo 112ustratii:orn Eta- being Steadily dewlbpe4 and build- I'M . ,,, � � ��.. Community Spread.. ' . ng plans IoT new homwl, barns and , DIRECTORS . - . I �'1;1 ,� , � , I � care tbeing taken to protect thern . ti -ons in the variuus- diste-icts, dielposed I . 'q�', � UA,", 4 ji., � I I � " I . . . I oulibuildirtgs awe discussed with olp- W,ialiam Xmox, Lond,mOboro; Georm I . . frbm the dew by e6vering them at of 235 head'of cattle, 159 sheep, 496 ...", 11 � I Of Farm Knowledge ematiors as requddred. In,short, effici- Lembart, Bmdhaven; Jatnm Con- �111111' , I � I 11..::::::. ... X __ �.. ... night: When, sW%ciently dried, the . . ,_iwine and 89 Poxes as .breeding tthek. . ' " I 'g, ,."'.:.,:, etncy`�*i`productilon add, ad1rance In 'nolly, Goiderich; Ale -g, Rroidf�ot, X - , ', . I � . . '. . .. I . R corn was jilazed in the houste in piles The tolo .Saying "an ounce of experi- :!, � pg� � I 1 I � I ".., I � I i I and Shelled- by twisting between the- enc6"-is, worth a ,ton of theory`7 is in ,poultry, a concerted effort has qbality of output, together wfth!don- R. 3, seaforth; Alexander XcEvring, , I . ,".1 I - made to arouse, grealber interest veTfience and eomtflort in living bn %he R. Ri 1, Blyth; John Pepper, Braq�- . I &6 iarly a0plic-able to. the Ellustra- been I I ,� . . "" .S. . i : . . hands,. The sheilled corn was then P 1111t feeding and fanms of Unnada am the concerns of field; James Sholdi-ce, Walton; 'MOIL � . , R. ,:­....,:. , - the houses, sibimetimes -oc- tion 'Stations Syebem, at the Experi- in the -proper houisting, 111�11 � ,-, ' 111ank IL I. . . I . . . . . .. , t.:1 placed in , t.:1 , t.:1 , t.:1 , t.:1 - - ::: of the, flocks' at t14, Vne 'Di�vision of the Illuistration ,Sita- Maylan, R. R. 5, . "I, I ! - ,... 1"' , Seaforth- W4 .. . .... t. 1. . 11 I cupyinig all the' space available. , meidtial Farms Branch, Domilni ' on De- development I : -, l 4 . n,t,of AgrieQture ,inasmuch as -StaAions. iSpecial attention has� been tion�s- I Archibdd, & R. 4, Seaforth. I .�., " Artistic value and ektra' light combine to help the photographer In scenes At certain seasons the, Indians jilv- paftrne . I ... . . th"At Include an expanse of water. Clouds and back lighting enhazice this - ed on fis-4h, isquIerells ind turke��, the oqmce of .experience, put into the I . ,M, sHot. I w`here ,turkeys abioundled,'snd -on the brdinlafrY farm under supeovision is I . I . , ,� I � I . . _.. . I � ' ilesh of manly anima)ls if it could be the result ,of ,a ton of practical work 0 0 . .. I 1.1,11 VP you live by the, sea, lake or river, opening. Just as you squint your obtained, but :n season they d",ended, Whqbh- -had its inceptioi �n 1p j I � :::: y I I rolgres- I , , A .... ''I . or when you spend time by them eyes on the water, the -diaphragm of . largely upo"I their ,gardens and �,,Cfh sive theo-ry. The illustration statilon ,LearninR To swim 0 41 , 0 0 411 0 1111 � for health and recreation, don't for- the lens generally must be stopped ' .1 , , ' ' wild plant-, as acornst and berries. is a community development project %-V . . I I �'!" , ,, got that you tire in a snapshooterso down to a,small opening to keep It I 1, . P I . light.' Lat,F�,r in t'ie year Voth fle.sjh and Ivieg- and -sItands -as a unit foT helpfulness . � �,, . I ,X I I I parsdise. . . from letting in too much etablie products, .were dried and, djus, in its neighborhood. There alre 223 .'� . ". . I I i , k Always whqre therels water, . by ' Cameraswith fast lens4s and ul- eserved for the'wihbey When dan- Suc unilbs throug1hout Cana�da and , . . � 0 I �r I h. I . _1 . I '.-,� � 'are presented to tra-rapid ,shutters are decidedly an ger c4 famine was often dn, the ofling. t j also serve as a cun�neebing link I .. , i , . 1. '�:"L,'_ I � .� on the water,- as else- I I ":eel- I . . T; the amateur- picture n ..­­ ..."'. ;:::1 ' �� . ::. 11 .taker see es of advantage a 11drweV6f, ,at ceptaini seasons flood, wals between the Experimentaff Farmsiand , 'r , . . I . where, because, when ion want 91 A the various, districtis. , r� :�� .7 �,�. , . I charm, beauty, action and human In- . . abundant, for. It,, is ,on revord Vmt the, farmler I - . � �, .1 , � . �� . f . close�up of a racihg motor boat or 0aptain Argolil ,obtaiTkid by b6rteie "Wh,m-an IlMustrati-on, Statilon is' e8z 1-1-1 1. - �� I . . terest; as subject and backgroun.& , .; % , - - ;,' . I 1- e�,, I I - -r the Cb early ta611sh,bd, the fimst-eiss,ential is: to de- , W�'. 1. . . . . 4 l, f# eye -delighting photograpfig. Iwo- the dive of a bathing beauty, the re fron . ief'of Potawarnac n .� " , . 4" 1 . ". ocean surf, the mirrored calm 01, quired extta speed is available, but 400 buisthels of corn. and beans, Cap- . � �: I i . � f I . the inexpensive fixed'fo,cus box type tMn Sm3th piloeuved from Powhatan - - I . .. , .. .... 1119 W I ,still waters In bay and -Inlet_,the of camera does a splendid job -with tw.o,or ,three hundred bushels of coTn. I 1. I I .��*.,;,�:, %.,,.,.� 1 " . , , . I ") � . I .." .. ... , �. 11 III, , I beaaty of shore I in $1�111.­ ..... � ... ... , �,_11.10§ ., I I � . I , � . lines, seaport vil- many marine scenes. Its average of for -a pound or t1wo, of blue g as I Datis 1, �:��:�.,.",,�.',�:��,�*,�.,���.,.. ­�"Z"�W ­ � ��`�,; - lages nestling at the water's edge,, clear, sharp pictures Over bright bead1s, . Fall Fair � '... . , . ,,:;1I I I --11 . .. .... .., _ ., ,,�, � ,:.."�t-..11...�`,.. ;i.�.,.--; �:!�:+.,���-'.,',"....,..,.""�, ,.� I � �. �,� I I I ,,,, . 4 4. pliadowed wharves, maJestically waters is high. Good enlargements, i 11�: :.1,., +.'.'-.,',-.-t�� I I ,, �,'; + r I ­ . moving steamships, speeding motor too, may usually be obtained from I I -0 .� fFollowing are the dates set for P*l . I".. I � <,�, "'.."..o.". I—. �-. "--- '1­.­;.1'<..-,�.1�:; -­m�#g .. . I ,--- 't . g d I I I I ' ' I FWrs and Exhibitions in Western VTV- ... L, ." ,.�;, '. : � craft, graceful sailing yachts heel- the negatives. The second or smaller 11 ­­­ "..","., 1. t . I �:101'. ".6, . . � Weed Impurities tario for 19W: . . ." ." . I , . " '' Ing. to the Wind, the men of the sea. stop opening is the one to use where . I I I. I ", .�� �Iw,16��,�-'07 . �, 1 4 I B,I ytk .................. Sept. 11, 12 ., I ­.", - I'll. 1;!L". '�,�`��: .1 . .. ... I tasks, and, inland, light is so intensely reflected, I Spoil Seed, Crop- ... , __11kft .. ,:. , �.;� � I doWg their saltk ,ftt. 15,,16 Ir, " j.;, . . N-1- ''. ,., . I Che'sley ................ � . ,, .." 1,1.' �. '. 1�'­'. I ( . . . p2pch the same scenks, on lake and Aboard steamships and sailing ' I'tul.-D. the .... - ! i " . 5 4 .,� . . �, I L The matter of seed crop sdiection Minmrdi ne ............ Sept. 7. 18 ;0— /Md , ". I ces with ,tq%ef i I 6 . .."'...N ,r:�"- ��.- , , . - 1. , to I . ; . :.. ;� ,. .... �, . � ,,,,$,,, .. ,�,,;� L 1. � ... 1, river -what more In opportunity for, yachts axe wonderful chan is now"dioulldess enga ing the atten- Milverton ............. Seot. 17, 18 lao S � ­', loro . �., . ", i, 11 4 . the cameira enthusiast? any camera for striking dngle^shats, 9 Homburg ........ Sept. 18, 19 1 1,0,\Ma to L- .,_�,�11: . '. �, �.iil I ' up or down, ,of funnels, 8'alls and rig- tilon of farmers who hope. to, obtadn New . I ,.,,", . �,,�', 1, , . , 2 , .1 , � In addition, where there Is water) 1 -Y'eash return from egled production. Ailsa Oraiiig ..... � .... Selyt. ?,4, 25 r, h F , I , . . 4 P one seldom has to cOMPlain Of-lAck glAg, .With dloud-studded sky Or oerbadn cT16j>% ha*e, bf caimse beten Atwood .............. i8ept. 25, 26 ELEMENTARY DIVINO tions absioautely. � Now lgiq bor&sit thing to do b to � lljo,`�,;l , " - I ,of light, even on the stormiest day. whitecaps as a background.' Again, planned and iseleded- 'POT thifi�;�rpose.* Boyfield ...l;. -...t--.-. Istatrid at, edge off polol foci ve wa� keep Ate'MrA Ugihtily betwldsU 60' ' '_ "I ., :' . I amts . ZEN 0 k Do n,ort ,try to � dive (beftre You have i wfth,*e, amp 4149a straight sig " 1' " . xesiiels at anchor in the shelter of 21 22 ter, feet together, (Impes, sligihtly bdnt, , " , , e is a de-_ - �'� - ,'�,',, 1111, � . � for water is a natural, ,sometimes . These will-1.1ndlude "real c�ra�s prin- 19XeteT ..... � ..... ...... -r, ­Isarnsd to - - ta-, a's ksgih a,,,, 1AISIslibIL. r " .1 - � e water's � Zkjjj�� Isire Fdo, j1ff1d * . ,. d . , Sept ' � -strhi hands, -*,b, ihod a!"in I li -, a breakwdtdr--%0hers, outlines of their ept s�%4m� .Mhke -sure wWter ', � , � ',4zling, refiedor. Indeed,'Af You seleetlibn lof sev,d erop . . q 22 " arms ghlt and iov�kihektld, I " R., 9 r dlpa.bly. - nd resoh dowli ' "t'll . ,11f takd-note, color tones of in,st hulls are refletted In th at aboot this Itilree Will inelru& auodh �JA"ils.,;OY!N,.I,.","",.�.... l,....." .Sept. 23 24 is free from hiddleh ,obstwles -and of cother, heud ibeftMen affims till' � -� �U�ffl, '.. 9 � "4 k "'o for the wil*r with Ibbie, Uatdii, - I .# -.1 ` "'. , , 1�1` 11 , , � 14 �1 " - " . I .1 I nting pic- Id-ndir, as timothy, red eitolv'err, 'akiik%, LUCICIVOW' - - - - - -,'-'- -f� - - - (Bept. 24, 2IR , K_,V I ,:�1111;� � Vv1er�thIftg,j'.iiat composes the seoalo surface Often make encha, � isafficient, depth. Alwa7a taike a big are 5n friont of aMis,- y " , . ht is'taken of the com- Sept. 26 [breath rdwe*w* I & "I ,lyetf,ore, diving, and hold itt un- 11hat WMA. dbWh, OM . � le I ore altfalfa,�sweet dlaver and Other stor- Parkh$ll .............. I... . . ��,Ri`14',,,! PE�l ame of bodjes;. of ,Water are In . I I I fr turds It thong u. come to the surtak-e, a�@*n. Dend foirwaird at waist 'ieephing peir -Vilgitme ft Az stole 0, ill* *ft , ".�,�;'1,1� � pbsition. On the water, too, we find p Seaforth ....... i ..... Sept. 24. 25 'Hil y'O I , . , , A, " I I finra d$vie should, b�e ffthn the hands as high As pbsisftle. ,See 11- Ofts ,deamed #ut&6t1A,h,6, vwkit I ,."� . bjj _ -, � � ,,;Iaut��bl.�isr, greener, redder� I . i:�',, i opportunities for pseudo- VIVIeft ito the savings of any of %hese Strattord ......--­­.-i,8elpt. 21-123 The or i-!'--1 ­4t i 1. ye,jowor, _whiter -than in land- th"I bes'� � I edige �of the poioll Or some pliatflorm lustration. Figuire 23, KeeMing Mni&* ~tbfroi fMg,GT8d*1*.*4,4,ftd', � I 'i.. I pictures, shots taken 1nt0 crolps for seted, ceftdn factors sAmild. Brussels .."a. Oct, 1,2 1 ,1,� "M2 ,,, , . ,,�, 1 t �, clear, sharp Vic- moonlight 1. `­ ... ­ go .clio,se t,O.wN & lievet. Most beginhers I pnit and tilgh y' W1 t* , 60, , Vdaft4le b6*0h*"', ! , , , � � . Scapes, Chances: for witlett . ..., ......... Sept 2q V .fdy toget1fier, �lwi,f . ,,,' ,� ", I tare I . . the sun when it is low (with fairly be takenAnitt, amount. Perhaps the I I I" "W ",f." .1 I a aT6 theLbest, . � 01". Sept. t9, So are a&raid of goirig flak on the wa- Iarwwd. As �,Fwoft as y1m orie, Olt tatigm, - 1%4§ lwbbe&� 7111u, .1 1. . 1, , " , '' �) - ,firot and mostt i0voiltmt, of these is . . . .1'. ". . �. .1. ­ . . ", 't �, - ' ISAIL . , "' � , - 11 ­ � , . .4 14RAY t6 be 'War r. - h '8 ! ) . " ,; ", - � ,.,� c,ency Of light 10 SMail lens opening), catching the push haird ob rhho, pladwvm 6' , c his o -SUM -be � "", i - I I I I I �, Wk 1. � 1, . . . T ,V,ar . . ft*,, 30, ,Oet 1 The TeWOji 10,ne goes fldt iv ihst % `*�, �� _4 ft � tdvft % I -1,121. ;:, someth ,on etre Shining path of Its reflections from the' qUalfty W fh�e �sss *ffil&M ......... Nodwp��, " " in . . 29 '29 *ey madise thede head just a they "till. the l�obt see PQ 11,�,� : I . ,g.ta all.6-w for when y I � . ,. , 8601% kneas ,are Aft W ,, L�,, . ,� I I r4S, over the W-00 ag th(k ds�djljg Wgvos. , � , . .- p,rodueed as dotftftlinod� b,r freedom Zuftldh, - - - -­';­ v - - - - - ]Vse their balWftle� Viou w$ft neV** iWe 0* Ifi- 046W gWtiA XWO t2h& UvUlt bood. 131SIft. " ` W I I J . .m4uing, �Viett . L Oet.',64 , , - , , i � VAN GUILI)PIR Zkom vVed, seed; *YV ;� '&A& I 1. , I . I J, puriftiles.r-­', - , 00t, 4, 7 oe fim 04 you Mov I 0. *Wft - 14,liki '� I __._ I (1,_,_�.,.-�-IL" - [,� � L,' "'j? �., �_i.x,,�,,', , , I .1, 1. ��; t:- 1I "I , 161 .7, i. .., 1, LL, . - V#kh ". -, , JOIAN .. 1"i " :,.,�F*'1k;!,A.,4", . of tw .0 % . I , 1. i I � , CAAY.& 134W&kb th'D 14i'96"Ott$0.1 IDS _ . , , ­­�, I I 1. � U, wNkt iO OV6* the 9r6k*Nb fo&� i�.Ztii :-­j�--�,--�--- I I . .94. i I . '' .. . ;�'­ ­ " r . " ' ' � �,��,z"-, ,, ,&&111.�11111'. " L� , 0 I , o-- 1� k 1� � "� -- . . �, I I _'% '� " " _'. , I ­ 1,������ , .1 " L - , " ", " . , 11 �11 A Ai" t * - . � 4 " "� I I . , . I � 1:1 �..' � " � L , 1,��, , if"I'll,.)AAM- ,,t .� Ow" id L, . I . :�� I I � . , r, I I &, " , -, , I , , , ., '.O',)� 1. . � . ­ � v , , I i �, �� : 9 _1 I, . . I . I I . I I . ­ . . . r ,. ­,��,, , I . I ".,. , .� . . I , ... I ,��� .1 I 11 _ ""`J, i k `igb, �, , , �'. ,� > , , .� I 1� �,' I I "k P1 , ,. A_ ___ ­­.­ - - I _ _1111-.1--l-.11, ,­ j . ­" I , I . .1 . � � . r. .. I I I .1, . 11 1. 91k I � r �' ���, ..�� j.�, " 0 - L. , C, � , I I ...... I 11 I I I � � . I , ��', , ', 1, � r . 1, � �, ,� -,j � � � ;� I � � �` , I ,�.,�"I'�'Li"'.1,111-1.1�',�'Ll, ,r ...... I -- ­Ittt I - �L L; ",� --L ,_, I I 11 . . I � ,,' "" �!,�',"j,"� X ( . 'If N 11 � ,. i"'! , !,�� ""� , " � - e ,� , I , N � I � " � , ': r� ;,� j ' Ir .4 r .�. � , L 1�.",; .j " "� L - . " ­ V-%, , .1111, ��� ­."' Wgpl;� �Nl I A �,,�,,t,,v�:,�Fk',&'(,R�I,�,�A�,t�t�F,UVP/,�,,'ii,��1,0�,4���6 , �j �,;, �� :, t " �, 'a "I"'iJ, LLL: L�t I PMIMIT I ININO&IMM, , , �.j 'L . . . . . . . - I � L . i r . - , 1 ,A. � 11",.��,�:�, �-,;, " , , ��,:4 . . , , ,r , ,� . 1, .. , , , '�.J�"�,� 1'�:q ,.�j��,�J,�",,�,L� I " jr � . "' , �i I . . . . . . . . . . 11 .. ......... rL ...... , ,, 't r '�,"�' �L, � r' � , , , ' '1' '11 , -� 'A"'FIg "," ���(z!i�Ai,,�'­.k L"-8, , . . . . . . . ... I'll, 'g� ji � I ,�",'�,"�j � j N. ,q 4""6 " ,,,`4 ", �A "k g, , , N�"111111,,,Flw "," ���gz!i�Ai,,�',',.,m" n, , " j "I'll . . . . . . . . � ......... I "I ............. �, " I "I . , �L ,, "� ,� � 1�1 1 ,� , , � 0 "". m , ,�',"',','.`�i' ',,�i , i, .,�� ".""""' Ri ""'I'. 'j14!."!!' "WL"'Q1�'I �'�..',J�1'��11'�I�l, , ,g � �� EMI, . , , , � , , , 1, M 1�4 � - . . �', �t� ,P�"4 6 I, ,�;6""p ., ", 65 ,,� ,,�L,�� �,,N 5"." iirkil .'�'� , gg, , g j;gffl� 4 iR,l 2� , 4 iR,l 2� , 4 iR,l 2� , 4 iR,l 2� , 4 iR,l 2� , 4 iR,l 2�