HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-08-07, Page 2r,t, � �, 'A r,'�-,, � A : -, � . I ., , t, t� 11. 1� " ;"',Qt;,,!,�t1. : ­�!', '%, " , " , ,,, 1 �. � I �� I . , "I ,, � �� � 1. .�,,, ,�, 11 , , I -;* " - , ��' " : ,� . � I_ M ", .!:�,,,,�,,,�i''. 'J" ', , , �',!,k. ... � .� . . , I ; � ,,, .., , , , j1,;,., 11A 'A .1 �! , _! '! � ., �A ��;!� .1 't ., .1 ��,[�,�,�,�P� ImI:,�401�' �',:"';" � 0. �1,11.`;,��.'.`111'1� �.*,�',",' � � ,6 1 � . 05�,,Tz,.1,4A " � ., I 1, 1-1ili, (11, , A", . , 1, .q�t.,��114 ,,� � �: !, � % ., : , 'il, , "t�, I I , ,t!�. , , I. .1��`.�,, 1,�,�,',­,'�' ,,,','.�!��.�,;,,i 7 � , , , I I � I " '' �1 ,[ '414 1�t I 1111,111!tl 1,_i�,,Lo,t;"",i, 4�;�l , , , .'It , � I , I , , ,i, ..", , : ,'! � . . . . I , ,;i, I :11 . " . I I . WWI ,: 1�.11,11 " , �.., , "'! 4",`�" ,,M�!',,V,o"� 1�t�, , I ., I ,; . . I � . � I � ; �. . � I __ I . I � . , ­ . -_ , ­ '.., - ,.,, "­­­­­_", ­4'� __­_­­11� 1111.1.11-1 11 11.11, -1.1-1-- � � , : , -! ; I—— ­­._ I.. 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'.I F* -I I I. __." �'_ I :�!,��P­'­�'_. I �1�1 . , , I �.'. I.. . tol III -XII: . I , . I . I . .1 . , " ,. �11 .* .... .. 4 , �� ,� I � . � I I . '! I � I 4 I - I . -_ - - - , . �, �, ,I ) 1W. ­� I 1-111-;11". ­ " " "�, . I ? , " J(':t,l,1`11T1­ 1. �, 144 .1 �, "I'�,111,1,"�,,�.111-111,��11.11.1'.�"I - , ­ 1.11,11, - � ,.1 ,�ll'!""..""�ll.,�,,,,,,,,i,A""!""��,- 1-11 11--l"", ­.­­,.. �11­1 101­­,,_!�",_.'1 I . .- .11 - . I ? . I , . 'i I ­"­,", I ­ , . ... � .� ' * I ,, I I .11 - ­', ,, I 1.61 .. �� ... I - � I I . . 11, �. . k. -, I i I I 11 , . S . � . . I . . I % I 1. . I I I ' ' :, 'I 1.1- W14- i� )w - I I _ " .1 I ��, 11 � 1� I .. ; I I , , . .- .. 11 11 I ", � , , � "�, .�1,,.,A� ", ­­. I, . —_ - I I % , I -,�.�:��jI' , ��' ­ . - * the, .,, I , 1, �� I . 114�)­,, vsW to dress . -111- - 111-1-1- ­ I—— I . � `��",4,:�� . ... 1�-�".;.,,� '� ibbh'shed i-8,60 . ,.. - 4 0, '' I? ­ ( ­t� - - ­ "I I 771,717. �". I , . . .... ' . I �.; . I,"" � 1, I ; I I h 'Son Sagely rematks, . ". -DID � ' J .;,�` V ­`r: ,0 '. . , NV1 , " �, . �,l,�;,.f�,_�' .'...­ . � t1l", "" , . -1 - 'J" 2`,','.'��111,`�Vl P, �w I I ,, 1'.7m, 1 ... I'll . . I . 111111111w: ,,,,� I � ­ I _ . . I J X, t 0_ C', 1, %_ P "_P140 voilm�� 1111101111111— 11 I — - "_"" 90, M."M 4 4r"_ " , I I '' ' '' ' , * ' y I ,,,, 1E . � ,!, �u I I , I - 0 � . ,0 V,6 , , � t. , � �,_ � "I 111 ;(.., 4''O" " The'. Brandon' , 01 4 1�, E�pq,s �� ,,, , . K � . I __ ,��l, 101 , -the bat , I ,� _ ", . , _0 " ,, a in ". "i - Y.i 6aiis A'x one I' . , ��,, - that . 4 � -, � : Ye,�,�i� '. .;�,,_. _",",�, � , ,� , 4 I �, 3f, , . , I � . �.- 11 A,,�k � - , . . . 1,11 ,, - " R , 1. ­ I , I I ' , �i " ' ' . A I !A ,,:, "�,Y'tl­ -1 ,w- - , " - : . - I 1� I . I , I . , , �. �, I , I -1. " 11 9 1 , I � ft olry I . , . i - . 1. 1-111,112 . �R�6 N-1 i. � � , I b tl�'Z , i I'll , . I I . . I �.X . . . . . . i .1,11'1-11;,��,�. � � .,� 1.11-4.1"', ,am �. . er - 'out -m " .. - 'g, , I 1, . i ei cuPboar - . . " ` � " EX - t muchiia filiou".-soavenir I I IMP.. . . . 1 4 " O', '0�,!""�,���x,,��*t�hi!,�,u,�,�.,-�,;O� overnmen' Iy are already , .1 . ,Mg � .i4_' 1,��,;..4� , ,..�', ' I I i Did yo,4 alt ' - I "44 like Mot�e d ' Now she , ,,-� t _ I I Over J�nQvVtli� cl;i*,,h �4a `e Wirt: nd the, r6ngbam jv�r� �0..p I , 11� .. "t, li� I ii LeOn Itor , ' ' .40W *0% J'� . .Unnf ,;� u er's Wr ,",��!;"', ,I- " � k ali� -Xg .,,E 11 , 1 111� 1.1 1. 04 - . dresises like li d 9 k4* , - 44 r P 1.1 I � 11, , . , bo I pllw'lor ", ,� � .. q,� i ,A y! �� T I � of' "ft &iA being seb in m1ption to preore, for =. , , 6edali. , . " ", ", t. , I - " ii4��It`, 11:?Wsb�d, at $eafiortk Outtt4% ev- - I ,�at a fact? If - you have any tw*Y'A Yvan ogo�- . Iron tho great:,p 0 V ", 10R.-~ , ~�, . , I ­ ­­ 11-1, � . ,, S. it n , , I the, oQ atioin 4nd ageau�, , Tbe. biggest and, ,mp-st respon N �, . I �, . , . 11.1 I . I - o" ... - I . I v1h ompa . uy fl, ; -411 . . � , I � I """ - 01%.M. r4,oitor Accident No ;��,,�,,,�,' � , '- , Qn- th it .e jeb'­,will ibe that of arrangling , tb4q� - .j ­ --111 ", , , ��";R*W,ay afterno I _, "I Ap by *1,eLean , .. , ,.'.'Y . doubts, on the maiter, visit any ba - ich will acc d trad 11 �,[.,"`,�i,? , , - , . fa� . . �1111 I", . I . - . . 1 . 41 I; - I'll .. ... �s I 11 11 arie getbing set ... -e actual'coronatiqu. Lind- Frees . ... ss " 1',,!,`I�i',`�­4- � g beach anywhere. Don't, restrict . .1 I . ava indostry -for t,h I 46 ,ss W". Q,S'.',-., -! .. in, . � ' _ t', t,�q',�,,,' , J. ". , � I ... I � I golden harvest tft,ey expect to reap? This task falls 'to t1m 28-year4old ' A SeVii'IDUS aocident otevured near' ,, I ,:, ..- - , , Z. . t r to ' Frotp The Huron Expositor of ' �11111 't- "'Itt, yourself to your own locality, o. ­ I -in ig -its. a Jood .,&�- -Di*e of Niorfolk. ,One of the richest Xincamg,pq elk -..Thursday #; 116g, �- . . I � . . ­, ,, ,, . �_ Royadty ftitain' !A th 9 last whow * I . . ""', I 1, 111" --,.", .. - Of §;;; IV— . Subscription rates, $1.50 a year in , — set for business,. a writer in the Lon- of Blriuifila noblemajen, he isj by blem- AM,n NhcA, Unster, Clinton, driver I t � . ., the. ordinary six days of the week . August 6, 1886 . - . - , 1� 11 "'", " year . . I . ritight extending back for cen-:,0ne of. the Epips transport truck�r I I . 4 li� , I � I ,don Prele, 1Press says. lits fete d-ays., ditary 1 40 , � I` , �,�� a try Sunday. . Auries, i6e pritme iaon-w' I-!, ,,�.1'4'_ " � # . . Single ' ,,, � f6 i ) $2'00 . �� �0 e, re gn ,_ I t. � � ) chan, . I ,was terribly iviured and his condtion , " .. .. H 21.1, �: . . . � . .Mws. RlobWt Cargo Sin, of weddings, and, even funerals!, all draw yal duke. He 14 # '11- Q " 4 - , 4 centq...'e.;RQb,- Tuck,ersitui$th, passed pea%�,IY away vast, crowds. which Spend big sUms is Earl >Urshul and -as such .4 I , I . 11 ; - 1_ � I I .. I .... . -1. '. ovieA. -Nor need o4e's view be restricted ' I 6, Chief is still, preioariou& As he approach- 1. 11. �3, 1" I �1 . I . 11�'.ill'�,, - � I � —, -of seventY- of. ni�oney. f Arma Hei . I 11% , � . 1 .­"�_­,- - �; I ­ __� Ion. Tuesdoy, at the age of the 10ol-leige to will ed the bridige Juselt wouth of Kinear- , , ,�._. , 1 - , to the Water , or the beach either. is , iia 11 �, 60 i e wap a nadive of Kirk- For ,instance, it .1 -'es!tiniated that have a .91 i iof ek ,14 , _ �, five yearsL 'Sh I pr 0Tt Of Cebinet COUSUltiug dline, with's gartially loaded 4 " � i,I, ­ - � . .. at least 4,000,0100 �peovler,v . ime Nmiooier 'Baldwin, Ptamis se gravel,,whiah- . Ii., - . ,, Sing rates on, application. nland as far asyou like, or -take cudbd-g6t, .8cotland, , All try to.' the wheel's Stru I , " ", ,� 4l.;, 1 .1 . I . I . . . as r . � ek 166 . . . � he procests-mons, At I,MaicDonald as, I�n4 . president ,of th�e to some- .F. X " 1, � � ­'� , 'I . 4 the streets of your own%vill-age or - The shrat'fall �wbeat'of 'the new erb'P - t coronation - � caused ,him, to, 110set-.4ontrol � . � . - . SeL . ��;,. , � UK= � -1, tdoun .,., , I 0 i I 11 .., �ow- &Hvereil at the Ogilvie & CO.'s leait a mi )if these �.eaple wil *x 'k -. I I . � . - . , 1 !Sir John. Simon " home see. extent ;" tlW,, truck - raul foi,waircl _ ''I P,11.. town. - , � W. t by Mr.' frotr4 otuts�ldle JLondov They retiaiy,' ATimsby' Gore, us &A clom- -and struck'the end of. the bridge ��, .. 1',,�, . . � MIR I SleAdooh, oa Monday � come . I _ . . ... C, 11 ,';�,,.', , Members of the Canadian W�ekly', Does it make any difference where William Adams, ,of Mh-C&'11131p. Vill -teem, in from the rest of the m1isdoner of works, and the Archbl�h- abutment The cab was Imo,St colm- f . . , I 'i�,�� . . � . 's g ": t), � JWhile a -If Jae sitone quarry the other Britisih Isleh and from all over the a* of Canterbury and- Yowk. �He plebelly 4;0tivoi and the Wonder Is. . q ,0�� .. ]Newspapers Association, .Class "A . lo6k? Not a bit. The -costumes " � � I I... YOU . day Mr. J,ohn Lyons had alwge stone p_lob,-. The r "iroads ekDect to make vAll, alsb" bav;e, an army of trained that the man was not insItantly ki,111- .. tj�. . ­ , ,. ., .1 ..... ''�, . �._11, Weeklies of Canada, and The Huron are just about as bare one place as, fall, on, hii foot. . an extra $8,000,000- from exmirpions civil servsuts�.. . . . ed, He was -tak;m itot the hospital 10 I I "'r . " . . formerly of Eg- to London, and the bus, -and shipping W . . I I I ,mn% T10mas Daly, eat but lacer rer6Dv-qd to London, where I ! ��� kt- , - - - I . 7uster Abbey'Transformed . ���i:�: e 11 . , �1, Z . , I . another, and if the pk ' sent, tren TjNond,viIIe_F1m his,J)een- in- basdnes,§ crganizations. expect to thilaki' as gig he Bass in a very precarious, condi- ., I - , ountk Press Association. ( 11 ,��,�;:� ', . . .. continues, another season mlill see lin. Blyth'Nr sqme time bas removed inuoh. Building contractors will reap The . esIt job,..,will be to/ make :�,,�k, . WeptinineW,r Abbey reaa,y for the tion. , Trhe doctoirs have been able to 1� 1, ��, � I k�, . ;uirdhased the a-ht&rveet erecting vast stands'Aloug em13ny. Ft therefore will pro-ba:bly I , 1, ��, � - -- n'just as bare as Mother Hub-� - � I -1 ce , r . set -the various fractures, and hopes I ,t"': � the I to, selaforth "# ,has ,� e be closed to visitors for about I I tw _.. I.. , _­ SEAFORTH5 Friday, August 70L gr%oeery�busigesvbf Mr. P. MbGarey- Lhe route of .the, !processions wher 0. ape entertained for his .ultimate re- � 11 I'll , , , , I ': An,excursi nto-v News -Record. _ I �. "', . . o ver was. on train contadiiIng 800 seats will often be $Iold at fabulous - 6 ,V oniths before coronation day. Extra c0werY,--4C1h . ... � N. . . . a. C, � I � Ell 'Shades -of our grdndmothers, what people ,,passed up to Goiderlibb. from prices. PoUety firms will turn out in .. . . Joins 'Royal Canadian' Regiment 11. I ,;, Q mitioheat Thursday morning. Millions of coTrmation mugs for sehool I (Continued -on Page 3) . . I'll X.. . . . . . The Manitoba Ele6fions : � is the world doming to? What will Th_. residence of MT. John Me � I . I I MuTW&y,Ma.clDona1d;'po,puJar ,Gode- "I I � Elroy . �, ,", . - . . � . I- . ......... ,..- 1. . I —or rather what near ko.xWro, McKlllop, ,�ras destroy- . - I � 1. 11 . I '1� .. rich boty, after qualtifying as a ser- . .. 11"_ . our girls do next . I I I ,getanit , I � .I co ny in,a course a : *r ---- �"... . In discussing the provincial elec- . .� �ed by fire ion WedyieSdaY 10�veulng- ,,, I i" I .. - I '" 0 the wyef'Camp school, -London, has I � "I t . tions in Manitoba, a short -time ago, wil . I they.do without? , I Mr. weistgiller (has opened a boot , 0 I . .� 11 ..., I ?�111 , .. , - I JUST A SMILE OR Two 0 been'-seciplied a,s I., a membeir of the: "I ,Y,T! . ' 0 , and shbe Effi-cip 4n connection, A, th his -0 M , r I I E'll . IMe Expositor said political elections , . . bppen. . 1-03— 1-anadian Regiment. Murray . I ;� I � . I ' Store in K' . . 1� 1, K1,1- ; . It''A Diff:"e-rent TO-Dicip. W. A W - � - I 4! . ­, made applileation, during t1he-, time. its . � 11,,,�"', wei� uncertain. They are. Pre,mier . , augh , of the firm of Me �� ,"Daddy," said -little Jean., "when Jaan�'ci&nitlnued. ' ' ,� I 1 ,-1 1. I ,whIldh he was -taking the course Mid , .4�1._Z . I "The startling discovery has been Dion&I & Waugh, hardware merch- -, I , I NIEM. . Bracken, whom it was, confidently . . ants, Hensg1l, ,has Tecentdy� placed -a you see a vov,r aren't you afraid-?" . He shook his head. his spiplication was accepted over a- 4 . � � " . 11 . made in Toronto," says th6'Stratford "'But. aren"t you afraid when it : , . expected would be returned to power'- . �,ery fine founi6in ton his lawn. �',Gf course, n,6t, Jean," replied fa- . long lisit of jv�aking,spplieants. He -. 1, . . I . . I I thunders andi,lightnings?" persist.e,d' will report to the regiment ,on 'Aug� . . � . . il�. Beacon -Herald "that there are only , ton Wednesday of last week Messrs. they. . the cluld.. I ,erve three yeaTs--4Goderich . I � Mi 1 1Dn da of last week with a sub- , ' A. Glaziea�, '.w big, w 5ih to .s .1 . a I !.' I y city whose . Alliam. Anderson tkrd J, "When you see a gregt orm, � "No, no, you- silly child�' smiled , 1­�', Sta� n y six lawyers in, that "bus ' I I Star. .11 ti?al majority, did not fulfil those I Sne'd bOudd 'thirteen' acres ofAleavy aren't youafraidl?" pursued �.he child. father. . . . 1-1 ... .. I 1! "! . LLLL 1�'',. .1 al income is more than $5,000; f,,al wheat in. n[ine hours. on the f arm "No," replied he, fit'he,,, "Daddy," - said the- -girl at last, Lost Top Off Thumb . . . I . 1.11�­. . .expectations. In. fact, annu "'When you see a horrible mon- `�areift you. afralid. of nosthing in. this . augh I . .. .� ,� � I ;;, I only nine, who by the 'practise - of - -of ,K-7. J. �P. MidLaren' near Kinburn. . Joan ' Raechler, five-year-old d - , . . 1 1 E�l � from the fight, with a minority fol- . � iMudh ��urprise and slormw WW felt strous buu""ee, aren1t you. afraid," world excerpt'inummy?" . t.er of Mr. -and Mrs. �Geo. 'Baechler, I I I'll, "I L 1. 1. I . _. their profession -are making $4,000 in Bayfield on Saturday last When, it .. . . had, tihe top of her than -ib taken- off 4 I � " . _ - . . . . .,.­ lowing in the House. rA . - - a. 1.�/ . . .. d only tw�nty-eight whose -became ,known that Mr. Chas. Tough Mlin in ,an, cc(idlent near her home Wed- � " , ,',�o . I a year, an � - I � . __� I -T' -1,itt1e­-,g=1;--with a ' , .I ��. . . Undoubtedly the people of Wani- had mlet his deatih ,in, stome unknow.0 I . I I . nesday night. he, .,� � 1" , ­ � * - R�f,. legal knowledge and reputation are 0 -playmate., had ,.been playing wilth a !!!! ".I I I ,-he buggy and his head hanging b;-- 0 FTERNOOM lawn, mower wh,,cn she get lher'tbumb, I . . . .� ,. ...... .1. ,� toba had their reasons for voting as way'. When found hist feet were !ri 0 �1 .. worth as much as $2,500 yearl - , SUNDAY' A 0, I L I - .i" . Ahey did, even if -the people in the y tW&en the front-vinheel and shaftst. He I � ch, Ont.) . I . , caught in the 'blades ,of -the machine. . L , -1 bar (By Isabel Hamilton, Goderi 0 —GodeTiz!ch Star. .1 4 i , I Seventy-five practitioners at the -was seventy-Elight YeATIS 'Of age and 0 �, %, . I . I 1, 1.� other Provinces find them hard to " . �'._. I ar o , clothe and was one ,of 'the pi;oA,q�e�...)�es.lidenits of ­ � �' I Accidents I ­ . . � . , I � &'��'., . understand. . . . the towrivhlip. I . Mrs. Eldward, mother of Mrs. G. ,L .# I feed. their families on $1,000 a -year." Mxs,. Xhigaret Brydon, foirmerly0f 'F0111CW Me,' the Masiter said;" �" niosit kniplortant event the world ever I 1. 1112%, Of course,. Mr. Bracken had"'been' , . Dow, is -suffering from a fra�tured .1 � ", . i 'Yes—but that was fifty years ago, - SeafolrtVa, .passed, away at the 'honie We will follow Jesus: ­� saw after the Ilife, death and resu'r- I I 1_1 . . . . �. , 1.t� I , in power for f ourteen years and that � . right arm at the sh-duldier. The acei- ,�. . s ago is a o ,of her -sjon-in-Iaw in, Detroit ion the By His wora and Spirit le"i, , rection, of our Lord. The sApecial .":,:., , hng time. 3rdi inst. She came to the,County of �We Will follow Jesus. character of o,ur Lord's revelati6n, of dent �happened Friday aftern)-on, of . � � ,-. -is a Iona lease of life as governments . . Imst week. Mrs. Edward thinking, I ; x�'. I . � I . -_-.� . r I . W1, 1. " I Fifty years ago,.the, legal profession Huron - in 18,34, . I . Himself -to Sau-1 shows the impotrt- that Sbe heard, sion-fleone calling. step- � I "I . . . . Welsth TwDi., of Hensall, who haxe T11ouLgh the way -may dark appear, ance Christ attached to the person . I I ,go.. But there was no scandal or - must have been, a modest race. - . . ped to the edge of the veranda:h and � I ��'. : , I . ' the . conlract. for ebuilding of we will follow Jesus; and the.personal character -of theman 4 . hint of either extravagance or mis- . the r' misding her step, foll headlong to tEe �.­ I We believq,, it is. a little djfferentj Marsh2al's, brick bloock, am Pushing He will make our pathway clear; ,,, ,A,h,o was, the,objectof thait revelatli-on. cement sidlewa.lk belof�v. Sh'a landed I .1 . . R,��'.. I .1 government against his record. .In � to-daY' 4. particularly in Toronto, forward- ithe warkand.will solon 'have We will follow Jes*s. . It is not �t,range, therefo-Te, .that a on ,her shoulder puttingher Shoulder I I , I � � .. 1, � —A -have been 11 _1 . I ,� - Ma WAa had I uth,or Unknown,. L.-upernatural agency should ' � X 1. fact, it is believed that n. � . where the average lawyer Would it completed'. out ,of i!o-int and fracturing her afrim. ,, I . , ., " L%1 . I . At the last meeting ,of the Clinton . ' '' employed in the converciont of the ' - 01 PRAYER �, Miss Reta: Cottle, daughter of Mr. ..'��, come through the depression years, Snes6ze e comes of - towncouncil, by-laws were passed and � I I : greatest ,of all Clatist's servants. The j .. 1. 111.1 �'] , . V . . , I i I I . Jini,cis Cottle, of UsiboTna, siifftrerf .1. their Gran�-t, 0 Lord, 'that we nitay ever men who, accom _ with, a financial standin -those legal lights of other days. ' . sulbmitted to the mtepayersZor a fracture -of tfhe left arm at the _ . n i g consider- ' - panied Saul saw the ,­ � I 1. -­ .. - . . - oval: (1) to raise a loan of $4,- kee 'mihds tlh&t it is rio,� light above the brightnests- *f - khe- i . f I � ". . � Ably better' -than any of 'the other - Particularly soo when he can'get 18tp)ptl -p before ,our . noonday s -un and heard -the voice; Vrist. Sfi-e was i 1, ,_2.�, 1 1 5.00 tia extend.hilgh sclhvol acclo,mlma- by plower nor by might, but by Thy put it was- -Saull alone.. that under- ,he tripped and lin falling ,yut.'o.ut - . r . ' .� r Western ;Provinces,' and the credit' I ment purse, as daticin; (2) bD raiise $2,000. fox the Spirit, ,that we ar-- brought to, know stolod 11he voice -of Him that spake, 4er left arm to siave herself w%th the . I I � R,;,11 . purchase -of a town park. T�ee, the ,one fivirrg And true ,God,. nen, .k�... 16f that was freely given to Premier so many favorites seem to doi- by 1�,�­ ­ for the told Kiiig Agrippa thatit twas result tl'h.kt.th,e aTm was brok I � . � .. � Mr. Jvhn, Murray, ,of Haripurliety, A n t Pen.. Beverley,,son,of Mir. and, Mi-Is.'Gor- , �"_ �,. .. . � . . , . - 1Q,y. Bracken -by all political parties. way. of enquiries commissions and left with us ion Monday Ihst a num- - the Hebrew tongue ,he heard, which, ,,,�. '. . . � . . I � � . don. Stonehouve, was, standing' on a I I �11 , Governmentsi, however ber,,of ears of very- fine corn. already S! S. LESSON FOR AUGUST 9,193G- being a rabbinical sc:holsr, he. could I . ", ' s-�ua,!,l wagon tlhaiL was being drawn .�,,'. --111 . 7 . I along list of ,Other plums. fit for table use. .1 � I � . understand. Trembling and astDnlish- I - by another Ilad. He lost- his`balanl2cll . , ". 'ti . thrive in;depression years, and Mani-, � - in' fact if the lawyer of to -day Am obs-eir:vant. citive- Lesson Topio--Saul Converted and ed, Saul linqUiTed whatt he was' tD do . . . ,I ;; 'L41". . � � n said he saw I Commissioned. . now. �He fully realized ,old, things and ,in far -ling backward put out h's.- � .,�,�:_ I !snow fwIling on, Montday afternoon - I i ty!"s', n to the . right hand t3 break the fall and the . , � toba has proven no exceptio could only, be assured. of an ine&�e . Lesson iPassage—Acts 9:1-9i 17-19; 1 ,had passed away; be couldn't Pro- I I ;;;. I � . . arm -was broken at. the. wrist. '_:� e. Discontent is always abiload of a thousand or two ay'ear, there ,.. 'a "t - Timothy 1:12-14. ceed w,'Ah his Mission. However, he . - �11-1 II.Tul , . 1 The emplayees of D_ D. Vtlisoh's Billie. aged 6, son'of Mr. and Mrs.. .. � . �.,, 11, �� in hata times -it not'-oxily thrives ,, wouldn't be'any lawkers. Because Eigg Ernporium are going to play th� Golden Text—Acts 26:19. had to go on to his destination, but � I � I I '_ Broadfoot & Box Plan- St. Paul a� rhis first apipewant'a under su_,rn- dl:fferent. circumstances. Oscar, Trickey� -of tP,ite H.i.tghway noTth " ': ,;t� . . 1 - I but increases. Where it had: its cen- there couldn't be. His life's income ein?loyees loT, I of' Rxetetr, had the iiiisfortur..-� o be I L". . upon ti'.^,,e, Stage -of 0hristiain. history �­ 4".� I � Ing Mill cni Saturday afternoon. Viis , The Lord was 'now in command and- ' I I . 1.� � ... I . ' ii th6 occas:,ron of St. Ste-phen's gave his diredtio:ns. He 'had made kicked irf-the face by a spring colt X., � .. ... , w I - ver,y fine match. , u,p,3 � � tre in, a" click or a Section. in good . 6uld hot pay for his education and pro-m-Isses to, be a: ' which caused extensive abrasio,ps ta . "" �,, . Martyrdom, bad, arrived at the frLill arrangemepts foi, Saul's,*elfarei. We , I I . , ., � 11%, ! I I tfipes, by t4i� time the people have � start him up in business. - ., : . I .1 0 . .E,,Latureof manhood. both in body and are told in'VeTse .'17 OVA; , OP6-6sit of the face 'but no. cuts. The rhaif of I .t), : . . . ' I I in. amnd. This clonclushm Is- arrived Ananias to ,Saul. He, li�.d been in- 'the ar:mal encircled !cne 'eye but 4or- I , . , I 7.''. I experienced a year or a few years aLL We have stepr(ed along in fifty, . . From The, Huron Expositor of , at byh;s-being a member of Vie San� for-Med b� Jesus, -of the coniii f tuDatelly Vas eye- was not iniu­ed, I I ',� �, ' , ng- o I . ,- depression, discontent has efilarged . years. It costs money to -day to be . bedi-lin, !into wh,ich, rioune. was ad, 'Mr. Clarence Down, of UFfborn-e, "I I I .1. . � . ,,, t'! . I ' nilit- S-iul a.71; --�if ,the c-hange that had I I , . �, I .:., I its boundaHes until it covers a whole good as well as 'to be bad, and we I . August 11, 19.11 ted ,before 'he. had reached his thir- come upton, hinil I NThile working at his tho-me fell from: � I . ". . I � I an elevation and injured. his left, " , I ' ..., �.. . ­ The followinig ,students- In Huron tieth YeaT. When defending himself Ananias, guided by Dilvine Pro ,'� hand, Th ' I , .. Provin6. I work the law far. h I ' unday of last week. A I 1_ . . . - before King Agrippa, St. Paul, d',e- dencel- enters into Saul's presence, ; 0, � _� . County were among those v6o pass 21, st bo-ne in the !little finger was frac-, � I I . �,,,,, That would -appear to'be the sin- used ti� do. ed th,d7r entriance to Normal Svh.o.ol cribedbis owa course,of action pinlo,r -- , lay - I . " . a'es hkp misaiion s ,his ,hands up - . , � . I '�im.,,Rnd ' t d . . E .�.. gle,, ca e of the Bracken Govern- And we have'to,pay for that work.., - exaniiQdonsi: E. 'D. Berry,. R. M. A hils, conversion, ..as, one ,of the, bit- on S oT, s, him to sigffit. in tured xeter Timles,jAdvante.. - "?,11-11, ds f . t est hostility to the i0hrristian cause; ,doing so, Mrs. J. Campbell Has 90th Birthday- . It v�L, - .Best, J. A. 0arstwell, �F. . N. Cluff,, A '; I '. I I 211., Uattrriibutes7 the- thealing On Sunday at the, Phame, of her- ,�j4­ , ment-defeat The people, did not - toQ. . . I . . . 1, W. 1�ick, A.C. bickson, W. H. Gauld' "I lb,ci',h s1hut up ,many of the saints power ,to Jesus Chrrist alone. "The ' hte,T, Mrs... George HawltbOTne- at I . * i I . . �L . . . . I ' 1 - daug I "..", I 1�'.' know exactly what they wanted, but,- . . 0 , R. Geiger,' W. R. Henderson, N. 1. n pi�czonis, having received authority Lord Jesus, who appeared unto thee . � . � . from the chief priests�, and when in the way as thorl camest, hath. sent Lower 'Winghani, M-r8l. Jahn, Camp- .:V�� . . I . I 14artry and R. E. R!iven: .. . . bell celebrated her 90thbirthday."'Hir I . I 1, ". . :apparently, they wanted something , Air As A:Fuel they were put to death, I gave my me, ftbat thou mayest, receive thy . i . , I Vs rink, ,composed nf Maiden name wa.s.,,Syd-ney Mi6ntgo,im- 9, I. '. - . A BT,uose . . ,� vote against theim." This gf,�ing of slight-." Then catme Saul's great act . .M., .. - 11. and the Government."was not that . . A Michigan Professor Dr. C. W. - Messrs. Strachan, Joses, Downingand I ery., the daugraterof the late Ai4rew .� . '' 9 Ross won ,second px1ize in the trophy 111'iS VOtO in a mattierof life and death ,of allelgila , folind Lord, ,,, .1 I . nfee to his, ,new- X.I. ; I I "IN I', something. and Jane Montgomery: She . wac, � I.LL 41, 11 � . Chamberlain, by name, has invented bowhing ;tournament at Goderich last VIP',', t'") prove,. hi.si metniberzibip in t. -he He arosla and was ibaip�ized. . � ­ . .111 born ,in the Count 11 . . ty I . 1,�;_ . However, the people of Manitobd Sainhedirin. . . . 0 . of Fermanah, I � 1,r: � a new system of heating that uses' week. ' In Act,R 9.:1-6 we read of the con- WORLD MISSIONS . ,Ireland, and When aboqft 113. years ,of' " I . . . . . . :�,. . have made something of a mess : air for fuel and in, -On Friday last Mir. James Fraynte, duct of St. Paud in age'the family moved to New Y- I ork, I � � I �..,�,, . I P .is instalVijig his Of, Usborne, had, a successful, barn , his, unconverted Queen's (Hall was., as usual, crowd - I . I I I . �. thr ugh their ballots on election day, vention in his home. . reiving. Flarmers for miles around state, his mission,' 'his Journey and ed for the rntissl.ionary meeting. The Th,e, Crossing Was mia&4 in a slailingr I I I I I ,, . - afid' e con- +Is conve.rsrl-on, , The diescription .st. addressies were, amongst the most w.-sel, and took nearly ntinte, weeiks, I ,. . - . I gathered to lestd a ,h L Th I She lived In, New York for -a. couple 1 W7, anT it looks vi?ry .. much ,as -if they "' "The new system, the doctor ,says, . "Saul, yet breathing thrilling I have listened toy fOT E103111Z I Ni", 11 � tior was. MT. Jamles'Brintnell. Luke gives: ., of years and ,'then came -on, &, visit tcy- � I I 1�.'_ ... I . ­­ . ,'� trae - , � F: -1werd, in for the expens6 of another does not'burn the air, but squeezes The E*eter Canning ,Company has ,out threatening land slaughter against ytears. lWe seemed to -be hearifig the , . I ., . �;., _ L,, , relatives in this part. It wasi on, t1h6s7. I �.­ '",election before many months, to all the warmth out of ,it, and -is able oonimenced the erection of a la,r.ge 'the disciplle-s, ,of the LoV," is amply recital of a new Chapter of the, Act� visit in 1862 that she oneb John Camp- I I . , 11 4, - storage house' at 1their factory. ,1310ITne ,out by St. Paul himself, in iof the Apositles. There was, no 1preach� bell and they were married andf took-, I . ,�, � . . . .1 . clear the situation.. ­ I degrees of heat. M the .London ,bowling tournament whicPh 'be even enlar,ges and gives us ing. -Na',Ihing but 'the, -plain account .�, %,:� . .: I . . . to generate 2,000 1 . . . up farming on the, boundary bettweerr. .1 ..4- additional touches;:.of i1he intensity of iof -certain enti ' I - �� I , I . Asa result of the -election Premier The machine uses a small compres- last week W. W., Tainan -and 1R. G. his am.1;i-cibri-stian hate. His 1ignor- from, revolt,i.gg re regions converted Culeoss and Turnberry. Tbey built, I . . .1 . I 'heathenism. to Ohrist. I . . . I Sle-ldon won. second; prize in the Scotch a log shack and the- �,.. I -h8elf with a follow-, sor to double tbe, pressure of a pound doubles campkition. ilecilm Gubhiii,e,,.BjSc., told ..", . Bracken finds hii ain't zeal at this peritod seenils'to. have The Rem. Ma ,iesuilt of the, -, I - - 1-01� . . � members in a I . of air taken from inside the, house, Mis.5 Grace Xurdock, of . mlemory's, us of -a d6s1triettin Congo as lArge as farm on arson wi.11ism, 'now. I . 11 1. . ing of tWentY4WO BrucefielS; printed Itselif deep t1pon . labors of Vhe.�,2 early days is, the fine, ' - 11.11f. .. hi�s beenengaged to teach in Stanley record. There are so fewer than, at WIales, in which was'a benighted re- lives,. - which he . .1 I , ­ ... � ... I . I . . . least iseven different notides in, the gion where, until recently, the name the remia:;,nder o,f the fa m I . . . . P.i,: I Housie of fifty-five. The two defer- which raises the, temperature of School, I A little lateu! her parests, with , "..., � I mi . I I -iding, . - purchas- Acts ,ov scattered through the:Epis- of Jesru#-bad never ,been .heard. Evan- . . . J . I .. I rod elections, one in his own i that air ten" degrees. . The' SeafoTth council has tles .from hie,own, tongue or pen, and geliz)ation began on, ,the initiative I of and Settled between, h& and- Tees- I .. � , �, �,­ � I ed, from the Water, Light and Heat 'wa! Or. Mr. Campbell passed, on iTy . � �,'.-'; :, . -610n, of St. M4rys,, thiAr 13,- dealing directly with his conduct as the Chrisiti-an natives iin 'a neighbor- 1911- but Mrs. Campbell remained on . . ­ will possibly give him two.more, but , . The compressed air is then us4d I Cemmrisz t 11, �� "I I I "I mi ,,�'. ''I". � - mot enough to command, a majority. . .., ,,,, ;to raise the temperature of a fluid - 000 volt electric equipment for use � persecutor. No Tgatter ,how -he re- ,ng villIage; people- who theniselves the farm un;flilseven, Years ago, wherr I " !, . I'll � � . � I. � " in connection, with, Htydeo Power. . Joiced in the fullness -and blessedness -bad become Uhristians; only a year ;she moved, to -Lower, W,i"6,h,m t, . I I .-,� I � . The next in order comes the Con- to the degree of heat desired inside ,of l0hrlisttsi,pavdion., no ' T 11.�'. ". , ..- Mr. George Murdie, of Seafomth, � - matter ,blow he before. They ,left thdir work for a live with ber daughter. — W n h I 1, , trl� ;� . ..'servatives with sixteen members, � the -house. ,The air then passes out %hotwed us the other day a ripe tom- exper:,enced the Power and working week in -order td taike the Mission, i g) ani I I . � , , . . ' Ad, .... ""':, I .� and after them, C.C.F. doors through an expander, which alto .Which he ,had, grown tin his own 'of GGd-',s Hol,p Spirit, St. Pjuil never ' With libs -kit, lover the river to the van,ce-Times,., I - I ;, � If with five; So- be c.)u.14 forget thg intense hatred vdth Sets Golf -Record . t". garden: and which, -weighed 11/4; 1 . needy region. ,Not long a -go bhe first ".. " 1. ,; U�",'� . ,eml Credit, five; Independents, three, at the same time draws in another Mr. J,c$hn iShiole, of Staffa, him put_ which ,h,e had originally followed the fruits of the work were, reaped in Recently while, i-PlalYinig a round oir . , 11", 11 �� I . . � P, I ,a�d : Communists, one. With the pound of air from'outside, which is ,, abased from MIr. Thomas Canieron diiicipleis- tof the Mast�T. .the baptasm of several natives, in tbe ithe Alps 'Golf Course, Dr. W. A. M,.,- I 11 I ',, V . ' the- property occupied by the late , Thus we can learn froni St, Paul's Presence of the, whole -people. Mss Mibbon ,,made a new -record fo� \�he . 1. 11,,,�..,, I . . i3tipport'of the minor opposition par- - . warmed from the he 'Mrs. Chappel. owh N�ords the imeaning of th,6 words Wwili�lmson told the stor,y of the wfin�- course when he made -the nine 'holes- I . I , "� � .. ., , __ . -ties the government, of courk the air- that was expelled. There are hli�ee' cases ofrtyphDid -in to-daF's ]lesson, "breatMng, out ning tof indiv1iduals, in 10hina. Her in 31 strokes. That VAII give the, . .11�� I ..t -threatening and slaughter." The upon, the rems,�Ikahle to Shoot at.—W.n.g-- I "I r4, � ; �� . � 7 could , # . I ". . . . All this is accomplished with the fever in Walton,,%the ,patients bea*,hg . y re- emt�fiasis wast * ' Voys §om-6tbing I t.�,.! . �1?1'111 i�arry on, but that support could nev- Mirs L. Williamson, Mrs. Jas. Hisihop present -him as IPUTsuing a course of supeeisis of persicnal. work rather than ham. A-divance-Time% I I . # . 11 Ift" . � .& assistance 'of a seven horsepower � ,steady," systematic and cruel. repres- fiia'ss appeal. . 01, ^1 , , ..U?,,(� ter be depended'upon ..... without con- and *iD. Blake. . d I ,.. "�,,�, . $111 Transferre TW ­Hanover, -1. ''..", �, ,�` electric motor' which is sufficient to Mr. A. tl,. McKenzie has sold, the on through6ult the iynagogues in Theiast speaker, a Welsihnian, the "I I � �-,�._ . isiderable 'bargaining, and Premier I X . . Jeruisal ' . . Mr. Doti Mi4adzean m ' 4ho has beew , i ''. , li , . . Lucknow ISentinea to I'T. W. J. em and. PlAlestionte. He, them Rev. 'Edward Eivans, ,of India, Who 011,1fthe Domilmlio'n Sto ' . I . ,ju . . ' operate the machine and heat a-sev- � Wmigl:.it, WN6 -hkvs beten-1n, -ehwg,� of bega-m to exten4. filis acti,viifies beyond struggled, with our language at times Te- staff. here for I o ,,, ��A Bracken might, and possibly would, . I Ithe bounds, of, the BAY ,Land, for -he and couMd do v3 other than 4jhrow the' pagit sev�eral montl* has, been- I I ,I I filld, I . ' en -roomed house. the 'Senkinel for sunite time- transferred to the Hanover bra ch, - :, "..,, Z". .. And himself unable -to meet the de- , press,ly Said to King Agrippa' "I hims,edf at his Audienceit tas if 'to pen v I W; 1, ok , . . I I ,,� 'Il'l",,.,." I i It is all just as simple as that the Xbbn Jvhnstone� aged 20, wtaR ok P _ - Mr. Earl Gray, & local' boy, who, ihas I'll, , , ' Persecuted them -even uintio foreign, etrat In- -been wilbb, the Istratford'branch is,, at, d"If ,mands made up' , A ie their souls� told a . I � x, - � I I on, him. � dTowned wh&e swimoing in a deep . m. almost * . ��I��,,;, ,� Professor explains and every one spot ih, One Maitland River near An- cities." Thus kprged eA%i6 story of the evamigelizat), -, . I .�. , 0,tM R" 1071 present on the staff b,�re,,W,IngnanT � I0"Rill � -Times. . 10`�,­, Should the Government resign and " , staiming fire of "his,blindi,-testless zeal of -a benighted tribe, which was only Advance I " � , '' . but the coal man will hope the Pro- burn at no -on ton Sunday. . . ;',11 ''IV, tbe, Conservatives, under the lead6 he tuTnied his attenti!onto the,dity of dIscovered, amiongst the bills a cen- . I ". , O,Z,`��' I . r- , , , 'Harry Queeiii, of Brussels, haid- the � ,, , R. 'fessor ,is right. We'have an inex- , I r �111, � . I gluip of Mr. Willis, be called upon to � m6f orfim, te P :bave a, leg bro,leen and DAMasIcus, d'eartined to be the la,q tury agm Wet narrative was, almost . I , � I , )", i 1( , V, � ,, . . ,hil an,lalte birui,j§W, while haul,' , undertxkiii�g in. o lition, to Je�ms the replica of that of the story of Puneral aervic�s . 'Were' Onducted I - �,-t, - haustable supply, of air up here in ing be PPOS ".2; . . form a goverAgient, the Situation I .. , r- i 91VI�4(1� , . 11 Kh'ands . theT WWber, of Kinkora, . I rets ,of ftirt. . Christ. . "And, as he jouitneyed, it Fiji. The Alill dt0ellers, of by Re,V.. Fa .1 �: � . . Huron,and most of it will stand a ' n ,be chur, ,. I I c W�V;��,' �7 . 'would efen be *ors6. Th lFabe se -ems, to 'be agailfts0b the Yel­ ""'to ,pass tbathe direw -nigh unto were the aboriginal people in India. I it h. of at. Vincent 4e aul, I I 'I., , , I e party, it- � behell� Wednesday, aiftem)yon, Par , # I . .4A ':1.. r I lot �of compre ing before it yields 1&w brotheTs, �A Usborne. On Mon- Damns,cus.11" Thlis, is tlfe� Por teen6tivi, Idden, in 'Mit ,,11 00if, woul, d gain by the control of day of ,last week, Zoteph t4llow fbi3t teft us in the Holy simble re- es they were hi e- late Louis Longe*,sy whose.death , I 8" I I ,� �� t wi . cord i Wift ,of this the fSouthern hlills, until, the British t'IT . .1 ,ii" �C , , - Iffi, el much heat in he nter'months. 't � �I . " i , tion. i a6inery in the cas' of I this barn antd - Richard narrowly es- momentous event. The exact spot Government d1f9toovered, them and occurred., in,Detroit ork Aticinday and . �­l ig,"', ed m e . But we would be' satisfied with ad I I . �, I i�, ��01�'�,.,,�! . " . cap -4 death f&e sanite day by being �Vhel'e Paul was, arrested, is not stat. found, them a tough propositton.'To' 1he remains were Interred in- the - I �, Ah .", .,., ", other ,election- but they . would .fd. The ireat isior,itual truijh which 'the earth koddessi they .*erL-. -accim. Joining cemetery. The .late Mt � R�` '.,. 7 something less than 2,000 degrees of stnek icn the ,head, with a siedgel. I I y,,,,,*. � . I ,_ . is e centre and ciitr& of. the whole tdimed to sw!zifilbe 300 or more , .1 Re?;�,.,�"."',­1 , , .,* e hi I Stephen, .hu- , . ..,.. R %y�; , - , t dek�at, in the House, as , heat in our homes even if we had a mot , ul aceident. reldently, matter remain,7, and that -central man beffigs a year. r9he eo,uld only and MxS4 John Longeway, of Logan, I I . UiO t certal Mrs� A. X SoAgins, of th L0111'ie'WaY was R�son of 'the, latte Mr' , ;1 N,14�, �:-,.�' . with a piaitif ' g*ZV'.:,-, , - � � V " " � ,, " ft,ii now constituted. the former hAlving conducted a hottel � I "q , , , "th t"'uth 11'4 thfs'p that� i't was when be , 'be a, ad P�, i&`;-6*,�,,',�,�.Y, ji ­� �, . winter like last year, so we wouldn't She , was, asn%Cing �Tx. Hodigins. ,m pipeasted with blood. ,.They b I ,� W., -,X,0 :, 11 , -p * a load of hay. and int _qo-ma Waftner :01rew near ta Damascus, and ,the no written language, and they bad and sa*milll at Keggi,�,ott for many- A � P �, 011� .1, At,'..,1,e#6nt'1t is believed'that Mr. need to crowd the machine. Years ,,Arkere ,the deiceasred' alsto work - I .11 i � il�, ,YG 1, � ,, , . I ' . .. fr which pratrud, r-11OWnirg act, fof violence seem, d �at nto, word for "tr;ultb�ll ; " " , 1.W!*0k16' I II the ne­3ttl ,� Dr. Chamberlain ' - di I'll, i � i- � I �, ;�j,:.. I.' .,�; . , , I J,-- Iii will eattry on unti ed for some tilfh4 before, go —tia-De-, . .1 t" �,�, , .. '. " ' explains, hOWeV- e(I a naib"WIlidt pdirced her foot anj -and, then, t(he Lord put.forth Ris Tib -day they have -part ,of 't4� Vible . I ing �N "", �, ;4" 1 . iii botoik. tr&jt. ffIS1 m1o,thert passed away in .'� _.'""',��. �..� "i * 61, the', Legislature. Then. If ' , � or, that.'he still has some wojk to do caufg�d an ugly vrounct , po�velr- "A,rd rtiddemily t1heire siblined in writing, and also a hym 11;,�,, ... � " !114 '�� , - � t . 0 . Stratford gboult one in, I "; "' "" round albout him a 111ght, frorn heay. Therve We etight schoolls, twenty-three onth ago w6ile # "' . . . � t".1 �111111.�1176"" "t 16 Fivus ig­aedord6d him, . before tfie machine is fool proof and * ew. arnid,he I,T,�,l -to th­-arth, snd.heitrA chur-oh#s­ard.-a , his fither -predeceasedi 1him by imiany' r�l �, ��, � ",,� Y " � 4 �.0 A 6r 11 ,. I , I groving Chtisibian I I'll "I . . . I he cAlled it wite saying unt& -9m, ,'Sa gul, corr.1mahilty. The story seemed' ffia, . , -..� - -- , .o laterm�6t ' , -operated by merely pressing , He, Was, mier'y in&oint as ,� , , - , t - by his v4dow, I " ,i,,�,�i��Jt& V,1ji�,-,s6;6Jd � defeat -can be VaaTs, Vie"% SUrviiv6d . I . , " � ,�! - , , ,,, I --r ' :' a button. . I " I . id� I A i!ii§ 't ,�t - . uft persfeedbdit thoif Me? I .he credible, ye,b,ft i f0tmleTIY Miss, Catherine Evans, of . . & - .klnIld .8 Aft�10113r true. 'The It b'61,0r,ad to ,esign up,tbe nt"paj,peroffite. "'Say, y*Wvo _* I . , , . 4 t??L�`6b`A`;,,, di'll i", , , Wlho'srti thou, Wrd? And the audienft fift-ly 'eaulght th Dulbliv;--fiv-& lon;g, Lovis C&rl! Perey, I ­, I Y J,'-�" , ,,.�� - - I got a flotifee fil, 7iolir, paper t*447,11 s. , I � ed-t4for,4table ' Good luck, Prof "' . L6r4 salid, :1 am XeitI$- whom, th,611 I #p�vb of ithe misisionary as hig.Aoldf"h, Horpild, otd Zlm4, of N*oipt one, �1� th , . 6ssor, we are with, "!� � �,,', i , ,ff -,� I 1, . _. ,�t AqUted, "obbot pW death , �UIO ,� ,�A, U, T . b* a1mv, ... 111'� �, #bt. , '.�' I frolft �b,e I qw,sleculb6st. k Is "ta fat thee to *dndWV11 st(*Ly%,_4rft.'M t',tb# ' t. 441110h§ef passed away ,about six: 4 ') I , "" lr��svi":, I I-, ,'. I ;1vvU1-4,;y I . -`­,", . i I I J#`�`t`X11A0ftob,d tw& I you, atid we hope tho whole-�sch6me 11u, mi�11, reo-led I _1 I 1. 'kick 6,g*iftst t ;;�`., " - ��., �, � iie, ,p##109.11 10 gq4 i�t'Tbe Jlspg4t tltfigoft, i1i t%o * , , , �� , �� iz;�!4' , _4 " ,� . , L�' , I I I �, . 11 , � . � I lb1h4b toleovne"'Orl. "'W" [ gl*pik ,�.&dguag* 7& ,*#" "W- 41# . I . I ftlalft 9,0­*KA41 Advoftte. .. I � I . , ­� ,�, , ,A&ft"M �,,g _ �, "& 11 " 1 doesift consi9t of hot air. _% ) �4 i ky. ,mo *,. � I , (Mnuhqud"w r%*6 m �, , �, ntn�,�,�i , . I., I . ; ., ., �, .."', " .,; I 1. ". 1, - . ,gj��kft#g ftowl�,* - � I v, . . il. . 11 . I � . I I ­­., I . i . 1�`& i ,�. � L , �g .� ,,, ot, " . � . 11 � - I �, ,. , . , I ;. 11 I � I "I, 1. I I . I `��". ", ,'�,J, ,� I I ,. . � �� �, I i . .. , , , :: �, ... I.. "1111 .; ,tl U., � 111.