HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-17, Page 7$ I , . , I 1 4 1 . . . I I . I . - I 0 8 I I I I , I , . , . . ti � 6 . . . I I I I , I J I 6 _ . , ;IN ,�. �FW,41'.,��-�,.­" , A,, , . , " �. .,.,.,.,.",:M,�-�,-��,,��l"','-'I'-�,T . .1, i , ,:, 1 - 7 _', � .., ._,..'yi,1n­111I'­,0­4� � ,, ��`� .? 01, , 11 , , .U� I ,:�% �'� .., J , , A: . llz,'�.; ',!`7 " , t; - f,�.:",._l , ,:,Ilt .- , � -,"i" [ 7 , , , � -_ 11 I ­ - ­,'. - � . . �.� �. 1 ,� I . . "' . I %Ir , 11 , , . "­ , '. , �.. . I 11 . � . 1 , � t A,� . I—— , � " ­ I I . :� I . v!' �� zi.��n�',p 1 �`71�1,.`�I, I jl,�`,� , :�"A . I �, 4 E`R! fol,N 17" '"�,,f4,,��,,,,�,�7��i�,'!,,-�,,��'i. '..'! "r �if, ,"4::Tt!:,w'1 ,e,;A1t%$ ft�� 'jffi�r',�I,q 3, , r , i 1. , ",.",:",.!���: :'�,`--,.1i,',,.'A,.'�i. il", " � , . , , ) . '. -,,'­Vt'I,;0;� " , '. " �', � . �,Ikg . . I ­;", 4I, . .. , " 11, . ., . .. . "t , * :�. ,, ­49�,t4 .� . , �., , ��'­ 111, �1' , I�I.4� , 1. I �� I , - I �, , T.4 - , ; I � '.` �; �, , T " Ir .; . L ­­ I . . , . , ­:� _._ - . -1 1�_=; , - �=7- - - - -v - - .- 0I '. i � I 71 ,1 ,. -:-�=­� ; - "-�.: . _. —'- . I . -I I ... . .. . � . :1 _� ,:k,, .. , - - _-!-4�� , - ., I _ l. , , . . . �,';'-,f_ , ,(.7, .; �� I � I I 1, . . . I � , !. . I � I I - . . . �r - , . � . I . . � . . ­_ . : . I % .— :: I, . . , � . , I . . . - I . , I .. . . . I 1, ,. I J ; . 1. I .; ULY, V., I .. T - , . �4. I I� . . I ,. 1. I " .� 114 , 7 1 , � 't" 1. " / �`1'11' - IIIIII: 1361011, , 1.19 I I "'""Mm"W"Pimir­ ... ­­­­­­ """"""" I, , _-, � � Y. L M, "M lm.�, 7i ,M- � M I M I 11.t � '. I ,, . I. � 4i ol�-,, I I !It 7 7 . � I I ....... ­­­­­ _14"p-, - -I ..... . -v".""', '. I I �, _; - __ _I � .;� � I - . ; - �.,.-.,,-,..�141-.,�.-I�,.��...�,.��.�'..,.�l.l..".,��.41'..,—.,�l"..,..-..�.,—�.,..�"",..-"",,-,��� ...... M I ,­, 1.1­I1t.l!�1!1_.1I1­M,pW '111.� .... .. �,,',.T -,"..""Pt � , � M '%,` �!: �,, , .�'. i YG,$ , ,. I I I 1, .. - .. P, I 15, �:�� "�, ,, � -,. � I .. I , ,,, : , ,. . iN I I . . I : - i'41, 1. . .It I " - � - I 1� �,.��­ ­- ,,�,� . � I, I - , - .. .,� I I .. , � : �. . ,It ", " � , , .;i.-,' , I r � I _� , ,;.. . � ",.� ", � , , , I.. , : . I . . . I ", . . . . . I . I ,� . . 1. ",:�,*t� I I ..� 41 , ".V & �,.,. �1 . . .... ?,.�,O�A ,�'..., ,,:.�� ". ". . . �., 1,1:1 . I � ,, 11 , .. �.i 1�1­�, ��,1,,:;lI1,M,.W`N-r§ , . .Irllx�,34,?",�,4�1, ,,:�_, - , ,'%',�;?I � 2�� I " A 11.1 A.4 ,,,, .,,,,,'��-., �t.' ,.,�l�'i�l,;,,��..'�,"�,lj-�4",',,,, "T It v �.� ,1,�., I", i.�,�"., ��, I, 0'.�`!"ANKk �. �11!�,`�,, I -, * ,I , , .: W. 1, i ,� , , I!'&,Ki!42"!, �, 0 N, . ,e NIL- 4l!,A�".. � 'It l, ,�� �� 1p-mr. 44­i0i_* � i�p elffi'fi X. Q � � � I �11000.'�W"�, Vy I v , i . . I — , � 4 �. I. .. , , ,. 4 . .5!.,1.'R "' - , _, F, LEG'". ,, , , , 1 46§640—W9 w _1 t '. %_, 1* . q - ?,"­ . .;,� '..'. ;'J I . �.. . DO 't .�,, I 11.1 " I . W''It , , 1. 'I, �.. . . ; III . I � .... ..", -.­_-._1II­­ I., -11��;�-",—,.,.-,�—i'�,-",.,.,,�,�,�.".�'llI _-1 111.1111111101.1.1.1i _ _ 01 ­ I � .. A ,� I , . � � 411111 , , W, ",Q-` , �, � I- ­ - , .4 wee., , � .- , "14A � . , , � Ni � .1 I . I ­����� �1111111 , .. � �� -1111 .,..,.-,,..I.iolo.�1.11-111,�,,�.", -1711-1 . - . r4p 0 ,i ­ 0"A" —1"�-11-io,:"7i's"�1.1611"",,��. �! " ,, t # , � i I - - v7 V I I . .11 I . III gv� . 1, I � � " 11 MI. ,� - , % P , �., tl , ,;� ..... ,� - "ll! . . ...... . � A --I--'1-;,1. . . .1 . 11. -1-_-,,--" IF � . Tmbv It a .0ap � P ',..q ­;,.,F1 I ii, - f. I 1� � ",',"',,,"",',, . . . . . . . . . . . ..."'... I�­­:­ .. ., ___I':I._',' ,�,,;, ii'", ... ... 0 . ...... 6 4 h ___ - ; , I, - ­­ ,- ­� -­­­­-;-,­ ­ .� 1111I.I.....1­17 . - 44 , A4 vix,: vogogv;�?, �. I . � 'A . . I . Tpr"Fl, . . . : I . . . . . . - " .... ­"� .1- . I I .... . ;, . . I , � . I 1, 'r-,''. � i Asa . . � . I .. .-l'. _. -- -:� 4, 10MITI'd ixam Any I "I '410 04 4 1 1 I" . . I , :�', � I., - , AMAOW *42P," SAX,, `��,:� ."PI'v, I . I ­UA�Yli.�& N*JR . .1 I I., I I I ,­� , I I � . I . , h. 4 XPK,�:: jp � I , , la laug . . . , IF . I- . . I I , Is lied. 415 79A., *kAb wlll: Am � I ", 1. I ­i�,--­ mr, - I i, I* . i ­ :. . .. , ,,, " ' ,ti T ig 0 1 me I?, 6A Wmffla W -D P -, - - SUcceedin _1k.__0 ""' " - . .1 . .-'ling to'see, W, wd &J. .gy* ��. j! . - Hays � �w � I . I'll ' tqrs, Solicito . . � -1, � , I" I an want embi$ 011VICs' oU--.,0D.Tfte love�y­old- - vays, Ithut � �;oqn oif M � ,� . I I . I I tb.i4V th4t are,- civulloliMiln;g, Away "I WI V? , fttm , me, Conveyancers '. . ,I;. : 1, nfinv�tqlen �� lie, si, ­ lk 11 , a 11 III, " , , , , �� iwd Nioltg4es Public. -Solicitors, for � ke the,,Palaca." . , " f .­ I . ` I _I r . - . , . III.131=06 � . �111 ,� � � I tki Dominion Bank;, Office in mear of I . I . 0 , q1r4 , ..... 11 .. ��r _, i - 41 I f I , 111 - , .. � Bank, Sleatorth. . , , .1 I I . � . . I . a am suire -there 6 great de0i m4mH I '; It P1, . ." ": .�, I I , I . . Il . , �, 1.11 I , � I . , " iiald, saxu�- . on k M.0 401k , tko Dominion � "I'ley I I .I. . I 4, &-unibling in vallacess' q.t. k 'a tba Dieu, , Ob 1108011 . . 1. . I I ,�.� IV , . 'a, I � . � . . ­ : I . . .. A- . . . Ole veaV graivIely. 'Me Bishop had op. . " Lin � � , . "I . , , I - 11" �. �� 1. 11 I , 1. . Y Gil. K ATTE =_%.J 1. YID4 bave"put Y _mw 6AIng'.1 . � , � , � I . . :1 . . ­;, An impulee, to pinch her ear. 112ult� A'Shoupid, ,11[ak ' '' ' Won � I � �� 14 I, 6, NEr"kOUGH I .­­ .� la - xt � . ,*.A . 1". . , , 1 7 . . .. .... I:— . I , � ,,��` . � __... , . I � I I . ,our fingler.lon a very me , awl I . Mi", JOHN H. BEST � ., I I l gro, �. :: Fm�,!,.��, . � � I � . . . I . .1 ­ '61,4'contlnueid: ,'It � " - Saimela, I ,wo , . �t I real d*eu,ky,"` Sam A14 114'er." Th �. ",,,""I'll ",""I,"", � ",""I'll", ��� I .. "I .1��, ­ I'li- 1-111 ­tt "t. . .11, ..... �� I- I I- I .1 ..- -.1111".... ... - ------ � � I—— . ­ I -1 .__ ,. - _. --1 � 11 I ___ ,. W, � � Is alwaYa wovirying me. I attack ybur. vlas a. little silence ,w1iftle Tui"n in.' 11 �,.�, __., __ , � , . �, � BanisIber, Solicitor. FAc. I . . ? 1 �.:� I I . . . ... .. I I . I—— ­­ -.111. 1. nw­ -1 I..... - - - . I ­ - I ___"_,_ position- as a Bishop and you riftll� that amende ,honorable, whitah cats " -, I L .. ­ 'I, r , - .- . , , , albe ,on my privilege poslitilcm* wit I � d & -ugaind so. dellicately, cainitie .and ' li, . .- lmde � I I Oeafortbi . : : Ontario . (Continued from last week) cause You �Fiu,'.fvianl . CA R 13 0 N LEAF �� I . t -it at"Chridanals.1 them� opehi and * as slie 10�ield her lit- i , � i � . I I I . Mr. Twig. Die you think there has nuzzled his lbe4d igAhiXlt Qie -Dishap!s � .. I.: I — , I , lWell,­ I do not agree wg, � .. ;. .Q, him. A Itle, fandy was,less, busy In, re -pea � : -"That 4, lnv#osisiblie.� My sion-in- pl"'g ever ,been Anybody who -has attaicked gaitered, liegI . I � .. CA R B 0 N BACK ' furr#d mantle can. never cause folly the hjgk, rose -girt terraceis, wfth gal- , . . i l , . . BLUER D. -MLL, B.A. � lhw had W two wfives, albeady, and fiet eiven 4j,$t. John. Get under,I lanib r6mauW byrds and their, laidt' g mp-Ylthing who ,has not been vqlnew- "Of co nw,lehild, you have not - ­_r!_K�IF1712ff-1-1W11I ER., , " t.. I � . they,. both died th moke room, for my and, ' ln - abliehilmself? There does' . UT601 - e not I 1- ­ , " '' I. tt. atanding, peltitile S"ele, but, Above all lY beautiful ladies, or -visualising I n% seem to been condirmed?"I , . ll " ,. � i " � . 14rrister & Solicitor .. lbe,yp . � i ,49, Fr-Q,R,C,"'tI.1. " I Xkaeiieine. Who' MA disbelieve "`� get A furred mantle, -Well 1, wila armed, ,watchmen upon t) . "ClionfiTimed, In what?"? Siainrela- ask- I :.. . �_ , , . ""I ... I .., L I I �11 � . - ge great twin ,, k oft! 00", N1, . . . : ­.� I ,� -Providence? Yet bfe is full of- vex- leave you with Your cat. ��Ln- one. towersi,, as in wondering preclisely Wle (will slit down. and clanslider, it,". e.d. ,VQ ROROM­; , -, � . I . . 0ace of larbe F. Holmislited, 1LO6 atiol'is. L Uk daughter Asilied Tale the . said the Bi4holp. I . 1: I A . . � . -is , bue "14 the opleratlib", of- the Holy I gi I.. 11�1 (Next A� D. Suitherlanil) ,,, with lihe'rat one shows, one- 1how ilt wasil'that the wizi� seemed ,, . U'S FdR.. % �� , 11 .. 11:�`?, , other day if I loved life -as. much as . * I should like yiou to sit by me- Sbirit.11 , .,I . , I ­� *."?, :"Atv,�­-o , ,'� I , . 36 I Friday$. self. Ahl If the cat could write!- One ito come in just * PF ces, Y much, but,. forgive me, will you "If I could be,Lzmfirrned In thlose .-look , The , `:`:� ;" I "P- "" ndays, Thursday and ,p rigbit !a, .1 over Keating's Dwug Store. � 6view. I -bold 'her that I was often 'tells a c4 what one, would never tell -the sweep,ihg cuu:Iive upon'vhich Is very . * . . � � , � I- , ,.�.I;14�­ � ! s511z52 very disgusted w.dth life, bu,t Phlat I stle,­llke an immense natural rock do sl methinig first?". without bedilig confi=4d. in all Sort%: ,,. TX , , I , . I A. di -g. Both Karphaste in town, aand Ca N � S, '" I '--'l ,.",.I 111", .1 P , ,,�. I �% 0 - Fid of StOneI r0lse Up frbm the floadiling . ,", ...:.. ��',I,, " � ,.. ­_ . � 6T -,� . �. . *1, , I .1 � :'Do what, my child -l" of e,diclesaalit6chl- ficirmlilas at-the'sadne � I ,.. . tk - I i . was always much, milich more d's ebe in the country -are very noisy . .. �r .:r..:�'��,', ,]�!." _�,]� ! . . - .., ._ , � . _. - ' - �_ _�,]� , � i I . __. gusibed with, death. Am I w,ortilly of `Wfould you be so kfiad--as bo' hdde tiirne I shouRid greatly hk� it,I`!_:*a1d ... .4 ; , 1��'N, i I. I.. 71 I--,!, �.t_.. . ,,it , n - -�­.,'-VV I I . allways t6l1ing thin s. But cats slay river wais, so much morle-fe�scinating . , ��n ,�lm;. . I g ybor"Craw? It disitreisses me beyond ,Salmela very, gralvely. The . Bishop, - Quip Fi; "I , ". " . . lof -PaWaffise?' A!m I worthty lof . 11hian -a sheer alitir-Aigfit line. She had "Tds.;?. � Apo', I I I nothing at ill." ' , � I .:,i,. "; "I"., I . . I i �- � -, ,� .?., �.'. ,'.'.,',O, I I - brought *Mr. -'Twig to s", it, the very -Luplun her heid., Instinc. . '. �,80 I . I. - I I VETERINARY Hadesiii ;Wfiaib -an olternative, petite - ppt his hand 4 .. � ;1 � ... . I 4�% ' 4 Saniole! What an embarrassn�isnt! "Swryiella, what are you dqing ,all day after, in ,her unconsiclous.,audac- , The Bishop receded ithree otaps. tively, Sam0a dftippW upoii her I .. ; I I I 1, . "I I r, ... � � I �:, , � � :,�., f , !.I� ""' .... � a ; . _ I . `— , Happfily it is not I who -*K1 hatv vo t,his time 'My thild' The 'Cron distresses knees. 'Tefend, O'Lord, -this thy .. I JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. . .1 I up here?" I , 111by, she iiiag firsit encountered him, . . THE HURON EXP " Olf. `.1 .. ll I . 11 - _ I I". -, I choose. . ".. yfou?" I . child *hth thy ,heaveply grace that . " L . . , `.*L . . .1 I Tuscan moved quickly � ro,uti ,to and it was, the mute, fthrolbbing way ,11,L_ .. . ;6 "" __.%_ "'�j - . I I .. "And now, m7. sion, m, ela, and shot his tail str�ight up in which. thist untutored 'cbi$d leaned . "TerrilblY­in the form in which she 1may continue tlh1lVb for ever ; and t 11 . 1�1 I :. Hoji6f"Wadivate of Ontario Veterlu- going to LOT- Sam, I., . . Soaforth' Ont4ri . � ., - -0N � sdT Clonege. All�diseases of domestic ralne. I i�� Name -ald one -at aillwith in frolilt OT'heir as though he wolilil to, itsl loveildness, 9nd all -by herself YOU Wear it. ' Sometimes, when I diaily increase b� tfik Holy .Spirit . I . , . .�:.!!, . "Il � , I ' � Illook up from mY ,work, there, hang- mloIreI and,nildre until she come unto � " treate& CA u, know at les.Lat protect her anikles. -Muscan"i bad ttled tic) -Apprehend the reason of ing Tight . � , animals fis, promptly at- Alhom, to read"I'assio. Yo ' `Z . . . . . . . . "') �.* , it vex,es r,leoak aiciroalsi the river, in the lthy evlerda�stliing Kingdom.". .� t0i�ido to and chariii moderate. Vet- me, ,9amille, tie, see the ib Ilovie of Siirm6la was.only'equalled. by ilbs bleautry, that made Mi. Twig take b .." I - � ,��14�. ­77'4�� �� ­ - I ,. r. , I'll, � I . canile,.in and, sib ,once' em- ­� I , � ._ .. .Of -bensity of Vi� dislik� for Isialbel 'her twelVe-year-old ,hand Wbween n"s to dielith on a rough piece of wood. BiLzhop wa :� I � ennary Denitistry, a specialty. Office ulp , so tagreelibit piart�y, and how the in rigbitsunlight, I see Cbrisit bleeding, Then, without another word, the lock. He . ­ 'and residence on Goderich Stroet, one deTilghted"I ... ayn when I ,see a carriage thoughhe fully i6alized her.acaderiniq gnarled fingers- .and whisper "Little How can suffelling I,i e _t t 1ked away. As he, crl barked upon, a"fiRindly little talk pf .., I I . .door east of Dr. Jarrett's office, Sea.- -driving off -with ''people who have qualificatibris. ' one—you and 1 --we will be iriend,01 . k ha be ex- 'the bridge, he stopped) to abstract his greeting with Sgmeia, whille -Syl . ; �,t�' 1, I �tl . &rth ­ .... .1 � weariled!I me to! death till day. ' The 1, "'You hmm been 4p ,here for I "don't �Sliloloe thlan, v&&t a defthatition each had Piressed in (that monumental brna- ipictor4lCirosIls, from the fold in which boloiked wund his- sheI I i � . . � , ..��., - * L'. . . . ment, ailm"et a Jeweller's- ishep in it- lipba&IIiiid-den it. On thedustant the .... A �.. ... � I d ,` . I other aftierno:6n I Ilet s'earriageful of ,,knew howildrig, the one room in the. gliven the'iDthsr -of friiendship! . "Why, when did -thiis oo,me----lMiad�- ' ^ ., , ,41111'. . I . I _'. , � . - I 11 the F'oniesuel family gv bichie. through b,,,,, where there is no sun " WL -11 Sitting, at ber work in 'whalf she self, glittering- on your bi�east? It sAw Idarted,uplon its glory and turned rilgals and! Chronicles' ;by John C]are.,9 .. - �7 I . . _. �.. I � . ,. . I I .. . . I' A. &gAMPBELL, V.S. a tremend.,c can, no dol tio you, buit -to me— -it libitoi an inlicapliescent light. Very .111, ,� I N", . grotto, wdt!h Tuscan invest- , "Oh, I've -had that - strome little, I �1%1!j, . I .am rain just for want of ,di'd Isabel -4 -n -ow the value, Ze must called )her l"N - .t I .11 . forOve mie� Bilsillibipl—I just can'tbear dbiliterateily he'14d it again beneath time.sli . I I -M ­, �,, . a IdWe Tressirg-thera with,a good:- ' . r �. � "' , , I I , place as an. Educationist upon. the igating one Little series of inteTesiting to loek at it. Plew*e, please, while t�� fold and leaned over the . 1:� , ,,'.,I ..... , Graduate of Ontario VeteAvniary . grace to stay; but I ,cioula not get sun. Isabel,looked. r1ound the room. �,dventuresi afiter another withih, a � gt?n'e ISlylvia w1heeled, round. ."Now, how' � - , - � - I ..... � �1. , I All the op,niplimenit tQ pass. my Ilips. 'I 1�1 do believe you. have .'been doing Flb3n)a's, throw,' Samela. had had 6n- . POT a motment, spring 1,03 g exa�etly?,, , Yolng , 1 I Coliege,,University of Toronto. . ,well talik tpgeithler, put fitawaty. See, pallisadijag. h� i Mr. Dew'as�' , It' " I . � ,r) -thing, at sull but foolishly — and CIGUnters, w1hich hadi taught her -bu- Crei sumed Ile atti ude of A malk ftn,b- . I .111, , .1 diseases of domestic animaIg treated. shalji be very du-111twitihout my-slon. I r. jfiiislt fair a milnu�e, I willbring out my had ]Y(wrowed stZilness, ftfoin the sum- I , by the most modern � principles. ,have a .g.ay s.pqrit, ib,ut, you know, 5.----9- . . Twig nl�aile it for me me,r, and against the stilblese there t t _. .", , . v a -­ ling at a far-jb'ack part. "Oh, God- ', ,.�._:_ ."N I most unhygienically—nursing Tus,c�xn. Yrian'Ity oufbiiidle; her widtie 'knowledge itim,se " I ... L . arges reasonable. DAY OT night gaistycianbe turned -over. Even the H . irang in ,his. ears the throbbing tones asn"It here yesterday. : �' oil I I ' ii,'of .the, Of the, tt - d Melillo , , frey, it ,w . . . , ave you 00 sense, Sarnel h Le ers an irs and Bio,' And ,,, , �� � , . gags oomptlyattlended. to. office,on. sokfl, p6titet Siamiale, has its, �reverse­ Samella put her' hand inside her off a'young girl'§ voice: "Sometimes twentY41 shillfings! - You knioW, I ,, � .11 . � valueoift.)binlle? 1),on't you know Ihoir graphiles which she had read w'tb',Ar' d,e,, and draw -out two tiny pieces ,iwh4E�n I look up from my 'work therej ve � I est, Hensall., ,oppositie Town ,stide, like a-eard in a ,pack. But ph, . I cot- 0 Godfrey, you're not a rich m4n."""', . __ N .uroheafthy it'is, fbir you just to ,sit up Twif, a:nd from which the -.two , -to- f r1olugh na,41,ed 'thlorn. The -Bishops hanging rig1h, t -across the river, in tih,e .. 1.1, 1, , . . I .. Hall. Phone 116. .Breeder. of S hiaw delicious It isl� W laughl One here witth 'Tusican and I-st your brain ,grether, wil'ffi'infinite, zestiI bad Tecon- Sat down, slippilng his jewel under br Ninety-itine men out Of a hundred . � 1.� I .. .I ,�, I ., I I tish Terriers. Inverness Kennelso day, when I was in the woods, witli g,I to slevep?" . stiriticibled, the human story. ,Not only tight s4illight,I see 'Christ bleed4ling kiilor�r_ this." Young Mr.' Dew . foundltil!� � I ' _ . 1, ' . I � ­t,p i i -the, fold. of .his black olloth. . to death ,on a rough piece of wood.11t the ," olm. I .. I Hensall. .. I really to* Triliany ladies,, ,all ,in a mm- "IMly brain has not been to sleep. Clon-mick X-olk with balf-an-houT t6 .Th owliedige as,di§tressing as �cl �� '� 1, 1 1 1 . . . . . . t.. I I As beei working very hard'. I ispaire come and.sat down beside ,her, 7 , :4j 1 1 . . ute -a storm. came, so beajiy thait'the It h e Caloss,, my c'hifld symbi Very idlisidnetly the Bishop saw it too. munal - books. I I. I . . . .. :4j 1 � . . ,i : . . 'tTliumph—thait is why the Churich ex�- 'Saimiela cat on, deeply affected At - "It wbuld, be so much wisier if y1ou � .� I I - _... leaves were useless as, she'Iter, 'We have 'had "a viiitoxt."' I . � . �t� I .. I � �� . . . I . And whe,n, they goit up 'left ,behind' the is 11b ridily." - I the depaTting gIasibure of the Bishop. ' . . . ., .", I . . . What m1hil-tor? . el go pasit M I MEDICAL I. a es didn't, ' Tl r. Mall I ��� �, 11 . . ran an�d we silipped and we tumbled 4; Nb visitor' copld laiszo chapter ,of th ,r wo�kaday life, pres - .,Asisy's- at Alt " .. . Starni shook :her head. 11 ,bate. .Fbr a'lilttle �me, shew gave herse . . � sb� 0 r, if. ylou'must -go ,there, why, don . .", I e sa4d , ff up It . - .., . . , , . � and we lilan agalin-,,fill at 'last'. wet 0 .have -6me up here wi�vh-out my hear- itiold with the. fuillness,which the cl triumph I . 'It is a debast- to the emlotion -it "had produced—then . :-11 . . . . . �.'i` a, e - . ;�'; . our skins, we were .-home. We made ili,g. you - denice, of the violi,et. ing flidnig." . very deliberately,'s,he put this experi-, ';ii,iheTe the, cl s,sd�s are which you've . 1 � � . .� I are. 'prevaricating, §am6la.� dour and, the conifi. ` . you latok only in the nlorth window . DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT , - a great fire and I lent chemises, and I ,am deeply concerned. . , - "Then if there,iis, no tritipirph there encle away, stringing i,r on,her neck- &t alreadw? -Et's that hbrrid slouth ' I . I �41 I I You get les.s eye% and comprehending smile com- . 1; . . . � . . J; , , . . PE'ttibcoats -call round- - How we laugh- and less truttlitful.11 ' ' . pelled -brat Samella, had. gleaned all - no disaster," said the Bishop. "That lice lotf miernotriest and hi -Ong it. from window, fu,ll of new ,books ­v�hich gets ' , " I ' Gradvate of Faculty of � Medicine, ed! On pame die Tire." . Samells, flushed -to crims-tin I s g4fh SOrts of Arange' and intbiate tales i's * � . . Uxtiversity of Western Ontario. Mem- ' ca . .- . _ at lieust. is; eon(s�,ing,'_1 - _ - - - .— -- ­_ sight. Sametle, did not,beliece in Un- I I . :.,,, I � . � 141magine. it,. Tusl' n," ,said Samela. ,,,or� "I have ,had -a visitor. -Madame fF6Tn the Vislitors whOrn the flame o� you didwn. , You'i i not strong en'Ough . little fin- gerin,g over,the intimacies bf expeTi- :for dt.yy , I ��"' � _�evitgme has been to- s-ee, me." geT. "There's, a , piece pf . % , ' . ter: of College Gf Physicians, and -Fine French. ladies, ,ever so many' de Cariwick"si feudel Castiet brougilit to Samela shook at -bim'her . " , . " I . .1 ' . . Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 43 Gode- of them, with isIx curls over each ear, episcopal ence un,.'fl they ceased- to be intimate Younig Mr. :11; ` Phone .37. "Miadr - de 8evigne! u the MiOliands froin all points 'of the eausugsin,y. But no I don,"t believe in and lost tilieIr values by exgoautre. - -_ gich Strest, West. , arne Don't �yj I , Dew, the. schoolma:sterll . or to -Dr. Charles Mackay. 1p . whase. function was to teArh control - I .' I . � !-aw necks, ever so -low, t ghtly4a,ced kniow, Samela, thi9t; if, you indtul6,e com ass,. -and wlh& carried away, d 1, ter , .:,�, I . ii . &M9 esvile-1—thlough I live in a She'opened hti2r ,book, quickly shut it I � I, . . , I Success . v�ays and twenty-stelven petticoats, all indissolubly itih t1heir pdcture hous,e that is! Tididled. with i flgiain.. . 1. . . . I . . , your unballanteed and disordered flan- AVI�'IaPlt , wi t 11 ..... iof tem per alz a slide.tTack to the great . ,,t - Slipping about, the .narrow, gTeasy C,,es in this way N , ti Or vi d ju-sit Ithen- its spirit ^*.as entire- highT,,d of Eliglish literature, .went - ..."', . .. I . paths. 71' . � .1 . I you will.lose-yiour of it, he- mieT.n Y of a M girl who "Ohl, I am io ,gTleved,'� ei'xi'claimcd ly Alien, and applied,,berself to the I '' ' ' . : 11 - , nd ibangqd the na . I. '. ,.��,,, . � , W . DR. W. C. Si?ROA'r . . ".ftsion,?. Dion't ytou know'that reason hais its hilsitlory at' ilier fingers' �ends the 13kill-op in quick symipath . "Is ' -iiie-agies of a cio,rner in h4e,r need1le- o - u - ,t .a 111, alil that- was dloor. , , . 141magilne it-" said Tuscan, u-neur- was given to us to be kep� health ind who,.throned on'a lifittle -li&t of Y in ,We a we,Ck agio, a' . ,l, I. ling his ta!il and floppling it straight N I Y there, illness in, your houlse, unhapipi-- work. Present,ly, when her needle's -wiliat was the mela- .. . : . .� I'll 1i I . ..C.,radivate '-of.. Facul.ty,,,of Me;diei.,ne, . and 'free from -abuse? Don't , you stionei, r,,,iith a cat curled at her feet, ,matter now? S -a 1p . - .. - ty of Western Ontario, Lon- - 'as . ' - ' --- ­- * h' ' - ­ _­ ha - ­�7e­­d " Th - * -d - - -d I.'er"cibilbuk , n.—I �? - Can I tdo a .Ything . -e . . . .11 I Universi o6b, bi6hima hini �, he always did when know thal.' t1o, be,blel aving as you ve , IFIMILI I an; 'er ar ,Our, ,an .4 . rL - T' _ . .pa-ssla-ge rxas-tek-ax-, 0-i - looked __Ulplr_­� � ,Mt--s--fl-nge-e Iff-esz-h-side-of it r nrout�i_­ I - . - I I � 'Phank you,,w& are aill. quitill, well - r- Y! II I � . 1, , r, . It , It I I .. . � I ., . . , . . . . . . . . �,! � anldheir fancy a-n,*d her zlest, likea lit- and, quite ,happy.,- Mly faither is - a walking round and rou'nd, that Ifittle - -art of callin _. I don. Member of Oollege of Ph7sd- Samela asked him "do use -his llnag�in- been ,doing all 111his' morning—making . . -NV'hy, 'what wa,s MT Dew doing, and called IIM' Dew! God:fTe � ation.' - .­ i , ., clans and Surgeons of Ontario. Ofte ,bellipve like A child ,of six—is Tiot tie fire of life befor,4e. which even - -Of all (the arts, the - . , . ,- +.-. - —*-,,.-I. A tv I . X1 E othl lklill".1'.11-r7�4 "'o- - dL a Deacon"of Culstle'Stireett Congrega- circular path w1hich enellosed a Iwater- isi the rarest. Samela"'called. beauti- . . I in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., "Even,after the n­ght of the-drela only foodi-sh And andignified but ut- casuaL.piggrilm could warm his thands. . . . 9 ­ VfA - . ful fire," coritilyffietzi the,visitor, "wihen tptly wro g9 hallk I , tilonal Churclh, I don't quite kno-%v lily gond which, in d1ts turn, enclosed f Young ,Mr. D�ew stopped his . ,. io;.. I 't , Seaforth. Phone 90. ' - n * ,S eita.1 off at :T11fe diY after the. disasteir to .the how he -would view the, - visit of a a very swollen, mischievous di3l bin? ully' 11341 . .. I , I - Biaihopi_Jor, of course, I do know: He -')Mr. Dew was the.,, Young English . ,I . . . I I v�as,a - r-ce lo'eltick in th,� I, -�4irs ,wlt,h in\-., Verietdian gl"s had given her a 9"ev" p ild. came ctutting a- .. �'. , . rousl�ld -at 'th .)nee, and dome dnws - pexam lations. a I .i 't" , ; 1, ( I t . ,�a .-t1he irass with the speed'Tus- I . I _!, . I morning land, thoulgh", my own ho -use Lind let u's revd ,siome- history toge, -.her ing night wili,.i6h even Tus n could, would explode ,wilfth'pride and delight . Master— at the" CaTl;kick , Gr&mmar cross . . -,111 ,. . I DR. -F. J. BURROWS - . was! on. fire--4yut, it ,was ii-ot, it was I and '1 --It batkto.'rsal,ity and fa,pts-and nolt c�Drnfoit, Saime-la, lboking� up from can used when he was sum(nioned.to . I : ... . . . . the "house of 1prl3T M. Guitaut—o'ehl thQ ,dii�, I ' kr,V�rdly, and give. a niDst ggr�,phic Schlolol whose foundatiblis lay.beck- in . P . i .. , " " 1p'lline." - � lhev,grottfo, staw tilat. no lests, a per'son . gravy. ." I,. Office and resid,ence, GeodeTich, St., diff,eiveTIce between -a fire in one'a own Tl picture to Ills fellow deacons- of blow tbe sixt-oenth century,.and he and . I ,.. ,F1 , , reb, Seatiort1h. 'I should very much like to read that -,'-e Bishop -of the ddbce.�Cl, who he 'rought you. -to your knees in ar- Ids ,wife, Sylvia, were Samela's . "What is the matter, Godfrey?" .1 . - � east of the United Chu h,use-and in F, " . . .1 . I.:: onlielbody ,else's — one� 1­l,I,i9_­ -itAlfl-, '.. T 1-1 7I had n-clucted a con'11I -.t,- - -.,-,,I.. I 'vety It 11 T . 2 , " 1. Z414 1. 'Pkone 46. Coroner for th ,, County a traes, so il�iafd tb fiefl the sam-e . �Ull m a . I Oil, SIX . . g . ul, 'n,t0ifilre conlibut." 0h, S-4mea, am beconing a e- I� e A�0'01't "Viciry well-, the,fi. Ptit �our room t'he`previ,','.)u3 Afternoon ln�Carwick!ts particuJar. fillends. She -,vas. t�s con- ceitful man"I - . . ".e.l. . . ,h . I . 1.�% J. � Huron. " : ua- father is a I fidante of :!I-oth. an timirolved paslition ' "Miast men are�" said Samela. com- . . . I "i6 b -at it,'�s n2ver ault,,� t- e a-aille fe6'.- - ill 'Order and co,mv dcvnsta' s. Oh, Albbey C:-,u%,ch which, to Sam-eli's dis- ,� I. 0, com�hltant, i, , . I , . ing, ist it-, v�­tkz - Ile? As I am ,,,,, ly . .._. . y u have der:ved that from hilli. ,,rly pas-zlible- becauss she loved them' fo.rtir.l . . . � . . . . . 4 ­ ne1a--one'obIl,.\r thing; I -was trees, stiU bote stiron- e�id,enccq il'.' any,hlow." The Bishoo's elyes twlink- tropially. '.IrL Dew was, a Book In- . . I '.1 , �aniel i Sial 1, .. alwa.�ia oayting, it is slo, -hard ,to Eve loi,lkinig- in your chest this mor-nin5c ez'ghteenth-li:entury matilaU-lon, was . I "But they" do not deceive their ''Ill.:, I . �, I led. S,a did Sam._,Ia-'�. , Unlike, most cbria;c, t)at was the trouble wHich . I'll . , DR. HUGH H. ROSS . exactly as: the eviangellit. tells us—,arld I wholly di-iapprove to . c � wives", , I... I 1. . f all t.hat _aining along the little path�vay. . , ........ _. ­ ilr� *e­--�ho- -lovedl4o. �'be ,eatight--out-­ -ca-irre �k) coiL,-aTrtIv-4bv -tffie­de� _4 - .1 I -1 � , , ' ' - jfe'-7.ij�­tfl�--S—, - - ­ 1* _.�, ­--­`--­­ ­ ---,-,----"--,--- . " i 'even - tJT.m, -.xin - such --w ,stad- occrasiii:in --i,,.,��ki- - Dut, in , , .�;h� , Rjjij�J -dI7 . tweem . � .." ! ,jilp . I Graduate of U-niversi,ty of Toronto YOU , s�hienle of TH6 ihiai 11 I WeH,1pel;h-a.­s just one or two of . l . I Your - . . "Is; there nio other disasiter-in your, 'rated and. I'lleir domestic peace, them do e-�,en. that. IlTave you been I _ I I ember of C61- -h-)w -one could "have itaughed if one c:,atA. It is vory beautiful work -but. ciludled introductI4 at ,,, . pair ­­­ -, : :.� . . � Faculty of Medicine, m . . I - dum—any wo,,!k ..ouz,et but your father bging a Non- tnn,d was rps-p-onsible foln so 'rilrany ur- . 1:111 . I :, I dlaired! There,in the,street, thart sW'are CAMITA'. � . .. &-ceiving- Sylvia?" * . .r." , , loge. of Physi�ians and Surgeons of ,h,a,d vrene, luxuu!'itils garments, of . i. .. 1. .... ' . . ,., , I �-ll the vei-vants in 11heir con0`0-rinihng D-eacon? .1 adynire, oil g6n,t I,ittjr., notes, "Darlin" Sa.inela, . V I .. ..... I e ilourse I bonnets de ,.r "..., t" . ,1y,,,-, . 'u . . "Yes." .V-,erc -wag A lonj silence. � ­ . .,�;. I � ...�Y unnecesimay' and you coiild "Golod, morn�nj," she caTlettl out in C", rs,e, that there is a disasiter," said pleise coine at once." I ­_. -II.I. I Zhicago ,Clinical School of Chicago ; nutit, M. Guitauit'in his shht, Madame employ Your tims i�,`tfcih more 1profit- de6onair greeting as the Btighop ar- 1 C41 1 Then: 1*7�2re was a new book on. .1,1', Royal Opthabinie Hospi London, All ivothing ,over her legis -and with he Bishop, W't,h a larger twinkle than GodTr,%y has drunk, anot-her b-nk " . . ..." . A tal, w. ab-ly. Willy -do ,you pui� so much fine vired. at ,hI3r l4ttile blit of territory. - - - D-Onlie in, youl. favh(JT'S -%vindow, Sam- . , ;,... �, � . . ` C mcla's . ­. I—. , / England.; I. University Hospital, Lon- Only one lbedr, wo,rk Intio, a mt;Ire pettkoat?" "Good morning. You are. the BisEo ""- .. . ,was thla itivIvs wifili. wh:�,, -a' , , , e'a. There are -so many things about .�, ,:t 11 e Vr uvineu. , . . "..., Rp, "Oh. -yesh, there is anoitheT di'SAS- s%--,)OPjQd-6)­n pi-esclice was always - .... ... .,� . . donj England. Office,--Back,of.Do- dia.me d a x'who -in ,her frilight "Air. Twig doesmot think ,my petti- ,Aren't You n0w?" , . Donne that I dl,)n't. iiii4erstand, so I� .. 1 . " S,a'niela *,old him, "for ,,besides gieeted. Sylv'a's point was that, as said in in.iyself, 'I wi . 11 just look at it." . . . .� . thiad pulle'd off her litightdresis and . . tQil, , . I ! � " winion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. coats ,are ,too finle�" - 't The Bitslhop looked, at Samela, thein mv fa-I'lier. he!'n.g. a Dea,ctcm, I have a her1i,.sbani -bad three thati-and ,bo,oks I ..,**. ' . ' . . -, - I is such I ., J ,had nothing but the biniest idlyon vi A' heir exquisite bit of embroidery, ,:, , 11) 111g-bt calls answered from residence, "'Mr. TI; .a!, Sanrela,, you diismiss I Ite,,, 1%?�.,) 't., a I'O-b, Godfrey, 'just. , a quick I . . .. . .ah wbat portr u e your petticoats *Tth Mr. Twig? Then tl' I Head A.Rstrests. I sup- already, 'his. reeding -hours Nvere r3- t,anld, Peeple think if they 'just' -buy . 11, ., yieteria, Street, Seaforth. - - hen at the �,&Iume of Anatole ` ' p , . - -�,,�,.dc,,r E4 --`ht.--), in ,votir rill"o,oT"hy vi . . . . � I i1tra-,kni If I had -not ,kept telling my- the situatilon 'is, much z1vore sertou3 ft4nive's "La Vie Llitteralrell lying P� ., . .� ided f,r for a very long, t6nie to tink 1 -cry lust' � ; I . . ou. lwouid consider lily sister Isabel ,�ollle. t,ething or Just' get di ;� ... z 1Z I . iz:elf we were iii t(he niddsit of a most Y 'She was a gri2at i�eader har- "" - I .3 . J ­ .;�41 . and much more rep�llent thAn I sup- ,open on ,her knee, th-ell. at Tirscan, as a TrIllimph. Li-ke You', she- Ss on ,'eIf, bu, three tbousaild bulows af- forg-,2t to say their prayers 'it isn't ­ I I . I ': 1 11 '' I - DR. --k A. McMASTER desolating exl:iterience. Yelt a gentle- polied." � , unning up, a . the saane t,hing at all." - -' . .. . �� . .., I—— .. . dy: in 1 1 who came r 5 he always. the hiII--wip. Do yau sonietinics 1-1-1) forded stifil.cient. �przvender. Books . .. . . ...- 1 . .. . .- .­- .. . -- Graduate of the Univergity of To- in.an* in -his whirt, allw her chem- Fixiniela strialglitenied her body ani 4R'd ii any,one stopped at the grott- - . . _`- I to, Faculty of Medicine ,. , * wl'R they not always be drolly t a far as ever sh� tv, to -see'. if they wgre sufficiently r"nd pre.,,enting,'pilizes" —' Samela were t"hing—you had to be very cat(?- (Con,`4ntred- Next Week) . . , ;11: roi ,- ollsed her .head ' . I � ii 6 ' INinked 6eliciou-sly, "and giving away 'ful about. She quoted 1113bbes, "If I I. I- - . .. .,'.� , 3tember, of Ciollege of Physicians ;1;0�ite Sal ele, ri�gbil, t6 the enid of could jet, it to the v,eilling. '�Yes, Is- clonime if faut for his inistrests -to , . 4 � . . .1 , . � rl-atitude.:� with them? I have been I had. read aL4 m�ich as 'other 11110,11, 1. - .. . . I — , . v, eline? And ­when Its bon Dieu-.1,obks I 1, much more repellent than I ba7d balk tia. Tuscan looked at the, Wish- �,;. t"V'o or t . I . . ,11� 11 MW ,Surgeons of ,-Ontario; graduate 'of � a6e I) hree of my silmer's Ptlize ,,;bouldl,have known as tittle as oth .. . ".1 . �1 them. they haveii't `,even that co,v- I -op, ta�ird .in a -milytite sielit"lliz superb * "" LONDON an'd WINGHAM " , ' ''A I 1q,ew'YoilE liost Griddate School * And � I supposed either." , ' _. Dlay�% , Mr. Twig ,had !t,) give Inc mp.n.11 . . . .. 11 eriing." . . "Theve was a glaiss 'in one of tht-, tn,il. ihooting straight uo to beaven : - I . 1, I __ . _ __M. -in ffo��Iltgl� New York. Of- ' elle.ne -uhen .1 got honile. Of all "'But ih�,nk­ axe thi .l. y . �. . �� -11 ­­­ 11. ­­ _­9,1­­­__-1.1Pfi__ - �4" ` - IS VL to I I I South, . .111, _ . See on High Street, eaft Ill e I', � lio"W ' ' * - ' I . .. - I ym ..Tt - , on _..!_S1ime4a,;. her 11TA­1yetintIed- in- what - - etti-coits, but h6* izo,�ild I k Rn,& -then, &­wn -algain to earth. That ' C, . e,s,! Tolstoy, k_ 4, ou I' P. IVI. . I , . le, t '�v &" Sainic t,rL ,... � X�ray . , Ph lu,hbil,�hy,, cereitnioni .(,� up A .1a ro'niL �d in ' .. 11 1� ( equipped for MT. Twig called* her Friinch smi .,hat? When I shook the petticoat was at sign of disapproval, When IT,,,% Twi- once told me,"said fllc�I5 G'.,�Ifrey's 0_,lfer,C.V, . tVlng "I (� looked at the- mountainous dTa1perl" out, of eDune the glass fell,,and was'. pelo-ple we . re "right," he m1sintained , barn . .................. 1.55 . . .1 I tra ,short waire ei twEve M67e itub,bis.-hy �Peopl`e in higli li�ut hlb ,hasn't kcpt up w�0 li�lf Belgra.ve .................. 2.11 1 .A, of her visitor. Lie bon Diei4 %he rn-flaished. I ,am . siotrry. But who but hik, appendage for a I ng eriod in I I ;- . . . o p 19 el'Ity but I'm sure i1hurels lots of .,f tIII-in yet" Sylvia rel'ort-ei. "Only 131-y-th ....................... 2.23 - I .,:. �. 2WTes' f"`!yI Lair" thought, with such 2Cmade- wouldhave. - - an, under the influence so ,� . , , . , . :1 � ;, = tmMaishizInt, Itiva Violet Sun treatmelints, and Infra Red electric - you, Samiela, would wrap a goilass in a the air. TuSC rubbisb ill, . � ,tz Londesboro I . I ............... 2.30 : .1 I so much- to reivnl,.)ve. Happily th2re . ou,- ,hizb education. cer- Ia.,, -nip�rt I was :�'ttiin,,_­'the' pagf.. I .�, ", , 3.08 � . . .1 . . arlods,tillat were more, con- _-lass is'd cuipboard.. I have. no doubt li�dd become a very pron '; ' . . , 11 ( III , ft*atlinents. Nurse in attendance. retticow ? The proper place flor a of Mr. NValTassy's form of orthodoxy. ' tai,711I.V, Pri%Q Vkl�" OV-1ii'to 'be din)p- of 'hi.;;'WaI-t,,.ri,'% Livc;s, and he'� sev- CIffito"ll .................... I . I " Iltmid b4en. p ouncied scep- , �1 , . � . ,�ed into the du��_hiih. 'I will call up-; rqlt�emh ccn,tury. Godfrey can' ,, " � I . t af- Br'ucefield ................. l. 3.27 1. . I . ,siderate, thougi`i her v1sit-or had little. ""a�',Anhen we move we'rshall miss thie tic indeed. (�n th­ Hx.-�,d -XflQ1,ke-q:, to read, he - ford ti.) k��ep up wilth b,)O*k,s �.� yali Kippen ...................... : 1.35 - - ­ . . . I th I . I r rf, ­ kniowle`�ge ,of thic in. Still, no, one cruipbala--rds very much.' "You are the Msho,p," saIM- Samela ­ " ' , "' , .j"� could wi-sh h9r -out M I - I I- I 's �ue ai 11 I I I . DR. F. J. R. FORSTER � I "aly's ,--i, de ii�,an-;c chah` call it. Ile k to-�) careless in his Henzall .......... ..'....... I,— 9.41- . . h,.s ,time vven Sainkels, her eyetls- filled with tears, -I eager to ,help. a gentleman who liol k' I : I 4, _x agair , I t_ � . ­ " '�i � , nian. Then Isa-bel.gets un,lays aside. 1­1,Q�1, . ". � I . Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ,r theh pAnless -to III U ina'�klind_ ran- past Isabc,I and dow� tl�e stairs. f"ecal"e'd 'to. ha.,. -,c Fome difficul,ty over iher boucluet. cl?a:i; her ',`h . r�)at, an,l `11 .1 ..., nal hall-li:I.;. He tears his slriirz, Exeter ................. ­ '. .P. . 1 3.55, . . I � Ie4 f' s'. �o . .1 'A .� n, . Me iood" God -f �ar. -says North " :,.' ' ' , . I 9 ,26 ­easting hilx Witth tthe tlears growing"'larger she tlh!e begr.'innirigs,of Ppeed'h. ind wh:,n I shl)w h1in thn t .. . . W111 I , moN nrd accen- �I %-,4,)n't niatter i*n the le�ast anti gkips . q . I Graduate An Medicine, University draperije%. She .fil(led her time as her .,,,,. batltss,s, up the streeit, -turned, the "I aim afrard I call --deny it'??* hei st c6csr'fal Oxf, .—IS- '. I A.M. -,�tl I ,omiles. . * abol, you knl,,),�.-, ,xas at Ox,f.)rd­b,­ out an'.1 lz-.iy-, a ly.1- k." . I , of Toronto. I own laxen bux s, her stays. Th'i' r6rn'ex, -and dashed blindly in ,V Mr. �Sameluks eye--, dairced. "Would You . o Fxoter ......... I ....... ... iO.42 . :�4! . I I 'I I ztavis were croakling again with laugla- 1),rio,,g. . gi;.4: 'The. tone of this school which " I 1 1 ni -, -',', C,,.d,Fre,�'s shirt. SYI I 10.65 , .1 . I., . # deny it if you.ctmld?" . ,was exa.niine� iIi- excep- da, -ling, gi * � -." '13 IIenSRII ....... I ............. . �. .. l , Latib assiistamt New York Opithal- ter. - . . I I on July �n­, ' 11 %, e it -to ine a, on -4o . 11.01 . �� . "Oh, Mr. Twig. thei--lovely—Vene- "Wl',Ty 0hioulld l?" ` Kippen .................... .. .. "I line,L and Aural Institute, Moorefield's . tionalTy ,ri,-)d,,in anti go:.id, an.rl ilrl ,.I 1ha,.,e men,jcd it, but lie ,xo n't, Brucefield ................. 11.09 .. . I "It am'thinilving elf my pump Opera- iti;,a,n�—Glg:sst--iiis�--ibro,ken, There --is- "I thi'rik".1 vhould Ivy to," said . . .1 '� 11 I . I Byle"and, Golden Square Throat Hos- tion at Vichy, not a ibad foretaste- of 'n",t—a,n;y�—lbv.ePAyi—Veneti,,iii—gla,ss." - Sam,c'a. pni,pi]FI ovince reft,shiing keenines,q and �ay for 0�,It, mondfirg. Wives ouf,rlit r.linton .................... 11.54 "I 1.!� . in a BP*::ho,p or :'t,. I- I I . L , 'tale, Dondion, Eng. At ,Commercial - "Really, Iwhy?" ' ,e 1)a��l f.)r m,t-Ii-fling s-:i14r11,4, o u.,g h t - boniets'ooro .................. 12.10 1 . I pil Ic"ya-l'ty. Q�tc,.. etc., Th" .. purge -tory, The patient is, qui,te niak- "011, ,de,r! 011 dexorl" said 111r. I P,n Earl or a 0sibinct .Ministe.r get� My', h ..................... 12.19 i !" -bird 'Wednesday, i ed in a latiltle undel"gr6tind room Twig. ,,O!h' dear! Oh ' dear! Oil Sarrela. t-hremck'd h:lr needle. "Sihall aixt say-, ht! is go.ing ib n1ake R 14I dl,)n't think tfiere can be a gen . .11 . I . Hotel, Seaforth, It in n1l i1hey. Saniela?" I . � . -such montlij from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 where, therd lits a pump of , hot III de,arp, S'amela Iburied her head in qlle I teIl y,o,tli­­vedlIW and. truly9" tip . - Be'l-'n-ave .................. 12.30 � .? , few reniarks ta the rows, of brigbt. (,,.,,,I la -,v athillt .4,hirt-m-en,ling, Sylvia. , � rm. 5,8 wate0o . .Street, South, Strat- which (a w1oman; directis, wherever you croo-k of his, aitn, ,and w"e-pt out her "Do, young laay. I should"be most I ' Nhn'ghani .................. 1�.50 . �'- I . $01rd. I . .wirsh. Behlinid the curtain is, a p,br- .grie6­aqwiiayi% exceIssive, at the denth intere.vtled to hear." . yloung faces in fi'ml of him -on Esprit The first tiime Godfi-ey tears hig . .. I I ,� I I., . I . -v . . � 11 I I I I o sustains your courage for ,-.ff beautIp--willile Mr. TWig, bit ""Well, You �-lqie, I should fbel'm,�- r Tra.01t:'on, or Nal�lc­-s rnthing. Tihe socond tilailo, if it is - � I I , -_ . sm wh evei. I de Corps, or Pkv.la�. or Team Work, si�,ih,',, I ,tHlik 'I. sh,ould niend it fn,- - .1 . . I ­ . . . half -an hour; but-howt do,you know 'ed ,self suich u fraud if I %v,,­re,a Bish- 0 e Oblige, .,)r . I i � ' as much moved, very gently oarcs.. Little drop-� of w-itir, Libile grllll"-� th-2 saiinc,.tclir, I .quite agree. fliat he ' C.N.R. TIME TABLE - � ' '. - I ' S. A physlichan to . - . I that he i' notlookini O' lt,b his gnarled fingers till." , I .�,, DENTAL- and fro w , . . of sand. What is to be .done About ov­ht to bic puniFhed," . . . �. .., 1. . ,of Uanot f,61-1 to my lot—a very wor- Ithe tawny sweep of hertba,ir. 'tWj'h,v. a fraud?" ' . I East .. . I . "But. quhl,t i,q the t-l-ii1rd time, Sam- 1. A.M. P.M. . I � I itbry man, flaither a,quack nior a big- - Presently the, b,eautiful. youg man - "Weill, yl3u see," slaid Sarnplu again GLIV IP1111-fli? f1rrr1_-t',,'nA in, En -gland, " ,., Dr. J. A.',McTAGGART I ot. 'I shall keep you,"i said to m,i: ' . Ri.11 ? " I da 11 .ow I I .1. .1 I I I I . -misink,e soft hat, to whilom "w6have this drc,aidiful habit bf pu&- 'The Bisliop's an4wei, was vei- Goderich ........... 6.40 2.30 . � l � .. wilth thel im Y de- '�Then lie mvcft certainly be charg- Clinton ............ 7.0.3 3.00 1 , se -If,, AtIliough it coist me my life I Mr. TiMig ,held, been tL91king, and whose t; g people on lone Slide, inakiiig tibeth ... Graduate Royal, College of Dental ,M cisi-via. "NbIthling." ' . . 14 I Surgeons,-Toriento. Office at HensAll, -hall kee4p you, for you,amuse me.' presen6a Sameil-a had nbt even per- kings, and bishops and dukds' and . . ed very heavily," said Sairola (]Qc'is-' Seafarth ............ 7.17 '3. I I; . He talked to mile tille, whole. tinle I I Oih dielar! Oh dear!," Samela wa'l-. :-,-t.11y. "Aake, out the bill and put it .28. 'I. �� I - I .?�� I OuL Phlone 106. ­ - oAved, Wernit OtIt'VeTy ooftly on .the xyzIs and thin,0, and preltmiling tbat " � ' ' ' Dublin .............. 7 9 . I, ,iI under torture. AM, to -be ed mockibigly, "Mr. Twig is always in—what blobk is C,od.frvy reading at , .11, I%" . I 'Rnlu�- toes of1his exquisite calf.,sihifoes. they ,are. differenit from' everybody Mit,h,ll .......... I I 7.'�.7. 3.41 . ­ I .1 I bh,e art . else. And tlhk,n they feel they, must saying t1bat Ithe 'only tMng whic'n tshe tho mo,m,ent?" They .1o)k(,d at his West . ..K.,,l. ed. petite, Samele, theire is . . ' '. I I ..... ofliffie. 'How anibised, I 'have been to . , � Fitiglish take s,,v:,.)u,qIy is hunibug, piled -up little talolcl, Thr paypex knife 1, I . . . _ "I %. — 1:iretend -it too. And unfortunately .. . ., . AUCTIONEERS . . see pleople reading Raoine. He. will . I ,the fraud on one side ,does n -ort d6incel but ithere is, a reinied�r for humbug, was at page 307 of "Marius the Epi- Mitchcll ............ 11.19 4.33 , 1. . I .I '' I I ,�,- , ; . . "tpuss, I bell Iffitem; Racline, will pass CHAPTER Ill lo,ut the fNiud on the, other. It's ev. Biisbop. There, i1s, even a re-me-dy for cure.n." DIubfin .............. 11.27 9.41 , I I � I . . HAROLD DA.LP like. ithis, new-fangled. coffee." en worse f* the people Nviho are ftr- Deacons and B'vbairs and Read M.is- Sani,c,10- ta-wny andi Sylvia's bilack Scaf oi-tli ........... 11,43 . 51.54 . . t'. "' , , . . I N . . , When Saniela hud swept and dust- it is -f.,i. trekstse% And Pri,, DAY,," hvaid knocked together in, repeated Clinton .............. 12,12 10.08 ..... . . Saimela shlook, ,her head. "They e.d an,d poijishied in a sirpirit whi Tield Up ItIQ the hilittiop than, I I � �., i � �, 1, Licensed Auctioneer . &h ev- I dcrich ............ 12.��2 , 10.34 . I I household haven't passetitt at'hll. I read Racine ie�n George Herbert would, have, flound the pobr iplelople , ' carry them "Tell lilt ,to me," sair tihe. Bishop. burnpe�k of afreiction as -tiltley Inade Out Gin . ., . Speeislist in faft and very often i1th Mr. Twig, and we adequalife, and, hiolm the sittIng-rcoom, there.pr I . - the bill; - — . I . 1, . . 4� asi[es� 'Prices ,reasonable. 'POT dates w, "It is laughtetr," Samela replied, . . I drink cups andcups and cups of cof- had h6loed 'her fatheir with his or- The Bilshop meditated. "WeI3, yes "Ithe s-ense -of conitedy, Mr. Twig is -Gaotrey, her Rupband, .. 11.1"Y I, and infoIrlmatim, write cc phlone Hib;r- f ere. I I - -no. Ineone could . I I . . old Dale� Ph -one 149, 9eaf,Ottb,.. lior ,, 4ers and fids led-gersi--the, one thing I sumlplose",biMiopis. are on a hill-ti6�: teiach i ng it to i If , svi to 11 ��� I � I � . I owly at Th"itipositor office. I Well, anybow, dqi�%sl is eiteTnal, a]- ab,out which Mr. Mallassy wa.A.Adam- but miamor, of them would far ra�her only inifulsoe a sense of contiledy, he Sylvia, ,his Wife, C.P.R.TIME I TABLE ... I : .. . most as eternial, t1hallik Heaven as arnt was that Ieveh' hils- negligible lye in ,the valley. 1,06, there Is less says, into -us, stio(lid -Engliqfh,, the abus- .. ,q. d: East . :­ I I— I I 0 .. . I , I I. . t .. . I - Eterility iftelf. My new morning Younger diaraighter ishould te,Oer be ardubus. Do you kh'ahv, young lady, es oif our sociiial aTld indu-stTial and 11/2 yalrdis, Flannel ...... 3 '9 . P.M. . . i, 'IV n . I -) s %t,; 1. .1 'C' on�rol I .. gow -is very beautiful. Thene is a ilielen 'in this, siblop-4she delighted, to I have ,sil x-thund red, clergy to ,look af- ceek'A'asitical atn'd -eelturcatio-nal life"— Repairin- tm-1, shirts ... 2 10 420 6 ­,�, Raddish Xlagg4 ., S�, ­qela co, 6in out ,on her fin- -ot'-e of GrAm% ... & sidt ..................... ... . shade of green In it, btit vilolet pre- clarliry her wowk and ther books, in a ter." , ai , tinted tih One b tI 6 Men 4.24 1 . % Sairnelh julniped lislo alt the number gers, wi6b a blig wink—l"wouM disap- — '.N,teGaw .................... 4.33 . . III co"ItTlOtIli?d do,mitates. I could not relil the pur- big ba:sket, flioni which Musican'shead . I I �,�� ;0 Tiadish mageot may be , I+ . - I by lube same siolotion iwis used -for ,chai,.sa. They would have me. litie it'peeped. out ,like, the, hea'd, of a�l:bo,nl_ st her b1oloik ituinibled frralin h6 ,kfiee. peni—not. because they are wrong— 10 1 Auburn . 4.42 . A I '­.':***­­::, . .. . 11" cabbage miggiot, but applied in the with flame-collbur, but this,appeawd an sle-naltor from his rest'rum, to a Tuscan ,was i*itting on ilt (before the we Oil Imow they are wrong, that - Myth . i ........... .. 4.52 . 41, I . I � florm, folf a fine spray V few d(i af- to me inconsistent; for while -the but- corner -of Carwick Park which cloln- Bishop cioull-d even stoop. "Six hun- diae-on't touch. u -s sit all--�_bu`t becau,s4e, Dits,count Id. ' Walbq'n ............... I ..... 5.06 1. . .. ''. . I I d1red iclerg uch n YouT kind attlenti,eiti would 1, . ter title plantsi ,have appieared, Above side is expirelsislive of -frailty the in- inimideld an hW,merisie vilsta of dark . y!" isbe repeabe,d,, wide. ey- a im, I ore svrioui matter, they are. aff-wd I MeNaught �.. 5.t$ ., I I .�� .. � ed "Heavens alivel But why in. 4v ridliculous. Voltaire, 'he. sayls, put his I great relfief. Toronto ..::'.­.'­­­­ I 0-.00 I -ft- fT I maitence, witliodland, 'clerft- 6v the silver lvell ' * . . .. _�, I .I. iground. The applicatio hoUlld, not gide' would ,have isignifledfm�PL ' I 1. .,��;t ........ ­ . be used after bitilbs. ecimmetice to form f."veh obduracy. , So I fixied,on a white wlliiiiich hhd fit -it there itialcen As 49 -any -world can't; they look fafter nieni- flnigm on the rem,edT_ llvl praylell. to Thery weve .,just tucking the sEp in- , * I , I � I . '. A M. , , 1. ...."14, , , .. . . - . at it is, very phiseniouh. taffets. But n1olithil,ing loeeps a womian's windings, alsi an cild Ptallan tale. Af- eeilrelsi? No, one has ever llooked &f. God iis a vei-y sh;it orle, 0 Liord, to page 307 'of "Mllariuis bbe Eipicur- I . I .� i, ., . . ..., _71 : "', , , Castle had ter Ift I'Ang-" .. Xi es . ridimlous.' " esni" w1hic1h, Samela, in, delligWit, found �Toronto ................ * alto .'� " �, "I . ­. Ice it is not proposed to treat 'ftd. nilind i.a.smich reposie as a furreld wan- ter Mr, Twig, Gal . ,ffiake my evem ... 11 4 I I ::::* - 12.06 I' ... . 1, , I. doligg, s0,veTG los"s inaya �be avoide� Ile. With a furred mantle, one- can Vla.ve�dj On greatest part -in, Same'lals ",Do you mean ,Mr. III the con- "How old Ate vou, Young lady?" contadne'd 'the pass-atet, "'How slippery MeNaughit .......,...-. .1 �.,,� 1 I I , �,� , I �,.� � � � I ' * .; W ., ' 1;�,,"-':` ,- 'I,- I siting so ead of sow. 11bear hm,rlT' everythling. Wjith A lite And develotpment. It had glivioii nlOiOseur?" . "RilsIng twenty-one, dto they say in you are; how ybu esica,pe froin, ,one' Alton ..... � ............. :. -i 12,11 ,$ -1", ,, - I . � by In, , , i�.,. padca ,ed inste I .� . I .......... I .... 1190 �o;' . I I 'd I could b,eiIr1`I-­;i1he '.heir, ,As, a ,�"y. little girl, a, standard . Swinleda nodded with, proud danic_� Cixt-witok." 11, y1ou, ' iven, arle ., ,� i'. . $ivg int arills. , - , Idil d maiiiltlie one fin�igerq! Std have gii an Blyth .... . ,,, I I 11% I will, give 6efte of beianty, a donceptilon of 1.6"Idnegs. ing eyes. "Yes, my ­!Mr. %ft is the "Whieve, did you go to school?" adivanitage and arie iii, your bV,ft Auburn ....................... 11 i 199 I" , I X 11, .. I the siabile treablinlan't I. stays were, ci,eaking agiabiiI—Ilwelfl, not . � I I . . i.",.,� - .1. I 1.11., t, eial tbAtTal to idtl:llft ftl$W90t, H at hxving a furred ,MMA -14- 46 is, tolly ,Sha'.hA&-A,at ari'd l000keldi -at ilt with her 9,reat r. Twig. Heli� nity �ft own 11 "To ,h(mbel ih, the hiblidays, And to tpap,ll *hi,�ch she ptotlnlptLV undarel1ii- Mooxw ................ III.. 'It , . I . , ­ I It . ,. , i .e io ,"Hawm* I P*1 J0140 at �h.nd ftbtto talt4blit ybar fole4od vlan- childilsh leyeg until sht� ktlw it as Jvflultidhlo�'Is eyes tw'intUd itoo, Mr. Twi of cloUrse TIltie, VinlofficiAlly, . neftet .......... 0 .... 6.1". 0 4 . 12 ,", " '.4444 , � I ( � , , , ".. . . 0 . I f F 0 1 - - ,.1 , .. �: 1.1.".1111 4 , ,. ­ " —vI, ­" � �� � , , . " , ", I tl;e, at K 361011, sa$% kbnt&I.Joe� ,bet. 04 WOU, Oilb�le Wiss vhiat� a *1th H-96rd-d pebip,16 aequ;ire 1b,i,silil iaes, a,lid in Wftj I - _�y ­ .­_ .�­..% ... -.11? 'Oodt" okk4l, a *�v 44.+N: t ill " , � � I * , _* � . � , , , � , � � I . . .. I . 1 'r ", , I . M_�. . I - . I ,MV - 0000 #1*04-, ; I �., 1�11.:"�­ 1­4� , �,', "'' _;. " " 11 ., I . . I . - ,� , 1�. ,�`_,., -,,�!. - . , . 11 '' . I ­ I '� '. �', ��'� '' L ' . ,, ,� I � � 1�11*N " '.. F .. , " "; - �:., ,:, ..: , 'I, . .! 1. �, 1, N - �_ 'L �� ­,� �'�L ,., �, .­:"'. _ ��..�11­1: . , , I, _ - tih '"­­, I 1",,�� "; - !�� �;. Ll�_!t �i��,Y,"',v""� " , pllilI, t � ,t, I . " �, . ,`,., � , . ,� �,,�!,�­,­ ,,4idt , ; � � - 11 %'. t,"', 1- . . �. I I . I .''� ,1� , I I � 7 �,� - ; :; .", '-11.- :--��,,-��,I,";,'; ,,­�,&q.;k,­ !`,�, � , � ; 1!",��,�,.ILZ' ,� - , � L, � ,., �-., . 1 .7, , " ­ , - _'t .1 ,�,, 'i ., , �, , "!­ .:".;.", �L'i&ll,,if , _pJ1,;4l,ll," . L 11 .j' gX,k.,.%L'..1­ L' _ - I I 1. � - I.... i ,!Ik,��, , I Al