HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-24, Page 4I 11 .1 1. A � 11ii _1,1; ',,,,� '', 4 11 '! " I 11� -1, , ,�*, ', ,:, IV I ;I Ak,7 1,1j, %; , r : ,1� I T"I - " � ,,'N�, -1 , ­'�- �,5� ­�, �, '1�1� ,'.i� I" . ': I. , I I 4 , , 1"11 �1�1._'.,,�, . V,r,,, 11" 1� 4111-, .'­­­'­j,j ,,,".. 1.,f'q, I , , .t , - �, I I �7 � , ji .j�! ,,91 � " "" 'I. , F), I, ,,,��',,�",,,,,'. ,,J'-,,_ ,�­­.­­.­ -,%­,­v,j."" -`11111 III- -v , '11% , , �q' �f ,�p,­,'g 0 "., ; 111 ',�,,,,��t,,,,,,�,��,P!'�"r����,,,v,,,,,,,,,,,,,I�,X",,,, " '47 l�'.�i��,�11"1,:t,l���i"411�ll,�l", �I,,� " . . � I 11 ` &N;11��, � - ��I. ,, � , - ., ., ", ,v , , "`N"Ilf,�­'i ;4� �J�l Ih ,,� , I . I ­� . ; ­ I.: r" 10 .I. , 1,1,,�,,11,; � ", 11 . . I 1. i ": ,., I I I ; � �"".""'?�.,,,"�l��5�lY��,'��,,S ,,,1,,j;, ,�. ,p; �.,,�, . � .I 10 " 11 I , -11 I �� - � , ,;I; ;11 ;I, � ., I � � " :, , r ­,,-­, �,��.,Ip,j� I I ... I I I 11 � I I ", � , �v I , )� ". !��. . " , . 1. � , ,� " . I . � � �'. . .W'11F � ,;, ,��,� " J'�T I, :,,., ,, W "�',.'�, ,!�, ,Ij�",gi�'j�"Ajt,�', ��"� I�5� , . �� 't 13, 1 � � ..';I, � .1 , I � . �, ,�g,-�" ,fgjv�,, �;mqgg,,.,, k7j��-�f�;t, � - , ! �, . - , , I � , ,'�,4�, 1. . -, , � �, ,;I , . b I , . 11 i .. .1 I � I , I � ,� " � . , ? .. , �, ,� �, � I - I I' ��! - ,., I 0 I - I I I F` , , I I . ��_! .. I , , . ,� , , � . , � I , � , r� '. ��r�� �,�.; i ,,�,,, . . "I S', 't, " , ".. , — � _ . �. . . I 'i . h , W�T " " . , . I I I � . I � I . ,� �!, .""', , I', vq� . � , I , I , . I . � . �. I , - �" ! .1.11 . , " ,, er­,�,,� ,�,,, �, " I " " �, . I � I . I I . I. " - " , �, "", '. I I", . 1, . I . , I 'I. 1, I ,,, . . _ "' " , ,V,, �,, , � I �,'.,� 1, I I I I . , ­.. I � !, .. . r I I . . , I ir I I � . � ; I . 1, �, , � I , �` �,` r :1 � ­ . , , , . I I ;� .1 I , , � . �',� ,. � : ",� I I I . - , . I . 1. I � I . . " I � '07 TO 'Rio, , - '10 , � .. � I"$ . '. . i .... I I .11�,,,, ! '' 1, � . I , 'IT � I 1-: I.. . . .. I W i4�_-*'101 "' ''; I . I I I - I FR RU I - X Vj1W , , IR q I � ­_ , I R __ __ -1 - I – - . I .1� I. ­­.. 7 - ­.­ .1.11-1-. - ,, " I- ,,, j_ r .­­­ - , I .. ­­ ... -1 -11 ­­ I! � _ nm�"OMIII!m —­ I . ___; .,;I1j;j.j.1�,I ----,. =�� . � . � – � .1. -1 11, � I I r . ­ I—- - %� - , – _%,., "',___ . I .1 I - I � . I . ! I I �' � . ff ��­_ . - . -1 ;;;;��i - � . � .. I . I I '.i . ,%, . I � 1117 . . % . I . ., .... "I - - � F I . _. I . I ­ r . I I I" I �� , .1 `711.1 1 . . . . . , � .�m* 4ity iia, - � .i. i.,�. ,� I I 11 1, .. I ­ - I " , 7— ­ __ - - �pnldq% ....... I 11 "I'll �� ": �, .�.�,��:.�'. I .,� 77 - . : . �_,4____1!= . I � 1, .. - , � I 'e 1.! ".4. :­ I 0 � ": %, . - � . .;.-,- 7� 7, _. . . � . I . . .. .. I . - ­ , ���', . -, , - " 1 . , . . . %rs. aw4e Hidden visaw, for a . I r - -1 . . ,,,,,,,,,`1;r11, ,,,, ;_11� , 41 "I.- II 11, ­_­.. ­ ­_ I -tana .. SW -18-1, , .� �, � I , . - , I- I .., I ,1� �i�"",� " V, , ��I.I.ill 11 , . . . �_ ., r, "I 'If. � %, F" I , Poolf W. I .s the end- of last week v4t)h � ,�, 1. . - ,' 1:, I p "" . IV Iv 1p I , S A, � I , - �* ,.W,daq . ,� ;; �., - ar,s, U - �. I , . "k ,q"- I tI�, � Poy . .� �� 1, � I ­ "I . ,q, �i � , __ 1. . I �',Ii.,. - ,-,� � � hatalst. - 11� I ,` 11 . I . , I �, ,�� � I ", ,'­�,I .11 �;; 11 I :� � � � " -1 1,_�,. ., ., ,�!! 11111's Days i - e 14 i , , I V ,, Sll,.� ".4 Horse and Buggy " n " 9 I n-41 I - goDonaicb of neaw chi"I � ' I... I- - - ­`uf� , I. 11111k,.X . . � _4 , _. I , S1 ied,,,Ad ­ do I , I . ..A,j,y.r " " �'110e' a ,I 2VIrs-L. Fowler and Miss May''..C, P , . � I ' : 1, �P,'1,0,r�"­.. � " �,,. � I � . T. (California Paper) ,I �, . . ."' I - . . I � �, , i of. .K- � _AA.0.1__-_%-_6_­__�_ III` - — .1 1" ". ". ,. ", - . --11 ­­ Baft 'of 11divedp,* III, andJeWe "MMON"Row"M . . . . � ­ I "", -, , " I JOur go,old neighiVoirs, the Canadi=s, r"jr Neworralit, Qf ImleaII Visited. A10 - I . , , , , , , 11"!'K, ,1'�,,'i C�aslslfied Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates; have been hibernating ever since the 11 end of 104 week at the hoone, d Mrs. 1,0,,DAY.CLEARING SALFA, , .41 . I.- . parently they have not hejawd I . � . I A. , . . war. Ap . . ..... �� � N R1111, . .!- For $41% W.;,wted, Lost and Found, coming Events, Etc—per , rd. I -1 he Huron- I ract Robert Borlumm. . . I . . . . P"""A". . . . Ist week ................................... 1. wo. I cent -of the New-Dleotl pobey of spending . : .1.. . 'Mrs, P. Fishef" and daughter, Miss ' —of — - - I 11 ,!Z�,�_.L % .. � . � I.. I'll , 11 � " , . 2-nd week ................ : .::: ..... :::::­­.. I& Cent I themsbaves rich. Instead ,they Uve An Essay,by Margaret S.. Watson El%ntor, are lv�sittdng at th& home of . I � , "'Ie,' 3rd week ................ . ..... ........ va Cent . . " �, � ��`. . been using comfiloin bbrse-gense, I by I ... � ", :t" c . ­ -e totmer's son-in-law -and 4 - .1 T I , I Minimum , haiue,- first insertion ................. 215 Centla j�utting down .expenses and encourag- I . .1 —1 th . augh ALL SUMMER GOODS,, I W` ­-'� ... . - Each figure� linitia(l and.sbbr.6via,tiola counts as one w9rd. S. Walter MDffk% Of L 1. �,,W, j 1, � ' ,ter, )Mw. and Mir I , . - ." I I 41, I , � ! , l�� q� ! C*;da of Thanks, I.. Memoriam Notices-, Cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. ling investments in business enter- PART ONE select�ed a spolt some twenty , miles BTucefidd. . I . � � 'S* ' and surprising to say, they . 'from "Galt whetre the Speed al�ld Miss XaTiel- I I v �t,'� . L1nqi;lri* may be directed ,to A Box Number, care of The Huron ExPositor, for 10 om.t- lia' ef', Miller, Of *ndsoir, is A Saving to you of 20 to 40, , � . '1� � .1 1, I '=a&iti,yna� Per week will be charged if ads in abovA6 Class I have Ibleten doing pretty darn well. - Thewordl "Huylon",is intimately aa- 'Eramosa Rivers meet as the site 6f visiting this Week at -the home of bar , - . - - , I per pent.. , , � I I 'I, . � o: ar,;v not paid by tl�e Canadian exports for last, year (" socitated in our minds with the, most Ga,lt,' , Afwasl� Chas, Jink& . . I � I F.: i - Sa.turday night in the week in which the ad was ran. I � new town. On A,pril 23, 1927, auAt, � I I Ill , ", �, � , I .( elusive of gold) shows afi jucrease beautiful of the Great Lakes, the ione Galt 8 -thr(Ough lvq' PRINTS UNDERWEAR' �, * I &,' Marriag� and Deaths inserted free of charge. >' and IDuillop get out , r- iMr. and Mjrs-, iSitewart Robert0on, . I , . . . � 11 I I , Birt I . . over,the year before of $82,024,805, which florins the, western ,boundary of .gin forest to the saitet., A ,huge maple of Listowil,, spen�,Sunday lait at the , .. � I Auction Sales. Notice to 'tc -Sti)= due pr -3' . , OSE and ANKLE S03L I , �";� Creditors, IS .-Rates'on aPPlic - .. nAcI to products, ;of the * -of Mr and M-& Chas. Anks. 111 .., � I . south-western. Ontario. Anly gerywal tree was, chbIsen which was solemnly fibme . 9 I I �,, ,,, . . - -fW%L It has achieved a high degT6e . . . . , . ..; . . _: . � � I- I ". I -_ history .tof the province makes, ve.ry felled and thetomn-Acbraisteried Guelph 'Mr, RAMON �Uve 'Of 10uc.ard�ne, , ,,,,.,., � � I . . Help Wanted I Notices I of auecess in ,marketing' its su"Plus lititle meu�tion of the settlement 'of in honour of the Royal, lila�dlly. For speant the week�end ;Ath reaatimesand Men's, Wonten's and Chil- - 'A 'I. & . , "W ,1� . . I I of wtheat accumulated during, the ,pas t ,land a,long.its eastern shores. ]Rut it this lGaalt was atterwardsi severely, friends in and around town,. - 'i �; . I ERL WANTED -GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- flive years, and-thlere is hope tha,f by i� . a roirnarja�lc -tir�g stol -; 41?iticized by directors of the 'Com- - tdren's SHOES . ), 4 , t, �, G eral hou-,ework. Apply to Box 76. ` and interes Mrs. Ken.Travis;s is Visiting at the J-'� .!,�; , - CLERK'S N 0 T I C E OF. the end tof the present crop year the . tT. ' ,., PO'SITOR OFFICE. � 3580-2 , 'g - es'peclably 6) those whose., h____ - t - pway. DuTinig t1he summier ,Guelph home fof ,her tpvwents, Mhr. and Mrs. I Misses' I' ' 14 ' ., � aav situated -in ,that expanse of b, - while Balikey, of Shelbbuwne. . I I � . . carry, -over may stand a,t. man, eable 'day ' , Women s And I, A I �1. . — ' 't ' eeame a flourishing vii�'Ilage. - . I 1M 1. � FIRST POSTING OF THE proportaions. Anyhow, they all have land formerly killown as the Huron setblerS, Caine, intlo- the villake in ever On F§�Idhy evening of last weekthe . rjSSES ' ' N, A � . . I : I . . Lost and Found . . ,,. , I wheat, which due to the -drought in ,Tract. increasing -numbers. Wbih�lo IS. I& CAws of the United � .-,., I . . � , — VOTERS' LIST the wheat fieldlas of the U. S., will . The histo�y of the Huron Traotbe- . Dr. Dunlop Siurveyled- the great Hur- Church motored to the Uonge of Mr. - CHILDREYS SUITS 4 . I ., ." I OST -A SUM OF MONEY ON Tli,E HIGH- ' I advance rapidly in, piiice. Canada glinst vdth J�ohn Galt and his forma- .,,on Tract In ,the summer of 1827_as- and 'MiIAs. Delbert Geigea�, Zurich, " - ' .., L .way b,,tween Seasonth-and 4 milea east, frowned on the plow -under ,policy and tion of -the Canada Company. John IEji,gt)ed by the"Chief of the 'Mohawk (Who had pust Teturned ,home from SHIRTS for work 017 &Aess. ., � '. I I- � �� I or in Seaforth towrL Finder please retu-rn to neither did 1-t wantlonly slaughter its - ­ '', .� ,Gdlt was a ,Scottish novelist Of st0me nation and Messirs. Sproat and M&_ their honeynnobift) and' presentedthem I . H. E. Smith, Seawrth. 35&IX1 VOTERS' LISTS. 1936, MUIIItICIPALITY OF pigs by the millions, to inclreas# meat lintancellbr ", of donald. They pienetrated the huge with a ,kitchen sho ,. The. ening � � -, ALSO - I 4 . . I '% I I VILLAGE OF HENSALL_ COUNTY 1,61putq. Through,.thte ( Wear 1?v . . � . prices . By tits Wise poh,clies it can now 4 . * I I 1, . r OF HURON. " ' the Eachequer he was led to take untravelled wilderness foul inwing an was spent In games and, contest 'af- SPECIALS in GROCERIES ., . � , Notice is hereby given that I have com- supply this c ' ountry with both ,bread n -state old [bluzed, Indian trail. They came ter which -a dain-ty lunch was served. . � :. For Sale . plied with Section 7 of the Voterle Lists Act and meat, a Qrgie of to ,the I . 1. . Ik 6: 1, � . � I have r - gut nd also daiiry pr0dUetSL lGf Upper Canada's resouinces. This out on the shores of Huron having MIA. Ross Mbller, W. Fb,ld% sr., I ' . 4 ;;, �, . ,,,,.*d up at my Office The administration, of Canada bas necessitated his'coming to Canada in experijerlcj�d and withstood every pril, and 'Mir. Joam Folds, o&,Windsot, vis- J. To WASH', I IOR S_UX_-SHQRTHOR1-f BULL AP- and 'thal A� I � I viy to JAMES DORRANCE, R. R. L the To n Hall, Vn5all, on the 9th daT of n] t. ,but 6s 1,m,I, on -this v1sit to Canad Vald6n that Wanderer& can,possibly be � . I 4 � I N ilted on Suanda� ,last -at the 11 I . In, phone ,_)&9 r 1-2, $eafarth. July, 1936, the list-of,all persons entitled to not 0 7 balanced its budg'a a Galt home of ,� Dubli uAd 'Hie select- Mh ad ITNIT& Charlles'Jingm. NO GOOP �, � SIX9 vote in rube said manicipabty at Municipal also forced. lecOna-T Ili, all 'depart- had has opinion regarding emigration ,subject 'to in , h pjaeeg� , 8 ON APPROVAL ANI) " 2 there for ' e I 0 ,�,t,� . " I _I ... �_ Elections and that such list remains ments of glov6rnment, paying its albered. He saW that.what was need- ed as the isilte for the new Canada IMaL§ter W4' Y MW,Yers,, bt D , y STRICTLY CASH' . ,.�� . 6ALE_yOUNG SOW- AND EIGHT hirwection, . ­ I FO,Rsuckaft. Apply ilic WILLIAM DROVER, And L thereby call upon all voters to take debts and -now recovering from the ed wastot the'dumping down of a Company rbown a qjyjace where the wpent a few days recterlOY at the : ­ 3581XI immediate proceedings to have any eirrors depression., Instead Of the- New Dleal great nu�nber of poor, but .the locat- 'kennestung (IM-Aitland), Riverempties home, of tMr. and Mirs. Freld .00,Tbett. PHONE 622 r 23 : VAR�N'A � 0 i rhdne 21-2M. . - ,�', ,- , � scaor,ql. or I illi Aomzis-�ions Corrected according to law, the policy of. "so&M_ng 1��e rich," it has ling of intelligent settlers, preferably i,,t, L,ke Hu*n, where Chaintplain M�,AudreY Twitchell returned On , , ' I., l� . ��. - . , last day for appeal being the 80ith day of I encouraged the ..- investment of capital with a fittle capital and the develotip- is 'aid It, have halted- while paddling ,Saturday laet from a pleasant bm .- I , I I . - I I July, 1936.. which has , bTought millions of-do[liars meant by iudustry and intelligence of and tram1plifig his famous we , hoHday, with friends in the — I' , _ I,I 4 ' 11 : Poultry . ­ I� , Dated this 9th -day of July. 1936. steril weeks! I I - . . .�� , � 'SPF � JAMES A. PATERSON, " froTh the United, States and other Canada', re,saurcles. � journey 'of exploration,. �Ieve .the 0oIdn(tTY- . . I . iteid, last week- witih'tfieir musins, , " 1, I.. , TOP counitaries, dinto, Canadian enterprises, In Febbrii.oxy, 1824, J'ohn Galt Des� 'Mr. and Mrs. Noarman Cook and vqs? . ND OF SEASON ,01AL SALE ON Clark of the VIllage of Hensall. Pro-* tradler -Gooding and one Frank . , - . E -Notch Ghkiks. �Baxgallns. FeSt., growing, . $580-2 st1imulating biisine"so thrAoughdaut the , polsed ta 'Lord Bathurst a scheane of Ichlaimp, .had already established a trad- ftmily .are spending -a few I ,week I sl MT. and Afirs. aTanno,ni. I . . .I '. bea.?�Iiy, vig"r4Dus stock. Legborns 53/4c. Bar- . - Dembion, .le . Mr., and Mks. La W- Joynt visited A � I �' red Rocks 684c, New Hampshire, White Rod-, �. . co%oinizaiiion which would, whi' P"'Ov- ing posat' and 'had built a. hut -close to h0`111da" at � 'W"29R Beach. I olver . . 11 '1.v , Wyar,43-tt,es. 7%c. Leghorn Pullets � 114c, � An exemption fmm income tax on ing a profitable investiment to the the water. I I I I the week -lend at' the. honte of I t . ��. I � - . - I Hand Is Injured the fornier"s intutber, Mrs. lAlice I, � 11 � be.avy breed pullets 9c, Leghorn cockerels, 2%c, ', Births mining compall'ies -has 'been 'gralltl6d capitalists .interested, rapidly extend. IMcG,eg,qr from Zorra with his y'oke I. I I - Il� heavy ,breed cockerels 6%c. Started- chicks, . . iloynt. � - I A �. I e - add to -day old pr I ices oAne� week 2c, ten days I I _ during, thei-r initial years, which has the settlement of the iprovine"e. A clono- of oxten and others. vow Sainted Dun- 1A. few anio'm'zn�p_ ago, or about ithe ,".,Kenneth and Gerald Pla,sainlore, w1w ) 11 - ,` 4c, tvVo weelm .6c. thtee weeks 9c- TOP POWFAI-In Scott Memorial- Hospital, on given the mining businessLa bigboom. ly'anyto be known as the Canada Cbm� 101p.' Supplies, arrived by water. On I - . � NOTCH AMUCK HATCHORY. Phone 1395, July i9th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, The Camadian ship of satate ,has pass- pany wa's to be formed for the pur- top of the cliff facing ,the lake,and nolon'boar. whille' engaged 'in TLdoving -have beenholidaying at DeN ibrth& �4 I, �, L Stratford, . 3591-1 of McKildop, a son.. ed through the doldrums'and is now chase and-gettlemerift lof,ill the crown bordlering the river, theybuilta small soome saw ilogs at Wis mi -111 Mr. "I past couple of weelm, retbar'nedi to 1� - ` I ' . ',�', , I , , I . . on the hiligh sleas oil prosperity. I Welsh b4d, the ini4orbune to ,get his their home -here lon 18anday last, , A ' A , I — - , . Tes,mves and one-half clergy reger"s Ing house at A, Once .known as "The 1. .. -0 . WouM, this information be of -any -in -the ti hi surveyed! whicin were Ca,stle.,, ej&lt, in. L york, advised of its left hazid evilight bletwelen "Ibe -heavy Uss L11a. imoiT is -holidaying at the - value to lotur own Washington Gov- no 1:Ysor occupied on March Ie :, Card of Thanks , - I, lbigs with the effect, of bruising a home of ?&. and Mirs. Alivin Moir, "" A � ! . t vald, ke' com ,haste to visit his, I '' I . - . I " . paetion, mad cauoe of his'firlgers so ,badly that a Thames Ro" . .. 1� , , ernmftt? 1, 182C A coirdmission c6n,stisting of frlenAd. He came ori'a boat via Gelor- � "! [UEM BROTHERS A�M SISTERS OF THE i earvi'c'e had to be engaged Mrs. Leo Hisliiop, of Batfleeord, ,. , A, , , . I I . � . 0olovel Ctockburn ,Simon MicGill1vtray, gdan. ,Bay. Sighting DuvIbip's "Cas- doetoar's s 1. _ 1: � ate Margaret Shea'wish to, Ithank their John - is ,here vdzieving her m�er. , ,I, driends and meighbori� for ,the spiritual bon- Farm Notes I � . Sir Jblih, Harvey,`Johit,Galt:a!hd the" as they �traveliled down the lakle and painful surgery taking place Sagk., I ,- , ,.�, cluets and many axibs o& kindness shown them I .. ., � . ZURICH Dwidson were to make a thorough they landed,. With due.;wlte .' around the bottom ,part of the,ft- T&s. R. Welsh. .. . I, � t . ,_ . dutring their recent bereavement. - ' Care Will Save Money 1. I �. . ships ninity and g r a * Mr. and Mrs. Ray,MbLaren -visit . '. 11 canv'ass of,lthle wn -Ainvkinj the new town I%_ . � m8ixi I . I mulob merry forkianabely the injury was Aon Sunday -last wilth MT. ,and =1! I . , I � . I Parmers.srustain enolrmous� losses, � and dieterminethe price to be paid, by w,;, named, GoderitelL . tinve, 'but I . 't" I . 1. . . ' I � 1 - - . leach.yeaT, through catareless melhods Another of the w.011 known resi-- referean�e to all ,such land salev in Afterwa,rds Galt ,(made hits way - not as severe as it mtghtihave been, Ijorne IWN,aughtion and Xr. and'Mrs. � � . �� I . I e dlow - etroft and.thus to laud b . edang On the.left ,hand was als-I> A. Christie, tof Fullartion. , ; Notice to, Creditors , ,of shipping ldvestock by train and dents of this community passed away Upper Canada, during thp past fiv p the lake to D � � , . . , a -golod thing. Mrs. M�awy Morrisgin, of Atlanta. ,Ill. I I truck. Fmperienced shiopers reoom- lait Wednesday in the person of years. I Yba,k­ Dunlop,and his mien, returned . I r " r... I . � .. Georgia, is there viisliting bj�r sisters, , I ,.�. , . ' ia Ca . .11' I'' , I:' GIVEN PURSUANT mend that all, cattle be dehorned, that Moses.0eiger, iv his 86th year: De- Thi,Commi sion proceeded to I n- 'i'l-routh sbuth and west of�rthe Tract I . Church Sery � ic , es Nkla KcNauighton abd Mrs Svpian. . I to thAI statutes in that b,ewf that all each class of stbe 'be sepaT -ling heailth,for ida and found that the Company Was ning di they We t. . . I . . NOTICE Is TUMBY k ated by Aceas,ed, hood 'been in fai exp'l. in, . I . : ill'.` I I perA* .having Claims against Samuel T6rey . led to 1,394,0118 acres ,of crown " - Ass'Joy,Tait, of -London, is vWt- , . ., ; - . rl. partitions, that Toa4ding �chu%es be us- so -me, time and his passling was not entit 'About this . ittime MaJor Samuel Revi. Mr. Hun1t, ,orl"Trivitt Merno- �" Jackson, PhotoVrspbar, late olf 1�he Village of I , I I .. ,county, who died on the ed, and that - aU SPIkes, and sslivers, unlexp6eted.., The late Mr. Geiger reserves and 829,430 acres. tof clergy Strickland, a' settlier nea�r Peteribor- i,sl lChuTch at &,eter, ,Iondutied ser- ing this week at the 'home of Mr. ., , �, .. ZomkindvOle, Uvron, * was uvan- , . . 11,�,� 17th day 4 May. 1936, ard reliuWed to 80PA ,etc., be 'removed from clars, and trucks,. caure'to Huron County when two retstawyl6s. The Actommissrion . oulgli, -heard oUihe fanzious, Hurion -vice very g6ceV.ably in St. Paul's An- and, Dirs. Grivri4let Twitchell. �, '* , % I aly Of the opinion, that 9s. 6d.'Per Tract land decided to seek- em1patoy- glican'Chureh here. As i n- ,Mrs, Laird Mickle and Mm Olaude . to the untlersigned solkitmns for the ExeVu- yeam lold, with, his parents, who set- imoui we mentao l� , . in wTiHns and verified I ­­ ... .. I able price. . . .1 .11 131�wes spent (Monday of dialls,week iq t 4 , trax. -full pairtindara 1. tled in Hay Township, and he -has: li,v- acre wae a reassoln ment with the Canada., Company. ed -in a flormer issue the Hensall,don- ... "�t' by affidavit, of their ,claimlk; -and the nature ..­­.0ntario Junior's, Programme ' . Londlon. . / ` "I . of the s4aTities,jf any, held by them, On or The general 61ub programme for ed ,near Zuri,oh, '.ever since, except � A unamiln')us 1priotest was raised, by EaTILy in 1828 he viEfted .,Galt, His gregatlibn Is 0aw united 'with the I Mir. Oliver Cidger of PenIon Falls, � . �L't � . beifore the .8th 43��y -of August, 1936, after during -the past few years he spent, the - Canadian clergy who saftx.in -this lVeON& to. ,Gaf1t0i'*Aquesti,ons' shl6wed Exeter b 11.1 Exwutiqs�i6in proceed to , be very similar atIo, the t . krI6 and d-uring th6 I 111[, , s ontardo wild i -h pr and Mr. Ddintund &iger, tof Lon&n,, . . , , which date the 414 the winter- months with his storn in pr-olposail a g- eime ,to rob ,them Of him. to [be the kind, of man for whom nvonthe air. [H�nt will I �.-_.,,� dMribloW. the assets of the said deceased hav- Carried on dwiing'the past two years, . visited, for a few (Wye -last week at . .,. I i,�.; I WellandL He took ,a deep lnter�� in ttht6it birthright. The, case of the Galt wa, seariching, ,knowing many ,Sunday evenaing. , I. �� iM regard only to the clat=-A)f which they with ,the addition --of Tftw. projects . ' - . 11 ". I then shall buvv ,had n6tice. .1 A mubiclpiml affairs'and for -some years proovince .And of th very particulars of buWh life. 11,e was put At ,barniel Presb, is hli�r'.�h the lthe home of their Parents Mr. and I . 'e, elerg� was yter-min, C , . I I, � f . . DATED at Seaforth,, OnL, tl+ elst &Y of un&r, the diroctAlon bf the, Women's . . 1. 1. . I I � Ili'. _ - ,, "., ,� W Cloth 'of the township coun- forcibly stateld by Xqhn Beverl�ey Rob-' tin ch 0, , coi6eted Mrs.- Oweh 066ger. . . . . I 11 .1 July.. 1936. . I I Instilbutes Bromoh, in foods and I wals a imember arge 6f, the practical', business of pwskopr, Rev. W. A. Y ung I Wrg. ,Williamo.Dhniols, of Brantford . 'I'" A VA �.' ,;,, � , Acil and, he was a devoted. member of inson. Bes*-s it twas a very delicate the Cornp4ny­1,s,torle8l, 14bar' rolls, sevoice in the' 'evening to quite a ll, � ' je . _ -ing foT . - .t� I I FIAYS 1*.' girls. 'R. S.,Duncan, director and Mrs. George E. Ndkntyrfe, of DeIIII 0 4 I., , Solititurs for FlAcutris." . . ,*0 B*ange%icall Chureh, ha � held matter, so that Dord Rathursit Post . . -2 Of -the agricultural representative ving road4naking and, brl4ge-wbuflding., I ,large ,congtiegation, giving a very '%*in- "I. I V .3581 many of the tolffictes ;ip the gaft Of the ipotaned, the sanetilon'ing ,of the contract, The next task was to impress and terevting ' d6d6ul-si. Bee . -�i�es trait, atre holidaying at 'the old himm . I , states that, froin enquiries ... 1, I - - - I - Oil. - .1 -branch I congregatilan. When he retired from V4 -Ale reviewing- the findings of the _ _ tp, Mar...and , ' . ". . ree.eived last ,spring, it isantleBpated widen Dkublbp's tra;bk through the 1du4ng, ,the month at CaVAM presb,y_ here of their -late parep $ 1 - 1� . fwallidAg many years ago, he, moved comimissib* he &�aidjetd to -retain re- � Hur-oAirlI fiereaftiar'kn"' ting �4& 'Mrs. James Sparks,' and which they "'.. . ed that,there twill be a consider�able in- , 'offer mpany bush itio,lAke win terian Church in .the tin= - . are s0l­keeping up in fink- repaii I . I i Tenders we to Zurich to regidr- with his -fanilly, serves and -to, , the 'Oo .r !for V ,; . Mt as, the Huron Road_ A gonup of 3() for his own -conigregation in the ev I -­. Acrea.4e tin the nuniner of calf, foul the eake of qlkk, assuglatiom. ,They 11 � � � . -w years ago, after tb!e de. lands, of eq . valliiie. This prop mien were lamiployed - to accomplish ening.' I I - . ., �. . and a fi , ua)l , wal , . �1, I and grzl�n olubs -organized this, year, Dridort' "' I" aa46.'aca&mpl.�nited 6 ' . I �� �. � cesse of his, wife, he disTiosled, of hig fell� in: With: the interests of the' Q'in- Abiti task.' Tbbr,V directirig-them were alev. 11W_ *,eir; o0t ,. 'fis 'm y Ubeir-ighuAC I .� ­ I - � , , ds 7 ., " - I ,�' , .. I . '. . I . � as 'dampared,with 1035. Other pro- prop;2irty and bas made s home with ads, C1jmP4aV4 as a compact ' , Of 6�. !Dun'&O,. Prior, - - Striddand and prelsentative of ,the- Tlempera=e As- and mubh in�� � the "Abhaxb�*i I ' M' ,_b;i area , . �, . , -1. -wLF he . ,. tered-mbre pro- Van Egtmond.. city life. I . I . jectrs 1 -have app=Limately t his sons, and daughter. Tgis death laind laould,,be adninis, ,"Phtis, coInipany in- so,ciation, occupied the pulpit of the 4 0 ­ , ,, , - 11 . saire number of caub& took ,place at thehome of his daugih� fitably. , , . UMr. Harold Kly4e, of Winnipeg, ac- �;I I I �. . I With the de-�iallotpinitent, of boys and 6, the Cbm- eluded, several Indians, John Camer- Unilbed Chumh at the morming sm- . by Us wIf* were here Ust; F A, . . � 1. . I ter, MT& Blake Horner, 14th, conces- On. the 23rd- !May, 182 on, CaPt, Jacob and Jobn Brant, son Nice. and, Rev. Mr- ,Chandler, of Kip- ,companled , . , . . - SL,3 - wi . week � - , I I � I I girls, as tt'he main Aobjectiv,, the ba J sEion, Hay, and the fulnerall was held pany was incoi.poxated th a capti- of the famous warrior, and a iman. ep tin ,the evening, thelptastor, Rdr. vLviting his .aunt, Miss Allice . waT 'I', I QEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED Of a' ds ih alk,pelojects, 'is founded ' . ,�inc� ranit'hionie -on va- Wyle, of the vilqage, also, her Httle I A . TO THE froanher hormie on Saturday. Rev. E. tag ,of a million pounds sterling with who had, many of the cliarateteristlel 'A eing f , . - to give recog- . , -as di- . . . air, b ne p : . . 11J ,-undersigndd, and endorsed "Tender for 'on a systep designed I . Burn cronducted the SeTIVices, at the leiihng London ,business- tinten and manners -of an Engllgh� jenctle, catibn.� : At the morning service 'AEss phew, Jackie Kyllet, of IMppen, spent � ill. . 1. will be n:-'0ion to the all-round rnember. For I ­ a week with, her auut. I r I, . ,�, va I church ,p,L,n,d grave. He is survived rectors ani-JDhn, ,Galt as secreitax.y. man,. The Indians, ,pqn�,,ved the best Gretta Lamirdle rendered a 4earypleas,­ . . . .11 � .vecemved until 12 o'clock noun (daylight rav- exampl6, the ba,sis of scoring for a ��: ,, .1. 4, i936, for,. 61e con- by thtreevz)ps, Yagialb GE'ger, of ZUT_ The iiam-as. of the 4[hrectoTs, of the piltats ,always wakeful and serious. �ngg viollin number and Mr. W. 0. Messrs., Owen Geiger and Son have , , . ing). Tnesdity, August If club inlclu&s the exhibit at the ' I, 4 .� .- . sitruction of a stew sheet vile Wharf exten- ca ich; SlAhrid Geiger, of the Bronson CO-PanY may ble discovered by look- Ther� werei'somaheaf dozen French- Odwin nng a -plea�()ntg volo ifi, the a large staff, ,of ,handa busaly engaged , i . 1". Ashow, judging, sXobwm,anslA!:t. ' . , � siDn at Tabermory,- Bruce County, Ont. club , ., Line, and. Rev, Boy Geiger, -pastor of iing at,the names of the tovimships in Canadi,, "T,g,eu,s, "ELlways drank e'venjng. On the coming Sunday, on th`eir farms and fiAds where- they I I V .,. . Plans, iform. of contract 'and speoffication, answers to questions, care amd feed- errth &,, t? crops. They will, al- , .. , 1 call be seen and forms ed at the. United Church at Welland, and, the Cl—ties, Of Huxton and P - an'd a They were careL July 26tk the service will, beheld at ,'have 11a"ge root' ��, . .of, tende, A�htaii ing methods� monthly reports and- at- , ys; g ay. ::, 'daughters, -Mrs. Make Horner, Tucker Smith, Hullet, -Stanley, Logan, I i so give emp%y(ment to ,a lar e nunt- I the offMe �tf the Chief Engineer, Department two less of what they did but they had '9.45 a.M dn the Untited Church, Rev. 9 . , ,�e, .. and interest in meetings ,Mrs. LUC .. f 1.11 , � of Public works, Ottawa, ,at the offices ,of tendtaince _ othiape, (Hibbert, etc. iLring orns, lungs and spirits� T 'Sunday M *ng last ber in,quRling flax Iof -which .... they are ­ the tDistrict Engineer, curtoms Houlse. Lon- anO demonstrations. Statistics for of the 14th concession, aond Ea uht Ae MT. Haaert ,on I oinc very ewtensive gruvrers and, ran a �:... ober- Ontario prepar Murchey, of Saskatchewan. , "iHis Mlajesty�s Government 'will actual -Vov�dnlalkers 'were Vdn- Eg- dealt with 10he matter of ten�pslnance I ) 4 � "'. don, Ont. -. also at the Post Office at T ed by -Dr. Duncan show . . . 4 - � . �,­ , � mory. 0 . T%L . I- .: The res'idents ,of the village vMre,grant and 4csonvey to theCanuda"00111- w3nd and'his Dutch, and Irish. . legiskWon, stating tillat the beverage flax mill. . . "". . the- there wette in 1936, a total of &r t1iti- pric4 of :9145,150, a block The annual Sunday school I..i Tenders will not be considered unless made thrown intlo, excitement when i -t was PaTIT . , The a3demen went' ahead. cuttitang rolonis were doing mulch , more than 'picnic !. I ..... ... . mplied by the Department 4,23 clubs in Operation and that, not I , __ �'. . . on prhvted forms si; . reported -that the wheat field tof Mr. of laaid, containing -1,000,0Q0 acres to el * a fine'li;ougill, the' the bar -room$ lbodemorailm . . 01-4he, United Church was, hold at _ . .1 I .and ontlinuD,USly dolwn � . . .. I in accordance *with conditions'sAit forth. inrAuding, the gjirl5l %clothing clul6s.,­ The UndlerWood" and a flying level was C-axpenti busily I sfty Sf-, - I . I '�' . therein. . I the auv��a.ge membership was 19 and T ' Schloedlear, llab�ilon Line, was On be known as the Huron Tract. ers and patnters are Turnbull's Ovotme on wedue . I ", 11 be accompanied by w I to land to the allotwed to the Cloinipany taken. ,Si ' ternoon last v�fth a verry large at- . Iq Each tender =ust -nk in can- the average age -of ,dlub members fl -re on Mondaty. Help was rughted ometimes, to get theii'beax- engaged in rushing work to comple- - Iplew n , . . .!; ­ � certified aeQue on :a Chartered ba the oplot and the flame were "gotten shall be sel�ected by them. fiam such in Ithey sedected the ,highest ground�- tion on the new Southcoft'Geineral t`nd2"`e 'and 'a �nvost a t fime I . . . . . . I ads, payable to the order of the Honom-ablo was eixteen. I ­ 1. . under control before s 9s, g r was spent .at that fine, resort. A large .. , � , ,bbe minister ,&f Public Works, equal to 10 . I . yn-u,th, damage part of the lands, lattely ',purchased found a tall pine, piled the trunk Store on 'the south side of Kin 0 � .. '� ­ .. per cent. of the amount of the tender, or — was done.' Our. nerighborring village,. from the Indians as are situated in hi TW)mber -of sports wetr�e run off� nith . I V�i , .. BeaTer B*uds of the Dominion of . Canada . gh with dry brugh and as, ­Yiight Main Street, which will, present a . laige entries and,golold kedn. competi- , f I 1, ., Six Blows At Canada Thistle, DashwoIad, sItiffered a heavy lass on the Landon and Western Districts, came, . ,applied, :the torch. Pot 'days fvery g4olod a1ppealrance. - . or of Athe cana.dian National Railwa7 11. Com- Tbilisi tweed which has always been Monday li*,h't when. fire destroyedthe Thk I A by the �jhe, fagging, ,k went. on- with-oc- ,One evening the last !of the ipast 'bill- I � I It , I ,-" pany and its consti-tuent companies, DACC11- 1. - block shall be marked oi . � two f I . . li� . 1. . . � , -is m, -nt this yea - I I ap - ditionally guaranteed as to principal and with usl , Ore prevalte . r. creamery operated -by MT. 0. Peder- Surveyor Generall and shAl, proxi easionall &tours made by one or more week.Mtrs, James ,'Dilick, wt restidiets. - � It Pill i � 11 1, interest by the Diominion of Camadta, or the -'Ipagute� by s-eeds and, deep, run- sen. The cause of the fire is uii- ,'mate to the form of some reguli,r ,of the Iparty to g�ather informtjlbhi in the Pettty V.1,ock, &-rectly west of . . t . - , . ":. � .Pforementhyned.bom& and a certified cheque iiiing root stalkstj and can be cor-- knowm. Mr. Pedersem carried tvL�"_y mathematical figure. ocincernimg the Tract. , As) night drew t1ye-post office, had the niL,�Toartaun)e- to Canada, ,has the only 'eyarlamide _.� icf required to make up am odd amount ed ,by lthorotugb ,cultivation at the Ifttle, insurance. I "One-third, part of thebefore men- . . . I ., NOTE! The Department will supply blue trriollit . '011 a''cpuple of axemen were sent on, fall on the floor ,taluing a weak spell plant on the, North AlnreLr'ican conti- printz and wmcificution of the work an de- right time. . .Rev. E. Tuerkheim, pastor !of the tioned sum. * sohall, (be expended by the athead.to qirep�ire cam�p.' The shanty during the knittenste heat, and it soon mient. ,lit Is also the ,largest Vplanb of ,-, . posit of a sum af $10.00. in the form of a An 'average plant, will prodIuce a,- locad Lutheran Church, ,celebrated, 'the Can,ada Company in public.Works and w,8 .built near a siwairnpy e gres ppm suf I I , ". � certidied 'bank chenue payable to fk--� order of . spot where developed from th, t ­ - its, ,kind in the, world. Cyansmade_js , ' d (block .,` I the Minister bf Public Works. The deposit 500 seeds. The (-.importance of ,pre- 25th anniversary of his ordination in- i-PrOl'Itements Within the sall Water was pTesleht and hemlock grew f&4d, that she thad ibVtoken, fie�r 1109 employed in the manufacture of nA%- � ,; �_ . . will be released on return of the blue prints venting 'plants, frrom maturilig seeds to the mitnis�try on Tuesday. FiAiends I of land and ,the remaining two`th'rd1 tAckly -for the beds, A. fire was set new ,the hip and also a fractum She ed fertilizers, -and -its use for -Swe I . 11 and speefficatian within a ihouth from- the cannot bk-- emphastized to'o strongly. welre present froni the' nearby p4T_ %yarts only iof the said, sum shall bA� . . againgt a mople loig where was then taken -by Dr. I. smil . � date -of reception of tenders. U not, re- The following methods of attack ishes ind a ;gocia-blfe and interesting paid to His Xajesty's Government in fish, p'arAtlridge andpork were roast- the ICUraton HjoI where,all lie to application ailtorle as a competitor .,Df � I .. � I I t . I I turned wilhin� that period 'Ohe deposit will be I . I sixteen annual I installments 11 ­ ' �bat nitrate of soda a'nd sulphate of am- ....; forfeited. I aTe recommended: - time­wns spent lt�y youing and old. led on wtood" prongs. andt where the could. be done to. relieve ther 9131affer- monda is making headway 'in the � .."', By or,d,--r 1--,imaw pasbure�&lds and adl. ar- IMrs. N. ,Sheere, of Roches,teT, N.Y., 113y' A st Zltion� in i�� chart&, kettle Mased. Eivery man roasted, for ing waa done and, she is resting Dominion I . � � I 1 �*, . I ; Ti of hould taii O, the land *ove alto- I . I I Z," i J. bL SOMERVILLE, eas wheire 'Canada TI are found,. and Win and ,Mrs. J,ohn F tz, s Y- f himselif and took his turn at the tin there as Ietomf1ortalbly as, can. be ex- I I . I ", . SecrIdtary. It has been, the experienice of 'many Morrl&burg, Ont., spent the week -end gether anfit liar cWtiavation the Com- mug; each bush knife out up i1tv l4w,n pected. Mucth sympathy -is fellb far - I I III. Qepartment of Public Worlics. tfidft this weed can b6 conftrloq%ed if wfith -their bit,ther, Mfr.* Chas. F painy was to secure suitable renwilner- roasted p)6rk on slices of bread; and IMirs. Dick, as �he has been in eble I I I I I T(itz. fle - I " , I . Ottawa, July 20, 1986. 1 vAilen stems are, hollbw Xr, and Mrs. J. Swarz and ation. Also by' the teranis, of their as a last dainty came the giog. It health. for somo �hnte past foil i I I 1. WI -2 Plants aore 'Cut . daugh- . Owaing ". 1. (just after they come in, flower). 'It ter, of. Detrolit, asre spending the week charber� the company vvw empowered was only the strong constitution and a -stroke anid 1�vast,pluolofly going a- . , 4 , t V . - -is wbrk w1ith Mrs. Swarz's mother, Mrs. A,. ,to texplorit all round 'Whore, jj�Elny V U10 not at ., , I is limplartailift, ,however,, that th . bargain,, ,purchase, and extensive kno*ledg�e of Dr. Dufflop . ,10 I . FOR SALE I- %-. . L:, . be Alaare befoTe seeds mature. Fuss.' such merchandistes, as may be neces- whidh made this undertaking ,possible. ten*t, attending lbo, duties. I . I I , ­ , ", � Popular'Stallions ' 'W. l3tryce has returned from a sary for the clearing of thre land, to I I � - __ 2,-Sptud 'or cut a)1l scattered, Iolants I>r.' (Continued next week) 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron and � . � � 1. - found in groming crops,; mow all week's hoiliftys spent in FITesherton digpoo,se of all] goods received by them , . gon, Hatold, spent the week -end vAth We wish to informpur custom. , . ,i! Clydesdale Stallion . qrs that we -can, supply' you again , t1. . ' I I— pa"ch-es for green feed. � and other points,. . in payment for ,land and to negobate ftilends; in Kitchener. ,I . I . FAVOURITE AGAI* " W .. .­, 3.-Pl..9h deep during NA dry I Mrs. E. Taggart and nie,ce, , Miss Ibills of exchange ,in England. ith Choice Clovir Honey at the I , � , No. 24337 1 In the fal� of -1826 C�alt again c4me HENSALL . Xr. and Mrs. Jlo'?h-n Cloarbeft, a5ccom- following p�riceiql, ih - cuttomeen I � , Enrolment No. 11961 Form 1, Prerniurn A. weather, apalvie in ,the roiugh state for Myrtle Ra,abe, of -South Bend, Ind., 1. panield by Mr. Ben Tinuiey, spent .the � . . , 'I- . *T ntoire, pTiavilding the wea- and Mr. and Mrs. A. WelsenbaAch, .,of to Canada. In his, visit in 1,823 he coutitiners: . A $, Terma--415) to insure. a week, ' . week -end at the fhome'of Mr. an,d., �. I . , ith -dries get- 4 ,l' 1 lb. to, 50 lbs.. . 9c a lb' I, the improVement of stock ther is'llry. C )uiltivate every weeic or Pebna k,eri w.1 ,- the�fl)um I I . r , ' III 1.1-1.1 . I Will stand for �, Ill., I visited rela;tives here had bee'll ts ed a lMr� and .Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin amd Mhv. Gbrdon McNair, Denfield, 1. . . I 'I', for the senaIon of 1936 at his own stable. ten days usin-g the stiff-boothed culti- -during the past week. They are tlearvefit where a. fT,ien-d Ihad nam, Mir. and )Mrs. ,Grant and ii-ttle 5Q lbs. or over. . . I ROBERT MURDOCK, Proprietor. .8c, a 1b., I vatur with wide points until it Is camping 91 43twild, Bend. � town after hint A iecVrId visdt con- ,daughter, Mary, retuariied-. on- Friday daughter, J,oan, ' visited, over Ithe We alio ha�e, some Amber Honey I I %' I Peter Kilpatrick, Manager. I'm . 8572- tfime, .tla_stow, fall wbeat or rye or (MzA. Allbert. Sielbeirt, of -'..A�6it*7� firmed his belief that this, was the last from a two weleikV ,holiday with week f - . I . �a -Iteand with. Mr. and Abz. Cllatu&e at .the following prices: , continue cu-Mlvation, until] freeze up. Mass- vivited his father, 'Mr. W. TA. Part of the promince where success friends at Lakelside and loth,er points. . .. . I : Blowles. 1 I " . ", , The Im'oorw Clydesdale' Stallion When Wilde points aire used all growth Siebert, postmaster, for a few ,days 'was most likely. At.' secretary and MiS19 fiene 'Douglas, Who haz been Mr. and Mfrs. John'Pasisirnore via- . I to 50 lbs ...... ge a lb. .. 11._ MISTY LAW , I_ i�_cut off bem-eath the ,sjuTface and lasit week. ',Babe" is a meviber Superintendent of the .Company his -in Torohl"is fo,r the tpast twil) wee'ks 50 Ills. or over. .7c a lb. , 1 4 1 . 1. Of ited With friends tin HamiKlton - and ' :1 , - [2636841 (22212) iloo-' ts aire brought UP to the SUM Where the 19laston -bodkey teani, better known work was to st"t the businless of the mar -king examination psperS,...rqtUTn- Delbi on, 'Sunday last. � , These Price's are ' subject to ,�., I ,Company On 'its way. As Warden of ed -to hey home here on MOnday tev- ;1, : I Form 1, Premium A ti'TeT E00n drY Out- - " as the Bruins. . Uss A'Iil&e ,Dougall, who was vis- change without notice, 1 � A ,� Enrolment No. 2908 F Kitcherjer, the Catlad;k Clo.'s, Woods & Forests, entng. I '. .will stand for the improvement of stock 4-Ellan a short rotation of crops TAw. Noah Sararas, ol. I a3id M.rs,. ,Drvil,,,e Twitch&I v6s. ating a the Nome of herps,�enibs -for ..,\. !I r for the season of 1936. as follows. whi,cfh wffl -includle clovers amd hoed visiteld tre-Wires here for a few days he,engaged Dr. WiffiaTil Dunlop faam- , Mar. a few 4T rebmued to ,her home in. ' ' -11 -Will leave his own I -a -is ited with friefids, 'in ,London ,on Sun- O,iont!D , . I . � a . Monday Mternoon Kivpen crops. I I this -week. ilia-Irly knclwh�sys,"'Tiger" Dunil 4 �. Th T ,eginning bf this wv_�ek. I 'HABERER & , S ON S - .1 9table at Brucefield and vo. South to man ddd mom than any -6th to diky aast. I * I f I :�!� . . Thomas Butt'a. for night Tuesday -East 5.�--By early after harvlegt^1tA,va- Rev. Schultz, of Linwto,od, conduct- er tMr. and'Mrs. Willihin McLean and � ,' ,� tb Martft's, loth Concession, Tuck- . -therain found and encourage the settlement int has adeepteA a r4anily, who ha-ve been s ng the Two Blo�ks South of notei , - I I to William tila-ir-on situbbfle ground i ,c �ng ed mj�ssionary s-ervices,in the Lu Dr. Harry Xoy _ )� u f,� Acramith, 'for noon; then east tD Cromarty to _,� I .*_._ Tract. Vosittio7i at Byran ift natoTiMM gand ,pemidi I I P1, Ken McK two oT thme times d ,' .ate I_ Cftlurrch here ,on Sunday. And glrowt%,rof the HuT�ynl pwqb cotilpa,q of weeks. willh friends in - ONTARIO _� emes, for night Weftwdair- ihis� duttiia biae begfinning . ZUR14M ' I 4I, /,.., m by Stage, and west, 11/4 miles, then .1111'er idir fall or by t I ' t s , of Xr.`Herb. Mj:)usseau has men at He sipent the vVititer of* 1826-27 suT- started lon and around- tmm freturned -to ' their I . . I : '. .0 Ner Concession to Coyne Bro-i-, q -he AcultiVS1131r. - work getting ffile buRding w1lieth lie verying the swrounding coraintry. lie of t1ids, week., home in' Haini&� on Sunday I Tele�Ohofte 122, Zurich, . A �, ,� north to the 7th th R4)beyt Do - . — A . aft. - I for noon'; thon west leO- tdr C)��05p slummaer ,,I ing -Or the lately ,,varAbed, ready f.QT moving. He IMar. Kerr, lof Toronto, spent the Keith and Jean Ruck, oT Detroit, I 85794 � 1' , .,I 1. ., I rdo& "umda,y-West,to Gemmell's Cornero ,al - week-emd w1ith Dr. Jae. Bell and, his . . . a .11 1. and not% tb A. & J. BrAin�s, for ` entire sumn-ifer. is will ent-aitl the w!.: rawe t6- buil-ding back from the ,Mrs. A.. 'T. scoft retufted to, her gister� Wise Jessie ,Bell,. . . — . .. .. 1, , Ar. 'L. then to his own stable for night. Frid"_ loss of crop aTild, (Yuld VossibI7 be street and re-yoodel-it into, a servSke 'MT. and Mrs: Whnl - ley Jinks, spent ,_ . ) �­ West to the Second of Stanley an I the last method 'to 6titipit as it has Ests,.jon. - The bug,ding is ene of ibhe hon-ve in the 'Allaage last week after . 0 ...�,-� to . . . . 0 1 1&1�1�1 " John H. MACEAFen'o, fot, itobn,, hia �spendkng five weoks si the home� Sunday ,alt the thwhe of the latter's . ". _ I , ' %40 :�, , own stable for,rlhght�.. Bata his own proivien tune and Ume again, that amy Wid landmarks of the vilquage and it-, of imr. gnd Mrs. ytlW0rwles,s, at Bow- 9wents, Kir. ,and, Mrs. WOMZ�, �j ' Bargain Fares , JULy go k , 1, . . . . . � of the roethods outlinted will pirlove remcmal will] -make quite a clianee on . , . . . rrelft , , , . $"Folffn 11I , ll, ,"g tftble. . � . , V, ,_ , . "I 11 �. . brother4in-law ,who Vwna, .,A , . (Ticketi also oold at an adjacent C.N.& . I I ... I �,� . terras-sis to insure. . I successful Woviding the work is thor- the corner of Victlotria Street and the Manville. ReT statiops) f I I.. - ,� - A6ft'ItT, MMOOCK. fhas had a Iseirious lillfiess is .now Mrs. '-Grassio,k who haw been liv. , , i� I., I oughiv dow and weather canditions: Ulrich roIad, I . , h,6allth, " his many ling ',in Torolft for the psgt� few years � ROVINCE V. Proprietor And Xanakm . . -19 etuch imp,o,�*d in To C.N.R. STATIONS in MAARITIM� P1 S, I A 1, �,,�, I 1". i�ir" .I.,. 35,12, are - famo"ble, _. . "I'V, . I I has tented. Toomst with 'Mrs. Wrilqi= Pray. of qyebee; New Prunswich; Printee 0 rd Isla!!d) Move ­', - , , "' - - . friend%� wd1l'be glad th bAmv. . - ,�yj scarfs �� . . . . . ��t�;,;, . ,,, I . 11 — , � ,., " tn;-. ;rtof Clydesdale SfAillon . Xiis link Sooft, of LondMij, Is spendmiin Lukeir avd imlov*d 'it on MotraW Of I I I I , :P 4 �, 4 " - .1 1- I du�ini BRUCEFIELD � iing her li,coV end, . ' �� . July 31-AU9. I ---To Wawa $7.20; Mohtreal ' ­ MI� 4, . MARATHOWYET . 'Apple emportq from Cwtade .1 I 1, . . � . Ws� at 4�rbmd B 1 ' I -thli'Welek, . $8.30;' , 11 , X0. 1. "..". �,'. I '"'. �i "'." , me's - V0 22iss , the present se"on up- to, Njkil 18th, Mar. L. nalTd, of Torolft, Speirt fble IMM, W.I. E. Poster is spmdRang a QuebeC' City $11-554'.. fte.Anne do Beaupre $12.15 r 1 5-1, 1 ­ � I I :�,L � . � . �..'' . .. . I - � _ . . , , � Vfitd 4fit - N6. W `,� . ctqt11ftCAt*,-Vb,� -1, aq � . . . 11.1 . . . . . ­ 106 to 11C 1.=5ft bs,ff-bLq, 251�- Vhd Ind" *44�& 6f_.3U.0 Willibft� W6i_iR14_Mjd af his klonle in tM 'AllaTo few Wedta At' 4i4ftS"9Aen&' . . � ­ . " .. . vil . ROUNO AI 005MVIS,_ . �. I ,�_ � , -, ' ' - " 'ki, lot, Lft-&-ri . '1&t of Vahftbr, av vivitin TkWj,, I I I ��� � I 0ithd f0t, 4,64 iios was 6Wn atIMN. 6tw- . � , �, ; I, , 10�11!' 88'S hA=bzTTdQ ;;S.Itaj19,610 boama, Obw wilt 11* " to hoar that sih4 - 'Poggy gand,01sie, Bt we, Md's,. Sh ita-Atot *1 laiiah ftom 4904nis, Agh f6t AAMMWL ", 10 t, , , I t, &_]�ftgo!" At VW *eton, of 9 pd&es, Vansit L&A& at I , . lq,,lo..:�, . 1. It W11,608 AI I 'tof II sis�, =ts Mm- , 1. I I . I . �'. . 11 gtlikil�4�0 ! A'r, f � � T f - 1-1 , � " I. , I I � , � IV -�, I I k ; I , ': , It"I"' I'll", � - r�r' ., 'I, I I I til Anormne lot OmOlb&rrels and 406,� wo§ We ft be rembved - th ,her home itipetfit A few days st the, Itbine ofii;, at the hoonte I � "j� _'q , !,,,,r_I , ', � �:,'j �� �&,,,,t, " .. I , � I . f I , %,q,�,�, , � � , �,: llkporalm� "� I.& . I " , "" ".� � ), . " ": rRif � �, 0, Aiftfft . , I , .1 ,111 , u" " , I ., 'vbi%d f1f. . 0 rotftf, , ;i, , " x . �, ,,� fsaolaio�: . ft , # 4 %fit, 1". V16- r$1 -NA'TI,ONA " "' 1� I � . I ffl:ft. john4tjoft. , ; L "' - 9 � ' "'",', " � 6 * . ` ' " 1A 1- `1091, 8ft bft, 9, , , g& -11 'L�'T,ii: 'k. ,4 de -0116 ai�'Ufliv M& a deetft§6 or -8,2124 Aft,& %,g sevet wtoks in se#,�, and Mft.. 14, F41"st I - ­ . ". fWa"fa- noork" &§ : I ien& (in W ,RAr � ANADIAN � I , , ,,,�Ifk. , ,�,',,," I " iiuv , I 'dofti4ro wa'a the Im. =e , :. C I , 'A . I ,i' , .L,��l ,j, � , _', ,C- kl. I I . I.. # . I , witito I � .. ,I I I : �1. "", '' T.'': I, � , � � 1. I Ili. I I Iffifil =. I - . gold. ii. ,G�. 11)"9T"114-0 --- . I ,,, I . . I A I I , �, � �.;;, , 1, , % "' . I Of ",�.w, ,.I." I A . I . , ' - . . . I.- I , . IL jW&T& fa. U . , ,:,. I I ; I I 1, I (" I"' �j �' i��t ", . ... ..... �� �,,� `I�4 . .1 I "'. I .. - .L . I I I N " """' ,­�,'J'� "', .., � � .. I I ,11 - 1. I . . � , . . � I I . I I, � 'q',"� ",I, r, � I ' t�,,4�'­ I'll, I ". : 1. I 0, -, . I I . . � �. I 11-� I L., " , I � : . III . . . � . '.. , I I. " , , - "�� , .1,11,11 ; I I I ; . : li. , . I ; . � I , 1� I . I ­­ I , I �,,. , I Ii IV ,1,,,,�,���,.,,,�,,,�.,;",i��,,,,,,�,,�,,�,�.�,�,,,,�.��.�.�', , 1, I �: . � , . r , I I 1: , I . � .� . . . I `11�1 : . Il.,iI ` "" , , I - I I I .� I I �1, . ,. � . r , j�­. .,rj� i ,, . . ', . I I r , I., I .. I .'�, 1, 11 � , , �, ,. 0 . 1 I "",:I, 11 , ,1.j� 1�.. 6', , , t �l , , - 1. I �, . 1,.� '�L,: I � .,4 , I �,, " ,qlg I 'N ,' " - '� "'i . , I I 1 A.,I",� 'P_� ,,,��*.#.�. , ,.� , :. �, ;: ,,,�I- ,;,; �,,�,I I I . - � � , �'11 ", I ('1ir - I �. 1�' , " I , ,,-,,. , � "., . I ,IeIC , ,,,�,�: �t 1, ', '. , , , F; ,, j�,', , ,� � r , �j , It, .� " 11A.�:'11!5V4",:­, I '. I_ , , , '. n`­'iiv,�4.,,,��,g�,� ,(I,� 1;�;��%,,?�,���i,i,,��,,��l'��'��,.",',�,li)�,,�iv;y"�'I ',I, r 1,11. ON4. �i � ,�,'�', , L� ',2 , - I., I , ` , , ti"Pt.�(,.:� I, "� _'1,1,l'1 � 4, t", %,"r, &, r) . A', �,�;,, � - .1, ; I III— I'll �la ­, '"'. , I , I ,�,. - , _ I � , � ,,� " I ilm I �, " kd,,�111 - k,�,,�m,,�,% � -N .R., � 1, - i�01111­it,2114 N I i, - �'t'i�:, _,j I .1 , , , ; ­'� 1.9fl-INQUIV.0 , , " 411 , �11 ,Iilli � I I r'��".L-"",�,;-"�,,�""","."I M,l , ---11-1. �p,�, J,o , ,,, I ,, y�§g� MAJII'� � '140,,� ;� AR �%,lw�, �V,� t,�t,,,Am ", I � A I. , ­d,',Ul*jt vy�4j�,vii�gi��4�,w��,�;�a�"eri.,"��o��,',",, V4 - 14=111&cl�_ ,,, k 0 laill ,.� �Ilk ,I, -j 61,; �&aLg I�It� 114 11 . , " , L � I, , 11 t15 , ,;I� O��',�1*11-�"�i�1,111,�;,�,'�!,;,�'�l"!�'ll'I�I I. I �, I t� 1p,�,W.);� '1101k "� p , ritj N; � 11 �� i'il�,�,��,,�',-"',I�,���""�,�,.,,,,n,,,,�,t,,,,,i,,,�,', ..".11 � ­�; NO ,,,�,,,T , L �g, it,�, "OK �) !"vge, ',V',�,,�ggk , . , '53" qt�25'NI;,"'IT"IN "'g 1 � � I- ", 11 �: I I 0 1, , I t IN W "" A, 11 �i I �, I ,,, " . i " - - IN 11 11 In i 14m, 00 , Lih.��.f,q&,,, I '' ,� , , 1 , , , , , ilij� __-______1 ll� I I & , , , '07, I I 't I , I 'i, , t ,1, t ,I,, I , " A ,�,l , , M I ,,,,, U191 if � ill, 1 , N, L - �11`�!QILI�1610'1`11.1 It., .