HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-24, Page 1�0`11 W " ,1 1111,�1.7 "I I I.." , - i �: , , -1 , , ., , , "'.": ... �,, V o:�t�,-,i '' ,, , . "" i, . � . - , i . '_ i , -, _ _.�, - . " . I � , �. _ �.' I �; Z�l - '47 �'. � . � � - - I I " � - � q,��+ A, � I ,� ,�� ; ;1.il� ;;, 1, ". , ;tta 77 � i I'. ." ,� - 7, C�` "J, '. l� ", �, �-. `$, 1 . :� '-�_ ', i.- . I . . , 1"' 1. - . . , ''.0 . I.' 11'� I I I I -711 ,,,� � I I , � . 1 ,�i IV : 1. I - . 411 "; t,' ,4 - �� ! l. kl,-, " I i ."I'll"i 476' ,!" ' I" '�,�� ;`L111�.1,­' I -11' '1�1'1'�� -,. , I , 'P, �`11: "IT * , - - - 1,;� �,� fi:`,,� I , , ,�. - .� . I , I - , Ji , . . I � I . I. � ; I � 1%. 4, I , , - . , ",, il I I .�, I , ".., I I' I .f , .� 1 ': .-----.1---..__ I .1.1-11--.11-1.11-1. , �', ... ;i�,,;�..� ,.t;,t,-,��'��,,�,.7iiFt-,�-,-,�- �' :: .-. � I- -1 � .- I I 1! - I �t " t;il ": , . - "t "' �'t , " it" t . . I -I,.,. ., I I , , - , .­ l � s. " I � I I . � I ., I _� .1 l;1WW11VW­ 11;; -A1 ­,1q ." I 1, , I I _111., I"!��i,l;,I,k'�viqA�,�,ilq;kIN7"��4'�.�1-11�tl,I � , A, , ,;4_`J �' " � ., I 2 N ­­­., ­ �1­1 N%l;,11��m 1. ,,�,� �`­ , - V I � . , , , , i­��,.,.; I I I , , � ". �; i�,L,;,v .?, ;, Am,t . ,;, , 7 i 1"07:." �, - .. I I ., ,!"", 1�4,7rl ! 41, 1.�� ! Ofta� - I F , I I 1, , ,� �, �,� !, , I � � I. 1 �',P',4�­',01, ,'�,,,+ WA, , � - �.,., I . " � :A . . �11 . I 11 � ;C�t S� I � �, I _v """J ,`T­1�1�li�_T : i , � I � '. 1, -l ,, 1: l,t� lllj!�. .F �; � - __ . It;' - , � . 1- . . �, ... "i; , �, � "I. .. "I 1� - I � ': � :� � I i . "". . � 7 .- . . 1. , ; 11, I �Xi ; . 11 I .... �:!:: I I � � ; ". I . � . I 1.� ������ 1111,1� i � 17 . ,�. 1. W I .. �,� , � i ... . " . . . I I I , I I ;�. , 1 �� , I " I � . i . � , , I I .1 i I , ILIN it -17 � . , , _. - . . .. I - 11� '', - 11,�,��'e.,J,V� . � � , W,­�"w I Z� . � � � .'! , ::" '.'Pi�)',,� J'q.,-� -"V,i.,��,pt"..,.,�"4"",�-�,�.�;(�.', �,�!'14`,, i!l I , . .NMX11101W...1'@ � ,- ?�-' I I 1 - - . , . `J W��',11'1 �., I 0, i I " - _11 1­111-101�i . "AAMN"I'Md"', � ,� _�. I �; , . .. � L, , ,$ 4, � 1:� i � _ , , "I ,4 . I _. , .. I t �� � L1, , 71 I .", I J" ­�171' �. I., . "", ,�� , , 7 , .1 �� I , 1�41 ­�V L, �, ' Z11"I'l ,� �,�111, . � . �, z,�-�E�1.161�_,- , I I .: ,q� - I , 1W 1,�, � N . N4 1`� ­ 'PIF7 M i , 'I �.,,, � . . � , . I � I , ;'1%,"141 0 - I I .11 �11111111 , � . . . I - I ,, � . � ,,, .. .9� A ­�.��pgi� -� . �: . I - , ,� ,� I �. I 11'.� - I , . ', I � � , _a I � . __ . I . I ��,,,�', , , I _ 11 wl".i a I - �. I ,­ , - ��: o !, I , . I . I . . . I , . j� , " ­ ­­­­ ' _' I I . . , is .1 I - - ___ . I ....-I il - -1111.1-1-1-1.11 -1-1- gy;,", I ­­ . . I I . I . 1. 1. I'll, 11 . � I I .. I -11.1- ,,,, --111.111--7 . : -,� � I .. I � . �41�1 %`�!�L. I - . UL, ,K, 24, 1936. ' � te . "... . � 11 �J -V. 1� I " �. � ­,,�i:,'�-t­ " "It"MI, I ,4� , I .. _. J . t;,�� . l 4 . I I . M �,R I .' , i I � ty-sixth YOr - . � I ' I , .;"� .9 I - 16 .. I seven �:* SEAFOR'fff, FRIDA 11' ,,, I , . , Y � , �. I . Whole N , 0 .� .�­. I I . . I . � _111111 I ., I . I � 3, . . . I ., 1�1 V �., ".4p, �14l, 9 *o ., .. . I I.. . !7� -1 . . I— ..1.4- 11 .1 ___ I I I ­ ­­ I . I I 1. I . 1. 1. I .. � ... . I 1-1.1-1 I'll - I .-I..",'', .1, �� . .� . . . I . . ,..ff1,- I � I "' . . - I . . I I . . . . . . . I 1. ­_­ r%.Iffi � I : , I . . " - � i � I I I , , � � �i '; I- 1 S . � I , - . . � �,!.: �*, " I I VURTESY, Reeves and Coun vr di"a'Is. R A I N -RE L I-1 Y", �'Crowds ,Seek Shelter as', J . LD , " '' 1 ,� TRY CA 11 . . . . `� t ,REX , � ty I I . - . . I .1 . . ,,, Ox. , , "I %­­ .. , . . . ' Ii., I . . I �%.,.;; . . . . . . . . 1­1� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -111111 .... � . I � W . , I .��� �.":.,C.. . , . , . , . , . , .,� _1 "I"EV, �K, � �::,� I" , "'." ­. , I ., ­�j, ., . _ �w""IT,:,�,,��l;;,,��'I'�l,-'�;,,.'ii , ", I I �, I ts 1'a � f, blvl , ,� ,. i 1, . 1".., IV , �:, 01'. � .: 7 -�,� - , � , I . , , , '71", . � ., S " ' GHT D -Rain Hal, V1 T ' 1 91 - l., . ur N`K � ", . , , .- MAYOR" SUMARLAND Compete ..;in Games, ,'-'R'a ce,s - 8,. Wtz... ' DR ownpour of' , I I 1* I, ; � - ... �. . . 1 ­!�. ... . %r .... � !, I 1� - I I I � . ', ' '.. I " � ,,, !, �:,!��_,,""" I .. "" i �� .��`,,�, .. . , ,�� 1 0 0 � � �'..._��1�1,1��,.1.0 ,�I,'­ ., �1,'._,L , _�­.­� - .N ' ' !.JgL1 � ' ,."�.'i�Z'hf - I A.T ..� 0 ,� . t "I , �_��'�11'1,1 ,.�'.. .., � .,. ,:,;(�,,,�, ,:: � ; " � ,�T',�, ,,:' ,,,:.`,�,, , :!,� ,4 ". I . , � A i 1! � .... . . . . I . , "; , . I I I " � I'll, � . - L ... - P �,.-, il . . , 6� -RICT Liois Club W. at "r' Carnival "", C.,E Ell A" 0,',�' -ASKS,.,, 'MOT OR 1 S T S At Annu'al'Huron Picnic IN. THIS � 137, ... n ­ , . , , � . . � '. � � I � I l." i I I.. I., . �,,.�11.1­ , i I I �C,._, I � � 4 - � . I 9 .. �Cll I I . _�.­ I .1 111. �cl . I :� � . . I . . . ,,j�, '. ­ ','I � .'�-,�,�, . . I in"Gampaign To Re- 0 9 9. O' '* - *,' Splendid, Program is, Enjoy- Farmers Welcome Showers ' �Jj­-:�� 1. ­.�,�;1'11 , Joins � . . Swimming Events �and Ex- 0 0 0 William R. Som6ryill "'.", � .i � . . . I - 0 0 � to , I e.. . as, ",,��,,!Y,11, ' ... ,,, 1-lin4l'. � �, . I . I As Pastures, Crops �, "' ''", , I . I duce Number of Need- �,Ik - . , 1� " - ��� I ed At Outing Held in Har- 11 hibition Diving Complet­ Record Of More Than - ..... 1,10 1. I . I . '� ..... � 7771 Burn, Up. rganiz I 'i j..." , , Lott of Water 0 . , I , , ..., 1piss Accidents. � I etd/As Rain Commence'& 0 e Club - * " .1 I ... I I , � 6or Park, Goderich, on I I . . . . 46 Years' Semee. : . � . I _. . . I . I I . . ", � ., 11 I I - t . ' .ill ­ /,_�� � I ' I— ­­ . � I �.­.... I I , " . . How. fortunate the people of Wednesday. - . I . Twelve me%bers of the' Sea- I I � . . . ,� ,_ THINK OF OTHERS this to�wu are ip regard to their , I 4' STOP PASTURE FIRES OVER 1,000 PEOPLE - forthLions Club were in Mit.6-11 'BEGAN AT SEAFORTH .. ,��,., ­�Il,, I I � " � I -1 . - � — ", � . I . , . .i , I � . I water -supply was amply 'shown . on Tuesday nii1it attending the ," I ... - , 11 . I '" during the recent hot wave. Ds-, FORMER MEMPQERS - ENJOY FINE PROGRAM inaugural meeting of the tchel! `*"" ' ,".1. , . 11 - . Rain, which commenced falfing I Ili, t . I . - Amkyng the 75 old time telelgraAl— ...... ... ", I , . . MayorSuitherland, in octimavon, wilth spite the fact that more than , Lions Club. Dr. Wi PA ler ,�' ll I . I 'W1ednesday, lias, already c1hang- �,, I 11�� OTICials throughout Ontaxilo, is Join- twice the average amount was � RECALL OLD TIMES. 6""y . I hart, son of Mr. and Mrs C ers, WhID took part in the "tenary of . ' " Intermittent showers conaniencing , I ,�­ I .! . . V inig with Hon. T. B. XeQuesten,'Win-. consumed, the- pumps were nev�lri - ­ . ed'the atop,learance of, 0a land in- Aberhart, Seaforth, is president' the telegraph '041 Tuesda� ewening, . �il�'. I'll I WteT of HigbwaYs-, iii has . this distaict. It wiR, be worth thou- shortly, afiter eight o'clock culminat- when the told, timers a)gain manned, ., I Cau11PW9n working at - capacity. . � of the club. I , " I I After -an all-mbIrnling drizzlinig rain sandis -of dollars 41D ifermers. It is ed -in a driving dbiwapow, iof rain that - I ".I.. 11 11 . to reduce nw-tor accidents. . . the keys biiefly, was WMiam, S. Som,, . ,".. with - faJI, *in Huron Coun- ISent the ,1,20,0 pecopole attendiing the �, 1,11"g, 'd this week, . erville, nbw of Wopidstock, ,but for, ;"J, , � In, a sitattement iissue an oviereast, sky, A turned out the first ralnbD - — .. . :,� . * 0 Lions Club Water Carnival, at the .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 inalaty, years lin, iSea,forth.. i . ... : 11,� the Mayor says: fine, and warm Wednesday afternloon t,Y ,in 52 d1am .. �,, — . . . for t1he an,lnuall Wiltedand burnt-olut pastures are I,hms Park :Wiednesday night, scuir- It I �'ij . ! In COVO-Alant with other 'MayoTs . , pichic of Huron 0ouln- . . Wli'lTiam Somerville, 33 Victoria 'St. . :�`,7,E 11 , - I .I � than, 4, - , �Al , . I ,I . . . �. . I . ' " rying foirsheliberand Caused the bal- South haea recoirid),of ,n�orl- �Z, , ,- thir,oulghput the FrIo4bee, I gladly ty Co1uncA, heild at Hartillor Park, ' regaiiin6n,g theilr aicicusbomaid green and ' 0 - -,. . I . .. , . I . I , Glodevich, -owmant, criaps, that -had all = fbee,n given up anee 'of the evendug's pr -ran - - service tucked away, says .. I ,. CoMply vvitih the re4uesit-olf.talle Hon. tW&rden Robert B I qg n to be yearls' of 1 . SIDE PARKING TO BE FIN,E REUNION HELD - , � I I T. B. McQd4estten,. 'Minisiter of W,ghr . Of Brusls�e�,, the rieelves, dietputy reeves, as lost, .mL%y vow be woorth"harvest- abandoned. I -t1w Wbodstock SentintelHkeyiew. . ,,�,_ . . . . . , . ,� � I nty of ,�, ' I I . I I ,A parade of children and, cars, ,led . I I ways, whto has luunche& a canatpaign flormer watrdens and TeeVeSI,, cou . ang. - . 'Mr. Someamille was iove -of the first I �";� ." i ficials and. ,ath-tirs, with -their waves Wearis, in mapy instances were run- by the Seaforth- Highlanders Band, if not the first tellegraphets ,to., be . "I'' .11. - for thle purp-66i� ,lof bringink., about a I ' - . . , I ,I'll . aind (fiamiRes, made up a,happy gath- ning.Ary and it was neeesslary to started from MainStreet' at Go'clo:ek istartion6d at 1No1nw,1,&1i many years A 1. � niatrikeld. reductian in, the a-ppalumig GIVEN'2 WEEKS TRIAL BY CRICH., FAMILY I . 4 number, ,of auto accidents With f (A . ,� I evinig of over 150. - �. I haul'iwateir. The rla!in, if it Continues and, proceede&,_ to the'.park wh,'zire a � . I I I ago. He was just a liad aitthat'time .1 ... :�' . � . . . I I I I , injured � an- .1 this eon.'l .'long 1prGgmm of chillciren's- events . _6rN?61ch Where he stay- ,�,�," lowi�g lioss lof 11ife, . d The pirivabelhuneh of Thomas, San- will, tba large extent, relieve I . an!d'whiler a,t,V � - I . Commences This S,qtUrday, dy was kept bi�tisry all afternioion on ditloin. I .was, run off. Between events the, 'in -ter, helived With Gil- ­. I i§, , Inailned for, life.and enormous dam- . - " . John Crich Brought His ed for ane w. .:_11 I , . bert or I qtni Cruises with paxties of. picnick- Enou,gh " rain to lotflictitaIlly eihd ihe ­01tirge crowd was, thrilled as Harry Mclori, president of -the ol,d. P t . . . . . . ., R, I J, age to praperty which 'have be# -n . Street Committee . 'ere .4 ]Family To''This Coun- Dover and Laike HU,ron'Ra,ilw,&y, '-�`N I increasing yeaxly and'wDuld ask the . 6 . 18ofthall, races, 11unch and sipeak- driaught in Perth and H Ciounities Class, 'Ca�iia "an ithree-wetio &-ving ... pll­ . . - ing afteirwards, clomipleted an. enjloy- fell, For gaglit weeks -the dist,nict has cliampibn, and four other leading Can- (He was born and educated at Sea- . - !,, motorist% of Seatorth and dis,tTict t10 StatiesL. .1, . . . baked under almost ciltudless skies, laddan'sr9diMming and diving aniateurs, try in 1839. 1 "I . 1, 'My CIOURTESY and cangilderatbion . I. able progranit. florth, Ont andcommenced his work ,�., I -1 gave exluibiti,ons. � " �. � util pasture fields turned', bmpn, the . �; . "j, � � I t altid thus help the Minister of"Hight... Teams captained, by Reeve L. Car- u, te� as a telegrapher there when a mere I �,�,, I I �� In an effort, to clear dp the. traffic diff, of 'Harris, bowed -to the nine lied ,ground baked inKID. a concre $Ulr- The final events were just being .1"'. , ways makie, ,the Province of Ontaxio ­.. T61e Crich famlitly reunion, was held boy. Following. the Norwich appoint- �. �� I., . completed as the radn, which ,had been ; - ment lie was sent to, Stratford wheire, �,..,; I 1 .,.I. the v0desit in ,the Dominion for both twn�glle which exists on, Main Street 'by Reeve George McNa-11, -of Blyth, falice- turnip crqps were, almlost., wiped V 'Saturday afternuon, 'July 18th, in 4 %- I _-,'nibtoTdrj-tis and.,pedlestrianis. every Swtutrda, . y night, the' 61tweet ti), the tune, of 313-16.- ,Traiffic Officer 'Out, plotatb ,crops cult in, haN-th6 milk ,abisent from the dlisltri,ft for nearly � he i ained for a short time, and ,1111 , I I I . t, I I Norman. Lever umpired. I I yield lit the distriqt cut 46'per cent. twiD worths, began falling. ,M.an,y of J,owett's Groroe, Baiyfield. As usual, then ,t� Seaforth where he was� with ,:, A . . ? 1, III �-T�e., Minister is quite right and �', � I I � , I Cioinwhttee iof the town coumil :has and thle.smiall 'fruit crto�pa cut to. a th e crowd lingered, thinklinig the wea- theire was a llarge ailtendance. Th o'rtb*,esltrTe1l,egraph Clom- . municipalli.ties are renderinig. a high ' I Reeve George Feagan,,of 'Colborne, ase thaGreat N �, . . d, iined to have a triail period in fraction of the usual- amount. their woiuM cleax, but wri6hin half An coqni' .. ` I 11 . degree, of law enfowevven� of traflic eterin rumniing hils; first ,race in 20 years, ng a� ,distance -Were the ,Martins pay, agent for the Canadia�n, Express I 14,11, ;11, I . The rain will reduce the -fire menace b..ur evem the most hardy were fore- aud tilpkesta-gent for thpGrand, Tr .. 1 truilies and reg,it,L&tJous, but in this which anglie parking ali- the sides, nosed out IRleeve Fred DaiviidAh, in from Enilehart, -and Ernest Crich and . uri,k . 4 M ill q i MI, " by th Ir. which has existed for the past morrith. ed to se,Fkvhelte�. Onlythe refresh- faimily, Railway for nalure ,harr 32 years, in . ��l I iddle of stireeitts, will the Sprint- e� pro-vierbial had Detroit. Duriing the after- . I If I campaign, the is going further. niot as oather in the 9 ... Ent booth ciontinu -d to do -iness. a splendid pm -gram of Aports the uptown office, . I, . ,a matter,of law, alligtht of way, right be in e�r,sct. Mrs. R. Kennedy won the intarvied In ,the niortheTn, ipart of XcKilliap m -e . bu noon . I � 1 1 . 'any huxvdlr�ds of acres Arraugeme:n-ts for the carnival . , 11 11 , I - .. I . or wrong s -Me of the road, but is ap- . 7 fadjieis� "race., wilth ,Mrs:. Vanwyl�k see- Townsihli,p, . ni was, enlypyed and after supper Mrs.. . 'Sixteen years ,ago MT. Somervil , le ..� �;"., I . � . f pealiing,to, ithe good commwn s In a public notice, whkh appears lond. . T. here was a Iv,:)Ti,g list 9T ch;il- have.been completely buTnt. were,made bT a contimilttee headled by inton., gave an was appoil n ted -bo the position,: of mhn-,. . . ,. I 4.1 ense of ,elsewhere in toks isisue, the Cionimi . . U13n - Neislon lCardno. .Howard Fowler, of Cb . I �, every matorist in an, iI endle-av- t- dren's races and a giTIs1 gVftball I ager of Z�Ie- Canadl,an National Tele- . . . . . . . . ��, k tee states that firom 1 p�m. on Satur- —0— I int-�-.resting addiress ,on the �Crich fam- �..�'.; .%,; , : , 11 ' � The pirize wirtneirs in the various ''M lgl'aph branch loffide at the corner of . .. � . I . or to foe,tiar and dieve(116rp, that true day, July 25th; until Monday, August game. ' events were as follows: fily histfory. J. W.'_ -anning &-Oe a Queen and Victo,ria,Streets. in Toron-, . . '11,�,� Y, 4 ... :gfpiiit—fra-terna,l'-,:tpii�rlit, I might say— After lunch, with Warden Bowman 0 - I -- . I 10th, cars widl the -parked' at the koidies Prize Winners , - 4 zlhwt talk ab,out 1�is. work in ti-acin. .11,11 weEn Motorists, I �lh:p farrilly tree- ,of J,uhn Crich, who to and ,after twellve years of service , � :111, � -h�auld exist bet, . -urry, of West Wam- . Bloys' tub rac�, 12 years wid iinder, ,� there: ,he- ,reti that , of lfte,'street. ,Since th�13, is only a presiding, J. T. C Worden Fam,ly ; ., ..� anto,sh first warden after the coui- ". .. brou his fam 15_ to, - _19M�L - - . �-L _d,__._t.,o � ....-111-- 1� - I I an object trud17 worth while. � . I - _Xll,�� __ - .i .Ganada.in. T, , �e ... Wio_1adstock--z",r .;14; I . " trial, the ztreot I. n10 , ed- , I GIRford -Rosss, Aubr,ey-,13-a-ker- girls' I "I ,� . �', ,,, __ 1. � - _. 1 -, t: .- The__,Minister -,goe,& xtu, to -say- -tha-t- ' - - sei,6ft­-T-,orm Of ­666nRy ­gVve:)rhIf�ent ' -Staf' "arg algO I ill. . -.---- - (:,: - - - ­__ ' -yd,L -t-be-inark Gather at fa and settled in ,the west end of Tuck- Y, - . . . 1. reai�h ervery mo zCiiii motorists a,re asked 6 be caire- swimmling race, 16 years and'4under, (Friends of, .ye:� Somierville claim "i, 4 1W, o*pn6t . -toTist in I was abolished thirty years ago, said, . Frances, Miatt"hews., Mildired eTsm,Nh Towns,hip, Huron County. ..'� i � . ' .1 , , I . 1haw,caniptaign ,and its rellyfing on the' ful dn parking. Should the trial per- - — . lostv�none qf hisi dexterity - .11,11:11 i'l I , bee was ,one of the e-leat who formed, I S""'an; Jiohn Ctich built ,the honie now occu- ,that he has t, I boys' diving, 12, years and under, . t,h _ . . . . wi the �gy and he will have an ' � h ' UP- � ", , help of -the ,Mayors, and.11CIDuncills and iod prolve, successful, t- e statement , 1�. . � hat council still ltiTlring, Other speak.- The home of MT. and:.Rirs. W. J. , pied by his grandsion and..,great.grand- .,�,, I I ,. vantinues, the by-11aw will be 90tered Clarence Westcott, Billie Carter; boys ptGrtunity tio, .prove it when the cere- ., local ,newspapers for assistance, and ers werf,- - Geiger, Hen- Fell wdst the scene of a. happy event , Eon, Gifford a d Eirniest_Crich. The . . � " . at the next meel -_Reeva Oiv,en swinim.ing,race, open, Howard CarrGI, 12 rdony takes place. 'Re takes occaslion- 1, ... .. . . ,Iin,g o,f Council. � . . 4 .1 I have assaureld, him of the whole- � . 'iP.,713eaVers family tree has( n0w Z60 names. ,list-' � il I ' -1 -n . . . .sall; B.. ' , J4P., -Exeter; Satuidaya.fternoun when tmembersof Francis Phillips,; girls' di,nng, 12 ed and redo,rds are still Incomplete. -eepr � I'll ", 4, 'I hearted svpport of every artlotorist i . . 0— �. Mev6 Gelorge Elliott, Cllln,ton, all the Worden famiily asse6folled for under, Betty Matthe%s, Is� . I al tp�ps 'to Toronto and ik , in' I , "..t. - I - ' �� . the tto�wu I and dis.irlictt. whose slogan ' I , farmer wa-rdens; Mlayolr Rarinii,, of their severth amnual r.euion -With -years and The officers f0T the, fulillowing' ye -ay touch w-it(h the --friends, of days ,gone . : 4 I . 01� . I abe!lle Vlc,Kellar; boys' swimining . � " . 1. , SID -� Wingham; J.X GDrvlenlock, Inspector about 6,0� present., A sItIlliendid 6me are- PreE5,ident, Mrs,.1J. W. Mantiling-, ''by _.�.M .1 111'. , I , ,ralce, 12 fyears and underr, Ken Reid - ` Mr SomearvIlle is a -firm -beliewr . . 0'��,, I i - , ERATION. 1-1 - Dashwood Fire of "thle County Home, and oithers. C. .:,was enjolYF1 by all. A gainte of base- , vioe-president, Arms Townsend,; see- - , _ . I . .1 I I Y-Ilie Carteri; gilr1s, 01vinig, 16 yealrs . in'�&� -telegraph. system as, a means . 1, � I : I I thahk you. y A. Rcibier;ts-ton, IM.L.A., and-. Nalson �ajll was play,ed-dupinig ,the aftETnoon. I retary,' Harold Crich; treasurer, J. -ill, I L under, Betty Matfhews,, Vdrg,*n,iu W. Crich;. pr�esls and storical seere "' ­� �� " , ­.. aT , "Of &omlniercial communication. He � "I', , . I A. D. SUTHERLAND, Mayor. Destroys Creamer TrElwarthia, ex-M.L.A.,lbloth former Sports, events resulted -as flolows:­ L� �­rt; bby5,.' duck -race, 12 -to 16 .,hd - says that . it i -s the only really secret I.C.. I 1. I ; I tary, J. W. Manning. - .', - ", I . � . . wardens, Were also p1resent. !Boys, and girls, under 5, 9ordon MI- �_&rs', Jiaok Rtchlardson; girle? swim- . � . �. I . � - . 1.17 . .4 . .; I . .1 , I An interesting . ,visitor was little ler, Xaigaxet -Miller L.x-.ie Fell, I . method. th,,�re is'olf, �hayinig rec.lordid. - , ,�'... I I T�e DaEfiwdod creameiry VVas COM- ,, ' " ming race, 12 years ,and under, Betty . —*— contimunication and bas: been retadne'd 'llell Miss Huron," a fbaby adopted by 'boys and gialls, 6-8, Mlambn, 119ilgert, Matthei�s, 1. 'McKellar; girls' diving, - I . . . I "', , �� 11 Band -Legion Ga'rden . Liely destrbyedearlly Tuesday morn- the County Council three y ajg3 Hoss, lHodgeTt, Lois, Fell; girls, 9-11, , - by businessArnis for this reRgIM11 �,A'11 ing with estimalted llo;ss of $5,000. The '"s a a � BEIIL,y� `Mii[:I�er, Jean Hcid,,gart; boys, 9- open, Grace Carter, Pat Hw-t'; boys' T 1. " � I 11, I - . I ttoddling around, strong . . slNrt uckersmith'School —0— �11 I" . . -five was ditscoverted by -Mr;s_ - 011af n*ow , ,,niniing race, 16 years, and unde-r, A I �"' 'P , heal'by. 03-untcil ,has been paying 14, Frank Miller, Alex. Mlllhx� bo,ys, . , , , . Poll)- DTaiper,' Jack Richard-zon, Wing- .., 1 , Party,on August;20th Pedn@,zon, wife of -the pri6prietor The - - :har care in a pr.i,v)ate hame., Roy Hodgert, Rayrnand Me- - ,. i � . ��, I I - . ' for ljam.; bo-ys' diving, 16 years and un- Holds Picnic C ' . . "I . . . I . cause- of ,the ,fire is unkincwn, . Curdy, Bob� '.McCuydy; yt)ung'men's, anon Appleyard I I I :...'i I . The fire, when discovered, was Com- . The ,ciomm ' dttee in charge were Aitthony All -en, Cliff Miller; .Voung ('.e.r, Francis Phillips, ,Max Huids)on; I .... ��� , 1 . I'll � ATmounceinie'Jit has been made.that es J. J. MosTer, R. E. Tuamer, ,1,,,ys,' diving, ,open, A. Hildebrand, . . I � ing out throuea the uulpe,y part ,of *Rle6v ,ladies, Lillian aodgert, A. Worde . The. annuall picnic of sebojol section Is Awarded Medal i_,.`, � the fourth arninuli,l BandPLegilon, gar- , Jack Dorsey; girls` duck race, open, - 1-11 .. diten party will be heild in, Victor* - Haacke, -George. Feagan, . ia thie frame building. The Diashwiciod W -111113t ,bottl,e rAcle, 'W� Willer; ball, contest, No. 7, Tluickarsmith, wa;� held at Bay- . I . I . firle brigiade was, qtr..cl,l-y on the scene Warden nownitm, County -Clerk- J. 1VL Virginia LiDpert, girls' swirnming I ;,11 ) I 11 . I 11 Parl� on Thuirsoay eyonibig, August Iffilto,fii Hodge'rt; straw Ontest Lil- 1 -field, c,n Thursday. A very enjoyablii , . I . iniery. RohertL5, Tresslurer A. H. Erskine and l Aln race, c1pen, Pa.� Hart, Grace Krauter. IMai-or the Rev. Canon E. Al,,Iph- � . ,�, 9 I . 2101111. . butt were unable tb save the cret . . 11tian Hodgert; gum -drop contest, _ Vnie was, spent sWiniining and plia yard, M.iQ., has .been notlified that lie . .." I bdilding bult applied theniveilves to J, -'B. Reynolds. � y- 11 Pre-6ous garden parties, under the . tlVony Al'l'eji; guessing contest, Mals. —0 inig (baill, ard in ,.,he. ,evening all ern- . I ,, � . saiving nearby buildings including the . 'i has, be-Ein. awarded the -6a,madian Ef- ..... - - , . I . ) . auspices- of these o,riglantizations 'have, . Firank Allen. Minutes of the last . jo,ll;-ed a boat ,ride. -Sup'per was serv- fic.leney Dee-oratilon. ,He saw.. sery i c e :.,.�:,:, . . I V­rbived very pe1pular, and the eam- . residence ,of the, /owner, about twenty- .. � mleeting weve read by the se,6retary ed by the laffles. The list,oI the i �i"I . . , ' - .. . niitte� in charge gmimiste that, this five dleet away, and the Gu,'Enther Ada Milleir,and officersi were -,,,-...- Former St. Columbin . races is as foillaws: ; . n Framice f�lom December, 1916, un 11� yeaesi glarden phrby will be no, ex- . IP ny building not far Ho . ed far the. Coming year as, full -61 Gi Is, 5 and und.,er,, Jiean NipSho . I- t4, Noremffier, 1917. , . .. , " , (. , Traiii lor� Co6h1pa . Id Guest Tea at �. Ws: ir ' o ceptiay. . . . away. I . I President, Jas, Wiorden; secretary, Resident Dies in London �Ioii and .W`i,1.,Tna McLean; boys, 9 Canon Appleyard Icarned, of the ", 11, . . . I 1. . . I . . . Several tibrneG. it was fea 6d the�sd Co n -stance Ch u'rch Mrs,. JRioy XillerN treasurer, Wall - ,, I I , 12, Bruc� XcLetan, Rips N-i-elhols,oto 'honor from, a relcent letter from Gen. �.. I , � - , re . . . - , " I I I 1. buildings would (be -set afire but they . � ' . I - .n; E* A* Asheon, of the,D-epartment of .-A � I . I . I I I . 1) lWorden; sports cl�mniitteie, Mr. and . boys, 12 1,joi 16, Allan Nicholson, Ji'm National Defence. 1. I �". 1. I - were stavle& - Mrs Alv,ln W�orden, Cliff 9nd Ada The ,death of Miss Margaret Shea, Broadfa-c-t; young- ladies' rpce. Mice I 1. I 11, . . . The total m9k produegon iin Own- Pedemseft's daughter, a girl; of teen Thle gu6t tea held on %W,lednesday Mi1_1* f0T)MIeTly ,of McKilloip, occurred in Thlclrnp�Fcn, H-alleh Thfompson; married I —0 . - '.." I . .1 , er. The picnic is tb -be heldi next 1� , I ada in 7936 is provisionally esidinialt- years, is seriously ill withpneumomia. afternoon int the sc1h1cJo,1 ivoqn- - of the .' I t Wilil Worden's the ihird Wed- London on Tuesday, July' 140h. 'Miss wolm,e�,s race, Mrs. A. MC-hiolsvin, Mrs. No cracked- egg--,, hoylvienoer good the "' .� , yelafr a ed, at 16,31p,836,700 pounds, which is She was remolved. to the homie off a church was a splendild success. The ftesday in, July. �, I � � ,Slhea had beenAn ii'l h-.wl,tb owing t3 J. Micintos".,i; young men's race, Billi quaI , ty Trilay be, are allowed in Ae .. ��.. f �. - 4 appruiximatiely the same, as- in ,1934. ,neighbor and Will be removed to a meeting opened with ,a hymn with . 1W. Reed iftended, an insurance -pheumalbism for a nuff0ber ,of yeays Fl�rrest, Al�l,an, Nii,cholslon; mairrie'l Canadian, egg graides A and B. Crack- .. I I - bosIttal. � , . � . . MTL*. .Lindstafy in, the chair, followed Company 06nventi,om; in X.ontreal._ and a very patient sufferer. She was men's rare, W�lii�ed Coleman, Dave ed -eggs fall into grade C Iyut are re- , �. , . . Canadian wolol exported ito Ger IT -he fire resubted in Hydrwand rbele- by pra,yeir by 1W,a.. Rogersion. Tdrs. MIrs, Reed accon-upanied Mini- to Tor- a very rkrind, es-trimable woman aivi ,McLean; three-1,6ggad race, Bill Fo,r- qlallred to be 11 pa-ck'ed _separately fTbm � T-11 �, - ill 11 t1h it�i I" �14 I I 1i � '. vipny in 1965 aniounted. to 883,000 phbne linieff qil the village libeiiing .Cut W.Rilitam Britton gaive words4 of wel- ,onto, and) sipent the week witfif endeared by her many friends. IMiss rest'and Kae Scoitch,mer; slippser race, the eggs ;of that gradie. I .J , 1: � pmndg6 ps clomipared with 3,300 off,preventing anry caE for assistance ,Come. Mr.sr. Roy Lawson itook- the , rlends. (�`,ea was the daughter,of the late Jim Black and Mrs. Art Nicholson; I I I I , 11,L � !Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smale of ` . . . .� ' - 4 I poundsi iin 1934. �Umlslilleriable quail- .land couiartunfeatibn with oubside Sicripture lesson -and DbTia Lawislon Buffala, were guests-. of Mr. and 'M;s, Mr. and Mrs. John Sliei,. of the 4tb el:othes pin race, Mr. and' Mrs. D. - Pedigree certificates registered, -by .1 ! UNw, of Canadan horsehair dIso , piodints untia- some itime later. , gave a pia,nib fsiol-o. )MTs. J. Hugill A. Simale. .� I concession ,of 91cKillop, just west of ,MdLeairr; ipitching the . ball, " Kae the Canadian Nationai Li�,e Stock 1. .... I . . imme found a market in Gerinainly in ;S�me insurance & carried on ,the gtavie a reading, "The Crosswords." Bee,cbw,Gu,d. The funeral, which was Scotchmer;- kick1ing the sli ,per, Mar- RecoT&,;, approved by the Dominiion . � 11111.1 I � ���, . recent yearS, ' ' � � building.1 ,, . Mists C4,elia Meddi sang a solo, "When .C, A. 'Morris, visited in Toronto. . p ..� .. I � . . 'Russel Wbirden is under the dbc- largely attended, was held from the garet Broadtf,olot;` necktie- mpe, Mr. ,Minister of Agriculture, dUTing Ithe I � . .. . . . I Come To the End of the Way",and -tor'scare with lAbod poisoning in his home of her,brother, 'Mir. John Shea, and- Mrs. 1W. Co4em-an; wheelbarrtaw month of March, 1936,Included 217 "I'l . I i McKillo-ril to St. Columllyan Chuirch - 'r- r199 I., I womintpanled ih�-rsielf on the guitar'. - A I- V�A4,1_ . A T4 ­1A I," -s— 4) 9170 Cattle QAA -hele . I. . , I i I . I . . . .... ;,. l , , I I I 11 - I . .1 � ,� '�.,r(i - I . . " annual Su-nIdlay,SchlooR and congregii- , i . I � 4 . . fv(eT l0oilemami. I I I � I 'll I , I I , . . I I . -1 � � I field. Exmillent weathier attracted A � , , � P I for, 18 -againist, 5. Thet club hast id ­ : . . i'�. � , and fanitily. planost'and sroredl 18 goalst, while t, , '. It " , , I '. . creased for everyone by haVing the ' 4i Bmitioc, Milchigan, vistitted 'toyer the . P .1 , I . * � their followers is the improvement ,a I � , i � . ITE . i I I , � " I " � I " akcnirnipany thent ott &^ -trip to -E , .I � 4 I I I 1 slas. 4 1 ,�� enijoyed, , and 'Mr. F. Rgtfiwell - mairrlied' ladies' I , I . 1. 'A I I 11 I I � :. � -race, ,Mrs. R. Cha;"n., krsl. J. Me- , , � "; , i I 1. '. , . j , visiting his mint, Mr. E. Adams and Tegs,aa a results of an i ury suiveired I I — 0, - I I 1 �$ . :.; piano, duet by FAhel and B11a Dexter at a biall ,game at Willow Grove. where Requiem High Mass was,Pung Niichols,'on;, free ­&r -9.11, Xae Scotch- evtdsne. 2,777 foxes, 571 dog,s 161 poul- . , �, i was much enjoyed. The, main fea- 'Mr. Jas. Thompson wid son,, Lloyd, by Rev. Father Dattitzer, interment mer. (tTy. and 4 goats4--tobal 7,299, I . . , � turie of the aftornolon was it-spl,endild 'of Tarlonitlo, are guestgl'.�.f ,Mr.. and ,talking place -in ,St, Coilunibarr ceme- . . address by Mrs. James ,F. Sclatt on I , tery. ,She is survived by two bro- Mrs, J. M. Milliter; Jas.,,�,p " . ,,pi - and thers, James SI of Dublin� and: � . "I Pirtweir and. Love." Mrs. Lindsay ,are, itrid, 'Mrst. B. ,B. StelphensOn sang a Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, hir-Hafriston. .1 Zohn, of McKill'op, and thiree sisters, Brucefield Congregation � " ...i duet, I�Somebody's W,4itin,g." - The Mr. and-Mris. IbIdilton Hodgert, of Mrg. Hugh Flynn, of Dublin; Mrs. 0 a ( ll London, attended the Worden picinic. I �i 1prestitlien't read �a ploem in closing, Dave Ctawflard, of Toronto, anid Mrs. I . � ,� I L "Thoughts To Take.Home." A dainty ' Wilbliam O"ReCly of McKillop. One � .Enjoys Splendid, Picnic 1. I lunich wais, served, Mxs. Eaqll IAf- fhleld,'beir annual, pirnic at &bwden's sister, Mrs. JA� O"Rouirke, of Kc- I � I "! . son, Mrs. J. Fergusion,, Mrs. George Leitch and Mrs. William Britton were I ,grove, on Tuiesday affernooni. Mirs. John XldKinlley, of 01,intoni, ,is Killop, predeceased -her. By beating Batyfield- on Ju,lly 115th, I ' Brucefrkid, Undied, Church heldi � its . . I. . .; _boys,'Aller Hill and G . i ml�doin lRill, .! ictr� � ­ in charge io� the lunch. visiting wilthher daughter, Mrs. Har- OSt. Colulmrbaln, finisbed in forst (place annual Su-nIdlay,SchlooR and congregii- . I Bobby Aiblan- ,and, Gbrdon, Hill, seni-or " - Mrs, 'Leo 18tephenston dnd sons, -Bi-l- . fv(eT l0oilemami. I in the soulh sectlion fof thre Hufron tibnal picnic ion, Friday aifiteirrwan, . , giirlls, Annia Co.rniEh and Olive HaTri- ' ] ilry land Donald, are on a trip t,o'&&V- I (Mx,s. J. Bryan and- stall Jack, -of Football League. Their result for July 17th, att Jowlett's Grove, Bay- son; junioir girrs, Muriel Cameron � I. A i eniburst and. ,other plAntsi, wl�h heT , . Loind'an, ave'visitint wit)h the form- thel yeaT ist- 1W)on-, 7; -lost, 1; tdied, 2 - field. Exmillent weathier attracted A land Preedia Rill, Betty Allan and I flatiher and sister, Kathlt�-en liogart, of or's ado-ther, Mrs. Wwoin AtmsbriDn.g for, 18 -againist, 5. Thet club hast id large crowd from the community. The Xwyce Ailkeriblead; nve-dle-and-thread li,i Myth. I , and fanitily. planost'and sroredl 18 goalst, while enjoytment of thV afterntwn was in- race: Senior, Mlrs.--,R. Chap -man and . 11 'i I � Mr, and- Mrs. ,Mackay and slon,,, of ,only .5 was -scored against'them creased for everyone by haVing the ' Jean Wlatlsionl, O)Iiw HaTrision and An- , .1 . 1 Bmitioc, Milchigan, vistitted 'toyer the . IWItiat iis, particularly g,ratHyling to Sunday Scholool Suiperintendlent�: Mr. I al and I ", , na C-orn',is-li; Junior, Ethe Wil on I .f, _. I week -end, with Mr. and Mins. Adam their followers is the improvement I C. Haugh, able to lye pr;esenit &ugh .'I [Hrellen lGrant, ,Go,rdon Rill and-Lovis ". A Ndiebiallsbai, anic! Mrg. Wim. Moure. Tdrs. Nicholtbn went with them and' will . ITE in play shlown, by the vetleran, play- ers and the xMillity -of the. young men not yet fully recov,ered from ,,his re- cent untfortunate arcidentfl. During Dutiot- necktl'le race, tolive Harrison '11 and 4rlyle 'Cornish, Mifls. A. Zaplh,e - 11 akcnirnipany thent ott &^ -trip to -E who -are, playing for the first t6me. the hSteTIT010n races and games were and Mr. E. Thlolnipsnrn, Anna Cornish I , I slas. � The entire team isl cromposed- of young enijoyed, , and 'Mr. F. Rgtfiwell - mairrlied' ladies' I , I . Mat. Cgive MdDlo-nlaltd�l London, is .men whb, deservke ,our cong-ratulations The foillowing were the win- -race, ,Mrs. R. Cha;"n., krsl. J. Me- , , � "; . . �_ . ' visiting his mint, Mr. E. Adams and - - uiplon their Cle'an, play, good stpoorts nems in the various contests— : Gregor, MTs. A, Za,p,h,e; married r%en's I . "'I 'his umide4 ,Mr. Adamisi. , P in Rer. WflsoT4 tof Aulburn, waii ' Your.Hame maniship And, ,general abillity. The comipatlitibu was 1partieVlarly keen Children, 5 years, and, under, Jimm�e Patterson, Bes,slie Dutiolt. Marian Hill; ., race, Mr. E. TholmPson, Mr. J. Corn- '. I ,19h., W. A. Zoiphe; kick the silippeir- "� . 1, . charge of the service, in C'qnsibance ,thiis yesii and an interesting and 0_x- bolys, 8 years and under, Bobby Al- 'PAttersot,; T.adies, Mrs. F. ,Buedge, 'Mi -ss M.' � . . � i Chuwh,lon SundWy, whille Rteri. Ghed- -,eittdngpltay-qoff is anticipated. ]an, Jininflo girrls�, 8 years Swan, Mrs. A. Za.phe. Men, 'Mr. E. 1. �Z ; - .w...w...� . I liner wait, at Auburn. RwEnt� visito,ra: George M-glonle, and ule'der, 1131aix,he Upbe, Betty . Thompslon, ,Harry Coflins, Mr. J. CtDr- '1� . I - I Mr. Bill Dale, Vern Daille, Rossi Mtc- in Gutillph * 0 Detroit, twith lhd`9 pareftsi, 'Mr. and WdollteY, Marian Wiftion; bloys,, 10 GbVdo� Hill, Edwin nish;,throw 11he ball the longest dis- . . , _1 Xuniorhoys, Louis- Dutoll Ed- . Gregior and, Bill Je�wiA were .against excessive ,Mrs. John Malone; Mr. and, Mrs. yeaTs, and under� tance. " "'S'�i, "I ion V1eldneadlay attending the 1114d, �, Montrose, 'Detroit, wirth the da-�yi MdKenzie, Bobby H,oq;mles:; erlis, 10 whn �IcKenzie, Fredldie Aliklenbead ;. �, �11 I DW,. . � ,m,alr I le -I, Mrs. Ja,A Evans Yela,ra and under, Joyce Aikeirthead, . senior boiyr,, Eldidli,e Vincent, David " l", , Ma% and 'Mrs. T. XdMic(Im,qI,,Eive,1yn heat.by using one and Aft% 1,�,eljl,ie, Eivansi; Miss ma.ry Betty Allan,, June Murdiatc.1k; Pdoys, 12 Mye+a,­lPhfllipi McKenzie; girls, Hazel . % ... 11 jild IMaiij*ry and'Misisi H. Arf&tro"g . 1Wc Quaid, ,of Toronti&, with her par- years and, u-nde Gordon Hill, Bobby , T, , W:lston, Helen Gra,iit, Lois McKenzie; 14 lattended. the Field Day allso. Scientific In- entst,, Mr. and ,Mrs. Joseph McQuaid,. P Holmes, EdWin Mel girls, 12 -.1 chium race: Junli-or boyt%, Freddie Aik- 1 of our Misto Mary O'Connor with here 1paT-- Yearsp.apd undeT, Lo,is RstfhweII,,.EHz- entheed, and tB?6bby Holmes, i, Louis . � I` � —a— I I , ents, Mr. and Mfrs. Dan. O'Clontor; ablethAikoriheald, Genlevfieve Smith; - Dutoit arid, Gordon. Hill, Eld1win MC- , , '.11� . . I News Stanley 0 sulating Materials. I ' Miss Annie Feeney has re:t,uTn,e,d,,af- Kiteh Noys, 15 years, and undeir, Carlyle 0ornish, Hkwry 041i -Gordon Hill; nst, , Kenzie and, Geotge, XuistaTd'; funiwr �� ... L V rq and Nt 7 . :.,14"t Joyce Mikenh*ad t All- 1'� of . t 6T stpendiinig a few days tin ener. igif 9, ,�', , . a We, specialize -in . 0— t igirls, 15 years and, under, Muriel Cameron, Lods Rathmmill, ,Dbree,ft­Pep-. i Itan, Margaret McQueen andt Eliza - dl,"' -I I I I I %eith Afi;benihlead; shoe ,race: -Roy%, 1 ., Mk. James Aroms'talong, of 'Catibert, . I . Sandiy,_Can� I use your mangle a Per; young men'.9 ra-de, Carlyle COM- 'L�',�,�'l Gordon H11111, Louis Dutot, Ed*1,,h'Mc- ,1 . Sdsk., who hais, been ivisitinig his - mb,ther, Mrs.. W, , Afrimstrong and . .. , , , - ' this work.. , ntlitute, iM.m. 'MacGregoT? M,m ,MaidGregtoio--jATe,, but what . dios.1 ish, Jim Burrdge- young 1A race, . Amna'Corn1ishl, 011live Harbrision; tbret-a- I ?J 1, , konzi,6; i�rls, 161ftabit6th Ajlikefthlead� - - ,-, �; ­ �0,� , owe Atikenheah, Betty AlIan, Doth " t)��, , fwfly, has. retuTned to his, +oniie in . I , l6 . fio d"ye "lit It I r 9 l,m,ggied race,: Senior boys, � OSAVIO Un In. thiolmps,0716 Ifar- . ,;,.i,N1 , . beforei* and after t1he Picl 'au"ler , VA -gam*Z - ,., :2 the wiest., N. CLUFF & SONS sanily—Ta ei lellean adt 'MR. tolath 1 rni sh and Aubrty *Fw�quar- , 'of aloft bat wotel � , ,l, , dinittermeing I " I ��'l The Sunda, tsehloblz Of Varna, .. y paigto tube. ry 06111i"s, and ) Juh-, p1by;6_& I . I . , . 11$',t� - � . . � I I I � , � . ... I .. .1 . 1� . _­- �.. I I F, 4 ,, i � t I V, : � . .. � I ..1. I - I .. I . . I . I I .- . � 11 �1 I 1-. I I . I ... -4 � . I i . �.� 1, � . I., 1. . , , I � " ,� '. 1 I I , . I � I I l r � . . I I ,� I I . I :1 �. , I ,,,,��'. I '. , 16 . - ,, I I ; ll 1 . I , , - � I . 1 :N.-1,,, , , I .- . ­ . I . , . I . I . 1 I � . . � "� -1 "I . � I . i. I . . 1� � l 1. , .. ! " �� I , ­,,� ;' 11 j I I I I �,Ao ,. ,, I � -11 " � I , 'k .. � I'll , I .. �.", .. ... "'i"'.�; ;�: . . . . . 11 , � , ,..?,. " - , . , i �.., 1" �, 11 , �[ , I " . 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