HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-24, Page 8W* W T ,� , '� , I �IYM . , 11""!; ),'ql!�� �� r 1,17", "" ", M �7;9";F�,.f� �"i,i�*�l,�"�'"".7i�,,,,"',,,.,ii,,7,��'o't,wt 71- �'�,�i,�ic���l,'i�7""q,�".v7.,�17,,",Rv#�i,.,,���,,,�k'�",�7,,,T, .'",7.V"T��,�,111,��1,711,�1-111".".,�7;�i,;171'I -, , ,1'iZ...7,,,A-1 1p" ­W ­VpWo � ,'�N$ ,g,.7�g,,, `7;��,�. I 1��,,"A' ... It A , '' i 'T � ,,tF,, �7 ,,,,�',,'i��'ll�,,�',,',��,,,,,,,T�, 07�,�,, 9 41, n" i W11111 � J, ,,, �i�, !1,k � " � i , , � Q - 71PIT11,41 �, 71� -, "­ 4,�,��. I ; , � I M, , I %�� 00­'�M ­1­1� I;— d4 �f`�& �� ,,,,J,,�,,�l,��,4,,. . ,'�, � I .. _. � a � 7,Nmi1Mm$MR 17M, ", �, �.�,,, '?.�-'q �� ,"I'MI M i�,, ,��.�,� ,7 . ., . � ' 775,'J ,M, "', -, , ,,;,� ,� . P , T "41"J, ,p "7 ig ,i�,"tr ,,�f , -- , ,'�Ki",�"`�,'i', "! , '11, , 11� , , 7� ,,m ` Esx , lii� .., , g, j� :��k .111 ; —%'41, , " - ` 1� 11� �,,� �1,11,`! ,, � ,,, ,��, .1, I vgj,ji',Tpl��'�P�,jk"IW7 -'�,,�!��jfj�,�','A, ,` 5i� ",,V -, � ""'-"��',,�"'�,,,�,,tr-�T,�,,��,,,�,��,�,f�'.,)'��i;�- , "' , !�?"""",�l",J�;��,'�.�*,��',',"-�,,'�,,�'�l�,'I)���,�il;"Z",�'�i,�'I 1% 7 i, ". ,T,77. � � 11� " , N�lr .� , li;, ,I - I . , , - " -_`1 ' � ' , , i I i I " 1, 1..�, , , I . - �-�7 Y 1 ., , .k�,'�,,K��,4, I,Q`4`,';��,P�,,, � , , �� '. "';V. ,,, , � , 11 1: I ,�� I 411 11 I .1 ,,,�� . V ,,, ': ­ %.� e 1,'V� � ,�, � , , 10 l. . ­ � .� ,..�': 11 � It V " . , � � ,t,','.`0,4t,�,r7 i, .", � , � -,:' 1, , � , �� . I �4, Y" !�' � . , . I . , I , I .� . 1. �. i " I I "I . � 1� . T I I " I!? li� , - , I . , 0 ,� , � !,�, . 1,; I , 1� 1'�'Ili� i. , , I . W, . �. " i 'i , ,�,"�;��.�,"�:�,!4�,,---"$I�,,, . 1.11 - . ��.."­`, . . � �, ­ �, ,,, �j ��!.; "A I - I . . - .. � I I -1 � I . � I . , , � . ... � - . �C, I I � �, I : . . I'A,? , -� 1. . I "! I - . I . , . 1� 1.1-11- � .1. 1 � � . I . . - IUL , , . , � " , "", � o. , , I I I �� * I I � I I I I I .1 . ... , , �� , ,'' % � . 0__� .. ". ,, J �� , , , , �'1'11' ". , '4 g�( it, � "im", ��,��, -, � I ,I I 14 T � ,� �.�1�11 11.1 . "I 1�11`4 , .1 7,_R,,,,7 ,��ilr�!�`v� . , MT77 "ll, §11", 4 ;, 1`1,1�',,.0 `,"ll:i .�q� , �,,�,�'T,',,�,",', � , , 11, � '. _�,�,ji,5�)"";."'i­ I . 01 i , .� .. , " 1 ,�ll.U�,,,vg " ""'. � .1 � .11, , .. 11W ;6�k� �. , 11 F"N' ("�""""' , I I * I , , I ... .;. - , I . I . � . __ - �'_Wl r T 11 � I 11 . . . , �e . I I .. _ . I. J . .. 1. . . 1. , P Q 0� I , , '014�41'1,,11 * � � � I t I . , 10 � ... I i 'y 24, i,6 1. . � . , I . . ,� " , -__-1__.M . --i".1 - I . 1. 1. .- 1. - " I 1. - 11 I. - I-— I I . "Pi".1mow"w"""w"". ....... . "', , ____ __._ , 111111PI-11111111-14 I - III 111. il.141 �It­114 4-11 1. ­. ­ I � .91, , , I I ; 4,Ni 1 ;111., , ". ,M,771 I - I, 04;� r - � — , ;11,1!� �, " - � ­ .... ... �7., , , -1---1-______ ­.".. I �: - - I I I I ". ­ 11 . -1. I I . i 1 'i�lji'il I . . 1. I .. ,� . '. � 1- 'p-, 1, .. ­­ - �� `11 .. � rnI4 , . Ow , O:e I . � b . " � . OR I I 11 0, 1-11 1.11 11".." ­­­ ­­ . 1peeld skating- In the N , I. 4W,_ 1 - tic�hje stor"Al *a"iwoh. L�dlli,_Ari ��. ""��,,,�-",��'ll,�'ll"�,,�lI . ..... .. ... .. -.-,.-.,__0 ­­ . � .11 ... . I'll . . . . . . . . 11� - - - -_ - -- ",; 1 47% V t�nte a A � — " W I ­ ­ . M , I .. , 1. -1 , �� I llrl',�� - I ,11 �, I I � . ; - I -1 .. I � 11� I "I I., . 1.14 1� ?; 1 ", 44 ' " ' ' ernail world the depe,4, ed was a, , . and 'Mrs*. � Ath a! weei�c'§ .. , i, � - " ,,i- .- I � . - , ,.,,I ... ... W �, 11, - " _N '*v't . . ' ' . , . . . 1111111. I'll, � I Z, 0 4R . iines 11;,6 ooli I" . I 1, I -.1 - - � , , . � , , ", , " I ­�` C . I . . i� �1� i� �1,f 111'�' �',',I, "I'll, "', ... �,,,,� ,, ,':�;,�;,,It"!,�,.-,t��"""�', . , I - - � - " , � � , ,, ,�""-i��;�';����',',""-"��,,','�I 1�1 .�� . �� ��, "ffi�,,: I ,�� t,� I I.l".," � NMI, ,,;, �1,1' P,�,:, , .-I.,- . . N E W'S � 6P THU TOIV , ,� , trilp to Hearst, Oitt., and after a, brW. . .0. I �". �.l � I IMI I I 1000mm""00"M member of Zion Lodge No. 1, F. & I ' I V� � --- � ,,� i,.: " : 15�101!% A.M., Iviloslem, Telmlplie of the Shrhie ?, '. visithere W11111 then leave for their . , omen .s ­ 1"... ­­... , ­__­ - " I . I I Atknouk-ement. . Mr. and M�rs. R and Detmit, Qotrulmandery No. , 1, I . . new hipme, hit Lm��agypihi,. Qqebei% P.O - __ - .. .- __ � .- .- - _1.__:_1_---_____ 2 1 �,4 J - , I I I , . . . :., � U., _ .1 Detug"_'Bilake, Ontario, Avnlouofe - Knights Tisirgpla,r. He tis,sqrvi,y�d, �bj_ - , ---'-- � -7'-=**T-'-- - '" . . � gtdog-aw�i�� tihle�_,Iinide wom_� j�Nw _1P I and Girl's I .- i �T? , , , ,. N. , . I - _ - *"% . eston's , I - -ts--- . - I NEY - -- ih­�-' AT _11ary W . _ - . - 1-1 -.-I[ ,__­__ Ha I" � '� ­­­ - . ___ ,_ - - VnWnt . -A r, IR - _�_ '----.-Dawson, who "to dTiesis, bk�ls bat, shoilis, and gloves. . . -1 1 g5*4: v - ,&e ­efiga �6f th6jr_­l&VgiFZ V� - - UOM, ' sr� . . q . I .� . . . 1 1 I ,%w JQ11.40VER HONEY r. Donald Claude is the twin daughter of the -late fRiev, - - " 1 , � pw , C Starah Margiuret, to M; '115� vice . ,��,�,` � 19,410,1014nd poul ................ go Tw -rmir, London, Ontarito, &On of 'Mr. , U T -o, 9 I over twevtyl-�ftve friends of the ,.,WEEK . . . Ili , � , Sutherland 'Macdonladd, of Bruciefield, ". I 'bilde-ellect; Tenia McCiiallu- , theild a I . ,It ., . oice . , � a 0'1,�, � f KRZ9 OrARCIR Mirs. D. jF. -Tumer, Gla,nwoath, and Sutherland,Qhire, Scotland; a san, . �, . in . . . k I ­ � . -d surpriste, mbicefIlliatneous. Awwar 'in her END . . lio�,� ,,, , 2,5c 801"'n'ta.ritio. The wodding will.. ta,ke Douglas S. Dalw,slon, lot the &.1m. In- � Cold Qrinks . � . MA,7��!, , 6 'poun . ................... olod; a Ad'son, Wfui. For Ice, hlonox on the lawin of thehonie of her ,I I dustry, Hollyw gra NOW I ,,�,, I 9C, piaLme qudettly in .Augus.t. inother, 'Mrs. D. McCallum, jus,t West SPECIALS . . 1: . \. '. ",_ , ' ILOSE, BRAND BAXING , - .. J-. Dawzlon, of San FraticiBco, . Bev- * AVO - REAM The :program linclud- . I , . X ICE T Li�" I . bers and brotheirs re,sidre in On- I . of tfie village. ' , 'Ill 411, . - eT ,9. 1 ( � .PQW ...... al sis , � , -,111i�,�, _ QER�-�Tin ..; .... I Announcement.--4Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Mrs. 4-ameta F. Reid, a sister, ed readdugs by Mrs, HiArvey John- �, - at exa tly .";,: E WiCA Seaiflortlh, ann,witice the en- tarito. 0 HOT DOGS , I . I c . . I, I . � . . stcin,ldre. Robert Pattersbn and, Mrs. �:: . � 11_ . . I 1 .4 � 11, � �,. %>UtPFM� LARD I gjVLgement of theilr s -is -t -.,r, Annie Fer- has loing ,been. a reiddent of Seaforth, I I I _ I .,-,*-. . �- ." dt��. 25c ' ' ' I ' by I �, I . The- impressive Masonic burdal was and H. B. Kirkb� and, a mlack* weddinig . " ' . ... - .1 2 poun s ................... gug5l, da.ugiliter of the I -ate Mr. and I . � bride), ,Mrs,. Ken , . 11 ,,.:, . . I 114aaigaret Murray ,( . I 1�'t. ".) . �ur Mrs. Adam Mackay, to -Mr. Rtv�,�611 -at Forest Lawn CerneteTy, Glend�lfe, URGERS Rutledge (groicfrn), and I .Mrs. D. En- , I;. ��., F., . .-XA0P1,OCA . . , , . Mrs. Waker Clalifornia. . 0 IIAMB ' Mi . Half, Price . � I , 1 2 poibuds .................. � Anderson Wlaher,t, son Of . .0. I . nis (rdildisiter). ,ldrea Sellers sang 1. I . .. . tl I a,rid t1he Late Richard, Walter, Jarvis, .1 I . ... - " - I .. �;, LEXIA SEED -ED ILA,ISINS Onta,fllo, the marriage to take plaice Richmond -Snell. -The hisitoxLe E�- - 1 H. �WESTON. two seleettions1to -her O*wn guittar.ac- � I I . . .. I � ... I ,, . H niment. Mrs.. Harolld Sellers 6, ", 15c qutiet�y the latter part of A.-ugusit tle chuA-oh, His Maiesty's Cihapel Qt GODERIC ST. , SEAFORTH c!OmPa i I I I. Pure, Silk Crepe Holse, popular shades I , I'' the M,ohawks, Brantford, the olde�it .1 I .. . package, ........ : ........... 11 . . and Miss Marguerite Bolger brIoUght I . ,. I . ­­ ­ .1 I ­ and sizes ......................... 59C Pair - , .1. , ­ I . COUNTRY CLUB - r4-anid­ -e -0 -iatdan worship in, On- . -in the gifts !in a decIOTabed basiket . . I , -_ I SOMEYE Announcenient-M Mrs,. 5fel- Plac - f Chi ! - - I . "I 'Y. Ryan is stuff I . 14, . I ,� . I.: ...... 18C n W. J2=e�' ering � , I . iSATJV_ON--1-falvvs.­ vin McPhee annju�nee thie engage- Itario, ,�rae the lseene of a ca dle1jight 9 � and presented them. Lunch was 2. TNAO Specials in Summer Gloves, newest , "11, . ,nt; of their'ionly daughte - wedding ,at 6 'o'clock Friday, when from a very isemous attack of blo,Qd. seirved and, ithe -gatheriing disipersed I � . mei i, Gla,dys, - . . �, I ' * u . . I WEALK�FAST MARMA,I.ADE Mr. Corrilde MacAllpine, B.A., of the recto�, Rev., Horace W. Snell, podsonting in his arm. after singing IqFor She?,s a Sully dtol�dl .- c- ffs �ano trims ............ 49C and 59c Pair I . 15c to oil ,2ye-d tJhe marriage of k.js daiigli- ir Mm C. P. Sills is vis' Fellow." I � . I . ,.�, W: . iting her - I � �, E I 3aT ........................ Mitchell., Ointtirio, son of Mrs. Mac- B� `-mnd I I ,.� Alpine and the late James MacAlpine ter, ;Ma,rgareit Snell, B. �c., ""'to Dr. Bi,ste,rist in, Deitol)it. She was- =eom- Visitors: 'Mir. and Mrs. Dr. D. 3. , Silk Knit Panties', tailored and laice - I ( I . .11 . -, J. M,c ' i " ­ UJOVAH JELLY MAK9�111) � mi&viTle, Ontario. Th,e weAling Normari� A. Ritchmond, of Seaftorlth, panied by -her sEsters, Mrs. W - HarkwellIt and famill§, of Buffalo, wath . trim ......... . . . . . 11� I I gl= 15C of Lw f Mir, and Mrs. W. W. Rich- K.1ay and Mrs, N. Desboro, and,kiss, 'Mr. ,and Mrs. J.olh,A Buohadan - and . .... I ..... ... ,35c'and 49c Pair I 'I, : . packa - '.,:1�.. ake place Auguk Sth. ,Sion to ' . . . I , .,� ............. will t, -er rellafives in the Vicinity- -Mr. , - �;� " was Bernice Manley, o th . '.. _ ---.*— mc,nd, BiranUord. The dhapel 4. Voile Dresses, smartest st 98 " � .,. . '. a ';C *111 � , .. � . 4 OFY ,SUB �r of and Wrist. 'W� 11am, Hil)1, bf For-&Adck .Yles .... $1.29 to $1.98 ", . DR. JAB 15C Whitt,kier,Clitipman-Ther marn-age ,decto,rated with ferns and, suirnmer 0 Mr. and Mrs. Pred, Fatulka, , � i I . Improved ........... Package-' flawers, and -the bride entered. with Detri-todt, spent the weelk-end at, 'bhe "Mir. and 'Mrs. James, Nichols and, son, I ,, 11 "i � I is announced of Bileen, only daughter William -of Mitchell, and Mm. Philw 5. Print Dresses, fast dyejs� and latest I.... ". : . COWANI'S COCOA '2,5c ,of Mrs. and the late Herbert T. Chap� h!Er ,brother, Arthur Shell. Thle,wed- home of Mr. Faullkner's mother, TvIrls. alipi, of "Chicaga, with, 'mr. and, Airs., . . . styles ..................... I ....... 75c to $1.39 ,` . .. I , ,�. u,nd 'tin ................. . man, ­,to Heilbert . Whitta,ker, only so'n ding march ,was playled by Mrst. Geo. F. FpWlkner. Their zon and' d1augili-I If I , . ,i I-fb I " ' X er,' Toronto,_,her sister. The - ter, *hn have been spen W. R. Stewart- .Miss Am-ke Love, o Skirts, special value ............ 98c . A 1. �, I 1. 1. . toif Mr, H. 1. and the late , ,,. Wit- Fletch � -ding Ifits hoili- " g .1 6.� White Pique " � � i I I pDWNTtREiE'S CHOCOLATE I tat eo, of Hialmilton. The marriage birridie was gowned in -pale pt-nk chif- dialys with their grandmother, retuxii- TOrantio, is sa),enldir; severa wiepiks . I . 71, I k .. � with her parente, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jos. I � ", � 7C 11,th, fc,n, 'with maiticliting accessories, and ed home with them. . � . bookplace tin Brantford ,on July I . DRESSES and 'COATS' ., . I I - carried a bouquet of roses and sweet 9 Xiss Frances Burichill, of Ih-u-s- Love- Mr. and, Mini. Joseph Plank, of . ­ �* "I , . � � . I � eas. Dr. Do,i�othy Shell, Sitra�a MCkKE THE TURKEYS GROW with ,,, op P Yellow sells is spending a_fiew days, at tbii lo-rdj' �md 1?4r. tarid. (M�rs., fRoy I - � , . Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. Springs, Ohdo, another sister, was her h ' Plank, of Torlonto, with Mr. and ,Mrs.. Values that are 6utstaifding and styles that are un- ' 'A ftasteT�B' Grower at I otme,of her aunts, the Mdskstes Britile. I I I . . I I .. �, $3.00 -N,oritb,B,ldL- United Church and First a1ttendant, gowned in roise iahiff-on, 0 Mr, and Mrs. W. W. (Robinson Fred Einfis; Mr. and, ,Mrs,. Garf. Long ' surpassed. I � 1, -P '. CIPL .................... 1preBbyt,_rJaD Church - The Sunday with white turbain and white &cces- and'M&v.JM,Strrcbe� of London, were and' family, 'Of Califtirma, with the I . I � " hools meiet - fin their ro,sp.�ctive sories, and carried a bouquet Of rOs-. guesqls aft d.ie home of Mr. I Geo. Befi(p formier's stieter, .Mrs' Roy Bennett ; I . . .1 ,. I . I . , . 1. 11 utledge ": I I - es and baby's brelath. Af6er the cere- on M-11 I A. C Ro churche's a� the �usual hour. , torin I Wedne'Bdlayl. . J.,Cbnnelly, of Tdonkitton, with his ' I I I � ling and Aevenqng $iel,viees at North- nion the 0 1 An- brother, Per%. Connelly; Miss Berva . I Istry of �y a. -reception was .held at Mrs...J. 114w6mer and sion, of Steiss, , . ' ' ' 4, L C-hurch. The mini , nruBic '.�lohaiwk Institute, where the Vride's derson, ,SDutth lCarolina, are visiting I . Photie i66 side lof Kttchener, With her mother, i... , , ,� .1._ � I �� by the chtoir -of NarthsiXe Church, -n-vothier received, wearing a gown, Of ?,,t t1hehome V,ther mother, Mrs, Geo. Mks. D. IStleists. - - I I 1. Mac-TAVISH'S ' I � '4. I I 7 . .111. 11_� n charge, 'Mr. Feast. Mioril- piinted arelhid chiffon, whate aneI8- We�r,, ..... . Miss Anna Enn�is. is,'spending sev- - . . . I . .� M' " ,ter i. 1. ­ .� I I � I . $., jng� O,rs-Mp �t 11; sermon, "Strength 6 11 0 .Miss Dorothy Carter, of 6,*wa, . .I. ,, . . �N w ,)­ieg. She was assisted by. the 'eral weeks with (MT. and Mrs. Roy . . . ". � ant.1 Beauty Aze in His Sanctuary: 0 bi,idegq­o,om'9 inother, whD wore a whoh" beten a guest at the hon�Aa of Plank, TO`rontlO, - - 1. : ia lac� . � - I I �� � .1 ., .1, 1. . �. Worship th gown of pale p watih _wNte Mr. and -MIrs. R. HL Spirlotat. left on I . I . � �� ", I , - 11 1. 1, . . H31inlessl." 'Etvendng p,ervtce at 7 ; acce ' Lab�r Dr. and Mrs - . ' .1 � -'.business of 'Mr. � Fred Woolcombe. He , -: 'r : � ' . ' ik, �,:, Pur _3 , sslaries. - Tutesdm�y tp visit friends in Owen " I � was a iman'ta,mong men and, fulll of � � . Hav"i-S, f Revelation- - oundL . .... . NFINTHROP I chased sermon, -Three Books ,o .Richmand left on a Motor trip, the S. � . EGMONDVILLE . - I � I I j The great and fascinating Book of ibrid,p travelliing in an ensemlbl�: of IMesisro. John Beattie and R. H. — . . energy, of a kind dlisposi4on and in i. 41", , I . WOMMEMMUNNOMM"M I I I 2. . , '. ., "I . 61# tio,n from the week Ta'any f r T� 11 I THE INSURANCE Nc�'uire: The, 'Revielai ., navy blue net over taff-eta, with blue Sipwoat were in,Grimsq)y ion Tuesday. � Litte Seam' Pryce spent last The Young People met aitthe home hig 'Vidie'r6atrelelr made, Jends . k 11�1 ; business of the JOHN 'RAN- Bolok of Books: The Revielation, from hcces�sories. On thefir - return they 9 Mir. W. E. Chapinarkh"returned with he, 'want, 'Miss Nellie Pry", It. of Wi§is A'Ace,ThDlMp!.q1o,n on Mqndiay and,theretfoale, willl be much missed. I . . . �! �,�11 KIX AGENCY from the Guar- the Rolok� Id Experieve.e.11 Heartiest -will live in Seaforth, where ,the brkle- from. ,a very -pleadant motlorr trilp to �Seafoxth. . evening.., Miss, Jean Smith opened He ,wa's treasurer of Godenich Col- I . I anty . Trust Company, I solicit a welcome to all services. - -room will be assistant to,Dr. E. A.' the north co,Untry. He was Q0031111- Mr. and 'Mrs. William Wheatley, of the meeting *1th a hyinin, ,which was legla,te, Institpte Board, .me ber of 11 " I vices for ' . . I = 51 r esteemed St. Thtli-mas' Church Ser' � I R' c., are -visiting the form.- fiol t1h Ltoins Clulb and a m er of I �� ;, , 1* . continuance of you Sunday, July 2,6th-Sunday Schuol McMaster- I panded, by -his son, MT. 'A. b. Chap- --gina, S-as,l I lowed by a brief disepsoll"011. Alice A" . I I � . ,�� ,,..patronage. .. . I I -,.M— man, of P(nt Erie. I I er's parents, MT. land Mrs. Thomas Thompson tihen took -charge ,of the . 'a Canadian Order ,of Forresters. He I . - . Z.,4L_ i: All insurance lass, 10 La.m.; morning ser- . o Miss C. Graham,of Detrolit, is a Wheatley. � meeltinig. The ,devotional period was is survived (by his widow,. formerly . , � , " ��i� ,,, 0 records, etc., and Blible C - . Mkis Cora B. Roberts, ,daughter of . ' , ' , I ll��. . ­ have been transferred to my of- v-1ce, 11 a.m.; sermon topic, "A Qu6s LOCAL BRIEFS guesit at,the ho,rne of Mr, and --Mrs-- ,Mr. and'Mrs. Adam DodIds, ,of Lis-' Marked wilthqda�et irnuisi:c Miss Janet .,�. . , mation will he ti,(In of sat,isfa.ction." No: evenin­' M :. the late 'Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roberts, � � 1: fice and any infor -ice wors,hbpplel:,. . . D. H. W#sion. towel, spent the week-�end 11'th ' Ts* Townsend read the Ocrdiptbre liesson - , . a 11 , I 1. gladly given. . service. Evening serN 0 ,Miss Winnifred Wallace, daugh- 0 MT. and'.Mrs� Feast and dauig�h- Robert CatraTibell, Sr. and- Misis 1�&Isen Thomigslon, read a " Si., Of Dungannon, and one son, Win., I ;_ . I A,ged-13. ,He also. leaves two sistefs, ,.;.:,. 0 . M. A. REID, Prop. , are requested: to attend the niornin. tek of Mir. 'Andrew Wallace, of Sacta- ter, Alislon, will leave for their CaMIP Miss,Betty Bullard is visiting at vhort paper ,on "Fellowship." * Harold I 4� ..� " . I c hot wea-'her.- mentio, Cilli , fornia, is visiting a,t thd" on Lake Rost eau, this immediate the ihome 'of ,her gTandmother, Mrs, Finn� n led in ,prayer. 'Miss 1%,)na Mrs. W. 0. -Woods., Listowel and 'l, ­ . . t_- 19a - , �:� - -. -o.hn Armstrio-nig, of ,London. - I . ik -W - �". WATSON & REID A.,'REct.)i Mrs. Fran eekes�, and ,two br10 I E. Appleyard, M. be J . I . h,ome'of her uncle -and aunt, Mir. Sa,hi Monday. Mr. IF -east's address will and Mr. Jdm. McGregor -gave an in- , � ��, - � , EglyvDiid-valle ChWvh�-10 a m. Sun- Wallace aind Mi:ss Wpflaee. Julld--iHaiven P.O., Ont,ario, Lake Rios- A clouple iof young deer have been . - etzifaL_ ...'31ists � _-L& 1 . -,,thersl, George, of 'Varna, and R. ,-J, *1 I., . . . ' _. 11 ______%;T,ru1 ur&__Etk -ai . - ­ _­ __ - -1 � � -p-- � �. . -6 villia.ge sev- f -B-eratty,-.I�g-mFo-n-dV!Ili�.--.X-r,-lho-�r-t ­seT-;�­---­-- I I - __'-U_7. --Me I . 1.111. I ' -_ . 1, - I 6 M,rs. James E. Stewart, of Red Beau, Muslo," Lakes' 1. av&red,wilth.apleaising slo-lo and Miss 11 P. hone 214 � : , Seaforth day -School; 11 a.i�i., Rev. . Se�Elfi by residents lin - th I ... I � V I of i therd, B.A., B.D., of Mazomanie, Wis'; Deer Mbeita, it, visiting at the h,onVe 0 Mr. and,Mrs. William Finlaylson eral ,ti,y"s ,,during t6 past week. VE,ra Hudson gave -a reading whlk,h' vice was ,held at the residence on .,� X -D. M . , b1pecialists.-in All Kinds 7 -p-rn., HYm-ns Of the Church,_I�ev. ' � der and. son, Of Toronto, ave &pendi-nig the . Was enjoyed by all. 'Mrs. Ivan Flor- Wedne.mday afternoon before'the fun; V of her broither-dn-law, Mr, Alexan Mrs, . cFarlane is visiting With .. � !, , . . Insurance. A. W. Shepherd, N,Iiindsiter. Stewart, Side Street, an -di with other holidays at the home of :Mrs,. Finlay-- '�riends in Ottawa. I slyth,e, and Harold Jacks sang a eral'proceedied to St. George's ,Church ­ I I . 11- . nes-Balbe- I I , . ­ I . . . .-81- -i2ndis "n th�s vicinity. sion's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry . . . On time was where Rev, Arch Deacon J10 ' I ,. . . I fi duet. The remaind,ler Of the , I I 11. - -Re,nry J. Bul­ ' ' . man and Reiv. A. C. Calder conducted , 0 Mr. and .Mm. T'' JchiisDn; Mr. Weiland, iii. Eginiondville. , . ispent in garmes. Lunch was, SeTVed "..'.. . <> .t> .0 <> <> lcuo �0, <> <> <> ;57 0 Dies in Manitoba. . the service. Interment wag, made in . 1. � ;, � I, 10 I` . .. . .. I � 0 lard dill -ed, at hi�i-s late resid-ence a� and Mirs. W. Smith, kr. and,Mts. L. , 0 Mir. Tom Cluff, of the Doinilinion .HILLSGREEN' by the sio-oiaa committee. ' God Save � I , , " Maitland Cemetery. The -pallbearers � I I "... . <> Harte, Manithibia; in� his fifty-eight" G. Kruse, of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Bank staff,, Guelph, ls',splending the __ the King" and the M,".bpah Benedtic- � . 4�' S. T. Holmes & Son sdlay, June 18th. He was - Hensall were Messrs. W. A. Oo-ulthurstli. H. . , � . -1 . � i� year, on T,huT gar Lalwz.on and Miss Bernice Law- ,holidays at the home -of his father, Mrs. Frank Fa�qilhar, of , tion cliosea, the, meeting. . C. Dunlop, 'Dr. J. A Graham, .R, "/ , ,� � . .0 I.. FUNERAL SERVICE "P' Canadqan National Rallway punipgnan son, Auburn,,and. -Miss Marglaret Fer- Mr. A. F, Cluff. . -1., F,p�ent the week -end ,with her brother, � .1 I . .- . I I<> Main street� Seaforth 'O and farniter at Hart,e. He was born. ,usim, of Bursar Hall, O.A.C., Guelph, . � . , I 'Mr. Alvin Cochrane. � � Clackburn Hays, E. D. Brown and A� . I II I : <> . 0 near .Seafo,rth-, On't., and came, to ' . I .. . . . I.F. Wil-kik : , . . . I I � I Nvere the guests of Mrs,. Wm. Sciater I I IMaSteTSR3nald and.M(ervyn Steph- � I . I ?�', <> S. T. Holme�s, re0den0e, `> Brandon, Manitoba, In the year 1904. olvier the wee�k-elnd, . � msall,t are holidayiing with ELIMVILLE - : . I I �", , I an, of H( . � . I I I I I 'i !.. <> Goderich Street, Wesit-,,Phone 'O in 19-OL5 he. married Marguerite Sit- -4* " 1. th,E'l,r grand other, 1mrs. Stephan: ____ -_ --- ____ - -mmommamodw . .. f , -Mr. G. E,yre and faMiy, of Chis- MANLEY . m I . 1, . I 11 '&Mrsi. Franklin Skinner and Berver- . I I �'. -0 No. 119W. Charles Hoames' ,O ter of Ark-ona, Ont. After working elhurst, and Mrs. Agnes McTavish, Kirs. Lydda Troyer, who yjaited . ,..., . ; I .. I ­ � I 1. ' t ' KIPPEN I � ­: . <> reikilence, Gbderkh' Street, �� in 'Brandon and Rivers for the Cana- of Seaforth, motor2d.- to Guelph on The (mg1lon dollar rain has come with, friends An t,�,is, vicinity, lef t for le als,6 Mrs. William Routly spem, . . ' , � <> East;.phone No. 308. ` ­:� ' �'<> &an �Fltaciftc Railway and Canadian Monday tio aftend th�e funeral -of their for which thic farmers prayer, but a visit with friends -in and around t,�I�rweek-end -at ,Grind Bend. . Mary - I . I I .. �. . . . � - <> Ambulance Service `> , , briothe,r, th� late-thamai Wren, of elVlen at that, some of,the, crops were .ns .� y I Nat"tonal Railwa,y ;rezpa�tivv�lly, he , Varna. J, spent a f I ew. days, there last ....'.. . . ill I . I %'­ -0 --Night dalls, Phone 308. 0 bought a farm at HaTte, which he Guelph. . pa-st ,redempt*,n. The country W1 IMirs. Love -and. -daughter, Agnes week. , . . <> Day calls, Phone 119 J. <> faTTned V1017V successfuil,ly and cor.- *,(Mr. and q -L r. a Wisg, Bessie Jobns is visit �,b - ,`�. .Mrs,. HariT BaBiley, of not be knowin after, the, vast improve- ,and q�ori, James, visited, wit M nd ' ing with 'Mr. and 'Mrs.'Percy.C111ark and fam- . .,.� _­ � AC> Charges .moderate.' . - 0 tinued working until ,the time of h! s Danbury, C-onnecideut, who have been ment, the rain will make. relatives, in, Exeter. .1 . Mrs. W. Huxtable an Centralia. fly, of Windsor, visdted at the home I , 10 I * denth, Shortly after buylin�g the ­ . , . .. _� , isi­ - Mr. ,and M17s:,Lorne Webster The fire-fighters lin .the pine swatnip Mrs. D. B.- Saunders, of XT. and. Mrs. Harry Murch and 'of Mir. William, Anderson during the -1,1 an, v zimg . �Mr. and I I b.". . <> 0 0. * 0 ^0 0 0 0 * * -0 farm he was appointed pumpni have retu,rne -e. M,rB' wiall have stomie !relief from watching L,,ndor,' called ton relatives in this Donna, also Messrs. Lawrence Skin, plast week. 1. . . 1.� I d to their hom . - 1. I :, 1. . — -which position he satisfactw-ily filled WEbster acco,nimanied t�eni. ,the eoads tot save, them, fram, burning ylicinity. I L ner and Oilbert Johns ���pent the week .Mr. and 1M.-irs. Norman Pateesbn, of , " I.. � I I . 1, o until -his d,eath. Mx. Bullard's ,pass- 0 Mrs, Lorn'e Daile and ,children up. About 300 acresi of grass land 'Rev. Hazen, -of London, , gave an end at Port gt-Aniley. I London, visited at the- home .of Mr,- , I I .11 1� ing ,has, createdi a.,vacancy in the Miss Leoda Johns, of Exeter, is and Mrs,, James.-Daymon, of the vil- .11 . .. ,­ <> were in Blyth laist week attendting �a!s been laid waste by,the muck burn-' address, ion the TeToperance, Union in I , �r': .. -0 0 neigthbioThood. that cannot *ea,5i]y be the funeral ,of Mins. Slat�_,r. ang and leaving a fo-ot of ash bed be- the I-VIdsigreen Church on Sunday. hol;daying at ,her home here. lage, during the past'week. . , � . ;�.� . <> , , H. C. BOX ' ii-iied. His memo I I I . Qudte a numibey fro -in here attend- 'Mir. and Mrs. Dean Brawn, of. . . ry ,will ive. The M of hind it, and the big drai-nis will 'have 'Mi�ls Jessie Johnston, of 'Clifford, a who 0 'Zi . . �M r. aini rs. Robert MeyeTS, �� 4> FUNERAL SERVICE Of tio be daepenejd'to drain, tthe lamd accompanied by friends, visited rela- ed the menvorial se -'r . ..� - <> very harge coiltege of friends ChIciage, and Mr2. Frank 'Mloore vice tat the -on .Grecinway, spent a.few days, at the I I � * frol,lowed dilis remains to his latst rest ' celilete'ry ion Sund,Ay last. . 11 1, <> - Licensed Embalmer .. - Detro,it, spent the week -end at the wlilah has been burned to a depth of tivest in, fthis � vi,crind-ty. 11 htme ,of �M­r. and- Mrs. Elzar M!ous- . I I I ' . , , 0 ing place attested to the hligh esteem ' -s. - L. Bolton. . I tMany a -re busy cuttiting wheat - in Miss Joy Whitlock, ,of St. Thomas, oalau of the village, during the past .A. * , Ambulance Service . I hiome of Mr. and 'Ma . four feet. I - ,� . .1 � . in Which he was! held by those who was a caller at the- holine of Mr. H. ' . Ij . Hospital Bed - 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. D. CPhaipman and Mr. and Mm, C. Eckart; and , IMTs- t,his vicinity. I week.. � . 11 I <> . I I . .. �,, � , I ,, -0 vith adjustable ratcheCoper- � � 0 1,.new lim. and associated -with him st - of FZ)rt Erie, were the guevt9 of C. F. Sills, from -Seafonth; Mrs. W. Thepeat pla-nit is makiing great,.pro- Ford last Sunday. . . . Mr.-and.Mrs. 'Harold Kyle, of Win- ;� on, , � ... . ,..'' - Mrs.. M. 411 , .� for so many years. He is survived Mrs. Emma Chapmi4n and Nb-. W. E, J. WitcKay, frioni, Seaitle_aod gress this year. They arkhalving ex- Next iSunday, Sunday, Schololl wi niipfeg, visited at the Nomle of -Mrs, � . . , � 0 . � , -1 . <> . by .his wife, ,One son, George, a farm- . I 1. 71, ' - , Chaipfrn.4n. IDesbio-riough, from Northville, Mich�, tra go,od weather for thejmanufaetu.r� be at. 10 a..rn. and the, preaching ster- John Deitz, and !others 'in and around ." . . ..; ,<> M. gfht GaAs Pay Calls * ,er at Harte, -and onle, daughter Mar- 0 Mr. and Mrs. R. o. Willis. an,1 -were visitors in'o'fur burg last ce-a�t 11 am.., when Mrs. George the villflage during the pasi�� week. I I I , _L , , , . hne . Pbonle,43 , .0 . I Sun- ing. of it and prosp�_ects are that -it V1 . . 11 . . . . . . . . :, . I "O . 0 guerilte, a teacher at ��. Be- little son, ,of Torontbt,"we-re week -end -day . will The an excellent sample, so foaiks� Layton, of Exeter, wiffl speak under 'Mi. William Andlerso-n;.of the vil­ . I l , ( I � � ,� .. .* sides the Im,meddate family, two bm- guests at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. &i.s )Mary Drall, fr*ni. Detwbit,,Tie- get your ,order in ea;HY, and dtoti,%' be the austpi,cesbf the W.- M. S. . lagey )who bas been, ofi the sick list . 1 ;.4 '' . I theirs, Rdbert, bf -bTandan, apd, Div- W. G. Willis. .1 . turned to her h1ome this we�k.' disapploiinted this year when (the cold . for thle,past week or so is graduall - y � I �� � I I id,, of Regina, and three sisters, Mrs. . 9 1Mdss . I I - I I I I J � 7 � . I , . Hilsses Margaret, and 4eta, and Mr. Weather am,' ves'. . . .. improAng. . I � 6 ,;t� A> <> <> Atex. Smith, of Ingi6llow, Manitoba; is speridIng a week's hollidays at her Raymond McKay, from )Seattle, are A number from' -this victilnitty at- VARNA Mrs. William ,Sullivan, -of Toronto, � �,�t I �; ."* I <> Mrs. P. A. Stinclair, St. James,, Mani- hlome here. I visit,ors, in Gut,lburg at present. ,tended the ,social and play at the . is epending a few days at the hoine, - . I 1.17 , i"l- . 10 .WALKEWS . 0 toba, and Mrs. Jeart, Chesney, 'Of Sea- 0 K:r. Keith Lamont, of Detrbit, is, Mdss Bernice Manley is tat.,present Bilke scholol on -Friday emening. , 'The death. of W111liatin Bektity', late of -her brother, Mr.,Robert Dayntan, ' - ., , I 0 forth,,,Ont.; surviive; alsio two half, spending the h1olidays, with his, bro- spending -her Niacation in. Detroit. ' . - - I of Goldeii,ch, came as a -shook to his of Tuckersmitli. I I . I . , 11, — " . �1 �, -SERVICE , bruthers, Sam ,of 'the Caribou mliming ther, Mr. Frank Lamont. .1 � .. - � I ; r . <> FUNERAL , <> di%strict ih, ,British Columbia 'and ­ - . friends and irefiativiesi. Deceased, was- The many friends of Mrs. Thomas . .' .i , , , �, : ., 0 W. J. WALKER and * Mr. Walter Murray and siste,r, - � I I LONDESBORO I the youngest voin lof,the- late George 'kutt will be sorry �to Rearn that she I I I , .i I . ;,� . -0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 James 19 T&nnetalpolls, Minnesols; al- Mivs Murran mlotlored to Preston for - 'WALTON . I Bleitty and Vlatrgaret Jane Reid, and has been quite seriously 111. during � . I . . i . 40 Uceinsed Embalmers and .o so two half-sisters, Mrs. Bert Beale, the week -end. . - .. � IW,%. James, Melville of Hain1libb was biorin, on the Beatty homestead the ;Tasit, ,week. We, trust that she I �A I ' M ` : , , 10 Funeral Directors. , .0 of CaIgFy�,'Aliberlta, and Mrs. Downes * M'r& William Fowler and, .. Achilles'',. ' P' sixty-trwto years agioi,, and as quite a may soon take a diecid-ed' change for I ­ i . daugb- , McCallum spent a few ,days at the homie of Mr. .. " �; �, <> of London, On't. The funeral service ter, of Yorkrbon, ,SAsk.; � 'Mrs. W., 0. The mar ytoumg man started in bustiness, in "' better. I i" 1, 1, -0 Day or Mght Calls promptly rliage. Of Ghrisitena' McCal- and Mrsi. J. D. Meltviillle. -1 ... 4 � l '..' <> attvWled.. '40 I � was donducted by the -Rev. Jam0i P. Floowlliet, of Wingham� and Miss, Flor- lum., daughter 4 Mrs. MoCallum. of Ethel. Litter he Ton a ,general stiore of London, ' I . 1. I . .0 -P, HONE 67 <> Brownie, fqrmerly of Hlarte, now of ence Fowler, of Rlueival�e, were, the Waition, and the late Donald Mccal- The Wl, 1. and Sunday School are in iBriieeiflield, oftfr which he engaged spent the week -end iit the holme'of his . I . _:.��,_ _ � . . . .. I 1 10 0 Bissett� h6liding their bam,dal -picnic i at Bajy- ,. I �,, .�,,;�, I . " DdanlatJoba, and, the Rev. 5h-. I in th�_- banki ­* business and, was -in- mbtheT, Mrs. 'Jas. B. %WlAan� -of the 1: i '. I �, guests of the Misses Cressw6l this lum, to Roland Achilles, son �uf Mr . f,,Itd'In Fridayof lfl-ds week'. A golod ng , . � .. 4> 0 <> <. 0 * 0 <> <> o <>.<> B of Harte. The pallbearers we jk. Ont., took strumental in oreanizing the. Steelling London Road. ' v I " ". — — ,e Robert Achilles, of Rylan,cl,, le sl'� . ;.. r:_ . . � "" s bwoi brotherg. Ri&beri" and fim" i exPected.. ' , W . , * mr. �nd lNm J. -C.,`Ranikin' and place all, 4-30 pAn. on Wednesday, , �ond 1.3lewift, Bank in Varna and Baydeld, after- 'Mr. and M-rst. Thn. Butt, of -Sea- "" I - and .M=. M;r, , __ '. � Mass � I David, and four nephews, Robert amd ughte Mr. _ I . , '�� I da T,, of Kentucky, and' Mr. and jully 115th, at Duff's, United' Church Battiler and Mr. Lloyd Blewitt, -of To- wards being ttransfmTed to, Dungan- fbvth, visirtled' at t1w homes of their 1. I � I .. sts Smith, of Ingelow; John Bu -1- Mirs. j. H. Horne and daughter, of Manse, lWailtaiii. The pastor, Rev. ronto, were guests this 1week ,at the nion -and was ' niiade 'Manager of th� sons, Edgw and, Thomas, of the vil- I , to,loni,, and Wi-Illiam Bul- Bellevilae, were guestis i week at Char'les GuaOrrAng officiated. Tynt bome of IM,,.and Mirs. J. U. FairSeT- , ,laboTiough 'and later .1age, during the past week, E.C.Chamberlain l'aod, of Saska ', Uniion ltank ft . i�'� . aerk of the Second Division Court laird,, of Brand)on.. Interment w -as 11he home of Mir. and =.Jamles brWel's wedding, clh:liess was whiO crep4 vac,. . I . was Matn;� at Ridgetown and, Mt. The farmers, in this vicinity are I i 11 � � I . I County of uron imAde in the Carberry cehnetery Sat- Rankin. I with white -balt-and accessori&s. She . I Brydges. After the'Umon Bank was all buisly cutting wheat and report F, .4 , � ,)I I mr. and Mm D. R. McKemzie, of ab;Mlela ,by the royal, .he �. , �� I I ur y . rnbon. a, 'O Mr. Petecr Smith, has. returned to carried a bkyuquelt; of aioses. Thirty Luc ow rv,i li�edj this W k at , retired, fgir good crop. ,` , k �, Office in the Dominildn Bauk Build- -4� — ' ka a ee' .. the from lbnvk womik. Deceased went to Wisis Etta Jartroft' of Toronto, 1's, L il - 'Ing, Seaforth. Office , bourst- hisl fhome'in Windisor after spending gueis;ts were ipmenit. FolTowing the honie of' 'Mrs. MclKenzie's parents, � , ,� Died in California. - On ,Sunday, a few days, mfth his brlotheT, Mr. ceremony a Wffet Itunch was, partak- ,Mir, and IMrs. W,i,M,m Carter, Gloderi6, two years ago as a repre- spenffing a ft -w holidtiys at the hiome I I I I " I'aesday, Thursday and Spburday, . 1.30 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. Saturday July 12th last, the long, and ui&fua, C�,awford Sindth. He was accomplan- en at the bride's home. Misges Mai- '. . ise'altatiom of the Mutual Life and latat' of heir Varients, Mr.,and Mrs. Isaac . ,'� lilie of WNTiam, John Diaiwston, came ied by his ndece and nephew, Dorothy garet Murray, aliae Simfth and Isobel . - fall acquired the general insurance Jarrbtt, of the, village. . I 1� I t . F , , i . �� even" W�, 7.30 P.M. to. 9 P,p. .. Peacefulaly to itts, close. The sad' P,v- and Buddy. I . . I � . . . . I I I � 11, �­ I " GRAND BEND I . � � . I .11 � . . I ; 11. SERVICES ,WE CAN RENDER e14, which wi-111 be m1ourped by Iiis. , - 0 Mt. and 3fi-s. Jaloe iSproat, of . I . .. I . I . I .. . . % ­� .1, ' i , , I - I __ � . . lAfe, autiDim*Mle , fire, ,ickuess.ana . Reeon of friends an Seatfolith 'and vi- Temagami, vasited relative$, here this . I i; I The funeral semwes,were helid for I . . I . I . / J I , accident inswance. H in the ciftity occurred ,at Afir. Dawson,s we�ek. Mrs. W. X. Stproat and Afts. � . I I , I ;; I 1: maT_ h6me' in 'San Flerne-ndo, Valley, a -ter Jack acclonitplainied, ,them hame. 1b,nry Bossieuber*, who.passed, away I . 1. " I I 1- . ' 11, I lot for any of the abom lines, suburb of Los Angelles, Calif&,Born 0 Mr. James Kle", of BuflaJO, in his 82nd, year, a victim of re,cent . I'll iodly giv excessive heat, on July 17-th. Inter- ", . . ,e us a can. March 1, tws, ,TJse , ' , . at ETandord, tariv, spent the week-ehd with .his, father, NO-TICE' - Notice to Water rs I "I K. t. CAAMBERLAIN ymmg W111liatin ,D twellme years Mr. Jlobn. L. Kerr. I ment was at Ovand Bend, ,Eentet"Y. I I I � A, ;�. . awslon� � Mr. Bosseriberry was both in Hay .- . � � I . insurance Agencies later, imloved to Seaforth with his pax- 0 (Mrs.,I� E.,Rilchafids has returned The Rural -Mail Couriers' As- To,nWhip, Huron County�, juh,e, 19th, I., . . . 14 . to , . Phase 334 : Seaforth, Ont. ,ento, the date Capt. Edward Dk,�wslon holme 'after sPending the past,montb sociation of Huron County will 1855. In 14875he was, uniftedin mar- I I , 11 . I < ere in Fort Erileand Buffa%. I I I., , -1. I �� � . . "85-tf and Ellliza(beth SItinsfun, Dawslon. H hold a meeting in the Orange -riage to Mkry earoliik­ Raw, who . . -1 it ., - �. - . the gTew to Tnianhood, ,rielceiving his 0 Mr. and MK% John Nteelly, , of Hall, Seaforth, on July 25th, at , pre,,delaeascd "ion ,in 1909� fle estab- . It has come to the attention of the Commis-' I � �, London, were cailling 4 " I eadly education at the, iSeallorth pub- ion Seafortlh 8.15 pah. All Mail Couriers are fished the Hotel 0i ,:! � . lie wwool. Later, he ninde a modest friends, om. Tuesday. � I .. " � lanpeiial at Grand Sion that many users of water, who are not pay- - I I.. specially reqpested to attend this - ,dantinued "'n i - I . 0 Mrs. (H. J. Hodgirts., of Toronto, " meeting., I Bend in, 1895 ,,d bittis 1. q,�' start tin the bwqnessi wwld as an nuill . W. Later he ing for lawn, or hoseconnections, are using this . . ,� � � is the ,guest folf her sister, Mrs. L. T. . ness, u theTall of I . I I "., lnsurance� emplo7ee, of the Carano Baking Com- DeLw;e . ikeipt . .an hotel .in Theldfoed for two ' � . .. I I I I I I 11 - . - I . VWW. This initial stop was to send . Y_ J. M. JOHNSTON, President yft-rs and' also hn Hensull 11or two I service, without paying for it., � ".. 1. !", , hird far, to a -ire" vigorous fidd, the 0 xiss Jull4a Kenny, Of Lo,�&'-n, Goderich. fle'vas ,also ,,well tknpwri in I . . 1 :,-.,.4 1 01th the enormous igerem in , - of tranarpoTta-100h. MT. wlro�has b�een. visittting her brothers, , - . I 1, � . � I great busioesis 368m years If these userg persist in the'use of hose, I "' . 4 *at* accidents, you cabdot aftlord Dawfgon devoted ,manj . Messrs. Philip and 1FTanlk Kenny, in ihis district ast an atilct�onelsT. He . 'il I �� 4 , to .tAke­efisnce& Let -tfig protect , ye irb lof his I � . I I aeavles one daughlber, Xrs. C. J. W4,- there is- no alternative than that the Commis- � , . &W" b'fle to the ,I-M,;ft,. len-4- --p 4ju- Dublin, is at ptrestent visiting her I - 0 - I . �.. " ' . ... . is, vf . " 0 . A I 1 -h- A- -X H - Kitchenler; threle slolni&, Sydney,' ,,, . . , .. J . .1 Y-001 .-RAUSAW -J[6W-ht-"MP"I--- -DWr-mf-Un­l_,fid%=Wi sl - _ST_&F6i&,_7rs. to n, No am, aed Ts-. -C-. I ­1MPORTAN-T-L N-OT__1C_E___fP 410whiRr-Or�o f-1G=,nd--BeM,r . ,Sion install mete'rs'. . . 11 I iv�,, Ima *1th protftflon givem � 10 ___ 0 I I V, ,'' - Eakar�� . - ---- I the Raoid Rdilways, ard t1he and Hiarvi&j, of Pincher CTeelk, Alta.; .11 ' _ . . ­ I ­­.- —_ I �'. , ' ii�b; I . �. i I , 7 � � 3 ., 4 � , - Water, users paying for lawn ' , ,,, , I , � , I ftompt oetivice and payukent of . Jadasiorni and Chicago Ralif. 0 IWA. ,11VL Desbaro, JR.N., who has ACCOUNTS, NOM JUDGMENTS two brothers,' Fiiank, of Kitcheneir, (A I I i 1!11, I �. �, �, � t�jjt*X. .to ftae of iriable, the . Z fintes were brought to. a been &Vending the bVIA-ays, here, has COLLWrED, _ �� and Charles, 'of Caligar . ded that according to the ty-laws of the . I I 0. 1.1�,�.. . , I r ,, I � j, , ,�,;� . 4 .,6101*09 a Agents through Can- high ipeak'olf efficliency and -became returinled to her iduities at the North. , �' y; two, sasteTS, remin I ., ,�41,, I Mids ate at Your seivk-C HOW , . L Our, coilbecting department is a & Urg. Ftank -Stdith, of Kit&iener, and 4111 1_�4'. , � � � . imPortaint icm4rierts to the rapidly rille, Miethigan, Sankjorium. Mat e(W9 4 * I ' . � .- �, I . f yout .trips growing telraftory woun,d ,the great 0 Asses Mairgaret'and Jostephine years of successfiA, experience 'Mrs. h .t 161' Kansas. Ae�,. F. Oommission, �lsprinklinj or watering lawn's'and - : 11 �' " 14i�,,_. . " protected by one of m1t ,of , . " U, 0. . 4 All �.11'e, ' .oft AM*; P611des. , in efoldeetting local or out -of tomm L. Lewin, of Slk JuneV Chufth,Pairk- garldons is prohibited bx�ept between'the hours F 1P N,, , : 4 . . I amt/mlobile metitpuld.s. In addititionit to MrJQorm1[dk, of Aort Erie, we spend. � I , I .'i , � ' accounts. Personal. calls ninde oe dondulotedi the, funerall aervice� ,,� -. I Auto, Fire " �. Wind bfis aolfbtfull raillroadi career, MT. Daw- an pallbearers, were MI, Q',Cgnes, I . 7,�.,, .6 ,�,Alfdw weeks hill, of ,gix and nine o'cfaek'in -the afternloon. 4rthis I . 1, A, V4 '. . with theli "Mt, Mrs' allmses, V necessary. No collection, Tile, , I ' �Ik . � 1.''., . om mat a lFeadift figuris in dh(e orrig- Richards. Ill ­;�,.% � � . I I .1 "I no charge. Remittance *iode month- A. 0. 119aird, A. 0*rntmie, WKIliam ' - lim it does not apply to meter usleri grant- . I � ",., . . I , " . i , time I �, , bud CftVsigfi- ,of safety Pirst. This 0 Mir. PMAIsm. Brive spent the -1 I r . �, �",��'�,��. . . 011ver, P. Eistenba,ch. and R, Jenfti,EYon. . I 1, W_ ,� . . P-4 , C611"Verafteng iinpoirtbalit nowment has, done w,�Ich wmk-ard in (Windsior. . ly. ed permis�sion,�,y the Commission. t, , ,I _.i �� , ,�";­ , � " - - * , �. .�n 'A__ _._L,,, . I � L m4il your I is' it ,of accoolAg toA�7 "bo . � ��, t I � I I . I I . I � ,,,,,, -,� �!-, I ,.,.. forl"14ite, pvtoteebion of railroad am 0 Dr. and'MM,.�J% A. Thirkell. and �, ., 7 . ­ ,O , I 1,,',1gJ1 -1 I I. I � 6-1, I Aurke'S ' Plleaslejet, us, haY6 .yoUr co-operation. " ,_;�; , I , 9'61"�' # MOO Ek' ofih& *�kvft of the, wtolid. Older fdnlHl 7 and, Miss- Amm" M- Holland, I fairin-MAae chleiss#, �, .. �t� 7 , _-,��;�� ,-,', ,0 "" ; - , I ollectipg, Agency 011ow"lery"but"m 1, I ,� ,LL ,, - 41:�` ,.� I, �� . 11 seamh tesidettor, ,Vgill' r"gU Mr: 'of Qleividhnd, arte'&iesft p.t tho, home , Cc 1 '-�'4 � . ; , ; 1� - fi,110101041M " I - r I , I �-z � PC 1141 il� � !�', , �1 ., "i I I i�. � rET13M, A JW&VA � , , �1.�, I I . . 11 �t.;, I . I I All, ., ,a,' �� ,,;, al�,'� I .Pi,� .... � . ft6ory che 4n,d mialceUtdwatits , :" I "' I I I eve I 'A, 1;31� 1�� , , - balwAldh% ftivy vw&cts in CAftsod'S a ' �,�,�,'�',', (U&fte I* , Vt��`L 4 ;, � .' ii Ali. - A- ITY orl ISS i�;P� - �i� ,'�,',,',`,� ,,,�� I �,w 1W MI PUBLIC UTIL , 1011� OF SEAPORT , 1� 11� .. Al L`11`� '', � Na- md dl,reidovdi as a doan,- (d W. lard 4%ft. D. ftwhiahaft, � , � Ca., %on 4' H � �, N,�.,,­".',��",5;, � . . . . . . . . . r , 82, '" I . b1gly in, dw Mg. 6 'Miso, L61g MOGWAn is- �Amitilyg � It. 9%ith'a gthfO 1% jWoeir�e,d ,§oMe itverww96 4* v# I I I . ,:. , � I !­ ­ � ".'' ":i ,,Z , COMM ,11� . 1 4421- , 00ce over . ,rodw- i I I , I 1�0 I , , . . . .9 . 1. , '�-.1.1�''-,.,..��.111.11��..'�l''.,.,. . 1 1111.1:.. ..­' . ".L ­­� . .... .... _­ ., I . - - � -- I I . '' -11., ­­, �, , ,,, I. --I.' .....''. .. .. . �, ­ ;, !� � :, &,� � 1 ., .1 ,� . ,,t4. ", , . 16ft, , - . I - �' I � ,�,,%J,l �el"MW ': ,, � " . - I da -g- ,Mig,ig Relen%oftbt,b at M I LIVIUM � 1, . i� , ,if ... �, � ,W �. lod Aladd vf" $9ft**1 ftd 1161*1 . b i . . t, I I . - � ". I "� ,�, �r ".,� IQ . - .11,1M. . I . t I I I "I I I �: � . 1. I L ­ � , '1049"A"'o � J�N�,. 1), i I . f ". . . I ". . t I � I . ,�AA,! �, 1. , I' I . . . I . 41 ,�r s , � . ..� .� ,Z- . I 1 4' : . I . . I . . 4 V, "I � � I ..�,� �� L .,O A , . . �,�,; I . . 4. . I , , I , . , �� ,,� " �A� 'N.,.'4��, yi-, , �1�6'T,44,#'HQ, j�'4, ,: , , . 4 " , L� 1, '� . , � . . . - ", I , . 11 �'4,�W . I , . I � 1, I I I . I . I � I L " . ,�JW. ,_ ,, � ; 1. ! . , . '. ! �, ,kj,.�j� �&,�,'� �,�,� , 1,�k �. , ; ,� - I I . , 11 -1. , �' l 1, I " , .4 . I 0 " -- , , . , . . I - , .., ', , 'A � � � . ... .. , 1. "'; "I I � . I I . . . , � � I . I � - � I I I , � � �,, ,, I �iv, ­��,',, . , I � I 14111 11 � . , , .� ", " J � , lti, " ", � �� , , 't - , 1. I . I' 4 ' ,4 . " � , , , Z . � . 1. �.. �,I,it , . ,�,, ,07VX,fg,��,, � A R 1�� ­1JQV') �,'P,l � wj�g ! t'�" " , , �, ­� , , �, �, � �- ? L 1, .� . ., ,� Z , - ;�.; ,I '�.'� , � I ,A��,'�' , , 1, 11 I ,�A 11, I � I- I 11 4 . �� ,t��i"�, ;� , I ., ( I , , ,� ;;i ,, ..", � I I - ­', . �,q,,, , . �, : ,�, , , ,�,111,11 ­ �11", . ,,, , , , , � , � "I ,rt Mt , � � I P. I i, r , r", I � �� I I%% V � ` , . i , , , Ak �1111 I , , , 4 . 4 �-� - , , � , i , , - P, � 44", �.. , I , ! �,� i�,�