HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-31, Page 3�11.11 1. "I -i r � 1.,, 1. 1. , . I , � 11 � I:;- , � � ,., o X .1 p, I .. I i'll i �� i �4 . . . -0 . , . � � I I - , , Z � I . ; I . , . � . , . : . . .1 .!! . . 1. . .. .1 I I ( _�- _0 . . I I I . . � � . I e ,a, '. . . I I I I . , 1. . . - I . 3 - 111l 1 ,4 _ . .. . � I- ,., JULY 31, 19 6, 1 - . �1 I., 4111 1 1_'-1, . w..".1'.1.1m. ''. I I I I..". : �, li "r--, "" t ­v. ,��, . . I . ." - "', -- %, - � -� '! I , - il" , ,,:.v-. "I I I .. -, � . .� � . 't"', , , . I . , . I I 1 I : . I . . �_ _� , ­. 11 . . . 11.,V41 ­rli'�,T�,M�­ ;�� .1 , I I l,lwl %;, ; � ,1� . . i , " I : ,� �� ,. - 14.. �;, , " . . ., ". . , . .."I . . � I _ , . . .. , . , ) A. 1. % � . . � . . '.'�' !", %, � . . . . . : '., . . I., - . . , , I. .1 � I- .1.11, 1. . -, . . I ..". : . I , � I ­ I.f , . � , 'totaltm � I 1'.... _�_ � 0"', '' 17�, 1� .. 1), ,.'�.Jtl�'�-4 , "', , 1­�' "..,'., i � � �,.��;���.,,�i.111 -.,1,V , - '� ,, I14 11, .. , '. �� W, , �'i - 1 �!' � " ��I,, .'.�",;,��',��,,,�� ,l'� 4"pw ��; 'i �;, �'5i`.,.'.,�l " "p, . , I , , - I . , . � t I,.:, I : � F,l,vu . F."', '. . ., , . , " , �-,l o, i ., .. � 1� I . '! V,'�O� � 51 "" ,I � , , , I : . �� � ,; , ,.,�, , 7 . ,., . � i ! , . � : i i -�,i , ,� li�'!K, 1 0$ , . , I - ,,, . ': �, 1� W ., 0 1 ,. . . � I 7 7;��'�'-q_"'��";;"�� i--- - ...... . . I . . ....... ;�M- ... ....... .... '­ -­­­--- . I ',f"��,�­ , : ­­ "r, , . " "�, ­.�,�-­,r . . , 1. I I --- `4 �, . ".. I, "', _.,,:,�.'; `4N'1'4;T ...... . T""', ­ ,.,t. ­,"," 11 .1 ­ � -7. . _ I . __­ --------- T ,, - (�Orzl,", , ', It' . 4 - ­ �... . . I �' 7­'..l%.,�F...;i1,,1r_ ­,r_.W­,- I I . -1 ' * . �'. . I'll, . IR I . I , , w.v,rX'-.`-­w,­W,W,r - theA." I -.1-1. I __-_ ��, "I 4 � _.,...,09P_ 0'., . .,. . ­ �. , I' ".0, t.):�.il � * . I -4 Is .. - . , I , .# . � - V , ip ' �:;- - . , . � I , ":. ,ri, 'Rex � Co h. ren,''.1 * n Train ,, , n r, Por, � . � .. .1 3 1. In I. 0 161004TY1.1, . . I . , I '. . ;C 1, � . alt . ,�. � ,. ! .. . . , P. �.% I , . . � I , . . Xou*wed : VIP—= rap -2) 1 . , �. .., 1 , , '­'� Q � . 0 0 , . 0P.I., , ;., I (Contin.ue4 from Page 2 f , s ,. "I'll, 4 � 7 IRI -T.;.1 ) Ma - 0, � ,7,;.! " , " na - , . 01 . . ter L_-101. I -1 � ed .from. Redb0'.4 1151 , , , tim. I . 11 � I I, � It - "' , . I AN 11 ' ; '' '4 ' , '"' , � . �� i I . . e - In-Str -' t ­ ih Retpde,e,w'Pfggg I 14 "I Lat'st eanx . ining , ,. ,,# 4­'At-­V'"w,f 50* � . �, � - I Veteran Minister Passes � 11.1 A brother, pf-41bil.0 Jouleg INt,tt,on-, , 1. . .,) I 1. - '4444,0000 -T -1 , � ',of . 0, - wimw - t, , " I 1­1.� &_ 1 "I", , � . . ; - .� " , . . . I ' ' i .". - " = , I �1, I "M � U. 't I , .1 I . 11 � � V6 I � ,.�. _A .1 i� __­ A �. I . . � _' ftev. John Imes, father of D,e � And ,%. man. -by -ili�' Xiame of, Torr, I went dawn, tio Annapa,KA to look illd . -,,�v?�4i7-9,7,9',,TF,���'7�'O"rr,O� ��� A .1 I 1 I 0 11 ­le� ,r,.�4 . I - , - 5' . Witt Hodniei, adbriner resident of -Wio4 . to ww";� , 5[A%R-VPX "I ­!,­ i �11'ji`�,�!,21­­_?" e from . 4" V ft, :, " 4 " '. '. Will Sidp - in London On 11�.eea 1 .0 the -,,,1%ea , d in 18,61 Wroxeter lbo, Sea- -at the ��,166` TAIds who 'are, going I . , .. � , 1 , ", ,� , ,,�;, I � ,,, , . king". it infust ,Llolwn, died, " SAturdlay , emening at his f brth, �ftttio�a beemifi.@I the first poist- bb, offi-cers -of the NiNyl I. . M l,'� ", �,,l , "", , -- . t .ua�t_ �. I to fin -a` oullb I tiv M000, 4*11"", � , , I I 0. sis. - irofoq "'p ��& ",::,��-�]""J � 6 $44!4 ,tiv k� "I. e becall§e 7it must- uleet the .,-home in, London..' He­fki 88 years mazt0i." P-revious to this ,the, vost hair.t1hey-wei"ie, choeien' &ir this"pir"cl- , ,,,''wr ,�;,k �' _, , , � 0 I August 12th, When- Local is'pecd' and ­ ' ' � _.� �� , , , , al problems, of gtrades,,... ourves of agle -and in a leogliliy minktry office ha,4 been alt, Harpurbey but. the fession, what the liZolk )fto hnd R fbabl" epoh`d�aiqn - - gi, ' � : �, , ,',�q.,;,,I, 0 , . q , �� � A , . ': , " . n, . . � ey 1!e,sth - and, ,1 ' :;s . ,. _ . . - . uw -the he -ad oC 4�6. 10 , � ,,w I I . .,�� _01 . her 'on the ralls. of aAl see- sin1ce 11871, preached in Prince. IZ&- 66n,trollers of the de4dAnY' Of 8sraforth they belijive, w�� ,. il�� ,,' W ) Rexall Customers M a y "d 'eath a� th . . �".., I -1 � ­ - , , f. � I . ' I .. V 4Ai§ wa,� . . *ited,Sta . ,. . 1 " I6 . , , . . I Us, , 'South- *a,rd Island, Eoublk.,"Uxbridge .' -St. ,brought a jea I , It %,� , ,# ItIons. of the Un.1 'anO If $1 M+ -I .,5. .=eb� 104?". ,,, �, , A., ... , , _ ... � , good deal of -influence to �hom� ey - jit. . X! , , , "" T tb , ra �. Ms , . - -1_1 ,I h, a. .. .. Pa.' � 1, , , A � ' ' -vtow,;, ,�j ' I ' itS de, awe 'all p _0 , ,:. � q; l"T'�,ig", 11� 1080,ect Exhibits, i ern Canada, the engine select�d Thlolmlas, Nile _ , r� I , W" gildoilli, Dresden, play and "Harpui4hey lost post of- Of - liffite niany candidates for Annoupw "ch lid . � rpev;ar 0, 'e. A `� ,Q nott to shatter , eb P. _*. I I ,4 04A 1, ,; ­ ". is ecorde, but to ' -, enbeam, Brmsisola, Blyth, fic -th, of course, gained one bhpr;,� come ' " " - y- " . 1. pffi .. peed r Parldhill, Bil 0P ]14.40111: Of 0.111n ,g , � ­` , -( . -nnually by the Pres -1- 14 .at taxe IV gro4p. � i , I ,. o4s evinloinited'a . , �g,ak e. iSeafb,L i , T, $� _7101 , - I ­'., ,,,,�,­�­ . ,a . I '.1. .. . �, . '' . A�pullll tlwough." Due to the varying DicKrchestleir, Ploi%wetl amid T-71b6tvallie, Tbla m#rchants of Harparhey saw derit, th Sguator&- And .'.r -, , % ��'. ,,.�',����,,�,����'.�;:I��,�,"�,..,. _ Representa,w Qt A. of $e0a,l4 . - I � ',,, r �,, I .� I I I . 'Representing -full opinfidence.-d the con-ditions'to boiciet, theengine Surviving are his wife, gnej bh�at -it *asi. a losing battle when the -tivies. X Chigi,s, men. 'Me plebes must .4% ' if , '40� � . * CUM IvL -Y� h .IV . b ipt#_ f(mmerly J . , . , " � I'll", -P-q� _ , " .", , I!lf -11 e -osen fro - . ..... �� ;7 fly dpwight, using tle le ­� ... 11 � 14 I I I . U-n1ited, ,Drug ,Co., of Boston, in good must be changed as. e4rJh new ZT, Greeriway, of Exeter; Miss Luella at post office was gone, and, so the - - lihe Navy, Miarine -Corps and C.C.G. amial �6t, . I - � .�', _.. - I I -a -r the next 12 11ory. is, reached, An eft- hDni1e and two sonst, Wendel[l'ot Lon- jority of them moved to Seatortli. Oa&ve, Abol4t a. thousand survive thd siblie P&i7t ,of their doir I , . ­ . . . . . - � busine& . ,prospects To road's tea+i jy,� , �. .or- .A� . 0,� g�__ ' _ ­ I. a I I eorr, and Die, WrItt, of Toro('nto. -. In, fi,it more than two .or b . . Q-, I , , 7 ... . -months, the !Rexall Convelitilon Train ,gineer fan-Allar with ,the, signa,lat,the . Among the first to, migrate toi the prelim;nary mental 'exame and, �liorve , . . 1. wg�.,-, I , , . . . , � ftom. the edge, , They .F. 4.9 - , 1W, I drawn by -its 250Aon streamlined en- gfrades and curves, the erossings, the 'tieiinivAt tuDk place -in Mount Pleaig- now community was a physician by ,on to the severe physical tegibs. These I nOt "I d' , " 0 1 �11 . gine will come to dhis section at Lon� rules of his own ­road, must'pilot- the ant cemelbery, Landon, !on Tuesda)r.�-- the name of 0olemau. Following him 'eliminate still more, unti-I only . U11mbw sy,oken to, , I .. ."6 � . .. I Tg .- , I 94 ", 44-b, I dbn ion, Wednesday, August 12th for train -on schedule. Assisting each Wingham Advanoe-Tinies. . c.ame VA91am Bw1lantyne, Jas. ,Hatt, 'alx the dbirm 'of questioms'by First Cliigs, S V . , 4 _�., I . . . -or isev4l' hurild,red are left to enter - ... 4- o � I ... ineetings, of Rexall agents aino i� be engineer to meet this'new and stren- prf��aiion To Miss C.-Wellwo 'ho later became prominent in mun men, such as "What 0�psi BRAN, Wail a gopdt-j h as ,were en- , . , p., . . . od v,r - the free -man lol. & as, plebes. The , ­­­ I y, .. � inspected by the public. l ulous telst Of railroading, i�Q be a ips' rs, illiam Grassie. g,r gaged at the Beittle'lof Ma stipation.*' A, bopr,pr- .g." r � .1.1" 11 , . � � ity lot the boys are from ',Where P,v,asp found: that jt'ho$ , W., , li, -­ , � ie I affai and W!i Alla ? " or K * 4 The lllexa,ll Train, w1hich is e�nbaTlk_ 4ravelling -engine foremen from e .On "Sunday w�riiing 11G]Ioiw�Ax the eat maimn Jor0hus, Barney 1� , e d:, A I. . . . . . . I .. I illy � ' - ,ml ' ?I .1 1. rR . I , - th vervice at . the Vated church, the Thomas Knox 11ollowed and a short 1!he n�oddle classes, prioducts of the If""tht, 'Ujlluc� ,plebe does not'hallow 0 1_14 '' 'J �1, I 4 , ed on a 29jO-00-mlle tour of 'the "Unit- New Ytarik,Gentral. Tests, inspection, congregation iof the church took the L'int later founded the Commere%bl Wblic ,high schools. vielst in laxative 110M. pfew .... ;,"ll: ... . !"�,_.MIM.,*1 "t'g . . ,"Jp �, - . . ed'lStates and ,Canada, -has aroused -maifi.f�nance an4l. repairs,. possible' Hotel. , I 00"v A Meager the answer, 'he must get it by 7aeqct , , _ 'k., I � . fe-40 copid iplossibly ... J,be ealled, sons of , S, "� ', " ", �� ... I � un—flaiggin inter6st its oiAerhauling, .Apartunity, of bkWi"g farewell to . ' �. Jrquer, (04reas . ". L'. c " ;;, T�,�,, � . I meallbime and be prepared: to og,er it IRV-PA 1q9q,?AW",ci3 .,., 1# � 9 ,throughout and- refue,ling)- of. Ithe I AA this time, the Huron, Road-, a �,�;tf,&f�i�oa I . Ugsl Caroline Wellwolod, who ,a the rich. t . .W--1 :1..., Awq- ,,AQ� P . .: I.... 'louirney. Wherever It 'has. atopp ,at a nod fvo-m hist � a pe%ior. Break�;. . ** i't%�'.f f��,;;�,�0 . _U , Scientific tests: have: 6' , I , , .1 J ,Q. ,train, iwild 'be under hig supervision. left on- the protege of the Canada -Go 'Let us folloi�r one lof"the'lads ". he .h ,�.l _4� 1.,4"? � � Tuesidlay,to iretarn to her duties in . . mpany, ,�, ,r *;%, cilowds have flocked'ito, view the 12- 11�very !practical featute Of! -%%,Via in -a poor condition.. Pe fast lasts OD minutes. 1ndeed, afl JLeU,Qgff`& ALL -Un= e6ri,qct$'.,'j'5'W­','oV.- -,� �� � ,. _ . ­ ;; 9, . - - miodern ,Cbengbu, ,China. Fbr the past year . rth Coun- comes out of the doctor's ,office with meals last 20 nift,atis4 supaubuffl safely . no 'Plsag , "I :, '�-.,j" , jRX , .M.' " � 4, � - :"! � " .�,� _1"l A I car train' -s exhibi#on cars and., the streamlining have been iiibarp6rated in Misjs Wiellwood has be�en on furlough ty had maciadairnized their share of it his cer-tificalte of acceptance in his This IdUefoils de 8' 4 1"', ", �',," . . , ,'�.,�., " . oo.werf�ul docomotive .giant whieh is ,the ehigine. To permit quick aceess lOur mi&hipmam ,does #6� hive to .11 I real gupplu ji ?�.".,.,.,. e: I as far as the Tuckersuldth and Wilb- hand, 'His first dirty1s, to select the march in gormaVlon adbulk7" . A ' ii�, - as'wel as vitanfln . ., .. I . : . and dudng this time -she has _.f,rom breakfast. .. I 11�­ 1 4 given bert Town, IA,n4&. It was . 'ful­11 _ A ;V ­�_',,! , � ,4haiullng trals mammloth Toad through to t1be driving (mechanism for oiling � M _-­, , and ins-pection, the driv" ". ma4k Wks, -on, the niiilssioniry viork exItendied foreign language ,h6 will stad �n. Two tables "011- 10- .�, � � poan s daili ' *00,�'T� .. ,., every State in the Union and Canada, ing, and. tmi-l- westward and.thk9,'*1th the adoption French or Italian., ,Spanish � q,,y: He bas isinnylF to hurry to his robin, in . -, -�..,' �l, ��, 4 1 of' West China.— Her addresses have or q- wly sufficient. if -not'reli,ev � ' � ' -,g . . remake -his bed ,d this way, see your !!gctor. , , ,- ., Based, on attendance Pf more than ing wheels 1havebeen left partly un- , . I I ust all avler, put us , �� I T I . � h � . been most in.telliesting �and) iinflorno- of Seaflorth as the southern terminus ma(n. Tba't is ii -portant, because men everything in applie-pie order for -the I .". ;l::,.!',! . . . . . . . 800,000 ip:&uple .;in the first 'three and Covered. I 16vie andl niow -on hdrl-return to carry ` -the ",Grey 'Line" instead' of ffar- wh1D are learning fthe same tonigues . Wouldn't you rather enjilli tN one-half monVas f the tour, it can ' 101earances, and eapacities,of I daily inspection -and. be ready . to '. ', a 4 # I , bin. idger, on her wb*1 ahe- has 17lie best wishes purhey, as wasi intended, was another are kept together — roomi-fiates and natural food than abuse y� , j , , ZN, �� o . � !4be safelly assumed that 2,000,000- peo- On every mile of the route had to be factor ilff. add ng -to the pr march'to, his firsit �petib.d at 8 welbek. . Or 4,54., -1�1­7..­ li ,osperity of elagsyngotes—to give opportunity h W., . � ,4 I- ain during its ,.cliboked beflDre the train, could make of this community. — Wingham. Ad- the I . for ,Only half the regiment actually goes teln.Wit harmful 1011-1s 4nd.drii- I ..l. . � "" . . L4 , d - 'Iffi., vianve-Tjinim . Place. -, . cmversation in that language. Ito lecture hall sit that hour, two bat- Proteet youi� family, liom " " �. !'�'." . .� - S-ini journey. e ,trip. The engine weighs 697,900 " Fight For Station � The language chosen. our plebe -is talic ... - .. . . 0-0; 1 .0 I Carter Kerslake,.Cr6marty, Steps Into reteitirig while tb4 otheT ers,of 'eianinion constipatiumW , :/'; Travelling across fhe country as a POunds. or about 3�50 tohs, and is In the begiinning, and in spite of presented with, a -painphlet of thelirty- . t" .. ­�, I , . �, 6arbinter of returning'buisiness, pros- more than 97 feet �ong and 1� 'fe�jt z ... Senior Company !he fact 'that Harpurhey. was several eight finely . . Xv-san in theirodoilnis for,study. .Andl = ALL-BikAm regularly forim' : . . . . . . 11 I g ­ ��._, ,.. 1-1 ' 0 . ... � perity, 'the glistening royal blue and 1high. The terider is 52 feet I'lig CiAgr Kersl]abe�, 'Cromarty, and the ,times the size'of seaforth, nedther tailed lust typied ,pages- giving de-- ,,, on � until three &VIlook, except for ularity' , Afther as -'a -cereal witht '". 11 -- I 0 rucitionsl coiviering virtually ,i ' nidlk,Or Citam, or eook�d in temilit-* � I. - 11 . . I I lunchpio . - . F � I � a I white Rekkll Train serms. a two­fOld *it(h a capacity Of .4�000 gaona of -lialbest addition th Stratford NatlionaIe were considereid ,of stifficient imp ' n alt 12.40. .�. . ing mufts, breads etE R ' .. . "'. ,., " . I'll N -. . I ort- every moment of Ms life from now At +three comes an bow or ---on al- ' .1 ­ , a , ruiroose. Thrlough�tllis imagnificeInt. '011. ma& ,his- debut on iSaturdlay in a ance by' the BUff-QD & Lalve Huron ion. Hie is to live 110 I every packag4P- edpffen� 14i ' ' . . . ­� I , 'r -'as ternate'days--anhDUr -and a h-aff of , 1. . ; ,.. , Q, , �,� � 4 ringing r . '. . .. .�� " ..... ;­ onven. throughout the t -require a sta- Plielbe, Yo,unigalter, Second ,Class man ,dri'll, and. . S914 W all grocers, Made by Ke�., "'.. 1 4 ly equipped train., the U�ited lh-ug To ikeep, the ,streamline effect game 1h London between the London Railway CIDMPaMY to ,, four yearg� then . _ i �. r . the midshipman's time l0gg_2U Landon, OAtario. ­.­ �i..,4�11.. . . C6. is :b its annual c � _4,4in, a new rubber WFInle y and his new team. It iwas tion. The eitizens, of Hirpurhey built -and ,First 101ass iman�a life of rigild 16 -his, towil-4--buit he . I., 4 ,tions, to the 10,000 Rexall age diaphraim ... was ,developed"' to connect his firot s,enib.T b"ehall. game and,he a. must stay wfthin . .. � ..... ..... Y'. � . i . - . I nts. Jn ; I "Ofiag" station of their own accord, discipline such as is &61 im found the,, A d 4, . 1, I � - _. ,�; �� 1. these made a gobld showing. He hAs been and the people,of Ejimond-ville built an-ywhere outoide religious monaster- -aged, of =Urse I .� ; ��,,� . " $. ­ stead of asking the agents to travel the 4�ars. As a resuft of I do ca emy g+oundr. He isencour- in CMWvatios, due to inw9!cieue,-"b@JW-i - _ � - , I V. '%in- es," The train ,11 . . , to engago. in meals. I A l"I., I I . 3ong distances to 4ts -convention ' Al- 9 can ound the pitching 11or ten years and although andther on the Egniondwille and SgA. ies.. . . Sports --- � I ­- , L, �,1" inter-cla . ­:., I . . . , so -during the convention itop-overs sharpest curves without losing the file bad never played sienil ba1l , he forth road, which is now the main On that first ,day, the Plebe draws :toatltalilon as ,well as vaTaity sport�g. 1 . I �. . or , i!Sp inter-�dompany, and inter- I . 333, , . -the beautifully designed and apNint- 'symmetry of its lines, th�e, new, de- had PWi6d in several eidlijbitibn s,fTee1t of &af4orth, his uniform, and equipment, which in- ,Fresh Ra�pbexry Pie, , � �;�'; I ; I ed exhibitign ears are open and the ivace giving ,it "4 snake hips.,-. so to gamles) against senior. tealma:' Three , For ab1me time'they served There ai� also actiVitleg Such as ChOdT � ' �"; I . I . . -in their elude ,sheets and. towels and Ifou-n-tain or band praicrtice,lortgwrk on the three 1 quart r1B. ,Tr" .1 � I � . public is in -0 -ted to inspect their a,t- gpeavk. I . d mapbe - - � ! ��, -.1 . years 'ago -he pitclied cfbr - Hen8all capacity of 41-fleg", stops with the- peo- pens as Well as --shioes . � . . '. ,� . - Wind.-scotops, or ,,s.11v ' leggings and prdolicatibna . I % cups witer . ,. . 1. -gee I I ''. , . . . �_�! I I . -tractive displays. . oke . de tors." when,fts: teani won, the Inter -county p1le of With towns'trying, to secure the the ,like. This ,is ,wh;;J ' the $100 he At -6.30, dinner call- and after that I cup sugar . : ... , 1, . I ... I. I I . � Vying wNh- &e exhibition cars in ,among 'the newest 'of stream -lined initl6rmeffatei "B" title. This year he station within their own vi'llages. T -he hiks beezi reoulired toi bring rwith h.ini regimental reports 'and the like, for 1% tablespoom eorest"' , ' l. "I I 1 4 er ; l: Alhe ,pulblie's interes1t, is- the...p6werful train developments, life the smoke -wais 1playfl�mg wtlbh iStaffla, in Ithe Perth- founders; of 8saforth, bowever, Stole Comes in, His Pay 'Of $65 a 11110nitih, the int nal nianagement*of Banm.oft - I tablespoon gelatinie, " , eagde . � �� :autani-ative, -giant which -'hs,uls. the .12-- I'6gh above -the locomotive when it is Hul4oil . L , Vermission'bein!g se- la march on; both of their rivials. AT- plus, ,board and lodging, -bus alread:j Hall is, al 'rely by the -.mid- ' % cup CON' water IV I . 11 11 2� � car -Rexall Vrain ,,thrDqgh,.out, its, , jour- in motion.. These Wind' scoops, are cured from the .9taffs teani and Sba- -ter laying out the. an ey of- '�tarted. But his initial, ou�tfit costs shipmen. ,Then tibley . 'Bit, 1- tabletsp6orii 1 juice ' - , ! ", � A , , to, ,plbt th, . most enti . . I. mey. - -Streamlined &cc3,-;&i1g' t ' the tubular recesses at 'the front of the tfoi:ith, l0linton, Zurich dinid 'St. Maiys fered a -site free to th.q raflip;My e ,_ $3.50; 4, and he. must put ilip � his, $1 00 to� eight Op . ,�' . . 0 om Afty vi up .,� �. �, . clop�, at wMdh 'hour every - , % , teaspoon salt 1. o-dymamic glei- engine !behind *L6 ladders leading to tEi�in�, iwfaicih ciould ,have clailmed -his Pany. The company isaw the compe- 4.9 part payment, the rest being tak- Inchi 6o -in flake crmn�b pie_ -. .� . I man niust be, -in hig 'own r,16m. To, I I 10-d I �ence,' this. 350 -ton engine attracts ' the catwal!�s, and around the hidden services. Ba-seball fans are ,k,oking. tithon and accepted. Ithe land on the len. care "of by monthly deductions ,is N�%sh and tpiek over xaspbeirziow. I ", 'T widespread attention. It is an ,bal- ein, okestack.. I . . I to Kerslake to -rin1ailde a. good acliount conditiontbatthe� town,also b . blown ,at ,101,15, -and, the Watch !! , " - I . . I .uild the from 'his Pay. In ae ill . . 11 �. �,, , . . I � . _1__!, IS -da ­­ .11, .1 - Th watch __ , ',,�,� _I !, _!, .' , I �6urnirvg, steam t ­_ I . I . I �, - - !, .- W-11 jni---:a4,&nr. Upok Gne.eup -t%e­bdrP1e9-w1th-4yr , � --- __ , 1! ype .1�oqq. ._­______­_._. of bdmrl4f_�,�: 10,W- they will- - nolt ber -stati Tr free-- - - _bMd-gUtEIT W_t_aU care. of *text book _____ '_ ups ,water until Wt- T&ix' 1319M :� We. , I .------ - I -1. 11 11 __ . _ .. . ... ..- of U I erft�rs a roo and Te his report c I I � ­ dally 'built by -the Ne1w � . . diFslipoIntesdi ba fhe,sleason. goes, on.- ,E)gniond[viii'le, and Bmforth � , ceiv�s : ,.. .: I , . then co- and laboratory expenses and neces. from 4, one of its ;,, , its - drAll' and clornbtardh thoroughly- ad& I , -Rail-ruad to. cover Vie. 2),0010 -mile . .. 'Matchell Advocate. . operated an4. Wilt the staftiion be, isary sundries, and to ,provide " occupan, : V �;-, .. -ne . " I proper turned in, sir. - if be i9gatisfi th fftra from cdoked ber- "I , . Jaw '1w12N3ut Irelilef locomo,tive. ,, , . tweep the pkees.-with the regult that clothing .and equipment', so that upon Y�es, -stirrinj cons;tantly. Cook and . . . 't , .. .. . I . .. �y 8 .PAGING PIES !Long Club -Organzes. . . r ed, e -ned hot liquid " " 11 � I An unprecedented idea in rallrosieding Dispriorving old truism's a I eems to , , Alt I an OTgalliZ9tioni meleUng of the ParpuThey�was'cloomed as a c6ntre. ,graduation he will be .ready for du- watch flioksi iout the Center lamp. i . and e1w. Add gela- I � ...1, I L - I'VL circum -. a , 11 .. _ '� � � , I Ohlistory; especially since it must It` be the chief j-4 of modern coo;kery new. -1fortinied -Uons Club the follow. it WU forced, to give up the battle AY'unde,r all i stanem- and ha-ve, a Rol]itine is' ,relaxed ,for -the week- , stir un -01 ft'dk "' . ,el -e I tin,r- wMch has butal.vokked..1in % cup ..,. . ,P-52-- different raili�oads in all , - for supreinsey in .spite of the fact luirip sum of aroun&$9o4D begid . end. Duty 19 -done at noon Saturdays .� I ,' 4 1 11 ,aej�tions of the country to complete� e­xpirbs. Many fooUidealsi have been bng list Of odicems- was aippbinted to that previous to this it ,had been, a The es td, tillow eomOetibive athletic events ivater. . Add iemon juice and saft. s 1, ', . � excilhanged by rreQe,n)t' research and, ;bAd oifficle for one year. ,�President, midshipmen all -live in Ban- r,661 u.nl Inixt..We bqjillsi 4o thick"6 .11, I -its demanding ftsk. , �. . thriving' bittle eept and the almost invariable .;3a..'�urday , Th I . . 4, 1 becalievs, ,of this, menus 'have under- Dr. , WV Aberlbart; - Oe -PT re� bor the com- P,koft Itall, which, 4ts, the large�st dor- ' I en am rewimning berries Tum :. . Gatherings of 'the druggists will be t 1�9 , leg" W- I' ,munity, . . - ni.ght livop. Plebe$ a,T0 I . I IT , .�,, , I . I I I. gon1e g'.1artling ransformations. The Carroll; 114% .. I Tnitfty in the world under -one r6of. �evcx inv - tf d' into corn f I-A,e miinb. pie shell., fleme .11 , - ' . lbeld on. t4e train in 109 cities -on the I g" WT'i'� E`1'11'�tt; IBut tihe ainalgamatioln of rekpurcea All"the,roomo are exactl3� aliike� with fo ;hups, but �harve to starvi guarcl at .I. - well -planned, -meal nbw is.vastly dif- Seleieta.m Raowes� treas., A. i with smoeetened whipped ciles* if, dr- , ' .,", 1. 29j000-qnfleI,good-wM1 �tour, 'and at , I fA . - Y, A. W. ,served to pro-m9t ri Vne gates and 9 �011111 alAd �ZlCt as gir�& Yield: , , 'Ils - � rent from that lot grandTdotbeeT"s C- Wel,k,- Lilon Tamier, T.'W. Heath; valry between thZ- the esiatme ,place- in each of, -them for . i ­ in'th One-10r;;ingh �Ib. . .11 ­ its, . . . . . . . . . ,eT�Z, . . . oo I I -t-hese and 81 other chies to be."-�Isit- day and ,pie ,holds a promineurit placei Tall Twister, :H. A. ,M.0 villages of 19eaforth ind Eginiondvill-6. the nidd-shipman's ,possessions. Unless . I ­ . .. � . tton. song I . ---.. - ­_._�, — __----T_-_=..,1. -�mw . 11111'. �. I . I ' . � ed 'the public will ble,admitted to the upon tihe menu, . . . -leader,, ID. Dia,l;ildsion; Directors, two Egniondiville had 'only helped to find everything ts ,precisely iii, that place, Pleyha'Ps two tvieek-�ena ]Qxye§, p _. � I � . . I... I I I.. � i�. I � train. Free admisvion' ;tickets m8y' 1Pie ati one, tina)e was considered to years, A, 115. Cameron, W. j. I-Jalf- themselvies' similarly deprived. ,Sea- the demerits begin ,to pile up. Two Year ATe ,granted * upper classmen. I I . '. . .. 11", , ' I . . g. .1 . �.,� - ,be Obtained at any of the 10,000 Rex- (be 1 no fibbing dessert wdPh' which -to' rightt- ,one Aar, X. J. Boyd, E. W. forth was rapidl *� "'s a place men to a room. For each a narrow Plebes, and youngsteirs must confine! 11 .. . 0 ". � sitwes-,, inclucf gt7 . ing Keiti ' I . .. ,all -drug ng a f,nl� of Importance. As ,lother two de- bed, andover it a shelf to hold bi their lo=slional nightlaout to the I . . . sh a heatvy ,meal. 'Many hardy Fawim. Meld'i*,11gS Will be held ,'On the . o!olks gt- � .�,, 4 1. -Pharmacy, Seatorth. clined, it increased in prestige and and magazines with a , I I I I '.. I I . 1I% first cart "Kantleek' ,. souls ate ,it at breakfast and jelt isecond and fauTith Firlidays o, e . impointance. . proper place t1e town ot) AnnalYalis. A plebe is I . :.- I I . ', rr.. I I I I , I' carr'e� *( ii b at 6 30 in, The *ng If 'the inspee- -allowed to -ride in an auto,=- .::i,_.!�.:,X,;:, 1 1 bat ithis foetifieldl,lhem for a dsfy of .mo I h . p. for 4alchoon thatshelf. never ;, ," r, I . ,% 4,%.,1,:,;::-;1X,- " I. . . . Previous to the establishment of tors find one ' ,clle under any circuml0tane l. v,�i::;.,:!A '�:: .... :j:::;�`, .. 444444 "I"! 11 -d ,kbo.r. weire also agio3inted to be in h book indsplaced-­4demer- eg; young- : . , -�he dynamos for *eindirectlighthig ,i;�n But, -at .night they ate . �'. .,., 10 , , , ... -candithning, and has . . . V"! . system and air' 0 'arge -the -permanent railway station, Eg- its.' Each maP 'has a tal,l oak cabinet. StfTs First ana - I . .� 4 1 . I ,compartmeofs for baggage and equip, scantily tand shunned pie on, their 'Of tMenibership, L. Evialgh.. . ; fin - '' only ioccaajonaI17. . . � � ..., I - dinner-inaniL They thought it'51A.- ance, X.G. -Sdhe&er- y- , mondvil-le twas the -most imViortanbl of Fiv �U t0wel, every undershirt, has Selcond CaAss men use cars, only as .. .1'.1 1. . . ta, 3nent. , The . I , by A, W. the two in Population and mercantile -its fixed pl' .... . -,second ear, "Firataid,11 is ,crily for hb-lidlay fare. i0haxter Night, Dr. eL? A aoe in. that cabinett. Inside necessary to get them, to and from ,�., 1,11 I # . .1 -the service.. sfeeper. Then a new feeling for pies began = 101hartler Nigilit, the . trade It hhd 'Over. a dozen places, of the.sliolid dow is a' -wooden Xrarn-e i Annapolliio-neyer dn the t6wn itself, - I . ��, . ocleasibn * n I , , '' ... , �, . Then follow four exhibit cars- I'Ad- " Applie, pum,pikin a n h h t bulyin-ttes With small manufaqturing which the niMshipman may virt the nor, of Coiirse, the Acadle�my g -rounds .­....'...............'..." ..',. . 5 .1 . I vantages," in wh ­) be noticed. nd 0 Wile! he Club wi-11, be presiented , I ... ",..;,:.:.:.;.;.;.;;:::.:.:..;,.;::";r"�;.,... . ­. I . . I'll.., -ich is a model .drug plants. 1. He can't . I I .1. I ... 1. 11 . !, cherry, while still general fa,vorites, . wilth its dftial charter from 'Lions picture of ,bis'favorite girl. i�\., ­-.-�, ii:: . - I . 1 �, .� ­ The&ne unpardonable sin in ..;.; ... 1K.; �. ` ,sture, the first on wheels; "Research," ,were im!odlfied and modernlized. Other Internatdonal, w1ill- be. held ;on Septie�m- ,Soon, the swing wsL6 towards Sea- hang ,pictures !or any1thing el,ge,on the the i � I I ...: � I ,carrying i-xhibits in' research and pies unheard, of twenty years ago ber 1&ih_11fl1tdhQl Advoicate. ,forth. The'merdhants and niknufac- walls of -the rloiom.'� No civilian cloti�. Acad4ffy is disbonlest.y. A lad caught .-.X-...,. . '. . . 11: ..:...... ::.;__ ­ .hn,olbgy, ;miniatures of the United calne into- being. Nes were in again . . era began to exchange -their lioca- ing ,is allowed. In, th � cheating oylying Is s ..: -� I ...... .... 1. Alec tur lei center of the blipped off home .......... X. ,� :, . P 0 1 ,,Drug �CD. ,plants -and the new labora- Hodger,t Reunion tions ,and move to the newpla�, . , :::,: , ,�. - , .. �.. I �.,�. -nd iNslinlie they were here tO stay. . ... ble t4lble, -with' a naval car- ,,.,� , - I. ce. room there is- a dou within 12 hoilrs�-and his. , �­ . , I . eer ended ::;: . . '. . . ..tory in Boston, advertising and sales Newer types fol1lowed the air -minded Deocendaults-4of-the -late ArIchile and Among the first to. tmove Was Jas'. straight ,wooden chair on -'each sdd' forthwith. .' A -part from ...:!!. ":: ". . . e '. . 0 1 11 roilnort,oli projects,. and diaplays on Dickson, the leading merchihIt of and a- lamp ,rising -from. the. c t1his; three thin-ligs balig ,. . , �'p , - . ,V-Mmid'of our times and became fluffy, Eliza Uadgert, who came to Canada eraer. Over t h e � . .. .. . -the ba,ndling ,o,f speeial sales- "Bis- lag1ht, Egmondlville and member 'Parlia Youth Who wants- to be a n ,I f WM I" , . . . I... 11 I chifflon creations. - (F,br who-, from 1G.5barki-in, Renfrewsihire, Scot- of - There is also a specious clogvt and a in 1; avail O.- ... . A , :MS -Rex," disiplaying ine-dikInos', t1ha,r_ . ment for the ODUThty Of Huron. '. fleer, ',his standing Is . + ;.14 I evex heard ,of a,chidbii pie in 13,)re-war iland, x�iainlyr years -ago settling on the He door leading to ,a tiled shower bath. classes, his . . 1, mialceulticals,'and rubber and 1� USborije 4 built the first brick ,building i1i Sea- The pilebe is regarded simpl conduct report,- and . . 5 . . . .. 'h'00spi"tul day-si?) , . Tham�es , hload, Township" y as a Me phys�cal eq- I . . I . I 10 . � . I esupplies;,IRCara Nome,'! featuring tvil 'An ainazing- and appetizing variety gathered at Queep"is ,Park, Stratford, L fOrth, which, stood -on the west ' worm. Whenever he ,moves through .amination, which ,he Must pass every. . 00 . # I .1 � . . ert goods., stationery, sundries brush- of is- n!jw offered, -to us. With o n VviadInesiday, July Sth, I ere they li;-may lisp- . ;.1 � " � I - of Main ,street, one"block from alle. . Year. As to tflids last, n&c � . b I es, candy and -pure foods. .,.. plea . wph the an -3, of ,the corridors, ,it, must. b,& . %11 � this varielty' we can add spalrki-e to h0d their twelfth dninual reunion. famed 11FVur ,Corners.11 . straight dowt -the'middle as if on pen, in, :.:PouT years. A' First 01ass. t". is , . . � I � . - Next the seventh car of the cara- our menu and complete our dinner, Memblersi,of the family were preeent Thetown continued its growth, and parade, eyes istraighlt� to, ith,� fromt. inan icanniot be� gTaftated unileas, he solo 6" �l , - � ,-1 . q t -van, is '"KIenzo," or -30ture car.num- with the -ad-vent ,of 'some enterprising - He performs certain . gy of so'bi g erest L. I., .1 raither ithan lend it with. "tbat sinkinj from. Lond-.n, Detroit, Seaforth, Eive- cannot.give recognition. to friends . ninastic, feats�__a Spectacles ab r n int � ... I . * � Aber one, fic-Ilowed by "Adrie'lilie," or feeling." Here aresoulle distinctively Iter,Farqixha;r, Hensall 'Staffa Fullar r,roduee ,dk,alers R then sprang iwbo, or . t long Tope -climb, h ' .. . . . �.,.� ton . ,and, Rusigielda - proirldnence as a grain hiarket. It is classmates. He 'never speaks o - a7114 -aver -hand, 'be- will surround you at the Exhi. � ' I leclure car number two. The two newple Haas for o"sions. great and, 4 le. 'The pi'enickers- an upper cl&sismal, I the honors, man could not be ...: 11��, -, . .(except when. milli- 'lng the moAseviere. -Only last year, '�- Rudy Vallee@ - . , A .. .1 .1ecture cars will ,seat niiDre than 250 small. I I I .arrived about no -on and a 61eal re- recorded, ,that at one time the Town tdry -duties require -it) unless he is . Coninift- .bition of 1936 .'.. � . . �­ . at onvention sessions, and along witla . I . VqLst -was aer�ved by the li4les. The of Seaforth handled more grain than ,spoken to first. cvioneo th tffie'Lin i a eyesight I great show - and sponsored. 1. .1 ' ' . - Calls everyWody f ,l � I "'. - !HL I e. M I broadcasts will transcend any- . �11 emoon was sp vecords ,Sir. , His only chance to relax is dur- "u . . . V * I .the fliounge tar wUll be cleared for . Pecan Pie .. aft % . eut, in a fine ',pro- any other locality,in Ontario. P ed", sbAltly in his, senior year. had. I .1 '. those atte.nding -the conventions to I all -bran . " gram of ria,ceis, ganirds- and soft,ball of mer�hants and'aealers have, shown ing the -little .while. he spends in Iiis Naturally the attrition under 'thing* he has ever attempted... . ..,I I dianice to music by the train's own, or -pastry shell., � 'b ithat many of them handled aver a room with his mafte4 these England's famous Ktieller H414. � . ", I I -come th - Ogg Whil-te w.ich ,wasl eni�oyed by all,thlose Iyar- . , I eircun- sl-, :chestra. Then -e buffet -dine million ddllars ,worth lin qstances is -sever4. ]Fortuniate� " ,�Symphony" and the I TP 3 eggs I tildpating and also those looking ,On. Wheat L waa one year, The Naval Academy,,i& n essence, I Y, it 'L its ,Most . Band will dedicite the gorgeous-' . . . � . ". I .... 4 _. _� 1crunge car 'Wi- 1, tablespoon sugar One of the iffilteTle,stivg evetits, of the chief product, teams a li.,, i Pronounced in the 'L I - :31," vfhere conferencest wiPl be held, . ' the t6c'linoIcigical 8ich . Exce I ntot unusual . IV' illumin'ated band shell... - ��', I I � r n to Xrs. 1br 40 . eft.. 1. . 'I .. I I 1 2 tablespoons flout . aftenibbil, was 'a Preisenta.it 0 coming ,from distafi6e,8 greater than the ,choice of lanfl%le,:, everybiody -per cenit. of that ,class to Interplanttary communiciation I . 4 -W (Compartments and oftes for the -11 -of a gift box pregelite�i by I I .. � imp e un- . Vnited Drug Op. o-Acial personnel are -2 cups light cornsyrup . J. Bel, 50 miles, even, as far as thle towns, of studies -exactly tth in things: seaL, der the strain. Vour li �� of 200 years bence portrayed in . . .1 . 1�­ ' rne. boys, ... I - WAIlkotpil, Paisley and Go i undred; A - A in the elevent� 'ear, "Joan, Manning." 1 teaspolon vanilla iextract . Mrs. W. Hbdgert and an address givm .. A large share of thi§ was diverted manship and narVig.ation, 'Ordinance ouit of a bhi�iusand may all the spectacular pageant by I .:' . - . . (Last comes r, I en by,'Mr. W. Hodge - '. . bw Within 500 �. . ,.� I - the es,'dentls ., /4 teaspoon sallb , rt. "It was decid tin and gunnery, .1 *car, ed to hold tbeir reurilo,lT next year at w1ith'the bIailding of ne I 7*.T pe erg! -nee -ring, the first year'that -they cannot -Uke � . i I _ t. characters . . . Startling inno. ., prr ra lways - _.."a 1 g , , I :i A 11 I oup-wholle specaln nut meats, w matihematics, ell neal engineering, .it. On the *the' 11 ", "Phretest," with, 15vino- aceommoda- to North Huron and Bruce. r hand, it is unusn-Al vations at Canada's Premier � I- I 11", . itilons fox Louis, K. Lig'ge1tt, president Prepare afl�bran ipattry �sh.ell.' Stratford- ion the second Wednesday in English and history, economics and for any mienaber of the First Claes, to I ," d 'i ,. Agy. 'The ,dificers na,medfor the r6- -By .1,867 - ., I - * ,�� - - 1)�ug , union ite`xt, year 'were: Priesident, ne at 6.43,0 a.m., and midshipman'bas finished three years -Scores of other attractions, 1. . ounder of the United Brilish lig1hbly with beaten.egg white. . the citizens of Seeforth goveffiment, and bygiene. � Horse Show will enthrall you 1 I - .1, 1: jand abher company executives. It is - 'warrant their contemplating 01110"- 40 see)ofida after ,the the first buijie of the life, he has the stamina I ..: I ,and if Beat agge untiii lightt. Combine su . 'he time . Co gaT and flour and -add, to eggai; mix JackBray; "eretary, Mrs. Jack Hod- saw that it was of quell a size a,� to. The day. beg! . I I fail to be vaduated. By It - a 4 .. equipped with a radio get and -two treasurer, Campbeill ,D o w - pofation 'as, a ,separate municipality n10 to AiMMED RAMEM ELWOOD A. I � . �, I .loudspeakers. . I W611. Add syrup, flamoring and salt. gPrt; 1. te of reveille evLery door to every carry ,on foiT .the forlitth year. P"ddmt . _ . . Siprinkle pecanis, in prepared pastry sports coninvittee, William ,Martin, e wid thia was acciomplishedi. 1. � � Genew msmsow . .- . I 'From the blunit-nosed. ail -burning , Hart, Lloyd . According to a docui�lient of 1867 -room must The 'thrown open and a . � . .."'. sthell -and add filling. Rake ill Mod- I C101gilhoun; table clom- midshipman must stand at the door Uplon graduation, midshipmen are Wwic for fuumuad booklm andloldm . Y. . steam 11moni1o,tive to -the Observation- erate aven. mittee, i3fts. VAllianit Martin, Xm a census taken by William 'Watson to call IUB out, sir,PP as, the watc� gliven probational commissions as ' 4' 1 . I �, .. 4 1 vl#t&m of ,the .:.last car, the r4odern . (376 deg. F.) forr about MilitlDn Hodgert and Mxs. Caimipbelf ,showed the population tiol be 1,065. I � . .� *tr,aii,n,is eniblazoned in the !R-exail dD,I- 45 minutes. Yield: One 9 -inch pie. D,ow.-Ex0ber Times,Advocate, � , i -goes -by at double-time, - me,giling en -sings, dn the Navy, or --,a few of . 09"A I . � !� � ' . � 10 , 11 . ors of royajl blue and white. Sharply .All -Bran Pastry ... 11 I . - ed Of: Re -eve, Dr. Oolleyfian;'COuncil- and have turned ,back lieutlenlants in the . . I., dividing the'richly hued sildes of the , 'their bed- 11VIOrine - Corp& 14one '. �,�. . � lors, Beattie, WacDon ";,I '. ". The first Wunioilpvi Counctil conglist- that the two, occilpan, , are out of bed 41hen), generally abiout 26 -as second . ts �, a".,w 4 . , , � � .gall, Strong and clothes and,mattressts -in ,the livamner or these me are full-fl',dged o /"06y I .. engine and cars, a broad Whibestripe 1/4 cup alli-bran, Hatt. The clerk was' - n -P fficers N I "i I . .. together. liall out on, light fl,,,ed T. P. Buill. . 'For two years they -must depo I . . . . . i ' , 1 0 runs the -entire length, of the train. 111/2 ,Suos ff-our bolawd fbio, affilout: % inch in thickness. I Fire Disaster ' I . I.. �.. Since t1he train must traverse parts % teaspoon salt 1, I . o6sely I . . — 'Uh,emiselves On. saitisfactory faslide 1. I 11 �% of 152 railroads in 01 *9,bb9i6ns of the % Cup shortening '' . -For Pastry ,Shell: Place I Seaforth had a costly, disaster ,and they must not marry. Thereaf- ' I ')l ' 0 . in ,pan. T7::,i �edge of pastry, leav- . ` EXHIBITIO . i ,,, ,country, it'ls powered, by a 350,to -as conaider- ter, if all goes well, they get . �, ' . A .45 tabl(espbotis -cold water (more or which taught them -that an adequate 'whieb were destroyed w 001711- ' . . . � ;­; � # I ,, % I I liolcoinidtive of the oil-b=ndng &elam lbss). - " . I jng'�abouit ", flich beyond rim,ff ,pan- fire equipment -was an asset. On ably over $100,000, 11 missilors�-�or they are told that the .�.. . . Poild exil-nd-ed edge unider aftd fliute. September 4, 1977, about 12 acrev of The disaster -marked TO R 0 14 TO . "' type, which is familiar -to all rellroad Rall all -bran unfll' e and combine 'Prilck 1p-tatr1y shell with a an, epoch in Navy is filort really the proper career ' 1". I . ' 4 . . I I I" �' I I I . " . -in I . J . . -tande of 20,000, mides with flour ar t lovei''(450 deg. �F.) cs. Their e ipment in the way, of miany old buildings ,und it is to . ., I . " i nien. The dis 'I '' ' fork '4nd the ,business -,section was laid in as -h- the history of the town. It removed fur them AUG.28 TO SEPT.12..1938 ing. . Add wa elr'a,� Idittile at a time, 1-0 ,to 1'� minulbes'. Yield: One two- . . I � without rellief locomotives is unpr9ce- I'Lit el r .fro . be I � . IF I dented ii'n the ,history of raflToading. uutil dough iis, mol' �. a hand engin was satisfadbory, but noted that scarceily "o years ,had . '. . .. � ... I I . . . . I . . enough to hold cru9t pie or two 8 -inch pastry alliells, the trouble arose in libe fact that elapsed before. the ruins had given . - - -_ - - --- . I �, " A , . � they did not have sufficient sup1plies place lo,Ane new structures, of mas- . . �,,, - I ,.. ___ . � / . . �,-. - of hose, nor a host reel. This disad- onry. , A ., I 11 . 1 4 kA . I vantage made it unakle for them to Seaforth was ,% rivaloveT thec'Oull- I r6 I . I ;" 1 . � I . I I . 0 1 "" . I I 11 I I I cope with the flames and as the ma- by town �of Goderich for some time W-13ZILE KA I r UJM � . ... ., I � . I , jDrity -of the buildings were of wood in the aa -It industry. This was be- � �'. .. lbhv fire took its, toll. It is estimated cause 'of Vie comparative � INVESTMENT FUNDS ' If., abundance 't I the value of the .buildings thems6lrves land,cheapyiess of fuel, the convenient . .1 1� I .. . . I TO YIELD 33/4967 s.� . I � 'location for the purpose ,of shipment 1-11 . . . - I . 11�. '. ' ' t10 the Grand Trunk Pmilway eltation I . I . 11 I I I I I . I . # and a sho-liter distance, to abip to mar- - .1 , . . � . � . -111 ket. 011' account of this, at one time, , . �, . ;ii .j�11,�.q'��$!i.".:�i! �: .. ,� . .1, 1 .4 tESTMIMT RECEIPTS ARE . . I ; " �:... '... .. 0 N "'....�", $' "I 2%pn Croderieli thad to -depend solely to its , . . UUARANTEED M . �. '0�`:�ffi;��i !�� I . � ,;-:-,­,_ :i��: ry.'' ISSUED BY THIS 466MPANY FOR A TERM OF FIVE . 2,.i ..Iffl:1.,X1: �'; I 1. lake tralde, while Seliforth and Olin- .. 'm ,"I .'I I I 3 . ­��g � , i .. 1. K I I . 11 I " k I.:. � �." ton supplied tbc eastern market of -1 �10:: YEARS AND FOR AMOUNTS OF $100 UP (IN EVER . � , . .. ��!'-,S- � I ­ . .1. Ontar� 0. HUNDREDS), PAYING INTEREST ai� THE RATE OF �� .. ., 1 1:--4 1 4 Kk.: . ,�� ., $!ii In 18�78 a historian ralu6d- the un- 3s/,,% PER Aiixum. TkEY ARE UNIaONDITIONWZY 11 . I 11 I �!:!�ii`,,' A selfisib act -ion of merchants jn regard, I 0 - i�*f!,�"%� 4 'll . !.l ­&`r."" -.;1.0 -1a`. -*..;0 . A I I GUARANTEED BY THE ENTIRE RESOURCES Or I I 1:�: i;�;i:,:�:i,!"";:.ii;:ik,z,.�:,..,;:,ii"i."�,.ii:iil",'�: .11 i �� I � ­ _. ; � � td tgit�ir home town, To quote one: ' ,� $ , ":::;. I " I : 11 1?�' THIS COMPANY AND AUTHQRIZED BY THE � ;�.,."-";"���.'r�).;.:.;,��,-,.--:.:.. 'All "Mil. Cardno hes, placed, at -great _.".. l � q ,* !.1 -1 . . ... .. : .. 'f" I . expense, a cliock in theitower Of the GOVERNMENT AS A LEGAL INVESTAEXT FOR I I'll ''Ill ,,10M ' I _ � . � ' . I TRUST FUNDS. FURTHER PARTICULARS RE- ,, �;." � 4 t � , � Cardno'Music Hall; and a -handsomer l . " .1 �!, � 11 I , , , ,:� �,�� � � I I . Or more e0ni.-Picuou-s one is not to be GARDING SHORT99 MATURITIES AND OTHER I .. I `11� � 4 ! " � � I Seen in any oity or town in I 11, .. ; ,�� 4 . � . the' coun- 1. FEaTUR= WILL at rORW"DED UPON, grourgT. .1 . 4', , " 1 ': I I I try. The works are friom a very cele, . .1 " I I . i`,;,�, lr,," I ,... I - .1", " -­ .- One pad kilto dies all'dity and every . 1, I T"'_'::,,!�Z�-�.,',� � � F.r.�� - `­.., i.... I . I .... ., , =2q,"', . brate'd . 8aston m6nufacturel., anil -, I — W .!�, . 1 4' ,, r - M. '0_0 i'11�1.1-1...'§ , .. day for 2 9r,3 w4kii. 3 pads In each ... . , , -� -If, �r ­,�.'� 711. . ,.,;:� . �. " '1-1 ,�,!;; .7, �.,. Y 013t about $1,000, rim 'l " I 10 P416ked and ready " - el .. I .lf,l'0. " ::- - 11 &.�_­- . . � - ".1, 11,1111.11-M _­: � packet. No spraying4 no stlekinesis, . I 10, � 1, '4v 1- ". �- ,". Mm I I tORONTO, ... ... li �­ , "' - ; A . 4, . . I I . for shipment; and the adjuatnienj� ' - � fruSt".11 . I-— _­­ .. , , 41 � � . I I I no bad odor. - Ask your Drliggisto -1 atd, . ., .Guaraiftt 1W go, .. . I . . I 'l � I I Grocery or 'General Store, Otlb'& beceft"Y work' in conlibetiot - AND, I I y ''I ... I ....... ,* K_ ­:;; IN I 11 ii . � ,g 1 Trailing behhact the spedafty built Sso-ton streamlined locomotiq bf the Retliff Conoglition Tian, Which is ' With it§ e?-K-tlon cost an additbml, WINDSOR 1. , a , r , 4 " �- . . . oe6milyg to thft fttfioh, Ott .12 pulltuga cars I 0,80 feet in leagth4 7`he§bL 0 0 ' ' ' .. I , -is include Ad6flitig ato,modiati-ons 1 ' C"4" PlElt PA"OF19T ' 8 1,000. The whole struct,bN c,6gt ham ,-1 , Cow any of Cana",:'l , . . . ii1dainit' fadf- 61hipilti6d taftiA bdftt-dju#f# I . WIMPAY . PO In the vieiilit� of WOO atiXI, is, . 11 . P V , I I I . � I I . . � � ­, .a. � , . 4 , .I " 1 . . Ub� ftetutiv I he Public may ingrect thi , iwh . li.g4lfoid' throlf,j . , " . , . . I I . . I . ­' ; " . * � , TOO -ohm &&g, . . , h � . . I I . ­ , . . 0) I 11 .... 1111110 .. ... .... � ....... 11 M.N......, I I I .. "I 11 I 0-_-1 ..", IN_ ..... . _4 'I.,O.Ill�.�.,�..."Ri,mi.i.ii,li�o,,I,i�,i, a 00 0" I I , - I � I . ;., : ., , " W I W ��,, �� , 10 , I . I I ,�, q' ." r;'� � i�.'., �,, `.:� ,, I ,.1 ... �',,,:, ,­! '. 111'���g '41'. 1 ,� �� 4, ,i�,m� , M. ,; � W di g miii I , 11 r 0 i,��i��",t�',�,�'0,,,,���,"',����r,�ie�,,"�, flr,12`�'.�.," ,6 ,t' , , ,,, -11, .1 I I 'A,. I.." .i 14, I �Ij, I " , ,-,�,�. ,I �i I � �,,,', ! � !"'11 " _�,Ili ""19 A 14? .11 .&r IM W M KIM , - , , M r , 11 � I � . , :� �,'�, , � ��.­,`a - wa�= . ,� 1-1 = I Q ", , � 11 '14111 . . '. � �! - �,;�Z 11 i� � i It 0 , I " � , '�" � "I., ,� , � 2,, , . .. , i'll, '. � i. � 1. I � I. i , * Store, I . � . , "­-fAqtMtd ;bii th6 0"ftaad 16 1 0 � �, . I , � . I . . - I . - # p# . �', . . ; , , , � ,,, _F .4 ,., 1. � I , . i . . : , ,.,, i I � I ( ,,, I. I 1 4 ,�. wrk­ i,214�1�191 01 Ad, -",., L � 1�1'1111�1:��; , , 6. a, = ,,, il ffiakwnmwfflffl�� �1� 1. I ,ft= �