HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1936-07-17, Page 4"
!"." ;;••
s . ,
;it,. •
s will be inserted at new low cash rates:
Lost and Found, Coming Events, Etc.—per word:
• "• ' fit Week . • 1 Cent
*ed week • 4'4 Cent
3r4 week lpit Cent
Minimum charge. first insertion 25 Cents
Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word.
enrelesd 'nhan!c4, kJ Memoriam Notices -1 cent per word- Minimum, 50 canto per week.
E.9.4uttb19 may be directed to a Box Number, oars of The Huron ExPositOr, for 10 cents
cegte additional per week will be charged .11 ads in above crass arra not Paid by the
• Saterday night in the wet* in alike& the ad was run.
Sees, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.
&Action Sales, Notice te Croatia:a, Etc.—Rates on applicadoM
• Situations Wanted • Births
peosrrioe weerreeeeeeetgnp LADY,
wants position as housekeeper for one or
aduks ; town preferred. Experienced.
!ddle-niged. Apply to P., O. BOX 4'7. Eg-
MOnidville. 3580x1
Help Wanted
isteirographer wanted. Apply no P. 0.
BOX 40, Seafokiti. 3580x1
'eral lunisevec;rk. Apply to Box 76, Ex-
Pdsrron oneite. 3580-2
-Articles For Sale
tire. 6 eents each. ELLIOTT'S QUICIC
LUNCH. • 3580x1
"•- dition : also a quantity wal-nut lumber.
APPle to W. C. GOVENLOCK, Egramadville.
• 3580-1
For Sale or Rent
Dernerling, blacIpmith, ,rerturnin.g to
•Varna to live, Mrs. Hutch' n's house is for
rent ,a.9 per •advertisement. • 3580-2
For Sale ,
take a drop. Here they are, bargains
for thb ifarrner Nviho wants to catch us on
his losses 50 ter departments of hie farm.
Leghorns 5,3/4c, Barred Rocks 684c, New
Itionsishire. ;White Rocks,. Wyandottes 7%e
Leghorn pullets 11,-t4e, heavy breeda 9c. Leg-
horn cockerels 2Vic, heavy breeds 614_,c.
,Started chielcs, - add to day old prices, one
week 2c. ten ,days 4e, two weeks ee, three
weeks 9c-. Phone or write. TOP NOTCH
CIIICK HATCHERY, Phone 1395, Stratford.
MacDONALD—At Alexandra Hospital. Gode-
rich, on Wednesday, July 8th, !to Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence MacDonald, a daughter.
PARKER -1n Centralia, on July 45h, to Mr.
said Mn. Richard Parker, a son.
FORD—In Exeter. on July 3rd, to Mr. and
Mits. Gerald Flord., a sett.
COOPER—In Exeter, on June 30th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Cooper, a daughter (Mary
Corline )
STEVENS—At Isioranda, on Jay 10511, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stevens. a daughter.
•it. feet days in Western Ontario, es;
PentallY Perth C'elairtn• the glinntn
a Alm J. Macantke "Enial Ledge,"
Logan. It is many years since the
Successful' Social
The seeial on the greuarde a St.
Patrick's Church in the village was
naqualified-nsuccess. Prizes went
to Torrent, Clinton, ,MeKillop, Logan,
• Starfard and other centres.
•Mlas and iMrs. Reid Kirk of Fair -
grave, Michigari, were reeent visitors
at the honse !of Mr. and 1VIrs. J.
Ruthie Hees, of He:malt is spend-
ing holidays with her cousins, Jean
• :Mrs. J. M. Tough, of Bayfield, is
Asking relatives on the Brennen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerieh and
sons, and Elizabeth and Mildeed
Steekle were recent visitors at El-
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haugh, of
Brucefield, and Mr. a,nd Mrs. John
1VICIntosh spent a day With friends on
the Bronson Line.
(Section 10, Fordo 4)
...Notice is hereby given that I have com-
plied with Section 7 of the VoterS' Lists Act
and that I have posted up at my office at
the Town Hall, Heesall, en the 9th day of
July, 1936 the List of all persons entitled to
vote in •the said Municipality at Municipal
Elections and that such list remains there .for
Ancl 1 hereby call upon all voters to take
immediate proceedings to have any errors
or omissions corrected according to law. the
fast day for appeal being • the 30th day of
July. 1936.
Dated this ,9th dayof Ji1y, 1936.
-Clerk of the Village of Hensall
• 3580-2
• Card of Thanks
,111,r3`. R. Frost and family desire to thank
all those vrho extended sympathy _during
their recent bereavement and also for the
floral tributes and the loan of cars.
-“-'• family wish publicly to thank the many
friends who so quickly gathered the nright of
the fire and lent assistance in every, way
possible. 3580x1
. In Memoriam
A Margaret Ann Oudnoore, who passed away
in the Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 26th,
3550x1 -.Sone and Daughters.
. '
-. ,Deaths. . ,
BR0W03-4141- Happlisisey. entFricigei July 10,t
Alioe May Biowiidaughter of' the late
Joiierphr Brown, in her 67th year. '
110ViCLI5'FE—At Queen Alexandra Sanitor-
ium, on Monday, July 6th. Alain, beloved
sen of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Etat/0litre, in
his 8th year..
PARSONS—In Exeter Nceitili. on Saturdae,
July 4th, Jamas Parsons, aged 68 years. 4
months and '7 days.
Popular Stallions
Clydesdale. Stallion
- - 'No. 24337
Enrolment /To. 1961 Form 1, Prentircun A.
Terms -415 to insure.
., Will stand for the irnsproeement of stock
for the season of 1936 at his own stable.
Peter Kilpirtrick, Manager.
3572 -
The Impoited Clydesdale Stallion..
126684] (22212)
Enrolment No. 2908 Form 1-,-,Preinium A
Will stand for the imaroternent oe stock
for the selison of 1936, as folrawii:
sernaing Afternoon—Will leave his Own
Stable at Brucefield and al aough to Kiertien
ea Themes Butt's, for night. Tuesday—East
to William Martin's. 105h concession. Tuck-
erstaith, for noon; then east to Cromarty ta
In McKellaeri, for night. tVedrenday—
North, by Staffa and west 13/4 miles, then
Mirth to the 7th .Ccmcession to Coyne tiros..
fier noon; then west to Robert Doilies, for
thee. Thursday—West to Gemtneli's Corners
Mid north to A. & J. groadloOt's, for noon;
then to his own stable for nig' ht. Friday—
Vni't...to the Second of Stanlee arta north to
John le Aces:one.' its Abort: then se his
oWn *table for night gatrirdaY—at his ownintent, ':
enoiniehnis to insure.
.0s-notette einitneen, •
niereetter and %Manager.
•';'t ', , 8572-
gest es.
40' '
' '
eorri 1f
= `
:Ot '"
, ,0-tiv
OW 01 igki#
tOS.' 1,, 1027.
?.; ; -,
its 1
-In '
The statistics ef the :Hey Township
Voters' ,Isist which has recently been
compiled and printed by the Clerk,
A. F. Hess, varies very little from
the, 1935 list, the total gain being
only one name. The list is divided
into eight pellieg .sulb-diyision,s, and
there are •thre-e r parts in• each . eub-
'Phe total number of Part
I 'is 1,478; Part II, 166, and Part III,
134, making e grand total of 1,779.
There are 41eoname.s qualifiedas jur-
The IStaffa Junior Farmers and
Juni br Institute areeleolding their an-
nual !picnic to Hayfield on Wedises-
dale, July, 22. A good programme of
sports is being arran-ged. All the
young people of the community are
eordially invited .an.d the ladies are
'requested to bring lunch.
Mrs: James McLaughlin, Manville,
.A.lbertas is epending" a Month's vaca-
tion- with her. repth.er, Mrs. Mary
Kraaskeef; Mrs. H. A. Keller and
sloe,. John, Pioneer,. Ohio,' have re-
turned -:home after spending ten days
with her mother. Other recent vial- •
tors were her sister, Mrs. John Zet-
de,- Kitchener; Mx. and Mr. Des-
mond Kessig, .Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs.
.Bures 'and see, James. Galt;
Misses Marie and Edith Krauskopf,
. Miss iNtarie Krauskcipf, of • Strat-
ford, is spending two weeks' vacation
with her parent's:, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Kraunkepf.
- A very pretty -we,dicling took ..place
on Wednesday, july 15th, at the
Manse, Walton,. 'When Christina, only
clauehter of MTS. MieCallUm and the
late. Donald McCallum, of Walken,
was united in marriage to' Mr. Rol-
and Achilles, son of !Mr. „Albert
Acthilles, of Hearst. Rev. Mr. Cuin-
ming officiated. The bride wore a
becoming gown ,a white crepe with
scree:series to m.atch and carried
Talisman roses. Atter the ceremony
a buffet luncheon was served at the
bride's home to some thirty guests.
Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Achilles left on a motor trip to
Northern Ontario, the bride woig for
travelling " a maize tailored crepe
dress with accessories in blue. They
will reside in Maniwaki, Quebec,
The funeral of William Fillingham,
who died following a brief illness,
was :held on Juily 10th from the home
of ,Clarence Parke on the Goshen
Line, Stanley. Deceased was born hi
Yorkshire, England, iMay 26, 1907,
and came to this eountry at the age
of sixteen. He was first employed
by Elgin McKinley and has since
-worked •continuously .in that neigh-
borhood. At the time ,of his death
he was working for Clarence Parke.
On June 29th he had' the raisfoxtune
'to .run a 'fork, tete, _hia foot while.
working at the hay. He felt no ill
'effects until the following Monday.
On Tuesday, after eons.ulting a doc-
tor, he was 'taken to Victoria Ho.gpi-
tal, Londen,.,for treatment for Iodic -
jaw where he died the following
morning • aeout 11 o'clock.. There is
.left to mournhis mother, four sis-
ters and one hrothen, all in England,
and one brother, Trankrof Thorrilee;
New Ontario. The- many .floral tri-,.
:butes Showed the high esteem in
Which he was held an.d express.ed, the
sympathy of his many friends. "Bil-
lie" as he was popularly known, was
a general favorite in the coml.:lenity,
being always cheerful" and :of a gen-
ial disposition. • He was a member
of the Blake and Goshen Young Peo-
ples Society which' he attended 'reg-
ularly. Interment was made ,in Bay-
field cemetery with Rev. H, G. Bandy
officiating. The pallbearers were
Messrs". Menne 0.esch. Lloyd McBride,
Allan Armstrong, Russel • Manson,
Harvey Geltrias and •Elmor McBride.
Mi.-. and Mrs. 11-11arry Beuermann,
Eva and Frank, Miss Gertrie Rock,
Mr. Norman Beuermann and Mr.
'Henry Beuerrnann, Sr., spent Sunday
wleh Mr, -and Mrs. Ed. Beuermenn
in Ingersoll. '
Mrs. Elizabeth Morenz, 'of Kitch-
eser, is visiting relatives. •
Master Douglas Kres•slee of Strat-
ford is' holidaying with his grand-
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John C. Die -
Quite a number from here spent
Sunday at the lake.
'Mr. and Mies. IHenry Scherbarth
and on, Donald, , end Mx. and Mrs.
Charles. Scherbarth, -of Detroit, spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
S cherba rte.
• Miss Vera lrock, af Enteepriee,
Ont., is holidaying with relatives.
Rev. Walter 1VIetna11!fe, Mrs. Met-
nalfe and son Jack, Who have gene
to Florida, spent the Week -end at
Plymouth where .Mx. Metcalfe occu-
pied one of the pulpits on Sunday.
The Ladies' Aid met last week at
the home of Mrs. Tuffloid and Miss
,Currlie with Mrs. Thomas Lang Pre-
siding. 'Demotional exercises ansi
!business were followed by surpper
served on the lawn when a delight-
ful time was spent.
iMliss Lila .MeCsullech has accom-
panied Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl Weitzman
of Niagara Falls, on a trip to Ken-
!Mrs. Jas. Reidie addressed a Meet-
ing at Sh.akespeare on Thursday af-
nnea Hazel Laing has been visiting
friends at Bruce Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKinnoe and
daughter, Della, of Detroit, were
weak -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald MecKinnoti, ef Cremarty.
Dr. Keith INLeGregor ha& taken ov-
er the practise of his brolbher, Dr.
J. S. McGregler, in Dublin, and will
be .at his !office earth day.
M's. Donald Miller (hee. Mies MianY
O'Cbcnnorn a clistinguielhed grachate
of 'our local hi.gh school and a gradu-
ate nurse of Highland Park. hogeital,
Deteeit, is here for a few days:. She
was aceompanied by enlist Aignes
Menthe and MN. E. Nagle whiti were
visiting friends in Dearborn,
for a week. They, report trops. ere
eplemdid in •Michiga.n and in Essex
and Kent. Counties. Haiti hive. Wee
stiffitient betWeen Chathatti and Winds
net preduee Splendid giondlin „
MineB Regan, Ohiettges
Ogling th,Jle ptteeitte end- Other
ttitttiiteo,ji's „Lows, .
• • -
,‘9f Centre
(Qen:tinned front Page 1)
• h
tee than L ean," said' MT. Wittig.
'His eon 0.:tlieen is that he'wen.
lathemledi ai4otut the !bulginess tax,"
replied 0ouncilloe Reid. d'Hle thought
he had to! pay $100 business tax whe-
ther he bought produce OT sold' our
and feed!'
"If I had known that I could have
bought panduice without. paying $100:
I would never halve opened a stare,"
said !Mae !Wittig. ".I wasn't interest-
ed in selling fieur and feed; •I was
only ieterested :having produce. I
have .since Inund out 1, ean do this
without paying a tax. If I had known
tide I would not thette opened the
stare. I asked you (the Mayor) about
the tax andhyou told me to ged to !the
Clerk's office inrhere I was told rrwbuld
have to Pay $100. whether I bought
or sold anything."
Mr. Wittig went on to explain that
he had •coane to Seaforth with the
intention of !buying produce. Atter
being informed that he Nxrould have
to pay $1.00' for a business tax he
thought possibly he eteild Make a
little extra selling chick feed and
&me After opening the store he
found out that no license was requir-
ed to buy produce, so was asking. the
council to refund his $100 because
he had 'been misinformed at the
Clerk's office. The couhcillors thought
that it was a matter for the town
selleitor to. iron out,
Dogs. To the Front
Clerk rWlilson „read a letter from a
ratepayer •asking damages caused by
-an rownertess deg. The dog had
kneekedover a stone fauntain rand
destroyed 'flower beds albout big prem-
ises. -This ,was the. third time this
year that dogs came under, fire at a
council. meeting and they were spok-
en of in no uncertain- terms. Oran -
tie action would have to be taken,
agreed. the councillors, in keeping the
deg menace in cheek. TOO many are
runming about Main and Other streets
Without tags... New .tags are about
to be issued but until they are, the
dogs should.Sbe wearing their old
ones, pointed 'out the': Clerk.
Three-quarters retf• an hotile wee
spent in threshing out the dog que,s;
teen. It was decided hy all that nec-
essary steps vseuld have to be taken
and all tagless dogs empoueded. Toe
many complaints, were being recerv-
oa. The plotter was . teeny put. a.side
'tp 1,e .settled: at a special meeting.
The 1Vlayar informed the council
that an Exeter man wiShed, to have
permission to speak in private lets
about town. , No action was taken.
Councill.or Sills, of the Prenerty
Committee, reported that the roof et
the waterworks barn wag completed
and the tower doors. of_th•_e_towesinell
intlecld The Plunger in one of the
hand fire extin.guishers was corroded
loadlyt and weuldn't work, he contin-
ued. A new one will be ordered at
• Jun' as the' Mayor was about
reasi the netice of adjournmen4 thte
peeking preblem cropped up. The
merchants along Mein Street will be
asked for their opinions before the
next meeting and the colmcil wull
"then act to. suit the intere-stsof all
concerned. ouncilldr J. E. Keating
explained: thet with angle parking on
both sides there would still he recite
for the -le lane§ of traffic on Main
Street allowing more freedom while
driving with less risk to both mot-
orists and ,Pedestrip.n.s. '
The fina•ncial, statement of accounts
payable was as Jarn•es V.
Ryan salary, $60.; H. Snell, salary,
860; Treos. Storey, salary, $60; John
A. Wilton. salary and transportation,
...etc., $54.10; D. Hi. Wilson, , salary,
$20; 'Geo. A. Sills & Sons, account,
$15.36; , Hays & Meir, bend, .$2a.00;
Cleunty of Huron, . spraying oil, $60;
indigents, $9.60; indigents, .$8.75; J.
F. Daly, acct.„ 60c; Jas. Hoggarth,
wages, $5.75; .C.N.R., crossing pro-
tection, $5.21: 'Bowling Club, account;
$1.20; Geo. D. Ferguson; anat., $58;
Berl Telephone Co., $3.77; Thos. John;
stone, atot.,.....$2;' John Stewart, acct.,
$3.80; F. Reeves, w'ages B. of H., $5-;
Sohn A. Wilson, relief, $35.35; M.
McLeod, wages, 50c; Wm. Reid, wag-
es, $26.25; J.. Cueemings., wages,
$6.75; John Purcell, wages, $7.75;
Collegiate Institute Board, $1,500; H.
Keller, dump, $25; Watson di Reid,
tiability policy, $143.80; "Win. Mont-
gomery, ac.ct., $41.40; Jas. Rankin;
police, July est., $1; Earl (Ross, cto.,
$1; James Barry, do., $1; William
Reid, do., $1.
Mdse Annie 'Mustard, of Montreal
is sending her holidays at her home
:n the village.
Mr. and !Mrs. J. G. Kaiser an.d their
son, Jack, of Detroit, visited' friends
in the village last .week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Moody, of the win;
lage, visited their cousins, Mr. a'nd
li.rErs. John Robb, of Brussels, • last
week and were sorry to find them
not enjoying good -health.
Mr. ,and Mrs. K'amekie and babe
of Toronto, visited at the home of
the latter's father, Mr. C. Reid, this
'The annul Sunday Sehaol and con-
glregational picnicgeffill be held in
Jewell'e Grove, Hay -field, on Friday
July 17th, in the 'afternoon.
Rev. Mr. ,C,harener, of 'Kippen, Will
,preach next Sunday at the ueual time.
There wilr be no. evening service.
Currie McKenzie
Brucefield United Church was the
scene of a 'pretty.wedding •Saturday
• ;.4 -
Se Ore ef
likr0-4411.4 1T. Ditgi and fam-
ily ,e, their holidays at
Ott h 'SSatern Stgates,
--Marr-ishfr(imentnituttnttentlielf the linn
thPtco 40nt Dashwood on Wie.dares-
denheneningt.'; ' •
!Mit end! Mite, 4. 'Smith and
daughters .left on -.Wednesday on a
meter' trip to Quebec.
• IMF. .and lVlese. g..e,#ees and chile
drew' have •eeturnedl 'fatten -theires. ..ea -
tion spent at the Pinery.
Mr, Lloyd Weigel°, of the (village,
spent the weeksend :with Mends in
Mr. Albert IMitchelleof .Wtindeor, is
spending some holidays at the home
of Mir. and Mrs. ;William Kyle, of
the !village'.
Mrs. Thomas Bell; who has been
in Scott Memorial Hlospital for the
past :five weeks' through illness, 'has
recovered to a certain extent to e.n-
able her ..to be brought to her own
home here. We trust with good
nursing and medical care, she may
soon he greatly improved in health.
The past week has been one that
many will not forget for a tong time,
as far as the weather goes. The
scorching heat from day to day was
almost unbearable for man and beast
and are temperatnre hoveresi around
the 100 mark. People slept on levOns
and at the lake side in order to get
a cool spot. It was a very welcome
change when. it turned ,some:what cool-
er on Tuesday and we hope we may
seen be ;blessed with a refreshing
rain, as crops of all kinds are badly
in peed ot it.
The Sunday senool picnic of St.
Andrew's Sundey sehool was held to
Hayfield on Wednesday of this week.
Mr. 'and Mrs...Wlilliam McLean and
childeen, of Hamilton, are spendinet
.e few holidays at the home of MTS.
Jas. B. lMeLeare of the London Road.
Mr. end Mts. Alvin Whiten:an, of
California, spent a :Visit with the
former's sisters, Miss Mabel White-
•maii, of the 'village, and Mrs. Rabt.
Dinsdale of the Town Line, .Stanleye
during the past week.
A member from around here took
in the Orange celebration at Listowel
en .Menday of this week.
!Mrs. Herbert Glazier, Of 'Stratford,
'spending a few days at the home
of MT. and Mrs. Thomas Hutt, of the
The many friends of. Miss 'Sarah
Dayman of Tuckersmith will be sor-
ry to learn- that she 'still continees
quite ill. We trust that e,,ohange for
theebetter ma.y soon take place.
Mr. and Meg. George Stewart, of
Srpringfield;..rnIrs. Brown, .of London,
and !Mrs. T. M. Hamilton, of Toronto,
Were recent visitor s at Mx. James
IMT. James Wright, Mr. Jannes Aik-
enhead, Mr. George Glenn and' Mr.
"Robert Baker, of Fullerton, spent
several d'aY5 last week visiting friends
in Laming and Detroit.
at 1L,30 o'clock when Jean Elizabeth,
eldeet daughter of Mr. and MTS. Wm.
McKenzie, was united in marriage to
MT. Jahn Ho:ward, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Currie, Of Clinton. Rev.
W. A. Bremner, Pastor of the church,
officiated. The chunah was beauti-
fully decorated with delphiniums,
roses and ferns arranged in tall stan-
dards. The guest pews were Mark-
ed with bows of white tulle and sum-
mer flowers. Miss Jean 1Vhirdock,
aunt of the bride, piayed the wedding
marCh, and duringhthe wining of the
register Mr. Tom Sherrill sang "Be -
sense." The bride, given in marriage
Isy ,her father, WieS gowned in ivory
satin and lace made on farm fitting
lines and ending in a long train. The
• fitted sleeves were long and pointed
over the bands and the neckline
caught With pearl clips. Her veil
was of silk French, tulle caught With
a bandeau of orangle blossoms. She
carried a shower bouquet of Maryhaet
Ted /toes, 'gYPnelihila, babe's breath
and !maiden hair fern tied with taf-
feta. streamers. The beide was, at-
tended by her sister, Miss Marguer-
ite McKenzie, who wore an ankle
length g'o'wn of pate green organa,
large white ,pieture hat, and tarried
lin arm bonquet ef Rapture roses,
gypeephila baby's, breath and anaklen
hair fern, tied !with green streamers.
The glower girl was Lorriane Living-
stone, !of Constance, dressed in pale
blue organdy Shirlep Temple dress
and carried a 'basket of sweet peas
and baby's breath. Mr. Percy Che-
rie, brother of the groom, eared
groom:ma* The usltere were Mr.
Willians McKean* brother of the
bride, and Mt. Harold Eninsereon,ef
After the ceremony -the
gueetestittinhering fifty, airto
the heineltif the h.ride's parentseerhere
titIg! Wedding dinner was gefend.', 'The
dila* Wee liceseibitelltn deeot»
etitc nixi, *bite str nig 'And
wetitiingo1 Tho
pees' centered with the four -storey
,wedning cake. The waiters on table
were MTS. Wm- Livingston, Mies
Pearl Thorripsee and .1Vlise Jean,'MlUte
-dock.• Later the .hricte and groom
left on. a Motor trip to Northern On-
tario, the !halide wearing a. smart
swagger ',suit .ief blue triple sheer
crepe, white felthat and Matching
.aecSonies. On their return they
lwil.l reside in, tClinton. '
Wore wietreeeieed here of the
;deathesit Henry 'Boss:en:berry, who
!died at °Theciford on Sunday in his
'82rict year. Deceased was well known
to Many in Zurich and vicinity hav-
ing resided in this township many
years. ago. °
• William Fillingiharn, Who worked
on the farm of Mr. C. •Parke, north
of the village; paseed away on Wed-
nesday of last t"eek at Victoria Hos-
pital, London, after a brief illness.
Deceased had stepped on a foek
tvhile kworking IS the hay field and
lock jaw developed causing his death.
He was a native of England and
cane to 'Canada thirteen yea te ago.
the funeral was held ore.FritlaY, in-
terment taking ,place itt," Hayfield
Iforseporiver Rate Reduced
The fecal Hrydro Hoard hie receiv-
ed word from the Commission eit
Toronto tinict the hersepoWeaseate fdr
• Zurich has been relsrkildfavit,.$85:40
: e eertd eeh' '1' "'delves"
cOnsunipticm has teduiket' train
2 cents to 1.0.-eente, pee ,khh. t
rates rernain 'the The
tion in the dierneelle Calle Willrinearl
a en:Sider:dale, denting rid the norithillis
e whti,..hove
hiOtanebali),, •
0•1 the•ttaffaVtitt t 10,
fit ifte.•„fetto:ie4
Henry eztia inember of the NOW -
dist eJ1iwdh for. ratinY "arears. and
til the union when elle jeined-With
the T.Tn Ohli of whieh . she', hae
member an a great
worker in all the missionary schenies
cif the church and, rarely ever miss-
ed a • service w'hen her health per-
mitted... Being of a bright and kind-
ly diepesition sheinane many'faiends.
The -funeral service, following a
short service at :the h.onse of her sis-
-tezeirelasyt Mrs. William 'Larnmie,
withe whom the had mode her home
for rainy -years,. was held in the
United Church coed:weed isy her pas-
tor, Rev. A. .Sinclair, aesintedlay. Rev.
W. A. Yonne, pester of Cagrael Pres-
byterian Church, the minister pay-
ing high enconipms to her fine Chris-
'tien life. There was a good attend-
ance and a very large number of rel-
atives and intimate- friends from
London, St, Marys, :Exeter and other
• redghboring places. The patRiearers
were W. J. Jones, Owen Geiger, •Robt.
.Pareons, WiNiai Ccraig, John Row-
cliffe e.nd John Elder. . The floral tete:
butes :were many and bee:till-fun The,
remains were interred M St. Marys
ceinetery, the one time ehort home
of the deceased.
Mie and :Mrs. Harry 'Horton and
Mrs. Twitchell spent .Monday
least in .London.
Me- Thomas Simpson, o the stoif
Of the Canadian Bank og, Ocinimercer
Wingham, accompanied.! by his
mother, is visiting with ;friends and
relativea in town. .•
Miss Nellie Carmichael, of Exeter,
visited for a feer.daye lane week rwith
friends and. re,lativee, in and primed
. •
, s Church Seryices ,
Rev. W A. Young fpl•eached anni-
Versary services in Bayfield Presby-
terian Church on • Sunday evening
last,- the Hensall chair accompanying
him in the sereice. Rev. Mr. Dou-
gall of :Clinton took Mr. Young's ser-
vice here and the choir -of Caven Pres-
byterian Church.- Exeter, led in the
service of song. In this way both
the ministers ,and choirs had a pleas-
ant chan-ge as well as the congrega-
In the 'United Church there was
also a change in service, Rev. Mr.
Bremner, of -Brace:field,. and , Preei-
dent of the United Chureh, taking
the services- 'both morning and even-
ing, taking tit* ,an hour or PO earl-
ier than hie 'Venn -s.etviees in Bruce -
field. The attendance. at the service's
was net as geed in the , evening as
might he expected. - -
Rev- Mr, Inhere: of Trivitt Memor-
ial Chureh, tocileetleeeservice in St.
Paul's. Anglicare.gintech, the attend-
ance also beinghrery"Smell owing to
the excessively warm weather.
Scrvice in the, United Church on
the coming Sunday morning will be
taken by a representative of the
Temperance cause at the hour of 11
ohleak, but tihe evening service will
be taken by Rev. MT. ChandileT of
the United; Church, Kipper; at the
hour of 7;30 pan.
Death of Ferdinald Stelck
Quite a reenter from here and dis-
trict on Shinday afternoon last at-
tended the:funereal of the' late Feed-
inald Stelek;hif 'the Township of Hay,
who passed 'ewatt very suddenly on
Friday last owing to the very ex-
treme heat and suffering considerab-
ly for some time from heart. failure.
The deceased was a prosperous and'
highly respected farmer and is ger-.
vived by two daughters, Mrs. Gordon
Young and Mrs. Oliver -Fee, his wife
having predeceased him some years
ago. The funeral was held from his
late home and weitcon'ducted by Rev.
Mr. Chandler, cf the United .Cliurc,h
,of Kippen. The pallbearers 'were all
neighbers. The, remains were inter-
red in Hayfield 'cemetery.
The local lodge of Orangemen at-
tended the celebration of the 1.2bh at
Lista-Wel on !Monday last, quite, a,
large number motoring there.
• Esteemed Resident Dies
On Thursday evening of last week
dlensall lost ,one of its eldest and
most highly respected reeidents iti
t4he person of Mrs. William Hen**,
whose maiden rime Was Miss Jane
Lammie truci who was in her 93td,
year and only a ceuple of Week's Pre-
vieuely had ghletly .?celebrated her
92nd lonthdey,, but on which locceeion
a tnimlithgenf, itnr relatives and inti-
mate .fiS-eilS remembering the day
!ceitinattinfiei"eiter erich express their
11;est Withes tor tiontinned annieers,
ieary of blethdegss end inane" Weeerthe
iittle,giffntinct remembrances 'of thin
occasions. Therclec'eneed vean the eld-
nI the intellVtr. end Mrs,
Wrilliant !Lititintier,and sthe egliet of
thenlitte""WlItiaire Herirlyesearti swedes
ot4igtitto ego
awl*pad live& iiitItOtitibig. #60,, tir-
• fe
!Miss :Mildred Forrest, nurse -in -
training in Victoria ..Hospital, Lon-
don, netuened. to .her duties on Tues-
day after a !Very pleasaat vacation
spent with her pkents, avIT. and Iles.
William Forrest, Of Thokerstnithe -
!Miss Violet Whitesides of De-
troit, .and Miss Sean Whiesidee, of
Kitchener, visited with relatives and
friendin townone day this :week.
11/11r. Seott Welsh. spent the week-
end with !Mir. .and 'Mrs. Miekle and
family at Rondeau Park.
Mx. and 1VIrs. Harvey 'Proxies, -of
Shelhourne, and, ,Mie and Mire. Travisi
of Walton, visited recently with. Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Traviss., of towns
intre. D. B. IMIcLean has returned
home from an enjoyable Motor trip
with 'friends Grimsby, Niagera
We wish to inform our cistern-,
ers that we'cais supply you again
with Choice Clover Honey at the
following prices, in customer's'
1 lb." to 50 lbs...9c a lb.
50 lbs. or over..8c lb.
We also have some Amber IFIontY
, at the following prices:
• 1 to 50 lbs. a 11).
50 lbs. or over -7c a lb.
These prices are subject
change without -notice.
Two Blocks South of Hotel
Telephone 122, Zurich
. Dies in Calgary .
There passed- away at her home in
Calgary, Alta., on Wednesday of last
week Mrs. Donald Chisholm, foemere
ly nnoWn, as Mies Eliza Bell, of Hen -
sell. She had been in failing health
for some years so that her death
was not a sudden one and 'really was
a great relief as to Suffering. She
was in her 70th year and is survived
by her sorrowinghusband and two
sisters and one brother, namely, Mrs.
Thomas Welsh, of Hensall; Mrs. Dort-
ald McLeod, of Calgary, and Mr. Wm,
-Bell, on the homestead farm., near.'
Hensel The funeral was held on
Monday afterridon last at, 3 o'clock
from the twine of her brother, Wil-
liam, and was. conducted .by „Rev. 'W.
A. •Young of Carmel Preslbyterian
Church, assisted by .Rey. A. Sinclair
of the Milted Church,-Hensall. The
pallbearers were Robert Cooper, Wm.
G. Bell, Wm. M. Bell, John C Bell
ami John E. .M.cEwen. The 'floral
-tributes were veil ibeautifui. The
deceased was possessed of a ' fine
strong constitution and very active
during her e-arly and past middle life
'hefore being afflicted 'with very' sot -
Falls and Toronto. ste. 1 ere and aistressing illness.
- Mrs. Jennie Patterson'of- Seaforth,
visited on Monday at the home of
Mrs, 'John Johnstone and daughters,
Margaret end' Mes: John Parke.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Hilliard, who have
been spending a few weeks at their
cottage at Krunan's Grevee near.Sar-
nia, returned to their home here -the,
beginning of 'this !week.
Mrs. H. Workman, accompanied by
her daughter, Maibelle, visited the
latter part of last week at the home
of the former's daughter, 1VIrs. Brit-
ton, of Dublin.
Inn and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill
and family are holidaying at their
cottage at Grand Bend.
Mies Shirley Twitchell is' holnleye
leg with friends in, London thisweek.
, _Dr. and MTS. James Tapp, of Eng-
land, arrived here on Saturday last
and will spend the summer months
at the home of the former's parents,
Mr. end Mrs. John Tapp, and with
ether relatives and friends in and
arhand town'
.Mr. and MTS. Albert White.sides, of
Kitchener, i.spent a few days the end
st last week at the home of Mr. end
Men T. W. Parltmer.
Miss Dorothy 'McQueen and, Miss
Mildred Follick are attending Ruin -
mer. school which is held in Goderich.
Mrs. Caleb Hotchkiss, of Detroit,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. Kleinstiber, of
Dashwood, spent a day the end of
last week' • with 'Mx. and sMrs. C.
Fruisser. "
Misses Helen and Mae Mena:1101-
ton- of Fullerton, are visiting with
relatives 'and friends • in town this
week. .
Mr. •JohnKaiser, of Detroit, is
visiting with hiS sister, MTS. Sohn
Mr, and Mrs. K. Traviss visited
for a few days this week with friends
in Shelbourne. -
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rumball and
Norman and Sohn, of Toronto, spent
Friday last with their relatives, Miss
M McGregor and Mr. Roy Todd.
Mrs. John IMeKeeeie is spending .a
few weeks at the home of her hen
and daughtersinelaw, Mr. and! 'And'.
Wm. McKee*, !of Kippens" • '
Mr..Tnomati Dunsfold, Mailette,
Michigan, visited for a few ditis re-
cently. at the home of Mr. and -Mrs.
James Green.
Rev. A. Sinclair spent the • Week-
end' with friends in. Torontis.''.' Mx.
Norman Sinclair, who was visiting
there for a week, returned with him.
. •
The W.IM.S. of ,Carmel Presbyter-
ian. Church 'held their July meeting
in the &shoal 'ahem of the church,
Miss McGregor ,pmesiding. The meet-
ing o-pened- with a hymn followed by
prayer. The minute e of the last
!meeting were read and approved.
The Scripture lesson was ;read by
Mrs. Robert MaeLaren. The roll
was then called, using the,. weed
`prayer" ,as the text wera. An ac-
count .of the "Wlerk in Bhil Field"
was 'Very well given be Ms. C. Hud-
son.. A well -rendered ebrei was then
given by Mrs. W. A. MacLaren,
"Does Jesus Care?" accompanied by
Mrs. W. A. Voting on the piano. The
meeting closed with a .hymn and the
Lord's Prayer in unison'. At the close
of the meeting a -bale of clothing was
packed for the needy in the West. -
. Motor Accident
Mr. Ja-ms Henvard, hardware mer-
chant -,of Goderich. his wife and
daugher Helen, while driving on
Provincial Flighwa.y No, 8, went tete
the:ditch at Taylor's Corners Monday
afternoon. Owing to the intense heat
on the windsh-ield Me. Howard mom-
entarily dozed off. The car ' rolled
over .on. its side. Mrs. Howard mit-
fere.deinjury to her -knee and, one el-
bow; Mr. Howard's hand was injur-
ed and Helen escaped with abrasions;
Though the injuries are painful they'
are not serious. The car was not
badly damaged. 'Mr. Howard is a
brother of Mist English and Harry
Howard of to-wn.
Mr. and Mrs. Pollock and- .daughs"
tee, of Souris,' Man., are guests of,
Mrs'. Pollock's brother and sisters,
William, and the Misses Fee. Mrs.
Pollock was formerly Ann Fee, and
was ,well known around here.
Geiger. Elder
A quiet wedding 'took place at tbe
Manse et Welland United! Church on
July 4th, when Gladys pearl Elder,
youngest daughter of Me. and Mrs.
John - Elder of Flre7n-sallt' became the
bride 1VE;...Delb.ert Laird Geiger, of
Zuriclh. Rev. Roy Geiger,. uncle a
the groom, .conducted the .eeremohy.•
The bride were a pink 'crepe travel
suit with nreatching.hat tiedeoreage
of roses ,and blue ettreris. Later
Mr. and Mr, Geigehleft ferga Motor
brip through the 'Muskoka Lake Dise,--
itshie.been repo
been 'tieing the Lio
carefelly' inquired in
et ;tint 5 . „
that to ple with infectious diseases have
,*iinintrite Pool. This. complaint• , has been
and no otcasion has been foiind ' for the
The ! Lions Club lips spent several thousanti'rdoliars in: the last
),tiviir'years to make this poet sanitary and keep Whir a satisfactory
.0 it, is contrary to the Stet utes governing the use of soimmi3ik
pooh: and to the Health Act for anyone with contagious disease to
bathe in the swimming pool. If neee4sary, offenders a_gitiiiijt the
provisions of the abovestatutes will be preseceted.
F, J. BURROWS, 1V1.0.11.,
Se:ant& anti itegilino:
• ,