HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-08-14, Page 3I , " IN �1 1�1, INIWIPI. PtIOROFNIXV,�r�\' 7.,;"- ij� �_�TFRIP , " q wl I � :, i?l I . . �, W , . . . , ,�� 7"0 1 ,. 'N � , § R 1 "' �,,. , ,� � , . , , ,,, ,: ., ., , . �', , . ,., F1_ : I , i ,,, �, :--,:l1VA'0`P �;,:�,, , �,,, �,i �': , , I , t ,� , IN I 1� "Ill " R ,. , 11-11 I 'y"'I, 0� I . � " �111` 'r" 11� .1-, 1, ;. � ., -.1r,il. .,:.. 1. ... , ', : . .� ; .. . I :_ .. . I . 4 v., kw —­ ,.A.0,111.-, ... I � f G1 I t�,,,,14tr,,��i y" '.­,,'.' ­ 7", � , :�,'g,l'-, , , -� ­­ ­ I �­vv.,,��,,-�j �-- -f. ";'­""; r!?19W1 `0 -.1-Y1,; Yl�,�� , , �,�,;�*. f, 'I - #, A, ,,7l`� 44�1,�.'!,:;� 1;7,��1;,�r"."i��',;Lfll . ., I �V,".' " "777 77 ,,!5 11.7' J��., 'I? .), .� I � . I , - , _. , - I �,�,, 1."', :; "t I t , ��,, � . � , . , ". - I I .1', , , I I "' i�` , ­ , - , �,, -�. ,,, ... 1. I I I" I , e0,11. V , ,,, "....''.'. . : -'4 � � " � 1 � , , 1 ;P,�.­. , �.,,­., ;,,!. . , 1 '' . , ,� , 'I, , �," . �,�, . .. ",;, ,­ I 1;�� I ,,�, , . , N! . ') I , . ` -li"-w" 'T*:",: . " l, ` , " " ,� t ,,, T,T,,`?7,,_,- : , � . ,-,­'� - ��`,� - ..,:: , - , �, .� ', �� � , . - i, �I:c' ,. ) il. ­�, � ,,.� , I'! 'N _. . : . I . t , " I I . . - - z r " ", : t � , 1�1111 I , 1".11" 6. , I � i ,. , . , , , . , :_ " , . .1 ,..­ . ­ ,. ; i�' ,,�-.�., , I. - I t'! I , 11 I ,,T � .1. ,�, ,! " '. , �, . ': ,..,�,Ir�, "_b, , � i.,7_, '_.'� ,4 4 � , , . X, , . , " ...'. . , , 1. " , .. I I 1tVrTqt,­�1WTF Wpp, .7"tt ,­., I .� � ,� 4-,, K -111111--- ---if -gl ....... K-.-.; � -, ­05,�l ­," " . 1.- I . .. � ,4, .% 11 11 "I , I � ­.. .". I 9 .1 41111"r I '. 14" !, I � 11 1. "' � �.,Wft li.%�' ,ip , - , . � ­- , " I U I 11 - W AR, X'" :��:�Af, 0. .. I 1; .", —.1".115i.. ,­­ I .� ,� �' '! ap, .�, *__A.�.__ I . .-,,,-,A , I , , I '!' I Z-1 '1�i`�l MCIP . t .1 .T, , � v , 11 i � 1,i�' il. ��.".4', i "' i ., � U, sm r w � ....... . :_ �-.: fi, V�o I 1 - - - " -% Ili, �? r t " ;A1 UN � -, W_ " , , I _1 111 I 41P 0.90M.0 _ 11 , , ­ I . ,,*KP.1.1 IJ r ! I : 1. .. ` I �'. ". I I "i" , "U'" F --i . . r 1. , , , , t� I !! .� I � . . RORM.5"Alw1i , "' : " *'i ; .. . ), #W 1000!� =11' - I _�.,,, , " "" .. .. �ii I— 1. I . I - ; Pa I I . I ­ I �. � ....... . I 1, . I , ri, � I . .00 , " if . , -k , , I . 9 ��� � . :li, , � I . � 1 .. � -Am "gugilao."-- a' Wit OR, I, .� ,; � �� ", ..eeip'Art, --,' ", - , i I", �. '. ,.Y.j;.�;, - 4 "' Th,*� --m � . ..... � % I'M! . , . ".. � N-%Awi� , "MI . I'm ''! , ;,"' *_, ­ 00.1 , �! I -Awj"� VMM , _RP . , . I , , w n ­ip _9 "A - , . a '' , �e . ... a W L I .1, , .. . .11 "" ,�_.,.. , *7*-- : , P* 1, ,%a 'g - 4! 9), � . ,14 Al., I.., 11 .1111-1- �, , . 1. - -*jm,-.t,.i '' ,� I , I - I (coiltum,04 $90% IR . 11,0004.17.1". � ., 111M X%Isf Or" - � 1 ,I, ..,r,,, , r Q01MM I � R-11-9.1. .1 . _t . P.0 904014 . " , ., " �i � . - _ A V I- ., . I 34gles' COMO X- exist, Gleorge, Nwiter - (8,44 ulorbeirt : I , ;,r, . . .. .1 ,. �, f,.j :., 7 I* ', gl*r'," ',').'W? , .;,� 1- ... I 9'. TM WN r: "',_., ,� , . , . - ., 5 - A,JonZo vivir,10) t ; f. .� .1 Ar I. � I I 1. -.-4 , � , , ", ''" 4�, , .. � ; 11 I . ... A""?," pw W�l _ I . 11, ;­­ I 'A' Twet 4wiltood—tw; � . ". ' ! , : . " ".1. v , ' � " , "' , 4 ,-141%- � I= 11, ''" 4 �, , . "­­ I . _ I ­ . . . ti 1 . . �. I "' _ _4. "' both iou0neew on. this, 'it . ., . " - '�� ), fy'QuAg evoo � . - . , %01.Xt , � � , :::: ... r _4wia�s iinade'-F 04a by JQAVO C90*01 -1111,00eeW Tow& JtMe 00, -0, Georige � �� . : . '4iiWP ' r 11 I.r 11, . I . 1. ... ... .. 7j, 1 11 : . ' t - . "No., 0* "M .:. , � 1,1 I ,At 8 �ip I 'and lGeorge Rutledge,. lon'th-e HsUrY Walter WO 14A eO'* 60T , On thi . S1 r �.. 4 , . — - I . , ,,— . . 1;� I I PU vident Of I A �.. ­ . ..... � A.- V004*14 104905� . I . . ­.. 7-77�7 - _ ... _ . �, .I. I . . . � I � �. I . . . -, , - OUT farm, inlAr N61e, ' iisigh!t` male4 SDuthern Pactafte and a re . . . . . I �., -_ 00.1 1:1 1 . ... � .. ....... World's %MPO *0 '*' I . t.,� . I., 1. I - idous Qeregl Correcto . . I .. e - . o0otheasilt; id Goilvd,ch. lVAA1e VWk" 0614q, CaWordis. 'If he had con- Del r oo-nil"0A -ifto"ir"r, , iog berei�s 1(n a awsuip, the young, tinued 0A seriviloo,4atil �uly, the jilang, . 1AW .p ,-...-- � , Ong' gbVoe� wiLip ,,bev-A"of ' er fa*lio 10an 1=, ' fto' ' ' I .- .., ," . �M _ , na�l , , . * � #� - wid .- ��111� . � - . , , � W" 'L in I I ` ll toeln were fattpaoted by a hissint b1grn fatniiily wo,44 have clompleted a , This Ooudltlouju 4 . - to the United King4oan"in IM, , s 1000adariai solvoioa Isp0a, . it�rpewkaiw . .. P� I I , e bi:uaidbred � , I _ I * 'I kile , Or, . a uninitew, . p pel -vn.,l pmrq UP UT90, Natural-W4y- '� from (� -viihicb. wqm inieglii, I XV "* — -- Woivad,, Tbely. -Woked aTou - . -in Jimpo L am nd­ to' oe yloaltls upted tam- , " . . Vreatemt incamate owwwd ,'rbs ch ,, �ioix - - - , the tvvo, ilAg 1419ek Ibirido peedheld on Ily siourtbef rit the thoot�Ae.-Herbert . . . . 1= 00 . . ill;; 1_�, I . ove u4, aid , I , specta4lo in t - b�, , ,� Kl�i a i$tuffWp, five feet NVIgh. The-fernalle Almoo; who,(#ed reCeff017 at Whom �, ­ - . . 1P 1934 and rose to ovW 03,00D dwt. 0ofise0% at Wj�. Cona4ftai Notko 'ia" ` e . . , . . I - b'doubMQ th# Wobidoai'olri the evenbw of $ , , � -,�"L�,,��,,.�.IK,�,,i;,.Ii.11F.'T,*,',,."i I LL --1 ,, �.11.11.1,il.r. "I 1. , , .17 . & - ImIrLediatte . I.' _�_:.�`:,��"".tl UlM was easli. ea4p4iip , . "I"I", ,dl but the in Us q8th year, retained his ofalt. ., attention,to constipk ' .In 1985k This was BW, . eptm- tr . 4tW 1933 6gures and tho 'la*,eisit q#aq-. bIm'go& " . . , � , :,:,�i. -:�._, , � �'14�� . - . Toale, w" a white crest Zdp� its, head Mai to the end and bad 'k. clear��ris_' tiou* is important for o reasons. . � .� I ., L . .:11! , . .11 �: 'i it , 11!� h . , �t. . ".. , I ., I., �i�0 ., _' " �­: t. I I .. � ,,� �,,,.� .'�,.� . '. , Whowed, fight. Pt peeked ,and divwvd ophecdon of Tiding iiiin 6 c , , , ", _1 ith his fatheir ' It hauseasecus ltitly Ance 193-1. r . I I - t ea blgs:iomfort, *i24 may lVad . , I . ­ -_ �� I -W-_ 11 - �_, , , _ --1-11111-11 ­ ,­­_­­ i.1-tr�l."_.w. -­ � � -ivildiously id A*llddge, but h6 Mit it. on the Doirchesiter. t and'10ss Of appetim I I ." ­ � '. . I " ;.�., , . I . . . I . I I . � I I, 11 ­ %;�, *. ��"( � �:� , , . I ...... I . I . L'.1. ', ,� 11 , � ; ,It A :jo�� flitai bea4 twith- is, ,Wout eliub. The �,A,fter serving iso=6 years on the It also teu4s to slow. you down. INI 11 :,* " - "4 1 I . .. i , �! , - .. , I ,. . , - w, he a4d, ,ought MD h&Ve. fd1led a I When eli , ' h . . '&* �,., I . 8AD Cliawniplain and, Sit. Lawrence Rail- . minotion ,continues to � T, ., e TELEPRO, N " " , R , � . Pon .v -a- 4yraV, ,tho DIctraheistor was rebuilt with be faulty, over . a period of time, 'Farm , N ote ' 11.1 111. . - . .- I . , �­� .1 J! 111 I � Hg golbIM'Der, bult tfte� ea(gle Ist � � S Abv�ed. ,Qanitwell "O! RdtUdige, p,roud a calb, bagial and- rpillot, and was puir, ' neral repidt4nce may be � � _.. . . . . x0lifettii, our . .. "Qu0s. idf their capture. bi,clught thedr prizes chaiied -by BaTVh6lolmew Towere%e, And a weakened body is L IFWMI&5DMft Of - in a cralbe to Goderich to show the founder ,of the 'town of, that nome less able to #ght off the infections lombft wbaider whether ' .. ­ folks vf1halt esiglies Uok ,like, a,qd a and ,chief (owner of the Lanoraio that abound in every crowded place. more ipower Its roqu%red bo pull a I 11 , I lerowd solon, gaithered. ThLq mile I bilrd and Industrio, Railway. L The most common type of consti- pl6dgili with four, 14-14ich bolfthim, or . . . I I .. . : - moasurred five foelt, Wings, sprqad,, and The E*rl (of Goisfiorid, governar- pation is that calused by insufficient one Wifth thriere 116-Ahich, b1cottoms. This eahe�. farniate, four and a baIf feelt.- genewal of Canad'a and I lady Gostford, . "bulk?" in'meals. , In Kelloggits Ati-. 4u�tson jNali bo6n itudied by engin- : I 11.9VIR, 'Winghaim Advahce-Thnes. '"' SIT George Girely and I the laading cit- BRAN, you have a delicious source oers who; -have gfiven. lout the foMv- - . 011 . , . Izions of 'Montreal., numberiug About 0I effective "bulk." . ing stWUelrikent: . � ,- Kinloss Farmer Injured I. . -k_1.__ R12i . . t1hree hundred -.in all, and accompan-- Within the body, the "bulk",in. 11I)t vAll take a greattir forefe to � ' � lq, of the 10101i (of I'Mia- Iled by, -the brand of theregimozit sta- ALL-8RAN absorbs moisture, forms , tpuff s; four4boftom, plouglihaving 14- 1019.9, refeleived s4iVus fluiuMies ;on gait- tioned ih Mottreal bolok ipart in the a soft mass and gently cleanses the itch lboftomist, 'than a, �,.thTeeii,t,attoim l,:;i:, ,� llh�� t . ,umday ,when a 1ptilley broke whille -he � . . . . . . . � . insfulgluaraVan loir 'the railway tem. This tempting cereal also .1,&inIch plough. The !force v 111�1;...!, Ow- i . �11 - be, '' ­­ - was itintloading,hanj' at has� farm,..,and - f1lurbishes vitamin B and contains , ajn�ast t&Toc - �'., �', .I.. I I iing 'to .the uncertainty of -the � antics tly in pro ... _�,,�,,,�,�.-U . . .,061i� to, twe, �� " " I .. :11 .. imit WJm ,wiith ,tem"Ific force on -the ,�, ­;4��;, X �, l"..14 orf the Kittent,, it wals- deemed advis- . iton. ­ I � '�, ,�,,61,. I " � tota)i v6&h of pilioughing, assuming . i t'.. �Y, I forehead. lowipg .to hi's crilticag cl�p-, ablL only to, draw: twID passenger � I Two tablespoonfuls daily are t1hiat -the depth. iand 4ther conditions 1 �, 4, � 4 1 ; ul - :0. I I -Al", Aition he was 11celpt at his hame in- . �.� :', , 1 y� " coaches wfth the lacoinotdve and at- usually pufficient. Serve as a cereal ate 'the same. , � I 'A;4 - ii�ij i. . s1tood'of berlinig m1olvq0LA-o, a,&Ys!Zat1Nl-- tacra, `dWD harigesi to ealch of the other ' with milk or cream, or cook into "In'tas-ts,.tpriwedlea-My no differentee . I ;, , ,,.'�� 'Wine , , I 11 ... I'll, I � . - I Haint Advanoe-TImes..' . I � '' �!, - ,e114, . 11 1. I, -4, ,__­ ; "' I fteight care *whicih were caffled Ahto tempting muffins, breads, eth. How iin tbel draft tper unit widith of fur- " 1010. I". r'rm- F41 - I :..... . I ;; ",, 1. .; former'2esident Pa ' *!-, ... � 1 eal-4cfe. (After -a short .V1.11"'.. "" 4.1tij",�R,%1 ssed Away S - prekiminfary much pleasanter to enjoy this nat- rdw We, been found IiMirw 9, Of � .. .70:- .1,11'. , , ..N Z , .. J ural laxative food instead of taking ... 0: ."g . .. �';,11, i1a -e cu -T- I ,.the widtfi � It. In- �g�i,hgt'ii--,i� - - , . rm�e, 1�,, rmer Wah-g- ,run, a stim t was. n dei, and th , of the paou�4 I , I ., "10'i 110`0 V � :.. " ,Geoi�ge R. Scott, a to I g ... onte time .eimaAay- ,rent ateebunt says that "the -engine P'lls, and drugs. , . � . ,..,::.,-;,,�".",.,�",.,P�..", Elam" m � . , , liamite, rwfhb was ait - I I . lasin�uch. as ithe four4bo1btom 14 -inch ,�'..."g...... I 1�. - i I I �t,.; - ' _' . , 11, t I edlin, NeAd1ools store hore, -died at lea'Ally 6utsittripped the hlarsm' Nev,iii - ALr_BRAx is guaranteed by the pMough. Itaikes, a -total width of 56 hitch- � - ... I 11 �, I _�i I I , " " i�. 9" . ­ . -..", , , ` , , . __ ;;.�...., 1.1-1. ." , ,.:: . . , .1 .*)i. ... .��M'. '. ,:: - f . , gro- , I - - 111 I ithe,hiorme'af ,his briolther, H. J. Scoft, leptheaess, dt took nearly two hours to Kellogg Company, Sold by al as, and -a iplough of throe 16-indh bDt- . . Ir I 'I"ll, W111 , comiplete the &Nterm .... mi,les, al eers.-Made by Ke ;. 1. I �, r !�",.":; 11111 I I I 11 - Ilogg in London, tolms tabeis a toltal -wildItih Of ortly 48 I'll '. � -, I..... 1.26 Warren Road, To,romt1cii. He was though I ..; 'W I "i, , . I . . I 11 .. ��, Ontario. rivabels,, it 6$- ressionlable to expect that !!!! .. 1. . I ,. , .� , it his 631tid year. For a num*er of the journey ,back Was, done In about .. � .. 1. - .:. ' I I �,;, :7eoirs he was wadh, T. 'Eaton Ccl�, TJtd., , hialf thait time, and on the followfitlig . .1 I I . 11'.1., . 41'Conativation due to imublicimt 11buW. %he fo=botbom vM, pull, theatider." I I 1.'� 111 � I . . .17� . . vj Jobling r in, ld4y -only 45 miriates, weie clonsfulinved . I : It..; X. �i 11 11 " ­ I - .. . . ", . . . . . . 1 ..... ..11.i.j - - - 4 , " ilill�!K: " * !��;.,t .,� ,i. . ..,-i��j;i i ., �i;..S. *11 i:1_-:* ..III', I I . 'bl I . . .... .� I . 11", mtuWberi -Of Tespa!17131! et po-stitions wfth on the tripi., rt was unifortunp,te that Well ,Survey in Ontario '... ... *.. I % - ii�­ .;,X� ..'...: "'ti .- � .1. .., � ;; , ' 4.11 -i,4;�i,5�'::�:::::::;3:.,::;;!4:;�!, i"'.., i?;:�!:: . " -_.1 ithak firm )in . balth Toronto -and WX,n, ont i1he ieturn trip fnim La Prairie b:) the yew 1,936 and thait Clerk 1pre- 10o �" - ii,��ii� I I., fm�plaiinibs ,that viol -Is in Western %'*­ , .. . �'. r �iiij:,:l �:j:' . �. . irtii.ftilti.."'. 1..�iilw ,i:": ...., I I I v1peg and preAoug t1o, his vetirein�ent MlDntriefal;4 whilch was ',undertaken 'af- Iyare, a 'by-law for ,passing at next Oriltorio have been lower'then usual �.i?, , llll:t,:'11 : � I . 1 6 . . � ... � - ­.X:::;.l ::::�!ii��:�li;��'j".�i��;i�l,!,��'.,.'ii�ll,�::�:��,,-,,'��i ii . . i 0M. x:1%, 7,;:; g . .2 . "...." . "I I afhtout. a - ye-aT aigo was (bead of the t,gr tba Doarcheister had safely landied 'counicli meeting.. to confirm saimo,iiii- have piramipitod a sudvle'3� by -Coll. R. li��iil:!::�:i�-W,i:_:;" 1l 1-111" . . . I .. . � � I eash ,and audit �offlAcre of the WinfiiWe, j�.Je)r plasstenV,rs -a 1. .... . 1�;�� . ,lo�hgside the Aver, Cuu-nity ftbe, all purposleS, 5.73 "n -04s; B. Harkness, provincial, naitural gas . � � . I il��i��itti��,'.'.,i I � � . sitioref. -,Nearly every yetair ilite, vrislteA 'that 'the veisisel wCriilch Was to convey township raltei, 1S ;m0s; ,'bownship comimassioder. Farmers halve re- ' ' ... �;.",i�*�:�:i:� � ,1�11; .. . . , 11 "Mrilgham and �Wo weeks &go he wa-s the &stivguilshed claMpany to their 'road Tate, ,2 tinfifils; i-vnewiplayment re -i parted a stiAdy ced� ...,..:1:X i�i��:i�ii�i: :., . " re .pg, of wfatiets' ��-....,.,.;t��:;:.,:Il�:.:::!::::::::!::: . ,'' . , I ..� . , i!;. ,.M�. , ,,%­ ;;:::;:;!; .1 " .. ::: i�:_ ;,j:::j?.'i .. ,!J , ­ � � 4q, vtisRbir, hexe.,iiii-Winghaini A'dhnanfee- homes stranded in the mW ,and the lilef ride, .2 n4lils- Zurida Police V11- in Ontaria. Many farnlitits have had- i.i: ...... . . 111W15.X .­­,.-­-­ . . I . .. ,�� _; *14 iii, new .. :::!..:.;. - , . . . . . V�., . . I entire pzintonnal ,had. *ather to, ., find I -age rate, 8,,,imd,Rs- 'Dash".)lod Police to dieelpen their wd3s o�r dri N. :it.` . .. ...� , .� .n�� -, , - . � liiii��ii':11 ; 1, .Fire Destroys Trailer z�',eeipdpg.a,eL-onil,.Y�odati,on1 it, the, little Village, Mille; ,general sohoorrate, q�naltiions anti a new source of water Ilit"..."$t­ . I , .1i, l"...... - I . . I . ­ - 0 5 .,iK" - I � N-11M,age of 'La Prairie 10T to .spend the 8.25. mRls; spedilal schoicilt ,rates, U. tsupply is sought. ii . 'ill W"l..,i I . On Manday �Aftcrrnolon w�11:51e Mr. 'S. I :::,.l...-.; 11 , . I X .:. - .....� ... ;,,it.ij! . I tht :in, the great OUtdDOWS. The &S. No. 1, .none; iS. S, No. 4, 6-10 -Ontario Agricultural 09111eige offic- �,�ii:i�:!ii��`:ii*/ �� :`.. .. . , �f" ... , I I urniiriq to Exetlier "119 , 'I, 11 11 ­� J V. �,, I , Canh, was ret ' , ..: "' . , ' .1.11 I` ... I f��Nm near HI-IlIsgteten -W.'9hr a''Ibad faf Iland was) ctilled imitto, vervice and an r0ills; IS. S. No. 6, 6. 1-5 mills,-, ,S. 9, i1al's damMedbing ion 41he water short-' : ��x._ I ". ....il,.1 I , . . . ' N: . . . . . . . . .., 11 . . ­ q T)�rie ct-uIring �A a Itrailer drawn by ilrOvzimpba -concert and dance ,was No.'8, IA imflils; U. S. No. 9, 1.4 mills; -age tin Wesiterw Onitarib s -aid, assist- . .. 1; . .: . � ��� t., -11ils suitto ithka vtotid- cautgNt fire and h-nild, voVellh -presumribliy whiled away S. !S, No. I 1, 1 niffll'; S. S. No. 12, 1.5- -hucre brid been,gii0ven 'to inany farmers I i: : � � � � I ,�,; . - : ",. I . �,;;l., : 1".. - " �. both thle wolod and Iti.d]-ir were de- the. weal hours of waiting. ITA -111s; UiS.S. Nio. 13, 1.7 mills; S. -.S. ip ,ithe way of linformri&'�Dn,on nWat .i; ­!::i? .1. `i : I ,��' ,:':�;:: __ . ;:::;�;%:: li. � -1;1. . . i - ,The Dorchester -was fiouir-croupled No. 1-4, 1 indill., ----- :;:i:;i'l':tl':*Z,:-i*:, '. ­_." ."%f,. . . S.." . . .! I stro,yed. as we!I a!3 'a C-­­rl -law ithat S��OS. S. No. 15. 1.6 s-i4itable locations, to bore wells. . .....,..,,.,�����l�]����ii�i�i�I�Ii�!;ii�;�l��:",Ii��i-.,,.i�]�i _ ., I .. 4 � i. '.1 ; ` ,..,.. ::::;j;:;:.. , -pa with a stmall palir of l6aidting irril,ills; Stop. S; L 10 Mins. It was p6duted, out t,ha& new rogu- :;.',,,.*;�i,i:ii�:::�,::i.�ti:i:ili: I a . . � . ­ was on Ithe load: elt the itilme. -The filt'fl, .,n. t�, . . Ill. :�X: , " . SS, ­ I I ...t-:;lN � . I I occurred. .01dut trwa anifles, s-v6iyth of, znd traiJing vf7,eels, She weighed That Bly'law No,. 7, 1036, prolividing lations, requarinig.011, wela-drilliliers to . ;, . : -.,-.:.,. ujustult U11, � , , I � � . xi3ll .ivra:11 and, after it Ms'lalrited. -apd,ed b five . and a half tons and tarriled. one for borr6wing of money xequired by make a loig ,o� voll through which 6,6-1 , . .$.:,..;�,ip I . i ; , . ,0er 7 . � .. . . 116.- I �� d -the rhic-It suns,and fanned by (bliks brPie pvn-_,1i *n ,(84 gail"lons) of water amd, Zu1jdh Police Villaige, to pay for they were -passang and, at whait liev- . In. . � ee , - I e 111`,�I,,, I .11, d, specia,i trucik lye� slbre��, dim' three eils they -were ,-- had , .", ... - ."---.,X I . �, �� I � It mrad� qrd.ick-Aiteadmay., -The Hen- a corldiof woo, I -in a .. . provement be read 1trit1d,nig ,wateri 11i.i.....'..". ` r I,. rVeleputoin . ti:ii� .�. �'tF;,. . .. � t 1_�,. -�..�s.,:: � .." gine. - times aikd firnally passed; that Henry proved bf gdeA assiistance in, this �:...,.�l..'.'.io-m�,�k�k�?...i�i::,: I I : : -sall fire efi2�lne wa,, s, ca,,liled, to the blrd- the en M n eip . . ;��ii�:il�iCM :il . -D 01 ". , I ....... . n. , i!on,. . 'i -3-ne b The Chaftriplain and St. 'Lawrence Field aier be awarded the contract co n t .11:;:;:;::::liN1'::::: , 0 1 . 11 I ,tit-merne - bu;t tbe 'dairritsigetwvs, di ,e- . %'1.;.%l':t-l;';.Q;�;:,- ., . ; 11 I I ,� -fare it arrived. The origin -of the lbas lorig vince lost its .identity, hav- -of patiniting 'the e,:Idberior of the Town Data ob,taiined along this, line makes, ,,r. .,:��_ :� .)I) I � 0 0 1 I.. .� � Ha :'.%�!�i��,r,ii,�:!, 9:11:11 ,a! 0 . I . � I j t o' '"t e static lievell has - ": -,,��!i��, � 111111 .1. . fire is a myqJto-ry 'bu ne theory is -e ,rand. - !it - hi ,1, i:": C, 9, . ang lbe,e%l absiarbed, by th G i 11 Alt pmi�e of $5Z.OQ. That ac appear it th, -tii�*11.' I Obalt -'hie raysof the, -�.J-!It stc1t.'ed, Trunk, w1hich. lat,,.T. became an, inte- cmnts, covering ,payments on Town- lbo'en dropping in' 'the hist few years, . :iz?'K-i::*:*�.: . owe 11?s iust . I , � , I . . . :XZi-�,.�!:��: .. I , . - . ;; ,loff the stetet -saw s)tarlteidl the. fire. gral part lof the Canadian National ,ship R1oads,:,TehIphone, 0harlity and aittributed to Uck of rainfall. In . ., : ",:: ..;; ... ;, � un I. . �� I � � . ::;! prom), I ;��, I. 7 CRaillways, and the s,dxte)en, mij,es: of ,relief land iGeneiral Acictunts be p as eutirion0ed . 1 �:!.. x ! raia-We"L . I , ; � ass - the last ,three years it .:, , �: .,� .� :- young jol, *at . . Zwelbor nnirds-AAvloicats. tracks e of this pdoneeri road'have ed as per Tioucheirs: . .. . ill, . . I I I - the CILIT - . , .,.,." 19 1!. , the level lis' .11hirteen Wches beilow. '. I t., I � 1. , , I Delegate To Geneva ' , I about ` au,from . , � grown to more than, 24,00o �nfies. - Township Roads -J, Oestch, Rdtd-nori�ial of the lelvial of the past 2D I . C -to '. � .. I . 11 . I . Mr. ICITarienice, McLean. I I , . . . L - a foTmor The Dorchaster was a striking con- 8, :$16.60; G. J. TMA. Z. P. V, $11; yeaws. . . � . iele-plione be, *ere . *..' ,. otudent of the Exelteir High 9chooli trast to t1h,e 6400 of thle Canadian G, Jeffrey, Road 15, $9.80; TYL IM. I I I - . ... . . . � a 'he WarLts to . to . . ., 1%, ) , 1. .1 . . . ­ - I - Itaii!ways to I A,U greeul*, . . I I I., I -day-the larg- Russ011, Roadt 1, $1.00; M.'Corriveau, Crops FoLr Rollink Lands I c :- - 1, onid 10, graduate lof W414"eTri Univers:mm- Nattonal axe, .heeiq I I - V,e,L- . . L 1. fty� bas 'been a­h;rted, als.! k dele�- lest stream-linfed engine 1n..*,e world Road .17, $6.00; .P. Schade, ,Road .13, . Permanent R!�jiturieg arre exterisive- 11" On, both "Anyone" and �'Persor- , I ,,.heat.,:: D1 , .h a basa % been, . I . I ", . "If". �. 1. Y, I I ,;, '.1 � Irate 'to ItAl'. W-)Tilld Y-nitli -1 P-tce _atb�Anintg abouf .one �ua.rtieir of the $4.00- .C. A. RobiTilso"n', Road 6, $4; ly ,,gTown oil rolling laq(l.-A Canada to-Person� ,calls, .low . Night , � ­biln 1 � mouble Ancl � .. , � � �,, . i I . . assute , , Cong-rPsr;.iwhif­1i')`tv) +.,) b,-� bi-i"d Rit G,rn- cipeled of the 6400 type, and -carrying, IS, R;pp, ,Rtcfad ,2, 4$15-.-M; A. Stmith; blueltrass, red tD0f'-X6&;aIDkY blihia . . I neb I � *30gs 130 . . I � I �1 . rates apply every evening after too VIX . , !It�z ove. Swiltvi-rnlanid. ne,kt arnrif't"h. MT. its 94 galhn� ,of water and ats cio,rd T .-)ad 8 ind white elover are usefull for I uto . . . . . . , 1. �M ,;,., 'k . , , I ' ,, � $11.05; IH. Stelinbalch, Road grass a ting, i . I of ibel . " VcLi,an w,"11 lr`-ip�e­int the Lnnldbn Pf wood eis against 12,00o gallons of Suot.., ;26.95; T. Dinsmore, Road 18, thtis. purpose. The fir& MierAtiOned - I 7, and ALL DAY SUNDAY. . , to revaana I -Am a Wee - . . . r I . ne . . 1�1.1 � , " rrovrn ol'A"hiq, Canadhian Youth COUTI- water and, 20. toms, of coal.' 4,12.20- Z.. 'McArtbur­rRoad 1. $8.45; grass is of particular- value ,where , . I lht UP . ,,a of I . , �, ' I . I I 7 , 0I ril He --alils from As oxidglinally " CoOstruicted, t he U. A. Wle, Road 14, $6.00; A., Mious- Ithe soll, tends to dry out in siuMmer. � I . . . . ..", auts brp"16 � . 'i I Moritir6vl' on "be I . W .U.,other e . . .1 ! 91-t along '"illth --+,I,-- o-thip,r � Canadian track -of this. pioneer road consisted! seau, work At crusher, $11Zo;,W. F. Tqle �ommon njixture of red -cloveIr, ; . Out - I � . I .. I . . . Daa, OT' �:��. , . � (Ipllpgatp,�- Mr. MoLe�m- le n son of of woloden rails., on which were spik- JivioniiFion , crushing, and " truclaing, alid,ke and timndthy Inlay beidown for . ena. IL, t uIck - �� 1- I . .. A I geU 91, ge . "'O. ,. � . I ­ . .1 V-rr-. Jp.,�.-..3 ,� 1. KI!.pp2n._ E -d flat IrIon bare, about two fand' a $673j61;' Don,lTdon Road Machinery h,ay ,and the ti,�6otb-y Ndt down for a . . .. unet. . . . ., . 'i.7 Y)_T,._-4 (�X . ­ , . . -*.e . . fact lie vouldl�t I . . A, 7xiete'r Times-Ailv�,ns'.­. I half lindbas w1dii and three -eighths -of Oo., re*rs, $1.33-- F. J. Haberer. number laf,_yefarsi. Alfalfa is an ex- In juesp ve � .'it . I I . I . . a . e0l' . . ..; I . . of it u Fiirmer !Seriously Hi9irt , ,.. . an inta' a thick - There was a constant Road 7.',$7.1,0,; Zuaiiieli street .!Tdpvove- celient wilop far hillsades,'and is to . I . . . ,bat . , . :111 . . Wesle . . tendnrcfy fbir the spikes to. pull up, menitig, -$4,414.06- J. M. Rioliardson, be desired ,over -other crops w(herto it . . I 1, . . . ,. Miss In I alaus -it 5 a great . � I : . " :.% . . y Culbp&t farml�-r, on the thereby cairmnig damage to, the en, Roa(I 5, $7.50; F t. Denom-me, Aload will grow successfuflily. . Tn order th I . any*jUgi" ,k ana it , :.11 I . . . �.­,: 401 e0nmeacirm of Diddhitph T-,it;m gine anid *coatehes. it. was fr'om this 10, :$17.45; W. Fairrell, Road 18, roceivie s, good stand of thris; peArn- I . I ca " . e we . . .� I . obip met. w1th a ivert'louls aocidl�nt � CAN I I a routla - I . . . . , - 6rcrMstance, Mat t0his- tyipe of rail ob-' $15.90- Can.,,QVI 'Co.i.-acco-drit, $IAO; anent haty crop, liming may be, nee- I .bre A -to I �,� ' . I , 4, $5t.65; T. S�ein- es-saTy on some sidilis. . .. I .1 . -wbie�. tr�&Pmg a''biTider %out, -of his t �.Inad ittia narme' 'of' "snak1e_ra,.iI:"' A. -R�1? easy- .. I, chert, 111.1tiad ,� . . b�s w:ma I :� . JbiqrLnL Parr6 'of Ithel rnii,aeK"Tfe fstrun A n2wsrp;&p,-:r fadvertfisement. of 'ba,ch, Road, 8, $17.20; 0. Greb, Road. jOats,. Tye, wheat and earn are : 1,eepll .- . . . ': � , I'll him cal -bb,d chelA penietrati-rig.t.,q the - I I . I M.J HABKIRK . .. ; - �' I the year 186t'iclaims thlat pasisenigers 6,'�8.-115-' G. Surerut ' R6&d 9, $17,40; crops frequen!bly grawn mith success I I ." lung wbi,cti 'Was, punctured�Exetiet , I P, 91 - . � . I . � It, 4'. .. � . I I . . . - t4l -had been ex'_ iR. AdarAls, Road, 10, $5.40,;, 9. Briock, on roilling,.Iiind's, 11 ut th e &.0 M -ager. I , � � I � . . . T."imesz-Aftiocate. . I . us-ing is line, which i 3, es �, � . I I .. $5.00; J. C. Sal- not is ,effelcItive in cantnollinip'XIo . � . . �, . '.. � ' tended each way -until there was a re -pairs itla,,gradietr, M__ , . I I.. `� � I Bowlers in, Provincial Play -Downs c,antlneolu . . I I I I .�. . 1 I I .� us I -anti �ouirney from -St. man, work a;t crusher, $4.00 T. Welsh, -gio,n as hary,-and pasture CA�;. � if . . � � t I . ­:�' , . . I M-esistirsI. ,G. ;Romnemberg, W.. Cuth- Lambert to New York'could, imake grafvlel, $56.00, � . . . . satisfactory crop yiolds are to be se, . I ... I . I .. .... ­ - � . , 11 I . I 11 . L. Hawtes: and H. Poiiter- - - �� ,. . __ - . . . I �.., ' iihie jo6rney to BiDiston . . I ,,, ,blerbson. . I in thirteen ,. Gelneraq, Acidaumits-S. Gestivi61ier, ,,,cured, farm manure froust be applied � . ­ , � . � I field, ski-imp,'were the, wtinnIng rink Alt hours ,and to New York in two s-he6p le,'Nad, $9�00; `C. Sliemion, pay . .1 . . . 1, I I . 1: .� I e stAict No. 4, held more. ... . .. . . -lizt. Zulrifclh Dratin, $7;60; G. Merner, � - . . , 'I.L.'. . dt , h, Ifty4offs) for Dris hauirs, .1 I . I I . I . I . .­�, irl IS-Rflorth ,on Motiday, thus giving The charter ,off this, pioneeir rail- clalif ile2q-ed, $10,00. . ­ I I � . . .,? � � . , . . 11. I I esefitati,on -in way whilch was 6plied. 'far and ,Hay Tollep-h-one-411ell Telephone Co. -­ � - . � 1.1111-, . . . � .1 t, the loicafl' ctrfb a relpri I I . . ..�t i. �'he t,��):;rOir4ii:sill. lawA_ ,'kiwiling play- , granted 'hi. 1832 a,nkT thereaftea- ex- toll3s May Iflo, June, $144,16; North- � I -1 � I . , �,.` . � __ N . I . � I � ..iA,, . . i i � � I 11 ­­ -dowrisi. Mitchell Aia;" the rinks ic�oni- tended far. ' twiLi years. in, 1834. re- '-ern, E(lect-nic' Qo.., material, $11634; 1 � I . .1, petk1ion by bealting New Hambutr ceb,ad the rolyfal sanction -of King Nattorn-al Revenue of Canada, tax on I . .11 . 9 . . 1A 11 , ­ 1 23-17 tn- 'the finals after elimfinlaMng M"alliam I ' V, dne, year I) -afore Queen tuRs, $30.189; H. G. Hess, saktry, " I . . I . . I 1. I I I Strallard 17-16 in the sie,�anld round Vict-ofria camle, tio, the throne. . It is $1,65.00,1 P. %cilsaa;`c, reptailring Khliva, ­ . � ; I i . I .1 . "I ' . I I and Sealforth'20,415 ;in the,openfing a,,bmg dotcuknemt and contatins Bev- eitret and eundTies, $a6,60; Tressair- . I I . i I .. ..... ----- I.... .. I ....... �, � -Tound. New Halmilturg won' its way eral Curious PlYfOrnSionS. It is ighpu- -er Stephen, 1.035 -rates refunded', $14; , . .. ., t.;. I., into Ith - I � ; .. ". . , .. ..:..:. I . 10� e ifinall. with MiltIc-heRil, by beUt- lated 'that the pasIslenger and- freight E. R. Guenther, calitia-ge, ,50e' .:,:�:­..., ..... *` ...It . .. . . ; P. M10 . . . . . . .1 I ,?1t`...1.,1.. -:: " ... . 11 ;�, I 4ing iOlimlbon 24-9. ,In While doubles Yates were tio, very ACCIOrdi,n& 1saac, traitl&r license,'$Sml. . . I �,::;. . . 1, _1�,.t�e .,..,._l Z..:.,..�, . I i, ' , I : 1.X1.. . I 1:- .­ I'll" Miltoheilbeld j�tls pla 'ity. ,of. the road. ' . . I.... : � e. untl the final poolverr, on- Charity and Rgle4­40nitano Has- I I . � i�lil :;:t���,�� I . : ." when they wine 4N, - ginial vfharehiclIdelps were flo'"Te al- yi'ftal f1oT indlilgetlt, $10; Tioasurer Me- It lii:i-,��;�i!.,...._: �". ealbed b.'.v Stralt I . ACHIEVEME NU ; , ford -26-24. W. J. Wohr ikilp", and, lorweld a max.limum, lof 12 per cent. on GelflfilyT,avy, re bridgest, $6.02; S. ftff- . I . - , :: � ': ., .il; � , .1 . . If. " . .'.' , . .. * . . . F. iD. Moore were the paay&rs from their dnivestinent, ,b -4-t that un-yrtlifing' man,, rent; MAO; J, Gescho & Son, - . - I Now - , I .1 . I )�, townia--Xitchell Adviociat6l. I .after .this vas, to be applied tio �We 19�roclorf&, -$11N; A,,- IMW-ick, mfflk, . . . � ll :: ��� - ."t, ­ , I i . . � . : ;- 4 I- redactiob of tariffs. After 11 years $2.94. . I . . ' : ,�;!; " I � . - -of service thre ,oniginal-.4mck gave The ,clouincil adibuirried to meet . . OF THIS ILECOVERY " . .% . Quelbec, Ontario, Alberta and Brit - rail*, and the -agalin on, Tuesday, Se�ptemiber' 1, 04 I . . . .� 11 "I'll, I 10'. ,;., -.-.-..:: "'... I - . . � I isih Columbia ,piloldii-ced, 20,579,179 [place to one ,of ieon .il, i�--..�i::. ,�, I poun'd,s of cA,eese during June, 193,6, railway wasi abiso,rbed, by thet Grand 1.30 o'cloick. ,'dn 'the afternoon. -A. F. . x::i` :: . ; . I'll, . . . � I - - i�i�t'�'�`: : .... � : I an intereaste of,14,;5,00,000 over the T - runk,' Hess, Clei - I Y E A IL `,i�,�:��l I!" !."1:-:1lf:i;;:X ... :�,. .. �111'1 ,preceding month of -May, and a 25 8 Another lyrovisiiiarii was that at ev- I I I .- . -...,:;!*�­. .. _ ;:;.:..;::��'. � 11 I per cent. increaser on June, 1935. T�� ery place, Vrder� the ratilway crossed �, I "�. ­ �.:;:� �!,,, l�::;;:�;:i;:;".�,!;�,�!�l:::�::!.::::;::::,:,� �: �.. ��:� I... -�:�i�ii!.�,-'. i'l ..'.." i:i,:i:ii:iii�i��":�:�� I � ' C "T . , �:!�!�;�:��:::�i:: �:� , � increase for 'the first -pix months of a mad, gates, were to be erected, S i� �� ��: i��l��:i�i�!��11�1i��i: :,:;: .11 1, :. . I ,%1hicb. WeTe to be kept ladked, and, . . 1936,over those'ol 1935 was 28,5 p_ , I i:,:.. C A N A D I A N- N--,111 T � : . ., ��;;�:,:;..;::.,.;�"..".,.,.:.;;.���!,:;:; l. .1. I I �:, ""' .,f ,� cenM. I those us,ing thef road would halve to The regullai?ineetitgpif fthe V-fflafge I ..;�,::.;:; �:,:,i:,....,:1:X ,',�ial_­ 1.". '.. � ,It ,. ' __� � . - I - . .� I : . . climb 'down and, uhlot6k blath gates. clo,unioia- was' h-eltd, Wednicisday evening 1. , i. . ,: , "I. . . . I ,,�;::�ii.::�� �`:I:. I . ... � - .., - - Ll. . . I . . U . 1� i . . I , . '_ " I I . I I il,x%%,::� ::kt:. ) _1, I rising. The penalty .. . ., �. 1. _ I . 1. ,;,. I . !:,�". , .. . 1 I beffore ,cras . f0y At 8 sp.ml. in rb-hile councaill dhgm[bL-r wi(th - I I ;, I : W. ��,..11l"4,:% 1 i . . I �, i ..... .. ... I ­.­-.i.i ; I . . .. I .� ... .. .... I I - -,:;.,.:. 'I'd_ . ,.P -o. this fwas five 'ghilErigs all momberst beling.prestent., Mindbes i i .. � . 11 . I I . ,,,i;-.:-;,:. 1 , 1"!!��-,�i,�`..`!A. fai,lure to. "d I I F .. ; I . ,iiiil�:��!��:: I I : . I lliz::::�:j:': .. - : for each �offence-. . I ... . I I : '.,*.,ii&� ;�, I I I of the prel,A,ous meeting wert? refa&' � , : ', �iii�&� , : I 11 . I . I " It � 1: , �-Ili�i�i§!i. - . I I t , .'' ­. I � . . �,, ;;.;,;.;.;, i-. .. iShaddlick and Sangster: That the . , . .,:. :. . . I_: I ,�.�ii',`�",-,t:!�:: ,':i��,,I:il 11 I .. . V . ; 1. .:t ­ ­ !:.;�.t!.�.Nll; IA . I. . I- .1 . � ; . . . , : � 1, t%.;l;:;:l , �, I Minultes. be adopted -as ilead.-Car- . .� I I . . .. , ., l:e I I . ., . " I; ,. ',V�. . I I " .- �.i, . � . 1.�,�' �, , �' ­ 1- I : . . . i�ii�:�;i:?I��".'��..::.:.t,�.: I , . ri-ed. . , . ., I I . . . !.,: � I . ... li:i: ... ..� I . � , . . . ; . ": ... . 1. .ii,i5::i%: � . ...:, - HAY . �, I —It l.;;:�j:��i;ll�t ; I . t., � 11 �, 1. � . .. . � ... .1 7. 1, "'.t: . . , .:. . - I A pletliltai-cin' was read fvoini- the Band . I 11 . � I .1 I . :,:,%:�ii�li�� 1, I ; ....."..., �� , 7, '1�17 '.. . 1. i, . . I �, �.. "�- - I I � , I . t. � �:­:Xl`.'.'...:,........ .".... .. .-,. . ft, ! . 11 I �� I .. 11 I I I . .. I I . " , - � ­ . I . - I...;: . . ,'.,]:i�.­ - The regulair nilanth+y meeting of astking for $1,00.00. HaniiillUcin and 1. . :. . -� , '.', , , ,, �- '' ' ,� t, , " I ,�.,�����:����:��!!::;]�:::::.�,�, ��:;:�,�:�:::::".��i. � I I il:�;%;:i. �.. ;�;:;�:;.It,. - the clounic5l of 'the Townshilp. of gay Waddick: That we grant the Band � .. . . . . �Ii�i:i;kiii, I , I 1� , . I �, � � I I I . di",,'iii:�!��i:�ii*W �, helld in the Town Hall, Zutfich. . 11 � . I _wA-,tlll:i. tl;.:��: - . . wag Ithe sum ,off $5Q:0G.i-4C&r0ied, I I R,- 0 ,�I.I.:�-,�',�.";.:"..i.;..:,.:.:,:.�.; " . I BACKAME - lColinimunications were Te" sis foil- � T:,� 0, , N T 0 ."' � � I . , .. � pg '. on Tuesday, Auguist 40h, 1936, wilbh . I 11 I, � .. I 11 . . I . . . .1 1'..�,, .0 �"'.:1.;.:... ," , 1!51� ...., .: . '. ::: .." :�...,.,... . As well.as rheumatism and lum- . lows:. Shell OM -Go., Imperial OR i - I . I ......, !:; �l q I'll , � . � , .,; ..... I �., aall :,ithe -me �! AAA . ... 11114 oft in � - ­ -.- I I I �,,f; �� I mbers preselnit. The mlin- �,�"...�..""."."..,",!,.,,:�?..:�..�.i;".."..��-.�.."....-"..,.-.",.".-,..,-*,"",il�-- I "" . bago- develops from uric acid I Tetre adoipt- ,0o., Depailtmeritt of Health re 1VL 0. . I I., I . . the blood by detective kidneys.. . qN . Im ������;�i�;ii�:�',,'.:�l..'�'.��iii�xi:i��;.,�*,,;ji��� �,,, V. , `� i "I".-. 4 Caimmitinitcatilona disposed of: Prom I ;::.,��;;:;::::.:.:�.!:!::::::�:i:i:::i:.",;::i:::� ... � . . �'.. " .. .. .. :.: ,.: ., :!::i�:;��::i����!�:������""�,i�i�:��:�ii:j!�ii!;"i�i . . �1 i as when the liver, - - - ��:������:���.i���;������,.,��,..,...,������!�i!ii!i*�iii � � I '. , " . y , ,od as read. H.;' Al. E. Wiasion & '0a., re school ,-- ­ AU 6. 213 TO MR 12 - I �Lasting relief con Itaxeis; Stuipertasit, MdCall-iFrontbenfac, ­ � . ,;;; :::::... . i I kidneys and bowels are aroused td � Rentae Seed Oo., Bell Telephone. I �,� I action by, . P, S. 11%speldbor 1D. !C. Beacom, advis- , I ��-:�::�?.��:,."i�� I . �� . j.�;j::x Sangster and Hamilton:' ,That we Visit theworld's largest show building at the l.�.�::::::,;;::j;j: l�..%::::::,;;:::;;: . IDIL CHASE'S ing winners ,of Sloadigrt&l Memlorial " " :!!�,��!:�!;�i��,�',�i- . .. I "I . I I I . ' SichlolawsNipis for 1,9316; CheMsea Thiel, d1o, not grarlt peomiss3lorn, for -the eroe-' , world's largest Ifintial Exhibition and mar- :::j j5�j:l:j;�Ti*�*� . . .. . , . 1� I., r: pillS . I ... . I I Y micin, arr linsitaNaltion of any more gals- ve at t e gig I -'� ]KidneT.LiVL- I preaten on :�:j�]I�i�i�,�� ! I I .� I I Vera FilwAbefirld-, I�Iuth Browin-Filed. ' 10 I � I 11 It - ;611inle ipum(ps in thle Village of Hen- C I ro . ss -new id -new features ��I��i����� :;';.�it,�. � I I � �, . " .. i ,� - ,, From A. n. Witleo'n & ]Co., . - . -, I.. � I ., �i�i�ii::�iii��i:: �1-,,..�ii. � . , I surance-610 : . . ill, �� 1, , . I .. . d. From Beal, Telielphone 'salli), and that Ithie -Clerk notify the Ivelo e . Prize products of fieldt, *:*is,.�.iti %"I ��..`t I , � I : , - . I . . �.- _­ I . Co., re distylibuMfon of telelyhone. as- Shell Co. of saimfe.--Carriled. and orcha ful array ... National , - �, ,::. . I 1.-l: . . ... .. ... sessme1vt ,in Hay Molwinisbirp between 11� ;1� .. " I Bills and alecounits read: H. Fladtier, ":: �ji� .��it�?�� i;��i� I Horse Show, Sept. 4 to12 ... Poultry, Pige6n i�": I - .,,�::: - ` 11 I. publlic and 80c; Dr. ,G. R. Collyer, :: -I.- ". " . " , sleiparalto schlool"Ied. Labor streets, T . .. Front (SWirverwo1ods, re, diiis0ributhlon, of e"fi,ens,es of 1LO.A., $23.00; Hensall and Pet Stock Show, Sept. 4 to I I,.. Dog .::::,� I �� ." �, . . . 11!11�," 11 , . N, . 'i�'. I � tax be1tween rpublild and separioute MR Mro, 0.1499- Mtunildipal Woirld, sup; �ho ': . ��ii�!i: I . . . � ;,!�� ,, .7,_!ept. 7, 8 and 9. .. Cat Show, Sept. ­ .. -y, " . 1 t . 11, , r', 1, , sicholqls�-ifiled. Filom Do-arrd a Trus;4 Fifes, $a.00,; A. 'Clark, -See.," Band . Enjoy also the gorgeous display of .. i... � ''. I I �� � . ��.,,�,­,� I . . �'­es, ­Zu,rilch (Pokicer ViNagid, aski gran't, ,95,0.00i; 'G, Gratin,, tear I 1: 41 I . .­ , Ad , �ai& on delicate bloonisi plants And shrubs in the .::� r ,�.:,' 11. ing 4 ,ll � � ,,-,%,�., .4f, ,,, ', . be I .:!:: , , .,� , t � -ate ,of ;eiigfit imiRls sitiroets, 12.95; J. E. MeFiveh Pg Hoatticultural Building, and a thousand oth .: " 1�: .l, % , I � ithialt a 11 evied' . er : ! i.`, �:.,1.1!i, il � I M _.4p . grass an park �5.00- Ituran, Rxposi- I I ��­ , ­ .i,.�11,1 , � 11 , 3 �_.,� 1,", ,_1 I I , � Z1�4111w- ,ow-iV111%age �,rorpttljty poTr, 19:315, ,at, � -& . engtossiagly interesting educational,and .,..� l , "! ' I . � .1 1: 111. � . pj� ", , '01, , � I$ I �".,.." , . : 4, �- , Im. T1 .111' SOLO A 11 , . iftleludied 1,h reisioWtion. [bar, llnir(Ning, �1 ' 79- B&Wb�ft I ., ,� I � j 1, I . I` , * , q� mWift telsioluitilow. were Dmysdale, sup0dids f�r h6 1 , $11,80. . recreational ontttftions. .1 � 6086A . � , �11 I I I . . . .. I... ­ -1 - ­� . I J F_ M.- - G . . -_M - 9LWOOD A. HOOM _. I—. I 1,��.( . ". d. F. W.., 1"5811, offsting ; .W. ALMED R04RS "", . 4:,il -1 . . T&C Ibhe following ralbes be , $2.60 1 2 g ": - 2 � . . , I � _��,!P` � . RIP togter, (Pomb- talewy, $16.00. . TOW, .- - Pralagge 1, � . aeftiffal M4,-5., . I . 11, ��� .... ;�, . 0"O`P 71 11 . 66i'Wok land IlenAed Ion -�h :aVl-te*1t61 '� I I I I ­ - I I � - 1. It" Z- t, 11 �, .. ,�� � L'. I,- A'. I'll . . . , . . . I I I � , , I ,: I , , ,; � ;;; . . � I i ,propeft of the TorwAft 60�. rio i i rA .. 11 .. . . . I I "i: � I ). _ . . . I ­ " . I I I .. .. . ''I V � '. I � ­ "' I _. , I � . I I .� � I � . I 4� -0 . !,� � �, I t1.1111, �. ',W,lq I 111". � 11 I I �, I ,� I 1. I'll �:` It I , ! . I .., I ....�.. : I . ill . I I I I : �­ . . . . � .. .: 11 ,. � . I .1 f �. I , . I , 114. . , . I" ,1,�� " , ,4. . ""�,, A I ." . 11' 1�1 �11 ... ­ " �;_��4 ­10MV k 4"', i i I 1. W ": % . 1, ..LXI�1.11 ­'...­ I ., I . . , -, ''. j.", ,,�_ I :1 1, !, I -.Ml I 1! ,W, . k -gi; I - , - - i , " I 1- . I I . I . , ": , I I'll, I VRYEI� 9 ,q . . . I , . ­ � ` I . . I ;­ I . 11�106 I , . , �' I . �`,Ll. I ­ I ,,, .11 , " .11 " , tt, 11 ,t%,,,,t, i� ,­ I . �_:,, i. I I 11111 i "'.. I A I'll I :: I I "I . �� " r I ­­­ ­­ --1-11- -_ _­­ ... .... - _-_-_1._1-... ,,,, � I ","",,""I'll, I E