HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-31, Page 7,­. 11 � � �,-' ,',�,;4 ��J: Z- , i,i ,il 1�, , � ., .' % F I �', I I., 11. .111, , , �� I I " , ­ �­ '' I, I ", ­,'.'. "�'��,;I"�,;,;",���,:"�'(,t�,�"� �M�,�t;j, , � �� ,�i� - �,,,;'� 1',!�! " flgi�g�,gg��, ;Ifmg , '�4. � NV Clq .� "'All 1. � , 0­,­,,,J�,, b " , .�� , �, I I.T "', �. �, �, , �, �Z�� 1, P �,�;�jv,',��, ,,�. '��J 11,, i -::1 ��`��, - �.. ,� �;. , �, , I I ': ; ,.,: , ", , 1. �� ;: ", � � � ,!. , , � r , �1. i I , ��'i,f` ��, 11,9�R,,`, -,`iX111A'0,T,,':,R , i9t,l �'%, ,,� ,,, 7 , �,4 . 7k��­ , ­ � � , , , ,: 'T , I , , , �i, , . 1. . 'I',, i I r, 1:4,'1141r .1 ,�' ,� , �,:;,'t,',i ... i`.�­ , �'­' , , ; ,� . , , i ,� i � , , , ,g "* ,�,., � I 11. . , Z, " � � I , i , 11 . I , , , :. � . , z ,, , . I � ", I , I , ,ii* - � ,�,N !�-' . 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I q, i .... � i;; I I 11 � . I . I - PAU-4jw � � ............... I , �: - i I �i ,. .�� I, ; , 01 0 'IV " ,! . � ,� . st�,�; '�J I I I . I I .1 � **!� �R . 1, offlWAIM, 9 . , I ­ ,� ,� lt.,� ,0, ", �js.� 11 . ", I,,,,— 1. I.. �- ''­ �­­1­11.11� Ali -"R !.pqp�m va"Y"'. ,�i �, " 11"'111 , ''. � . � .......... 1; . , ,,,,, --1 . ,,, "! I ."'',", , "I �� . �, a 11 I. Vol 'A - , " 1111 ". ­ � I ,�; ­ ­ - mp000#� o , ­ 00 W. 1 , T&A4041 i � � - 1. X1141 � , ,­.;,�� I . i !!!.,!�-,�#,",� ... �m I . , ,,� I , ,,,­­.0o§0i ,#0�0*�� -,,---r- . *i 4 � ­� '�Y..&,%!?, � ,! .; ,�� ", �,j-.- ­:. . .1,'1.;-:-- �, . �i�� , . I:" :5 1 1 -1 ­ 4 C v,7 -11, ,,, . : ­ , ,-P., I . I I . �,p- �tl X, �M , I I . . .. � '. . . .;I , I -- . .. � :� . -,", ; "; � : ",,,,� �� , W4, 24-a 11 A 1. I �, ?A i "I , "' El" .5 I -HAts'a �twa' . . . " I I . , .- 11 ,­­ ''I I . � ,� ,!�J et -, . .1 ,��, '. � z - - y, Ml , -I ndtf�d r4de-v,f av*%o R,4Fi-­' . . I . . ;".- . �1 - I 11 1. .m ­­ ­�.. ,,, 1-1 I k .1 . . , ,I - ,�11, 11 � . I ­ � ; . I qp,cir '.." � OF I I'll, '11149's" � �-� ,� .. , , - ., , ,"-,. --,e, slup @ p , -, 1. �Al�.' Ulir �,`� '9 .. ,� . . 4" " , to , �1101 " $ " . I ­ ; , 4 . I : M.", , 4,0V % , A 1 iy;R .�t" ,4# , , �� 4, - ,"W% I ,�, � � A, 6 � , , I lbet, �'v.,� '.pii �4.,n,x�, � ,,�� I ;� -F1111. �� � J,su , . � I I ., T f , ,q . qc*e4ing li� S. Rays. . . ,0, ,# 4 P. ", * ,,,,� V. , , I -WrylAtfief 8,61ioitoii, Nuvenucers " , , , I � . '1VVW,47 1 saw I%* to; wal$ . I , I - I �-'i� I . . ;, #,� I, V., ,�,.; ­I-W&I , 1. I o , :­ , i &A$..,1lBAQp , , , ,, � 11011 11 I � ,-1111, I , � �fl .. , i=4: Notprieiis Public. Solicitoims -for , � , ,., : by� bk� 14s," ISIAM01.4 0 . ff�,`Ei'w �, . ,Q . , - I 01 10#po� 11P.0- 1� M - Ofte " , n'4 � I I .; � hapg. 1 OLd -Xp�fl, iasIb 'Tor .4 sefoond, 0 S%,�,M'�. *a Dominion Bank, In ,Y*6f . -I. r-1 , 'I , , I , I � �­ *o Dominion Bamk, SeMbIT � 4' ., . ,.. . Ir �, � , , th. money I . . � . I I e frigilito I I I liltid ,neld, BUi4ip.lpig . ., I mili � . OD bmn. . . ­ I i . , . I 1. " , ' ' 1 W,g'.11 � -I . I .. . . -on 7,4 I , , I . ,� . . "IR I I I ­ . -.1.. , I . tateO,' alre very Itopli m - ,u.d,. f � 0"i I AM I � ... "I'll I'll � ;� 11 ,, �, . . , - ­ ­ . I 1� ­, , � I not good -sit all. Rq!t the I - he 11 � ��, � �- ,I , " I . -- . .a - -� g " . . �. I ,4wd , , . — 11, !,. -1 ,� ,,,,,,, - . I I eTilug to lr.ao, '$tea 1, �,.M, VVW,,1�1� 1! � " ,� BY G. K ATTEN�30RO . Xr, TV* whfi,p, , dy , - �� . " ..UGH 1 4'��1�11'111 JOHN H. BEST . I . . �R! �:­­,-,,, 3 I �`xt' If 2 I ­ §1 ; 111�',11'1 � � .1 11 I . . . , I ,�i 47 I 11 " �!,,. �,; - ­ . I . � I. .�-,, -- . .�'t I. "' , . . . � yourself, IS-alinela" sitegdy, yo=44 by -p. . !!. fg. , ply so, A ''. " �Z',, . 1. I � . , , ".. .gq ,P, i�t, �'. . I . I I B, , I., P, , ,,;� . . 1. ".. I ­ I ­ .1 11 "I 11. .... -1 ­­ 11 �. .. -,. .1. ,.. i� � 11.1,11". ­ the go,od,God/ and I reinomoyer A*w, -. ver ly.. I � .loved' 'in 4* , , 4 I � ,,, i.,"'.", � " ; M; * iter, Solicitor, Etc. � - I . I � , 'T 11 . - 11 I 11 11, "I ­ ­ .. 11 . ­ 11 I " �, -11.11 ,1111.11.1 .1 1. .." - . , qlae) . 4 'tild,411.1410 ", clqau�f "U ') � , i �jl �, �,% I .1 ,"I'll . "I'll , I I l3arm . , , X . , , , , ;, 1� Al Z i .. I I � 1. Mil """. I ., � M), , a in c,t,miparisoh w1* GlDd's' goiodinelss DMS Or 4014 =Wx,laelo for Mey, IVA 1�.,J��-',�� 'T. --m w,4N a, , I 0111 ­ � ", 't, ,144.Rt,q,��: j" ­411-F�l -,1#,1," "­� 21 , , . ... I I . . I 11..�, I;— ­ . I .1 ­ , I ­.­ .1. I ' ' ve - , . �,,��,eC,�.qZl' . , 11 SWOrt . I I I J, "',�l �? P 0 1 1. , I�l NO 11., h ;. : Outaril . wmll� , ae Bifisihipp, had no goodness that wa Tbe, 'kppi `t,ho� t -k44-: 10 J - - ',",�1--�t4��'�."�"��,,j4,�4���iii;��, -5ii `,;;;,6',�.�;, ;. �.,- -111- f, . . , � ,heo lhoO, �be ­ , gt�� Aw . "', " .� i, , � I . � -. �. ., PAAI� , e , " ,� ,�, ... il . . (N�tinued from last iieek) - ­ ivor 1. anouey :Der y6urself.11 ".. w(rth even ponsidering, go I ­ ­ . . � "Ni"'. , 1 414',, rant 'a Irift: INS— ' -r ;r i`?��P4-1f�p�!�, �­,,.T,",71'7,k"­)�4,,7A I 'fg, ' 170, , m " "j, .Y* just sPeAP .m0on, ,Vialt , r aig ,1 �1,.,!�', I , 'P,,�W ­,�, �, If, � . . ­ " . 'M i,TNIA 6 i��, . 4 01 fair - Samella; - - " L q,, �, - . RIM/% , I ,'�," Ell L. , .� ... ELMER b.'BELL� B.A. ' ' Kit woulid The Nrery wrong I for me said "Good inomling, you are. the ,t,meisft Q�v lifft I All 114 t6440 WN, W- ON .- .. . .... "Nlo,,,l 4oin!ft remeniber fat,afll. Who I, .Wrollwls W-# . "' ­ 4'1'�l "e,�­­­'-,� '. I V1 � ­­ I , ,- , . `7.�L'Il' 'r I" 1. t� to earn * money,". J,Evid Roy, 14a Boloial Biehop, aTen't you, mw?' and' beek ' ,Exi " ZZ4 4 �gv,l�rf,�-,;,,: 11 � � � ­�--!r"2� , ' '. " 03bo ls�,,..,(; "rio.�"W'05'e:�"Li"'K 11 I " ftqm J*,.. "­ .Y, "'?, " , , . . I - would". be d1iffereat � - ir ­ �., -,�gi , . -ise an lid - ,, I I., 1; '1,44 "I . -was #6well?" asked ,the young man Her cheeks, like ro U I , . ­ oned to, him. There ds nothing M. Ina had bo ,, g* -p.�T 40 11�4�1; q 1 Rarrister & Solicitor I I , . . . , d I y, y le , I ­.­ I -," - ­ 'F.;id-:WP, Upon , V -AAr ",?:,� , .1 -V , , . ,,, - �i�6 . , blankly. forth gileanis.; , it Tvdg U -so emphatic abou�,.," .. that Young g*l, U girt .":"���.��i,��o:.�,,�#"d�,�.: ,4'4�l,�' ., i . .. "Would ,it,?" said Salmel& "Bud . . at -once exigbiBite'- 101,01k� �, . �'1.�,1�4"19;1';X' i ,�- A,;I�� 't � . Samella.inipipleld with lwughter. "I HeT brows bright wv.hes framed of is very wrong for you, to be spend- ye . I I ��, �­ oq . -- . fear must nievIq-r; enter inito, any- hu- 11Y vargin t Ooulch.ed somleh-6�r ' - ' �,'-�: ,.-"�,�t';,, �,,,,'�,!j,' I .. �p%!',;­,l � ' �i ... I ff��,t I 't " ­ , - "--T 7�,`I"' 11, ,x , I 0111ci of 'late F. 11011�insted, KJ0. think by th1B time Isabel, could t6ll , Abony? wan reflatinnsibilp." . wit 'I ��". III � � I 4 Isaid) an au ' "C"Pi �,.,;"` (Next A. D., Sutl�efrf lique maturity, and "'., X", R ,�** t",ft., . , ling stolen money you - hwii earn- .,, I. , shi '6 r I 't�*. , . , �,W��, . I "I', I - 7� , I, � � R, � ­ ' Thus fair Samela . , ��, '7M 7,777 7171 T, .;� t;,� oo - you, though I have an idea she hadn't ' I . -ed. AR money that isn't earned is What did ybu tabc abbut?" Ta­421heidf her eyes.and stkw,14 I . , 41 *" , � �. uo ,.'!,. !I - Monalays, Thursday abd Fridays. a notion'till I brougtht home the glass." , . mul., ted hi " I I I "It was priv#e, Roy. I can't tell brdbn and put a de�eliy Vain apto --hi , -11. � 11.1 . 461mbevit wl',F. �,,,;� &*" .. . 11 M -T �141,,, I.:� "d .Over Keating�s. Drug Store. Pasieth' fair Venus ,in her bravest sto'lei'L"" tv � �1 . . C.N R, T MR, . , ., , , W7U52 I I "I don't; see that You: heart, a pain as, reall 'and as winein, � ", � "..'I" T;,,-7,�5.1x'i :11� 11 .. � "babel is -my sister and—Just,fan- 'bue, . - . Rast.��.1ill.'.1,11111.!"? , In % , , ti I � I . I "How ' ' .11 , , I,` � 1. And Junala ,the show -of majesty: - -st � ,., . - I — -n , ­­­,"'Ilf'. M . longare y�u.sbay`ing In Q, -r- Far,th4 fn t1me as6lience fell, bve- as i a, band that has been c I- , &..,"k,'r, ---,"'r, �'r, ­ t-�"&-:,,,�,. 'gi I , '. , N ­ God i h ��J; nl �­. I . 1111-V IS us that but niot M[Olr& stiall, thlan ROY a, .be isat ex 'd -,----;-,-- ' ` -0 , cyl--she is ffeadirdistress, of the Re,dl­ I , q,� . The siensat-1-on. ,of 8amelu hersieflX e' . I . . � �, , A, , ­ "' .? PP . tween the tw ' ­ X-,� ", ,",'.'-V,1 r, . oulld, ". ,, 2PQ f Ord ffigh Schiool f-oT GiAs:1 'For she's Samela; wick. .. be very sitill,,- . . . " � 'i". ,,z . VETERINARY � 01 don't exactly know. My t' - - laughter ,had- been so delicio ( 4;;RDP,:.����,"��i",!,�,,�.4a",� 11 1 .;,.,4 , . 1. . --- . cultured . '.they bad laugilied again. Now they akrue, through, tQ8, gr(2aft hour of * his, ClintOMI ....... ­.­ � _71,10 11111M... I. I I "Men she must ibe a M�;g.,�,� �ils&p 1. . � . ­ ... . very "Pallas -in wit, all three if you will my avvn.p) . W; .. 11�.!�j.R4AIIP;M �1�7�4.% , . . .. 1 - ""10"J, .. , .. ,%, 0, ��il!t$j I lady," Bald the young - -foundf silence so �mohiaritlog thiatt-phey mairihbitid. But there was .no stildli -Se4orth * , .�i­ I . T �, ,' " 'A , - W. � inan very ser � - , , , � I ­� . "Oh� you �dir -1, dTleadiful young ess I I �. � J �,,.,,, V. I , - . I ..... ..... 4 - JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. I view, -1. � . . W . . . U F, , " , douisay. . eadfu —f -�lt$ % .1"I" ,,, For beauty, wit and "inatchless, dig-, niian!�-Io*ninfg time as well bound it ,round, ,them Uke a sAver in hilst ears. ",I should lik Publip �'­­ ............ 1 72 . �.20�,,W�?i i 1�." . as mom- I e to marry -­,§ "t'zl`-��" , , 11,11 �� 14 ,I, i, ,I ��O­r- . :,: : , , 13"- T­�..,`­` in " �'� �!: I . 4,;� ,,`�� . 1.11, � ,4.',�,`,i�,,I;":"�,�, , - - "Yes. she must. be.. mustn't she?" . eY. Youir,case 11.- quite beyond me - colrd. Aft flast -Saimeha broke the knot. i' he rielh Youn x he had -sold ' I � lli,­P .!,., �, i I , ., - . �­�--;;,� I �" Honor graduate of Ontario VeteTin- nity, .It ig man afte : �- �,. �� ,;� !,;,i . " ��;'� : , , . �,Ii�;'� , " fretl�edf 'Samera *ith equal setpioufsues�3. " . L . ,; � ,,, , . " . . I � I r," ." � . !",., t"J" I ary CoNege. All diseases of dom � Yield 'to Samela." you s-ince you present �"'Do you - "DW What I was d9ing -atll thatt 'he had- and -given. it to. :, v- ', "'LL�,' . , 4, es -tic -4plo —any W- the - West , , � �, - , ��'�' j,,�,,-',,,1.,:,!", - . . ... I.. I , 11 , .. 61.1 e is your isfielter she must.be when You carne along .1haft Utt16 polor." ' .� . , , , � . . .5, animals treated. Calls promptly at- I 4 I I ficultfies. . But in the State which I . I Mitch,8111 U.I.W. &BB, .. . . a�vei7,young Headmistress.," hazard- Samela clapped her hands, pathway? T . ­ ......... 1, �,Al� ,� ; tended to and charges -moderate. Vet- . ",How 'have made for mi t1he man who w1ar. n) people. J — . Dublin � ...... 1-121 '0�,4���,,�,:,:�.;�,�11-4"lii""', - I I ;," ,, 1, . - i dlidn't '4now ,spends money he hash"t earned, finds had just ,come fronilarry6ng . ' ' ' Sedofth .... ::':'*'r;':'' ' 'I ed�.14e young man. - peTfer,-tl.y delicloulsi! Die.18h, Roy, and ,aHAPtER vii . ...i 11.4a, .'O.b.* erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office i,j a . . ,,',- �!�,: �.`-��, 'R I and iresifdence on Godei Street . m,tWenty-one nelaxly and she, Is tlla.t lyrde. There -,you seelmm-1 1&ven't himself on Monday morning in the it,wa,sf limperative, for me, to get back . . . ,Clinton ...... . . 1112" 10�0,$,`�` �­Imt - I �.. 11 . , , ". 0% 'Mr. ,,, � , ­7'�' 4&nlemibrance wly Godetloh , - 12.22 :. ItkP-4, ,, - �,, , I thirty-two—br -am I thioty,�two 'and run after h. It -has ,comia, t.,o me. You Police ,Qourt. Do ,You rMard 'DO ,I)uy to life. So I thought of marrying R went sl,o ... . . �,-., : . ...:.,�,��:� � " MIX , , , ,,�.,�j;�, florth. . -bell twentymone.? Anyhofw,�even if havie illbrought it, Oh, thank you so ,things f romi Mr. Twig vkth y ,people. I often- do, it. - I 1. Twig d1own Ithe solid steps -of ,his pladn,' so -l- I L . .. I , '0,4 door east of Dr. Jarrott's office, Sea- Isfa ..::,:. . our un- . .,j ! �.' " .:� " �, � How ,heavenly ,to be Samela! earned money?" I i-Mys ,that La Roldbefodfoau-I'd war, i,d li�oufse, the, pl,ainest (H3usie, in all 1, ". -1 , r . . I . Isabel has the thirty-two she is, young. much. ­­­�­'. . ��, "I", � I I 1 ­ �,'�,, . ..... ;;;, �,,, � . Headmistre ' hi,v,V to 'be. You see What is Your name?" right when he &� e' had been 'Carwilefk, and traversted gravely C.P.R. TIME TABLE . . I. 4,- . I s1sefs "That is what I came to Ca,rwick I diell ither the I : � I ) " I ­.� .,�- � � �, " A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. it hV have to be quick in their "Rofyall—Roy,of -eourse, for short." for. Theadivertivement of his. seren- Tmay gjaiod ,marnages, but feRy delic- i'm1maiculatepalk ff-itiniked by the arms East' � ... . I .. 1�,��. I I I . . . . "''. t ;4,... 1 s x , .-. , . . I I 1 M "� movemiemj.�B). DiPZ117ty they 'hear of "But Oat is your Christian name. dipity Shop in, 'The. ;Burlington, at Toul onest, What I lroriie, to d)D is to Of the neat,, serious, garden- to his . � P. I_: " -I'll ----- " �, ' ing they hadn% hea "' -d ine. I tin a collector." - make 'delicious mairrlages--4Chnarles -unpretan'tious bult rel ' quaxe Goderich .................. � , " ­­.,".4�I,4�'. , , . ' slometha . . , j "A.,, .4. '_' ` ' ' ; Graduate of Ontario Vet rd of be-- I mustn't call you that." tract,e iable car.'st , ., ". i ,, ` I , . I , �, , . er1n I "I ,g,a,m you the equivalent for "I desigmd tha,t ,a&-'2rtjBem, Lamb wi-',h Jave Ajusten for ins-Itance felt hat. 1rcm-;;V1ey suit and demse .. � : I .. rl.11�111 � TOre they have ito, run ,after it -to T� � : . -!'Allj : 4.2 1 ' h. . College, University of Toronto. . . ,, Menseit .................... . I zun after dt veTy qui�k�lk. And old Samela." . - ent," I -,,�, , vereciet hannionazd-d- with, the ' ---- I, ,,, !::, .i� Ameaeft of domestic am&ma1q treated, seld Slalineila, "and drew that darling aad.Kaa-tsi wRlh Helen -olf Troy 'I black . o I ' MoGaw ........ � ..... I ........ A3341, : --v: � I . . .. I ,5.. 7,�- " I . -.;....A..... . .... 2 ­'!­�;.,. by the most modern iiinciples, Pel:fp�e can't run at all, and middle- Nothing prompted in Sainela such 71'etle coffle'e, poit!l . . "Thlalt lis a, good game," said Roy, high s,e,'em`1*fti&Y ,of hi's face and !the A"bum .... . I " 442- . o J �'7 � . V� 1.1 . , , ' - . . � i ­,n "D Charges reasonable. Day' Or . night - ,, � A, Blyth .......... I ......... . . 1� aged people only very ina,dequately." d,el,kigh)b as the exquis,ite, perception. "Di7d- You?"­siaid- Roy adir.6ring "'let's, 'play It.11 , deep- gra(vdty lof his demeanour .: 4;52,� � , - "" Running after.,knowled,ge is a fine 11 ,P ly, "Yels, .IWS. It's ,great ,fun. New hd stelpoed- finto the car wbich ;;as to Waltion �'., ­-, I .". ,. 11 eaVs promptly attended to. OfficB, on Pha0k You, Roy ' ,and she hold out "And of colurse you know all about . ..... �. . . ."... I ...... . 5.05 , ,,.�,., 1 I � . a#itude," said the Young man still her hand. I . ii-dia-as about married pre-ople are so take ,him s daltely, wfth no, sugges- :1 5.0 It 11 " I 11 I','.., .� Main Street, Hensah, opposite Town "I aIm Samela really be- curioff." . . . �3 MeNiardght .................. If rather serloujly.� I . - .. .. H&IL Phone 116. Bre,Wkr of Scot- ' cause my fabher's name is -Samuel— 4,yes'lp fascinating. I don% Always. ,play very tion Of rii�,,pgg ile,s . Toronto . ..................... 9.0 , �,.,Q' . said Samela, twinkling, ,h . � .� . 1 ,,�,, " S,amsla is ' w.��,ver the thirty nif ,Q , , tish Terriers. Inverness Kennels, , "Yes, dsn% It impressive? n't that a dreadful reaslon? — and "facts albout them, every passible falet. wR4,11 and, thidn I ba,vie to divoTee them. that lay, the llo,viely old, town . West I ... .,"'):�C,$, . I .1, ,,,I,,, . 'I �­ . . . , ,, I I I , HensalL agreed quizzlicalIfy, and in her rich I should haive been Sainuel too. But But you can't buy very much f rom And divone is �ID _ugly., To whom of Clarwi'ek. and the - great Midland � A.M. ' ' :,­ " ' 'S" ,.� , -1,.�� . -1 . � ybung- voice she ohanjed: Pin glad I wasn'tt. What were we Mr. Twig—and nothing at a'll froini Would you marry, Shakespeare, Roy? City ,of Hardinglifaim, in---*hi,cih the Toronto .................... .8.30 , ,. `� '14. , � . He's' such � a difficultly I*" . . � I , , I . . I I . - W, . ii I ,,��, ,,� folliow knowledge 1h,ke la,bkf�ng about 'before my name came the musee. The .only time we are , , fouodatilons-of the Remembrance for- WeN-aught ................. 12.03 . I i. � � . - � . ­ 11!�: . � �i4l To a falling 11 �To Queen Elizabefth.' tune had been laid long ago, there Walton ........ i ........ � 2 ". � . � � MEDICAL � . I star in, Roy?" , -­ really unhappy is, when he has, been , 44y . _ �_ %.."I�, , ' 11 .��,,� - . , "'You �,werel p'iw,eirtting Mr. Twig inveitled into Bel ,,es, hie would have loved t� stepped vn,bh him the ang lifftq� of his kyth ..................... :.: 1228 . . ,�­,, Beyond the utmost lo0u[ndS of hUMan ling siomething from .". ; I I , DR. GILBERT C. ARROTT thought. to ,in, as a philoso-pher of life, im­ the mutsee, Position of, Prince Cionsforit, wouldn't Onaker ancestry. At -the moment of Auburn ..................... . . 't!houkh -of courtsf� he lifas, h,e? . ­`, � - pardayg his pihil'!ctsaphy ,to . you" said to sv'A -but it would (have been so bad starting, ','%&. Riemenkrance pulTled, T�AcGafw ...... . 12.32 1 " ��.,­k I , . sOMtetimk�S,Julst ,to live. But , 12.40 1 ., � 9, I . , I � I Graduate of Faculty ,of Medicine, Roy with a sm�ile, just tinged', per- that is ,one reason wh for h1m. Sometimes I think of Sap- thiz'ear up again a little Abruptly, got Menset ..... �.* " ­ * , ­ ' * *-' Yet I am not quite sure whethe'r Y I love, him ,P,hlo, but .She is ' .............. 12.4a :.:�14 1. . I . haps, w6th satire. "I ralther distrust so inteb, heds so ,spl(endidly -,,,- I ; ;��11 1� University of Western Ontario. Mean- hnowledge, likes it," Samlel'a cont -i - I really ,Svninburnl�'s out, and, retracing his steps, entered GiDdeirich .................. 12.55 �,� . I I , ­ ­ n ' I . parti�, And them d -s, Cleo -pati -a, . in. Mrs. Re- 11.,11 . ber I the v, r1hil-odlophers and thearies. I believe 1:kr Abut his ,proifts, iu� the'a-ustere�!, ... dinling roo, I of' College 'of Phyiieians and ued, meditatively. "Doesn't ery Mr. �.%�.ig, yoll bride. I � . � , I A'7� .� A , It r. I . - ­ ��,., . : � �:��', st .'it is ... so. elusdiv,e s,how t1hat t that, R�e Your sistbr Isabel, I like know, has old, thi d1on you think, Roy, th6t sihe oulght meTrYbrance, who -had not i,sen from . ,� �, Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 43 Gode. fact th i 2% m9s, ,and 'antiques. I "Of course not, Nathan." ' . . �� I doesn't"I& attackVI . Perhaps, even, like her, I clo-l- You can have afs, inany of his antiques ,ticif maxTy ,11famlet? If Hamlet 'had the breakfast table,, hastily crushed a I � '. : ..... �. ,,'r,, I I . . I rich, � StTeet, West. Phone 37. ,, . . , -R ... :.; , �.� � Y. 'you iw,ar�t, thoulgh they are gettirf, - "Mv day is a little uncertain, 'but, '. 7' ...... ; '65 ' �;� . Ileot fthem." said to,Clbopatra, 'Get .bheie to a nun- fletter Into the bousew,"' of ;,� � . Successor to Dr. Charles Macka The young man ,took off his soft, I . as ' . ife's Pocket - I ,�. b`­3ad-,b.0.mz,p,d hat and laid it on Slamela drew a ini'ock sigh. "I was very 1�cfw'. �He will "' rilerfy.'� Well, liny wo,rdl.11 , ,her straight gr with it� I shall ,make a great. effort to -be , , . I... s . ey dress ,. �,, " . oon, be gpincx a_ ' r . ,... � ... M � 4 , I the sedt, and stretched out his� long, `11- I would be bette'r. I took phy- brioad again to repletkh th6ffi. 'yPhen ' iplc,ygove, a-zh,rill wl-i!�,'le wi,jok. e-,2- ,,,,h,1te Puritan cuffs and collar. , back foir Mr. Tuffrey's addresis.11 . ' I I M . . DR. W. C. SPROAT C-legranitly-ellothled llegs' with a ges- eic and I 4-'ed,ll she, quoted. "Isoibel Mr. Twig is a.,braaill-loih, C12'ar!" Sialn"i- , Ji7lgih,�-ed Sipmella. as �htlrwing h::s quick "Yqu w6n't forget, "I am sure, Mr. Tuffrey would 1&,K,e , ,�,' �Il � . , � . Hannah, my 'to I take the mading, Nathan­11- � . . '. . � . I you . 1. . �zs a. thous -ani facts. She would from their -baoks-. The oher day Ma- I � . . I . . I . .� ;;;; I,% 1-ure which steemed to ,denote Ih-e* in- ,,, t grasp of th-3 situation. - . . dear, that t;,Tere is meeting to-nigl�t . .... - �Graduate of - Faculty of Medicine, .' ome tim.e. Inalve another. S`oine day there will went I had to lmal,6 up for hilin so,m�­ t "S' * - ' 1�,ik.emeare," said ht 'at seven o'clock?" I �� .. , onded to stay there flo-r' si . Samela, 1',oua � (Continued Next Week) I . University of Western ,Ontario, ' ., . I . . . ! ,o iiiiarr.y.,,L)I,an.a.L!--�a.-Il--.:--.-.--.-.-----..-,-, , . I_; �, -- Lon- "But iif we don't run after knowl- ba a dreadifuilmess, on h-cr pillow, and li-�:w, vo 'I st-arted having4maginar - ­ - - .., -.--.-.. - - - - - - - ­� I . I ­ . i � L. .�� i . . . : .11 . a7 , I � - ,L.�. I ys eidge-if ,we d1on't know thing* -we P'o)r hmbeflls mB-nnry will haVe bdrst. vil�iitors ,and mal*iing them talk to' � "Theat's ,a very . . . . don. Member of-.CiAege of Ph . fin -3 r)i,eCe o,f play, . , . " . � . I I I . � i me . I . .. . I %,. i 4 - I ' .. �­ cians and Surgeops of Ontario.,Office . "I vapplo-ze You ,y from theli ifbooks. The other day M-a� Sa 6 m,E!,Ia. Withat about .Shelley " . I . , I. . are mental slavaiges P' I . I I Can Work mesrr�bi in Aberhart's Drug -Store, Main St., " - * ,too 1hard," Elaid R13y reflectively, 11Y�;t Jamie d'e SeVigne camneto teeme 'Emily Bronite, ,of course., and . . ' ,', Seaflorth. Phone 90. "A,re we? Samella -asked. 'Then . Mr. Charlotte goe� CteSNAPS . ", , . . �. theire must. be. a very 'heavy piziflyula- a go.cd irr­mory is a ji�lly fii�e thing. Twig likes Ine to ba,vla Fr'iinch visi- I - ,,, If. ..to the Duke ,o . f Wei- . . . I I .: I , �� * � . IF I I .­ , I - . ingiiton I I.P. OT CU I L - I—_ ,. . 1-1 I 1. � . �tdxn, tof barba6ans," I to TICISSIOSIS . I 2 turs.1because it keops mily French at . ,, * . . . . .. . . "'.": --- I ­­­ - I . I d ­'� . ., , � . DR. F. J. BURROWS , The Youngman moved a little far- "Price -less," 'Sa)niela agreed eager- MT, fing-rs.' endl,­ . . . �t " -ofi't like I that " safid� Roy. ' """ . . . , . .. � . . �.11 . . , ly. "Yet -with meni,ory, k all gTo , "Ch, "but she. d1:6"es 'him so fin her j IT'S ALL A MATTER OF HOW I . � � :11.1, � . tinfer &;fwn V,12. seal-. s�o tha." he muld � de- u s'pea-k French?" Roy inter- let��ei,,,­ Of Co :rs . �� I . I . - "I residence, GlodeTich St., �, ­ . Office -and turn skl�waya and look at Sam,211a' OcIlds ulpl�n w,lat is r-u-memb.red and rupX�d. . u ,�, ,in real life Ona'r- 1. . �� *- ' ­ . . I s, , lo-tte had it-hree offors but they wer� I , ... . ., :%, I 1 bcw it is done. 11brace Walpole ­i , "Nkpw 'L-,,:-,,,- could Mr., *-.'ig educa " MUCH LIGHT ­ . ". I east of the United Church, Seaf-OTth. rielilly-cut prof,fil,c,. . ,, - t,e ' � � . I 1,11 � 2, . s readitg h). letters because ine Pnd ]�,a I -1 I . . . �- . ,; ­ jPhone 4& Gkoner, for. the Couiaty of SLe shook 1-er h -,ad.. "Runri,!ng af-1 am a:�vvay - va 11'r-n2h out- I d . ,on . 't y,�,u." alft- ff,,omi clergymv�n. Poor dear! it " � I Huron. , g' th-cy a�;e the easdZst , I ma�es me so .sorry for her." - -il .. ­ Z. 4' t�lr knoiWledge is like runn-in after way :of learning "Hardly at all." .,�:"-,x,-­- . � . : .:.: .. I. , ­ ""I �!Ihould Imam ::::: .... .1 8 :1".., . . , I happincsis. - You run -and run anJ ei'­fh'-eenth"�,6itury h� .� Charlotte Broyi,�e �.". ... I ;'�l I . ­ istory Which i,; "'Of ecurze Tr)�.. N'Q Oxfol'i inan t, ­ :,k:�::;::1. . '­?, th,,y are riti-rid. fo-ur -corners while �1) dneadfully la� I lhackeray," sa'd RlDy. i,,i.,�ii,,. I �. .. i difficult, tliDugfi Ivabel rvo!lv -fr, I ; F!-�llc),I, I :�:j:j:j:::j: . I I 'R. ' , DR. HUGH H. ROSS I c,f caurse ineiis"s ,-m Gardiner -talks 44 NOW. Falin.-la, y�u'gre 1, . 1,F)"r,"s. rat�ier g)od," ;Salni��la a- iii:i:iiii:i, .Z.,iiiiii�::7. I . . .. I yon are sti,11 ln the stra-ight.. Mr. ' . ,,�:,ng, C171- , . �: X .... . � ­­ ' I � P- .1, "and do-nPt . . ... I I . I � I I ; in of , ;h2 nainniory , ,N ­`,1u t1hink Charles 51. I Tvv*p hasn'-, ;-u,,i at a' -fl, and yet Mr. �"bctl'b 9"utto y - - - . . Glut- icM, agzi.'n . I ;1 .1 ­: .1.11 .. ']-I .. . I I Craduate of UniveTsity of Toronto Twig knows pra, tory in anything ;is indlefenrAble.11 "I ih,00�e sa.. I One cau',b be' .,vn, -;A ic,kenls �,%Nrrti'.-!�� ,have .been- ha,ppy ,with , I I . . . . . . . ; ". I. . i I 1 4 .. �. ct"ciailly everything. W . I - . -1 I I ,.- , ,,., I .... j I " , 1,. - . I FAcWty of Medicine, member of Col- lf�? hat"Fat at 'h�ome evpIvring th,,- "You hlalvte read a great Ideal," said 'a,bout the h�*611�--edu-cabed, gent"�man Gmprga ,Sanrl?" , . , � I.. ii:1 **; f lege of Physicians and Surgeons of ' - Roy. , �. . wh. "P��rha'ps, for thrce . :j;:",:-.:.� I : "�, lkvs of' his, own ,0-M . o daesn't kn,cw Frr,n,-­',,J-,jve11, what Roe", canceded. I �*:*i:� . � , .� Ontario; Tka" graduate course In a. d and being. "Rav,em't you?" is, left for eymiuisin?" � !::::::-'.1.....`,,::::: . �. , - , , 1 ballleO by theni and then, ,in the still- I !;:;:;:;:,: . 3A 91 M,r. Tivig Calls, tl,j�s gafrn,e Tald, . .1.1 ::: I , - , I'll, ng :: ,;. . I :� , I:.. 1. f Bring:ng Par- .."., .. : :: ; Hospital, Londe ' I h1a, ioeszn�t know En. T . ., . � -1 . Chicago -Clinical School of Chicago ; r,rez,s, there ,has come a "little kiifock,al �' "N -0t lately. -Of c3ume I read at . The ,I �ghly-edu­i-t-ed Frernfh.man I " ::: .. � ; �-, "' , -Royal O`pthalm-ie 'Oxford.!' , I U, .. I, _,i bu-"c,s' in Respect 0 :: -::.: ,;.: . �­�.1;11 I ' Tly the door." S-amela Itapped gently on� g1:Lfh,,, Rlay re- ) .­� ,:: 1. . ties Together,' ;­. ; ..1� England; University Hospital, ,Loh- t�i , " Gh, you weTe at Oxford. SID wa said Samela laughing . . . . . . :: . . . . . . . .:: � � . ..... . I; "I. Ile Seat. 11 lConie in,"' said Mr -s torted. ' I " J, ' Ifsia�b,.-J. "W�-)D would: yo -V .1,; �Vg don, England. Officio -Back of Do- Twig very suAlly, right Undle'r his She divides people into th%)sle 'They 1auig1`n:ed together, then as -ke to marry in I . . � .­,�t, I � I t1'.-Il's wav?" Roy asked,. Fdr nearby subjects when the light is ", .1 . .;,MW '. � minion Bank, Seaforih. Phone No. 5- b,,a'th,. And then the do -or has op- w1ho were at�,Oxfofrd and those who they found lauphil�g togerther a v&ry y ..,, I I 1 �'..'�p . were not -0 ford and' Cuter ,Dark- dellicio-us, semat" . . I .1 IM .,Y A Night cans answered from re6idehee, - enied and , '�airieia ., lau­hter d-;e.d ab,ruptly. I not very bright as in the picture above, - . � Knowledge like, he says, . `0 lon, M'e'y laughed a- ,,S,�,�,,,11 I ,,,., you?,, I . "11 � ' ' 40 I .. . . . , ­. Victoria Street, Seaforth. ness. You should hear her,,speak of gain. . Roy inDved a littli�l`- furtqi�e . . , I I I L;, � I boticclh'q 'Pallas, has come in And " "PI-Ew,e." . . Use . a wide lens opening. . . .. "A � � . . P., . sat down by him,- And when she ha% lhe Provinalal universities-Manches- down the selalt to Zelt a 1-ititIle morD . I I . . .: ,-,-, . . ' I ings were . "I s".hbi-I Y'l,ce 'to rnarry 'the rich . � , tu � gone aiyay all the b:fac ter, for example." than Sami-ela's proflile. ... t- - '. . DR. R. A. McMASTER -k thi 9 voun , . . I I I quite clear ,and white. Knowled, e "We'll, of counfe Ohey are rather "All sorts of peo,pl',e co,!Ile to s�e' g nian afte­ he iiad --�Ad all that ,r:.,... .., � . . I :�� :!.`:::::::"".;,.­ I .. � � Craduate of the University e I �d '!�7i * !; ;,:::... .., . 1, of To. , I " , , .... ,�% ,� 0 eble. holes Compared to Oxford. Y:)u me in my lbTd.noinn," s�ajj.,Sa,. ne ,b I gp:­.,-��m it "I,-) V.;�c pao.r." I :::, :., ��i�:i�:�i�i!.. �iiiii ,. .- I', , , Comes itia th-ase who wait, not to ,nela. 110h Roy el: ..,.:: - ��i�:i-.-,i�i� ,. ronto, Faculty of Medicine ' ' - :: ..,.:.....W,,.::j�i��i�;ii��iW...,..,.Illl;!��� . ..... .. , 1, I . , wil id not answer. He looked at .:.:.:.�.:.:,:.:...:.:.!.:.:.:.:,:�:.:.i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i",- I ..� 1 . It came -an ,hour aigD , 'th 'London or Manchester . ::::::�::::�:;:::::::::::::;:::�::::::::;::.::; . �, - ,' I U.'iose who run. Se'e, or Roy,. I have- such a beautiful little Samela lbut she .had forgottrin .h,im in , ::::;::::::..:::;:�:�:::,:,:::::::.;:;:�::::::...: I IM. t . iiiiiiii��:�l��i:iii:i:i:i��ii�i:i�i�i�:;:�i::�i�.: . . I ­ ,, :- I But foe distant scenes� I .,--., � Member -of College of Physiloiang ts me when I was kneeling, in grea any of those plac�s, a man,, it seeins be'dlb'31111­13, li'ttle clarrvA Gothic ov,d . retreatin,ii behind the high goldin , ,."-'.,.: New York Post Graduate School a6 04f, 1 t!o fine, can know el�erytl�,-,h -1 Polish 'fihia a,i: ::: :; . , I : :*.`:� � �*: , I I 11 . I and SuTgeons of Ontario; graduate, of - 0 . g and yet -cading every eayf-- " "' ii ... �!];jii!i��!�il I ';1 , , "' , """"" ta ouble, aga,inst m,y in ther. , . "I""', :.: - -i,i�!];j�i!i��!�il '. I -d know, nothing' -at -"all. From Oxford and Cilh-inje,­e ru�13,.' walls of her�.nrarrlage afnid--'it -,,as a ,..,,,. I....- �:­ ­; : ... like this to the left, '. -.1 �-,­ do wish Isabel, would give UP ,rui�- . and, a, real Jaco- ...."'........ .. ::: '::...... "-`�:���:�;i:!:�i�:�:�:�,. lt��, . , ...... ... I .. -.1" i�:i . ,� i ,� I -1 I - ' ­- .. ... - - ., .,I , - �`­Lyink-in - _ a intan oaR.Jc#J�w...-noth1n,g an , liunz, time belo�!'6 � `6' "' 2-1. ::,:: ...., . � , Hosphal, New York. Of . -d yet rhe' lilyean Chair, ar-A a pair Of 0.1613pen- A eimbrged. ........... ;�::.'*-�..-'�... .:.::." ..: - 1�"­. . ...... 11.1 reing. She wilddie knowin-g'Just noth- ­,....... ..::;:,.!:.I'..;" � use a small lens open . 1-1,4 �- Ace on High Street, Seaforth. Phone . " "Now I must go," she Said. ' . 1, . ing alt all and haviing worn out alh ,�. Will :knbw ,everything.11- da -le candlEisticks. 01h, daar! the Illst "Hav,en;t we talkdd?" As she stbbd . . ing. I �.:'.,� - , � , . . 27. Office fully', equipped for X-ray � "Do you -mean Oxford men A .-Aiagnosis and ultra ,short wame elec- 'he shoes in the wo-ricl." and 'seems t00 ilnuo!-�i* ,t�o altogether � I. ­ -�!�;, "W"'hat is ,Mr. Twig1j,F) particular w,mlen, have Mr. Twhig's umderstand- unsocial; and ihey ,Vrere.-all: given oi, up R;Djv rose too, and Tuscan came , ,, ,", tric treatimentf" Ultwa Violet Sun Lamp .Subject?-" asked the young man. ­ylou `g of the art of life?" Samela asked. lent to m,e by M,r. Twig.,'. l a,unning froml 'the bole of the tree .. . . . �,', . I . treatments, and Infra , Red electric interrupted my talk with him, but he "Well, art of ,life sounds, ratiher '�`Who com . es 1.1yra- Wbtcre ,he ihad (been- fa,k asle-ep wkoh . ... I . : ..- � lh:s ,heal bui,iediiin Some oL "'k:*i%, I " , %, 911 " k::K�;:;,:;��.; . - . .. ::;.: . : �, , I M::K�;:;,:;��.� ,:��..­:.: ;��...�� -i��:i:i:i! 6vataments. Nurse -in attendance. . had already 9truck me as ratheT a grandiloquent, but, perhaps thiAt, is, dame de Sevigne Id leaves. Ok::K�i::;"'K��.` :;;.:,:..:::::i:::i:�:�:::i::::::F:i:::::::i:::�:!!�:--,,.�....�; . 1. � . " � - I it.,1`1' . qol)o -you like calts, " Saniela - ­. .- ::: I t 4. - . "Heaps ,off people. I write their . , ": .- wonderful fe,111cw. And (he liolu4m like I , .asked, .- �: . . "AfT. Twdfg is a graduate of Paris," nalines ion Cards -andthe ca "I am, extrao,rdinarily fascind-tiedby .. , ,,,, �',,,'�� ' a mortraft by El Greco." - .. i .... ; . . �1� .: -:*:*:,�,�,= ;,,, , DR. F. J. R. FORSTER seid Siame!h ,very proudly. ir, hniold silver dL thism," Roy rcipllied.' I— ­.. . - ... I ,.X .., , I I 't . . .1. '­kc�s, ,d)oc-sn't he.?" Samlela cried', vh w1hi,ch is sb bea- I . 1X M .�'� 'Let me fintroduce y1ei .­::j:�j::,:- .; I . .- , � . Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, greatly deltgfitlVd. "Eq Grecols Doc- "Not reauyv, 11iful! that I think Cell,ini imust, have ,i ,Mr. Tus- ".. * "' "'..'X" I I . . -, m, 1. 11 �" � , I . "Incked- -yes," Cam Malhavisfy-lMr. Rbya4�­what?,, - . �J tor. I 1.1are a 1!b!le � repraduc�ion of Samela,,, �. replife(L made lit him -sell 1. � I ��A 1. I f. Let. me see, .whose ", " - . t `hn,' , "Knomling him, a d Isabel, and now got? Le Due "Heflinclo-uTt. I g;;4, �.,wll Graduate in Medicine, University I : '7 , dv s Mr. Twig know? What n, ciardis ,have I de la , . I , 11 -just a litriel--you Tuscan ,muzzled r�o,und Royfls ankles 91 I - I 0 t'11'11�� , . 1" ,,,, qf, Toronto. , s h5s particij�,aT subject? Wilily, he , , I tlhihik I 'prefer Rochefoucauild., Herri,ok Horry Wia-l- I I I -- 'Q�� . . . ' and ,h � 1, I I �nows ,the only thing Wmith know- Parls ,culture, -�o..Oxford, it is .less pole, Charles -Lamb, Jane Austen, is te'l shlot up.v HCAUSE modern cimeras and which haA A meaning lit terms of " , exc,Q "Theref­-­you -are adnilitted into fav- . 11111111"'.11 ; Lrbe assistant New York, Gpbhal- - ing-the one thing ' Isfabell doesin It sive, Illess gelf-conscious, less-, yas VkbzGerald, Corot; but a few morn- Bmodern film make it possible for the ratio between the diameter of N,,�, . meli and Aural Institute, Moor4field's tinow at all­hio desl3i, Pharisalical. And, of course lings a . go I. was talk -1 ng to a real pe,r- our. I am so glad'. Tuisican ' a us to achieve happy results with the len's opening and the distance . I . 11, I Eye and Golden Square Thireat Hos I w to Hvie. And.-Asn't compared toftiiis, velry soUble test. I -should li Is I .4 i -t wunderful?-Jhe .is ir Oxford. is 1113umeau son. Just -imagine it, Roy! A few ,[,,k,e �0 very little knowledge of how our from the lens to the filin,,116-, I .�,2 el. I a e sta'y � � wil desig- I ,�! ­ . pitals, Dondon, Eng. At 00,mmercilal Not consciously, of, eteacih .'911.,me, rich I h v ed in Oxford a mornings iago I sat in t6i ite the took of the, Cat, &a] . . , 1 ourse. ow, ' vo le . d cameras function, many of us do not ftating these settings, the letter f. is 1 in Samela, come and slit down on this 9 the, guest 'of Sir John s -ry B 'a' Sainela.. I used. 11 � HoteL I Seeforth, lobird Wednwday I gfreat daial, a and talik,qd 'to a Bi�lhop." 1.4 each nionth, fTioni LBO p.m. to 4.30 stool and I will. teach Mpg', and it -is the 11c,oke-r-om, 1. Heavens alive! werenft you 11"What-wGuld it be like, I wonder?" bother to flnd out, but we will more When you see that a picture,- '... A YIGU how to lon4ow, wha sees mo,pt of .tbe you sear- Roy�asked, but this heart was not in often get better pictures if we know was made with the lens sit f.11, it '1�1' .1 p.m. 58 Waterlio Street, South, Strat- 11.%,*, - " . ed out ;of ,Your senses?" 'R, ­ game- . ,�� Cord. . . "Samielka?", interrupted �" young "­l'PeclaXy. dthe game of education. "Noit at all," Sar�,ela replied. ,the qirestion, but with hisi eyes; lo-ok- enough about our cameras to under- means that the.openii1g of the lens . " � � J. il ,� I I I I I I 'What amused me mo,, used the'good God io steady myse "I in,g alb Samela, whio was more be-6uti- stand what they're up to. I was I -Uh of the lens-to-fiIm dis- . ,;t '. �,, � rian. flWhy, you got ,that from Rlob- sIt at Oxford I f tanc,Nflt happens 6at f.11 is a good, ­.. , I 1. .� . ful, .standing up than sitting down. ,� I ert Greene." was .41fie, Umlivers7ty Sermon at St. by, as, Mr. Twig has, taught mie to do. Any camera, is simply a light lit 'i 'Mary's on Q "It would be 11ke all bboks," Sam- -tig average opening, neither too large 1, " "-Did I.?" S,amBla asik Sunday inforning. All thl3se You see-, Roy, the diffei-ence 'between box or chamber, with a t1m at one I . . 1:, * . ed. "What - il. ella, laugibed, "Some of it would- b2 -nor too small. In fact some inexpen. 11 I . I I d1ird Robert Greene, say. about iSatil- n "ddle-hge& and 'elderly gentlfemen 'Phe wils,Pst man and the A -11 -wise God 'good, and !somie ,of it wo end and a"bit of optical glass, called sive cameras have ,fl' . T.� I * I . & J. A. MeTAGGART' ela?)v I knIetiling in their aca-dpmi,c rolbe,Q,- Is -113 ;zoverwl'iie'),ning that ,by compiari- an1d'some, of uld be bad, a lens, at' th� other. Add tor that a or aperture, 'of about that ratio. � - I . ­ � their synilboilis ,of w1lisdioinv-beffoie ibe son the difference between the w,i8. There is i1t would be middling. $ . ,�: 11 *1 L ' '. � "Why, he wrote 'a poem to her." . o contrivance for admitting light un- Smaller openings, f.16 or f.22,'for . -1 .! I & ; Graduate Royal College of Dental, IlDid be?" Samela asked again. All-Wlise, Wore AIIIJKnowledge. 'I est man and the stidV,id,e�k,t juistdoes-ii If book -11 , n Other way of writing a der control into the box, through the example, cut down the amount of . �11 i Surgeons, Toronto. Offics, at HenSall, -Rather--I know it because- -4-1f hAd to 'Put mY 'handkerchief to my exist at a, -'l- O,h,, I do wi'sh peppli i I . . 11 06L Phone 166. , ,. . He Eitoippe4aind rwas, s&ifent a, mo,n-gent face"ft struck ,me as 5.0 immense,ly wnild relme-mber that----it,hals 44'Why, 11hat is a Martial Evil lens to the film, and you have the es- light entering the lens. Consequent- , gram .. -�',., 1. .: , e sca"rlet- L--iSlainela, w1hiat, a lot ,you do knbw." ly, given the same light conditions, 11� 4! I I . . What he was going to add, was be-' *11nairt3us; as though a tiny drop, of Clad gentlemen at Oxford, for exani- . I sentials of a camera. �. �'Iv! - . The size of the, lens and the extent longer exposures are required. , 1 1. - 11 I cause at 'Oxford he had bad to turn wat&r shouild, ca.11 out t1a the ocean, p1c, sitting ,in Choir high scholairs1hip "Do I?" she replied. "So Mr. . to wbich it is opened are important. That brings us to another gadget I. I �., . AUCTIONEERS -it intoLatin verse, and there is witili- "D-ok at me. ,I aim Wet too., The In St. M4,rY'ls on a Sunday morning. Twig sayls. ;,you I '. '. �, '.1, " 'have the very good When the lens opening is largei a lot which, in terms of time, aiso con- .111, . ":trans -or impressing a fe�ef iug Eke lation f . feeli,hwa foT 6he,ocean infust b They are w$8,a becausle they compare knowledge of the, im)pewer,tly educat- ,� . . . . . . I 'fings Of ,,he likood God e the 1 lid Pfe, of light Is let into the ca�mera to re- trols the amount of light that enters , ,,, . thing' 6-ir the memory f -or ev-er and ' when, He �11'e��m'slel!v'els"t'D's't'aOi�di, no'n-JO Ord 0- 4"he telils ft e. !Mr. Twig. loves Cats , 0,� HAROLD DALE'' ,. ever, but suddenly the desire came th $Poks down on bhZse sipots ,off divinity ple�; "but I-eit them conilpaire themse-1,ves cord the picture on the film. That's the lens -the shutter. For most ordi. , I '.I I . --- Jh,i,,, cat is "Brienda. Brenda adores V . amid supposed, inialstery of rtsf.?� with the Ald-wise God and they,be- Mr. Twig A very weii, but lenses do not do nary snapshots, a shutter that opens I .11 . Licensed Auctioneer hj!m to hide frokn S.ameba, q1his unm- � the, a even more. than Tuscan . �i. , � 11 . � nt "'S21'nela," said' Roy, "I beheyle- Mr. cOl-se at stupid as a fiddle. That is, adores, ,me, and dio You -know ,why? - sharp images of all objects both near entirely adequate. rn fact, this shut. .1 Specialist in Samn and household ma* do reason of ,hiL% knowdedge. TwIg has -Put a Vit of the cynic in , Nvh Y, ,if there *era nio, God, we shou Id 'She hafs broulglht up many famflies their beat "wide open" in giving and closes in about 1/25th second is ,,.i, , jigsdes. Prk-es reasonable. PoT dates "Because what?" she said: at last. I and inforundHion, W.rlte, or plif6lilie Hair- "Oh, no reas,onin, paritfiew-ar. -I just Yfou�-­tft-ue French cynicism.11 . haive to 'Invent ond, to keep men of and been a most Outsitanding cit : and far. When you want sharp, ter.speed, coupled with an opening I ii�,g or know it. I can quate you ltho poem , "I ,hope he has-," Same,] rep Pretensions iwthiir piace.,, . . izerl ' I , old Dole, Phoyie 149, Sealbrth, 11 of (her cat city; q clean-cut detail from foreground to -of f.11, Is so nearly right for,average , "i,., I 't d uit�- exemplarly. Mr. 410. I . apply at Tho,Fx0os4tor,J*ce- if You ,like." 11 1111b is Vilkht -to be cynical out s �D 1� b Samela, you Say You are, !twenty, Twig neivierr f6rigets her dignity -and distance, as in a good landscape pie. outdoor conditions. that it is a kind !'), - ... I I I . i "I like immensely," Samela tbila thing-4­211!110'ut facts and ,ostentation ut you flalk as if, hike Mona Lis'a, all fi&r tiviie athieremembi and so'be ture, you have to use a-sman lens of magic formula. Shutter speeds .: '. �..., � ") , . . himi. "ISee, I am listening." and e&VIUSOVeness and, ,being a umi- You 6re older *an the' rooks, and have ,alf calls bler Mos. 'Brenda. opening; when you are interested faster than 1/50th second are adIdom , .1 - . . . She ' I il,, ,,� ��. ... Fruit Crops ' . Folding his arnis in the attitude so - veT!5itlY mah and welalth," ,been a dliver in deeP se&4 and trif- .loves to have her -great matrolniings,s only in picturing an Individual or a needed except for -pictures of rapidly I I '. I I . � � � , , 1 7 � , I I , I "I am VetY Weial-thy," sai,d Rely,. ficked for strange, we,bs 'th Eftstdrn relcogrAlzed.. Isn't �Mr. Twig a gentle- compact group, as In the dog pie- moving objects, and then with a ' , Paralyzing to w0men,but from w1hich wl . �� I 1 .. The , Unistres the Oro- men alwaysi seek, and Often priocure Isamlefials! bhnd siblot out .in a quick rnerchaini6s. You see, I knew tW.n;g.3 man of exquisite perceptions, Roy?" fely iise a larger lens opening; otherwise, not . � I., � , DiepaAm*"t ert. e 1D � � 1, , , , duethn oT Frull't Oriolpig in Ontario at the,heroic, ,this young man ,began gelsIture f0f lsylmlPathy as, t7hough he 'by lb Bit tbo," Roy ended proud y. "IM is iindeiedi. I bblpfe to see a relatively larger opening If'you fo- enough light would be admitted. 4§1�, , . A had adid. "I lhaivle jusit ilost, my nvo- "Well, everybody ,knows that," ,great dkial of hilin.4", cus carefully. indistinct detail be. - Lenses,�by the way, & rated ac- . ,,� . the f��P*Wlng percentages of the 1,435 with a rabhefr exquisite are which ,, I i I erop: StraWbeirries, 8# pieT cent.; both surlprise'd and deli-gilitedi Samela: ' 1her." '"Olh, blow drea&vl for You?" Sametla scoffled, "It's as con"On as, , "ne're are You, staying in Car- Yond daeali't mattiq so much, In fact cording to the largest Opening* at �11.1 "Dreadful? I am ge-nerally '- the Lord's Prayer. ,But Jet me tell vgcl 4- , ,, �': ,,, " I I ,,, 4 raisipberries, 40 per 10ent.-I Other s4nall .. AP en . often belts to accentUate�the prin. which they work. You hear camidii 11 I ,�� vied, "' " I 1,� � I cheirTiefs, go,-, Elour "Like to Diana. in her sunimer,W,eed you About ,fhe tBisNop. ften I saw . "With mi�j cousin, Mirsi. Remen�br- cipal subject. I I tans talking kbout f.6.3 lenses, f.4.5 ,. .��!:, %. frulits, 48;, sweet ,84 eg j.- Twe t� � - . I ;� I ". I ory. Girt wilith a c-rimson robia, of brightest 01K only by stulpid ipeoilile, very that he was,"a, Bishop by )his I , B a . . ' .�. " &&ti�es, 88;. pllufmis� 40; peaches,, I - Id , A IF"I'VI)PLId loelople indeed,. Well, 1e,t us, 'those lega, Rby., Offe'red ,to Heaven, In virtually all camer4s there fs lenses, and even f.2.0'lenses. These �?,- "t(11�1 , . fe,� ��, IV,— 11 � 1� - , 1��i � ilyeara, 70, The apples, by vatileftlies I Ye "Reably, 7vow why Oidn,t -you nien- some fti�bans of changing the size of "fast" lenses are wonderful thing " �.Iip, ? 1,11mm ,M.the saime Goes fair Somella; )NOVe that your irliches *jill iniuke are 0; :,� �, � iip, I are estinidNed as & a great mlista:ke, b"aute' bisho'Ps tion herearlier? She is in the inner the lefts opening. In moat*box earn. they'll get Pictures under the po6r. . I ,­& IRar thOrnige1hres wings and fly ammy ag an Olifth't to VOMMIdbleT their rialms, and. circileI of my frjeriftd,s-.,P , . I I I -0. , . :1 � Ll I.II, AIR, I lbalola: - ly ov'siviedest, 87 10et cent I I ". , , I eras you pull out a little slide at the eat kind -.0t light and they do havo �. " In , . -Wei j' Whiter tilian be the flooks that strag- elagle, to, lhi�avvm.'11 aCcept, however Unwillim,91YI; f1hat ,the "Is Zlike? Pm 8b; glad. I am very L , ..� � , , ��, I �, � �, ,,� . lik, 92; Baldwin, 95; ISPA 11 y . gling feed, I "I iprofoundly hope they -will do I,ard dellighteth ,not in-Ithe-1eigis of* a top of the camera. In most folding that extra speed when you need, it, ,.��, , ­ � . 1 1��,4 I� Gree,rlinig, Ift.lSitark 105­­Snow,- 75- . fonid bf heir,mysWif but I don't un- carfieras there is another type of ad. But evtn"80 they all *of* bedei It 1. . Tj.� , , �,?, I.,�, ,tql;wr VW,e&�,, 9.5' ­W�en washed by Arelh$sia, fa,int Ihe,y nothing of the isort," s�aiid Roy. mail, b-6 the model upon theaw what derstarld heTlaIt alq. There is some- I I` 30cinttosh, 65; 1 '. - . � . I A— 1-1C. � . . a diaphragm, wit .,. .., 1�1 ". . , � Tdgklildg -an afvlerac reor all apples of Rep . "Wow dil d you get yoti,r wealth ? Pl It (ma'Y." , 'thing bF60,1119 About beTL--as, tihouigh Justment called b the subject 6a ade(ldate lighVIWIth - . ­,,��, . . ,­,- Lci , , I Is fair Samela; Samela. a-sikeld. 1,Dlid you Wl "him *AV? " ROY in- ldhe- had 9, fseeret andl Were alwayis d- I which a greater variety of oppoRwility to. ,sb* .­ 1.�,;­�.Ill��' I . , openings the resulting " 1.� ,,-,,.!�, , 4 86"ver cent. Of t e.1986 crop., . . , I �q , i . �. -My fameT was, a sibip-owne'r ATIC ,, fT,Md 4 was esiciapiing lier.,f cau,be obt linplir -.1 I down (ftSe it smaller, dts4lat*"`��fa , I � . . !��f��L'ndgl . , � � , . AJ. talbulatilon, lof percentages shows � 31 . a ap - I .1 0Y. vy.i, : " , '$�,` I- lin, , nk- during Me ,w I , lar " a ' ' . Z, 14, " I , � ,,�6f, 1, I ,'I 11 � � .�, I I !-1 . .11, f-1 I I i 5 8 11 9 :; , - . . " * .. : , �; : ; ; : r� . , i � off M Sam 1111111II& 111111111fth.. �� 11111111111�111111 , I 0 16 , , . !;,i � -',.,)11',,�,!,1,,.1 Her tresses gold, her, eyes like. glissy nidde a ficnitu - "'T 'aid SumlZU Waili',111917, i"Is thk� volitiat ybu t1iiinik,about her,�, I . � 11 ­ ': ., �� ll�.,,`,!i �� �,`,A.N�,�'] I chlat '111f.'eandlitionoffit-ho (Wbwe f0ults , "Ir '�' Ott,pd 1I In most d agm.typeri, the ma, desalcb-ofaliq brd JL � 'I . .,� � . , - I "'Father's bo 1,014w. Jor settifigs are shown by fin ' 0t`f44,bjk:�.1-.,"- L" , 1, .. . e 4 stieamis, T bfafv� impreissed myseff upon iyou IRlOy? . Well, keep ttiliAt, I met'Alik go ; $03AN VA9 J p, ��, "P � �, � as, of auly,15th wa� b4ow averl.4 , Yl" Slaiinela. � ! � ,,, � . ,� ; "' , ,,,, I I Her , I . . 11 I � � - 1 ­E,4,� '. ­ I . ,� I 11"R, ,,'�,�, . , 19 " teeth are ,Pearl, the breasts ��re "Yet ybu h*ve had tranetia earn solme lyadfllr- , I have c0tWYed! 114 yoU the �as % vetioet to yfour,ftl1r." . I. I � , � . ,,�,,­,,. ,.� �� , . � , . . . � I 41t e4vrvae. , ": . �. . ,11 I ill . � . I . I . 1. � 11 ., , I .. I : I � , . I . . � I I I .. I 1� I " '.1 '' L'.�� t . I I . . I . . � . ': ,,, I I �, I . I I I . . � I . 1 I ... ,,�,� I � ... �, , 1,1,'i:: � � ­ . . I " I � ,, � -� " : . . . . . ­ I I -, .. 11 � .1 1. I I � I , � 1 " ,�� �,,,, �.� . ,Ill , :1 � �.­ ii� : � , I I 1 4 1 1 .. �,��;�,� ". I I . I ., .1, I '' �� I ,� ,.�, ; �,;" " � .1 11 I I.. I I � ,.:,,�,�� "k.�!�: �i�,J,­4. I. 113 1 1 ... .1 � , � , I I ,,� , �,,,, � .1 " , I �, , ., �� , . . I � . I . - ' , " 1.�� I, �' �, ";; � � I ­ % I ,,­­ � I . " �' � '''."," . ,.., 1� , . , '�'j�V,�' �" � I" L ', ,�'­ '�',: ", '. ;,'L, e',� I ,,, 1 1- ii, "' �,: t � .1 , . .y ., ,,, 1.11,11, - �j '.�., ., �!­, "", - I I �, -� , f" � 14 "V , "J"': ,�, ii , , f, ,1,...�., ,tg,! %%'�, ��r, �,�'?,ig 1, � I . t, I � ", I I" . I . I � I . I ­ ., ., . , * .­ ,'' � '�(4, 11 41i" . '11- �, o 1,4m% 4. �,� 01,�Uq �,f�,��. ,,,�� ,,, ,�,, g ,-,V"J . I L 'I ", " . � , '] .;, " Xev"Iq q�lm�� ill" �� , ... ,, WN � 111� ;`�N� 1, , ,� ,� ill�."R ie,iA ,,, r",g�,i4��k��,�ii-,,',�,,�l-k","', !A&M1101m,111,11 al , ..1,11119101IM211921a hl',F.14R,�.',, 11 � v . 6 -,,,�,�",,�...,-...,�-�-.1.,�"..�, 111-1-1-11 ..... ­ � " , `� �, - it""my '114 Ati".'4 , ", , - ,��, !� ".� . , - ". � , , 3;;;;1111111 ... ,4",�, �, �, g;�Jlh , , 1'j",�&�� -,,!�, �, ., , , , ,� - igg'j,�!��Y%lg't,f '1��,"�,�Ilf","? v r ,-, 6 e --a K ,�',�ll!tA'ii�fi,�,,,,,�,,�1,1,� q,A.� ,�lj I �,Z, `* 4 � , " , ", "t �ia ,:111 ,!: � L!'C " ,� :,� , - . I,- . g , ,�,,. ��.J�gi� V�F�,,�, ,,,�i,, ,'�, q, ,1, ,,�: �y�,�i.��,.,L"�%i�"19",IF"",�i��,,,',;,� � M'. F�l 4 , . � 1, g , g , ,1�!" ,,4�lg -� ­, � � 'JA , , ,0'�.'ti�,t, I l6 1i 'It g, t, ,, ,� I , , 1 . � 1�� , 1"i, g"',�"k 1 ,'4, i�!,, -00, mvvx -nam A"', , , 'Ikl� 'W"'Am , Z .