HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-08-07, Page 6��,. ­ I �, , I ,'�� I I I f . , I I � . , ­�,:,o­ " I 11 - � .... �1� . . . , d , J . " ­ . I -1. -4 7, 1 1 .. I I � ". .1 � - , ` - � ___.­._.:_,.._,, ���.;.-.,_-_, "",I,,','�`i��.,`.,` � . . I I , , . .­- -1J., ,"t�'�'. . . . I . 0 .1 � . I �,I�,F ��':J"i:;,h ',',",;.,i�'t��",,,��",��,,,����!'��,",�', � 7 �,� I �, �, �, ��, _� . 1 . , " ., I" 11 � . ,, !, , � ­ .1 . :, �� ''�J , - , '' . P, i I . . ". � �rk.­ � "", . �, I . .1 1. . I , " ". " , 4 , I, , , . �� , I , I I ,� I _____",L . . ; .. , I - , ­­ - I .� __ ._ " _... � *I I __ - .1 - �� ;!,. . �. � I- , , _- I . . - . �.� I . � V ,,, i , q , . * - . I 4 , - - �� -J, %� �, , , :� , 1; ''.. , , , I . , ; " � 11 �, . 00--nii. *9'._1.MM"-)4Xr I "" 0 . ­, I ,2E.,,,,i,,I­­.. _�� 77� 7 , 1:; 11 � ­V��." 11..!�. , I . I . ­ I . . 1. � . . !­ -111. I'll I I �,,-�,. .. ,j,-"�,'.'�­.-.7 . , �', , I ", , � I I I I �., . 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I . . �, I I .1 � 7 -7 77 , , . I ' , �z 'I I " , , t . .. . — ,I T �!.�.�, lmw�.4', , .1 . � L 4 \ I "V,;'1111� . ". � ,­ , 1� I . - 011.1- - �., I . :il I 412; �111�,;i ,�'lln�.",�1.1��9!1"1�I'll"""�.�ill�.'I 1 I "I R,11- ­ I , . I . A I I I M. � � A", . . I I . ` - " - , 11 , �11­ �' , 1�,� 4 . -1; I A I.... - �, , I � 1. ,� " . V (,i,�,,�",.�,,,,�,,',',"�,'.',�3,�",�,'.�,,T41��,;,� I C, 0 �, P? I I tj 01 � I , - � ,,4, �., � K - "P", 71.411 , . X l!"11"', ­­� 1-11 - I � 4 � . . I � if i " 1, � `1� " � , . 1- 0 1 , � 060 I 1, . I I �.J�' i!., _7 If!,'a..41, , .u,,i .^., .- - . I. - .. 1. . . .1 .� � , . , IV,', -, � . ". -f, C".", � J�,'�11 I - , " in ofj ire . . . , , * 1� IN1 .17 I , I . I �,, �J,�M�, ii, ',,��:, ��:" ��!*-A,, A. WJ& I 4 14 ... , . 4� �,A! I - : 4 KPO4 . ­ � , ; .. ", . , t, 7,,!.�Vg�_ . � 0 � 'Week1r, in Readees vest) . 1. �_ . . a I I 4� " I I �., . �, . 4 A ., Q - ". rm 014111VI'lls, In" NIACOU&I I I OF BOULDER, N . - ... I i,41 , , I ., urt h" . ­_ , 0 / , , . - ii, PIIC;,�, , t , " C I I . . � # 04 .1 I .f,o' , 1"'. 11' , -,% K ir".R' TIVE,01 .,',� . � "' 6*� � ',­," i ' u ` T " WK.. LA � " , "! � 0: � 3L Jal Ca 04r, A.044 .. , I 1� '017 . . , _,4 , I � UJ . "I , � f IN * , DAM, A. AwZy .. .... , , "001", � I I . 1. "d � I I . I -, '17K- - 'I., .. . 1� s . 0 0 � (Condensed from Me New York Timeo N%gazine in Reiade,es Digedo I . 51 - ­ __ I - � . ... I -��'_�'�I�, ", "'.1 . YJ A *HXALTH as' r4� 11 .� I 7 - I . I . � ­.., ,. W, - , -�; 0 . ...... 1­1.1­­�,,11­ 1— I I . I - � . . . 4� , ,.. , ' � - L"VIV � I - � ar M AWN I "I 00 C � -t' '1;`i"'%M '' la, iv i1ps aill be kept at a��pessure ,higher - - __ __ �_ I ,: , ''. . e4 "' to .bterTanean b i w d, - . .. I Q R, I , � ` . P, I . . . � � . THK CA14^11HAN M6011CAL I I I -0.---..A- I . . I 1 '14 - I'lu '40TS� into layen r o id ASSOCIAT10" A"a Lorg - . . * ' : � " - 1i) 4 �, "k. 0 _;,p , of cliaim, . han: the a! uft e, . � I I '. , _p '' � . ._ t ANSURAK91t ICO" I mileSof the same -- ., I ltlw*� -4 g'�,��N,� " AMY Or#r)%' ­.. 0 e. , . , 114A .. PAIM496 I pumped full of TH. L'' I . , �� I.. i'v* - '00m,and �Ooreroon%$ $,A ,, one above These -defenses geeM L from roads IN CAM&D^ - . A netwv* of nwcultain roads ing a0bure. The finished' I I , 11 . : .. ,_ ""'. 4 , , �k,�,OAn.dd _�th stupendous chudels,.of in theim vicinity to liave been dotted I -1hamly. 401mrswurd 'for -half -a = solid1ify . � � . . .her,. , Is . � I � 4 bj '�fl, �,* , not 'only b-6 water- ' I ,!# (,'f,,",L Let random over the Ian pin turns, Boulldex Dam will . , L . 14'' 7 'I " "R IbLVIOL)"tot, Line. --reseimbling n0bb, ,104.vut c1scape. miles Of wild loops and bair - ,tight but texr4 1. I , ,;, , . I SUNDAY RBCREATION AIA (D , , � � jL perature4ight — locked- X - � N� jL . k� jL ��� " - L - baftleships In resaity, they have been, placed in through a region a savage hillocks " , - slo, imuch as� ,huge 11 "" , , 11 �, ,,,,A,,�.�: Ing ,� I i LL �.. �, I coardance, with a careful military What do you do on Sundays? We Of red --,and black lava-stone,-gniarled aganst its own shirdinkage.' 1. ..I.. � ��,;� into the earth, a I 1, 4 � ,,, -P 1 t . : " , raim1mod down deep I 11 4"'," � 11 '� ' ' "' �('UW,ei now , a s the major �ac- I . 11 gg ­""', beenbrougilit to formidable m n %r,k Out op .that at hope you go.to churx�h for it is gopd .by mglemni,Ums of weathering into a swo remain . I � . . . ��,%'.. ,F5.��,�-� - � '!:� fren- for yew bocty as wel as y10 . ' , , tor in the dam's unlq4e quoXty., in . 1 I - . I I I'll, . , ' pl7veni n s entire PUT Saul- heap -of a0teSqU- ­ ' 4 � ,, Ion. �They axe strung alione a 9 .. ' I I � %. � I �, , - tier can be transformed into an im- But what about the rest 9f the day - ISiudiclenly aia7iZ of the rcadlojops a few we-ek% when the cohlanns I rise I � % Kp'��i'­" "`�­ Caenittre 200�inile length of Prance's . . I I f . I , M P 1, -11 1�.­� �iQerman fronbier from Switzerland to passable *wWn of -gunfire. Aipparen'bly we have but ong idea; ,around a beetling cliff to emerge 'on 'above the ce�ltral gorge's depth, cioik- t. I .. 1 . . I I :: , �l I ,,;,'� - -,' . , -.fBetigium�_a mass of concrete -and Aeel In. case ,of war between France and, we jump 40tO Our ,car, Or somebody a fairly level pvom0ntiary. Buffeted crete will be pOured iinto all of the I - ^ L . I I . I �., . I I 0 4 N, � '�,%�L � y impregnable as anything o trength ofthe eise'e, drive as fast and aa.,ftr as we by,hot drafts, from tl*e 'deep chasm column fbrms at once., The huge .. . J .. � . I � I , __ as near 'Maginot ,tine is almost sure, to tempt eaN pick up un- indigestible guMp- below, whimv the temperature is, 120 buckets swinging bn cables fro1m the '- . I I . I I 0 � - , earth-, as proud a inionument to mili- . �, - j, �. ,,..: , ever record- the Germans Ito ", rim their way ;a- andL-run lunich at some roadsidestand deg,ref�s, and. by gustv Seem the pla- aerial trolleys must p6i�r the unpre- .. t I � . . tary engineering as was . I �61.1�1 ad In histiory. roundit, -through Belgkilm or Switzer- an -route, lose our tempers over the teau behind where the thermometer cedented loodi of'from, 7,000 to 9,000 1 '*kl. �' I . � 0 1 11111, ' ­ . - i I �,11 �..�_ �1&'.,,�­: The ionly illortions vis-iblie 4ove land, But jF'rench strategists argue bad manners of all the either motor- 'stands at lio, one lboks clown into a tans a day, When that work is idelie, 11 . - � .."M, W - " , 1, � . � I . I , ground are sunken bloekhOUses,, ivaln- Ithat, as com�parattvely few troops ists, fret .Ourselves over endless de- normai,t feature of Slouthwesteft des- ,there wAl stand 1in the 7,000,000 ton , : I I I I � ... -� .... I l, I 11, 1��ill, . lays,at main, intersections, inhale ex- art liandsc;ap I "'.1, , - . . . eedied-to defend the Line, .�,-a dry canyon bed. But imass, enough concrete --4,400,000 cub- ' ­ A uk��, ouffaged in streaks of green, and"gun would be n , . I "'. , �­ -�a would be free to haust fumes instead of exhilarating it is a caniyon alive with huanan ac- le yar& tof lib -to. build, a 16 -foot 4�0 , . - . � ,11 01 I turrets peekiing up out of fields like big n eses of them .�. i � . 11 "". - � I . , ntry air and gelt !back after n -Ad- tivities. I 'highway froint. -Seattle to Florida. . . . � I'll, :gia shrooms. The'camouflaged res,ist, an invasion from either of cow - - . I . I q I I . ' engan- 0 � .11.1 , I S, I � � . I entrance plortals -a f , th - , mear. Ithlose directions. ,So, ev4eng as..an iin, nijbit, tirelcL, irritable, all -keyed up iNeni. axe carpentering, digging, United, States reclan*thon � " �','� L �t mus - . I .", k 4, 1 4:i�� The Line is named after Andre diTect means of protection, �he Mag- and depressed because we didn'f beat cholypang, climbing, sli,ding, swingirtg ears esti,mwte that it will, require be I - '01 . I 4 11 �. iilb� � . y's record. What on Topes, ighoubing and signaling or- tween flour and five. years rto fill up "J4 F . , . . , ,-. Maginot, Knil3ter of War in several [inot Line fills the French with, confi- the previous Sunds � .0 . I 4 I " .. ,�t, . a start for the week! -­ ,ders everywhere, Out iof their swarm- the reservoir to its- permanent depth. . V . I . . " . I French Caibin,ts, who fought grimly denc*. . ' ' . . - I I :, ". 1, I We try to prowd.. into- one ,hectic .ing conxies a siteady roar, 'haaf muf- But long before the final height.. is �- p 1'� . for this schenie of defense, forcing . I- .01- day what our English cousdns talke a fled by the vastriesis of ,the setting, reaiched, water will ,begin racing . . . I I A '. , ; , re I L 1 . , from ithe legislat _�u�t Itp- . I . I. ; P�:,' I proval ,of Its enormroius, long three-day week -end tio, accomip-' 131atpunctuated, from moment -to T,adm- thTiough the spillways intlD the tur- "I I I I '!�, Itt * This year the Canadian - National ent'by brake�squealingis, cable -creak- blines and, the maximum power de- ' I ­ W. � — . I I - - � - � - I I . ,., -a , _E3dhibii-tion completes a record of fif- i�uah could be learnt !from 'the ings, whistles, hammer -poundings, the veillopment will be red-lized. Then the � I I ,li � , . � ,Bach ' fort -is veritrble under- lish, NO WONDER Kello ' I I . ,;. igrvicmd city. Through the entrance ty-eight years'of uninterruptIed. pro- Viennese or the Germans. They Put grinding of ,machinery, merged, with Indulstria'I expansion of the South- ,gles Corn Flakes are be"rl Their dei - 11 , I I . . . �, -you descend stairways which lead, gressand has richly earned its repu- - . . licious flavor has never been imitatedi . ,�. � . on their hilkinig costumes and sally west, fblr which the &Plder Daim de- I I . . . ithe 'deser . - �. � I .... . . .. 111. down to globimy tpassa�ges hundreds tation as the world's greate,sit annual _t wind in -to an open�air .. I . . ,,, ,. of feet below the surface --some of exposition.' forth from the cities by train or tram orche9tration of modern industry� velopment was ,planned as much as, Serve KeHogg's at any time of the day. They're always I . . i I �:_ i:� . ... ..... I Saturday noon or Sunday, morning. It is the vollse of the peak Of work far flood- control, and, irrigation, can . milk'or cream And they , , I I I i;� .� them a �thousaocl feet below ft. 0 They go that diisitance out which will at Sioulder' Dam. Ruribing.f.jee :BDr begin.. I tempting alid wholesome in I � �, . Though a tornado of shellfire scream- - digest easil�. Wh 1_ �, . I 'Permit them by,easy walking tc� ket countless centuriesi, -carving its- way There wilil stand- shlortly after 1940 en you ask for,Corn Flakes. -he sure, . � �. . I ­ ad Over the fields above, the din . . . . get Kellogg!s -ftior- erfecL 'Made '. . I � i I a- a blue lake mirroring the, desolate to . -Oven-fresh, and I - , '. � Would scarcely be noticeailke here, an . ack Sunday night. By crossing through tremendous-. gorges, the C . . . ... .. I P � by. ..� I . they dodge- the ,fumeladen Grade, is at last to, find its, musters. desert mountains. Ilts,greateat depths - 'K R L "' 6n, Ontario.' * - ., . Tired soldiers ciould sleep in peac( ,country . e. ogg in oiLd I . .. C � ,L,." . ' I �,, The passaigeways are in layers, one� F a r m'' Notes highways, are in the Opi�n all tfts There will be no more floodg,to rav- will, not be ,greatly less than -1,000 il , , Ow 1. thne, rest at guest-hotises an, route age ,the Impecrial and the Coachella, feet- lit will spread, linto'distant ivul- , . , , ,� bel the ,other, like the different . crops lays and canyons, makinj fjords in Nothing takes the place. of CORN FLAKES - ' , I I � � decks of -a ship. Straight upw . ard, The,,-produckion a creamery butter -and arrive ,home ,physically tired. but no more dry seasons -when . ~. , . , I . �. - s menitull . y relaxed and- refreshed. wither In the hoit sun' because, water the desert ,bounded by the red and - I . .1 I." from the topmost tier, stairways lead in Canada for the first six,month of ... ,,� I ' I . I .. :. I , , to ldhe� blockhouses, and gun turrets 1936 amiountedio 105,483,488pounds, (What a contrast to our aimiless cannot be breulght ,down to them. The ,black sterility of volcanic hills and . . "I . come boulders. �. � . 1. on. the surface. Bach of these com- an increase of 8.1 per cent. above the dashing about-ouT �Diay of Rest! True -Colorado belbw the dam will ,be I 1 . , * I � I . �," �,, I suburban .countryside is dotted a regulated and, standardized river. iSlouthern.-CaliflornEa. and- nearer,re- of the dealers, . der Purchase ­ ',,, -of enemy output for the Jan, ry to June per- Our .. - . � mandis one Or ,several lines ub, , � i . .Fee. �._� I approa6h, and could pour a withering iod of 19-55. . . with "no trespassers" signs and, our par -away cities of 'Southern Cali- gions of arable land will tap .it. Pas- At last, however, the mbre pra- * ' 0 - I 'fire into the Tanks of attackers. The .Country roads sadly lack cinder foTm.'a wi,ili draw upon its impound -A senger boats will move over its sur- dent began to see ,that -this "ly 11 . Policy Renewed ,? . '. to paths, but these difficulties. could be wateis, by means of a viaduct gzeat- 'face. National highways will run could not lasit, forrever. When it was . 1 4 �.". � soldiers w4signed to the guns have ,Mmuort.,4 lol''Canadian live cattle -pumhaft . poilie-y for -the . .1 � . overwine if our people really tried. er than theCaesars ever dreamed of. d(own ite ,margins from Utah, toward � The feed& I" � been taught, to a hairbreadth, the the British market totalled 13,8131 'realized that somebody must Jose ' I . .. I � . ge, &i deluging every- point of . head,during 1936, up to June 18. The In Montreal and Ottawa skiers do Eighteen hundred thousand 'of electric I -ID's A'119211e,', PaThaps' ancircle "t- 'In- fearfully 'in the end, pxices -began enco,uragenient icd the winter.feeding I � ': ... . Iran . , ".1 of young cattle and, .1�mbst -in these L, �. . the � entraiin out and silvi back in'the win- ihorsepoWier wdRl be fed- into. Arizona, ,dustries,: if present ,plans are rea,liz- nivers .* seized , , ni ad Sta - to fall. (Soon u saL,,,,pa I I . the ,countryside revealed through the cattle expo,fts to U t tes ter, an excellent, arrangement, -but Nevada and Southern California. ed. wi-1l-,spn­n'g Lip around it. , " few districts of Canada where ,feed is ' , '1-:. slits ,in their 6-ne-rete Wallis ­�- hous- for the isaitwe period amounted to la9,- � the 'dealers. Hundreds- who, a . . . I , .. I . I . � .rts for the cor- the CuAmn should lo� moreit-widely . The dam is the outcome of a re- Near it will be Death Valley.for moniths preAvd-ousIly, had, begun to plenititul bas been, renewed,by the �. .... es, roads, paths, .bushes,, woods, ridg- 082 head . The expio . involving --seven states. winter travellers; the co, I - doubt Ron. J. G.'Gardineir, Dominion'blin- 11 . � 1, i,,,- 1. es, ravines. - . responding period ,of 19-35 amounted 7metised for summer as wenas, win- gional project _ � 01, P'ne I thit there was.surch �si thing- as I I 4 . . , ' , 7 ter recreation., . - . i1ster of A.gritullture. The -policy is . ,. . s a bostile force. came closer, the be i,8.17 to Great Britain and 90,262 Authorized -in 1928 and'projected long shadtidi slopes of Nevada's , twelve ve land, sudder2y found , 1. . I I I A povorty in tf, ,�. 1. I ' Most centres ,have woodland or op- before that time, the product to a Ehausand-cfbot Charleston Nountaih. effedtive from. A0gust I to December ., I I .1 , , task Of the hidden French gunners to the United States. � ,for tibeoisRgves the i0oss�sgo , J_ ld beco a, io-f Hizirbert Hoiov- -w bulbs, which nobody would I . I wou beat. refugees in summer. The great- b rs of n6*'g 31, 19-36, and under Its, term one- � . .me easier, for then other I I an suburbs where one can walk far conisidieTnibe extent single induAri-al project eV*T i'ut a fL . way transportation and reasonable, . �� -.1 . barriers would slow u� the advance. iOn-e of the revistions of the Meat from the madidening crowd and in er'-s artivtities when he Was Seoretary est buy, The ,few who had -contrived to .tTavelling expenses, will be allowed I I . 111� uuison w-,th the spirilb icif Nature, It of Comimerce, it fits) 1-ke a piece of -worked, out in, the United States''will enrich themselves, hiff ' 'their wealth . ." P : For, planted upright in parallel rows, and Canned Foods Act of Canada is 1 to a farmer In 'any ,part 'of Canada ­ , .� . six,or eight of them, across the hol- -that no inedible gelatine,, glue, grease� it -good to feel grass and moss uN- iig-saiw .puzzle into the Raoseveltdan, 'have lo,odonie in less� than ten years from the ,knowbedg'e of their -fellow- 11 I . "I , . n each couple of hillsides, tallow Or other fat.. imeat or Meat d:erf,Oot, to SME11-neW anown hay and. pa!ttern`�6f the New Deal. , from now a part ul th,a'Amarican oitizem ..-ai ,Invested, - -it abroad. , purchasing one 07T more carloads of I` . lows betwee , , ;d -lambs 41 * as, been tourist's 'paradise. young feeder cattle or feeder . 0 0 �, are. long lines of upright steel rails, ,product shall be permitted entry into Work !on the -great claim h I ..., ------. 6�,­,6T.-a­brief Aeasion, had ' ".., �, . woods. ­­ I going 'on in . the canyon and. in *the I. , "acciording to the condAtions laid down . . �ie Dominion unlezzi\the name of the emerged, as nouveau riches *ere cast 1:)i6m. . . '­ i . three, or foue feet showing abome the Try locking your car up some Sun- hill ' MW by the,Live ;Stock Branch;', .1mon '_ , 1.1,11, surface. They make the most deadiv manufacturer, or first- dealer, is s beffidnid it for 3 months. A roil- . back into, obscurity. Substantial . . .1-41-- �f .. ,,, ::.I .. I . defense , imaginaiae against tanks. pl,ain-ly maiked on the barrels, to- (lay. -Or, ,if you must use A to get waiy bad to be lou;.lt 215'miles over DepaY,tment ,of Agriculture. . r". . , . Most of thisi year�s 'Canadian Na,- werichants were reduced almost to , In Eastern 'Canada, expense forms . I � , Ir. And what looks from a distance like gether with the words "Inedible. Un- -to the open spaces, park it as soon the plateaus from the little indusbrial tional-Exhibition takes PI'age -in. Sep- beggary, and-'matty a representative - ialtion y 1. I ... . � ": � . - ... and all t(he necessary infaim ma :�,, I as you can and strike out on foot. center 'of, � ''. . underbrush in front of the poles fit for Food." . I . ��Las Vegas.. Tracks, and ,tember this yeat because of Labor of a n-,ble line ,sarw_.,the, -fortuness, of - I I ,. ve . . 1. I I K, . Questions concern-ing.!.health, ad- ihighwayg-rhilad ,to be 'blasted out 'of be obtained ficim the Dominion,1A ,, ,proves to:..be barbed-wire entangle- Bay falling on Sept. 7th. The dates his, houise ruined beyond redemption, Stock -representative atthe stockyard - . ' , . . .,� I &essed to the Canadian. MedicaLAs- the cliff face down to the river brink. ;are August 281th. 6 ,Sept. 12th. . ,� . .. , A. * Sugar Beet C . We yM . . ted. I , . � , 1i . .. ments. Even if some tanks and. some rap . sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, Huge cofferdairm� had. ,to be.piled up . ­. MUM .. . I �`: , I I oldiers fought their ,way through, -, The present iortlook for the sugar will be answered personall* by.;let- �",;'n'­'­the river course and behina their I 40. I d'esPread . in the,case of BritiehColumbla, in- I I ,I' �, , I 8 I tracted purchases became w6 . ; I . 'III. I other fafts would iplour upon, them, beet crop is considere,cl fairly good. ter. - . . - y ' . . . I 1: the. top -sellers appealied to � th . e formation, -and. the necessary ddcu. I I I rr t , prot . eichi-Ag.' WaarIpwits, 11aur vast di, � government. But the judges unami- m ts maybe had friomtherepresen- . , I . I I " 1, ,� nths before, another � hurricane a . a near -average appearance, .while the . . I . %vrsion . ,on ,a ,a an I Ili, I from angles carefully ,calculated many Three-quarters of, the acreage shows 0. . 111olland's' Tulip Frenzy mously pefused tio in-berfeire, th I- � , ;� - I MO, tunnels had to be bored u,n tive of the 1Doimdniioin Live, Stock : ., ... dealth. , I der the cliff foundations. The entire (co' ground thalt deaAts contracted- in ' 11 ,!� . remainder is rather patdhy and not Printers' Ink and the Farm..flow of the river had to be turned ndensed,from I'Extra*rdinary Pbp- . Branch, 1002 Wharf St�eet, Victoria, ,]�, .. 400'rineeted 1with the -underground � , gardbiling were no debts in law. To ' ' .11., more than 75 per cent. of a normal , A eom1pRete steel ular.-Delusilons" by Reader"i Diget�t). r , y wa . B. C. � . I � I .",.,�, . pa-11isages of each fort are sleepin stanich The acreage res,eede&, de- Canada is the chief producer, of -into the tunnels. '7111d a remed a beyond, the power . ��, g I plan1t had tb be built. Aerial trol- It is dtffllcult. to knidw what mys. of t)he gioverniment. Those who ,were In the Prairie Provincies, inquiries l, . ith soli6 concrete roofs re , . . . � quarters, wi stroyed by insects, or which failed to carbonl1b,lack. in the British Empi leys and a suspension bridge had to 't&iiouis ivialulei do W11p bullos, made sibouldbe made to'the representatives . "I I .,,,:�': I 20'feet thick, practically. immune germinate, &-sis not exceed 10 per and most of the carbon -mentioned in, thern the ,cause of one -of hisitory's unlucky enough Z; haw had sto,re, of , rthe - Dominion Live Stook' Branch I T;',,'�. I .1. from bombardment. There are also, cc��,'. of the total area seeded, Show- s):atistics as ori-giiiiating in Empire he flung acnss the canyon, ',The dde , st speculative frenzies. elf Who& on, hand at the time of the at any of the following stockyardis-- I - " i . . . I 64,10'rarDOMS f1OT muTgitions and food . couittries is in fact from 'Canada. The bigh-sealers, now nearly finissfhe,gL, with M , sizidden reaction were left ,to bear 1.� I ___., I er�F. Tan,ging frcm one -1 -third to ,one-, . I Itt work,.had to smooth th , I;-- Cliff T&king..,1tsr na0me. from a Turkish Union �,qtoicik Yaxds, !St. Bondface, . 11 � 1, ' � I ,'L , anddrin1k, and ,kitchens. And a telle- , -half inch of ra,in on June 26th and carbon is -used for many� purposes flited I Word signifying turban, the,tull-p was their ruin as phollosophically as, they Mam; Northern Saskiatchew-an 06- I ,� . , ospital, com- , ut pri -printers, .rfaces so that the concrete forms, -a -a profits , ..", ,Phone ceintalal. And a b, ink. su could,; ,thos ,'who had mad � 1".. . alrrost an inch on the 2,9,01i. en,sur- b incipally in, the *11 fi introduced ,into westerIn turlotpe albout were agowed ito keep thegn iopeitative:Sboclk Yardg, Prince Albert, 11 I., I . , '': I . plete with operating room and pharm- ed deWliopipenl of1ate seedlings and trade and the rubber industry. Prin- astihe claim rise--, wi ,t against them - ; but the . i� � acy., And a dynarno room. ' In the with lglove-41ike ac'cuiraey. Of course, the nriddle of tke 16th century. Con- ciommerce- il the country -suffered a Saslo,; Southern 'Saskatcheviran Co- I I ­. � . operative Sitiock Yards, Miciose Jaw,' 11 . . , v,� a r .� . I . r,q,-,'d gno�xkth of beets already. thin- ters� ink Of -other days, in common all of these enjorm(ous labor,, bad to 'rad Giesner, ,who claims the merit f se r "hotek, , �i , 'th many ,other impa-itan-t articles 0 . I -most vital forts there are three and . 1. from which It was . , 11, ry. . . I . w,i I- many yeeTs ere it ,recovered. 'Sa.-k.; Unrian Stock Yarft Sa9ka- I . . ', 11 �, , even four extra set sof machine , of comime--ce, -was ori.giir�a:'ly an agri- .e syn�hronized_ By. now the sheer having brought ,it into reputa- 11i tle .. .1 . I ETI,eictridty provides light and- beat. culinTal I PT,Odllet. The inh_: of thi:, ne�vo:a� d�nh�e of ,the task and t,he dreaming of the &1mintot-ion ,It was ,I*. I 0on, SaFik.; Edmon'bon, Stock Yards. f i �'11 �. . shci:+1y afterwards to ,make in th. , I Edmonton, Alita., and Alberta Stock . , 11 . . It runs el�ivialtofrs for caTrying big , , Kill Weeeds Ngw,. ,,, .. ru',.Ihlez�s Er'.ng and firing policy of ­ . �, ,; f, ry ea - ' ly ages were prepared from " ' are 13ordeau I _k - Prpp X ..; -s of m Inthe s,u,n,�:nc-r o,f .1933 a t of x- . V,f.a conti:aeting organization, which worlc�--says that he first saw it 'an , I YardIsi, Calory, Alta, . d . I load unitions anid fprovisdons and . , s�e a c�arcioal or soot mixed with gam, the year 151", in a garclen at Au - I . I ,,, � men. In some places, it furnishes neriments were conducted at the On- ,.,�, or vairnish, much after the ,Ity,le 1,eeves fcnl,y the s6premelyefficient on, gs . . For Potato Might ,i I�t'is iniplortant thatithose who d,e- . I 11 I I - - ' . burg, belonging to a man fatmous for �4 re t I . ' L.. power for underground railways that ilairio Agiric-altuml i0allege, Guelph, 'of the o,rdinary black p1jnting ink 'of the job, have adhieved a eo-ordina- ',�is mllecti,on of rare excitics. The o take advantagie of this policy . . � - , ," , ".. � Idnik a fort with itsi. neighbor. Shotild. in aiMcr t* determine 'how long it to day, �the principal c, stitmie,ts, of ta,on t1hat lis practically flawless. Some �Dordeiaux -mixture will prevent late s0hould,familiarize ,themselves with I on . ! I .."., . neCeSSary to expose the root whic4h axe lamr,falack and -thick bu,P)q were sent�tvthis- gentleman by � 4 0 . -1 an enemy fight its way .into on' l6n,seed departments of the work are'as much blight -of potatoes, it pr3pirly �nvpa�r- the -terms, because 'the policy ,does . _. a of was - , ­ a friend, alb iConst-antin,ople, ,wh I I "', . them, huge steel doors, like a vhip's stocks c,f' Perenmal Sow Taistle, oil. av 18 in-Vonths ahead of pontract sche- I . . . ere ad ,and sipirayed upon the plants, be- nDt apply to shipments purchased, for- . �', , .,he flower ,h, . . .1. 0 � bulkhead, slam shut along the'. con-' Twitch Gra�s, and Field, Rind Weed The Chin-ese ascribe the iniv,ention dule. The entire program i.s' de -fin- ad long been a favlorite. ginning When they are about eight speculative iuriitosas, and all , stock-� . I . ��,_ 'In thecourse ,of 10 iciT 11 years off-. ,inches '.high -and continuing thereaf- yard purmhoses must pass inspection , �"- - " � iin to Tien Tcheu who livied ,be- itely more 61hun a year -a-bead. But ter this pefiod,,-tulips were much -a Stock , I necting passage��. isolating vimt fort to suni and air during the summer of k ,�71 ' I I .ter at intervals Of iten days to, two as ,to type and. quality by tb I # � 11, . ,, � - falom its neigilibor. zVonths in order to destroy tbeir vi- tween 26917 B.C. and 25917 B.C. and it �t will be Mayj 1985 ' , before the last sovT.I. lbby espec- :. . 1.1�1 tolity. In June, with ideal weathar is known that the ancient Egyptians ially ,in Rollarid. , . # 4 4 . Fresh air is pumped into -these un- I I loupket of concrete Ts:-'isplasbed onto ' t,after by the -svea weeks. BoqMeaux mixture i's made Yard agent, of the Dofmdnion Live, ,:�. derground cities from 'points far back conditions (ho,-, and,-drv) one day's f above Rich, people at lby combining solutions- of bluestona Stock Branch in order to qualify, for �,�, ' prepared and us�ecl inks Wt a very , Ahnsterdam -sent far the bulbs d: ' payments under the .. I _ of -the "front'�­points ,i�,hich would expospare killed IG(� pi�r cent, ,of,,.r,),ot early �clate. A.11 Egyptian document the canyon -hed. . b Irect 'and mi4k of,141me, in-diluteproportions the expense I � . . .. I . . Perenh* i - Moira things, are unique a; O i. to Constamtiulople, and, paid the'm!ost according to the following formula : terms of the opliiey. Attention is al- - . he comparatively sale ,ff+,yj�i gas at- sit)ck& of lal-�,�IiSo* - Th.'Ntle, -a p,pyru,�.. with written charac- w I .. ��, . il� . � . I I tack -and it is- spread throug­� every Couch G,Ieasrs and 'Fleid'tind weed. "In ters of the date 25GO B.C. is still in Boulder Dam -than size* and syndhr�on- extravagant ipriceis fo,i' them. By Bluestone . (popper- sulphate) 4 lln.; s,o directed to the necessity of appli- I I �4 . ,part by an ultraim,odern, system of July a 100, per cent, kill of Perennial exisitence. Two thous' izatilon, men are pouring concrete, 1or 1-634, t,"he rage among the Dutch to quick -,lime (stane lime), ,4 Ibis.; w4- catts interviewing -the Branch agent, �, I ' I .1�� - IvenluilAtion. If the uipper air should Sow Thiistie and' Field Binj:�, Weed . er the emperors of and years lait- the bases, of diolumns, 35 Veit square po.ssez,s ithelm, wo-s sto great that ,the, 'ter, 41D gallone, If hydrated ,11me iis at the -stockyards lin advance of pur- 4 I I Gri,ece ,and of or4iinary industry of t1lat country was substituted for quick lime, it eftou , as expenses will not be -al- . � ;11�1 ''I become drenched with poisonous gas- T\w,t stocks, was obta�ned by one ` vihlidh -%ill rise 720 feet frbm the - . Lid ehiasinj,' � I . I � 2 Rarre were wont to -sign their de- t I � . , as , l . p purple i � - . , '-these gases co-uld n1ot enter the ti,7vss ex ,osure, rv;,�nile t1wo days' ex- nk. gorge fIGOT, so Jbined to:ge4iher -hat 111leglecteJ, and the population, even be left to stand several bauirs In thei lowed ion, uncertifiech shipmeflts. Any � I I; 'i I 'ts.lowest dregs, embarked- in the 'TOTM Of ' inforniqUori- deslined regaird- ' , -- � , erc.-,s -with a flourls,h in , to I 4 � * su'bterranean area because its air -)sure. was required to give a 10'0 Sinclitha dayi t1hZ n tbey w thin paste I , , umbeTs and kinds , will s,Bein -a volid'wali., , before using. It, furtherr .. 11 tul'p trade. As .the niama increased should, be hig1h grade shid, fresh. I ing the p6licy Tdap ,be obtained from " " _ __ - - I I - per qenl_ kill Of Twitch Grass root Other damis have been built in 'See- I .,,' � of ink have been m,'any, and to -day ri, a a 0 eniteid, un il was no ? 1 'i 1 41,� . I s�'Lacks,. In the month of August it some of -the Anest links in th,e world *tion,s� before brut nome ,has been built P c s u m t it t A valuable aid to the preparation R. ,S. Hamer, Assistant Commission- � I . ' Lt... - 'r?OuiTed. two days' e"_Osure to kill mif etur - as a itlustor rf Frandreds of . intler- uncommon for a merchant to invest of. 'Bordeaux, -states R. & Ruorst, I er, Live St.)ck iBranch, Dominion De. - r . I . . . are ina a ed in Canada. , . . I . � lwked c­�-)ncl­ his Entire, forlunte in a' few ,roots. � I fil . I,., � �': . the root stacks of Porennial Sow --- - ­- -.0.__ . -te ,boweirs. To, -give -the . pathologist in charge ,Of the Doinilin- Natmimt of"AgriouNw, a. Ottawa. �41 1 ,.�: -­:.., ays' expo-cu,re failed max� m. ofsafety to Boulder Dam's Ona raire bulb was biought,'in 1636, .. I A .. I., I .... ;- .::: , ThisCe and ten d Grading For - . I imu for 000 flonqs, a new'c,arriage, two ion l9b,OTa1tOTy Of plant ,pathology at 1, I -dew . . . I � I'. . .. t I water Charillottetown, .PiE.I., is i plaMorm - 146 . ­_ I I I 1!��. :: ,* give a 1010 per cent. 1611 of Twitch I I '.1 knormious height against the , ' I �,,` . I ..... -. '.I. - Girass vo,ot stocks. In September 10 e from the greatest reset-vair grey horses, and a complete set of for the suppott, of the- casks contain-" . I ' ther sin- ., . 'Iding% displays ' I . P . .... ..: �: The Cyovermlents,_Buii . .. .. . . ­. . . . Canned tomatoes P"s�u,r harness. Payment -for an, in,g the -lime and bluestme solutions ,,�,�,, � .. clays' ,exp�osure only gave. a 35 per ; . ever iYlanned by engineering sicience, 0 : -, . I ..., 1..,6,�� " gle rolot toin-sisted of four oxen, eight respectively. The platform: should be at the Canadian Niational Exhibition i 611 , .. 1. I Sow Thistle According to the amended regiiiia- these be arringed swirne, 12 sheep, two bogsheaciff water sulAA ti'Ms yeareanbrace eodhibits of natural . ! � I " cerpt. kill of Perennial columns are to I 1 . . and a 9 per cent. kill of Twitch Grass ,ti,,s on the grading for canned tom- angle-to�argle with one another -in a of oonsbr&ted near 'the y produlets, and, imianufactured, articles . ,,�, .. - ": . I -Ineie puzzle formation so Aftite " I . I . . ruiyt stocks, � Ob ,that wine, 1,000 polinds of cheese, and and, of sqAcient heigiht to nieces from Australia, Ceyl-=, Scotland, New J 1 �13 1 1 1, araes ,and tomato products. under the . various libiusehold goods. 'little effort,when, ftlling ti 'IM, , . These expetini�ni�; indicate very Meat and Canned Foods, Act, there wber. water begins pushing, against -A. he'sfirayer- Zealand, Fvnglund, :South Africa, Ini- k 1. .""", THE LAZ-V COLON clearly, v,dt cultivation during the - ,,,, f, * . the 'horveshoe cifreumference, of the 1-8 ,the cleimandi TIOT tuliPs' intress- Everything going tinto' the spray tank dia, and France, � ,-;", - I hot dry weather of late June, Jul urr grades of canned tormatoes lumns closer . , . i�ii� I inactivity of,the large bowel, or dam it will lock the do ad, regular im-arkelts for their .sales imusit bestrainied, to prevent clogging . 1. toloii, leaves poisons in the svatem. y ­41i"ancy, Chotice, 'Standard and Sec- . weire astablished on the Stock 'Bluestone or Bor- 41. I I . I - ,!'�, and August is much miar8 effective and quality. The canned product of togethar, " . Ex- ,of ,the viozzles. I 1 . h. . , to cause serious and painful*dif6ses. in killing the root stocks of these -placed in � iron , � i5�, � . can prevent -and thoroughly ' ,11 grades must be packed. ,'frrom Then there, is the refrigeraition cNanige of Ams,terclainn and in Rottbr- deai4x ;should neivier be er towns. containers., . .� n September sound, clean ftuit, and be fre6 from Gamblinik n1ow became arpparent' and , in ,preparing � . y.;Ax !�, You weeds.than cullbivation .i palant and, 750 miles of Tefiigeration d1arn, i1faarlern and, oth, # I �, I . ,. " relieve this chronic form'of cotisti-. I Crumb Pie -Sh-11 , " . . or later. Infer,ted, are4,s. should be, piece, ,of .9kinj iooTes, 'black spote or - -au x it is advis- . ;.� I .. 1Ai\ing. Through it witl be acciotm Borde ".. pation by; using . )I ? , brought uWder the plIouRi m soon as Plished ithe inioEt extraordinary cool- the stook-joillbbers miade use of.all the -able to make a "Etook solutioW' a 1-3 cup, bulter 1, . f . I 1. , I ­ DR. CKILSE'S sun scald. The Fancy Quality grade. - means,they knew t aus . 01 "I . silble. In claing so weeds will be ' . 'e fluCtuAtions, bluestcinie and of lime- in th f I w- I P ., I . � -1 s I . / ,- mutt, contain at least 6,5 per cent. ing innovation, ,in ,dam building his- _p c e Obo V4 cup sugar I , 7n, price., Many Andi-viduals grew linig i I cup finte corn flaikeor.,rice krispia, I 5,1 " . Kidney-Liv'er PillS ,co'ontrolled and succeedim*g- torY. The chenfical action in concrete inanneir�-forty pounds of biluie 4 ,�, � I I I ____ � benefit. .1 ... � . . pis� ' 'kill' ai'b�iftied 'tomato solids, 'Chai-ce, Qual- ' pel-AuTes be- . v4denly ri 40� n alluaribs. - . k , �� 7a -IV.,", ity e9d,6, ,at least 55 per cent., and mixtures -produces ten, s cb, Every one im-'a4gined stone -are dissiolved in a galJo. .�. I t " n 12.5 and 130 dlegre 'that the OaSsilon, fo,r fuli,ps, would last cisk of rwater. The blqesitone dis- Melt butter ,in pi -e �paji,, Add, mgar . . . ,. . I Standard Quality -gradea, ,at least 45 wee eg .� V110 -Se forever, and ,that the wealthy frolyii solves, inoire I a(nd'crumb_§,1 nifix thoroughly. Press "I ­,!, . . ____ I "'... 1 y Teaddly ,if suspended in . 4 ) �� I - _. __ __ - - -1 - . - pet �ent. lastink powers var directly in- pT,O- . ;'�, ___ articiii to the ri�as-s. In t1he 7,000,000 every part of the world, would send a sack 'near the surface of, -the wa- mixture evern,17 'and firmily around !� ) �. il� p I - __ - - - . If salt or sugar is used,, eilther "I to HolilaTrid, and pay whatever prices ter. A gallon of the liquid will con- ,sides and boltbom, of pan, Chill be­� _Z r . 1, . I 1, . must be used dry oir dissolved in the tons of concrete which Boulder Dam 4 iik . ��, � I I were as,ked, for ,them. 'The rich,de, of tain one pound, 4 bluestione. Place a Z �`Ir I.. I -fore adding filling. Yield: One 8, - , %:1,; juice that comes. froini the tomatibes.' will eontain!-the Vastest cement pile F - i", I , - � '� " � -T asseTabled-ilt has bem. m?&Iffie- �uTo,pe would ,be conicentrate�d on, the �coi�er on the cask ,to keep out train 9 or 10 -inch shall. 4 , �, I �.e � , B -rine made froin wateir and sugar or `P �.. . SAFETY FOR I I.. � :.11li,oras of the Zuyd.eT Zee, and Plov� and 'be, prevent evaporation. ' A. Stock Rall or -grind 4 eu�pa Corn, flakes or . " �_ 1� I is ,p7 maltilrally ,calculated that tempera- 1, ­ � �j�, . I .� . ploic- cups - 4., 1 which comes out (of the toma;toe,s af- turres, above 'normal would, laq�t for Irti 6'anli,bed from the favored elime. 1,of lime solution is then. madeby 8 rifc;e kriispifps, to ydeid I cup - - " . salt, ,or bolth, i vohibited, The jnied . f !Wl, INVESTMENT,FUNDS 'two centuries. Vvi,fli Slow cooling of Holland. Ndbles, ciltizens.,. farm- ing forty ,pounds of the best grade Ine crfumbs� I I - -r-- .1. I . ter peeling may be &dcled, to. tho .. V 11,111, . ! ­­ . . _ bulk 1"R, mechanics, dabbled dn tulips. Pea. Of . , � $ ? . 11 I � would colme cantractlon,­crackn and Stone 11TOO in, ,another cask and ­ . . . . . ��,�,"-, , . , 3/,% I when filling the cans, but it must -be . ,11111,,:�, TOYIELD 3 /% the juice' of t1hot" partieul- ' .s.h.rin'Kia-ges which, es,vecig,1,1y in a dam . Ple of oil] -grades convierted, their Pro- slIalking it. -Acld'wrateT very giradidul- � I . ,� I I ,- I ,, ar lot Of VeTtY into cash and invesjt�e . I ­ . .,. " it-..' , , 1 1. � I . tomatoes, This daesn"at apoly 'to the Of ebilliMnIaT flo=Mtiton, would mean t1owers, I it in ly when slakiing in order Tiot to . . I . � "I J ,,�, �:, ". , I I . 11 . I Juice or pulp obtained Irom the trim. weakness anid, potential danger, Houses, and ,lands -we're, of- '�dlrown" the Bme. T,he slower, %he . . . I I . I I 11 � � . I . , . Ings. To forfistall thiig qa:nge,r. as, f,elred'in payment of baxg6ins, made action, the better will be t1he final. . � , �,-, .,I I ,: , G,uamaNT=INVE1sTbECNT RECEIPTS aRE, . in, I th a -at the fralip-miarpt. Foreigners be,- priodluicb. After ,the 1-ime, is' coinpilete- I . X I ,, -11 � . . . � T�,ere is also .one grade t . .. , , 1, .1,11 11 � - I 189t M"' gt*��Xs COMPONY.FOR A TERM Or FIVE � each for. dam columns rise, through and, a'7 ealmil? V-!Uen with the same, frenzy, 1v powdered, adid, wa,bet to make up I � � - I I "I ­,,� . I YrApw gND toR amotn&s or sioo up (IN EvEw I Tartiato Puree, Tomato Pulp, Tomato r-ound every five' ffeet.. of, their eleva- -and Inioln6y poureld intlo 1101and from 40, gaalons. 6ne, gallon, at. -this will I I I 0 � I., , I I I . I Paste. Condentrated To;mato Pasta tilon. wilil be wovien a coil -of i�iefri,g� all d1iredbione. The Prices Of the contain -one ,pound Of lime. Omer I � I . I ' ..� �, .. , I - . 4 . IJWW9=9), PAVIjO IN . TE9=T fiT T= PATE OF Tomato,Juice and:Tomata Juice 6ic-k- erating p4pes, First rivel, wate� will heciet'sayfle's ,of life began -to rise by the cas-k. . 1, � �� 0 4 � , - - : � , _ . . g3/4% ftR�ANNUb$. THEY EIRE UNCONI)ITIONALLY tail. Toinisto juice must be packed be Vii'miped ithrougb. these at t " dcgi*e&; houses, and lands., horses, In, ai�61king �he- mixtuTe I ; never mix ' I 1. I.. ".111 . 11 BY THE I ENTIRE RESOURCES bF , 1 from the un -concentrated, posteurizea alture 'of 80 degrees which will ' �, _,_ : , .1 61199ANT I And carriagis, and luxuries of every the :solutions ,of time and bluestone i A . . . : 11;1��,�� . " "" TICiS dok.jiAN'r i,10 ROTHORIZED BY THE "I ' liquid Of the torniato, with, a substan- 92g. even the ebemilea-14-7 most ac. Flooilt , i-narealged, in vxlue, . and) :6or and di -Me, afterwards4 and ,emphasis " : ,�, , , . V11 I , ��I� "-, I,. � - _4 1"..'al .�ortibn iof the pul15 axpressed ZVO 0071:eVete ,dOWn to 85 idiegres-s. 'some "months Holland s6amled the, is agyAhi ,placed ion the faet ithat ew. . I I ,��., . 1. I , o0vtRoldwT as a Izoat INVrarMENT FOR ,6� , ". I "I 1- . I I .., ) . I 1. . ftom. Vlhole ripe toma:boes with or Thi's treatirnle"It VAIII be- fallowed by ver, #nk �- ,; I . � "I'll'.!, 11 TRU . � -I ol�g d1o"A. y mitechamber 'OTC Pluitius%. 'the, op- erytihing, gooing 4,nto t6,s,pray I . ,� I . :11, �j, :, . "ft, . tek�a FORTf= pAkTICULORS RE- I . -without' the uPPlication, of Jbe"iaf.' 'of ,refrige're'ted orAtlion btf ,the trade became, sio, Antii. -musit be strained. To ,pretiare dighty. 01461 . J 4 W�i . ., miovoi� as , ,g� �: , ,,, " � I K�., �,� , , ". 1,1 . . 1� . 1� . I � Omwigi6 8461tTER, MaToRi-rits aNt, OTEMIt I 'Whore salt ,or stigaii, Is. usis,cli that water'from thie ,plant ,at a itempeta- cate that it� wasi .necessar� 'to gallons, of ,mixture, ,Po& '64 gaV16ns - t Q'," �� 11 I , TORE�g wim jit rimwa=w Upon Rcourat. fact nivgt ba declared' .on the min� tul'a 'only a degree or 'two I. . , .. � Ill.$ I" , . d1raw . " - � ka . . aJb0r�"*- up a code, of laws ,for the OhMiteb Of Water into - the I I . 4 . t',Ji':,� , ".7''P; At I I, . 1�1 .. spray tank. I .1 rp, �A'.Iil,X�'­, , " ,� I 1 . 'Poll 1.'of the labeil in ,kibter'sl not:��legs 'freelAng. Thii will'bring the halt , � M t "' ly-1 � , , ,�; f, I . i-_ , , 1. I 1-1 I 411- - ­'_ .. 'r the gloilutiotli I ; L,r­'­%'�­.:1:,1 , � .� . . fhan ione-eii6th a aft inch in beighto bT lthe, cOnIcreft doWn to 40 diegra-03, I . . . . . � I . ., , ' , - i 11 I �,�, ,�,"Ijd.'�'., �� . � . %,,�,,�;� ( 11 � I I I 6 I . ! (414, 11 �',' I , 7, "' , , , ", ` " � I.- 11 I � - I - 1`,� I _ I .ox loto of 'the a " sol, n via pan ,W1 � . , ; � , , , , , . 3 ­.Owl', ' ny I v , , . add 8 gat omit I � ,11 , I� � i,; I ,,�t, _�. %� Y, I " ,Wfii, , - and, oft vipl-bility equail, !ba *ny oth-'r4 : A good IWA: ipoints, ow,d tb it_'b�,_ - - I �,�11 � 'W"� "� I I I I ' ,,� ,Q4,,4, I - I . , 'an ACO�RN 1� R"d,�xUWLY "Al 0 , Guaratity Trust ori),,ting ", %a .,.b�t ,t%a ,byag,6� emft,' ef blifteA00le and stir In- S 94110A9 of oeo; day - I , , , - � �11 M­­�':'j`��;W���17,��: �.,y Al'" , ��, W617 to 11* beongbit by the , N . v ( !� ,;��V�� "I I . I I . . . . ilood !of %be desert cliwnat� , � Juth , , , 4"fhattj�; t -,of V $.'- To nidkre 40 3 paids 4 I I , ,:1, � .1� I �* hig, r6gulations .,are IiOv4ti ih -& exim- V I the, stook Millik ime . "Vg;', � I I . 1. I .. . - I tk4*6JC*0.qP . .. . -R_u i. . . I . I I . ­ 4,J-1 , As'crackii d�w . 11 I _. .I..... 1 ,,�7�, e , 4_0 . , I " , , - w1fit Bfaji�dk D& A*p, they Wi1l. be 'Ail -,., hill 6*,4Wv. i M, �� 1UXW.W1 ..�, . ;­ " , Iii itswad by AL "', �. villb in 4 S ay, bot, 110 ICENTIS I PER . 1. I., ,f&��09� " � fCanadi tc , a Awl I, . T1ELL6WY0§k ANP, PACKAGE# Apima'Ats., . ;g4t 10 011116 I . tit Pywjok�mv#. Vrdibi0g, -06�ibid $16,ro& - L 0 m, . i : 4 , , I , 'i .". 1� _1 I I , T.WX -.0wh " adi,'.�d i C a q#m%t,N lhisddl,4 ftf# ie '#,6& 'ibrft P�, ll I � I -1.1 - -.111, 11,�', 11 -'. . I I'll 11 , I— ., rffaftiifcift�, ,vt t& ., Mba*la, ,ffi , I -JJ,* '. I - , I 1". -P I �.�,,'Jf",J�,:t,"L ,!, , , , � - I �f­,�.�, . . '' , ., .� 'ith . it ft of t I Mid ' . ' &�% - , I r, 111 :, ,� �, �, � -, I , I . .1, .", I . tft,#06 I ft Lit N61d 61ijk,:�&`J66 ,fi $& ' LN M�Y, PAY MORE? ; � I 1: "lid, f6ftwift6t,14 i6,h . 11� 6. . I i , '. , L j, 'ift thon the �6,­ J., / ­ - '' � - 6 , d tfa-&M& 6* .. 4 " 4, fo ii a&06 %#11 , �� . - - 11.�­­�.i�,� , Ij I'V **�. d".�L:' ., . ,t ill," ,�,,��i &1J'11M!1 �117,1 �,�,,,,,?� �,�..­­�­­­' 1 '136b 'oMe., nod E; 'Bj'Aftibh,. jj�, '10, V&,ai,#ha , ,. � 00'e, , Wil, , i ,I 1, , 4� 11 , I f � - N� __ _. , I .�L:t - : " '06 � . , I . L . I rtwvltw�( fty, 0A, b, V , I , . 10110 1,11 -_1-11-1111.-_.--'.1 ", , _" , ", I I : 1. - , i".. , . "% '16.1,1y"11r, ` "I " ig votft, Is, 11 .f� �", - 1;-111 5­,�". I .1 ,�, . " �, ,,,� � . . . i"M'44" � _ , , 1 , , - I ,� � li; . , I " ,,�"�._­ �, , ' , I . , - , ' �J �', � 1 ��. ,, � , , I .- ,,L,� '. ":� � ��",:­� :, :'� �� �, . [P a , � ", ."', , 1 �4 11"N Ili . , 11 � . 1, ", , I I ' �, � I """J" (-4 '­ ! ,� , 1 , , 1', ,I I'� , . , ,!", " '� L , i: .,_jj�,�I,k',`, �,',A,,,�_p 1; r �F"j��%,�: 1:.L;,"',� �. .1 , " ��� L' "­�'���I'. - , , '�, 1, �1, .",0! ,' ., , , M.Inl ­ ­,­­.­�� IIJ-4— !,T�C,i��",,"�"i��,,I!:4,..;"�,"4�,..��,'�,,�,,�', , � `�11 I ", I ,� 11 , �­' -i "I . , 'll. vnliit�,i,�4, I I � I - ov � 6 ." I 1 r ,. . � ,� ;,I' ; ... P 5M111iR4U VN �61al 111, �' I',. . �:�, ,,,i,.:� , � � �,L,ej", , ,,�,.-,111 ��,-.�,,,,�: ,���,,,�';�,,:",!�li!",?".",.,,�,,�,�".",:,�IN�,,�,i,q,!"�,�"i�,���,��,,'�, ���':�L�;�ll�'fl;,;,�?.(i.i'��.'. : 11"`1'1;!�;1121'i1" 1- ", , - o;!�;,'!"i,�.!,�,� , ,,% �,��,' , �, .:1 7 �, 11 ,�i�,� 1_;W� �, I '�' � _!", 1. ,,,,, �� , , , ��� 1.1, P , , �� 'I"'I Y%%1AP, 1 , , :;,,,,,�:.,�.4�"!� " ,!"04 ij , �'L I , , , � .,�,,,,'.,:"111�,f"�,;4 ;�":,:,,­,� `.,�, '_ ,� i " 1 711,1�10,21' P � (,:, 1 ��2yz I"� I 1��;� , , 1, , I I ,X ,,6,1�,il: ,,�,,�;�W­ 1 'N", I: 11 1,